Special Guest Expert - Andrea Adams-Miller: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. The three keys to your success is just moments away. Here's your host Brian Kelly.
Brian Kelly:
Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show! It happens every single week. I get so excited because of the phenomenal guest experts we have on this show each and every week and tonight is no exception. In fact, the bar is being raised tonight. You are going to absolutely be blown away with this young lady who is going to come on this screen very very soon. Before we bring her on. Real quick. The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. What is that really about? Well, it's really about the three pillars of success. And what happened was over the course of my very soon to be 54 years now. Actually starting tomorrow I will be 54. I've learned and seen and experienced different patterns of success from successful entrepreneurs just like the very one you're about to meet on this show. And it all starts with laying the foundation and that is with the mind and the mindset that goes with it. And that goes into some advanced techniques that are utilized to help you to reprogram your subconscious brain and so that you can get to the results you're looking for much much faster. And that's through a science called NLP or neuro-linguistic programming. Now we may or may not talk about that tonight. We're going to cover various subjects and we have guests lined up as well that are also deep into NLP arena. As am I, and as is our guest tonight. It's so amazing. And also body. It's very very important to keep your body in tune, in shape. Both nutritionally and physically with exercise. And the thing is the mind and body are a team. They're all part of you. And more importantly the mind and body are your team. And so, think about any kind of team, a sports team and if one individual on that team is not operating at a peak level of performance, well then the entire team suffers doesn't it? Absolutely. So, what you want to do is strive for absolute peak performance in both the mind and the body and the business. And that's where sales, marketing, team building, systematization work comes in. And when you've mastered all 3 of those elements and you have really become a master at all 3 on a consistent basis it is then and only then that I say you're working at a peak level of performance. And that is what this show is all about is to help you, entrepreneurs and business owners, to operate at a higher level each and every day. And with guests like the ones we have coming on here in just a moment, you're going to get raised up that next extra level. So, keep watching week after week. Thank you for coming on. Please Like, Love, and Share. And we're going to get busy right now. Another interesting thing that happened to me many many years ago was a mentor of mine. I remember it vividly. I was in his office, one of those offices that is almost as large as a house. Multimillionaire and he just looked at me and said, "Brian, if people only knew. If they only knew. If they just did this one thing. If they just did this one thing. They would all be rich." And of course, I was intrigued. I'm leaning and I'm saying, "please tell me. What is that one thing?" He turned around went to the wall where there was this big cabinet file cabinet and actually just a big cabinet two drawer cabinet from floor to ceiling, all the way up. He went up to it, turned around, and kind of glanced at me, opened both doors and from floor to ceiling shelf after shelf, he had books. (gesturing behind him) Book after book. Personal development. Business. Fitness. Everything that goes into being a successful entrepreneur businessman was there. An interesting thing was in my mind was, I was sitting there thinking, "It can't be that simple. No way." I ignored them. I made a mistake back then. (chuckles) Thankfully, this thick noggin got cracked open a little bit and finally accepted the information many years later by another mentor of mine, who also said the same thing. And the difference with that was well, now it's the second time I've heard it. So, it reinforced it. The other part was I worked with this gentleman for several years and I got to see firsthand that he didn't just talk the talk, he also walked the walk. Always had headphones on listening to Audible books and reading books voraciously. I thought, "OK, I'm going to get into it." So, I did several years back. I began reading finally and thankfully. And so, I began reading by using something called Audible which is listening to books as an Audible app. It's through Amazon. And I just found I could retain information better by listening than actually reading a physical book or a Kindle book and I began just reading book after book after book and I was doing this in my car and I found I could get through many books very quickly, somehow in a car faster than any other place because I'm in the car quite often. And why not turn that on instead of the radio? Well, a beautiful thing Audible gives you is the ability to just tap on the screen. There's a little icon there where you can store a bookmark. So, if you're listening and you hear something that intrigues you and you want to store that to come back and play it back later, you just tap it real quick. It's instant. And then you can play back later. So, that's exactly what we're going to do here in just a moment. I'm going to play a snippet of a book that helps bring this whole topic together that we're going to be talking about with our special Guest Expert. So, right now we're going to switch over to a segment that I call Bookmarks.
Bookmarks. Born to Read. Bookmarks. Ready, Steady, Read. Bookmarks. Brought to you by ReachYourPeakLibrary.com.
Brian Kelly:
And there you see it (showing website on screen) ReachYourPeakLibrary.com. Now, if you're watching live or even recording right now please stick with us. Don't go to that site right now. Take notes take a lot of notes. I'm the host of the show and I probably take more notes than most of the audience members. Let's just switch that around shall we. So, take notes ReachYourPeakLibrary.com. Get that pen out. Get that paper and get ready for writer's cramp in the best of ways because when I bring on this Guest Expert, you're going to be reading frantically in such wonderful ways. Reach Your Peak Library, just real quickly, what that is is I decided to assemble a list of all the books that I found had profound impact in my life. So, not every book is listed here that I've ever read. The good news with that is, this can be a filtered list for you if you have yet to embark on reading very high quality books, that are in the business personal development arena. And so, I've compiled a list of 40 or so. I'm actually about 3 behind that I have not put up here yet, but I keep reading. But the cool thing is you can use this list as somebody who's vetted them and, therefore, hopefully save you the additional time and agony of reading some other books that maybe aren't up to par. And so, that's why I put it together. All those buttons that you see there to click to purchase go straight to Amazon. It's not a money making website for me. It's completely 100% to serve you, the entrepreneur and business owner, and one of the books that I wanted to highlight tonight is a book called The Willie Jolley Collection. And if you've never heard of Willie Jolley, he's an amazing, amazing man. Started out as a jazz musician, played in clubs. Les Brown, of all people, discovered him and asked him to start opening at some of his events and long story short, Willie Jolley became one of the most sought after speakers out there and he's very, very good. And this book, The Willie Jolley Collection is amazing! Amazing. So, if you don't have that one, I'd highly recommend he grab it. What I'm going to do is play a quick snippet from this about a minute maybe a little less. And he talks about...I'll him tell you. All right? Here we go. I'm going to play Willie Jolley from The Willie Jolley Collection.
Hard work works. I received a call from our friend, Amy Gholson, with a quote that she got from her mother that was very helpful in her quest to become an attorney. The quote simply stated, "Hard work works" and that is true. There's no substitute for hard work. Success is not the result of luck or good fortune, but rather hard work and persistence and proverbs 28:19. It states that hard work brings prosperity while playing around brings poverty. It might be uncomfortable, but it is absolutely necessary to work hard and persist if you are serious about turning your setbacks into comebacks. The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.
