Special Guest Expert - Adrian Moreno

Special Guest Expert - Adrian Moreno: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Adrian Moreno: this eJwdjsFuwjAQRH8l2kNPgTQQKERCFapKLu2lpVLEJbKcTWrV8Rp7TUoR_17Ddfbtm7mAJMNouOGzRShhCyko41kYiY1qoZzPH1d5UeQpyOCZhuDR3Q-zZb4sFrMUhJQUouFOr9aL_CmFTqFuGyOGm7NTGqP2ZxSu91BeIDgd429m68ssG8dx2hP1GoVVfippyFqnTpidZtnt1Wd5t2_ejvX-eLCTj_N5F6r6T1Qv1uxoHWrp-2eheTNgq8SDp-AkbloajSbRfsWqFFixvi35tCiV0EkV0HPy-mvRcTJJtrFPmOSdHBqKeEduEBz5wRZwvf4DE9hjbA:1nxTLX:L_4Q-LBGaBZAf6vo2Ls55wfDLgE video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. Our entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward. Two steps back. We're dedicated. And driven. We finally breakthrough? With that is the question. This podcast will give you the. My name is Brian Kelly. And this is the Mind Body business Show. Hello, everyone, and welcome. Welcome. Welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. I am very excited once again, as usual, every show with the fact that we have an amazing guest expert coming on. He's a phenom. He's amazing. He's climbing the ranks quickly because he's putting into practice that which he learns. And that's a key that will we might be talking about that more on the show tonight. And the thing is, it's a fairly organic show. We just talk about the topics that will help you, the entrepreneur, the small business person to achieve success faster by simply listening to the guest experts that come on this show, by taking notes and then, of course, by taking action on those notes, that is the recipe for success. The Mind Body Business Show is a show for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs, successful entrepreneurs. And the very name of the show is indicative of what I call the three pillars of success, the three pillars being mine, which is to a person, successful individuals that I have personally investigated and learn from. Either people that I know personally that are still with us, people that have written books, others that may not be with us anymore but have studied and looked at their traits. These three traits came up and they kept bubbling to the top and I was like, There's something going on here. Mine being mindset to each and every one of these individuals that was successful, they each had a very powerful positive and here's the most important key flexible mindset. And then to body each of these individuals, they literally took care of themselves physically and nutritionally. It's that simple. And then business. Business is multi multifaceted. There are many skill sets that one must master in order to build, maintain and grow a thriving business. Skill sets like marketing, sales, team building, systematizing, leadership.

Brian Kelly:
I mean, the list goes on and on. I could keep talking all night about that list to master anyone's skill set can take and does take a considerable amount of time. If you consider it takes about 10000 hours or so to become an expert in any one area. Similarly with mastering the tasks of mastering the skill set. And the good news is though, you as one single person do not have to master every single skill set. No, no, no. That's the good news. In fact, all you really need to do is master just one. If you master just one of the skill sets. The fact it was one of them that I listed just a moment ago. Then the others will fall into place for you. I wonder if anyone could guess what that one is. I'll let you know. It is the skill set of leadership. Now, listen, you may be a solopreneur right now, and that's okay. Get in the mindset of leading yourself as if you were one of the people on your team. How would you react to yourself? Get in the habit of of running your business as a leader, even though you may be the only person in that business. And then as you bring on individual team members, continue to nurture that. Read books on it, get better at it. Master it as you're mastering it. Start bringing in those that have mastered or well on their way to mastering the other skill sets mentioned. And that way you can leverage their abilities. You will never have to master all the skill sets. In fact, I don't think anyone human has physical time to do that. It's a lot of time to master them all. So there you go. There's your first golden tip and nugget. And speaking of golden tips and golden nuggets, another phenomenal trait of very successful people that I found over the years of studying them is that to a person, they are also very avid readers of books. And with that, I want to segway very quickly into a short segment that I affectionately call Bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Born to read bookmarks ready steady. Read bookmarks brought to you by reach your peak library dotcom.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. Reach your peak library dot com. And yes, Adrian Moreno is in the house. He's waiting. He cannot wait. He's scratching at the monitor saying, let me in, let me in. It's coming right after this quick segment. I promise you, you can't I can't wait to share his genius with you. Reach your peak library. Now, one thing I want to just take a step back very briefly and say when you hear and see these resources come across during the show like this one, reach your peak library, instead of succumbing to that desire to click away or type it in a browser and check it out while the show is on, I implore of you instead to take notes and write it down and then visit it. And the other resources that you've taken notes on after the show is over. Why do I say that? It's a well known fact that especially on in speaking venues, that if you do not stay in the room and you happen to get up and walk out due to distraction, your phone went off. You have to go to the restroom, what have you. You could miss that one nugget that could change your life forever. Same case here. The magic happens in the room if your attention is elsewhere. And then we have Adrian, who gives one of those golden nuggets that will change your life forever, and you're not paying attention. You may have missed out on a life changing information. I'm not kidding about this. And please don't take this lightly. It's just advice. But I would implore of you to take notes. Stay with us throughout the show, because we also have some fantastic prize, actually two prizes to give away for those of you that stay on life to the end. So reach your peak library very quickly. It is a website that I had developed with you and mine. I'm not kidding. This is there for you. And it's because I myself did not become an avid reader until about ten years ago at the age of 47. So now you can do the math. And so what I started doing was taking those books that I had read that had a profound impact either on my business life or my personal life.

Brian Kelly:
And I started compiling them and I said, Hey, build me a page for this. I put sent it to my team. They built this page. There's no rhyme or reason to the order. These are in here. They're not alphabetic. They're not all by author. They're just in there. So pick the one that looks that just jumps off the page to you and go get it. And you don't have to get it from this website. The whole purpose of this is not for Brian to make money. It is for you to get the information in in your in front of your eyeballs or in your ears. Because I listen to all these books on Audible to get the information into you, into your being so you can put these into action and change your life that is there for you. I consider it a gift because again, it's not there for the purpose of making money. Buy these books wherever you want to buy them. If you have a go to place, find them here. Go buy them wherever you feel is adequate for your needs. That's it. It's time to bring on the one and only Adrian Moreno. Here we go. Get ready.

It's time for the guest expert. Spotlight savvy. Skillful, professional. Adept. Trained. Big league qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there he is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one. It is the only. Adrian Moreno.

Adrian Moreno:
What's going on, Brian? What's going on? That was so fun. Just sitting back, watching the way you start this show. I'm super excited to be here and just thanks a lot for having me here, man.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, the pleasure is all mine. You're you're very young in years, but you're very advanced in intellect, in accomplishment. And I'm so grateful that you're spending your time here with me on the show. And it's not just with me. It's with the entire tribe, those that watch it live, those that watch the recording, those that listen on over 40 podcast platforms that this will be on very, very soon after the show is over. So the beautiful thing is many people will get to take in your brilliance and take in your advice, take in and model just simply model what you do, what's made you successful. And that's why I love to do what I get to do. I get to meet amazing people like yourself. So before I go too far down on the bromance here, what I'm going to do is take care of some housekeeping, if you don't mind, Adrian, real quick, we got some advertisers here. Sponsors. We got the big insider secrets. It's that red and white stamp looking icon there in the upper right. If you're watching this live or recording, if you're listening on podcast, it's the big insider secrets. They sponsor this show. And why do they do that? What do they provide? They give us the ability to give away each and every night, each and every show of five nights stay at a five star luxury resort. And it's amazing. Amazing. That's not one of those things where if you win, you get taken down to the basement and they they water drip torture you for a timeshare sale and nothing like that. Nothing like. I'm kidding. I'm not kidding. It is a super high quality prize. So you do not want to miss that. And then two more real quick and then we'll get back to the man, the myth, the legend, Adrian Moreno here in just a sec. So if you're struggling with putting a live show together and maybe you're finding it to be overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and connect with great people like Adrian Moreno content weekly and grow your business all at the same time.

