Special Guest Expert - Tim Shurr

Special Guest Expert - Tim Shurr: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Tim Shurr: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall? Two steps back who are dedicated. And driven. How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. And this podcast will give you the. My name is Brian Kelly. This. This the mind body. Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. We have another phenomenal episode lined up for you tonight because we have a hypnotist in the in the studio. Oh my gosh, this is going to be great. It's going to look at you and go, no, I'm kidding. It's actually a bonafide science. And it's got a lot of a lot of things that people say about it that are not true, that people are just not aware of. And this is really fun because we're going to be talking to an expert in the field. I also am a hypnotist, and I know for a fact that it's just a science, and that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, and you're going to learn some things tonight. We're not going to really probably go into the teaching of hypnosis itself, rather the effects that it can have and does have on you and your life. And they are very incredibly powerful and positive. And so please do not turn that dial as they used to say, man, that ages me, doesn't it? Don't turn that dial. Don't change that channel and stick with us. You do not want to miss this because the one, the only, the great Tim Scher, is in the green room. He is waiting. He's behind the monitor. He's literally scratching at it, saying, let me and Brian dink, dink, dink, come on, let me in. And yes, I'll let him in in just a moment. But before we do that, the mind body Business show, it is a show that I had developed with you in mind. And what is what do I mean by you? That is entrepreneur, the business person, the person looking to get to that next level in their business, in their life.

Brian Kelly:
And what I have done is I have assembled the best of the best that come on this show. These are successful entrepreneurs that come from all over the world. I've interviewed folks from France, from Switzerland, from, uh, Germany, everywhere, you name it, and also the United States pretty heavily. And tonight we have a gentleman coming by way of around the LA area in California. I am on the opposite side of the coast in Florida, and he's going to be joining me soon to be a neighbor. So I can't wait for that. That's going to be fun to. I love having neighbors and friends nearby. The Mind Body Business show is all about what I call the three pillars of success, and they are the very namesake of this show. So mind really stands for mindset and that is successful people. These are ones that I had studied for over a decade, you know, different, uh, various successful people wondering what the heck made them more successful than, say, me. What did they do differently? Well, they had a strategy. They had a recipe. And these three pillars kept bubbling to the top of all these successful people that I'd been following and studying. And to a person, each of them have a very powerful, very positive and most importantly, which is most often overlooked, a very flexible mindset. And then body literally means that these successful individuals take care of themselves physically through nutrition and through exercise, literally. And it's really simple. The mind and body are a team and more importantly, the mind and body are your team. If either one of those team members are not operating at a peak level of performance, then you as a whole, the team is not going to be operating at its highest level either. And so you want to make sure those are both operating at the highest level. And that's what successful people do. And then business business is very multifaceted in that what these individuals had done to become supremely successful in their business was they had mastered the various skill sets that are necessary to do just that, to build a very thriving, successful business. What kind of skill sets you might be asking?

Brian Kelly:
Very good question. Skill sets like marketing, sales, team building, leadership, systematizing it goes on and on and on. I could go on for quite some time, and you might be thinking, well, geez, Brian, that's a lot to master is can I even do that in my lifetime? Maybe not. The good news is, though, you don't personally have to master every one of those skill sets. In fact, if you master just one and it is one of those very few, I just, uh, rattled off here just a moment ago. If you just master one skill set, you can then use that one to leverage and bring in other individuals who have or are already well on their way to mastering the other skill sets that you may not have mastered yet. And in all honesty, you may never, because of the sheer time it takes to master any one thing. So if anyone wants to know if that one skill set is just raise your hand. Give me a like or love. No, you'd have to actually say something in the comments or I just won't tell you I'm kidding. I'll tell you that one skill set is the skill set of drum roll leadership. And I will tell you this, even if you don't have a team right now, if you're a solopreneur, this still applies to you. That's a whole nother topic for a whole nother day. Start if you haven't already mastering the skill set of leadership and do it right away. If you're doing something else and you haven't yet mastered leadership, switch gears as soon as you possibly can. Then you can leverage and build your business much faster. All right, that is my moment of coaching for you and no charge whatsoever. Pretty cool huh? And another wonderful thing about these very successful people is that to a person, I found that they are also very avid readers of books. And with that, very briefly, I want to segue into a little segment I affectionately call bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready. Steady. Read. Bookmarks brought to you by Reach your Peak Library.com.

Brian Kelly:
There. You see it reach your peak. Library.com. Now, a quick word of advice I yes, I promise Tim Scherr is coming on in just a few minutes. I promise. Real quick as we go through this show, you are going to be given resources like Reach your peak Library.com. You're going to be given resources like a book or like another website, or like another resource that you can go look at online. What I implore upon you to do is rather than go and do that, researching while you're listening, while you're watching is to instead do something you may not have done for quite some time. Maybe you have, and that is, write it down. Take notes, write down, reach your peak library.com go ahead, do that right now. Write it down. And then when the show is over, I mean done. And we've signed off. Then go back to your notes and then go visit those resources and do the research. Why do I make a deal out of this? Because when I spoke from stage years ago, when I was first starting speaking from stage, I would notice as I'm approaching the juicy part, the part I know can be life changing and impacting. There were a few times when I noticed someone in the audience would literally get up out of their chair and walk out, like staring at their phone, because they got that all important text message or phone call, or they literally were crossing their legs because they had to go hit the restroom. And so I've learned as that, uh, as that happened a couple of times, to never let that happen again by letting people know that the magic happens in the room, I would just it would tear me apart if you were to miss that one golden nugget that Tim SR is going to share with you tonight that can change your life forever. So please do yourself a favor. This is not for me. This is for you. And that is take notes and keep your focus on Tim SR, who's coming on in probably, I'm guessing 30s from now if Brian will stop talking so daggone much. All right, so reach your peak library.

Brian Kelly:
Let's shift back to that is a resource, another resource that I developed for you. With you in mind, I don't need this library. It is a library of the books I have already read. That is what it is. And so there are many books in here. I myself was not a voracious reader until about 12 years ago at the age of 47. I know, I gotta give it a moment so you can all do the math so you can figure it out. Yes. At the age of 47, 12 years ago. Repeat it just in case you needed that. Then I began reading and realized, oh my goodness, it has an absolute, incredibly profound effect on my business and my personal life. And what I did was I compiled this list. They are in no order of any kind. You'll find that out of books that I have read that had an impact on me. So not every book I've ever read is in here. I've I've weeded out the the chaff, as they would say. So this is here for you. And look, find the book that jumps off the page that calls you, that says read me next and then go get it. Wherever you get your books. You don't have to buy it on this button off of this website right here. It goes to Amazon. If you like Amazon, then you can get it there. And it's quick and easy. If you get it at Barnes and Noble, you want a physical copy. You want to go sit at their Starbucks, go there. It doesn't matter. The point of this is, is start reading or read more. Find a book on here that you haven't read and not only just read it, then take notes on it. But the most important part, and the most important part of it, is to then take action on what you have learned in that book. All right, that is it. Brian is done with this soapbox moment. I hope that wasn't more than 30s because you know what time it is, don't you? I hope you do. It is time for the amazing, the one and only Tim Shaw to come on to the show.