Brian Kelly:
I love that. "The only place that success comes before work is in the dictionary." Yes, hard work is the epitome of the guest you're about to meet and that's why I picked that snippet from Willie Jolley because this young lady just flew from her native state of Ohio into Nevada to attend an event and then race to someone else's home, to be here live for you, tonight. She's still in Las Vegas. She's got energy beyond energy. Amazing person. So, let's bring on our special Guest Expert right now.
It's time for the Guest Expert Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big League. Qualified.
Brian Kelly:
(Pointing to side) And there she is, ladies and gentlemen. Andrea Adams-Miller! Yes, you can applaud. (applauding) It's OK. It's all right. Go ahead. Give her a big round of applause. Andrea Adams-Miller, thank you so so much for coming on tonight. I want to quickly introduce you to our audience and then have you do the same in your own words, if that's OK with you.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Sure. Absolutely. I'd love to.
Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. You're looking gorgeous, by the way. Andrea Adams-Miller, CEO and founder of the RedCarpetConnection.com is an International Publicist, Keynote Speaker, Corporate Consultant, and a Sponsorship Acquisition Specialist. As a Best Selling Author and International Award-Winning Talk Radio Show Host as a best selling author - Oh I just said (laughs) - and Executive Radio Producer has been recognized for her professionalism as AAUW's Leader of the Year, BPW's Careerist of the Year, and a Heart of Gold Winner recognized by 350 of her digital marketing peers as The Most Giving Person. That would probably be the most meaningful title of all, knowing her personality, yeah, that fits perfectly. Andrea's has energy and enthusiasm, for the betterment of her clients lives, their future careers, and their relationships is contagious and her loyalty is unwavering. She is engaging, as you will see, experiential, educational, empowering, enlightening, and as you will see, entertaining. She comes highly recommended by some of the most significant leaders including Jack Canfield. Many of you know him as co-author of Chicken Soup For The Soul. By Joe Theismann, former NFL quarterback and NFL commentator, right now, and she has been seen on 20/20, Time magazine, Web M.D., PBS, Fox, CBS, NBC, and ABC as well as Huffington Post, Forbes, and USA Today. Wow! This is an amazing, amazing person. Amazing woman. I'm so happy to have her on. And real quick, one last final thing, be sure to watch this show on the very end because for those of you who are watching live, you will have the chance to win a complimentary stay at a 5-star luxury resort in Mexico compliments of PowerTexting.com. My buddy Jason Nasts and his partner, Rhonda, sponsored that. That's right. And actually Jason is at one of those resorts this very moment and he's saying it's an amazing place so, you want to hang on for that. Now, finally, Andrea, I'd like the folks watching and listening to get to know you a little bit better so, if you wouldn't mind, tell us a little bit about yourself and what you're up to now. So happy to have you here!
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Well, thank you so much for having me. I was trying to look back and see how long we've known each other. And you've done some amazing things. You're amazing when I met you 10 years ago and you are becoming more and more amazing every day. So, I'm so honored to be on the show with. So, alright, so about me. Well, you know, what I really love to do is I really love to support other people. So, when you think about what it is that I do, it's more than an International Publicist. That's only like one aspect of what I do. (Gesturing "little" with fingers) Really it's about I love to find people with a great vision and a great dream and then I'm able to come in behind them and be that implementor to make all those things they've learned from all these wonderful coaches about what they need to do, whether it's write a book or get on radio and television or to get on more stages or to create more home study products or to do joint ventures or to get some sponsors for their event or their product. I'm able to do all those things for them and implement so that their dreams and their vision comes true. And that's what I really love, is being able to get behind other people's dreams to make them of a reality. And it's very exciting to see them grow and prosper and to be able to do what they're really good at. And that's formulating new creative ideas for the world.
Brian Kelly:
That's one of the things I love about you, Andrea, and almost...yeah - not almost, every other entrepreneur I've interviewed, thus far, on the show is always about giving and serving. And did you see her face light up? As she's talking about helping others. I mean you can tell that that is her true passion. There is no hiding behind that. And that's what I love about people like Andrea. You're just a wonderful person inside and out just there for you, basically. And therefore, to serve anyone that she has the ability to serve and yes, she has talents beyond - we would be here for a while. We could probably write a book on the amount of talents that she has because this is one talented woman. And so, we'll give you opportunity to reach out to her at the end of the show and give you that contact information. You definitely, you definitely want to get in contact with Andrea. She is - if she can't help you, she has connections. She's so well connected that she will find somebody who can. Put it that way. And I know that personally, because she's already done that for me and I'm forever grateful. She's just some amazing person. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Well, you're welcome.
Brian Kelly:
Every time I see you, which I know it's been a while, it was 10 years ago when we met personally. And then I've seen you on Facebook. I've seen you on your Web site interviewing with Joe Theismann and everywhere in between. I've seen you on other stages. You're always very upbeat and positive and you and I had a chat yesterday, alone, with no stage, no one else watching and you were the same Andrea there that I see you on the stage and everywhere else. Just full of energy, glowing, passionate about what you do. So, what I want to know and I'm sure our audience wants to know is, when it comes to maintaining that positive, productive, and successful mindset that you have, what is it that you do on a regular basis that helps you sustain that?
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Well, you know as all people, we have our moments where the highs are not there and we have some lows or we don't get the feedback or the expectation that we want from other people. And part of it is, is that each time that I have one of those lows, it's within a few minutes that I'm telling myself, "No I am... I am capable of doing this." That whatever happened or whatever was didn't go the way I wanted. Maybe the expectations were higher than I needed them to be and maybe I could just be satisfied and happy and proud of the things that I've accomplished. And part of it is to spend time with other people who lift me up. So, that's calling people and laughing and smiling and finding another avenue to do something to use my skills and talents that I know that I can conquer whatever challenge that's been in front of me and to use whatever thing that might have been a negative and I try to spin it into a positive. So, let's say somebody didn't want to work with me that I was hoping would be a client or something like that, then I turn around to think about that and say, "Wow! I really need to thank that person because they decided not to go with me. Maybe it was because I didn't show them enough benefit on what they're going to get out of being with me and for some people it's because I'm too fun. And so, (laughing) you think that fun doesn't equal professionalism and that's OK because I probably don't want to work with them if we have to be so serious all the time and can't have a lot of play and with our work. So, it's really about constantly addressing yourself and saying I am beautiful, I'm smart, I'm courageous, I'm talented. I have the skill set to do that. And while hearing that, right now, it might sound like, "Wow, Andrea, you sound really conceded." It's only because that I know that those are things that I would tell you to say if you're feeling down and low. So, my clients - I had a client who was having a bad day, a bad week, actually. And I've been reaching out to him and telling him, "You are enough. You are enough. You have got this. You are a remarkable and talented..." and I say all the other specific niche talents that he has to help lift him up. So, part of what I do is to be inspirational and you can't help, but be happy when you're doing that for other people.
