Special Guest Expert - Sharifa Hardie

Special Guest Expert - Sharifa Hardi: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Sharifa Hardi: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward? Two steps back. Who are dedicated, determined. And driven. How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This is the mind body. Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to another phenomenal edition of the Mind Body Business Show. And I know we haven't even started yet and I'm already rating it as phenomenal. The reason I am is because we have none other than future California State Senator Sharif Ahadi. She is in the green room waiting to come out. She's like, Brian, bring me out scratching at the monitor. I can see her right now. Come on, let me through. I cannot wait to share her with you all. She is an amazing young woman. She is an entrepreneur, a politician and extremely bright. She is here for helping people and that's, you know, one of the hearts of entrepreneurs that I've noticed over the five plus years of interviewing entrepreneurs from all over the world, and that's what I do. That is what the mind body business shows all about, is interviewing successful entrepreneurs from everywhere, all over the globe like Sharif Ahadi. And the whole purpose is so that you can sit there and take notes and then take action, take notes, meaning anything that Sharifa says that that resonates with you is like, you know what? I need to use that strategy that will help me get farther in my business. And then you model what she does use, basically copy. And that's why she's here. She's here to help you, and she's fine with you taking what she says and saying, you know what? It worked for me. Go ahead and make it work for you, because that is the kind of heart she has. She wants to help people. And that's what everyone to a person who has been on this show, that is the way they are wired. And that's why I love what I get to do.

Brian Kelly:
And the mind body business show is that is why I do this show. It is because of what I call the three pillars of success that I found out by studying only successful people for about a period of a decade or so. I've never really stopped, but I was kind of concentrating on it for about ten years. And then I noticed these three attributes kept bubbling up to the surface, and it was common amongst every successful entrepreneur that I had studied, and that was to a person. They all had a very powerful, positive, yet most most importantly, flexible mind set. So it's the mind body business show. The very namesake of the show is actually the three pillars of success. And then body to a person. Each of these individuals also, they took care of themselves, they exercised regularly, and they help themselves with great nutrition. Both what they ate and what they drank. And business. Business is multi multifaceted. And what I found was these very successful entrepreneurs and individuals and business people became that way, uh, of course, because of mind and body. Also in business, they had mastered the various skill sets that are necessary to build a successful business and to scale it and expand it so you can serve more people. And we're talking about skill sets like marketing. We're going to hit that tonight. This is going to be fun, fun, fun. Sales team building, systematizing leadership. I could go on and on. And the good news is, well, you don't have to master every one of them. Not yourself. Anyway, the beautiful part of successful business is that you can achieve great success by leveraging others talents, and that is something that will save you a ton of time and a lot of anguish and stress. So what my advice to all of you watching and listening is if you are going to focus on one skill set to master the one skill set I would concentrate on first, if you haven't done it already is the skill set of leadership. And Sharifa knows all about leadership. She is a leader in her own right. She is the future, very soon to be Senator of California, and you have to be a leader to attain that kind of position.

Brian Kelly:
And she's already been a very avid and vocal leader in her community, helping every, every aspect of her community to improve. And that's why she's just a wonderful human being. I can't wait to bring her on. And that'll be just a moment. And, um, another great aspect that I found or, um, attribute of these very successful people is that to a person, they are also very avid readers of books. And so with that, we're going to segue very briefly into a little segment I affectionately call bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready. Steady. Read. Bookmarks brought to you by Reach your Peak Library.com.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. There you see it, Richard Peak Library.com a quick word of advice for those of you especially just hopping on live, and I hope you are watching live because we give away a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. At any resort. I mean, hardly almost any resort across the world, many to choose from. You do not want to miss that. And to enter to win, you must stay on live. You must be watching live in order to enter. So do that. How do you do that? If you are listening to this afterward and you're listening to a recording or you're watching a recording, you simply head on over to the mind body business show.com, write that down and then enter. Uh, not enter, but opt in and say click on any of the buttons that are on that page and it says how and where to watch you. Simply click a button, enter your information. You get a hotel discount card as our way of saying thank you for trusting us with your information, you're only going to get notifications of upcoming shows and that's it. We don't sell anything on this show, so go ahead and do that so you can then enter to win the next one. In fact, go do it right now. You might get the link if you're quick enough. So the mind body business show this show. And one big piece of advice is you are going to be getting and learning of a lot of different resources, uh, websites, maybe some books. It happens every show. And one of the tendencies even I would have is to go off and start researching these while you're watching or listening to the show. I would implore upon you to not do that, and to instead do something that many of you may not have done in quite some time, and that is to take out that good old fashioned pad of paper and maybe a pen or a pencil and take some notes, or just do it on your computing device of choice. But as long as you can still watch and listen and pay attention, that is the key. And so you want to do that, take notes.

Brian Kelly:
And then when the show is over, then go back to your notes and visit these resources and dig in and dig in deep. So that's my advice to you. So you can start right now. Write down reach your peak library.com as a URL to go visit after the show is over. Why? Because this is a resource I literally had my team build with you in mind. That is the entrepreneur that is a business person. Because I myself was not an avid reader for the first 47 years of my life and the last 12 years. I'll give you a second to do the math. Everyone's doing that. Uh, I have learned that reading has been has had a profound impact on both my business life and my personal life. And I started then cataloging every book I read that had a impact like that on me. And so not every book I have read since the age of 47 is on this list. So you can go in here and know that at least one other successful person vetted these books, and you'll have a higher probability of not wasting your time reading something that won't have an impact. So that is why I did that, so that you would have the opportunity to read very, very profound and, um, incredible books that have really helped me in my walk myself. So go ahead and write that down and then visit it later, because we have to get busy. We have to get busy with an amazing, amazing young woman. You know who she is. It is future very soon to be California State Senator Sharifa Hardy. Let's get her on right now.

It's time for the guest expert. Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big league. Qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there she is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one. It is the only Sharifa Hardy. Woo hoo! How are you?

Sharifa Hardie:
I am wonderful. Thank you for bringing me back on the show, Brian. That is.

