Special Guest Expert - Ben Ingram

Special Guest Expert - Ben Ingram: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Ben Ingram: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated? Determined? And driven. How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. And this podcast. Will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This is the mind body business. Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business show. I am pumped, I am amped, I am so excited. We have a very special edition of this very show for you here, right on the backside of Memorial Day. So let's just keep it going. Let's honor our veterans. Let's give them thanks for our fallen soldiers and for those who have served and are still with us, and for those that are currently serving, let's give them all a big salute and a big thank you. We appreciate all of you. I have never served my dad was in the Air Force. I have nothing but incredible respect for anyone who has gone through that process and served this great country, no matter what area you had served in. We have a phenomenal Marine Corps veteran and aviation expert on right now with us, Ben Ingram. And you are going to yes, still learn a lot about business and marketing and learn from his experience, both from his military background. And then how did that transition and Stem into a business background? I've got to tell you from a personal standpoint that every single time I have met a veteran who is in the business space, they are the ones I would rather work with because they have gone through all of the incredible things that you have to go through as a military vet, and that is the discipline factor and having respect. And my gosh, this, this gentleman's calling me names that I've never been called that I've been called in years, like sir. And he's very cordial, thank you. And I'm like, wow, this is amazing. We need more veterans, uh, out here doing business, starting up businesses, starting up nonprofits, because I'm telling you, they know how to get it done.

Brian Kelly:
And I'm just amped. I'm so excited. I'm going to start sweating any moment this special edition. Because of this. We have a t shirt here, Warriors in Need. We're going to be talking about this incredible organization, not only from the standpoint of what it can do for our wonderful vets. Also, how Mr. Ben Ingram has applied his strategies and techniques to grow it as a business, because it is even though it's a nonprofit, it is a business. And he is absolutely a phenomenal entrepreneur. And he just shared with me some super exciting news that they pulled on a brand new sponsor. I'll let him take that one and let you know what that's all about. So I have a very short intro tonight. That is it. Because I want to get to this man, and I want to get to him only for the purpose of sharing him with you. You are going to love this guy as much as I do. We only met online a several months ago. We scheduled this show finally here. I'm so happy it's here right after Memorial Day. Ladies and gentlemen, let's bring him on, shall we? Yeah. Let's show.

It's time for the guest expert. Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big league. Qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there he. Is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one. It is the only Ben Ingram. Welcome, buddy. Welcome to the show. How are you doing, my friend?

Ben Ingram:
I'm doing fantastic. Thank you. Brian, that was a great intro. I'm. I'm honored to be here.

Brian Kelly:
Thank you. Oh, speaking of intros. Oh, just wait, we got more to bring on this amazing individual. Is that all right? Ben, can I give you some more intro? Pump you up a little more.

Ben Ingram:
All right, let's go, let's go.

Brian Kelly:
All right, I love it I love it. Yeah. Marine Corps veteran, aviation expert and dedicated entrepreneur on a mission to empower the veteran community. That is this man Ben Ingram as the founder of Warriors in Need. Come on now win. What better acronym can you think of? That's amazing. Win. He is a, uh, they he has recently established a 500 and 1C3 nonprofit, and he's passionately committed to serving people and supporting fellow veterans through Win. They strive to provide essential resources and assistance to those who have bravely served our country. Oh, this is awesome. His journey in aviation has been nothing short of extraordinary, encompassing roles as a mechanic, a pilot and airborne payload and weapons operator. Wow. With a wealth of experience in both military and civilian spheres, including serving the Navy as a DoD civilian in the weapons test community, you don't see that very often. He brings a unique blend of expertise to the table. Beyond his professional pursuits, he proudly embraces the roles of a loving father and husband, finding fulfillment in both family life and community service. And right before I know that, it's just a big tease so far. Before we bring him on officially, formally, I'd like you all to take a look at this. Wonderful. Video. Spot of the man, the myth, the legend Ben Ingram. Here we go.

Ben Ingram:
To my fellow veterans, if you're feeling uncertain about your post-service career, we have a roadmap. We have opportunity here for you. At Warriors in Need, we have the tools to help you realize how successful you can be in your post-service career, and we will help you every step of the way achieve your goals. We will overcome all obstacles and break through all barriers. To accomplish this mission, Warriors in Need partners with companies to train and educate veterans and disabled veterans. It's not just about finding a job, it's about finding a meaningful career. As they successfully transition and find their place in a new civilian life.

Brian Kelly:
Boom! There you go. What's that sign? You sign me.

Ben Ingram:

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. That was. It's very inspirational. And I love the background music. I love your mission. I love the purpose of this. And we can kind of kick this off by discussing what is going on in one's mind, especially yours. When starting something like this up. Not only starting it up, but then now trying to get it off the ground and grow it to where you are becoming self fulfilled. Being you have sponsorship, you have donations, you have what you need to keep this going for the veterans. This isn't for Ben Ingram, ladies and gentlemen. This is for his brothers and sisters and our brothers and sisters. We're all brothers and sisters in Christ. And I love this man because, um, there's just so little not to love, I'm telling you. And so for you, Ben, when you get up in the morning and you have this facing you, I mean, I cannot imagine nonprofit, in my opinion, would be even harder to stand up and get rolling, uh, than a regular business, because you have to convince more people outside of yourself than yourself. You have to ask for people for donations. Get get people to sign on. Your mission has to be powerful and it has to resonate with them. In addition to just yourself. As a business owner myself, I don't have to answer anybody. Whatever I want to do, I just do it. But you have a different, um, whole task to go through. So, you know, going through this, I'm curious what when you get up in the morning and you're knowing, you're realizing all of these arduous, arduous tasks are in front of you, some that are, you know, seemingly not even able to be completed at times. I'm sure that's gone through your your mind and you're looking for donors and sponsors. You're looking for team members to help out. I mean, day after day after day, there's got to be challenge after challenge challenge. So for you, when you get up in the morning and you're coming to what is going on in your big, beautiful brain that is keeping you driven, focused, disciplined, and just saying, I'm never going to quit. What is that one thing that is keeping you going and motivated?

Ben Ingram:
Before I answer that, Brian, um, if I could just on the heels of this Memorial Day, um, just remember for a moment our veteran brothers that gave everything so we could be here doing this, uh, and for this country, uh, you will not be forgotten. And you are part of what motivates me every single day to do this. Um. God, my family, the love for my family, my veterans, and. And the loss of one of my best friends to suicide. That's what is on my mind every morning when I get up and motivates me to do this day after day.

