Special Guest Expert -Dr. Cliffton Brady

Special Guest Expert - Dr cliffton Brady: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Dr cliffton Brady: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated? And driven. How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. This podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This is the mind body business show.

Brian Kelly:
Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business show. Oh my goodness. Ladies and gentlemen, Doctor Clifton Brady is in the house. I cannot wait to bring him on. This young man is out to change the world in such an amazing and great way. I cannot wait to share his genius, his wisdom, and his heart with you because he's got a big one, a very big heart. And, uh, that is what this show is all about. It's called the Mind Body Business Show because I am seeking and I have sought and have interviewed successful entrepreneurs from all over the world for the express purpose of helping you to do the same, to become successful. And so by interviewing people like Doctor Clifton Brady, I can extract those wonderful little secrets from them that are what are the secrets that made you so successful? What are your habits? What are your strategies? What do you read all of these wonderful questions that will help you to put together the pieces of the puzzle, to achieve success in your life, faster than if you were not to watch this show at all, and not to learn from amazing people like Doctor Clifton Brady. So the Mind Body Business Show is a show that I had developed honestly, with you in mind. The small business person, the entrepreneur, the large business person. It doesn't matter where you are in your walk and it really is comprised of what I call the three pillars of success. These came about as a result of spending about a decade of studying only successful people, and I just was curious what made them more successful than potentially me. What is it? Did they run? I like to say. Did they run and jump and land in their pants with both legs at the same time? Is that how they put on their their pants, their clothes? Uh, what made them different? And literally I was curious about all these kind of things. And what happened were three pillars. They kept bubbling up as I was studying these people bubbling up to the top. And they are literally the three things are the very namesake of the show.

Brian Kelly:
So mind stands for mindset. And so to a person, each of these successful individuals had developed a very powerful, very positive and most importantly, which most people don't even think of. A very flexible mindset. Being an entrepreneur is not for, uh, the weak. And I'm not saying if you're not entrepreneur, you're weak. Just saying. Uh, and body body means that, uh, these successful individuals take care and took care of themselves for those who are no longer with us, uh, of themselves nutritionally and physically. And business is that is very, very multifaceted. And I find it extremely engaging and fun to learn all of the various skill sets that one must master to build a successful business, and then to continue to scale it and grow it. And what kind of skill sets are we talking about? We're talking about, uh, sales, marketing, team building, systematizing leadership. I mean, I could go on for, for some time. And the really great thing about this is what you're going to learn if you if you follow this show at all, you're going to learn the magic of this one word called leverage. And that is all of those skill sets I just rattled off to master. Any one thing can take a very long time. I mean, that could literally have been a lifetime just in the ones I rattled off just then. The good news is you won't have to spend a lifetime mastering them all yourself. If you were to just master one of them, then you could leverage that into the others. How do you do that? I wonder if you want to know. Yes, that is, if you master and concentrate on mastering just one skill set first. And that would be the skill set of leadership. Once you've mastered it, or even your you're on the path to mastering it, you don't have to reach full mastery. As you're mastering, you can start pulling in other individuals into your team, into your realm, uh, joint venture with them, those that have mastered other skill sets that you need, and then you can achieve success faster that way. So it's a wonderful thing, this thing called leverage. And another wonderful thing I noticed about all of these incredibly successful people is that to a person, they were also very avid readers of books.

Brian Kelly:
And so with

Bookmarks. Bor that, very quickly, I want to segue into a little segment that I affectionately call bookmarks.n to read. Bookmarks. Ready. Steady. Read. Bookmarks brought to you by Reach your Peak Library.com.

Brian Kelly:
Hey, real quick, before I go any further, if you stay with us live until the very end of this show, you can enter to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. And that's compliments of Reach Your Peak. You do not want to miss this. This is a bona fide vacation. Stay for many different locations all over the world. Resorts. Not just hotels. These are amazing stays. So stay with us to the end and we'll announce how you can enter to win that. Now off to reach your peak. Library.com. That is a website that I also had developed with you in mind the entrepreneur, uh, the busy, successful person or striving for success because I myself personally was not even an avid reader till about the age of 47. So that's about 12 years ago. And yes, I know you're all doing the math right now. I'm 59. I'll save you the grunt work on figuring that one out. And, uh, the great thing about what I found when I started learning at the age of 47 and continued was, wow, what an impact it had on me, both professionally and oftentimes personally as well. And so I just began taking what I had read and say here, give it to my team. And they would put it on this website. So they're not in here in any particular order. They're not alphabetical. Heck, some of them aren't even in the order I read them. It's just here, put them somewhere. And so it doesn't really matter. What does matter is you just go scroll through this list, find the first book that resonates with you that jumps off the page, read the description, and then go get it. Go get it anywhere. You don't need to get it from this website. This is not to make money for my company. If you were to if you've ever offered books like as an affiliate on Amazon, you know what I'm talking about. There isn't a whole lot of money there. And that's okay. So get the book, read it, and then put it into action. So, you know, there's a common theme or a common saying learn do.

Brian Kelly:
And then there's a third one which is even better. And that's teach. So read which is learn do which is put what you've learned into action and then ultimately teach. Oh, I saw a missing book there. Went flying up the Four Agreements, one of my favorites. So that is Reach your Peak Library.com. And here's another thing real quick, a quick word of advice. And then I'm going to bring on the amazing doctor Clifton Brady right after this. And that is you are going to be hearing about multiple resources during the show. Resources meaning websites, books, other resources, maybe training programs, maybe audios. I don't know if those even exist anymore, but you're going to be learning of different resources. And the point here is, rather than succumbing to that quote unquote itch to go run off and click and investigate those resources while the show is going, while you're watching it, or while you're listening to it. Instead of doing that, what I implore upon you, this is for you, not for me, and that is to actually take notes, get out a piece of paper, a pen, whatever your favorite note taking approach is, could be on your computer. And write down these resources and then visit them after the show is over. That way, you are assured not to miss a single golden nugget from Doctor Clifton Brady. I found this out by speaking on stage years and years ago. When I first started speaking, I noticed that I'm getting to the sweet spot and someone would get up and they would leave the room because they're looking at their phone. They got a text message, all important text message, or they just literally had to hit the restroom. And so I began learning, oh my gosh, I better let them know that they want to stay in the room because the magic happens in the room. And this is a virtual room. It's all about your focus and your attention, not on me, but on Doctor Clifton Brady. And with that, I am done with my soapbox moment. It is time to bring the amazing doctor Clifton Brady, onto the show right now.

