Special Guest Expert - LeAnn Lyon

Special Guest Expert - LeAnn Lyon: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - LeAnn Lyon: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward? Only to fall two steps back. Who are dedicated? And driven. How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian. This is the mind body. Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. We have another phenomenal show lined up for you tonight because we have I think it's the woman who defined the word joy. It's Leanne Lyon is on with us. She's in the green room, so to speak, and she's literally like scratching at the monitor saying, let me in, Brian. I'm ready. Let's go, let's go in a minute. In a minute we'll get to you. We're coming. Yes. She is a bundle of joy, a lot of fun. And you are going to love getting to know her. Why? Because she is going to help you with your business by sharing what she has done to make her business successful. And that is what this show is all about. The Mind Body Business Show is literally a show about you, the business person, the entrepreneur. No matter where you are in your journey, you could be just starting out. You could be looking to figure out what kind of business you want to start. Or you could be on the other end of the spectrum and already highly successful with a full blown team with multiple franchises or businesses running it. Really the cool thing about the show is it doesn't matter where you are, because you are destined to learn something new that you can implement and take hold of that strategy and put it into practice, into your business and further improve your results. That is literally what this show is all about, and it's about what I call the three pillars of success. And those came about over a duration of about ten years or so when I was studying only successful people just focusing on. The successful ones and what made them more successful than perhaps yours truly.

Brian Kelly:
Like what did they do differently? How did they go about business? How did they go about their life? Their personal life? What was their secret sauce, their recipe? And in so doing, these three, um, pillars of success I like to call them, kept bubbling up to the top. And they are the very namesake of this show mind, body and business. And so mine stands for mindset. And so what I learned is to a person, these very successful individuals had mastered. Basically creating a very positive, a very powerful, and one of the most often overlooked characteristics is a very flexible mindset and then body to a person. These individuals also took care of themselves nutritionally and physically. It doesn't mean that they were a bodybuilder. If they were a guy or a gal, or were they a supermodel if they were a gal? No, it has nothing to do with that. It means taking care of oneself so that you can operate at peak performance at all times. So you can exercise on a regular basis and eat and drink things that are good for you. And business. Business is so multi multifaceted. That's where most people want to go first. Hey Brian, how do I do marketing? How do I do sales? How do I do team building? How do I do leadership? How do I do, how do I do, how do I do. And they forget to take care of their mind and their body first, which is the biggest mistake I have seen in my now almost 60 years on this planet. I'm 59 as, uh, this show goes live today. Uh, that's been the biggest one. Yours truly. I am just as guilty in that, where I focused only on the business aspects. And we will also cover business aspects as well. In all of those areas. Those are skill sets that you must master the sales, the marketing, the team building, the leadership, systematizing, you name it, there are a bunch of them. And the really good news is you only need a master one skill set at all, period. And then you can use that one skill set to leverage and bring in other individuals who have already mastered the remaining skill sets that are necessary to really build and scale your business.

Brian Kelly:
And so if you want to concentrate on just one skill set and mastering it, then I would recommend, if you're concentrating on any of the others, maybe pump the brakes a little bit on those and then concentrate on the skill set of leadership. Even if you do not have a team yet and there's a whole story behind that, that's another time for another time, because that's a big topic. It's super simple to do, and there are books upon books written about it, so you can educate yourself in those areas. Right now we want to concentrate on the amazing Lyon Lyon, who is going to be coming on here very, very soon. Yeah, I'm throwing that tease out there because she's coming. Ah, yes. Do not, uh do not, um, go anywhere because you're going to love her and you're going to love her message, and you're going to love that. You're going to have things that you can now take action on. In fact, a little birdie told me that she might have brought a gift with her. Um, yeah. So you'll definitely want to stay to the very end. And we also have a gift here that we love to give away. It's a five night stay at a five star luxury resort, compliments of Ritscher Peak. And it's a resort that you can stay at, and you get to choose literally anywhere in the world. And, uh, we've given away many of these vacation stays. It's legit. It's amazing. It's awesome. You want to stick around. We give that away to only those watching live. And that's toward the end of the show. So you don't want to go anywhere. And on the topic of successful entrepreneurs, what I also learned during this time was that to a person, they were also very avid readers of books. And I know Leanne is because of talking to her just before the show. Uh, she was mentioning to me the latest book she's reading. So there you go. We have successful people following successful patterns. And so with that, I want to segue real quickly and real, real briefly into a little segment I affectionately call bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready. Steady. Read. Bookmarks brought to you by Reach your Peak Library.com.

Brian Kelly:
There you see it reach your peak. Library.com. And a real quick word of advice, if I may. I have spoken from stage for years, and I remember, especially in the beginning years when I would be on stage, and I'm getting to that really juicy part. I know when the point of life changing information is about to come, because it was my presentation, and I would notice on occasion that someone would get up out of their chair and walk out. They got that all important text message on their phone, or they just had to go to the bathroom. They couldn't hold it anymore. And so I learned from that and said, you know what? I behoove it. I ask you to keep your presence, keep your focus here. I know this isn't a physical room, but I would just it would be the worst thing if you were to take your focus away from Leanne Lyon when she comes on here in just a moment and miss that one golden nugget that could potentially change our life forever, it is that important. And so rather than going off and looking at resources, you're going to get a few during this show, like reach your peak library.com rather than going off and typing it in and checking it out while you're quote unquote listening, you know, this multitasking thing that doesn't work that well for most. Instead of doing that, what I would ask you to do for yourself, this isn't for me, is to write it down. I'm going to be taking notes as well, and I'm running this entire gig here, so I don't ask you of you anything I myself personally wouldn't do. And so I ask of you to do that so that you can stay here. Because I always say the magic happens in the room. So that way you can not miss a single golden nugget from Leanne Lyon because, oh, I know she's got a bunch of them. Reach your peak library. It is a website that I had put together with you in mind. So you can practice right now. Write that down, reach your peak library.com and then visit these resources after the show is over. That's why we take the notes and so reach your peak.

