Special Guest Expert - Paty Johnston

Special Guest Expert - Paty Johnston: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Paty Johnston: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated? Determined and driven. How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. This podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This is the. Body business show. Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. You are going to love this episode. Not because of me. Oh no no no, because we have a phenomenal guest appearing here tonight. It is the one and only Patty Johnston. She is amazing. She is going to show you effective methods on how to stop procrastination. How many of you procrastinate? I'm raising my hand. Oh yeah. How would you like to rid yourself of procrastination and put results into your life instead of keeping them at bay because you're procrastinating? I'm excited because this young lady has figured it out, and now she is on a mission to help you, to help everyone, anyone who wishes to get the help and all you have to do is raise your hand. It's going to be awesome. And, uh, you want to stick around till the very end because we have a bunch. Well, a couple of fantastic, fantastic gifts to give away. One is by Patty herself, so you definitely don't want to miss that. And another is when you stand to the end, you're going to get the information that will enable you to enter to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort, compliments of Reach Your Peak. And oh, you don't want to miss that either. It's not just one of those fly by night. You're not going to be whisked away into the basement and water drip tortured and into buying a time share. Nothing like that. No, it's a real bona fide, uh, vacation stay that we give away every single show. And you get to choose from resorts. These are. These are five star. These are incredible. All over the world, you get to make the choice.

Brian Kelly:
So I hope you stay on and enter to win that the real value in this show is going to be you connecting with Patty. And I can tell you that with all certainty right now, because I just met this young lady and she is another cut above, and she loves helping people, and that's what really drives her. And that's why I love what I get to do on this show, because that is what entrepreneurs do really, to our core. That is what we love doing. And the mind body business show, it is a show that I had put together with you in mind to help you because. Sometimes we all sit here and flounder and wonder, what is the secret to success? There's got to be a recipe. The cool thing is there are many recipes for success. All you need though, is one. And when you find one, it doesn't matter how many different ingredients go into it. If it's a successful recipe, what what what do the ingredients matter? They don't. The results are what matter. And so I bring on very successful entrepreneurs from all over the world, like Patty, who just returned from a great trip to Asia. She's a world traveler and she's now currently in the United States hanging her hat here. And then she's going to take off and travel again. And we're going to get to have a great time talking about how she does that. How does she travel on the road? So many great things in store. You do not want to miss this, I am telling you. And so are many wonderful positive traits that I found that are traits of successful people, very successful people from all over the world that is the very namesake of this show mind body business. By the way, I would be remiss if I didn't announce I finally released my first ever published book by the name of, you probably guessed it Mind Body Business. This has been ten years in the making. Ten years, and I kid you not, this was the inspiration for the show you're watching right now. This preceded the show, and the show has only been running about five years.

Brian Kelly:
So this book was long being written and it's a nice, easy read. You can see it's not that thick, about 200 pages or so. Uh, mind body business book.com I have to get that plug in, because that just came into my, uh, front step about two weeks ago. I'm so excited. So this show's about bringing on successful entrepreneurs like Patty Johnston so that she can share her strategies, she can share her experience, she can share her successes and her failures as well, so that you can model her success and avoid her failures. Is that fantastic? It'll save you literally years in getting to your end goal of success, whatever that is for you. And so another fantastic, wonderful trait of the very successful people. So mind, body and business, that's what it is. Mind is it stands for mindset. And so to a person, those that I know that are successful individuals, some are mentors, people I've studied, authors, you name it, some with us, some no longer with us. These three traits were common in all of them, and they had a very positive, powerful, and yet most importantly, flexible mind set. Yes, mindset and body also to a person. Each of these individuals took care of themselves, either physically or nutritionally. Actually both. Not either, but both. And then business. Business is multi multifaceted. And one of the these traits that every successful individual had was they had mastered the various skill sets that are necessary to build and and thrive and scale a very successful business. And we'll be going over some of these tonight as we chat with the amazing Patty Johnson. She's in the back room. I can see her now. She's scratching at the monitor saying, Will you be quiet and open this thing up so I can come in? Yeah. And, uh, we'll have to brush up the scratch marks and then bring her on in just a moment. It'll be fun. And another wonderful, uh, trademark or attribute of very successful people, if you will. Is that to a person? They are also very avid readers of books. And I want to segue very, very briefly into a quick segment I affectionately call bookmarks.

Marks. Ready, steady. Read bookmarks brought to you by Reach your Peak Library.com.

Brian Kelly:
Yes, reach your peak. Library.com, I implore of you to write that down. Reach your peak. Library.com not because of that website I want you. This is for you to get in the habit of writing these things down and taking notes instead of running off and typing, clicking, researching while the great Patty Johnston is talking. Because I would just it would. I would not be happy. If your diverting your focus to something else would cause you to miss that one golden nugget, that one strategy, tip, or experience that Patty has experienced that could literally change your life for the better. I've been many times I've spoken from stage where people would get up and walk out right when the juicy parts come in, and that led me to this little plead with you. And that is the magic happens in the room. So stay in it and write notes. Take notes, write down URLs, write down books, write down all this great information Patty is going to come up with. And then after the show is over, go and visit it and study all of these resources. Okay, that's my soapbox moment. Reach Your Peak Library is a resource that I had put together. And I again, this is with you in mind. The entrepreneur or the business person looking to get to that next level, whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned veteran and you're pulling in eight figures or nine figures or above, there's something for everybody in this show and also in this library, of course, and this library, you'll see many books that are primarily, uh, predominantly business oriented. And what you'll see is a lot of them are in here because I read them personally and I vet them. I didn't start reading until about the age of 49. Uh, 47, actually, that was about 12 years ago. I'm just pausing. I know you want to do the math. Put it in your calculator if you need to. Yes. And, uh, so, uh, the books, there are no rhyme or reason. As I read them, I threw them to my team. I said, put that next one on the site. I'm way behind on these, but these are only the books that had a profound impact on me, either personally or professionally or both, and just find the first book that really resonates with you that you haven't read.

Brian Kelly:
Maybe you want to reread and go get it wherever you get your books. You don't have to buy it from this website. It's not the point of this website. It's not for making money. It is to provide you with a resource where you are. You know you're your chances of wasting your time are greatly diminished because somebody else who's successful vetted them. Does that make sense? So that is there for you there for a time saving resource so you can find the thing that works for you and think, and speaking of the thing that works for you, what's going to work for you right now, I'm telling you, is you're going to be. Enthralled. You are going to be amazed and you are going to love Patti Johnson, who is coming on right now. Let's bring her on.