Brian Kelly:
Then head on over to carpet bomb marketing, carpet bomb marketing. Saturate the marketplace with your message. And one of the key components that has been contained in the carpet bomb marketing system is one that you'll learn how to absolutely master. It's the very service we use, and we use it right now to stream our live shows right here on the Mind Body Business Show. You can see it on the screen. If you're watching, it is stream yard. And what you want to do is write down this URL. It's ryp.im/streamlive ryp.im/streamlive Write that down and then visit it when the show is over so that you can start streaming high quality live video broadcasts for free. That's right. For free. So get that URL, write it down. Report. I am fortunate I stream live and now it's time to properly and formally introduce the man of the hour, Mr. Adrian Moreno. Are you ready? Is everyone ready? Adrian Moreno. He began his career inside the health and fitness space. I love that because so did I, while also gaining unparalleled experience with Here we go, ladies and gentlemen, hypnosis. I said it and NLP stands for neuro linguistic programing Amazing Science. He established himself as a respected transformation specialist and if you have heard anything about NLP, you understand that fully. It is transformative and it's amazing. As co creator of the Neuro Remapping Method, I love this. He specializes in eliminating social and performance anxiety in two sessions or less, and they're probably like 20 hour sessions. No, they're not. That's a hint. If he isn't busy setting a new standard for how quick transformation, there's the word quick can happen. You can find him spending time with his reading, writing or watching the office, the show. I love it. So with that, formally and officially, welcome to the show, Mr. Adrian Moreno. How are you.

Adrian Moreno:
Doing, Brian? Thanks a lot for having me, man.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, I'm just going to drop right in and start going deep into the mindset right off the bat. And so, Adrian, you know that being an entrepreneur is like super simple. There's never a roadblock, never a setback. It's just easy sailing.

Adrian Moreno:
And staying in the world.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, easy. Yeah. We're being very sarcastic on this for sure. And one of the things I like to find out from my guests who are successful, such as yourself, is, you know, there's a lot of things going on. There's setbacks, there's arduous tasks. There are clients that may have issues that you need to address. There may be technology issues. I mean, it just never ends. That's part of why I love being an entrepreneur, to be honest. It's kind of a sick thing, but I love it. But for you, Adrian, when you're about to wake up in the morning or when you. You are waking up, I should say, and your eyes open. What is going on in your big, beautiful brain that is keeping you driven day after day, night after night, week in, week out, month and month out. With all of this that we deal with as entrepreneurs knowing this in front of you. What keeps you driven to keep powering through and become successful?

Adrian Moreno:
So I love this question. I was listening to a podcast episode maybe about sometime in 2020 when I just started podcast. I really listening to podcasts and one of the episodes I was listening to. The guest expert said, you know, you're going to be dead a lot longer than you're going to be alive. And when that hit me, it was so simple. But in my mind. It became idiotic to do anything in my life that was not meaningful to me because every single one of us are going to die. But we don't fully bring that to our mind on a day to day basis. I literally have a poster in front of me. You can't see it now, but it literally says you're going to die. I like to revisit this on a daily basis because what it's a lot when I revisit the fact that I don't know if I'm going to be here in the next 20, 30, 40 years, it sounds great. But if if I revisit the fact that I'm not sure on that, it's interesting. Thinking about death brings a lot of life that I believe only death can bring. So that's one of the things is I understand that my time is very limited, even as a 25 year old kid. And number two, I am on a mission to change the education system within my time spent within the time that I'm here. So because that is so significant to me, in other words, children live in much more fuller lives is way more bigger than I am. It's silly for me to wake up and want to stay in bed. It's silly for me to wake up and not be energetic, to put my feet on the ground and get about going about my day to day basis. So that is literally one of the very first things that I do is I actually just remind myself of my mortality and the fact that this 25 year old kid is not always going to be 25 years old. And one day I won't even have a number. All right. So does that answer your question?

Brian Kelly:
Oh, completely. I love it. It's you have you have a Y that's outside of yourself because you know that your time is limited. You want to get it done, you want to change. You want to basically change the education system as it stands for the better. And that isn't for you, that's for other people. And so when you say you want to change that, what age group or what kinds of people are you wanting to change it for?

Adrian Moreno:
Yeah, great question. So as a hypnotherapist, I have worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs on things like addiction, you know, compulsive behaviors, depression, anxiety, all of these kinds of things, anger issues, whatever kind of things you can imagine. And one of the things that I do specifically when I work with the client using the neuro remapping method is we utilize something called timeline regression, which I'm sure you're very familiar with. For those who don't know, a timeline regression is imagine closing your your imagine your brain has a light on and you are turning it off and you're using an extra emergency light to just look through your entire brain, your entire mind, to see all of the memories that you're holding there. And in these memories, you can easily revisit them to see what kind of belief you created in that memory. And what I've seen is that when I work with these clients, over 90% of the time, they find themselves in between the ages of five and 12 years old. And what's really interesting is all of their problems come from a handful of beliefs. And when I say your problems coming from beliefs, what I mean by that is your beliefs. What they act. They act like lenses that paint your perspective. And if you wear a specific lens, you are going to see the reality that that lens is designed to see. So if you are if you believe that you're not good enough, which, by the way, a lot of success for entrepreneurs have this belief, but they don't want to admit it because you're an entrepreneur, you're supposed to have it all together. But if you have a if you genuinely have a belief deep down inside that you're not good enough, it's going to be very, very, very easy for you to self-sabotage your success. Why? Because you're not good enough. It's going to be very difficult for you to be fulfilled. Why? Because you're not good enough. It's going to be very difficult for you to just create the life that you want with the health, the wealth and relationships that you want because you genuinely feel like you're not even deserving of having that because you're not good enough. So I thought in my in my mind, what if children between the ages of five and 12 built a resilient mind?

Adrian Moreno:
The the definition of resilience is the ability to bend and come back. Right. And going through life. You bend. You go to school one day and somebody makes fun of your shoes because they're hand-me-downs. And you may tell yourself, I guess I'm too different that you bent a little bit. Who if you're resilient, you always bounce back and always find your worth again. And so I find that the lack of self-worth is the start of so many people's problems. If we can help a child in between the age of five and 12 years old build a level of emotional resiliency that allows him to never go home, questioning whether or not they're good enough or whether or not they're loved, whether or not they're accepted or worthy. Do you know how many freaking people in this world today? I mean, the suicide rate would drop the satisfactory rate in terms of how satisfied you are with your life or tremendously skyrocket. So that is like the age group I'm targeting because of the work that I've done. I've been doing this mindset behavior change at work for so long that it's giving me an insight on the way that our psyches actually work. And so now what I'm working on doing is building a education program that's going to be designed to teach children between the ages of five and 12 how to have that emotional resiliency so they can always bend and come back. Because if you're alive, you're going to bend.

