Brian (The Automation Master) Kelly

Building Systems with Automation & AI - Brian Kelly: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Building Systems with Automation & AI - Brian Kelly: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated? And driven. How did we finally break through? And with that is the question and this podcast will give you the. My name is Brian Kelly. And this is Mind Body Business Show. Hey, Lowe, welcome to the show. My microphone was muted. How are you doing? We have a phenomenal, phenomenal show lined up for you here tonight. Thank you for whoever it was letting me know about that. No audio. Thank you. Sandy Rowley. Hello, Laurie Ann Hood. Hello. Hello. Hello. Yes, there is sound now. Thank you. That was interesting. I have never had that happen before. I it's it's okay. We're going to move on. So we have a very, very special edition for you tonight because we're going to be talking about building systems with automation and AI because it is so important more now than ever as a business owner to be on the cutting edge, the cusp in the in the beginning or the the crest, the peak, if you will, of where things are moving. And they're moving fast, especially in the artificial intelligence arena or AI for short. And that coupled with incredible automation tools and how they are continually improving and helping us to dial in our systems for our businesses so that we can work faster, more efficiently, more accurately, and with greater results for our business. And that's what this show, this tonight is all about. The Mind body business shows a show that I literally had developed with you in mind, the business owner, the entrepreneur looking to make it to that next level, the person that is just wanting to have another step to make another step forward in their business, because let's face it, it takes a long time to achieve that high level of success that we all aspire to do. The only way to do it is one step at a time. Just keep stacking those pebbles. And tonight we're going to have quite a few to stack.

Brian Kelly:
It's going to be quite a wonderful resource rich evening. I'm going to be sharing with you a number of resources and tools that I personally use in my own business, and just recently several of them that I've just started using that are really helping me to get things done so much faster and so much with great accuracy. And it's just a great efficiency. It's just another way to improve your business and literally improve your life. I'm a geek and I love this stuff. So the Mind Body business shows a show about the three pillars of success. Mind being mindset. Mindset is very, very important. And to to a person, I, I studied only successful people for about a decade. And to a person, each of these successful people and we're talking about folks that either was they were my mentor and I worked with them directly over years or they were people that I met and learn from at seminars and networking events. And others are authors of books and others. They just follow and learn as I go. And to a person, what I found was these three components kept rising to the top, and that is basically the the very name of the show mind, body and business. The first being mindset is what mind is all about, and it's to a person, each of these individuals had a very powerful positive. And most importantly for you to watch this show every week. Flexible. Most important, it's a flexible mindset. Body is these individuals that I studied to a person also took care of themselves literally physically by exercising and by nutrition what they put inside of their body as well as what they did for their body. And then business. Business is very multifaceted. And each and every one of these individuals had succeeded in mastering the many skill sets that are necessary to build not only build a successful business, but to scale it and grow it and make it even more successful and never stop. And we're talking about skill sets like sales, team building, systematizing marketing leadership. I could go on for quite some time. And the good news is you really only have to master one of those skill sets and you can leverage it to then bring in other individuals who have already mastered or in the process of mastering the other necessary skill sets.

Brian Kelly:
So the one you want to concentrate on, if you don't know this one by now, is in many of you already do. You're so astute is the skill set of leadership. And even if you are seamless right now, maybe you are a solopreneur. Start acting as though you are leading yourself. I mean, there are so many things you can do without a team that you can still develop your leadership skills with, like being disciplined, scheduling, writing, sops, recording every step of the way of your business so that when you do bring on a team and even if you have a team already, you still don't do anything different. You continue to grow those standard operating procedures. So that's part of your systems, standard operating procedures, and your people are literally part of your systems as well, your VA's when you start bringing them on. And so all of this comprises systems and they are all equally important. So don't please don't mistake automation and AI with replacing humans. Not at all. That is not where I'm going. That's not what I am using this technology for. And I'm so excited to get into it. And real quick, one last tidbit of the very successful people that I studied is to a person, each and every one of them were very avid readers of books, and that's something that became near and dear to my heart after many, many years of never reading a thing book wise. So with that, I want to segue very quickly into a segment I affectionately call Bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Going to read bookmarks. Ready, Steady. Read bookmarks brought to you by reach your peak library dot com.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. Reach your peak library. Dot com is a site that I had built with again you in mind? Because what happened was I did not read myself voraciously or even hardly at all until the age of 47, which was about 11 years ago. So, yes, you're doing the math and you know where we're standing with that and that's fine. And the beautiful thing is, once I began reading, I realized, oh, my gosh, this is a godsend. And it's really it really helped catapult me in my business and my personal life both. And what I started doing was simply compiling a list of all the books that I had read that I vet, meaning that had an impact on me, either professionally through business or personally or both. And so not every book made it to this list. And so I compile the list for you. It's called Reach your Peak Library and get to it. Reach your peak library. On that note, as we go through this show, I'm going to be mentioning a number of resources, a lot of Web addresses. And so rather than go clicking around, clicking away to see what those are, I implore upon you to first write them down. And while we're talking about here, while I'm talking about on the show, and then after the show is over, go visit each one of them individually, because I'm going to be talking about some tips and tricks and techniques that if you miss it now, then I would just hate for that to happen. So it's best to keep your focus, gaze your attention in the room. I always say the magic happens in the room. Yes, it's a virtual room, but it's a room nonetheless. And so that is Reach your peak library. This is not for the intent of making money for selling books. In fact, if you see a book on there and you would rather go get it from your own bookstore or from your own online store presence, fine, Please do that. Just find a book that really resonates with you, that jumps off the page and get it and read it. I listened to them in Audible, and that's how I became a voracious reader, because I didn't realize I didn't like reading with my eyeballs until this new great thing came about.

Brian Kelly:
So that was really an eye opener in so many ways. Thank you, Sandy. That's very nice you put up. Reach your peak library, Dot. I appreciate that. All right. And so with that, we are going to get with it on the show. In the show we're going to move in to. The good stuff, the juice, what you are here for. And that is not what you're seeing on the screen. Oh, there we go. I know what's going on. We'll have it all worked out. And so what we are going to do is go over a number of fantastic resources that will help you in your business. So get ready, get that pen and pencil ready, and we're going to go flying through these in rapid form. And so what I want to do is bring up something that many of you, I'm sure, have heard of by now, and some my gosh, I've had some incredible reactions to some of these, and not all of them have been positive. And that is it's something called GPT. And if you haven't heard of it, then it's a phenomenal tool. We'll go through how to get to it and those things. But what it is, is an artificial intelligence tool where you can just basically type in a query. I call it a query, anything you want to type in that will help you get an answer. A very. Very complete answer. Depends on how you train it. And so there are the great techniques and ways to do this. I'll give you a resource for a very quick, concise and very powerful training by a good friend of mine, Carlos Redlich. I will also provide that resource for you tonight. So don't go anywhere. You don't want to go anywhere. This is some amazing information here. And then what we're going to do is dive in. So one of the things I learned after going through Carlos Relics course it's I Copyright Secrets is the name of it. And he he goes over how to use this tool that I keep referring to called TPT. I'm going to bring it up on the screen here and show you a little bit of an example and see if we can get this thing to work.