Brian Kelly:
Here we go, Tim.

It's time for the guest expert. Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big league. Qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there he is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one. It is the only, Tim Scher.

Tim Shurr:
Hey. Hey, Ryan. Thanks for having me. Love the intro. Love. Uh, I love what you had just there right now. I'm super excited to be on with you today. Oh.

Brian Kelly:
Me too. And I love the fact that you are, uh, hypnosis expert. Um, you said something. It's on your your title right there. That you're a celebrity hypnotist. That you are. You are a hypnotist for the stars. To the stars. About the stars. Uh, so this is going to be a lot of fun. And it's going to be also very knowledgeable, knowledge packed, value packed for anyone looking for yet another way to take not only their business, but their lives to the next level. But it really starts with the inner work and the mind. And that's something. Honestly, Tim, I didn't realize until about, gosh, 2012. I think it was. Yeah, about 12, almost 12 years ago. It just smacked me upside the head. And like all these years, I didn't realize had I not done the mind work or had I done the mind work many years prior, I would have been way farther ahead, which is fine that it didn't happen until then. It was meant to be that way, I guess. But I'm glad that you're here, because now we can start dispelling some myths around hypnosis, around mind work, and get people on the right track and get them to that that happiness zone faster than if they were to do it on their own.

Tim Shurr:
Yeah, well, whenever you're wanting to build a business, there's always three aspects. There's your marketing set, your skill set, and your mindset. And most people don't want to work on the mindset. All right. You got that? I already have that. I need the system. I need to get more clients. I need to automate this so I don't have to work 200 hours a week and always have a laptop strapped to my side. Right. And so but what I found was, after surveying, surveying, 5000 therapists, uh, life coaches, wellness experts, uh, the community that I serve now because I'm teaching them how to do what I have been able to do so effectively, which is transform lives very quickly. Um, what they all said was their number one thing that was blocking them from growing their practice was self doubt. I thought it was, you know, I don't know where I should be doing my social media posting. I'm not sure how to get my Facebook ads to work. I'm not sure how to increase my conversion on my landing pages. I thought it was going to be something like that. And it's no self doubt. Which leads to imposter syndrome. Hesitation. Procrastination. You know, not feeling worthy. Uh, keeping my prices low instead of charging what I know I'm really worth being able to shine brightly, right? People are so afraid of putting themselves out there because of fear of rejection, fear of people not liking their videos, all these self-sabotages. And so you're exactly right. You've got to improve your mindset, and I don't care how successful you are. We all have blind spots and you can't find them by yourself. And so it's so important to tune in, listen to these conversations, be a part of the show that you are providing for people so that we can see ourselves in others. Recognize those blind spots and adjust them.

Brian Kelly:
Wow, that's our show, everybody. This has been the great Tim Shaw.

Tim Shurr:
See you next time.

Brian Kelly:
Man. That's a what a way to start. Holy moly. That was like two barrels just going at it I love it. So you said so many great things right there Tim. Oh my gosh. I mean just the power behind the, uh, the statement of serving 5000 people that gives it merit instantly. So there is no doubt that what you found was indeed what you found. 5000 is a lot of people. For anyone out there listening, it may just be a number to you, but that takes time and it takes a lot of diligence and work and effort. So thank you for doing that. Self doubt. That's very interesting. And you said several other things like you're helping people to transform quickly. That is one of the great things about hypnosis is that it's not laying on a couch for days, weeks, months or years telling your problems to somebody. No, it's having Tim methodically, craftily and quickly. Rewire your brain for better, and you're rewiring your own brain. By the way, Tim is just making the the suggestions that help you to get there. Um, and if I say anything that's not on point with how you go about doing anything, Tim, anytime you want, jump in and say, no, Brian. That's not how it's done, buddy.

Tim Shurr:
No, you're right on. You're right on. And what is rewiring the brain? What specifically that means is upgrading faulty beliefs. You know, they say that we all go through what I call big T and little T traumas, right? Little d little t traumas are not being picked to be on the team being humiliated in front of the classroom when you have to give a speech. Right. Um, people hurting your feelings and then big T traumas are more of the abuses, right? The physical abuse, sexual abuse, the the different, the deaths, the illnesses, you know, the accidents, things that are very scary and traumatic. And it's not those experiences per se, that shape us as much as the beliefs that form in our mind about what we think those experiences mean. You can have an experience when you're four years old, and it influences you for the entire rest of your life. I've had clients that were in their 80s who still felt like they weren't good enough. They weren't worthy, and they were never were able to figure it out. And then I do one session with them and it's something when they were five years old, like, I remember this guy, he wasn't 80, but he was in his early 50s and he was pretty successful as an entrepreneur and a businessperson, but he just couldn't take it to the next level. You know, he had he was always felt like what he wanted. He knew what he wanted, but he just couldn't get it. It was just out of reach. So we do a session. He goes back to when he's like six years old and his dad, he says, my old man is working on a car, right. And and I'm sitting there and he asked me for a screwdriver, and I handed him the wrong one because there's a flathead and a Phillips. But he's six years old. He don't know. It was amazing. He knew what a screwdriver was. He hands his dad the wrong one. His dad goes, you moron, this isn't it. You can't ever get anything right. And because it scared him, because it came from an authority figure, his father. And there was a lot of emotion behind it. His brain caused that belief to stick. It became a mental weed, and that mental weed made him feel like no matter what he did, he was never going to be good enough to really pull it off. And it stayed with him all the way until his 50s, when he met me, and we pulled that weed out at the root and replaced it with the flower. Right. With a more empowering belief that I am more than enough, which changed his filter and how he viewed the world, which immediately changed how he thought, how he felt, and how he showed up next.

Brian Kelly:
And this is so on point with actual life experience I've had. So, you know, I want everyone to understand that what what Tim is saying isn't has no element of woo woo or weird stuff at all. This is bonafide science. Uh, I went through a process through NLP. It was called timeline therapy or Gestalt, and that's where I learned about an early incident when I was three. And and it was something you would never think was anything. It was. My mom came and whacked this plastic toy. I was sitting on the plane with this. It was called the PlayStation. Tim. It's not the electronic one though, because I'm old. It was not that. It was that one with the the little clown's nose and the dials and the bells and it just it was a station that was plastic. My mom came by and hit it with something and I don't even know what. But man, it shocked the living bejeebers out of me. And from that day forward, everything I overreacted to from one incident and it made me realize, man, life's too short. It's not that big a deal. Relax. Get over it. And that was a huge defining moment. It doesn't seem here, Tim. Is it is it true that when you take people through these, that typically the experiences they go through when they're in a session with you, they don't seem all that logical to you? Does that ever come out? Like, uh. I didn't expect that or. Wow, how did that.