Brian Kelly:
Amazing amazing. "Spend time with others who lift me up." I mean that's a perfect one right there where it's also, for me and I would imagine for you as well, it's whenever I'm with a group of like-minded entrepreneurs, I feel like I'm at home. I feel like I'm where I need to be. I get amplified and energized and juiced just being around people like you, Andrea. And when you're in a group setting like that, it's fulfilling beyond description, to me.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Yeah, and they get you. It's great to be with people who - you and I were talking about that last night - because my husband, he's proud of me, but he doesn't really get it. (laughing) And I'll be home for a couple of weeks and I just, and it's unusual for me to be home that long and I just ache to get back out on the road and to be surrounded by - where else can you go. Like when I go on the internet marketers cruise, I'm with 350 of my closest friends and anybody I turn around, I love them and I know so much about them and they know so much about me. And we may not even talk for a whole year, but yet it's like bubbles and happiness (snaps) like that.
Brian Kelly:
And the connections you make, even new ones, even renewed ones, the topics that you discuss. You cannot buy that anywhere, number one. Number two, you can't find a training course that would help you in that. So, I often say this as well is one of the keys to success is just show up.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
The Wealth of knowledge from the people that are there and people that you have no idea what they know and then as you ask them questions... Yesterday I was told by an attorney that I ran into in my hometown, he was telling me comparisons between the United States government and the Roman Empire in 400 [B.C.] whatever and he's like, "...and they had senators..." (laughing) It's like all this welcome of information, I had no idea I was going to get an hour of history. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, exactly. And I love another thing you said is "You take negatives and spin them in the positives" so, in NLP we call that "reframing" and that's a perfect perfect model to follow is and you also added a little flavor to it. You basically said, "Well, maybe, I need to change." So, you did 2 things in one fell swoop and that was; reframing it which is very powerful, but you also took cause and said, "I wonder if somehow, some way, I had some responsibility in that outcome" and that is another key trait of success and that's why it's coming out of you because that is you.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
I took take full responsibility for everything that I do. I mean, if I were to be in a car accident, even if it was not technically my fault, I think, "If I turn left instead of right..." or "if I'd made another decision..." how am I contributing to whatever's going on? So, my access of control in my life is not external; its internal locus of control.
Brian Kelly:
That's fantastic. I've given that very example from stage. Same things. "I chose to get up at that time." "I chose to take that road." "I chose to stop at that stoplight, legally, then get rear ended." (laughing) The rear-ending came on, but the thing is the farther you can stretch it, the more ridiculous it can sound, the better you're going to become at being a cause. For those of you that aren't practicing that, right now. Not Andrea - she's got it down. Positive Self affirmations. I used to not believe in those. Believe it or not. Wow, that's a lot of believes...and the thing is because of NLP, it's a subconscious activity that is permanent. And then I started, fairly recently, of reading a list of I call it The Brian Kelly Manifesto. And then also a list of of affirmation that takes a full 20 minutes every morning to get through. And I've been doing it for just over 2 weeks now and it has been giving me unbelievable results. Unbelievable results. So, I'm back. I'm back to doing the affirmations and I will stay there along with NLP and hypnosis. What a combo. Amazing! So, you're already knocking out of the park with all of these key elements that... for those of you watching, be sure to take notes. I hope you wrote those 3 items down because those are truly some of the traits and characteristics of highly, highly successful people. And my guest being one of those. (gesturing to the side)
Andrea Adams-Miller:
One of the things I'd like to suggest to your audience since you're talking about taking notes, since I used to teach college. 2 different colleges, 7 different departments and then I taught some of the extra curricular clubs and stuff, as well. And a lot of my students didn't realize, because they think I'm just chatting or just having fun, but it wasn't until later that they broke down what I was saying, that they realized that what I call "Accidental Learning" all drop in see - it's part of the NLP and part of knowing how to use language - see things that you should not be doing in your life. So, Brian and I are telling a story that seemingly seems like it's only between us and really has nothing to do with you. If you step back from it, instead of listening to it for entertainment, and hear what are they actually revealing within that story that could apply to me in a situation that I'm in and apply it to multiple situations, you might find that you have actually been able to change the effects of what are you doing in your life.