It's time for the guest expert. Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big league. Qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there he is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one. The only doctor Clifton Brady. Yes. Thank you Brian. Oh my goodness. I mean, he comes on, he says, thank you Brian. You should have heard him right before the show. You couldn't keep him quiet. This is going to be great. I'm going to I cannot wait. He's a very outgoing, very friendly, very smart and very heart filled gentleman. And I cannot wait to share your brilliance. Doctor Clifton Brady. Now, how can I address you? Is that is that how you like to be addressed, doctor Clifton Brady? Uh, Clifton is fine. Are you sure? Yeah. Be respectful. Okay. We're good. I should ask you that before we came on, but, uh, just hit me right then and there. So I'm going to I'm going to really pick apart this man's beautiful brain. Not in a physical sense, of course. And so that you can all take advantage of his brilliance. Before we do that, I'm almost done yakking, I promise. But I would like to introduce Clifton. I would like to introduce you in a way that is that you? You deserve a respectful manner. Would that be okay? That sounds great. All right, doctor Clifton Brady is married with four kids. God bless you. And hails from the great state of Utah. Having lost his brother to suicide, he has dedicated his life to helping those ready to stop the suffering of anxiety and depression. On a clinical level, he's helped thousands with their emotional health, and on a professional level, he supports health professionals to break free from traditional practice. Can't wait to hit that one. He's his mission in life is to help people become who they really are. Ooh, what does that mean? We're going to find out I cannot wait. So officially, formally. Welcome to the show, Doctor Clifton Brady. We're going to get started with a deep, heavy hitting hitting question that I love to open the show with. And it's about being an entrepreneur now. We'll get into that in a little bit. I know you spent a little time in the workforce, not as an entrepreneur, but working for someone else. And now that you've since long since been an entrepreneur, uh, I'm curious, you know, as an entrepreneur, our jobs are literally to solve issues that hit us day in and day out on nonstop basis. And so knowing that you have all of these roadblocks or these speed bumps that are coming your way every single day when you get up in the morning and you're starting to come to into consciousness what is going on in your big, beautiful brain that is keeping you driven and focused, and nothing's going to stop you to continue doing what you do. What is that for you?

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Oh, that is a great question, because the first thing in the morning is not about my mission and purpose. It's I'm going to get up and I'm going to go sweat. That's it. That's my only first thought. I'm going to go sweat. I'm going to work out. I'm going to fill my mind and write down in my journal, uh, fill my mind with good books, good materials, and write my journal. That's that's what I think about when I wake up in the morning. But once I've done my morning magical whatever routine you want to call it, then it's reaching out to people, um, that, that need help. And, uh, sometimes it's inspired thought. Most of the time it's referrals. And, uh, it's, it's hearing that next story of someone's, you know, kid who's not being called by the principal, you know, principal's office every day or every week, or, you know, marriages that are surviving and thriving and and of course, people not taking their life. So it's, uh, it's a day filled of, of positive and uplifting stories of people coming back and saying, hey, I'm doing better. So I just get good calls. Um, other than, I guess, the first one where they're struggling, but after that it's good calls.

Brian Kelly:
And oh my gosh. So that's got to be so unexplainably gratifying to after one call, they have a solution that's working for them. And that must feel unbelievably good to you knowing that they came with an issue, but you had a solution for them. And now their life has improved because of something you you put in front of them, I mean. Absolutely. Oh.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Well, yeah, there's there's nothing I couldn't get paid enough to do it. And that and therefore I don't charge for my consultations. I've never have from the very beginning when it comes to clientele. I mean, what how much would you charge, Brian? Five bucks. $5,000 for someone that didn't commit suicide?

Brian Kelly:
Oh, zero.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
There's no there's no price. So I've kept it free. I it's been free. It will always be free for 38 states of clientele and 5000 people served in the last nine years. It's, uh, it's and that's, that's why I've helped so many people is because they're doing well, and I can't take any credit for it.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, come on now. Yes. Uh, the credit, the credit is yours for doing what you're doing.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
I direct him in the right, right place. And you know what? Frankly, we all have. We all know what the answer is. That's the funny thing is, we all have the answer inside of us. We just need a little bit of push, a little bit of direction.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And that's where I think you get credit is you are that one that has decided to raise your hand and give them that push. You are the one that has decided to commit your days and nights to helping people. Uh, because. So they didn't do this on their own. They didn't do it without talking to you or meeting with you. Uh, so you had a big part in their life. I want to give you the, the the kudos and the pat on the back that you so richly deserve. Because without people like you, man, God, this world would stink. Uh, it would absolutely stink. Um, and we were talking before about someone I know that sounds very similar. He didn't charge, and he was on the phone for hours with my wife and I. And, you know, people like you are rare. That's. That's a sad thing to say out loud. Uh, honestly, um, they are, uh, there are fewer than 50% of the people I meet that are like that. But the older I get, I'm finding the more it's actually sweeping the other way. And I think it's because I know people that are older and they're realizing their mortality and they're thinking, man, I better lighten up or something. I don't know what it is. Make some.

Dr Cliffton Brady:

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. It's like, hey, you know what? Uh, the that that wick on that candle ain't so long anymore. I better get going. Get going. The wax is burning. It's almost gone. Exactly. So, uh. Yeah, there's so much. You have a very intriguing story. Uh, I would love to hear about it. Where you started. You had a job. Kind of, uh, like a traditional job for three years, you mentioned. And then you went into a practice, and then that morphed into. And there may be stuff in between that I'm missing into what you're doing now. Would you take us through that journey and what the emotion was through each stage going that you went through?