Brian Kelly:
That is very interesting. You caught me completely off guard. Like, wow, he's going after 5 to 12. That is amazing. Yes, that is a great cause. Phenomenal time, because that's what we call the imprint stage from early age individuals. And that's when those thoughts, those belief patterns get ingrained in our subconscious brain that we carry throughout our adult life. The good news, and I know you also would do this to Adrian, is if an adult came to you and said, can you help me? Do you think? Can NLP help an adult who's already got all these beliefs ingrained in their subconscious brain? I know the answer to this. I'm asking you to.

Adrian Moreno:
I love it. I love this question. This question. So there's a big misconception that we got screwed up as little kids, right? There's a big misconception that I mean, it's interesting because when as I'm building this product, it requires me to do a lot of market research. And my market research is picking up the phone and talking to people. And so talking to parents, it's like, you know, what's your biggest hope for your child? A lot of times they're like, I just don't want to have them up. It's like it comes up a lot. And so we have this this this idea. If you look at that idea and you follow that idea, you're going to fall. You're going to find a belief that says we are at the mercy of our past. We are at the mercy of our subconscious mind. This, my friends, is far the furthest they can possibly from the truth, because we have a limited perspective on what the conscious mind actually is. The conscious mind is far more vast than just your waking state of mind. Anyways, can NLP hypnosis help somebody who's already feels like they got all these beliefs ingrained in them? Well, if you look at reality. Yesterday is only an idea. Tomorrow's only an idea. Yesterday is an idea that only exists now. Meaning the moment you think of yesterday, you actually birth the. The reality of yesterday. There is no ultimate experience of yesterday, Brian. You cannot experience yesterday. You cannot experience tomorrow. Why you wake up. It's still now. So what I mean by that is your point of power. If in this moment, point of power, if you're taking notes right now, just write down those three words. Point of power. Those three words change my life when I really understood that we can manipulate the past, we can manipulate future events. And I know this sounds interesting, but all through shifting your focus in the conscious moment. So for example, I had a client come to me. He was struggling to he was making $19 million a year and very successful, ambitious individual. But he could not stop procrastinating on writing his book.

Adrian Moreno:
He'd been writing a book for five years. We all know how that goes, right? So he's like, I've been writing this book for five years, man, and I cannot finish a dang book because every time I try to do it, I keep procrastinating and I push it off. But it doesn't make sense because I'm just motivated person what's going on? So I take him through the neuro remapping method and this is a very long question, long answer to your question, but if you're really going to get the point across, I took him through a session and we are looking to find. What is causing you to consistently put off the publishing of this book? And so in the session during the timeline regression part, he finds himself in his four year old body all over again. And it's very vivid. And he goes, I'm at I'm at my grandma's house again. And it's it's Halloween. Me and all my cousins were inside and we are trading candies. I'm like, okay, keep going with the memory. What's going on? All of his cousins are talking, so he then decides to add to the conversation and when he tries to speak up, his oldest cousin looked at him and said, Shut up, nobody wants to hear you. My client at four years old looked at that moment and he made sense of it. This is the way we make sense of life as we look at our environment and we add a meaning to that environment. He looked at what happened and he tells himself, Oh. I guess my voice doesn't matter. Well, no wonder at 38 years old, you're going to do everything in your power not to put your book out. Because I don't know about you, Brian, but putting your book out there, that's putting your voice out there in an extremely vulnerable way. So he genuinely did not feel safe with that. He felt like it didn't matter. So what was the point? Now, the reason why I tell you this story and by the way, his book ended up getting published in four months of our session. So it works. But the reason why I'm telling you this is because you may think that, oh, Adrian, you looked at his past, so you had to dig into his childhood to find it.

Adrian Moreno:
Wrong. What I did was I got him into a trance and I allowed him to perceive his past through the current lenses of belief. You will only look at your past through your current system of beliefs. I just use the past to highlight a current belief. No beliefs are unconscious. He had that. He he thought that in his mind all the time, but he never wanted to examine it. Your beliefs are not unconscious. Your beliefs are only unexamined. So NLP hypnosis, any of this stuff can help somebody because what is designed to do is help you locate a belief that you're fine, that you're holding on to right now. Letting go of your problems is not a matter of digging into your path in pinpointing an event. Letting go of your problems is a matter of pinpointing the belief that is leading to the emotional and behavioral responses that are creating whatever it is that you feel like you need help with. So yes, it can help you. Number two, you're not at the mercy of past events, but the moment you believe you are, reality will reorganize itself to convince you that inner data and past memories are just not there. But the moment you believe that they are available, they become very available. So it's very clear.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I love it. And encapsulate you hit on it a couple of times or more than one time the word belief. And that's the strongest word because there's this acronym called Tbere where we teach this very thing where your thoughts, if you were to think one thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Then it becomes a belief. And then when you have a belief and someone is challenging your belief or you're wanting to display your belief, then you are exhibiting an emotion, whether positive or negative, because you are going to go to the mat for that belief. Beliefs are strong. That's why we have wars. That's why we have all this. So that evokes emotion and then emotion. What does that lead into? And this is great from a business sense is if you can evoke the proper emotion through your ad copy, through your videos, through your one on ones, you can invoke the next one, which is action. And that action then will turn into the result. In this case, you will have a client, you will make a sale, you'll get one further down, step down your funnel. They will get the results they're looking for because you're doing this with authenticity, with character, and you're giving them what they came for. So it's a win win. But if you understand the process of how the brain works, you can really utilize that. And I don't like to say to your advantage is to their advantage because. Yes, because it's a disservice if you have something that they want and need. It's a disservice to them if you are unable to convince them that they need it. It's the other way around. If you truly have something that helps somebody and you're unable to get them to the point of perceiving the value you're about to give them, then that's a disservice on your side, not on theirs, for not taking action and going forward. It's all about taking cause, which I'm sure you're all into that too, agent. And so it's very powerful when you turn the table in your mind and go, No, if they say, No, I did something wrong, and and it's a disservice to them because I know what I have by that point, you know, whether or not you can help them and.

Adrian Moreno:
What you just did. I just want to highlight something. You said what you just did. You just reverse engineer the reality in business. We say, I want to make 50 to $60000 this month, so let me see how many sales are I need to make. Okay. How many appointments I need to have to have that many sales? How many people do I need to talk to? You start reverse engineering until you know what you're doing today, tomorrow or the next day. Right. And why don't we do that when it comes to our reality far beyond business, meaning I keep bumping into. In other words, I like one of my clients. I keep getting to 99,000 a month, but I can never hit 100,000 a month no matter what. He could never hit 100,000 a month. Well, if you reverse engineer that the result is coming from the behavior. The behavior is the direct influence. It's coming. It's like the I like to say behavior. If you're emotional, self expressing, materializing itself through action. And now if you're like, okay, well my feelings are driving all of these behaviors that you're creating, all of my results, what the heck is creating all of my feelings? Well, before every feeling gets a thought, feelings are the juicier part of thought. That's really all that they are. And the thing is, you think 60 to $80000 a day. So when you realize you think 60 to $80000 a day, the another funny fact about that is you're only conscious of about 1200 to 1600 thoughts a day, meaning majority of them are happening unconsciously. If your mind is so compulsive, there has to be a foundation holding up that compulsive ness. Think about this house that I'm in. There's two storey house wouldn't be able to stand if there wasn't a foundation. And the same exact way your thought process would not be able to stay. Stay the way it is without a foundation. And that foundation is your belief system. And when I say your beliefs create your reality, I think it's important that we understand this on a physics standpoint. If I can just run through this really quick, your reality is reality itself, and this is a scientific fact nowadays.

