Special Guest Expert -Kelly Fisher

Special Guest Expert - kelly Fisher.: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - kelly Fisher.: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated? Determined. And driven. We finally break. With. That is the question. This podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This. Is the mind body business. Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. Oh, I am really jacked up tonight in a great way. I don't even know why I kind of do, but I was really looking forward to this show because of this amazing guest that is about to appear. He goes by the name of Kelly Fisher. I mean, come on, what a fantastic first name. Just to start things off. Come on, that is phenomenal. And he is an amazing, amazing man. And I just got to get to meet and know him a little bit before the show. I've already done some research and I could not wait because this man, I mean, he has so many talents, so much experience, and he gets to take all of that, wrap it up into a nice, wonderful, beautiful ball and then share the best parts with you to help you get ahead in life. And you, you must stay on this show till the very end. Do not miss a minute. Get out that notebook. The Mind Body Business Show is a show that I had developed with you in mind. And that is the budding entrepreneur, the established business person. It doesn't matter where you are in your walk, your journey with entrepreneurship or business ownership, because I've been doing this show for over five years now and I bring on the best of the best, only successful entrepreneurs, and when they come on, they divulge their strategies, their secrets for success, and you get to be the recipient. It is like going to a very expensive seminar every single week. We do this every week, by the way, for free. All you need to do is sit, take notes, listen intently, focus on what Kelly has to say, and then put it into action, and then maybe reach out to him for assistance when the time is right.

Brian Kelly:
And yeah, I think you're going to want to after you learn about this man, what he does, the impact he has on people and his heart is golden. And that's what I, I love what I get to do because to a person, everyone that's been on this show has that servant attitude. And that's why I love successful entrepreneurs, because they all have that servant attitude opposite of what many might think because of what we see on TV shows and media. Very opposite. Yes. And the mind body business show, it is about what I call the three pillars of success. And these came about after a period of about ten years or so of studying, and I focused on successful people. What made them perhaps more successful than yours truly. And these three pillars kept bubbling up to the top over and over and over. And yes, they are the very namesake of this show. Mine stands for mind set. So to a person, each of these individuals that I. That I studied, just like Kelly had a very positive. Very powerful. And the third element, which very few people even consider, and it's the most powerful. They have a very flexible mindset. And body. Body literally means that these successful individuals took care of themselves physically and nutritionally. It's really simple to say it, go ahead and try to do it. I know many of you are struggling in that area, and I know Kelly is a huge proponent of this as well. And then business business is multi multifaceted. What these successful individuals have done is they had mastered the necessary skill sets that are required to build a successful business and then to take that business and scale it. So it's not just mastering skill sets and then stop. It's continuing to master skill sets so you can keep growing. And it's a phenomenal, um, journey and skill sets. What kind of skill sets are we talking about? We're talking about marketing, sales team building, systematizing leadership. I mean, I could go on forever. And being a very astute watcher and listener that you are. That's you. That's right. You know that mastering anything, anyone skill set can take a very long time.

Brian Kelly:
The good news is you personally do not have to master every skill set. One of the secrets of a successful business or entrepreneur is that we leverage other folks talents. We leverage other people's money. We do it in an integrity based manner and to where it's always a win win. And so with that, I would say if you're going to focus on any one skill set to start to mastery, that skill set, I would recommend to be the one of leadership. When you have you don't even have to master it completely yet. When you're in the process of mastering it, you can then use it to leverage by pulling in those other individuals that have already mastered those skill sets that you have yet to or, let's be honest, may never master just due to the sheer time it takes. So there's your your first gift right there. Don't go anywhere. Kelly's going to knock this out of the park. I mean, that was a great tip I got, I gotta say. But you will be blown away when Kelly Fisher comes on. He's right there. I see him, he's scratching at the monitor. Please let me in, Brian. Let's go. Come on. I'm ready. And, uh, I see that there's probably going to be scratch marks when he comes on, but we'll be able to see him just fine and hear him great. So. Let's go to the next segment real quick. What I also learned by these very successful people is, again, to a person, they were very avid readers of books, and not just any books, which will explain very briefly in this next little segment I affectionately call bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready. Steady. Read. Bookmarks brought to you by Reach your Peak Library.com.

Brian Kelly:
There. You see it, reach your peak. Library.com. Now, a quick word of advice, and this comes from my experience of speaking from stage. You are going to be given several resources during the course of this fantastic show, most of them coming from Kelly Fisher. And what I implore upon you to do is rather than, you know, succumb to that little itch that tells you, I want to go look at this resource right now while Kelly's talking. No, no, no, please don't do that. Please. Instead, yes, do that old fashioned thing that a lot of people just are against for some reason now. And that is write down, take notes. And if you are, if you are looking to become more successful, you will find that the habit of writing notes is the habit of success. You will find that that will take you farther, faster. The thing the reason is, is because I've done this from stage. I've spoken from stage many times. And in the beginning, when I was more of a green speaker, I noticed on occasion I'm getting I'm getting close to that sweet spot. The good stuff, the juice, the things that's going to make the biggest impact on the audience's live their lives. I know it because I'm the presenter. I know what's coming up. I'll get close to that point, and I see someone get up and head out the room and leave. Whether they had to go to the bathroom or they had all important text messages they had to attend to, I'm like, oh no, I felt bad for them. They're going to miss the best part. So for you, in order to keep and not miss a single golden nugget and you don't know when it's going to come, I don't know when it's going to come, but I can guarantee that it will come. I've been doing this a long time, Kelly, after talking to him, you're going to have more than one golden nugget if you take your focus away for just a microsecond to go looking at something else, you may miss that one golden nugget that could change your life forever. And I don't want that to happen for you.

Brian Kelly:
So it's just my advice is to take notes and I'm going to clear my throat just a moment. Wow, I'm too excited. It's clogging up quick. All right, so Kelly Fisher is coming up. So the Reach Your Peak library is a website that I had developed with you in mind. Once again. Yes, I love given I truly, truly enjoy it. And it came about as a result of the fact that I personally did not read avidly until the age of about 47. That was about 12 years ago. I'm giving it a little time for you to. I'll do the math, because I know you're curious and it's a beautiful thing. And the cool thing is, once I started reading voraciously, I began realizing, wow, this has made a massive impact on my life. And oftentimes in business, oftentimes in my personal life, and oftentimes in both, because business is much like personal life, it's all about relationships. And you'll find that as you go through your life and your journey, if you haven't already. So this is just a compilation of books that I personally read and I vet, and I put them here because not every book I've ever read is in here. I vetted these, and so that gives you the ability to basically increase your odds of not wasting your time reading a horrible book. I'm not going to guarantee that these will all have a profound impact on you personally. At least they did on me. So you can at least go in with the assurance that at least one other successful person has vetted these books and said, yeah, I think these are good to read. So many of these you'll probably recognize. And by the way, you don't need to get the books from this website. That is not the purpose of this site. If you love to go to Barnes and Noble and get a physical copy, please by all means go to your favorite bookstore, go to wherever works for you. All those buttons go to Amazon. So if you're an Amazon person, you can get them there. Doesn't matter. What matters is you do start or continue reading and then taking action on what you've learned.