It's time for the guest expert. Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big league. Qualified.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. And there she is. Ladies and gentlemen. It is the one. It is the only, Carrie Johnson. Hello.

Paty Johnston:
Hello, Brian. And everybody. I am so glad to be here. This is so exciting.

Brian Kelly:
Nobody more excited than I am. I am so blessed. I get I'm so lucky that I get to do this show. I get to have amazing people like you. Come on, share your brilliance, your genius. And before we do that, we are going to share it here in just a in a in a way, if you don't mind, I'd like to give you a formal introduction that you richly deserve. Uh, Patty. So people get a little bit of a background about you before we get diving into that beautiful brain of yours. Does that sound good?

Paty Johnston:

Brian Kelly:
All right. Patty Johnson is an international leadership, procrastination and ADHD life coach who helps overwhelm professionals. Stop procrastinating in 30 days. That's awesome to regain their power, conquer avoidance, and achieve their maximum potential. Oh, that is so powerful. Concre avoidance. That is a powerful two word phrase right there. Patty is a speaker with the John Maxwell team who's who struggled herself with procrastination for many, many years. She has had a very successful career creating multi-million dollar businesses from scratch. Oh, this is going to be a great story. I can't wait for you to hear this one. After discovering how to overcome her own limitations, Patty's passion now is to teach others to stop procrastinating through emotional intelligence and neuroscience right down my alley so that they can change their excuses for actions. Ooh, fulfill every promise they make to themselves and really reach their true potential. This is a powerful episode and we haven't even started talking to you. Patty, I am so excited to have you here and I am very intrigued by this whole topic because we all suffer from procrastination. Some of us a lot, others maybe not so much. But when it comes down to it, it is a cancer to our success and our proceeding to the full life of happiness that we all desire. And I know you can say from experience that that very thing is what you've gone through yourself 100%.

Paty Johnston:
I thought I was the only procrastinator in the world. And then I discovered not so much. And, you know, people were like, oh, Patty, but is it that bad to be a procrastinator? And it is. You just said it. Procrastination has been proven to be the biggest enemy of success. Procrastination is the biggest enemy of success because we think, oh, I'm a big dreamer and my dreams are amazing and they are. But if there's no action, we have nothing. So I'm very privileged to do what I do.

Brian Kelly:
You just said the magic word action. That is it. And, you know, successful. I've been doing this, you know, interviewing people like you for five. We're five years now. And that is one of the main ingredients for success is that each of these individuals like you, they are action takers. It's ready, fire, aim mentality. Right. It's too much analysis paralysis. Paralysis by analysis. That was me. Oh boy. That was me.

Paty Johnston:
Yes, that was me too. That was me too. And and that's the thing. Like, projects are beautiful in your mind. But in my case, I was, uh, full of fear. Fear of failure. Fear of success. Even fear of the unknown. Fear of judgment. Uh, so I would not take the steps, because what if. Oh, what if it doesn't go well? What if I people look at me the wrong way? What if, what if, what if? And it was just like my. My life was standing still, uh, with the dreams out there, but, uh, with nothing on my hands. So that's. That's why I love what I do. Because if I was able to overcome procrastination, anyone can.

Brian Kelly:
And I love what you just said. My life was standing still. That is exactly what it feels like. Yeah, that is exactly. I mean, you have these aspirations, and then you look back six months, uh, after you, you know, you look back six months ago when you first had that idea and you're like, you haven't made a freaking shred of progress. Yes. Like you're just standing still the whole time and you're like, what's wrong with me?

Paty Johnston:
What's wrong with me? You start questioning yourself. Yes. Uh, you know, it's funny because, uh, people are into New Year's resolutions, right? And, oh, this is the year. And, you know, my favorite word used to be manana. All the way tomorrow. All the way next, next year. Uh, and the thing is, like, I had the same New Year's resolutions for many years, and I was just sitting down. It's like, whoopsie. It's the same as last year. Uh, and I was excited for like a day or two, a week or two. And then I would go back to the same place. And there's a point that you start questioning your. Own abilities because even though I had this God given potential, I was still stuck in 3,040% of it. Uh, and I thought, if this is my life or this many years coming, uh, I would not be very happy with myself because I was disappointing myself every time I felt my own promises that.

Brian Kelly:
My God, just. Patty, just listening to you, you speak so powerfully. You just said something. That. You were operating at 30 to 40% of your potential. And that it's so true. People think, no way, that's way too low. It's like, yeah, procrastination will absolutely suck the life out of you or prevent you from experiencing life as you should. And whose fault is it? It's only yours, and that's okay. The good news is we have someone like this who can get you out of that stuck mentality and get you into living the dream life like she is. I mean, Patti, you were saying that you you're in a place right now for a couple of months and then you're going to be on the road for another ten months and just go travel the world. And we want to get to some questions about how do you do that? How do you how do you conduct a thriving, highly successful business from all over the world with all these different internet issues and, you know, everything that you go through? I mean, that's got to be interesting. But that's what entrepreneurs do as we solve problems as we go. So, uh, it's probably perfect for you. I want to find out you were talking about how you started, and it's not where you are now. Like, what was that first business that you started that started changing everything for you for the better? Yes. The back story behind that, that's all. I can't wait for people to hear this.

Paty Johnston:
Well, let me go one step back. So if you're listening, obviously I have an accent. So I was born in Colombia, South America, and I was born a procrastinator. And my parents made sure that I knew it. They were like, oh my goodness, Patty, you're such a mess. Look at your room. I would forget all my homework. Uh, my sister, she thinks she's perfect and she's almost perfect. And so they're like, look at your sister and what's wrong with you? So I grew up thinking there was really, really, really something wrong with me. And on top of it all, I got pregnant when I was very young. I was a teenager, so my Colombian parents were like, oh my goodness, now you've ruined your life. Uh, so I decided to come to the US, thankfully. And I was tired. I was tired because I was in a job that I didn't like. I was working long hours, I was getting underpaid, and I create. I started studying psychology just to fix myself. And I discovered that procrastination is not linked to lack of time. We all have time. But I discovered that procrastination is directly linked to emotions. Things like fear, or being overwhelmed or anxious or angry. All of those things have a direct relationship with the things we do or don't do. So I created a system, excuse me, back then that helped me get unstuck, and as soon as I took 30 days for myself. That's why my business called How to Stop Procrastinating in 30 days, because it's exactly what I did back then. And one of the first things I said is, you know what? I want to open my own business. And I started telling people, I want to open my own business. And I had $2,000 saved. And somebody said, oh, Patty, so-and-so is selling a business. I'm like, really? How much? And they said, $2,000. I'm like, yes, deal. I'm going to buy it. What business is it? And they said, oh, it's a mechanic shop. And I was like, I'm a mechanic shop. I didn't know what a radiator was.