Brian Kelly:
And that's powerful. I mean, all of it. That's a lot of we always say find your why because that why is what's going to keep you going no matter what. Because there are tough times. We have these peaks and we have these valleys. And then there are times where I know I've been through it, where I feel like, why the heck do I just why don't I just throw in the towel? It'd be so much easier just to, you know, go get a job and stay with that and and just get the weekly or bi weekly paycheck and just be comfortable. Why go through that now? You're going above and beyond doing this for other people, for a nonprofit to help others. And so has that ever crossed your mind as you're going through this? I mean, it's been quite a while now that you've been you've stood up this this organization, and you're building it. You're having success. As we were discussing just before the the show opened, which is so excited for you for. But have there been times where you said, gosh darn it, this is too much, too hard? I just, I, I'm just going to throw in the towel. Has that ever crossed your mind?

Ben Ingram:
Yes it has. Um, and most recently. You know, uh, just at the launch of the website, at the launch of our product, uh, the academy starts in, in about a month and a half. There's there's just so much to do. And, um, you know, you're short handed. You're asking for volunteers. You know, um, everybody's happy to give you a 30 or $40,000 support, but I need a 30 or $40,000 handshake. You know, it's it's tough. And I was recently invited to an incredible birthday party, um, Hollywood style, down in Malibu. And I was, uh, I met with a reporter there, a prestigious, uh, LA reporter. I'll save the name. Um, and she was interested and asking me about warriors in need, what we're doing, uh, how we're supporting. And then about 5 or 6 minutes into the conversation, she just says, you know, why are you doing this when there's so many other organizations out there that are already doing what you're trying to do? And in that moment I thought, wow, what am I doing? Am I wasting all of these resources? Am I wasting my time and all of these wonderful people's time with this? It just like in that moment I thought, Holy cow, I gotta, I gotta rethink all of this. And um, and then it hit me, you know, uh. If this job was getting done, we wouldn't have over 100,000 veterans that have committed suicide since nine over 11. We would possibly even have Josh here today. So this mission is is is not complete. This this, uh, you know, there's work to do and it's, you know, we're here, we're on scene, and we're here to help. Um, you know, until we can make some sort of impact and get ahead of this thing. Um, everybody that has the ability to help and provide, uh, needs to jump in and help us. Uh, there are some great organizations out there doing some great work, and I'm inspired by all of them. And, you know, we are just arriving on the scene. Uh, but we are here. And this is a very real problem that needs our help. These veterans are in my backyard. Aviation's in my front yard. We're going to help get as many veterans transitioned into our community and help them through these times and help combat this suicide and homelessness issue that we're plagued with right now.

Brian Kelly:
Uh, I, I'm like speechless. And that's that's like impossible. Bryan. Speechless. Are you kidding? I love what you're doing. Your mission, your purpose. I love how it's going to impact, uh, you know, Warriors in Need is a perfect name for it. You shared with me some time ago how that even came into being, like the acronym. And it was a it seemed like a proud moment for you. So how did you guys come up with this? This is like the greatest acronym on the planet for any kind of business organization. How did that come to be?

Ben Ingram:
We're pretty proud of it. Um, so so we we lost Josh, uh, my, one of my best friends to suicide, um, and 20, 21, and we, um, you know, we had known this was coming for a while. Uh, we saw him, you know, declining and struggling, and Josh and I, we've been racing together. Uh, cars, bikes, anything. We can race, uh, since 1997. Um, I still have my my time slips from the Pomona Street legal drags. The first time we raced each other him in his 1971 Cuda, and me and my 1968 Roadrunner. Like, I mean, just some of the greatest memories over the last 30 years. Um, with Josh and racing and cars and bikes. Anyhow, we were using motorcycles as therapy. Um, we were at the track a couple of times a month with Josh and, um, you know, sadly, uh, you know, there's some tragedy in his life and, uh, and we lost him. So on the heels of that, uh, you know, the family and I were sitting around the campfire at the racetrack, and we're trying to figure out what we're going to do going forward, how we're going to support, uh, we had started a GoFundMe. We had raised about 10,000 cash in our GoFundMe for the family. And then, uh, we had, uh, we had purchased one of the motorcycles out of, um, the estate to help out with burial fees and things like that, help the family out. Uh, anyhow, sitting around the campfire, we were we were just thinking about how we wanted to do this, you know, for the rest of our lives. We wanted to help. We want to. We want to be a part of, um, you know, this this community that's fighting veteran suicide. And so we thought we would host veterans at the track and teach them about this sport that we love. Um, I even have a couple of paraplegic friends that, uh, ride motorcycles and one that races on the track with us. And I thought, son of a gun. If I can set up a school, teach guys how to ride bikes. Um, you know, we just had this great idea, and and so in the midst of all that, my 20 year old son at the time, you know, says, dad, how about the name Warriors in Need?

Ben Ingram:
And I was like, wow, that sounds freaking awesome. Let's let's see if they got the website. And I start texting my friend who's in marketing, hey, how do you get a website? Like, I didn't even know how to get a website. And I tell him the name and he's like, there's no way you know that that's available. And James says, hey, dad, I didn't even tell you the best part. The acronym is going to be win. And I, you know, now I'm going nuts and Steven's going nuts. And next thing I know, Steven's going even crazier. He's like, hey, the website's available Warriors indeed.com. It's there. So we get the website and off we go. We set up, uh, win Warriors in Need our our trackside hospitality event, motorcycle training, racing. You know. Um, yeah. That's how it that's how win was born on the racetrack. And uh, and the memory of Josh.

Brian Kelly:
That is phenomenal.

Ben Ingram:
And it's evolved a little bit. But but that was the beginning.

Brian Kelly:
It has and I, I remember when we first met it was just online like this, uh, getting to know each other several months ago. And I remember that you had a basic website up, and now that thing has taken off. It's got legs. It's doing wonderful. So I just want to pull that up for folks to get a visual of it. Those of you watching on the, uh, live here on the Mind Body business show. And if you're not, by the way, you need to get on over here. It's the mind body business, show.com. And you click on any button and it will tell you how and where to, uh, engage with us. We love engagement, answering questions, people saying hi, giving shout outs, where are you from? All that great stuff. But there you see on the screen. For those of you watching, if you're listening on podcast only, it's Warriors in need.com and you'll see what we're seeing. And on this front page it's phenomenal. You see that video we just played in? The intro of the show is right there. And then you see donate to Win Warriors in Need. And they have all these other things. They now have a shop up. The first thing I asked, one of the first things I asked you, uh, Ben, was, hey man, how can I score one of those t shirts? Do you have a place I can go buy that? Uh, we don't have that up yet, but we're working on it. Well, guess what, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. There it is. Oh.

Ben Ingram:
There we go. I love it.