Brian Kelly:
Now, speaking of taking action, we're going to have some fun. You know why? Because it is time to bring on the one and only Kelly Fisher. Let's bring him on.

It's time for the guest expert. Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big league. Qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there he is, ladies and gentlemen. It is the one. It is the only Kelly Fisher. Woo hoo! Thank you, thank.

Kelly Fisher:
You, thank you, thank you, Brian Kelly. My best friend's name is Brian, grew up in Chicago. My name is Kelly. So we just we got a special kinship right there. Oh, man.

Brian Kelly:
We got we bridged the gap right there with just our names. Isn't that cool? Fantastic. I cannot wait to dig in. Oh, we got already a visitor from all the way over in China. Good friend of mine, Dennis Nurmela, who used to live here in the States. Uh, he's an astute businessman himself. Thanks for coming on, Dennis. Appreciate you, brother. Hope all is well. And, uh, Kelly, man, I want to get this thing rocking and rolling. And what I'd like to do is give people a kind of an overview of where you came from, what makes you tick by by way of just introducing you, if that would work for you. And then we'll dive into some pretty heavy hitting, fun and powerful questions. How's that sound?

Kelly Fisher:
Cool. It's awesome. Love it.

Brian Kelly:
All right. Yes. So Kelly Fisher is a CEO of a company called Mind Corp. And another company we're going to talk about in a minute. His full day boot camp was born out of a necessity. And when he was a personal fitness trainer. Oh, my God, you're gonna love his background when he was a personal fitness trainer in Hollywood, California, is when he got all this. He trained a lot of agents, executives and Hollywood stars, including Charlize Theron, Andy Dick, and Rene Russo, to name just a few. These agents and executives and their employees who sat at a desk all day long, had the same tight, overworked muscles. Oh my goodness, I can relate to that. Kelly suggested stretch exercises to do. One agent said if it popped up on my computer, I would do them. So they're seeing it and they'll pop on his computer. So the corporate stretch was born. I love that way. You coined that then as became a certified Clinical Master hypnotherapist. Woo! This is getting good. Graduating. Yes there it is from HMI Hypnosis Motivation Institute. I love that place. He had some of the same clients coming from these offices with a new set of problems. They suffered from things like stress, anxiety, overwhelm and burnout. So what does Kelly do? He designs the corporate Quick Break, a 15 minute guided visualization to relieve their stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and burnout. How many of you would love that? Oh, everyone. Everyone should be raising their hand, realizing these two problems are coming from the same offices. He designed the Mind Corps Full day bootcamp, a complete rebalance of mind and body for amazing success and results. And we're going to be announcing another variation that he has going that is also incredibly powerful. The one, the only, the amazing Kelly Fisher, is in the house. Ladies and gentlemen, he is here with us right now. Today.

Kelly Fisher:
Wow, what an intro. Thank you. Goodness.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. It's about time for Brian to be quiet and let Kelly talk for a change. So, uh, this is perfect. Right down, right down the middle of the plate for you. Because I love to open with the topic of mindset in every show. And I'm very curious because, Kelly, you've been you've done so many things. You've been successful in everything you've touched. I mean, you go from, well, I don't want to say it. I'm going to let you say your background and mention everything you mentioned to me, but you went from what you started at to where you are now. And it took a lot to do that in each transitional phase. And now where you're at and be successful at what you do in each phase takes even more. It takes a a certain kind of mindset to make this happen. And this is why I love asking this question. So when you are, you're getting up in the morning and, you know, being an entrepreneur, you know, every day is not just all rose petals and, and glorious. You know, I don't know what you call them fluffy clouds. It's not just, oh goodie, we're in. We're in autopilot mode. I'm going to go make some more money. It's a day in and day out grind. Sometimes it takes marketing. It takes a lot of effort. And it takes, uh, getting over some hurdles. And so knowing that you have all of these things facing you every single day trying to knock you back, what is driving you, what is going on in your big, beautiful brain that is saying, Kelly, this is another day. Let's go get it, baby, because we gotta do it. What is it for you? That's that's that's driving you to get up and continue to do this day in and day out.

Kelly Fisher:
Yeah. First thing comes to mind is my big hairy, audacious goal. My big is to end mental suffering. When I know the tools and I watch people suffering mentally, I. I have to help. So that's that's my drive every day.

Brian Kelly:
And that's a big that's a big why that could easily catapult many people to get out of bed. And the fact that you have now the tools and the resources to make that happen, that's got to be incredibly empowering. And I would imagine I'd even dare say exciting for you to get up every day knowing you could have some kind of, I don't know, incredible impact on someone's life. And it doesn't it doesn't take forever to get to that result. Um, that I know of, from what I'm aware of in your realm, in the hypnosis area. And that's the beautiful thing about that science, which it is a science. It's not woo woo. These are things I had to overcome mentally to say, I will accept the fact that this thing can help me. Once you've done that. Look out. This is. It's an amazing science and I can't wait to get your angle on it, Kelly, and talk about everything you're up to. So real quick. I would love to set the table by, if you don't mind, is give us a brief synopsis of where you started, like you mentioned, where you started with me, and you could go before that if you want, and some of the different things you've done in your life, how you've changed your vocation, so to speak, and how each one of those experiences led to where you are now?

Kelly Fisher:
Absolutely. Yeah. As a matter of fact, it started before our conversation. I would think I was 9 or 10 years old, and I literally I grew up in Chicago. I was a hockey player. And I said, do I want to be a hockey player or a rock star? And kiss was my favorite band. I'm like, well, there's only four of them and I could be the lead singer. So I pursued that career. So, uh, but the bottom line, I think, is always have a teacher. I hopped on the train every Saturday in Chicago, drove down, uh, downtown to my vocal lessons. And just whatever you pursue, there's always a coach to help you along. I think that's, you know, people get lost and they feel like, oh, what's next? There's coaches. There's coaches for every aspect of of life.

Brian Kelly:
Absolutely. Yeah. And so you chose I'm guessing rock star I did. And so what happened next after after you went through The Voice I mean how long did you go through these, uh, voice lessons before it stuck and you went in and started becoming a rock star?

Kelly Fisher:
Maybe, uh, 3 or 4 years. I was going downtown. And then one day I said to my mom, I got some big news. She goes, you're getting married. I'm like, getting married. I don't even have a girlfriend. I'm. I'm going to Hollywood to be a rock star. Like. And so I packed up and just drove across the country. And the first three months I was there, I found a, a band that was looking for a singer, and I was literally in front of a thousand people on the stage. Like the first three months I was there. It was it was an amazing, amazing journey. Amazing.

Brian Kelly:
Whoa. And so you've been involved with bands and you've rubbed elbows with, uh, some big metal bands and their, their players. So, you know, feel free to drop names as they feel pertinent to you, because I know there are a lot of fans out there that will recognize. There were a couple you mentioned before we started the show, like, oh, I've heard yeah, I know that is yeah, that's cool.