Brian Kelly:
Right. You are a repeat guest. One of, I'm telling you, very few, very few. So. And I am a I am very discerning. So you made a you made the highest grade, Sharifa. And it doesn't shock me at all because, um, I got to know you from our last time together, and I've been following you from afar. You know, one of those online stalkers, if you will. But I really enjoy seeing what you're doing. You're always out there. You've always put yourself out there in such great ways. And you are the epitome of a true entrepreneur and now a politician. And I think what a great segue, uh, to add that to your quiver, so to speak, of. And I can see you have that talent to do both. You have that charisma. You have that love for others to serve others to help others. And so you have the full package. And I'm just excited and proud to have you on this show once again. So, oh, I'm getting all goosebumps just talking about it. So, um, I want to introduce you formally so that folks can get a little bit of an idea of what an amazing woman you are. If that's cool with you, I'll, uh, bring up your bio and give folks a glimpse, and then we'll get in deep. Does that sound good?

Sharifa Hardie:
Sounds great.

Brian Kelly:
All right. Sharif Ahadi is a business consultant, talk show host, and serial entrepreneur. Hardi is editor in chief at Long Beach Black News and co-founder of the Black Business Co-op. Hardi is a candidate for California State Senate District 33, in the 2024 general election that is Long Beach. I'm alma mater College where I went Hardi is host of Ask Sharifa Videocast and podcast and the weekly talk show, The Round Table Talk Show, airing Wednesdays at noon. She is also the author of Signs You Might Be an Entrepreneur. I like that title. That is awesome. And the book Everything You Need to Know About Social Media marketing. Hardy previously served as the president at the Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce for the Long Beach area, and was a Long Beach City Council candidate in the 2020 March 3rd primary election. The one, the only amazing Sharif Ahadi is right here on this stage with you right now on the Mind Body Business show. Oh my goodness, thank you.

Sharifa Hardie:
I just want to make one small correction, Brian. Uh, district 33 is about 15 different cities. It includes Long Beach, but it includes Lakewood, Lynwood, Bell, Bell Gardens, Cudahy, Walnut, Vernon is so many cities we're going to work to to change the quality of life.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, I love it. And I'm glad it has far more than my incorrect description, because that means you can have that much more of an impact on a wider net of folks so soon to be seen strolling the streets in Washington, DC as Sharif Ahadi. I cannot wait for this to happen. Uh, and show your support, we're going to we're going to give you some resources. I hope, uh, Sharif, for them to go and show their support and donate, because it's coming up soon. We are recording this or doing this live on, uh, February the 22nd, 2024. The elections are March 5th, coming up very, very soon. So definitely go out and show your support for this amazing woman, because all she wants to do are amazing things, that's all. Just nothing. Nothing big, just amazing.

Sharifa Hardie:
Thank you.

Brian Kelly:
And so there are so many things. I am so curious, deeply curious to talk to you about. Sharif. And I love to open up with this whole area of mindset because, my gosh, you know, we were talking just a little bit before we went on the air live, and I just can't even fathom what it takes to not only run your own business that you have been doing, because that takes 120% of a person. And then add running for state Senate, which I can't even imagine. I can't fathom how to do one. I can't fathom how to add another. And so when you get up in the morning and you know what's facing you, my goodness, now you have that your business. Plus you're running for office and you're trying to get people to, um, help out and gather support and everything that goes with it. I can't even I don't even know what it all entails. But when you get up and know, you just have this monumental, massive boulder weighing on your shoulders that you're trying to hold up what is going on in your big, beautiful brain that just keeps you driven, keeps you persistent, keeps you disciplined to keep moving forward and never give up. What is it for you?

Sharifa Hardie:
Well, one of the things that keeps me going is what started me out initially. You know my story. My journey started with being a teenage mother. So I had these two kids and at the end of the day they would say, mommy, we're hungry. And that really was the start of it for me. You know? I was like, oh, I got to feed these kids. I gotta fix dinner. You know, I have to provide for us. So now my my kids will be 27 and 30 this year. So it's been a long time. But the main thing that drives me is really still the same. Wanting to provide for myself, as well as wanting to provide for other people, you know, being laid off eight times, it wasn't like I was just like, oh, let me just go and take over the world, let me become a politician. It was like, no, I've lost this job. I have to figure out what to do next. And so with all of the layoffs, one thing I've learned, if nothing else, and I think this would be my first tip for the conversation, is never put all of your eggs in one basket. That's what I tell people all the time. And I'm sure speaking with so many successful people, they will tell you the same thing. You have to have multiple streams of income. And so I have to keep creating. And again, one of the things I've learned about successful people is successful people are never satisfied. They they don't they don't just plateau and say, I'm okay right here. It's like, no, what's next?

Brian Kelly:
So true. I mean, come on. Yes. Uh, I think that's another one of the defining definitions. A part of what is an entrepreneur is. Uh, there is, I don't know. I can't see an end. I don't want to see an end. I don't want to say I hit the ceiling. I can go no farther up. I can do no more to help more people. I can do no more to make more money for my family and myself. Uh, that would I mean, what would that feel like if you hit some kind of ceiling like that? I know it doesn't exist, but what would that make you feel like? Like, okay, I've hit it. I can't go any further. What's next? What would that feel like to you?

Sharifa Hardie:
I think you took the answer right out of my mouth. It doesn't exist. There is no ceiling, or there isn't anyone alive who can convince me that there is a ceiling. Because all my life. And I'll be 48 next month, I had this internal drive that said, okay, let's go and find and create and move. And it's something that's in me. So if anyone were to say to me, Sharifa, this is the top of the line, this is the as far as you can go, I would say no, that's as far as you believe I can go. And then I would just create something else.

Brian Kelly:
Uh, and see, this is I hope my gosh, I hope everyone watching and listening are taking notes right now. You know, you may not look at this and go, that doesn't tell me the secret of how to be successful. She's giving you the secret right now. Mhm. That is it. You know, people think it needs to be so complex and it has to be 50 different things. It's like you take one thing, you master it, you move on to the next, you take that, you master it, you move on to the next, or while you're mastering the one, you can move into the second one, but it's just continuing stacking the pebbles. And the more you stack them, the more you keep showing up. Like Sharifa is everywhere. Every time I see you on social media, Sharifa, you're out somewhere else. And I mean out. You're not in your office, you're out and you're talking. You're you're interacting with people. You're in community, you're in clubs. I mean, you're everywhere. And that is a phenomenal trait of a phenomenal entrepreneur, in my humble opinion. Um, what would you say to those that maybe are just sitting behind a camera on zoom all day? Is that okay? Would you recommend they get out on top of that? What? How is what's work for you?