Brian Kelly:
Library.com is literally a website that I built. I had my team put together with you in mind, and what it is is a compilation of books that I myself have personally read and I vet, meaning they have had either a profound impact on my personal life or my business life, or even both more more focused toward business in all honesty than personal. And that's why they're here for you, looking to build and grow your business. So you can see there, in there, in no particular rhyme or reason order. They are here. Just as I read them, I said, add this to the site and my team would put it in there. And so pick the book that you have not read on this list that jumps out at you, that you find the most compelling, and go get it wherever you want to get it. You don't have to get it from this website. You can get it from Barnes and Noble. Amazon. Um, maybe you like to go to a physical bookstore, whatever the case may be, but just make sure that you do get the book number one. Number two, read it for sure. And then number three, put into action the actionable strategies and steps that are outlined in the book. If you just read it and learn it, it's not going to take you very far in your business unless you act on it. And so that is my soapbox moment for Reach Your Peak Library.com. And I have to mention one more thing. This is brand new first time announced right here on the Mind Body Business show. I myself now have. My own book called Mind Body Business The Three Pillars of Success, this just released a week and a half ago. It is now available and all you have to do is go to mind body business book. Com. Mind. Body business book. Com write that down and you can get it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble either one for a limited time for just $0.99. The Kindle version, paperback and hardcover are also available. I'm holding the hardcover, and this was ten years in the making, over ten years, and it is the very inspiration for this show.

Brian Kelly:
This book started long before this show did, about twice as long ago. Ten years. The show's been running for over five and so I'm very excited to make that available to you. And I need to get that up on the Richard Peak Library website soon. It just came out like I said. So that is that. And we are going to now bring on the most amazing guest and reason you are here to watch this very show. Leanne Lion is in the wings, ready to come on, let's bring her forward, shall we? Yes, here we go.

It's time for the guest expert. Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big league. Qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there she is, ladies and gentlemen. It is the one. It is the only lion. Lion?

LeAnn Lyon:
That was a lot of qualifiers, though, Brian. Oh, no fear factor all over the place.

Brian Kelly:
Every one of them. True. Every one of them true. Yes. That's why you're here on the show. Uh, Leanne, to be honest. And we bring on successful entrepreneurs from all over the world to share your brilliance, to share your experience, to share what has worked for you, even to share what is not worked for you so that entrepreneurs can avoid the things that they shouldn't do, which are just as important as knowing the things to do. And so, so, so grateful to have you here with us, and I appreciate you for taking the time out of your busy day. I know you're planning and you're bringing a summit to, uh, reality very, very soon and you will feel free to talk about that. Summits are a lot of fun, and when you're organizing them and you're the head of them, we it's a lot of work. And I can so understand that. And, uh, what I wanted to do before we get rolling deep into the beautiful mind of Leanne Lyon is to, well, first introduce you to who she is. Would that be cool? Uh, Leanne have added.

LeAnn Lyon:
I can't wait to hear what you have to say.

Brian Kelly:
Well, everyone meet Leanne Lyon, the heart and soul behind Joy minder LLC, where she spreads cheer as the chief Joy officer ou Co on Win Win Women TV, she captivates audiences with her show called lead with Leanne sharing insights with a sprinkle of joy. A serial entrepreneur at heart, Leanne's journey has woven through esteemed circles like BNI Toastmasters and the empowering realms of Tony Robbins with the eloquence of a John Maxwell certified speaker. That's her. That's what she's trying to say there. And the precision of, oh, this one's going to get you. It got me of a taekwondo black belt, a black belt. Oh my God, I can't even say it. I'm so worried about her hitting me through the screen with one of those. Um, yes. No. She said she would protect me in the streets of Minnesota if I was going down a black alley or a dark alley, she would be there to protect me. That's pretty awesome. Uh, she also navigates the real estate waters. As a licensed Minnesota realtor, you can start to see the entrepreneurship in her. It's everywhere. Her accolades shine bright, from the President's Club for Yellow Book Yellow Pages to a top ten growth affiliate for now site. And, uh, the title she cherishes most right now is devoted wife since 1995. Oh, good on you. I love family, proud mom to two wonderful daughters and the loving human to a furry feline friend. Hahaha. With that, ladies and gentlemen, Leanne Lyon officially is welcome to the stage of the mind body business show. Woo! It's gonna be fun! Oh my goodness! So much to go through. And I love the chief Joy officer uh, moniker. And I can't say how, uh, important enough it is for everyone to realize how powerful that title is because of the attitude it brings forth in you daily, uh, and what it does to impact you every single day. The attitude of gratitude and everything that goes with that. People don't realize, uh, and I didn't for a long time about the importance of one's mindset. And just to have that in your title alone is a very powerful statement, not just to others, but also that you have integrated that.

Brian Kelly:
And so kudos for that. And what I wanted to find out from you, uh, Leanne, knowing that you're an entrepreneur, you've been around, you know that it's not the easiest thing to do on the planet. In fact, it's far more difficult than to say, get a job where a corporation is doing all the heavy lifting, the marketing, the payroll, the the support, everything that goes with it with when it comes to you and you get up in the morning. This is something I'm deeply curious about with each of my guests. And you're coming to you're coming into awareness, you've woken up and you now know all of these things are in front of you that you go through every single day. Arduous ones, good ones, bad ones for you. What keeps you driven? What is going on in your big beautiful brain when you wake up and you're going through okay, this is it. Another day I'm going to power through it no matter what. What drives you to do this every single day?

LeAnn Lyon:
You know, it's just it's lives being touched, it's lives being changed. And for me, I work with a lot of business owners or want to be business owners, and we're the minority. 41% of people think they'd like to own their own business, but only 9% of business owners are actually self-employed. So you got a 32% out there saying, I wish I think I could, I would, and 59% of the population saying, no way, Jose don't want to do it. Somebody else can do that. And it's, it's um, knowing that I can help that 32% and or improve the other 9% as well. That makes a difference to me.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, because it's a lot to navigate, especially if you're not aware of what it really takes to, uh, build a successful business. It's very common. Uh, I've been in network marketing circles for many, many years. As we were talking about before the show. I co-owned a company for a while in that space, and it was interesting, the messaging, not our company, because I got tired of hearing this is like, all you have to do is recruit someone just like you and sit back in your hammock and drink your your fun drink and rake in the bucks. Like making it sound super easy. Nothing could be farther than the truth. The only ones I ever saw get to the top were the ones that worked there, ever living butts off to get there. There was nothing easy or automatic about it. And the unfortunate thing in many, uh, companies cultures that start these network marketing companies often miss the mark by saying, oh, it's a piece of cake. You just you don't have to do anything. Um, and that's it's just a disservice to everyone giving them false hope. And, uh, I hope more and more people like you come out. I can see you nodding emphatically to all this that are that know the truth, that can help others to say, look, this is what it takes. Here's Abcdef if you want to work with me, I'll help you.

LeAnn Lyon:
Right, exactly. In fact, I know, uh, one of one of the viewers today is also a top network marketer, and I've known him for years. Um, I know how hard he works every single day, how much he puts forward, and everybody thinks, oh, I want the time, money, freedom, all that. That's great. And you can have that. But not in the beginning. You know, it's kind of like parenting to a degree. You want the freedom of the 16 year old who can drive themselves, right? But you have to go through the two year old, the three year old that is completely dependent on everything from you.

