Special Guest Expert - Suzanne Gerber

Special Guest Expert - Suzanne Gerber: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Suzanne Gerber: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back?

Who are dedicated? And driven. How do we finally break through and win?

Brian Kelly:
That is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This. Is the mind body business. Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. We have another phenomenal show lined up for you tonight because. The one, the only, the amazing Suzanne Gerber is in the house. Yes, she is here. She's actually right here. In her own home on with us virtually from just down the road from where I'm sitting right now. We are in the lovely state of Florida. Suzanne is an amazing woman. I cannot wait for you to get to meet her. She is in the green room right now, scratching and clawing at the monitor saying, Brian, let me in. I'm ready. Let's go in just a minute, Suzanne. We'll get to you in just a second. Uh, and in the meantime, the mind body business show, just to set up the table, let you know what this is all about. It is a show that I had created with you in mind. And that is the business person, the entrepreneur. No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, if you're just starting out, maybe you don't even know what business to to start up. Or maybe you're already doing six, seven, eight figures. I found that no matter where you are in the spectrum, that the guests that I have on this show, like Suzanne, bring to the table things that everyone can learn something from and even put into an implement into their business and start seeing results instantly. How do I know that I've been interviewing guests, amazing guests like Suzanne for well over five years now, only successful entrepreneurs from all over the world. And that is what I've learned, is I have learned so much. I cannot tell you from each and every guest, and I personally have put many of their strategies in play for my own business, and I've seen great success. So you're in the right place. You're an amazing place and this cost you what, zero? It's like having a free mastermind with two people that you can listen to every single week. Uh, going to a network seminar and learning without spending a dime, just spending your valuable time with us.

Brian Kelly:
And we appreciate you for coming on. And so what I learned in about ten years of studying, just successful people, I just dedicated and said, what is making these people that are more successful than me? Well, more successful than me? What do they have, some magic potion or a wand? What is it about them that makes them more successful than I am at the time? And what I found in that time were three things. Three common traits kept bubbling to the top, and you probably might have guessed what those three traits are related to. It's the very namesake of this show. So mine stands for mindset. And to a person, these very successful individuals had developed a very positive, a very powerful. And then the third trait, which many people don't even think about, is a very flexible mindset. And then body literally means their body. They have taken care of themselves physically and nutritionally. That's simple. It's the mind and body. The mind and body are a team. More importantly, they are your team. One member of the team is not operating at at peak level performance. Guess what? The team as a whole suffers. So successful people know this, and so they make sure that both of those quote unquote houses are in order. And then business is multi multifaceted. Business is so interesting because one must master various skill sets in order to build a thriving, successful business and then be able to scale it even further. Uh, skill sets like marketing, systematizing, sales team, building, leadership. I mean, there are many. And being astute as all of you are, who are watching and or listening you and you recognize that to master any one skill set can take a long time. Like to become an expert at any one thing. They say it takes an average of 10,000 hours of focused effort, so it's similar to that. The good news is you don't have to master every single one of those skill sets, even the ones I just mentioned, all of them. You don't have to master every single one of them. If you were to focus on just one of them, you can leverage that one into the rest.

Brian Kelly:
Anybody want to know what that is? To save a lot of time for you? Anybody? And yes comments likes, loves those are all welcome. Please bring them on. I won't make you wait for someone to respond because I always reveal the answer. That one skill set that I believe, and I know that you should focus on mastering if you haven't yet, is the skill set of leadership. Even if you don't even currently have a team and you're a solopreneur, there are books written on the topic. I'm not going to go down that path unless we organically do that with, uh, Suzanne here. We're going to see where that goes. You're going to love this because you're going to love her. That's why you're going to love this. And another wonderful trait of highly successful people that I found to be true is that they are also very avid readers of books. And so with that, I want to segue very briefly into a little segment I affectionately call bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready. Steady. Read. Bookmarks brought to you by Reach your Peak Library.com.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. There you see it. Reach your peak. Library.com. One word of advice. And again, this is for you. Not for me, not for Suzanne. Uh, for your own. Um, so you get the most out of this show. And that is while Suzanne comes on. When we're talking. When she's talking specifically, I implore upon you to really keep your focus on everything she is saying. And I say that because there are going to be resources mentioned during the show. There always are, just like you see on the screen. Now, if you're watching, reach your peak Library.com. One of the tendencies we as humans have is to go off and start researching that while the show is going on. Whether you're watching us live, maybe recorded video, maybe you're listening to us on an audio podcast, that's the human tendency. What I would ask of you, for you is that instead of running away and focus, taking your attention away from Suzanne and now focusing on researching is instead simply write the resources down on a piece of paper or a tablet or whatever you have handy, and then visit them after the show is over. And why do I say this? After speaking on stage for years, especially in the very beginning stage, there were times in the very beginning where I would be getting to that really good part. You know, the juicy part. You're you're the presenter, you know where the good stuff's coming. And I would notice someone get up and walk out of the room staring at their phone, or they're crossing their legs because they need to go to the restroom. I thought, no, no, they're going to miss the best part. And so I learned to set the table a set expectations to say, look, the magic happens in the room. I know this isn't a physical room, it's a virtual room. But I know you know what I mean by that. And that means keep your focus on Suzanne. So if you need to use the restroom, now is the time to do that. Especially if you're watching us live and come back quick because she's coming on in just a few minutes.

Brian Kelly:
And then then be sure to have a pen and paper or something to take notes with so that you can then visit these resources later. That's my soapbox moment, but it is there for you to make the most out of this experience with us here tonight together, and reach your peak library. What is that? That is a resource again that I had put together with you in mind. I love helping people. I love helping entrepreneurs specifically, and I myself was not an avid reader until about, oh, 12 years ago or so, at the age of 47 is when I began reading. Yeah, I know I'm pausing on purpose so you can do the math. I know everybody wants to be curious and know that I wear it on my sleeve. I will be 60 this coming August, just in case. The math was difficult for anyone and I wear it on my sleeve. I'm proud of it. I made it that far. This is great. You see a number of books scrolling on the screen if you're watching us live, and what those are are books that I personally read and more importantly, vet meaning I got results from these books. They had a profound impact on me, either in my business life or my personal life, or even both. Often case, it's the latter. And I started having my team look. Here's another book. Throw it on the site. I want these to be there for you so that you can make more efficient use of your time. And the odds of you picking a dud book and reading it are lessened when you can bring it forward from a library, from someone who has achieved success. That way you're optimizing your efficiency. I'm a big fan of efficiency. I'm very analytical. There's another word for that, but I won't say that live on this, on this show. Uh, and, um, I, I really want to help you to get to that point of success faster than it would normally take by just trial and error. So that is your gift from me to you. Uh, if you want to, if you get your button or your books from, say, a physical bookstore, go through this list, find the book you like, go to that bookstore, and then definitely patronize them.

