Special Guest Expert - Ryan Nosak

Special Guest Expert - Ryan Nosak: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Ryan Nosak: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated? And driven. When you finally break through and win. That is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This is the mind body. Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business show. Oh my goodness gracious. We have a phenomenal, phenomenal show for you tonight. And that is because we have none other than Ryan Nosek on the show. He's here. He's in the green room. He's in the back. He's ready. In fact, he's there scratching at the monitor. He says, Brian, let me in, let me in. I'm ready to get on the show. Let's go. In just a moment, Ryan will be coming in, gracing, uh, the screen with his presence in just a few moments. So the mind body Business show, it is a show that I had developed with you in mind. You, the entrepreneur, the business person looking for that next tip, that next strategy, that next idea that could potentially catapult your business to the next level. And I'm saying no matter what level your business currently is at, you could just be starting out. You could have not started a business yet. You could have started a business ten years ago, and you're banging on all cylinders, but you're still looking for different ways to grow. This is the place for you because it has something for everyone, no matter where you are in your walk, uh, and your journey with entrepreneurship. And so it is about what I call the three pillars of success. And these pillars came about as a result of my studying only successful people for a period of about ten years, on and off for ten years. And what kind of people are these? These are mentors of mine that I've worked with face to face. These are authors, some of whom I've met, uh, some who were gone before I even read their book because they were deceased and they've been gone for some time.

Brian Kelly:
We're talking about people from all over the place and all over the world, and mentors and people I've worked with, others that I haven't worked with directly. And what I found, though, in trying to figure out what the heck is it that makes this individual perhaps more successful than me? I mean, do they put their clothes on differently than me? Do they eat different foods? Do they have some kind of magic powder? They they sprinkle? What do they do? And in that journey and in that search, I found that these three pillars kept bubbling to the top each and every time. And what are they? They are the very namesake of this show. Mine stands for mindset. So to a person, each of these individuals had a very powerful, very positive. And the third and most important attribute is a very flexible mindset. And body. Body is literally what it means. It's taking care of yourself physically through exercise and nutrition. Two things that Ryan is an absolute expert on. And he's also very, very well esteemed and astute in mindset. And the third one, which is business, which Ryan is also nailed this where business these individuals to build a successful business. They realized they had to master various skill sets. Now we're talking about skill sets that are marketing, sales, team building, systematizing, uh, leveraging leadership. It just goes on and on and on. There are many, many skill sets. And you might be thinking, geez, Brian, if I have to master all of those and more, who the heck can do that in one lifetime? And if you were asking that, that's a very astute question. I have a great, uh, great news response to that. The good news is you don't have to master every one of them yourself if you were to master just one. If you start off by mastering, just go start on the journey of mastering it. You don't even have to finish mastering it as you're mastering it. You can then pull in and leverage the other skill sets by bringing in individuals who have mastered those skill sets that you have yet to, or you may never master yourself.

Brian Kelly:
That one skill set, if you're curious, is the skill set of leadership, even if you do not have a team today, right now, if it's just you, you're a solopreneur. There are ways that you can embrace and and create a culture for your own business by leading yourself and then going from there. Once you bring in a team, you will learn leadership skills at a deeper level. As soon as you start learning leadership skills, you can then leverage the skill sets of others and grow your business way faster and less stressful because that's a lot for anyone to tackle. And another incredibly wonderful attribute of highly successful individuals. Just like Ryan Nosek. We were talking right before the show is that successful people are very avid readers of books, and with that, I like to segue into a little segment I affectionately call bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready. Steady. Read. Bookmarks brought to you by Reach your Peak Library.com.

Brian Kelly:
There. You see it reach your peak. Library.com. A quick, quick word of advice for everyone. Whether you're watching this live, whether you're watching this as a recording, maybe you're listening to it on an audio podcast or on 35 podcast platforms including Spotify and Apple and all the rest of the great ones is. That you are going to be given many different resources on this show. This is one of them. Reach your peak Library.com. Now stop. Do not, please do not go off and type into a browser and start looking at this resource while this show is running, while you're listening, while you're watching. And the reason is this because I back in the day when I spoke from stage quite often when I first started, years ago, there were times when I'd be on stage and I'm about to get to the juicy part. I know the juicy part was because it was my presentation, and this is this was life changing things that were coming up, and I'd get right up to it, and I'd see someone get up out of their chair and casually walk out of the room staring at their phone, because they got that all important text or phone call or or sometimes it was just they had to go to the restroom, in all honesty. And so I learned that, look, I don't want anybody to miss that golden nugget that could change their life forever. So instead, I now let people know ahead of time, look, the the magic happens in the room. What does that mean here in this virtual stage, in this presence. And that is just keep your focus on Ryan Noszak when he's talking. Take notes. Yeah, that's right. Ryan said it that old fashioned pen and pencil kind of thing. Pen and paper. Uh, I will be taking notes. I'm running this show. And so I don't ask anybody to do anything I wouldn't do or suggest it otherwise. And so I would recommend you do that. So write down the resources. There'll be books, there'll be websites. There'll be all kinds of great stuff. Write that down and then visit it all after the show is over.

Brian Kelly:
That way you can keep your focus and attention on what Ryan is saying so that you'll get the most out of this. I'm going to tell you right now, this is like going to a business seminar, a one hour seminar for free. And you can do this once a week every week on this show, you can go to past shows and watch all of them as well for free. There is no greater resource, uh, in my humble opinion, than coming to watch this show. And people like Ryan knows that because you will get value that you can't get anywhere else. It's just unheard of. This is an amazing blessing I get to do because of people like Ryan. It's not me. It's people like Ryan and the others who appeared, who appeared before him, and those that will appear later. I'm rambling way too much. Reach your peak library is. That is a resource I had built with you in mind, and that is a resource because I myself did not start reading voraciously until about the age of 47. Yeah, that was about 12 years ago. Yeah. I paused, so you can do some math. I know everybody's curious. So about, uh, 12 years ago, at the age of 47, I started reading voraciously and I was like, wow, the results were incredible. I'm like, I didn't realize how something so simple could cause such profound change in my life, both in my business and in my personal life. And so I just started throwing books out and said, hey to my team, put this new one up on the on the site. Okay, I just finished another one. I like this one. I just finished another one. That one wasn't good. It doesn't it doesn't belong on the site. And so not every book I've ever read is on this site. In fact, I'm way behind on updating it. But there are plenty in here. And so these are here for you. Whether you get them from this site, whether you get them at a Barnes and Noble or a staples or wherever you go for your books, uh, it's absolutely fine. Just find one, get it and then read it and it doesn't stop there.

