Special Guest Expert -Jamie Miller

Special Guest Expert - Jamie Miller: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Jamie Miller: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated? And driven. How do we finally break through? With. That is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This is the mind body business. Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. We have a phenomenal, phenomenal show lined up for you tonight. The amazing and very unique Jamie Miller is going to be on with us very, very soon. I cannot wait to share this man's genius with you. And that is truly what this show is about. The Mind Body Business Show is a show that I had developed and created with you in mind. You, the entrepreneur, you the business person, you, the person that's looking to take your business and your life to that next level. Wherever you might be today, you might just be starting out, or you could already be crushing it. In either case, and everywhere in between, you will find great golden nuggets as we go through each and every show. Tonight will be no different. I know it because of the great Jamie Miller, who I just had spoken with right before pulling this show up. In fact, he's in the green room. He's ready. He's scratching on his monitor saying, let me in, let me in, Brian. I'm ready, and we'll bring him in just a moment. Uh, before his nails are ground all the way down. I promise he is going to come on real soon. This show is all about what I call the three pillars of success. And those are really the namesake of this very show mind that stands for mindset. And what happened was, over the course of about ten years, I started focusing on studying successful people. That's where my focus was and said, what is it about these people that made them perhaps more successful than yours truly? And in that time I found those three, these three pillars, they kept bubbling to the top, the common things.

Brian kelly:
So mind was mindset more specifically, and that was to a person. Each of these individuals that I had studied had literally developed a very positive, very powerful, and one that's most often mistaken or not talked about at all is very flexible mindset. And then body. Body literally means that each of these individuals took care of themselves both through physical exercise and nutrition and what they ingested. And then business business is multi multifaceted. These individuals had mastered the skill sets that are necessary to build a thriving business and to keep it growing beyond that time. And so we're talking about skill sets like sales, marketing, team building, systematizing, relationship building, um, leadership. I mean, I can go on and on and on and on because there a lot. The good news is, you yourself will not have to master every single one of them. The beauty of building a successful business comes by way of this concept that we call leverage. And to become a person that's in a position of leveraging, all you need to do is really master one skill set. It's one of the few that I rattled off there just a moment ago. And if you were just to master that one skill set of. Leadership, then you can leverage that skill set. Bring in those people that have already mastered all these other skill sets that you may never master, just because of the sheer time it takes to master all of them. And then you can build a thriving business. And or another great thing you do is follow what Jamie Miller is about to share with you tonight. Oh, I cannot wait, I cannot wait. He has found the secret. There are many secrets. I hope you understand that. Many secrets to success. Some give you the short pass. Some give you the long pass, some in between. Some are through investing. Some are through incredibly hard work in many hours. Some are through just smart work and very few hours. There are so many secrets to success. How would you like one where you get the shortcut? How would you like the one where you don't have to worry about all of the minutia that goes with building a business, all of the expenses, all of the services and team.

Brian kelly:
And oh, Jamie Miller, who is going to be fun. I can't wait to bring him on real quick before we do that. Another wonderful, amazing thing I found to be true of all these individuals that I had focused on that were successful, is that to a person, they were also very avid readers of books. And with that, I want to segue very briefly into a little segment I affectionately call bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready. Steady. Read. Bookmarks brought to you by Reach your Peak Library.com.

Brian kelly:
There you see, reach your peak Library.com. If you are watching live on the mind body business show, and if you're not, then just head on over to the Mind body Business show.com and click any of the buttons you see there. There are many of them and say how and where to watch. Any one of those buttons will whisk you right to the bottom, where you simply opt in to get notified the moment we air live the very next time, that's all you need to do, and then we will do nothing but notify you when we go live. And now you'll know and you'll get a link. You can click and you could be live with us, interacting, commenting, engaging. And you can enter to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort that's also included. If you stay with us live on the live video stream. So if you're not listening to this or watching this live, then consider doing that next time. For now, stay focused. Stay leaning forward, listening on that podcast, or if you're watching the recording of the video. Either way, take notes. You're going to really love the result of your time being invested here today. Reach your peak Library.com is a is a website that I had designed again with you in mind, and it is literally a library of books. And what is it? A library of what kind of books? They are literally the library of books that I personally have read because I did not read vigorously or voraciously until I didn't start reading until about the age of 47. You know, anything of worth, of note worthiness. And so I began about 12 years ago at the age 47. Yeah, I'll give you a second to do the math. And the beautiful thing I learned really quickly was, my gosh, this can really catapult oneself both professionally and a lot of times personally, and you'll find out if you haven't already. There's very there's a lot of commonality between business and personal life. It's a lot of similarities there. So a lot of these books in here, they are in here in no rhyme or reason. They are. There's not alphabetical.

Brian kelly:
They are added as I tell my team, hey, I finished another one. This is a good one. So not every book I've read is in here and I'm way behind. There's a lot more that should be added. But this is my gift to you and you can get them here on this site. You can get them anywhere you want. It doesn't matter to me. This is not a site that was developed to make money. This was a site developed to give you the resources. So if you go to Barnes and Noble, if you like getting a physical book from there, do it. Um, there's all kinds of bookstores all over the place online. Uh, all these buttons go to Amazon right now. So if you're okay with that, then just click on the button and get it there. It doesn't matter either way. Just get it and then read it. And one quick word of advice before we bring on Jamie Miller, who I'm so excited I can't wait. I'm like, Brian, hurry up, I'm telling myself, let's get this over with. And that is. You are going to learn a lot of incredible things from Jamie. He is going to give you some resources. We are going to announce websites and gifts and things, and I would just implore upon you that. Instead of scratching that itch and going off and typing in the resources and researching while you're watching, while you're listening. No no no no no. Instead, please do yourself. This is for you, not for me. Do yourself a favor and just write them down. Like reach your peak. Library.com. Just write that down. Don't go looking at it. Just write it down. When we are done with the show and you've entered the win for that five night vacation. Once you finish that, then go back to your notes and then visit all these resources. Why do I say that? Why is that so important? I think Jamie can attest to this. Is that because this happened to me on stage years ago, when I was just kind of getting my feet wet on stage, and I'd be near the really juicy part, I'm about to give away the secret, and I'd see someone get up and leave the room.

Brian kelly:
They either had to go to the bathroom or, you know, they had that all important text they had to or phone call they had to go take care of. So my my hope is for you is to stay focused when Jamie comes on and take notes, because I would just be I would not be too happy if you were to miss that one golden nugget that he provides to you that could literally change your life forever for the better. And I'm not. I'm not saying this to be dramatic. I'm absolutely dead serious about this because I've seen it happen, and I don't want that to happen for you. So please keep your gaze and focus on the man, the myth, the legend who is coming on right now. It's the one, the only, Jamie Miller. Let's bring him.