Brian Kelly:
Please do that. This this site is not here to make money. Uh, these, uh, buy here buttons. They go straight to Amazon if you want to get them on Amazon. That's where those will go. Get them wherever you your favorite places to get books. And if you haven't started reading, uh, don't worry, it's never too late. I didn't start till 47. And, uh. My God, what an impact this had on my life. Speaking of impact on lives, who you are in for a treat because the one, the only, Susan Gerber, is coming up. Right now.

It's time for the guest expert. Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big league. Qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there she is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one. The only Suzanne Gerber. Ooh! Yes! Welcome to the show, Suzanne. How are you doing today?

Suzanne Gerber:
I am just overwhelmed by that very enthusiastic intro. Thank you so much, Brian.

Brian Kelly:
You're very welcome. You know, you know how our moms always say you shouldn't point. That's why I do it. Because I'm a rebel. Um, isn't that a common trait of entrepreneurship, would you say?

Suzanne Gerber:
Well, I think there's a couple of different kinds of entrepreneurs. And I think in our modern era, with the digital revolution, I think being a disruptor and being revolutionary is very important. Doing things the same way that they've been done before isn't going to get you anywhere.

Brian Kelly:
That's our show. Ladies and gentlemen, you got the the biggest tip you need, period. That's it. We're done. Thank you for watching.

Suzanne Gerber:
Thank you.

Brian Kelly:
Time to do our bow and, uh, go do high fives and let's go. Let's go meet somewhere in between our two towns. All right, so I'm going to introduce this lovely lady because she deserves to be introduced formally and officially. Would that be okay with you, Suzanne?

Suzanne Gerber:
Please do.

Brian Kelly:
All right. Suzanne Gerber is a classically trained modern astrological counselor with a rich tapestry. I love this language of experience spanning journalism, education and a profound spiritual journey into the mystical realms. Her passion for astrology ignited in her youth, evolving into a dedicated practice after a transformative education and a serendipitous encounter that led her to three years of intensive astrological study. Oh my gosh, you are a writer to the end, I love this. Today, Suzanne combines her deep astrological knowledge with her skills as an educator and writer to empower individuals, helping them navigate life's challenges, discover their purpose, and align with their souls destiny. This is all great stuff, ladies and gentlemen. Through her platform Stars and Stones Healing com, Suzanne offers insights and guidance, providing that the proving sorry that the wisdom of the stars can illuminate the path to personal and professional fulfillment. With that, I give you officially and formally, the one the truly only amazing Suzanne Gerber. Once again, welcome, welcome, welcome officially.

Suzanne Gerber:
Well, it's great to be here. Thank you Brian.

Brian Kelly:
Powerful words in that in that opening. And I love I love wow, you have a great writing style. I just so aligned with it. Serendipitous I mean these these words that are big that I actually understand, that's pretty cool. And the really powerful ones that jumped out as I'm reading is discover uh, and purpose Align. Uh, these are so important. I've learned it's interesting. So a lot of people will listen to what you have to say. And some might go, I don't know what this has to do with growing my business, because this is all just about mind stuff and weird stuff. And I don't know, it's like everything I just read is right down the middle, as we say in baseball strike. Because, uh, everything it has everything to do with business. And we'll you'll find out if you stick with us to the end of this show, I guarantee you, you will learn, uh, something that's going to help you today. I can say that because it happens every show. I learn something every day. And this young lady has already taught me great stuff. She. She did what? What do you call what you did right before the show where you told me about attributes of mine.

Suzanne Gerber:
About yourself.

Brian Kelly:
Is that where you were saying that about being analytical and things like that?

Suzanne Gerber:
I didn't you didn't give me fair warning, so I didn't get to prepare for your your chart reading. I put about an hour into it before I even meet with people. But Brian, you have so much Virgo in your chart. Virgo is about service. Virgo is about helping people and it's not fake helping people. It's what drives you and your moon is in the other sign that's ruled by the same planet, which is wonderful, which means that it's sort of like the outer you and the inner you are very aligned. They're not like what you see is very different from what you get, it really is. But the thing is, and it sounds like you're giving me permission to say this to the audience, but I said, this is so good for business and interviewing people and communication and pulling things out of people. And if there's one little asterisk, it's that you can get caught up in your head. And I said, because there's something else that I saw that's a little technical, the healing path. And I said, so when you start to feel smoke coming out of your ears, you've got to get into your heart. You've got to get into your intuition, stop trying to problem solve your way through something and turn inward. And you know, you could go, well, isn't that true for everybody? Not like it is for you.

Brian Kelly:
And I appreciate you for redoing that. That was fantastic. Um, and what I and I'm glad you did it again. I wasn't actually asking you to do that, but I'm glad you did, because people got to experience exactly how you went about this. And I was listening, going, yep yep yep yep yep yep. That's me. And you know, that's not everybody. So I'm like, wow, there's some truth to this whole you know what people outside makes call hocus pocus. You know that's one thing I've learned over time, Suzanne. I, I was very, uh, traditional and and very straight and narrow down the path. And anything that came outside of what I had learned up to that point was woo woo was mystical, was crazy, was untrue, was not right, was everything. And I've learned over the years to be more open to learning about it before I make a decision over it. And just with you before we even came on the show. I know very little about astrology, I know very little about it. And I thought, well, what a great opportunity to learn. And then you went off and did that. I'm like, huh, okay. I'm listening. This is good, I like it, and you're absolutely right. I get in this analytical whole wave and as I said before, we came on show better at that. I'm always working on things, though, uh, we can always improve. Do you do you believe that's true? That there's always room for improvement for everyone on this planet? Or have some actually reached that point where they just can't improve anymore?

Suzanne Gerber:
So I love this quote from the British poet Robert Browning. It was married to Elizabeth Barrett Browning. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways you might be familiar with these two. And Robert Browning had the most wonderful line. He said that man's reach must exceed its grasp. Or what's a heaven for?

Brian Kelly:
Ooh, I love that.

