Special Guest Expert - Andrea Waltz

Special Guest Expert - Andrea Waltz: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Andrea Waltz: this eJwVjt9vgjAcxP8V833YE4IS6DYSs-hcpkvEZMzsxwupbYGO0rK2gmj831ce73Kfu7sCqRip85oNkIRojqI49IAoaZm0uR1aBgmk4AGXxmJJWM4pJI_3EYrQDHlQcCZoLnEz5goumIvWPdalgeQKJy2cXVnbmiQI-r73S6VKwXDLjU9UE1DNOxZ0YTCiJpi_739fPzZpnnbLL2Quu3D6Mzse481fVcUPb_b8hIVdNIxyfGfUSRO2oKqXQmF6cFMeWG7F-ORZtcNEFZPdNl2v9uvv1SHbpi9ZNl1Kqhn-dDUXv2kjhxRKN9g6ZpS32z8lxFrI:1kBUzd:Atj8MKrTUCqaHkXPPa5cjoGR0mM video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So, here's the big question how are entrepreneurs like us, who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward, only to fall two steps back, who are dedicated, determined, and driven? How do we finally breakthrough and win? That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly, and this is The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show.

Brian Kelly:
Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. Oh, my goodness, we have another phenomenal, phenomenal guest waiting in the wings. Andrea Waltz is here. Yes, you guessed it. The co-author of "Go for No". An amazing, amazing, best selling massive book, not in size, but in value and in what it teaches. And it was a breakthrough book is, still to this day. We'll talk a little bit about that tonight. I cannot wait. So, incredibly excited for you to meet this young woman. And we're going to pick her brain and in a nice, gentle way. For you. And that is what The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show is all about. It is a show for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs. And what I do is I bring on only the most successful entrepreneurs that we can find to bring on so that they can help to give you the quote unquote secrets to success. Here's the thing. What I found over the last 10 years or so of just studying only successful people. What made them tick? How did they become and stay and continue to grow in their level of success? And what I found over the course of ten years, this is these are personal mentors that I'm studying. These are authors of some I've met, some that are no longer with us. These are people I've studied from afar. And what I started learning there were there's three primary categories. I call them the three pillars of success that kept bubbling up to the top. These patterns that developed, that I noticed with everyone that I studied that had achieved a high level of success. You might be able to guess what those three are. Hint -it's part of the show's name, mind, body and business. So mind is all about the mind set. And each individual to a person had a very powerful, positive and most importantly, flexible mindset. And every single one of them trained themselves to have this mindset. Very few. I don't, I have not, I don't know a person has been born with a mindset like that. It's something you need to work on. Body- that's all about taking care literally of your body. I'm not getting your body nutritionally. What you're taking in and physically what you're doing. Are you exercising on a regular basis? Those that achieve the highest level of success traditionally take care of themselves that way as well. And then there's Business. Businesses, multi multifaceted. And what I found is those who are successful had mastered the skill sets that are necessary to get them to the level of success that they had attained. Skill sets like sales, marketing, systematize, team building, leadership. The list goes on and on. There are many, many, many. The cool thing about that is, is you or those successful people need to master every single one of those skill sets. Why is that? Because if you just mastered one of those skill sets, and actually I mentioned it as a hint in that list just a moment ago, then you're good. And that is the skill set of leadership. Once you've mastered that, then you can delegate those skills, those tasks to those people that have those skill sets already mastered and build that miraculous, incredible team and delegate out the tasks that you personally are not that master at. Fantastic. We have an amazing show and again, speaking of successful entrepreneurs, another wonderful trait of the very successful is that they tend to be voracious readers. And with that, I want to segue real quick, and then we're going to bring on Andrea. I'm going to segue over to a little section that I like to affectionately call bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready, steady, read. Bookmarks brought to you by ReachYourPeakLibrary.com.

Brian Kelly:
Yes, there you see, ReachYourPeaklibrary.com. On the side, so, by the way, real quick. While you're watching the show, rather than succumb to that want and desire to click away and get on to another tab and open up a resource that we talk about, because we will be mentioning several during the show. Rather than do that, take out a piece of paper and an old fashioned writing instrument. You remember those who called a pen or a pencil and take notes. I do this myself while I'm conducting a show, and I will never tell people to do things that either don't do myself or think that. Well, I do. I want to tell you to do it or recommend you do it unless I myself practice it. The reason is, here's the real reason- the magic happens in the room. Now, this is a virtual room, and I get that. But I think you understand where I'm going- is keep your attention gaze on Andrea Waltz, because what you're going to learn from her tonight could, could change your life forever. I kid you not. I've done over hundred of these shows and I cannot tell you how many nuggets of gold have been sprinkled upon this show on our audience over these couple of years that we've been broadcasting. And so stay on the show, write notes and visit those resources later. So write that down. ReachYourPeakLibrary.com. Practice it now, write it down, ReachYourPeakLibrary.com and then visit it after the show. Now onto the site itself. It is a site that I literally had developed with you. And mind you, the entrepreneur, the business person looking to achieve that next level of success. Because no matter where you are today, there's always another level, isn't there? And so with that, I began reading only a little over a decade ago. I, I didn't read at all until about a decade ago. And then I learned the importance of it and I began reading voraciously. And so I began doing is compiling a list of only the books that I read that had a profound impact on me, either through business or through personal means. And that is this list right here. And you will see a very awesome book. It's a long list, and here it is- "Go for no". I read that some time ago. This is going to be the topic, part of the topic for tonight, because Andrea Waltz herself right there, you see her name. She is. The coauthor of that very book, and she is with us right now. And so ,that list is there for you. Grab a book, read it. If you haven't read one in a while, that's a great go to source. So at least has been vetted by at least one other successful entrepreneur. The odds are greater that you will also get profound impact from it rather than just guessing. All right, enough of my yammering. It is time to bring on the guest of the hour. Are you ready? Here she comes.

It's time for the guest expert spotlight, savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, big league, qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there she is, ladies and gentlemen, the one, the only Andrea Waltz. Woo-hoo. While looking fantastic in Orlando, Florida, area. So, so grateful that you are spending your time here just oozing with value, coming up very soon for our guests. How are you doing tonight, Andrea?