Brian Kelly:
What's the next thing you need to do after you read the book? Maybe even while you're reading the book is take action on what you've learned in that book. There you go. That's our gift to you. That's not even a money making website. All those buttons go to Amazon. Uh, we may make like several cents on a sale of a book. It's not for making money. It is there for you to have a resource where at least one other successful person has vetted the the content in there, the books that are in there, so that the odds of you wasting your time are greatly diminished. That is why I did it. It was solely for you and I hope you enjoy that. With that. Speaking of enjoying things, you're going to really enjoy this because Brian is almost done yakking and we're going to bring on the one and only Ryan Nosach. Here he comes. Are you ready? Let's bring him on right now.

It's time for the guest expert. Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big league. Qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one. It is the only. Ryan. No! Zach. Yes. Welcome to the show, Ryan. How are you doing today, brother Brian?

Ryan Nosak:
I'm doing great. It's a pleasure to be on the show with you today.

Brian Kelly:
Uh, we have so much in common, and I love talking to you. Right before we started this show. Uh, this is going to be a great show, everyone. Because of Ryan, not because of me. Because this young man is changing lives. He's saving lives, literally saving lives. And I'm not saying not. Not like from imminent death, like, right now, but definitely prolonging their life and giving them a much more vibrant and happy life. And so in that way, he's also saving their lives from a life of drudgery to one of excitement and of vigor and oh my gosh, now, if you're not interested in what this is all about yet, oh, I don't know if you're in the right place because that is what life is all about, is living it to its fullest. And that's what Ryan Nosach does, is he helps people to do just that. I know this intimately and very deeply, and so I cannot wait to share this man's genius with you. And before we jump right in, Ryan has provided this incredibly wonderful clip that so perfectly introduces him and what makes him tick that rather than have me talk even more, oh my God, right. And introduce him, I'm going to let him introduce himself. And we're just going to pull him up on the screen here. So just take a listen to Ryan Nosek, get to know the man and then we'll come back and we'll get to the questions. All right. Sound good? Here we go.

Ryan Nosak:
I lost my mom at a really young age, and I found fitness as a positive outlet for myself. I'm Ryan Nosek I am the owner of Rhino Strength here in Chicago, Illinois. I knew I wanted fitness to be my career in high school. When I first started training my friends, my friends would go to the gym with me and I'd be the one who'd be leading the workouts. I'd be taking them through it. And I just realized then that I had a knack for working with others as well as teaching others. I started my career with Penn State University. That led me on a path of going to Tennessee State University, Vanderbilt University, UNC Charlotte, Robert Morris University, DePaul University here in Chicago, and then more recently, just running my own business with Rhino Strength, which is basically a personal training service here in Chicago. And I also run an online training business, which allows me to service clients all over the world. I think a lot of people don't realize all the.

Brian Kelly:
That's too bad, but you get the idea. This man, this young man has a great background. Lost his mom at a young age. And let's see, I'll finish it off with the last part of his bio. He has worked at power five universities, aided in training of multiple professional athletes, and has been mentored by NFL strength and conditioning coaches. Ryan stepped away from college athletics in 2020 to run Rhino Strength, which is an in-person and online both training service. He helps ex athletes lose weight and boost energy without giving up pizza, alcohol or their social life. Sign me up! He resides in Chicago with his wife, dog and daughter. I love that last part just as much. So goodness sakes! Bummer that that video stopped, but hey, we're going to keep powering through. Thank you for providing that, Ryan. And welcome to the show. Thank you for providing your your time to share your genius with everyone here, uh, to help them with their business and their life. We're going to talk about all of this. So to get it started, I want to find out from you and let you do some talking before I lose my voice, because Brian's talking way too much. And that is when you get up in the morning. You know how business is. I mean, you definitely know how business is. There's far more than to it than just, hey, I'm going to show you the proper movements. I'm going to give you the right weight training program and regimen and nutrition program. There's way more to it. There's a lot to it. Ladies and gentlemen, you all know this and it's it can be quite arduous. So for you, Ryan, when you get up in the morning as you're coming to, you're waking up, you know what's in front of you. You know the grind that can be there sometimes. And it's almost every day you'll hit it when you know that's in front of you. What is it that's keeping you driven, motivated, and saying, I'm not going to stop at anything. I'm going to power through this day yet again. What is that for you? What is going on in your big, beautiful brain?

Ryan Nosak:
Well, Brian, I need to remember my why and for my why. It's always coming back to my roots. I think it's remembering where I've come from, what I've gone through, and the people that have helped raise me to become the person that I am today. And as I had, as I mentioned with the video, that I lost my mom at a young age. My early life was full of tragedy and I had great models in my grandparents, my father and my brother, and I think that a lot. Much of my family came together to help raise my brother and I. Once my mother passed away and I saw all these sacrifices that all these people were making just to allow my brother and I to keep pushing forward. And in the back of my mind, I realized that I have a potential that I need to hit. And and part of me hitting that potential is not letting those people down. Those people didn't work so hard and make all those sacrifices for me to waste away the one chance on this planet that I have to be to be great. Um, that's my number one. Why? I would say the next part there now is, uh, realizing this life that I'm in now, where I'm a new dad. I became a dad, uh, march of last year. And realizing now that I'm starting a family of my own that my life's purpose has changed in a way, it's no longer just myself. It's now providing for my wife. It's providing for my for my daughter. And I only have so much limit. I have limited time in the day. I can't be slacking off. It's so easy to get in that in the world of just scrolling and and not taking action. But when it really comes down to it and you realize how much time you have in the day, I want to maximize every second, um, to provide for those people that are around me.