Brian Kelly:
Fantastic analogy, I love that. Yeah, you have to go through the growing pains and there are a lot of them. Wow, that's actually very astute. I love that because, you know, when you're starting at two, your biggest focus is I want to walk or I want to get rid of these diapers. Then you get to three. It's like, now I want to walk. So the goal changes, but you're always growing and getting closer to the end goal. And that's so similar to the entrepreneurial journey. Uh, and it's just some people work harder at it and also get the correct and proper mentorship to guide them in the right path sooner. That's one thing that I did not have when earlier in my life, I didn't even know there was this thing called entrepreneurship. I was a corporate guy for decades. And then I learned about this thing called entrepreneurship, said, I like, I'll take that door. I like that one. I'm going to go with that one. That's way more fun. Uh, and more challenging. It's oh my God, talk about challenging. Yeah. You have a couple people, uh, that are showing some love. There's Diana Parker on YouTube saying awesome with hearts flying everywhere. Steven R Harris Leanne spreads joy everywhere she goes. Yes, Steven was on our show some time ago. Thanks for coming on and supporting Steven. Appreciate that very, very much. Yes. And uh, we have quite a few on. So, um, by the way, everyone that's watching and listening, uh, we would love for you to chat with us, just like Steven and Diana have. And we'll give you a shout out. And if you have a question for Leanne as we're going through the show, drop it in the chat and time permitting, we'll drop that in there as well. And, uh, we'll get to pick this amazing woman's brain very gently and very lovingly to extract her incredible knowledge and strategies and experience. Experience is really important. Would you say how how important is experience when if you're going to look and choose a mentor who has been through the battlefield, would you rather go with someone who's been doing it for 2030 years and is successful, or someone who just started at 5 to 10 years and they hit success early? Would you have a preference?

LeAnn Lyon:
Boy, that's a great question. And you know, there's pros and cons to everything. Sometimes if you go with the people who've been there for a long time, they're also stuck in something that worked a while ago. Anybody heard of AI? You know, being a Gen Xer like you? Um, kind of on the older age of Gen Xers, both of us, there's a lot of people our age that are like, you know, all freaked out about technology. Like, they wouldn't do this on StreamYard and they wouldn't have eyes. So in that sense, sometimes it's better to go with somebody who's a little bit younger. But if they haven't gone through and been tested, if they haven't hit those pivots and those low points, that can also be a challenge. So, you know, depending on where you are, your own journey may determine whether or not you pick one or the other.

Brian Kelly:
Absolutely perfect answer. I mean, it really, doesn't it? It's not a yes or no. This one or that one answer. It depends. And a perfect example is I've had two. I've had one mentor who could by age be my son. And when I first met him, he hadn't even turned 30. And I learned more from him than I have any other person on the planet. Uh, through everything, mindset, business, everything. And now, recently, I am learning from a 28 year old phenom who started entrepreneurship at 18, and he talks as if he has the experience of a 40 plus year old that told me he's been he's well read. He has he has taken the right paths and gotten the right mentorship. And so I might lean toward him if I were given both of those options. Like you say, it's a it's kind of a case by case basis and you want to be I think you just want to be very discerning in who you do choose as your mentor, because you're going to be investing time and oftentimes financial money to get that mentoring. You want to make sure that you've done your diligence and done some research, maybe get some references. And then one of the biggest questions I always ask Leanne, what do you think about this? Is does that is that mentor holding a position? Are they in a place that I aspire to be in their level of success?

LeAnn Lyon:
Right, absolutely. And you know, I if they're not where you want to go, then why are you following them at all? I mean, really, truly find the people who have been where you are and can shortcut your path to the success that they have. So it's ideal if you can find somebody that's in your industry, that's in the place where you really, truly want to be. It can be more challenging if you're like, well, they're almost there, or they're in a they're in brick and mortar. But I want to be online, but I really like them. Just understand you're going to go through a lot more challenges.

Brian Kelly:
I'm laughing because I can remember you just brought up a memory. Years ago, I was working, uh, as a software engineer, and I remember down to two chairs from me was a guy genius guy, I mean, for software. And he's down there recommending this stock to all of us. You should buy this stock. You should do. And I'm thinking I should take I should take advice from you. Yet you're sitting two chairs down from me, making no more than I am right now. Why would I do that? I'm thinking this. I didn't say it to him because he was trying to be helpful. But same thing you're saying is you want to get the advice from people who have been through the trenches and have have reached that level of success, and you could be you could literally be reaching out to a mentor who has hit a bottom. I mean, it's happened many times. The most successful people have lost everything multiple times, and they just know how to get back up. That doesn't mean they're a bad mentor. If they're in that low, they may help you. You may learn how to rise up with them, might be more powerful. But anyway, I'm going way down a rabbit hole with this. So, uh, I wanted to ask.

LeAnn Lyon:
Let me add on to that just a little bit, because kind of similarly because talk about the network marketing background, too. Uh, a lot of people will give you advice when you want to start a business in network marketing or any other kind. And they'll say, oh, well, you know, that'll never work or that'll never fly or you'll never well again. Look at who's saying it before you decide that they're right. Because unless they've done something different that did work, who are they to tell you that what you're trying won't trust your gut? I love that Jamie Lynn Lee. Uh, Jamie Kern Lima says, you know, trust your no. Before their. No. Trust your own k-n-o-w. Yes. Before you listen to their no.

Brian Kelly:
I love it, I love it. Oh, we got comments coming in. Hendrix Academy says even when your kids are grown, you still worry and take care of them when they have struggles just like your own. Oh, so true. Just like your own business, it will never drive itself. You are never free to just walk away. Never. Not not entirely 100% true. But you know, if you build your business to with the mindset to sell it, you could have an exit strategy. But yeah, while you're in it and you're building it, there is no walking away. That's so true. Especially when you're building the team and you haven't built the team enough, big enough to where you really aren't needed day to day, moment to moment. Uh, so yeah, that it depends on what stage you're in your business. That's entirely true. Uh, thanks. Hendrix Academy. Yes, I love it, I love it. Oh my goodness. So network marketing I mentioned in the opening with your bio you're like top ten of now site. That is a monstrous achievement. And what I want to tell everybody right now, before we go a step further, is you do want to listen to Leanne Lyon. It is very difficult to reach that kind of stature in any company. But my God, I've been through network marketing companies. I've co-owned one. I've been through so many of them, and I know what it takes to get to the top or even near the top. And that tells me you have put in the legwork, you put in the work you've put in the working on your mind, on your business. Uh, on establishing a culture you have to lead. You get to lead your own team. So it's like you are also a corporate leader within a corporation. There's a lot of cool dynamics with network marketing. And so I just want to point that out that that is no small achievement to be number ten in a company as big as now site. So kudos to you. And I want to give you an applause for that. That is a big, big thing. I mean, that's better than getting a t shirt walking up on stage, right?