Andrea Waltz:
I am doing great, Brian. Super excited to be with you.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, you have no idea. I've been looking forward to this. I know you scheduled this date some time ago. We were a bit booked. And I appreciate you for sticking with it and showing up. You have no idea. I said, oh, my gosh, go for Noko, although this is going to be phenomenal. And so, I'm going to introduce you formally in just a moment before we do that real quick, everyone that's watching live, you have to be watching the video, live video toward the end of the show. I'm going to reveal how you can win a by night stay at a five-star luxury resort. All compliments of our buddies at the BigInsiderSecrets.com. You see the red logo on the upper right. If you are listening or if you're watching. If you're listening to our podcast, obviously you can see that. It is the BigInsiderSecrets.com, as my friend Jason Narced and company. They provide a free vacation for us to give away every single week. And yes, I do strongly believe you will be able to actually leave the country sometime soon. I sure hope so. All right. With that, let's, let's bring on this young lady with the respect she deserves, shall we? Andrea Waltz is the co-founder of Courage Crafter's Inc and co-author of the best selling book, Go for No. Yes is the destination. No is how you get there. Through speaking and an online training and coaching course, Andrea teaches people in virtually every business in the industry how to think and feel differently about failure, rejection and the word no. Powerful. Today "Go for No" -the book has become a well-known methodology in the world of selling and is widely recognized as the singular best program of its kind. This is huge. The book "Go for No" reached number one on Amazon's bestseller list in 2010. And check this out. It has remained in the top 50 of sales books for the last decade> 10 years. Very, very impressive. With that, I'd like to formally and warmly welcome Andrea Waltz to the stage, to the show. This is going to be a lot of fun.

Andrea Waltz:
Yes, it will be.

Brian Kelly:
So, Andrea, I opened the show talking about the three pillars of success, and I wanted to start with the first. And that's the one-mind. And about that. So the bio, my gosh, impressive proof. I mean, you guys you and your husband have crushed it with that book. A decade. That is extremely impressive. You know how many people hear so many times of a book going on Amazon, it becomes a best seller for the first week and then it drops off for the rest of the life of the book because they figure out how to make it a bestseller. Yours is different. Yours is a true bonafide bestseller, and it's phenomenal. And I'm looking at comments that are coming in from Thomas Anthony Kominsky. He says, "Thank you in advance for choosing me. It's great to be a winner". I love it. (Both laugh). You're going to have to enter to win. And it is a random drawing. I kid you not. I have my dice right here on the table. And, and he's also saying hello to both of us. Thank you, Thomas. I appreciate you coming on. Fantastic. So what I wanted to do, though, is that bio is phenomenal, powerful, and it tells a lot about your accolades, your experience that you you don't just talk the talk, you walk the walk. You have to do what you've done, you and your husband. So what I want to find out those. Go a little deeper, get a little bit more personal and find out what I call the cornerstone or the foundation of anyone's success or lack thereof is what's going up in that big, beautiful brain of yours. What is going on in Andrea's brain that has catapulted you and helped you sustain this enormous level of success that you and your husband have gotten? And that is what is it that what motivates you? Like when you go up the morning? You know every day is full of challenges. Any entrepreneur knows that, and some of them bigger than others. And they can be daunting at times. What keeps you going, what keeps you positive and what keeps you powering through each and every day, day after day?

Andrea Waltz:
Well, I'll tell you, Brian, I mean, I wake up every morning with when it comes to go for no. With one goal. And that is how do I, what do I do today to share this message, to spread this message. And every day to me is like a little mini lottery ticket. And when I say that, I mean, it's opportunity, right? There's always an opportunity when you're an entrepreneur to have a new contact, build a new relationship with somebody, have somebody discover the message. And so it's I find it very, very exciting. And but for me, it's always been about the mission. And when Richard actually... When he was the one who taught the "go for no" idea to me that you intentionally hear no more often in order to hear more yeses. And it kind of blew me away, and it changed everything that I did. And I learned this in the corporate world. And then we quit, started our business. I believe it's such an important message. I, it breaks my heart to think that people don't try things because they're afraid of the word no, that they're afraid to fail. And so that really when you say what motivates me, that mission of telling people, hey, think of a different take of failure in a different way, think of rejection in a different way. That's really the thing that motivates me on a daily basis. And when you combine that with the kind of riskiness of being an entrepreneur, the opportunity, the fact that every day is a new chance, I knew a little lottery ticket. It's perfect to me. It's the perfect business.

Brian Kelly:
And I love the whole concept. When I first read the book, I was like, and this makes so much sense. You know, rejection is the biggest fear. I think that's what keeps people from actually going to another door and knocking on door to pick up the phone or make another call, because it doesn't feel good. Does it, until you get used to it and know that just read the book, "Go for no", tells you exactly what to do. And it was like, wow, this is amazing. So, it's not about, it's not a negative thought process. It's I'm OK with no process, you know, because I know that how many more nos in the future is going to be there. Yes. It's not about I'm looking for a no, but, you know, it's putting yourself in the mindset of, yeah, you are because you're going to get many of them, so you can be OK with it is what I got out of it is to kind of change your mindset.

Andrea Waltz:
Exactly. Well, yeah. And you're so right. It's it's kind of a combination. I always say it's, it's a combination of philosophy, which is the philosophical idea that that failure requires our success. Success requires failure. Failure requires success. There, there yes and no are opposite sides of the same coin. So that's the philosophy part. There's a strategy part which is here no more often. And so when you combine kind of that philosophical part with the strategy that it is where the mind set part comes in as well.