Paty Johnston:
I didn't know you had to change the oil in your car. So I said, okay, I'm going to buy it. So I, I took the rest, invested $2,000, and I went to a local radio station and they recorded, uh, a commercial one minute commercial every day it will run. And it was going to bring me it was bringing me like 1 or 2 clients a day. I'm like, well, this this is good. It's sustaining me. But then one day they called me and they said, Patty. This was a long time ago, so it was CDs. And they said, Patty, the CD broke and now we need to rerecord it and reproduce it, and it's going to take two weeks. I'm like two weeks. I cannot wait, guys. This is like bringing me my few clients. And they said, well, the other option is you can say it live. You can say the commercial live. I'm like, live me a Colombian accent and what am I going to say? I don't know anything about mechanic. I said, how many people are going to be listening? And they said, oh, just 150,000. And I'm like, oh my God. So I said, okay, I'm going to do it. So this is what I said. I said, I'm the owner of this mechanic shop, but I don't know anything about mechanic. But this is what I know as a woman. When I go to a mechanic shop, I feel very vulnerable because I don't know, they take advantage of me and my lack of knowledge. So this is my promise. I have really good mechanics and I am going to be here making sure that we're honest with you. I'm here to protect you. So if you're ready to have your car being fixed, give me a call. Oh my goodness, Brian. Listen, the phone was about to explode. I had waiting lists of months of ladies, the grandmother, the aunt, the cousin. A lot of women that wanted to come to a right to the good place. That being honest. Uh, I. So this is kind of what I realize. I don't have to lie.

Paty Johnston:
I don't have to pretend I'm somebody that I'm not. I was real. I'm like, this has been my struggle. And I can be transparent. And this is who I am. And that attracted the right, uh, business people for my business. And it's exactly what I do today because I was hiding my procrastination for a long time. I have A.D.D., I have attention deficit disorder, and I have dyslexia. So for the longest time I was pretending that no, I have it all figured out, you know, with the mask. But reality is, I didn't. I don't have it all figured out, but I found a way to make it work in spite of my. Not my disability, but my different abilities. Yeah. So that's why I help people now with, uh, how to overcome procrastination with who they are.

Brian Kelly:
I mean, first of all, that was genius marketing because you went straight to a problem, a pain point of women, and you had the solution. And that was just freaking genius. No wonder the phone lit up. Uh, and the part where you said, you realize you can just be real and you don't have to pretend. I hope everyone really ingrains that into your being that's listening to this right now, because there that has been one of the main things I have learned. And I've been on this planet for a while now, that above all, if you're not authentic, they will they will notice it. It's like a dog sensing fear. Yes. Why? Why go? You know, a lot of people say fake it till you make it. Well, in the very beginning, when you're in scarcity mode and you're just trying to be, sometimes you got to do things like that. And I understand that I did that. Uh, but as you go through life, you'll realize that's not a long term solution for success. And oh my gosh, I didn't have to pretend. I just did a master class. I've done 35 of them now, and it's probably the last one I'll do for quite maybe forever on live video. And it was like a train wreck. Patty. It was a train wreck. That, and I've done 35 of them. This is my 35th, and I had technical issues that I never had before. I had audio going away and videos were playing. People didn't hear it and I was authentic. I said, hey, I am very sorry. Uh, maybe if you tried, I will tell you that when I'm about to play a video, just maximize your volume and then right before it comes on, I'll give you a pause so you can turn it down so I don't blow out your eardrums. Things like that.

Paty Johnston:
Yes. Yes.

Brian Kelly:
Horrible. You know, from. And I'm just, you know. Well, it is what it is. I'm going to it is what it is. Everyone's here. I want to respect everybody. I had the greatest response I've ever had.

Paty Johnston:
I love that.

Brian Kelly:
Ever, because of the authenticity factor. And I even went back to my team and trained them on that and said, look, it was a train wreck. But it wasn't. Yeah, the journey was a train wreck. The results were were like, oh, and that's a beautiful thing. It's just what life is. Life is like can be like a train wreck at times 100%. You went through ADHD and all that fun stuff, but you know, that's in your past, Patti. I'm proclaiming that's done.

Paty Johnston:
Well, I still have ADHD and and dyslexia and all of that fun stuff, but I learn how to be able to, uh, take control of that because I used to feel like life was living me right? Like here and there and go. But I found a way to actually live my own life, to take control of my life. And so one of my favorite words is, uh, being empowered and empower means with power. And you only have power when you have control. When you have control of your thoughts, of your emotions, of your time, of your actions. Because then you have control of your future. Otherwise you will arrive nowhere.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, man, I hope I'm getting so. Look, I told people to write things down. I'm taking notes. I'm running the show. I'm getting ready. And I hope everyone else is too, because you're. You are speaking just nuggets of wisdom here. These are gems and I hope everyone is really listening. Leaning in. They're like, what does this have to do with marketing, Brian? What does have to do to sales? What does it have to do with has everything to do with every step of the way, uh, how you show up your confidence if you're procrastinating and you're not you're not getting the number of sales you want, your confidence goes down. And it's just this cycle. And it's something that took me a long time to learn, Patty. But it all starts up here. Absolutely nothing to do with turning the crank and the mechanics of the marketing and the sales. And you'll be the greatest sales person on the planet. But if you don't have this going right, and I'm pointing to my brain, for those of you listening on podcasts, only if you don't have that all going, you know, operating at a peak level of performance, I like to say, then the rest will suffer. Guaranteed. Absolutely, absolutely. And I've been through this. We know. Yes it works.

