Special Guest Expert - Atlas Aultman

Special Guest Expert - Atlas Aultman: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Atlas Aultman: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated? And driven. How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This is the mind body. Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. We have a fantastic. Two will be here very, very soon. He is in the green room, literally scratching at his monitor, saying, let me in, Brian. I'm ready, let's go, let's go. He is an action taker. He has served this great country of ours and he has done it well. And I have nothing but greatest respect for all of our vets, whether they have finished their time, whether they are still in it. I don't care whether they have passed on, but their service. I'm forever indebted to every individual that served. No matter their role, they could have sat behind a desk their entire time. Doesn't matter. They volunteered. Or if you were drafted. Thank you for serving and protecting our country. So I just want to open with that. The Mind Body Business Show is a show that I had developed with you in mind. And what is you? Who am I talking to? I'm talking to entrepreneurs, business owners, people that are looking to take their business to just the next level. And so it really does it. It applies to everyone. No matter where you are in your journey. You could be either just starting out, maybe you haven't even started your business. You could have just started your business. You could be well on your way. You've got rhythm, you've got a team built, and now you just want to take it to the next level from, say, six figure to seven figure. Or you could be up all the way at seven, eight figures and you're just looking to say, hey, I wonder what other people out there are doing that I might employ in my strategies to improve and scale and grow even faster.

Brian Kelly:
So this is all inclusive. It doesn't matter where you're starting, this is the right place. And it's like coming to a networking seminar without the networking, because there aren't a whole lot of people here. But it's like going to one, uh, for free every single week, and you get one hour of focused conversation back and forth with someone who has seen a great level of success. Like Atlas. I have the most successful entrepreneurs on this show from all over the world, and I personally have learned more probably than anyone on this planet just by being the host and doing this for a little over five years now, and I've met some amazing individuals, and Atlas is another one of those individuals that I get to add to my my store of friendship, like store a house where you store things. And so I look forward to extending that relationship with Atlas long beyond this, this show, because he is a guy who just wants to help people, and I feel a very strong kinship with him as a result of that. And so the show is about the three pillars of success and the, the those are part of the very namesake of this show. Mind, body business mindset is really what it stands for. And mindset is that I studied successful people for about ten years. I just said, let's focus on the ones that are winning and doing it right. What is it about them that is making them so successful? And these three pillars kept bubbling up to the top. And so to a person, these successful individuals had a very positive, powerful and the most important parameter here was flexible mindset and body. Body literally means that they took care of themselves, and some who are still with us still take care of themselves literally, nutritionally and through exercise. Yeah that four letter word called exercise. I know, I know how you feel about that. And business. Business is multi multifaceted. And what these individuals had done is they had mastered the various skill sets that are required to not only just build a successful business, then also to scale and grow it, and then maybe someday even sell it and build another one.

Brian Kelly:
But we're talking about skill sets like sales, marketing, leadership, team building, systematizing. I mean, I could go on and on and there are a lot of them. The good news is you as a single individual, you do not personally have to master every single one of them. Ooh that's nice huh? Because mastering anything takes a long time. I don't think we, any of us, have enough time on this planet to master every one of them on our own, which is why a lot of solopreneurs might fail. Because they think, and they try to wear every single hat. The key is, is to really focus on one, just one of those skill sets. And as you are mastering it, you'll be able to leverage it and bring in those other individuals who have who are on their path to either mastering, or they already have mastered those other skill sets that you have yet to. And quite honestly, you may never master them all. You won't if you don't have to. Why do it? There's no reason to go down that path, that one skill set. We're going to be hitting on it tonight and I'm very excited about this. That one skill set is the skill set of leadership. Once you have gotten, you don't have to fully have mastered it, but get on the get on your path and start focusing on leadership. You heard the other skill sets. If you're concentrating on sales, but you have not yet mastered leadership, I would say pump the brakes a little bit, maybe put more. Of your focus on leadership still go after sales, but I really focus on leadership because then when you get through that now, you can pull in someone who has mastered sales, you can pull in someone who has mastered marketing, you can pull in someone who has mastered systematizing all of the great skill sets that collectively will make a great company, your company. I'm excited. I'm getting goosebumps because that is. This is right down Atlas Altman's wheelhouse, right down the middle. This is going to be a fantastic show and I cannot wait to bring him in. He's coming in just a moment real quick.

Brian Kelly:
Another fantastic attribute of the very successful and most of the wealthy and successful people I've ever met is that to a person, they are also very avid readers of books. Yes. And with that, very briefly, I want to quick over switch over to a quick segment that I affectionately call bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready. Steady. Read. Bookmarks brought to you by Reach your Peak Library.com.

Brian Kelly:
Stay with us. Atlas is coming on right after this short segment. Reach your peak Library.com. Now, a quick word of advice for everyone watching. If you're watching us live, if you're watching the recording, even if you're listening on podcasts, we are on 35 podcast platforms. We are live on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn. You cannot not find us. But if you want to get a notification so you can join us and interact with us, ask questions of the guests. We would love for you to come on. And the way you do that is you go to the mind body business show. Com I know it's a short one isn't it? The mind body business show.com and there are many buttons. You'll as you scroll they'll say where and how to watch. You click on any one of those and you simply fill out your email address. And then what we'll do is notify you the moment we go live, and we'll give you the link to go straight to the show. You don't have to be guessing. Looking through Facebook, where the heck do I go find it? And then you can drop in and engage with us directly and talk to someone like Atlas Altman. So if you haven't done it, do it right now. You can jump on the show and then, um, reach your peak. Library.com. The thing I want to mention here is you are going to be getting resources throughout this show. Atlas has a book he's written that you will want to pick up and read. Um, we have websites like Reach Your Peak, Library.com. You're going to be tempted, as all of us humans typically are, to go to the side, open up a new tab, and start researching while you're you're taking in the content of what Atlas is telling you. And this is the thing you do not want to do that I'm telling you, this is for you, not for me. The magic happens in the room if you take your focus away for just a moment. It could be that one moment that Atlas provided, that one golden nugget that could change your life forever. And I don't want that to happen to you.