It's time for the guest. Expert. Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big league. Qualified.

Brian kelly:
And there is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one. It is the only Jamie Miller who.

Jamie Miller:
How is that? I'm fantastic. That was a phenomenal edification, Brian, I appreciate that. Yeah.

Brian kelly:
And I really, really enjoyed chatting with you right before we came on the show. It's amazing to me, Jamie, that you can learn so much about an individual in such a short amount of time. Do you find that to be true in your walk?

Jamie Miller:
I really yes I do. And one of the things obviously I focus on communication. If you ask someone a question, you get them talking. All right. That's where they see that you care. Because then the other skill set you got to do is listen. And then you and and I don't I find as men, we're very simple, all right. Women are way sharper than men, I say. But one of the things I've learned in emotional intelligence, I think, is way more advanced than any intellectual intelligence I've found is, uh, my girlfriend tells me more that she loves me whenever I just listen to her. All right? And so for any men watching the platform, if you want your Mrs. to or your single, and you want a woman to love you, just listen to them. And and, uh, that's a helpful start starting point. But yes, to answer your question, you can learn a lot within a very short. Uh, space of time.

Brian kelly:
Yeah. I just want to listen a little longer so that you would love me more. Jamie. You're so true. Uh, it's absolutely true. And it is for guys especially. Something very difficult to do. And that's to close the mouth and open the ears and let that happen longer. Especially, uh, when we have a significant other, a woman in our lives. Um, it's we want to fix things. We want to dive in and repair it and make the world better for them. They just want us to listen. They don't care about all that stuff. It's so funny. But we're like, come on, I just, I know I can fix this for you. Let's. So we dive in and interrupt them and that upsets them. And listening is quite a skill. I think, uh, if anyone wants to really get good at it is. Yeah. Get get a significant other and train yourself from that.

Jamie Miller:
I well, I don't know if this goes off on tangent, Brian, but just to elevate that moment in a conscious way. Listening. Most people teach listening. We've got two ears, one mouth. So you should listen more than you speak. Conscious communication. What I teach is more about what are we listening to? And if you ask a bad question, you're not going to listen to information that doesn't help you. All right. So the idea is to ask a great question that you actually want to listen to the answer. First off, and just as an added, uh, tip for people, when you're having a conversation with your girlfriend instead of just like at the beginning, they'll love you more if you say, look, do you want me to listen just to listen? Or do you want me to listen and offer a solution at the end of it, they'll love you even more. All right. As a result of just consciously asking that at the beginning. So just there you go.

Brian kelly:
And this is a perfect time. So, you know, we don't have much I don't have much to go on to introduce you formally. And I think the best thing to do here, I really was incredibly intrigued with your story of where you were, where you came to up to about five years ago and what that did and how it catapulted you into what you're doing today. Would that be a good place to start to help people understand who Jamie Miller is and what he does?

Jamie Miller:
Absolutely. And, you know, depending on some of the the age of your audience, I'm going to show, I share. Five years ago, December 2018, I had what I call my Jerry Maguire moment. So I don't know how many people are familiar with the movie Jerry Maguire. I'm going to be 47 this, uh, coming June. And in the seen Jerry Maguire movie, there was a one night where he couldn't sleep the sleepless night, and he was like, where do I provide value for another human being on the planet? And he wrote this 300 page prospectus. All right. And then he went and got fired from the company. All right. But he ended up working with the one client, Cuba Gooding Junior. And and then at the end of the movie, he had other people, players approaching him wanting that kind of service. Right. So for me, um, I really wanted more of a, uh, I had a Jerry Maguire sleepless night where I'm like, where do I provide value to any other human being on the planet? And I end up thinking, well, I've been standing in front of rooms of people and selling from stage and having interactions 1 to 1, and it was literally, can I teach another human being how to do this? And I ended up in, uh, the very next day, the way the universe I think operates is when you want something, you turn around and you talk to the universe that you want something. And all of a sudden, the next day at the gym, I run into a running coach who said that she's struggling in her sales. Next thing I know, I work with her 1 to 1 from January till May 2019 and end up finding out that I could absolutely teach what I know so that other people, so she could implement for herself. And I took the full leap, as I call it, into entrepreneurialism and. Four years later, I get to be on this podcast and am able to share, you know, it was, uh, I always say the hardest part of being an entrepreneur is taking the leap. It's it's taken the leap and having an attitude of that burn the boats mentality. I didn't have a plan B, in fact, without hopefully affecting my internet connection. Brian here, I'm going to turn the camera and everyone can see on the couch. Here is Bruce, my dog, all right. And my first year in business, my only goal was get a puppy. And the reason being is I got a puppy. It meant I didn't have to travel anywhere else ever again on behalf of somebody. Uh, some, like for some other boss. And so there you go. That's a bit organic and raw.

Brian kelly:
So Bruce became the boss.

Jamie Miller:
Bruce. Oh, he's definitely my boss. Well, his name Bruce, because he's Bruce after Bruce Banner. So sometimes he's Bruce, sometimes he's the Hulk. All right. So, uh.

Brian kelly:
I love it. Hopefully that's not because you're getting him all riled up.

Jamie Miller:
No, no, he does that all on his lonesome.

Brian kelly:
That's even better. So I gotta say, man, you had. I think you are one of the most blessed people on the planet to have had a, quote unquote, corporate job where your job was to speak. Right? And you spoke a lot, and you traveled a lot, and you spoke how many different topics if you were to think off the top of your head, did you speak about?

Jamie Miller:
If I said I lost. If I said I lost count, like, sincerely. Like it was. Look, not every I think the world will always be a boring place if everyone thought the same way. All right. And I noticed some of the books that you shared. My philosophy on sales is everything is a sale. I teach what I called a very comprehensive way about sales. So I'll give you an example if I do this motion. All right. What movie comes to your mind where the person does this right.

Brian kelly:
Wax on, wax off. I forgot the title of it, but. Yep. Right. Wax on, wax off.