Brian Kelly:
That was perfectly said. And you and I talked about this just the other night, as well, where...that's a great point that you bring up. And I think it's a good teaching point, for everyone watching. Not every show, audio program, book is going to be "entertaining." The key, though, is to pick out and understand and realize and recognize is that person who's talking or writing someone that you should be listening to and following and modeling? If the answer is "yes," it doesn't need to be entertaining. Entertaining just kind of keeps your focus and attention a little bit better, even if they're not though, focus and be more attentive than ever because I've had guests on the show - I'm not going to name any names - that in all honesty weren't actually entertaining, but my word the value that they bring to this. Just take notes throughout and like you said, it's like we're just having a conversation, but the nuggets that are coming out back and forth are...you can't buy this anywhere. This show is free. I'm never going to charge for it. And this is some of the best information you could ever gather. I only know that because I'm the host and I get to talk to these amazing entrepreneurs like Andrea and person after person gives nugget of nugget and I noticed that pattern is there every single time. It just further solidifies the fact that all you have to do is find someone like Andrea, grab on to her with both ankles and don't let go, as a mentor, don't do this literally. Figuratively, OK? and say, "Can you help me?" And knowing her, she'll find a way to do that. And again, if she can't, she'll find someone who can.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
The first person who comes up to me and grabs my ankles, we'll give you a special treat because that's actually hysterical and that would just make me laugh so bad. (laughing) By the way, I want to point out something that Brian's doing and I'm doing that you guys may not even realize. So, because this is a webinar and a radio show, how we're animated with our faces and how we use the tone of our voice, cycle through, and I mean, if you look at me - now, you're not going to not see this image now - I used to be called "the chicken" because when I would sing an 8th grade, I would...like, "I love you..." (laughing) I look like a chicken the way my head was (Bobbles head like a chicken) bobbling, but they always put me in the center because I enunciated my words well and I had big eye expression. And the audience could read my lips. So, these are a lot of acting things that I bring into my life to be very animated. I am very animated all the time. But these were learned behaviors that I knew worked for me onstage when I was theater and for musical groups and clubs that I was the in that's been effective. And then I had a radio show for 13 years and I'm getting ready to come back on again and be a commercial radio show this time. But even if you're not being seen, if you're on radio and you're not animated with your face in your voice, then you can fall flat and actually make people sleep. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
That's a great point. And I'll give everybody insider tip. And this is... I didn't have to do this with Andrea because she's a PRO. I mean it's P-R-O and that's Andrea - is before the show even comes up, each of my guest gets a guest list, a checklist. And the last part of the checklist, is right before the show airs, right before the camera goes on to you, is to smile as hard and as silly as you possibly can. I mean ridiculously silly like (smiling ridiculously) to the point where you're going to laugh out loud and what that does... is it flexes or it stretches out all the face muscles, it makes you smile a little harder than you normally would because when you're on camera and you think you're smiling, most of the time, what they see is not a smile. You think your smiling, you need to smile harder than normal and really accentuate it. And that's what Andrea is talking about. So, these are great tips for you doing Facebook Lives, a lot of people are doing that now is if you want to exhibit happiness and a smile; do it with everything you've got. I mean, really have fun with it.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
You can smile all the way up into your eyes and it's feeling an emotion that's up into your skull, as well. So, I have some interesting back knowledge of other things that I'm trained in that don't necessarily have to do with anything, but I'm trained in surface electromyography and EEG and a smile, like when you think you're holding it and you're doing it, if you wait like 20 or 30 seconds and then say, "smile again," the person always goes (imitating half smile) and then they're like (imitating lesser half smile, laughing) this muscle cannot contain that smile as long as people think that it is and it really starts to sag down.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, it does get tiring. So, yeah give it a rest now and then it's OK. (laughing) So, you're very very successful woman, Andrea, and your talents. I love one - for one thing, I love how you've repurposed your talent. I want to call it that. What you've learned in the past and so, Andrea has that talent from acting, singing, and being on stage. And I get that. Not everyone does. However, what talents do you have? You have them. You have a ton of talents. Every single one of you watching and listening, tap into those talents and how could you somehow forge that into your business? For me, one of them was I'm a tech - I'm a geek! I love automation. I'm a software engineer, by trade, and that's part of what helped me put this entire show together with all the fancy camera angles and graphics and fun things. I love it!
Andrea Adams-Miller:
9 platforms that this is put out on. I was so impressed to hear that.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, that's right. It's live streaming, simultaneously, on 9 different platforms, this very moment. And it's also being shared to - I lost count - more, many more, instantly, the second we went live and it's going on 10 podcasts when the show's over. 10 podcast platforms and I love automation. That's what I love, but that's just repurposing talent. That was the point there. And you're so successful, I was curious if you could, maybe, pinpoint 3-5 key elements that what you would attribute to your success. Key elements helped you to start and run successful businesses.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Yeah, I think the first one that I would say is my ability to connect with people and it's not just about being friendly, is obviously important, and having a good memory is important. But being able to - and this really, I actually used to shy away from telling people information about me, multiple things about me, because I was told you're telling them too much and your fire hosing them and they're going to be confused with what you do. And then I talked to Joe Sugarman. He and I became friendly and though he lives in Vegas half time and I had gone out to lunch with him and he wrote the book Triggers and he was one of the first person who ever wrote magazine articles and advertisements and he said that one of the things that he really admired about me is that I have these skill sets in so many different areas and that's what makes me successful. I take things that you would normally not cross reference or put together and make those work so, that it actually gets different audiences looking at the same thing at the same time. And so, knowing how to do that and knowing in your head to be constantly cross referencing people and what they do so, that any time that you meet someone, you put them in a category. I always used to make a joke that I said, "If you pull a drawer or filing cabinet on the side or your head, and you have a stack of cards almost like a library and they're over here, well how you can cross-reference that as you might remember a person and their name is Brian Kelly, and if you say it silly Brian Kelly, then all of a sudden you remember in different files because of the wording that you used or the dialect or the way you reference them to something. I remember Brian because of a picture that we took with with some other friends, where we were at. And so, I have visual memory, I have auditory memory, and I bring all of those things together so, that I can cross-reference who Brian is, how I know him, who was he related to, and how I might be able to serve him in the future and what I'm learning about him, I add to that. And some of that is physically writing that down. I know people are getting away from physical business cards, in fact, I just wrote a response to somebody last night that says, "They threw them all away." I actually just found a whole bunch of them and got them all out and literally started mapping out those people and saying, "Hey, I just found your card, I have it. I found a card that was lost from 5 years. How cool to reconnect to you. What are you doing since then?" And I'm actually reaching out to people and redeveloping relationships rather than dismissing them. While I love virtual cards as well, but virtual cards are out of sight, out of mind. So, if I don't see them and touch them, then they are lost to me sometimes, unless I've marked or tagged them in my Rolodex in my phone - Boy, you can tell how old I am, "my Rolodex in my phone" - that I know them because of this event or I know them because of this person. And so, I usually try to write all that and the dates and the event so, that it's cross-referenced very quickly for me to be able to access information. So, there's an organizational skill to it, as well. Brian, are you using tactics like that, as well, that are successful for you?
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, connecting is definitely, definitely on top of my list of sticky notes, again. Joe Sugarmann, Triggers. And one of the things I noticed that you kind of alluded to, that you're doing that. I make it a habit. Anybody I'm either am meeting for the first time or, again, if it's been a while, I go back and research them. I do some homework. It doesn't take that long. My primary mode is to go to Facebook and you can determine someone's mental state really quickly based on how they post, what their words are, what their memes are, the graphics. If they're posting about politics and how they're acting toward that. Lots of stuff you can find out internally about a person before you even meet them or if it's been awhile, it'll be refreshing to see, "Hey, looks like they've changed, either for the better or for the worse, but you don't know." But the thing that helps that helps me is to determine, do I really want to spend that amount of time reaching out and connecting to that person to begin with?