Brian Kelly:
And this has happened to me in the past, where when I was speaking on stage back in the day, when I was first starting, I remember I would see someone get up and leave, walk out with, you know, their tech, have their phone in front of their face because they got that all important text message or phone call, right? As I'm getting to the juicy part and I knew what the juicy part was. It was my my presentation at the moment. I was like, oh, I felt horrible for them. They're going to miss the best part that could give them the most results they came for. And so I learned from that moment on to to let people know. The focus is, is keep your focus here that the magic happens in the room. Listen to him. So instead, what I recommend you do is I'm going to be doing the very same thing. And I'm running. The whole dang show is take notes. And so you can start by practicing right now. Reach your peak Library.com write it down. Write it down in your notes. Excuse me. And then when the show is over, go back over your notes and go visit those resources that really intrigued you. Sound cool. And by the way, we're going to be giving away a five night stay at a five star luxury resort, compliments of Reach Your Peak at the end of the show. So if you're watching live, it's only good for those of you that are watching live, stay on till that moment. You do not want to miss it because these are resorts from all over the world that you get to choose from, and I can't wait to see who the winner of that is going to be. And a little birdie told me Atlas Altman himself has a gift for all of you. We have gifts galore, so you want to stick around for every bit of it. Reach your peak library. What is that? Finally, Brian gets to it. Yes, it is a website I had built with you in mind. Yes, once again, I love helping people. That's another thing I love about Atlas.

Brian Kelly:
We are very similar in that regard and I myself did not read voraciously until the age of 47. Yeah, about 12 years ago. And given a policy, you do the math. I know you're all curious now. And so, uh, these books are not in any rhyme or reason. They're not alphabetic. They are just thrown in here in the order I was reading them. These are books I have personally read, and I bet so not every book I've read is in here. The books that are in here are ones that had a profound impact on my business or my personal life, or both. And if they don't meet that criteria, they're not in this list and I'm way behind. Uh, there are a lot more that should be on this. The whole purpose of this is so that you can go and look at the description, get the book that looks like it's talking to you, it's jumping off the page saying, read me next. And then either click the button or go to wherever you like to get your books from. Could be Barnes and Noble, could be another bookstore down the street, could be a different website altogether. Just get the book and read it. But don't stop there. Please read it, take notes on it, and then put what you learned into action. Nothing does. It does you no good to learn something if you don't put it in action. Those are my, uh, soapbox moments, because it is time now to bring on the man of the hour. The reason you're here isn't because of my blabbing. It's because of the amazing Atlas Altman. Let's bring him on, shall we? Here we go.

It's time for the guest expert. Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big league. Qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there he is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one. It is the only Atlas. Ultraman. Hey bro.

Atlas Aultman:
I'm good bro. Thanks for having me on. I watched your show. You have some big names on the show. And it's just amazing to be a part of something that helps other people. So thank you so much for having me on this show.

Brian Kelly:
What can be a bigger name than Atlas? I mean, come on, come on.

Atlas Aultman:
There's an ocean named after it or something.

Brian Kelly:
And there's some dude that holds up the entire globe that that's a big name. Big name. I love it. Um. Very cool. Thanks so much. Uh, I want to do you justice and, uh, give you the respect that you you deserve and give you a nice quality introduction to the people watching and listening. Would that be cool?

Atlas Aultman:
Yeah. Let's go.

Brian Kelly:
Thank you. Fantastic. Atlas Altman is keynote speaker and number one best selling author in 13 categories, including here it is leadership, Personal transformation, motivation, management and more who has been featured on major news including goodness sakes, ABC, Fox, MSNBC, Google and many more. He was named a top 40 under 40 in technology. I'll ask you to explain that later. I know what it means. Uh, in technology and innovation, from leading elite teams in special operations and in the white House, he recently shared his life lessons from commanding, directing and leading for almost three decades on a TEDx stage and continues to, uh, to speak at business and corporation events, enabling proven leaders to save more time and money in their environments and people that can't see the visuals that are listening to us. On audio podcasts. You will see there is some military cool stuff in the background and that comes from his background serving our great country Atlas. Thank you for serving. Uh, do you want to tell a quick backstory about that part of your life and then we'll move into your business? Does that sound cool?

Atlas Aultman:
Yeah, Brian, I'll definitely talk about my my military experience. Uh uh, like most people in the military, I have a family that was rich in the military service. So, um, adopted at the age of five, my mom met my my dad, and he was in the special operations community, and him, paired with my grandpa were, uh, jumping off really early. Uh, right out of the diapers, to be exact. Um, for me to have a future in the military. So I followed that passion, uh, and I went in the military, the Air force, and I made my mom mad. We could talk about that, but. Yeah. So, uh. Yeah, that's my military, my military force way. I did, uh, uh, about 27 years. Um, and you, you named some of the, the organizations that I worked for in special operations and then, uh, the white House. I got to live there because of my military service. So it was it was an honor. Uh, and then I got to lead some amazing people who actually the kind of led me in a lot of directions. And that's why I won a lot of awards. Not not because I'm awesome, but because of the teams that I got to be a part of.

Brian Kelly:
I mean, right off the bat. There it is. Everyone, please. Oh my gosh, all of you that are either building a business, building a team, or looking for ways to find to better lead them. You just heard the recipe right there, right there. There isn't an ounce of narcissism in this man's body. And if there is, I haven't seen it. Uh, we've been talking for over 30 minutes before we started the show. He is all about the team, and I think a big part of that comes from your military upbringing, which is I have not met a single person, Atlas. I have not met one vet who didn't have it all together. I understand about their PTSD, and there are things that, uh, but the the discipline, the teamwork are impeccable because of the result that comes out. And any business owner that says no to a vet is in my, in my opinion, absolutely ridiculously stupid. I'm just I they're they're ready to tackle business more than anybody I've ever met. Every person, every single one. And you're no different.

Atlas Aultman:
I get that question a lot. They're like, how does your military service translate into my world? A lot of educators come up with that, that question, they're like, you're in the military. I'm in education. How does this translate? Well, we all have people. And if you know what those people are good at, you're going to be good at leading. We all have decisions we have to make. And if you know how to make the decisions fast, like we were trained to do in the military, you're going to be better at it. We all have titles that don't matter. You're either a manager or a leader. We all have vision, right? It's all the same thing. It's just I wear, I wore uniform, I wear a uniform. You know, right now I've got a collared shirt on because the military said you should dress appropriately for things like this. Ha.

Brian Kelly:
Ha. I mean, and I could say, like, you know, educators, they teach, but military personnel, they do. You know, you are the action takers. You learn, you learn from, you get educated in the military. You get educated in all the things you need to be educated in, on how to stay alive and how to lead. All of those things are part of it, but it's done in such a structured, disciplined manner that it it's unbelievable to me in a great way. I don't mean it's like unbelievable. It is amazing to me how incredibly wonderful the people come out of it. You know, that they are just more ready for to tackle the adult life than anyone I've ever met. And I'm. College is the worst. Oh, I went through college. So I'm I'm a product of that. And so like four degrees.