Jamie Miller:
But do you remember Daniel's like, what's this got to do with karate? But by the end of the movie, everything do karate, right? So I get to teach conscious communication. I get to teach comprehensive styles of communication, how I get my kids to do things I want them to do without telling them to do it. And it's the same way a financial advisor with Edward Jones will get a high net worth individual. So when you ask what topics I spoke about, like, I don't smoke, I never have, but I spoke about cannabis and I went to every state in the country where it was a legitimate recreational and medicinal. And I would talk about, you know, uh, I would sell an educate. I was selling the fulfillment, so I wasn't fulfilling it. But as long as I was with as long as I could stand up on stage with a company where they were actually providing the fulfillment. Brian, I would be the speaker. Like Welcome. You're in luck. Jamie Miller's going to be sharing stuff with you, and all I would do is basically study for two decades people's reactions and learn what I call predictability. It's not. It's basically knowing when you say something. Or when you ask something, what is the right answer? You create predictability more with your guests on this show, based on the steps that you send out in emails prior to the show, right? I create predictability in the conversation. I go into a conversation with a predetermined outcome, and I'm just going to ask the person really good questions as to what's in it for them to have that outcome. And then there are some people that are not going to be the, the, the right people for that fit. And then I say, don't sell them because that would be unethical and not good integrity. Uh, from that standpoint.

Brian kelly:
I love it. I love it all. And the fact that you spent that time speaking and the skill set you mastered as a result of that, I mean, that communication is the key to sales, to key to, uh, happiness in life. I mean, communication with our spouse to do it. And I love how you added the integrity part. You know, that we want to do it with integrity, not to do it just to bend somebody in our in our favor just for the the mere fact of doing that, because there are some who would take that power, if you will, and use it for for bad, as long as people use it with integrity. My gosh, go out and crush it in, in this life and we're going to be sharing a little later. Jamie has a gift to give everyone, so you do not want to go away. I mean, if you're watching this live, for sure, stick around. If you're listening to this on podcast, if you're watching the recorded video, you still do not want to go anywhere. And I would say you don't want to fast forward. You want to listen to every word this man has to say because he is doing something remarkable. Uh, would you be okay with sharing a little bit about what you shared with me earlier, where you were saying when you first started, you went for a certain amount and then you started increasing that amount. I wonder if I could get more. I wonder if I could. Three. Exit five exit. You kept taking it up to the point where now I want to hear your latest goal. If you're okay with saying that, I love that. Yeah. No.

Jamie Miller:
Cool. Look, I said the hardest parts of the leap, right? And then if you ever run into someone who says they know everything, I would run away from that individual. And hopefully your audience is on that page too. Yeah. So when I started my business, I said about the running coach earlier, here's what I didn't share. So she she was charging three grand to her clients. And so when and she brought on 33 clients between December when I met her and May and she she retired from teaching so that she could go full time as a result what she did. So I was like, okay, well, she's charging three now. I'm she invested $960. It was like my guinea pig run. Can I teach another individual the things that I knew so they could have success? So in May of 2019, I started charging three grand a pop, and then it got to 2020 and I was like, I went, I kept with three grand and I was like, I'm going to make a goal. And every entrepreneur, a lot of entrepreneurs and maybe you can remember this, Brian, when you started out with it, I said this expression, I will be happy if I just earn 300 grand was the figure I threw out there. So I was like, can I? And here's what happens. I bring on 100 people who pay me three grand, and I realized I'm working a bit too back to back. And I'm putting in so much effort. And mental exhaustion meant I find mental exhaustion way harder than physical exhaustion. I heard you talking about mind and body. I like to keep myself in pretty good shape too, and try and have all the elements of, uh, life intact. So in 2020, uh. 2022, I said, and my mum, you got people in your life who are like, who want to care about you, who don't necessarily give you the best advice if they don't know it. But I said to my mum, mum, I'm wondering, I'm going to try and get 50 people at six grand. And my mum was like, Jamie, don't do that. You've got such wonderful people, you know, coming into your life.

Jamie Miller:
And I just, I ended up finding 50 people to give me six grand. And then the start of last year, 2023, I was like, I wonder if I can get 25 people at 12 grand. Just go out there, just see if you can do that. And I started at 12 grand in January of last year, and then I go to an event and I'm actually speaking at this event again coming up. All right. And it's called Re-Up. And on the drive up to, uh, from Orlando to South Carolina to Columbia, South Carolina, I pull into a random gas station middle of nowhere, and I buy a 99 cent bottle of water. And as I'm driving up the remainder of the trip, I'm looking at this bottle of water. And I kept thinking myself, this same bottle at the airport is five bucks. And I think my psychology, I just kept saying it right. And so I was like, Jamie, you got to a place you don't need the money. So let's just like I keep telling people prices are relevant. So I'm like, I've got to prove that, you know, practice what I preach. Price is irrelevant. So I get to the event. I'm like, I wonder if I can get people to give me 24 grand. And as a result of that, I got two people at that event to sign up for with me for 24 grand. The interesting thing you said earlier, people should value communication. The truth of the matter is everyone will tell me communication is so important. And then I'll ask them, have they have invested in it? And some a lot of people. There'll be people out there. No, I'm amazing at communication. I'm like, well where did you study it? I didn't I'm like, well, like I must be doing something wrong then, because I studied it for two decades and I've invested thousands of dollars and tons of hours to learn the things that I know. From March to May, I brought on 17 clients at 24 grand. So already it blew out my whole 300 grand model. I was like, uh oh, like, what do I do now in a business?

Jamie Miller:
And and then I went to an event in Raleigh, North Carolina, and I said, I wonder if I can get people to invest 36 grand. And I got five people to invest 36 grand. And so I guess hopefully the people who watch this, if they have true entrepreneurial ism about them, they can see that. Really in general, if if you get someone in front of you and they want what it is that you can provide them and they value it, the prices are relevant. And hopefully if if a realtor is watching this, it's never about your commissions. If a financial advisor is watching this, it's not about your fees, but you've got to ask the right questions first. So I'm maybe this would be a good lesson before someone ever shares price, if you ask me. What? Jamie, what is the, uh, investment for your training today? Because you'll never use the word. What is your cost? All right, what is the investment? I will say I'll absolutely share that before I do that. Just real quick question. What value do you place on being better in communication? Would that be a low value for you, or would that be a really high value for you? And the idea is the right person would say very high. Then you get to ask a question, uh, do you feel like you've got big aspirations in life or, or little aspirations, and everyone's going to turn around to you and say, I've got massive aspirations. Great. And then I would say, and also, just one more thing, just making sure when you make an investment, is it more about the investment or is it more about the return on the investment. And they'll say the return. Great. So now that you've just I've shared all that and you shared all that, can you see where 96 grand is a sensible investment? And that's where you'll get someone saying, yes, I can. I just don't know if that's, uh, something I can afford for an example. So hopefully that gave you a little bit more clarity. Uh, Brian, for everyone there that, uh, in terms of a lesson that before, if you say if someone says, what's the price of saying and they just share this is the price, uh, the, the likelihood is the person's just going to say, oh, I need to think about it or I'm good, thanks.

