Special Guest Expert - Barrett Matthews: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success. Who seem to make it one step forward. Only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated. Determined. And driven. How do we finally break through? And with that is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This is the Mind Body Business Show. Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. We have yet another phenomenal, incredible, tremendous and stupendous guest coming on very, very soon. It's the one and only Doctor Barrett MATTHEWS. He is an amazing, amazing young man that, you know, talking to this guy, we struck up what I call an instant friendship. He's just got great values. He's an amazing man. He's a full of integrity. And I can't wait to share his brilliance with you. And that's coming up very, very soon. But first, the mind body business show. What is that all about? Is it's a show that I had developed with you and mind, the budding entrepreneur, the business person, the person looking to get to the next level, wherever you may be right now, even if you are super uber successful. There is always something else to learn. And I know, I know in my heart of hearts, you will learn something from Dr. Barrett MATTHEWS tonight. There is no doubt in my mind and the mind body business show the name is actually derived from what I found out after. Basically studying only successful people for about a decade. And what I found is to a person, these successful individuals had these three things that kept bubbling up to the top and in common. And those were the three words that epitomize the name of the show. Mind is all about mindset. And so to a person, each and every one of these successful individuals that I studied had a very powerful, positive, but most importantly, flexible mindset. And then body. Body literally means that they take care of themselves and took care of themselves both physically and nutritionally. And that's an amazing thing.
Brian Kelly:
The mind and body are a team. More importantly, the mind and body are your team. And so once you have both of those in order, now you can excel at the third pillar of success, and that is business. And what is that? Well, to succeed in business, one must acquire and develop skill sets and become a master in certain skill sets to literally grow and scale a business successfully. Skill sets like marketing, sales, team building, systematizing leadership. I mean, I can keep going for quite some time. That's a lot already. And you're thinking, Wow, do I have to master all of those? Well, the good news is you personally do not need to master every single one of those. No, no, no. In fact, if you master just one of them, and it was one of the four or five I just mentioned, then you can use it to leverage to pull in others that have those skill sets and have mastered those skill sets that you have yet to or may never master just because of the sheer time it takes to master anyone's skill. And that one skill set. If you're curious, I don't know. Are you curious? Anybody want to know? You can put it in the chat. Say, I want to know or I'll just move on. I'm kidding. I'm going to tell you I don't play those games. That one skill set is the skill set of leadership. Yes. And you can say, Brian, I don't have anybody on my team yet. That's okay. Master, leading yourself first. Always, always master leading yourself discipline. How do you organize yourself? Do you put a calendar together? Master, the skill set of leadership. You do not even have to have a team in order to do it. Then when you have a first employee, VA, etc., it will come much naturally and easier if you've already mastered leading yourself. So there you go. That's it. That's our show. We just gave away all the tips that you need to become successful. I'm so kidding. We have so much more to bring up here. Doctor Barret MATTHEWS is waiting in the wings.
Brian Kelly:
He is chomping at the bit. And another beautiful thing I found out about very successful people is that to a person, they were also very avid readers of books. And we just happen to have a multi book author in the house here tonight. Yeah, he's coming on soon. And with that, I like to segway very quickly into a little segment I affectionately call bookmarks.
Bookmarks. Born to read bookmarks. Ready, steady. Read bookmarks brought to you by reach your peak library dot com.
Brian Kelly:
Yes. Reach your peak library, Dotcom. Write that down. Why don't I say write that down? Because I would hate for you to start going off and looking at resources as especially when Dr. Barrett MATTHEWS comes on. He's going to be giving you some resources that you can take advantage of rather than clicking away and taking your focus away from what he is saying. Stay with us. Write it down and then visit it after the show is over. Why? Because the magic happens in the room, and I'd really hate for you to have your focus somewhere else and miss that one golden nugget that Dr. Barrett Mathews is about to say, Because you are all focused on something else, write it down, be done with it. Keep your gaze and listen to him. And that's my advice for going forward on this show. And basically, in any kind of event that you ever attend is to take notes and stay focused on whoever is speaking, because you never know when that one golden nugget is going to come your way. So that is my soapbox moment and I am now stepping down from there and reach. Your peak Library is a website that I had developed. My team put it together specifically with you in mind, and the reason is because I myself was not an avid reader until about the age of 47, and that's about 11 years ago. So I know you're all doing the math. And I found out that it was simply because I did not like reading with my eyeballs. I'd get either eyestrain or I just couldn't keep my attention long enough to get through a book. And then I found this magical app called Audible. Oh, my goodness. Then that was it. I said, Oh, I love listening to books. I can't stand reading them on a in a page, page, two page page, turning them, but I sure love listening to them. So I start started reading avidly by listening to books. And every book you see on this screen that read your book library is a book that I have personally read and that I vet, meaning that it had profound effect either on me personally or in business or both.
Brian Kelly:
And that's why they're here. So you can just go in and pick up a book and have higher odds of it having impact on you than if you were just to pick one out by doing a random search, say, on Amazon. And this is not here to make money. If you see a book and you have a go to place, you like to go purchase your your reading material, go there. Just take the title with, you know, what the book is and go get it and start reading or begin continue reading that next great book. Just pick the first one that jumps off the screen. They're not in any order whatsoever. Not alphabetic, not at all. So just look through, find the first one that jumps off the page and go get it and start changing your life, because that's what I found out. It did for me. Unbelievably simple way to change your life, very inexpensive way to change your life. It's all about knowing the right books to read, and this is a resource that will help you there. All right. Speaking of resources, that will help you in every way you can imagine, we've got the best resource on the planet who is going to appear right now. Let's bring him on.
It's time for the guest expert spotlight, savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, big league qualified.
Brian Kelly:
And there he is. Ladies and gentlemen, it is the one. It is the only Doctor Barrett MATTHEWS.
Barrett Matthews:
Thank you. Good to be here, man.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, this has been a while coming. I know that there was a bit of a line getting on to the show, but I'm so glad you're here. You're just a wonderful guy. I feel like you've been a friend forever.
Barrett Matthews:
I know, right?
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. We're already getting some great tidbits here. Haha, you accidentally gave me a crisp Christmas gift idea. That's good. Laurie Ann Hood. She likes to join us. I think she says she's from South Carolina. If I got that wrong. Correct.
Barrett Matthews:
Was it an accident?
