Expert Panel Discusses Live Streaming & Podcasting Secrets

Expert Panel Discusses Live Streaming & Podcast Secrets: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Expert Panel Discusses Live Streaming & Podcast Secrets: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. The three keys to your success is just moments away. Here's your host, Brian Kelly.

Brian Kelly:
Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. What an amazing, exciting evening we have in store for you. And I say we, because it's not because of me. It's because of the two amazing individuals that you are going to meet in just moments from now. We are going to talk about the secrets. We're going to pull up, pull the curtain back and discuss all the secrets that are going to make your life's dreams more compelling. Get more views, get more audience. Also, how to re-purpose them and get even more audience and exposure for you and your brand. And I cannot wait because the two experts we have that I have waiting in the wings right now are really on top of their game. They understand everything there is about media and how to get the word out. Marketing, entrepreneurship, you name it. We've got a great show for you. I just I am so excited. The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show real quick. What is that all about? It's it's about being successful. It's about success. And what I did in the past decade or so as I began focusing on and studying only those people that I deemed successful at that in my eyes, they were successful. And what I noticed after some time and all this is through personally meeting with them, through reading their books, through listening to their podcasts, etc. And what I noticed where pattern start developing of these successful people. And you might guess that they fell in three primary areas that being mind and that is mindset. The people I have met that were successful had a rock solid and very flexible mindset. And with that, they have been able to conquer their visit, their particular fields of interest in business and personal life. In fact, one such person that I do know very personally and very closely is joining us tonight. That has this very rock solid, positive mindset. And yes, in case you're wondering, Jason, it's you and. We have body. What does that mean? That means basically taking care of your body both physically through exercise. I know that's a four letter word to some of you, isn't it? And also through nutrition, sometimes can be a four letter word as well. And what happens is I've noticed that those that have attained and achieved and then maintain a high level of success tend to take really good care of themselves from that body perspective. Now, guys, you know, that doesn't mean you have to exercise so much that you are going to ultimately look like Arnold Schwarzenegger did in his heyday. And ladies, the same as for you. You don't have to look like a supermodel. And it's really not about how you look. It's how you feel. And what exercise and nutrition do for you is really elevate how you feel. And when you feel good, you make good decisions, you feel bad, you make bad decisions. So that's how that's another key component of success. And I call these the three pillars of success. And the third pillar, that's business as multifaceted. So many areas of business, that's marketing, sales, team building, scaling, systematizing. It goes on and on and on. And those that had achieved a level of success that I had aspired to achieve myself were had mastered all of these areas. All three of them. And there's good news here with business specifically because it's so multifaceted. The good news is you personally don't have to master every single aspect of it. It would be nearly impossible to I don't know if we have enough time on this planet to do that. And the good news is all you need to do is find help and delegate and bring in those in your team that do have those skill sets. And then you will have mastered all three areas once you've mastered mindset and taking care of your body and then all of the wonderful areas of business. And to that end, we have two very successful people waiting in the wings. And I think it's time to bring them on and share them with you, our viewers, and the rest of the world. What do you think? Let's do it. Here we go.

It's time for the guest expert, spotlight, savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, big-league qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there they are living on our head. We have Anne-Marie Cross. She is the podcasting queen from Melbourne, Australia. She's coming to us live down under. Thank you so much for coming on, AnneMarie . It's a pleasure. Oh, my goodness. And my good friend, my buddy, my serial entrepreneur and media expert, Jason Nast, coming all the way from Arizona. Yes. Phoenix area. Phoenix, Arizona area. And what we're going to do on this show, if you both don't mind, is have a chat. And we're just going to talk as if we were, you know, ready for the show starter. We're sitting here in the green room, didn't hadn't gone live. And we already started. It's just how entrepreneurs roll. And there's so many wonderful things going on right now. And one thing I wanted to hit on. Really hard tonight is that of podcasting because it is so similar to live-streaming. It's just an older technology that existed much longer, much longer, longer ago, I'm trying to say then live streaming, video streaming has and we have an absolute bona fide killer expert with us. AnneMarie Cross. Yes. As Jason's pointing up to her like the Brady Bunch video before their their opening show. And she, as a woman who has been doing this for over a decade.

Jason Nast:
You've just alienated a whole bunch of people just now, just saying that I'm just like, you know.

Brian Kelly:
Why's that?

Jason Nast:
Not everybody's as old as we are & remembers The Brady Bunch.

Brian Kelly:
Google it little later. The Brady Bunch. Yeah, a nice little The Brady Bunch intro to that. But AnneMarie , she's got a. She's been doing this over a decade. She's got a community of over fifty thousand. And she doesn't just do podcasts in one genre. So that's not easy to do and she's mastered that. And so we are so blessed to have you on here with us tonight, AnneMarie . And actually this afternoon for you in Melbourne, Australia. Thank you so much for coming on. Cannot tell you how much I appreciate that.

Annemarie Cross:
My pleasure. And, you know, one of the things with podcasting is such a great way to share information, knowledge. And, you know, if I can fast track someone's podcasting journey, happy to do so. And so looking forward to sharing as much as I can today.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And I know I am personally deeply interested in improving podcasting exposure for Mind Body Business for The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. This is going be a fun ride. And then Jason. Jason is no stranger to all of this either. In fact, years ago he had a film studio here in Southern California, California. That's where I'm from.

Brian Kelly:
You've got various films, shot various films. You did some direct marketing pieces, I believe, if I'm not mistaken. And then he did the opposite of what everyone else does. He went from a film studio and went in to radio, as a DJ. And that's when that's when you landed in the Phoenix area, isn't it? Jason?

Jason Nast:
Correct. Yeah. L.A., just after I left the film industry, I kind of semi-retired and I don't retire well, I've done it a couple of times and not good. That's the one really bad thing. I'm one thing I'm not good at is retiring and I've decided to have some fun. So I got into radio instead.

Brian Kelly:
That's funny you say that about retiring because I just read a book recently. It was Elon Musk amazing book. I so recommend it for everyone. And there's a great part in it. It's basically he's being interviewed as kind of a biography, but he's being interviewed by a gentleman who who put pen to paper to write the book with his permission and at one point - he asked him about his work ethic and said, my God, you're like a machine. You never stop. Do you ever take a vacation? And he said, I've taken three, each and every time I've gone away from work a tragedy has struck. One example was one of his SpaceX rockets blew up right after liftoff and he was on vacation, you know, and things like that were happening. Of those three times he went out, something like that happened each and every time. And he said, I'm done with vacation. It's hazardous to my business health.

Jason Nast:
I'm really good at vacations. You know, there's an old adage that says, when you really, really love what you do, you never really you take a vacation from it. Yeah, I do learn how to when I left the studio and most things like that. But I just learned how to take my work with me wherever I go. So I love vacations. I just like to work while I'm on vacation much to the ladies in my lives chagrin.