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Vetting people whether you want to stay with them or maybe (laughing) stay away are 2 things. By the way, if you don't have fun in your life, then your life can't be fun. And I need to address something that's cracking me up. You may see me like trying to dodge and move, the light shining on the table here. And I have a plant growing out of my chest all of a sudden I grew chest hair so, I'm going to lean forward - I'm going to move and move those plants because they're driving me crazy (laughing) So, you got to be flexible and adaptable and change things when they need to be changed. So, this is my friend's lovely home. (laughing) All right. So, what I did there is something that people often don't do - and I can't really do anything about the sunlight, right now, so I'll just have to hold up my laptop - Is that people will drop things on a stage or they'll be something there and they don't pick it up. Pick it up. It's ok to address the elephant in the room. Please. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
Yes, it relaxes not only you, but the audience. Right?
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Brian Kelly:
If you have notes, it's OK to read them. (laughing) If you're up on stage and you're on a podium, yeah, it's like people don't really care as much as you think they do about those little things, like you're saying, if you drop something, if if something goes out of whack, you can incorporate that into whatever you're doing and add a little humor to it, if you want.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Oh absolutely. Actually, I've done some informal studies with a friend of mine. We've been looking at people who are most successful and what they're willing to do and the people who are most successful, he's a social group celebrity photographer, he's a client of mine, his name is Ken Rochon, and some of the things that we noticed that people are willing to be really, really stupid and do really crazy faces and photobombing for us, who are people of substance. There's this woman, her name's Clarissa Burt and Clarissa was an Italian supermodel and yet, I'm have going to put this down to be able to do her face - she did this face where she's like (gesturing silly face) she did that in a picture for us with the Keep Smiling cards that are part of the - I'm just going to hold one up so you guys what I'm talking about, they look like this, they say Keep Smiling. (Showing card on screen) So, we take pictures of people like that. And we also encourage people to do goofy faces and stuff and the people who tend to make more money and who are more successful in their life, are totally willing to be goofy. So, people try to be perfect all the time and that's not really what your audience is looking for. They want you to be real and genuine. And I think that's one of the reasons I am successful is there is no fakeness I...see, I don't even always use appropriate words. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
You get what you get. Yeah, it's also another word called "transparency" It's just be yourself. We are human, we are fallible, we are going to make mistakes. Every one of us, no matter how successful and for someone... that's actually a really good key there, Andrea, especially the more successful you are, if you are open in showing your mistakes, that just tells everyone else that "I can do that too." You're not a robot, you're not this super human being, you're actually a human being, just like me. That means if you can make a mistake and still be that successful, then what am I... Why am I waiting? I need to go forward on this.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Think about this, my girlfriend loves Barry Manilow and she's actually paid, I think, once she took me to Barry Manilow and paid $250 for me to sit with her in like 6 row seat and she's seen him like 250 times. He doesn't know the words to a songs!
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Brian Kelly:
No one ever asks for their money back. They still pay that much for a ticket. I went with her once, she sat up front, I sat in nosebleed, it was $66 and he didn't know the words. And guess what? Everybody helped him sing them and everybody still loved the show. See people forgive you. So, it doesn't... You don't have to be perfect. I mean, you're paying a lot of money for something, but they're very forgiving. And that's one of the things, too, that people need to see that you don't have to be perfect. It's OK to stutter, it's OK to accidentally mouth spray. I mean those things happen, it's going to be OK for you. So, I work with a lot of people who are speakers that are both new and experienced then I work for a lot of hypnotists now so, I'm working for four of them. I love hypnotherapy and I love NLP so, it's no surprise. These people are the most genuine, the most awesome, and I'm trained in those things, as well. So, I love working with them. And they also are just very real people and it's those types of people that I'm finding are doing better at corporate trainings and are making more effective talks at colleges and who are getting asked to be back again on the radio shows that I put them on and so forth. And that's what I want to bring out in people is that while working hard is important, I want them to play really hard, too so, that reflects in everything that they do because if they're not having a great time in their business and their activities, then people don't want to follow them. They want to follow people who are not only great, but are engaging. I mean Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn and all those people... yes, they were professional, but they were engaging and then people like them. You want to be liked.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, so just become perfect at being imperfect is to embark on that. And so, don't worry about it, don't sweat it. It's better to be imperfect. It's better to show what's in the closet sometimes just to show that you're human. We have we all have issues. I did a quick special edition not long ago, saying when you see somebody and there on Facebook and they're getting all these pictures and they're traveling and they're successful and they're happy and there's never a frown. Well, guess what? They have issues, too. There was a series of unfortunate events, not to choose a name from a movie, but that occurred in my life recently and it was just like this is the way it is for everybody on the planet. Everybody goes through issues so, be a human being and then people will be more attracted to you. If you're a robot and you're perfect, then people won't be able to relate because there's nobody on this planet that's perfect. Sorry.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
And part of that, too, is as a publicist, I want you to choose what you want people to see. So, let's say you do have something in your past or maybe you have some reputation management that needs to occur because maybe the line of work you're in or an MLM you're affiliated with or some other company didn't do well. Choose the things that you want to pay attention to, so, that way they have something to talk about. (laughing) So, there not talking about... there's a little bit of a distraction there.
Brian Kelly:
That's good. Deflect the attention onto something you want.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Brian Kelly:
I love that. One of the most sought after questions I get as an entrepreneur and I'm always the most curious about it myself and curiosity, by the way, is another big key trait of successful entrepreneurs. Richard Branson, one of the most curious people on the planet, is the area of how do you successfully market your own business? I see so many trainings out there on how to successfully market your business, but rarely do I ever here, under the hood, exactly how the individual, themself, is really going about marketing their business. I get it., marketing is a broad field; there are a lot of ways to market. But what would you say, Andrea, would be one of the most successful forms of marketing you've used so far, and maybe you've already said it, maybe -
Andrea Adams-Miller:
- I'm actually blushing because I have a reveal here. A big reveal.