Brian Kelly:
So when this arrived in my mailbox, I said they must have this thing up and running. Now, this is awesome. I mean, come on, look at that. That American flag that just pops right there.

Ben Ingram:

Brian Kelly:
God, I love that. It's all white.

Ben Ingram:
That looks good on you.

Brian Kelly:
It just thinks.

Ben Ingram:
That the best work. You ever had, Brian. Best luck you ever had.

Brian Kelly:
Uh, I'll get my wife to concur with that later. That'll be awesome. So this this is great. And, yes, uh, everything is here. And everything you need to know about their mission is contained here to scroll down and you'll get an idea of the backstory, how they help, um, you know, talking about helping people that have been through the military who are thinking of committing suicide. And, uh, that's one of the reasons you're here, is to help prevent that from happening, to get the word out, to get more help to these warriors who need it. And you also do other things, uh, that I'd love for you to cover, which has to do with, you know, mechanics and things, those that have been working on aircraft and what you guys have planned for them and, and those that are leaving their military life and now getting into the regular life, how you're going to help with that transition. So if you want, go ahead and take it away on those 500,000 items I just talked about.

Ben Ingram:
Right. Yes. So so our mission is to, uh, combat veteran suicide. Um, and one of the tools in our shed is, uh, is aviation maintenance. I've been in this industry for 30 years. I started out as a mechanic and a crew chief on a CH 46 helicopter in the Marine Corps. Uh, so this is a space I've been in for my entire life, and we used, um, we're using the OJT path. There's two paths to becoming a licensed aircraft mechanic. One is to go to a trade school. Um, it's about $50,000 for a two year program or, uh, buried deep in the federal regulation. There is an OJT path that you can, uh, that you can utilize as well. That's the path I took Post-marine Corps. So I knew the path. Um, and I wanted to actually host veterans at my own shop and put this together myself while we were while we were coming up with ideas on how to do this, um, one of, uh, one of my, uh, close friends had told me that a local maintenance organization had already stood up an academy using the same OJT program. I reached out to them and, uh, explained to them what I wanted to do with the veterans. And they they were just super excited to take us on as a partner and add a class, the very first veteran, uh, class to, uh, to the schedule July 15th of this year. So this, um, you know, this OJT program, the Academy. Yes. Go ahead. Brian, I'm. Sorry, just real.

Brian Kelly:
Quick, uh, OJT I'm assuming that's on the job training.

Ben Ingram:
Yeah. I'm so sorry. Yeah. On the job. On the job training. So. So what we do is, um, we'll we'll sign, you know, we'll get veterans to apply for this OJT training this on the job training. Um, there's there's no real, um, prerequisite just being a veteran and, uh, you know, interested in mechanics. It doesn't matter if you're a motor T if you're a O3 11, if you're a mortarman, uh, or if you're a helicopter crew chief, it doesn't matter. Everybody's welcome. Um, obviously, your background may, uh, you know, help you propel through the program a little bit faster, at a different pace. But that's okay. Everybody that's accepted to the academy is actually offered a paying position. They get hired into Standard Aero. They work for the company somewhere between 25 and $30 an hour to start with, based on experience and background. And then they'll start this 90 day academy where we teach the veterans just the very basics about business aircraft and in particular, gulfstreams some of the most, um, incredible aircraft we have in our industry. Uh, actually one of the leaders in business aircraft. So once the veterans, uh, graduate the 90 day academy, they'll move out onto the floor and work directly for a lead for the next 18 to 30 months, working on their airframe and powerplant license. And they're off on their aviation career, um, you know, their growth and how fast they make it through the program. Some of that depends on, you know, the time they put in, uh, their background. If if some of these veterans come from the aviation community already, they actually have OJT that we can pull out of their training, um, uh, their training files and apply to this program and accelerate them. So all of that we will handle for them, uh, while they're going through the program, we'll show them exactly, you know, how to get ahead and how to complete this program successfully.

Brian Kelly:
That is fantastic. And there are so many great things about this OJT. So they're learning a craft while they're earning an income. Is that correct?

Ben Ingram:
That's exactly. Right. Learning a craft while earning income.

Brian Kelly:
And you've got these are almost don't like saying former military. They are still military. They will always be in their heart, uh, because you guys form this bond and and it's just something that is with you. Wherever I met a I met a guy the other day. I went to a cigar shop to buy a couple of cigars. My son was going to come over, so we like to go out in the back and nice and have a good time together. And this great, this great man walked in. I I've never met him before. Tall, slender and aged. He's, uh, he's probably in his 70s. He grabbed a cigar. He had this huge smile on his face. He came to the front and he just threw a five onto the counter. He. He was a regular, so he said something, but he had this big, cheerful attitude and he said something, you know, he looked at both the person behind the cash register and he looked at me and acknowledged we were both there and smiled and just chatted it up. I don't remember exactly what he said, but he he dropped a hint that he had served. He wasn't trying to make it known. It just happened through conversation. And I said, oh, did you serve? It goes, yes, I did Vietnam. And he told me he was like, oh my God. So I said, I said, I stopped right there. I said, thank you, sir. He stopped and I walked toward him and I reached out my hand and he shook it. And that's what I do with every vet I ever see. Uh, thank you, uh, Ben as well, for your service and everyone associated with you, please extend that heartfelt thanks to everybody you ever come in contact with from a civilian who's never served. I am so grateful. You have no idea.

Ben Ingram:
Hey, the next best. Thing you can do is, is support, and. And, uh, I do the same thing. You know, I, I shake veterans hands myself. I'm very thankful for every one of them. Um, but, uh, and I wouldn't do it any other way. It was. It was perfect.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Uh, there's just, uh, there's. And then everything that you guys and gals stand for when, you know, like I said, when you guys come out, I have not met one that wasn't like. Oh, gosh, just so respectful. So you can just you can sense the discipline that they learned going through all of the boot camp and whatever else it's called and whatever different, uh, lines of service you came in. But you're, you're like amongst the baddest of the badasses from being a marine because everyone here's a marine like, oh, man, if I'm in a dark alley somewhere. No, I want to be with you. Not I want you next to me. Not I don't want to be in there with you. No, no, no, I want you by my side, brother.

Ben Ingram:
That's a great. Brotherhood. I'm very proud to be part of it.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, man. And then.

Ben Ingram:
Very humbled to. Be part of it.

Brian Kelly:
Is it true. That we should never say ex-Marine or former marine?

Ben Ingram:
Yeah, never. It's once a marine, always a marine. It never goes. Away.