Sharifa Hardie:
Um, they both work for me. And that's the mindset that I think before I answer your question. So I need to sidebar a little bit in answering the question is my number one strategy is always simply find what works for you in any area of your business. Because, you know, I talk about it often. It changed. It literally changed my life. And it was the smallest of things. But my first job out of high school was working for TWA, for Trans World Airlines. And as this 18 year old kid and I saw that they were faxing the reservations to the travelers and to the passengers, and I said to them, I'm like, hey, why don't you just send them an email? And their response to me was, this is the way we've always done it, this is the way we'll always do it. And you're laughing, Brian, because, you know, we haven't heard about TWA and probably 30 years, right? So I learned what what message I got in my 18 year old mind at that point was that if you do not change, you do not adapt, you're going to die. And so even though people have said to me, even when running for state Senate, people have told me this is the way you do it. And I'm always very leery, not necessarily in a negative way, but I always think about anyone who tells me you have to do it this way, simply because this is the way it's always done, because that doesn't allow for change, that doesn't allow for growth. And so everything I do in every moment I go, okay, well, is this the absolute truth? Does it have to be done this way, or is it simply the way it's always been done?

Brian Kelly:
That's, uh. My gosh, like, if I had a nickel for every time I heard that in the corporate world, I cut my teeth there for sure many years. And I it just, it just it took the energy, sucked it out of me. Anytime I heard that, I was like, come on, are you kidding me? That that to me was a signal that it needs to be done a different way. Not that there is a different way, but there needs to be. And let's go find it, because anyone gets stuck like that. Because I don't know about you, Sharifa, but, you know, you've been an entrepreneur for a long time. And what you used to work in the marketing arena, say, 20 years ago, may not and mostly most often does not work today. What used to work back then doesn't work now. And what we're doing today that works might not work 20 years from now. It's what works today that's important. So this is the way we've always done it from 20 years ago. Yeah. And how that how is that working for you. You know, it's like it doesn't work. And you know how this is as an entrepreneur, the the whole the whole environment is always ebbing and flowing and changing all the time. And you have to adapt. Like you said, you didn't say it in exactly these words, but change or die. I mean, I've seen T-shirts like that. Uh, and that's so true. And that is actually one thing I love about being an entrepreneur, though. It never stops changing. You never get bored, ever, right?

Sharifa Hardie:
I experienced that with running for state Senate in this campaign, with people telling me I had to do it a certain way. And one of the ways that people are like adamant is that you always have to be out. You always have to be out in the community shaking hands and kissing babies. And that's when I go back to, you know, I can do podcasts, I can do things at home that will allow me to reach an audience. And I did something that in this campaign that I wasn't as useful when I ran for City Council, and it was so simple, and someone actually brought it to my attention, and they were excited, and I was like, oh my God, does that really make a difference? And it was simply because I added live chat to my website. So when people came to my website and they wanted to know, okay, well, what do you believe about this? Or what is your position on this or what is your stance for this? They had the ability to interact with me directly, and it's so funny because I do answer my live chat myself. And people always say, is this really Sharif Ahadi? And I'm like, yes, it is, it is Sharif Ahadi.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And I'm putting your site up on the screen. There it is in the lower left. I actually saw that earlier today when I was looking. Yeah, there we are. I'm not going to chat with you now and try to make you, you know, put you on the spot and test you because you're in the middle of a show. But and for anyone out there, don't try to chat with her now because she's got to keep her focus here. That's another great trait of an entrepreneur, is you stay focused on the task at hand.

Sharifa Hardie:
So let's click on the link right there to state Senate link, because I think that's the one that really, um, people were impressed and surprised by. Yes, by the live chat. You know, because it's politics and politics. People just kind of put out a message. And I'm literally sitting there all the time responding to people who have a question about my campaign or something I've said or something I've done, and it allows me, I got a message today, actually, if you scroll down a little bit, not that we're going through the website right now, that's fine. But this, um, keep going down to unveils when I unveiled my four point plan for, um, seniors. Yes, it's the last one that I did today. Wait, are you going to pass? You passed it okay. Right right here. So Sharif Ahadi unveils her four point plan for seniors. And I actually got a call, and they said to me, they said, Sharif, you're talking about bringing jobs back to California. You're talking about corporations. But what are you going to do for seniors? And I always feel, and this is another tip and strategy that I will give you, uh, or your listeners, is, I believe in my mind and my Sharif Ahadi mind that if one person has a question, a million people has have the question. I just go with that. I don't know where I made up this math from, but I feel that if one person has a question, a million people have the same question. So the person wanted to know, what am I going to do for seniors? I said, you know what? I need a plan of action for seniors. Bam! Next thing you know, there's a complete plan of action for seniors. So be open to two way communication. And I think that's one of the things in the past that we were so adamant about. Like, we really love the fact that there was one way conversation, um, communication. This is the way my business operates. This is what our hours are. And and that's it. We were excited in our neighborhood. We just they just opened a Aldi's I don't know if you remember Aldi's or they have them in Florida, but it's a grocery store chain.

Sharifa Hardie:
All right. So it opens up I want to check it out. I'm a I'm a morning person. I get up early in the morning. So. At 8:00 in the morning I go to Aldi, the new Aldi. The sign says it doesn't open until 9 a.m.. Oh my god. So guess what? I go over to Smart and Final because they open at 6 a.m., but the point that I'm making is that if somebody gives them that feedback that, hey, you are literally missing out on business because a lot of your seniors and a lot of your shoppers, they want to get up, especially on the weekend, Saturday morning, get their shopping done and move on to other things. So just always be open to two way communication and to listening from your customers, listening to your customers and clients.

Brian Kelly:
Now you do two things that I've noted while we're talking that I don't I don't notice many. Politicians do. Number one is you came back and answered the question. You got that? You got that immediately because most of them deflect and and change direction because they don't want to answer that question. You answered. And then the other thing you do that I don't see others do in the political arena is make themselves available to others to communicate with Yeah. And that live chat is genius. I mean, yeah, it may sound simple. It also takes a lot of your time, I'm sure. But you know, you I imagine you can do this using your phone and wherever you're going that you have a signal, you can interact with people. And so, you know, it's nice to have this breath of fresh air known as Sharif Ahadi, that's going to be there to represent the people that is there to represent the people, not to puff up Sharif Ahadi and be all about that, but to be there for the people, which is what government is supposed to be for anyway, isn't it? Yes it.