Kelly Fisher:
Yeah, yeah. My bass player in my band lived with C.C. Deville of Poison. So we, we go up to the hills every, you know, I mean, uh, Ice Cube, Ice-T lived over here, Donna Summer lived here, and we're at C.C. DeVille's house, and it was just, uh, it was a, you know, it was it was an unbelievable experience. It was. Yeah. I mean, I was in a glam band back in the day with long colored hair and makeup, just like poison. But what a run. What a run it was.

Brian Kelly:
And what, what what are some of the things you're looking, looking back on that? What things have you now looking back on that? Did you learn from that? You said, you know, I know that that probably wasn't the right approach. And now I can tweak it and, and make it better going forward and help others in the process. Yeah.

Kelly Fisher:
The funny thing is, um, you know, just being in the band, recording music. Now, when I record and meditations, I do like four different levels of, uh, you know, mind, uh, you know, mind syncing and stuff like that. So I, I take everything I've learned and into my new career and even even being on stage as an actor, uh, just the lighting and I, I got two big studio lights here, just the lighting and just. It's cool how some things like. Well, yeah, I part of me wishes I was still a singer in a rock band, but everything I've learned actually is coming into play with what I still do. So it's just it's an evolution.

Brian Kelly:
That's the that's the golden ticket right there. And I hope everyone was listening and didn't miss. That is really what it comes down to is no matter what you're doing today, what you're experiencing today in your life, it is going to serve you going forward. If you apply it and you learn from it. And that could be in a positive and a negative way. We all make mistakes. We all make the wrong choices, having full good intent every all the way. So okay, you slip that next one in there. I heard it first, it's Rockstar. And then you said I heard this word called actor. What was that?

Kelly Fisher:
Yeah, yeah. After the rock star life was over, I said, well, I love being on stage, so I figured I studied, uh, Meisner. Uh. What was the other two? Um, Stella Adler and, um, I forgot the third one, but there's three main acting courses, and I decided to go with Meisner. So I went two years to Meisner course, and it really changed my life. And even, I mean, I was fearless. So even other, uh, actors students came up to me like, how come he never calls you out on stage? How come he never gives you a hard time? I said, because I'm fearless. Whatever he tells me to do, I do so that that Meisner technique really changed my life.

Brian Kelly:
Wow, that sounds very similar to something. Oh, that's very cool. And then, uh, from acting, there was yet another vocation that came from that. Or maybe it was at the same time, uh, maybe it overlapped. What was the next step in your journey? Yeah, yeah.

Kelly Fisher:
I was personal training at the same time that I paid my bills being a personal fitness trainer, um, while I was doing the acting role, and then, um, yeah, it just morphed into, like, like we spoke of. I had, um, this guy was listening to on the radio every Sunday morning after rehearsal. We rehearsed all night. Sunday morning, I listened to this guy on the radio. I figured he was a hypnotherapist. And I'm like, oh, he's in. He's in the same. He's in LA with me. So I went to go see him and like literally the second session, I was walking out to my car in Hollywood and this guy shoulder bumped me real hard and I got to my car and opened it. I thought I would be, like, really angry that this is like, this is gone. This is two sessions, it's gone. So I figured Hmai Hypnosis Motivation Institute was ten minutes away from me in the valley. So I went to study that that new, new, new career right there.

Brian Kelly:
And what an amazing place. I've been there and been there a couple of times and sat in on a few sessions of where they're teaching other hypnotherapists different things, and it was just like, I didn't even know this place existed. I can't remember the name of the young lady who's no longer with us, part of The Partridge Family or the was it Partridge Family, the Brady Bunch, I can't remember.

Kelly Fisher:
Miss John Kappas was married to Mrs. Brady. Yes, I was, I was walking through the hall one day and I looked in a classroom. I'm like, oh, my God, it's Miss Brady.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, it's pretty awesome. And, uh, the son I believe has taken it over. Um, yes. Yep. Yeah. And that's who I met. I didn't get to meet either of the other two because I came on later in the scene. But what a great facility and institute what they have going. So that tells me you have a great starting point. You know, people want to know the evolution. Where did people where did you learn from? Was it from somebody who learned from who? Somebody who learned from who? Somebody who learned from? Or was it from one of the sources you came from one of the sources. And that's important for people to recognize that, you know, he got it from the one of the biggest experts of hypnosis and hypnotherapy in the world is in this one place that he learned from. So I just want to let that settle in with everybody to know that we are talking to a bona fide expert in this field and someone who has put everything he's got into it, I can tell, uh, he's you've got something coming up that sounds so amazing, so cool that I got all excited about, uh, that you're going to be basically, literally going and walking the streets pretty soon. What is that going to entail?

Kelly Fisher:
Uh, it's a show coming up in March, but I just want to say when, uh, Doctor John Kappus when he was still alive, when I went to school, um, I was one of those people that just couldn't be hypnotized. I couldn't let go. And he's the first person that actually, he worked with me one on one, and he hypnotized me. I'm like, Holy cow, I get it now. So that was a beautiful experience working with him directly. Um, yeah. So, uh, next month in Utah, I have a gig. It's, um, it's, uh, I belong to NSA, National Speakers Association, and, uh, one of the guys that he's a member, he's like, I have an automotive industry where I teach people how to take their business to the next level. In automotive. I'd like to come out and speak, uh, for us. I'm like, I would love to. So we decided on, uh, I'm going to do, like, a walk around mentalism slash street hypnosis, hypnotizing people right there. Like I was telling you earlier, I read people's minds. I could break into their cell phones. I could, you know, pick out a card because they give me the energy right away. It's a it's a beautiful crowd. I meanAnd t, I just, I it's it's hard to explain because it's like, oh yeah, sure. That's real. No it's real. Yeah. If you, if you tune into it, it's real.hat's what I was asking you. I was like, I literally said this. So this is real. You can literally this not a trick. It's not a magician thing to go on the street and do these things. And, you know, you see the rapid induction where they go sleep and, you know, it's like you see people drop like, come on. Well, I've been through that. I'm like, okay, in the training realm. And it's like, wow, this is pretty cool stuff. And until people understand and recognize that look. You know, a lot of people are wondering like, hey, Kelly, you know, I don't want you to come and make me bark like a chicken, right? And so the wonderful thing about this whole world of hypnosis is that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

Kelly Fisher:
You're just taking in suggestions and either acting upon them or you're not. And it's all you. You are 100% in control at all times. And, you know, I used to think, Kelly, that you had to go like under. Going under meant going to literally sleep until I learned. No, as a as a hypnotherapist, you don't want them to sleep. They need to be awake for them to accept your suggestions. Like, huh, okay, that makes even more sense. And so, um, what are some other myths or things that you've heard that would potentially keep somebody thinking, oh my gosh, get away from me, you crazy weirdo. Uh, you know, therapist, uh, what are the things you've come across? And then what? What are the answers for them? Yeah, I was going to say hypnosis. The word means to sleep because that's what they thought people were doing. And then they realized, oh, shoot, they're not sleeping. They're actually a hyper alert. Um, it's there's four brainwave frequencies. And what we do is we lower the brainwave frequency from, you know, beta, which is speeding 14 to 30MHz per second. That's anxiety fight or flight. I only have two choices. Take a deep breath. Let's lower it down to Alpha. Let's get that brainwave frequencies down. So it's just lowering brainwave frequencies and getting into a natural state that, you know, even from my stage shows, when I do stage hypnosis, I say, listen, you're driving on the freeway, and all of a sudden your exits, three exits back. Who's driving the car? It's it's highway hypnosis. It's we. So we go in and out all day long. And most people that say, are you going to hypnotize me? I say, no, I'm actually going to wake you up. You've been in hypnosis for a long time. Oh that's.