Paty Johnston:
Yes yes yes yes. And you mentioned something that I a cycle is like we don't do things once, right. Like we as humans we tend to go through patterns. And I used to go through a cycle, what I call the cycle of procrastination and is every day, because I was in sales, I would wake up and say, I'm going to reach out to five potential clients. Five is my number. And but deep inside, I didn't want to because I didn't want to feel rejected. I didn't want to hear a no. I didn't want them to think I was pushy or I was, oh, here you go. It's Patty again. It's what I thought they were going to say. So I used to say, okay, I'm going to call. But before I call, let me check Facebook really quickly. Uh, and I was like, what? So and so got married and they didn't invite me. I cannot believe this. Let me see who went. And it was like, click after click after click. Two hours later, I was just looking at the profile of the grandmother who I've never met in my life. Uh, so in two hours later, I was like, oh my goodness, I didn't have time to call these people today. I'll call them tomorrow. And what I was doing is just an avoidance strategy. I was replacing the anxiety of having to face that fear and this, you know, potential harm to myself and my ego, and I would replace it with pleasure. And the problem is that works temporarily. But then after pleasure comes guilt. You're like, okay, here we go again. Another morning wasted, another day wasted, another year wasted. Um, and then you start saying, oh, am I ever going to make it? I'm in the same place. This is so unfair. And it's like a downward spiral because when we do those things, we feel bad about ourselves. So we do less, and the less we do, the worse we feel and the worse we feel, the less we do. So it has to be a moment that we decide this isn't enough. We need to stop the cycle.

Brian Kelly:
Yes, to break that vicious cycle. It's like, yeah, we're all so I know every human on the on the planet can relate to this because, oh my gosh, I used to be, I still am. Now I'm back to doing I'm a gym rat. I like going to the gym and working out. And I did not like New Year's. Do you know why? Many people. Because all the resolutions and everyone's getting a new membership. And now I'm like, I can't find a machine to work out on anymore. Yes. This stinks. But then I knew because I'd done it long enough, it said in 2 to 3 months it'll be back to normal. That's it.

Paty Johnston:

Brian Kelly:
It. And then I thought later. But that's actually really sad. It is. All these people are trying to do better for their lives, but they're all giving up. And I used to you know, I've done that. So yeah. So it's human nature. Everyone's been down this path. And the good news is for all of you, you know who you are. I'm one of them. Yeah. You have this young lady to help you with. And with that Patty, I think this is a perfect time. Is I want to learn more about what it is you do. Because I don't know the details of your business and how you go about helping people. So if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to kind of showcase your business and have you let us know who is your ideal client, like your avatar? Who do you really like working with? Um, what is it that you do? What is your service? What does it entail? Is it a coaching program? Is it a membership? Is it, you know, what is it, that kind of thing. And then the most important and fun part is, if you have a success story or two you'd like to tell as a result of someone going through your services, we'd love to hear that too. Would that be cool?

Paty Johnston:

Brian Kelly:
I'm ready while you do that.

Paty Johnston:
Yes. So I actually have a a coaching program, uh, online program called How to Stop Procrastinating in 30 days. And I called it like that because I took 30 days to fix myself years ago and really find out the real reasons for procrastination, for my own procrastination. So it was a journey of finding the why behind it. The real reason is that fear. Is it anxiety? Is it a childhood trauma? I don't know you, Brian, but I didn't have the perfect family, and a lot of the things that I grew up around affected my adulthood. So, uh, I take that same journey with people for 30 days. So if you stop, just go a little up. The one that says. Yes. So let me show you how to get from here to here. Even if so, I work with people that feel tired and motivated, that feel guilty, overwhelmed, that feel stuck, unhealthy. You know, like when you're like, oh, I'm, I'm in this place and I have been here forever. So I take it from that point to feeling confident to feeling organized to being productive, to start exercising, to not feeling guilty, to make their priorities the right way, uh, to start making more money because you said it before at the end, if you have a business or if you're in sales, if you are not working on yourself first. And that's what I specialize on emotional intelligence, you will freeze and tiredness and motivation take over and then affect your actions and your results. So I take people from, uh, the very difficult point in their lives to feeling good about themselves, to produce results, to start exercising, to have clean houses, uh, even if they've tried it before, even if they're afraid, even if they have a million excuses because I have been there, I have justified. Well, I just don't have time. Well, you don't know my life. Well, you don't know my background or, you know, I had a difficult childhood. Whatever it is, I know I have been there and I've done it and I have been successful. And I can tell you I'm no better than you. If you're listening to this, I'm no better than you that I used to think of others.

Paty Johnston:
Oh, of course, because he's rich. Oh, because he's American or because whatever. No, I had no possibilities. I had I was a Colombian single mom with no money. Add dyslexia, everything against me. So if I did it, I can show you the way to do it. So it's a 30 day online program that includes, uh, videos and you need to do your homework. So every day you do, for example, tell me your five most common excuses. Tell me, where is that excuse learned from? Tell me when you started saying those things to yourself. So it's a little digging in into your reasons, real reasons of procrastination and doing a little brain re rewire. It's like reprograming your mind. It's reprograming your emotions because our emotions can paralyze us and negative emotions. So not only that, so we work on your mindset, work on the emotions, but also take you one of your favorite words. O'brien we also take action. So if you tell me that you're going to go and walk every day, you need to take a picture of your tennis shoes by the park and text it to me.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Accountability. Yeah.

Paty Johnston:
Accountability. If you tell me you're going to follow up with the five potential clients, you better show me you did, or you show me that before and after of your kitchen or your living room or whatever it is. Uh, so we work into making changes on the inside, but also taking actions every day because sadly, we are very easily deceived by our own excuses are it's okay if no one knew that you were going to do it, you're okay. So this is time for a change and a lot of online courses. By the way, only 15% of the people finish them 15 one, five almost no one. My course is completed by 97% of the people. And not only. Finished but successfully finished. And it's I was talking to somebody yesterday and she's like, but how do you measure success? And it's basically what we said at the beginning, right. It's like, this is my God given potential. If I'm at 30 or 40%, I'm definitely not fulfilling who I should be or where I could be. So that's where success looks like is are you fulfilling your very best?