Sharifa Hardie:
Is. And then I believe that so often in our society in 2024, 2023, over the past few years, we have this belief that we, especially as entrepreneurs, that we have to be busy, busy, busy, busy busy busy everything busy busy busy. But most of these things, if you utilize technology, you can actually save time. Because even though I've added the live chat to my website, just like you accurately said, my live chat is on my cell phone. It's right here on my phone. So if I'm on, I'm typing up an email. It's not going to take but two seconds. Stop, answer the question and then go back to my email. Go back to the project that I'm working on. But if I'm noticing that more and more people have the same question, I can say, okay, you know what? There's an area that I'm doing because I say in business that everything that's unclear is my fault. I can't blame you, Brian. If you come to my website and you don't understand how things work, you have a question. If people keep asking the same question, I say, you know what? Let me clarify this. Or maybe create an FAQ or something. So I don't keep having this question, and I can focus on the work that I'm trying to do.

Brian Kelly:
Uh, I love even more now. I mean, just the more I learn about you, the more I talk, because, you know, we have a time for that. It's called being at cause. And, you know, if you have two people talking and you're talking to someone, they don't understand you, the human reaction is, what's wrong with you? Why don't you understand me? Inside of our head? Maybe somebody say it out loud. But truly, the best way to turn that around is say I am not communicating to this person the way that they receive the best. And so how can I change that so that they can understand and make it on me, not on them? It's like, come on, don't you understand what I'm saying? And so, you know, when you're at cause and you're that's, that's showing me, Sharifa, you have mastered putting your ego to the side because that's all that is. If you're saying it's all about them and what's wrong with them. And that's a aspect or a attribute of of ego, and you are hitting all the, the checks on the boxes, they're just like, this is what you do to become a successful entrepreneur, a successful person, uh, to effective communicator. And how important is that in in politics, even though very few know how to do that anymore. But thankfully you're out there because you obviously understand how to talk to people and you're in tune with people. You know you're listening. You're not just talking to be a what they call it. Uh, the Windy City of Chicago isn't because of actual wind. It was the blowhards that were talking all the time. Uh, but so you're you're not that. And, um, thank you for doing that. And so let's, um, let's go back to that site real quick. I want to put this out there and say, uh, this website is Sharif Ahadi for senate.com. And one place you can start with is ask Sharif. Com so that's ask s h a r I f a h.com. And I'll even put it up here on the screen for a moment so people can write that down. Remember write it down. Don't go visit it right now.

Brian Kelly:
Write it down. Ask tarifa.com. And then from there you can click on the state Senate button there. And you get a good sense of what she is all about, what she stands for. You can tell right off the bat eradicate homelessness, lower taxes, fight corruption. I mean, many of the key components going on in the entire country right now. And look at all this. I mean, she's fearless leader. There's no doubt passionate about entrepreneurship. I mean, everything's here, uh, you get to know her, but you're getting to know her right now, which is even better. And, um, one way to reach out and assist her if you are in alignment with what she is trying to do in her district, is to click on this little donate tab and whatever you can. Squeeze out of your pocketbook, no matter how many hundreds or thousands that might be. You see what I did there? Then go ahead and just drop that in there and help Sharifa get to the finish line, because it's coming up. It's like, what is it, eight, 13, two weeks away. It's not far away.

Sharifa Hardie:
Don't say that. It's March 5th. March 5th I keep, I keep I'm at this moment where I keep telling everybody they're like, what are you feeling? I'm like, It's March 5th. That's all I can say is March 5th. Because keep in mind, Bryant, I filed to run for Senate in 2021, and because I finished the election for City Council in 2020 and I fell in love. That's the thing. I'm a passionate person. I'm an Aries. I I'm, you know, I love hard. And when I find something that I enjoy, I'm like, okay, yes, this is what I want to do. So after city Council, I said, you know what? I think I'm going to run for president of the United States. And I said, no, that's not. And then I said, I'm going to run for governor. And I said, Sharifa, you have to run for something that you're ready for. So I said, you know what? I'm going to run for state Senate because I believe in making changes. I believe in helping the people, and especially in district 33 in California. Um, I think, Brian, you're a prime example. People are moving out of California in a mass exodus. It's not just a couple of people. It's because, you know, California is so expensive. People are moving and moving. And I said, how can I help people stay here and live comfortably, though? Quality of life.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. It's such a shame because California is such a wealth in so many ways. It's it's got so many different climates. And I mean, I where I lived when I was there, it was an hour in any direction. I'm either on the slopes skiing, I'm in the water, water skiing I guess, or fishing in another direction. I'm in a forest in another direction. I'm in the desert where I lived at the time. I mean, it was like you had everything within reach, within a very short reach. And then you had all the entertainment and everything, the sports, um, and entertainers that would always come and do concerts. It was just amazing. But unfortunately, humans have become, you know, the, the bad factor driving it into the ground with just suffocating, uh, taxes. My gosh, I thought I was going to have to start paying to breathe the dang on air, which was getting dirtier by the moment. And it was like, it was like every time you turn around and then thank you for doing business in California. 800 bucks a year. Just just because you exist. I'm like, what? Right, right. Shock. When I first saw that, I go, what the hell is this? Right? That doesn't happen here. Uh, state income tax. You know, they have they are raking in tons of money. What's happening to all that money? Why is it in such a shambles? It's it's it's, uh, mismanagement of funds somehow, some way, because there is no state income tax in Florida. I don't see any of the issues. I'm sure there are some in pockets, but I don't see them like they were in California. So, uh. And I'm not here to to bash California, I love California, it's my that's where I was born and raised in. I raised my family there. So, uh, just wish and thankfully, hopefully everyone vote for Sharifa to help turn that place around. One step at a time. Let's get it. Let's get it turned around. Yes, it needs it. It's a beautiful state. My gosh. I mean, from Southern California, you got beaches to northern California with forests and and and actual weather up north.

Brian Kelly:
But you're a you're in Long Beach where I went to college, my wife, we both went there and, uh, we ended up getting married. And I have nothing but fond memories. Seal beach, that whole area. Just. I just love it. And, yeah, all the other communities that you're also going to be impacting. Sharifa, I'm looking forward to seeing the results of that. And I can't wait to see you on the news in Washington, D.C. I'm putting it out there for you, as you can tell. It's gonna happen. Thank you. Let's get it done. Ladies and gentlemen, let's get some good. Uh, I don't know if I should call it change, just good common sense approach to government and get get some help in the in the form of this lovely young lady. That's all you have to do. Vote for Sharif Ahadi. There's a checkbox right next to her name on it. Yes. And, uh, and then be happy that you did, because you are going to be part of changing California for the better. And then maybe, who knows in the future, more than just California. I heard it, I heard it, you said it. That's pretty awesome. Uh, so I do want to dig in a little bit, because we were talking briefly right before the show that I was curious about the similarities between running a business and running a political campaign, whether you're running it or a part of it, I don't know your role. You're probably running it knowing you, you're a leader. And what are the similarities that you are noticing as you go through this process between the two and how to build a successful business and a successful campaign?