Brian Kelly:
And isn't I mean, I just think it's true that the mindset is probably the most important and paramount aspect of our lives, that we can spend time on refining and improving. And you're showing that right now. You're saying that. It's... I've heard the word mindset three times in the last ten minutes. It's awesome. Oh, Ken Wentworth, Mr. Bui's peak luxo. We were talking about "walking the walk". So, I don't know if you know this gentleman, Jeff Fagan, amazing guy. "I was gifted a book by many years ago. And to this day, it stands out as a game changer". Absolutely. And I think what your book message has is actually reaching people because Thomas says "No". And Mr. Buis says, again, "I love the concept of go for no". Oh, yeah, yeah. And "if we do not ask, we are rejecting ourselves". Thank you all for all the lovely comments and love interaction. And if you have questions, by all means, drop those in the comment area as well. With respect to where you're at Facebook, LinkedIn, Periscope, YouTube Live or Twitch, any of those, we welcome you to join the party and have some fun with us. So, also talked about so mind, we we covered mindset a little bit. We can do more. There's no structured regimen to the show. I just have fun. And that was another thing I talked about was skill sets that entrepreneurs must acquire to become successful in business. Now, you've been through over a decade since the issuing of that book before it went out. And that was I'm guessing that was a game changer for you guys. And now you've learned a lot. I'm sure you've changed a lot. You've grown, and your powers have gone differently than they were back then. So as, as you look at it now today, what would you say are your top three that you think Andrea Waltz that you think the top three skills that are needed to be successful right now?

Andrea Waltz:
So I think, first of all, and I wouldn't have said this at the beginning, but you have to be really well organized and be a planner. You've got to, I think, take the time to sit down and figure out what's your strategy, what's your plan, and then break those things down. It's, it can be so overwhelming. Sometimes, I think, as entrepreneurs, we kind of have this vision, but it really has to be broken down into little pieces. So, it's to figure out what's the plan and then all of the little individual things that have to be done. And we do this all the time. We set out with kind of like a project for the year and all of these things we want to accomplish. And then it all comes down to we literally write every step on three by five cards and put it on our dry erase board. And we literally have all of these cards with all of the individual steps, one by one that have to get done. And because to me, it's and I'm not a visionary. Richard is really the visionary of the two of us. I'm really the kind of the tactical person, because to me that's what it comes down to is you can dream and you can kind of create these visions. But what are you going to execute? What are the tactical steps required? So, definitely organization and planning so that you execute the activities that need to get done, I think is huge.

Brian Kelly:

Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. We have more folks chiming in, we'll get to you in just a moment and. The thing is, is like I said in the beginning, you don't have to master every single skill set there is because there's too many, too many. The key is, is to master the primary ones, especially when you first started out as a solo preneur. I mean, my gosh, you got to do it. All right. Marketing, sales, you're not really doing any team building at that moment. You're on your own. But the thing is, you hit, you hit burnout so fast because if you're actually achieving a level of success and you're ready to grow but you don't have a team, it's going to be tough. It's going to be tough. Speaking of being tough, many things that, that happened on... One of the things I've learned as an entrepreneur is be OK with what I call failure, even though it's not that brutal. It's failure of having making mistakes, of things not going right or the way you wanted them and do it often and do it as fast as you can. So you get to the the actual ones that do work and then hang your hat on that, learn from it and then move and do it again. Wash, rinse, repeat. What would you say are some of the biggest quote unquote failures or setbacks you've had and what have you learned from them?

So we've had so many, we've made so many mistakes along the way. It's hilarious. Some of them are small and they're like they, they're just the irritating mistakes I'll never forget. This is so funny. When we very first launched our company back in nineteen ninety eight, it was we did training specifically for retail organizations and we had it was just the two of us. I literally did cold calling to find prospects, and we would send out mailers and and we were, we were marketing to the largest companies, the largest retailers, I guess you could say in the world, certainly in America, all of the big department stores, all of the they five hundred store, a thousand store chains. So, we were working with Mom and Pops. And keep in mind, our competitors were like actual real training companies with like offices and and four color brochures and all of these things. And we literally had nothing. We had like a horribly designed website. Our brochures were, were... We printed them out and we found them ourselves. I mean, by hand it looked like literally a school project. I'm not even kidding. It was so bad. But what we did have was we spoke the language of our ideal prospect, which was really, really important. And one of the things that we did was we decided that we would produce a newsletter. Now, this was right. This is like a couple of years before that, even the letters were very popular. So, this was a printed newsletter. And our idea was that we would produce this printed newsletter, and that these companies would buy a subscription for every store in their chain and would distribute them. And we actually got quite a few companies to do this. And so, we would produce a newsletter every month. And it was full of retail articles for sales and customer service and management. And our very premier issue was January, February nineteen ninety eight and never forget it. And then we printed our second issue. And keep in mind, this is like before there was no graphic design, there was no Kaniva, there was no anything. We were, we were patching all of this together and taking it to a printer and having them, like, shoot it with a camera and then produce it on paper. Just what we went through was just insane. Right. And our second issue, we left, we forgot. And on the front of it, it said premiere issue. Now, this was March. So,. This is the second shoot premiere issue, January, February. And I was so mad. I couldn't believe that we made such a stupid mistake. The second issue on the very front have that, the January, February. And so what we did was we went out because I couldn't said these I couldn't ship these out. We have all these subscribers and these were going to hundreds of local store locations. We had to go out and we got stickers, like neon stickers, and we I don't even remember what we printed on them. And then we stuck them on every issue of this printed newsletter that we did. So the time, effort and energy, Brian, to just fix this one little stupid mistake. And, and that was the that was the first, I think, like, quote unquote, big mistake that we made. But it's so funny because I could give you in the twenty years that we've been on. The list goes on and on and on and on and on. The little stupid mistakes. And now today these things don't even faze me. I think that how sad and I was just I was absolutely sick to my stomach, like, how could this happen? This is horrible. And now I just these just these things just roll off your back because you just realize they're, they're just so small in the big scheme of things. What used to upset me then and then I would say the other big failures, mistakes along the way have always, always, always have had one characteristic that binds them all together. They're bound like glue by this singular characteristic, which is we had no business doing them. So, that's the singular characteristic with no business doing these things. And here's, here's what they all had in common. They were all and we hear this all the time in entrepreneurship. They were all bright, shiny objects. They were all things where we we looked at something and we said, "Oh, that would be fun". Let's try this. Let's do this. Right. And yeah, no. Total disaster. Not on the plan. When I, when I said, lay out your projects and plan and get organized to figure out what you want to do. That's so you don't do those stupid, bright, shiny object things. There's a reason for that. So, yeah, it was always the bright, shiny objects that were the the big failures and the big mistakes.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, several lessons in there. I mean, the first I love is profound. You didn't actually come out and say the the lesson, but it was basically, you know, what seems like a big issue at the moment really isn't when you step back and look at it in light of everything. I'm going through similar emotions from when I did the same thing 20 years ago and the smallest of things happened. And then you think the whole world's coming to the end because, oh, my gosh, it happened ,and I got to fix this and oh no. And it's like, gosh, looking back, it's like, what did I waste all that time worrying about all that stuff? Oh, a Scott Aaron recently with congratulations. He says "two of my favorite, favorite propel".