Brian Kelly:
Awesome. What a great reframe on that. Yeah, I love I use that analogy all the time with the car. Like who's driving it? Well, it's still you. It's your subconscious that took over and somehow you still made it home. How many times I've gone on a trip and I get home and I'm like, I don't remember the last ten minutes of this at all. Like, it's gone, but I'm home. How did that happen? And so the mind is incredibly powerful. Oh my gosh, there's so many examples, but I don't want to go through them here. It's just, uh, that's why I love having you on the show, Kelly, because you have the background and, you know, the hypnosis. How does it help people that have issues? I mean, okay, let's do this. What kind of issues? Like what are the common ones that that come to you that are kind of big issues for that person? That if they were to eradicate that issue and change their life, it would change them dramatically. What are the ones that you've experienced that you've worked with?

Kelly Fisher:
Yeah, that's a great question because most of my clients have been through 5 or 6 years of conscious therapy. And, you know, God bless them. And I'm sure there's a lot of great therapists out there. But even Einstein said you can't fix a problem from the same level of thought that created the problem. He's talking about the conscious mind. So everything we're all we were on on patterns. Like I told you, I have a six year old. There's no conscious mind up until seven years old. So everything is programed in. They're all in alpha. That's why they have such great imaginations. The floor is lava, Papa. I'm like, oh, shoot, the floor is lava. Holy cow. So, I mean, they don't have a conscious mind up until seven. And then the things that get programed in every one of my clients, I do what I call a reverse timeline. Okay? All behavior serves a purpose. We want to change that behavior. Let's figure out where it started. Let's go. Oh, eight years old. You were told all this negative stuff from parents and friends. We go back to eight years old and hypnosis and literally reframe it because the subconscious mind doesn't know any different and they don't have that trigger anymore moving forward. So it's, it's, uh, permanent, permanent change that it's just I mean, I love what I do.

Brian Kelly:
It only shows, that's all. It's very similar in, in. And so there are a lot of great mindset techniques, uh, that, that help you to reprogram your conscious or your subconscious brain for improvement. And you basically just said because it's permanent, that is reprograming one's subconscious brain. And, you know, some people that I've dealt with, I'm NLP certified and I have some experience in hypnosis as well. And there are some people that think, what do you mean, reprogram my brain? Whoa, easy. It's not that. Don't worry. It's good. You'll be glad you did it. Uh, let's let's. So you learn how to properly pre frame things so that people understand and can be comfortable knowing that you're there to help them. And the thing that's truly helping them. This is the beautiful part. The amazing part is their own mind. Yep. I mean.

Kelly Fisher:
My my my my speech to the my clients is I'm a template, I'm a guide. I'm going to give suggestions and take you back there. But then I don't say anything because I want it all happening inside of you. Your imagination is going to visualize this new outcome and everything is 70 trillion cells in the body are all where the subconscious mind and the imagination is. You're literally reprograming yourself. I'm just a guide.

Brian Kelly:
The really cool part about it for me, I'm very and I'm getting less so because I'm training myself to be less so very analytical. I would say analytical for fun, uh, very analytical. And because I'm always trying to make sense of everything, I mean, everything. And so when I first started with NLP, nothing was working for me because I'm, I'm dissecting it in my mind. How can this be? It's illogical. It's not working, blah, blah, blah. And when I finally realized, like, just let it go, act like you're a child again, just be free. Enjoy it. Act like you're playing on, playing with your toys on the bed, something. Just release that stuff in the moment. I did Wham! And the cool thing in the process is the stuff that goes through your mind and you will remember it is never logical or usually not. It's usually almost like you're dreaming something when you wake up and go, wow, that was a weird dream. Uh, it's just I wasn't expecting that. As more of the, uh, response you get is like, well, that was interesting. Um, I've had times where I bring up a memory I didn't know I had anymore. I remember being a kid on the carpet, and this carpet has a specific pattern. I didn't remember it for years and years and years because they ripped it out when I was still a little kid. And, uh, it came back and I'm like, whoa. And I remembered a toy. I don't remember a little play toy. I was like, three or something. I don't know, it was like, awesome. So the mind is supremely powerful, and that's what I love about it, that you, Kelly, have the tools to help them to tap into their subconscious, and they get to clear out any of the weeds and stuff that is has been impacting them ever since. Isn't that isn't that an amazing gift to have?

Kelly Fisher:
It is like I said, uh, we all, we, we all run on programs that are, you know, it's like, well, why would somebody stay in a bad relationship? Well, they seen their their parents go through it. They had three bad relationships. It's a program that we run on. And until you analyze it and sit back and go, oh, I'm running on this old program. I don't want this anymore. Let's go back and hypnosis and change it.

Brian Kelly:
And that's the thing. The beautiful thing is, you don't have to lay on a couch and be and relive all of these horrible memories over and over and over to finally eradicate them. And we're finding more and more. That doesn't work very well. Again, like you said, God bless all the therapists out there that are trying to help people. But I love I love rapid change. I want instant change. And the beautiful thing about our collective brains, each of ours is it wants change and it wants it instantly. And your brain has that power to do so. It just takes the right direction, you know? So Kelly is there just saying. You know what? Let's take let's take a right right there. Go ahead and take a right. And then you tell me what you see or just recognize what you see there. And then okay great. Now let's take a left turn. He's just giving you directions and all you do is follow him and then you get the results you came for. It's that simple.

Kelly Fisher:
Yeah. I can't tell you how many clients. I mean, virtually all my clients. But like I said, been through 5 or 6 years of conscious therapy, in my opinion of that is like, we're just going to peel the scab off a little bit every week. Well, of course it's not going to heal. You know, I had so many clients that one guy comes to mind, young kid who's getting off drugs, and he's like, yeah, I have five years. I was talking to this therapist about my drug use. I'm like, how did that make you feel? Like going to do drugs? I'm like, yeah, we we didn't talk about your drug use at all. I'll talk about future and what you want to be when you get get older. But you know, it's all it's it's all future pacing and positive thinking and it's powerful stuff.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. It's like the very powerful statement I learned from my mentor when I was going through all of this was just one sentence. You get what you focus on. So if you focus on great stuff, you get more great stuff. If you focus on crap, you get more and more crap. Yep. And so, you know, sitting down and reliving all of these horrors. I can't imagine how that could help. Even though, you know, everyone has the best intentions that are going through this. Uh, I again, I want the I want the shortcut to to success. I don't want to spend hours and hours on a couch. So when you do hypnosis, what would be an average? I mean, I get it. It's probably varies from person to person and from issue to issue. What would you say is a sweet spot for how long someone would need to come and go through your hypnosis sessions before they start seeing results?