Suzanne Gerber:
We've got to be able to touch something, but not fully be able to grasp it or embody it or what's the point? So I think we can all improve, and some of us more than others.

Brian Kelly:
Certainly, certainly. I totally agree. And. That's what I am. So I feel so blessed to be in a life where it is like that. Because what if, Suzanne, you got to that point and there was what if there was that point where that's the end? Suzanne, you have reached the point. You can no longer improve or grow or really change in any way because you've reached it. You are at that point, but you still have, say, 20, 30, 40 years to live. How would that feel if you thought you got to that point where you can't grow any further? At that moment?

Suzanne Gerber:
I can't even fathom it exactly. I have always been on a mission to improve. If anything, I think a lot of people and probably a lot of people in your audience, Brian. It's like, slow down, calm down, acknowledge how far you've come. You got another 20, 40, 50 years to to get to that pinnacle, um, and enjoy the ride.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, wow. So this is wisdom beyond. Oh my God, acknowledge how far you've come. That's what I heard out of that. And you know, I'm a former personal trainer. Certified personal trainer. And I would have clients say, okay, just give me ten push ups. I wouldn't be that quick with it. Right? But give them a little heads up on how to do it. All that stuff. And I'd see some they do 4 or 5 and they'd get up and they're just bowing their head down and said, what's going on? They're like, well, you told me to do ten. I only did five. I'm like, okay, and well, I failed. I said, what do you mean you failed? I said, did you try did you put in as many as you possibly could until you absolutely couldn't do anymore? Yeah. Then. Okay? You're kicking yourself in the butt right now. I want you to do something right now. I want you to hold your hand up high, turn your palm backward, reach back behind yourself, and pat yourself on the back instead of kicking yourself in the butt for the reps you didn't do. Pat yourself on the back for the reps you did do, because guess what? You did that. And a week, two weeks, three weeks from now you will be doing ten push ups because you tried. And that's the way you are wired. So that's don't be often kick ourselves in the butt too much. Suzanne. If we're left to our own devices and don't have outside, say, coaching or guidance from someone, maybe in astrology or something like that, like Suzanne Gerber. What? What do you think?

Suzanne Gerber:
Well, of course we not only does that contribute to a failure kind of mindset, but it blocks out the opportunity. And this is the gift of the acknowledging. This is how we reinforce things in our brain. Our brains are computers. We need to keep reinforcing the positive, not the negative. We don't learn that when we're young. We don't even learn that when we're adults. Unless we get some really good coaching, right? We built we do something, we build, we acknowledge it, we reinforce it. That shows us, I can do this and I can. If I can do that, then I could probably get the next goal. So it really is how we're training, you know, your personal trainer, physical, but all good trainers that I know, whatever the discipline is, they know that they're all mind body pursuits, the body and the mind. You can't work with them separately. They're in fact, a lot of medical professionals have come around to calling this the mind body.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. Yeah. It's very common. And and I'm going to take your lead on this scene. You know, we should acknowledge what we've achieved because that's something that also, uh, many of us resist. It's like, well, I don't want to look like a show off or I don't want to I don't want to draw attention to myself. I'm going to do it now because I just released a brand new book, and this literally, I know it doesn't look massive. It's just under 200 pages. It's an easy read, quick read, uh, a deep read, though, and it took me from the point of of inception, conception. Inception, I think, is the right word, uh, over ten years to finish this thing. And it just came out a couple of weeks ago. It's mind body business is the name of the book, uh, so you can go to Mind Body Business book.com and get a copy. They're selling right now for $0.99 for a limited time on Kindle. And would love your reviews for this. Uh, I'm just over the moon, excited and proud finally, to finally finish it. That was one of the other things. Suzanne was like, you know, how many times do we procrastinate? How many times do we put off? That was one of those things for me. I would always build something, build it, build up, build up, build it, get really close to the end and then self-sabotage. What the heck is that all about and what can people do? Have you ever done that? Have you or do you know other people have done that?

Suzanne Gerber:
I'm human, therefore I have done that. But I can tell you what it is in your chart.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, let's do it on the job training, I love it. Well, no.

Suzanne Gerber:
The most important thing to understand is that the charts don't make us do anything. They're like an MRI. The MRI didn't cause our shoulder to do that thing or our knee. It's just a mirror. It's just a way to see behind the curtain. That's what I love about it. In fact, I actually have. I'm moving away from saying I'm an astrologer because everybody's an astrologer these days. But I am a counselor. I am a coach who has a really good cheat sheet. May I have your psychic MRI here? And after 40 years of working with these psychic MRIs, I've really gotten pretty good at understanding human beings and also being humble about what I don't know. I don't know how you experience this chart. I know it it suggests to me, but there's a part of you that gets so excited about all these things you want to do a little ad. Right. It's like, I want to do that and I want to do that. Oh wait wait wait, that and then squirrel. And then all these things you want to do and they're wonderful. And the best part with you is it's all done in service of other people. So how could that ever be bad? We're not saying it's bad. We don't judge. But what we're saying is, is this getting you where you want? Does this support you accomplishing your goals? That's the only criterion to look at. Is this useful. And then we look at strategies to either do more of it or do less of it or change it. And in your case, there is something the planet Saturn, which is the ruler of time and the thing that makes you feel like, oh, I have to do other things and it can hold you back in certain ways. It's in a direct relationship with that Virgo moon of yours. And so for you, if we were working together, we would look at ways for you to get Saturn to be your best coach and support and not be something that makes you feel like, ah, I couldn't do all the push ups. I'll never get this book written, it'll never be a best seller and so on, and just get out of your own way and and accomplish your own dream.

Brian Kelly:
And that, I mean, in a nutshell, not to minimize at all that incredible analysis is that get out of your own way is what it comes down to. And I know I'm not alone in this. I have so many friends and we all go through that. We call it shiny object syndrome. Uh, in a simple form, right where? And me? Oh my God. Being a tech person, a geek, and all the wonderful things that are coming out these days, it is it's trying. It's difficult sometimes to keep those at bay like, oh, that's neat. I if I went down that path, that's a month right there, I know it. So I better, I better keep that one at bay. It's difficult. I you know, how many times have we ever said out loud or wished inwardly, how is there a way to clone myself because I need to do that right now.

Suzanne Gerber:
Well, you have to promise me that when you find that way, you're going to let me know, because that has been my mantra for so long.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And then, you know, I wonder, I wonder if we were able to clone ourselves, would we still self-sabotage? Would we still, you know, because it's us. It's us again, doing the same thing now, just twice as many of them. So I think go that way.