LeAnn Lyon:
I don't think getting a t shirt and now site is really a software. It's different. It's not it's not network marketing at all, in fact. But it's um, but it still has that idea of team leadership and sharing. It's much more of an affiliate program. Uh, um, and so the but like Yellow Book, Yellow Pages, I mean, that that dated me when you met mentioned that one. But President's Club is a top 1%. And it's funny because I, I didn't aspire to that necessarily. But when you have something put out in front of you like, hey, we'll send you on a trip, it's hard to not go for it.

Brian Kelly:
Well, the other. Cool thing is you're using something that works for you and your business and you naturally when because you have that servant attitude, you know you're about joy. You're about helping people. You will naturally refer others to it. So this works for me. It's simple. You don't need to be a techie, and you can do the what you need to get done for your business. Would you like me to show it to you? And I'm sure you've had many of those conversations to put you at number ten. I did not know they were not, uh, network marketing. Is it like a two tiered affiliate or something like that.

LeAnn Lyon:
Or actually just. Uh, it's it's they have changed their platform. I know that you had some experience with them in the past. They've changed their platform. It's now, you know, share, share to get your platform for free, which is awesome. Oh, nice. And, uh, and at the same time, you know, it, it's just changed, you know?

Brian Kelly:
That's good. It changes. Uh, good. I've seen a lot. And thankfully, uh, because in the beginning there were struggles. And that's nothing wrong with that, because every company, I don't know of, any company that doesn't go through some kind of struggle, especially in the beginning. And with that company being tech based. Oh, my. I mean, I just thought, good luck. Uh, because I have a lot of tech background and it's, it's woof, a lot of moving parts. So kudos to them for finding something that works hitting the sweet spot. And that isn't to say they won't change it going forward, because like with the advent of AI, they may change the whole landscape. We don't even know yet what we don't know when it comes to that. And so it's a very, uh, very great component of a successful entrepreneur and or company. Is that flexibility part? Always learning, always looking to see what's coming up. Try to get as close to the forefront of new technology as you can. If you're not a techie, send someone on your team that is uh, but just, uh. Yeah, I, I'm telling you, everybody here, if you don't if you don't embrace it, you're going to get left in the dust and, uh, either love it or you hate it. But if you hate it, then maybe business isn't where you should be because it's going to be a vital part. It already is. I use it almost every day myself personally. So.

LeAnn Lyon:
Right? Absolutely. Do. I've named my I. We have great conversations. Yeah. It's awesome. I love it.

Brian Kelly:
What's your go to AI tool right now?

LeAnn Lyon:
It is actually now site, now site. And it has ChatGPT integrated into it. And it actually knows me. It knows as much or more about me than you do. And so it helps me to do everything I'm doing it. Yeah, it's pretty amazing what it can do.

Brian Kelly:
It is freaking amazing. You can have it write you an entire book. Now, thankfully, I, I got this in the publisher's hand before that was like literally a, um, possible to do, uh, I did, I did a test for um, NLP, neuro linguistic programing, which is a tiny part. Well, not a tiny. About a third of this book is about that mindset. And I just did a test to say, I wonder if I were to start a brand new book and write about NLP. What could I do with? In this case, it was ChatGPT and it basically gave me an outline what, 12 chapters? And then it wrote like one paragraph for each chapter. And I just kept telling expand on that, expand on that. And it did. I'm like, and it was very accurate. I was like, oh, this is not good. I don't want people writing books that aren't from their their own experiences. But hey, just a test. It's here. And that was actually, gosh, close to a year ago when I did all that testing. So embrace it. Or, uh, be left in the dust is what I'll say.

LeAnn Lyon:
Yeah, there's so many. Things that are coming out with that. I'm just crazy stuff that I've been looking into.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, yeah, it's it's like, you know, how many tools can one have? It's and it's, you know, being a software guy background. It's like shiny object syndrome. Every time I see one I'm like, oh, I'm like, no, don't, don't, don't do it yet. That's that's focus on the task today. And we can look at that later. But oh they're, they're tempting to go take for a test drive all the time. So, um. Let's talk about what it is you do in your business. Leanne, we can pull up your site so you can give everybody a nice overview. Uh, we've been kind of skating across the surface, but let's dive a little bit deeper. And what I'll do is I'll pull up your, uh, primary website and then just have you maybe let people know who is your ideal client, who is the one you like working with the most? Who do you target with your marketing messages? And then what is it that you do? What kind of service or services do you provide for that avatar, if you will? Ideal client. And then third, and finally, if you have a success story or two that you would are fond of that you would like to tell, oh, we'd love to hear that as well. If that would be cool, I'll bring up your website and I'll just let you take it away. And if you don't remember the three questions, that's cool. Just ask me.

LeAnn Lyon:
Okay. Sounds good. Well, it's kind of fun. Is that, uh, it's always an evolution, right? So I had a company that my husband and I ran until 2019. We had a sudden closure, and I had to reinvent myself again. And I'm a woman of faith. I rely a lot on prayer and talking with God over things. I'm like, tell me what's going on here, and things will just pop up sometimes. Like miraculous coincidences. The name Joy minder actually is one of those. It's something that I came up with long, long ago, and it was partly, I don't know if you knew. I used to be a teacher, so I taught middle school math. I'm a total nerd. I actually sold a program when I was 11 years old. Brian. That's awesome. So I've just been a techie Yeah since fourth grade, and I love working with people, but I took this test. I'm sure you've heard of it called the Cliftonstrengths Finder, and in that I learned my top five strengths. Have you taken that one, Brian?

Brian Kelly:
I have not, I've not heard it. Even heard of it.