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, that's right. I love it. I love it. So real quick, before we dive all the way in, I've got a little bit of housekeeping to take care of there, Sir Matthew's. And so I'm going to call you lots of fun names here. Director MATTHEWS, sir. Wow. Well, some good time. Yeah. I got a little sword over here somewhere. But real quick, the big insider secrets, you can see that that nice red and white stamp over Dr. Barrett MATTHEWS left shoulder right there. And look, if you can't see that, that means you're not watching us either on video or it means you're not watching us alive and you really want to watch us live. Why? Because for those of you who are watching live, you will get the opportunity to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. And yes, that's all compliments of the big Insider Secrets Dotcom, That is. My buddy Jason asked who made that available to us to do this every single show. So if you're not watching live, be sure if you listen on a podcast. That's great. Glad to have you go to the mind body business show dot com. It's a lot. That's why I said it slowly The mind body is a show dot com and you'll see lots of buttons there that says where and when to watch click any one of them register and you'll also get a nice hotel discount card just for registering to receive only automated notifications when we air live so that you won't forget and you can jump on. You can opt out any time. You can just get the hotel discount card and opt out. I hope you don't, but you certainly can and we will honor that. So the big insider secrets dot com, you definitely want to stay on to the end so that you can enter to win that amazing thing. A couple more and we're going to get going with this amazing gentleman over here. Yes. So if you are struggling with putting on a live show together and maybe it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you, and I'm hearing this more and more from everybody I run into, but while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and connect with great people like Dr.
Brian Kelly:
Barrett MATTHEWS and grow your business all at the same time, then write this down carpet bomb marketing, then head on over to it. After the conclusion of tonight's show, carpet bomb marketing saturate the marketplace with your message and you can also get a free lifetime membership to the reach your peak club. What is that? Well, with your free membership, that will include instant access to deep discounts on major software services and top shelf training courses. You need to run your successful business. You can think of it as kind of your entrepreneur discount house, so catapult your business to the next level and you can sign up for free. Now we'll do this afterward, write this down. But when you do, you will also get another hotel discount card with worth over $200. And that's just for joining. So and then once you've joined, you can then go grab your your great deep discount. So write this down after the show head on over to reach your peak club dot com again that's reach your peak club dot com. Let's bring back the man the myth of legend Dr. Barrett MATTHEWS is in the house smiling I love this guy and we're going to have a great time and I love to open up every show, sir. Matthews With a with really something that goes with the first word of this show, the mind. And, you know, being an entrepreneur as you are in business for yourself, you understand what it takes. A lot of people who have not gone down this path really don't know how much time, effort, energy, fortitude, persistence, everything that goes into it. I mean, unbelievable amount. And so I'm curious, I love asking this question because it gives me a great idea how each individual truly achieves success. In my humble opinion, it all starts up between our own two ears, and I think that anyone's either level of success or lack thereof is 100% up to them and what's going on inside their brain. And so I like to find out there. There's another different way of saying it is if when you get up in the morning and you know that being an entrepreneur, there's every day, there's something, there's challenges to overcome, hurdles, setbacks to come back from.
Brian Kelly:
When you get up in the morning, what is it that's going on in your beautiful brain that is keeping you driven day in and day out and you're just going to keep going no matter what? What is that one thing that drives you so hard to become so successful?
Barrett Matthews:
Well, good question, Brian. I wake up every morning grateful. First of all, gratitude is the one thing, because I'm just glad that God gave me another day. Especially, you know, we've been dealing with the pandemic the last few years and lost some people in our lives. And I just said, you know what? I am more and more grateful that I'm alive and I can't take that for granted. So when I wake up, first thing I do is I pray, I give thanks, because I just know that I don't have to be here. And then I realize, you know, I God gave me some gifts and they weren't for me to keep a secret. So I have to get up and do something about it to make sure that I share them with the world to the best of my ability. And, you know, I always feel like I'm falling short of it because I can never truly maximize what everything that he's giving me. But I'm grateful for it. So I get up in the morning just, you know, just grateful. And I just try to just put my work out there to help help somebody because I know that somebody out there needs what I have to offer. I don't necessarily know who they are when I wake up in the morning, but I know that someone does and it's just up to me to get out there. So that's what motivates me in the morning.
Brian Kelly:
I just so love my God. I love what I get to do with this show. And there are so many amazing people like you that I interviewed that have this servant attitude. You said, help them or help others. I don't know how many times just then, and that just is so evident of where your focus is. It's on helping others, not on you did not once, not for a moment say it's so I can make more money and be happier. And that's that's so telling. Yeah, it's the cool because I just like to hammer it home a little more. For those that might think that being an entrepreneur is all all money centric, it's any it's nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, we do it to make a living and we do need to make money. Let's not be coding that and taking that out. Of the place. But the primary focus, though, is always serving others because we know that that results in income coming down. Ultimately, that's what happens. And the more people you help and serve, the more money you'll make. And that's a good thing because people like you, Dr. Mathews, can use that money to scale your business and help even more people.
Barrett Matthews:
Brian Kelly:
That's the beautiful thing. I just like to give everyone the secret right up the front. It's not. It's not. How do make more money? It's how to serve more people. And that's. That's the golden goose right there. We're done. The show is over. Drop the mic, Mary. How you doing, Mary? Yeah. So I appreciate that about you. And I think that's why I feel so close to you as a friend in such a short period of time, because you just have this golden value system and you know, you're just absolutely hundred percent perfect, right? You have No.
Barrett Matthews:
But what scale is that?
Brian Kelly:
But don't you don't you often see others will look at you and say, well, you have more success than I do, so you must have figured something out and everything works smoothly for you. I mean, do you ever get that sense when people come to you and say, How do you make it look so easy? How do you how do you achieve so much, etc.? I mean. It took us ten years to become. An overnight success. So. Right.
Barrett Matthews:
I had a friend years ago. She said to me, You're the only person I know that never has any problems.
Brian Kelly:
And I said.
Barrett Matthews:
I have just as many as you. I just don't wear them on my sleeve. Oh, yeah, I don't you know, it's not for everybody to see. But the thing is, I look at it, I don't focus on my problems. I focus on the.
Brian Kelly:
Barrett Matthews:
Because whatever you concentrate on is going to grow. So I have just as many as everyone else that, you know. What's the the rapper Jay-Z says, no more money, more problems. So mean everyone has them. It's just how you deal with them is going to going to affect everything. Someone told me a long time ago Adversity is inevitable, but stress is optional and I choose not to stress on it. Don't get me wrong, things are going to hit you, but it's your recovery time. How long are you going to let it linger? And are you going to let it get inside? Because stress is what you let get inside. And I just choose not to let those things get inside and affect me to to the point where I just can't function. They're going to hit you, but how are you going to react to it? How are you going to function from that point? Because but no, I'm not perfect. But in any stretch of the imagination, I have just as many things going on as you do. So you just have to deal with how you're going to deal with them.