Tim Shurr:
Oh, yeah. Yes. Yeah. A lot of people think that it may be as one thing and it wasn't, you know, they go to something else, right? They thought, oh, I never would have thought it would have been that. So. Yeah. People say that a lot. Um, but a lot of times people say, what should I do to prepare? Because I tend to work with a lot of high achievers. You know what? What do I need to do to prepare? And I'm like, you can't prepare for this. You know, your mind's going to take us wherever we need to go. Which is the beauty of this, because in my original training, I was trained to be a psychotherapist, I think more psycho than therapist. And you would sit down with someone for like 15, 20 years and they would just kind of free associate and tell you what's coming up for that day, and you never really get any better. And so with this process, we're able to go directly to the source instead of 20 years. We can get it done in 20 minutes. We go right to that, that belief. So you had that belief when mom whacked that toy, your brain caused this, um, belief to appear that I'm not safe and something bad could happen at any moment. And so the overreaction is an attempt to make yourself feel safe. It's an attempt for your body. It fires off the fight or flight response as a way to try to prepare you, not scare you. But we take it as fear, you know, there's something that's going to be happening and then I won't be prepared for it, or I don't even know what's going to happen. Because when that happened, it was a shock. I mean, that's what a lot of post-traumatic stress is. It's such a shock to the system. And then your brain scrambles. It's like, what does this mean? And then it usually comes up with ideas that disempower us because your brain's not trying to empower you. It's designed for survival. Right. And so we have to go in there and, and pull those mental weeds and plant the new beliefs instead, beliefs that you get to choose as an adult. And those are the beliefs that you want to live by moving forward.

Brian Kelly:
Uh, this is I love this. I love this so much because that's what, um, we went through with NLP, with hypnosis. It was redesigning what we had decided before, making it something more profound and impactful for us. And and the cool thing is, all of this works and it's almost, almost literally mind blowing because when you go through it and it works for the first time and you're like, how could that happen so fast? I've had this for years, decades, and suddenly I don't have it. But the thing is, yes, I'm sure happy I don't have it anymore. Yeah.

Tim Shurr:
And that's what people say a lot with like, uh, addictions, you know? So if I help someone stop smoking and they've been hardcore two packs a day for 50 years, and we do a session or two, and they don't smoke anymore, and they don't even want to. And they're like, how is that even possible? Right? Or someone with sugar addiction or somebody with opioids or someone that's been drinking. I've had a couple of people that I got off alcohol, no AA meetings, you know, no medication, no hospital stays. They just stopped drinking because we upgraded their identity. Right. And upgraded those unconscious beliefs in just a couple of sessions. And they stopped drinking and they had drank their whole life. Right. And they're like, I don't even know how this is possible. And then they say, how come nobody knows this? And I'm like, well, we're working on it. That's why you and I are here today sharing this, you know, with everybody that we can get to to let them know that there are better ways.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And thank you for actually saying that. That's a reminder to me to let people know who are watching us live. And there are quite a few. Thank you for coming on live and spending your Tuesday evening with us. This is a special edition, by the way. We normally do this on Thursdays, but we brought Tim to the front baby and so please share this show. And we are on 35 different podcast platforms by the name of the Mind Body Business Show. We are on all the major video outlets Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter x, uh, Twitch Yeah.

Tim Shurr:
Um, very impressive.

Brian Kelly:
And we're everywhere for the purpose of helping to shed the light on people like Tim Scher, to help more people get the help. They want to change their life for the better. This is the one thing I love about entrepreneurs. Tim. I've been doing this show for over five years, and I've met a lot of I mean, I can't remember one I didn't like. And one thing I know that is common amongst every one of us who are entrepreneurs. One thing that is common is that to a person, an entrepreneur does what they do to serve and help other people and in the process get paid to do so. It's not I'm doing it so I can get paid in the beginning. Maybe because we all have a scarcity mindset when we're first starting out, those that are established that have been doing it for a while, they know what really motivates them. It's never money, never money. It's about helping people and the joy that one gets from being able to have one tiny piece of helping that individual in their life.

Tim Shurr:
That, I mean, at the end of the day, that's what lights you up. You know, money is definitely important. It's essential. Right? However, most of us get into it because we don't want anybody telling us what to do, right. We want to be our own boss. We want to. See how far we can go. In fact, sometimes it's because so many people told us that we couldn't do things, that we end up with a chip on our shoulder and we're like, oh yeah, watch me, you know, I'll show you. And and but you're right. It has to be, uh, you know, something that's bigger than yourself. It has to be something that is about, um, you know, how other people light up because you know the value you're you're providing. You know, the more value you bring, the more valuable you become. And so if you can find a way. Les Brown told me one time he said his secret was that, uh, you know, you figure out what your gifts are, and then you share those gifts with others, and then you find a way to get paid a lot of money to do it. Yes. And I'm like. And I preach on les. That's right.

Brian Kelly:
I love les. He was on this show and here's his book.

Tim Shurr:
Hey, there he is. Yeah, yeah, this is a great friend.

Brian Kelly:
He is an awesome guy, too. And the interesting thing is, uh, I met him in a in a lobby in a hotel, like, 13, 14 years ago, you know, as one of those raving fans that was saying, oh, I want to talk to him. I want to talk to him and say hi to him. And he was gracious and sweet and kind. And then I interviewed him on the show. But before that happened, I got to hear him talk to a very close friend of his on a phone call. Without him, les knowing there was anybody else listening. And the thing that really impressed me was, les is no different in a person to person atmosphere than he is in the public. When two guys get together. Tim, we've all we've both been through junior high. Come on, you know, some high jinks, go on some different kind of language goes on different everything. Yeah. With less. That was not the case. He was just the sweetest, kindest, normal guy that that you would see on the stage. I mean, just very impressive. So these are the types of people I love to hang out with and, you know, do interviews with. Um, yeah, he's an amazing guy I love and he's 74, 75 and he's starting a whole new speaking business or not business. He's already been doing that. But training people how to become speakers get gigs. So I love the guy.

Tim Shurr:
Power voice. Yeah, it's power voice. Yeah, yeah. And so you're right. You know, I think the authenticity part is what really draws people in, especially now, because with so much with the internet and with, um, uh, social media and now with AI, there is so much mistrust, so much skepticism. People just don't trust one another. And that creates, uh, fear and it creates anger and that leads to violence. And so there's all so many problems that are just manifesting in our world. And so I remember I had a coach tell me one time he says, when you're out there, uh, don't put on a show. You know, when you put on a show, it's for you. You know, you're you're worrying about your performance and what you're going to get out of it. Instead, just be yourself and make it about the audience. Be you. Be, uh, others focused. Not not me focused. Right? Be others focused. And just go out there and try to touch somebody's heart in the audience and make it all about them. And it doesn't matter if you get anything out of it. And when I started doing that, it changed my game and it changed my life, right? Because all of a sudden, so much of that fear and worry about did I do a good job and chasing that applause and all that, it wasn't necessary anymore. And people love my message even more, even though at first I'm like, if I'm not bouncing around like Tony Robbins, people aren't going to like me, right? And, uh, but people liked me more because of so much. I was loving on them, and I was just really being focused on them. And then as a speaker afterwards, I would hang out in the lobby. I wouldn't retreat, you know, and go immediately to the airport or the hotel room because I just wanted to be around the people. Right. And, and so people love that as well. And it really, you know, helped my speaking career, uh, in addition to everything else.