Brian Kelly:
One guy told me that at one point I was like, okay, don't hurt me. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean anything about it. He was a friend. We were just having fun. But I asked another one who said, no, it's not a big deal. I'm like, huh? I'm not sure, but I'll just go with the safe side and just say, uh, Marine Ben Ingram. We gotta do it that way. Have some fun. Uh, speaking of fun, do you allow fun into your life? I mean, you're going through a very, uh, deep emotional process with this for a big reason. You know, for a literally a fallen brother of yours who who committed suicide, and that's just horrific. I can't imagine the emotions that went through. Do you do you what do you do to carve out time to have fun with the business itself and or your family? Because it's so important that we kind of let loose now and then and enjoy the ride?

Ben Ingram:
Yeah, that's a good question. And, uh, you know, it's tough because there's a lot of work to do. Um, I'm a bit of a workaholic. My wife's reminding me all the time, um, that I got to take some time off. So, you know, we're we're a racing family. We've, you know, we love racing. Uh, my wife and I visited the Grand Prix's back in the day in Long Beach. And, you know, that carried on to my my kids. They all loved going to the racetrack and, and, uh, some of them even racing motorcycles with me. I love to race superbikes. Um, it's a it's a passion of mine. Uh, really enjoyed doing that with Josh. Uh, so I really miss him. And I miss that part, um, of my life. So, um, we recently, uh, we recently took some time off, and, uh, the family likes to camp. We've got a camper, a little trailer we haul around, and, uh, we went up to Laguna Seca to the Ferrari Challenge weekend. Watched a bunch of supercars and ex cars roll around the track. My girls were there. My wife, the dog. You know, we're just all there, having a good time camping, listening to loud cars and and just enjoying ourselves. So a lot of fun. We still we still do it. We, you know, I definitely make some time. Not enough. And I haven't been on the bike in almost nine months, uh, maybe ten months now. So I'm itching, you know, um, but there's work to do. I think once we get this academy off the ground and, uh, a couple of these boxes checked, um, we can throttle back a little bit, but right now, we're, you know, we're right at the the peak. We've we've got that boulder and it's it's almost to the top of the hill. So just a little bit. Further and we can relax. Just just enough. Um. Maybe not let the rope go slack, but, you know, take some time for us, regenerate and come back at it.

Brian Kelly:
Wow. I can so relate to, uh, the workaholic, uh, you know, mindset and that almost that almost crushed our relationship some time ago because of me. Oh, look at that. Kelly Heffernan says. Hey, mister. Hi, mister. Ben. So proud of you.

Ben Ingram:
I love you, Kelly. That's. She's a great family friend. That's awesome. We we've we have spectators. That's awesome.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, yes. Absolutely. And oh my gosh, there were so many things I was going to comment on when you said everything you just said. It was so amazing about having fun because I almost and this is important that this gets brought up to the forefront for everyone out there, men, women alike is it can consume your life completely. Uh, if you are that passionate about something you love doing it, then it doesn't feel like work at times and it's something you just enjoy doing. You get used to doing it, and then you realize, my gosh, if I just keep working harder, we'll finally get to that, that pinnacle that we were looking for and maybe dial it down, which, uh, yeah, that's a very common, uh, thought process. I was in a point where I was commuting to work. I was working a full time job. I'd come home, that was my full time job. Then I'd do my entrepreneurial job for another five, six hours. This is after a two hour round trip commute, actually more than two hour round trip. And, you know, my wife's telling me dinner's ready. I'm upstairs banging away. Yeah, I'll get there. I would actually get angry at times, like I'm working, you know? And I'm like, looking back, what an idiot I was. God just. But thankfully, she. I'll never forget. We're in a park with a it was an event for our kids. And she pulled me to the side and says, we need to talk. It's like we all know what that means, don't we, husbands? And so thankfully she did, because, uh, yesterday we celebrated our 35th year of being married together.

Ben Ingram:

Brian Kelly:
Communication. Thank you. Communication is key. But please, everyone, including Mr. Ben Ingram, have some fun in your life. Carve it out and get some good needed rest. And, uh, man, I just know you're going to crush it even more. And speaking of that, you know, you had some. To me, this was news. Brand new news. Because you didn't have this in place before. You were telling me, hey, you have an older shirt, I want you to get the newer shirt. And so I'm leaving that as a segue. Yes, for you to explain. Why did you tell me that? Is there something some big news that came out? Uh, I'd love to hear about that.

Ben Ingram:
Well, and. And these are the reasons why I can't stop. Every day these new things pop up, and I. They need to be addressed. But, um, you're right. It's it's difficult to find balance, but you have to. I'm. I'm married for 30 years this year, and I have a loving and beautiful wife and four kids that remind me all the time. Hey, we're here too. And, um, you know, they support, but, you know, they're absolutely right. We're we're just we'll grind ourselves to the bone, and, uh, and we can't do that. There's. We have other responsibilities, too. Um, but to, uh, to your point there, um, yes, we we have all kinds of great sponsors. Um, and one of our most recent sponsors is Snap-on tools. And it's a, it's a partnership that's, um, giving us an incredible discount on tools. It's going to allow us to provide, um, some of the best tools that, uh, as a craftsman, as a mechanic that you can, you can, um, possess to our mechanics as they, they graduate the academy. So, um, I'm super proud, and I cannot wait to have a toolbox and a set of tools out there for these veterans to actually be able to see and put their hands on, you know, this equipment that, you know, once they finish their academy and they move out on the floor and start their OJT program, they're going to go out there with the best tools the industry has to offer. And we thank, uh, Nick and Snap-on tools for for making that possible for us.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, wow. And so please emphasize how great quality these are because I had a different impression many, many years ago when craftsman was the the facto one to go with. But it sounds like Snap-on has met and surpassed their quality and a lot of things about them. And you better than anybody, know you've used their tools, uh, in your vocation. So tell us, like, how great are they? Are they fantastic?

Ben Ingram:
Incredible. There's there's none better. Um, you know, it's when I'm a when I was a young mechanic, I ran out there with my, my craftsman tools and my harbor freight tools, and I'm sorry, craftsman Harbor freight, but, um, you know, you think you're getting the job done until you get to, you know, some close tolerance, high temperature turbine engine, and you break your sockets off and you've stripped out a bolt, and now it's, you know, thousands of dollars and hours of of, you know, special labor and lasers to. To take a case apart that you should have had pulled apart in about 30 minutes. You get those close tolerance, you know, high strength snap on tools on the project and you're done in short order. So it's there's nothing like them there. The every toolbox out on the floor here has is a snap on and has a bunch of snap on tools in it.

Brian Kelly:
That's fantastic. And you mentioned, uh, also to me before we came on that folks that go through your OJT and go, they they become certified or they reach the end. What what kind of time does that take? What's the prerequisite for that? And then when they're done what do they get.