Brian Kelly:
Andrea Adams-Miller:
So, with my initial business which is now called Ignite Your Relationships; I have a dating and relationship business and I focus on sexuality - and I do corporate relationships, as well, not dating corporate relationships, but corporate relationships like the factory workers getting along with executive board and stuff like that - And I did really really well in marketing so, the things that my foundation of what I was doing is I showed up everywhere. I met people. I followed up on those relationships. I listed my key traits on the things that I was doing. I was consistent. I was persistent. I was consistent...wait, did I say consistent? Yes. So, there that was really important so, I needed to repeat that again. And I didn't have like a fear factor. I'm the one that got myself on 20/20 and CBS and PBS and all those things. They didn't happen for me, in fact, recently I had a woman said, "Well, how much is that going to cost me? How much do I have to pay to get on a show like that?" And I said, "I never paid for anything." I have never paid for publicity, ever, in my entire life. It was the way that I knew how to...write and it was a skill set over time; it was both education and street smarts and reading and learning all that stuff about how to write a press release and how to attract an audience or a newspaper reporter or to respond to a story or to do some kind of reach out where I offered myself as an information service and then they followed up with me and utilized me for those things. I even did a thing for Pampers for a drive that they had for like mother or fathers or grandparent's day or something. So, there's different things that you can do to be of service to other people that get you and made myself newsworthy. And then when I shifted and also added the other business, The Red Carpet Connection, The Red Carpet Connection is really about taking instead of working - I'm focusing on me, focusing on other people, And so, for the last 6 years, I've really focused on everybody else and let my own stuff slide completely. I was not taking care of me. I was not doing my own social media. I was not following up with people that were my own clients that would want to work with me and do things because everything was about my clients. And I finally realized that I literally was starting to smother myself by not putting my oxygen mask on my own face. And so, recently I realized, "Wow, I need to get back in the game." So, which is really funny about that, so when I made the decision to go - and this is only a couple days ago - I need to get back on the game. I end up on this show, I'm on another show, I think it instantly (snaps) comes overnight when you're following up with people and providing a service or an offering to them, then they want to work with you. And if that's not something you can do yourself, then that's when you hire a publicist, like me, so that you know we can do that for you. We brag about you so, you don't have to. It makes it a little easier because it is a little awkward. I mean, Brian, I'm sure you can imagine. I'm like, (imitating phone conversation) "Hey, I just want to let you guys know, I got this really cool guy I want you to meet and have on your show." "Oh yeah, his name's Brian." "Yeah, that's my name, too. That's me." Yeah, it's awkward (laughing) but that's not your forte, you have somebody else do it because that's one of the things that I love to do. I love to work with clients. I let them do what they're really good at and I do what I'm really good at and that's that connection piece. That foundation of what I'm doing. So, in doing that, instantly (snaps) my stuff started going again. It instantly started picking up. So, I mean, overnight!
Brian Kelly:
It was overnight after years of consistency, persistency, education. So, yeah I want to make that clear to those watching because I noticed there's many things you did not say that many go straight to and think that's how they become successful marketers. There's things like funnels and Websites and Facebook ads and paid advertisements and notice that Andrea said none of those things. Not a single one. All I heard was she worked her tail off, consistently, persistently. She made herself newsworthy. She reached out on her own, fearlessly, and got gig after gig. In fact, that's how she got on this show. She reached out to me. She's telling you exactly how she does it because that's how she does it. It's amazing! I love it! To be of service, to become newsworthy. So, again, yes writing notes. (showing notes on screen) I hope you're doing the same. Watching and listening because this is going to be filled on the front back by the time we're done because this is just gold.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Oh so, let me give you another example of that. So, social media. I am active on social media. However, I always had LinkedIn, but I only had like 500 connections initially, because remember? I started focusing only on my clients and I had a client and I knew LinkedIn would work really well for him, but he didn't understand social media. He wanted immediate, immediate cash and follow through. And for the types of products that he has and the upsell that he had, I kept explaining to him it's a long term game. You weren't looking to pull people in at $15, $35, $100,000 deals. It's a long term relationship. These people aren't going to marry you - some people might marry you overnight, but some of them might be crazy people. (laughing) So, you need to make sure that you have a long drip campaign where they love you when they follow up with you. So, he didn't get it. And so, after a year working with him, he didn't want me to do that anymore and that ended up being OK so, I had some time. So, what I was doing for him on LinkedIn, I thought, Well, I'll just build mine then, I'll see how I do." And without being a premier LinkedIn person. I did not have length in premier because I purposely did it this way. I never bought a lead, I never bought a brand. I didn't do anything. At about every day that I would be in a car as a passenger, I would spend about 10 minutes asking to connect to people or reaching out to people and so forth. And within 8 months, I got 30,000 followers and connections and now 8 weeks ago, I'm tapped out on LinkedIn. So, now I need to know how to rework my LinkedIn because now I have to do the whole thing with Facebook, like kicking people off and adding them in. I don't want to kick people off because I don't even know them yet. So, now I'm reaching out and building relationships with people through LinkedIn that - and these are people I don't know where Facebook, those are usually people who see me speak or have known me from the past. Now, I have a story about that, as well, Brian. You and I and we talked about how long we've known each other. I had a woman who saw me speak 6 years ago. I talked to her maybe 2 years ago, I followed up with her on something randomly 2 years ago. Haven't talked to her since. She called me about 8-10 weeks ago and nominated me to be in a primetime documentary. Where we're in negotiations to figure out how that's going to work where I'll be in this documentary as a boss woman. So, we're going to see how that goes. And she hasn't seen me for 6 years, but she's follows me on Facebook and was seeing me still and when someone asked her, "Hey, do you know anybody?" because she knows the film director and she's like, "oh my gosh! I have a perfect person. I saw her. She always stayed with me. I always wanted to do my book with her." And she actually finally committed to writing her book - I own a publishing company, as well. So, she's publishing her book with me, now. OK. 6 years it took her drip, drip, drip for her to reach out to me. I didn't have to sell or anything. I didn't have to try to force her to do something with me. She came to me and wanted to work with me. And that's what want. You want people to want you and not have to - I mean, it's great, it's perfectly OK to sell people, especially when you have something good we want them to have, but it's also even more fun when they come to you.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, absolutely. Business is a relationship, when it comes down to it. I used to be - I am, still, an automation freak. I call myself an automation freak, but now I understand and recognize that automation, by itself, does not make a successful business. That you must literally reach out to somebody, at some point, if you're ever going to reach success. And that could be the phone. It could be through social media, but one-on-one instead of - I haven't used them, but message bots. They're out there that are automatically responding to things, I hear they do wonderful things -.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
- But I know people well... if you need referrals for that, I know multiple people who are doing a chat bots. Gotchya covered there! (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
And so, that means everybody here on the show, if you have a question, you want to get connected with that, just pop it in the comments. And Andrea will get back to you because that's the way she rolls and that's the thing it just takes -
Andrea Adams-Miller:
- It's about connection. My students still call me because they'll call me just to ask me random questions. It's like I'm the information house and I love it. I don't mind. I loved to hear that and it helps me improve my mind because it keeps me thinking and learning all the time when people are reaching out. So, think about that for yourselves, as well. Those of you who are listening, like "how can I constantly be adding to my skills and knowledge through books and radio shows?" Like listening to this radio show and taking notes like he's saying, if you actually - Oh by the way, there's a study done years ago, if you actually take the physical notes, write them down instead of type them and then later that day, read them out loud while you're typing them so, that we can keep them electronically if you'd like to, but because you've auditory worded them out loud, their retention is about 80% higher than if you just hand written them.