Atlas Aultman:
You know, I studied war. Uh, my last degree. That was the best one for fun. Uh, but, yeah, I'm with you, like, 100%. People have a problem figuring out that it's the same thing. And we have training and education in the military. We we fall back on our training. And that's what I usually bring to education environments is like, here, let me give you something to fall back on whenever you're in a problem, whenever you're having something really hard occur in your life, this is what you need to do. And we talked about this a little bit earlier before the show. But listening is the most important thing. And that's always the most important thing. Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
As I almost interrupted you just then. Jeez. Well, what do as I say? Not as I do. Okay. But. Yeah, it's that's you just said the keyword training. That's like doing because a lot of, uh, entrepreneurs, they will be book smart and read all the books I just show on the screen and many more. But if they don't put them into any kind of action like OJT, I call it on the job training. Yeah, put them into action and, you know, deploy them if you will. They're they're useless. They make you book smart, but they make you, you know, financially poor because you're not putting into action the very things that you should be. Because all those books I showed, my gosh, so many great things came out of that. And my talk about how much, how much did they cost for me to learn, like what, 20 bucks per book, if that. Depending on how I got it. I use audible, so they cost less than that. Um, it's a super inexpensive education. You get to pick and choose rather than have an institution tell you what you're going to learn and how, uh, it just it makes a huge difference. But congrats on your TEDx speech. I did see it. Uh, we'll pull up your website in a little bit so we can give people access to that so they don't have to go hunting through YouTube because you provided a direct link, which was very smart. Good job. And, uh, I just I'm just I'm over the moon. Excited to have you on Atlas, man. I'm telling you. Yeah, this is exciting for me. Uh, you've served you have the chops in business. You have the chops in life. Uh, you're a warm guy. You want to help serve people. You have a rough edge. Which is great, because if I'm ever in a dark alley and you're near me, I'm going to be very happy. And so.

Atlas Aultman:
Yeah. Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
Brother, I.

Atlas Aultman:
I do like to fight, but I have controlled violence. Uh, in interweaved. I have a story about that, too. Um, and, you know, everyone has these stories where they talk about their success. I mean, I, I failed hard, uh, to learn some of the lessons that I learned. So we can dive into that if you want to. I mean, I'm all yours. What do you where where do you want to go?

Brian Kelly:
That's important that people understand the importance of failing. Mm. It is important to fail and to fail fast and often. Why? Because the more you fail, the faster you're going to get to the the result, the answer you're looking for. And that's one of the reasons so many people fail when they start a business because they're not. I was like that. I had to be perfect, not make one mistake. And if I made a mistake, I thought I blew it. I'm done, I failed, and it's like nothing could be further from the truth. I was one step closer to the 100 to 1000 more failures I needed to go through to get to where I am now. And so yeah, if you have a story about that that led you into success and what you the key is, is when you fail is not just to fail and move forward and fail again. It's to fail. Learn from it and then move forward again. So go ahead. I'll let you, uh, take over from here.

Atlas Aultman:
Yeah. So when I was at the at the white House, one of my first overseas missions was in Indonesia, and I got brought into a situation on game day. And game day is when the president shows up to your environment, and now you're responsible for making sure he can talk to anyone at any time, by any means necessary. So that was on me. So when I showed up, I brought some things and I got met by someone who was wearing all black, uh, a little guy, but all black. He meant business. He told me I wasn't going to come in, so I have a problem, right? Um. Uh, I don't fail. Well, so I said, you know, what do I need to do? You know, there's always the what can I do to get past this failure stage that a lot of people just stop at? Um, but that's not how we're trained in the military. Right? So back to training. I got trained to say what's next? And he said, you need a diplomatic note, which I got quickly, which was crazy because you can't just magic a diplomatic note, which is an agreement between countries. Uh, so I got a diplomatic note to bring this stuff in, and then I got escorted into a private room where a lot of people, a lot of men specifically wearing black, were all around me. And I did what I always do. Like you said earlier, I'm kind of a gruff guy. Background history I used to be a bouncer in college. I like to fight. I have mixed martial arts. Background before that was cool, and I was combative instructor at the time so I could pretzel somebody really quick. But I'm wearing a diplomatic badge and a suit and we're at a peace conference, right? So know your role. So I put my hands up like I always do, and I said, hey, you know, I don't want any problems. And immediately this guy came with a haymaker right around the side, clocked me in my jaw. And now I have a decision to make, right? I'm thinking, like, I'll pretzel you and all your little friends and we'll make a pretzel bag out of this room.

Atlas Aultman:
But I can't do that now. You know what I mean? Because I'm. I'm wearing a badge that says American Diplomat. And I went through an agency that taught me how to be proper, how to control my violence. Let's say that, too. And I can't do that now. So I feel like a failure because I just got clocked in the face. And, um, again, people, what are you going to do? You're in somebody else's country. You just got hit in the face. What are you going to do? What are you going to do? So immediately I grabbed my stuff and I. And I got out of there and, uh, I called the folks that were coming to my site. The president showed up and had everything. It was all good, no failure. But man, six failures to get to know failure. And then I really failed. And this is where. Where it gets really crazy. The president's aide was a Navy Seal, and he came up and he's wearing his trident. Hard to get, uh, a trident, hard to be a Navy Seal. And he's looking at me as I process through this for the first time. Every time I've been met with violence, I've been able to answer with violence. And this is the first time I had to walk away. And quite honestly, I felt like a failure because I didn't handle the situation like a man. But I handled it correctly, and so I didn't want to talk about it. And they're all looking at me, and then I get angry. It's the first emotion that I get to, man. I always get angry. That's I know myself, I get angry, and then I calm back off of that and I start questioning, and then I get sad. And I squirted one. I remember like a tear rolling down, dude, I'm a fighter. Why is this happening? Right? And I'm like, what the heck? And then he looks at me. He's shakes his head and he walks off and I'm like, I just made a Navy Seal man. That's the first time ever that happened.

Atlas Aultman:
But I learned how to process all that, and I got a lot of crap from the team, man. They were like, uh, you know, I don't know if I could have done that from the other military guys, right? Yeah. And I'm like, well, I got trained not to fight. So I fell back on my training as an educated person. I know that what someone tells me to do, if I've never been in the environment and they have been in the environment, and it may happen if they say, don't fight, don't fight. And I didn't fight, and I actually got put on the president's staff a couple years later, because I was one of those people that they could go to and trust. And, um, that was one of the key incidents that happened where I had to fail and continue, fail and continue. And I still felt like a failure even when I didn't put it in my book. It's not in my book. I didn't put that in my I put it in my next book. But like, yeah, like that one is like I really debated, should I put this in my book because it makes me look like a failure, but it.