Brian Kelly:
Woof! Oh, you know what? I gotta pull that back up. There's a lesson here. There's a lesson here. Oh, my gosh, how do you are so astute? You are so. You're a genius when it comes to marketing. I mean, I want everybody to look at this on the screen and gosh darn it, I hope you are watching this live with us. Uh, and we'd love your feedback. I would love your engagement. If you have questions for Patty, go ahead and drop them in the comments. Here's one thing I want you to see. And for those of you listening on podcast, I invite you to come back to the mind body business Show.com. And there is a Past Shows link and by the time you hear this on podcast, the video will be there and you can watch this and see exactly what we're talking about. But she has a call a thing on her website, so you need to go to stop procrastinating. Today.com. Com stock stop. I can say it stop procrastinating today.com and scroll down. You'll see what I'm referring to right now. That's on the screen. It says, let me show you how to get from here with a column of bullet points to here, another column of bullet points, even if in a final column. So three columns. This is masterful because she is talking about where you are in a pain point. You are struggling, you are confused. You're unfocused, you're guilty. You're overwhelmed. All of the things that we as humans do not want, we do not want that anymore. She takes you from there to confident and self in self and future. Organized, balanced. Your exercising your eating healthy. No guilt. Oh that's that's a heavy one because it's an emotion. Lower stress empowered another powerful emotion. And so she's taking you from the pain point to the reward to where we all want to be. And with all of her list of items, you're going to find one or more that fit you in each column. That's why this is there's another reason it's so masterful. And then the final one, even if oh so few people do this, she's handling the objections right up front. Yes. I don't know where to start. Oh, I'm feeling anxious about this. Uh, Patty. I don't know.

Paty Johnston:
I've done it before. I have taken so many courses, and they don't help. Oh. Patty, I've tried it all. I've tried it all. Yes, yes, yes. So I was just.

Brian Kelly:
Watching this as you're talking. Oh my goodness. You are really, really good at marketing and I am so glad you are. Why? Because that means more people will come through your doors virtually, and more people will come out of the other side in an empowered and successful state of mind. And so I love it when I see someone like yourself who knows what they're doing, who is helping people to change their lives for the better, who are also very astute at getting more people to do this. Because the more people we can help, the better this entire planet will be for everybody, in my opinion. Absolutely, absolutely. That's what we love doing. So thank you for doing this. And I just wanted to point that out that that is some you know, a lot of people might go, well, that's just the usual, you know, zero to hero story. And it has that, that, that kind of flavor to it. She added the objection on the end and it's very concise and very genius. And every step of just talking to you before the show, I'm thinking, that's super special, woman. There's something about her.

Paty Johnston:
I'm gonna say something. I really appreciate your positive comments. I love that I'll take them, uh, however, I, I heard you speaking before. The credit first is to God, because he's given me everything I have. Uh, second, this is not only my genius ideas. I have worked with coaches for years. Listen, we cannot make it on our own. I, I have hired a lot of people, and every time they teach me something better and different that I adapt to my own business. And I love reading. Why wouldn't you learn from others? So that's what I tell my students. You can keep struggling with your procrastination, or you can fix it in 30 days. Because everything I know and I have learned, I'll give it to you step by step, day by day, so that you can change without the pain that I had to go through of years and years of struggle. So, uh, coaching is key.

Brian Kelly:
It certainly is. And you know what? I'm going to give you credit back because you did that. It takes, uh, you know, it takes getting rid of one's ego a big getting rid of one's ego to say not only I want help, but I'm going to reach out and pay someone.

Paty Johnston:
Yes and. Yes. At the beginning I was like, I have to pay how much? And then I realized every time that I invested in a coach, I was not invested in them. I was investing in me. And listen, the results were like time fold. It was like, oh my goodness. Uh, I invest, I started investing a little, and then I ended up paying a lot of money. And I have never, ever regretted. I'm like, oh, this was so good. I would do it again, and I would do it again.

Brian Kelly:
This is the absolute best advice on the planet, everyone. I mean, Tiger Woods did not become the Michael Jordan. I mean, love or hate him doesn't matter, I don't care. They were successful. They were on the top of their game. And how did they get there? 100% by themself. No. And that that just shows another wonderful trait about you, Patty, is that you are so eager to give credit to someone else that you got coaching. The cool thing is, though, you deserve the credit for reaching out to them. Number one for investing in them. Number two, number three, and most importantly, for putting what you learned from them into that favorite word of ours action. That's where a lot of people fall short. They will learn by reading a book, but they won't do. They won't take the action. And then the greatest thing beyond all that is then to teach it what you're doing right now.

Paty Johnston:
Yes yes yes yes yes. And we have a problem these days with too much information. And it's overwhelming. It's like, I know so much and I can see so much and I don't even know where to start. So that's what makes a difference when people come to me is like, we'll take everything, you know, you should do. And now it's going to happen. Uh, so it's very rewarding. And people, I'm going to tell you something funny. Uh, three weeks ago, a lady was very skeptical, and she's like, Patty, how can people change in 30 days? This is ridiculous. But, you know, I'm desperate for help, so I'm going to join. She joined and she texted me on day three, Brian. And she said, can I record a video for you? I'm like, yeah, you know, I didn't know. She's like, oh my goodness, it's day three and I'm changing. I found the real reason why I procrastinated. Oh la la la I'm exercising, I'm doing this. Look at my house. I'm like, wow. Day three. And I and I said, you were doubting the doubting the 30 day challenge. And so it works once you know the real reason, once you have somebody holding your hand, it just it's it's amazing. It does work. That's why it's so rewarding to me.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And that's. So do you, uh, in addition to your course, you also do coaching or is that part of it? How does that. Work? Yeah.

Paty Johnston:
So there's different levels depending on what people need. Uh, I generally do group coaching. So we, I open small groups. I don't like big groups because I was born an introvert and I can hide easily in big groups. Uh, so I open groups very, very little. Five people, they start at the same time with same expectations, same fears, and they start little by little. Look at my house today and then next day, oh, I did it. And everyone's like, amazing. This is so good. So, uh, there's a, you know, group coaching. And I also offer one on one coaching for those who want to go, uh, one step up. But, uh, that's why it's important to talk to me, because I've been there, and we can figure out together what's best for you.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, important to talk to you. That was kind of a lead in, maybe to. A little. Gift that might be given at the end. You do not want to miss this. Uh, you want to stick around to the end, I'm telling you. And the thing I wanted to point out was the coaching aspect, that you hired coaches, you spent money and time resources. And the thing is, when people come to a coach, maybe they come to you and say, Patty, but it's too expensive. It's going to cost me too much. The response is, is literally simple. It's just, okay, then what does it costing you not to hire a coach?