Adrian Moreno:
Reality is just an electromagnetic field of energy. It's all reality actually is. In fact, Greg Braden is a really famous scientist, said, if you want to change your reality, then you've got to be willing to change. I mean, then you have to change the electromagnetic field. Now this gets really interesting because every belief, I mean, every thought is an electromagnetic unit of energy. Think of your thoughts like calories. It's a unit of energy. Now your thoughts, they initiate a movement of more energy that you feel as a filling, which is nothing more than an electromagnetic burst of energy being thrust through your system from this idea or thought that produced it. Now that energy that moves through your system, literally reorganize the atmosphere, it changes the physical atoms that you look at. On 911, when the when the planes hit the World Trade Center, the one of the scientists at the Harvard University noticed that because we have these two satellites, one satellite, I mean, we have these two satellites, America, in the northern and Western Hemisphere, the satellites measure the electromagnetic frequency of the earth. On 911, a Harvard scientists noticed. The Earth just experienced an electromagnetic energy charge that we've never, ever touched before, since since the dawn of time. And so what they did was they pinpoint they looked at the data. They pinpointed exactly when the spikes happened. And they noticed there was two specific spikes of energy. And the first spike happened 15 minutes after the first plane hit the World Trade Center. The second spike happened 13 minutes after the plane hit the World Trade Center. The second plane hit the World Trade Center. What this goes to show is somehow, some way, every thought and every feeling is literally impacting the atmosphere that we know. So when you carry a belief, understand, you will send an electromagnetic movement of energy that's going to create a material life itself into an actual experience. But the mistake is, is you think your thoughts and your beliefs are a byproduct of you looking at your environment. Why am I here to remind you that your thoughts and your beliefs actually created your environment. So when you pay attention to that, then and only then are you now you're no longer in the river.

Adrian Moreno:
You're watching it. That's when things get really beautiful.

Brian Kelly:
And that's deep and wide and cool. And yeah, I was trying to think of the word, but there is another science that goes into that in a deeper sense as well. And it's interesting. This is stuff that I used to think was all this woo woo hocus pocus magic stuff. But the more I live on this planet 57 years now, the more things I learn and see and witness and not just see and witness, but sometimes experience personally. Yes, it's like this is an amazing, amazing universe that God created. I'm just in awe. One of the things as far as changing your outcome because of everything you're saying, Adrian, I think you'll agree that once thoughts lead to their reality and it's your thoughts being the audience, the person listening or watching that have led to your results where you are today, whether you are successful or not, it's 100% up to what's going on in your noggin is no one else's fault. Take it. Take cause for what you have now you know the key to change your life. And here's one real quick example how you can do that, because what happens and Adrian, you've been hitting on it a lot is I like to say you can either let your circumstances control your attitude because we all have circumstances. Good, bad, usually the bad ones are the ones we go to and think about or. You can let your attitude dictate your circumstances. So circumstances are going to happen. The whole thing comes down to a matter of choice. We all have it. How do you choose to react to that circumstance? And one great way. This is called reframing. And Adrian is very well versed in this, like, oh, you know what? I have to go do the dishes. Oh, hold on a second. Any time you say I have to do something. Be aware of that, and then just change one word and say it over again. I get to do the dishes when you verbalize that outloud or you think it that rewires your brain and thinking, what do you mean by get? Oh, I guess we're blessed that we have a sink and that we have dishes to clean, and that means we have food to eat and your subconscious will take over. And as you get yourself ingrained in doing something like that and say, I get to instead of I have to, especially if it's an arduous task, mow the lawn. I have to go get to mow the lawn now.

Adrian Moreno:

Brian Kelly:
Simple, simple. Reframe. You can get started right away without any deep knowledge of NLP, but when it comes to the point of getting it deep and permanent, that's when you want to contact this young man, Adrian Moreno.

Adrian Moreno:

Brian Kelly:
This is awesome. I love this topic.

Adrian Moreno:
I wanted to just throw something on the reframe. What he just said reframes can be used in so many different ways. I personally was able to get over my fear of public speaking through utilizing a reframe, but I did a reframe while I was in a trance. Now, by the way, let me just explain what a trance is really quickly for the audience. A trance is nothing more than an absorbed state of attention to the point where you start to filter out other information. So right now, here's a you're in a trance right now. Let me ask the listeners this. I want you to answer this question in your own mind. Are you aware of the sensations in your left foot? All right. You're probably sitting there like now. I am. Exactly. Because 5 seconds ago you weren't. Why? Because it was not relevant to this situation. So what your brain was doing was literally filtering it out. In other words, the information was still there, but you were filtering it out. You were in a trance. What I like to do is I like to get people into theta trances, which is a specific brainwave. We got beta, we got alpha, we got theta, and then below that we got Delta. And then Gamma is this really interesting brainwave. But anyways, when you're in theta, this is interesting because when you're in theta, the door that does not exist, by the way, it's metaphorical, but the door between your conscious and unconscious swings wide open. So when you're in theta brain waves, which I'll show your audience if you want me to, how to get into that super simple. But when you when you dip into theta brainwaves and you start to change the way you see yourself, in other words, don't just close your eyes and visualize just to do it. Get into theta and then begin changing your perspective on yourself because you will be able to imprint the subconscious way faster. For example, I have a I used to have a tremendous fear of public speaking. Now I make more than half of my revenue through public speaking. So clearly I got over this fear how well I was able to see that it came from the belief that there is something wrong with me, because I don't know if you can tell from listening to this.

Adrian Moreno:
I don't know if you've picked it up yet, Bryan, but I have two speech impediments. I can't say my essays properly. I have a pretty big lisp. You can't hide it. And my R's. I struggle with some words that have their R sound in them. One day during lunch, I was five years old and I asked the teacher for more juice because I said I'm thirsty. I try to say I'm thirsty, but at five years old I said, I'm thirsty. So all these kids started laughing at me. I literally I had the entire table laughing at me, mocking me, saying, Dusty, dusty, dusty. At five years old, I sat there. I looked at that event and again, I decided to make it mean that there is something wrong with me, all because I couldn't speak. But how did I use a reframe in a trance to change that? A reframe has the power to change a memory. You can reframe a couple of ways. First way, if you can reframe your interpretation of the event. The second thing you can do is literally reframe or reimagine a different event happening. It sounds really interesting, but in the first example, when I went back to that five year old boy who felt like there was something wrong with him I gave him, I said, what meaning would actually serve you from this event? And that meaning was. I'm so damn unique. That the universe had to make sure you did not forget this voice. This is why I have these speech impediments. I stand out because of them. The amount of confidence I had using my voice after that was tremendous because my interpretation of my own voice was changed. The event didn't change. I just change the event. I just change my interpretation of the event. And a second level of reframe that a lot of people don't think about is actually giving yourself a different event. Like I had a client who was constantly drinking alcohol. He couldn't stop drinking. Well, we got him to stop after one single session. How? He went back to a memory where he was getting hit by his dad and it made him believe that he was bad.