Brian Kelly:
Absolutely. Absolutely. And so, everything you're hearing Andrea say; that's the key. All of it. It's not just one thing. It's a lot! And a lot of people think there's a magic pill, hope there's a magic pill, search for that magic pill, spend their lives looking for that magic pill, only to find out after 10, 15, 20 years that you know what? There is no such thing. It comes down to as Willie Jolley said in the opening of the show, hard work. And the beautiful thing is though, when you find that thing that you're truly passionate about, Andrea has several, it doesn't feel like work. It's fun. I love doing this show! I love putting together my business and reaching out to people and getting clients. I look forward to it. It's not work to me, but it's still working hard and it's committing to it. It's being disciplined. There's so many things I mean we could talk for many, many hours - Oh my goodness! We are 6 minutes away from the end. Are you kidding me?
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Brian Kelly:
It does this every single time!
Andrea Adams-Miller:
We haven't even covered anything that we were going to talk about! (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
Yes, so, that means we'll just have to have you back at a later date and fill in the rest. There is one one major burning question that we always on the show with that I want to ask you. But before we do that, I want to give those that are watching live the opportunity to have a wonderful time and go on a 5 night vacation, 5 nights vacation stay in a 5-star luxury Mexican resort. Compliments of my buddy Jason Nast and Rhonda, my buddies I should say. Of PowerTexting.com And here is how you enter to win and this, for you watching live, this is what you will want to do right now. (showing information on screen) So, put that up on the screen. There's 2 ways. Probably the easiest, it depends on your taste, but is probably to text, just text the word PEAK. That's P-E-A-K to the phone number 661-535-1624. Again, that's PEAK, P-E-A-K to 661-535-1624. Or, alternatively, if you're on a computer and you want to switch over to another tab real quick and then come back to the show right away, go to ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation and "vacation" is purposely lower cased on the screen so, be sure - it's all lowercase. Just the word "vacation." The rest, it doesn't matter. ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation. Go ahead and do that now, enter that now. I will see that and depending on how we wrap this show up, I'll either announce it live on the show or shortly thereafter, in the comments below and I'll reach out to you individually to say, "You are a winner!" So, I'm excited about that. And before we hit that really important question, a little mouse told me that Andrea might have something of her own that she's got up her sleeve that she would like to gift to everyone a view which I thought was amazing. And Andrea, I do have actually screenshot of that if you'd like to then describe that. I would love that.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
(showing information on the screen) Yeah. So, I'm the Red Carpet Connection - oh look! here's a picture of me standing there. OK. (laughing) So, it through me off. So, I'm the TheRedCarpetConnection.com and there's my calendar. I want you to go to my calendar, pick a time that's convenient to you, reach out to me and I will do a consultation with you. And look at what's going on with your publicity, your social media, or whether it's a book or whatever it is that you need an assessment on. Whatever it is you're trying to overcome. Or even if it's something with your dating and relationship or sexuality area, it doesn't matter to me. If you have something that you need, I'm more than willing to spend some time with you because that's how we get to know people. And when you are of service to people, then that's how your world is better and that's how it becomes awesome. So, just go ahead do that right now. TheRedCarpetConnection.com. Get on there on the schedule and pick a time. And I'll reach out to you and we'll see what we can do to make your life even better and see how you can move forward and see the things that you can take care of and do for yourself. And I just want to let you know right upfront, when you call me and what we have this assessment, I'm not selling you anything because that's not why we're having this. This is a gift for Brian and we're simply going to talk about how we can make things better for you in your life and what you want to do. So, there you go!
Brian Kelly:
Again, that is why I have people, like Andrea, on this show. What a giving person. And again, see that button right, "there schedule a call today" that is literally a button I lifted off of her Website. Just look for that button, it's in several locations. It's easy to find. It's throughout the website and her beautiful face is all over that Website, as well. You'll see the interview being done by Joe Theismann with her - skip that, schedule a call, then come back and watch the interview. Take action. Make it focused. And did you hear what she just said? She's not selling anything. And that's rare these days because many of you, I'm sure were thinking, which is natural, "that oh well, you just say it's free because you're going to pitch me at the end." No, she's just saying if you're fit and if you want to work with her later then you'll reach back out to her. I mean, she's not going to chase you down which... that's another tidbit, isn't it? Isn't that another valuable tip for people?
Andrea Adams-Miller:
And it really it all falls in with the dating businesses, as well, as when you chase people that don't really want you anyways. The person who has the most love for someone, is the one who has the power. And so, there you go. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
There it is. (laughing).
Andrea Adams-Miller:
There's so many things that we could have shared with everybody. So, I'm like, "oh!" But it will be really awesome.
Brian Kelly:
Oh yeah.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
And then we can reach back around for Brian and see what we can bring him in the world and some of you while we were talking, if you've got great things and you think you'd be great on this radio show, say something to me and we'll put you on the show. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
There's actually a link on ReachYourPeakLLC.com for you to do just that is a Guest Request is what it's called. So, I want to get to that amazing question. That every entrepreneur I've interviewed on this show has answered it and it's a big one. And if it takes you a little bit of time to figure out the answer, that's fine. Take all the time you need to take all the time you need to answer in just one minute. (laughing) And so, to let you off the hook, though, there is no pressure on this. There is no such thing as a wrong answer to it. It's impossible to answer it incorrectly. The only correct answer - There's only one correct answer and that's yours. It's whatever it is to you. So, are you ready?
Andrea Adams-Miller:
I am ready.
Brian Kelly:
All right. Andrea, for everyone watching and listening, how do you, personally, define success?