Brian Kelly:
It's interesting you mention that because I just returned my wife and I from a cruise and it was like a 10 day cruise. And I was, you know, with two days left, I was I was good at turning everything off for a good five to six days. And then I just found my mind wandering back to let's I can't wait to get back and get back at it. And I didn't have anything with me to get back at it. So I was helping myself not to break the rule, but it was interesting. I was ready about two days before the trip was over to get back home and get back into it doing what I'm doing right now with you and others. Completely, totally. Get that.

Jason Nast:
I got to. That's why I love cruises. I know today you can get wireless nicer stuff on Cruise, but I when i started cruising, which was almost 20 years ago, you couldn't get wires, you couldn't get cell phone signal and it was my one excuse to turn off and not have the ability for people to reach me. I love that about cruising, so I don't tell people you can get wireless on cruise. I just pretend you still can't.

Brian Kelly:
I mean, 20 years ago, not let alone Internet. They probably paddled with orders to get your own right.

Jason Nast:
You're asking like they're being a little they're guys down below that. You know, that this that I do have I do have a relevant topic I want to talk about right away if it's OK with you. Because there was an amazing thing that just happened. And it ties in live-streaming and it ties in your man, Elon Musk. And it ties in live-streaming. I mean, livestreaming and marketing, which is my forte. I love marketing. Right. So so this is an amazing breakdown. I'm sure everybody has at least heard about the new cyber truck launch. And and I did. We did. I did do it. Someone else did a breakdown from a marketing standpoint. And I would love to read this to you because it is so freaking great. And this is why Elon Musk is an absolute genius. So first, let's look at the problem that he had. He needed to raise money to build new trucks. So his solution was to spend a few million dollars and buy but build one visually, completely off the hook. Polarizing prototype. And by the way, it does smash portion speed records and the tug of war with Ford and all that sort of stuff. But then he holds a livestream event. And then he accidentally, accidentally breaks the windows with it with a steel ball bearing, knowing that's going to cause tremendous drama and tons of media coverage because he was embarrassed. Right? And then he offers a pre-sale for just a mere one hundred dollars, which you can preorder the truck immediately after the livestream event. Now, within just a couple weeks or a couple of days, he's going to hit over two hundred thousand presales. So right now, it's over a hundred fifty thousand. So if you take two hundred thousand times one hundred dollars, he's already generated twenty with a twenty million dollars in revenue and pre-sale revenue. Now go to any of the big boy investors with all this data, rally them together and get their cash. Two hundred thousand trucks at an average cost of Ford i'm sorry at the low end costs of forty thousand is eight billion dollars. And he should be easily able to raise at least 20 percent of that 1.6 billion dollars to develop a truck. His total investment was one prototype truck and a livestream party. That is why you are Musk is a marketing and business genius right there. Isn't that amazing? And talk about the power and leverage of livestream because that was all live, you know, just having a good time. And I don't know if you watched it. I watched, I actually shared some of it on my Facebook page, though, during the livestream, because I thought it was just brilliant because I look at things not like a fanboy. I look at it from a marketing fanboy standpoint. I'm like, oh my God, this guy is brilliant. He brought everybody together in a livestream event. So I was proud. I'm proud. I really was.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. He is a marketing genius. And it's funny cause he didn't start out that way in the beginning. He literally self-funded everything. It was crazy. He was thrown his own cash at everything. It's a phenomenal story. But, you know, that's that's kind of like the journey of any entrepreneur, isn't it? We start out, you know, as a solo partner, not really knowing how to get things done. And then then we learn from others and improve and continue to grow. And then it just keeps getting better and better. So, Annemarie , the podcasting queen. You know, there are so many things that it is the interesting thing to me is how old podcasting technology is, how old the idea is and how now new it has become because it has become the rage for entrepreneurs. Everybody I've run into, all they talk about as I now have a new podcast. It is so interesting. It's come full circle. And you've been doing this for quite some time over a decade. And so I'm sure you've seen from infant stage all the way up through the maturity stage in many people. But if you were to know Annemarie and I know you do, if you could call out for those that are thinking about doing a podcast, what would you say or say the top three mistakes that podcasters, either those that are venturing into becoming a podcaster or those that are even doing it now. What are the three biggest mistakes that you've witnessed in your time and over this decade that help people avoid that?

Annemarie Cross:
Great question. And they're mistakes that I have made. So all of the things that I now teach and show my clients and other people are what I made. And I think one of the things I said the other day was it is. So the good news is it is really easy to start a podcast. You just pick this up, plug a microphone in and off you go. But the bad news is it is easy to start a podcast all you need to do is pick one of these up and off you go. And one of the key mistakes that I made and I see many other people make is they don't have a clear strategy. Why are they starting a podcast to start a podcast? Because you want to get your voice out there. You want to have visibility and reach, which are obviously outcomes that you want. But why? What is the purpose of your podcast? And one of the things that I find with with the clients in the community that I'm surrounding myself as or with is with service based businesses so ultimately, we are selling our expertise. We're selling our knowledge. So you have to have a clear idea on what is the purpose of this podcast. How am I going to integrate it within everything else that I'm doing? What is and I know that Jason was talking about funnels and what are the processes? What is my customer journey? What does that look like and how can I integrate my podcast, you know, within that. And so different businesses and different things that they do can really determine the type of strategy. I had one conversation with an accounting firm who was struggling with an area of keeping clients, retaining clients. And one of the things that they were finding was existing clients didn't know about all the services and product offerings that they have. And one of the accountant partners said, we don't want to seem like we are pitching and upselling when our clients come to see us once a year. So I said to them, well, a clear strategy may be for you to do a podcast where you identify the problems and challenges, you know, your existing clients have, create a great case study around that and then a way to distribute that is not necessarily focusing on externally to new clients, which you can do, of course, but more internally. How you communicating with your existing clients so that you can add value speaking to a problem that they're already experiencing. And also let them know that, look, if you are struggling with this, give us a call and we'll set up a non obligation free call. So you know how you're going to use your particular podcast? What is the strategy that you're going to use? So that would be one mistake. First, starting a podcast just for the heck of starting a podcast. You don't have an outcome or what's the goal in mind? You're not going to reach a goal if you don't have in place. The second is, and I'm sure you've heard this before as business owners gnashing, whereas the area that you want to really position your expertise. If you start a podcast to try and be all things to all people, you'll speak to no one because you're not really connecting with your ideal client. What are they struggling with? What are they looking for? And bringing that very much unique and targeted message to to your podcast episode. So that would be the second mistake. And the third mistake. This is something that I see many business owners, particularly service based businesses who start a podcast as a way to build reach and visibility is they haven't clearly defined what makes me unique and stand out in comparison to now thousands, tens of thousands in some industries of other people who are also speaking into that particular area. So one of the things that I learned many, many years ago when I hired some mentors and things that I've come to know, too, is that people will come for the topic. They will return for the host. People will come for the topic because they're interested in learning more about that. Yet if you create an incredible experience where you're building engagement with your your listeners or viewers, if you're doing streaming at the same time, if you really create an experience that that resonates and that makes someone want to come back and experience again. Guess what? they are going to return, but often if we haven't defined what that is. You know, your personal brand. What is the reputation that you want to build? How can you bring that over and over again intentionally across all of your podcasts, whether you're sharing on your own or whether you are into interviewing one or two or more guests? You want to consistently bring that experience to every show. And that's right from all your podcast creatives as well, your graphics, your music, everything creates that experience. And I find when people haven't defined that their thought, leadership, brand, message and experience, there is not that consistency there. And when you attract someone to come and listen to that episode, they're not going to be compelled to want to come back because you haven't really created that experience. So that would be the the three things that I would focus on first and get those in place before moving on to some of the other mistakes.

Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. My God. It's like you've done this before.

Annemarie Cross:
You know what, I've made all of those mistakes over and over and I. Then you get to a point, you know, as a business owner you go there's gotta be a better way. And that's what I found, when you really get those things right, when you are speaking to your ideal client and they find you. I mean, you don't have to have a massive audience. You know, we often and this is something that we took before we went live. Now, people are always talking about numbers, numbers, numbers. And I said, yeah, but if you are using your podcasts as a way to build, know like and trust. And I think trust is so important, especially with all the mistrust that is going on. And you can build trust far quicker if you're consistent across all of your content. And if you're bringing valuable information through your expertise, people are going to really trust you. And that's, I think often what's missing, because people haven't clarified that yet. They don't really know what that is.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, it's interesting you bring all those up because all those things fell through. And I started doing the livestreaming over a year ago. One of the things one of my pet peeves were those that would come on and do like interview style shows and they're holding their phone as their camera and shaking it all over the place. And there's no there was no forethought put into it for quality sake. And I just you know, they're calling themselves professionals. And I'm like, no, you're not. I I can't handle this. And so when I created mine, I wanted to make sure it was of the utmost quality in all in all areas possible. You know, as much as technology would allow let's put it that way. And technology has come a long way to make a creating a quality show and either podcast form or in video form much simpler than it used to be used to take a ton more work and consistency. My goodness, that's a big one. And that's a good point because tonight is an off night for us. Typically, the show airs on Thursday nights, but this Thursday is a holiday. It's Thanksgiving. And so I put a special episode together. And the both of you are here because we had a last minute cancellation. Thank you so much of a guest who was due to appear. And so, you know, the flexibility of rolling with it. But yeah and Nissim, tell me about that one. I love it when you go to someone's YouTube channel and they're talking about dogs in one breath and then race cars in another and then, you know, just completely different topics. And you're like, well, you're all over the map. I'm out of here. I don't see any consistency. I don't, yeah, you're casting, too broad a net for everyone. And then, yeah, like you said, the no clear strategy. Yeah, right, like you said, it's it's actually it's a good thing and a bad thing to be so easy to get it started because that's the problem. So many people just grab their phone like I said and just start blabbing and start talking. They have no no structure. Yeah. So I agree with everything you said. It rings true. And the guy down beneath us right now, I'm sure he's nodding emphatically, saying the same thing with all of his past film industry expertise in radio. Did you guys follow any kind of pattern, Jason, when you guys were doing shows?

Jason Nast:
We, yeah, I mean, we had one, we self-produced one sitcom for one season and yeah, we watched the patterns, we watched the trends. And that especially when I got into the ads seen on TV world, there was that's all trends. You just watch the trends. Who's buying when, what, why, where? It's actually interesting because there's there's some statistics I wanted to share about podcasting. And specifically, this comes from a website called Convince and Convert. And this is 2019 and these are American statistics. I know we have someone from down under here. But but this is what I know, and that is that over 62 million Americans are listening to podcasts on a weekly basis. And that's significant. That's a huge increase, the largest increase since 2013 in one one solid years, it's huge. But for the podcast a big benefit is, is that now they're saying that people who are listening to podcasts today are more likely to actually buy products and services from the person, from their host or from their guests. And even that 37 percent are just are somewhat more likely to do it, which is kind of cool. And then from the other side of it, from the podcast listener side, this was a huge statistic for me, in America, 41 percent of podcast listeners are more than likely or are likely to earn more than seventy five thousand dollars per year. So this is a big note, because if you're not making seventy five thousand plus per year, maybe you should start listening to more podcasts. And back to you, Brian.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, is that my cue? I actually couldn't find the mute button there. I was muted there so I wouldn't make any noise during that. Yeah. Podcasting is so powerful. It's become the new, you know, it was. So I got a great story on it. And this will be great for Annemarie as well because of the fact that she does this in different genres. Is I just onboarded a couple of new apprentices for my team to help out with all of my marketing. And one of them, during the review process, during interview process, one of them was, you know, he was saying all these things that were so and so great alignment with all the books I had read, you know, that we're in business and personal development. And I thought so I asked him, I said, wow, sounds like you're very well read. He goes, Actually, I don't read any books. He goes, I listen to a podcast. It's like, wow. And it isn't it's isn't it interesting? Because I listen to Audible to books on Audible. So there's really not a whole lot of difference other than the format and the flow and the duration in many times some books can take up to eight hours to listen to a podcast can go much quicker. But you can you can binge listen. So podcasts are extremely valuable. I'm sure Annemarie has several that would fit the mold for people watching right now. In fact, do you have any way that people could find your podcasts out there?