Brian Kelly:
Wow. So many great memories as a result of this. So perfect and on point fear. Uh, and I would be just about to go up on stage. I used to get. I used to be a trainer for a mentor of mine. I ultimately became his lead trainer. For two years. It was NLP based seminars for two days straight. And I remember getting ready to get up. And they always remind you, if you are starting to get nervous or you're starting to feel that that fear of acceptance, make it about the audience and just think about how much you are going to be giving them the value, because we already knew what we were going to talk about. We've already seen the results. And when you change your focus, your lens comes from looking at you to turn it around and looking at them and saying, this is for them and about them. You're so absolutely correct, Tim, uh, that it just changed everything. And now you're natural and your true self gets to flow because your true self truly wants the best for everyone. They're not for yourself only. And that's, um, beautiful focusing on them. And oh my gosh, you said you've you've said one word multiple times tonight. Uh, that is a very common and very powerful and charged word. And it's the F word. Fear. No, I had to say it quick or else have fear. And, uh, you know, that's one of the biggest, most common, major emotions that we all as humans need to address to get out of our own way because it causes resistance, hesitation. All the things you talked about already, all stem from different levels or layers of fear. And that is one great area because it's so powerful. Once you are able to get somebody past that event, like you were talking about, where the one gentleman was six years old and dad said, you know, you're a moron. You can't get anything right. Um, you know, that can be his first moment of fear because it's his dad. My God, you know that that's going to crush you as a six year old. And so it's that powerful. Uh, and then do you deal with other major negative emotions that come up and address them, or do you just kind of see what's up with the person and kind of do it custom to each person? How does it work for you?

Tim Shurr:
So I created this one belief away method because I facilitated 16,000 individuals hypnosis sessions over my 29 year career. And, uh, and so that's a lot of sessions, a lot of practice. And that doesn't even include the hundreds of groups that I've facilitated. And so I kept taking different bits and pieces of different, uh, strategies, therapies, everything I learned from seven years of school for, you know, graduate school in psychology and all the alternative therapies and everything else that was out there, just trying to figure out what works, what doesn't. And so I created these experiences, uh, that help you to upgrade your beliefs because you're just one belief away from having a huge breakthrough. Right? Going from I'm not good enough to I'm more than enough. I'm not safe to I'm totally safe. Right? These little shifts completely change how you experience the world. And so, um, when you take people through these experiences, it helps them to upgrade the beliefs and then upgrade the emotional responses as well. Right? Because a lot of times when people think about the, um, hurtful experiences, the traumas of their past, it brings up anger, rage, guilt, shame, resentment, uh, self-pity. You know, there's a lot of emotions that come up. And I find, though, that when you upgrade the beliefs and then you take them through what I call the releasing, which is just a gentle way of freeing people from those toxic emotions, using forgiveness and just changing the way that people look at, uh, at how they hold grudges. Right? Because Buddha once said that to hold a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die. You know, it doesn't work. It only paralyzes us. And the great, uh, Wayne Dyer, the late Wayne Dyer, used to say that when you get bit by a poisonous rattlesnake, it's not the bite that kills you. It hurts. But it's not the bite that hurts you. It's the venom that's left inside. And we got to get the venom out. And what most people do is they protect the poison that's in them by staying resentful and angry, always having their guards up, always having to fight, you know, or always fleeing and being the one who's the victim and constantly in a state of chaos. And so our job as mature adults is to learn how to get the venom out, how to free ourselves, how to be accountable, take responsibility, which means the ability to respond in a way that allows you to move through uncomfortable situations in a safe, secure manner.

Brian Kelly:
Fantastic and it does. Most of your work affect or impact? I should say, is a better word the conscious part of your customers brains or your clients brains, or their unconscious or subconscious brains. When you're doing this work, which one of those are are is being targeted the most in your opinion?

Tim Shurr:
Well, both. But the unconscious mind is being targeted most because that's the realm of your emotions. And we think we're logical beings, but we're emotional beings, and we're running our decision making processes unconsciously based on the beliefs, the programing that's in here. Right. So we got an awesome computer, but the programs are what run right. And we've got some programs inside of us that a lot of us don't know are there, you know, or maybe the programs are fine, but we've got some mental viruses some mind viruses. Right. And those mind viruses are not allowing you to function in the way that you could. So if my laptop gets a virus, no matter how powerful it is, it won't work until we get rid of the virus. Right. And so we have a lot of mind viruses inside of us. And the main one being I'm not good enough. That creates all the other ones. Right. And so I focus on the unconscious mind. Most people and most therapy, even most hypnosis, focuses on conscious thoughts by giving you affirmations and and repetition of affirmations. But if you don't get the beliefs that are driving those negative thoughts, then you won't believe yourself when you say, I'm amazing and I'm a millionaire. And then you swallow because your mind's going, no you're not, no you're not. Who do you think you are? You're full of crap. You're a fraud that's never going to work out for you. Right? And that is the core belief. And that's why I focus the most on the unconscious mind and ridding people of those mind viruses.

Brian Kelly:
So why don't people just access their unconscious mind themselves and take care of this? We all want to be fixed because.

Tim Shurr:
Nobody knows how. Nobody's taught how to do this. The only people that really are ever taught how to do this are hypnotist or hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapist specifically. There's a lot of street hypnotists that don't know how to do this. They're just getting people to run around and be goofy. And that's what the TV and Hollywood movies love to show, right? But hypnotherapists really are the ones that are studying the unconscious mind and how to access those core beliefs and how to upgrade them rapidly, which is why I've spent 30 years in, you know, using hypnotherapy, uh, because it is produced the best results. And of course, I bring the neuro linguistic programing elements into it as well, because it's a study of excellence. It's a study of what works. It's a study of how we create our subjective reality. Right. And so, you know, hypnosis is the kind of the state of mind you get into. The NLP techniques are some of the tools that you use to reprogram the mind when you're in there, by upgrading the beliefs and then changing your responses. Right. Um, so that instead of reacting this way, we can train ourself to respond this way instead. And so upgrading our habits and our beliefs is what produces sustainable change that lasts through time.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And I, you know, because we none of us know how to tap into our own brains very effectively. You know, I liken you to be the person you know, their brains IT department because you like the Geek.