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Yeah. So I went to college to become a an entrepreneur, actually, I in fact, I created my own classes. They I picked high division, upper division marketing, upper division production, upper division finance. Um, I'm pretty sure I got a finance minor, but don't check on it. I maybe may I may, I may or may not have had, but I think I did. And uh, so I just really wanted to create my own thing and then, uh, went into home building with my dad. That's where I was somewhat, uh, employed. But, you know, when your dad hires you, are you really an employee or not? Because. Kind of biased, but I was building homes. I was a superintendent. So of course, the next natural step is to become a doctor. That's what most people do, right? You go into construction and you. I built several homes and learned that trade. But there was one day in particular that I shared with you before we got on here that I. I just remember driving down the freeway and seeing all these really nice cars, and I just assumed all of them were going to work and or they were going home from work, and I thought, they're in a jail cell. They bought that car and they probably didn't pay cash. None of them do. And they have to go to work to pay for the car, and they have to pay for the car by going to work. And they're going to work to home, to home to work, and maybe something in between. But mostly that's it. I thought, I don't want that. I don't want anybody to tell me what to do, where to go, how to get there and all that kind of stuff. And so I planted the seed and I was listening to books like Good to Great and Rich dad, Poor Dad and books like that. And I just thought, that's it, I want my own thing. And I was for sure, you know, not going to leave Utah. And I had no, no idea of, of becoming a chiropractic doctor. And yet I left Utah and became a chiropractic doctor. So I went to Missouri, went to school.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
And part of my story actually starts here, where I, I was graduating from Missouri or from the school in Missouri and wasn't going to go back to Utah for sure. So we're like, where are we going to move? And we moved to Nashville, Tennessee. And if anybody's lived anywhere near there, uh, they love it like it's it's a place you don't go to leave. You go there to stay for life. And I thought we were going to stay there. And. And when I moved there, I actually moved there with my brother who, who took his life later on. But it was I called him up and I said, hey, I need help. I got three, two cars in a moving van and I need help. And so he flew out on his own dime. Brian. He paid for his own way. I had no money. I gave him chick fil A, that's all I could give him. And, uh. And he flew. He. I think he even lost his job coming out there because he just like, heck with you. I'm going to go help my brother. That's the kind of guy he was when he wasn't horrible, if that makes sense. Like, some days he was awesome. Some days he was terrible. Well, the awesome version came out and helped me move. And nine months later, he's gone. And so that's, uh, that's another seed. So there's a seed of wanting to do my own thing on the freeway. And another seed is I've got to figure out a way to help people with this horrible demon of depression and anxiety and ADHD and PTSD and OCD and autism and all these just mental things. But I'm not I don't have a license to do that. I can't make any claims or cure that kind of stuff. And so anyways, I go to practice. One day, I show up and there's a fire in my office, so there's all these policemen and fire trucks and I'm going, what the heck? And and, uh, happened to be just a small little fire thing. In fact, if I had shown up there early, Brian, I could have fixed it.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
I could have just tore it out, rewired it, fixed it, and no big deal. But instead, insurance was involved and and thank God it was because it gave me time to think. Do I like being in office? No. Do I want overhead? No. Do I like being, you know, forced to be in a place for hours to wait for people when they can come? No. And so I started helping people over the phone with my nutritional protocols. And so I, you know, you were joking earlier. You did Covid early, so did I. I did Covid in 2011, meaning I, I put my practice online and really just on the phone because what the iPhone is just barely coming out in 2007. So yeah, I just started calling people helping people and and really the rest is history when it comes to being on, on on a platform of freedom, time, freedom, financial freedom and, uh, being able to help people without borders. Because when you're helping coach someone through nutrition. I can do that. I don't have to be licensed in every state to just give some people a bit of advice.

Brian Kelly:
Is that why it's limited to 38 states currently?

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Uh, no. No, it's just because that's I'm. I'm missing 12. I just haven't helped any. Haven't helped anybody. And, you know, like the Carolinas yet and, uh, New Hampshire. Vermont. So there's there's quite a few states up in that area I haven't helped people with. It's just referrals. So I have helped people in Canada and Mexico and Puerto Rico and Texas or Texas. That's a whole nother country, right? Um, England, Malaysia. So I've helped people around the world, but just a few here and there.

Brian Kelly:
All right. So if you're listening from any of those states, then, uh, give them a call. Yeah. Let's have that number. Right. That's right. Let's go to 50 plus. I mean, you've already reached outside of the US, and that's great. I'm glad that there's no, um, like, legal reason that you can't do anything outside of those states. So. Fantastic. I've heard too much of that already as well. And so, um, my gosh, so much there. Um. I love the the whole thing about your your image or your thought process when you're driving and your thought was they were in like a rolling jail, you know, they're in a car that is a jail cell to them. And my gosh, how many people that I know personally that are paying more for their car than they are for their house, and they're overextended and credit cards are, are crazy. And, you know, people just want to have a luxurious life. But. Um, you know, not it's not for everybody, though. Still, entrepreneurship is not for everybody. And the other thing I wanted to point out to everyone watching, like they're looking at you. Uh, Clifton saying, oh, well, gosh, he's got it made. I'm going to become an entrepreneur and just glide through life like he is. Well, I want to make it very clear that typically, it takes more work to become a successful entrepreneur than it does to become a corporate employee or working, uh, far more hours. But the difference is, is you're doing it because you want to and you like to. It's your choice. And so it is a liberating choice, but it's also one that the commitment can't be taken lightly or you will just flat out will not succeed. And what do you think about that?

Dr Cliffton Brady:
I agree, yeah, it is a lot of work. There's no guarantee I'm going to be fed tomorrow. But I I'm a spiritual person. I part of my morning routine is reading the scriptures every day, and I just think about the lilies and how they grow and that that they didn't they didn't try to grow, they didn't force, they just grew. And yet we we stress so much about every day to day life things. And, and you know, the less I worry about the tomorrow and just do what I can do today, then, uh, I'm provided for and it's it's a pretty amazing feeling where I'm not provided for by a man or a woman who owns me. I'm provided for by the, you know, the King of kings. And so I it's very humbling to be a be in this position because, uh, yeah, I've done very well and I've made a lot of mistakes in that. A lot of the people I've seen you interview talk about that just, you know, the most people that are better than me. And as far as financially and success, they've just made a lot more mistakes than I have. And so I'm just a lot more mistakes away from more, more success and helping a lot more people.

Brian Kelly:
Amen, brother. Thank you. Thank you for saying that. I've said in God, you said it so much more eloquently than I've ever said it. That was beautiful, that you're just extra mistakes away. Oh, thank you for saying that. Because here this was my big hang up when I first was crossing over that bridge from corporate to entrepreneurial ism. And that was everything had to be perfect or I couldn't move another step. Each step had to be 100% in, you know, everything is ready to go, 100% prepared because that's what school and then later corporate taught that everything had all the ducks in a row. I's, dotted t's, crossed documents reviewed three times over by an entire team of people for perfection before you can go to the next step in the process, like, wow, what a liberating idea to know that you know that's not what it's about. It's it's ready. Fire! Ready! Aim! Fire! Know. Ready. Fire! Ready! Fire!