Suzanne Gerber:
It could be twice as much destruction. Or if one of us, let's say the original, is the leader gets to be the chief, then you assign the other you the clone. Different things to do so that you can use all your gifts and strength. But you divide. And I don't know if concre is the word I'm looking for or just win.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. Uh, leadership. So in case it wasn't obvious, that was a phenomenal leadership strategy. And tip right there. Everyone who's listening. By the way, if you're listening on Audio podcast, I invite you to join us live. We come on live every week Thursday at 530 eastern every single week. Sometimes on Tuesdays we have a special edition and you can get on a list to be notified the moment we go live, so you don't have to remember it. And then all you have to do is when you get that email is click the link and you'll be here with us instantly. Live engaging with this and with that Yeah come out, reach out, say hi, tell us where you're coming from. Uh, if you have a question for Suzanne, then bring that up as well. Uh, and also for those of you that stay with us to the end, that are watching live, you must be watching live. You see it right there beneath us. If you stay until the end, you will have the opportunity to enter to win a five night stay. Yep, there's five at a five star luxury resort of your choosing. There are many to choose from worldwide compliments to reach your peak, and I'll be giving away how to enter to win at the end of the show near the end of the show. And you must be watching live so we know when the entries come in, we can figure out who's who's trying to buck the system. We know who you are, but there aren't that many that do that and so can't wait to see who wins that. And please know this is a phenomenal price. This is not this is not this is not where you show up. They whisk you down to the basement, tie you up in a chair, water drip, torture you and try to sell you on a timeshare. No no no no. None of that happens. In fact, the basement probably they probably don't have a basement. They will take you and greet you as if you are a full paying customer. They don't even know the difference. So it's an amazing, amazing gift. I have a friend who's utilized this price twice and reported back incredible, uh, wonderful glowing reports of it. So you definitely wanna stick around for that. And even more valuable than that, Suzanne Gerber herself is giving everyone a unbelievable gift. And you have to stay to the end just to know what that one is. I'm going to tease you even more. I know I love to tease, that's fun. So, um, back to the woman of the hour, Mrs., Miss or Mrs. Suzanne Gerber. I'm sorry, I.

Suzanne Gerber:
Did miss.

Brian Kelly:
Works. Miss. Okay. And you can see there she's owner of Stars and Stones Healing and she's we we kind of have an idea what she does. She is a counselor and a coach. She just happens to use astrology to be her shortcut to basically, I love that term, a psychic MRI. That's pretty cool. It's just a reflection of how things of what the readings are, not what it's going to make you into. And that really calms an individual, doesn't it, Suzanne? Like maybe they're thinking, what is going to happen here? Is it like, are you going to make me bark like a chicken? Like I'm going to be on stage on a hypnosis show or something? Or what's going to happen to me because you're working with me and reading my, my stuff. Uh, but when you said that in me, because I don't know much about this science at all, I had a bit of a calming effect. I'm like, wow, that was interesting response that I had. And so I thought, that's a good thing to bring out, to let people know that, look, she's just reading what the machine gave her back a picture of you, and she knows how to interpret that picture. Is that is that a good way to say it so that people can understand it?

Suzanne Gerber:
And it's all in the interpretation. And that's why I say what's important isn't the astrology per se. It's the astrologer. Are you going to somebody who can listen to you? Are you going to someone who can, um, respect your vision, your values? You don't have to be aligned with religion or philosophy or worldview. It's just somebody who's really there for you. And I work with a lot of people in relationships. I work with a lot of people on a personal development, spiritual development, finding their purpose. That's such a big thing in the last maybe five years, um, people always came for work and love of relationships, of course, and they still do. But now people want to understand their purpose. And this dovetails perfectly for entrepreneurs because they're entrepreneurs. Maybe they go into the family business or they do something because they think, no, no, this is a good niche for now. Or they do it for the shoulds and it doesn't align with their personal why. And so what we do when we look at the chart is we get a sense of what makes sense. I don't try to fit people into pegs. I don't try to get them into to align with my vision for them. We explore it together. And I'm not a business coach per se. I'm not going to teach you how to write your quarterly goals and how to, you know, figure out the right CRM for yourself. And I understand all that stuff. I speak business, but I'm much more interested in who is the entrepreneur. What is it that makes you tick? What is your why? What is it that you want to do? What do you want to be remembered for and then reverse engineer it backward? How do you turn that into a business? How do you make that business successful? If you have issues around team building or getting along with other people, or selling or doing the grunt work of the details and the data analysis, then. Then we figure out strategies so that you don't saddle yourself with things that aren't your strong suits. So it's it's coaching, but it's so much more because it's really about understanding yourself. And to me, understanding is the first step. Then we get into the accepting and then with work we really come into the embracing it and really saying, no, this is me. You might not like it, you may not resonate with it, but. Get out of my way. Because here I am.

Brian Kelly:
Ooh, baby, there's our show, part two. That's it. It's over. Incredible. Everything I mean, I could. I think I've got a cramp in my neck from nodding so hard. That was, uh. You know, that is it. Ladies and gentlemen, she just gave you the recipe for success. If you have not yet found your. Why, if you're not, if you're if there's any part of you wondering if you're in alignment with what you're doing right now, that probably means you're not. And and that's okay. It's a journey. I remember, uh, Suzanne, I went through so many iterations, like you said, I will do the thing that feels right now. And I did that. And that was personal. Uh, certified Personal Trainer was my last gig. I loved it, but at the same time, there was something telling me, uh, maybe not the one. Not the actual thing you want to do. And I had three people at three different, uh, times during one span a month of a span of one month, basically tell me the same thing in different ways. And they said, when you talk about fitness, I don't feel the passion. When you talk about automation, then you get excited. I feel it. And my wife even said at one point she goes, anytime you embark on something brand new, you just go in and you automate the bejeebers out of it. Like, God, she's right and I do. I truly love it. I'm good at it. Just did it for a long time. I'm a software engineer by trade, blah blah blah blah blah and I thought, wow, so now I'm at a point. I went through everything you were talking about. Suzanne and I have that. I feel I've got the understanding I've accepted. That's what it is. And I'm like, like you say, oh, if that's not your bailiwick, I don't care. It's mine. So get out of my way. And not in a mean way, but in a professional way. But yeah. And when you have that, I know this from now reaching that point. Look out, Katy, bar the door.