Adrian Moreno:
So what did he do? He punished. He also had a belief that bad people should be punished. So because he believed he was bad and that bad people should be punished, alcohol was his way of punishing himself. So no matter what, he couldn't knock it. But what I did while he was in a trance, I told him, As I look, your dad's about to hit you in this memory. Why don't you just give yourself a different memory? In other words, why don't you just think up an entire different scene? When you do this, especially in a certain brainwave, you start to rewire all of your you're such a rewired, your neural pathways because it literally thinks something else in the past happened, and to experience it will change your neurons. So there's a couple of different ways you can reframe things. They just close your eyes and imagine things in your path happening the way you wanted them to. It sounds super simple, but it's very profound when you let the compound effect do its job.

Brian Kelly:
I love it. And really going into the the part about saying that you have a speech impediment and you have issues with lisping and ah's. And I noticed that by watching your videos before I brought you on the show, and immediately I said, That's his strength. The reason I say that's your strength is because it makes you even more authentic. It makes you immediately human versus trying to tell your story about I was born poor and I went through the trenches then everybody.

Adrian Moreno:
Can now relate to.

Brian Kelly:
You. With you, it's instant. Oh, he has a lisp. Wait, he's a speaker? Wait, he's speaking with a lisp so he's okay and successful, not being perfect. So who am I to hold myself back? He makes it easier to believe that I can do this as well. And so I think highlighted that. That's a power that you have and that is a plus.

Adrian Moreno:
Thanks so much and all the perspective. Right? It could have been for the whole for 20 years. It was something's wrong with me. I'm messed up because I can't speak like these other kids. But all I did was give myself another meaning. And keep in mind, all of your meanings are made up. Anything and everything in your head is completely made up. It does not have a shape, a color or a location. It is made up. You add your stories on to things. So when you start to realize, Oh, I made this up, then just make up whatever is actually going to serve you. At the end of the day, it's all going to be made up. It's all an assumption, so just assume the best.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, look, we're all our own worst critic. It's human nature. And one other thing I like to always say is to find a mentor or a coach or a course or a system or something from the outside that will help you to reach that new perspective. The empowering one that is the really the true one, because what we tell ourselves is often the wrong answer. For some reason we're wired to always beat ourselves up and other people will come in and and see the true ness behind us and the power, not the weakness. And it could be the very thing you think is a weakness, not you, Adrian, but everyone in general. And so that's the beauty of this is always this is something that took me forever to get my ego out of my head, Adrian, and say, I need help. Will you help me?

Adrian Moreno:
Oh, yeah. It's a hard thing, especially for entrepreneurs, right? Because you've got it all together. So you don't want to ask for help. Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the truth. Most entrepreneurs, the question would be, can you do it yourself? And the answer is foremost 90 plus percent. The answer is yes. The next thing to say, though, is, why would you ever want to? Because you can do it. It's just going to take you ten years instead of if you got help two years, then how much money have you wasted in that eight years where you just paid a mentor to get it done too, and now you're crushing it, making money for the remaining eight. It's a no brainer. But once you once you think about outside of the box, you'll get away from yourself and look at the situation, get help. And then once you get that help and you see how wonderful it is, you'll continue to wash, rinse and repeat. Find the next mentor that you need at the next level. Find the next course, find the next improvement area that you need to concentrate on. We're always thinking and growing always.

Adrian Moreno:
And the higher you go, the thinner the air gets. So always having that level of support is tremendous.

Brian Kelly:
Hmm. That's a good metaphor. I like that. And it's true. The higher you go, go to go to Denver and don't drink enough water, you'll get a headache.

Adrian Moreno:
That's still on my bucket list. I believe I'm going in October this year to Denver. So I'm excited. I'm excited.

Brian Kelly:
October. Yeah, it might be getting pretty cold there. So drink a lot of water on the flight, hydrate heavily. Definitely avoid that nasty headache. Wow, the time is flying. I just took a look. My goodness. I'm going to ask you a little curveball here. And I know you've got a decent answer because you're doing everything. I'm very intrigued. You're making most of your income or half your income from speaking from stage. Am I getting that right? I forgot the number.

Adrian Moreno:

Brian Kelly:
And that's that's pretty pretty powerful, especially today when we just the stage is just reopened, basically due to what we just all went through. But when it comes to marketing, one of the hardest things for a live event for an in place, not just zoom virtual is to get physical butts into physical seats. When it comes to an event, it is difficult. Don't let anybody tell you differently unless Adrian has figured out the magic wand. Typically it takes a lot of just diligence, work, prep, a lot of marketing and a team typically to fill any size room of any decent size. I mean, I'm talking 50 and up. Not that huge for you, Adrian, when it comes to marketing, when it comes to building a following, enough that people will show up at a location that they may not even live near. And I don't know if that's often the case for you. What is your go to currently today form of marketing that helps you to get people to know that you're there and then bring. Them too, with great interest to say I want to change my life. What is working for you right now today? Because marketing changes every decade. What works this decade most likely will not be working next to next decade. Personal relationships, which works throughout any decade. But I'll leave it to you to say, is it working?

Adrian Moreno:
So some clarification. I wanted to go out and highlight that all the speaking that I do is speaking at other events, at other people's shows. So it's not like me having to fill the room up. But what does allow me to spread my audience in the way that I have in such a short amount of time? And to be the prominent individual when it comes to, oh, you have performance anxiety around your business, why does my name come up for a lot of people? Because marketing, I think a lot of people have. The misconception is that you're persuading people to buy something that they do not want or they do not even know that they need. But to me, marketing is nothing more than finding what people's desire already is and going to where those people are. So I know for a fact that so I don't I grew my business. I hired a mentor and he told me to grow my business through cold prospecting, DMing people, all of that. I grew my business to multiple six figures by not sending a single DM. The way that I the way that I did this was by adding genuine value to an influencer who had my audience. Here's a perfect example. One of the mentors I had a mentor, I and this got me. So I spoke and people don't believe me when I say this, but I spoke to a crowd of 50 people at the end of it. And don't get me, I also did hypnotize him there and there in the experience because I give people great group experiences, but at the end of it, 48 people submitted a form to want to work with me and I ended up enrolling a crap ton of that 48 and making a really nice chunk of change through a single speaking event. But how did I do that? I looked. Well, first, if I get a little bit intense, but the way I do things. In other words, I found this guy. Every year I write down eight names of personal relationships that if I get into their life and they get into mine on a personal level, it will move the needle on my business without me having to really push for it.

