Special Guest Expert - Nellie Nekouie

Special Guest Expert - Nellie Nekouie: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Nellie Nekouie: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated, determined, and driven? How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly and this is the Mind Body Business show. Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business show. Oh my goodness. We have an unbelievable special treat for you tonight. The one, the only Nelly Nicole is here with us right now. She's in the in the green room. She's right there. She's like scratching at our monitor saying, let me in, Brian. I'm ready. Let's go. That is the way she is. You're going to love her energy. You're going to love her. She's a gorgeous woman. She's intelligent, she's successful, and that's why she's on this show and she's on this show. Not for me. She's on this show for you. That is what the mind body business show is all about. I bring on successful entrepreneurs from all over the world, week after week, and interview them and find out and extract their success strategies so that you can take what they have done to achieve success and simply model it. That's a fancy word for copy, and it's absolutely okay. In fact, I know Nellie would come on and say, yeah, please copy me. I want you to be successful too. That's what entrepreneurs, especially successful ones that is what is at their heart is helping other people because it just makes everyone better and the world better. And it's just amazing. And we all there's plenty of money to go around. There's plenty of clients to go around. There are. There's never ending stream of Abundance in our lives. And so the sooner we come to grips with that, the quicker we're going to achieve that success. And so this is about what I call the three pillars of success. And it came about after studying and following only successful people for a period of about ten years or so.

Brian Kelly:
And in that time, what I learned from these successful people, and these are like individuals that were my personal mentors, others that were authors of books, others that I would follow that were successful and go to their seminars and watch them on zoom or live presentations or even recordings or authors that are no longer with us that weren't even alive when I was born. And these are all these people that I studied. And I said, what makes them potentially more successful than yours truly? I mean, like when they put on their pants, if they're a man, do they run and jump and land with both feet in them at the same time? And they're just that good, you know, what is it? What is the magic sauce? Well, what I found over this, this decade of studying is there is no magic sauce, and it comes down to the three pillars of success. And that that is actually the very namesake of this show. Mind stands for mind set. So to a person, each of these individuals had developed a very positive, powerful and most importantly, flexible mindset. And then body. Body literally means that these successful individual individuals took care and are still taking care of. They're still with us, their bodies both physically and nutritionally. And then business. Business is multi multifaceted. What these individuals had done and are still doing, for those that are still with us, is they have mastered the various skill sets that are necessary to build a successful business and then to continue to scale it, grow it and keep it thriving. These are skill sets like sales team building, systematizing, marketing, leadership. I could go on and on. And you being a very astute watcher and listener of this very show. You know that mastering anything, any one thing, can take a very, very long time. So to you, I have a great tip. And that is if you were to concentrate just on one, just mastering one specific skill set, then you'll find you can leverage that skill set and bring in folks that already have or are on their way to mastering the other skill sets that you need for your business. And that one skill set is, well, is anyone interested?

Brian Kelly:
I'd like to hear. I'll just wait for someone to comment here. I'm kidding. I know that some of you are listening to podcasts. You're thinking, what is this guy doing? We are live. We are on live video. And for those of you that are not watching right now live, you want to go to the mind body business show.com. Yes, it's a long URL, the mind body business show.com. Scroll down, click on any of the buttons. There are many of them that say where and how to watch and register. You will be notified of our next live show, and then you can click on the link that gets mailed to you right before email to you right before we go live. And you can join us and you can win amazing things like we have a five night stay at a five star luxury resort, compliments of Richard Peak. Uh, one lucky person wins this trip. Every single show we give it away, every single show makes it super fun. And you must be on watching live to be eligible to win. So yeah, there's incentive there. So that one skill set. Did you forget? Did you? Did you forget that I was I hadn't told you what that one skill set was. If you were to focus just on it, it would be the skill set of leadership. Even if you currently have no team at all. And I'm going to leave it right there. Yes, that's a topic for another day. If you were to focus your efforts, it doesn't mean completely neglect all the other skill sets. They are still necessary, but focus primarily on leadership, on developing yourself as a great leader, a better leader, and you can do that. There are so many books on this topic. Speaking of books, we're going to go to that right now. All of these successful people that I had studied and followed, they were also to a person, very avid readers of books. And so with that, I want to segue very briefly to a segment, and then we're going to come back to Nelly Nacouzi. Oh, she's still here. She's waiting.

Brian Kelly:
So I'm going to segue to a little segment I affectionately call bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready? Steady. Read. Bookmarks. Brought to you by Reach your peak Library.com.

Brian Kelly:
There you see. Reach your peak Library.com. And a quick word of advice for everyone watching. This is for you, not for me. And that is you are going to be hearing resources. You're going to be told to text a certain word to a certain phone number. You're going to be told to go to websites or look at books and know about books. And what I implore upon you to do is rather than clicking on another tab and going to research it while you're either watching us live, watching the recording, or listening to us on pod on audio podcasts, rather than do that, do something that maybe you haven't done for a while. I hope you have. And that is, take out that good old fashioned notebook and a pen or a piece of paper and write it down, and then visit it after the show is over. Wait till it's over, then go back and visit those resources. Why do I say that? Listen, Nelly, Nicole is coming on. You do not want to miss a single word this young woman has to say. I am not kidding. And if you are, if you're focus has been taken away from her and you're researching something and she says something and you're like, oh, wait, what was that? And you miss it? That could have been that one golden nugget that could change your life forever for the better. I would not want that to happen to you. I learned this the hard way as a speaker many moons ago when I was first starting out, I'd be speaking. I know I'm getting to the juicy stuff. It was my presentation and I would see somebody get up and start to walk out, you know, with their phone in their face, or they had to go to the restroom. You know, they got that all important text or phone call and they had to leave the room. Stay in the room. The magic happens in the room. That means stay focused, stay with us, take notes and watch your life just propel to new heights. That's why we call it reach your peak. The company up to the peak. Here we go.

Brian Kelly:
Speaking of the peak, reach your peak library real quickly. It is a resource that I had put together with you in mind, because I myself was not an avid reader until about 13 years ago. Almost 13 years ago, at the age of 47, is when I started reading, giving you time to do the math because I know you're all curious. Everyone does this. Yes, I'm going to be 60 years old very soon. I'm going to celebrate that bejeebers out of it. And this resource here reach Your peak library is a combination of all the books I have personally read and I vet, meaning not every book I've ever read since the age of 47 is on here, but every book I read that did have a profound effect on me, either personally or business or both. It's in here and I'm way behind. I have many more to add. My team keeps adding these. As I say here, add this one. And so they are in here in no rhyme, no reason whatsoever. They're not alphabetic. They're just thrown in there as I finish reading them. And so all I implore upon you to do is find that one book that jumps out at you, read the description, look at the cover, and then go get it. Whether it's from this website, whether it's from your favorite bookstore, that doesn't matter. Just get it. And then of course, read it. There's one more step. Don't just read it. Take action on the action steps provided in that book. The only way you will propel yourself forward is by taking massive, immediate and consistent action. And now, speaking of massive, immediate and consistent action, you're going to see Mrs. Action coming on right now. Nelly. Nicole get ready. Hold on to your hats. She's coming on right now. Let's go.