Tim Shurr:
Squad for the brain. That's how I always said. Oh, right.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Because you're in there. But Geek Squad, I don't even know if they can code, though, to be honest. They might be able to get rid of viruses, but. I used to be a. Software engineer. There's no way. But anyway, I'm just having fun. Yeah, no, I get you and alter the code and. Yet run more efficiently with. And it'll it'll automatically extract the weeds and plant some flowers and then viruses it'll there's the weeds. Right. It's going to get rid of the weeds and yeah it's, it's a, it's a skill to be able to do what you do. Uh how many you say you did. One on one, 16,000.

Tim Shurr:
16,000. Yeah. Yeah. I literally got out my calendar one day, you know, my calendars from years. Because I was curious. Because I know I'd done thousands of them. You know, there were times we were seeing 60 clients a week, you know, and I've been I've been doing this for, you know, my entire adult life. So it's not like I did all that in a year. Um, it took me 30 years, but still, I mean, that's. You know that's a lot. So and this is teachable. This is a teachable skill. You can learn how to do this.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah yeah I actually learned I was telling you off camera that I have three hypnosis CDs that I authored myself. And I went through this and oh, nowhere. Not even, uh, uh, can't even touch 16,000. And so I'm in awe of what you have accomplished. And I'm really very, very happy to say, guys and gals, if you, uh, you got you have to reach out to Tim Scher. Uh, well, before I tell them they should do that. You know what? I never even introduced you, uh, properly. I got so excited to have you on. Uh, you have a very quick intro so people can get an idea of who you are and where you're from. Would that be all right if I just did that real quick? It's your show, Tim. Sure, Ma. Which stands for.

Tim Shurr:
Master of Arts. Yeah, that's my psychology degrees. Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
Just to point. That out, it's not Massachusetts, which I thought it was, because I'm not that knowledgeable. Is founder of the revolutionary here it is one belief away hypnosis method that's used to rapidly free people from childhood trauma so they can grow their business faster. Now we're kind of putting this all together. You can see where this is going. All of you that are watching and listening. Tim has achieved every bucket list goal a personal development coach dreams of, and now he's helping students around the world to do the same. You are on a mission right now and it's a freaking strong and empowering mission. Would you mind sharing a little bit about what you are doing now?

Tim Shurr:
Yeah, so I am training therapists, life coaches, wellness experts, healing entrepreneurs to, uh, learn the one belief away method so that we can build an army of healers and effectively eliminate needless emotional suffering for those who are ready. We have a pandemic, an epidemic of anxiety and insecurity. I mean, anxiety was high before the pandemic. Now it's off the charts. It's become a part of our language. And you got I'm getting calls from moms who saying that my six year old has anxiety and can't go to first grade, right. And so it's just kind of embedded in our culture. And so this is a way of freeing ourselves from those deep fears of not being enough and not being safe and, and, uh, learning how to use the power of our mind to create our life by design and learn how to feel so confident inside that it doesn't matter what shows up. What matters is how you show up. And ultimately, because there is no failure, there's only feedback. Your biggest breakthroughs are hiding in the places you don't want to go. And the more if you want to break through right now, look at the places that you're resisting going and go there on purpose. And when you do that, you discover that one. It wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be. And two, it rapidly improves your quality of life because you're, you know, finding the beliefs that were holding you back and you upgrade them. And and that's what it's all about. And so traditional therapy is so lukewarm, you know, it's like basic math. And we're teaching calculus, right? We're like the special forces of transformation. Yeah. And uh, so if anybody's interested in being one of the best healers and trainers in the world, then reach out and we can tell you about our one belief away, uh, certification programs.

Brian Kelly:
So you've come up with this one belief away a strategy and approach. Why not just keep it to yourself? Why share this and teach others?

Tim Shurr:
Well, I did for a long time. I kept it myself. It was my unique mechanism. It was my unique selling proposition. Right. And and so, uh. But I'm not in I mean, I have my practice, but I'm not running my practice anymore. I'm not really doing a lot of individual sessions. I will here and there, you know, for, uh, top talent or people that really need the help and nothing else has worked. Uh, I will step in, but, um, uh, you know, I want to have a lasting impact on the world. This is, uh, the legacy that I'm creating, right? And I don't want this to die with me if I. If I died today for some reason, I don't want to take this with me is again, Wayne Dyer said, uh, you know, don't leave this planet with your music still in you. And so my goal now is to teach as many other people to be better than I am. You know, my my hope is that my students are all way better than me. And, uh, and so that this will continue to go on and then somebody will take what I've done. And, uh, because I haven't invented anything, I've taken the genius and the wisdom and the hard work from so many incredible, talented people. And then I just put my own spin on it with my own combination from testing and trying every kind of process there was, because I had very skeptical academic attitude. I was like, prove it. I want to prove it, that it will work. Right? I mean, and so now that's what I do, and I can practically guarantee you results. And so, uh, uh, so I want to teach other people how to do that. Plus practitioners are not salespeople and so they tend to struggle in financially with business. It's always feast or famine. You know, that's not they're not taught how to run a business. I wasn't either. And so most practitioners are struggling, especially Hypnotherapists 80% of them are hobbyists. And they're so talented they can do so much good work. But if you don't know how to get clients, it doesn't matter how good you are. And so. So I'm teaching people how to massively improve their skill set. But on the other side, I'm teaching them how to master and improve their, uh, their marketing and their sales skills so that you can turn your practice into a lucrative success story.

Brian Kelly:
Oh my gosh. And you know, if anybody has any doubts, uh, on whether or not you can show somebody else how to grow their business. 60 clients per week. Uh, and I'm guessing many of these hobbyists would be happy to have six, uh, per week just to say that they've got a thriving business going. Oh, doctor Joe, Vitaliano and John Assaraf. Look at this. Look at this. Who's who scrolling up the screen. I hope, uh, you're watching this, by the way, live on the mind body business. Show.com doctor John DeMartini. I mean, my goodness, it's. Oh, and there's my guy. There he is, Les Brown. Oh, yes, I love it. There's Bob Proctor. So I mean, like you said, you're a hypno hypnotist of the celebrities and stuff. So do you have any, like, fun moments that are, uh, shareable? I mean, nothing that's private, uh, that, you know, any kind of run in or fun thing you did with a celebrity while they were going through hypnosis? Is anything like that even allowed to be said or talked about?

Tim Shurr:
Well, yeah, I can't I'm not allowed to drop names. And one of the reasons people come to me is because of confidentiality. And they know that I keep my mouth shut. So, um, which is very important because there's so much mistrust, you know, which of course creates a lot of anxiety, a lot of super talented people, uh, have achiever syndrome, that's what I call it. So on the one hand, they're massively talented. On the other hand, they are a total train wreck in some ways because of the anxiety of the challenges that they have. That's why you see in the news so many times people getting caught up in drugs, alcohol, they're trying to change how they're feeling, they're trying to handle it all. And then we lose a lot of people that were amazing talents in the world. And so, uh, but I do have. So just remember that, you know, celebrities are just people and we all have our own superpowers. And they got really lucky with being able to share theirs on a on the main screen. But they just got the same problems as us, right? And so sometimes worse problems because there's no privacy, uh, you know, which makes it very difficult. So, um, yeah. Uh, but I got a couple of stories that I can share. I share these stories a lot because they're just so profound. Uh, so there was one client that came to me, and she was tipping 300 pounds. Right. Um, we have been taught to go to food to. When we're happy, when we're sad, when we're bored, when we're mad, we just eat, eat, eat, right. We eat for everything. And so she was near 300 pounds and she said, can you just make me a happy fat person? Because I'm tired of being miserable. I can't lose weight, but I just want to, you know, get rid of this, you know, this self-loathing. And then she started crying. And I knew that's not what she wanted. Right? And so, uh, nine months later, she was down 154 pounds. She lost half her body. Wow. You wouldn't even recognize her. Yeah. Now, that's really fast.