Adrian Moreno:
Right. And but my number one thing is, how can I first add value to this person's life? So what I did was this guru life example. I sent it to this man, keep his name protectable. I think that to this entrepreneur a lot of people know and I sent them an email and they said, Hey, I just want to say I appreciate everything you've done. I've been following you for this long. You've helped me with this much. I had a personal touch and I said, Here are eight specific ways I believe I can be a value to you. Please let me know which one you'd like to take me up on. Or if you want to take me up on all of them, just send me an email. The first thing was I knew that he helped people in business create monthly recurring revenue. So I said, I have three business podcasts that would eat up your air technique. I can get you on their shows. I know them. Number two, I went through all of these different things and then one of them was, I can go deliver an amazing experience for your audience and you can let me know of that sounds. And then this last one, I found that I asked his wife what his favorite place for lunch was. She told me and I and I said, and last but not least, we can have a lunch and discuss all the other seven. And he ended up responding to me saying, Adrian, I've never received an email with that much thought, with that much like boldness in your asking. And because of that, I've been able to lock in a partnership that literally has my calendar full for weeks on end, like I'm talking at least like six weeks on end, having my calendar full because I got plugged into his network. But this is all I do is I reach out to my influencers who have my audience and who I know I can add to their service and I can add to their client experience. I'm not going to go reach out to a hypnotherapist. I'm going to go reach out to a business coach who may have clients who are procrastinating on taking action that's messing with that person's success rate.

Adrian Moreno:
So I'll approach you, Brian. I say, Brian, I can help you improve your success rate and you don't got to pay me a single dollar. It doesn't invest any time. In fact, I want to pay you for it. Let me show you what I mean and I will let you know, hey, your clients are not getting the results because your program sucks. No, your program is amazing. That's why I'm reaching out to you. Your clients are not getting the results, even the right ones. Some of them are not because their programing does not have room for that. So what I can do is I can go in and I can eliminate that and make you look even better. So you get more testimonials, more referrals, more of this, more of that, and then it's so positioned to add to their life. And so that puts me that I have. What I like to call a trust audience. My audience, like people are listening to this, you're probably going to hit my email list pretty soon now, and you're going to have an extreme level of trust because you trust Brian, because you've been following Brian all of this time. And now when I ask you something for I make an offer to you or something you don't need to know, like, and trust me anymore. You don't need to go through that process you already know, like and trust me. So I just find where are my people are. I ask myself, what do they buy? What do they hang out? And for me, I get a lot of my my opportunities in masterminds, networking events, seminars. Why? Because that's where all of my clients are. And that is the way that I am able to market my business and gain a level of exposure that allows me to not have to chase a single client. And that's how I grew my business. If I would literally spend, I would spend about 20. To 30 pitches a week to be on podcast with my audience and have a very specific style. I do that. In fact, you were a big part of that, right? And then I reach out to another 10 to 15 offline stages every single week, and my goal is to land a certain amount of stages every single month.

Adrian Moreno:
And for me, if I and I forgot what basketball coach said this, but they said, you know what, guys, we're sucking right now, we're not winning because we keep trying to make all these points. How about this? How about we just don't let the other teams score above 60 points? Let's just do that, guys, and I feel like we're going to start doing something they went on to to win whatever it was that they were doing because of that one metric. So what I told myself was, if I can just get this mini stages a month in front of this media audience as a month, I would never have to worry about paying my bills ever again. And I just reverse engineer that into how many people I need to reach out to. And yeah, so that's basically how I been able to grow my business without having to prospect. I prospect on influencers. I don't prospect on like the actual client because most of the and this is another thing and this is I want your audience to think about this when it comes to marketing too is most industries market a very specific way in the coaching space, the mindset coaching space, it's typically marketed from the seller or the service provider directly to the client, directly to the customer. It's that kind of marketing. So I'm going to go into the thigh door and I'm going to mark it by marketing to the influencer who has my client. In other words, I'm going to go sell to the doctor who has my patients. So it's it's going into the side door. And when you ask yourself, how does my industry typically market, you're going to get an answer, do the complete opposite, and you will start to find that's how five hour energy became as big as it did by not putting itself next to the energy drinks, but by putting yourself next to the bubble gum. So with that in mind, does that answer your question?

Brian Kelly:
Oh, my goodness. You know what this is, Adrian? It is what I call a bomb dropping moment.

Adrian Moreno:
And I have.

Brian Kelly:
A little glitch going on my system and we're going to make this work because that was worthy of it.

Adrian Moreno:
Great. I was waiting. I was like I was like, I wonder if I'm going to get bombs dropped on me during this session. Here it comes. Yes.

Brian Kelly:
Bombs of wisdom. Smart bombs. Bombs of knowledge. Oh, my gosh. That is genius. And so many people can learn from you. You're 25 years old and it's inspiring me. I'm a kind of person where I've come to the point where age doesn't matter to me. Color, gender, religion, results are what matter to me. As long as they come from an authentic, integrity based individuals such as you and I get to learn my mentor by by age. Could be my son. Literally age never mattered to me. I learned everybody all the time. And I'm learning right now. It's a it's a re endorsement and a good one.

Adrian Moreno:
Most of my clients are like in their forties to like fix these, by the way. So it's a very yeah, it's a very common thing that happens.

Brian Kelly:
But it's genius co prospecting, I call it leveraging off of another one's tribe and to go after. I love it. You're very focused and you go after an influencer who has those who are going to be, you know, highly, probably likely to need your service.

Adrian Moreno:
Yes. But the key here is, before you ask for a withdraw deposit, as much goodwill as you possibly can, I'm going to an event into in three weeks. There's an influencer that if I can get on his stages, it will blow up my business to a whole nother level than it already is. So what did I do? I was able to I had a 1200 dollar extra ticket and I invited him to go to the event because I'm speaking at this event. So if he can see me speak, I know for a fact he can be like, Dude, that just blew my mind. How about you come speak to my audience? But before I'm even asking any of that, I got him a plane ticket out here. I got his his hotel room out here. I got all of that out here and said, just come for three days, enjoy the event, watch my 30 minute talk. You can leave after that if you want to, but I'm buying you a nice event to come come out to. But this is going to allow me very quickly to be able to deposit when I want a deposit. But you have to be willing to add an insane amount of goodwill and take your goodwill. Bank account addicts are mouthy, talks about every relationship. He goes, It's not that you're transactional in your relationships. You're mindful of how much value you add to their life. So you keep a goodwill chart on every single one, a goodwill statement on every single person, because it's allows you to like the longer, the the longer, the more good work you put, the bigger the ask can give. So that's like very important that it has to be win, win, win. Like there's no such thing as getting something for nothing. And when you understand that, then doing this becomes very easy.

Brian Kelly:
I totally relate to all this and actually it doesn't always mean you have to put in a boatload. There are times when I started doing this without even thinking about it. I'd go to these events. I was a seminar junkie. You know how they give you those lanyards with the badges?

Adrian Moreno:
There's a guy, you get all of them pretty much.

Brian Kelly:
There's a guy named Mr. T. I don't know if you know who that is from the Rockies.

Adrian Moreno:
Yeah, yeah. Okay.

Brian Kelly:
Means when he's walking around in public. Well, I put him to shame when I put on these lanyards because I do this from stage to show people, you know, the key is to just show up. But I mean, I would go to so many of these things. It was amazing. I lost my train of thought where I was going with this. We were just talking. I got so excited about Mr. T.

Adrian Moreno:
I was talking about jumping from seminar to seminar. Oh, not putting as much goodwill. Like you said, you don't need to put in a whole bunch. Right. I think that's where you're going. Yes.