LeAnn Lyon:
Oh, really? Oh it's amazing. Okay, I'm going to dive into this a little bit because I think it's pretty cool. And I think a lot of people can benefit from it. It's very different from like a disc profile in that there are 35 identified strengths and we all have them to some degree. Now, obviously, your 35th strength is probably not your strength, but your top five probably inform most of the decision making and most of the things you do on a daily basis. So my top five when I took the test was Strategic achiever Intellection, which by the way, doesn't mean I'm smart, but that's okay. And uh, belief and positivity. But the intellection part is actually interesting because what it means is I'm able to often hear several different ideas, several different stories, and if I pause, if I wait a minute, I can actually kind of feel things kind of create inside. And that's what I love to do with business owners. So when I hear somebody tell me, you know, I really want to do in a strategic and achiever, that all helps too, right? Um, that might be why I've achieved a little bit. But when people tell me their dream, they're like, I want to do this, or I can. If they can picture something, I can often enhance that vision with them and then troubleshoot. You know, which part of this will you love doing and which parts do you struggle with? Like if you're not techie, you said this earlier, if you're not techie, let's find somebody who is. Or maybe it's something I can help you with because I am techie and I have people that can do tech even when I'm out on the boat. So, um, that's what I love to do. I really love to just work with a business owner here. Their dream? I'm working with a prominent chiropractor in Texas right now, and his dream is to bring in and talk with more chiropractors all over the world and help them to be, you know, to to increase their practices. And I loved strategizing with that. He saw what I was doing. He's like, Leanne, I just want to do what you're doing. I'm like, great, let's do it. So we put together the whole strategy for him, and it's really on a case by case basis. Some people are like, well, who's your one target? You know, if you're in business, let's have a conversation. Let's see where it can go if I'm not the right fit for you. I know a lot of other people who might be a better fit for you, and I'd love to make the introduction.

Brian Kelly:
I love it, I love. It, yeah. So you had to do a complete, um, basically start over almost in 2019, and that's not that long ago.

LeAnn Lyon:
And yeah, and there's. This thing called 2020.

Brian Kelly:
What was that what happened then. Yeah.

LeAnn Lyon:
Well, so I jumped out of the one business. I thought, well that's it, I'm going to go MLM travel all the way. Did you hear me travel.

Brian Kelly:

LeAnn Lyon:
Eight months later, everything shut down. I'm like, okay, this is not fun. God, please, please, please show me where I'm going.

Brian Kelly:
That that. Was. Those were some interesting times. And the thing I, I look at the positive side of things, like when that happens is how do you adjust as a it doesn't matter who you are, entrepreneur or family member. Uh, what do you do to adjust to this, to, you know, keep some sense about your life, but also to keep income flowing? And, you know, I had this idea like, well, what would someone like Richard Branson do, or Elon Musk or those that are just problem solvers, whether you like them or not, is a different story. But if you, uh, if you look at them, what would they do? People like them given this. So most most people make their millions their wealth during down times because they come up with solutions to those down times. And I'll never forget this, Leanne, I had this thought I should have pulled the trigger sooner, but that was to get on Amazon and become an affiliate of bodies. Because what was the one thing that every store was being completely gutted of that more than anything, that even food, it was toilet paper. And I tell you that they started the boat. They started selling like hotcakes. And I missed that boat. But I thought that would have been a good opportunity right there. So you take it.

LeAnn Lyon:
Was it was a situation. Was that a good one? Well, I was using zoom before 2020, I loved it. I thought it was the greatest thing. And even when 2020 all started, I thought, oh, zoom is going to be big. Why I didn't buy stock then like, oh, what was I doing?

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. There's so I mean gosh, crystal ball right. If we only had one. Right. I had an online fitness business called Global Fitness Club. I did live streaming workouts and this was before 2020, and I ended up dissolving that company a couple of years before 2020 because nobody was interested in online workouts. I hired three different Facebook ad agencies, and none of them could crack the code because everyone wanted to go to a brick and mortar and be there with other people, hear their grunting and sweating and all that and like, I get it, I'm a gym rat. And I thought, well, that's a bummer. I did live streaming workouts where people would work out with me in their living rooms. Well, then what happens? 2020 hits and everybody is working out from home to some program or another. It's like, dang it! But I have no regrets because I learned a lot in that process. I don't want to go back to it. I love where I'm at now, and so it's a progression and it's like, um, yeah, where you are today isn't necessarily the final destination. Hopefully it's not for any one of us because that just takes away the fun of living life. You know, entrepreneurship is I never want there to be an end. Just keep going until my last breath and then my renewed self will begin for eternity. I'm with you, believer. And uh, yes, I love that about you. That's awesome. So. Oh my goodness. See, there's a reason for that light of joy. A bigger reason there is. Yes.

LeAnn Lyon:
We can't make the choice later.

Brian Kelly:
True, true. What choice will we make? Those that haven't. Those that haven't. Uh. And it's an easy choice to make. Oh my goodness. But, uh, yeah, we could we can plant these seeds. It's okay. I have no problem with that. That is, uh, part of what we do, right? Planting the seeds as we go.

LeAnn Lyon:

Brian Kelly:
So, um, you had to do those out of necessity in 2019, so that had to be a daunting task. And so you've been through startup quite recently in your own life. And so what a great thing for you to be able to help others to do the same. Yeah. And, you know, to reach number ten, an affiliate program that's even harder. That's harder than the network marketing because you don't have a team that's also feeding that status up to the top. You basically have the one level of affiliates that's even more impressive to me, honestly. Uh, so that's another reason for folks to understand that. Yes. If you're looking for someone to help you, she is the one, uh, to at least have a conversation with. I'm not going to tell you she is the answer for you until you, you and and Leanne will figure that out together. And if you're not like she said, if I'm not the fit, I will know somebody who might be able to help you. And that's the way it's got to be. I mean, what do you think about that? That people there are people out there that, you know, if someone has a credit card and a heart that's beating, they want them no matter what. I mean, it's like, I just gotta make the money. Have you ever had that mindset, like in the very beginning where it's a bit more of a scarcity mindset? I have in the beginning where it's like, I gotta make a buck, I'm going to get anybody that's got a heartbeat and some money that's going to say yes to my program. But where you are now, what is that like?