Brian Kelly:
They're there. The resistance is gone. The hesitation, the reasoning, the excuses. Uh, not finishing things. Look, I finished this after I reached that point, I finished it. It was a big opening. So if you are anywhere where Suzanne just described you, maybe you do have an understanding, but not an accepting. Get in touch with her. And we're going to tell you how to do that here today. Uh, and, and find out how you can get there. I am telling you right now, please do this for yourself, please, because you will save yourself an immense amount of time, aggravation, money, maybe even relationships. It is that important to get this right as soon as humanly possible. Well, Brian, I don't want to change my business. I know it's kind of a weird thing. It might be frightening for me once I found it. Suzanne, I got to tell you, I took I had video, I had lots of videos for workouts. I did live video workouts. I also had recorded workouts. I trashed the entire website, I deleted it. Within two days of making the decision, it was 100% gone. After all these years of building it up and you know how I felt. Liberated. I didn't feel one ounce of oh crap, and that's how I knew it was the right thing. So anyway, I just wanted to share that to help really solidify what you just said. Suzanne, you said it much more succinctly, much better than I did. But I wanted to give an example of what you could experience if you were to reach out to this amazing young woman. There, I said it.

Suzanne Gerber:
I love that you just said Brian. And what I would add to it is, of course, this show is mind body business. But we're not even even people like you and myself, even we don't actually work 16 hours a day. We have lives, we have partners, we have families, we have interests. And part of what I think being a successful entrepreneur gives you, besides the obvious things that most people would probably say or their motivation, freedom, money, opportunities to build their own brand, I mean, these are the obvious, but the things that I think people don't necessarily think of and yet are crucial are when you're doing what you love, you're a happier person. That means you're going to get along better with other people. That means you're not going to get as stressed out. That means your health is going to be better, you're going to sleep better, and you're going to appreciate your free time even more, and you're not going to waste it. So they really they really feed each other. Being a mindful, healthy person makes you a better entrepreneur. Being a better entrepreneur can feed those things too.

Brian Kelly:
It permeates every aspect of your life. Just just every aspect, that's all. It's so true. And that is isn't that really where it all lies with us as humans? It's not the business and the building a successful business. That is our goal. It's the joy of life and happiness that it can be a part of in creating for us in our lives.

Suzanne Gerber:
Yeah. And I think it's it's an easy trap, especially in our country, in Western societies we're very focused on we meet people. I mean, this is such a cliche, but you meet somebody new and what's usually one of the first questions you ask, what do you do? Most people don't mean what are your hobbies? They mean how do you make money? And it makes sense. We all understand that we're not going to not make money, but it's not the only and the and the most overriding thing. And we forget that we lose sight of the fact that we're very full individuals. And pursuing pursuing a business, especially as an entrepreneur, is is just a very joyful journey. I mean, my whole life changed when I stopped thinking of myself as a freelancer. And I started thinking of myself as an entrepreneur. It's not a hobby. It's a business. And it's and it's a very empowering shift because you start to take it more seriously. And I know a question that you often ask guests, um, is and I kind of just lost my my own stream of thought there, but the difference between being an entrepreneur and working for someone else, even if you're in a upper management level position, I think of it as the difference between renting a home and owning a home. When you rent a home, no matter what you put into it improvements and beautifying, it's not yours. You don't have any equity in it. But when it's your business, every single thing that you do comes back to you. It's the ultimate equity. And the other thing is, to me, and I think so many people that have worked in corporate or just companies, um, we sometimes bump up against moral or ethical issues, um, that we sweep under the table. Oh, it's no big deal. It doesn't really reflect back to me, but it does. And if we're not part of the solution, we really are part of the problem when we're running the show, hopefully, I would assume a lot of your audience doesn't do that. We want to be high minded. We want to operate our in our integrity and we will never be asked to compromise.

Brian Kelly:
Um, oh my goodness, this is awesome stuff. I had no idea we were going to be in for such a glorious ride. Suzanne, uh, this is this is so much fun. And another thing about corporate life. And, you know, I love how you said that that, you know, you know, comparing the metaphor with renting versus buying a home. And another thing that held true, because this happened to me personally, is that when you're an entrepreneur, you are controlling either the success or the non success of that. It is your responsibility. You are the owner, you are the leader. I don't care who you hired and if they screwed something up, it's on you. It's your responsibility when the when the rubber meets the road. The thing with uh and that means both success and failure or or non success. When in corporate life you have no control over the failure side of it either. So you could build up that corporation by doing all these great fancy things. And again, like you so astutely said, you have no equity in that. That's the corporation they own that at the same time, they could say, you know what? We're pulling the plug. You're all gone. You're let go immediately happened to me twice. And, uh, so you're not in control, at least as an entrepreneur. You're going to see if it's coming for a while usually. And at least though, the only one that you can point a finger at is yourself. And that's a wonderful thing as well you are at, cause you are the one responsible for your success or your failure that drives you even more. It gives you even more gratification when you do succeed. And so, yeah, and not everybody was, uh, wired to be an entrepreneur. Let's let's be very honest and frank about that, that at least I think that, uh, that there are so few percentage wise in the world. I think there's a reason for that. And God bless everyone who enjoys working, uh, you know, a traditional job and getting the check every, every 2 or 1 week or however often it is, that's that's great. Without you, the world wouldn't go around either. Uh, but entrepreneurs, I think, are cut from a different cloth. Not to say we're better or worse than anyone else. I'm not trying to make judgment, but it's just different for sure. Uh.

Suzanne Gerber:
Yeah, that's such a good point. And that's something else that, um, working with our charts can really help us see, I think a lot of people, especially now, have a, let's just say, a fantasy, a dream of having their own business, but they their need for security, for regular paycheck, for benefits. There's nothing wrong with that. We don't judge because there's nothing to judge. It's just there's just different options for us. So what's important is knowing who you are and what your needs are at any given time of your life, which evolve when we're raising children, say, well, we have a responsibility to them. Hopefully, as good parents, we feel that responsibility. This is why it took me a while to just really just go out there and only be an astrologer. Uh, that's that's not something with, you know, necessarily a lot of job security. Um, you know, if I don't if I'm not working, there's there's no salary coming in. It teaches us we love the freedom. What's the flip side of freedom? Responsibility. You don't just get to do whatever you want. You are responsible for every one of your choices. And I think it's such a great, um, maturing process to realize there's no blame. You don't say. She didn't follow up. He didn't do the thing I said. Like you were saying, Brian, it's all on you as an entrepreneur. But in especially after you've made some mistakes, very important to make mistakes, very important to acknowledge them as the fertilizer for your future success. Not to say I screwed up, but okay, how am I going to learn? How will this help me be smarter better the next time? Um, so to understand whether or not you're actually have that entrepreneurial spirit and that. The courage to go out into the unknown with with no safety net, because there really isn't a safety net is a pretty unique spirit.