Oh, there. He corrected it. I got the wrong one up there. Sorry, Scott. He's listening. "Yes is the destination, but no is how we get there". Yes. Oh my goodness. Oh, we got a long question. I'm reading it. I don't want to put it out there unless. All right, we'll bring that one up in a moment. Yeah, and then so talked about. You know, looking back on it and I was like, yeah, big deal. And then the other lesson I heard is- be prepared, get organized, put in the work and be, have preparation upfront, so that the surprises don't hit you when it's time to actually roll this thing out and execute. Goodness, I've learned I think everyone who's been in business for any length of time, five to 10 years or so has been through what you're talking about and can relate. I know I can. Oh, my goodness. All right. Let's go to this question we have from Thomas. He says, "Andrea, what would you do with people that ghost you? They say that they want information. I send it to them and they either do not watch the video or review the info". How many times does that happen? "Or they watch the videos or do not get back with me getting back with them. Three strikes and you're out?. It's a form of no, but, but they do not say no, I think is what he meant. They are saying no to themselves, but not to me. So, I'm not sure if there was a question in there, except for what do you do with people that got you?

Andrea Waltz:
Yeah, well, and so, Brian, I get this so often because the whole found, the whole philosophy of "go for no" right is, is he willing to hear no more often? And when you hear more no's, you have the opportunity. And Maria says the problem is, and that would be great if we got answers every time. Right. If we got people to actually give us answers. And I think. So this is I end up dealing with this issue so much for people because they don't get yes. They don't get no. They don't even get maybe sometimes. They just literally don't get anything. And so people wonder, well, how long what's what should I do? I don't want to look pushy. I don't want to look desperate. And I have to chase this person. I'm chasing and chasing, chasing. The conventional wisdom and I would tend to agree with this. And there will, there's kind of two thoughts, right? One is that if you were going to be in business and you have somebody who's qualified for what you have, then it's you never give up. You all of you, you continue with following up with that person. So that's one piece of advice. The other piece of advice as well- if you did that with everybody, I mean, at some point. Right. Shouldn't you just kind of give up and let it go? And there's a lot of conventional wisdom in the sales training world, which is just kind of break up with them. Right? Just send them a message or leave them a voicemail and say, "Hey, I've reached out to you several times. I've, I've got, you know, I'm basically, in so many words, a lot going on. I'm busy. You're busy, apparently. And I haven't heard back from you. So this is the last time I'll reach out to you. If this is something that you're interested in. And if I, if I misread this, if you've been, if you've just had something going on and you just couldn't get back to me, let me know as soon as possible. It's fundamentally like a kind of a break up message. That's one strategy to you. Just you have to decide, you know, and it depends on your business. I've had companies that have taken me years to land as clients, and I wasn't willing to just let them go and give up. I didn't contact them very often, but I continued to reach out to them and stay persistent. So ultimately, it's up to you to make that decision. But I do know that a lot of sales trainers out there would say, no, go ahead and your time is valuable. Just cut it off. Let them know, though, and move on to the next person.

Brian Kelly:
I totally concur with that and then take it a step further. And it's all about developing relationships. So, you know, you're not really breaking up with somebody. If you have a relationship, you're not really breaking up. You might just change the subject matter. And what you've just said about things that come back from working on a person or something for years or a while, and it finally comes full circle. That's happened to me so many times. The key was is the relationship. Always establish a relationship. And, you know, it's the mindset of and I'm not saying that anyone watching the show or commenting has this mindset, but there's often this mindset of the quick kill mentality, which is if I don't make the sale now, then I'm going to be upset. And this is an emotional play and a bit of an ego play to say. Well, I'm done, that I'm moving on, not even knowing why the other person isn't taking that next step. There are reasons, and it may just be they're being respectful and didn't want to tell you the real reason. Who knows? The bottom line is- if you have established that relationship, it may come full circle and you may get business as a result of it down the road. It's happened to me multiple times. And so you just have to be OK with building a relationship. And that's a no, right? You're getting to a no answer is a no inherently for some time and just...

Andrea Waltz:
Yes, inherently. Yeah, it often is. Or sometimes it because we don't know. Right. So we do we do have to keep, the keep the dialog going, I think. So, you're right Brian. The breakup email is it's not, a it's really just a kind of a, a position where it's not, not forever broken off, but just, hey, I'm going to stop pursuing you. But by all means, and this is where I think, you know, as an entrepreneur, especially when you're in business and you're, you're prospecting and you have to be organized. So, you've got to be collecting the names of people and stay in touch with them and put them on your list and follow up with them and stay in touch with them, so that, that, that technical no there doesn't become never, you know.

Brian Kelly:

Andrea Waltz:
Doesn't have to be forever.