Annemarie Cross:
Most my most recent one is And that is really for people who have they already experts in their field, but they really want to be seen as authorities or they feel invisible and they want to go to influential and incorporate a podcast. So I help them go from invisible to influential profitable with that podcast. We've got Women in Leadership podcast and also the Christian Entrepreneurs podcast as well. That's right. I actually shut down. Believe it or not, people were horrified when I told them my very first show that I did after the when I started podcasting back in 2008. That was with a co-host called Career Success Radio. We did that for two years and then we kind of parted ways because we both started to transition into different areas. That's what we do as entrepreneurs, don't we? We pivot and then I started business success podcasts, which turned into Ambitious Entrepreneur show and that's an award winning podcast, ambitious entrepreneurship show, and often is listed in the, you know, the top business podcasts globally. But I closed that down. I stopped production and people were horrified. The reason I did that was because I was leeching into industry thought later podcast. I thought I teach this stuff because I do it, you know, and I realized that the ambitious entrepreneur was too broad and I was pivoting into really specializing. And so that's what we did in those. But one of the things that we talk about, you know, kind of audiences and binge listening, that is often what will happen. People will listen to the podcast. They love who you are and how you're bringing that content across and it just makes sense. You know, sometimes you listen to people, and go like that you probably heard at 10 million other times by other people, but just the style that they bring it to the to, I'm going to say airwaves, I know it's not airwaves, but to the podcast in their style, it just fits. And so people have often said, I've binge listened to your podcast and I'm thinking, wow, well, you know, we have just spent hours, weeks together with within that. But that's the kind of thing that happens and to me, you know, it's like, wow, you know, I could not believe it when people would often email me when's the next episode coming out? And so that's pretty powerful, you know, relationship that you can develop, that you can develop with your audience that I haven't quite yet seen with other mediums other than, of course, Livestream is really something special about livestreaming as well.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I can't agree more. That's one of the reasons I got into it was literally because I used to speak from stage quite a bit, mostly for a mentor of mine. I would speak he had two day live events, two and three day live events, and I ended up ultimately training a full half of his events. So a full day from stage. And I loved it. I just found that I loved being on stage, did three of my own events and then did a pretty massive transition in my business model and decided it was time to put the brakes on the live seminars because those takes so much time, effort and money to put together. But this was kind of my stopgap, my little Band-Aid fix, if you will. So I could still kind of be on stage, if you will, interact with other incredible people like you and Jason and, you know, keep that going. And then over the course of doing this for now, several years, I learned that really live video, if you think about it, it's really the genesis of all marketing platforms. And by that, I mean you I don't know of any thing you can go farther up the ladder because you can repurpose a life video. You can go live where people watch you live. You record the video and then that you can repurpose, by putting it on YouTube and other platforms and then you can repurpose it through podcasts by stripping the audio out. And you can also take the transcribed word from the video shows and make books or e-books out of them. You can do so many things, it's unbelievable. I've got my apprentices are creating memes which are graphics with a quote inside of them directly from the quotes from the show. The past shows and so repurposing beyond measure. In fact, I coined the term called Carpet Bomb Marketing and that's recently what I'm undertaking at the moment is in-fill product. I'm had to do all this and this isn't a sales pitch. It's just you got me excited because it's all down that line of video and everything you are talking about the ambitious entrepreneur podcast network. I love that whole thing. I typed in industry thought leaders podcast. That's what popped up. And that I love that we need to collaborate. You and I and Jason more and spread and cross-pollinate to our respective tribes because you know, someone who's a connection for me might not be for you and vice versa.

Annemarie Cross:
Absolutely, and that's what happens, isn't it? Because I believe it or not, and I often will share this. Now, people don't believe me, but I'm an introvert, so for me going on a networking events or conferences that I don't know anyone just and I can't carry a microphone if I'm in front of a microphone or behind a microphone. I'm fine. But you can't go to networking event and go hi, my name's Anne-Marie Cross. You know that kind,. you just can't do that. I can interact and interview people? I'm curious. I love to find out. And I learn so much, as you said, you know, reading for me. It's podcasting. And I learned so much more from people who are on the cold phase of innovation and trying things out. And as entrepreneurs, we try things out. Some things work, some things don't and you learn that consistently. But I find that that is a great way to build relationships and connections with other people. I would never in a million years would have an opportunity to connect with.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah and I can't agree more. And I don't know what your thoughts on this Jason are. But the format of the show, whether it's podcasts or livestream, you know, interview style or talking head, which is one person. I remember originally, my thought was, you know, I've got so much information. Fifty five years on this planet now I can just go on and spew out my knowledge and be incredible for everybody. And I thought, how boring would that be? I need to bring other people on. And it turned out that was, in my case, a good decision in so many ways. Annemarie you just mentioned one of them is the relationships you establish, what they are, what those guests and you are now part of that guests community, many of them and you are now coming in contact with their tribe, so to speak and it just keeps spreading in a glorious way. So being a get out, being a host on any kind of show like this where you interview others, there's no value you could put to what you get from it, from those relationships. Does that make sense? Yeah. What are your thoughts, Jason, on interview style format versus talking head? Did you guys do any testing along those lines or have you just witnessed or noticed 30 have a preference between them as a viewer or as a audience?

Jason Nast:
We did a lot of testing in that scenario and the idea behind the the talking head is great when you have specific value to bring to your customer, your clients, your listeners. But when you're that same voice, even onstage, that same voice gets old after time. So you've got to mix it up, in my opinion. I think that the changing of the voice of the guard, changing the information, the way the information is delivered, you could all be talking about podcasts and can all be talking about Marketing. We could all be talking about Vlogging or livestreaming, but different voices have a different emphasis on different words and I think that's really powerful. I really love the the the multiple guests aspect of it. I know you normally do one guest. I love these chat kind of things that we're doing right now that really inspires me. Now, I have a broadcast that I'm building right now. There is just the talking head. I dispel information that I know, I call it the big insider secrets because as you said, fifty five years on the planet, you don't look a day over fifty four. I'm fifty two on the planet. So I've got a lot of experience and a lot of different markets. I've been blessed to be able to do anything I wanted pretty much my entire life. And as a result of that, I've got experience in many different fields of marketing. And there's some things that, you know, I coin these phrases like it's like 'they don't want you to know' and I want I want to dispel all those rumors and those myths and those hard to get into, and those glass ceilings. I want to break it all down share the inside information for people. So that's kind of my thing to talk about. I still bring on guests occasionally that will talk about their specific things that I may not be well versed in and I like that interaction much better. I think the listeners also like that interaction much better. It is interesting you talk about the evolution of podcasting and back when I was on the air on radio here in Arizona. That was that was a nineteen ninety seven, eight, nine? And I was a DJ, I played music mostly that was that know we did stories and stuff like this occasionally, but mostly it was just music and everybody in the industry at the time was, was really paranoid about this new thing, satellite radio and companies like that coming in like Sirius and even I heart radio in the early days how they were worried about it because they were kind of automated systems. You didn't need a live jock and all of the DJ's were freaking out about it. But what's fascinating to me is that companies like IHeart Radio, Sirius Satellite, they have even gone into, heavily into the podcast world because podcasting is so prevalent today. I believe. Annemarie , you're on I heart radio as well. Is that right? And I know, Brian, you're broadcasting on Pandora and IHeart radio. So these are huge markets and you have to pay again as a marketer. You have to watch the marketplace and see who's jumping on board and why? When IHeart radio is now millions of dollars in ad campaigns going out telling you that they are the place to listen to podcasts. That's telling you something back in the day. It was. And I and it makes me cringe every time I hear it. It's you know, podcasts were generally you get them on iTunes and you know, I'm not an Apple guy, so I don't have iTunes. So when people say, yeah, get my podcast at i-Tunes, I look at it and go, wow, you just lost a customer. So if I can't get it on Google podcast, I'm not going to get it. And that's just my thing, I'm not going to do that. So I love now that the one podcast, can get broadcast and get syndicated to so many different venues so quickly. And that to me, when you see IHeart radio jumping on board, Sirius has always kind of been a podcast or a talk show host kind of thing in the day. But you watch this growth, oh, it's powerful. And and a lot of people think it has to be video, it doesn't have to be video. When we were in the studio, I was one of the early adopters to pull in a camera and this was like nineteen ninety seven and eight or nine actually really did a lot of part of seven ninety eight, nine nine. You know, we had like still ridiculously slow internet speeds and blurry foggy things and my camera in the studio, I just did it myself and it would just take a still shot every five seconds so that you could see that there was a live jock in on the air, you know. And that gave me a glimpse into my life on the air. And it boosted my ratings like crazy because I was one of the early adopters of that kind of thing. So so, yeah, I think podcasting is phenomenal and exciting. And that's why I'm even though I've been in it for so long, I've never done it for myself, though. He's done it for other people. So it's been this past six months that I really kind of, you know, talking with Brian and being part of his Carpet Bomb Marketing crew and all this stuff really starting to embrace the idea that I really want to build this business model of this larger podcast and video casting.