Brian Kelly:
Uh, agree. Uh, I've never heard that that was, uh, is that, uh, making mistakes is the fertilizer for your future success. Oh, man, that is such a. I've never heard that before. That is so on point. If you think of fertilizer as being a certain kind of fertilizer.

Suzanne Gerber:
Yes, exactly. You might have heard a different word.

Brian Kelly:
I love that. That's a great because it it it does, it is it's like mistakes. People think, oh, I don't want to make mistakes. None of us do. Human beings don't like to be proven wrong. Ever. Male, female. No matter what your ego level is, it just it's it's born in us. And the cool thing with being an entrepreneur, once you learn it deeply and integrate it is not only is it okay to make mistakes, it's actually, um, looked upon as a good thing to do it as often as you possibly can, especially in the beginning, because, well, not just make them, but learn from them, of course, and learn from them, the faster you will learn what not to do, and that will get you to your success faster. Because I was the ultimate perfectionist. Oh my God, oh my God. I had to have every I dotted and every t crossed before I would take that next step and pick up the phone and call somebody for a sale, like, oh, I had to have everything in place, uh, because I didn't want that mistake to happen. I didn't want that rejection. And then I learned through mentorship, coaching, like like going to someone like Suzanne where, you know, you say you may not be a business coach, but listening to you, oh, my God, you have the acumen. You easily. Yes. You are also a business coach in my eyes. Um, and I think that's another incredible gift and quality you have to bring to the table. Suzanne, for those that may want some coaching that will help them. Here's the thing everybody, no matter what level you need help in, if you go to Suzanne, it will help you in your business. Even if she says she's not a business coach and she's not coaching you per se on business, guess what? She's still coaching you on your business. She's coaching you on your life, which business is a part of. And so this is fun. I'm having so much fun. Suzanne, I hope you're having some kind of fun. I got goosebumps under my jacket. I'm not kidding you. This is good stuff.

Suzanne Gerber:
The perfectionism goes with being such a strong Virgo. Brian, it's it sounds so good. You know, like that classic interview. What's the right question to ask when the interviewer asks you, what's your greatest flaw? I'm a perfectionist. Hell no. That is not a positive trait. It will prevent you from taking action. It will block you. It will make you second guess yourself. You won't take the action. In this day and age, it's really about acting quickly. We all make mistakes. It's how we recover from them and what we learn.

Brian Kelly:
I'm taking notes. So I was telling people they should take notes. So, look, everyone, just so you know, I've got writer's cramp. This is good stuff. I'm the, you know, producer director, and she's the star. I'm the costar. And, uh, doing it all and writing notes because that's that's how you learn is you commit it to paper. Uh, and it's also how you become an effective host, because you can look back in case you forgot what they said earlier. Uh, just being truthful. Um, the other thing with entrepreneurship is, you know, we tend to be, you know, I hear this a lot that entrepreneurs are willing to take risks and people leave it at that. Like it's not just willy nilly risks. They are calculated. They are well thought through, uh, for most of us, because we know there are implications. If it doesn't work, that is time we spent. That is money we spent. And the good part of it is whatever the risk is that we're taking, we're making those mistakes that we're learning from to grow from. So there's always a positive that comes out of it. But I just that risk thing and I know you didn't say anything about that, Suzanne. It just it the thought came to my mind that, you know, that's what sets another attribute that sets entrepreneurs apart is that we're more willing to take those risks, which is true. It's just what does that really mean? Right? I mean, do you have a different way of quantifying that? What risk would be not.

Suzanne Gerber:
Really quantifying, but I have a different way of evaluating it, which, of course is going to come back to astrology, that there are certain personality types that are very courageous and brave, and some actually go so far as to be impulsive and a little foolhardy. And then there's others that are totally risk averse, and they're like, I'm not doing that with my money. Right? And until you start to learn how to leverage money and how to not make it feel like it's coming out of your own pocket, and you've got to reach a certain level of, of success to play in, in bigger markets. Um, but when we're playing small, we will never get to that higher ground. So it is about learning how to work with our own natural, um, risk nature and keeping it. It always comes down to this, no matter what we're talking about, keeping things in balance. We're not going to be imbalanced 24 over seven. We have to get a little out of balance sometimes for forward progress, but then we want to bring it back. We don't always want to be taking risks. There are times that we want to come back, evaluate, see how it worked, assess the success of it, and then either continue it or change course. So it's it's getting out of balance. To come back into balance you have to be in balance to make strong decisions. Mhm.

Brian Kelly:
Where have you been all my life? This has been awesome stuff.

Suzanne Gerber:
Just down the highway.

Brian Kelly:
Just exactly.

Suzanne Gerber:

Brian Kelly:
That's awesome. Uh, so I want to my. I just looked at the clock. This is a perfect indication of how much fun I've been having. I had no idea we were this far into the show. Holy smokes. I wanted to give you a moment to showcase your business in a more focused light. And that is. And you've kind of already skirted across it a little bit. But if you if you're okay with it, maybe encapsulate in in a is it a triad, I don't care three three questions one is or three topics. One is is what is your your your desired target market. Your client your avatar doesn't mean you exclude others, but what is the one you focus on? Uh, and then what are the range of services you provide for these individuals that are your target? And then if you have a success story or two that you could share with us regarding a client of yours that just pops to the front of your mind, uh, we would love to hear that too. And as you do that, I'll bring up your website so people can write it down, not go there. And, uh, listen to all those three questions. And if you forget one of them, just remind me and I'll try to remember myself what they were. If that's cool, I'll bring that up. Go ahead and, uh, take it away.