Brian Kelly:
Doesn't in my eyes. So that was a great story. And you, you view it as a failure because of what you're used to, what you were brought up in your environments. Yeah, I'm looking at this going, you are a massive success because of what you had to do to restrain yourself, to follow the training you were given, to know that this one thing I could swing one time, what would happen then? Oh my goodness, in a different country, the news and everything. I mean, it would just you would never be in the white House again. Probably. Yeah. And you made the right decision at a very difficult time. When your anger is boiling, you controlled your emotions. So to me, on my end, from my lens, you are a massive success.

Atlas Aultman:
Well thank you.

Brian Kelly:
Kudos, man. That was. Yeah. Who we. I'm. I'm getting amped up over here listening to it. I'm getting. Yeah. Okay. I'm not a fighter though I don't like I don't get into fights. But that was getting me riled. That was fun.

Atlas Aultman:
Yeah, that's a good time. Uh, my blood's not like that either. I come from, like, an ancestry of pirates. Pirates and smugglers who fought kings and became kings, you know? And then my grandpa, he got extradited, uh, out of the country when he beat up gadhafi's guards on the way back from the war zone. So my blood is not. It's not it's not something that's built into me to walk away from a fight. So, yeah, that was that was a real tough one. But there's a lot of people like me when I tell that story. People come up and they're like, hey, I'm just like you. And I don't think I could have done that. And I'm like, yeah, you could, dude, here's an exercise and I'll tell you exactly what I did, because it helps me every time I'm nervous. And and I put it into practice there. It's called box breathing. And this is a technique that they teach in special operations. You should do this every day if you don't right now. And it helps you connect your mind to your body and it helps you in business. So wow, what a perfect show to give this to you. Right? So box breathing looks like this. It's three seconds up. You breathe in and then you hold it for three seconds. And then you breathe out for three seconds, and then you hold it for three seconds. Now when you do that, after a while, you'll figure out when your mind and your body connect and you'll feel it. Just like anything that you've been trained to do, whether it's shooting, punching, kicking, keeping your mouth shut, whatever you've been trained to do, you can do it and figure, right? So I've learned here's to it quicker. And I call it three breathing. So I was breathing for three seconds and wait for the feeling. And then my mind and my body connect and I remind myself I'm not nervous. I'm excited because your body thinks it's the same thing. So that training is been employed. And whenever I go to companies and corporations, people like people like that. And it keeps people from saying things they shouldn't say. And, you know, I wish I listened to myself more often. Whenever I say things, sometimes I'm like, well, should a box breathe on that one? I should have three breathed on that one.

Brian Kelly:
That's a beautiful thing. You know, we're all humans and we all make mistakes. And here I always look at it this way no matter what happens, whatever occurs, what is more important than what occurred is the intent that was behind it. Right. So if your intent was a good one, but you made a mistake because of your judgment, thinking that would get you to the intent you would wanted. Yeah. I'm like, I'm a problem with that Atlas, bro. Let's let's shake hands, let's hug. Let's be done with it and move on. It's like it's intent is the most important part, because people will interpret our actions differently. How many times we were talking about it like, no, no good deed goes unpunished, right? So we go out to help people. And there have been times where I literally reach out to help someone and they get pissed off at me. I'm like, whoa, what? What?

Atlas Aultman:
And yeah, I think we've all been there. Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
It's like, are you kidding me? I'm trying to help. Why are you mad at me? What did I do wrong? And it's just the method which I was doing. It rubbed him the wrong way, I guess. And. Yeah, so that's very common. And that box reading, I love that. That is so true. It works so well, especially if you're nervous. I'll never forget I was in this, uh, it was like a team building camp, and we did a lot of physical things. It was so awesome. One of them was climb a telephone pole. Very high. I do not like heights. I'll tell you right now, I can. I can get in an airplane. I'm fine. But if I'm out on a telephone pole, give me a break. And this thing. As it went up, it tapered and got smaller and smaller, and it was up at least 30ft in the air. Three stories. That's high. Very top. It was about this big around. Um, I don't know how big that is. Five, four, five, six inches. Six inches. Yeah. We were to step up on top of that with both feet. Stand up. And then turn a quarter of a turn and jump out and grab a trapeze, and we're up 30ft in the air. We do have a tether. We got a guy holding us, sure, in case we fell. Didn't matter. But when I got up on top and I'm I'm looking and I got a turn, that thing's going no no no no no no no no no no no no no. Like crazy. Wow. One of the people that were leading it, the woman, she looked up and she goes, Brian, breathe. And she was I just. And then that just stopped like yeah, that was magical. So I turned, jumped, grabbed the trapeze and I had a blast. I mean, that was the most fun I've ever had in my life. It was awesome. But you're so right. Breathing when you go, before you go on stage, do that what you just said. Because people get nervous speaking in public. Go on a show like this. Some people get nervous. Breathe. Uh. That perfect? I've heard four seconds. I like three so much better. I'm like, I'm running out of air. I need my. Yeah. So great.

Atlas Aultman:
Traditionally taught to be four seconds. But, you know, the magic of three. You have three things on your show mind, body and business. Because when you hit that fourth thing, your your mind's just somewhere else.

Brian Kelly:
I'm going to go with the three now because I can get around that square faster too. Yeah. About efficiency baby, I do it. Uh, now at night when I get in bed, it helps me to calm my mind and my body. And I can go to sleep faster because I've always, my entire life had difficulty falling asleep. Quick. I'm mind is always buzzing. Just won't turn off. And that helps. Doesn't turn it off, but it helps for sure. So, uh, I want to go over a few things more specific to what you do now as a business owner. And I know it's pretty much leadership based now. Everyone he's been on Ted, he's done a Ted talk, did a fantastic job. Uh, it was something about start with who, if I recall. And it was a great talk. He engaged the audience. You got them to participate. In the very beginning, it was like, oh, there you go. You know, they've been sitting there for a while. I could tell I was curious. I'm like, did the timer start on him? Because I know these things are timed pretty strictly. Uh, are they going to wait till he starts talking? The actual all that stuff's going through my head, but, uh, so you've done a lot of things. You have been an action taker, and there's a reason why you have a successful business going. And I want to now showcase that because what you do and how you do it, the kind of person you are. More people need to learn how to be effective leaders and then managers as well. And so if you don't mind, I'd like to just pull up your website. And then if you could give us an idea of who are the kind of people that you serve in your business, is it business owners, is it individuals, moms, whatever that happens to be, uh, is your target market? And then what is it you do specifically for each of these individuals? And then the most fun part, if you have a success story or two you like to tell, I'd love to hear that. I hope you can remember all three of those questions, but for sure. All right, let me pull it up and just go ahead and take it away. Yeah.