Brian Kelly:
And, you know, if we think more of a business being a relationship building thing than just getting a sale, then I think that what you just stated will work very, very well. I think the issue is with people are it's a one or a zero. Either I made a sale or I didn't. I'm moving on. If I didn't if I made one, then good. And I can nurture that father. But I have so many friends, you know, entrepreneurs and successful people that I talk to on a daily basis, whether it's on the phone or messenger or text and just keeping the relationship alive. If I see something I think they might benefit from, I will let them know whether I'm involved in it or not. And some sometimes I am involved in it, and they're not interested. I'm fine with that because not everybody has the bandwidth to take on another task or they're just it's not in their value system. It's OK. But as long as you have that relationship, I think that's your foundation. And then those aren't as solid then because you have a relationship. And to me, relationships are very, very valuable. They hold a higher value to me than actual money. But the funny thing is, is they can often turn into and relate and become a source of income for you. So, it's very important. It's a fun, it's a fun concept. I love it all. And I love "Go for no". It's it's such a unique way of looking at things. Here we go, Jeff Fig and ever, the teacher, instructor, "you can say, I'm going to share some information with you and answer all your questions, I'll ask in return is you give me an answer at the end of our meeting. And no, it is a perfectly appropriate answer. Fair enough?". Yes. I mean, yes, I agree, Jeff. Yes. Yeah. I've had cell scripts where I put almost that verbatim in them. And so you either yes or no one or the other, there's no other option. Would you, would you be OK with respecting that and just being honest? If it's a no, I'm fine. Yeah. If we call it and then help reframing so kind of setting expectations, so that, you know, when it comes time, it's like it's not as uncomfortable and it's just easy flow. Oh, fantastic.

Andrea Waltz:
So, I love it. I love it. Totally agree.

Brian Kelly:
What is it like to coauthor a book with someone else?

Andrea Waltz:
Yeah, well, that's a great question. So Richard and I have written many, many books together. And when you coauthored a book with someone, someone ultimately has to take the lead. And he is really the creative genius of two of us. Meanwhile, I have hijacked everything that he's ever created and, (both laugh) and I'm the communicator of those ideas on the face. Yeah. So Richard is a brilliant writer, and he...The very first book that we ever wrote was for the retail industry called "Unlocking the Secrets of Retail Magic". It was a fable just like "Go for no". "Go for No" is our third book, actually. We wrote another one for the retail industry and what our process. ..We have a very kind of distinct process, which, as he does a very quick first draft, and then I go through and literally edit it and I move things. It's kind of what's called a Developmental edit in the book publishing world where you take big chunks and throw them out and X amount, which always breaks his heart, you delete things and move chunks. (Brian laugh).So, yeah, we we... The great thing, though, is that, I think, that early on his ego was much more affected by my changes. And now we both work so well together that he, he trusts and he trusts my judgment so much that we're both just working for the best possible product. So, there is no ego involved. You just deleted like two pages and that took me three days to write. Sorry, it's gone. Yeah, but we worked really well together. And the secret, Bryan, of our books, too, is and this is why our publishing company is called Success, in one hundred pages is so short. Because our, our goal is to actually have people consume books. We want books to be easily consumed. The short ,you know, so we're we're fans of shorter books that tackle kind of tighter subjects that don't try to capture everything and a particular genre, particular, you know, industry. Just focus on something really specific so that if somebody has a particular problem, they're looking to solve. That book do it.

Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. I can recount several times where I purchased a book. I'm all gung ho. And then it arrives and it comes in and it's like this thick. And it just I'm like, no. And I ended up sticking it in the shelf. And, you know, that, that book that was self-help just became a book of shelf.

Andrea Waltz:
Yes, yes. That happened to me the other day, actually. I was really excited about particular author. And the book came, and I was like, oh, gosh, this is, this is going to require me to be really excited about reading this, because it was a lot of pages and very, very little white space, lots of text.

Brian Kelly:
And then thank God for Audible. Technology, because I found that I can read, I can listen much better than my eyes. My eyes will get tired quick, and I get droopy. I start getting tired physically and then Audible. I discovered it long after I had come out. My mentor told me about like. What? What's that? And now that's every book on that Reachyourpeaklibrary.com, every one of those I listen to. And I love that because I can drop it in the car, you know, it's on my phone instead of listening to music. I know it's University on Wheels. You've heard so many people talk about that. And so you can listen to it in pieces, and it keeps your place for you. You don't have to worry about a bookmark slipping out or a dog you're coming undone or whatever. And it's just it's so convenient and wonderful. And for me, I retain the information better, so I can go with a longer book. But I still I like those concise ones, like you guys write that it gets to the point, takes care of the point and it's done. And you've got great value, as a result. Like, wow, that was fantastic. And I'm done. Where's the next one? You know. That's what I'm looking for. "Yes, love Audible" Thank you, Thomas. It's a start, an audible users group. I'm just kidding. There's plenty out there. So, you said you wrote a lot of books. What's, can you quantify, how many?

Andrea Waltz:
Ummm. Gosh. It's funny. I always say like six or seven because we wrote a book called "Fear Factory", which is also a fable about a guy who gets stuck in, in the place that manufactures and distributes fear to the general public. And he has to figure out how to escape the fear factory. Meanwhile, there's a company next door called Courage Crafter's, which he tries to sneak into to figure out which happens to be our company, and he tries to figure out how he can break out of the fear factory. And at the end, we always have kind of a supernatural twist. So, there's a, there's a little supernatural twist to the end. And really, it's just a it's a very simple fun book about what fear really is. Actually, we wrote a book called "Million Dollar a Year", which was a book for the network marketing industry based on lessons that we have learned while being on the MLM cruise for a couple of years. We basically gleaned lessons from all of these big top earners, very successful people in network marketing industry, and created a fable out of that as well. And I guess it was saying before we got on tonight, we ended up writing a two thousand page fiction series, which is a whole other hole, which is not on Audible until we actually have to get that on Audible, as well. And then we have started, because we've been helping people publish. We wrote a book called "Million Dollar Book Formula", which is actually kind of the formula that we have found is really successful for people to, who are interested in writing and publishing their own book. And we tried to make that. We wrote "Million dollar Book Formula" to kind of show people the behind the scenes about what it, how you can think about your book strategically before you publish i,t and how to kind of make the process not quite as hard, even though there there's a lot to having a book. So, we break down book length and title. And really it's all of our best advice for writing and publishing a book.

Brian Kelly:
I think that's phenomenal because all you tell me, how impactful was it for you and your business after, let's say, your first book went out?