Brian Kelly:
So I'm so glad you elaborated on all that because that truly it comes down to the mindset of one. What did you did you were you born like that? Were you born to say, I just got to get over it and think about the solutions? Or did this something that you refined over time and realized, hey, this is a lot fun or a better way to live than with continue wallowing in the stress and the crap that goes on.
Barrett Matthews:
Some of it some of it I get from my father. My father was a very low key person, doesn't let a lot of things get to him. But then again, I had some things come from my mother where she my mother was stressed, stress on him just about everything. And then back in the early nineties, I was with a network marketing organization and my upline she was a tough lady. I've seen her make Marines quit.
Brian Kelly:
She was.
Barrett Matthews:
I'm serious. She was very, very tough. And she but through her training, I developed a certain mentality and certain way of dealing with things. I remember specifically there was a time I got a flat tire and I changed my tire, but I still let it bother me the rest of the day. I was just so mad about it holding me up and everything. Now I get a flat tire change, a tire gone. It's over. I'm done. Move on. And it's just a mindset. I had to just have my have my recovery time. Just get over it and move forward.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And that's the one thing I wanted to help to illustrate and you did it perfectly to everyone, is that there is hope. If you are one of those that tends to stay in the moment of a negative moment, then there's hope because it is a learned trait. I learned it myself. I also grew up with one somewhat negative, I wouldn't say a person, but overall emotionally negative. When one events happened and the other one was just kind of middle of the road and just kind of went along with the other spouse. You can probably figure out which one was a man, which was a woman, but doesn't matter.
Barrett Matthews:
But you said something, Brian, and it reminded me of something a friend of mine said, Dr. Reuben West. He said, And this is for anybody listening on this same topic, there's no such thing as a bad day. There are only bad moments.
Brian Kelly:
Hey, man, I mean, that is absolutely when someone can internalize that who hasn't yet, they can watch your life change for the better forever. I mean, I had a mentor that I don't know if he coined this phrase, but I used it from stage many times, both on his stage as his lead trainer for two years and then on my own, and that is you can either let circumstances control your attitude or you can let your attitude dictate your circumstances. And that was such a powerful phrase when it was like, Bam, I love that. Right? There's someone true.
Barrett Matthews:
Someone got real spiritual. With me on at one time. He said, Who are we to say what's good or what's bad in our life? Ooh. Right. Right. You know, because it's not our plan to begin with. So how do we get to say what's good and what's bad? It's just. It is.
Brian Kelly:
That's deep. That's good. Right. Right. Holy smokes. So I wanted to kind of. Well, first of all, you know, I did not properly introduce you, so I want to do that right now. So I want people to understand what kind.
Barrett Matthews:
Of amazing I mean, I don't know.
Brian Kelly:
I just want people to know what kind of amazing person you are and what you do. And I want them to realize what you do so that if there's a fit, they can reach out to you after the show is over and you guys can collaborate and see if there's a fit together. So here we go. Doctor Barrett Mathews has been involved in media since the 1980s. I was in high school back then. Man, he served as. An assistant director, not the whole eighties. He served as an assistant director for WUSA TV, a production assistant for CBS Sports. He has some really good stories there, working alongside Brant Musburger and James Brown. So we're not talking about the singer James Brown. I don't think we're talking about I know who it is, the sportscaster, and I love him. He's still going to this day. I think Musburger might be doing it a little bit, too.
Barrett Matthews:
Yeah, well, he just resigned from the Raiders. He was doing the Raiders games.
Brian Kelly:
Okay. So to continue, Doctor Barrett MATTHEWS has directed, produced and hosted several radio shows and podcasts, and he's authored several books. He is the media optimization professional himself is the one the only Doctor Barrett. Matthews There's so much more to this amazing guy. And we're going to we're going to peel back that onion even more so you can get an understanding of what he has found in his his wheelhouse he's an expert at and that he can help you to get out there to get more exposure through media, through podcasting, to lots of different mediums, because he's been there and done that. He's one of those few that is in this space that had been in the space long, a long time in various forms, in different formats, television, radio and the like. So you bring with you so much knowledge and experience. I think that's what really sets you apart from so many of the others out there, including yours truly, that are offering services like that. So it's just a joy to have you on, brother man.
Barrett Matthews:
It's good to be here. You know? Anything for you, man.
Brian Kelly:
I'm telling you. And I paid him like 200 bucks to come on the show. Just everybody. No, no.
Barrett Matthews:
Hold on. I got it. Wait a minute.
Brian Kelly:
So, yeah, My gosh. So many questions I'd like to ask you. One of the things, if you don't mind, this will kind of set the table so people get a better in-depth look at what you do. If you wouldn't mind, can you explain what it is your service is currently today, what your company provides? You know, who is your client, your your ideal client. So is it is it an individual? Is it a man or is it a woman? Is it a corporation? Is it some of of all the above? I got stuff floating or what? What is that? And then also this is a three parter. I hope you can remember it all, because I'm having trouble just trying to ask it. The third part. Is if you have. A success story or two you'd like to share. I love stories. I think everybody loves stories and feel free to do that as well. But yeah, tell us what you do, who your your client base is, and maybe a success story or two, if you don't mind.
Barrett Matthews:
Okay. So yeah, what I do is I guess I'm a media optimization professional. What I do is I help you if you're a speaker, if you're an author, if you're a coach, if you're somebody who's looking for a wider audience, then I help you to drive your competitors crazy. Because what I do is I use media to help you to reach people understand that people consume their information to one form of media or another. You can ask Brian, and what I do is I make sure that you are on every form of media. If you don't have a book, I help you get a book. If you don't have a podcast, I help you get a podcast. If you don't have a Roku channel, I help you get a Roku channel. If you don't have social media working, I help you get social media working. If you don't have a documentary film on your business, I help you do all of those and I don't want you doing one or the other. I want you doing all of them. Because if you can be everywhere all at once, not only don't you miss your audience, but they don't miss you either. I always use the example of the comedian Kevin Hart. You may not think Kevin Hart's funny, but you're not going to ignore him because he's everywhere. And I say, Why aren't you everywhere? So the goal is to get to everywhere. Now, as far as the success stories, I have some people I'm working with right now who are their twin brothers. They have a podcast that I'm working with were speakers. They're just speakers, but I got them doing a podcast. We're working on some streaming television and actually a documentary film for them too. We're going to be working on that as well. So these are the things that's to get them more exposure to get them out there. So. They don't miss anyone. I always say that there are two paradigms that I like to break from people. One is that you should focus on one area of marketing and drill down on that area, and that's where you should be. And when you do that, you're missing all the other areas that you can do. And so that's why I say don't do that. The other thing people say is that you should just find out who your ideal client, your avatar, and go to where they are. And I say, that's wrong. You should find out who they are and then put yourself everywhere because guess what? They consume their media differently than the next person. That doesn't mean they're not your client. They just consume your information differently. Stop focusing on what makes you comfortable and focus on where they are, what makes them comfortable. And that's what I do, is I help you to make sure your media is everywhere so people can see you.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, man. That was a phenomenally disruptive explanation. And I love that. I mean that a great way to disrupt it, because it goes against the grain of how we've all heard. And you said it, you know, this is what we are told to do is focus on one area of marketing. So we have so much in common. I mean, even more. It's so great that there was a prominent I'm not going to I'm not going to name names. It's not a bad thing. It's just there was an individual that actually runs a high end service, a studio service for live streaming. And this gentleman, their service would let you stream the multiple platforms. Their opinion, his opinion was, don't do it to too many. You don't want to.