Brian Kelly:
Great response to all of it. And so true. Once you have a youngin the time just, oh my God, I don't have what I used to have. I don't have the luxury of just kicking back for a little while and just taking a moment, especially the mom. Let's be honest, the mom is the one, uh, putting in the time and the effort. Uh, my wife was phenomenal with our kids. Still is. They're just adults now. But one of the things that came to my mind, this one word that bubbled up, is when that moment was when you realized, oh my gosh, I can't just kick back and scroll on my phone. Is this word called discipline? You know, it's the D word and that's the business's version of the F word, right? It's the D word. So when you think of that word, do you think of positive things. What do you think? What conjures up in your mind when you think of the fact that you need to be disciplined in order to make this all work? Is that a good thing? What are your thoughts on that?

Ryan Nosak:
I have to pull from Jocko Willink here. And you know, if you if you know who he is, he wrote extreme ownership. And his central tenet that he always preaches is discipline equals freedom. And I think for myself that holding myself to a certain regiment allows me to have freedom elsewhere, that if I get all the work done that I need to do before, you know, if I say I need to get a task done and I give myself an hour to get that task done, that's probably going to take an hour to get that task done. But what if I start allocating only 15 minutes to it or 20 minutes to it? Then I'm actually setting this parameter where? Where? Now I have to fully focus on working during that time. So although it might seem like a hard thing to be disciplined, it allows me to have more joy elsewhere. And I would say that I actually learned that probably from working out and eating a certain way, that I started to. I started to learn that when I stayed true to my workouts, I had more energy during my day and I felt better. I felt like a more positive person. And the same thing on the nutrition side, when I was eating like garbage all the time. Guess what? I felt like I didn't feel great, but when I prioritized putting a lot of water into my body, I prioritize a whole whole food based nutrition stuff that actually comes from this earth. I feel great, and those things are important to me.

Brian Kelly:
Oh man, this is bringing back so many memories. I used to be a certified personal trainer myself, did everything online. It's a long time ago, but, uh, everything you're seeing is is just bringing back really good memories from those times because of the fact that, you know, working out, exercising, I call it the the cheapest yet the most powerful drug you could ever imagine on the planet. And its side effects are incredibly good for you. Uh, and it's habit forming. It's everything that the most horrific drug is, but the exact opposite. It does everything good for you. Uh, if you work out, like, say, you're about to, you're get you're about to meet with, uh, somebody and you're maybe not looking forward to it, and your energy is depleted. Do a quick workout and you'll you'll just you'll nail it. You'll you'll be jacked up. You'll you'll be energized. You'll be excited. Invigorated. It's the it's free. It doesn't cost a dime. And it does nothing but improve you in every single way possible. As long as you're doing it safely and you're not injuring yourself. Of course. Uh, and so you just went just you just bubbled all this stuff up right in one shot, uh, when you said felt more positive. Yeah. When you work out and and look. Okay, Ryan does when you say when you work out, so are you telling the guys that. Yeah. Work out, like work out many hours a day, every day to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger and ladies workout many days, like he did back when he was younger, I should say, and then work out many hours in the day to come out looking like a supermodel. Is that what you mean?

Ryan Nosak:
No. And I and I really don't think that's necessary for a lot of people, especially if you are a business owner or I mean, for me, as I mentioned, as a parent, as a new parent, you were so limited with your time and I think you can see a positive change in I mean, I give people short workouts sometimes just to produce a change in their state, but I do think that, uh, you can accomplish a lot in a 30 minute time period. Uh, you know, if you're able to stretch that out longer, even better. But I think many people underestimate what a solid 30 minutes of fully focused not being on your phone dedicated training can do for your mind and your body.

Brian Kelly:
Um, man, I just, I so there's so many great things about this. I mean, if someone hasn't worked out and they've never done it, they're going to go through hell for the first 2 or 3 weeks because they're going to be sore as long as they know that once they get past that, and then if they can sustain it for just a couple of months, it'll be one of those things that they will. Even if they take breaks, they will remember it and they will always come back to it. That recently happened to me personally because we moved. We went through a lot of crazy stuff. My dad had dementia. He got scammed out of thousands of dollars. My wife went through breast cancer. All of this happened at the same time. And then we moved from one coast to the other, from California to Florida. And so I was not taking care of myself at all. And I finally, when I landed here, there's a gym almost right across the street from us, and I got a membership. And instantly after the first one, I was like, I felt like $1 million. I was like, oh, there it is. Oh yeah, I want more of that. And, you know, the busy lifestyles, you just do it as often as you possibly can. And I always say, you know, pay yourself on the back for the times you do. Go pat yourself on the back for the reps that you did do, even though you wanted to do ten and you only got. Five, but you gave it all you had. Instead of kicking yourself in the butt, pat yourself on the back and give yourself credit for at least showing up.

Ryan Nosak:
Consistency over perfection. That's what I would always preach to people, is that you got to keep at it. And it doesn't have to be this perfect, this perfect job, right? But just do a little bit here and continue to do it over time and you will get better.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And I used to be, so I was the hardest. We're all the hardest on ourselves than anyone else would be. I just remembered I wanted to absolutely get every ounce out of every rep and put in everything I could lift the heaviest weights I could possibly do. And now that I'm approaching the big six zero, it's not that at all. It's like I'm enjoying myself going to the gym now. I'm not putting that pressure on myself. I'm putting in about an hour, if that. If that. I do some very light cardio. I don't even jog anymore because my knee can't handle it anymore. I do a brisk walk for as long as I can, and then I go hit the weights. But I don't go crazy. I don't do five times on each body part like I used to, and I still feel wonderful, so you don't have to a point of this for everyone out there, because I used to think, well, that equates to 1 to 2 hours at minimum two hours in the gym every time you go. And that's the way I used to do it used to be like two hours and I was like, geez, I get home, I have no time for anything. Uh, and so, yeah, just like you said, do a quick tune up, do anything just to kind of snap out of it. And that will get you started down the right path. And again, what do you think about this, Ryan? So if you don't work out you're going to be lethargic, you're going to be tired and you won't be very productive if you take an hour to work out. And then you then go get get productive. Well, do you see productivity far surpassing that of the mundane? I didn't work out over the same time period. Uh, have you noticed that from any of your clients where they say, you know what, I took an hour to workout, but I got so much more done in my day than I did when I didn't work out at all. But I had all that extra time.