Paty Johnston:

Brian Kelly:
I mean, you're going to stay where you're at or get worse. You don't know. Yeah, but you're not going to get much better unless you and I, you know, it's something I learned the hard way. You know, a guy with that big ego and everything, I can fix. Anything I do myself. Yeah. Uh, but, you know, I probably probably lost a couple of decades of of success by having that mentality. That's okay. Yeah, I got past it.

Paty Johnston:
Yeah. But, uh, the thing.

Brian Kelly:
Is, once you get past the ego and you finally make that decision, you will never look back. I'll never forget this patio. I was speaking from stage. I had a coach in the back who was there taking notes as I'm speaking from stage on my speaking, and he would be in the back and I could see him all the way in the back. We have a sea of people. I'm on stage and I could see him. I'd say something. He'd do this. Uh, raise. His pen and start writing emphatically. I'm like. Oh, I'm uh oh. I'm in the middle, in the back of my mind. Oh, crap. What do I just do? You know, what am I doing? And I got off and. I'd go, we'd get a do a debrief. And he was beautiful because he just write down between the eyes. Told me exactly what I needed to change. And it hurt. The first time it hurt, I'm like, oh, man, I thought I was all that. I thought I was doing good. I was like, man, I stink and you're mean and I don't know if I want to do this anymore. This is going on. The next time I went on stage, he came down. He had more to correct me on. He also said, you integrated. Everything I told you. And you are ten times better than you were last time.

Paty Johnston:

Brian Kelly:
Credible results. So that became my fuel. That became my food and said, now when when he didn't show up, if he had something going on, he couldn't be there. The next speaking gig, I felt actually like something was missing. And I wanted that. I wanted it so bad because I knew that his feedback, which was meant with love, that told me what I was doing that I need to correct, was only getting me better results. And he was a. Great a great man.

Paty Johnston:
Oh, absolutely.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, we all go through. It and you're like, oh man, that didn't feel good. But you know what? You look at the minor pains as you go through it for the great reward.

Paty Johnston:
Absolutely. And we were.

Brian Kelly:
Seeing no gain all that.

Paty Johnston:
Yeah. And you were saying something like, you know, the cost involved and there's always a cost. There's a cost when you hire somebody financial a time effort, that's a cost. But there's also a cost of doing nothing.

Brian Kelly:

Paty Johnston:
And that cost is more expensive because it costs you opportunities. It costs you your self esteem many times relationships. So a decision needs to be made. And I say generally the decision needs to be made before it's too late. And people are like, ah, Patty, that's so negative, it's never too late. Well, sometimes it's too late because opportunities come and go, because relationships and people come and go. And if you don't act today, it might be too late. So we need to move.

Brian Kelly:
And it's your job. And I see you take it seriously to make sure they understand that it's time to take action. Now you are giving him that tough love that they need because it's a it's a it's an area of discomfort for them. And you are masterfully kicking them, not nudging them over that hump of discomfort into the land of results. And that's the thing about successful people, is we get comfortable with becoming uncomfortable every day, multiple times a day, because we know when there is that discomfort, that it's our subconscious saying it's go time. That's telling you that's where you need to go.

Paty Johnston:
100%, 100%. And it's very rewarding because people that come to me, somebody has asked me a while ago, how are you going to make procrastinators join? They're going to be like, oh, I'll join tomorrow. Uh, but reality is, when they come to me, they know they need to change. They know they're in pain. All the, you know, the pain points that we saw in the website is time. And if you're hearing this, you know, I was there and I thought, it's time to change. This is my moment. Because if not now, then when? And no one regrets it.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And just I want everybody to just realize and recognize who you're looking at, who you're talking to, listening to Patty Johnston. She is an amazing woman who started a business knowing nothing about that business and turned it into a thriving business because she knew how to talk to the marketplace, to the people. And she did it with integrity, authenticity. I want to help women to not feel like they're going to be taken advantage of. You can be safe. Come down here because she probably you probably had gone through a situation where either you were taken advantage of or it felt like you might have been.

Paty Johnston:
Yeah. Exactly. Right. Yeah, absolutely.

Brian Kelly:
You just don't know. You leave, it's like, oh, that was 500 bucks. I wonder if that wasn't 300 for the guy, right?

Paty Johnston:
Yes, exactly. 100%. So, uh, it is it was an opportunity that if I had not taken it, if I had procrastinated, if I had listened to my fears, I would not be here today. I would be in the same job doing exactly the same thing that I didn't like. So.

Brian Kelly:
And fear is a dream killer. And. And Patty is a fear killer. Yes. There we.

Paty Johnston:
Go. Yeah, you can have that.

Brian Kelly:
One for free.

Paty Johnston:
Patty, I love it. Thank you. Brian, I'll give you credit.

Brian Kelly:
No, that's all right. Take it. Own it. And, uh, please crush it in your business. I'm just checking the time. We have two amazing gifts to give away. Plus, Patty, I like to end every show with a very incredible, profound question. It's not because of the question, though. It's because of the answers that come back.

Paty Johnston:

Brian Kelly:
Something I did for, uh, you know, I've been doing this show for over five years. In the beginning stages, I asked a series of questions, and sometimes I would ask this one question, not every time. And I started realizing, Holy smokes, these answers are just off the wall. These are profound. Incredible. And so I decided I'm going to close every show with it. So I'm glad you haven't seen a previous one. Uh, and so you can't cheat.

Paty Johnston:
Uh, no, no, I'm nervous now. Okay. Tell me.

Brian Kelly:
It's awesome. And, yeah, that's it'll be the very last thing we do on the show. That is what we call an open loop. Ladies and gentlemen and NLP. World. Uh, effect in the marketing world is, uh, leave them hanging. It's, uh, what do they call it? Uh, cliffhanger in the, uh, video world, studio television world. So we'll come back to that and ask that to close the show. And you don't want to miss that either. Everyone watching and listening, and we have those two gifts that we're going to be giving as well. There's one question that I love asking of successful people, especially like you, Patty, that it really comes down to the business part of mind body business, and that is the whole area around marketing. You are obviously very astute at it. Uh, two great examples, your radio live radio spot and what you put on your website. Just two tiny little pieces of it. I'm curious though. So here's the thing. What is working today? Marketing. Didn't necessarily work 20 years ago, right? 20 years ago, I could send out a blast email and make a lot of money with the one email you know that doesn't happen anymore. It's rare if it does. So what worked 20 years ago may not work today. And literally what's working today may not work 20 years in the future. What is important is what is working now. That's all there is. And so I always ask this question of people like yourself who are very successful. If you were to nail down your top marketing strategy today, that's working the absolute best for you right now, whether it be reaching out on social media, is it your team doing it? Is it, um, is it referral marketing? Is it paid ads? Is it what you know, what is it? If you could nail down the number one marketing strategy for your business today, what would that be?