Barrett Matthews:
I don't want or Yes.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And I'm like, what? You're going against the very thing your platform provides. That doesn't make sense to.
Barrett Matthews:
Me it it.
Brian Kelly:
And I was I'm just like you. I said no. You hit. Everything you can and everywhere you can with. All you.
Barrett Matthews:
Know where they are, you don't know who isn't good.
Brian Kelly:
For you. Yeah. So, I mean, that's what we do. We're like on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram. Youtube, Twitter.
Barrett Matthews:
I love what you're doing, man, because, I mean, that's the way to because you don't know where these people are that want to pay you. That's the thing. They want to be your client. But if they don't, if you don't, I think most people do what I call Brian ego based marketing. We market in a way that makes us comfortable and we don't focus on what those people want. If someone wants to find out about you through Roku, then you need to be on Roku. If someone wants to find out about you in a book, then you need to have a book because you need to be where they're looking. I always say McDonald's doesn't come knocking on your door saying, Hey, come by a Big Mac. Mcdonald's makes it so that when you need to find them, that you can find them.
Brian Kelly:
They're everywhere.
Barrett Matthews:
Right? So they need to make sure they want you to be able to find them. They're always close to your neighborhood, and that's the thing that you need to be doing to be where your people can find you wherever they're looking.
Brian Kelly:
Yes. Yes. And then I like to add a little sprinkle a little sauce on top of that or spice to say that, you know, it's great to be everywhere. It's also very important and I know you're going to resonate with this is to do so in a professional and high quality manner. So you don't want to have some third grade little podcast where you're using your phone as sorry for those that are, but get get passed it, get high quality, get high grade.
Barrett Matthews:
Know what you can get away with that with Russell Brunson and he was already a one time meeting when he did it.
Brian Kelly:
So if you're already an influencer that that's a different story for sure. But yeah, just be sure because here's what happens. I love this because I always say my show is not my business. This show is not my business and it's not I bring incredible people like you. But what happens is when that time comes where I solve a pain point for someone that I'm talking to or for the first time they've ever heard of me, what are they going to do? They're going to research me. Yeah. And when they do, they cannot not find me. That's the whole purpose of what we're talking about right here. Yeah. You want to be an unwinnable. Is that right? I like that.
Barrett Matthews:
I'm using that. By the way, I'm findable.
Brian Kelly:
Hey, remember the COLA 7UP? That was awesome.
Barrett Matthews:
And that was good branding because we're still talking about it.
Brian Kelly:
Absolutely. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. We have more comments flying in. I have a green screen. Yeah. So, yeah, we'll have a talk on that Mary after the fact. I used to do green screen too, but highly recommend against it and we can go into details about that at a later time. You can tell Dr. Barrett MATTHEWS has a natural background. It's yeah, let's just let's just leave that where it is for now as you're going through your your walk of entrepreneurship. I just know you've never, ever had a problem or made a mistake the entire time, Right? Well.
Barrett Matthews:
I was wrong.
Brian Kelly:
Barrett Matthews:
But then I found out I was mistaken about that. So.
Brian Kelly:
And the thing about it is, is, look, a lot of people I was this way. I was so deathly afraid of not being perfect or not getting it right. Everything right the first time. And if I didn't, I would beat myself up to the point where I would just freeze and stop and say I'm a failure. And the opposite could be couldn't be any more than true is that you want to fail and fail fast and fail often so you can get past all those. But the key is what's the what's the key behind all the failure? What should we do every time we make a mistake? What should we do about that mistake from that mistake? Learn from it. Yeah. And then so you don't make it again. But the more mistakes you make upfront now you have more of knowledge of what to do the correct way. And so for you, if you can think of maybe there's one that that really sent home a message to you that gave you a lesson that really catapulted you from that day forward. Can you think of one wrong turn or mistake that may have occurred in your entrepreneurial life that really had an impact on you when you learned about it and how to how to adjust your behavior or circumstance?
Barrett Matthews:
Oh, God, there's so many. I mean, I'm making mistakes today. I mean, but I mean, I guess the. Biggest mistake that I probably made was not embracing entrepreneurship earlier and not at a more serious level. I mean, there was a period in my life where I was jumping into entrepreneurship, but I was still looking for that job. And instead of just jumping into entrepreneurship and saying, This is where I'm going to go, because like right now I'm unemployable. So I couldn't even apply for a job if I wanted to. But it's just one of those things that at first, because I keep in mind, I was raised with people who worked government jobs and were told either my family was either government or a schoolteacher, and I didn't want to do either. I knew I knew that God put me here to do something different. I just knew it. I didn't know what, but I knew that I was supposed to be something, do something different. So my mind was already different. But I had there was still my training I had to go against. It was a battle between the two. And even to this day, my mother still doesn't understand that I'm an entrepreneur. I can go over there and she'll go, Oh, you're off today. So but the thing is, I think if I had jumped in sooner and embraced it, I may even be further along. And but and I tell everybody this learn the art of selling. Learn the art of selling, because that's something that I had to learn later. I wish I'd learned it earlier. Don't get me wrong, I sold things before, but there's a there's an art to being good at selling. And it's something you can learn, though. It's something you can learn. So don't don't think. And I can tell you some real funny. I always tell the people when I hear someone say, because I'm sure someone in your audience has said this phrase, Oh, I hate sales. And I always say, you're lying. There's not a single person who made a sale that said, I hated that. When you make a sale, you feel very good. So you don't hate sales. You hate the rejection. So you need to learn how to sell. That's all it is. So but yeah, and that's one thing. I wish I'd learned that earlier as well.