Ryan Nosak:
I think it's like buying your time back and in your you're you're putting more into that energy bank, so to speak, that maybe you're in that moment or that that hour that you're spending. Maybe you're depleting some energy. But I always like to ask people when they're done with with the done with the session with me, how are how do you feel, how are you feeling? And they will usually tell me tired. And that's probably the answer that I expect to hear. But I'll ask them the next day. How did you feel later on? And they're like, wow. I felt like I had so much energy and I was so productive. I got all this stuff done during the day. I felt more clear, I felt less foggy, and I think just the the changes that it produces at, at the brain in terms of endorphins. But just what basic movement does for your body. I think that's the the greatest energy hack that there is.

Brian Kelly:
And it the mind and body are a team, right? They're connected. And if you feed the body what it wants, which is good nutrition and exercise, the brain is happy. Like you said, you've removed the fog. And then it takes mindset though and discipline to refine your body, which means to go in and do the work, do the workouts. And there are there are also tools and techniques for the mind. I use Neurolinguistic programing as one example to help with that at the subconscious level. And so you want to keep your your entire being working at a peak level of performance, mind and body. Because they are they're a team. More importantly, they are your team. This is your mind and your body. They love you. They want you to do the best for them. But if one member of the team suffers, the whole team as a whole will come down and suffer. So you want to take care of both. We have quite a few people on here tonight. I love this. All right. So, uh, this is good. You got you got a fan in here, Alex Shaffer or Shaffer? Probably. Schafer. Schafer. Schafer. Let's go. Ryan. The legend can't say enough great things about him, and he says yes, more energy equals a game changer. Thank you. Alex. Coming from YouTube I love it I love it. More comments, more questions. We love to engage with the audience. Uh, makes it so much more fun and so much more valuable for everyone. I love that, um, we were talking about readers, people reading a lot of books, and I was curious. I mean, I'm kind of going to guess based on what I see behind you there for those. Look, if you're not watching this live, if you're out there and you're listening to this after as a recording, that's that's cool. If you're watching it as recording would be cool if you're listening to it on a podcast, that's fine. The best thing you can do is try to get to us live. That way you can interact. And I almost forgot to mention this.

Brian Kelly:
Ryan, we offer a wonderful gift, a gift of five night vacation stay at a five star luxury resort. For those of you who remain with us, live til the end. We'll give you the details on how to enter the win. And that is our way of saying thank you for hanging out with us throughout the end of the live show. So if you haven't watched it live, if you are listening to this or watching it and you're not on the live, go to the Mindbody business Show.com say it slow on purpose, the Mindbody business show.com and you'll see lots of buttons that say how and where to watch. Click that enter your information. You'll just get a notification when we go live next time with a link directly to bring you. Just like Alex is on YouTube to watch and engage with us live. All right, enough about that. Where was I going with all this? Ryan, are you a mind reader? Do you know where I was going? We were talking. About books. Yes, you are a mind reader, I love it. So, uh, one of the things I've noticed about very successful people, like I said earlier, they are very avid readers of books, and I see quite the library behind your shoulder. Would you consider yourself an avid reader? And and if so, what has it done for you in your life?

Ryan Nosak:
If my brother is listening, I need to give him a shout out because he's the person that got me into reading, and I went through a pretty tough time in my life about about 2014 from a career standpoint, and I wasn't a huge reader before that. And, um, at that point, I think the biggest lesson that I learned from reading was that I had the power to change my thoughts. And I think so many people don't realize that, that we we have control over our thoughts. I can I can wake up each morning and I can choose to have a positive day. One thing I like to say is that I've never had a bad day, because I wake up every day with the intention of making it a great day, and it tends to work out that way for me. So I think reading has not. It's opened my perspective because I've learned from a lot of different disciplines and from a lot of different successful people. Um, but I think one of the most important things is that it's allowed me to communicate and understand people better, that I'm not just reading a book about some type of like, business strategy, but I but I think like. Understanding where a person comes from, and maybe some of the situations that they've dealt with in their life, like what type of suffering do they go through? And I think it gives you more empathy to be understanding of humans in general. Um, but then of course, the skill set aspect. I did not study business for my undergrad. I am a classically trained, classically trained trainer. You know, all of my background is pretty much kinesiology, the human body, the study of human movement. It's not business. So what I've had to do to be a successful business owner is teach myself those skills. On this bookshelf behind me, there's books on marketing, there's books on sales, on different like different realms of finance. Um, and I think being able to, to, to find out about these areas and self-educate myself, um, it's given me the confidence that I can take that, uh, and I, and I can apply it to other areas of my life as well. So it's almost like a it's just a tool for self, uh, self progress.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. It's a monumentally wonderful tool because what does it cost? You know, a few dollars per book. Heck, if, if they still even have them, you know, those things called libraries, you can actually go to one and read it for free. You don't even have to pay money. Just check it out. Literally check it out. Do they still do that? I don't even know.

Ryan Nosak:
Yeah they are. They're open.