Sharifa Hardie:
I think what most people don't understand. That running for office is a business, is a business in itself, and people believe that a politician is just one person and it's not. It takes a team of people. So I really had to understand that even though people are a part of the campaign, people are volunteering on the campaign, helping on this campaign. We have the support staff. It's just like operating a business. You need the division for, um, accounting, for making sure we're I mean, because running for Senate has a lot of rules, laws, guidelines that you have to do. So you need someone there to make sure that we follow all the rules as far as finances. And then you have a campaign manager who brings it all together. Then you have volunteers. So just like a business is not just about one person, it's not just about Sharif Ahadi. And even in running for Senate, me running for Senate is not about me. It's about the community. It's about the people. It's about the cities. It's about the district, you know? So just like in a business, it's not just you. It's a team of people that is able to make you successful. And that's why I love one of the things, and it's not about politics, but that Jay-Z said when he said, I'm not a businessman, he said, I'm a businessman. So. The whole thing is he is a business and that's what I'm making. And I think any entrepreneur wants to do is you want to make and build your brand. So even in politics, like business, Sharif Ahadi is my brand and it takes a team of people to make the brand successful.

Brian Kelly:
So my gosh, so many true points to this. Oh my gosh. Yeah. And um, you know, I just we're I can't imagine the workload. You have to. Okay. Well I have to actually put food on the table. That has to happen. There's no there's that's not an option. Has to happen. Well, that means the business needs some time from its leader, Sharifa. And then you have the politics side, which I can't imagine that can be all encompassing and suffocating at times, because now you're doing appearances, you're doing fundraising. It's another business to run. And I'm thinking, my God, it's lately, uh, mine has started to get busy, which is a very great thing. It's a blessing. Uh, I can only imagine what it is for you when you have already a thriving business. And now you're doing a political campaign. So when it comes to things like that, how important it is it to you to assemble the right team in both camps, in both business and the political campaign running so that you can maintain your sanity and continue to move forward? How important is that?

Sharifa Hardie:
I think it's very important, but most of my team works with me across the board, especially my campaign manager, Don Lane. Don is amazing. I love Don, um, Don handles a lot of my candidate candidacy. She handles the Senate aspect of it and I focus on Ash-sharif, which is my marketing, social media, marketing, public relations, PR aspect of the business, because a lot of that is content writing. So I have to write the content, but I can have somebody else who can handle the campaign and speak on my behalf. And Don's been with me, um, since I've known her since about 2018. And she's she worked with me since 2019 on my city council campaign. So I have a team that can support you in your absence. I think that's very important.

Brian Kelly:
In your absence. Did you say that?

Sharifa Hardie:
Yes. In your absence. Because you.

Brian Kelly:

Sharifa Hardie:
Everywhere. And I do that all the time. You talk about politicians and how they respond to questions. I literally, literally will set up appointments and I don't I'm not able to take every appointment, but there are some appointments that my team will handle on my behalf. They'll show up. And yes, this is Sharif Ahadi Senate team or her campaign team. And I don't have to be here, be there everywhere personally. They can handle it in my absence.

Brian Kelly:
I hope everyone is listening to this. And I mean listening and integrating this into your being, because the moment I first got, like, full time help for my business, oh my goodness, I called it Liberation Day, right? Uh, you know, it takes time to develop the relationship, to get a rhythm with your, your team and to establish the culture. So it's not an instant, an instant thing, but you'll you'll notice it quite quickly that, oh my gosh, wait a minute. I don't have to do this one. Oh, I don't have to do that one. Oh, I can say yes to this person because I have people that can fulfill on that. Now I can make more money. Wow. Mind blown. And then as you scale now, you build systems in place so that they can like you just said, Sharifa, run it without your presence. Right. You know, when you have systems, when you have good instruction, you've got to document every step of your business so that someone else can step in and follow it. Like McDonald's, they have 18 year olds running the whole dang place, right? How do they do that? Because they have incredible, impeccable and repeatable systems. And that's all I say. That's all it takes. It's a lot of work, but it is rewarding when it's in place. And have you ever.

Sharifa Hardie:
Like you said, uh, when you mentioned McDonald's and repeatable, but there's no thought in the process and that doesn't that's not an insult in any way. But they have they have, um, perfected every aspect of their business that the employee doesn't have to figure out how to do the fries or how to make a milkshake is this is our process. This is what we do. And as entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs need to focus on leveling up, expanding, um, growing their business. And so often what I've seen is business owners or entrepreneurs who get stuck in this mom and pop, one man show type of attitude or type of belief system where it never occurs to them that they should even grow. But if you are your business and you are the only person working your business, then you're really not a business owner. You're an employee. You have to go to that job. And unlike being an employee of someone else, you have. Sick days. You can go, you know, you get sick, something happens. You know, the world just went through all these, you know, global pandemics as a one man show, and you're operating your own tire business or your, you know, your, uh, mechanic or, uh, hairstylist or beautician, whatever it is, unless you have people in place who can handle any aspects, if you are not present, your business will suffer.

Brian Kelly:
I'm telling you, how many out there listening right now? Watching what? This woman in the Senate. I'm raising mine. Because how many of you would like to have somebody like her representing your great district, your state, your country? Because she's driven? She doesn't take no for an answer, not on face. She's like, no, I and this is from life experience. It's not from her being, you know, all into herself. She doesn't have that. I don't I don't feel it. I don't sense it. It's not about Sharifa. It's about the result. That is what drives Sharif Ahadi is she wants the result like I know it. Sharif, I can tell that you have figured this out because successful entrepreneurs are results focused. Not one of the tasks that I need to do to get the results. Those are always there. What are the results? If you're focused on that, you will achieve it, just like you will achieve the next Senate seat for California. Oh yes yes, yes. You know you're at cause you're incredibly intelligent. You are, um, always learning. You are doing so many things. You are the type of person I want representing me. Thank you. You've got the qualities, you know, and we may not I don't know, we may not even agree on everything. And the odds are that'll be true. That's just true. Typical, right. But given what I've just learned of you, at a deeper level, you're the type of person I want representing because you're going to go to bat for the right thing that you feel is right and you're not doing it for Sharifa. That's the difference between you and a normal what I would say normal, uh, politician that we're all used to seeing and hearing how they deflect questions and they lie about absolutely everything. What is it about the lion, Sharifa? Why? What is what is going on there?