Brian Kelly:
And it's true that every person on the planet is already deep into sales. We're selling our spouse on what we're going to eat that night or where we're going to go restaurant. And. And if you're like me, probably don't make the sale very often, but at least you're learning. Yeah. Yeah. Well.
Barrett Matthews:
I know someone pointed this out to me. Everything you have, everything you see in front of you was bought and sold by somebody.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Oh, God. Good one. Yes. Yeah. And you hit the nail on the head. People aren't they don't hate sales, they hate rejection, which is part of the process of sales. And why is that so hurtful? Why do they not like that? What do you think that is? Is it possible that maybe their ego is getting in the way just a little bit?
Barrett Matthews:
Oh, you went there, but you brought up a great point. And thank you, Mary, for the compliment. One of my mentors, Dr. Myron Golden, he taught me this and it took a while for it to sink in. But once it did, it changed my life. And he said, Don't get attached to the outcome. And that was it took a while for me because we always get attached as to whether someone says yes or no to whatever we're offering. And when you don't get attached to the outcome, your job is not to. So what do they buy? What do they don't? Don't worry about it. That's not your job. Your job is to make the offer in the best way possible to them. Because if you're going back to what we talked about earlier, if you're truly there to serve them. If you truly dare to serve them, your job is to make the offer to serve them. Of course there is a fee attached to it, but your job is to offer the service. Whether they take it or not is not up to you. And so you go ahead and just do it. Make the offer. I went to a conference a year ago and I set my mind that I'm not going to get attached to the outcome. And I made more sales that year than I ever had before.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, it's a liberating concept for sure, and I embrace that as well. Just been going back and forth with an individual recently, and we're in the process of that offer, right? And they're already exciting, excited, beyond the moon. And they're going to take up take me up on the offer eventually, but I'm not rushing them. And I tell them as many questions as you have for as long as you have. I've already I've already vetted the individual. I already know they're not going to take this and run forever and try to extract free time out of me. I've already got that done. I just know that I'm there for that person and make sure they are 100% comfortable with their decision going forward. And then once they make the decision, they're going to be more than comfortable because I'm going to overdeliver and take care of them. Like you said, not so worried about that outcome, hitting that sale, getting that peak, that payday. I've seen so many people crash and burn that are money centric that way. And I finally just recently bear it. I mean, it hasn't been long ago that it finally hit me what my true essence was and what I feel good about. And it's this approach where I don't worry, we're taught to go for the sale, right? I always be selling, I always be selling. And people translate into into always be transacting. Right, right, right. Or making the transaction. But that's not that's not what. Really, truly is. Yeah. Yeah, it can it work. You know, if you're an aggressive car salesperson. Well yeah. And it does. Work. But at the end of the day, are you serving anybody other than yourself and your wallet? I mean, not really. And if you're not and that's how you want to live your life, that's completely your choice. Right.
Barrett Matthews:
And it's a great thing we're not getting attached to it. It frees you. Yes. It really it really frees you. And also, when a person when a consumer realizes that you're not pressed that they buy from you, they get more interested in buying because now they're like, wow, they don't need me to do this.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, he's not.
Barrett Matthews:
Even I want this more. I mean, it's almost kind of like the interaction of a male and a female here. When one doesn't seem to care, the other one seems to be interested more.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, It's like, Hey, you're not desperate. You're. I'm attracted to your offer now.
Barrett Matthews:
Right? Exactly.
Brian Kelly:
That's it. That's how it works. It's also attracting from the standpoint that you aren't pressing them up against the wall and pressuring them. No one likes to be pressured into. I mean, there's a difference between pressuring someone and convincing them that this is good for them and they should make that decision going forward.
Barrett Matthews:
And someone told me that. Most people are don't like to be convinced because that's the problem. But they don't mind being persuaded.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, You give them enough information to where they're convincing them themselves. And that's where part of the art of sales comes in. Doing it with integrity like you would. I know that. Yeah, because you can always take anything we're telling you and take it down the wrong path and come out the end going. This didn't work, you guys wrong ways. Like, No, you got everything. Every step of the way.
Barrett Matthews:
I know I've done this and I know you. I've told people now I just may not be for you. Yep. And I don't have a problem doing that because it may not be for them. I don't want to put someone in a bad position.
Brian Kelly:
And it goes two ways. I'm glad you brought that up, because it could be that client is not a fit for you and it's somebody you don't want to work with because they can end up being a literal cancer to your business with all their problems and issues. And I can't do this and I'm not going to do that and give excuses and point the finger back at you and like, no, that's why you really need to vet every. Client before you. Bring it on. If it's long term, if it's if it's just a one time sale, even they'll come back and crush your support department.
Barrett Matthews:
Oh, yeah. I mean, I've seen people, you know, high ticket items. They put people to a week long training about how to use everything that they gave them. Yeah, the person went home, never used it. A year later, they come back and they don't remember how to use it, and they're mad.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Yeah. And that's another thank you. I mean, gosh, it's like you're interviewing me. This is pretty awesome, but you bring it up so many great points. It's like, you know, a lot of people think it's just we're going to give them this this wafer, this golden wafer. They put it under their tongue and. Oh, my God. Everything works now. Well, we're here to primarily when the way it works is experts like Dr. Barrett MATTHEWS guide you. But you still have to put in the time and effort and work or you're not going to grow. If you don't grow, what's the point?
Barrett Matthews:
Yeah, we're going to work for you. You're definitely not paying us enough.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. So basically. Dr. Barrett MATTHEWS giving you the recipe and him coaching you along the way, being there to support you that you've got to put in the time and effort or, you know, it's nothing is automatic unless you win the lottery. You'll probably self sabotage and throw it all the way anyway.
Barrett Matthews:
But I mean, you're not asking me to give you the recipe and cook dinner every day.
Brian Kelly:
I might. Depends. You just cook.
Barrett Matthews:
I am. We can talk terms later.
Brian Kelly:
That'd be awesome. Yeah. This is great. This is great. Oh, goodness. I'm so glad. This is like, you know, we've talked several times offline, and yeah, we never went this deep into these kind of topics. And it's just the telling of of why I feel so strongly about you being a good friend. It's just oh my gosh. It's just it's just enjoyable. So you talked about your, your mom and. Oh, you're off today. I get that. It's funny.
Barrett Matthews:
So you just last week, I mean.
Brian Kelly:
This may be the. Answer to the question might be that. But. That I'm about. To ask you. But so you. Have you worked in corporate before in any kind of job situation or. Yeah.
Barrett Matthews:
Well if you said in my in my intro I worked for WUSA TV, that was my first full time job out of college. And I tell people I've never had a full time job more than a year. I worked there a year. Then I moved to CBS Sports. I was a CBS sport for 6 to 9 months. Ever since then, I was either in a network marketing with is still working for yourself or I may have. I picked up a part time job. I worked for a few months there, but after that I've never worked a full time job like W2 for more than a year.