Ben Ingram:
So yeah. Our our hope is that we can provide a, a snap on tool chest with a set of tools once they graduate the 90 day academy. That's the beginning of their OJT program when they when they graduate the academy and move out onto the floor to work, um, under the, under the, the wings and of the leads and actually begin to, to maintain and use their craft out on the floor, they'll roll out onto the floor with a brand new set of snap on tools. That's that's the goal here. And, uh, the the biggest hurdle was, you know, getting the partnership with snap on. And we have that partnership now.

Brian Kelly:
And congratulate I am so freaking happy.

Ben Ingram:
For you. We're we're. Super excited. Um, uh, I wish this I wish I had this when I started.

Brian Kelly:
I'm thinking, man, I may go through the academy just for the tools in 90 days. That ain't that much of a commitment. That's pretty good.

Ben Ingram:
Sign you up. Come on, bro, be nonmilitary. You know, the. Academy is for everybody. Honestly, um, we are. You know, we're fortunate to, um, to have this partnership and have standard aero dedicate classes, um, to the veterans and partner with us on this, uh, on this mission. Um, but they do accept. Uh non-veteran. Uh, um, applicants as well. So this isn't exclusive to veterans. We just have, uh, a partnership and an agreement for a certain number of veteran students to go through this, uh, academy. Um, Brian, this is the. This is our first academy. And should we be successful? Um, you know, Standard Aero is a nationwide company. The hope is. And the discussion is to take this to five of their, you know, 50 locations, but the five largest that can, uh, that can accommodate this academy. So we could be in Augusta, Georgia, Houston, I think. Houston, Texas, um, uh, I believe, uh, Springfield, Illinois, they've got locations all over the country. So if we're successful and I know we will be once we're successful, we're going to take this thing across the nation.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, fantastic. And when you get to come out to Florida for any reason, give us a call. Because we got a room for you, buddy. You don't have to pay for any hotel.

Ben Ingram:
You got.

Brian Kelly:
It. You are here. Oh, Billy Culligan says I know Ben. He is so passionate about win. It's incredible. Great. Great guy in every way. And very well spoken. Bravo! With many applause.

Ben Ingram:
Thank you. Billy. There's a good friend of mine right there. Love that man.

Brian Kelly:
Uh, I. And it's obvious he also loves you as well. And you know what? I barely know you. But I love you. You're just an awesome man. And, uh, what you're doing, you know, to love you as a brother in Christ, love you. And just for what you're doing for others. Your heart, your. You're an amazing guy. And anyone who crosses paths with you is is definitely blessed to have done so. What? No matter how deeply they got to know you. Uh, I'm just I'm blessed. I've gotten to know you better than probably 90% of the people that will go to your website that will, you know, hopefully not, because, you know, you'll probably be out there being the spokesperson, going from place to place, taking your family with you on these wonderful, exotic locations everywhere you go to speak and having a great time doing it.

Ben Ingram:
I like that, I. Love that. Yeah. You know. My wife is listening right now, so.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, is she on the site doing the Arsenio?

Ben Ingram:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, she's she's probably writing down all those locations. Sorry.

Brian Kelly:
I'll apologize. Now. Don't hurt me.

Ben Ingram:
Some long. Overdue trips.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Oh my. Goodness. So, um, let's let's shift gears back to business. So. Okay. I would imagine, uh, that you have read some books in your, in your journey to learn what you've learned to help you to build this incredible organization. Like, I'm wondering what business related book has inspired you the most? I'm just curious if there's any book you could think of anyone at all.

Ben Ingram:
What what I have, I have the book. Yes. That was a super surprise, by the way. It's it's a great book, Brian. Great book. Um, you know, I'll tell you what, though, I, I'd like to say I've read more books. I don't have a huge library of books. Um, uh, but I do love to read and I love to read about. And, um, you know, just entrepreneurs. I love it, but I gotta be honest, you guys are all saying the same thing. You're just saying it in a different way. Uh, and and it's it's just awesome to, you know, just to see the different perspectives and, and just have those aha moments like, oh, that's this here's how I apply that already or oh, that's a great tool I can use. I'm going to add that to my, to my, uh, quiver of arrows here, you know. Um, but yeah, that's definitely one. But, uh, I'd be I'd be remiss in my duties as a business owner and and professional if I didn't, if I didn't show this book right here.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, yes. I'm reading that one right now.

Ben Ingram:
Yeah. Um. Game changer. Pivotal moment in my life. We don't have enough time in the podcast to tell this story, but, um, this is the greatest. This is the greatest book, uh, that I've, I've read and has had the most impact on me since I've read this book, extreme ownership. Uh, this is, uh, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, and, and I encourage everybody, anybody a parent, a leader, uh, you know, whatever. Uh, just some high school student. You buy it for your children. It's an incredible book. There are incredible rules, very simple. And if you apply these techniques, um, anybody can be successful if you really understand and learn extreme ownership and the rules that they that they, they teach, anybody can be successful. Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
And I love how they ping pong back and forth. One talks business. The other one comes in talks about a military experience. And they they are always intertwined. And it makes it riveting. And you're like listening like you know, and I keep thinking, my God, this this stuff really happened. You know, I had to keep telling myself, oh.

Ben Ingram:
Yeah, these dudes.

Brian Kelly:
Were on the they were in it. I mean, in the worst.

Ben Ingram:
Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, we used to tell stories about our bullshit back in the 90s, you know, deploying to Somalia or, you know, whatever. But we don't even tell our stories anymore. These guys, these guys are the real deal, you know? And when when you have men's lives, when you have your brother's lives in your hands every day, um, you know, you can't make a mistake there. Um, their leadership has to be spot on. Has to be perfect. Um, because, yeah, it's it's detrimental. And, um, you know, the way they can take, uh, you know, military experience and turn that into, uh, an example of how we can apply those techniques in business. It's it's it's awesome. It's incredible. Um, so on the heels of reading that book, I actually quit my government job. I came right back to, um, you know, business aviation, threw myself in the trenches and started all of this that I'm doing right now. So that was, uh, that was a pivotal moment. Moment, a great book for me.

Brian Kelly:
And you've obviously had impact on many people with your leadership style. If you don't mind, I'm going to share a little thing that happened right before we came on, and that was you needed someone to make an update to your website, and we had ten minutes to go before we went on air. He said, would it be okay if I called my guys? I said, absolutely, we got ten minutes. That's forever. He not only called one, he called two. And I'll let you know. Ben, it has been fixed. I already checked it and so.

Ben Ingram:
Oh really?