Sharifa Hardie:
I've never been asked that question before, but you know, I love the question and I'm going to go ahead and answer it. People consider politicians as liars. Some politicians are, many politicians are. But people don't understand. There's a fine balance that you have to be able to walk because everybody has their own issues. Everybody you you can speak to two different people, right. And I'm just making this up just as an example. And one person will say, I want all the street street signs painted green. And then you have this other person who's like, you know, what? Street signs have to be painted neon pink, you know, and it's like, you pay this, you know, you play this game of trying to figure out how to make the most people happy in the situation. And so to me, it's about being honest and and authentic and transparent about what you can and cannot do. Oh, I was blessed because chérifa in Arabic means honest. That's what the literal translation is honest or of honor. So all my life I've been able to speak my truth regardless of if anyone likes it at all. But I think one of the reasons so many people are supporting me is because just like you said, Brian, it's it is absolutely not about us agreeing on every point at all, because nobody is going to agree with everyone or anyone about everyone, everything. I'm, you know, just like you're a married man, you love your wife. But I'm sure you have some differences and you see certain things, different ways. But do we get a divorce? Do we hate each other? No. We go. How do we work together so that everyone wins? And I'm just very good at. And I'm humble, but I'm I'm a person who can look at every side and say, okay, well, this is what Brian wants and this is what Sherifa wants and what can we do so that everyone is happy. And so often as politicians, what they do is they get $1 million check from Bob, and then they get $1 million check from Nancy, and they tell Bob, I'm going to do what you want. And I tell Nancy, I'm going to do what you want just to get this $2 million, and then nothing actually gets done.

Sharifa Hardie:
So me, I haven't raised a lot of money. I still need support. The election is March 5th. Any and all donations from across the country are definitely appreciated. But I'm clear on what my focus is. Uh, even when people ask me about other issues, I'm like, I am focused on a few key issues. Everything else to me resolves or rolls up into that. But let's get people back to work, right? If you are able to bring corporations back into the district and to create jobs and employ people who will be able to pay for their housing, then they won't be living in their cars in our current district, or at least in Long Beach. Families living in their cars after the pandemic is up 360%, 360%. These are people, these are families. And the sad thing is, which is even sadder than that, the majority of these people are single moms. So you're a single mom trying to make it through life. These are adjunct adjunct professors who are not only struggling. You know how you're a professor, but you're receiving EBT benefits, you're receiving government assistance, and you are a professor. These are people with degrees. These are people who have had jobs, people who have been in the workforce. But as a district, we don't have those jobs. So I'm very clear for everybody who I speak to, my focus is on making an economic difference and on financial literacy within our community. That is my primary focus. And as well as working with the seniors, which I put out there today, because the we gotta help the seniors, they're struggling as well.

Brian Kelly:
Wow wow wow. So it bears doing it again. I'm going to bring up your website one more time here. At least one more time. And that is Sheriff Hardy for Senate is the way to get straight to it. And that is sheriff is s h a r I f a h. That's the honest one. Hardy h a r d I e. And then the word for f o r and Senate com sheriff are hardy for Senate com. Write that down. Visit it. Take a look. Uh, chat with her. Hey, what are your views on this? I want to see if we're in alignment. And I'm going to, you know, if we're even close, I'll vote for you, um, and and support her. And really, I honestly don't think it matters what district one lives in in California. Uh, any improvement in California would be a plus. It doesn't matter. I mean, does it really matter if it's your specific district and why? I'm saying all that is, if you live anywhere in California, reach out to her. Because we could use more people in Senate seats from California that have her values to save that state. That state is unfortunately really going downhill. And I think Sharifa can have some part in resurrecting that state into the beauty and glory it once was. It's it. It never has not been a glorious state. It's just how humans have taken the people that live there with all the oppressive taxes and all the other issues that you're well aware of, I'm sure, uh, that have taken it. And over time, it just gosh, I don't understand. Some of the stuff just makes no sense to me. But that's why we need sheriff in office, because she has the intelligence and the value system that will help pull that that country. It is almost a country that state out of its misery that it currently is in. So please do your part. Support her in any way you possibly can very, very quickly, um, and get it done before March 5th. How long would they need to have before March 5th if if you were to get funding? I mean, does it go up to the last minute so you can put on another ad? How does that work?

Sharifa Hardie:
Yes, it's literally the last minute because people have all day on March 5th to vote. So the ads, a lot of it is, um, online Facebook, Instagram ads, television ads, different ads that are running. But I just want to make this clear. March 5th is the primary election, and there are three people who are in this current Senate race. So the top two people will go into the runoff. And so the so that's why it's like all of a sudden now it's like, look, more work and that's that's a tip for you. We've learned that early on. I learned that in life is when you do good work you are rewarded with more work. So from March 5th until November is the runoff to get this seat. So this is just the beginning. We still need all of the support that we can get. And we need volunteers. We need people who are willing to do phone banking and get on the phones and ask for support. But for me, I just love to have people participate and be a part of something that I believe is is changing the world.

Brian Kelly:
That's awesome. And I just said I can envision it even though it's a thank you for clarifying. I didn't know it was just a primary and that the actual that's how much I'm into all this stuff, right. And in the know. Uh, but it's good to get the funding now to at least get your spot to run for the actual seat come November. And so I can just imagine, you know, it's it's it's March 5th. The polls are about to close. People are standing in line and they're what are they doing in line? What are they doing? They're on their phone. They're bored. They're looking. They're on Facebook. Oh, Sharif Ahadi for Senate. You know, if they were undecided, that might be that one little push, right? That's all it takes. So anytime in all time. So good. But don't let that now say oh I can now I can donate anytime because it's only the primary. Well no. If you don't donate now she may not be there in November. So don't wait. Absolutely don't wait. Do it now. How am I doing? Am I am I in line for your next campaign manager yet?

Sharifa Hardie:
I was about to say you're you're hired. You're a part of the team. I mean, like, let Brian go talk to the people. Brian is now officially in charge of fundraising.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, you'd be in trouble there. I'm good. Uh, talking from the soapbox that that'll work. Then we'll send them to raise funds.