Annemarie Cross:
Yeah. And, you know, one of the things that I say, you never know where your voice ends up. When I was producing ambitious entrepreneur show, I got an email from one of my listeners who was in Zimbabwe. And he said, look, I've been an avid listener. I've made some business decisions and career decisions based on the information sharing with your guests. And he said and I'm now on a local radio station here in Zimbabwe and I'm one of the program directors. He said, Would you mind if we syndicate your show on our local radio station? Hang on a minute. Would I mind? So here I was in my home office in Harlem producing this show, and then it was being streamed, you know, and it was inspiring aspiring entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe. And we did that for a couple of season. And he still connects, you know, is connected on Facebook. And he'll often, you know, shout out and things like that. So you never know where your voice ends up. With the Christian entrepreneur show, I was interviewing someone from the US who was a teacher, but he also had a part time business. Now, that was that show was shared to someone who shared it to someone else. It ended up being sent to a local radio station in Perth, a Christian radio show. One of the producers, they emailed me and said, would you mind if we syndicate your show? We love what it stands for. So often people will pick that up and when it's niched and when it's valuable, you know, you've got an idea of the audience that you want to impact and influence, that's the kind of thing that happens, you know. And so people will share their content with you. And that's one of the things that I think with the community now we want to be inspired, don't we? And like minded people hang out with like minded people and if you're able to identify who that person is that you want to be part of that community, you might have to do a lot of the sharing because they will do it for you. And it's just that snowball snowball effect. But one of the things that you were saying, Jason, I absolutely agree. I always like to observe what's happening in traditional radio. And I don't know about you over in the US, but here in Australia, a lot of the traditional media are struggling with advertising dollars, across all platforms, you know, TV and radio and I'll often have previous radio hosts go, so how are you monetizing your podcasts? that now I've seen that one of the major radio stations here has submitted and put together this wonderful brochure for their advertisers validating the beauty of podcasts listenership. So they're now starting to shift, you know, the mindset of the advertisers, hey, come and tap in to the space. One of the things that they don't realize is that as podcasts consumers, we hear an ad and we're out of there like I don't know that. But if I hear an ad, it's like you know bye. So we need to be mindful about our audience and how we're integrating that to monetize it.

Jason Nast:
It's interesting you bring it up and I actually have questions about monetization for you? But, so about in 2017, I ran a podcast that was a live stream and a podcast on a local radio show here called Money Radio. They brought us in because we were at the time specializing in e commerce and we have tons of connections. So we brought him great interviews and things like that. My business partner at the time, I still work with him quite a bit he's Jeff Hagan and we had the e com power hour on money radio in Scottsdale, Arizona. And one of the things that they were saying, okay, you know, we can monetize this, we can throw your ads in there, we can do this. We didn't do that at all. What we did was, we had a billboard announcement up front that basically said, hey, you know, thanks for listening to the eCom Power Hour. This is brought to you by, and then a sponsor. And then we wouldn't mention that sponsor again until the end of the show. And at the end of the show, you, hey, thank you for listening, this podcast was brought to you by you know the sponsor's name, which inspired me in one of my businesses to later start sponsoring podcast. So my one business that I have, we actually sponsor podcasts and you actually can see it at the top of the screen now. My businesses is one of my businesses and we actually sponsor Brian's podcast and other broadcasters as well in a way that helps because we're finding our marketing dollars as a business. My marketing dollars, I could go and get Facebook ads and I can go to Instagram posts and I can do all these fun things. But I'm getting more bang for my buck out of sponsoring podcasts than I do from actually buying ads in traditional media and traditional media is my background. I mean, I bought ads and radio and TV and print magazines and billboards. And, you know, we've spent millions of dollars every week on media buy. And I'm actually getting more bang for my buck on sponsoring podcasts than I ever have from from just a regular everyday media as your traditional media buy.

Annemarie Cross:
Yeah. Yeah. So true. You know, I've often been approached, you know, Brian, when you went to industry thought leader podcast that went to my podcast network, which is what I establish because I thought I can put it on my own platform or I can create a network. And that's now where we put a lot of our podcasts that one of the things that I'm finding is a lot of people will say to me, we want to sponsor your show, you want to do that? But one of the things that I do and you're doing this really well, Jason, I want to point this out for people. You have to, as a podcast host, say, yes, only two either products or services that you have used or you know about them. And it sits with your core values, because I find that if you are sharing something that you wouldn't believe in necessarily or that you wouldn't use, that's going to come through for your audience. And I think that's the difference between if you say and I love you feedback on this, Jason, that when you say a radio host doing it in traditional media, they may not know that particular product and it kind of comes through yet from a podcast host it's more of a personal relationship with that with that sponsor or the product or the service. So you can provide a little bit more insight on how you're using it. And if the host is using it and they they're attracting an audience of, you know, like and trust and like mindedness, it means that probably the audience is going to find it valuable, too. And from a consumer of podcasts, if someone says, hey, I'm reading this book or I've got this new app or power texting, you got to try it out. I'm going to go. I've bought so many books and resources from someone who I've listened to. It's kind of like one click and they're all of a sudden you're reading it. But that's the kind of thing when you when you watch your own behavior and you start to look at what other people are doing, you know, when you kind of see that something's working, there's a reason for that. And I love to hear your thoughts on that, Jason, because there's a deeper connection and there's a real authenticity, if I can use that word, because the host using it and finding it beneficial.