Brian Kelly:
Sometimes it's a little finicky. It's a very new technology. And so we're going to bring up the website next door. Here we go. And we lost our. That's good. And so there you see it on the screen and on the left. It's very difficult to make out probably here on the show. But these are all my prior lists of things. I've been using it to look up for me to search for things. And so let's start with let's say you want to create a landing page, which is a single web page that is going to be where people land after clicking on your Facebook ads. So you've seen those ads that go on Facebook and you put up a thumbnail image or a video, a little description, a call to action, which is click here. And then when they click, they need to go somewhere. So then that would be a landing page. Well, now it's like, well, I need to create this landing page and you want to have a compelling offer. You have a hook in the beginning of some kind of a compelling offer, like I said, and some very good copywriting and some good features and benefits that are compelling enough to get somebody to take the next action that you're asking them to do on that landing page. So let's use look at an example of that real quick before I do the chat side of things. This is my latest creation, which is a landing page for my CRM. It's called Peak Connector. And for those of you that are looking for an automated tool, this is it. This is my end all be all foundation, cornerstone, you name it, It's the first thing I log into every single morning when I get going. And I am I, I am in it and on it nearly the entire day as I was today. And I'll show you another thing I was working on today, using the assistance of Chat GPT. And so what I did was I went in and asked it, I asked GPT to give me some examples of bullet points. Literally from ad copy that I had written on my main Pete Connector web page.

Brian Kelly:
So I just copied the entire page that I had written without chat. Gpt but it had all the features and benefits in there. And the cool thing is it not only craftily wrote out these bullet points, it also gave some suggestions of other bullet points that I hadn't even considered that were also appropriate. And so when you use Chat GPT, you want to make sure that you're careful not to just copy and paste verbatim. There already are tools out there that detect whether something was AI generated or not. I cannot believe how fast things are moving and so you just want to make it your own, make some tweaks, don't copy and paste entire paragraphs when it gives them to you. Take pieces of them, reword them, make it yours and make it flow properly. There's a lot of artwork to this and again, I will give you the URL for the course that I literally took from Carlos that I didn't take it. I went through it and learned from it. It's what I mean by took as a student and it was really a fantastic way of really narrowing down how best to use GPT for marketing efforts and for ad copy specifically in that case. So I'm looking up for the CRM and automation. So I began and sometimes I need to hit reload after I hit that. Beginning to learn the little nuances of this site. Hopefully this will bring it up and if not, that's okay. But you'll get to see a history of queries and the results that came back from those. If it does load and what happened is I used the information from the results of those queries and like I like I just described, take a piece by piece, little by little, and then injected them into my resulting landing page, which I'll go back to all that load. It's still going. There we go. I think it just loaded. Yes. And so here you can see and I'm looking up because I have a monitor above me. I normally don't just do this by looking away from you, but please bear with me so you can see at the very top it says, I typed this and tell me the main fears entrepreneurs have regarding using CRMs and other automation platforms.

Brian Kelly:
And so this is part of what Carlos Trains is. You first start off with a broad statement asking about fears, and then then you'll want to go into a sob story. It's called, and do It from the first person. This is more for traditional ad copy. If you're going to do a long form ad copy on, say, a website or even an email series, oh my gosh, I can't tell you how powerful it is for that. And I'll show you how I used it for that as well. I mean, I hope I can get all this in in an hour because there's a lot to cover and I'm a geek and I'm excited about it. It's such a phenomenal suite of tools that we have at our beck and call right now. And so I asked that question and everything in this block that I'm highlighting beneath is it was its answer. It gave me six and it says Just for a taste. It says Fear of losing control. And then it explains that entrepreneurs may worry about relying on automation will lead to a loss of control over their business processes and customer interactions. Isn't that interesting? And then fear of data privacy. That's not really a big one. Fear of failure might be afraid that implementing a CRM or other automation platform will be a difficult and time consuming task, and that investment will not pay off in the end. That's a true fear. I've just I've dealt with that with an individual today. Fear of losing personal touch with customer. Yes, Yes. Because they know they're going to be looking at discerning and thinking, is this automated or is this a real person writing back on me, writing back to me, fear of becoming dependent on the tool? Oh, yeah, that's a great fear of cost. That's probably what should be number one. And then I said, just you can. So what happens is you put in the first I'm not going to a train on, on chatbot GPT, but I want to kind of lay the groundwork here at least. And so I ended up its initial topic for it to write about and then I can build on that.

Brian Kelly:
It knows what it's talking about. So I just said, tell me more fears. I didn't have to say. Tell me more fears about what entrepreneurs have regarding using CRMs and all that. I just said, Tell me more. And it did. There it is now. It gave me. Was that six more? Fear of complexity, fear of losing customization, fear of poor data quality, fear of vendor lock in. Oh my gosh. They are fear of being locked into a particular vendor or platform, making it difficult to switch to a different solution in the future. Yeah, that's if you are in a using a solution that is not flexible, it's not growing, is not staying with the times. That's why I use P Connector. It does all of that and I don't think I will ever have to change again. I used to use active campaign. They are and were phenomenal. It's just peak connector has surpassed them in my needs, in my needs. And I'm a software engineer by trade automation. I've been called the automation master by dear friend of mine, Bridget Howell, and I'm sticking with that because I didn't call it. Yes. Oh, yeah. I hear you. Lauryn Hood is saying I started being trained in AI for babies. It can be overwhelming as heck. Yeah, it's a it's quite a rabbit hole to go down to, but it's a good one. The more you can learn about it, the better, because it's not going anywhere. It's going to continue to advance. And yeah, it can be frightening. I get that. It's a normal human response. Embrace it. It's not going to go away. So embrace it and use it for good. Use it for the things that will help you in your business. And that's why one of the reasons I wanted to do this show was to help you kind of break the seal on AI and get in it and get the more familiar you become with something, the less frightening it becomes. And so that is another outcome I had for this show. And so I said, Let's see what we have up here right at 20 Oh, look at this.