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Aim! Yeah. Trevecca. He says that? Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, yes. Tiha. Vecher. That book. My God, secrets of a millionaire mind. What a. Whoa! Powerful book. Uh, and I have a close friend, um, uh, Jeff Fagin, who was his Co when he first started that company. No way. Cool. Yes. He carries around Tribeca's book, like most of us who carry around a Bible, and it's tattered worse than most people's Bibles. And he's got he's got marks everywhere, and he's got dovetails and and pieces of post-its. And I love that book.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
I love that quote it all the time. Yeah. I haven't read it.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. He he preaches about business from that book. And yeah, it's a powerful book. And so yeah, mindset is so huge. And I think I mean you're saying everything right. You're, you've got you're grounded in the faith, which in my opinion is very important as well. And you know, that it takes making mistakes. And to do that. Uh, Clifton, how hard was that to kind of embrace that fact? Because when you know, you're going to make mistakes, what does that do to your ego that is so important to you when you're first starting out?

Dr Cliffton Brady:
I remember several times where I'm just kneeling down and just crying, um, praying and saying, Heavenly Father, I don't know what to do. I don't know what the next step is. I we bought our home in Tennessee in 2007. One at the very top. And so we were all we were all, all of a sudden $50,000 under in the hole. And the practice had the fire, and I have the school loans and school debt. And I have, you know, all these different things. My family's growing. We're four kids and living in the most expensive place in Franklin, Tennessee. And, um, our home was reasonable, but everything was upside down. And so, yeah, it's it's very scary. It's overwhelming. But the thing is, is who do I want to become? Do I want to just stay who I am, or do I want to be a better person? So am I surprised that I get to have this challenge? Am I surprised that I'm being stretched by this? I was, but now I think I hopefully I'm maturing a little bit more in that when there is a challenge, I'm like, huh? I just become a little bit more curious about it and wonder, well, okay, that's that door is closed, that window is closed that, you know, can I go over it, under it, through it, around it. What can I do? And if that answer is no, then okay. What else is what's what else is available. And so I was kind of forced into it, you know, with a fire in my practice, it was kind of an obvious thing. You can't not practice for two months. Well, I have bills to pay and debt, and they gave me 1300 bucks. That lasted me a week, you know, of, of my, my, the funds that I needed. And so I was, in my case, forced to do it. It was a decision. Planted a seed in my brain, you know, back during the jail cell vision of those cars driving down the freeway. So I was prepared and ready for it somewhat, but I was kind of forced into it. And then, of course, the the loss of my dad, who was stressed, that killed him at 60 years old.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
So my dad's gone, my brother's gone. My my parents had divorced before that. Um, others in my family were struggling from depression and anxiety. So I guess I just if I did anything right, I just paid attention to what was going on, um, and moved forward with it. Have you seen the movie The Peace for warrior? Or read the book the The Peaceful Warrior The Way of the Peaceful Warrior? It's one of the best movies ever that no one's really seen it. Nick Nolte is in it after his drug rehab and he was past all that. I guess you're never past it, right? But beyond that time of his life, 2007, I think, is when the movie came out. But there's a moment where this kid is broken and he's he's broken his leg. I don't give anything away because they tell you in the very first scene, but he's a he's an athlete and he's broken his leg and he's a gymnast. And this girl that is kind of a friend ish kind of person comes up to him and puts her hand on his heart and he says, what are you doing? He says, I'm just seeing if you're broken. And he says, my leg's broken. And he goes, really? You know, it was his heart. His heart was broken along with his leg. And then she said, are you paying attention? And the movie's so Budda like, there's so many, you know, there's one word, two, three, four, five phrase moments where it just catches your attention. The reason why I share that is, um, are we paying attention? You got fired? Yes. Thank you. Like, sometimes we need to fire people because they're horrible. What they do. It's the most merciful thing we can do is to fire them. You got to move on and find your brilliance, buddy. You know, so I. The key for me is, is paying attention. I can't hear what your question was, but that's what. That's what came to my mind is pay attention. Life is happening so fast. And if we just sit down and be quiet for a moment, I think there's some things that are being that are huge clues where we need to go next.

Brian Kelly:
I think that's powerful. I mean, yeah, and part of that, I think comes with years on this planet, life experience as well, that we understand that, you know, when things hit us back, it's not always a bad thing, but it's it's never fun to go through when it's happening. But if you can be aware of it while it's going through and actually ask the question or be aware of, well, maybe I will come out of this a better person somehow. Maybe this is a lesson that I need to learn for a future situation. Yeah, I've been been through that a lot lately with with my life personally, with, um, you know, breast cancer and, uh, my wife and my dad with, uh, dementia going through literal hell with trying to make sure he's taken care of and lots of stuff all at once, then moving to Florida, where I'm at now. And that was highly stressful. And I thought, there's a reason for all this, and I have a thick skin as a result. And I feel that any little issue now is just that. It's a little issue. And I'm thankful for having gone through those times. Looking back on them, I don't want to go. I'm not asking for more. Don't get me wrong. Please, please. Right.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
We'll get plenty more without asking. But yeah, don't ask for more, right? Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, we got a couple people on Tim Gillette, a good friend of mine. He says, good to see you and nice to meet you, Clifton. Yeah. You should have him on your show as well, Tim. And he said, wow, what a story. That's some inspiring stuff right there. Yes, indeed. Mr. Clifton is amazing. And Paige Spears has a question. Um, does not being active automatically mean passive? Oh, that's kind of a deep one. What do you think about that.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Not being active.

Brian Kelly:
Automatically mean.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
So there's a there I I'll turn the words into sin of omission and sin of commission. So there's some things that we do that we shouldn't do. And there's things that we don't do that we should have done. We see someone that's helping or not being helped. You know, there's someone that needs you see them getting into their car and they're having a horrible time. You can tell that they they're not going to get in very easily. And they have their, you know, their, their, uh, whatever, you know, maybe put away their card or something for them or help them into a car, like, yeah, if you're not actively doing something. Um, let's see. Not being active. Yeah, I would say so. Yeah. I mean, you can you can go along with life and just, uh, just be flowing along. In fact, there's, there's a concept that that brings me up. Page. Wow. You got me in a whole nother conversation. But there's a concept of of proving contraries. So what's more important, mercy or justice? Both. But they completely contradict each other. You can't have full mercy or else nothing happens. You can't have full justice, or else too many people or never be able to change. And so we've got to have both in this life. We've got to have full on action, and we've got to have times where we need to be patient. There's times where we need to swim upstream, and there's times we need to let the stream take us a little ways and see what's on the other corner. So there isn't really an answer this you have to do this or that. Both are available, but it's really timing and that's where we get to have choice in our life. We hopefully we have autonomy over our lives enough to be able to make those decisions. So I don't know if that's what she's trying to say, Paige, but that's that's a thought that I've thought about a lot. Yeah, it sounds like that.