Kelly Fisher:
Yeah, I tell people, give me 3 to 6 months. You'll be a different person, guaranteed. Because one of the things I do, which a lot of hypnotherapists don't, I record the hypnosis part on my phone audio and I send it to them. I say, you listen to this once or twice a day before we meet next week. It's just a I mean, because I compare it to my personal training days. I say, listen, if I told you what to eat, uh, how much cardio to do, what to lift. And then I saw you the next week. I said, how's it going? Oh, it's great information. I didn't go to the gym at all. Oh, no, no, you have to listen every day. You have to reprogram. It's mental gymnastics, I call it. You have to reprogram every single day. So it's it's quick and it's permanent. It really is that way.

Brian Kelly:
I love it I love it. Yeah. And that's the beautiful thing. And so. So you're saying they don't have to keep coming back to you for life?

Kelly Fisher:
No, no, I had a I had a couple clients. Uh, one she was uh, actually she came to me. I have, I had a few clients that came to me suicidal. And she goes, I had a friend that actually killed herself. And so I know this stuff you buy in Japan, where you open up this can of whoop ass in your car with the windows rolled up and you die. And one of my dear friends went through this, and and so when she told me about it, I'm like, oh, that's she goes, yeah, I bought it. It's in my trunk. I'm like, well, listen, you're not going to need that. We're working together now. And I said, you're going to throw that out. So it was like three sessions in. I was like, did you throw that out? Did you go to landfill and throw that out? She goes, no, not yet. I said, listen, before we meet again, you are going to throw that out. And so like I said, she had a lot of issues. So God, we worked together almost a year I think. But we got through it all and she actually coming out to Vegas. She's like, I want to give you a great big hug for helping me change my life. And it's just it's beautiful.

Brian Kelly:
I'm I'm like all over my body. Just massive tingling goosebumps. You saved someone's life. God bless you. Thank you for doing that. Yeah. I love what I get to do is meet amazing people like you and and, you know, that's got to be one of those driving forces that gets you up to in the morning. Like, you know what? If you don't continue to do what you do, someone may not be saved. And I don't mean to put that on you as a pressure thing. And now, oh crap, I'm stressed out. Brian said. No, no, uh, not at all. Not to suggest that. Just the opposite. That please keep doing what you're doing as long as you can. Uh, for as long as that makes sense for you. But keep saving more people, and and, you know, it's not just saving a. Life like from life or death. It could be sometimes saving a life from unhappiness to happiness. There's a micro saving. I look at it as and that's what NLP did for me personally. I wasn't on deathbed. But you know, I am a Christian and I looked at this as the next best thing to being a reborn Christian, a born again Christian. It's a born again human physical, physical form is like, but it's all in the mind. And I thought, oh my gosh, I have never enjoyed life more since I, I learned NLP and became certified and then became a practitioner of it and spoke it from stage and. I would highly recommend hypnosis to anybody out there if you've never experienced it. I mean, look at this guy. Come on, come on. That's the guy that can take you to your next. You know what I say, Kelly? They're going to. They're going to come see you as them themselves. They are, you know, version one. But when they are done with you, they're going to leave as themselves. Version 2.0.

Kelly Fisher:
Yeah. Well, one of the one of the things I teach is the power of now and my clock without hands on it, because like Eckhart Tolle said, there's there's nothing. But now future worry is anxiety. Uh, past regret is regret. It's in the past. There's nothing. We can't fix those from that viewpoint because they don't exist. There's nothing but now. So it's a very powerful concept.

Brian Kelly:
Hey, we we just say, when would now be the right time to eradicate everything in the past that's keeping you from going forward?

Kelly Fisher:
And I had a client, uh, she was angry with me. She goes, I have a grandchild. I'm going to show you a picture of him. How dare you think the past didn't exist? I'm like, you're showing me the picture in the now. It was taken in, and now it's kind of my evidence that I know these concepts are heavy. I'm sorry to go there with you, but.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I mean, the past is real. It it did happen. And we all know that we have the memories of it, but at the same time, it doesn't serve us going forward. Uh, and that's, you know, I hear so many people that say, I want to leave a legacy when I die. And I'm thinking, for what? You're not going to be around. What do you care? I mean, I it's a good thing. It's a noble thing. I understand it, and I don't mean to belittle it, but I'm thinking, well, why is it so important to you? Some of them, that's the most important thing, is I want to leave a legacy for others. And I think, um. Wow, I just want to plant a seed and let them know that there is an afterlife and that it's forever. If you just do one simple thing and accept Christ, that's it. Uh, other than that, that's my legacy. So I don't find this importance of of, um, I don't know, kudos and all those things, like 20 years from now, people will look back and go, yeah, Johnny Carson was a fantastic comedian. Um, and that, you know, that's great, but I don't know, this legacy thing just I have this weird thing about it.

Kelly Fisher:
I agree with you completely. It bleeds over into the ego thing. Like, yeah, once you get rid of your ego, who cares about legacy? You're just you're living in the now. It's so, you know.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, man. Joel Solomon I love this man. Kelly Fisher is the man. Thanks for doing what you're doing. Joel is a great guy.

Kelly Fisher:
I love.

Brian Kelly:
Joel. I can almost guess that he referred you to this show because he is the referral king. Thank you. Joel. Oh my God, he's referred. I don't know how many people this show and everyone without an exception, just like you, Kelly, have been phenomenal. Uh thank you Joel. Appreciate you and love you, brother. You are an amazing guy. And so speaking of amazing, I want to get into your newest venture. It's called Global Mind Stretch. And, uh, if you don't mind, I was just going to pull up your site and give you the ball, so to speak, so you can just kind of give people an overview of what it is you're doing now, what your focus is on now, what's your avatar? Who who are your clients? Um, traditionally, who are you mostly serve? It doesn't mean you only serve them. And then and then if you have a success story or two more than the one you just shared with, with saving a life and how you. It's not that you have to, uh, beat that story in any way, shape or form. Uh, we'd love to hear another success story if you have it, but I'll bring that up and kind of let you take it away, if that's all right with you. Cool.

Kelly Fisher:
Awesome. Yeah, yeah. The global mind stretch. That's the name of my company. Because, uh, my big hairy, audacious goal was to end mental suffering. So I called my company Global Mind Stretch because once a once an idea is stretched to a new imagination, it can't go back to its old form. Um, but yeah, I have, uh, also I have, um, a free meditations on here also when people go there. So it's a, uh, introduction to anxiety solution. Anxiety is my specialty. So if they go to the website, they could put their email in, get a free meditation. Um, it's a six month mental mastery for high achievers. And I frame that because, uh, the corporates, people I work with, um, my last couple clients were just, uh, uh, typical own three businesses, uh, were stressed out at work. Employees didn't understand them. They brought it home, argued with the wife and the in-laws. And once I got them to a place where they could slow all this down and enter, I literally did a guided visualization with one of my clients. I said, right before you enter the the meeting, listen to this. Realize you're giving and you're part of, you know, running this company. And it just changed their life going through this and then and then obviously not bringing it home. I have a program called Fall Asleep Instantly so they could go sleep at night. They didn't argue with their wife or the in-laws. And just once you get in control of your thought process, this thought feeling, emotion funnel system, I call it when. What you're getting because there's no external stress. There's no external anxiety. It's things are just the way they are. How we filter them through is everything. And once you get in control of this thought feeling, emotion funnel, you could walk into any situation. You could handle anything. It's it's it's a power move.