Brian Kelly:
So at the end, I would end up being one of those people. That was usually one of the last if not the last attendee in the room. Just I usually would go to events that were close to home. I didn't have to hop on a plane. I didn't have to blow away. I found I just started offering to help. They were breaking down chairs. I didn't care who they were, if they were a crew member, who they were. I just said, Hey, I'm here. I'll help. I'm a I'm not a small guy. I don't have to be a big guy to help. I'll help stack chairs, I'll help box things, whatever you want. Would that be okay with you? And they're like, Yeah, you know. And I say, Yeah. And at one such event I did this, I offered the what was going to be the wife eventually of the main speaker. I knew she was back there helping and I said, Hey, do you mind if I help you clean up? And she's like, Oh, that would be awesome, because she's literally putting chairs on those travel dolly things, you know, and all that stuff, all the equipment. And by doing that, I then got direct access to the main speaker who would become my mentor. After he was, he hung around and answer questions. I waited respectfully, got to have a chat, and by that one act I got into his inner circle. Eventually I became his lead trainer from stage for two years for his seminar. Oh, all because of that act I didn't expect. A thing in return. So what you're saying is spot on is all that is to say it works that way. But I would always and I think you agree with this, is you go into it not expecting the return. Yes. Do it by giving and expecting nothing in return. And really, truly, you'll know that something may come as a result that's just be good with that, but have the intention of just helping and nothing else.

Adrian Moreno:
Yes, I would like to say have the just like when Edison, I think it was Edison or Charles Schwab got his job with Edison as the inventor. He went into it with a clear intention and being its partner in business. But he worked for two or three years without ever seeing that happen in return. So I do go into relationships with the intention of value of of of both of us valuable valuing from the relationship itself. But I let go of the expectation of it happening and I fall on accept the fact that anything can happen. And I just accept that. But I have the intention to be very clear that I'm going to I'm coming in here because I see a way that I can leverage this relationship. You can leverage me as in terms of adding benefit to your life. But if that doesn't happen, I'm still going to add a good will to your life, period. Because like, like I said before we started recording, hearing the words thank you is like the biggest freaking high that I can ever experience in my life.

Brian Kelly:
So when you return, you're absolutely right. And I say I also teach this is don't go to anything or do anything without a clear outcome in mind. And so what you're calling intention and so learning that, that that happened to me, my outcome then became from that point forward to meet the main speaker. However, that was going to happen. I didn't know, but I would always hang out and see if there's anything I can do to help. Say, Hey, do you need anybody help run your mics today? I see you're a little low on on people. I've done it before so I can help. And they're like their jaws on the.

Adrian Moreno:
And you're giving me some idea for this? Next, even though I'm speaking at the event, it's also like, where are other opportunities can I add to this event? And without speaking on the stage. So you get in my mind going because I'm just there giving guy too. So I like this interesting.

Brian Kelly:
And I learned that concept from another individual. I didn't make this up. It was a guy running microphones and he wasn't dressed up. He was kind of it wasn't a t shirt, but it wasn't dressed up because he was running and sweating. And I didn't know him yet. I hadn't met him, but I got to know him during the event because he was running all over the place. And I'd just say, Hey, man, you're like, you're a rockstar, you're all over the place. And I appreciate you. So thanks. Next time I see him, he's speaking on stage. He's doing the.

Adrian Moreno:
Same. God, I love this.

Brian Kelly:
And so I think the term he came up with was contribution leadership. And it was.

Adrian Moreno:
Like Jewish. Contribution leadership.

Brian Kelly:
That's beautiful. And the same thing. He did it without expecting a return. But, you know, it just comes back. What what goes around comes around. If it happens as a direct result of that particular event, great. If it doesn't, no big deal down the road. That is, you're investing in your mind. Your mind?

Adrian Moreno:
Yes. Yes. All fees will be known.

Brian Kelly:
I just checked the time. This is a good sign. Adrian, we went over time only because I say it's an hour long, but hey, I'm not paying for a studio, so we'll go another hour.

Adrian Moreno:
I'm just. I was like, Hold on, I need to eat.

Brian Kelly:
But I did promise for everyone that stuck with us live to the end that I would offer them a five night stay, had a win one, a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. And a little birdie told me, you have a gift. And then real quick at the very end. So we do have about 10 minutes to go, if that's cool with you.

Adrian Moreno:
Oh, I'm fine. Yeah, totally cool.

Brian Kelly:
At the end, I'm going to ask you a very wonderfully profound question that I have found to be profound, because by accident I was asking this question on occasion of past guest experts and like the answers were like, What? This is freaking awesome. I'm going to ask it every to close out every show from now on and excited.

Adrian Moreno:
All right. I'm excited. You just planted some NLP now I'm like, okay, you open the loop. Where's it at? Three. Be very astute.

Brian Kelly:
On opening the loop. Oh, yes. All right. So real quick, though, to allow people to enter, to win, write this down. Don't do it now. You don't have to do it right away. You can enter. Even the guest expert can enter. I have had guest experts win this, by the way, there is no no favoritism given here. It's a fully random draw. Here it is. I'll put it up on the screen for you watching live. What you need to do is write this URL down and right after we're done with the show, then go to it. And the one you want to go to is our IP. I am for vacation. Make sure it's all lowercase as you see on the screen, our IP for vacation and you can enter to win there. And what I'm going to do at this moment because I just got so engrossed in the amazing Adrian Moreno. I mean, I'm not kidding you. I want to bring up your website as you describe the gift you're about to give to someone. And if you don't mind, show people how they can contact you the best way. And then we will also end it with that final amazing question. So don't go anywhere, anybody but here. Let's bring up that site and go ahead, Adrian. Take it away. If you remember what that gift was. If not, I'll bring it back up.

Adrian Moreno:
Oh, yes. No worries. No worries. So you're talking about the so so this right here that you're showing them, if this is if you want to get in contact directly with me, to have me speak for your organization, to have me come in and speak for your clientele. I speak to a lot of masterminds. I do about a mastermind a month in terms of like in-person and virtual events. And if you want to really like exactly how that thing says, give your audience mindset, see tools that will never fail. You can go in and you can reach out to me directly through there and that will take you to a booking page. You will fill out a form to like ask you some questions about your company, about your organization, and then we'll see if it makes sense for me to go ahead and speak for you. And we can have that amazing conversation there. Aside from that, you can just look up my first and last name on any social media, and you will find a beautiful, handsome Mexican guy there who looks who looks. I look a little I look a little Asian. All right. So keep that in mind. But you can just contact me through any of my socials there aside from that website.

Brian Kelly:
Fantastic so that is that Adrian speaks live so that's Adrian Sparks dot live so that's for our listeners that are not seeing this.

Adrian Moreno:
And for the for the gift I talked a lot today about removing these beliefs that that hold you back from getting what you want and you can have a massive changes very rapidly. And so what I did was I took the exact process that I utilize the neuro remapping technique that I utilize with my clients, and I put it in a prerecorded form. What this is designed to do is literally help you tap into theta brainwaves so you can get to the root behind whatever behavior issue is holding you back and literally agree. Why are your neural pathways for more freedom? It is a about 45 minute video. It's a real experience. So you've got to be willing to like actually carve out some time and because you're going to be closing your eyes, it can be going to a real full on experience. But let me just tell you, the messages that I've gotten from these we've had relationships rekindle. We've had people whose businesses blew up without me even having to work with them. So just go to this process. Don't believe a word I just said. Experience it for yourself. Go to WW. Rewire my thoughts dot com slash unshakable.