Brian Kelly:
The answer to the question is, does not being active automatically mean passive? The answer would be yes, but it does not mean either one is the correct one. It depends on the situation. So it's not bad to be passive at times, and it's not bad to be active at times. Is that.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Yeah, sometimes you have to let someone destroy themselves and it's hard. It's really hard to watch someone self-destruct. But other times you're being inspired to do something about it.

Brian Kelly:
And so raising kids is a lot that way, right? You know, you gotta let them make their own decisions. And man, that can be hard. Like, oh, I know that's not going to turn out good, but I think it's a good thing they learn this lesson because that will never happen again. Yeah. Paige what a phenomenal question. That was deep I love that deep quick.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Holy cow.

Brian Kelly:
Wow okay that's our show. We're done. That took us. Fantastic. Wow. That was really, really awesome. So, um. So you're an entrepreneur. You're very busy, I would imagine. Maybe not anymore. Maybe you're doing better. Okay, I'll ask you on. That. Is so an average day for you. The day in the life of Doctor Clifton Brady. How long would you say on average you are actually spending working your business? I'm not even going to say on or in, but working your business.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Yeah, well, on is more important than in for sure. Uh e-myth. That's one of my. That was one of those books I was listening to driving up down the freeway. Um, for physicians to that one as well. Um, I would say last year, if you'd asked me last year, it would be, boy, maybe two hours a day at the most. Um, some days nothing. Some days, 3 or 4 hours. It just depended on who was asking questions, what kind of people needed help. Um, but as I turn the corner this year, one of the things I needed to make a decision of and I made really ten declarations. Things I'm following. Uh, I wish I had a in fact, I might have it on my computer here. I can cheat, cheat, but, um, uh, boy, it's not there. Anyways, I, uh oh, there it is. This is kind of important because one of them is, uh, is I needed to sacrifice some of my time freedom to be able to help people become who they really are. So I could selfishly not work again for the rest of my life. I've. I've created enough, uh, good rapport. Enough, um, you know, return recurring orders of products and things, of helping people with their health and stuff where I don't I don't have to work anymore. So I had to sacrifice some of that time freedom. And and so now, on a daily basis, as I'm ramping up to write a book like you're finishing your book, I'm ramping up to write my book and to create more content and, and turn the page. And instead of helping as many, uh, or I should say, instead of focusing on helping clients in terms of their personal health, but to help other physicians. So yeah, now I, I once I'm done with my morning routine, it's, it's pretty much all day every day. And I'm enjoying every minute of it because I'm creating content. I'm getting my my ideas down on paper. I'm, um, repurposing that information to, you know, share on LinkedIn and hopefully inspire somebody to make a change in their life. So I've gone from, you know, an hour to two hours a day to, uh, I guess I would say full time every day, all day long. I don't work Sundays. Um, that's a day of rest for me. But, uh, the rest of the week, I'm. I'm just. This is growth time. This is go time. This is, uh, you know, plant, plant, my plant, my garden, and then there'll be some harvest in the end. And so it's, uh. It's exciting time.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, my gosh, this is so, uh, wonderful. And I want to point out a couple things. One of the things you're doing is genius. Uh, well, there's a lot of things you're doing is genius. But there's one that really just smacked me in the head is you were working one on one with clients, uh, and talking to them and giving them information that gave them results, uh, very quickly. And I want to actually ask about that a little bit more in detail. And then you're now transitioning over, working more and now targeting other physicians. And what does that mean when everyone out there that's an entrepreneur? I mean, think about that. Instead of going one on one with clients, he's now going to physicians. Physicians have their own base of patients. They have their own outreach. So he is just instantly, exponentially increased his reach, whether directly or indirectly, he is increased serving more people exponentially. That is genius. And it's so simple. And we talk about this doing JV partnerships and all this, and this is exactly what you're doing. You're you're tapping into someone else's network. And if you're training them how to do what you do, you don't have to do the work. You just plant the seed, let it grow, train them, and they're off to the races helping more people.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Exactly. Yeah. I called my my I have a cousin that runs $1 billion company. It's so cool. I can call my cousin and he'll he'll answer my phone and, uh, he's like, I go like, what are you doing? And he goes, I'm reading ten exes greater than two or easier than two x um, Benjamin Hardy right. Doctor Benjamin Hardy and I started reading that book, and then I went kind of went backwards. And I went to the gap in the game. And then I went to the original or first book that he did. Uh, I just forgot the guy he wrote the books for. Um, anyways, it doesn't matter, but he it's, uh, who, not how. And the whole concept is like, when I built, I built my own home, actually, before I, you know, finally transitioned over, I built my own home. I literally put the bags on in the morning because I could I had time, freedom, and I did it all. But if I built that house a two times. House. I couldn't do that. That's way too much more effort, way too much more time, way too much more money, all that kind of stuff. And yet at ten is easier. Well, in the construction world, there's probably 150 electricians and plumbers and whatever that would help me on A2X house, but a ten x house, at least in my area. Maybe not yours, but in mine there might be three. Contractors that would even be willing to look at it. That's how it becomes easier, because your options are less. When I have a goal of helping, I've helped 6000 people and I. My ultimate goal is help 600,000 people. Well, I can't do that with the person I am today. It's impossible. So I have to totally reinvent myself. And I've got to totally change my my efforts, and I've got to get rid of 80% of the things I was doing, which in my case was more leisure stuff. And um, and of course, keep the family focused. That's that's core. That's the 20% I get to keep. But yeah, getting rid of 80% of what I was doing and thinking way bigger. And then I got to have who's I can't do it alone. Who, not how. And I love that book. I've eaten that book up. So that's that's where I'm at with that process.