Brian Kelly:
I said, Write a 22nd video script describing benefits and features of peak connectors. So I gave it the URL. Now, right now, at this time of recording, this heartbeat does not go out and and scour the internet in real time like Google does. It's doing this from a database that only goes back up to 2021. So there's a couple of years missing of data and it's not going and looking at today's data is not going out and looking, I don't think, at peak connectors, but it knows it's a website now and it knows the name peak Connector for my previous query. So now it's saying welcome to peak connector. Com The ultimate CRM solution for your business With peak Connector, you can easily manage your customer relationships and streamline your sales and marketing. I mean, it's writing my sales copy. This is a 22nd video script. Our platform is designed to help you increase productivity, boost sales and improve customer size. So all that to say, I use some of that in this video. And you can see there's 24/7 support behind it. I don't have the volume turned on for good reason. And so I used that to help me write the bullet points, basically for the script I was going to use in this video. So I narrated this entire video and then I had a team of VA's one in particular from this team that did all the video work, did a phenomenal job. I will also tell you about that resource as well, because, again, people are they comprise part of your systems. So a lot of people forget about that. There are only thinking about electronic means, automation, platform CRMs, and it just escape me. The final one was, oh, documentation, SOPs, standard operating procedures, training, all of that. That's all, all part of your systems. But guess what? Your people are part of your systems. They have to be they are an integral part of your systems, and they're the most valuable part, in my humble opinion. All right. So that is a great example of putting this tool in action. Again, I did not copy and paste these paragraphs and then and just start talking and reading them.

Brian Kelly:
I did not. I took out the things that I knew were pertinent directly to P Connector, the things that definitely were important for highlighting during a video. It's a short video just over 2 minutes long, so I didn't want to get in too many, two more. And then I had it write some test testimonials for this. So now it already knows about connectors. I said write a customer testimonial for P connector and include the customer's first and last name. Now I did that. I don't. I don't usually, and I haven't yet put up testimonials without it being real. I don't put up phony ones. And so I was going down the path of putting in cookie cutter ones to see how it would come out. And it did it. You can see here, here's one. It's a very long one, but it's a good one. Pete Connector has been a game changer for our business, and it goes on and on and on. The interface is easy to use. Customer source top notch. Our sales have increased by 20%. I mean, I don't know if that's true for anybody. So I what I did was I took several I said write five more testimonials. So I let it keep going. I took several, I took some chunks of the good stuff and I literally sent these to people I already knew. So I gave them 5 to 7. It depended on people I knew to make it easier for them that are already using P connector. So I said, Hey, you can either pick from I would love to get a written testimonial from you. You can either pick from these five or seven, however many I sent the individual. Just give me the number of the one you like best because I numbered them and or write your own and or modify the one you want and send that paragraph to me. And my gosh, I got testimonials back that same day for all the ones that I requested because I made it easy for them to do so. It took very little time. They had to read it. If they convert, concurred with what was written, great one took a sentence or two from the pre written chat testimonial that I copied, pasted modified slightly, and then he added his own a couple of sentences after.

Brian Kelly:
So it was a modified but it came back quick the same day and I had that and it was ready. And here they are. They're right here on this page. And so right here, Daniel Aaron, a good friend of mine, just got phone with Amber who've been back and forth with her all day today. A great just an amazing entrepreneur, also a client of mine, and Mike Mahoney, who is also their all they all subscribe to Pet Connector, this CRM. And so none of this is fake. And so they either agreed to it or modified it and put their name behind it. So that's the other great thing. And then bullet points, you definitely want to have bullet points almost in any form of your ad copy. Even if it's an email form, it gives people a11 bullet shot, one one sentence at a time to just point out the key features. So and then I added a little bit more flavoring by bolding, really the key words in each of those bullets just to make it stand out a little bit. But a lot of these came from Chad Beatty. Literally that one where I have only one platform with features like Clickfunnels, currently Hootsuite, Panjabi and I wrote that that was all mine, but I used that. And submitted it to get to write more copy on it. And I use that copy in my version of that copy in this video. So it's just amazing what you can do with this. And that was just that page. And so then I said, Well, when someone books a calendar time with me. Well, the next thing you want to do is let them know you got that scheduled appointment. It's legit. Here's the Google link. By the way, this system connector does all this for you. This is a web website, unlimited hosting, unlimited contacts. You don't pay by contact, you don't pay by number of websites or any of that. You get unlimited just about everything. I don't know if anything, it's limited in this thing. It's awesome. But once they take action on something, you're capturing their information. Let's say they chose the 28th 1:00 PM and you say continue and there's where you'll capture their information.

Brian Kelly:
They will enter that and then they'll say, schedule a meeting. At that moment you want to be able to respond to them and give them something in return. And so I needed to put together a series of emails. I wanted to put together a series of emails. So I wanted them to get email reminders coming up to the date of their appointment that they scheduled to keep it in the front of their mind and then continually add a link to the schedule to the actual Zoom link that's auto generated by this system, by the way, using your Zoom account. And if you don't have a Zoom account and you can get a super the enterprise level version of it for $12.99 a month through a resource I'm going to share with you later as well. Don't go anywhere. I'm telling you, this is this is a bag full of goodies, Nate. This is it's got everything. So here is I'll just bring up the first one. So everything these are difficult to see. I get it. That's small on the screen. But just to give you a taste. So here is email number one. The second that they finished that scheduling that appointment, Congratulations. Make them feel good. You made a phenomenal decision. Booking and overview slash coaching session. And then, hey, thank you for booking your coaching session with Pete Connector. We're excited to have you on board and help me help you make the most out of our platform. Your Zoom session is scheduled for and then the time, and it will last for approximately one hour, given them expectations. And so all the goodies you want to have in an email, especially the first one. And the beautiful thing about this is a good part of this email was written by GPD. I say a good part. I did edit most every paragraph just to be absolutely certain that the police wouldn't get me and I wouldn't worry too much about that specifically with email. But who knows, Maybe down the road Google might be looking for that in Gmail itself. Maybe they already are. I don't know, but just make it your own.

Brian Kelly:
Use it for research. And I love that's how Carlos talked about it. My good friend Carlos, I see his name many times because he is awesome. Oh my goodness. Look who's in the house. Oh, the one and only. Brigitta. Hopefully I cannot wait to introduce you all to her Once again. She just did something remarkable that very few people percentagewise on this planet that have ever achieved. And I'm so excited to be her friend and get firsthand knowledge of it before she's ready to divulge it. And I'm not going to say a word about don't worry, Birgitta, it's awesome what you've done. And oh, thank you for coming on. I appreciate that. Yes. And so this is a phenomenal tool because when I say that it's combined with a CRM that gives you the flexibility to put everything together in an integrated manner, which is I know it sounds like a pitch and I guess it kind of is, in a way, peak connector, because it is one of the best it is the best platform I have ever used in my entire life. And so, so much. So when I acquired P Connector, I did not do it for the purpose of reselling it to other subscribers. As an agency owner, I just wanted to use it for my own business, my own purposes. And then I started seeing how you could replicate things. I have full blown replicated websites where I built the website one time and I can share it with another subscriber. And all we have to do is enter some parameters like colors, logo, picture URLs and things like that. And the whole website is done with just the components, the different colors and elements. It's already written, it's already done, it's ready to go. He just it's plug and play. It's amazing. There's so many things to it. I don't want to go through too deep into it, but you combine things that are copacetic with each other with catchy beat that is so wonderful and complementing what you can do with everything you can do with Peak Connector as an example, you've got website and funnel creation, you have email creation, you have automation, workflow creation, you have research, you can get testimonies, so many things you can do with just these two tools alone.