Brian Kelly:
That's right. W w w rewire my thoughts. Dot com slash unshakable. And you can see what it will look like. It's there on the screen. For those of you watching the video, you'll be able to see it's very simple, straightforward. You click a button and then you fill out a short form and you're done.

Adrian Moreno:
And check your email. So when it's weird, you re surprised Brian how many emails I get did I didn't get the course. I'm like, check your email and then they have it. So just check your email, check all, all of your photos and you should be able to find out there.

Brian Kelly:
I can help you with that with a hack I've come up with that works amazingly well and it's it's really easy to do, but I.

Adrian Moreno:
Like that.

Brian Kelly:
We'll talk about that off camera because I am an automation. I call it a freak. I was given the I was coined the term automation master by a peer. So I just go with it. But I did not coined myself that I'm not one of those ego people.

Adrian Moreno:
I love it.

Brian Kelly:
But thank you for both of those and I highly recommend everyone does this look. The thing I love about this is it won't take any of Adrian's personal time. In fact, his system will take over. You'll get the video, you just follow the video. And I like to always say, do everything that you're about to do with Adrian, with what I call an open mind. Because very much like a parachute, you know, your mind is it only works when it's open. And it's a recording. It's a recording. So if there's any point during it where you're feeling a little uncomfortable, hit the pause button, go back, play it again. But just know that you can see Adrian has the best intentions of anyone that I have met in a long time, and you can know that what he's doing for you is good for you and just go in with. After watching this show, you now have gotten to know him enough to realize, Well, this is a guy I trust or it's a guy that I'm not quite there yet. Either way, you can still go check out the video and take it as far as you can, but I recommend you just take it all the way through. He's gotten a success rate. He's worked with high influencers. He's got the the credence and everything that goes with it. So my recommendation, take him up on this offer. It cost you nothing, zero to change your life forever in a positive way.

Adrian Moreno:

Brian Kelly:
All those those inhibitions, those those that hesitation, that resistance, the fear of moving forward, just wipe it clean. Because that one step of stepping forward into Adrian Moreno's world can then remove that all of that hesitation, fear and resistance of moving forward and becoming successful forever. Consider that. Consider that. Please do consider that. All right. Let's clean up the screen here a little bit, because we have taken care of all the wonderful stuff. And you know what? I just want to add one more just because I think this has been a very profound show. I never do this at the end, but I'm going to do it right now. And that is one more bomb drop.

Adrian Moreno:
Yes. I love it. I love this. I feel honored.

Brian Kelly:
One more question to go. And it will be a bomb drop or two. So I normally don't put this one right before we do the question, but I'm feeling it. This has been a great I've had a great time, Adrian. I know.

Adrian Moreno:
Man. I'm enjoying it.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And now everyone that's watched it. Who is going to listen to it on podcast will as well. And I hope you all do take action. That's the key. Learn do. And the final one is teach. So do it enough to where you teach it. When you teach it, you learn it at the deepest level possible and then you can help others. And that's the beautiful part about it. But we need to wrap this show up at some point.

Adrian Moreno:

Brian Kelly:
But I'd like to ask this one final question, Adrian. And like I said earlier, it's profound and it can be a little bit personal, but at the same time, it's not. So here's the here's the thing to kind of frame it properly. And that is there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It doesn't exist. It's it's it's exact opposite. That's true. The only correct answer. Is yours. It's because it's unique to you. That's the only thing that makes it personal. That's it.

Adrian Moreno:
All right. All right. I love it. Great. Great.

Brian Kelly:
If you come up with the answer instantly, or if it takes you several seconds, even minutes to come up with the answer, that's also just right, because it is your answer. So there's absolutely no pressure of any kind, even though there is now because of the buildup you're feeling.

Adrian Moreno:
I'm about to say, dude, you're. Building this up so well right now.

Brian Kelly:
That's right. As we would say. That's right. All right. Here we go. Are you ready?

Adrian Moreno:
I'm ready. Good. All right. Here we go.

Brian Kelly:
Adrian Moreno. How do you. Define. Success.

Adrian Moreno:
I would say success. It's first and foremost realizing. That you are the creator of your entire experience and then doing everything in your power to create the experience that fills. Like life to you. Doesn't matter how much money you have in your bank account. I believe truth excess. If the feeling of ease and when you feel easy, what I mean by the feeling of ease is, I mean, life is not easy. I mean that you are so resilient that no matter where you bend, you always come back to your baseline of I am more than enough and I'm more than okay. But I would say success is being fully identified with the fact that you are enough. Because if you truly feel that in your nervous system, every single moment in your life will be a successful one. And when every moment is successful one, you end up with a very successful life.

Brian Kelly:
And you know how this is going to close out, don't you? That's right.

Adrian Moreno:
Yes. I love this. This is so much fun.

Brian Kelly:
Adrian Moreno, you are an amazing young man. I appreciate you for coming on, for sharing your wisdom, your experience, your success. It's obvious you are someone who doesn't just learn. You do. You're an action taker. That's why you have achieved success. I'm saying that for everyone out there to understand that it's one thing to watch, it's one thing to learn. And I've seen it. I've seen people learn over and over and over and just stack their shelf with books, CDs, DVDs, back in the day, cassette tapes, and listen to them maybe, and then do nothing with them and then complain, Well, I got this course and nothing happens because you got to do something. You've got to put action. Adrian is the person to go to, to model. He's out there. He's got goals. He's getting on as many stages as he can each and every month. He's set the goals. He's reaching out to people. He's doing it fearlessly, even though there might be some trepidation on occasion because it's an influencer, what are they going to think about me? But he's just giving you he's giving you the roadmap to do it. It's just pummel them with value, just and research them do it properly. I just everything you said, Adrian, is so freaking intelligent and so on point. And it just it really brightens my day and night to be able to cross paths with you. Adrian, I know I can learn a lot from you, and I know this won't be the last time we talk, because I'm also very much into loving speaking from stage. It's been a long time. I'm going to reach out to you and I have an idea for you, but we'll talk about mine.

Adrian Moreno:

Brian Kelly:
That's it. I've got to wrap this up, because Adrian needs to eat, and and I would like to do that same thing. I haven't eaten.

Adrian Moreno:
Either. Some oatmeal. Got some oatmeal, man.

Brian Kelly:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming on, for sharing your very valuable time. And appreciate you, brother.

Adrian Moreno:
And thank you from the depths of mine.

Brian Kelly:
And you know what? That's it. Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the amazing Adrian Moreno. I am your host, Brian Kelly of The Mind Body Business Show. That's a wrap. We're done for tonight. We'll see you again next week with another phenomenal guest. Until then. So long, everybody. And be blessed. Take care for now. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at www.TheMindBodyBusinessShow.com My name is Brian Kelly.

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Adrian Moreno

Adrian Moreno began his career inside the health & fitness space while also gaining unparalleled experience with hypnosis & NLP, establishing himself as a respected transformation specialist. As Co-creator of the Neuro-Remapping™ method he specializes in eliminating social and performance anxiety in 2 sessions or less. If he isn’t busy setting a new standard for how quick transformation can happen, you can find him spending time with his reading, writing, or watching The Office.

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