Brian Kelly:
I love how we filter. I mean, that's really what it comes down to. And and the interesting thing is when people react angrily, say to us personally, most of the time it's never personal because most of the time we don't. We've never met before. They don't know you. And how can it be personal when they don't know you yet? Right. And so we internalize that, filter it as personal, and get angry in return, when instead it just means typically they're going through something that we don't understand, but they are definitely going through something that obviously had nothing to do with you. And, uh, maybe they could instead use some, some help if they're open to it versus us reacting angrily. It's do you talk about being at cause or anything similar to that in your teachings and your, your courses or anything like that where you kind of take responsibility for the situation as much as possible so that you're not always pointing the finger at the other person, um, and saying, you know what? What could I have done to potentially, you know, make that person understand? Maybe I didn't speak it the right way. They're not getting me, uh, and it's not their fault. It's I'm going to put it on my, you know, not make it my fault, but I'm going to be at cause and responsible and say, how could I have restructured that to potentially get a better outcome for both of us? Do you go through anything like that?

Kelly Fisher:
Yeah, you read my mind. I was just about to give my definition of responsibility to you.

Brian Kelly:
Oh. So sorry.

Kelly Fisher:
Yeah, I, I my, my reframing is instead of having a knee jerk reaction, we could take a deep breath and have a response far more important to choose our response. And that's my definition of responsibility, the ability to respond to any given situation with a positive outcome. That's that's my definition of responsibility. So realizing we're at choice instead of just having knee jerk reactions is a game changer.

Brian Kelly:
It's so is. And you know, I talk about this often in, uh, business circles where, you know, we all get we all have incidents that come our way. You know, no one is, um, no one is immune to having crap happen in their life. It just happens. And we all get crap that happens to us. And yes, we are human beings and we have emotions. And we do get angry. We do get sad. We do get, you know, insert negative emotion here. The key is though, is how long do we hold on to that emotion and what is our choice to react to that incident? You know, how do we choose? We all, every single one of us to a person has that choice. That's a powerful thing when you realize that, like, I could choose to either be upset about this for a month or I can choose to say, you know what? I'm just going to redirect my energy and go positive this way and get that thing go bye bye.

Kelly Fisher:
Yeah. Uh, or Wayne Dyer story comes to mind. Um, he's he was talking about this guy who, uh, they came to his house and said, you know, your son died in the war, and people saw him out dancing that night, and he said, you know, how could you be out dancing tonight when your son just died? He's like, I could grieve for one day, or I could grieve for 20 years. I choose to go out and have a good time tonight. It's it's a weird concept at first, but that's how quickly we are at choice. If we if we apply that.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And it's great to provide that kind of example. When we take it to the extreme, it makes it easier for people to make those choices that aren't so extreme during the day. And so I love I love those comparative type stories. So I didn't mention it out loud. And I want to, before we go any further, is the website we were just watching. For those of you listening only on podcast, it's Global Mind stretch and that's Global Mind s-t-r-e-t-c-h just like it sounds global mind stretch. Com and he does have a button there for a discovery call. Uh and I oh my gosh did I give it away. Uh, you have.

Kelly Fisher:
A free meditation a free meditation also.

Brian Kelly:
Oh sweet. Is that part of the gift we were talking about for tonight?

Kelly Fisher:
Yeah, absolutely. Okay. Uh, both of my businesses, the personal one you're talking about. Now, I have a free meditation, and then I have the corporate quick break for the for the corporate people. So I have a couple free meditations for everyone listening.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, fantastic. And thank you for that. We'll put that link up here in a little bit. And, uh, hope you don't mind, but I did a link shortener version of it for you there. Uh, Kelly. So that people that are listening could write it down and and get to it. It's actually got your name in it. If you don't. It's amazing man. Technology. Oh my goodness, this is so great. Let's see. Um, rock star actor, model hypnotherapist I mean it's the common. That's what everyone goes through, right? Everyone goes through that same I mean, gosh, I'm I'm right in the middle of doing none of that myself. Uh, no kidding. It's incredibly, um, interesting to me. And it's also very reassuring, especially when you start out in the rock and roll area where everyone has this. Steve notion of you're just a bunch of hellraising partying, crazy guys. Well, you probably did some partying and some hellraising, but it's a business in its own right, and it takes a lot of work and practice and rehearsal, and you're traveling and it's it's there's a lot to it that people don't see under the, under the covers, so to speak. And I can imagine what you learn through that process in the areas of work ethic and, you know, and accuracy, because you don't want to miss notes when you're up there, uh, you know, and and you don't want to you want to be in shape so you can actually move around on stage and still sing, because I felt I got out of breath just walking around stage and talking and was like, I don't know how you guys do that, run around and still scream at the top of your lungs and do it in, in tune, like so, uh, just imagine all of the things you've learned in your life. It's what kind of is there a way to put a value on that? I couldn't imagine.

Kelly Fisher:
Um, everything I've done, I've done 110% and I was into it fully. I think that's one of the good messages. And another thing I was thinking about, just as you were talking, uh, show business, I separated. Show in business. The show, I mean, we did a show at the whiskey on a Saturday night. That was just fun. Every night when we got up at two in the morning, because I live with the whole band. And we drove downtown rehearsal and practiced for four hours till six in the morning until we went back to our crappy day jobs. That was the business. Every single night, from 2 to 6 in the morning, we'd go downtown and rehearse and just hardly, hardly get any sleep. But that was that was what it took.

Brian Kelly:
And that's what I, I mean, what's that Dire Straits song? Get your money for nothing and your chicks for free and all the the. That's what people think, you know, that you just fell into a guitar. You started playing it. Hey, he's pretty good. Let's put him on stage and let's you become a rock star and a millionaire in the snap of a finger. It's like, you know, it takes. It takes about ten years to become an overnight success. That's true. It's just I love that scene because it is so true. I don't think there's any exception to that rule that you must put in the effort, the time, the blood, sweat and tears that very few people see that happen in the background. The only thing they see is the result. And, you know, thank goodness that these people are making that kind of result for themselves after all that work. And you did the same, uh, all the way through. I mean, my goodness, success, success, success, success. So kudos to you. Uh, gosh, I just looked at the clock. I don't like looking at the clock because it tells me we're getting close. Um.

Kelly Fisher:
I was I was going to say I'm a lifelong martial artist. And one thing that comes to mind is, you know, practicing one move 10,000 times, you become an expert at it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Brian Kelly:
It takes yeah. Repetition is a key to mastery. Yes. Um, definitely. And I do this with my team. You know, I say, I know I'm repeating myself again, but as you know and as you remember, you know, some tough language, uh, repetition is key to mastery, and it truly is. And I'm literally, I know I am doing them a favor by repeating things that are beneficial. I know it, and it's like, but if you frame it that way, they kind of wake up a little bit more. They're not like, oh God, not again.