Brian Kelly:
Oh my goodness. Yeah. Getting some love. Thank you. And yes, she agreed. Yeah. Birgitta is also. You saw her. I showed you her testimonial in there in my landing page, for sure. And that is. That is the one and only Brigitta, who we are a star in the room here. And Brian is the expert in automated skill. Thank you so much. The expert? Oh, my. Yes. She is the one that coined me as the automation master. Thank you for that. And she says Automation Meister. I love the German flair to it. It's phenomenal. So that is just one email and that was one of it was seven or eight. So seven total, I believe. No, there's eight that I created for a basically what's called a workflow. And I'm not going to go through every step of these things and bore you to tears, but I did want to see if I can pull it up real fast. I can't remember where I put it in here. I've got a lot in here and if I can't find it quickly, I will just keep moving. Yeah. So maybe it's in the last section here. Nope. I don't know where I ended up putting it. It's in here somewhere. And it's a bummer because it's pretty powerful. I've got to get one more shot. This vacation appointments carpet. Must be a connector. There it is. That's it. Found it. All right. So it's a very simple one. It's straightforward. But the moment that someone fills out that form, this system is listening for that form to be filled out. And once it is, it. It drops in. And so they got or not fill out the form to get the appointment, set up the appointment. And so once they schedule an appointment, this workflow fires off. It kicks out this email. The emails you just saw and a real quick hack. This is a bonus. My gosh, there's so much good stuff in here that they're going to I'm going to send an email out. My system is and it's this this step up here and I know it's difficult to read again, but it's going to send out an email.

Brian Kelly:
And what happens even today is if someone says, I want your information, please send it to me. They type it in, they opt in, they schedule an appointment. They have requested to be connected with you and your information. Even then, it is getting more and more increasingly difficult for that reason, that email, that ensuing email to land in their inbox, in their email provider, often more often than not, it's going into their spam and or promotions folders. And so one of the hacks I developed long ago, this is before it became really, really a big problem, but I just did it for absolute coverage was and you can feel free to model this is after I send the email, I literally have it wait for 3 minutes and then I'll send a follow up text message. How do I do that? Because I require in every opt in form I use from this day. Going forward, I cannot think of one I haven't done in a long time. I always, always, always require a cell phone number or a phone number. If they put on a landline, it just won't go out. But they must put in a phone number in order to get through. In this case, when you're scheduling an appointment, that's kind of not a big deal, right? They already figure you're going to be calling somehow. But in this case, it's Zoom. But they don't know all that information. They're less hesitant to do so. But even in just forms, regular forms, opt in forms, Get my newsletter. I always require the phone number. Many people, many marketers say, no, no, no, never do that. Brian, you'll miss out on a lot of these. I'm like, I'm good with that. If they're not that serious to put in a cell number, you know how many times I have? I don't get calls out of the blue by people who have clicked in my phone number. So it's not a big deal. But if they don't want to, they don't become part of my list. They don't get the goodies that I'm offering and I'm okay with that. That's just my philosophy. But this one hack of sending out a text message has been a godsend.

Brian Kelly:
Just today, a woman reached out and said, Thank you so much for texting me to remind me I, I didn't see the email and now I found it in my spam folder that was like, boom, that's how it works. And that's what I put in the text message. Say, Hey, just won't let you know. Per your request. I've contacted you via email and I just wanted to let you know, check your inbox and if not there, please check your spam and or promotions folder, which a lot of emails are getting buried in and Gmail. Now if it's a Gmail and that's all I do, that's it. That's simple. And that has been an absolute game changer as far as deliverability. So then because this is going to be a scheduled appointment, I have it kick off at certain times. So I wait up until five days prior to the appointment. If it's five days out, if it's less than five days out, it's going to skip over the steps until it finds the one that fits. But if it's five days out, they're going to get five or six emails one a day. Just saying, Hey, real quick ones. Given a quick tidbit about peak connector in this case, guess where those came from? Yes, I used it to get my information, my my research. It just made it easier. I knew I know what P Connector does. I know how to craft the emails, but to think through the all of the pieces and how I want it to flow would take much longer than just have to do research for me and give me ideas. And I cannot tell you how much faster I was able to put this together. And an incredible complete 100% beginning to end done landing page email sequence, and then this workflow and the form, the calendar form and everything in one day because of that, get in the research, I'm able to do just amazing and there's a shows a person waiting that's me testing it. And so that is a great way to use CBT for automation purposes. And I just did this today. Another one this the one you're looking at I didn't do today.

Brian Kelly:
I've been working on it, but today I created one from scratch and it's a good friend of mine, Michelle LaFrance, is putting on a Douglas summit coming up February 21st. I believe for people that are in the Douglas H VAC arena, basically owners or decision makers of those businesses, she's putting on a summit with a bunch of great guests. Speakers that are going to help. So I know nothing about HVAC business. This is talking about air conditioning and heating and their duck lists. They don't have any ducks. They don't anything going through your ceiling, they hang on the wall external. And so there's a lot of misconceptions, I'm guessing, about what people think that don't think highly of them because they've never seen one. They just make assumptions. So I asked Chad to tell me about them. I didn't ask Michelle. I asked that tweet, and it gave me all kinds of great stuff. He said, I asked it, you know, tell me what misconceptions or myths there are from a customer's viewpoint when it comes to HVAC. I forgot when I said stuff it track equipment. I don't remember. But it came back with all of this stuff. And and then I didn't sit and then I took it further and kept making it learn. And then I said, okay, now this part one, it's a multiple part. I hope she doesn't mind my revealing this is coming out. It's not launched yet, but it's going to be, I think, a three or four part summit. Part one is winning SEO game, which is search engine optimization. So I made my questions. Now I started diving deeper and said, okay, tell me more about search engine. So I said In the Douglas Summit part one, the results of chat beat. I said, Our expert panel will dispel the common misconceptions about how to successfully get highly ranked on search engines like Google. Misconceptions like And then these bullet points are what Chad told me. And I've got this up for her to review because some of these could be completely wrong. I don't know. I'm not an HVAC guy. I've done research using other topics I do know a lot about.