Atlas Aultman:
Um, so on my website in the top, uh, top left hand side of the screen, you'll see a pirate flag that's normally attributed to Captain Blackbeard. But I actually put a red beard on it and targeted the heart. And what I did was I took something and changed it about 20%. And I remind people that you are first. People are first. So my next book is going to be Who's First. The pirate flag is a reverse of toxicity, and that's really what I bring to corporations and businesses. I do a lot of businesses here in the local area in Phoenix, where I'll go in and assess their leaders, so I do. I love that one. Uh, where I'll go in and I'll tell you who your leaders are, what they're good at, and then how you can utilize them even more. And what's happened, uh, from that is been a lot of success stories and I'll share them. But I also offer books and keynotes, so people will hire me to come out for events, conferences or just to talk to their leadership team, or they'll have me for a day or two, and I'll bring in experts. So I have Myers-Briggs experts. I have leadership experts from, um, certifications. Uh, you'll see a lot of different people in my portfolio because everyone that I like to associate with likes to help other people. So all of those things, they kind of fold into this. There's a difference between management and leadership. And during Henry Ford's time, whenever he was introducing the assembly line, he brought in leadership full force, and he gave people specific jobs. And once they learned those jobs, they were able to move out and go faster. And then education became a big staple in our society. And leadership is different than Henry Ford's management and education. Education will teach you how to do something for somebody else, and leadership is stepping out on your own. So I really identify people's strengths and then get them to lead their lives. So where managers are coming down in society, leaders are being asked to step up and leadership looks different. It looks like vision inspiring coaching and mentoring. It's really finding out what.

Atlas Aultman:
People do. So a lot of your books that you had in your library are from Simon Sinek, and he talks about The Golden Circle, and he talks about why people do what they're supposed to do and you know, how to inspire them. And leaders eat last. That's a bunch of phooey. Hahahahahahahahaha the platinum process looks like this. If you're looking at a circle, it's who the people do the work. You can't lead a why. Your kids could be the perfect example of that. And so what I do is I try to get people off of that. Why am I doing this? And remind them why they're here by who they are. So if you look at the cycle and you listen to my talk, here's a quick synopsis who, what, where, when and why. And if you're fancy, you add how. There's six things that go into a decision cycle. The most elite leaders that I got to work for, whether it's four star generals, the top ranking people in the military, managing billions and billions of dollars, trillions in some, some instances and thousands and thousands upon people and life and death decisions. They pared it down to three things so they can make quicker decisions. And that's people. Time and money. And those things are the magic formula to making decisions. But they all revolve around one thing. Who are you? Who are your team members and who wants to see you succeed? All of those things are whose. And once you answer the question of who you are, which is the biggest question to answer for a lot of people, uh, you can start moving faster. So. Basic synopsis. What I did was, uh, for a success story was I went into a business and I gave them the questions that I give every business, like, what are you good at? What are you what what do you hate doing? And one of the businesses that I, that I actually spent three days with, I did two and then went back for a follow up move their people around, and they started producing one of the most elite teams that I've ever worked with.

Atlas Aultman:
Um, and I've worked for elite teams in the business world, uh, where they grew six times their impact level from when I started. So what does that look like? I identified people's strengths. Some of them were like social media, but they weren't in social media. And I said, you need to get this person on your ads team. And then they started changing their website, and then it grew into leads, and then they started getting more leads off of their website, because the person who loves doing social media was placed properly. And then and then I had someone else that loved talking to people, but he was doing technical work. I was like, why don't you have this guy answer your phone? And that guy? Magically, these warm smile in his voice started fielding more work, and then he would go out on the calls and talk to the customers. And people love people. People. So if you have one of those people on your team, cool. You just have to place people in the right place where they want to be, not what you hire them to do, but what do they excel at? And those, like I said, six times their amount of business in six months. So, uh, that was one of my that's I like talking about that one. That's one of my favorites. Um, but, you know, I can't do that all the time. And, uh, my team is really, really busy. So whenever I go out, I like to do the assessment first that I used on that one and then give that to the leaders. No matter what I do, whether it's keynote or I'm going in to help the team.

Brian Kelly:
This is music to my ears. And amen to all that, brother, because, uh, it's so anti-corporate how no corporations operate. They will look at a resume and ask if you can do the job they need you to do, whether you like it or not. And you're going to say yes, because I want the money. You're going to go to do this job. You're going to be unhappy for the entire duration. You're there. And these days that's going to result in them looking for another company because they're not fulfilled and satisfied. And that's it. I the same thing. I have a team and I propose a task. And I say, is this something that you think you would enjoy doing? Is this something you would really want to sink your teeth into? And if not, it's okay. Please tell me. So I will simply find someone else that is passionate about it. You're going nowhere. I'm not firing you. I want you to go where you shine and where you want to grow. Right? And that. My goodness, like you said, you just see people blossom and. Yeah, you know, I just I'm so fortunate. I have, uh, a manager right now that just loves to learn everything. And so I'm having to pump the brakes on what I give her to do because I don't want to over. But she's like, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes to everything. And so passionate about it. And it's just it's awesome to have that ability to give people something that they will love to do and come in and do the work, rather than just what I went through through the corporate world, there were times I could not stand it, and I'm commuting two plus hours. One way to go to something I can't stand, only for the money to put a home and a food and the cars for our family. That was it. That was the only reason I was like, no, this is not living. So thank you for saying that out loud so everybody can hear it. That that is a that is a very successful recipe. I know it personally. And you just said, of course you know it because you're you're training companies to do it. And once they employ it, look at the results that what do you think about this Atlas? Does it matter all the things they have to go through to get to the result? Or is the result itself the most important thing? As long as everything along the way is, is, is of integrity and of good character. What is what should people focus on? You know.

Atlas Aultman:
There's always going to be bumps in the road. Uh, and we talked about this before the show. You know, you ever can you imagine going to see a movie and then everything is perfect and everyone's got the best life. You'd get up in five minutes and be like, that movie sucked. But yet when it happens in your life, it sucks going through it until about two, three, five years later sometimes. And then you're laughing about it at a barbecue or an event, a family get together. It's it's amazing how time processes it differently, but whenever you go through it, man, it sucks. The outcome is not coming. You don't see the end state. And that's entrepreneur all all day long. You just you get to where you're like, I'm putting in all this effort, I'm beating it down. And then I'm going to hire all these experts and they don't work. I'm reading all these books and I'm trying this stuff. And then what? A major thing blows up and you're like, wow, that was cool. And then you go right back to it. I gotta beat this thing again. You're just continuously going after it and it's action. It's always action. You always have to apply it. But the end state is temporary. The journey is always and never ends, man. It never ends. And the people that you pack up and take with you on your journey, they help you dictate where success is even the smallest success. You know, uh, my, uh, my current fiancee, she she likes to, uh, celebrate the smallest wins. And I love it. You know, she's like, hey, you know, uh, let's let's celebrate this your book launch. You know, your your best seller. You know, I'm like, this is just another. She's like, no, let's celebrate. And it means a lot to me to have her recognize the smallest actions that a lot of people just don't. People don't care about you unless you're providing them value. And to have those people on your side, it's amazing. It's it's it's amazing thing. I love it.