Jason Nast:
I agree that when I was on the air doing terrestrial radio, we would get copy all the time and the copy would say, you know, oh, I love the brand new Chevy Tahoe and blah blah blah, but I don't drive Chevy side. I would not say that I would rewrite the copy myself and say, you know, hey, hearing about the new Chevy Tahoe, it's really amazing. So I would rewrite it because I would never put myself in a first person as a kind of a pitch person for that brand like that, unless I had that personal experience. Now, when I had the personal experience, I, you know, again, I talked about it more from a place in my heart and my and my love of it than it was a lot easier to personally identify with that. So I thoroughly agree with you. When we did sponsorships, of course, I was in e com at the time, still doing e-commerce business, but just a different model. Back then it was more shopping stores and things like that online. We went to our partners, people that we already were working with, we knew their reputation, we knew the platforms, we knew the products. And so oftentimes we would be talking about them in our show, but we wouldn't be pitching it. And at the end, we would actually give them a dot com website to go to or e-mail address or something. Plus, a lot of my my interviewees and you might get this as well. A lot of my interviewees have products, the people that I would bring in for interviews, they have products, they have services. We don't pitch their product, but we let them explain what they do and how they do it and why and try to bring as much value as we can. And then, of course, we always give opportunity, hey, how can they reach out to you? Brian's amazing at that, you know. Hey, how can we reach out to you? He shows your website shows things off? Because when I'm watching you Annemarie on a podcast or a video cast and I'm listening to you, if what you say resonates with me, I want to reach out to you. I want to connect with you. I'm writing down lists of questions I have for you. If I don't get you on this podcast answer, I'm going to be hitting you up individually. Because because I want to know these things, because you've already peaked my curiosity and I think that's the average listener's like that. They say, wait a minute, I like what they said, I want to know more. And so that's a real, you know, in sales and marketing, we call it a real soft sell. Yeah, it's the ability to just educate people and if they're interested, then they'll come to you.

Annemarie Cross:
Exactly. I used the three with that. You need to engage with people first. Then you need to educate them with some serious value whilst also enticing them. So what's the call to action? You get those three A's people can't wait for you to share. How can I find out more about you? And that's where we're looking at monetizing your podcasts. And one of the things that I say is you set up your podcast so that you can start to nurture listeners into leads, inquiries and ultimately paying customers. And that is when your call to action. Usually you start off your podcast. If you're a service based business owner with your thought leadership. So what we're doing is I'm saying create the first three episode, obviously episode 0. But the first three episodes as really valuable content that enables people to build that know like and trust in a series. And I can answer how I come up with the number three. But that to access that along with maybe some transcripts, some checklists, some other things, that people can get a real good win to solving a solution or an immediate problem to access that content is part of the opt in. And guess what? They're now part of your list. So if you provided real good value, if you're being interviewed or even on your own podcast and you're interviewing someone else, the call to action at the end of every podcast or alternative podcast is, by the way, we've only just scratched the surface. If you want to know more about how you can go from invisible to influential with a profitable podcast, go and access and then you would give that URL. So the people who are ready and have been piqued their interest, they're going to go and access that. And so often I find that business owners will have a lot of different interviews. And I've even asked this question to a couple of people, my clients, but also part of my community. And I said, if you are interested in that host, if they don't provide more information and say for the first three episodes. Are you left wondering? Who are they? Where can I find out more? And I've had people say yes. That is true, that if the podcast host does more interviews where their expertise, how can I find out more? So the three episodes make them the first and Brian shall I share how I came up with it with the three. Why? Good podcast series of three is a good idea to you in the notes that I sent through how I came to decide you know what I'm going to get over myself. People who've been calling me, the podcasting queen for years now. I'm going to rebrand and I'm going to do this now full time was after I had the biggest business failure, which now I can say is the best thing that ever happened to me, because I wouldn't be here today speaking with you were it not for that. But during after the business failure, I thought, what can I do? I was burned out. And looking back now, I could say I was quite depressed. And I thought, well, you know what? I can't create anything else. My mind is just I just I have nothing else to give. But what I can do is I can ask really good questions. I'm still curious. So that's why Women in Leadership podcast started. I thought I am. I use that as my own healing of what I'm going to go out and find incredible women who have overcome hardship, who are doing awesome things. And I'm just going to hang out with them. And I had three episodes on my website and I made I accidentally got clients from that. And I say accidentally because I said that podcast that not as a way to monetize, but as a way to get over my own healing, to learn and just buy me over that time. And I kind of took a step back and I I asked, well, how did that happen? Why did that happen? And I think all of the things that I mentioned, I had a clear strategy. My website was very much branded around branding and communications at that time. And people that listened to those podcast episodes, they had looked around on my website. And that's what's so important. You have to be consistent across all platforms. And they knew liked and trusted me. And they pretty much just rang me up and said, we want to work with you. What's the best way to do that? So I thought, well, if I can do that by accident, how can I formalize that and how can I get that so that it could work for clients as well. So three is a really good number for that know like interest. We talk about, you know, the customer journey, the buyer's journey and people have different triggers that they need, different information. So you incorporate that in the first three episode. It's a great way to really build that engagement, but also that you are valid, that you can be trusted and integral in your dealings. And so that then prompts them obviously with the emails and the sequence that you put into place. Creates that beautiful pipeline of people who will put up their hand naturally who are ready to make that decision and it just sits in the back end working for you 24/7, 365 days a year, every time that you you publish another episode or of course your existing episodes which are really be found online.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, it's phenomenal information that is interesting because a similar thing happened to me. It was by accident just doing the show and it came by way of people like you and Jason. When I got done, they kept time and time again we would do a debrief at the end of the show like we will do and we're done. So don't go anywhere. But I'll be off camera. And what we'll do or what they did during a debrief is, Brian, can you show me how to do what you do. the show, the live show. And I'm like, oh, my gosh, if they only knew everything else that goes on behind the scenes, especially after the show's over and the marketing that goes out, the podcast repurposing. I'm on 16 podcasting platforms as we speak and literally after the show's over, I edit it, the video, personally. It takes 15 minutes. I was telling you this earlier, Annemarie. I strip out the audio, takes another couple minutes and then I put it to a podcast syndication service and within minutes, it's appearing on all of these 16 podcast platforms. I mean, the same night that we finish, you and Jason will be out there in podcast land even further than you were before and that's that's amazing. And so because I got getting asked, you know, I like I used to teach from stage. You must listen to the market. In other words, you know, we love like Jason and I we're gadget geeks, right? And we know that we create the next greatest gadget that everyone's going to love. But the thing is, the market didn't ask for it and we haven't done our market research to say that they will buy it. Well, I was being told I was being force fed. It was like, wake up, brain, the signs are here. They want this. So that's where I just started and created a whole I'm in the process of creating a pretty monolithic, massive info product called Carpet Bomb Marketing, but completely by accident. I didn't start out this the show with that intent at all. It was what you said in the beginning was to build a platform to build that know, like and trust factor. Ken Spohn is in the House. Check it out! How you doing, Ken?

Jason Nast:
Ken has been a previous guest on your show, yeah?

Brian Kelly:
That's right. He was, so Ken if you have a question for any of these lovely people that are here with me, please type it in the comments and we'll address it. As long as it's appropriate. Of course.

Jason Nast:
While Ken's thinking of a question. Do I have a question? Annemarie, as you mentioned, you have a you have your own network. Do you host other people's podcasts on that network or or share from there or?

Annemarie Cross:
Yes, my clients. Yes. We give them that that that platform to share on ours. We have their information that obviously points to their websites. But. Yes. Yes.