Brian Kelly:
And Chad, TBD is very accurate, surprisingly so. And so it will give you what you ask for. So it's up to you to ask the right questions and learn about it and just go use it. And so, yeah, these are misconceptions. Well. To get ranked high on Google for your HVAC business is well, one of the misconceptions is it's easy and keyword stuffing is enough and a website is not needed and no need for a mobile friendly website. Buying backlinks is a good strategy. These are all bad things. That's why the circle, the Crossroad and then she has an expert panel. So this is all just draft form, but just showing you that because of GBTV, this isn't actually part of that. But. This is now. I went to the positive and said, What are the great things about it? What will the benefits of track are? Not not but what are the proven or good SEO techniques for building or getting notoriety for an HVAC business? And this is what Jet TV gave me in pretty much in a nutshell. And there were many more than this. And I didn't put them all because you don't want to you want to use it sparingly in a lot of times and then put buttons to shoot you back up to the actual calendar or registration form. In this case, I've got calendar on the brain and with this I did the same thing, created an email series, created a workflow, which is the part that is the Drip series based on the event, date and time. Everything's in here. I'm going to add a countdown timer in here later, so it just enables you to do so many things. And my point on this one specifically is that I know very little about the HVAC industry, but I could create without any any asking of someone like Michelle directly about it. I didn't have to waste any of her time or mine. I just went to chat and said and did the research and said, Give me what I need to know in order to craft a landing page that's going to bring in HVAC business owners into the summit. That's it.

Brian Kelly:
And so you can do things like that with this technology. Just think about that. And look, I know maybe you're not out there building landing pages, but most of you are writing emails. Crafting emails. How about Facebook posts? How about social media posts? All of this can be done with chat. Gbd. I literally had it write a book. A book and I just tested it. I know about neuro linguistic programs. So does Brigitta, hopefully. Who's on watching right now? I love it. Dub Masse the Meister job. I love it. And she she knows about it. And she has NLP Center. Center of NLP, and that's in Atlanta, Georgia. And she's amazing. And so I asked her to write a book on neuro linguistic programing and in parentheses, NLP. It started and gave me about a couple paragraphs, but it kind of gave an intro of what the chapters were named, and it gave me seven chapters. I'm like, Okay, those are all like, accurate. There they are neural linguistic programing titles for chapters. And I just said, What the heck? Let's say write chapter one. That's all I wrote in the query. I can show it to you if you ever want to see it. I don't want to bog this down by showing you all that it wrote. It started with the number one, the exact title it had written from the result of my first query, and then it expanded on it and wrote several pages and I said, Wow. So I wrote right next chapter. That's all I wrote. I kid you not. And it started with two and it pulled from two queries ago. The first one, its results exactly verbatim what that chapter title was, and then expanded on it. And in some of these cases it would pull out bullets, bullet points within those chapters. And so I thought, Hey, I'd like to know more about that. It talked about anchoring. So I said, Write a chapter on. And I copied and pasted the bullet point. Into that query and it wrote a chapter on it. So now I had sub chapters or content that go within the main chapter if I wanted and remember rewrite this stuff.

Brian Kelly:
Do not use it verbatim, especially if you're going to submit it or distribute it electronically, say in the book form or other way that were the I police can run you down and say, Hey, this is this is fake. A human didn't write it. Be sure to just use this for research. I didn't. I actually took a few of the concepts from it. I'm writing a book and I do have an entire section on NLP or on Mind The Mind and it's a book is called Mind Body Business and working on the landing page for that as we speak with my team. And that is part of the mind section of the book. And so I was getting additional ideas to really fortify the NLP section of my book because it's important. Mindset is everything. As Brigitta knows, as many of you astute entrepreneurs know, that your level of success or lack thereof is 100% due to what's going on up here has nothing to do with outside factors. No one else. It's no one else's fault. If you're not successful, it's no one else's fault. If you are successful, it is 100% about what's going on in your brain driving your thoughts that turn into emotions or thoughts. Your thoughts become beliefs that turn into emotions. Your emotions then spur on action. You then take action on those emotions, and then that action ends up in your results. Your results are either going to be success or not, or somewhere right down the middle, but it's all starts from here. Your thoughts create your world. It's awesome. All right. Too much of a sandbox moment. They're going to keep moving. What do I have next to load it up? Oh, yes. So I want to give you some resources here. Anybody want resources? Raise your hand if you want them. I see it in the comments. Some incredible resources. Oh, yeah. So what I'll do is I'll put up on the screen a link shortened version of the URL of the landing page that we were looking at just a moment ago. And that is here for those that want to check it out in more detail.

Brian Kelly:
It's again, a Facebook landing page. It's a single page with 1 to 1 call to action, which is book an appointment here. And it just goes through and I've got another second video here. It's very, very short 15 seconds or so as well to just to bring up something else that I thought was important. And so that is on the screen, and I'm actually going to put that in the comments, if I can get that in there. Lauryn Hood. There is the learning page and then, Oh, yes, I do definitely want you to see. Yes. I want you to see this man's work, Carlos Redlich. So I'm going to put that also in the comments. Just copy and paste. Put it in a notepad or something. Don't click on it and go running away because you'll miss out on all the goodies coming up, all the information. And so the second one is, so for those of you listening on podcast only, I need to verbally I want to respect you and verbally give you the URL. It is our IP that stands for Reach your peak dot. I am so ripe. I am. As in Mary for such. And this is capital P, C for P, connector, hyphen, Capital L, and the word is landing and capital P page. No space. I don't know Why did the Caps? I shouldn't have done that, but make it easier without them. But our waypoint I am forward slash capital P capital C hyphen landing page where landing and page are both capitalized, just the first letter of each and that is where you can go to see that landing page that I've been talking about. And I realize and I apologize for those you listening on a podcast only right now that this is highly visual and for that I highly recommend you all go to the mind body business show dot com the mind body business show dot com and register there and there you can then watch these live or you can at least see the resulting recording because we have a website by that same name where all of our past shows are stored and you can go there too, if you like.