Jamie Miller:
Whereas if you ask, what value do you place in it and you've got them to the emotional place correctly to that point where they've shared everything they want from life as a result of your help. They're gonna say it's priceless. So and then you can compare things like what? You know, you can ask someone, did you go to college like, you know, did the things I teach? Was it taught to you in college? And and if you notice and hopefully they see a thing, I'm not telling someone something. I'm asking them. And and here's a nice, uh, segue to an expression, I guess. All right. Um, with regards to, um, I lost my all in that great, uh, thought process. I had the great, uh, Segway, and I've lost it. Maybe I'll get it back in a moment.

Brian kelly:
It'll come back for sure, right? Yeah. This is already gold. And, um, I can't wait to share with everybody what your your big gift is. And you have this, um, your core product or service that people will be blown away with. At least what I've seen as the core product or service at this point, uh, that you offer on your website. And I was like, I think the decimal is in the wrong place on that one, but we'll see. Well.

Jamie Miller:
Again, you were asking the the transition of my business in price point. Look, I've always operated very small, like I am, uh, I pride myself on. I'll never do a paid marketing thing. They'll never be the word sponsored next to my name on any for me personally. And the way I've always operated is. And in America, it's the land of opportunity. It's the greatest country in the world. I can work with very minimal amount of people. And still, because I'm working with people where they value what I bring to the table, and then you get referrals, all right. As a result of providing certain people success, I've got a 25 year old realtor who's made 320 grand in the last two years. All right. And and then people are like, how did you have that success? I have someone who helps me with pep talks before I go for listing presentations to get the outcome that I'm looking for. I'm now getting to a place. What you're seeing is I never thought there would be Jamie in a box. Brian. All right. Yet I've basically the decimal in the wrong space. It's more about no one having an excuse. I've got to a place where enough people have told me. Jamie, you should be helping the masses. You're a gift to the masses. And so it's. Can I help youngsters overcome? So.

Brian kelly:
All right? Yeah. Jamie's been experiencing some spotty internet, and so we will. He will come back, I'm sure. Actually, he actually dropped a couple times while we were in the pre-show when we were chatting before we went live. So this is all good. I want to share a few things with you as we wait for his return. One is is he has got a website called the Art of Conscious Communication. I'm going to pull that up here. And let's take a good look at that. Uh, he has a phenomenal backstory where he has talked about where he spoke from stage for years, or he spoke at different, um, venues for different organizations. And so he has a lot of experience in the realm of communication, which is, as you can tell, been the main theme of this, and this is why I find him so intriguing is because I have heard this over and over and over throughout my career. That communication is really the key, uh, when it comes to any kind of relationship and any kind of communication during that relationship. And I think he just returned. We'll bring him back. He is back. I was just telling him about you and pulling up your website. So please continue.

Jamie Miller:
Right. So the the idea is, is I'm aiming to help I behind me here, you've got a picture that I haven't ever explained right to people. And maybe I can make this a lesson. People. This is from a trip from to Egypt and King Ramses the Second was definitely someone who left a legacy because he was the king that most people were talking about. And so I thought, how do I do my legacy play? How do I help millions of people? And it's basically to offer guidance and support to my limited brain came up with make it less than what a kid pays for a book in college to for them to actually learn how to overcome social anxiety, how to get an interview, where they get the interview, or selling themselves on hiring the person. All right, um, it could be online dating. It could be entrepreneurial. Like if if there are people out there because you ask, oh, my challenge for this year, it's work 100 hours. All right. And then at the end of the year, after compounding actions, I'm a big advocate for, no one says you have to work, work, work. All right. You don't I love I love the three pillars that you talk about for your business, Brian. And I don't know if we've got time today for it, but there's a there's a story and I I've got it on video me recently in Milan with a client telling it. It's the fable of the fisherman and the entrepreneur. All right. And I operate my business as a fisherman. All right. Is basically the memo. You can create an existence where you do what you want, when you want, in a fashion that you want to do it. And so, like five years into my business is I've got to a place where I can speak on stages that I want to be at, in glorious places that I want to go to and work with clients in a, in a, in a fashion whereby they're all getting the guidance. And the idea is then to preach that to other entrepreneurs that do want to work based on a they look at their calendar based on the time that they're operating, if that, if that makes sense.

Brian kelly:
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. It's like I call that in one word liberation. You know, to be able to choose where, when, how, why all of it. Oh my gosh. Hey look at this. We have good morning. Good morning. You might ask what is that. Wow. Where is he from? Tokyo. Japan is in the house. How are you doing? I have no idea how to say your name. If that is your name. Uh, that's all in Japanese. Interesting. Uh, fun fact, my wife is Japanese and she doesn't speak Japanese either, so it's awesome. Born and raised here in, uh, in the United States. And, yeah, she's she's my sweetheart. Anyway, uh, so welcome to our show from Tokyo, Japan. We're going to be heading there this September, going to take a trip and have some fun in Japan ourselves and kind of finally, uh, lay eyes on the land from width from whence she cometh. Hahaha. So the kids will actually, you know, get to see, you know, we have kids, their adult kids, and go see and play in the in the land that they've learned and heard about so much. So it's going to be a lot of fun. So I was in the process of sharing your website because I wanted to give people an idea of, you know, while you were having fun with the internet, what it is you were doing, what you're up to, and the website.

Jamie Miller:
The actual website for the for the 1996, that's not actually the same website that you're on, Brian, just so you're aware, like, but, um, what was I going to say to you? I, I pride myself on if some I have a website for the first three years of my business, though, there was no website. All right. Uh, you, you know, I, I would I don't know if this is a lesson for people. A lot of people have LinkedIn accounts. I've got a LinkedIn account. All my business, social media wise, comes from personal Facebook. And maybe people can take this as a lesson. Personal Facebook. My my theory is, is people get to see your personal life and your professional life all in one space. So when you're doing so when I'm baking with my daughter or taking her on daddy daughter trip to New York theater to the theater, or I'm taking my son to Comic-Con this summer, people see, oh, I like Jamie as a person. And what he does with his kids, and then they get to resonate with like the business side of things. And it intertwines. And so I, I find that that's, uh, might be a good clue for people out there, uh, when they're trying to get business on social media. And another hint, make sure if you're trying to get business on any social media platform, make sure there's a question in your post. As an added lesson, right? If you want someone to actually do something, there's got to be a question. It's not just a standalone statement.