Sharifa Hardie:
That's, you know, get the people excited, get them happy, let them know we are changing the world together. One person, one city, one Senate district at a time.

Brian Kelly:
And that's what I think is supremely powerful, you know, because you know who you are, Sharifa. You know your talents. You know your value system. You know inside and out what you stand for. But if you are the one always explaining that, then it's hard for people to take. It's better if there's somebody else who has your back, who is doing it on your behalf, like interview style shows like we're doing right now. That's the very reason I decided not to do a talking head, uh, style show and interview people. And so when you come on, when any guest comes on, if I see a value alignment, I will do everything in my power to help market or get the word out about whatever you are passionate about right now. And so I can ask you, Sharifa, what is your business? What do you do? And we haven't even done that yet. Um, I'd like to know that.

Sharifa Hardie:
We have I talked about it a little bit. I do marketing, PR, public relations. Okay. When I did the IPO in 2016, uh, it was a few years. We raised about $6 million for a television network, and we took the company public. And so that's how a lot of this started, I mean, as far as this direction. But I built my first website in 1994. I launched my first podcast in 2009. So I've been on this journey for some time. I didn't just get here, and it's so funny because when I ran for City council, uh, people were like, in, in, in within district six of Long Beach. That was the district I was running for. And people were like, who are you? We don't know you. We've never heard of you. And that was the biggest drawback. But it was so funny to me because the people in my zip code had no idea who I was. But I've been podcasting to people all over the globe for years, and I'm like, wait a minute, I just interviewed Patti LaBelle, but I can't talk to the soup kitchen because they're like, we never seen you feed the homeless. You don't care about the homeless. Why are you here? I'm like, wait a minute, you know? Wow.

Brian Kelly:
Well, so many life lessons and further instilling, you know of your background, your experience, and your thick skin because you've been, I mean, laid off eight times. I mean, I saw that earlier. I'm like, what? Ouch. That's that's a lot of rejection right there. It feels like it. They were probably mass layoffs and they got rid of a lot of people at one fell swoop. I've been through those myself, and, uh, they don't feel good. I don't care if they're personal or not. They're just like, dang, now I got to go find another one. And, uh, I think that's becoming more and more prevalent. Um, companies are more fragile than they used to be. I remember growing up, my dad would always instill go, go to school, get good grades, find a job. And back then, jobs were secure. He worked his from the moment he got out of the service all the way till retirement, the same job all the way through. That just does not happen. The first job I got two and a half years later, massive layoff wave. I'm like, wow, I just started and then I'm already right. You know, my rear end is already hanging out the window because I was a newbie there too. And and yeah, I jumped ship, uh, just ahead of the next layoff wave or my boss said, you're going to be hit this time because you're one of the newer ones. You got lucky the first time, like, God dang. So I went to the second one and guess what happened? I got laid off. It happened again a year and a half. I'm like, wow, right? That was I was like, that's enough of this crap. I don't like this stuff. Anyway. Um, and.

Sharifa Hardie:
Then you wound up here, though, I mean, because that's the that's the high point of it that I always get people to understand is you have to go through something, but it's those lessons that you learn in the process that would take you everywhere that you want to go. Because just take a look at those two experiences that you had. Had it not been for those experiences, you would have still been there. You wouldn't been here, you wouldn't be helping people. Because for me, I'm also an ordained minister. I love the Lord. I love to help people. I love to pray for people. I love to pray with people. But my entire journey for me was about a conversation I had with God where God was literally saying, Sharifa, I want you to help people. And I was like, God, have you met people? Have have you seen people like, I don't want to do this. I want to go and get a job. And in six months to the day I would get the job, I would get laid off. And so I begin to understand that I wasn't supposed to be stuck at TWA. I wasn't supposed to be stuck working for cheap tickets. I wasn't supposed to be stuck working for American Express. I wasn't supposed to be at air tickets and all these other companies. I was supposed to be doing what I'm doing now. And so one of the things that I encourage entrepreneurs and business owners and just people in general, is take everything one day at a time, one step at a time, because so often we get so focused on what's happening in the future and oh my God, if I don't do all of this, no, just take it one day at a time. You know, that's what you talked about earlier, running a business and running for Senate. I only have 24 hours in a day, so it doesn't matter what I'm doing. There are only 24 hours in a day. And that's actually one of my favorite lines. When people approach me about new projects, new business, new opportunities, I really tell them, you know what? That sounds wonderful. I think that would be great. Something maybe in the future, because right now I only have 24 hours in a day and my plate is rather full. But maybe we can discuss this in the future. You know, I'm very, um, protective of my time and what's on my plate because I have enough on my plate and I don't want anything to fall off.

Brian Kelly:
I love it, and that shows focus, uh, which is another thing that is needed. All of these are attributes. And yeah, I agree with you totally that going through these quote unquote hardships or these setbacks. Uh, who is it? I forgot the guy's name, but he's he coined the phrase a setback is a setup for a comeback. Um. Oh, man. He's got a great several books I read from him. Uh, and it's just perfect because this is how we learn. This is how we grow the thick skin. This is how we learn to be flexible. This is learn how. This is how we learn how to make fast decisions. This is how we learn how to fail faster so that we can learn faster. This is how we learn all of it. Yeah. I mean, I went from that and I became a consultant and never stopped being a consultant until it was done. It was like, uh, that was the closest you could be to an entrepreneur and that kind of field. And so I never worked for any company. It was for myself through a job shop. But that was I was like, man, I like this. This is better. I didn't have to I didn't have to attend all the employee only, uh, meetings and crap. I was like, yeah, this is cool. But you know what? I still don't like this. I still am not cool with this. But anyway, um, we learn as we go, and, you know, God does drive us and help us, uh, steer us. And I don't think anything we've gone through in the past was just by chance. I think it was there for a purpose, that it helped us to learn to become the people we are and to help the people we can help now. And I think that was true of you for sure. Oh my gosh, I'm looking at the clock.

Sharifa Hardie:
Just trust the process.

Brian Kelly:
And it's a journey. Enjoy every day to its fullest. You know, it may not be the best day, but it was a day that you were above ground and maybe the sun was shining. There's lots of look at the look at the shiny side of things and be grateful for everything. Um, yes, we are at the end here, Sharif. We got two gifts to give away. And I still have a final question to ask you. So, uh, not like we're on the clock, but I want to respect everyone's time. Uh, so you have a wonderful gift that you have, uh, agreed to, uh, offer the audience. I don't even know if you recall it, because you put it in some time ago, before, when you were getting on the show. Um, but I'd like to give you the opportunity to explain it as that. Free consultation, $200 value as a hint. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah, and I will, I remember. Okay. Of course you do. My gosh, you're amazing. All right. I pull up on the screen so you can explain what that is.