Brian Kelly:
I love audible, I look forward if it's on audible. I'm downloading that puppy. Uh, and I listen to it. That's my eye. The cool. The weird thing is I didn't read till the age of 49. Like, literally not a full book unless it was a textbook that was mandated by school. And the reason I didn't know it all those years was because I would get, like, fatigued by reading a physical book to the point where I would just lose interest because like, and I'm like, read three pages and I'm like, ah, I'm tired already. I don't like this. Well, if I listen to it, I don't get fatigued. And that's audible was I'm older than you by a little bit and audible wasn't out when I first started reading. So we'll just put it at that. Uh, but now that it's here, you know, I've got those loaded up in my library and my phone. I listen to it in the car. I can do it in the gym when I'm doing cardio, where I'm not concentrating on the muscle movements and all that stuff. It's just it's phenomenal. It's a great time to be alive. I just I am so grateful and fortunate to be still present on this earth. Uh, especially talking to someone like you, Ryan, who is you're truly out to help people. That's what. Really, uh, comes home with me when I talk to you. Is that you are not just in this to you. You didn't once talk about money when we were talking before the show. You haven't once talked about it since. And that is a sign of what I say is a true entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are here to solve problems in an effort to help people. Yes, money is a necessary trade of value. That's that's needed so Ryan can continue to help you and scale, grow and help more people. And so I want nothing more than for Ryan to be blessed with an unlimited amount of, of of cash, of just money flowing so he can then expand his business. He's already you already have, what, two other trainers in your business. As long along with you, you've already expanded. Kudos, by the way. That is a phenomenal thing just to be able to say that. And it's on his website, we're going to bring that up here in a little bit. Oh, we have another fan. Oh he's got oh we got a question. Are you ready for a question from a viewer. This is great Danny Lucy would like to know Ryan amazing knowledge and experience. What's the best piece of advice you've gotten over the years?

Ryan Nosak:
That's hilarious because that's my wife.

Brian Kelly:
I love it. Thank you Danny.

Ryan Nosak:
So I had a I had a mentor of mine. I got to give him a shout out. His name is Todd Hammer. And, um, I think growing up in the world of strength and conditioning and college athletics, it's a very cutthroat business. I mean, you're you're working for these coaches that are out to win, and you're you're trying to help these athletes that are, you know, they want to play at the professional level. And there's a lot of stress on that job. And the type of person that you're expected to be is sometimes somebody who's maybe very strict, a disciplinarian, you know, the the strength and conditioning coach is often the bad guy. You know, you're going to play the good game of good cop, bad cop. Well, it's time to bring the bad cop in, and the strength conditioning coach is going to bust out his whistle, and you guys are running laps around the court. One thing I learned is that I never want to be that guy, and it was really refreshing to me early on in my career when I met Todd Hammer and he told me, be yourself on steroids. And I think that's really special because it's like, how can you be a larger version of yourself? What are the qualities that that you. You have that make you special. And I've learned that there's only one Ryan Nosek on this earth, and I accept who I am. And I and I come into those those things that make me who I am. I've accepted my story. I'm completely authentic with people. Uh, I recognize that I'm a little weird. And, you know, I'm that's what makes me funny, but also makes me connect with other people. And I think that's one thing that's, remember, is that you need to be true to yourself, because ultimately that's how you connect to people the most.

Brian Kelly:
Wow. You've learned that at a relatively young age. I didn't learn that until not long ago at a deep level. And so you're very fortunate. Um, I was a late bloomer, I guess, in that area for sure. And I love what your wife said. At the end, she goes, I have to put him on the spot with a smiley face, I love it.

Ryan Nosak:
What does? I love.

Brian Kelly:
That interaction. That is freaking awesome. And Alex Shaffer says Ryan is on the rise. Yes. When we were talking about your, um, two additional trainers that you have working with you and this is, I think, a really good time. I'm feeling it. I would like to learn more about the exact business you have, like, what is it you offer to people and what formats you've you've kind of touched on a couple of them already. Uh, and what I'd like to do is literally, I'll just pull up your website and let you tell people what it is. You know, who's your target market like your ideal client age, gender. Are there limitations there? It doesn't matter if there are. But just what is it that you specialize in? And then what are the things you do for them both in person or online? And if you have a success story or two that you could share with us, that would be phenomenal as well, because everyone wants to hear about a success story, including yours truly. Would that be cool?

Ryan Nosak:

Brian Kelly:
All right, I'll pull it up and I'll let you take it away.

Ryan Nosak:
So I have a brick and mortar business in Chicago, where I work with clients for in-person training, and this is going to be all encompassing. I wouldn't say that there's just one type of person that I'm working for or that I'm working with in person. I have a client who's nine years old and my oldest client is 80 years old, so I have a large span. I will say that the overarching principle is that I help these people to have a more fulfilling life. I find out the reason why they're coming to me in the first place, and we build those workouts around those things. So, for example, my 80 year old client, her name was Andrea. Andrea came to me and said that I just want to be able to get in and out of my bathtub better. So I created the Andrea Bathtub program. We called it Operation Bathtub, and we went through different phases of strengthening her leg, strengthening her arms, her her core musculature to be able to help pull herself up out of the bathtub. So that's just one example of of what a person is working with me with for in-person training. Um, the move method here is essentially the the system that I use to train clients. Every session is going to is going to consist of mobility Prehab, core training, strength conditioning and restoration. So this is also going to apply with my online training clients. My online training platform allows me to serve clients all over the world. And one thing that I've done there is niche down on clients that I think I connect really well with. I spent ten years working in Division one college athletics, and I'm and I'm really kind of inside the mind of, of an athlete. And I've realized over the years that whether you were an athlete in high school at one point in time or you played sports in college, that you are so wrapped up in your sport that provides you structure, it provides you discipline. You're going to the gym, you're working out with your friends, you're working out with your team. What do you do when all that ends? I found over the years that a lot of ex athletes, they lose structure.