Brian kelly:
Yeah, that's really powerful for giving, uh, opening things up for engagement. And I remember hearing that many years ago. I shouldn't say many years ago, but several years ago, and I have since kind of forgotten about that. That's a good reminder. Add a question in all of your post. Yeah. And the cool thing is, yes, there are some questions when you ask them. You won't even know it when it hits, but you're going to get a lot of responses on some. It's kind of like a video. You put up a video, go, man, this is going to go viral. I just know it. And you hear crickets and they do another video go, oh, that was nothing. It goes viral.

Jamie Miller:
You know, the the other interesting thing is don't focus on the likes in the comments. Realize no one ever gets to see the private message based on the, uh, and again, my, my mission and and maybe look, your mission is to, uh, as you said, like Jamie, like it's about you today. Right? And and my mission is I leave everyone feeling better off as a result of how they communicate if they learn something that they didn't know. So I'll give you an example. You could ask a question of someone. Do you have time? Like if I said, Brian, do you have time later for a call? Everyone in the world will say no to that. I'm taking my dog for a walk or I'm binge watching a show on Netflix. So it consciously people use the words, at least if they consciously use the words, at least in their dialog, they'll turn a no into a yes very quickly. Um, do you have time later for a for a call? No. Hey, Brian, let's say there's something I can't share in the next 20 minutes with you, and it will absolutely help you out massively. Would that at least be worth ten minutes? For a cold. Yes. So using in your posts on social media, hey, would it at least be worth learning XYZ question mark you're more likely to get the response you want for any of your viewers. If they do cold calls, they if they're saying these words at the end of a call, I would like the opportunity to meet with you. You'll never hear me say the words I want unless I'm teaching someone to never say them because no one cares. So instead of saying I want, hey, let's say I'm more than just a charming accent and I can help you with XYZ, would you at least see a benefit in having a meeting? And that, again, is just me trying to leave your audience with tidbits of information that gets them thinking. I can implement this really quickly into my daily existence, and I can see where that would help, you know, tremendously for them.

Brian kelly:
So yeah, language is so unbelievably important and powerful, if used correctly. And you're taking me down memory lane and I appreciate that I needed this. In fact, I you know, I see we have a number of viewers on here. I think I'm getting the most out of this than anybody, but I could be completely off base. It is a great reminder. I've gone through Neuro-linguistic programing and got certified. Did it on a a business. Uh, it had a business twist, not just a personal development. And so we learned about effective communication about when I'm talking to you, Jamie. And if you don't understand what I said and you're just not getting it, normally the person talking is going, jeez, what is wrong with Jamie? Instead, it's like, let's be at cause and say, well, it's because of my communication. There's something I have not done that's meeting his communication style that perhaps would help him to understand what I'm trying to get across. And when you are at cause and you put it on yourself to say, I should, I should make the adjustment, not expect them to things like that, uh, that were supremely powerful and just language like you are talking about right now with, you know, would you at least see a benefit in answering the next question? I come up with Jamie.

Jamie Miller:
Absolutely, very. You're showing you're a quick implementer of stuff. So yes.

Brian kelly:
Oh yeah. This is this is phenomenal. This is a lot of value. And I hope everyone is taking notes. That is watching and listening right now. And I will tell them and I do this a lot on the show. But this is like going to a seminar every week for an hour for free. The problem is it's for free. And a lot of people don't put any value behind it because they haven't put out their money, their value as a return. And I would just implore upon people to imagine as hard as they might, would you at least? Consider. Did you like how I did that? Would you at least consider applying a value, a great value, something that would potentially be a little struggle, maybe 1997, just to watch this show? If you were to imagine that deeply, deeply, deeply to say, man, this costs me one, 1997, do you think you would pay attention? Do you think you would listen harder to what Jamie is saying? Would you take more notes? Would you then take greater action, at least at the end of the show, and take it to the next step and get the results you came here for? Don't just spend your time listening to people like Jamie who can get you to that next level and does, but put it into action by taking it seriously. All right, I'm off my soapbox.

Jamie Miller:
I love no, look, I'm going to I believe vulnerability is one of the most sexiest traits in sales. No one. There's only one word in sales. You can't be. And that's desperate. That's the only word in the whole English vocab that you can't be. Every I say, everything else goes. You can be. I've done sales when I've been nervous. I've done sales when I'm, uh, uh, confident. And I've also done sales when I'm vulnerable. And I find vulnerabilities, as my dad would have said, is very sexy. No one wants to be around. So if I said my whole life has been like this, there's no attraction to that, right? So I, I've been vulnerable. I've just the, the 1996. I launched it last week. Brian, let me tell you something in my head. I've been thinking to myself, hold on a minute. You're getting 96 grand from people and you're getting 12 grand for people to join a group, and you're making something. 1996 there were going to be cynical people being like, what's he giving for 1996? And and it's like, the only reason I made it 1996. I don't it's not about needing the money. It's about there's got to be a some skin in the game that they actually want to learn something. But the truth of the matter is it's going to be people out there where they're not going to understand the value. And that is my friend, why I'm not going to market it. It's purely going to be, if you know me, you know me. That's why at the very top of the page, meet your secret weapon. I it only people who are in the know of what I teach are the people who are going to actually, uh, be like, this guy's actually legitimately looking to help people, you know, from that standpoint. And so and again, that's just me echoing. We all have thoughts of that nature. I could operate still just 1 to 1 or very small groups, but then I wouldn't be leaving the legacy, uh, that I would, would like to leave for lots of people out there. So that just to echo what you were saying in how people should be viewing education.

Brian kelly:
Yeah, it really what it comes down to is the source, which in this case is Jamie Miller is does does does Jamie Miller have the results that you you might want does working just 100 hours in an entire year and still not needing money, does that attract. Does that does that seem attractive to you. Has he done it yet? No, but he's done everything else he's set out to. He's already pulling in enough money. That would make a lot of us cry and of joy. And so you look at the results someone has that if you're going to spend your time with a mentor, with anybody who's, oh my gosh, I can't tell you, Jamie, I used to be in the corporate world where I'd be sitting next to a guy and they're telling me, you should get this stock, this stock is going to take off. And I look at them and just go, I'm just looking at the seat you're sitting in right now and where we are. And I don't want to I don't want the results you have. I have them already. So thank you. But no thank you. And so it's a huge it makes a big deal. Uh, are you willing do you want to share your new website, or do you just want people to find you on, on Facebook, get to know you.