Brian Kelly:
If you want to look at this show, go to the mind body business show, go to past shows and pull it down and look for it's going to say business building systems with automation and AI or something to that effect. And that's how you can get to that if you want to do some visual homework on this. And then the next resource is a very, very powerful one. It's already in your link. I mean, in your in the comment section, if you're watching on Facebook or YouTube, I believe Twitter and LinkedIn, maybe not Twitter. I don't know if it sends out these comments, but it is this is for the it's called I Copywriting Secrets is the name of the course the URL to get to it. I've got a short and one is r y p. I am forward slash copywriting. Copywriting is spelled c0pwriting. A lot of people put our PhD instead of writing on to g. So rip dot I am for slash copywriting, hyphen or dash chat g p t chat gpt all together. Nothing is capitalized in this one. I didn't want property. All right. I am forward slash copywriting, all one word, hyphen, chat, g, p t, all one word and no spaces anywhere in that. All right. That's for all of you listeners out there. And what, what will happen is you'll come up on this. And so this does cost money. And full disclosure, I am an affiliate, but guess what? It doesn't cost hardly anything. I bought it myself. $97 is always charging for this one time, forever, no monthly fee. And he's adding stuff. He added more stuff today to it. Great high value stuff. When you go through the initial course, you're going to be blown away and just go through it. You're going to have an entire library, an entire library of very impactful queries. I call them queries, things that you ask tpt to perform. You can copy everything he's done, put it in a dock, and now you can use them and repeat repeatedly use them and just change what you're writing about. You know, give me the biggest pain points customers feel in finding dogfood and then you can say, give me the biggest pain points people feel in selecting the right automation CRM tool.

Brian Kelly:
And you could just keep copying and pasting and replacing and make these individual queries or chats that are called in chat, chat. And that way it keeps the flow going On that one topic, it's just phenomenal. I could get I'm already going to deep and I apologize, but I am really geeked out about it. Excuse me. All right, keep moving. I see another comment. What do we got? Hello, Tim Gillette. How are you doing, brother? Great to see you. Thanks for coming on. I love I love to do the hair from the days gone by. It's very cool picture. All right. So we're going to keep moving to the next. Yes. So check this. This is huge. I highly, highly recommend it. Let me see if I can zoom this in a little bit. There we go. And so you just putting your name and your email address, he doesn't even ask for your phone number. I would, but he's not. That's cool. And so you can see live chat is online. This guy is always working. Always. I never see him sleep or never. Don't get a response back from him. It's amazing. And he's got a wonderful, beautiful child and he's just a great guy. So anyway, be sure to check that out. That's in the comment section if you need to click on it later after the show is over. And then let's move on. Part of systems, like I said in the beginning, involve getting human help always. You know, everyone seems to leave out the fact that humans are part of your systems. And so I wanted to also leave you with a phenomenal resource that I personally use. And by the way, everything you're seeing here are things. I use daily. Daily. Yes. I used Carlos course daily now because I am writing copy and building landing pages and emails and completely refining my old campaigns and things. So everything in here. So another one is the wonderful world of virtual assistants. And so there are so many out there. And look, you can see, oh my gosh, there's my picture, because I am one of the biggest promoters of their service because I myself have been using it for going on two years now.

Brian Kelly:
But you can see there are a lot of people in here who have really sung the praises of this outfit, and they are known as Let me pull that up. Is Carpe Diem UK. But here's a very short URL to get you there. It's our IP dot im four slash VA. Really simple, huh? And so are we PDM for SVA. I'll drop that in the comments as well. So you click on that at a later time and you can go and I have a lot of these stored in another area that I'm going to tell you about as well. So you can just have a one stop shop for all of these great resources. Why do I why am I so high on on carpe diem? One of the reasons is that they have they have systems in place. So they are very astute at technology. You can see above. If I go to the top. They have they have Vas that are certified in various large SAS systems, software and service systems, Zapier go high level, Clickfunnels, Facebook, WordPress, Asana, Slack, click up, LinkedIn and Google Drive. They're all in there. Or just Google that Google drive, I don't even know. But I use them for a lot of different things. In fact, oh my gosh, this is great. The video right here that let's see if I play it, It will play loud. I don't want it to play. I'm going to refresh it, see if it'll start from the beginning because you'll see it but not hear it. What I did was I did a headshot. You'll see it in the background there. You can see it's animating and moving. So it's just my tucking head almost. Wow. Like twins here, but not my talking head forever. I said, I want to replace this with animated graphics and motion graphics and things that keep people's attention. I don't want them just to look at a talking head for the entire video. So any moment now you're going to see a graphic come in. I didn't talk very long. There it is. And from that point almost to the end, it's nothing but these transitions of graphics and scenes.

Brian Kelly:
I had Ava and I say Ava, and there's a definite great reason for that to who edited this, who made this video? I sent them a video of just me in front of a camera talking with the audio. I had them put in these graphic transitions with words so that if someone doesn't want to play it out loud, they can actually kind of see what's going on. There You see automated tasks. So I had them add those text the text elements after I already had them do the entire suite of graphics animation cost savings kind of wobbled in there. That was an add on. I said, Oh, we need some words. So you know what's going on without the music or without the sound. And I had them create and put a music track. And behind the scenes I use something called sound Draw, sound, draw. I got it on an app Zoom. It's one of the few that's really good on app. And so they came up with this and now I have a version now for this and I'm very soon going have a version this, this meaning the landing page for a Facebook ad. I'm going to have another one I'm going to use on the main site that gives them a different CTA at the bottom or at the end. Instead of go book A schedule A, call me. I'm going to say, sign up now for your 30 day free. So that's another fantastic reason to have Vas. They did this while I did other things. In fact, most of those Vas reside in Pakistan. But you can and I did request that they overlap your time zone as much as humanly possible. I have my primary VA who did not do this video who does a ton. My God, I've got her loaded down. She is amazing. I got the agreement that she would work until 2 p.m. my time every day, so she starts earlier, but that's plenty of overlap. And we have our meetings when I in the in the morning, my morning once a week minimum we're constantly in communication on Slack and click up. It's a phenomenal system and phenomenal Vas that you can get.

Brian Kelly:
And here's the kicker I want to show you when it comes to those Vas. Let me bring that up. Let's see. Oh, yes. So yeah, first you want to go to the Wrap and force VA and the call to action there for them is book a discovery call They call it. It's a very low or no sales pitch call. It's very, very easygoing. They're just asking you, what do you need? Let's determine your needs. Do you need a 40 hour a week? Va As an example, I went in and said, I got more than enough for a 40 hour week VA. So I went all in from the very beginning and in my case they had two packages. One was one month. You pay up front for the equivalent of 40 hours a week of work. And I'm like, Whoa, a week of work. Yes, that's right. Or the other package was four months pre pay. I'm like, Wow, well, let me try the one month. So the interesting thing about that is that costs slightly different. So if you went with one month, it's about five. The equivalent is $5.63 an hour. I mean that's already bare bone bottom basement, hardly anything. And this is what I did. I started out with one month of full time. You don't have to get full time. You can start with part time. I just didn't ask about it. I didn't want it. I wanted full time. So for me, the full time was 563, an hour equivalent when I said I want one month and that was to kick the tires. So after I kicked the tires and I saw there was a potential here with my assigned VA, who has been my VA since the beginning, who we just kept getting better and better together, building rhythm. And so the next when the month was up and they said, okay, do you want to do another month or a four month? I said, Give me the four, and I've done four ever since. And what happens when you go for a month is your equivalent hourly rate goes down by over a dollar an hour to 453 an hour.