Andrea Adams-Miller:
For me, success is when I go to bed at night. This is emotional to me. When I go to bed at night with a smile on my face and I can't wait to get up to do what it is that I'm doing. That's it. I love what I do. I never want to give it up. I really love what I do.
Brian Kelly:
True to form. Perfect answer. Every single person. And the interesting thing is, Andrea - Look at the passion on this woman. You think she likes what she does? No, she loves what she does. Do you think she loves people and loves helping people? Yes, the answer is yes, for anyone that might be saying, "I don't know." It's obvious. It's oh so obvious. And the really interesting thing is, Andrea, it's so interesting is I've interviewed quite a few before you and not one, not a single one has had the same answer yet and that is still the case. There's also another thing that not a single entrepreneur did say or refer to when it came to success which I'm finding really intriguing and I love it because that just tells me I have the right caliber people on the show and that thing is they never ever bring up the concept of wealth. "To me, success means money or an certain amount of money." Every single person, yours, you're about serving and that's what makes you happy and that's what makes you smile when you go to bed and can't wait to get up the next morning because you get to help another human being and you're being successful at doing that. You're seeing them rise to the occasion. Isn't that the most fulfilling feeling in the world that you had some way, some part to do with their improvement in their life and their... I mean, it's like a drug that is legal.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
It is. It's almost extremely selfish. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
At the same time it's not, though. Isn't that beautiful?
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Brian Kelly:
It's a win win. So, be selfish. Be more selfish than you are. Please. Do this more! It's ok, everyone out there, to be selfish. Only if you do it in the same context we're talking about right now. Please!
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Serving others. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
Well, Andrea, this has been amazing. We've had a lot of people join on the show, commenting back and forth. Thank you Richard Barrier. Tanya and Brewster Piddington has been on. Arlene Krantz, I think that's how you say it.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Oh, Arlene, I love her!
Brian Kelly:
Yes, she loves you back.
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Let me tell you what she's doing. OK everybody who's watching or hears this, reach out to me because I know some people with amazing stuff. Richard stuff will save your family's lives. I mean it's just amazing in this world the people that are on here. Wow!
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. The list goes on. There's many...My brother in law, James Wood, Hey, Jim, How are ya doing?
Andrea Adams-Miller:
Brian Kelly:
Let's see Francisco Olvera. It just goes on and on and on and people... "This lady in red" he says (laughing)
Andrea Adams-Miller:
I am known as "The Lady in Red.
Brian Kelly:
Andrea Adams-Miller:
I do want to, really quick, tell everybody. Go to TheKeppSmilingMovement.com and we'll tell you about it some other time, but it's a movement we have and it's about spreading love and acceptance with the universal language of a smile. And we honor entrepreneurs and movers and shakers and influencers by putting them in different books and stuff with Kepp Smiling cards. So, we want to make sure everybody is represented in the world who deserves it. So, Brian, we need to get yours!
Brian Kelly:
Yes yes! That would be phenomenal. So, what I was going to do is at the end is say, "Well, Andrea, what's the best way for people to connect with you?" But we know what that is, don't we? Go to your Website. (showing information on screen) Once again, go to TheRedCarpetConnection.com and schedule a call. That's the best way. Schedule a call with her and find out how she can help you in 20 minutes without any sales pitch whatsoever. But I will also allow other forms of communication to ensue that you would prefer, as well Andrea, so, what's another great way for folks to in contact with you?
Andrea Adams-Miller:
I'm going to do something that people rarely do; I'm going to give you my phone number. My phone number is 419-722-6931. 419-722-6931. And texting me is the best way to reach me and realize I do get hundreds of texts everyday because of everything that I do. But I will get back to you and if I don't, text me again because you've got to remember, I mean... sometimes they say it takes 7 times to get connected and somebody. Well, hopefully I don't accidentally ignore you and I'm not trying to ignore you, but sometimes I just get lost in the shuffle. But reach out to me and tell me who you are and say what it is that you do. Intrigue me! Tell me who you are and what your business is and what you're interested in. So, I'm excited about calling you back. Now, I'm usually excited about calling everybody back, but I don't know if you have my phone or you're trying to sell me something. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
And you're right, that's rare. Nobody does. Very few people do that. Tips for all who do text you is what you said is you know introduce yourself first because it's a number she's probably not seen before. Say, "Hi, this is..." and a recommendation, for those who really want to take this next level and really show up on her phone, is shoot a video of yourself introducing yourself and give her the link to watch it on her phone and make it a 3-5 minute video and just say, "Hey, andrea, it's so great to meet you. I watched you on The MIND BODY BUSINESS SHOW..." Or however you met and just say this is what I wanted to chat with you about, would you be open for discussion?
Andrea Adams-Miller:
That sounds lovely. Yeah, that's the best way. I love all of that. So, multiple ways and connect to people. The Red Carpet Connection. Red stands for Relevance, Enthusiasm, and Delivery. When you hit all 3; you hit your target market every time. So, let's make it happen!
Brian Kelly:
Let's make it happen! Great way to end it. I love it. Thank you so much Andrea. Thank you all for coming on and watching this live show, interacting with us. It's been an absolute blast. I've had a great time. All right so, that is it for tonight. We are going to be back again next Thursday with another amazing entrepreneur. That is Andrea Adams-Miller. (pointing to side) I am Brian Kelly saying good night, for now. Have a blessed evening. And we'll talk to you again really really soon.
Thank you for watching and listening. This has been The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show with Brian Kelly.
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Andrea Adams-Miller
Publicist, Keynote Speaker, Corporate Consultant, & a Sponsorship Acquisition Specialist. As a best-selling Author, an International Award-Winning Talk Radio Show Host, and Executive Radio Producer has been recognized for her professionalism, AAUW's “Leader of the Year,” BPWs “Careerist of the Year,” and a Heart of Gold Winner recognized by her 350 of her Digital Marketing peers as the most giving person.
Andrea’s energy and enthusiasm for the betterment of her clients' lives, their future careers, and their relationships is contagious and her loyalty is unwavering. She is engaging, experiential, educational, empowering, enlightening, and entertaining!
She comes highly recommended by some of the most significant leaders including Jack Canfield, co-author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” and by Joe Theismann, NFL Commentarist. She has been seen on 20/20, TIME magazine, WebMD, PBS, FOX, CBS, NBC, & ABC as well as Huffington Post, Forbes, and USA Today.
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