Kelly Fisher:
Well it's funny, it's when my wife comes to me with problems. I'm like, you know my answer? Meditate. I don't know, I don't have any new answers. We've been together ten years. You know what I'm going to say?

Brian Kelly:
It's it's only the answer that works. I don't know what else to tell you. Right. Oh my goodness. Yes. And the love language is all that good stuff we were talking about. I'm just oh my goodness. So, uh, I like and we're not there. We're not even close yet. Uh, I like to end every show with a very special question. Uh, and it's a question that I started asking. I've been doing this show for a little over five years now. In the beginning stages, I would kind of ask them haphazardly, um, I mean, on purpose, but not every show. And I'd ask this one question and it started becoming apparent like, wow, that was an incredible answer. Wow. Same question. That was another incredible answer. And then it kept going. I'm like, you know, there's something to this question. I'm going to make this the closing question of every show. So that's coming up. So everyone don't go anywhere. I failed to mention earlier in the show, but we do have live viewers watching this show. Go figure. And, uh, I want to reward you for being here. And so what we're going to do right here in about, I don't know, five minutes or so, I'm going to give away a phenomenal little, um, prize. And that is a five night stay at a five star luxury resort of your choosing. From many areas of the world. You get to choose. And, uh, that's compliments of Reach Your Peak. And this is no small prize. This is a vacation. Stay. They don't take you from the front door and funnel you down to the basement and turn on the water drip torture machine and tie you down and force you into a timeshare. It doesn't work that way. No. Get that visual out of your head. You go to the penthouse. Well, they may not. The penthouse. You are in a wonderful, beautiful room. Just as if you're a full paying customer. They know no different. They treat you no different. It is phenomenal. I know this because I've. Very close friend of mine has gone on this very thing two different times and it's a great, great price.

Brian Kelly:
So don't go anywhere. You have to be watching live, so don't go anywhere if you're watching live, if you're not watching live. Quick plug go to the mind body business show.com the mind body business show.com. There's lots of buttons on there that all say where and when to watch. Click any one of them and it will whisk you right down to the form where you say, I want to know when your next show goes live. That way you won't miss it, and that way you can enter to win this incredible prize. And yeah, you can win it more than once if you want. And even our guest experts hint hint wink wink Kelly Fisher can win. Yes, yes. And I've had guest experts win. It's pretty awesome. All right let's see. Let's get that off of the screen. So. Yes. That question is coming up. Um, and you have a gift to give away. We talked about it briefly. Let's pull that up, if you don't mind. Let's get that going. And so it was a, uh. I'll let you explain it. Uh, let me bring up the actual URL real quick so people can see that from Kelly Fisher. He is going to be offering a nice little call that you can get on with him. And he just briefly talked about it. I'm going to bring it up on the screen so that everyone can get a visual. See, another good reason to be watching live is to know where we're going with this. And there it is. It's like a calendar that I'm going to pull up in a second. There it is. 30 minute clarity call. So, uh, Kelly, uh, appreciate you for offering this. And people, please take advantage of this and do it mindfully, knowing that he is giving away his valuable free time, uh, to you to help you improve yourself. So go ahead, take it away. Uh, Kelly, what's entailed in this wonderful gift?

Kelly Fisher:
Yeah, I break down on a clarity call. Um, where are your what you're going through? Usually, anxiety is my specialty. What you're going through, how your mind is working, and then show you a path out of that. So I break down in the 30 minute clarity call exactly what you're going to need to do to change your mind and change your life at the same time.

Brian Kelly:
That's all. Just change your mind and change your life. Nothing bigger. It's no big deal. So. And seriously, uh, making light of it on purpose because he should not make light of it. It is, uh, it's life changing. And so the URL you want to go to, it's on the screen. But write this down. Write it down. It's R.I.P. dot I'm forward slash Kelly dash Fisher. It's k e l l y dash f I s h e r. Make sure everything is in lowercase. No caps, so it's ripped. I am forward slash Kelly Dash Fisher and that will take you directly to the calendar we're showing on the screen here live. If you're watching recorded video you see it. If you're listening on podcast, you don't see it. But write that down and visit it and book that call and, uh, just do nothing short of changing your life. That's all it is. So it's your choice. That'd be a great way to get to know Kelly at a deeper level, which is also very valuable. Um, and then then you'll make you'll be able to make that decision. How much farther do I want to go forward with this? Because you're going to have parts of your life that are going to improve so drastically. And you go, I want more. I know that's what happened to me. I mean, the first time I went through the first, uh, process NLP process with my mentor, I'm like, whoa, more, please, what else is there? That was nice. And then you may even take it to the point where Kelly shows you ways and resources to do the same thing and help people like he's doing. I don't know, you were about to say something, Kelly.

Kelly Fisher:
Well, I was going to say I think I maybe shared before the show, but when I found my first mentor in Los Angeles, I realized he was a hypnotherapist. And I had anger management issues back in the day. And like, literally the second session, it was gone. I'm like, oh, I need to do this for a living. So I found HMI Hypnosis Motivation Institute. I'm like, this is what I want to do. This is my new path.

Brian Kelly:
It's real. It works. I mean, uh, when I came home after going through all this, my wife noticed change, my kids noticed change. My son went through it with me, uh, the formal training. And his sister said, you're different, Wyatt, and I want what you have. And he literally took her as a as a trainer and sat down on her kitchen chair to chair and took us through the process. I almost start crying on the spot. I had to leave the room. I was like, oh, this is awesome. And so it's real. It works. Uh, the differences are noticeable and they're more noticeable by those who know you, uh, sometimes than you yourself. That's what happened with me in the initially. And then later I'm like, well, I can tell. Oh, there's no doubt. Yeah. So what what is one of the most dramatic changes you've seen or heard and got feedback on that? You can remember, um, any of the clients you've gone through in the past that just kind of stand out in your mind like, wow, that was that was pretty awesome. Which is only every one of them. But, you know.

Kelly Fisher:
Yeah. No, like I said, I've had God bless. I had, uh, several clients that were on suicidal watch that are still alive today, which I'm blessed to help them with. Um, but one thing I want to express is, no matter how dark it seems, there's somebody else that has been through that, including me. And that's why I use the word depression, where start with anger on ourselves. We depress our own emotions down where it's such a small circle. No way anybody could understand what I'm going through. Yes, there are people that I've been there. There are people that understand what you're going through. So no matter how dark it seems, there's, uh. Because I always talk about the, uh, emotional overload, uh, overwhelm, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, depression. There's a sliding scale that I've been. Through. And the good news is, once you understand it, we can go back up to the light. So there's always a way out. There's always an answer.