Brian Kelly:
It's unbelievable. And you not only get this one. Va here's the kicker and I explain this in this video and I'll show you how you can access this whole section. This is a membership site that I put together 100% free called Reach Your Peak Club. But the greatest thing about this agency, there's several things. One is they assign you a manager. They give you a manager to oversee operations of your VA. And I should say of your VA, because no one person has every skill set in the world. I don't. And so I needed things done that my assigned VA, my eye color, my permanent or primary VA didn't necessarily have, or I didn't want to bog her down with this level of work when I had her doing more important types of work for me. So one being video editing, another being landing page design and creation another. Oh my gosh, I had so many things done by them. It's unbelievable, that video being one. So I just go to the manager and say, Hey, do you have somebody available that can do some video editing? And he would just grab that person, drop them into my click up, and I have a new VA working simultaneously with my primary VA. I had been up to at one point I had four VA's working simultaneously. And remember, my primary is working full time and not once did they come back and say we need more money because you've exceeded your hours. I asked them. I asked the the CEO's name is Y's y Z, Great guy, great guy. I said, Hey, please, you're going to let me know if I'm getting close to exceeding and I'm going to need to fork over some more money. Oh, yeah, We'll let you know in advance. Don't worry. We won't surprise you. I've never been notified and I don't abuse it. But when I need something, I say, I just grab one and say, Hey, I need this. I had one convert seven of my websites from a WordPress based host, which is Linux. It's the operating system. It's getting geeky now, but most are on a Linux based host.

Brian Kelly:
That's a server, it's a computer. And I had one of their carpe diem Vas literally converted all of them and re rebuilt them almost from scratch in my P connector account because it does website website hosting and they made them look darn near identical. And I was using an advanced editor on the WordPress site called Element or Element or Pro, and they made it look almost I mean, it's hard to tell the difference, to be honest. And they did seven full blown websites with navigation bar and everything, navigation bar and everything. They did seven of them in two weeks. And yeah, there were some minor tweaks and things they missed along the way as always happens, and that's okay. But oh my gosh, the brunt of it was done in two weeks. It was unbelievably awesome. So, yeah, go ahead. If you have a question, let me know. I've been blabbing, but I got I got a little bit more to cover. Not a ton more. And I see where. Oh, my God, we're already at the hour. What happened? And you know what? I always give away a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. Compliments of the big insider Secrets dot com. That's Jason Nass, my good buddy. He's getting married next week on a cruise ship. My wife and I are going to be there with him. We're going to cruise with them for a week, him and his new bride. And we're going to have a great time celebrating his new journey going forward with this amazing and beautiful wife, Lisa. So, so excited about that. But I will be giving away that prize. In fact, I'm going to I'm going to let you have the information now before it's too late. So write this down Once I pull it up on the screen here, going a little bit different tonight because it's just a solo up. Here we go. I'm going to put it up on the screen to enter to win a five night vacation, stay at a five star luxury resort. All you have to do is write this down. You don't have to enter this.

Brian Kelly:
This moment is you will write down our WIP. I am for vacation. All right. Roy P I am for vacation. After the show is over, I'll take a look and we'll do a random drawing and that winner will be announced later tonight. That'll be awesome. Good luck to you. Are we done? I am for vacation, by the way, Caveat you must be watching live to enter. Yes. Oh, another reason. If you're listening on podcasts, are you watching this as a recording? Definitely head on over to the mind body business show dot com and register to be notified of upcoming shows. We don't spam or or pitch and do all that crazy stuff on those. Yes Hey Don hope you good evening to you, my friend. Yeah, we don't do that kind of stuff so just register and then you will get notified when these shows air live and you'll get to click a link. It's really quick and easy and then you can enter to win. And that's how you can do that, is watch us live and you can interact. We'll give you shout outs and all that great stuff. All right. And let's see, what did I have cued up for the next piece? Yes. Reach your peak club. I know we're going over. I apologize for that. But for those of you who want to hang on, this is very valuable. And I hope you do stay on. This was my issue last week. Unfortunately, I don't know what I was talking about at that moment, but. Laurie Ann. So. This is a club that I had created really out of the reason. It was because of just one resource at the time that spurred me to do this. I needed something that was not bare naked to the world at all times that someone would have to actually log in. An extra step was involved, a commitment of some kind in order to get this incredible discount. And what is that discount? Let me go back to this guy and we'll peel it back to the beginning, I hope. Yeah, we'll go here. And it is.

Brian Kelly:
The Zoom interplay enterprise plan. That is the reason I created this. Reach your peak club and then I started adding other elements to it. As you see there, there's carpe diem. It is what I call recipe club is what I call a discount house for entrepreneurs. And so you think of it like a Costco or a Sam's Club without the annual or any fees to be part of the membership. And it doesn't have thousands and thousands of products and only has, as you can see here, about six. I'm going to add a seventh here and a little bit I'm going to add Carlos Reddick's training GPD chatbot. I mean, $97. Come on. And I'll bet money he's going to update that up that price soon. So and you can also get a hotel savings card. You also you get one of those just by joining for free. And it is bona fide. I've used it. You just apply it just like you would an Amazon gift card, but you apply it to a booking engine where you can book into any hotel they offer, which is most that are available and get a discount on top of their already super low wholesale rates. So it's an amazing thing. But anyway, zoom for those of you that are using Zoom, a lot of you are doing the free plan that that limits you to 40 minutes. I believe it is 30 or 40 minutes per session. And the first tiered plan, I believe, is 1249, $12.49 a month. And I don't think they limit the time. Maybe it is limited, but you get a lot more. They also they have more tiers in between. And then at the far right, they have the enterprise plan, which includes a lot of great things, which is let's see if I've got anything written down in here. It's been a while since I've been in here. Now there's a video that goes over it and explains it. Once you're in the Reach your Beat club, so you'll want to definitely opt in to that. It's free hundred percent free. And so did I put that up? I don't think I put that up yet.