Jamie Miller:
And if everything I do on my Facebook is public, all right, let I can actually, if I, uh, just verify. It's the the the the only difference is if they go out of countries communication and they do that forward slash edu. That's the the that's the by far. That's my gift to the world. Ryan, in terms of, uh, I'm speaking at colleges even. All right. Coming up. And I again, I've got a lot of parents where they say their kids suffer from social anxiety, and so I it's. Have you found with your life, the game plan is the more distance you can take someone, the better, right. And so, you know, I've got clients. The interesting thing is the person who's investing thousands of dollars, they're typically two types of people that I've found in my life. It's either the person where they've already successful and they're like, Jamie, teach me one thing. I'm not doing all right. That can make a difference. Or it's the rookie who's serious and aspiring to be like that person. Then in society, you've got the masses in the middle where they can eventually get there, but it can take them a long period of time if they stay committed to the cause. Um, but, you know, I'm not a the way I coach. I'm not an accountability coach. I'm not the cheerleader. I consider myself a clarity person is what I'm teaching. I'm not going to say, did you? I'm not. You've used the words at least three times since I taught you it, and I and I love how quickly you implemented it. I love it when you call me in the future. And Jamie, I usually at least play on this person, and it just made it really seamless to get, uh, the business. And I'm not telling you go do it. It's just, uh, make sense. So yes, that's the that's the no brainer of all. No brainer. Or it's been designed, uh, as the no brainer of all no brainers out there. So that's.

Brian kelly:
Coming up. It has not occurred yet. Oh, this is awesome.

Jamie Miller:
But, uh, well, you did ask me, and I know that you're going to get there, but that there's a live webinars taking place April 22nd that the first my zoom accounts for a thousand people. So the first 997 or so. So I can have an admin watch it to help me out too with it. Um, we'll get on the live webinar on April 22nd and, um, on April 23rd for anyone who's listening in to this. And they want to listen for zero investment as an offer for your people. And I know we'll get there, but repetition is always good. Brian. Um, for anyone who reaches out to me, whether it's reaching out via my phone, they reach out for you. I'll do. I'll happily do, uh. And when I under-promise overdeliver. So if I say it's going to be an hour, don't be surprised if it goes an hour and a half or two hours for people. If someone actually shows up, I'm going to provide them with abundance in teaching where they haven't even given me $0.01. I have. No, uh, and that will be one of my 100 hours, uh, this year that I'm absolutely, uh, happy, uh, to do for people since I'm on this podcast or show, as I should call it.

Brian kelly:
So appreciate that. And, uh, for those that are listening on podcast at this moment, I want to give you the actual web address so that you can write this down and go there after you've finished listening to the entire podcast. So if you could at least consider writing this and very short URL down, it is art of conscious communication. Dot com forward slash edu. So it's not.edu. It's dot com forward slash edu I know that because I just made that mistake attempting to get there myself. So art of conscious communication.com/edu is this amazing amazing offer I'm jumping on this and I've got it written down. I'm going to be visiting it after the show is over because I do practice what I preach most of the time I'm pretty good at it. Um, not. I'm not perfect either by any stretch. That is an amazing gift. And my gosh, like I tell everyone, treat it as though that is worth 36 grand.

Jamie Miller:
Well, you read books, right? You'll notice just here I've got a whole load of books that I've spent more than 20 bucks on where I've learned one thing from it. And so, like I, I'm always an advocate for books. I just when it comes to what I'm looking to do, it's it's designed to be hopefully a little bit more dynamic where people can go and watch a video that teaches a 5 minute or 10 minute lesson. Right now there are actually four I just got from Noah Harris. There are four videos that are uploaded, um, already within that, uh, group. And the one, the the ones that he just sent me is how to deal with a spousal objection. All right, we get that. We're talking about wives earlier, uh, building rapport. Um, and I teach what I call the most powerful word on the planet to use in sales is the word believe. If you consciously. Ask someone at the end of a meeting, do you believe that I can help you? And the person says yes to you? It's a lot easier to ask them for the business. And being that you've studied NLP. Brian, this might not be a shock to you, but to your viewers, I call this the sweetest little word on the planet, and that word is yet. All right. And if people know how to consciously use the word yet in their business, in asking for business, I, you, you, you very well know it's a wonderful word to use to to elevate the next moment, uh, in the dialog. So yes, things like that are there already.

Brian kelly:
I just said yes again, no pun intended. Yes. You know, what about that movie with Jim Carrey? Yes, the yes man. He was just.

Jamie Miller:
The word yet. Yet?

Brian kelly:
Oh, yet? Oh, God.

Jamie Miller:
Yet you want to use the word yet? Not yet. Yet. All right. So I'll. I'll throw it out there. If you ask someone halfway through a meeting. Have you heard everything you need to hear from me yet? To feel confident, to move forward? It stops the amateur from oversharing. And if the person says, yes, I have, you get to say that's terrific. The next step is very simple. What makes a word yet so sweet is if someone says no, I haven't heard sufficiently. You get to then say, uh, that's still great. What is one thing specifically that you'd want to hear? So you feel that sense of confidence? It doesn't end your dialog with the word yet. And this will help people with their you're big on mind and body and right this you're going to love this the word. Yet in your self-talk conscious communication. Sometimes I feel like a therapist for people. We're in March right now. If someone says, I've not reached my goals for 2024, all right, that's a negative statement. If someone says the word. Yet on the end of that self statement to themselves, all of a sudden their psychology changes around it just by using the word yet. So hopefully that's uh, and those are the kind of lessons that are already within, uh, the website that you so kindly just share with people.

Brian kelly:
Oh my goodness. Yeah. And that was your share. And you are the kind one. And I appreciate you, brother. Yes. And and yet I still do appreciate you. I know it's not the right word, but I'm reintegrating, doing what I can. Yeah. There was, uh, something I this is we call it reframing. What you just, uh, showed was a kind of a reframe if you did it without the word yet. But then if you reframed it and added the word yet how that changes the entire neurology around it. And it's like saying, I have to go do the dishes. It's like, what if you change one word and instead of have to, I get to write. And what does that do to your mind? It blows it fricking upside down on the inside and saying, what do you mean? You get to, oh, I have dishes. So I'm blessed. I have a sink, I have a house, I have wow, if I didn't have this, I couldn't get to do this. So it became a blessing instead of a curse. And, you know, just doing that little tiny reframe all day long. And I can't tell you how many times, uh, you know, and then the word but but negates everything you just said prior to it. And we all do it habitually instead of saying, but say, and you know, I, I know you're thinking about buying this and you're not quite sure. And I wonder what else I can give for you. Have I given you enough yet? Oh, I just added that in there.

Jamie Miller:
Okay, so what's this? You can also substitute the word, but for the word. Yet there's three reasons to make the word yet sweet, right? Because you're no one. Like. No, everyone's offended by the word, but no one's offended by the word yet. So maybe that's two.