Suzanne Gerber:
Absolutely. Um. Life and business changes so fast that even just a few years ago, Brian, I would have said my avatar is a woman between about, uh, 39 and 50. And now I would say it has nothing to do with gender, and it has nothing to do with age at all. It has to do with a person who is motivated to learn more about their life, and understands how astrology can be an incredible, uh, auxiliary tool for self understanding and growth. Um, and wants to take action and responsibility for their lives. So that's the avatar I. I've worked with teenagers. I recently worked with a woman who just turned 93. Uh, there is no specific time or age. Um, my teacher taught me many, many years ago that I. You will get clients when the, when certain planets are in certain parts of the sky because it will be, um, stirring things up. And that is still true. So you're always prepared for that. That's a little technical to explain, but no, you get people. I get people of all ages, at all times, at stages of their life. And I just want people who also are ready to listen and engage in dialog around it. Your second question, the third was success story. Your second question was, I might need a reminder.

Brian Kelly:
That's okay. What what kind of services do you provide? What kind of solutions?

Suzanne Gerber:
I do everything from one time readings, which are very in-depth. I spend about an hour on the chart. We spend about an hour and a half together on a zoom call like this. I recorded. I send it to people. They usually do follow ups and that's great. Um, and not everybody has a budget for this or they're not ready. But my preference is to work with people on a more continuing basis. I sell packages, I sell coaching ten sessions at a pop. I do classes and workshops online. I host an annual global summit that gets somewhere between five, six and 10,000 people this year, and it's coming up next week. We've already got people from 99 countries signed up. Uh, so that's something that I love to do. And it's totally free, like this show. And then in the fall, I'm going to be starting a mentorship program. It's probably more suited for people with some astrology knowledge, but I may also be starting a mentorship program for beginners. Um, I do better with people that have some knowledge because if you're brand new, I'd rather teach you than take you in a group program where it may not be fair to the whole group because, you know, there's always going to be people that are a little more ahead and a little more behind. But basically, I will tailor, um, readings and programs to what the individual needs and desires.

Brian Kelly:
I love it and a success story or two.

Suzanne Gerber:
So many, so many. Because there's so many ways to define success. I think of this one woman that I've worked with many times, and if she's listening, hello, you know who you are. Um, she's a brilliant, beautiful, um, recently divorced now. So single mom of boys that are just at the, you know, be able to live on their own. And she didn't think she could go back. She was doing a job that was fulfilling financially, but not in her soul. And we talked and talked about what she might want to do. And she said, you know, I just have this crazy fantasy of. Doing, you know, some kind of service work. And we kicked things around and she found herself, um, a master's of public health program, and she didn't think she had what it took. And we talked about it. I coached her on it. We saw things in the chart. We talked about previous successes. She, you know, I would see her maybe every six months. And after six months she goes, I'm going to apply. I'm going to apply to Johns Hopkins, one of the premier institutions in the US, she says. But I won't get in. Oh, and we and we coached around that. And then six months later, she tells me she was admitted and she's in there and she's just graduated with honors with this beautiful degree and a whole new chapter of her life is beginning. And she didn't think she had it in her. So I'm there not just to, in that kind of naive way, say, you could do it. You could do it because that's meaningless. We looked at how and why and I supported her in doing that. I think of another woman, lovely woman, very bright, hardworking, overworked. And she had some things in her personal life, her childhood that didn't give her a lot of self confidence. And she would date men and they weren't always in the same town, and they were not real relationships. And I could see it. But there's only so much you can say. You meet the person where they are, and I coached her around her value and how she was selling herself short and what she was losing out on by continuing this.

Suzanne Gerber:
And she would. And in the beginning, I thought that maybe she felt I was being harsh on her or something, but she keeps coming back. She's a wonderful human being. And she said, you're the only one who tells me the truth kindly. I mean, with a lot of support. It's not hard to be compassionate for people who are so wonderful. And she's changed it and she completely. And she had a situation very recently, and she goes, and I realized it was going to be more of the same. And I've heard your words and I just didn't pursue it. I wish I could say she's, you know, in a happily ever relationship right now. For all I know, she might be right now, but I know she's going to get there because she has changed who she is, which changes the vibration she puts out into the world. How's that for a little woo woo Brian vibration she puts out into the world? Because that's the only thing we can attract back to ourselves.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah I mean she has now more confidence which is very appealing to every human being on the planet because of you're working with her. And I can't imagine how how much you must take joy in having that part in these lives and improving them, even if they're not at that final goal yet, but obviously well on their way, if not already there. And that's, you know, the most we can do is plant the seeds, but, you know, and then go back and say, are you there and kick them to the next. Not kick them, but gently nudge them and help them, uh, draw them with a, with you to the finish line to what they want the results for. And so for people that are listening, I want to be very sure to call this out. Her, uh, uh, Suzanne's website is Stars and Stones healing.com stars and Stones healing.com. So that's uh and for and uh stars and stones healing.com. And as I mentioned earlier on the show, a little birdie named Suzanne told me that she also has a gift to give to you, as do I, as you know, uh, and that is a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. And we're going to give those away, and then I'm going to close the show. I know we're going to go a little bit over time. I hope everybody's okay with that. Uh, we're going to close out the show with this one profound, deep, amazing question. You don't want to miss it. Oh my goodness. Uh, I'm telling you before we get to that, Suzanne. Ladies first. So you have a gift you'd like to give away. And I want to put it on the screen and let you describe it and let people know where they need to, what they need to do to take action on this wonderful, amazing gift.

Suzanne Gerber:
I, um, I am offering, um, an opportunity to book a complimentary call with me. No obligation, 30 minute call. Go to ask Suzanne. I think Brian has said my name enough that you'll remember it. Suzanne with a Z. Ask suzanne.com. It'll take you right to my calendar. And you can book this complimentary call. And we can talk about where you feel stuck or what your questions or concerns are. Whether astrology or the way I work, I always work with astrology, but it isn't. Sometimes I'll say to people, forget your chart, let's just talk because people get too caught up in the my Jupiter and my Saturn. And how about just, you know, your partnership and your business? Um, so ask suzanne.com and you can book a complimentary call and we can see if and how astrology can support you with your goals.