Brian Kelly:
And it is it's so hugely important to have someone in your corner that supports you. You were sharing with me how proud you were of her and how she decorated your office that you're sitting in, you know, with your helmet and you were just beaming like, oh man, she's the greatest. She did all this stuff. And it is. It looks freaking awesome. You got a helmet there? You got a piece of an airplane wing. You've got a fuel cell of some kind. It's like it's well done.

Atlas Aultman:
She did great. Yeah, she's. She's amazing.

Brian Kelly:
That's great to have that support. Um, and have somebody that has your back like that. That's fantastic. And I forgot to mention. So everyone that, uh, is listening only want to make sure that you understand or that you get the website that was scrolling up and down in the logo he was talking about, um, with the heart instead of the other. It's leaders kit. Com so it's leaders, plural. Dash. There's a hyphen and then kit.com leaders kit com leaders-kit.com. Go there. Uh, what. Before I forget, this just we're not at the end of the show. What is the best way for people to reach out to you? Uh, so that they can see if there's something in there that you can provide to them and help them and serve them? Maybe. I mean, do you help solopreneurs as well as those that have an entire organization? Uh, and if so, yeah. What's the best way for people to get, uh, reach out to you?

Atlas Aultman:
Yeah. Um, I yeah, I don't take on too many solopreneurs, honestly. Um, but I do I do personally coach three people a year, and that's usually looks like writing, writing a bestseller, you know, putting a book in someone's, um, in corner, you know, so that they can hand that instead of a business card because people don't throw away books, man. Um, the other thing is getting their story out so I can help, uh, so solopreneur with that. I just never had one come to me. Usually people, um, when they start out in business, they go to people who are trying to help them start a business, and then they launch into a team. I mean, there's nothing wrong with the solopreneur. I just don't deal with too many of them. But yeah, the, uh, the website itself is, uh, it's based around teams and leadership. So like I said, I'm taking management that Blackbeard theory, uh, where Blackbeard's light and cannons and, uh, managing his crew and then having a no quarters, you know, I'm going to kill everybody. I'm not going to take anybody prisoner. Uh, that's management. And I put a red beard on it and targeted the heart and talk about the three things that, you know. So I'm changing the whole dynamic and trying to get people in there so they can reach reach out to me on my website. But if they really want to hit me, I do a Monday minute every Monday. I'm putting like viral funny stuff in with, uh, leadership message that usually hits my mainstream, uh, all of my accounts in social. And I do that every Monday, and I do it on LinkedIn first. And if you're talking to somebody on LinkedIn, it's me. If you're talking on one of my other profiles, that may not be it might be somebody that I'm paying to manage that. So, yeah. Uh, LinkedIn is the best way to reach me.

Brian Kelly:
Okay, cool. Yeah. Yeah, I saw one of them just recently. We were talking about memory and how water. Yeah. And yeah, it was water. And one other thing that would, uh, help with the long term memory. See, I've forgotten already because I'm not drinking enough water.

Atlas Aultman:
Yeah, yeah, I can't that study just came out a couple years ago, and I had never heard that. But there's no place in your brain that stores long term memories. Just short term memories. So water has been used as the connectivity for all of the memories, so that your long term memory gets, uh, sustained by water. I was like, wow, that's amazing research that everyone should know. Um, because water is great for your body too. But yeah, the other one was how to keep your battery charged. There's a life hack. Yeah, life hack on how to do that with your phone.

Brian Kelly:
Yes, that was awesome. Put it in low battery mode. Oh, okay. Yeah. That's it. I love the tech expert you had in the seat next to you.

Atlas Aultman:
He's amazing. Good kid.

Brian Kelly:
You. You authored a book real quick. Let's, uh, if you have it handy, let's put it up on the screen and give a shout about that, because it's a big thing to have a book. I just finished my own and very happy. There we go.

Atlas Aultman:
That's a rule of three. Um, yeah. Number one. And. And 12 categories. Uh, it talks about my time in, uh, special operations and white House and then all the commands and directorship that I, that I, uh, that I took notes from these amazing leaders that were above me. Uh, I put them to practice. And the things that worked, I actually put in the book, and you can read it in five minutes. I do, uh, highlights. So if you go to the end of the chapter and you read the highlights, you can you can read this in five minutes because no one has time anymore. And then you can say, hey, I read that book. Uh, if you're interested in the stories that go along with it. Um, like how I sold a Secret Service vehicle that people like that one, um, they're like. Or, you know, my neighbor wasn't extremely into cookbooks, and, like, there's a story about that where I found one and Yeah people like the stories, but people just usually want the meat and potatoes. Uh, so that's in the five minute version. I made sure that that was that was good. And I have self-assessments and questions and stuff there. It'll help you figure out who you are as a leader and where you can go in the future. So all of that for I think it's $0.99 on Kindle. I mean, it's a it's a killer deal.

Brian Kelly:
So Amazon is one obvious place they can get it. Do you have like a book website for it?

Atlas Aultman:
Uh, yeah. Off of my my website leaders kit. You can buy it there too. If you buy it there, I sign it and, uh, you know, make sure that it gets directly to you, um, as fast as possible. Amazon sometimes takes 4 or 5 days, depending on where you are.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. So go to Atlas. He's faster than prime. That's true. And it's cheaper. Yeah, I love it. Oh my goodness. I just checked the clock. I don't like this kit. I see it's all caps. Is that a acronym for something?