Paty Johnston:
So it's actually the same, the same, uh, concept, but it looks different. The same concept that I did with the mechanic shop. But today. So what works best for me are webinars.

Brian Kelly:

Paty Johnston:
And I'm going to tell you why. Because one. It's me talking about my story and my my background and telling them how it has worked for me. And they can relate. They can relate to the things that I've been through. And I tell them the solution which the solution at the end is to work on your emotional intelligence, to work on yourself, and to discover the real reasons of procrastination so that they can take action. So the webinar has been a great way for me to still tell my story, to still be genuine and say, you know, people would get to know me and they would want to work with me if they connect with me. So, uh, that has been a blessing because, uh, it's like a 45 minute, uh, interaction that I have with people where I tell them my three secrets on how to overcome procrastination. And people just connect with the three secrets and they want to, uh, just apply them afterwards. So that's what that's what works for me. Instead of radio, I do, uh, webinars. Now.

Brian Kelly:
That's awesome. And it is a it's a it's another form of radio, but it's a controlled, uh, broadcast, if you will. And so I want to pull up your website again real quick and show people exactly what. So here's the thing. I'm a student of so many things, but one of them is marketing and how someone is successful at their business. If if you have no desire to learn about why you're a procrastinator, don't worry about it. Go into and watch our next webinar. Why? To learn how she markets her business. Why? Because she's successful at it. Why? Because then you can model how she did it and you can have the same success. So you want to go to our website and click on this join my next webinar. I'll guarantee you I'm going to be on it.

Paty Johnston:
Can I can I say something? Yes. Uh, I you asked me before about success stories and I love people small, you know, entrepreneurs come to me and they're like, Patty, I feel overwhelmed. I'm not selling. I'm about there's one lady Cola who came and she's a CPA. She's like about to close my business because it's not. I have just a few clients. She increased her sales by 600% in ten months. 600%. I was like, oh my goodness, I cannot believe it. So and I'm going to tell you what I say. Exactly what you said. Copy and paste. Do what I did. Work on yourself first. Find a coach. Which was me, which was good. But then copy everything I do. Look at my website, look at my strategy. Look at my webinar. Copy it. I'm not. Oh, this is mine. No one do it because I want you to be successful as well. I did it, you can do it too.

Brian Kelly:
Look, everyone there is, so there is plenty to go around. I mean, even if someone else was, even if Patty had someone who had the cure to procrastination, she'd probably tell them, copy what I'm doing. We need to reach more people anyway, because there's plenty to go around. And here's the thing. I guarantee you, no matter what business you're in right now, someone else is doing it at the same time. And people don't necessarily buy what you do. It's who you are. They're buying you your personality. And so you're not going to be a fit for everybody. Just get over it. It's okay. And when you're not a fit, be quick to move on to the next. Be respectful. Of course you say, oh, you know what? I may not be a fit for you, but, you know, Patty might be if you're a resignation coach. In that case, yes.

Paty Johnston:
I'm going to tell you a quick story. I became a real estate agent in Tampa. I know you're in the Tampa area, and when I became one my broker, I was new. And he said, it's going to take you a long time, Patty, because there are 44,000 realtors in Tampa alone. 44,000. And I said, okay, he didn't know I had a system already. I got ranked on my first year, number ten out of the 44,000. And I say this not for you to think, oh, she's great is to know that I could have listened to his advice and think, maybe there are too many realtors. I shouldn't be a realtor. Maybe I'm not going to do well, so I'm not going to dare know. People have, you know, somebody can be doing exactly the same thing that you do, that it's okay. You can do it your way. Yes, your genuine soul will attract the people that need to be for you. So do not get discouraged. Um, you know, is a journey. And it's a journey of resilience.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, yes. And please don't get in the rut of trying to discount yourself to be cheaper than everyone else because your value, uh, that will not work. That will take you to the poorhouse over, over time.

Paty Johnston:

Brian Kelly:
Uh, people are bargain shopping and say, okay, then I guess you should go with that other person. But yeah, yeah, that's your choice. But, you know, here's what you get if you want it, come on in. I'd love to have you. If not, that's okay too.

Paty Johnston:

Brian Kelly:
It's all right. Oh my goodness. 610 months. That is unbelievable. And so yeah get a coach now. Now Patty, do you do business coaching? Uh, anything above and beyond procrastination.

Paty Johnston:
No. So my background is in business. I have an MBA. And because obviously I've been doing really well in business. So a lot of business people come to me to help them with procrastination. Uh, so my and even, you know, health related, a lady, uh, lost 6 pounds in one week last week just because she started procrastinating, not procrastinating. So my because of my background, I help people with their business combined with procrastination. It's like, but this is.

Brian Kelly:
All right. I don't know if you all can see or hear Patty. We just lost her feed for just a moment. We were just getting to the juicy part. Uh, this is a good time. If you are watching live right now, we do have two giveaways to give you, and hopefully Patty will get back to us here in just a moment. So what I want you to do is get out your pen and pencil and write this down, and we'll clear up the screen here just a little bit. And what I would like you to do is write down a URL that once we finish the show, once we close it off, then you can go to that website and enter to win a five night stay. There it is at a five star luxury resort. Compliments again of Reach Your Peak. Patty hopefully will be joining us back here in just a moment. Until then, go ahead and look at the screen. You must be watching this live to enter so and don't worry, we have staff will be watching and monitoring the entries as they come in well after the conclusion of tonight's show. So I'm putting that up on the screen right now to enter to win. You'll want to go to write this down report I'm forward slash vacation. That's report I'm forward slash vacation. So go ahead and enter that Patty is joining us again. And I'll pull this down in just a moment. Here's Patty. So report I'm forward slash vacation. That is where you go to enter to win. Write that down. Don't do it right now. Don't do it right now because Patty's back. We gotta see Patty. Here she comes. Yes, yes, she's our resilience.

Paty Johnston:
And, uh, traveling the world and then losing Wi-Fi in the middle of something important.