It's time for the guest expert. Spotlight savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big league qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there she is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one. The only. Nelly Nicole! Woo hoo! Welcome to the show, Nelly. How are you doing?

Nellie Nekouie :
So grateful. So honored to be here. Appreciate you having me on. Excited.

Brian Kelly:
Oh my goodness. This is quite the treat. And I want to let everybody know about this Nelly that we had a last minute show cancellation from another individual. It was legitimate. It was fine. But I just reached out. I said, you know what? Nelly would be fantastic. And I bet she'll say yes and drop everything, whatever she's doing. And you had, what, 15 minutes that I told you? Oh, we need to get on in 15 and get ready, do the pre-show. And here you are, all made up and glorious and glam. You probably don't have any makeup on and you're one of those types, but it is amazing and you are amazing. And I've not. I've gotten to know you for just a short period of time, and that's why I thought, Nellie, I'm going to text her and see if she comes on. So what I want to do for everyone here is we had no time. I had no time to collect your bio. I had no time to get any of that kind of information from you. What I love, if you're okay with it, is for you to give your personal story, you know, where did you where were you more than two years ago? Hint hint wink wink. What were you doing? You can go farther back if you want. Whatever is whatever makes sense. Give your background, your experience, your journey, and then where you are today in about five seconds. I'm so kidding. You can do it however long it takes. So if you don't mind, just introduce yourself and let us know who the heck is Nellie Nacouzi? That's amazing. Wonderful woman.

Nellie Nekouie :
So honored. Thank you. Yes. And Brian did text me 15 minutes ago and I said, absolutely. Any opportunity to share anything that can help anybody else? I know people, my mentors did it for me. So drop everything and absolutely grateful and honored to be here. Uh, Brian, Nellie from Orange County, California, Newport Beach grew up in Laguna. Uh, and fast forward I where I found my passion, my background, Brian, is healthcare. Uh, previous to healthcare, done a ton of things, but real estate, financial planning, uh, but where I truly found my passion. And I believe that you got to believe in what you do. And where I found my passion was with UnitedHealthCare in healthcare leading clinical and behavioral health teams to transition our homeless population into housing. Now done a ton of things in health care from pharmacy benefits management. Health care technology company built a product end to end. But as you can imagine, with the population definitely found a passion for fighting for humans to get the care that they need when they need it. But with a trauma informed approach. And that trauma informed approach was my specialty. That's where I found it, spoke to my soul, where I found my fight to fight for humans, to get the care that they need, when they need it. And a $4.4 trillion broken industry as we know it. But as you can imagine, I've been in the trenches, so I've seen the ugly side. I've seen things that most people shouldn't see and just found that passion from there, from corporate America, both leading and the Arizona market then scaled and replicated our model across nationally, and then started my own consulting space specifically around that streamlining culture across organizations with a trauma informed approach. Human methodology. Go figure. Focusing on humans to get to better outcomes. Uh, honesty, understanding, mutuality, awareness and nimble. Actually, so was the acronym of what we did at that in that space. Um, and where I am today, about a year and a half ago, Brian, I had the opportunity. Someone said healthcare disruptor. Now, I was fighting health equity at a legislative level. Uh, on behalf of the insurance company I was with, and and I said healthcare and disruptor in the same sentence.

Nellie Nekouie :
What do you got? Show me. Please. Uh, and I was blown away. I said it's not only a no brainer. It's about time. Uh, so just truly honored and grateful to be where we are today of where we should be headed in healthcare, and I don't know if you want me to go into it, but I'm happy to talk about where we are. I mean, I was brought into a space that I had never been in before, network marketing, but a product that truly is changing healthcare, health, health, uh, health sharing is not a new concept, right? Been around for a long time. And what happened is we brought those nuts and bolts together. And with technology now works, breeds, functions, feels better than health insurance. But I'm so grateful because I'm in a space that because of network marketing, there's a plug and play franchise model that's allowed me to not only my experience so I can talk about that and unpack it, but because of my experience now, today and the model that we have, you mentioned duplication. Duplication is key, right? People do as you do, not as you say. My mentor says. And what because of that, a system you talked about systems because of a system that we have in place. About a year ago, I introduced a 30 individuals into this opportunity. And today, just so honored and grateful that I have over 1900 business partners and over 10,000 customers that we're getting paid on. But I tell you, we're just getting started, just just getting started and scratching the surface because as I mentioned, it's a it's a broken industry and super grateful and honored to be able to share what we have.

Brian Kelly:
Oh my goodness. And yes, we are definitely going to dive deep into the health share. That is what you are offering. And and the reason I know you is because a mutual friend of ours told me about it and like you said, it's a no brainer and it is a massive disruptor. I have, you know, have had these corporate sponsored health plans that are a joke anymore because of the amount of money we have to spend mine. As just a quick example I want to get back into. I like to start out getting into your beautiful brain in a different way, but right now I want to just let everybody know that if, you know, I had a corporate plan where our deductible was $6,000, I mean, off the top, we we and then we're paying a monthly fee on top of that, still within a corporation, a large company. And so with all their pull, they still couldn't get anything better. And then every year they would up the premium or up the premium. And we would counter by upping our deductible to keep the premium down. So we're paying every month, and then we're paying at least six grand a year for health care. And that's before anything is put back in our pocket, like, wow, this is crazy. And then I met another individual who is now laid off from a corporate job, who is paying $3,000 a month for his premium. That's not the deductible. That's every single month. Unemployed. That was their their plan for if you go unemployed, you can use this plan for six months. Good. Thanks. That's 18 grand that for an unemployed person. So it's like you said, it's broken. Anyway, I want to know. And then we'll kind of come back to this, because this is a great topic I want to know about you, Nellie. When you get up in the morning, you know, you are you are just this firecracker. You're on fire. You're always so energetic. You're always saying, call me, use me, abuse me, or you're saying these things. I'm like, gosh, where does she get her energy from? Where does she get her drive?