Brian Kelly:

Ben Ingram:
I love these guys I have. Look, Brian, you know, you asked me about, you know, leadership and leadership and having a business, things like that. You know, how how how are you successful? What are the what are some of the most important tools for being successful? The most important tool is people and relationships. You have got to build relationships with as many people as you can. Be helpful, be kind, and those people will help you succeed. And I can't tell you how many amazing people I have met on this journey. My my friend group has grown immensely. Um, you know, there are just I can't say enough about the people that are that are getting involved right now, getting on board with this. And you just you just saw that firsthand. Amazing. Amazing. Yeah. Thank you.

Brian Kelly:

Ben Ingram:
And thank you, Zach. And thank you, Stephen. You know, two amazing people in my life.

Brian Kelly:
Um. They do you see that? Everybody watching and listening who is aspiring to start a business, whether it's nonprofit or for profit, this is how you treat the people that work with you. I never say anybody, I don't care. Employee, VA, janitor. They don't work for me. They work with me. Nobody works for me. We're a team. And, uh, I see you have that team mentality when it comes to your your team as well. Oh, we have somebody you probably know goes by the name of Mitch L, which I think is Michelle. With Benny on your team, you can only win. Love you. Honey, do you know that person by chance? Any.

Ben Ingram:
Any? I might know her.

Brian Kelly:
And this one's awesome. Is Karen McCullough said. Just ordered some merch. Good job. Ben. Let's go get that merch out there. That's right. And as a quick reminder, I am going to do this more than I normally do because there's such a great reason for it. And that is to make sure to go to their website and donate, maybe order a merchandise or just donate directly. There it is. I was looking for my magical button to bring it up. So please go to Warriors In-need com and donate any amount you can and I'll put that up on the on the screen so you can see exactly where you can go. Maybe I will very soon we'll get my buttons straight and here it comes. So you'll see it sticks out right there. That nice yellow donate button. Click that. Or you can go to yes they can go there support win and then donate there. And there's some cool merch. As our audience member just stated, there's a t shirt that both Ben and I are sporting. Oh, I love this thing with the.

Ben Ingram:
New snap on. Logos. Yeah, we got our flag.

Brian Kelly:
So yeah, I'm gonna I'm gonna order a couple shirts. One for myself, one for my son to have the snap on well represented because I appreciate them for sponsoring you guys. So let's help everybody we can. And then, uh, my gosh, the hat. Come on now. And then a sticker. Just go in there, do whatever you can buy, buy a set for your family or donate or do both. Do both would be even better. Because the more you help Ben and his organization, you can tell what a stand up guy is, how passionate he is. So think about that. Your money is going into an organization that Ben is the leader of, and can you imagine anyone else you would want to be the leader of that organization? I can't. He is passionate about what he's doing. He's going to put that money to the best use he possibly can. He has scored. Snap on tools. Come on. It's only going to go crazy from here. And every dollar you put into this is going to help it get that much farther. And the real reason isn't for Ben and his organization. It is to help veterans, those that are potentially thinking about suicide or are in need of skills and training and a job once they get out. He's also got that set up. So, so many other things, I'm sure, coming down the pike and maybe you have some, I don't know, maybe I've not touched on all of them. Uh, maybe I have so far, but you probably have ideas going in the future. I'm only imagining.

Ben Ingram:
Brian. We have so many ideas, um, and so many partners and sponsors. We have not abandoned our, um, our motorcycle racing hospitality idea. We actually sponsor a youth race team. So if anybody's into motorcycle racing, please, uh, look up Fernandez racing. Uh, they race the Junior Cup at MotoAmerica. They, they do about six events per year. Uh, Jaden and Juliana are, you know, top tier performers. They get on the podium and, uh, they're wearing our colors. We partner, uh, in that sponsorship with an awesome company called Lido Factory who actually makes all of our apparel, um, our canopies, all of our equipment for our, uh, fundraisers. Um, so, uh, obviously we have standard aero, we have the academy, uh, we have snap-on tools. Uh, we also are partnered with our own company. I don't know that we really touched on this, but, uh, to support and kick off all of this, um, we we acquired an aircraft cleaning company, uh, last year, and, uh, the company is called Graham. Uh, we're based in the LA and Burbank area cleaning business. Aircraft. Um, Graham is a sponsor of Warriors in Need as well. And, uh, and that's my my, uh, that's my first personal business. Really? Um, we did try a business years ago, but this one is it's very successful. And using those tools that we talked about, you know, caring about people, um, we have, um, uh, we have a profit sharing program that allows all of our employees to have a piece of the business and, uh, you know, in return, uh, they come in happy every day to, you know, to turn out the best work and the best product we are, um, we are probably the leading cleaning company in this area. And I expect we'll just grow and just, you know, go vertical from here. Um, but very grateful for all of our sponsors, all of our friends, um, everybody that's helping us in this, uh, in this mission.

Brian Kelly:
And I don't know if it's still true or not. I remember the first time we met and talked. I believe at that point there wasn't anyone that's working in your organization that actually was pulling in any kind of salary to do so. Was that true then?

Ben Ingram:
Yeah, that that was true. Yes, that is absolutely true.

Brian Kelly:
And so if that hasn't changed, we want that to change for sure, so that the people doing the work have more incentive to do it. I mean come on, we all have to actually eat, uh, food and, you know, put pay our mortgages and stuff. And so are you are you getting to that point, do you think.

Ben Ingram:
Um, um. We're not quite there yet. We have, uh, we have a couple of contractors that are helping us, and they're they're super key, um, players in, in getting us over this hump. But, um, no, we haven't we're not to the point where we can have full time employees that can that can keep this machine turning. But we're getting close. Uh, and that's why, you know, through public donations and things like that, we can, you know, buying the merch, 100% of the of the profits go back to warriors in need. Uh, these are all ways, you know, follow us on Instagram. Uh, follow us on Facebook and and spread the word. Help. Help us. Um, you know, help us help the veterans and help us fight veteran suicide, please.

Brian Kelly:
Uh, I love it. And I did all that on purpose. Ben, I asked you those questions because what that does is, it further solidifies what an incredible leader you are. Because two gentlemen that you called with no notice said we have a what do you say, a three. Three alarm fire, a three alarm alert, something. It was like, whoa, really?

Ben Ingram:
We have a prairie fire emergency.

Brian Kelly:
And, uh, two guys who who are not getting paid to do what they do responded in minutes and literally minutes. Yeah. And that that shows incredible leadership. I just want to give you a big kudos, Ben, because that's proof right there. If there if anyone ever needs proof, I will tell you right there. That is proof because they are doing this on a volunteer basis at the moment. And so kudos they are.

Ben Ingram:
I love these guys so much for what they do for us. Um, they believe in the mission and uh. I can't say. Enough about them.