Brian Kelly:
Yep. And as I'm. Oh, there we go. It's starting to come back a little bit. It's a little sketchy, but that's cool. As long as we can hear you. Uh, we had another gift to give away. I was just going into that phase. And that is yours. Patty, if you're still with me. Oh, yes. I see you moving now. This is good. I love technology, it's a love hate.

Paty Johnston:
It's not. Yeah, yeah. I love it when it works. Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, yeah. Love it when it works. When it doesn't, you just. You just deal with it. It's okay. It's all right. So, uh, you had a gift to give as well, so I'm going to pull it up on the screen and let you explain what that is and how people can take advantage of this.

Paty Johnston:
Absolutely. So I love, love, love to help people and a love to connect with people because I know how, uh, desperate and how necessary it is for for like me in the back back then is, uh, to change. So if you are ready to talk about where you're at, if you say, oh, I wish I could know how to overcome procrastination. If I feel stuck and I don't know the way out, uh, I am going to offer you a free procrastination breakthrough session with me, and we're going to create a plan. Let's just talk about where you're at. And by the way, I've seen it all. So. So even. You're like the extreme others. There's hope. There's hope. Uh, just chat with me. Uh. All right.

Brian Kelly:
I think we're losing.

Paty Johnston:
One, three, seven, eight, nine, 1097 is what you need to text.

Brian Kelly:
All right. I don't know if you can hear me, Patty, but you're. You were breaking up pretty good there. So, um, to take advantage of this, go get on a breakthrough call with.

Paty Johnston:
Patty and come back.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. Still sketchy. Uh, just be sure you see it on the screen. For those of you watching live, you can text.

Paty Johnston:
I see. You. I can hear you.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, just your audio. Is not coming through.

Paty Johnston:
Right now. Right through session. You can contact me at 813789 1097.

Brian Kelly:
There you go. So text Patty. It's (813) 789-1097. Yeah. Your video is still frozen on our end. Oh, we just lost her again. I hope she can make it back to, uh, bring this show home, because that last question is a doozy. So be sure to go to what you see on the screen and let me reset the studio here really quick. And you want to go to, uh, text her and you can text her either through your phone or via WhatsApp. And that number is one. That's the country code. United States 813787 1097 and say procrastination, breakthrough call please. I don't know what she said to say, but that will get you there, I'm sure. And that will get you in front of her. And you'll get to schedule a time to chat with her and learn about how you can rid yourself of procrastination, and see if maybe taking the next step is in the cards. And I hope it is for you, because I can see that she gets results for folks, and I would love nothing more than for you to get results. This show is not here to advertise businesses. I like to point ones out that I can see that have great potential in helping people. And so she did not pay me to be on this show. There has been no, uh, Brian, can you advertise my my stuff? This is all my choice as the host of the show, because I see that she has something and she has the chops. Uh, Patty has been through a lot of great life experience, and she understands business, and she understands psychology and neuroscience. And I know that what she has to offer will get you results. And that is why we have people like Patty on the show. She is coming back on slowly but surely. I see in the background. Hopefully we can get through that final question, because that's like how we like to end this show. I know we're a little over time now, but that's cool. Uh oh. She just dropped again. We'll see if we can get her to stay on this long enough because oh my goodness, I'm telling you, you don't want to miss this last question. Uh, because of her answer. And so be sure to enter to win at Rhipidium forward slash vacation. In fact, if you want to do that right now, that would be a good time to do it, because there's nothing really big to miss. Oh, here she comes again. We'll see if we can get her on. I'll pull it up just in case we have her with us. Here we go.

Paty Johnston:
I'm all right. Have you?

Brian Kelly:
Oh yeah, it is still.

Paty Johnston:
New York City. Just.

Brian Kelly:
It is still sketchy. My goodness. What's going on there in New York City? Do they not have wireless? Do they not have internet?

Paty Johnston:
I don't know, I don't know. Yeah. Uh, last, last month in Bhutan, I was in Laos, and internet was perfect. I come to anyway.

Brian Kelly:
Well, we got through a long way. Um, I'm going to. What I'll do is I'll. I'll reach out to you, Patty, after the show, and we'll record the the question and the answer to end the show with. So because it is that important for people to see it. Uh, make sure we have a good connection during that. Oh, now we're seeing you move a little bit, but it's blurry and hazy, I can tell.

Paty Johnston:
Yes. Perfect.

Brian Kelly:
Everyone in New York is jumping. They're done eating. They're back on their Netflix. That's what's going on. They're all hitting it hard. Oh, she's gone again. All right, so, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to call this a show for tonight. I appreciate you coming on. I appreciate you hanging with us and going through all these fun little glitches with us. This happens from time to time, and that's all good. Patty Johnston, you definitely want to get in touch with her. Don't forget to go to her website. Stop procrastinating today.com. Don't forget to register for her webinar and you can learn how she conducts her webinar. Also, what you'll learn is how she markets it. What kind of emails do you get in response? What is the landing page look like? All the great things that go behind a successful webinar. She also has a free procrastination quiz on that site. Go take that as well. She has a video you can watch, but also be sure once again and finally to text her and that is text her at 18137891097 and just put in that text procrastination breakthrough call, please. And her name is Patty. Patty one T for those of you that are not watching this on either live or recorded video, that is it for us tonight. I appreciate you all for being on and we'll get that question from Patty answered and put that up on all the social media channels on which we are going and broadcasting live right now. And until then, everyone please do two things going forward. Uh, and that is number one, please crush it in your business. Why? So that you can help and serve more people so you can scale your business and really make a bigger impact in the world. And then, number two, above all else and everything to a person I wish you all to. Be blessed. That's it for me. That's it for Patti. Until next show next week. We'll see you next time. So long everybody. Have a great, great evening. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at www.The Mind Body Business Show.com. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Paty Johnston

Paty Johnston is an international Leadership, Procrastination & ADHD Life Coach who helps overwhelmed professionals stop procrastinating in 30 days, to regain their power, conquer avoidance & achieve their maximum potential. Paty is a speaker with the John Maxwell Team who struggled with procrastination for many (many) years. She has had a very successful career, creating multi-million-dollar businesses from scratch after discovering how to overcome her limitations.


Paty’s passion now is to teach others how to stop procrastinating through Emotional Intelligence and neuroscience, so that they can change their excuses for actions, fulfill every promise they make to themselves, and really reach their true potential.

Connect with Paty:

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