Tim Shurr:
So typical results. Not typical. Not like that. Right. But it's not because I hypnotized her and told her to eat salad. It's. She could have wrote her own book on dieting. Besides, I tell people, don't go on a diet. You shouldn't do anything where the first three letters fell die. So, um, what we did was we upgraded her belief. She had this, uh, early childhood experience with her father. She had a sister, and the father favored her sister and not her. So she grew up always feeling like she wasn't good enough. She wasn't worthy of of being loved. And so why take care of herself? So any time she would try to lose weight, which is self care, she would sabotage it because she wasn't worthy of it. You know, she had to fit the programing that was in her brain. If you want to know how your programs your brain is programed, look at your life. You know every area of your life and that'll tell you how your brain is programed. And so, uh, so we upgraded her programing and created self love and then made taking care of herself. It felt like a love deposit in her health and wellness, uh, bank account. You know, we created wealth in her health. And, uh, and that was like, eight years ago. She still kept the weight off and happier than ever. In fact, she just texted me during when we had the solar eclipse. So. Or Joe. Right. So Joe came to me and he was struggling in sales and, uh, he worked in a company and he could barely sell six figures. And, uh, was really having a difficult time in his industry. And it turned out that his dad had a lot of anger problems and had trouble with, with alcohol. And so he was deathly afraid to turn out like his dad. Uh, that was very scary for him. And so he went the opposite and was afraid to ask for the sale and was a pushover and and just kind of spineless, really. And he hated himself for it. So we changed that around, made him feel worthy, made him feel strong, and started calling him the million dollar sales guy.

Tim Shurr:
Right. And started teaching him some new ways of connecting with people. And three years later, uh, actually, he emailed me. So three years later, he was $1 million sales guy. Right. And then, uh, and then we started calling him the multi million dollar sales guy. And he said, over the last six years of us working together, he sold $44 million in products and services. He became the number one guy in his national sales organization. They had to change the. Emission structure because of him. And so so those are two, you know, with your body which you were talking about, and then with your mind and your wealth, which is what, you know, this show is all about taking care of both parts of you. And and so those are two very exciting examples. And these are just everyday people who went out there and made their dreams come true by upgrading their beliefs.

Brian Kelly:
Uh, absolutely. Love it all. So if I know by now there are people that are curious, how do I reach out to Tim? Sure. How do I get connected with you? Uh, maybe they want to be, uh. They want to help other people by doing what you've done with your one belief away strategy. Maybe they want to beg you to be another one on one client for just a few more times. Man, please. What would be the best way? Is it the website we have on the screen? Is is that the best way for them to start the conversation?

Tim Shurr:
Yeah, you. Can reach out to me. I try to be very accessible. Right. So you can go to Indie hypnosis.com and reach out or tymshare.com, or you can find me on all the social media sites or my email is [email protected]. Aaron always cringes. She's my assistant. She's like, why do you keep giving your personal email? But yeah, but uh, you know, I, I'm not I haven't drank my own Kool-Aid. You know, I'm just still a guy trying to help people, you know, to live their best lives now. And, uh, and so, uh, I want to help you. And if, uh, if I'm not accessible for whatever reason, then I've built my army of of people, and I can get you connected with one of our amazing one belief away hypnotists. Uh, who will help? So reach out any way you can. We'd love to hear from you.

Brian Kelly:
Great. And so, for those of you listening on audio podcast only the website is Indie hypnosis.com. It's spelled I n d h y p n o s I s.com. And then you can, uh. He's got his phone number there. He just gave you his email address. Uh, yeah. That kind of shocked me too. That's, uh, that's dangerous, man. When you're going to be seen by. It's all right. It's great. That tells you the kind of heart that Tim has. This tells you the degree in which he wants to help more people. And now he's scaling. He wants to help more people by spreading his knowledge, amongst others, his successful strategy of one belief away, that method that he wants to get in the hands of other people who are like him, that are very talented, that want to get results in people's lives. Uh, you know, I'm not saying people are on deathbed, but what Tim does is literally saves lives because he is saving lifestyles. He is saving quality of life. Uh, I know this to be true because mine was saved when I went through all of the NLP and hypnosis training myself. Uh, that part was the best part. Tim. Because of going through both sides, being both the practitioner and the client over and over and over, it's like, all right, we're going to do another hypnosis. Yes. I couldn't wait, especially as the. Uh, client side, because you had to get in the state. And I was like, oh, it's nap time.

Tim Shurr:
Yeah, yeah, all. Of our clients, that's the first thing we do, uh, is, uh, our especially our students, you know, the first thing we do is we start upgrading the beliefs right before we start teaching them strategies and building systems in their practice. We start upgrading the the blind spots, you know, and the limiting beliefs, uh, that people have, and they love it. It's what makes them a believer, you know, because people are hopeful but skeptical. And then when they once they experience it and they have their own story, everything else is easy from there on out.

Brian Kelly:
And one thing I want to put out there, because I do this with my team, I take them through NLP processes. I know how to take them through to get them most prepared, not just to work with me, but to advance their own lives in any way they want. Awesome. And so I would say a great strategy for everyone listening. If you have a team of individuals, enroll the entire team in Tim's, uh, one belief Away methodology. Figure out how to get that happen. Make ask Tim. It's like, hey, can you help my entire corporation and have all of your employees, your Vas, whoever you have your partners working with, you go through a process and clear their clutter. Uh, we, you know, like you said many times, pull the weeds out of that beautiful garden that's called your brain. And now watch not just your business, but everyone in it as well. Flourish and be happy and fulfilled. And just imagine how you'll feel as the leader of your company. That had something to do with that. That said, Tim, meet my team, team meet Tim. That's all you have to do, and then Tim will take care of the rest.

Tim Shurr:
Thank you Brian, I really appreciate that. That's so kind of you. That's on entrepreneurs or givers for sure. And, uh, Brian, you are a beautiful example of that. Yeah, we have we've taken this into companies and we've doubled, almost doubled their, uh, annual revenue. We've almost. Employee satisfaction survey scores. We've got people on the best places to work list or companies, I should say, you know, and so it's extraordinary. It goes way beyond just the standard human resources personality assessments and then figuring out what color or shape you are. Well, you know, and all that stuff, you know, this is a whole other level. And people love it, you know, and and so yeah, it works in companies and corporations as well.