Brian Kelly:
My goodness. This is just, uh, you know, I'm looking through the website and just. I'm in awe of what you guys have achieved in just the short period of time between the last time you and I spoke with nothing but volunteers, and I shouldn't say nothing, but, uh, because I don't want to demean it in any way. But everything.

Ben Ingram:
We have. We have nine veterans that are in the, in the, on our radar for the for the program on July 15th. We have we have three that are going to interview next week and hopefully another 4 or 5 that'll interview shortly after. Uh, our goal is to get 15 veterans signed up. So, you know, if there's any veterans out there, if you know any veterans, um, that are needing to transition or, you know, interested in aviation and aviation maintenance career, this is the perfect program to start your aviation maintenance career. I wish this was available when I was starting. Um, we will we will propel veterans, you know, to the top in short order. It took me 30 years to get. I'm at the pinnacle. I'm a maintenance director for a prestigious LA based, uh, company. I couldn't be happier with where I'm at. I always wanted to be here in my in my general aviation career. Um. I'm there, I'm here. And so now I'm going to help others get here, and we can get them to the same place that I'm at right now. And I would say, realistically, 3 to 5 years. So it may seem like a little bit of a grind, but it will it will pay off in the end. This is a phenomenal industry. We're shorthanded for personnel. Um, we have awesome aircraft to work on. Uh, there's travel, there's phenomenal tooling, there's camaraderie. There's a ton of veterans here. Um, you know, Nick and I are close to this whole thing. Nick Matthews is my partner. And all this, I. You know, next time we need to get Nick on here with us. He's he's my my Marine Corps brother and partner in all of that we're doing here. Uh, without him, Graham wouldn't be as successful as it is. But, uh, we're going to keep our hands on this, um, personally, and make sure that all these vets that sign up will graduate and become successful mechanics like we are.

Brian Kelly:
Is it Nick Matthews?

Ben Ingram:
Yeah. Nick Matthews. Yes.

Brian Kelly:
Looking at your, uh, so I mean, you already have this incredible organization all set up, and I'm doing this on purpose so that future sponsors and those of you who are looking to donate can see this is not a fly by night organization. It is anything but. It has been thought of and and worked on from top to bottom. Look at the number of people that he has working with him right now. Not a single person on salary. Oh, I saw C-130. I've worked on those. That's pretty cool. Yeah. As a, uh, as a civilian.

Ben Ingram:
Yes. Yeah. Shout out to Nick Matthews. Um, you know, awesome marine. He's been in the industry for 30 plus years, and I couldn't have a better business partner in this right now. Um, just awesome leader that the team loves him, and he's out on point for Graham, and he's shoulder to shoulder with me in the trenches on warriors and need every day. Jen Apke, uh, retired colonel. She's a Black Hawk pilot, combat vet. She's just an incredible human. Brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, ideas. Um, you know, she's led with with so many, uh, you know, so many things that have helped push us and propel us forward in the last year. Nate Forsch, a marine, phenomenal leader. Um, you know, he he handles the finances. Marine that knows money. You know, uh, I don't know. That's kind of questionable. But anyhow, this guy is is just he's a he's a huge supporter. He fell in love with our organization the minute we introduced it to him, to it. And, uh, he's there every week just grinding away on the accounting end of this thing and, you know, supporting through, uh, local VFW and other organizations that, uh, that he's that he's part of here. So, um, you know, love him to death. And then Zach Valadon, uh, just, uh, awesome human. Uh, he's actually my son, and, uh, he is a phenomenal writer. He's an incredible musician. He supported several, um, nonprofits in the past, worked in grant writing and things like that. So he brings a ton of, you know, a ton to the table for us. So we've got an awesome team. And we're actually we actually have a lot of others, um, great people stacked up to come on board. So, um, you know, we're getting there, Brian. We're getting. Close.

Brian Kelly:
That was like calling out the starting defensive line in an NFL football game. That was cool. You know what?

Ben Ingram:
You know? Awesome. Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
You know, it would be really awesome. You know how they're putting all those, um, sometimes crazy sayings on the back of their helmet in that white foam area? I think they should put win.

Ben Ingram:
Come on. Ah, man, that would be awesome. I mean, that would be. Really cool if we could get if we could get the NFL on board. Ooh.

Brian Kelly:
And then, you know, you know somebody. Do you know somebody? Yeah. That would I wish I did, man I would be all over that. And the NBA uh, Major league baseball, all of it. I mean, come on, they should, uh, they should stamp every bat with win. That would be awesome.

Ben Ingram:
We just need to call Taylor Swift. And we're in.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, that was good. That was good. Oh my God. Thinking of good. See? You're so good. We're only five minutes out from the end of this show already. I cannot believe it. Oh, there's so much more to tell.

Ben Ingram:
We gotta do it again.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, absolutely. I would love to have you on. I would love let's do that. Let's plan it. Have a check in. Uh, you can call how long you want to do it from the future. Because what we'll do is we'll check in and see how the organization's doing by then. So be kind of a accountability fulfillment show, if you will. We should.

Ben Ingram:
Have the first. Class graduating, uh, October 15th or so. And, uh, we're going to we'll have a large event, a graduation ceremony. Maybe we can line something up there.

Brian Kelly:
Okay. Quick question on that. Is that going to be in the same area like the LA area? Yes.

Ben Ingram:
Yeah. That's the academy. The the start up academy is in Van Nuys, California which is LA.

Brian Kelly:
Okay I know. Yes. Yep. I did a lot of time in Burbank, uh, working for some of the, uh, major contractors to the DoD for sure.

Ben Ingram:
Okay. Yeah, that's. Where I'm based out of. I'm in Burbank. So if anybody listening, you know, wants to come down, have a look, get any sort of orientation. I'm here all the time. Come on down. I'm happy to show everybody what we're doing. Um, we'll tour some airplanes. We'll. We'll check out the fbos. It's like JJ, the jet plane. When you walk out on the ramp here, you got the the trains, you got the big heavy haulers, you got all the corporate aircraft. It's awesome. It's it's it's a great place to be.

Brian Kelly:
Ah. See just right there, the love, the passion. It's just oozing. It's dripping down the monitor right now. This is awesome. Hahaha I love.

Ben Ingram:
It I can't I can't hide it. I love what I do, I love the people I work for, I work for some of the most incredible people, um, you know, and yeah, it's I want everybody to, to have a little piece of this.