Brian Kelly:
What is her why? Why is she pushing so hard? And with all the people you already have, I'm thinking, why is she still working so. And you're working hard. There's no doubt in my mind I know it. I mean, God, you're everywhere. Everywhere. So when you get up in the morning, I like to know what's going on in that big, beautiful brain of yours when you're coming to, you know, you're kind of still in that, uh, waking up. And then you start to clear out and the mind clears out and you go, okay, it's time to go. At that moment, you know what's in front of you. You know all the phone calls to make, all the follow ups, all the applications, all this, that and the other and the trainings and all the stuff you're managing. When what is going on in your brain, your beautiful brain that's keeping you driven, keeping you motivated, saying, I am never going to quit no matter what. What is that for you? What is your motivation behind all of this?

Nellie Nekouie :
Oh, what a great question. Uh, you know, it goes back to my why and I've got a couple, but I'd say, uh, you know, my number one is my mother. I watched so I have a brother that has Down's syndrome, and we are first generation Iranian American. I'm first generation English second language. Weren't allowed to speak English in the House? Yes. Believe it or not. Wow. And super sheltered. And so grateful. What an incredible culture. Um, but being first Narration. You know, family came here from Iran. My brother has Down's syndrome. I'm one of three watching my mother. Um, just build a foundation with my father. And, uh, it didn't work out at some point between my parents. And they had built an empire. My mom was left with nothing and is with my. And we were with the kids and my brother having Down's syndrome. I saw the fight, the grit, the resiliency, the strength. I get it from her. I have no doubt. I get it from her. Uh, and I, I'd say, you know, that's truly I what she did for us, what she's doing, what she's done. Um, you know, having a down syndrome sibling is just all love, right? It's all love. And so blessed. Full of love. But my goal is retiring my mother so that my mother and my brothers can be content and knowing the grit that my mother has that does that. It keeps me going and knows. And that's why I love the mind body business show, because mindset, as you mentioned, is everything. That's why the first thing that I do in the morning, how do I become the best version of Nelly so that I can show up the best version of Nelly for everybody? The best thing about this is we. It takes a village and to be, as you mentioned, leadership. As a leader, I need to show up the best version of me for for my why? Right. That why is what gets me up. That's why is why I do. That's bigger than anything. Because, uh, financially that comes with it.

Nellie Nekouie :
But the more people I can help, the more people we can help. Uh, the better the world is. And the the faster I get to helping and getting what what what I want to do for my mother. So great. Great question. Just so grateful because you don't get the, um, I always say, you know, it wasn't a choice where you end up right where you're born into, I should say. Yeah. Um. And I'm, I'm just so my heart is full of gratitude. As now. I've never done anything like this before. Network marketing is a people business, right? I call being growing up in Orange County behind the orange curtain, you know, because truly, I feel like I was sheltered, eye opening. Right. The opportunity to touch so many people and the blessing that I had being raised, anything I can continue to do to help people and to go back to my why, going back to my why, Brian is is that's my strength. That's my grit. That's it. You know, just she she did things that I never could imagine. And I know that you can. You're the only limit. Is the person looking in the mirror. The person you're looking at when you look in the mirror. And that's what my father taught me. That's what my mother showed me. And that's what I know is that you are the only one setting your own limits. And that's. And that's what keeps me going. That was a long winded answer. Uh, and hopefully that that, uh, that was helpful and that answered your question, but hopefully that helps a lot of people that are listening, because I truly, when I truly understood that, you know, the only person that's putting a limit and a cap on me is the person that I'm looking at in the mirror. And my parents showed me that. So just just honored to be able to share.

Brian Kelly:
That honored and blessed that you had parents to tell you that, uh, I did not have parents that knew anything about mindset, uh, entrepreneurship. Nothing. They loved us. They did everything they could for us. We know we knew no different. And you're you are so blessed to have gotten that kind of example set for you, both in word form and in action form. But I wanted to say this because of anyone out there. To say, geez, my parents aren't like that, or I don't get support like that from my parents or my spouse. It's okay, I didn't either. And you just need to look, you know, get out there and find out how to change your mindset. And by all means, contact me directly. I've gone through NLP certification. Um, um, actually hypnosis certification, which when I was in my 20s and 30s, I'd say, heck no, get away from me with that voodoo stuff. And it's so, so wonderful. It's a science. It's and it's such a basic easy science and it's it's awesome. It's incredible. Once my mind was open to that, it was like being born again. Again. And, uh, and I my life has just blossomed. I enjoy every day now. Before I was a negative Nelly. I won't say Nelly. Nelly. Negative Nelly. Uh, back then, uh, for many years growing up. And, uh, it was just an eye opener. Mindset is the key to all success or lack of success because as you so astutely said, whatever. What's going on when you're looking in the mirror, what's going on? Is there stinking thinking, or is there good thinking going on? And that's that can be reprogramed at the subconscious level, which is very exciting. We won't go into that right now, but just know that for everyone out there, there is, there is hope for you to get that mind to get, you know, to clear the weeds out of that beautiful garden that is your brain and just throw them to the side and let them wither away and just let the flowers flourish, baby. Yes. So I'm getting on my high horse here. Um, this is, uh, so exciting in so many ways. And you were talking about the insurance. And one of the things we want to make clear is healthshare is actually not proclaimed to be insurance. Is that correct?

Nellie Nekouie :
It is not. It is the.

Brian Kelly:
Difference. Then what makes it not insurance versus actual insurance?

Nellie Nekouie :
So health insurance is very different. Governed by there's a regulator. You have to have a license to share it. There's a lot of stipulations, specifically in health insurance. Health sharing rather started in churches. It's been around for a long time. It's essentially like a ministry, a pool of people helping each other, um, and when in need. And what about five, six years ago, government stepped in and changed the law from being religious based to ethic based. That's when, um, essentially large health, the largest health sharing organization, their CEO and executive stepped down to create the technology and the patent technology behind impact health sharing, which impact health sharing. And when I tell you, I know health care being on different parts of the matrix, I call it of an insurance company. I know health care and I am unwavering when it comes to impact. That's why. Yes, when you tell me jump on, I'll jump on to share impact any time, any place. That's exactly why Brian says that she may not sleep and she works because work ethic? Yes, that I do have. But a responsibility is what I feel a responsibility to share. Something that people just don't know about. I didn't know about it. I come first generation people didn't, don't know about. They may have heard of health sharing, but what happened today is the Ubers, right? The Airbnb, not a new concept hotel industry taxi industry. What happened? Blockbuster add Netflix added technology definitely changed the way we do things in what I call the ecosystems, right? That's literally what we have. Um, it's not a new concept, it's ethic based. So it's religious. It's essentially, uh, it was started in churches. So you had to be a certain religion. Now it's ethic based. So it's opened essentially like an open ministry. Anybody, any race, any religion, any person now not discriminating can be part of health sharing. And tons of organizations have been have have been run by for their employees health sharing. Why? Because of the cost savings. Historically, you had to go in, be a cash patient, speak provider language, negotiate a rate, pay up front, and then go back and get reimbursed.