Jason Nast:
Excellent. Yeah. There was a there was a DJ when I was on the air here. He was on a sister station and he was I use the morning show jock. You know, the shock jock kind of guy. And since then, he started his own podcast network here in Arizona. And it's it's phenomenal how, again, people who held dearly to terrestrial radio are adopting the podcast brand because it just works so much more efficiently, too. Plus, the fact that I don't need to have a bazillion dollars studio. I can I can for under probably under 500 bucks. I give them a pretty decent sounding microphone. I use the the blue yeti and, you know, I have a sound guard, a great camera that Brian recommended. And it's a it's a relatively simple process to to even start a podcast. And I mean, I used to use when I first started it, just kind of playing with podcasts, issued an app on the phone called Anchor, Anchor.F.M., I'm not sure if you're familiar with it, but it's super easy on your phone. You like literally just record talking to yourself and then hit the go button and it's syndicates it for you. And those were simple ways to get started that don't cost anything or very little. Yes, you want to grow your podcast and get a better quality and over time. But it's a simple way to get started and I think that's brilliant. So I'm I'm happy that you have a podcast network for your clients. I think that's pretty amazing because that gives them like Brian and is doing with carpet bomb marketing. We call it but you're the podcast Queen, He's the automation king. What he's doing is he's kind of giving a support network of its of his own to help people create podcasts and broadcasts more or so broadcasts, live broadcasts and things and syndicate them. I think that's brilliant because people who have the experience creating their own internal network, it makes it much faster launch point for several people.

Annemarie Cross:
Yeah, it certainly does. One of the things one of the things I'd love to, you know, you're talking about Anchor. Just for people to be mindful of some of those free platforms. Just be mindful about what they do with your content and I had one client who's just well, actually, she's now partnered with someone. He was on Anchor and I said, look, just be mindful of that, because what you ineffectively do is you give them authority. I think they've changed it now I've been told. But they're able to monetize they'll throw ads in there. And I said, you know, and I'm a brand strategist by trade, if you will. So I'm really mindful about where your voice, what what what information and what content is is kind of aligned with your voice. And if you don't know, I haven't given permission about certain ads. People may assume oh Annemarie stands for this or because that's you know, since that's been advertised, it's not on your podcast, but it's not really something that I allowed. And also to I've heard of it happening once and I can't remember who the who the platform was, but said, you know, if you were the host that doesn't have an official business model where they monetize, what happens if all of a sudden they decide overnight, you know what, we don't really want to continue anymore? What happens? You have to scramble and I have heard this happen once with podcasters has had to scramble to get their content and we publish and rehost on another platform. So I would always say be mindful if you gonna build it for the business and you've got the message. And another thing I say is worry about the message before you worry about the make or model of the microphone, because you can't have a compelling content from crap content. You know, if it's if it's not on brand and and has a good leadership that these are the things to kind of be mindful of it as you're positioning yourself, it takes time, doesn't it, to bloom and, you don't all of a sudden Go down. Oh, you know what? We've changed direction because people will be thinking, what are they doing now? They were doing this and now they're doing that. And that can impact your reputation.

Jason Nast:
It's funny, you know you have a Christian network, a Christian show. And I know someone who is on the blogtalkradio and they were doing a predominantly Christian faith based show and the sponsor was Adam and Eve, which is kind of an adult intimate product company. So it was really awkward for them. So they had to pay the extra money to get the ads stripped out of their show. So it does happen. But I was I guess what I was commenting on is that to a lot of people are nervous about starting, they don't know how to start. And that's where you can just you know, you just practice a little bit. I've done it where I've just practiced on my recorder on my phone and then listened back to it and said, is that something I would listen to? And then if it is, then, you know, then you upload it or do something with it. But yeah, just simple ways to get started.

Annemarie Cross:
I go back and listen to the very first episode that I did. We called it 'Career Communique'. You know, when you start off, you try and come up with all these things you desire. So we rebrand it to career success radio. But I could really sense I could hear that I was nervous because, you know, I would never I've never had voice training but you could hear the voice was kind of up here like really high kind of almost there wasn't that depth. And I cringe my cohost used to say, because the quality of blogtalkradio, it's probably improved. But back then, it sounded like we were in a submarine, you know, underwater and kind of talking through I don't know what. And he would often say, oh, listen, back to the stress. I've never listened to my own shape. I can't stand the sound of my own voice. That's what we often say, don't we? You improve and of course, you do. You're gonna be a lot better, you know, in a month or years time. So start now. But be mindful when you do position, you know, with your assets because you want to build that up and make sure that you don't have to move because all of a sudden these people have gone out of business.

Brian Kelly:
It all comes down to like what you were saying earlier is consistency in its first get started. And I totally agree with that. And don't worry about being perfect in quality right away, because that will keep you you know, that will give you the paralysis by analysis type of approach. And the fear mongering will come in your mind and say, like, I can't do this until everything's perfect. I've got to have the blue yeti microphone because Jason said so and he's got this awesome camera. So I better get that. Don't let that stop you to get started. And then it's like racecar driving. There's a term called seat time. You know, you just need seat time, time in the seat driving. And you just inherently will improve by just going and doing this consistently interviewing other guests. And as you saying that Annemarie. I was thinking back to the first show I did with a business partner, but we called it the Internet Citadel and was like looking back, what kind of nut case name was that we came up with that we both loved it?

Jason Nast:
You know, I don't think your second name was all that great either, but that's just me.

Brian Kelly:
It was just you go through these patterns of growth. But the thing is, is to get started and start moving this often. If you're on a ship in the water and it's not actually propelling itself going forward, can you change this direction? No. But if you are moving forward. But it just turns out you're going the wrong direction, can you correct that course and change it and point it to the right direction? Yes. And so the thought is just get started, move, go forward. And then you can correct the ship and you may go through several iterations weaving back and forth until you finally nail it in. And the beautiful thing about these shows, it's just like entrepreneurship. It's something that you never stop working at. And I don't even think of it as work. It's just continual refinement and improvement. You know, it's both of you now know I have many automation systems behind the show. And as of today, I was still refining and improving those automations. It's just it's a it's a just a passion. It's just passion that drives it. But we are beyond our one hour window and I know Jason was dying to ask this one question, is that question, did you get that out already?

Jason Nast:
I got that question. I got another statement here. It's just interesting is that my business partner in Powertexting and several other businesses is rather tall and, you know, she's like she has this persona of kind of like a fairy, things like this. So I have this card here that I just pulled up before the show. I do this to kind of get my head to think something differently. And this is very relevant to this. So this is a fairy wand and on the other side of it, it says this is random: practice, practice, practice. It says with daily practice, you can polish your skills and talents and increase your confidence. And this is absolutely true when it comes to getting started with your podcast or your your blog, your Vlog or whatever you're going to do. The key here is start with what you have where you are, because it's never too late to start, but it's always too late to wait.

Brian Kelly:
Love it. Anne Marie, do you have any closing thoughts for a wonderful audience?