LeAnn Lyon:
Yeah, it's. Just completely different. You're right. When you're starting out you're like, oh, you know, I some multi-level marketing coffee, right. This is one of some of the awards back here. The you know, it's like, oh, they have to buy it from me. And then I realized, you know, it just really isn't that. And there's eight close to 8 billion people on the planet. If you sit back and say, okay, look, I can't actually reach or service a percent of that, not even 1% of that. So there's an abundance to that. When you realize, you know, first of all, work with the people that bring you some joy. I mean, if people are a headache, fire them. I mean it really, really realistically, like give them back some money and say, you know what I would love to introduce you to? And I mean, check it out with somebody else. I've done that in real estate too. I'm like, you know what? This isn't working. I'd love to introduce you and I'll tell the other realtor, hey, here's the deal. And sometimes they're willing to to do that, like, yeah, I'll work with them. And you just have to have the fit and personality matters a lot, but also drive ambition, follow through. There's so many things. Find the fit.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Congruency with value systems I mean so much. And you're so right. And that's the thing is um, they say uh. Hire slow, fire fast. So same goes with bringing on a client. Make sure they are a fit because a client can become a cancer to your company. If they're not a fit, you know they could be that one that's whining and crying and and you know, I paid $29 for your program and it's not working. And they keep calling, supporting whatever the case may be. It's like, well, first you need to charge more. And then uh, second, uh, those are the kind of people you want to make sure that you, um, filter before you say yes. And if you do say yes, do like you said, Leanne. Fire them and say, look, this isn't working out. Uh, it might just be a personality mismatch or a value mismatch, but I know somebody who might be a fit. Or if they're not a fit, it's like, I just can't. I can't work with you because you're you're bringing me down and my whole business with it. So you gotta you gotta be very discerning and can't just take people with room on their credit card. And that's what so many. I made that mistake, and I know many more are making that mistake right now. And it's good to put this message out and just know that if you're watching this and you're in that state, it does get better. You will get there. Uh, and just be discerning as much as you possibly can right now and get there as soon as you possibly can, because you'll be in your element. You'll be serving people from your heart, like Leanne does, and you'll be in that that sweet spot. And then you'll notice business picks up even faster because you're you're loving yourself and respecting yourself more. And that that comes off with them. They see that like a dog sense and fear. Um, what do you think of all that, Leanne? I'm talking way too much tonight. I don't know what's going on with me.

LeAnn Lyon:
Well, it ties into you mentioned book, I love books. I think when I left elementary school, I asked the librarian. So did I read them all? Wow, I didn't, but I have always loved to read. And I will say this year I'm still not sure I've read a fiction book because as much as I'd love to, you know, there's just so much to do and a lot to learn. Right now, though, I am diving into Jamie Kern Lima's book worthy, and she talks a lot about the difference between self-confidence and self-worth. And in her book, she's giving step by step, like, how do you get more towards the self-worth and not just self-confidence? You need both, but if you have lots of self-confidence and no self-worth, that's called. Narcissism.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's it's gotta, it's gotta make sense. It's gotta feel right. And that's something I learned late in life. In my life. How important that was when I finally decided that if it doesn't feel right, I'm not going to do it anymore. And I finally got to that point. In fact, the business that I had, the fitness business, dropping it and moving into what I'm doing now was a part of that, a big part of it. Interesting thing. I spent years putting that together. I had videos I'd made. My son helped me with some of them workout videos that were recorded for those that wanted a membership. I mean lots and lots and lots of work. Put went into that, and the day I decided to get rid of it, I didn't just say, I'm walking away, I literally deleted the entire website. All the videos went with it, gone poof in vapor. And I actually felt good, I felt liberated, I didn't hate it. I actually loved it when I did it or when I was in it, but I knew where I wanted to go and it was much stronger than where I had been. And so it's, uh, it's good to make these difficult decisions that seem difficult at the time. But once I made that one, in my case, it was like, oh, good, I'm done. I'm not walking back to that. Um, love fitness. I still go to the gym myself, but it's not what I want to do in business life that just happened. You know, the.

LeAnn Lyon:
Word. Decide ends in IDE or sed, and I believe that's the, um, the definition of that when it's attached to like, divided um, decide is to cut off.

Brian Kelly:
Yes, something. Yeah. When you decide.

LeAnn Lyon:
When you decide you're cutting. Off something that. And by the way, I had all of my YouTube videos disappear one day. Ooh. That was not my choice. And I was I literally got sick. And it's amazing as you go through and you realize, you know how attached you can get to things. And again, I thought this was later I realized it was a lesson. I actually ultimately got my channel back, which took a while, and I was a little bitter for a bit. But you can find me over there now. It's um, yeah, if you choose to delete the videos, it's one thing if they're suddenly poof, gone, a whole different feeling. Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
And then we start learning the all the other things that we wish we had known ahead of time, like the importance of backups and having them all on our computers and drives and Google drives and everywhere else.

LeAnn Lyon:
Oh for sure, for sure. And in fact, my um, next week in my summit, all eight of us will talk about those pivot points and that, you know, is obviously one of my pivot points. I went from having an online presence, having a YouTube channel to not. And I pivoted in. Ten days later, I did my first in-person, uh, group presentation.

Brian Kelly:
And kudos, and that this is why anybody looking to either start a business or grow their current business. Uh, you this is someone you want to actually reach out to, and you're going to get that opportunity here in a moment. Actually, she's going to give you a gift. And in that process of connecting with her, you can find out if you two are a fit to to take it to the next step where she can help you. She's been through it. Uh, she's pivoted already once, um, at least, uh, most recently 2019. So that's not that long ago. So it's impressive. You're already up and running and and but it's also not surprising because of your acumen, your background, your experience, and most of all, your joy. Yes, joy is a big part of it. I love it, chief Joy. Officer. Holy smokes, I just saw the time. Uh, gosh, there's so many. More things. It does every single time. Probably because I'm talking too much tonight. But, uh, one thing I love, love, love, love to ask successful entrepreneurs like yourself is this one question about this topic called marketing. Because what worked, say, 20 years ago, I remember this. I could send out a blast email and I could make money from it like that. That doesn't work today. 20 years ago. That does not work today. What works today may not work 20 years out in the future. What is important is what is working today. And so I'm curious for you and your business. If you were to pick one marketing strategy like is it referral marketing, is it paid ads? Is it word of mouth? Is it what is it? Is it social media outreach for you right now? What is your number one go to marketing strategy that's bringing you the most clients and success right now?

LeAnn Lyon:
I will say, you know, emails are really tough. Uh, paid ads, especially on social media. It's rough if if it works at all. I'm not even sure. Um, I think showing up authentically is what works. And that means in person at networking events as well as online. Uh, reach the people you're looking to reach for and and serve first. That's, I think, what works best if you can serve first and and then that's kind of part of your it ends up being part of your vetting as well. So I have a podcast as well. And that's what I do. I serve first. I invite people to for me to do a little bit like you do different, but, you know, raise people up, talk to them. Um, delve into, you know, why did they want to become an entrepreneur? It's a little bit different conversation than we're having here, but serving first. And then from there I can decide, you know, this is a cool person. Maybe we can do something more in some way, shape or form. So just get out there and meet people and understand. Well, in my belief system, again, the right people will show up. You can't keep them away.

Brian Kelly:
Um. Ooh, I love that. That's that's the exact opposite of what most people think as they're like, I wonder who I can connect with today, but you're saying the right person will be there. That's a different mental outlook. I love that it's more like a receiving rather than a pushing out and trying to gather. No hunting and gathering. Just they'll be there, they'll come, they're coming. But you still got to engage with them. You got to talk to them. So, you know, I know these people are now thinking, oh, automatic marketing, I love it. I'll just show up and people just come to come over to me. It's like, ain't that easy? But no.