Nellie Nekouie :
Yes, if it was reimbursed, right. You can. You know, there's all sorts of things out there on the internet about it now because of technology. I, I mean, I don't know if I share. I had a personal experience. Don't believe in accidents or coincidences, Brian. Like 87% of the population never used my deductible, basically paying cash, traditional health insurance. I was paying 650 a month just for myself. Now I pay $268 a month now. I never used health insurance. I didn't need it. You know, healthy gym rat. I mean, I never had any health issues about a year ago. Hoag Hospital, Newport Beach, California. I had emergency surgery, so I was so impressed. Literally how simple it was. And if you know Hoag Hospital, right. Private hospital. It's it's it's the best of the best you get in Newport Beach. I went in, literally gave my card. It was so simple. I went in, they found that I needed emergency surgery, met the surgeon, pre-op. Went into surgery, went in around 430. Came out 730. And that's it. That was it. I slept in my own bed. I couldn't believe how simple it was. I was more impressed when I got my bills. Now no one gets excited about bills I'll go through. Why is because Impact Health, specifically is a non-for-profit, so we don't have to pay dividends or investors. So there's a repricing aspect of the facility on the back end. Uh, it builds impact. Impact then on the back end negotiates a lower rate and then it hits that deductible. So you're getting a huge savings right up front. But when I saw those bills, that doesn't happen in traditional health insurance. You don't see that. And and health sharing historically. Um, so just when I talk about impact, obviously you hear the conviction and passion in my voice. And why I'm here is truly because the more we can share what we have. Everyone deserves the care that they need, when they need it, and at an affordable rate. I mean, health care freedom is what providers call it because we don't have a network.

Nellie Nekouie :
You literally can Google the best of the best, go to the best of the best. You don't need a referral, don't need a pre-approval. I mean, you know how long sometimes it takes. I don't know if I mentioned my mother's going through cancer, so how long it takes to actually get a pre-approval to be seen or get a surgery approved or none of that exists here? I mean, we're saving. I truly say we are saving people's lives. Yeah, with impact, health sharing. And the more that you know, we can get it out there, it's just an incredible, incredible disruptor in the space that's well overdue, well overdue. And I know I can talk about that for a while, but I'll give it back to you, Brian.

Brian Kelly:
There's so many things to unravel in. Great. I love all of this, and I wanted to touch on the word or the letters MLM, because a lot of people at that moment go get away. I don't want to hear about that. And I, you know, I've had that reaction myself. I used to co-own a network marketing company. Oh gosh, over 20 years ago. It was travel based. We didn't make it, but I learned, oh my God, I learned so much. And MLM or network marketing in and of itself is not a bad thing. It's only the companies that are doing the wrong things, that are taking the whole industry and giving it a black eye. The company that is associated with impact is different and in a lot of different ways. Weighs. And given one of the key words you said, Nelly, was, you feel responsible. It's my responsibility and that's where it comes. It's like, look, I don't want to do MLM or I don't want to go bugging people. It's like, you know what? It would be a disservice if you did not tell everyone you knew about this. Now it changes the game. It's like, you know, your your push, your drive. It doesn't come from within you. It comes from outside of you and all the people you can now help. And you'll learn the details if you decide to reach out for more information. I think we have something set up where people can contact us and and get more information. Set up a quick call, easy call. Talk to this woman. Come on. Who wants to talk to her? And you know, let's say you're a little drowsy. Just call Nelly. Wake your butt right up. You don't need an energy drink or a coffee. Just call Nelly. I mean, we can put up billboards. Yes.

Nellie Nekouie :
Please call me any time, any day, I don't close, that's her. Yes, is a disruptor. And I'll live. I'll die by it like Siri. And he's not kidding. Bryan's not kidding. I'm not. Because when you've seen what I've seen in the trenches, you there is I truly it bleeds through me. People that know me know. And we've known each other for a short period of time and honored to know you. And this. You know what? If it wasn't for network marketing, I never would have met this. You, you you, this incredible human being that I get the honor to be on a panel with here on your show, if it wasn't for network marketing. And to your point, Bryan, I corporate America MLM was a bad word. I have never I knew it was proven. I knew I saw people that made money in it. It never spoke to my soul products and it just wasn't for me. I knew that I was making a difference in helping people. When I saw impact I. It was a solution to what I've been fighting for and what people were fighting for. And that's why I don't sleep. Yes. Call the number. Text the number. Whatever Brian's going to put up here. Because I would love and any time of day to to share more information. Because when we talk about health care, it's a pain point in any business, in any individual and any family, every single system, every person we come across is touched by health care in some way, shape or form. Um, so what? I just can't stress that. Enough of what we have. I mean, who doesn't want to save an average of 50% on the second largest bill in the household or business? That's what we have with with impact health sharing, preventative care. I mean, I can go on, obviously, Brian, if I mean preventative care. Never been done in healthcare, definitely never been done in health insurance. We got wholeness and preventative credits to an entire household deductible. Like it's it's a game changer and it's truly being at the forefront of it. I'd like to think about Uber 15 years ago, which you know, today. Would you want to know more information? That's how I that's the responsibility I feel to really be able to share this. So I appreciate you, Brian.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, right. I appreciate I appreciate you more. So, uh, so much. Oh my gosh. Uh, I wanted to go back to you said about five years ago, I keep trying to remember when it was that had to be it. Right about then, I was brought in by a colleague to help a health care company who was at that very moment, transitioning from Christian only to opening it up. And I thought, what is this stuff? I didn't know anything about healthcare. And then I learned it had been around about 20 years prior to that. It started the idea and the concept. I'm like, wow, but you just said exactly the way it was is you would go to the emergency room, pay ten, $12,000 for the ambulance ride, and then the emergency room trip and all the stuff they do to you and then hopefully get it back as a reimbursement. And that company, my friend was actually a client said, yeah, I've had my kids have had broken arms. They've always paid us back and said, oh, that's cool. The only the only dig there is, you got to have cash up front ready to go if you need to pay for it right away. And then I, I've always had this in the back of my mind. It's like, wow, I could I could use this, I could use this going forward out of a corporate job. And so many people can once they retire, what are they going to do? And so I started really looking at and then our mutual friend Stevie Stevie Sullivan shout out, she reached out to me out of the blue. I mean, she had the same desire and passion as you now. She saw it. She said, everybody needs to hear about this. She pulled out her Rolodex. She got me and said, hey, I've got this thing. It's about health care. I said, what are you reading? My mind? I'm like, literally maybe 3 or 4 months away from getting a health care plan of my own. And it's going to be awesome because I've done the research, I've looked at the costs and and then I heard her story where she had a big physical thing that happened to her, and the cash that she would have paid on a traditional plan would have been exorbitant.