Brian Kelly:
So being an entrepreneur is not simple. It's not easy, and it's definitely.
Barrett Matthews:
Not very hard.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, that's exactly how. I say it all the time. Yes. And it's definitely not for everyone, for sure.
Barrett Matthews:
No, but what would you say, though? I believe that everybody can be an entrepreneur, but not everybody should.
Brian Kelly:
Ooh, boom. Another mic drop. Oh, good. Well, I can tell. You. Been hanging around Dr. Reuben West for a while. That guy talks to me today. I love him. He's like, Wow, what a phenomenal speaker, that guy. Yeah, he is a phenomenal individual.
Barrett Matthews:
Help people. He was a speakers coach. He's no longer a speaker coach because he's literally a world leader now. He's going all around the world.
Brian Kelly:
That's true.
Barrett Matthews:
Yeah. And real quick, you know, they had the elections in Kenya recently for president of Kenya. He helped because he's working on some civility over there. He's working with a lot of the leaders. And they had first election in a long time where there was no violence. And he helped along with that.
Brian Kelly:
Barrett Matthews:
Funny story, though. He said he was actually in Dubai when the election happened. He said I wasn't sure if what I taught them was going to take, so I wasn't going to be there.
Brian Kelly:
That's funny. Yeah. He's also very smart as we just. Yeah, right. Yeah, very smart. Yeah. I've been following him and he's been traveling to Kenya back and forth and doing lots of great stuff for community.
Barrett Matthews:
So great. Very good guy.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, God, I just. I so thoroughly enjoyed chatting with him. He's the one who introduced me to Les Brown and.
Barrett Matthews:
Oh, yeah, he's very tough. Yeah.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Amazing. Amazing guy. My goodness. There were so many things that we just talked about. It's funny you say don't get attached to the outcome. I'm curious, because one of the things it's a it's it's a total different thing, though, because my mentor would teach us to always move forward with the outcome in mind. It wasn't like focusing on it. But yeah, so. A great example is I used to go to all these seminars. I mean, I was a seminar junkie. No kidding. I've got lanyards that will make Mr. T blush and I literally I literally would wear them on stage at one point. I'd have a crew member bring them up, put them on and have a picture of Mr. T with his gold chains. And these are thicker and bigger. And the theme of it was Just show up.
Barrett Matthews:
That's good, that's good.
Brian Kelly:
Just show up. But yeah, and so seminars are phenomenal. I can't remember where I was going with all this, but we were just talking about O outcome. So I was going to all of these seminars just time and time and time again, and I loved it. And I love the people. I love the people more than anything. The attendees. It was like being a family. One time I was at an I was at a gentleman's seminar and I had witnessed him several times in the past, liked it, and I got a text from my mentor and he says, Hey, man, what are you doing? He knew what I was doing because I was posting it on Facebook. So I'm like, Well, I'm over at this event, blah, blah, blah. And he says, And he said one word. That's all I needed. He said, Why? I thought the outcome. I didn't have one. I'm just here. So it doesn't matter what your outcome is, but have won. And this is the teaching.
Barrett Matthews:
We would go through.
Brian Kelly:
It's like, okay, now it's to meet the main speaker if it happens or not, doesn't really matter. But oftentimes it does happen. You know. The outcome mentally. So it's a different kind of outcome than you.
Barrett Matthews:
Are talking about. I look at it from like a say, a sports standpoint, you know, a great shooter, like someone like a Steph Curry. When he puts that ball up in mind, he has he sees it drawing going through the net. But if it doesn't go through, he's not attached to that because he's going to do it again.
Brian Kelly:
There you go. Yeah. So you're not attached to the lack of success or worried about the failure.
Barrett Matthews:
Right. Right. Yeah.
Brian Kelly:
That's the key. Don't be so attached to it, like, Oh, I didn't meet the main speaker, so I must have failed. No. Right. Just having that outcome.
Barrett Matthews:
And don't get attached to whether they buy or not. If they buy, great. But don't go jumping up and down. Celebrate and dancing all around. And if they don't, great. Don't go sulking and crying either.
Brian Kelly:
I got to tell you, the moment Les Brown said he'd be in my show. I'm not kidding. I got up and danced around like a little schoolgirl in my studio here. I had goose bumps.
Barrett Matthews:
Well, I felt I did the same thing when Brian Kelley asked me to be on his show. So I understand.
Brian Kelly:
Who's that? Oh, you're talking about the head coach. Of what? Football? Yeah, right. That was good. That imposter. Who are these people taking my name in? I've literally had people. Ask, Is that you? Is like, Have you seen this picture? Come on. You think that's me? Come on.
Barrett Matthews:
But I was a kid to play for the University of Texas a few years ago. Tight end named Barrett MATTHEWS. I said if he goes pro, I'm claiming him as my son.
Brian Kelly:
But yeah. Brian Kelly. That's my brother. The one that's. He was Notre Dame forever.
Barrett Matthews:
I forgot where he's at LSU now.
Brian Kelly:
Okay. That's good. That's a good place. But yeah, I don't like Googling my name because I never see myself. It's always. This guy. People would say, Go Google yourself. It's like, No, I'm not going to. I'm tired of it. It's too depressing.
Barrett Matthews:
So we go to LSU's media department. You may be able to take over there and then you can interview him.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, man. Yeah. I met a guy in the airport. We had the same exact first and last name, and we were the same age. Oh, wow. We were both waiting for food and it was a connection flight. So we're in the airport and they called out and two of us went up. And I'm looking at it. I'm like, Oh. This is weird. Said, What's in it? It's like, Wow, that's not mine. Is your name Brian Kelly? He's like, Yeah, no. So I took a picture. That's cool. It was very cool. It was like, This is rare. So we've met. You and I have met so many different people in our lives that have been, you know, key to our development. Some are. Just that we look at and go, Wow, I'm so glad that I met and learned from that individual because it has really helped me for you. If you can think of one person that would bubble up all the way to the top, not leave, not it doesn't matter if you're leaving people out because you love everybody you come in contact with. But if one gave you some bit of inspiration that really catapulted you. That really sticks out in your mind. Who would that be? Who was your greatest inspiration to date?