LeAnn Lyon:
No, I've wanted to believe in that too. And yeah, like the sign up five and they'll sign up five. It just doesn't. No it doesn't work that way.

Brian Kelly:
Not quite does it. No. Um, but showing up in person is is a perfect I think that is one, one marketing strategy that will and has withstood the test of time. That is one of those things that did work 20 years ago that still works today. And I think it will probably even more powerfully in the future, because we're all now hiding behind our zoom cameras. I wouldn't say hiding. It is very, uh, nice. And it's very convenient to do this, and I would recommend people do this all the time because, my God, we didn't have this technology that long ago, and now you can do this. Like what you're doing. You're showing up in person on this, this live video show that people are calling a podcast. And I would recommend that as a great strategy, just what you're doing, Leanne, you have your own show and now you're getting on, and you probably have already been doing this on other people's shows. Now you're getting in front of other tribes and other people's venues that no one would have ever known who you were, had you not done this. And it's a strategy I know by a friend of mine who is a podcasting expert that he started his own podcast, and then he turned it around and said, I'm going to get on as many other podcasts as I possibly can as a guest. And that that, he said, was his secret sauce. And so I can't agree with you more. And that's just one strategy going to networking events. I've got those lanyards and badges that would put Mr. T to shame, if you remember who that was back in the day with his I.

LeAnn Lyon:
Do, yes.

Brian Kelly:
And yeah. So totally agree with that. Uh, that's that's one strategy I think that could be timeless. I mean, I'm no I have no crystal ball, but it's been it's lasted, uh, the test of all these years for sure. Uh, is in person that there's no substitute for it. Yeah. A lot of people don't like it. I didn't like it back when I could just blast an email to thousands, because I'm reaching a lot of people with very little effort. And now it's like, oh, dang, it's going to take so much effort just to reach one person. But that's just the way it works right now. That's the best way.

LeAnn Lyon:
And I think you have to know your own business. You have to know what's going to work if you're selling windows. Um, going online might not be the thing, but joining a group, I'm, you know, I'm just throwing names out there I'm not associated with, but B and I or Success champions or Accelerated Global Connections. There's all different types of networking events out there, too. It doesn't have to be a big conference. Just go to your local chamber and meet people. And and honestly, I think that that can work for almost anybody. But again, Realtors, you're not looking in Arkansas unless you live in Arkansas. Then you're looking in Arkansas.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. All all incredibly, incredibly good advice. I appreciate that. And I'm sure everyone watching listening does too. And by the way, if you've been if you're watching us live, fantastic. If you're not, if you're watching this, either a recording or you came on and you're listening on the podcast, we are on 35 podcast platforms on audio only format. I would implore upon you to come visit us, live in a future date, and to do that, just go to the mind body business. Show.com. Yes, it is a long URL, the mind body business show.com and click on any of the buttons that say where and how to watch. Fill out your information. All we do is we email you the moment we are going live. So that way you never miss another episode if you so desire to. Come on. Because we love engagement, we love the questions that come in. We love the shout outs. Uh, it makes it much more fun and we want to give you the best value we possibly can. Uh, this is like going to a networking seminar once a week for me personally. I get a one hour time with someone as amazing as Leanne. And you don't get that at a networking seminar? Have you been to those, Leanne, where you sit for 90 minutes, you get a break for 15, you go to the bathroom, you got five minutes left to say hi to somebody and build a relationship. It's not enough time until the late evening where you all break for dinner, and then you find everybody at the bar getting sauced and it's like, oh, this isn't working. And so it's the best thing. Podcasting live video shows. These are one of the best things you could do today. Uh, tomorrow may be different, but right now, um, having done this show for five plus years, I can attest to it. I made so many relationships. Uh, is that something you found true with your podcast? You make a lot of great new relationships.

LeAnn Lyon:
It's so great, I really do, and I, I really welcome almost any type of business to come on now. My my podcast is geared towards women business owners, but I've had everything. My most recent guest was a pet death doula, all the way to people who are running travel agencies and doing online marketing. It's just the the diversity. I'm sure you get the same thing, the diversity of entrepreneurs. It's so much fun.

Brian Kelly:
It is the imagination that some of these entrepreneurs had to to build what businesses they have to. It's like, where did you think of this? You know, it's it's life experience that drives you to what you're passionate about. And that's the funny thing. Uh, not funny, but it's really telling that the most successful entrepreneurs that I have met are those that are in more most alignment with what they are doing as far as passion and joy. And, you know, it's like if you get up in the morning and it's arduous, every bit of it all day long is like, that may not be the right fit for you. Um, my fitness business wasn't arduous all the time, but I felt something wasn't 100% there. And then when I got great advice to shift it, I didn't think of it myself. Three people and three different times, uh, told me. And I'm like, they're right. Wow. And I feel better thinking about that other thing. Okay. And so, uh, sometimes you just need advice. We're getting oh, my God, it's already there. So, uh, Leanne, real quick, I'd like to end. We got to give away. So please, everyone hang on just a few extra minutes because Brian blabbed too long on this one and kept her. Kept Leanne on too late. Sorry. Uh, but, uh, I like to ask a closing question of every guest that comes on this show, Leanne. And it's something I used to do kind of randomly in the beginning, first couple of years of the show, and I realized, oh my gosh, the answers are so profound. I want to ask this of everybody that comes on this show. And so we're going to close with that in a moment. And the great thing is it's a very profound question, not because of the question, but because of the answers, uh, that we get from all of you wonderful people. And I can't wait for yours. Before we do that real quick, we have two gifts to give away. So ladies first. So Leanne has a gift. I'm going to put up a little, uh, thing on the I'm going to actually bring up your website for that because you put up a beautiful brand new page just for this very purpose. So we have to show it off. She worked very hard on this. We're going to bring it up right now. In fact, uh, actually, the wrong button, Brian. There we go. It's coming. She has a gift for you. And what is that gift? Leanne, I'll let you take it away.