Brian Kelly:
Alright. Speaking of piece of this, um, I've got something I normally give away as a gift to one lucky winner of the show, uh, as a drawing. And I've decided that everyone and anyone who enters to win will be a winner. And so it's a five night vacation. Stay at a five star luxury resort in a resort of your choosing. They are there. I mean, you can't choose any resort out there. There are some, but they are all over the world. Uh, it's not one of those things where they're going to say Welcome and then drag you down to the basement, strap you on a chair, water drip, torture you, and try to sell you on a timeshare. It's not that. It's not that it is a bona fide, genuine no kidding. Vacation stay. And it's all compliments of Reach your peak. You see their emblem up there on the upper right. And, uh, going to be giving that away to everyone who enters to win. I don't care how many enter, we're going to give it away. How's that sound? All in. Honor of thank you. Ingram and Warriors in need. That is not helping him directly. But I hope that will spur you to say maybe I should give back and maybe donate to Warriors in Need. I hope that's what happens. But, uh, if it doesn't, that's okay too. Go ahead and enter to win. I'll show you how to do that after. The last question. Ben. I used to ask this question on occasion. I've been doing this show for five years and the answers came back so profoundly. I finally woke up and said, oh my gosh, I need to end every show with this question.

Ben Ingram:
Oh man.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, it is like the bomb, brother. And it's not because of the question.

Ben Ingram:
I look up.

Brian Kelly:

Ben Ingram:
I'm a US. Marine, and I'm reserving the right to tell you that I don't like surprises.

Brian Kelly:
I'm so glad we're like a nation apart right now, physically. And hopefully you'll forget by the time we meet in person. But okay, it is a profound question, and it's a really cool question. Before we jump into that and close the show out with incredible power with that question. Uh, here is how you enter to win. Everyone who enters wins this prize. I'm going to put it up on the screen. You must be watching this live. And there are a good number of you on here. So I hope you all take us up on this offer. And, uh, one more caveat it is only good for folks who live in the United States. Apologies up front, but that is what it's, uh. It's not my prize. I've, uh, a contract with a company who gives it away. So Canada and other ones, maybe Canada? I'm not sure, but. Hey, enter to win. See what happens. You never know. All right, so here it is. I'll put it up on the screen real quick. Then we'll come back to the mighty Ben Ingram. So what you want to do is go to report I am forward slash vacation. I would uh I would actually suggest you write that down and don't go there right now. And I'll tell you why in a minute. Write this down report I am forward slash vacation. I'll give you a couple more moments to find a pen and paper or whatever your favorite method of taking notes. Uh, Ben, by the way, guest experts are included in this giveaway, so you'll want to make sure to take note of that as well. And enter.

Ben Ingram:
Sign up.

Brian Kelly:
Yes, report in forward slash vacation. So not to worry everyone, you can actually do this right after we sign off, I want you to be present and focused on Ben's answer to this amazing question so that you don't miss it. So write it down. And then after we say so long for the night, then go ahead and enter. We will be monitoring it for long after the show is over. So don't worry about that. And then you will get your notification that you are a winner because all you have to do is enter. That's it. Every entry wins tonight. This is special, I can't wait. I think Ben's writing it down. I hope he was. If not, your wife is probably doing that. She's probably wearing it right now. I love it. That was it, Michelle. That was awesome. Oh, man. So, uh, real quick word here. Uh, Ben. So what I plan to do with your answer amongst all of my previous is add them to a compilation book and they're going to the title of the book is going to be the Very question itself. And so the reason I tell you that is a two word answer probably won't fill up many pages of that book.

Ben Ingram:
Oh, man. All right. Some pressure. Okay. I think. That.

Brian Kelly:
The build up is pretty awesome, huh? Yeah. Well, thanks for that thumbprint. I'll use that later. Um. So here's the thing. There's two great things about this question, though, Ben. Number one is there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It doesn't exist. It's not a quiz. It's not a test. It's just the opposite. That is the cool thing is, the only correct answer will be yours because it will be unique to you. I know this, I've been doing this a long time and I have not had two people yet answer it the same way. That's why it's so profound. So with this just slight little bit of build up. Are you ready?

Ben Ingram:
I'm ready. Let's go. Hit me with it.

Brian Kelly:
I love it. Alright, here we go. Ben Ingram. How do you define. Success.

Ben Ingram:
That's a good one. I define success when everybody smiling. And I can feel the warmth in my heart. I know that you're probably looking for a little more than that, but it's that simple. You know when. When everyone that's in your life around you. All the employees, everybody that's put their hard work and effort into what we're doing and to supporting us. Is smiling. Every day. And, you know, you just feel that warmth in your heart that you're doing the work that God has called us to do. That's that's success right there.

Brian Kelly:
A ladies and gentlemen, Ben Ingram right there, the man, the myth and soon to be the legend because of when and because of who he is as a person. I wish there were more authentic, God fearing, beautiful men like you in the world. Ben, I appreciate you, I appreciate I know we will be lifelong friends, I'm no doubt. And anytime you're in Florida, you and your wife, you're welcome to hang your hat in our house. We bought this house to share it. We just got here last September.

Ben Ingram:
All right? We love. Florida. We're coming.

Brian Kelly:
I. Love it. And we'll we'll we'll either have a boat by then. We'll rent one. We'll go out and have some fun. We have got the ocean channel right off our back. Back patio here. Perfect. Uh, golf is just the other side across the street from the front. We're ready for you. We'll have some fun. There's your fun right there. Come on. Let me show ink the deal. You don't even need to win the prize. It's. It's included in this deal. It's a package deal.

Ben Ingram:

Brian Kelly:
All right, I love it. Good. I'm. And I'm dead serious.

Ben Ingram:
So I appreciate you, Brian. Thank you so much.

Brian Kelly:
You're very. Welcome. Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the amazing, incredible Ben Ingram, I am your host, Brian Kelly of the Mind Body Business Show. That is it for us for this episode. We cannot wait to see you again on the next one. Until then, everyone, please do two things. Just two things. I'll ask. Number one, go out and crush it in your business so that you can serve more people. And number two, above all else. Two person police. Be blessed. Take care. We'll see you again very, very soon. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast. At www.the mind body business Show.com. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Ben Ingram

Marine Corps veteran, aviation expert, and dedicated entrepreneur on a mission to empower the veteran community.

As the founder of Warriors In Need (WIN), a recently established 501c3 nonprofit, I'm passionately committed to serving and supporting fellow veterans. Through WIN, we strive to provide essential resources and assistance to those who have bravely served our country.

My journey in aviation has been nothing short of extraordinary, encompassing roles as a mechanic, pilot, and airborne payload and weapons operator. With a wealth of experience in both military and civilian spheres, including serving the Navy as a DoD civilian in the weapons test community, I bring a unique blend of expertise to the table.

Beyond my professional pursuits, I proudly embrace the roles of a loving father and husband, finding fulfillment in both family life and community service.

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