Brian Kelly:
With this one, she paid less than a grand for this unbelievable procedure she had. And it was just I'm hearing story after story after story. I'm thinking, oh my. And now as I'm telling people about it, you know, in the beginning you have that oh, God, it's I'm going to have to say it's MLM at some point in the beginning. But then after you tell them what is behind it, the health share and you see their eyes kind of brighten and they smile like, wow, I need to learn more about that. All right, let's get on. Let's jump on. And I want to give kudos to you, Nelly. You you have come up with an impeccable system of your own for your team and everyone in it, which is very large. And I got to be I got to witness the beauty of it, where you brought in multiple people. Here's how it worked. I introduced several people to this. We all got on this zoom when I got on zoom a little early, there were like five other people that were part of Nellie's organization in the company. I'm like, why are they all here? You know, I'm thinking, what's going on? And I was cool with it because Nellie's running them like, it's going to be fine, but what's going on? And they were there to help, to bring people in to breakout rooms and help to tell them one on one what this is about and try to get see if they're willing to go to the next step. And I say that because for those of you that are looking at this going, I don't want to go through, you know, trying to trying to convince somebody about anything. You don't have to do that. Introduce them to the concept, hook them up on a zoom call, show up on the zoom call, be their present, and Nellie and her team do the heavy lifting. And then over time, you'll be responsible person. You'll learn enough about it to where you can be one of those helpers, or you'll become, this is I think it's impossible, but you'll become like Nellie. I was going to say, you're going to become a Nellie yourself.

Brian Kelly:
But no way. That's impossible. That's too high.

Nellie Nekouie :
But Better. You'll become better than Nelly. Duplication is key. And absolutely you'll be better than Nelly. I love it.

Brian Kelly:
Nelly version 2.0.

Nellie Nekouie :
Yes, because you know what? I didn't have anything to compare this to. I didn't have you did Brian and I, I, I am so grateful. I think everybody who told me not to do MLM and network marketing didn't like me. Because if you know my personality, I love people. Uh, and I've learned everything being first generation from people. And that's why it's such a beautiful thing. So many backgrounds, so many systems, so many just different experiences that make us who we are. And network marketing brings us all together and the ability to touch every single one of them. But what I didn't know is I knew healthcare. I didn't know the magic of the marketing plan, of of MLM, of network marketing. I'm like, hold on. J Paul Getty, the first recorded billionaire, said, I'd rather have 1% of 100 people's efforts than 100% of mine. How come I've never heard that before? Where was I living? Under a rock. Absolutely. Tell me how to do it. And that's. It was so magical working in corporate America. You only make so much. You're wearing your hat so that you don't. You're not in the next six month layover. You know, you're doing everything. You're work ethic. You got right? Work ethic. Absolutely. You learn in corporate America. And what I learned here is my, you know, my mentor asked me, you just got to be coachable. Said you just got to be coachable and have a work ethic. I'm like, well, that's easy. Tell me what to do. All I got to do is duplicate because they already so our are so grateful. The MLM acn been around for over 32 years, the same four co-founders. Now what was important to me? You heard me say it earlier is culture right? So it was important to me. Where does the culture come from and from top down. What does that look like? The culture that you drive is so important. But then, like you said, this system that you put in place. And now with zoom, I mean, the scalability, the features, as you mentioned.

Nellie Nekouie :
And and when I said that quote, why I said it is because we have a win win model in business. I would I was a business owner, right? I am a business owner owning your business. What is it, 100% of your efforts, right. And then you got employees and other, you know, whatever that looks like in your organization or your business. But being in network marketing, it's truly all for the same cause, driving towards the same model, for the same goal. And it's a win win. You win, I win. So what happens? Naturally? We're all helping each other and it's a community helping each other towards us, towards one same goal. I mean, just it's been an incredible experience and that's why I'm just so grateful to have met someone like you, Brian. And that's what happens, right? Is we jumped on. How do we continue? I call it in corporate America. We called it. We build the plane as we fly it. The beautiful thing here is you learn while you earn and you we lock arms. And it's truly that win win and system. What duplicates right is that system and it's duplicatable. That's why I loved the franchise model because it's already plug and play. You tell me what to do, I do it and then it's proven to be successful. I'm in. Where do I sign? Right. But this is not only just the system, the marketing plan, the genius of really how we get compensated in the win win model and driving a disrupter together. It takes all of us. So just grateful.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I love you. You have embraced the system and you have augmented it to make it even better with what I just described earlier. And the one thing I'm really happy about is that's that's being allowed. You can do something that actually increases the probability of bringing even more people on. I've been in many companies over the years, even after the ownership position where unless you did it exactly with, you know, kneecap to kneecap and nose to nose, and if you didn't do it their way, they would shut you down, which happened to me multiple times, but, um, not with this company. And there's there's another thing I want to point out with this one is I have never seen I in my company. I was responsible for coming up with the compensation plan for doing that very complex stuff. And I finally found a company and said, give me the best and give me the software for it. I don't my eyes are going to the back of my head. And so it was a complex stair step, breakaway, blah blah blah with this one and with all other ones. Actually not with this one. With all of the ones. If you know, Nellie, if Nellie said, hey, Brian, I'm going to, I'm going to put you in and I'm going to put a heavy hitter right under you, like, big deal. Why would I say big deal? Because that never would really help me. It's because Nelly is the one that sponsored them, brought them in the business. She got the money up. Upline. I wouldn't see a thing. I'm like, so why does that help me? Tell me please. You know that's not. That's not the way it is here with this. I've never seen this before. I'm sure there's got to be something else that exists. Like it similar. But with this one, when Stevie, say, is the person who brought me in, or when Nelly, she puts a heavy hitter under me, I'm like, it helped me qualify for something on top of that, even though I did nothing and and I don't want to I want to be cautious and not say, you can just come into this business and do nothing and make money.