LeAnn Lyon:
I would love to meet with you. I just am fascinated by a business owners. And if you are, if you feel the same. Guess what? I'm one. So let's get together. Let's have coffee. If you'd like, I will send you the coffee. But we can pick a date. The calendar is right there. You can probably see that bright yellow button. And I'll also invite you to connect with me at Leanne lyon.com and check out the summit coming up next week as well.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. So the gift, uh, go to this website for those of you listening on podcast and uh, are just listening only write this down. It's MBB stands for Mind Body Business. So wonderful of you to do that. Uh dash invite dot now dot site. And that's s I t e so it's mbb dash invite dot now dot site. That is where you can just have a coffee with Leanne. Uh, sit down, have a chat, see if she can help you, and also be respectful of her knowledge and her time and see if she is a fit to take the next step. And you may. You may never know that this could be the one thing that can change your life for the better forever. Because you got connected with somebody remarkable who loves to help people. And that's why I love what I get to do with this show. And then I do want to mention your site, which I did not do earlier verbally. I want to say it out loud, and that is what I'm going to pull on the screen right now. And that is Leanne lyon.com. And it's spelled L e, one e and two n's Lyon l y o n. So I'll spell the whole thing l e a n n l y o n.com. I guess I said it plural in the beginning in the opening. I apologize for that. I saw your chat later.

LeAnn Lyon:
Most people. Do. Most people do. It's no big deal. I should probably own that as well. Yeah, that would be a good idea. Have it forward.

Brian Kelly:
So yeah. Leanne Lyon singular Brian comm. And uh, so you want to go to both those websites, but check out her gift. Uh, get on the calendar, pick a time that works best for you, and it will work. Good for her because it's on her calendar, in fact. Um, yeah. Just write that down. Nb invite dot now, dot site. And then real quick, I had promised everyone that you could enter to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort, again, compliments of Reach Your Peak. And to do that, you must be watching live. So all of you watching live, you are in the running. All you need to do is write this URL down and then enter it. After we say good night, we will still be monitoring. Do not worry, we just gave a one away last week. We do every week and can't wait to see who the winner is. So to do that I'm going to put it up on the screen. So write this web address down. It is ripe.im/vacation. Make sure it's all lowercase. Report im forward slash vacation. Write that down. Get it down and then enter to win. After we say good night, which is in just a few minutes because it's time for that wonderful, incredible, earth pounding, shaking question for Leanne Lyon. Oh my goodness. So one of the great things about this, there's a couple great things about this question, Leanne. And that is first, there is no such thing as a wrong answer.

LeAnn Lyon:
Oh good, I was worried.

Brian Kelly:
It's not a test, it's not a quiz. And in fact, it's it's interesting. The exact opposite is the case. Is that the only correct answer? Will be yours because it will be unique to you. And that's the beautiful thing about it. And the other part of it that is also really cool is it may take you a microsecond being a techie, you know what that means. Or it could take you many, many seconds to come up with the answer. Guess what? That two is just fine because it's your answer. So now that there's absolutely no pressure and you're going crazy wondering what the heck is this question going to be? Are you ready for the last question of the evening?

LeAnn Lyon:
Hit me with your best shot.

Brian Kelly:
Ooh, I like that. That's a good song. I Pat Benatar too. All right, here we go. Lion, lion. How do you. Define. Success. Hmm'hmm.

LeAnn Lyon:
You know, if I had my ChatGPT in front of me, I'd create an acronym for that. It's actually one of my favorite things to do is to create an acronym for success or for anything. I've. I really believe the success is inside. Success isn't outside. It's not the boat. It's not the house. It's not the yard. It's it's not the relationships. Success really is internal. It's what you feel inside. It's that for me, the joy of knowing I made a difference the first time I completed my summit. I asked her testimonials. I asked, hey, tell me what made a difference here? And success was when somebody said I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. But I tuned in and now I have mission forward. I'm going to make a difference in this world. I'm going to start the business I thought I couldn't do. That was my definition of success right there. Everything it did. That first summit, by the way, was so hard. But that one comment and you can see it on my pages today was made every ounce of of trial worth it.

Brian Kelly:
Mhm. Uh, the one there's so many great things I love about the answers to that question, not the question itself. Is that Leanne, I've been doing this quite some time now and no two people yet have answered it the same way. That's why it is so powerful. And later I will be reaching out to everyone who's been on my show, you included, to see, to get your permission to be included in the next book, which will be how do you define success as a collaborative? Because it's it's so powerful that it'd be great for everyone to see the insights of what one person. And here's the other thing, Leanne, what you just described today, five years from now, it may be an entirely different answer.

LeAnn Lyon:
Oh for sure.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. It's amazing. It's it's kind of like marketing. It's a moving target. It's always changing because of our life experiences. So it's so uniquely powerful. That's why I like to end every show with it. Oh, I hate to say this, and I'm getting rid of the word hate. So I really just like to say this. Uh, but it's time to call it a wrap. We went over seven minutes. I apologize to everyone. Thank you. My gosh, everyone's hanging on. I haven't seen anyone drop off. Uh, Leanne, thank you. Mostly to you. And for spending your very valuable time with us for helping our audience and yours as well, to get the strategies, tips, and common sense that it takes to be, uh, grow a very successful business such as you have done more than one time. And so thank you so very much, Leanne, from the bottom of my heart for coming on here tonight.

LeAnn Lyon:
Brian. Thank you. This was truly a joy. The whole process has been wonderful and look looking forward to our continued relationship. And your next book.

Brian Kelly:
Yes yes yes. That's what that's what it's about. Ladies and gentlemen, relationship building I love it. Yes. On behalf of the amazing and beautiful Leanne Lyon, I'm your host, Brian Kelly and author of Mind Body Business but host of Mind Body Business Show. And I cannot wait till we come on again next time. But until then, please do two things before we part ways. Two things, uh, and that is one, continue to go out and do everything you can to crush it in your business. Why? Because when you improve, when you grow and you scale, that means you are serving and helping more people. And number two, above all else, everyone to a person, please be blessed. That's it for us. We'll see you again next time. Bye bye for now. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at www. The Mind Body Business Show.com. My name is Brian Kelly.

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LeAnn Lyon

"Meet LeAnn Lyon, the heart and soul behind Joy-Minder, LLC, where she spreads cheer as the Chief Joy Officer. On WinWinWomen.TV, she captivates audiences with her show 'Lead With LeAnn,' sharing insights with a sprinkle of joy. A serial entrepreneur at heart, LeAnn's journey has woven through esteemed circles like BNI, Toast Masters, and the empowering realms of Tony Robbins. With the eloquence of a John Maxwell Certified Speaker and the precision of a Tae Kwon Do Black Belt, she also navigates the real estate waters as a Licensed Minnesota Realtor. Her accolades shine bright, from the President's Club for Yellow Book Yellow Pages to a Top 10 Growth Affiliate for Nowsite. But the titles she cherishes most? Devoted wife since 1995, proud mom to two wonderful daughters, and the loving human to a furry feline friend."

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