Brian Kelly:
It's crazy because I talked a lot about it in the opening of the show, and that is leverage. And you're exactly saying that that is one of the keys to it's not the keys to your financial success. It's the keys to your desire to leave a legacy of some kind success of helping. And not even that. It's it's serving people because you feel you were you were. That's part of your purpose of being here on this planet, is to help and serve more people, to help them, uh, to become healthier, to help them have, uh, fewer issues in their lives. So on that note, what is it you do? I mean, more specifically, when you talk to that one individual, you're working on physicians now, but when you're talking to a single individual, what does that conversation go like? And what is the result that helps them get over that, that hump, if you don't mind my asking.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Yeah. When I'm talking to a client or a physician, it's pretty similar. I just share it with them. My story, like what I've shared with you, how I lost my brother, how my practice had a fire, um, what that did to my mindset and how I had other options available to me. One thing I didn't mention is I was talking to one of my clients during the fire time and she goes, oh, I'm so sorry about your practice. Can you help my mom in Texas? I'm like, Texas. I know where Texas is. I can help people in Texas. And it was just that aha moment where I could, I can. So breaking through those barriers. And so once I share my story, then I just kind of get down into the details of, you know what, it's not that complicated when it comes to depression, anxiety. It might sound like it because people are going, you know, they just don't know where the answer is. But if you think about it for a moment, what are the three things we need to live? Air, food and water. That's it. That's that's all we need. If we don't have one of them, we die. So. But we're getting water. We're getting air, but we're not getting micronutrients in our food. It's not in our soils. It's not. It's not anywhere. You can buy all the salad and vegetables you want. You're not going to get the micronutrients and the minerals that are in this that are in there. You can do organic, you can do whatever you want. It doesn't matter. Most people are not getting what they need. And some people like my brother, for whatever reason, he ate the same food I did. He went psychotic, I didn't. I don't know why. I'll never know why, really. But he did. And he needed extra. And so what I'm doing is I do have a specific supplement that I, I promote, I use, I've helped, I've helped. That's the one I've helped thousands of people with. And because it works so well, so fast and it's not a huge, massive protocol, I'm not they're not walking out the door with $250 of product. And those who are listening that have been there and done that know what I'm talking about. We're talking about 50 to 80 bucks and their life is you're talking about your father. I'm sorry to hear about. Was it your father? Your wife's father? Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
My dad.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Yeah, yeah. And, uh, you know, I don't have studies on dementia or Alzheimer's, unfortunately. But I have hundreds of examples where people that can't think, can't focus, can't remember. And of course, the, the, the mental trauma that comes with that and the anxiety that comes with that and the edginess that comes with that and the depression that comes with it, um, to reverse and change that, maybe not cure it, maybe not stop the progression, but to change that, I mean, that's that's worth everything. And, uh, you know, and be able to have stories like that. So when I can share that with a client or a doctor and, and they have an interest in helping people in that arena, well, then, then the doctor wants to move to the next step. And so I what I try to do is help them understand, hey, stay in your practice. That's where your cash cow is right now. You're making money. Keep making money until you can start helping people in a way that's not tied to an office, not tied to brick and mortar, not tied to insurance, not, you know, we're burned out. 80% of nurse practitioners are burned out, and half of them want to go today, but they have benefits. Whatever. What kind of benefit is it that you hate your life and you're overweight and you don't like your husband? And what is those benefits worth it? I don't think so. So trying to help them dream again. A lot of us has lost our dreams. They've lost their their desires to to go out there and risk a little bit. Um, but yeah, when it's funny, risk at all. Risk the what they hate to do something they love. That's not much of a risk. So that's that's what I'm doing. Just inspiring people that there might be another option. I don't do hard closes. Hard sells. If there's a good fit, great. If there's not, hey, there's millions of people out there I need to talk to.

Brian Kelly:
Is it a something that, uh, people could take as a supplement on a regular basis? That is just an all natural kind of thing? Or is it? Yeah. Um. Okay. It's a.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Multivitamin. Yeah, it just happened. It has. It just happens to have a very specific mineral balance. So minerals are hard to absorb unless you chelate them. And if you chelate them for the standard of the industry standard for like five hours, they still don't really absorb very well. So this one is patented, um, where the recipe is very specific. It's like a Coca Cola recipe. There's only two people on the planet that know what it is.

Brian Kelly:
Oh no.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
And the reason why they know it's so important is because they messed up by 5% on their recipe one time, and the schizophrenics and the bipolars went nuts. Wow. And so they changed it, went back to the original, and then they then of course, Harvard and Ohio State and all these other people wanted to do or universities wanted to do studies on it. And so they did. And so it's backed by a ton of studies that are third party. The companies never paid for any of the studies. And, uh, yeah. So it's just a multivitamin. But the most important part is the minerals. Wow.

Brian Kelly:
So all right, after the show's over, you gotta hook a brother up. Uh, because I just had this thought. Yeah. So the dementia stuff, that's not in his case, not curable. I saw an actual scan, and it showed his brain has literally shrunk. Yeah, uh, inside his cranium. And it was just. Wow. What a fluorine moment to see that. But. But my grandpa, my.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Grandpa's 90 died from Alzheimer's. And, um. Yeah, it was horrible. And I didn't have these answers back then, but I have another 90 year old grandpa that's doing fantastic. Um, until my grandma died, who was 90, and now he's not taking his stuff. And so what do you do? You know, you do the best you can.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I definitely want to tap into that because, you know, we're I don't know. To me, it's being human wanting to help others. In this case, he happens to be my dad. So of course I want to help, um, and anybody and everybody I want to learn more about that, uh, whole supplement, what it impact it has positively on people. What kind of people it helps for what types of situations because I'm connected very well now doing this show for over five years plus before that. And I can reach people on your behalf to help more people. And that's, you know, just like I was telling you with the other guy before we came on, uh, so I love doing that and sharing the knowledge. Of this. Hey! This exists. It can help give it a shot. Nothing else. Speaking of giving it a shot. Oh my God, how did it happen? It always does. Clifton, we're getting near the end. Um, you have a wonderful, amazing gift that you're offering to our watching and listening, uh, audience. And I also have one I mentioned at the beginning of the show. So we're going to also give away a nice, uh, vacation stay prize. Uh, but, uh, what I like to do is end every show. We're not there yet with one specific question. You know what? You probably watched to the end. You said you watched a bunch of episodes. You probably already know what's coming. It's not fair. Yeah, I.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Do know what one of your questions are, but I don't know if I know all of them. Do you want to give that answer? If you don't mind. If you want to ask me an extra one, that's fine too.