Brian Kelly:
That's not what I'm trying to say here. It is a differentiator. Not only is it a disruptor on the side of Healthshare, it's also a bit of a disruptor in how the comp plan works, which has probably been around for a long time already. I just didn't know about it. I've had people put into my organization, I and I hardly did a thing, literally. And I'm just going to say that's the way it started. And I thought, you know, that gives you hope, that gives you that that drive, that adds the, you know, okay, my priority for working on this business is raising every day because I see this coming in. So that means they get it. Acn gets it. They're showing, you know, when people end up in your organization, whether you put them in or not, you're benefiting from that. That is so unique and so special. I was looking at my notes to see what else there's so much, uh, and gosh, we may have to have a follow on show because I have so many notes that I want. Oh, yes. Here's the other thing. This is this is crucial. Every MLM company in the world that offers a product or service, unless they have massive pull in that specific industry, they have to mark up the cost of the products that are being sold. Why? Because a portion of that sale price is being networked out and paid down in these comp plans, many levels deep, so they have to mark it up, sometimes substantially. You're like, man, I'm not going to pay that kind of money for some makeup. I can get it for half of that at the store with this company. Healthshare. It is cheaper than anything I've seen ever before, you know. And on top of that, you, Nelly, I, we get paid when our clients pay their monthly bill. I don't even know what it's called. It's not called a premium. Something else I haven't I haven't gone through the training yet. All the training. And then it gets better. It's not just healthshare. They also from their existence for many, many years had other services already lined up, one of which one of which is high speed internet.

Brian Kelly:
That caught my eye because my son just switched over himself, not knowing this didn't exist yet. I mean, I wasn't in to ACN yet. He switched over to a plan called frontier, an internet company, and he told me, it's fiber optic and it's super fast. It's lightning. I said, how much was it? He told me, I said, oh, I'm going to check into that after I got into ACN, because I went and looked. And if I got rid of what if I changed my package from my current provider, which I won't give them a name to frontier I would save? My gosh, what was it, 85? It was $4,050 a month and I had higher speed and I had I just got lit up today, Nellie. They came and installed it today. And I'm at a gig up and a gig down and it's like unbelievably fast. And I love it. And I've always had the high speed stuff, but it wasn't very good. The cool thing is I am saving money. If you were to get this like my son did and then I got it, I compared with them, I'm paying $10 a month less than he is in an MLM company and I'm getting paid on it. Nellie's maybe getting paid on it. I know, Stevie's getting paid people in the in the organization above. On top of that, it's like they must have some serious pull in the industry. And there are other services they provide and offer that we need. We must have internet, we must have certain things. So it's like, but Healthshare is like the crown jewel in the crown jewel because I.

Nellie Nekouie :
Love, love, love what you just said. If I could just touch on that, if you don't mind. Um. What? And I said it earlier to touched on it is network marketing. I've been approached many times products, things that didn't touch my soul. Health care, health share. It touched my soul and everything I'm doing. But I love what you just touch on internet cell phone. Who doesn't have a cell phone? How many cell phones in one home, right? We partnered with companies like T-Mobile. White label does flash like every single one of us have cell phones, internet business owners, ADP payroll services, payment processing. But what happens is now you're getting paid on the bills that you're already paying. I'm from California. Gas is deregulated. Nothing changed now. I pay the same bill I did before. I'm saving money and now I'm getting paid on my own bills. So to your point, earlier, it was a no brainer for me. Why wouldn't anybody partner up in this organization when I'm going to save money on bills I'm already paying for? I'm a business owner, of course. I want to find where to save money, but what do business owners know? Other business owners that would love to save money. And number one set, I mean number two, largest bill in the household or business is healthcare. But I mean, we're talking elect gas and electricity and deregulated markets. To your point. Um, internet, uh, home security, uh, business security systems, identity theft, 2.7 million people have been hacked. I mean, we have. Yes, I know so many people personally. I've been historically impacted. We have the best in the industry. Um, identity theft protection, I mean travel. Who doesn't love to travel? But everyone's got a cell phone. When's the last time you got paid on paying your own cell phone bill? Right? So that's why this is just a no brainer. A win win win all the way around. That's why I said the people that told me not to do it must have not liked me. If you know my personality. But this is literally services that that we're paying for anyway in this organization.

Nellie Nekouie :
Um, and, and now you get paid on your own bills and get to share it with other people and what. And you get a just by merely being that connector. Why I don't sleep at night. Right. I'll be the connector. I'll be the expert. You don't need to convince anybody of anything. You don't need to sell anything. Why? Because people are already using these services. There's nothing to sell. There's nothing to convince. I already got gas and electricity. I'm already have a cell phone. I'm paying ridiculous amounts for my health care. So yes, absolutely. Am I going to love you more if you can help me save money? And I love helping people and I want people to love me more, don't you? Absolutely. So, yes. Count me in. How can I help other people? Um. But yeah, I'm. And I like to have fun. Can you tell? Uh. But truly, to your point, it's just a no brainer. I love that you touched on internet and the cost and the savings, but now you get you're getting paid on a bill that you're saving more money on, and you're getting paid on it month over month. Every time you pay a bill.

Brian Kelly:
That's the difference, is you just said you're getting paid on and then on something you already saving. So you're saving money already if you even if you didn't get paid. And that's the difference between this company and nearly every other network marketing company I've ever been involved in. You're it's a rare find, Especially on these kind of services that are, you know, these are provided by massive corporations. You know, frontier has been around a long time. They are even in California. Uh, and uh, their spectrum is on there as well. There. There's all these providers that ACN has provided, has established partnerships with. What they did is probably volume to get that kind of deal, to save us money and then still have margin to pay out of that. Like, wow, that just makes me wonder what kind of markup is the general public getting? You know, it's like, goodness sakes. So I want to put up a graph or a thing on the screen just for those that are like, hey, tell me more about this. I want to I want to reach out and put it up on the screen. If you want to just learn more, get on a zoom or a phone call with Nellie, uh, with myself, with Stevie, with one of the team, anyone? Uh, I know you all want to be on with Nellie. I mean, that's it's like. Man, look. Come on. So all you need to do. And I'll say this out loud. For those of you listening on podcast only, all you need to do is text the word health to (661) 367-8233. So you know they always do this backwards. And I just did it to you. Got to you got to punch in the number first. Then you type in the word. So they got it backwards. So go into your your phone type in the number. Go to your text messaging app, type in the number that you're going to send it to which is (661) 367-8233. And then in the message area where you're going to say, hey, what's up? Instead of that, you say health hit return. It's going to ask you a few questions. Your name, your your email address so we can contact you that way. And then it will give you a link to schedule a quick call with Nellie or one of her fantastic team members. Hopefully you'll get Nellie because she's like, you know, up there and you, I can tell you already, I, I don't even know who you are. You're listening to this. You're not or you're watching and we don't see you. I know you already love her. Everyone does. So text health to (661) 367-8233. Um. And if nothing else, just to be able to talk to Nelly and get to see her again, that would be worth it right there, wouldn't it? Yeah, I think so.