Atlas Aultman:
Yeah. No. Uh, the military gives you kit depending on where you're going to go. So you have a kit for, uh, jungle. You have a kit for desert. You have a kit for water. Uh, so where people often fail as leaders is they look at somebody and they try to emulate them. And then it comes across fake. I see this all the time. I hear it all the time. I'm like, that dude or that girl just doesn't get me. It's because they're emulating somebody that they read instead of trying to figure out how they can apply it personally, uh, they, they just go after it. So kits, uh, depending on you and how you want to be set up in the environment, you make your kit specific for that environment specific to you. So I do that with leaders. I give them what they're good at and I let them focus on that. And then, you know, 5 or 6 months down the road, I usually check in on them, see how they're doing. Um, that's something a lot of people don't do that they just fail at. And you would be surprised at how many people are like, I can't believe you checked back with me. Yeah, that's going fantastic. I can't believe that. Uh, I can't have you out here in the next month or two. You know that you're booked, and, uh, I want you out again. And so the follow up, man, the people need to follow up with people that are trying to help. They usually just drop the mic after they're done. And that's just not how I was built. So the kit changes. And so when I talk to somebody in six months, they're like, I was doing this. And then I did this like mirror selfies. You know, Mel Robbins talks about doing a mirror selfie. You know, because the high fives biggest thing you can do to boost somebody is just give them a high five. But if you do it to yourself for a while, it works. Um, and the mirror is fantastic tool. So they'll be like, I put sticky notes up there to remind myself whatever I was going to target. Because I don't believe in goals. I believe in targets. And that helps you, uh, attain what you're shooting for.

Brian Kelly:
Uh, what was the title of the book? One more time?

Atlas Aultman:
Rule of three. How elite. How elite leaders win and its parent. Everything down to three things.

Brian Kelly:
I would recommend everyone get that book for sure. I'm definitely, um, going to be looking it up. Is it in audible form by chance?

Atlas Aultman:
It is. Uh, yeah. Two months away from being an audible. Yeah, yeah.

Brian Kelly:
Read by the author or someone else.

Atlas Aultman:
I definitely stood up and read it and hurt my back doing it. Thank you.

Brian Kelly:
Thank you for putting that effort in. I love it when the author themself reads the book. It just adds so much more to it. And I'll be doing that with mine. That just came out as well. So, uh, I'll talk to you about that later, see how that went and how what's your.

Atlas Aultman:
What's your book called. What's your book.

Brian Kelly:
Called Mind Body Business. That's original. Go figure. Huh. That title drove the title of this show because I started writing the book long before the show. So about, I don't know, a little over ten years ago, I started writing the book, and this show has been going for just over five, and so it inspired the show's name. And just everything I do is about the three pillars of success. And once you focus on those three areas, it just helps. And then I bring people like you on that fill each of those three areas. You know, not everybody fills all three, but when you add all of this together cumulatively, it's a wonderful way to help other people through amazing people like yourself. I get to leverage your genius and help more people. Or by putting you on a platform that gets you out there with greater exposure that can help more people.

Atlas Aultman:
Thank you. Yeah. And that's that's the goal, doing something bigger than ourselves. So I'm glad when you sing on this.

Brian Kelly:
It's about the who. And you're part of the who. Yeah. And it's beautiful I love it. This is awesome. Oh, man. Phoenix, man, we gotta get you out here to Florida. We gotta hang out. So, uh, I've been to Arizona several times. Been to Phoenix, I love it. I grew up in the desert in California. I went to Arizona for the first time. I was like, man, this is a beautiful desert. Mine looks like crap. They have all those cacti and everything. It's beautiful. It's hot, but it's beautiful. Um. Okay, before we close the show, we got two gifts to give away. Don't go anywhere. Anybody. Uh, we also have a very potent final question to ask you. I do. I shouldn't say we. There's nobody else here but me. I have a very potent final question to ask you, and it's a good one. It is a powerful one, because the only reason I know that is because the answers I've been getting from past show guests. And after it's over, I'll tell you what we're going to be doing with it, and I'll get your approval to do so with yours specifically as well. It's it's very profound. And it's it's just it happened by accident, uh, kind of in the beginning of this show back five years ago, I would ask it on occasion. It was just one of my little go tos. I loved it, and, um, I noticed wow, these answers, there's something different about these. So I decided to close every show from that point forward. So about the last 2 or 3 years, I've been closing every show with this one question. Hopefully you didn't watch every show you were watching to the very end and know what it is already, because that will take away from the the fun of it. Um, but before we do that, the other thing, I do it real quick. One of my go to questions I love asking this is marketing. Marketing is the lifeblood of any business. What is marketing? It's the art of getting eyeballs to your product or service, getting someone aware that you offer a service that hopefully they need.

Brian Kelly:
And it's also about targeting people that you think will need what you have. It's a it's a huge art and it's awesome. It's fun. The thing is, what worked 20 years ago, like mass emailing, it worked phenomenally well, I did it, uh, doesn't work today. The first time someone sees an email, they're like, who are you? And you got to give me something first before I'm going to look at anything. So it's provide value up front. So the method changes over the period of years. So what worked yesterday may not work today. And what's working today may not work 20 years from now. And it probably won't. But right now is really the most important part. Who cares about the previous in the past or the past in the future? What is working today? And I want to ask you that Atlas, if you were to pick one marketing strategy right now, today, that is the number one go to marketing strategy for your business like referral marketing, Facebook ads, whatever it happens to be. If you could just pinpoint one as the top go to marketing method for your company, what would you say it is right now?

Atlas Aultman:
It's okay, I'm stealing it from Alex Hormozi and changing it a little bit. Uh, and I do it on social media every week. It's give, give, give, give give ask. So it's five gives before you ask if they're interested, because people don't really want to listen to you, and especially in leadership, until you've proven yourself as an effective leader. All the awards like white House officer of the year, you know, Bronze Star Medals and Combat Zone, that doesn't matter to people. They want to know how you can help them today. And if you can show them and you can help them, and then you help them again and you help them again, then they might be interested, but still some aren't. And it's hard because every every good deed comes with something, you know? And so, uh, sometimes it's, it's, you know, hey, I can't get to you now, and then you lose the customer and you lose the ability to help them. Really? That's the that's the biggest blow to me is, like, I really want to help you. I just can't right now can we do fall? And they're like, no, I need it now. And I'm like, uh, you know, you can't reschedule conferences. That just isn't happening. Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
That's tough to do. Yeah. So I guess the key will be to scale and create more clones of Atlas Altman to help carry this forward. And that's also another skill set that is in its own place, 100% by itself. It's like trying to build leaders within your organization to then take it so you can step a little farther away from the working day to day, or ramp it up and work even more on it. Either way, whatever you want to do, thank you for that. All right, we're nearing the end and we may go a couple minutes over. I apologize for everyone watching and listening. I do respect your time. Uh, what I want to do is, first, let's let's give away some gifts. You had one that you said was good for after the show. So if it's okay, can we put the URL up on the screen? They can write it down and then later they can go visit it. Okay. Cool. Absolutely.

Atlas Aultman:
Let's do it.

Brian Kelly:
All right I will put that up. Go ahead and explain away.