Brian Kelly:
But I know I want to ask it. And here's one reason why. And, uh, and so, you know, ahead of time that if it's like a five word answer, it's not going to look very beefy in the end. Collaborative book that I'm going to put together with everyone's answers, right. Hint hint wink wink. So, uh, any, any, uh, any elaboration you wish to do, uh, when you answer it is absolutely. Okay. Uh, because, yeah, I've got a lot of people that have now answered this question. I'm going to, um, publish a book. Answers.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Loved all of them.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, yeah. And they're they're amazing. And that's I just did it by happenstance in the first couple of years of doing the show. And I started recognizing and realizing, Holy smokes, these are, uh, pretty profound answers. So I end every show with the same question now and and then once my book is finally out there and published, I'm going to then work on the collaborative and get that put together and get everybody's, you know, signature of approval. I hereby do wish to be part of this kind of thing. But anyway, um, before we do that real quick, we have a couple of gifts to give away. One is by the one and only doctor Clifton Brady. So what I want to do is basically, well, I'll just pull up your gift offering first, and then we'll bring up the site that that will result in them going to if that works for you. Perfect. And there we go. That should pull it up. So go ahead. Go ahead and explain this if you wouldn't mind uh to people what they what you're offering.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
So it's, uh, I what did I say a no sales pitch, high impact, uh, breakthrough session. So what it is, is I, I discovered for myself that if I had something I really wanted, it wasn't that I, I, I didn't know all the details of how to get it and, and and actually more important than that, it was the feeling behind it. In fact, one of the books I was going to share, if you had asked me, is this book right here? It's called, uh, How to Get Anything You Want by at least Lincoln. Benedict. He was actually she was actually making more money than anyone on the planet before thinking grow rich. That's how old that book is. You can't even find it on Amazon right now. You have to keep looking and looking and looking. But, um, it's the feeling behind what I want that's more important. And so what I did is I realized, okay, if I want to have, uh, a property, a legacy properties, what I call it an estate where I can have my family and my friends and people, and I'm like, well, why do I want that? Well, because I want to get them together. Well, why do I want to do that? Well, because I want because, because because because. So I kept asking myself, why, why, why until I finally, in this case, saw myself holding the hand of my granddaughter, which I don't even have yet.

Brian Kelly:
Oh man.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
And I just was bawling and I was I was like, oh my gosh, how important is this moment to be able to walk with my granddaughter with curly blond hair? I don't even know if I'll have one like that. But, uh, to tell her things that I just no one else would want to know, and she hopefully she cares. And so that was the why. Behind the why, behind the why, behind the why. So that's when I say seven x. You know, seven x questions is really getting down to the root cause of, of what you really want to do. And by having someone ask you those questions, it just makes it easier to get to the bottom of it, that's all. And you could do it by yourself, but it's a lot more fun to do it together. And I could be a lot more frank and say, hey, I think you're lying to yourself right now. Can I tell you that? Is that okay with a little bit of love? You're not telling the truth. There's something more. And I kind of do have that gift, um, to tell. Not when people are telling lies, but just a gift of asking the right question. Um, I don't know where it comes from. I just have had it forever. And so I'd love to help you get through that. There's no cells at literally there's nothing to sell at the end. I just want to help you get through something. And if we develop a relationship after that and it goes to some other way, that's great. But that's that's what I'm offering today. No charge.

Brian Kelly:
And it's, uh, you know, he would normally charge $250 as a 15 minute session. It's free for you that if you take action on it. So for everyone both watching and listening, the website to go to is. R y p dot. I'm forward slash. Hi. Hyphen impact. Hyphen breakthrough. Or you call it dash report in forward slash high dash impact dash breakthrough that will take you directly to what those of you who are watching can see on the screen right now. And it's directly to his scheduler, and pick a time and date that works for you. And please. And I say this every time we get something like this offered, uh, that's a scheduled time with you one on one, uh, Clifton. And that is please treat it with all due respect with, you know, act as though you paid $1,000 and show up on time. Be respectful of his time. He's making this available for you out of his very precious time. Yours is precious too, so make it a mutually respectful and wonderful and amazing, uh, breakthrough session together. So I just implore upon you to to show him the respect he deserves. And I know he will do the same for you. He's actually offering this. He doesn't even know you yet, so it's pretty awesome. So that is it. Be sure to go there and, um, um, take advantage of that. And I mean that literally. There are so many times I'll see stuff like this and I'll go, oh, that would be cool. I can't tell you how many of these, uh, Clifton that I've actually gone. And I'll fill in the information. I'll get their e-book. I'm the host and I'm after it's over, like I preach. You know, I go back to my resource list. I'm writing notes, brother. I'm running the show. I got two pages rolling here that I don't mess around. You know, we're having fun. Uh, won't go the other way for me. Yeah, there's the other full page. So, having a good time, uh, and everyone take advantage of something like this. This doesn't happen all that often.

Brian Kelly:
Uh, and you can tell that this this man will get results for you even in 15 minutes and see where it leads. He's not going to try to sales pitch you, sell you on anything, and you know, you'll know. And you'll probably end up asking him, well, what's our next step? That's probably, you know, what will happen. And I hope it does, because the next step will be complete and utter joy for you and solving whatever issue is burdening you. Or maybe you're on the wrong path in your life and you don't even know it. Man, I to be a fly on the wall with one of those conversations. That would be pretty awesome. So, uh, appreciate what you do. Uh, immensely. And and your heart that you have going toward this, that you don't even need this. You don't have to do this. You do it because you love to. How many on this planet, literally right now can say that literally, there aren't that many.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
I'm very lucky. It's very grateful.