Nellie Nekouie :
Appreciate you so much. It takes every single one of us, um, to truly share what we have. So I'd be honored for anyone to call or text this or text this number rather. Would love to share more information. Anybody who I mean touched by health care, save money, make money, or both. That's literally all we do. And it's that simple. And what we're doing is disrupting a well overdue broken industry, but able to help people save money, make money. And if you want, if you're interested in more information, please reach out because I can't wait to talk to you personally.

Brian Kelly:
And she's not kidding personally. I mean, she's like busting my chops to say, hey, do you have any buddy? You got some people you send my way? I'm like, hold on a second there, Nelly. I got other things I'm working on. I'll get to it. It's like, wow, this this woman, she and I'm Yeah how many thousand people that you're dealing with? It's like, Holy crap, who am I? Why are you. Why are you giving me any time? That's pretty awesome. And so Nelly makes you feel special because she's special. She's very special. She cares about everyone. And because of her energy levels, she's able to do what she does. She's a gym rat. She's a health nut. She's so she's doing everything that one should do to become successful. If you are not eating right, if you're not exercising on a regular basis, those things will pull you down and drag you down. I know I've been on the roller coaster before. I used to be a former certified personal trainer, been up and down due to life events. It happens. It's life. But if you just keep getting back on that, on that horse and you keep going back toward the optimal health, both physically, mentally with mindset and then just go crush it in business. Crush it in business, help somebody else. As Nellie said, you can literally save someone's life by letting them know about this, about this incredible impact health, share opportunity that they they could get just as a health plan. They don't have to be involved in the business. They can just do it as a customer for the health, health, share and save a boatload of money. And there's the other part of it, Nellie, is how many flat out have no health care because it's so exorbitantly expensive. Who now can because it's made affordable through impact? I mean, we haven't covered that.

Nellie Nekouie :
Yeah we haven't I know there's so much there's so much opportunity here. And I want to touch on that is a huge differentiators I want to say is one that we don't have open network. But anybody with an ITN, I want to mention that because we didn't touch on that. Anybody with an Itin number now traditional health insurance, you can't get health insurance without a social impact. Health sharing can help those who have an Itin number and documentation get health care coverage, not just any health care coverage. The best affordable health care coverage with Impact health sharing huge differentiators in this space. Employers no longer have restrictions around the percentage of employees or number of employees that have to opt in to be able to offer health care, even if only one employee opt in. Now. Small business owners. Huge, right? Why? Because the expense is so high. Now you can offer affordable, better health care with impact health sharing, even if only one employee opts in. I mean, there's so many. We don't have open enrollment guys. Huge meaning anybody can enroll today. What's today the 22nd and become effective the first of the following month, regardless of what month it is. I mean, why should we wait till open enrollment? To get what? To get preventative care? Come on, let's all help each other and share this with every person that you know. Because, yes, 50 to 70, 30 to 70% less expensive, free telehealth convenience of anywhere you are. Doesn't matter what state you're in. I mean, nationwide, I mean, the list goes on. So yes, text if you want more information, but wanted to touch on that real quick.

Brian Kelly:
What is I-10 for those that.

Nellie Nekouie :
Um, it's for those individuals that are not citizens if their residency it's an Itin number, much like a Social Security. It starts with a nine. Um, but if you're working, you have to register for an Itin number. So it's not.

Brian Kelly:
Like international text tax ID.

Nellie Nekouie :

Brian Kelly:
Okay. Just wanted to make sure that was known. Oh man. That that opens it up. That's pretty cool. Huge I mean I heard I heard that being talked about before, but with the it's it's a fire hose of information for anyone watching of course. And that's why it would be a good idea to jump on the text. Health 26613678233. Because it's just a Q&A session, you will you will learn more about the overall, um, health share model, some about the business model. You decide what you're interested in. If either or both, it's up to you. You get to make the choices. There's no hard sell activity. This is about helping people and saving lives. It's not about, hey, get into my business, and then I'm going to hound you for the rest of your life. That's not the way this works. Uh, and it brings in a different breed of person because of what it offers in, in that it helps people and it brings in more of what I've seen in the entrepreneur space, where entrepreneurs love serving people when it comes, when the rubber meets the road, that is what drives entrepreneurs. I've been interviewing people like you, Nelly, for over five years now, and the most successful are the most servant attitude because they have No, they just love helping people. That's why they do what they do. They just happen to make money in in return for helping people. And what's wrong with that? Nothing. I want, I want Nelly and everyone involved to absolutely crush it and become insanely wealthy. Why? Because I know that people like Nelly and you will just go out and multiply and do more of that and serve and help more people. So bless everyone who becomes a multi-multi-millionaire from something like this, please. I can't wait to see a lot of people do that so that we can spread this wonderful, um, this wonderful service and services to more people, help them in, you know, their financial crunch. I mean, it's a tough time right now for a lot of people. And we want to we want to do anything. You know, what a great way to be able to contribute to helping someone who's in a painful situation financially right now. So anyway, I could go on forever too. And we just went over time. And I'm fine with it because studio doesn't cost a dime for this kind of stuff. But Nellie, we do need to wrap it up, and I'm going to be seeing you. What is it? Tomorrow in Dallas, I'll be flying from Florida. You're in Dallas at the moment, aren't you? You're in that.

Nellie Nekouie :
Area. I am, and I can't wait to meet you in person for the first time.

Brian Kelly:
It's going to be awesome, along with a group of wonderful individuals as well. And, uh, yeah, I get in. Yeah. We'll have some fun. Uh, I was going to go into details now. There's no need for that. So, um, everyone go ahead one more time. Text the word health to (661) 367-8233. Uh, just follow the prompts, answer some questions, get through it, and then you'll get to the point where you get to book a quick call with Nelly and or someone on her team that is highly, highly skilled. I mean, there's only one Nelly, and I know she thinks she can be everywhere at all times, but at some point, Nelly, that you're going to realize, I think. But right now she's available. This is the time to strike right now. This is the time to text the word health to (661) 367-8233. I feel like an infomercial all of a sudden. This is funny. So that is it. Oh, I did have a prize to give away. And I don't want to leave anyone hanging on that, so let me do that real fast. If you are watching live, there it is. It just came up before I wanted to bring it up. That's okay. Let me get rid of this little banner underneath. If you want to enter to win a five night stay, a five star luxury resort, compliments of Reach Your Peak. Look, ladies and gentlemen, let me. Let me tell you something. This is not one of those things where they take you to a hotel and you go in the basement, you follow them down there, they strap you in a chair, they water drip torture you into buying a timeshare. It has nothing like that. It is a bona fide, amazing vacation stay. And it is at top resorts all over the world. You get to choose whoever wins this. And by the way, Nelly, just so you know, guest speakers are eligible to enter to win. I'll put it back up on the screen. So write this down. You want to write down the URL. That's right. P that stands for Reach Your peak report I'm forward slash vacation all lowercase.