Andrea Waltz:
Yeah, the book has been the complete door opening marketing tool, and even our first book, "Retail Magic". I was at a conference early on in our business, our business, we hadn't we literally had no clients, still. As I was telling you in the very beginning of the show, here they are, our marketing department was not all that professional. So, we did we did create this book. It was, it was a really good, very targeted specific book. So, I'm at this conference for the American Society of Training Development. I see this woman across the room. I've got a few of her books in my hands. I walk up to her, introduced myself. She's a vice president of human resources with J.C. Penney. I hand a copy of the book. She flips through it, and she's basically like, "Call me on Monday. This looks really interesting". That book got us in the door to that company, and we ended up working with them like 30 different times. So, books have opened so many. That was the first time that we had it that that really got us our first client, which got us all the rest of our clients. "Go for No" has obviously done the same thing multiple, multiple times.

And there is nothing better because a business card will only get you so far. People don't, they don't keep them. And if you have that book, and if it's if, it's relatively short again and consumed, people will tend to, in my view, they have this huge bookshelf. They've got the books that you and I talked about, which are too big. And people are like, I don't want to take that one, but I'm going on the airplane. So, I'll take this easy one if maybe it's not the big name author, but they think they should read because everybody's reading that person, and they consume your book, they're far more likely to then take action at the end when you have your call to action, which is, hey, now that you've read the book, maybe you might be interested in hiring me or this is, this is, this is how you can take the next step to learn what it is I have to share or teach or what have you. So, there is no doubt in my mind that the book has been the single greatest marketing tool that we have had. And we wouldn't be in business. There's absolutely no doubt our business really is based on books.

Brian Kelly:
Did you hear that, ladies and gentlemen, their book. And we can just talk about one, but is the single greatest marketing resource they have that they use. That is amazing and I'm really glad you said that. And I'm really glad that you're here tonight, because this is so important for folks to understand. I mean, I'm 90 percent done with my first book, and I will finish before the year's over, and I can't wait. And it's going to be called "Mind Body Business". Just for those you going to be watching on Amazon and other places. Through all the things I've learned over the years and experienced and how I have turned it into success, and that's what you want to do, is give people results. But there were so many great nuggets. They're so business card, you know, the comparison to a business card. And this is something I have a very close friend. He's actually the sponsor, his company, The Insider Secrets, where he you know, he and others, I've heard it from others as well. They would rather than give someone a business card, they would give them a copy of their book. And that is people are looking at that going, you know, you just the reaction is unbelievable. Like what's more, what's which one are they going to throw away? Right. Are they going to typically in a seminar or whatever, they're walking on the bag, they'll stick it in their bag. And a man that was pretty nice and they'll remember you even if they don't open the book. The other thing is the authority status that it gives you. Right. You're an instant authority. If they find out they kept talking to you, Andrea, they don't know you yet and just say, oh, yeah. And then in your case, I'm a coauthor of "Go for No". What? And now they revere you. You are a goddess among them, like instant authority status. And it's true. You know, every, anyone has a business card. Everyone and anyone can have one. And by the way, anyone and everyone can and should write a book. It just takes a lot more effort. And the thing is, is it's important to get that thing done. And I know that myself personally, and I'm glad to hear you say how it's opened so many doors. And I've heard this countless times, Andrea, and countless times. How many, I mean, people that want to become speakers and speak on stage until they write their book. They're struggling, they write their book. They're on everybody's stage. And I'm not saying it's going to be your golden ticket and you're going to get on anything and everything you ever wanted, but it will ease the pain of doing so greatly. What was the other thing you said? Oh, this OK, golden nugget. I don't know if everyone caught her say. And then you put your call to action at the end of the book. Oh, I did a back flip of joy virtually in my seat because "call to action". You have this book. It's in their hands. It's in their ears. You have their attention. They just enjoyed. If they got to the end, they loved it. Number one. Another at the end, you say, what is your next step to take with me? That's brilliant. That's genius. That's marketing. I mean, I don't know if other people got this, but write that down, put in a call to action either at the end of the book, maybe even in the intro, wherever it makes sense, as long as you've built rapport through your book and you've got them to know, like and trust and all that good stuff. It's, my goodness, you got me going here. And those were phenomenal, phenomenal nuggets. Yes. Oh, thank you, Thomas. "Congrats. And advance on your first of many books". Looks like champagne. I'm ready. Let's go. Right. Yes. CTA. That is right. Kind of the YMCA, but CTA. Fantastic. You got me. You got me going. You got me. This is a good thing. It's ...Goodness. So I think it was before we came on, we talked about your, in my respective, corporate world experience. And that yours ended at 20, the age of twenty four, and then you went back again. Now, that you've been, you've dipped your toes in the water twice on each side of the fence ,and now you're full bore entrepreneur. If you could, if you could bring it down and make it as concise as just one word. One word. How would you characterize your life today as an entrepreneur.

Andrea Waltz:
Hmm. I would say adventure. Yeah, it's, it's definitely an adventure because. Like I said, it's just, there is so much opportunity out there and from a "Go for no" perspective, it's all about figure. It's all about being willing to fail. And that means telling your story to as many people as you can, as fast as you can. It means taking those chances, taking the risks, not being... Well, you can be afraid to fall down and mess up and fall on your face. You can be afraid. You can have that fear, that fear is OK. You have to just do it in spite of that fear and just be just be OK with that and fall on your face and it will pay off. That is why there is. So that's why I find that it is it's an adventure.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, it is, and that's one of the reasons why, because you never know what's on the other side, you don't know if it's going to be yes. You don't have to know. Can't stand. Maybe I want to know one way or another. But and that's where the pre framing, like Jeff Vigen properly pointed out, "Give me a yes or no". Yeah. Respectfully ask for that and just say and ask for their concurrence. Yeah, I will do that. It's, it's sales 101. And I love, I surround myself with the most the best of the best, including you, Andrea. Jeff big and helped to start his empire and work with them I think four or five years building the whole empire. And that is, it's amazing. And he's never stopped teaching. Jeff hasn't. He's just still crushing it. And I appreciate that guy. And yes. So I was going to ask you this question. I love to ask everyone, but I think you already answered it because I was going to ask you. You know what? I think it bears repeating and emphasizing and maybe, maybe you'll come up with a different answer, maybe the same. But the one of the most curious questions I always ask, I love to ask of every entrepreneur that comes on here that's successful because it can change over time. Marketing like what worked ten years ago, what worked five years ago, what were two years ago, may not work today. And that's, like you said, adventure, always changing. What, what works for your marketing? Is it still the book? Is it the number one? OK, I'll ask you this. How do you get a book out there in front of people's eyeballs that's not "Go for No". You know, when you do your next book. Yeah, you won't. You'll probably rest on the fact that these are the authors of "Go for No". Right. You got to do that. But what is your, what has been your most successful form of marketing and what will you do for your next book if you are the right one?