Brian kelly:
Ts, right? I'm kidding.

Jamie Miller:
So. So, uh. No, I like, look, there's there's tons of positive negative connotation in the world of working out. They call it a cheat day. All right? No one taught. Got taught growing up. Cheating is good, necessarily. Yet if you turn the word cheat into the word indulge, is it okay to indulge every once in a while? Yep. All of a sudden. And it's, uh. I don't know if I can afford it if if any of your viewers are turning around someone where they say, someone says to them, I don't know if I can afford it, and they're saying, oh, you just don't want to be in financial hardship. That's a negative. Now they're thinking about financial hardship. If you say you want it, you just want to make sure it's financially feasible. I say the word feasible should become your best friend. It's magical because the second you say you want it, you want to make sure it's financially feasible. The word feasible can get the brain to be creative. Now around how do we achieve that? So just things like that, like I hopefully it comes across I love this stuff. This is what I, this is how I make a living, you know, is is basically throwing out lessons like that on a daily basis.

Brian kelly:
Here's here's the lesson that everyone should take from this. And that is to model what Jamie has has just shared with you today. Model. There is another word that we use that is has a negative connotation from the school arena, and that is copy. If you ever copied someone, have you ever copied someone and you didn't get away with it? What what was the outcome when like back when I was a kid, they literally could smack you on the hand with a ruler. Uh, that was back when they were still able to inflict physical discipline. So it doesn't matter what the discipline is. So the reaction, it's usually not a positive one. And so we grew up thinking I should never copy someone but change that to model, which literally means copy. Copy, Jamie copy everything he's been doing. Model after him. That all? That's all it means. Model after Jamie and take every bit of his advice. Write this down. I'm. I'm running this show. Ladies and gentlemen, I got two pages. This is page two. Yeah, it's still going. It's still going. Oh, it's going it. There we go. Now it's updating. There's page one. I got page two. I'm getting writer's cramp. That is my. That's my method of knowing if the show is a hit or not. If I'm getting the value from it. Uh, versus and I know if I am, I'm, I can guarantee everyone watching listening is as well. So be okay. You know, your outcome for every event should be to get writer's cramp. Let's just take that one for sure, because a note taking is one that's best remembered. If you don't write it down, you're going to. And there's been study after study. I don't want to get too far on a tangent here. Holy smokes brother, we're four minutes away from the end. No way. It's not possible. Gosh dang it. All right, we're going another hour. I'm kidding. Okay, good. We could. And I know you'd be good with it, because the guy you are. And I want to be respectful of you and also all of our viewers, because every one of them we've actually gained in viewership over time. And this has been a great, great show. Jamie. I don't want it to quit. I can't wait for you to come visit near us. And I'm telling you, I'm dead serious. Pick up the phone, give me a call. Come.

Jamie Miller:
Come July, I'm going to be. I'm going to be on the west coast of Florida. Brian I will absolutely. I one of the words I label this most dangerous word on the planet, the word is promise. Because if you promise something, you have to deliver on it. I promise you I'll reach out to you in before July. You will have me. I'll reach out to you since I'm going to be, I believe, in a close enough vicinity very easily that we can meet up.

Brian kelly:
Yeah, and if it if it takes it, we can always meet halfway if it's too far away.

Jamie Miller:
And that's it. Either way, I just know I'm going to. I will promise you, I'll reach out to see what we can do to make that happen.

Brian kelly:
I love it, I'm looking forward to it. Um, I can tell you're a great guy who has a heart of gold, who is looking to make an impact. Leave a legacy, help more people. Um. My gosh. So he's already. Given his gift. Oh, wait, you haven't given your gift. We got to get your gift up here. Let's go. Let's do that.

Jamie Miller:
Um, I'm going to create. Like, what would be the best way for me to do this? I've got I'm going to do 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on April 23rd. All right. Is I'm going to do an absolutely no invest. Uh, when I say go against I will do an, uh, no investment. All I need, all I'm going to, uh, do I get to do. All right. The second I, uh, we conclude is I go to my zoom. If I go ahead and forward you the zoom link for the class, I'll label, I'll name it Brian Kelly's, uh, exclusive, uh, training. You. Would that be a suitable way for any viewers who have been watching this? Uh, they can go ahead and get a, uh. And then here's the good news. Then we know it's a reflection of they've loved the show, which is obviously the outcome I'm looking for. Uh, and everyone, everyone feels good about themselves on that front. How does that sound?

Brian kelly:
This is a phenomenal idea because I've built a list over time of folks who have registered to get the notifications. So if they're not registered, they're not going to get the message. So that's another great thing is go to the mind body business show. Com and it it in fact we give you a hotel discount card. We give you money just to opt in and we don't sell things. In fact, what Jamie is offering is not for sale. It's free. So you're getting all this for free. All you have to do is opt in to the mind body business show. Com if you're on the list just by doing that, you will get the message. You'll get a link to this show in case you didn't watch it yet. Then you will be able to watch it to understand what you are getting into. When you get on that zoom, it'll tell you that you need to be present on April 23rd at 6 p.m. eastern. And if you haven't yet figured that out, then when would now be the right time to do that? Ooh, there we go. I like that. And so that is the monster. I love it I'm going to take that one down. That was better. Way better. 6 p.m. April 23rd, 2024. For those of you that might be listening later. I've been doing this show for five years, so I better get the date in there just in case. Of those of you listening. And if you didn't get that by the by chance, if he still has the forward slash edu part of his website up, then get that go for it. I mean.

Jamie Miller:
It's seriously designed. That's designed as the. I shouldn't have to speak to anyone, Brian. I shouldn't have to. It's it's designed for you. Like, it's like if when you sharing about people should be buying this book. I saw some of your books, like the E-myth. All right. Like, I call myself a glorified technician, by the way, I am the. I'm the happy, but yet I'm happy to be the technician I love actively what I do. So there's, uh, that's the way, uh, we always do things on emotions, then we justify it with logic. All right. So I've, uh, I'm not interested in having a franchise of me. I'm not interested in having, uh, a team or employees. It's, uh, it's just some of the books never split the difference. Uh, there's an interesting concept just so everyone can understand, because you talked about the word copy. My principle. My theory is I don't. I haven't invented one thing I teach. Uh, there's not one thing I teach that I've invented. All right, here's what I do. I teach with my flavor things. Chris Foss never invented anything. He he teaches with his flavor. Grant Cardone didn't invent anything. He teaches with his flavor. And different people learn things from different people, from different flavors. So, uh, hopefully that's a nice way that people can understand. It's not even about using word for word. No one needs a British accent. They don't have to use a word for word play. It's it's just, uh, what makes sense for them to implement into their lives with clarity.