Brian Kelly:
Reach your peak club. I'm going to put that in the comments. Maybe I did. No, I did not. All right. We'll put that in there and I'll put it up on the screen here just a second. Right. Real quick. Real quick. Real quick. Yes. So you want to go to report for club Report? I am for club. And you can sign up for absolutely free there. Get access to all these discounted incredibly, deeply discounted in this case specifically is the Xoom Enterprise plan. And in a nutshell, what it does is it enables you to have a 500 seat meeting, a 500 seat webinar. Those are separate and they're all part of the same account. Unlimited recording to the cloud and full transcription of every meeting that you record. So to the cloud, meaning you don't have to record it to your own PC anymore or your computer. If it's a mac and take up your disk space, it goes to the cloud, it's on their servers and you can access it anytime you want by logging in to Zoom. It is zoom in. It's think of it as. An upgrade. For paying very little less. You pay a whopping $12.99 a month for the fullest highest plan they offer. Now, the highest they have has 1000 attendee seat meetings. I believe you get 500 for both meeting and webinar. I use it every month for my webinar. I've done 25 webinars using it. It is zoom. There's nothing different. It is just think of it as an upgraded account for hardly any of the cost if you were to pay the full amount. I forget what I had written down there, but it's thousands of dollars a month to get the enterprise plan because they require a minimum number of licenses. I think it was 50 or something like that. When you add it all up, it's a lot of money. And I struck a deal with a company before the pandemic. And they've been holding true to that deal ever since, which is phenomenal. Zoom and this other company made that deal and I got my foot in the door with that company, made that deal, and they said, Yeah, we offer this to anybody who wants who wants it, just as long as you don't go advertising it to the world.

Brian Kelly:
That's why I put it in a membership site. That's the whole reason behind that. So that's that I don't want to go through. Well, Advanced Life Video Masterclass. If any of you want to learn the ins and outs of doing advanced live video like I'm doing right now, typically I'm interviewing someone on the show and had a last minute cancellation. I mean, within 15 minutes I put this together. Not kidding. This show from scratch didn't think about it. I just started pulling up resources and man, it'd be a great, great time to give everybody access to all the tools that I've been using that are really helping me. And so I put on a free live advanced video masterclass. Nothing's for sale during it. And even in the call to action, which is you can have a one hour coaching session with me absolutely free and still I don't sell anything. I do not pitch at all ever in any step. It is a masterclass, not a webinar. And so if you're interested in that, then head on over to peak Masterclass dot com. I don't have one of those loaded up to show you on the screen Peak masterclass dot com or just log in to your reach your peak club membership and you'll see it in there and you click just like I did and you can jump in and then register and there's the link. When you click there, it goes to Pete Masterclass dot com and just read the info. There's, there's testimonials here of folks who have been through it. I've had quite a few on 25 of these now and there's a lot quite a few testimonies if you want to see how other people what they got from it, if they got anything from it most have and it's another great resource for you as well. I want to make sure I didn't miss anything. I know I went over and I apologize for that, but thank you for hanging on. I see some of you are still here, but this is what your pet club looks like. And you'll just say, join here free and you can click any of the buttons down here. They do the same exact thing.

Brian Kelly:
They take you to a log in and I did not use CBT for any of these. I could go back and read it. I don't need to or want to, but there it is. Yes. And yeah, so actually it's a $300 update that inside. So anyway, there you have it. I wanted to give you just an absolute plethora of incredible resources that you can use going forward in automating your business with the assistance of AI and doing it so much faster. You just need the right tools. It's two tools. Chat GPT is one and the other is. Is P connector for sure. I'm going to. Yeah. Beta. So for GPT, you want to go to chat, open a chat dot open icon. I'm testing it to make sure I'm saying that right. I didn't give it to you earlier. Yes. Chat open air and you can get a free account there for now. They just. I just heard word that they came out with a paid version of 4749 a month. Well worth it even at that price. But right now it's still free, to my knowledge. Go to chat dot open air and get a free account there and just have fun with it. But I would definitely recommend also getting Carlos course the report I am for copywriting hyphen chat GPT to put that in full work. You don't want to just run and do this blind. Trust me, you will spend a lot of time. Carlos put the time in. He is a copywriting expert. He does this for a living. He has high end clients. He knows what he's doing when it comes to copywriting and he has found a way to tap into chat. Gpt to further his copywriting prowess and make his business thrive even more so. Real quick recap. We have the p p connector landing page. If you're interested. You want to see what a Facebook landing page looks like. And I got I did not just come up with the layout and the ideas of the components myself. I literally hired another Facebook ad agency who showed me and told me the components to AD.

Brian Kelly:
So if you want to check that out again, that's our report. Forward slash capital P, capital C dash landing page where the both words are capitalized, the L and the P, And then again, that's Carlos copywriting dash chat GPT after report I am. And then for Vas at a fraction of the cost, I have made a great connection with the CEO. His name is Y Siddiqui and he's an amazing guy. They go, they will bend over backwards for you if you have any issues. I've had issues. Nothing's perfect and the guy just jumps on it and makes it right. So go to our p m for sidebar, see if it's a fit. I may not be a fit. That's okay. But at least I can tell you that God is a godsend to have the help of Vas. It is unbelievably wonderful to have them. And then there is a report I am for Slash Club, which is what is on the screen right now, and I think that brings us to our wonderful end. I normally would ask a wonderful heavy hitting question of a guest, but we don't I guess tonight it was actually a good thing. It's not a bad thing because it got me to be flexible and come up with some really valuable content. And I'm telling you, not just to boast or brag at all, It is truly, highly valuable, without a doubt what you just witnessed and do. Take action on it and go to those resources. Now that we're about to wrap it up, I hope you wrote all those down and that you will go and check out, especially reach your peak club, because most of the things we talked about are in there, not chat. Get Wow. Maybe I should add that in there since it's free for now. That's actually a good one. And so that's it. I so appreciate you all being here and taking the time to learn about how to more quickly and more accurately. Scale and build your business by building systems, utilizing automation and A.I. artificial intelligence together. I hope you got a good amount of value out of this time together tonight. And with that, we will be back not next week, but the week following, because I will be on a cruise ship with limited, limited Internet connectivity.

Brian Kelly:
So we're taking a week off from the show. And so when we come back a week later, I cannot wait to get going again with another phenomenal guest expert who I will be interviewing on this show when we return. So until that time, everyone, I appreciate you. I want you to do two things, if you don't mind. One is continue to go out there and crush it and serve more people. That is how you grow your businesses by serving others. And number two, above and beyond. Above all else, please be blessed. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Fitness Show podcast at My name is Brian Kelly.

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Brian Kelly

Brian Kelly is a Professional Speaker, Business Automation Expert, international best-selling co-author, and founder of Reach Your Peak – The Entrepreneur Training Company.

Brian helps entrepreneurs and busy business professionals to achieve peak performance through Mind, Body, and Business. He hosts a weekly interview-style live show called The Mind-Body Business Show that streams live to 7 platforms and then distributes the show to 25 podcast platforms, along with Roku and Amazon Fire TV.

In this show, he showed Building systems with automation and AI using technology to automate tasks and make decisions, with the goal of improving efficiency, accuracy, and overall performance. This includes using automation to control physical systems and using AI to analyze data and make predictions. Building systems with automation and AI help improve energy efficiency, comfort, safety, and overall performance.

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