Brian Kelly:
Let's uh, let's dispel, uh, real quick, my gosh, I'm looking at the clock. Cannot be this late already. Um, what is one of the biggest myths you've ever heard? Uh, that continually comes up the most popular myth about hypnosis. What do you hear from your end?

Tim Shurr:
Oh, well, you know, it's interesting people used to call up and say, does it work? Does this hypnosis stuff really work? You know, and people don't really say that anymore. Most people just call up and say, how much is it? So but I think that one of the fears that it has that some people have is that, you know, um, they're going to put you in a trance and kind of let the devil in. Right. Because there's so many movies about controlling people. Movies like Get Out, Stir of Echoes, hypnotic, you know, with Ben Affleck, the last one that Hollywood put out, you know, and it's all about mind control. And I always tell people at first that's not that's just movies. That's just, you know, if that was the case, I'd already be retired on an island somewhere. Right. Um, but also, I tell people, you know, it's not going to let the devil in. Honey, the devil is already in. We're. Our job is to get the devil out. Right. This is a very loving, you know, God approved, uh, process for learning how to use the talent that you're walking around with to your advantage.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Oh, that's a huge point, too, because I'll remember. I'll never forget. I was sitting in the audience watching who would be my mentor. Didn't know it at the time. And he started talking about NLP and mind work and hypnosis. And I'm instantly in my mind I'm putting up the crossing. Get away from me, Satan! You're not going to make me a nonbeliever and worship the devil, because my mom was very protective of us and she would remember those watches, the pocket watch. They'd go side to side for hypnosis programs on TV, black and white. My mom would literally tell us, look away and stop listening until this is over. Because she was afraid they were subliminally trying to steal our faith. And I'm like, so I had that fear in me. Yeah. But then my mentor.

Tim Shurr:
They were just. They were. Yeah, they were just trying to get you to buy products, that's all. They weren't trying to steal your faith, but that's right. Buy more of their soda pop.

Brian Kelly:
Gatorade is up next on the commercial.

Tim Shurr:
That's right. You had a good mom, though. She's trying to protect you, so that's good.

Brian Kelly:
But he just. Spelled that fear very quickly and masterfully. Didn't even know I was thinking that, but I know he'd been through it enough to know this was a concern by many people. Uh, so he masterfully pre framed it from stage and said, look, whoever you are right now, your your brain is your brain. It loves you and your value system is your value system. And they've tried this through the military army, all kinds of different approaches starving people, making them, you know, putting them in horrible environments where they're cold, where they're very frail. They could not break somebody and make them change them into a mass murderer, like what the Army would want them to go out and just be a killing machine. They said, if you're predisposed to be a murderer, you'll you'll be you'll just be a murderer. If you're predisposed not to be, you're not going to change. You're not going to lose your faith. You're, you know, you're just going to be amplified in who you are. And, you know, as soon as he said that, I just I unfolded my arms and I said, game on, let's go. I want to do this, uh, you know, the trust and the knowledge that, you know, you can use it for bad. It's possible to try to use it for bad, uh, reasons. But I can tell by talking and listening to Tim. He doesn't do that. I mean, he wouldn't have a business if he did. Come on. One bad example could ruin his business. Uh, well, the first.

Tim Shurr:
Thing we did, I. Yeah, I just started a class in the very first slide that we talk about is ethics.

Brian Kelly:
Um, there you go.

Tim Shurr:
Because you're right. I mean, it's powerful. It's a powerful, you know, learning how to use the power of suggestion, learning how to influence people for good. But you can do it for bad, right? And so you got to make sure that you're very selective on who you're training and who you're giving those skills to. Which is why I have a big problem with all these cheap online NLP certifications for $47 that you can do online because they don't even know who they're training, you know, and it kind of brings the whole profession down anyway. So, uh, yeah. So I'm right with you. You got to be ethical. I love how you said it just amplifies you, you know, and that your brain loves you. And even if you've got some programing in there that needs to be upgraded.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, your brain wants to change and wants to change immediately, and it wants to change for the better. And it does it. It does it fast. I mean, you know that. Tim. Oh my God. Oh yeah. It's amazingly fast. It's a super computer. I don't think there's a computer on the planet that, uh, you know, they've tried to.

Tim Shurr:
Yeah, they've tried, not even with AI. They've tried. They spent $1 trillion trying to recreate the brain and have not been able to do it yet. Maybe down the road. Uh, but not any time soon. So you're walking around with an extraordinary, uh, piece of hardware and software in between your ears. Are you fully using and optimizing what you the gifts that you do have?

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I think. It's kind of difficult to model. God. Agreed. Oh my gosh. Agreed. I'll let him take care of that. Um, and I'm so grateful that he did. Oh my goodness. Okay, we're at the end here, which is unfortunate. I have two gifts to give away for everybody watching live. And they are. Oh my gosh, we've grown in numbers since we started. Thank you all for watching and listening to this. Show. For those of you that are watching live, we have a fantastic gift to give away. I didn't mention the front of the show. I'm going to bring it up now. And this is where you bring out your pen and pencil. And then there's even a better gift coming right after that that Tim Scher himself is unveiling to you. So one, two, we're going to give you some gifts, but right after that, do not go anywhere, because I'm going to ask Tim a very provocative and powerful question to end the show. So we may go a couple minutes over. I hope that's okay. Tim and everyone else out there, I respect your time as well, but I do want to give you these gifts. So first and foremost, write this down. You must be watching this live right now to enter, to win. We know who you are. Okay? What you'll see on the screen is something you'll want to write down. Don't go there. Now go to, uh, write this down report. I am forward slash vacation report. I am forward slash vacation. What is that all about? It is about entering to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. And you get to choose from a multitude of resorts from all over the world. It is bona fide. It is real. You don't show up and they take you down to the basement, strap you into a chair, put water, drip torture you, and try to sell you on a timeshare. None of that happens when you walk in. You're greeted as if you are the king or queen of the palace, because they don't know any different that you won a prize.

Brian Kelly:
They think you're a full paying customer like everybody else. And I know this for a fact. I've had friends that have cashed this in that have won this prize. It is phenomenal. You don't want to miss it. Write that down and then enter to win. After we say good night and we close out the show, we'll still be here monitoring. Don't worry, you will be randomly. One person will be randomly picked. And just as a quick side note, guest experts are allowed to enter two Tim Scher hint hint wink wink. Yes, we have actually had, uh, guest experts win this. They deserve it. I mean, random draw. Not kidding. There's no favoritism here. Anybody can, uh, that's here live can enter to win. And do you have.

Tim Shurr:
That link again. Brian?