Andrea Waltz:
Yeah. So it has been from day one, and this is well... Let me just tell you what it is. And we were saying this before social media even existed. We were saying this in 2001 when we, when we got go for no back and we had five thousand sitting in the garage. Our philosophy has always been influence the influence or influence. So we could run around trying to get individual sales professionals and entrepreneurs to read "Go for no". But instead we said, how can we get this in the hands of the VP of sales? How can we get this in the hands of somebody who has a big team or an organization who would, who would read it and say and then come out and say, "You guys need to read this book". And remember, this is before social media. So, social media is great, but that's just a tool. Our fundamental philosophy was influence the influencer. And we have we probably have given away, I don't know, multi thousands of books, many, many thousands of "Go for no". We've given them away of them, hand them out just because that, that an especially when we're doing it to influential people who can. And you're the perfect example. Right. And you've read it. But had you not, this would be a great opportunity for me because you know a lot of people. So it's, it's interesting people who influence other people, that is basically the strategy.

Brian Kelly:
It's leveraging their network. That's beautiful. I love it. That's, that's powerful. I hope people are catching this. So, how do you get in touch with these influencers? How do you reach their, their existence? You know, their their armor get through past the corporate veil and say, how do you reach out to them? How do you get connected with them? Is it is there a process? Is it a long term strategy or do you just reach out and ask straight up without them knowing who you are? How do you do that?

Andrea Waltz:
Stalking, research. No, seriously. You know, I you can you can build relationships slowly. And that's, there's definitely a place for that. And I think that probably these days with social media, you have to be, You have to finesse things a little bit more. In the early days, when books were a little bit 20 years ago, when they were a little bit more special than maybe they are today. And when it was harder to get in touch with people, I mean, we would just send, we would literally track somebody's address down and, you know, send them a book with a note. Like I've sent many books to and never heard from them. But like I've sent book to Mark Zuckerberg and different people like that. Right. Just finding their address and sending them a book. So, that's how we've done it.

Brian Kelly:
And isn't it, I mean, is that more impactful to send them a physical book than like an audible? Here's a free listen on Audible and MP3 or here is here's an e-book on a thumb drive. I mean, have you noticed a difference or have you just done the physical book and not.

Andrea Waltz:
Just done physical. Yeah. Where we come from and I don't know if you know the name Dan Kennedy from Marketing Guy, so we are Dan Kennedy fans. And he's all about direct mail and direct marketing. And and that's how we built our business, is we did a lot of direct mail. Now, of course, it was harder to get people work. I mean, our first email address was an AOL email account. So, this goes back. Terrifying times, right? Terrifying. And yet, I think sending physical mail, especially today, because people aren't used to getting that. And you don't want somebody to jump through hoops. You want somebody to go like, oh, cool, interesting envelope. Let me open this up and see what the people will open that stuff up. There is no email that you can send to you that special. It doesn't matter what you do, you would color it green. It doesn't, it's not special. So, big fan of direct mail. Yes, it costs money. And if you're strategic of who you are trying to influence, you don't have to send it out to ten thousand people, pick a few targeted people and just and, and have a long term attitude. That's the other thing that we had with "Go for no". There was a time when we said, "Oh, we're going to sell a million copies by X date". And it came and went. We didn't sell a million copies. And we said, you know what, don't worry about the date. Let's sell a million copies eventually. So let's just focus on that, however long it takes. So you have to stay persistent.

Brian Kelly:
Real quick, what do you say to the budding author that is, has dreams of writing that book and making a living off of book sales by itself?

Andrea Waltz:
Book making a living off book sales is tough, but you can do it. You can do it. I would say you better know your audience and be and be super clear what the mission and message is. It cannot be, general.

Brian Kelly:
And then once you're done writing the book, does it stop there, does it? I mean, now you're just done, OK, everyone can buy it or do you need to go out and pound the pavement and market the bejesus out of it.

Andrea Waltz:
And the real work begins. It is an infant, but you can't abandon, for 18 years where our book is 20 years old now. It's still living at home with us and we still have to feed it.

Brian Kelly:
Thomas is having fun. "Andrea, do want my address to send me your books. Fear factory. Sounds remarkable". Yes, it does. I'm like, listen in on that. And Michael Bump says, "I'm a big fan, but then you know that already". So apparently that gentleman is. Thank you for coming on for now.

So, I can't believe it. This happens way too fast, but we are at the end of our hour. Good thing is we're not in an actual studio where I have to actually shut off the lights and leave right at that moment. But there is one last question I wanted to ask of you, Andrea. It's something I ask every successful entrepreneur, which means everyone that's ever been on my show. At the end. And I've found it to be incredibly powerful and also very interesting in the, in the responses. It's just been. It's interesting, it's kind of a personal question and it's a very powerful question at the same time. And the thing is, as you may know, the answer instantly or it may take you 10, 15, 30 seconds to come up with the answer. That's happened, to. Anyway is fine. But before we do that, I did promise everyone that stayed on with us live to the end. I hope you're still there, Thomas, that you can win five nights at a five-star luxury resort. Compliments of the Big Insider Secrets up there. You see them on the upper right hand corner. If you're watching Live on The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show, we're live everywhere. You cannot miss us to do this. You do now have my express permission and Andreas to pull out that smartphone of yours and pull up your texting app. And the reason is because of what you see on your screen right now. What you want to do is in the spot where you would type in the name of the person you are going to text. You simply type in this phone number. It is three one four six six five one seven six seven. Go ahead and do that. And then in the message area where you would type in your message, maybe an emoji, no emojis, just type in the word PEAK, followed by a hyphen or a dash, if you prefer. And the word vacation, altogether, no spaces. So, phone number again is three one four six six five one seven, six, seven and type the message PEAK-VACATION and then follow the instructions. There are several steps involved. You need to see it to the end. Finish the race, as we like to say, and then you will be entered to win from our random drawing. And again, this is been this has been brought to us by the BigInsiderSecrets.com, Jason Nestande Company. And I hope you win. And there's more than one of you on watching, so, yes, I hope you all win. I wish everyone could win every week, but that is not how the game works. All right. So, Andrea, a little build up moment about this question coming up. And. Here's the thing. There, every every past guest has been asked this question, and the really interesting thing is, is that there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It's possible you cannot answer it incorrectly. And it's just the opposite, actually. It's the only correct answer is yours. That's the personal part of it, so it's not a big deal, it's just it's very personal to each and every individual. And I found it very interesting that how wide and diverse the answers have come back. And again, no matter how long it takes you to come up with, the answer is fine. It could be instant. It could take seconds. I'm not paying for the airtime. So we're good. There. With that. Are you ready for that question? Andrea.