Ryan Nosak:
They lose their purpose because they're no longer training with someone, and they start to go down this path of maybe they're they're adding more weight than they should. You know, let's go through five Christmases. If you're doing 3 pounds over the holidays, after five years, that's 15 pounds that you've added on yourself, right? So with my online platform now, what I'm doing is, is helping these ex athletes lose weight and boost their energy by getting back into the gym and developing healthy nutrition habits. One thing that's really important to me is that I believe in living a fulfilling life, so I don't believe in restricting every single food there is to to see success. And my tagline I say that I help people do that while still enjoying pizza and alcohol and living a social life, because those things are important to me. I want to be able to enjoy a slice of pizza or a couple slices of pizza on a Friday night with my wife, and enjoy a glass of wine with her. And if I wasn't able to do those things, I don't think that's considered healthy. You're so much driven to one realm and the physical side versus the mental side as well. So the online training platform, it's amazing because it allows me to deliver a training program that's customized to the individual. After we go through a very thorough consultation, where I find out exactly what that person needs and the time that they can devote to it. That program is delivered via an app that is right on their smartphone. Every exercise is connected to a video, where it's a demonstration that tells them exactly how to do it. They're able to store their training info in that app, so I'm able to check in and help keep them accountable to make sure that they're doing their plan. And then each individual is also giving a nutrition plan that is also customized to their life. And I operate that via training app as well, which allows me to help them stay accountable and keep the progress coming.

Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. So it's a basically a one stop shop for anyone looking to just do something. I love Operation Bathtub. Come on. I have never heard that anywhere before. That is so awesome. And I imagine she is now getting in and out of her bathtub with, uh, ease and joy. Is she there yet?

Ryan Nosak:
She is? Yeah. We had a short timeline. I mean, she only gave me about four months to to get it done. So I, you know, I had to think of, of various things and and we accomplished it.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, that'd be an awesome video to get right there. Of course. Clothed fully get in and out. But yes, you know, and I mean an 80 year old that I love that. And the thing you just said is. So I hope every business person out there watching this really heard this, is that what Ryan does with each of his clients is finds out where they're at and what are they looking to achieve? It isn't. What does Ryan think they are coming in for? He's not trying to mind read and say, oh, you just want to get fit. Come on in. Let's work out. I got some equipment over here. We'll take you through the strength training portion. It's like, no, I just want a cardio, I don't care. Come in here and do the this stuff first. That's not the way it is. And that's how it is in business. It's like if you don't have what the client needs, what they want, then they really. You shouldn't be trying to sell them your wares. You should be probably referring them to somebody you already know who could help them. And then those will come. They come when you know. You'll know when it's right. When that client is looking for something that you provide the answer to, then it's all yours. Jump all over it, but try not to squirt a fit a square peg in a round hole and assume you know what they want. Do what Ryan and his team do and that is, you know, build a in some cases you have to do this depends on your product or service. But build a comprehensive, customized package that caters to their desires, their needs. And in the process you may find that, you know, you said you want and need this, but I really think you may actually want or need something else. Would that be okay with you? You can always do suggestions that way, but I love that you brought that up, Ryan, that, you know, that's a key component of sales and marketing and just doing the right thing. Uh, as another example. Okay. Oh, look at this.

Brian Kelly:
We've got an unsolicited testimonial from Alex Schaefer. I'm a current client with Ryan. He makes it incredibly customized and easy for me. He has a firm understanding of my why, of a busy or as a busy dad of two. Yeah, and having one of his own. He can relate, I'm sure now. And, uh. Yeah, that's. And God bless both of you for, uh, bringing kids up into this world. And hopefully, uh, you know, it's a tough time. It's, it's it's an interesting time to bring kids into this world right now. I know every generation says that. I know that, but it is a it is a, I think, more difficult now than it would have been or than it was for when we brought our kids into this world there. Uh, gosh, 30 and 28 years old now. Oh my goodness, I'm getting old. But you know what? Every year is a victory. We'll take every one of them. So cool. Thank you for all that. Uh, and I love oh, my gosh, operation bathtub man. That's that's a good thing to put on the website right there, I'm telling you. And, uh, if she would be open to putting her picture on there and maybe one leg going in.

Ryan Nosak:

Brian Kelly:
An action shot, uh, just have too many, too many fun ideas. Oh my goodness. So. Oh, wow. Look at the time. Ryan. What happened? We're getting toward the end. So I'm going to find, you know, what I want to do. One of my favorite questions. And I know you'll have a great answer to it. Uh, that I love to ask, because one of the things I found out in business is that marketing itself is the lifeblood of business. So no marketing, no business. What is marketing? It's the art of getting eyeballs. You know, your your product or service in front of the eyeballs of your customer. It's really what it comes down to in a nutshell. And then there's yes, there's sales. That's another skill set all in its own right. It's related, but it's different. So for you, Ryan, what you know, what worked for me, say, 20 years ago would be mass emailing and people would buy on the first the first drop in their inbox. That doesn't happen very often anymore. I mean, hardly ever. You have to email them ten, 15 times before they'll even open an email anymore. And so the point is, what used to work 20 years ago may not work today. And what works today may not work 20 years in the future. But all that matters truly is what is working today. And so I love to ask this question of everyone that comes on the show and ask Ryan for you right now. If you were to pick one of the best marketing strategies that's working for you and your team, is it referral marketing? Is it ads? Is it what is it for you? What? What would that it could be word of mouth. What is the number one marketing strategy for your business as it stands right now? Today?

Ryan Nosak:
Do an absolute great job with the people that you're serving. And actually care about them, because that's going to lead to referrals. And I would say that the majority of my business is probably 90 to 95% built off referrals. I haven't spent a whole lot of money on marketing, very little for that. And social media does play a role. You know, email maybe plays a small role, but I wouldn't be where I am if I didn't actually care about trying to help the people that I'm helping. Um, and getting better at honing in my skills to help them solve the problems that they have. I think a lot of times people want to have the The Flash. They want to be all over social media. They want they only focus on content, but they they forget about being good at the job itself. And that's one thing that I hold true.