Brian kelly:
To get ahead? I'm thinking, uh, above just learning communication. I'm going to have you train me the British accent, though, just in case you've.

Jamie Miller:
Already got the Japanese wife that you're happy with, Ryan. Like, you.

Brian kelly:
Know this is for her, bro. She loves English accent. Everything I do, it's with her in mind. All of it. Always. Um. Real quick, I got a prize to give away. And we have an incredible final question to lay upon the great Jimmy Miller. And I know we've gone over a little bit. Everyone's hanging on, though, Jamie. So just a few more minutes and we'll wrap this up. I don't want to, but. And, um, we will see. I catch myself doing a lot. I don't want to negate it. Oh, we have a little bit of a glitch. This is a perfect time to give away the prize. And hopefully Jamie will come back soon. So for those of you watching live, you will want to go to the website I'm about to put on the screen. But don't go there now. Write it down. And then once I have revealed or once I've, uh, signed off for the evening, once we are done and say good night, then you go to this URL, okay? You're good. He's back. We're almost there.

Jamie Miller:

Brian kelly:
Apologies. No worries. It's all good. It's technology, baby. It's a love hate relationship. Mostly love, but sometimes it's, uh, you know, not so much. But, uh, real quick, everyone watching write this down. You want to go to when the show is over. Rip, skim forward, slash vacation, rip, skim forward, slash vacation, all lowercase. Write that down and enter the win after the show is over. Yeah, it looks like he's still experiencing some internet issues. We're having fun with that. So definitely write that down and we're going to get to that compelling final answer here in just our final question in just a moment. Hope you stay with us. Because this is a very compelling, profound question. And, uh, yeah, Jamie's internet's been a little spotty, but he's been a trooper and going through and, um, sticking with us throughout. I'm going to take a real quick sip of water. Don't go anywhere.

Jamie Miller:
I'm real.

Brian kelly:
I'm back. There he is. He's back. Let's get this going. So this question, Jamie, is okay. Very profound. Uh, there's two really great things about it. One is there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It doesn't exist because and this isn't a test. It's not a quiz. The exact opposite is the case. The only correct answer is yours because it will be unique to you. It's a beautiful question. It's a profound question. And also if it takes you a microsecond, if it takes you many seconds to come up with the answer, guess what? That's also perfect because it is your answer. So before your internet breaks up on us one more time. Right? Are you ready, Jamie?

Jamie Miller:
Go ahead.

Brian kelly:
Here we go. Jamie Miller. How do you define. Success.

Jamie Miller:
How do I define success? You said there was no wrong answer. I don't define success as you need to have tons and tons and tons of money. I've. I would define success, for example, with regards to my kids as a parent that my kids want to hang out with me. All right, beyond the age of 18. Uh, and the fact that whenever I call my daughter or tonality when she picks up the phone as a 16 year old is always upbeat that she's happy to hear from me. So there's success in terms of being a parent, uh, in terms of for the business success. I look at success, the fact that I get to look at my days and I'm no longer working for the man as it's expressed, and I don't have to jump on airplanes on behalf of someone else's, uh, schedule. And it's the notion of being able to really do what I want, when I want, and how I want. Um, it's not. And it's kind of cliche, but it's not involved around materialistic items, uh, at all. Um. I think success is growing each year and learning and giving yourself a unique challenge, such as the challenge I've given myself this year, and working 100 hours and seeing how I can compound actions each day so that in December, uh, one of your viewers maybe, or one of my, uh, potential clients can ask me, how did it go? And I get to share with them with transparency how that went. Uh. You're right. That is an interesting question. I know it's kind of a question that is thrown out there, and there is a profoundness, uh, to it. And I think the ultimate success that I've only really had highlighted recently is. Being able to to give that gift to the world. Uh, and it's a place like what I'm doing now. I sincerely never thought there would be Jamie in a box. It didn't ever cross my mind. So I think success now for me going forward is to have. Tons and tons of people out there like, know about me. Because someone else has told them about me, and because they've legitimately used concepts and strategies that I've helped them out to do in communication. So that's my answer. Uh, before my internet that I called up spectrum to make sure that that this wouldn't happen during the show. Brian, uh, I think success would have that the internet work the whole entire time. All right. That would also, uh, fit in line with success.

Brian kelly:
Oh, my. That was amazing. And, uh, just for your, uh, for your years, only no one else can hear this because we're only live. But I am going to be compiling a collaborative book, and the authors will be all of you, my guest experts who have been on the show, and it will contain the transcribed answers if you so desired it to be part of that, I'll reach out to you once my first book is finally published and out there, which is in the final editing, uh, as we speak, called appropriately mind body business. And so finally getting that out, Jamie, I want to say I appreciate you, brother. I cannot wait to meet you and your lovely, uh, should I even say it? Bride to be? Maybe. Who knows? Um, I don't know. Should we put it out there?

Jamie Miller:
Uh, we I mean, look. We've been together three years. I would say we're very happy. Look, you learn a lot of lessons in life. You sound like you've been amicably married for a long, long time, like I. I'm someone as a man. It took me till my 40s to grow up a bit and learn certain scenario, like, just, uh. I talked about emotional intelligence. I didn't say we've always had it, you know? So, like, I think there's a good lesson in for your viewers there that you don't have to have everything figured out, and you should always be growing, as I just shared, so. Oh, man. But I could end up putting a ring on a finger.

Brian kelly:
Um. Oh, no. He saw the internet going away. Oh my goodness. Well, ladies and gentlemen, that is it. What a fun way to end it. On behalf of the amazing Jamie Miller, who you see motionless at the moment, what a great show. I am your host, Brian Kelly of the Mind Body Business Show. Looking forward to seeing you all opting in at the Mind body business Show.com so you can get that information to join Jamie for free live on April 23rd at 6 p.m. eastern. He is going to be sharing in depth how to communicate effectively for your business and for your life. With that being said. I want to ask you to just do two more things when we sign off. Number one, please, please crush it in your business. Do everything you can to crush it in your business because you'll be serving more people. And number two, above everything else. Above all else, please, everyone I want to say. Blessings to you. Be blessed. That is it for us. We'll see you again next time. Take care for now. Bye bye everybody. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at www. The Mind Body Business Show.com. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Jamie Miller

For almost 5 years my clients have said that I’m decent at teaching them the principles of creating predictable outcomes in their conversations and removing chance.

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