Barrett Matthews:
Wow. And it's kind of a toss up, but I'm going to have to go back to the lady I told you about who when I was in network marketing, Peggy Hightower, because she's like another mother to me and she's very close to me. To this day, we're still very close. And it was funny because when I got a postcard in the mail with her name on it and I didn't know who she was, but I saw the last name and I said, Well, I went to college with the girl by the last name, but at that time was just and I went into the office and it was her daughter who I went to college with in her office. I'm like, okay, So there was a familiarity there. But then I went into the office and talked to Peggy, and she did something that I'd never forgot. She asked, What do I see myself doing? And I said, I want to move to Atlanta. Didn't know why, but I said, I want to do to Atlanta. And what she did at that point, she used to introduce me to people who were successful and she'd say, Hey, Brian, this is Barry. He's going to open up one of our offices in Atlanta. She would sell me on my dream. And until it happened, I ended up moving to Atlanta. And she she would always do that. And she would always make sure she only introduced me to people that were producing. Wow. You made it a point to do that, to make sure that you were always surrounding yourself with people who are doing something, because she always said the other people can't offer you anything.
Brian Kelly:
So that's powerful. Wow.
Barrett Matthews:
That yeah, she she she was a tough lady and she, she, she made sure that we focused on putting to work and she just always talk about her to talk about the Garden of Eden. One time she said, which came first the fall of Eden or God telling Adam to work. And people would answer. They go, Well, the Fall of Eden. And then God punished them. And she said, No. God told Adam to work first. Working with. Not a punishment. It was a gift. And most of us. This was so powerful, she said. Most of us spend our lives trying to run away from the gift, and then we wonder why we're broke.
Brian Kelly:
Well, not just financially, but also emotionally.
Barrett Matthews:
Exactly. That's true. We spent our life just don't want to work. I don't want. And that was the gift to work.
Brian Kelly:
I'll never forget, ever. I passed her saying that I have not found the word retirement anywhere.
Barrett Matthews:
In my not. It's not anywhere. You're right. I said that to someone recently. Retirement. We're supposed to serve until we leave here.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, and that's what I tell people. I said retirement isn't a word in my vocabulary. So maybe a shift. Or a change from one vocation to another. But it's not quitting working and it's not quitting serving others. And I always say, as long as my heart's beating and I'm capable of doing it, I want to continue to serve people. My last breath.
Barrett Matthews:
The late great musician Dizzy Gillespie, he had a quote and said that someone told him, Retirement is where you get to do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it and travel the world. He said, Well, I've been retired my whole career.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. I mean. That's the other thing. So I'm curious about your thought on this, is that there's this debate I've seen going on about people promote or teaching those that have not yet found their swimming yet they're teaching them. Well, be sure that whatever you do choose, that you're very, very passionate about it. And it's also very it's also advantageous to also be very good at it. But I could tell you've heard that this debate has been going on. Well, what is your what is your comment on that? What is your belief on?
Barrett Matthews:
Well, it's my first book called Why Didn't You Get It Done? I have a chapter called Fruits of Passion where I talked about that. But since I wrote the book, I have changed my perspective. So in the book, I talk about that, Hey, work something that you're passionate about and you won't have to work. But I've realized later that. People don't always have success in business on something they're passionate about. You have success on something you're good at. And that's what people are going to pay you for, something you're good at, not for something you're passionate about. Now, can they be both? Yes, they can be both, but they're not always the case. So I always tell people don't. Feel bad or down to yourself because you're working at something you're good at, but you're not passionate about it because, hey, I mean, you could be a great accountant, you could be fantastic at accounting and people will pay you a lot of money for it. But you may be passionate about baking. You may love to bake, but you don't feel that you're going to be making the money. You can an accountant. So do baking on the side as a hobby too. But you can still have your passion and you can still be productive on something that's going to that you're good at, that's going to pay you money. I mean, everybody can't be a LeBron James who is working his passion but happens to be good at it, too. Everybody can't can't be that person. It's okay to do both, But and just be good at something because being good is what's going to pay. People are going to pay because, oh, he's passionate about it. Let me give her money. They're not going.
Brian Kelly:
To do that.
Barrett Matthews:
You have to have some some skill at it, some be good at it. But I think that, you know, that was my whole thing. My philosophy changed completely. I used to just think that, hey, if you're passionate about it, just keep doing it because it's going to come through and that doesn't always work like that.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I mean, I don't think it certainly doesn't guarantee a successful business, but.
Barrett Matthews:
No, it doesn't. But it.
Brian Kelly:
Can, right? And I say there's nothing wrong with pursuing it and giving it a good old college. Try and. Like with the accountant. That's a great analogy or a metaphor there where, well, they love baking. So the accountant could then make all of their clients their target market bakers.
Barrett Matthews:
That's, Oh, that's great. That's great. Right?
Brian Kelly:
So there's a way to pull in what you're passionate about and sprinkle that into your business. I mean, like typically. When someone's good at something, there is some level of passion or they wouldn't be good.
Barrett Matthews:
Yeah, Yeah. And I mean, that's what got them in it in the first place, right. But, but they may not, but they may have something, a passion that's greater or they may not be as passionate as they were before because they were, they found something that they really, really loved. And, and here's the thing, sometimes it's, you may have a passion, but it may not be fun. You know, if it's not fun. The fun thing is what we want to do all the time.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Well, it's interesting because I just went through a transition about a little over a year ago, maybe two. I'll lose track of time now, but I used to be a certified personal trainer. I did online fitness and all this before COVID. And of course, I stopped that business and then COVID hit and it became the. Rage, of course. But that's. Okay. I don't feel any remorse at all. I did like it. I was passionate about it. And then I found out I was more passionate about something else. Yeah. And and then I could feel a little bits of me not feeling 100% fulfilled, but I didn't know any better when I was certified personal trainer. And then when I began doing what I'm doing now, I'm like, I love getting up. I love firing up the computer, I love getting into my automations, I love developing, I love talking to people, building my team. I am so happy now. I can't.
Barrett Matthews:
Are you having.
Brian Kelly:
Fun? Oh, I'm having a blast. And I get to do. But it didn't come to me. Yes, I'm, you know, came to you at the age of, what, 55, 56, something like that. I'm I feel fortunate that it came period.
Barrett Matthews:
Exactly. Exactly.
Brian Kelly:
Not looking back on. Oh, boo hoo. I wish you would have got here sooner. Oh, my God. I just. Look, we got 2 minutes. Come on. That can't be right.
Barrett Matthews:
You've known how our other conversations go when we're not on here, so. Yeah, that is right.
Brian Kelly:
So true. Oh, goodness. So we do have a few things I wanted to take care of. We do. I do like to end every show with one very special question. It became a very intriguing question, kind of by osmosis. I would ask it on occasion back in the first year or so of the show. This is three plus now years. And I started started paying attention while I'm always paying attention, but I started realizing, my gosh, these answers are pretty, these are pretty profound. I'm going to just end every show with that from now.