Atlas Aultman:
So this will go live. Um, about five minutes after we end the live and on there you'll get, uh, access to how to become a best selling author. And what that does is it puts you in environments like this to explain what your expertise is to people who may or may not need it, but also you can help a lot of people with a lot of the things that you're currently holding in your head. So don't just write a book, write a best seller. I have a kit for that. It's nine steps, uh, and it's all pretty easy to do. So I give that away for free. Um, and that's what you'll get there. And I'll also give an intro to my book. So if you don't want to read my book or buy my book, you can just look at it and see if you're even interested in it and see if you like my writing style, which is pretty straightforward and right to the point.

Brian Kelly:
Forget that. I'm going to tell everybody, just buy his book. Just buy it. Not not look at it and see if you want to buy it. Just buy it and take action. And you know what I've heard from you already, I can tell is it it provides and it produces results that people are looking for. And that to me is really all that matters at any given point in time. It's like, you know what? If the book provides, so what if they don't like your writing style, but they're going to get the result they're looking for? They can get past that. That's like when you take medicine, does it always taste good? No. But was the result usually or hopefully good. That's the reason you're doing it is to get well or to feel better then yeah. Then you go through it. So get over it people, and just buy as Dagon book. I'm going to. So hey. And uh, $0.99. I mean, if you want to get it on Kindle, uh, or get paperback or hardcover, you have hardcover as well.

Atlas Aultman:
Uh, no, I will push that out whenever I do the audible version. Cool. Oh, it's been an audible. It's been a best seller for the last seven months, so.

Brian Kelly:
Hit me up when that audible comes out. I'll get that as well, because, uh, I love listening, but I want a physical copy as well to put up perfect show people. Hey, look at this. I'm waiting on my physical copy. I did an author purchase and it won't be here till, uh, another week. I'm like, come on. It's like Christmas, man. It's waiting for Christmas. So the website, uh, the URL to grab this, this wonderful, amazing gift is leaders dash kit com forward slash. And then remember this part is all lowercase is mind body business all together. So it's leaders dash dot com forward slash mind body business. He said five minutes after uh uh I'm going to do a debrief. It's going to take us probably 15 to 20. So give them that long to take a breath, get a drink of water, hit the restroom, whatever you have to do. But, um, I appreciate you for making that offer to our audience very, very much. And people don't take this lightly, I'm sure. What's the, uh, the net worth of that gift?

Atlas Aultman:
Uh, I spent about $50,000 to to learn that, so. But, you know, I. I told you, Brian, I want people to take what's in here and give it to the future. And this creates not only generational knowledge, but generational wealth if you do it right. So, um, you're helping out your future family members by writing a book. People don't get that. They don't understand that. They're like, well, what's the benefit to me? No one's reading a book. Yeah they are. There's a lot of. I sold thousands of books. To readers. So that's not true. But the other part is it's hooked up to an account that has my son's name on it. So whenever, whenever I'm done, he's still getting the royalties. It ain't stopping.

Brian Kelly:
I love it, love it. That's the way you treat Familia. Yes. All right. And then we have one more gift to give away. And we still have that final, incredible barn burning question. So to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort for your, uh. This is my gift to you. For your being here and hanging on with us to the end. Anyone who's watching live gets to enter again. Write this down and then enter to win. After we say so long for the evening, we will be monitoring it, just as he will have a link that works when we're done. So it's going to be awesome. So here it is. I'll put it up on the screen. What you'll want to do is write this down. It's report I'm forward slash vacation rip stands for reach your peak dot I'm forward slash vacation all lowercase. So write that down and then enter to win right after the show is done. And we will pick a winner randomly. And then you'll get a notification via email that you are the winner. I can't wait to see who wins this. It's going to be awesome. All right, we are at that wonderful moment in the show Atlas. It is the moment of the question. Yeah that question. And so here are a couple of beautiful things about this. Question. Number one, there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It's impossible. It's not a quiz. It's not a test. In fact, just the opposite is true. Is the only. Answer that you give, the only answer is the correct answer. It just there's no there's no way to get it wrong. It's going to be correct because y it's going to be unique to you. That's the only reason. Yeah. It's going to be amazing because it always has been uh, many, many times. Um, I love this. And oh, by the way, we do plan and I say we because I do have a team of assembling all of these answers that we've gotten over the years and creating a collaborative book from it. Yes, sir. And so just to say if if it's more, hopefully it's more than a two word answer, just just saying because you don't want a page with two words on it in the book. So feel free to elaborate as much or as little as you as you feel necessary, but you'll be authentic. I know that about you. So are you ready with all that nice build up?

Atlas Aultman:
Yeah. Let's go.

Brian Kelly:
Of course. Come on, special forces. He's ready. He's all right. Here we go. Atlas. Altman. How do you define. Success.

Atlas Aultman:
Success is defined at an individual level. Success can be hitting a target. It can be a life achievement. But success is always temporary. Success leads to more success if you let it, or it leads to failure based off of your decision. So success. Is up to the individual to feel, possess and control. That's it.

Brian Kelly:
Uh. Love it. I love it. Yep. The awkward moment of Liam hanging there all by himself. He's going. What? Is that going on? Yes. That was awesome. Thank you so much. Uh, Atlas, you are just a breath of fresh air. I appreciate you for coming on. And I will say it again. Thank you for your service and for all of your your buddies that serve. Please extend that heartfelt thank you to them as well. I got nothing but love for you guys. I'd give you a high five and if you guys are okay, I'm a hugger. I'd give you a big old bear hug too. Uh, with respect, like you would be one of my kids. Oh. Good job. So appreciate you all. Um, that is it for us on this show? I kind of hate to say good night. Uh, I dislike very much. I'm getting rid of the word hate out of my vocabulary. Uh, Atlas, if you don't mind to hang on a little bit after we're done for a quick debrief, uh, and then we'll wrap things up over here, and then that link will go out, uh, after we're done yammering. And also, don't forget to enter to win the five night vacation. Stay. Uh, don't forget ripped. I am forward slash vacation. Until next time, ladies and gentlemen, please do two things. Number one, go out and crush it in your business. Because when you do, you're able to serve and help more people. And the number two, above all else, please everyone. To a person, be blessed. That is it for us tonight. Take care. That is Atlas Altman. I am your host, Brian Kelly of the Mind Body Business Show. We'll see you again next time. Good night and see you next time. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at www. The Mind Body Business Show.com. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Atlas Aultman

Atlas Aultman is keynote speaker and #1 bestselling author in 13 categories including leadership, personal transformation, motivation, management, etc. who has been featured on major news including ABC, FOX, MSNBC, Google, & many more. He was named a top 40-under-40 in technology and innovation from leading elite teams in special operations and the White House. He recently shared his life lessons from commanding, directing, and leading for almost 3 decades on a TEDx stage and continues to speak at business and corporate events enabling proven leaders to save more time and money in their environments.

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