Sharifa Hardie:
Yes. So this is a free consultation with me and my marketing company, which is Ash-sharif. And one of the things that I always tell people is the majority of the people contact me through referrals. I get 99% of my business through referrals, and they always contact me and they say, I don't necessarily know everything you do. But Brian Kelly said, Ask Sharifa. So when somebody is starting out online in their business, whether it's, uh, dot com or an e-commerce website, offline business, if you want to grow your business, ask Sharifa and we can have a one hour free complimentary consultation. Just send me an email at Sharifa at ash-sharif dot com.

Brian Kelly:
Uh, and please, ladies and gentlemen, take advantage of this. I mean, and be respectful when you do. And it's worth more than $200 then for an hour. But do treat it with respect and come ready with questions and don't go, oh, I forgot why I called and I've had that happen before. Uh, be respectful of her time because she will be of yours. You can already tell that, uh, and treat her as you would want to be treated as a professional, because that is what she is. And, uh, I'm just blessed to be able to say, I know you and call you my friend, even though I've never physically met you. Uh, it feels like I've known you for a while, and it's, uh. It's awesome. Thank you for that. So, free consultation worth well over $200 for one hour. My gosh, that's a long time. So please take this seriously and email her at [email protected] if you don't remember how to spell that rewind. Uh, so uh one more question in the show and the parting gifts. So this question oh my goodness, I may have asked you, I don't know if I asked you the first time around, because in the beginning of the show, uh, I don't know how many years it was ago, uh, that we talked, but I started asking this question and on a kind of a random basis, and I started recognizing, realizing the profound answers. I'm like, whoa. And so I decided to close every show with that same question. And I want to let you know ahead of time. Sharifa, when I asked the question, whatever your answer is, will potentially end up in a collaborative book that it will be titled the Very Question of what I'm Going to Ask you. And so, uh, that's the other way of saying hint, hint, wink wink. One sentence or 2nd May not be enough, but, um. It's a lot of suspense.

Sharifa Hardie:
Uh, I'm like, what is this question?

Brian Kelly:
I love it, I love it. And so, uh, there's two wonderful aspects to it, uh, that I will tell you in just a minute because I want to first give away this prize, and then we'll come back to the big question. So this won't take long. Everyone get out your pens and pencils. Write this URL down to enter. To win a five night vacation, stay at a five star luxury resort. You want to write this down and then after the show is over, after we get off the air, go there and enter to win. We'll know who you are. So it's report. I'm forward slash vacation report. I'm forward slash vacation and guest experts I I e Sharif Ahmadi are eligible to enter as well. So I hope you're writing that down too, Sharifa. Because I have had guests win this that who have taken part in that. That's pretty awesome win and very, uh, and it would be something you could certainly use, I'm sure after everything you're going through right now, have a little break in the action. So that is that, I hope I can't wait to see who the winner is now with the question. So there's two things about it. Pardon.

Sharifa Hardie:
It's going to be me I'm going to win.

Brian Kelly:
All right I hope so I hope so. It's a random draw and I hope you're the one. Um there are two great things about this question. One is there's no such thing as a wrong answer. It's not a quiz. It's not a test. Nothing like that. You cannot answer incorrectly. In fact, the other part of it is the only correct answer will be yours because it will be unique to you. And that includes. Does it take you a microsecond to come up with the answer, or does it take you 20s to come up with the answer? Doesn't matter. Perfect, because it's your answer. With all of that, lead up and build up. Are you ready? I'm ready. Nervous. But ready is my favorite part. All right, here we go. Sharifa Hardy, how do you define. Success.

Sharifa Hardie:
I thought you. You know what I mean? I, I thought that was going to be. I don't know what I thought, but how do I define this success? I think that's going to be a two word answer. You know what I mean? A small answer to me, success is living the life you enjoy. Anything else? To me, you're unsuccessful. I don't care what career, what life, what business, what marriage. If you are not living a life that you truly love, then do something else. Stop doing that. That is not success. Success to me is not about having a certain amount of money in the bank. It's not about having being a lawyer or a doctor or whatever career. Unless you are happy and you are living a life that you love. And that's what I consider success. Because I love my life. I enjoy my life. I enjoy working with business owners, talking to business owners. I love running for Senate. I love being out in the community, speaking to people, talking to them, finding out what their issues are, finding out what their concerns are, and seeing what I can do to resolve all of those issues to me. So I live a life of success.

Brian Kelly:
Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. And never disappointing ever. That is ladies and gentlemen the one and the only Sharif Ahadi, the future California State Senate senator representing district 33 in the great state I will say of California is still a great state in part and in large part because Sharif Ahadi still lives there. You're lucky she lives there right now. Lucky. Very fortunate. Oh my gosh, Sharif, this has been wonderful. Thank you so much for taking your very valuable time. And I know you are a busy woman, and I want to give you that time to get back and get that campaign on full throttle back again so you can occupy that seat first, win the primary and then hit it hard and get there in November. And so anything we can do to help you in the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out. So, ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the amazing Sharif Ahadi, future California State Senator, I am your host, Brian Kelly of the Mind Body Business Show. And thank you for joining us. I cannot wait to see you again. Until next time, please go out there and do two things. Number one, continue to go out and crush it in your business so you can serve more people. And number two, above all else, please everyone be blessed. That is it for us. Take care and we'll see you again next time. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at www. The mind body business Show.com. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Sharifah Hardie

Sharifah Hardie is a business consultant, talk show host and serial entrepreneur. Hardie is Editor-In-Chief at Long Beach Black News and Co-Founder of the Black Business CoOp. Hardie is a candidate for California State Senate District 33 in the 2024 general election.

Hardie is Host of Ask Sharifah Videocast & Podcast, and the weekly talk show “The Round Table Talk Show airing Wednesdays at Noon. Hardie is the author of Signs You Might Be An Entrepreneur and the ebook, Everything You Need to Know About Social Media Marketing.

Hardie previously served as the President at the Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce for the Long Beach Area, and was a Long Beach City Council Candidate in the 2020 March 3rd Primary Election.

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