Brian Kelly:
Um, so you are very client centric and I love that you care about their results. Uh, honestly, if they don't get the results in your marketing is predominantly dependent upon referrals. Of course, if you don't do a good job, that's going to help make your company suffer and you will have to go to other marketing methods. But I think this is a good message for everyone out there listening. And it's about what you just said. It's and I'm going to assume that means going the extra mile in some cases that they paid for a certain package. And then you said, you know what? I'm going to give them even more than what they paid for and ensure there is no doubt that they're going to get the result they came for. And you're nodding emphatically. See, and I want everyone to notice this, that this is a very common, successful strategy, and that is to spend the time and care about your clientele, to know what their desires are, to know what their struggles are, to help them to solve whatever issue they are currently battling with, and then solve it so well that they will never forget about you. And if anyone ever asks them, hey, do you know of a good fitness Yeah? Stop Ryan! Ryan knows that go to go to Rhino Strength for sure. That's what you want. And then from that point forward, you can add other marketing methods and really ramp it up and scale your business if you so desire. If you can, you know, you'll probably have to hire about ten more trainers to do that quickly, but that's okay. That's a great problem to have, but the core of it and don't lose sight when you grow. Oh my gosh. You know, that's when I hear all the stories of man. They used to take care of their clients. They got big and they don't do that anymore. Uh, to keep that boutique, uh, feeling when you go in and know that, oh, there's my trainer. They're going to take care of me today. They care about me. They know my name. They know we've had talks. They know my kid's name. They know my dog's name. Whatever it happens to be, uh, to put that personal element and not just do it, care, do it authentically. Because I can tell, Ryan, that's the way you are. There's no doubt in my mind. And I know your wife, Danny would agree. Yeah.

Ryan Nosak:
She will.

Brian Kelly:
Uh, that was a great when she chimed in. It's fantastic. Oh my goodness. Um, you talk about your why several times if you were to dig deep. And really, really. And you probably have done this already. If you were just to pick out one thing, if it could be the one thing that is your why, that is the thing that's motivating you to do this, to do something that's very difficult. To be an entrepreneur, to be a successful entrepreneur, to build a team, to lead a team to market, to lead by example, to build a culture, to get better, to keep learning everything you're doing. Why?

Ryan Nosak:
Ultimately, I love it. I saw the change. I lived a completely different life before I discovered this world of fitness. And I think for myself, living that world where I was this, this, this young man who. Lacked confidence. I'll be honest and say that I had thoughts of suicide when I was growing up. After everything that I gone through, and to discover this tool that can completely change your life and realize the impact that it had on myself. I realize now that it's a gift that I have to share with the world, and I realize now that I think one of the main reasons that I'm put on this planet is to be a giver and to give the spirit that I've been blessed to give, and to help other people and help make an impact in their life.

Brian Kelly:
Um. I there's no more powerful reason to do what someone does. I mean, I've got goosebumps under my jacket. You have no idea. That was amazing. Uh, thank you for the, uh, transparency as well. Uh, and again, this isn't why Ryan did that, but everyone listening, it is very important to be as transparent as even to the level of a slight, slight amount of discomfort. Uh, not to be embarrassing to yourself, but when you do that, then you connect with people at a deeper level. Ryan did not do that to be a marketer on this show. He did it to be to be Ryan. He was being authentic. He was being him. And that's it. That's how you need to show up in your business, in your life is authentically and not try to be something that you see on Facebook like you aptly were pointing out to be yourself. Uh, is it okay to self-promote? Sure, absolutely. Uh, someone like Ryan deserves it. You know, he should self-promote himself all over the place. I was, uh, telling him, you know, how he has this great marine look on his on his website, but look at him and listen to him. He's not this rough, gruff guy. He is this caring, wonderful, uh, person that will help you. All you have to do is reach out to him. So people can do this from anywhere in the world with you. Is that correct?

Ryan Nosak:
That's correct.

Brian Kelly:
And so for people to reach out to you, I'm going to put that back on the screen. Uh, his website is Rhino strength.com. And I love how that's a play on your your last name. That's pretty cool. Uh, or your first and last name. So it's Rhino. Rhino. And then. Strength calm, Rhino. Strength calm. That's for you. Those of you that are listening and can't see the screen, Rhino strength.com is where you want to go. And what is the quickest way for them to reach out to you to say, hey, I want to see if we're a fit. Is there someplace on your site that is the best place for them to connect with you?

Ryan Nosak:
You can go underneath the contact section, or you can just send me an email. Uh, if you send me an email, it's just Ryan at Rhino Strength. Com.

Brian Kelly:
There we go. We'll get the correct screen there. There. So contact if you click.

Ryan Nosak:
On the contact that'll just open up basically a messaging page. And you can fill that out right there. And that's just an email that comes directly to me.

Brian Kelly:
And that's it. You can reach him that way and just start the conversation. You can tell, you know, that he's not going to be one of those hard sell artists, like on a used car lot, or the old days where they would bring vacuum cleaners to your door and the mom opens the door and they would literally take a step inside your door and throw a bunch of dirt on your carpet. Then you had to let them in so they would clean it with their vacuum cleaner. It was like, wow, people did this, man. I can't believe it. Uh, could you imagine that today?

Ryan Nosak:
If my. Wife is still listening, she would absolutely lose.

Brian Kelly:
It. Yeah, she'd probably pull out a shotgun.

Ryan Nosak:
She might.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, it wouldn't work too well this day. But that was something that happened back then. It was like, wow, that is. That's crazy. Uh, speaking of crazy, we're almost at the end of our show here. But there is one final question, Ryan. And I hope you don't have it memorized or know what it is from watching previous shows. Uh, it is a very profound question. Not because of the question, but because of what your answer is going to be. Uh, and that's what makes it profound, Danny saying definitely. Yes. He's agreeing. Uh, I love you guys. You guys are awesome. Um, and so I like to end every show with this because I was doing this, uh, I've been this show's been running for over five years. In the beginning, I would now and then ask that that question, it would come up and I was like, wow, that was a pretty interesting answer. And it finally got to the point where I said, you know, I'm going to end every show with it because it's such a fantastic way to end the show because of the profound. Magnitude of the answers. And so right before we do that, though, Ryan, I did promise those who are watching live that they would get the opportunity to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. You don't want to. Not enter. You want to enter this? This is a bona fide vacation. Stay at a resort. You get to choose from many locations all around the world. It is phenomenal. I have a friend who has literally done this twice, and he said it was as if I were a full paying customer. They didn't know any different and I was treated like royalty, just like everyone else was. So this is the point where you're going to write this down. Everyone. And I kind of gave you a sneak peek accidentally there a little earlier on the screen. But for those of you watching live, this is what you want to write down. I'll bring it back up and that is R.I.P dot im forward slash vacation all lowercase report im forward slash vacation.