Annemarie Cross:
Yeah. I love what Jason had to say. And I would say don't assume that your story is not worth sharing because somewhere someone is going through the same issues and the same problems and is waiting for you to bring that information and speak to that audience of one. And when you got that just right that audience will continue to cry. So never think that your story or your journey isn't worth sharing. Share it. Start yesterday. The second best time is today.

Jason Nast:
There you go.

Brian Kelly:
And I was gonna say the exact same thing you just said, Annemarie , is, you know, so many people think they don't have enough life experience or that they don't have enough value. They haven't got the level of success that others would aspire to. And the interesting thing is, I don't care how young you are, you have value to give and you have things of interest that people want to listen to. And what you start out with I almost guarantee will not be what you finish with. As far as a topic, you know, even Annemarie has several different podcasts of her own. When I started out in business is not where I'm at today. I mean, I'm a complete different business model now that I like everyone saying here in full agreement is get started and then move forward and then be consistent and continue to move forward. Don't ever give up. Don't. That's the biggest one. Just don't give up. I had no listeners yesterday. That's it, I'm done. No, you've got to keep, just keep going because like Annemarie said, you don't know who's going to see it or hear it or read it. Depending on which platform they found your information on. I'll tell you real quick, podcasting. If all of my guests that have been on this show, if you type in their first and last name in Google, many of them will show up on the first page from my podcast screen rather than my livestream on any other platform and sometimes on multiple podcast platforms. On page one if you search their name. So search engine optimization, you just don't know who's going to watch, who's gonna listen or who is going to read if you have it transcribed and converted into book. So that would be my tips for the evening, I want to say thank you to both of you. I still appreciate you both coming on, especially, you know. Well, there's no especially Annemarie all the way from Melbourne, Australia and Jason Nast who had probably an hour's notice if that, who is always there, who's got my back, is my best friends on this planet. I appreciate you, my brother. So heartfelt. Always giving, always giving great props. And you're looking great, by the way. I'm going to talk to you about that after we get off. But I want to say...

Jason Nast:
It's part of that four letter word you talked about earlier, Food. But you call it nutrition. But, yeah, yeah, it's it's making a difference.

Brian Kelly:
Definitely it shows, buddy. You're looking good, man, and really looking gorgeous. We just met but I'm I'm sure that this is just the beginning of a very long and fruitful relationship between all three of us going forward. I can't wait to basically pick your brain more about podcasting and vice versa. Please feel free to ask anything about video like video I've been doing for quite a while. And then we've got the man in the middle who's kind of cross the bridge of all of it and goes even deeper, so power trio here.

Jason Nast:
One more question if it's OK with you, Annemarie , I know that I want to connect with you. Is there a way or place that people can quickly connect with you?

Annemarie Cross:
Well, my website, but I love LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a place that I love to connect with people. So yeah just find me AnneMarie Cross on LinkedIn, on, let me know that you connected or saw me on Brian's show and I look forward to connecting and of course with you there too Jason and Brian.

Jason Nast:
That's great. That's great. Excellent. Yeah. You've had so much great value in information here that I really would like to just. Now I want to start following you and listening to you.

Annemarie Cross:
And vice versa, we can all, that's the beautiful thing about it, it's it's just one little nugget can take your thinking to a whole new direction, isn't it. Think oh, why didn't I think of doing that? And that's that's the beauty of the Internet and friends that you made along the way.

Brian Kelly:
And for you watching curious, how do you get guest to come on? How do you find them? Well, you start with one who's a friend who's in a similar niche as you and then you you do what's called a stage swap. You invite them on your podcast or live video and then they in turn return the favor. And then you get referrals from each individual that comes on your show. And that's how you can get more and more people. There's many more resources we could divulge. We could do this for another five hours easy.

Jason Nast:
Can I do one more. This is your story Brian and you haven't said it yet. Just the fact that you were standing in a crowd of people and they said, what do you do, you say I have a show? And then all of a sudden, all these people are shoving their cards. I want to be on your show, I want to be on your show. That's a powerful thing. So, I mean, that's, I know I shortcut the story, but it works.

Brian Kelly:
That was another accident. Yeah, I was at a networking event, two of them, two separated by a month, each in two different cities, different states, too. And we were on a break and there was a huddle, you know, people huddle during breaks and they talk and get to know each other. And they said, so what do you do? And I just transitioned out of a fitness business into what I'm doing now which is automation. And what I do now is my show. So I think, you know, to say I wasn't prepared I said oh, I interview successful entrepreneurs such as yourself on a live television show that streams to over nine platforms simultaneously. And that's the moment. I kid you not everyone in the circle was digging for their business cards and literally holding them in front of my face. And this happened twice. One was a group of males. The second one, the first one was female, and the second one was a group of males. And the same exact. I thought, holy moly, I have an incredible lead magnet with the show by itself, so think about that from a mar...

Annemarie Cross:
You know how I use it as an introvert because for me, going up the someone and introducing myself that I am more than happy to go hi I've got a podcast, I love your content, I would love to interview you. So I use it as a way to introduce myself, particularly to the speakers because who doesn't want extra publicity? So yeah, I heard it, said Brian and Jason. I can't remember who said it so I can't give credit, ,sadly, that 'collaboration is the new competition'. Oh, yeah. We cannot be experts in every area but we can align ourselves with other experts. So together we can provide a much, you know, rounded, holistic product offering or service offering for clients. And so, you know, when people look at other people as competition, no, no, no, it just means that collaborating you can provide an even more awesome service that no one else can really even compare to, because you're combining this thought leadership, this expertise.

Brian Kelly:
You can build such a much more massive business through collaboration than you ever could through competition. Competition to me is almost like a scarcity mindset. Because they feel a need to compete because there isn't enough in the world to go around. But the exact opposite is, is the truth. All right. We've got to let you two wonderful people go and all those that have been watching. Thanks Ken Spohn for at least commenting, appreciate that. He also asked a question, but we just don't have time to get to it I'm sorry. We'll do that next time. But I appreciate you, Annemarie and Jason, you know how much I love you, brother. Let's do this again, Annemarie , I do want to feature you as the special guest expert coming up on the show. You yourself. And you can't I can't say that me, myself and I. You, yourself and you. There we go. Sorry. And Jason, we'll have your your skinny body back on here at some point as well. All right.

Jason Nast:
See you my friend. Thank you so much, I appreciate you.

Brian Kelly:
Thank you both and I appreciate you both so much. Until next time, this has been The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show with yours truly, Brian Kelly, Annemarie Cross and Jason Nast.. We will see you next time. So long for now.

Thank you for watching and listening. This has been the mind body business shows this show was Brian Kelly.

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Live Streaming & Podcasting Secrets Revealed

Join this very special edition of The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show as our expert panel dives deep into what is and what isn't working in the live streaming world.

Join serial entrepreneur Jason Nast, the Podcast Queen Annemarie Cross, and Live Streaming expert Brian Kelly on this breakthrough LIVE show!

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