Brian Kelly:
Write this down. Don't go there. Now I have one final question for Nelly report. Im forward slash vacation. Write that down and then enter that after the show is over. After we sign off, we will have people monitoring. Don't worry. Uh, and we'll see. And it is a random draw. So if Nelly wins, don't be a hater. It'll be random, but that's okay. Uh, here we go. Let's bring it back to Nelly. Nelly, I like to close every show with a very, very profound question that I used to, on occasion, ask back when my show first started back five years ago, and I started recognizing the answers like, wow, that was interesting. And then I'd ask another one, oh, that was interesting. So I decided from that point forward, I'm going to ask that question to close out every show, because it's a powerful question. It is amazing. And let me put up the banner here real fast so people can see. Don't forget, we'll get to that question in one second. Text the word health 26613678233. I've never said something so many times on one show. And it's important though, so please do that and just get that going. And so there's a wonderful thing. There's two wonderful things about this question, Nellie. Number one is there is no such thing as a wrong answer. Uh, it's not a test. It's not a quiz. The other great thing about it is the exact opposite is the case. And that is, whatever answer you give is the correct answer because it's yours. And if it takes you a microsecond, or if it takes you a multitude of seconds, guess what? That's perfect too, because it's your answer. So there's no stress or strain. The only thing that's going on right now inside your brain is, what the heck is this question? The buildup is incredible. Come on, stop it. Yes, I get this every time. So with all that, Nellie, are you ready for the final show? Closing question. We won't close right away after it, but are you ready?

Nellie Nekouie :
I am drum roll or something with that.

Brian Kelly:
Of course you are. Here we go, Nellie. Nikolai, how do you define success?

Nellie Nekouie :
I love. That. How do you define success? I love what I believe. It was someone that said it's not about how it's success is about the legacy that you leave by how many people you helped. And that is what success means to me. Not just financially, not just the legacy from a financial standpoint, but for me, success that just touched my soul. And that's what I've and I know I'm not verbatim saying it because you put me on the spot here, but it definitely legacy. But the legacy of how many people, humans that I have actually touched and made a difference and remembered, um, and helped that that is what a legacy is, and that's for me, is how many people, the more people I can help the that's what success is.

Brian Kelly:
Um. And just like all the ones before you. Absolutely correct. That was amazing. And here's one really interesting thing, Nelly. I've been doing this for a number of years now, and to this date, yours included. No two people have answered that the same way yet. Is that incredible? That's what made it so profound is like the thing is, is what we find successful is the definition of success today. Ten years from now, it'll be a different answer. Right. Ten years ago, it was a different answer. That's what I love about the question. You're catching them. It's a snapshot of their life in time and what is important to them. And I just love it. It's like the essence of the human. It's like. And they're always not a single person. Not one used money to define their success. So far on this show. That tells me what incredible caliber of people that come on the show, and you are no different. And I knew that it would be this way. I just knew it. So before we call it an evening, is there anything you would like to point out to people some way to contact you directly? Anything you want to close out with a great tip? Uh, for someone who's looking at maybe improving their financial situation or improving their health care situation. Oh, I said, Sheridan, I think you did. What would that be, Nellie, if something comes to mind.

Nellie Nekouie :
So there's there's so many things that come to mind and like I said, is success is how many people we can help. And it takes all of us. And that's why there's a responsibility on my end, is I truly feel responsible to be able to share. That's why I'm always available. So with that, I will leave my phone number for anybody that would like to reach out to me directly on (949) 842-9327. And if anybody would like to reach out to me directly, I would be happy. More than happy to share more information. But as you can imagine, as fast as we're growing and scaling, um, you know, getting as many people as we can in front of this opportunity, any opportunity that people have that have more people, there's an audience already set. I'd be happy to share more information in front of that audience, because the more people we can touch in one instance, the faster we can share, um, something that everybody deserves to know about. At least the knowledge what they do with it is their choice, right? But now the responsibility of knowing and sharing, um, is out there. So again (949) 842-9327. Grateful for those that do reach out, but please do text health to (661) 367-8233 because I know he wants me to say that and not my personal phone number. So I appreciate you, Brian. And and I will say that every single person do not keep it a secret who doesn't want to save money or make money or both. And that's what we have. And the opportunity to give someone that, um, and not prejudge them and truly be able to share it. Share this right, share this segment with them. If you can't share it with them verbally share this segment, it might touch them and they might do it on their own. Um, so just just adding that because of what we have here and we get the fun part is we get to do it together.

Brian Kelly:
And. Starting tomorrow, like, literally together. This will be awesome.

Nellie Nekouie :
Yes, I'm a five footer, but my personality is way bigger than the five foot.

Brian Kelly:
I know when I step in and I see you for the first time, I'll be doing this.

Nellie Nekouie :
I'm looking forward to it. Brian, I can't wait to see you tomorrow.

Brian Kelly:
Same here, same here. Don't. Don't go anywhere right after the show. If you can just stay on for a few more minutes. Um, and before we sign off for the night, I like to say a couple of things. And that is everyone. Uh, we're about to end this show for tonight, but please, I implore upon you to please do just two things. Just two things going forward. Number one, go out and do whatever you can to crush it in your business so you can serve more people and scale number two and above all. Else. Please to a person, everyone be blessed. That is it. On behalf of the amazing Nellie Nakai, I am your host, Brian Kelly of the Mind Body Business Show. We'll see you again next week. I hope you're here live. That's it for us. Take care and bye bye for now. Thank you. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at www.the Mind Body Business Show.com. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Nellie Nekouie

Nellie is a passionate mission driven change agent. It takes a village to tackle systemic change . Uniting efforts is what she have made her life’s work. Her passion. To ensure our vulnerable populations are given a fair chance at life I now bring my lived experience to organizations that serve these populations. She's truly passionate about innovation, developing leaders- seeing the greatness in others that they may not see yet, and team development- through a trauma informed lense.

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