Brian Kelly:
One individual watching live is going to be the lucky winner. Write that down and then enter to win right? As soon as we sign off, I will have our team monitoring the incoming entries and then a a person will be randomly chosen and I will say this. This is interesting. I'll bring Ryan back on the screen and that is that I also allow the guest that's you, Ryan, to enter as well. And I literally have, I think two, maybe three times the guest has actually won. And so nope, no favoritism being played here. It's a random draw. Uh, but yep, you can. So you'll have time, have, uh, have your wife fill it out if she's watching. Still, you can do that in multitasking and easier, but that is there for you all. Now for that one amazing final question. Wow, look at that. Nobody's leaving. This is fantastic. Um, there's a lot of build up to this, and I know. Right. But here's the thing. There is no such thing. As a wrong answer to this question because it's not a quiz, it's not a test, and it's the question is unique to you, which actually makes the opposite true. And that is the only correct answer. Will be your answer. And that even includes if it takes you a microsecond, or if it takes you several or even many seconds to come up with the answer. Guess what? That is still perfect. Because why? It's your answer. With all that wonderful build up and now massive curiosity. Are you ready, Ryan?

Ryan Nosak:
I am, let's do it.

Brian Kelly:
I knew you would be. All right, here we go. Ryan Nosek. How do you define success?

Ryan Nosak:
I would say success is being proud of the person that I am while I'm on my deathbed. And I think you kind of envision that scenario. It's as hard as it might be, but you look around the room and you see the people that are closest to you. What are the things that they're going to say about you? Beyond my job, my profession, all those things. Was I a good husband? Was I a great dad? Was I a great brother? Um, friend, you know, was I somebody that somebody can pick up the phone and call whenever they, they they needed a friend. Um, I think that's that's really important to me. Is that to leave a legacy that I'm remembered as a person who gave a lot of love and was a giver. I think from the from the professional side of things, knowing that I achieved my full potential. The cards were never in my favor from a young age of of, uh, overcoming adversity and not being blessed with great genetics, never being a great athlete, but becoming a coach and making a difference in over hundreds of peoples of people's lives. Um, that really means a lot to me. And I think that's me fully realizing my potential. And if it was all said and done tomorrow, I think I would be very proud of the life that I created. And those people that are closest to me would say those things about me. And that's how I know that I'm actually living the life that I'm supposed to live.

Brian Kelly:
Mhm. Wow. Did not disappoint. I'll tell you. The amazing thing is, Ryan, there is no two people in all the years I've been doing this have answered that the same way. That is what makes it so profound. That was authentic from the heart. Uh, true. And I'll almost guarantee that when that time comes, uh, you will be proud and you'll be happy of what you've done. It won't be perfect. None of us are perfect. Nobody can hold a candle to the one and only that ever has walked this planet. In my humble opinion, that showed perfection. Uh, but yeah. Oh, we have Jen. Bish merely says I have to drop off for a scout meeting, but great job, Ryan. Talk soon. I guess you know that person to this is awesome from Facebook. And so thank you Ryan. That was beautiful. And I truly wish more people thought deeply like you do. Like you think that is what your core that is what defines you is helping people, being there for people, loving people, being that light that folks can go to, uh, if, if they need help. And I appreciate you for being a great man and obviously a fun loving husband. Uh, you guys are such a hoot. And I can I can imagine you're going to be a phenomenal dad throughout the life of your your new, young son. So congrats on that, by the way. And, uh, and enjoy every moment. You'll hear it so many times. But they do. My God, they grow up fast. It's unbelievable. There'll be times you're going to go through the diaper stage and wish. Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. And then they'll go through the car seat stage. They'll hurry up, hurry up. Let's get old enough to get past that. But once they do pass that second hurdle, it's like lights out. They just. They get there like 20 years old and leaving before you even know it. So enjoy love and anything I can do in the future to help you guys out. If there's anything you think I could possibly do, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Brian Kelly:
That is it for us tonight, everybody, on behalf of the amazing Ryan Nosek, I am your host, Brian Kelly of the Mind Body Business Show. And until next week, we will see you then. But please do two things. Just two things is all we ask. Well, it's all I ask. Ryan can attest to this. He'll say, yeah, he'll agree. One thing is, please go out and crush it. Do anything it takes to crush it in your business. Because when you can scale and succeed at your business, that means you're going to be able to serve and help more people. And number two, above all else, please everybody be blessed. That's it for us. Take care. We'll see you again next time. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at www. The Mind Body Business Show.com. My name is Brian.

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Ryan Nosak

Ryan Nosak has lived a life that is anything but ordinary. He lost his mother to cancer when he was 5 years old. 15 months later, his uncle tragically died in a car accident. Death, loss, and despair plagued his family which led Ryan down a path of medicating with an overconsumption of food and a sedentary lifestyle. He struggled with depression and confidence as he became known as the fat kid in school.

It would all change when he stepped foot into a gym for the first time at 13 years old and caught the so called "iron bug". What transpired led Ryan to pursue a career in fitness. He coached his high school friends through strength training sessions and realized he had a knack for teaching and inspiring others. He transformed himself from the fat kid to being known as the strongest kid in his school. He recognizes strength training as the tool that saved his life. Ryan attended Penn State University for his undergraduate degree in Kinesiology, where he worked as a student coach for the Penn State Nittany Lions football team, as well as numerous other sports. This led him down the path of working as a Division 1 Strength and Conditioning Coach for 9 years with stops along the way at Tennessee State University, Vanderbilt, Robert Morris University, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, DePaul University. He has worked at Power 5 universities, aided in the training of multiple professional athletes, and has been mentored by NFL strength and conditioning coaches. Ryan stepped away from college athletics in 2020 to run RyNo Strength, which is an in-person and online training service. He helps ex-athletes lose weight and boost energy without giving up pizza, alcohol, or their social life. He resides in Chicago with his wife, dog, and daughter.

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