Barrett Matthews:
No pressure.
Brian Kelly:
No, no. And there's no buildup of any kind whatsoever. But before we jump into that, we got a couple of things. So a little birdie told me that would be Doctor Barrett Mathews. They also have a gift for you all. Yeah, an amazing guy right there. And so we're going to give away two gifts and then we're going to come back with that big question, so don't go anywhere. Gift number one is. For every one of you that has stayed with us live to the end. This is it. This is the time you want to get out your pen, paper, whatever you write with. Type it on a notepad. Don't go there yet. I'm going to give you the URL, the web address to go to enter to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. I mean, you get to choose from places all over the world. There are so many to choose from. It's awesome. You definitely want to enter this. Okay, so you're ready. Be ready and write this down. I'm going to put it on the screen. For those of you watching live, you want to write down our p dot I m forward slash vacation report. I am for vacation and write that down. Enter. You don't have to enter while we're still on live on the show. We will be monitoring for entries for a good hour or two after the show is over. So don't sweat that. Just do it right. When we sign off though, be sure to get it in there. You do not want to miss. That, I. Tell you. And now we have another amazing gift by none other than the man himself, Dr. Barrett MATTHEWS. I'm going to pull that up, put it on the screen and let you take it away and let people know what this wonderful thing is all about.
Barrett Matthews:
Well, what I have done is I compiled a training course. I put a training course together because I get a lot of people saying that they got clients they want they want clients, but they want clients. They're going to pay them because they get tired kickers all the time. So what I've done is I put together a training class here to help you to get clients that are going to pay you well, how do you do it? How do you get it? You just go to w w w dot five the number five five ways to paying clients, five ways to paying client dot com. You're going to find out what you're doing wrong and what you can do right to help you get those clients.
Brian Kelly:
There you go five ways to paying clients dot com and the number five I can tell you you've done a podcast or two in your your day by repeating the URL. I just love it when I have a Polish guest on. It's like looking awesome and you're just a joy to hang out with. And we still got that one question though I didn't forget, so I'm not. Picking up the hook. I'm not going to happen. So one more time that that web address is w w w dot the number five and then words following five ways to pain clients dot com. So don't forget to go there and grab your complimentary training video. And do it right after the show is over. So write that down. I hope you wrote that down. I'm going to take it off the screen now because we got that incredible, wonderful, powerful, intense question coming up. Just all this is to make Dr. Matthew Sweat, but he's not sweating. He's cool as a cucumber. You're welcome, Mary. Yes. So this question, there's so many great things about it. But here's one that will really help is that there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It doesn't exist. You cannot fail. In fact. The exact opposite is the case. The only correct answer is yours. It's going to be unique to you. And if it takes you an instant, a microsecond, or if it takes you 30 seconds to a minute to come up with an answer, that's perfectly fine too, because it's your answer. So with all that wonderful buildup.
Barrett Matthews:
And a heck of a buildup.
Brian Kelly:
All right, here we go. Oh, Ready? Dr. Barrett MATTHEWS, How do you define success?
Barrett Matthews:
I define success as a journey and a journey of accomplishments that build that, teach that, empower that strengthen it, help you get. Goal after goal after goal after goal and on to infinity, because I don't think success is a destination. It's still a journey. You just keep going, but keep accomplishing goals and learning from each one. That's success to me.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, and you know what that's cause for? Good luck. That's right. Doctor Barrett MATTHEWS dropping smart bombs, bombs of wisdom. I mean, unbelievable. Unbelievable. Great stuff. I mean, this is a man who has succeeded in great ways. And what you want to do as a as a viewer, as a listener is I hope you took a lot of notes. I did myself. I don't do I don't ask anybody to do anything I don't do. I'm writing notes during the show.
Barrett Matthews:
We have a great audience, by the way.
Brian Kelly:
They are phenomenal. And I love them. Yes. And it's because of people like you, honestly, that come on, you're attracting the right people, the beautiful people that are out there that really are hungry and want to learn and take their life in their business to the next level. And that's what I want to impart upon everyone, is all you have to do is model success. It's a fancy word for copy. We were told not to do it in elementary school, then we become parents and that's the absolute way to become successful is to copy. You're just you're just doing it with integrity. We're not doing it to cheat.
Barrett Matthews:
Brian Kelly:
And so copy this guy. Everything you heard tonight. I hope you put the notes or I wrote down the notes or not. You can watch. You can listen where? Everywhere. You cannot not find us. And now you will be able to not not find Dr. Barrett MATTHEWS as well. I have a feeling you already couldn't not find him undefinable. Yes. That's right. You're an unfashionable. That's it. All right with that, ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming and watching and engaging. I hope you, if you didn't see this live, remember the mind body business show dot com register. We'll just send you announcements of updates of the moment we go live. Nothing for sale and you can come on and engage with us and have a good time and we'll give you some shout outs. Put your name in lights and get you some exposure as well. That's what it's all about. It's about sharing the wealth. Speaking of wealth, Dr. Barrett MATTHEWS is one man of wealth, wisdom and experience, and I am truly blessed to call him my friend. So thank you, sir, for coming on.
Barrett Matthews:
Have me, man. It's all always a pleasure.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, and we got to keep this this gravy train rolling, baby. Awesome. On behalf of the amazing Dr. Barrett MATTHEWS Love, there I go. Now, on behalf of the amazing Dr. Barrett MATTHEWS. Slow down, Brian. I am your host, Brian Kelley of the Mind Body Business Show. Until next time, everyone, please do two things. One, go out and serve and make a difference in someone else's life. And number two, above all, please be blessed. Take care. We'll see you next time. Thank you for tuning in to the. Mind Body Business Show podcast at www.TheMindBodyBusinessShow.com. My name is Brian Kelly.
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Barrett Matthews
Dr. Barrett Matthews has been involved in media since the 1980s. He served as an Asst. Director for WUSA-TV, a Production Asst for CBS Sports, working alongside Brent Musburger & James Brown. He has directed, produced and hosted several radio shows & podcasts. And after authoring several books, Dr. Matthews came to our show with these questions: Did you know that most businesses don't come close to reaching their true audience? Did you know that many people in business are waiting for their names to be called for exposure? What if I told you that there was a man who can help any business to find their audience? Imagine that if by not listening to what he teaches, you cut your potential revenue by over 50%. Now, imagine if he could not only show you how to attract that audience, but to do it globally. Ladies & Gentlemen, I bring to you the man who can do all of this for you, The Media Optimization Professional himself, Dr. Barrett Matthews.
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