Brian Kelly:
Blessed and and worthy of it. You deserve it because of everything you're doing. You know you're. You're, you're you're following the recipe of, I believe what we were put on this earth to do, and that is to serve other people and love each other. So thank you for doing what you do. And I see you're being very well rewarded for your service. And, um, I'm glad. I'm very glad. And I hope it it scales even bigger. And I hope this show has some part to do with it. Uh, in any way, shape or form. I would be over the moon excited if it got.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
I'm sure it will. Thank you.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, it saved one more person from their current situation. Then it's worth every second, uh, an hour that we spend together. I love this, I love what I get to do. All right, one more gift for everyone out there. Uh. Yeah, let's do it now and then. Don't go anywhere after this gift giveaway. Please don't go anywhere you don't want to because that big question is coming up. That big, profound, heavy hitting question that here's the deal there is no such thing as a wrong answer to this question. In fact, the exact opposite is the case is the only correct answer will be Doctor Clifton Brady's answer because it will be unique to him. Ooh, I love it. I'm getting all tingly. This is fun stuff. All right. So to win, to enter, to win that five night stay at a five star luxury resort compliments of Richard Peek. And this is from all over the world. This is legit. It is bona fide. You're not going to be whisked away to the basement. They're not going to strap you in a chair and water drip torture you to, to get you to buy a timeshare. That's not how it works. No, you're going to be an actual, bona fide guest of this resort as if you were a full paying guest. I know this because I have a close friend who did this not once, but twice, and said it was phenomenal. So get ready, get your pens and papers ready. Don't do this right away. Wait till the show is over. Write down this URL that I'm going to put up on the screen right now. You must be watching live to enter and you want to go to once the show is over. Once we sign off, go to report Im forward slash vacation all lowercase rip. That stands for reach your peak.im/vacation. Write that down. Enter. Once we close up, we will be monitoring it after the show is over. Don't worry, you will get in so please do that. Cannot wait to see who wins that wonderful, amazing gift. And now who? We. Here we go. My favorite. It's part of my favorite part. This whole show has been a freaking blast for me. Personally. I have been enjoying this thoroughly. And that's because of you, sir doctor Clifton Brady. Absolutely. So with all that build up about this last question, hopefully you don't know what it is. But even if you do, I know it's going to be a phenomenal answer. So are you ready? I'm ready. Yeah I think he knows what it is. I can see the smile on his face. That's all right.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
If I don't, I'm going to make something up. Here we go.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, it'll come to you. Definitely, I guarantee it. It does with everybody. All right, here we go. Doctor Clifton Brady. How do you. Define. Success.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Ah, it's the one I knew. Thank you for asking that question. Uh, creating something that will last forever. Um, I there's a quote from Anatole France that I think about all the time. It says a man does not know what to do with this life, and yet he wants one that will last forever. It's amazing that we think about those who are faithful, I guess, in terms of have a religion of some kind and think about the next life and and how glorious it will be or whatever that looks like for you. And yet we're not maximizing every opportunity resource that we've been given, I believe, from God. And so it comes down to that, that ten-x thinking, if we're going to have a life that's going to last forever, and yet we don't know what to do with this one, then do we really deserve a life that's going to last forever? And not that we can, you know, you know, I believe God is very merciful God, but he's also a just God. And I, I feel like my my mission on this earth isn't to just go along and be along and retire early, but to ten-x my life and then ten-x it again and ten-x it again. It's taking that that domino effect where one one domino knocks one that's one and a half size bigger and one and a half size bigger until 29 dominoes. You're knocking down the Empire State Building. I don't know if I'll be able to knock down Empire State Building before I die, but, uh, wouldn't it be better to do everything you can to become all you can be before we end this life? So my my, uh, my thought to people is, is, you know what? You don't have to be. Of Bill gates or anything like that to, uh, to make a big difference. You can make a big difference in your own neighborhood, your own your own home. And that's that's good enough. But we got to do more than we're doing now, or else we're going to lose our nation. We're going to lose our families. Our families are under attack. Husband and wives are under attack, and masculinity, femininity is under attack. Whatever you think is under attack. Uh, who else is going to stand up? You know, the if good men and good women don't do something about it, we're going to lose it. So whatever that means to you, I hope that you'll hope and pray you'll do everything you can to become all you can be.

Brian Kelly:
Oh my goodness, hit it out of the park. He's touching them all. The crowd is going crazy. That was a phenomenal. Whoa! You were ready for that one. That was awesome. And, uh, gosh, that was powerful. Well, most of.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
That I didn't prepare for, but just the first quote.

Brian Kelly:
It just rolled out of your heart.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
Yeah. When you hit your when your heart's hit, you just I don't know. I hope that made sense. Some for someone, but, uh. Yeah. Thank you for asking.

Brian Kelly:
It was absolute. Totally made sense to me. Every word of it. I was just dang, uh, let's go another hour and you just keep going on that topic, do you mind? That's cool. That was phenomenal.

Dr Cliffton Brady:
I don't mind talking, but, uh, others probably don't want to hear, so that's.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, no, I guarantee. Oh, they're probably going no more. More, more. Encore, encore! They're up. They're up in their seats. Oh, my goodness. Thank you so much. Uh, Clifton, you are an amazing man. You are a blessing to everyone who you cross paths with. Now, I get to say that, uh, as well, I appreciate you. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to further help you when you get that book, when it's getting closer. If you want help with that. Yeah, whatever I could help with, I don't know, but, um, to get it to the finish line, I've gotten help myself. And every bit of it has has actually been good. And it's gotten me finally there. It took me over ten years to get where I'm at right now in that books process. So. Wow. Um, I'm just happy to finally be at the very end finish line. I can see it. There it is. I'm not going to trip. I'm going to make it. And, uh, would love to help you get there too, because. Oh, I can't imagine what that release that's going to be to get there and finally have it done. Right. So, um, we'd love to help in any way I can. So thank you once again for gracing this wonderful stage. Uh, it's wonderful because of you. And I thank you for that. That is it, everyone, for tonight. What an amazing way to end this thing. What a freaking answer. That was amazing. Thank you. Uh, to Doctor Clifton Brady. The one, the only, the amazing, uh, heart centered, amazing, uh, intelligent and very servant oriented individual that we need so many more of on this planet. So let's all help him to spread the word wide and far. Take advantage of his special gift. If you don't remember what that was, rewind this and you'll see it in there and hear it. But be sure to reach out to Doctor Clifton Brady. He's on LinkedIn. Right. And it's Clifton with two F's Clifton Brady. So you can hit him up on LinkedIn. So if you don't remember his gift reached out to him on LinkedIn and say, hey I want to know what's what those micronutrients are. And I want to save somebodies, um, their livelihood, their not their livelihood, their lifestyle, their their their being that geez, just feel better. Hahaha. Yeah.

Dr Cliffton Brady:

Brian Kelly:
All right, that's it. On behalf of the amazing doctor Clifton Brady, I am your host, Brian Kelly of the Mind Body Business Show. Until next time, please go out and do two things. Everybody do two things. Number one, just like Doctor Clifton Brady is doing, number one is go out and crush it in your business so you can serve more people. And number two, above all else, please everyone be blessed. That's it for us. Take care and we'll see you again next time. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at www. The Mind Body Business Show.com. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Dr. Cliffton Brady

Dr. Cliffton Brady is married with four kids and hails from the great state of Utah. Having lost his brother to suicide he has dedicated his life to helping those ready to stop the suffering of anxiety and depression. On a clinical level he's helped thousands with their emotional health and on a professional level he supports health professionals to break-free from traditional practice. He's mission is life is to help people becoming who they really are.

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