Brian Kelly:
I love it. And so it is ask suzanne.com and it's s u z a n n e. There's that part of it too that some people can mess up like yours truly. That's why I bring it up. Is it? Ask suzanne.com. Uh, and so this is a complimentary call and it's a 30 minutes in length. And I just want to point out really quickly that please treat this with the utmost in professionalism and respect, because I know Suzanne can and probably does charge a lot of money for her time, and it's well deserved. She spent many years, decades in this field. She read me like a t like to a t. I was gonna say like tea leaves almost. That was weird. Uh, so she read me like a tea, and, uh, it's pretty neat. Uh, and you'll be astounded if you're thinking, nah, this ain't going to work. You're going to go, wow, uh, if you're like, oh, this could work. You're going to go, yep, that's right. That's right down the path. And and then she has all this background of experience. And having dealt with so many clients already, you just heard two great stories about it. You know, you can rest assured Suzanne's got your interest at heart. Listen to her. Look at her. I mean, there's no way that this woman has any any ill will, uh, wanted toward you at all. She wants the opposite. That's why she's an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs love serving others. And I love entrepreneurs like Suzanne. And I appreciate you for coming on the show. We're not done yet. Don't go anywhere. I know they're thinking, oh, we're closing it out. Not quite yet, I haven't forgotten. I have not forgotten that you can win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort at, compliments of Reach Your Peak. And I'm going to bring it up right now talking faster because we're near the end. And so what I'm going to do is bring it up on the screen and just write it down. Enter to win after we close out the show. Because again, you do not want to miss Suzanne's answer to this final heavy hitting yet wonderful, unbelievable question.

Brian Kelly:
And she's like, oh man, the build up already. So here it is. I'll put it up on the screen and write this down. What you want to do to enter to win is go to the following website. Just write this down. It's report I am forward slash vacation all lowercase rip stands for reach your peak dot. I'm forward slash vacation all lowercase. Write that down. Don't go there yet. Don't go there yet. See? We'll even know if you entered to win too soon and you weren't following directions. But you know you'll do what you do. That's all right. So we're going to come back to Suzanne for the final amazing, incredible, powerful question. And the cool thing about this question, Suzanne, is there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It's not a quiz. It's not a test. The exact opposite is the case is that the only correct answer will be yours. And I do want to also preface it and let you know that. If your question if your answer goes beyond a sentence or two, that's actually a good thing. Only if only if it matches and it feels right. Because I am going to be creating a compilation book with all of my past guests answers in that book, and the title of the book will be the Question itself. So it's pretty cool. So a two word answer won't fill up much of a page. Just just saying. So the other thing is, uh, if it takes you a microsecond to have the answer, it comes up immediately. That's perfect. If it takes you many seconds, that's perfect as well. No pressure whatsoever with all that wonderful build up. Suzanne, are you ready?

Suzanne Gerber:
I don't know, yes, of course I am.

Brian Kelly:
Of course you are. All right, here we go. Suzanne Gerber, how do you define. Success.

Suzanne Gerber:
Are. Well, I think how I define success is totally different from what how other people might define success. I think success is very personal. I think success definition of success comes out of what your goals are, what your vision is, what it is that you want. I was trained as a teacher. We learned how to write objectives, write your objectives. What are your goals? Then do everything you can to accomplish them when you reach those goals. And now this is the. This is the most important part. And you feel happy and you feel satisfied and you feel proud, especially if you've helped other people or touched others lives in a positive way. Not because there are people that can reach pinnacles and they and they could other people could say, you're so successful, you're the most successful, this or that. But if they don't feel happy, if they don't feel like something meaningful has happened, then I don't think they're successful. I think it's that feeling of satisfaction and pride in what you've done.

Brian Kelly:
Mhm. You gotta love that don't you. Ladies and gentlemen, that is amazing. And here's a really cool, uh, factoid, if you will, about this. Uh, Suzanne, I've been doing this for quite a while, uh, probably four years or so now, ending every show with that question. I didn't do it from the very beginning. No two people yet have answered it the same exact way. And you're no different. And your definition of success and I love it. Everyone's is different and unique to them. And but and they're all right. Every single one of them is correct because it's your definition. And in that one I resonated with that and everything you said. I started thinking, huh? What makes me happy, satisfied and proud? Well, my most recent success would be finishing the book I Have Mine that matched exactly your description. And I thought, wow, I've never had something where I would think, what would I say would match the the guest description of success. You're the first time that's ever happened to me, so appreciate that. Um, that was in total alignment. I think we were separated at birth. What do you think?

Suzanne Gerber:
Well, my moon is in Virgo, which is where you have so many planets. So there really is this shared, um, need. It's really not just a desire. It's something we don't really have a choice. It's the sacred service. And I think that's what you're talking about. Brian.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. You know, I got to share with you one quick thing is that when I was a boy and I learned I was a Virgo, I was pissed off. Like I'm not a woman. What are you talking about? I'm a guy. And, you know, I was like, mad. Uh, it's okay, I get it. It's a symbol, but it's still. I was like, that was not right. That's not fair.

Suzanne Gerber:
Yeah, it's a misunderstood sign because people think of it as being perfectionistic and critical. But that's only because Virgo sees how things can be. It's such a beautiful vision, and they just they're relentless because they they're not going to settle for second best.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. Yeah. That's so daggone true. All of it. That's awesome. Pretty neat stuff. And I mean awesome stuff. Not just neat, but, um, that was a weird word from the past. Uh, I appreciate you, Suzanne. I appreciate what you do. I, I love that you are serving people, helping them to get past where they are today so that they can, you know, become understanding of where they're at and accept it and then move on from there and just say, uh, get out of my way, because I'm going to go make things happen. And that is a large part due to this amazing woman who is helping amazing people like you. And I hope you all reach out to her. Do not forget ask suzanne.com. Ask Suzanne e.com. I did that from memory. That's pretty good. And don't forget repeat invocation after we sign off, which is going to be right about now. But before we go, I just want to ask of everyone watching and listening. Please do two things. Number one, continue to strive to crush it in your business. Why? Because then you can serve and help more people. And number two, above all else to a person, please everyone be blessed. That is it for us. Take care everyone. We'll see you again next time. Thank you, Suzanne Gerber. So long everybody. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast. At www.The Mind Body Business show. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Suzanne Gerber

Suzanne Gerber is a classically trained modern astrological counselor with a rich tapestry of experience spanning journalism, education, and a profound spiritual journey into the mystical realms. Her passion for astrology ignited in her youth, evolving into a dedicated practice after a transformative education and a serendipitous encounter that led her to three years of intensive astrological study. Today, Suzanne combines her deep astrological knowledge with her skills as an educator and writer to empower individuals, helping them navigate life’s challenges, discover their purpose, and align with their soul’s destiny. Through her platform, starsandstoneshealing.com, Suzanne offers insights and guidance, proving that the wisdom of the stars can illuminate the path to personal and professional fulfillment.

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