Andrea Waltz:
I can't wait.

Brian Kelly:
I love it. OK, here we go. Andrea Waltz, how do you define Success.

Andrea Waltz:
I define success as waking up every day and loving what you do. And having the courage and freedom to do that what you love.

Brian Kelly:
And the little dramatic pause everyone loves. Yes, thank you so much. I find oftentimes they will start and then they'll have a lot more to say after giving you time in case that happened. It's just been so unbelievably cool. And look, that was the right answer. It was yours, you know, to wake up. And I loved it. The courage. I think that was the key word. You already talked about fear. And in your book, right. Your book or you talk about Fear Factory and Courage Crafter's, that's so awesome. I love that name for your company. And courage is key in success. And so your answer is correct. And so we're the one hundred and six or five or however many that preceded you. They all define success as you see it right now in your life today, back 20, 30 years ago. I'll bet the answer would have been completely different. It would have been for me, too. And so it's there's always this moving target of a definition that each of us have. That's why it's so remarkable. And so in the light of writing books, I'm just going to tell you a secret. And it's just between you and me, Andrea, nobody else can. And this is I have so many of these now. I'm going to compile all of them into a collaborative book, and it's going to be called How Do You Define Success? I already have the dotcom case and I was out there trying to get it. So at some point I'll be asking you for your permission to include yours in there, and you'll get to see your quote in own words just to make sure you're not misquoted. And it's phenomenal. It's going to be prominent because all of these people I just found it so intriguing that everyone had a different answer. No to people yet, Andrea. No two people have answer at the same exact way. Over one hundred. It's unbelievable, it's awesome, it's so cool, it's a great question and the great answer, better answer, man, was phenomenal. So, what I like to do is give you one last hurrah, one last word. If you were to give someone a piece of advice there and they're thinking of either starting a business or they're in one, they're struggling, what would be the biggest piece of advice you can give anyone in either of those cases?

You know, I love the quote. I don't know who said it, but I think there's something like that." Life is not a dress rehearsal". And so this is like depending on your religious beliefs, pretty much the one one time that we have are coming around here. And so life is so precious. Don't waste on doing anything that you hate. Will you just be willing to fail? In fact, I wrote this down in case sometimes I could ask for quotes. This is one of my favorites, actually. You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love. Don't fail at what you don't want. That that's that is my advice.

Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. And for those of you that were taking notes, I'm running this show and you can see I got writer's cramp. I filled the page, I ran out of room. I had to fill in the margins. That's because in real world. Andrea Waltz. You brought major value. You brought a great amount of experience of. Folks. This is free. I hope you wrote notes. I hope you took them down. And I hope you act on those notes. I hope you, now, if you haven't done. Not just seriously consider, but execute on the idea of writing that book and getting it done. And I don't know. Andrea, are you open to have people connect with you, if they have questions. You have maybe, you have a training program on your book and what's the best way for folks to get in touch with you and have that conversation?

Andrea Waltz:
Probably just message me and go through. Go for now. OK, so goforno.com. Yeah, I'd go for no do.com. Yeah, we're well branded so you can go for no in and not find me.

Brian Kelly:
It's so true. I was testing that earlier today. It's just phenomenal. Andrea Waltz. I cannot thank you enough for coming on and sharing your wisdom. Tell your husband we appreciate him as well and the talent that you to bring to the table together is obvious. I mean the results show it. That's the bottom line. It's all about the results. So thank you again for spending your very valuable time with not only myself, but our audience and those that will not only see this live, but those that are going to listen to it on podcasts. Many moons after this is over, and it's timeless information. What Andrea has given you for tips on success, I have heard my entire life. I mean, books are always and have always been one of the most powerful marketing tools you could ever have and possess. So, one would now be the right time to write that book you've been thinking about. Yes. Yes. And we got some final comments. Let's see. "Great show". Thank you, Mr. Fagan. I just clicked on the first one I saw. Thank you. Thank you. And yes, thank you to your husband, Richard.

Andrea Waltz:
You guys are so nice. Thanks.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And and thank you for your time personally. And that's it. Our show is now a wrap. On behalf of the amazing, the wonderful Andrea Waltz. I am Brian Kelly, your host of The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. We will be back again next week with another phenomenal guest. I don't know if they can top this one, but we will be back and until then, be blessed. So long for now. Bye-bye.

Thank you for tuning in to the MindBodyBusiness show podcast at www.TheMINDBODYBUSINESSShow.com

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Andrea Waltz

Andrea Waltz is the co-founder of Courage Crafters, Inc. and co-author of the best-selling book, Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There. Through speaking and online training and coaching course, Andrea teaches people in virtually every business and industry how to think and feel differently about failure, rejection, and the word, no. Today, "Go for No" has become a well-known methodology in the world of selling and is widely recognized as the singular best program of its kind. The book, Go for No! Reached #1 on Amazon’s “Selling” list in 2010 and has remained in the top 50 of ‘Sales’ books for the last 10 years.

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