Brian Kelly:
Yes I do repeat I am forward slash vacation and you can ask me right after the show again if you need to. That's fine. Repeat I am for vacation and so, uh, write that down. The, uh, gift number two, uh, from the man, the myth, the legend himself. Tim Scher is coming his way. Uh, real quick, that question that's coming up, I'm going to ask him. It's very profound, uh, because, well, um, you're going to see why it is supremely powerful and amazing. And Tim is going to go, what the heck is this? And he's going to freak out by the time we get to actually asking him because, uh, he's his curiosity is raising, hasn't it? Oh, he understood that one. So, um, here we go. Prize number two or giveaway. A gift number two is from Tim Scher himself. I'll pull up the URL on the screen and I'll let you take it away. Uh, let me shift it over. I'm going to bring up the actual site as well, real fast. There we go. It's coming up. And go ahead and explain what amazing gift you have for the people who are watching and listening.

Tim Shurr:
So I put. Together a program called The Power of Your Unconscious Mind, and it's a video course that teaches you how your mind works, how we create our reality, why we get stuck, how we why we sabotage ourselves even when we don't want to, and what we can do to get rid of the anxiety and get past our past right, so that we can live in the present and create a more exciting future. And so with that, uh, we, I put together this program, and then I figured that I would, instead of trying to sell you something, we would just give it to you for free as a way of saying thank you for being a part of the show today, and make sure that you subscribe as well, because this has been a pretty amazing interview. And Brian does this all the time. So if you go to, uh, tymshare.com/gift, you can get yourself a free copy today.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And Tim Scher is spelled Tim Shu rr.com/gift. And just make sure gift is all lowercase just to make sure some are still having issues if they don't put in the right case. So gift is all small letters tim.com/gift. And you can see there on the screen complimentary VIP access. You can read it there. All you have to do is go there click the button. Yes I want this program. Enter the information and it's yours for the big massive price of a grand, big giant zero goose egg. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. All you have to do is probably you have to submit your email to get the information sent to you. So, um, just do that and get connected with Tim. Uh, definitely reach out to him, go to his, uh, main website that he is utilizing now, which is is indie hypnosis. Com that's indie hypnosis.com I say it out loud because I have difficulty spelling it myself, so if I do, I'm sure some of you will too. And. Want to make sure you get all these wonderful gifts that you reach out and connect with Tim. It will be well worth your time, I guarantee it. I can guarantee it. Right now. I've I've been around many in the industry, and I have not met anyone with the chops that Tim has, the background, the experience, the number of sessions. I have not met anyone come close to you, Tim, and so I can fully endorse you without ever having been through a session with you without any hesitation whatsoever. So I truly hope people do take advantage of your gift. I hope they do reach out to you and get the change they need in their life, and then maybe that will inspire them to then go further and then say, Hey Tim, I want to help people using your method that you just took me through. How do I do that? And then you can take that to the next step. So that's another way to get started with the great Tim SR. All right, the last question. Here we go. Ooh, baby. So Tim, this question is amazing because. There is no such thing. Is a wrong answer. It's not a test. It's not a quiz. Uh, in fact, the only correct answer. Will be yours because the answer will be very unique to you. And take it one step further. If it takes you a microsecond or if it takes you several seconds, maybe 2030 40s to come up with the answer, guess what? It's still the right answer. It's perfect because it's yours. It can only be yours. So with all that wonderful build up and anticipation, are you ready?

Tim Shurr:
Yes, I am ready. Yes, of course he's ready.

Brian Kelly:
All right. I'm gonna make sure I'm ready. Here. All right. Here we go. Kim? Sure. How do you. Define. Success.

Tim Shurr:
So I'm going to refer to what Bob Proctor told me when I asked him that. And he said that success is when you have a worthy goal and you get up and you get after it every day, it's not just attaining the goal, it's the fact that you have a goal and it's a worthy goal. It's worth pursuing and that you get up and you actively strive to reach it every day because it's not just the attainment of the goal, but the journey and who you become in the pursuit of that goal that ultimately allows you to become the person you are born to be. So that's my definition of success.

Brian Kelly:
My gosh, it's like you knew that question was coming. That's a beautiful thing. Some are so ready for that. And it's a powerful question. And it's not because of the question. It's because of the answers. And one thing that may shock you, maybe it won't. I've been doing this for five years, and not all those five years, but a good probably three of them. I would close every show out with that question. No two people yet have answered it the same way. Is that crazy? I mean, you talk about goals, a journey. No one else has done that. And that's why I love it. And I will ask you permission later on what I'm doing. I'm taking every answer, compiling it, and it's going to be in a collaborative book, and it's going to be by the very title of the question, how do you define success? So I hope you'll be open to joining us on that journey as well, because I think everyone's definition is so powerful and telling. Because here's the thing, Tim, your definition of success today, if we were to fast forward ten years from now, almost guarantee it, it will be slightly modified. And what it was back when you were 20. Oh, come on, we were all going. I want a Lambo, baby. That's my definition of success, you know? So we change and our values change and our experience. Just like you said, your journey is forming who you are. And that's beautiful how you said that. It's who you become as a result of your journey. So that journey wasn't very long, 20 years or back when we were 20. I say we because we are close. Okay, I'm gonna make sure. All right. So any last parting words of advice, Tim, to close us out on a very high note for entrepreneurs or business people that are looking to fix their current situation, to catapult themselves to that next level. And yes, it can absolutely be about hypnosis, because that is your forte and it's powerful and it can get people there in no time. What would you say to someone that's looking for the answers to take them to the next level?

Tim Shurr:
There's an old. Quote. It says, when you learn to go within, you never go without. And so continually look to go within to upgrade those beliefs, to know that you're already enough and that you know you and your dreams are worth it. So get up today and get after it. And you got this. Let's go.

Brian Kelly:
Hmm. That's the kind of guy I want to work with. So I think you should too. Everyone watching and listening. Ah, that is it. Uh, for this amazing show. And it's amazing because of Mr. Tim Scher, the celebrity hypnotist. On behalf of this amazing man, I am your host, Brian Kelly of the Mind Body Business Show. Oh, and by the way, a brand new book. I just got it, uh, published on Amazon mind body business book. Com go get your copy there. 2.99 on, uh, on Kindle right now. It's a limited launch. Special mind body business book. Com just came out Saturday. I'm so over the moon. It took me over ten years to finish that day on thing. And it was my life's work. And it's it's a I'm going to say it's a phenomenal book just because I know what I wrote in it and I'm not being all about me anyway. This is all about Tim. Tim. Thank you once again. That is it, everyone. We'll see you again next time. Until the next time, please do two things. Everybody watching and listening. Two things one, go out and crush it in your business so you can serve more people. How do you do that? First start by getting with Tim Scher. He'll get you the next step. Number two is above everything and all else is please be blessed. That's it for us. We'll see you again next time. So long for now. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at www.Scott. The Mind Body business Show.com. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Tim Shurr

Tim Shurr, MA, is founder of the revolutionary, One Belief Away Hypnosis method that’s used to rapidly free people from childhood trauma, so they can grow their business faster. Tim has achieved every bucket list goal a personal development coach dreams of and now he’s helping students around the world to do the same.

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