Brian Kelly:
And and ladies and gentlemen, that is why you want to choose someone like Kelly to work with. Because he's been through it and he's come out of it, and he knows how to do that for other people, to help you, to do it for yourself through the wonderful magic known as hypnosis, which is not magic at all. It is just an amazing, wonderful and very beautiful science that gets results. So I just want to put that out there. So real quick, the prize and then that last question nobody go away. You do not want to miss this last question. Kelly's probably going, what the heck is it. All right. Real quick to enter to win the five night, uh, vacation stay at a five star luxury resort. You want to get out your pen and pencil? Do not go to this website yet. Write this down. The moment we sign off, we're done. We're not live anymore. That is when you go to enter. We will be monitoring. Do not worry. You will not lose your spot if you enter to win. Here it is. Write this down. It's coming up on the screen right now. For those of you watching live, you want to go to repeat, I am forward slash vacation. Pretty simple. Repeat I am forward slash vacation. Write that down. Don't go there now. Don't go there now. What did they hear? What did they hear? Kelly. They heard go there now. Because we don't don't. The subconscious doesn't process it. Don't don't not doesn't go there. Yes, exactly.

Kelly Fisher:
You know, I just want to say quickly that, uh, my first Ted talk six, seven months ago, I think it was in New York. It was how to end anxiety in three months and not three years. And Joel, because he lived right down the street, he showed up and he recorded it for me. So his dear friend of mine.

Brian Kelly:
Uh, Joel, I love you, Joel. You are awesome. He's a he's a great guy, no doubt, for sure. And it's understandable that he chose you. And there's no my God, thank you for coming on, Kelly. So appreciate it. Um, so this last question that I love to end the show with, there's a couple of really cool things about it. Number one is it's very profound. And it is there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It doesn't exist. It's not a quiz. It's not a test. It's the exact opposite, in fact. And that is that the only correct answer will be yours, because it's going to be unique to you. Even to take it to the point of if it takes you a millisecond, or if it takes you 1015 20s to ponder and come up with the answer, even that is absolutely perfect. Because why, again, it's your answer. It's unique to you. So with all that build up, are you ready?

Kelly Fisher:
I was going to say I'm nervous. Now wait a second.

Brian Kelly:
That's right.

Kelly Fisher:
Purposely you did that. I see what's going on here.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, I would never have done that on purpose, haven't I? All right, so here we go. And now, Kelly Fisher. How do you. Define. Success.

Kelly Fisher:
Whew. Wow. Um. Success is the feeling of accomplishment, of making it. I was listening to somebody not too long ago talking about wealth. Well, wealth is my six year old son, my wife, my business. We're both entrepreneurs, we both own businesses. And, uh, I shot a short video the other day when I was watching, uh, I was on Gaia watching a program, and one of my teachers came on David Lyon. I studied street hypnosis from him. I'm like, oh, that's so great, man. You made it, David. That's so cool. And then I was going to the kitchen afterwards. I'm like, when is it going to be my turn to be on a show like that? And I thought this morning I was on a show in London on a TV show. They were questioning me about my success and my anxiety program. So it's like when you're grinding, grinding, grinding. It's, uh, it's about taking a step back, zooming out a little bit and going, wait a second, I've accomplished a lot. This is really going well. So it's it's that refocus, I believe, is what defines success.

Brian Kelly:
Um. My goodness, I gotta tell you one thing that is very, very interesting to me that keeps coming up over and over. Besides, the screen going crazy is that I've been doing this for quite some time. I've asked that question many times now over the years, and no two people yet have answered it the same way. I bet that is why it's so profound. I mean, you said you said wealth, but yours wasn't financial wealth. It was your son, your wife, your business. And that's that's to a person that I've interviewed. Kelly, this is so, so enlightening to me. Not one not one person said the primary focus was on money. You didn't even mention it. You said wealth and everybody else went there. But that's not what you were talking about. You didn't even bring it up at all. Most don't. Just like you. And I appreciate people like you because that that just speaks volumes of where your heart is, where you come from. You are here to help people. You are not here for just monetary gains. Well, let's be clear. We must make money. We're not anti money, but that is not the focus of what most entrepreneurs are doing this for. It's because they want to make a difference and serve people and and change lives for the better. And Kelly, you you come off to me as being no different than that. And that's a beautiful thing.

Kelly Fisher:
Yeah, yeah, I think I was telling you this morning I was working with a couple and I just, I was self aware at the moment going, wow, people really trust my opinion about relationships and how the mind works. And I just, God, I love my job. Holy cow.

Brian Kelly:
And I'm sure everyone you've touched loves you. Uh, and it's a mutual mutual loving respect back and forth because you're changing their lives and you get the joy of of having something to do with that. Isn't that that's like, the greatest gift in the world is to be able to have a gift. You know, you've worked hard, you've put in the blood, sweat and tears to to hone in your craft, to be the best at what you do so that you can get the best results for the people that come to you and never let anybody down. And then they get to trust you and you get to follow through and get. I love it. This is awesome. Yeah. It's like man, it's like getting that same endorphin as just like jacking one out of the park. It feels great. You know, it's like, ah, I love it. All right, brother, we got a call. Well, we don't have to, but it's time. Oh, I went five minutes over like usual. Ladies and gentlemen, I just want to say please reach out to Kelly Fisher, go to Global Mind stretch comm, schedule your discovery call. Go to report. I am forward slash Kelly hyphen Fisher. Schedule that initial call. Get to know him at a deeper level. Something tells me you're going to hear exactly what you hear here tonight. He's going to be the same person. There's nothing false or phony about him. He's he's he wears his emotions or not his emotions. He wears his experience on his sleeve. He doesn't. He's not one of those, uh, he's a great guy. I can tell I have a great sense for this. And I appreciate you, Kelly. And my gosh, Mister Solomon referred him, so I can't go wrong. Right, Joel? Come on.

Kelly Fisher:
There's that connection. Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
That is it. I appreciate you. Uh, Kelly, I cannot tell you how much. On behalf of the amazing Kelly Fisher, I'm your host, Brian Kelly of the Mind Body Business Show. And until next time, please go out and do two things. Everyone, please do two things. Number one, go out and crush it in your business so you can serve more people. And number two, above everything and all else, please be blessed. That's it for us. We'll talk. We'll see you again next time. Take care for now. So long everyone. Thanks, Brian. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at www.The Mind Body Business Show.com. My name is Brian.

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Kelly Fisher

Mind Corp”s full day boot camp was born out of necessity. When Kelly was a personal fitness trainer in Hollywood CA. He trained a lot of agents, executives and Hollywood stars including Chalize Theron, Andy Dick and Renee Russo to name a few. These agents and executives and their employees who sat at a desk all day long had the same tight overworked muscles. Kelly suggested stretch exercises to do. One agent said if it popped up on my computer I would do them. So the “Corporate Stretch” was born.

Then as he became a Certified Clinical Master Hypnotherapist graduating from H.M.I. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, he had some of the same clients coming from theses offices with a new set of problems. They suffered from Stress, Anxiety, Overwhelm and Burn Out. So Kelly designed the “Corporate Quick Break” A 15min. Guided visualization to relieve their Stress, Anxiety, Overwhelm and Burn Out.

Realizing these two problems are coming from the same offices he designed the Mind Corp’s Full Day Boot Camp. A complete rebalance of mind and body for amazing success and results!

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