Special Guest Expert - Brian Kelly

Special Guest Expert - Brian Kelly: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Brian Kelly: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated. And driven. How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. Thi Is The Mind Body Business Show. Hello, everyone, and welcome. Welcome, welcome to another edition of the Mind Body Business Show. How are you doing this evening? My name is Brian Kelly, the host of this very show. We have a great, great informative and high value based show lined up for you tonight. We are going to be talking about the differences between automation and personal connection and how they impact your business and also which one is actually better for your business. There's a lot of debate that has surrounded this for years, especially with the advent of additional automation coming into the fray. And we're going to dig in, have a good time, and let's just dive in. What do you think? Let's go. Right, right in. Here we go. Yes, sir. And so what we're going to do is basically cover, like I said. The topic of automation versus personal connections, and which is better for your business now as a software engineer for well over 25 years and long since turned Entrepreneur, I was always a huge fan of automation, and trust me, the last thing I wanted to do was pick up the phone and actually talk to someone. I would rather send them automated messages, you know, by way of, say, autoresponders and ways like that and let those tools do the work for me. And oh yes, before I forget, when you stay until the end of this episode, I am definitely going to provide you a gift. And this gift can end up saving you countless hours and thousands and thousands of dollars of trying to figure out all of this on your own and doing it by trial and error, such as what I have done. Look, I've invested the time. I've invested the money so you don't have to.

Brian Kelly:
So be sure to stay on until the end so you can grab this incredibly valuable gift. All right, let's jump in. So I was convinced that I could make it all work. You know, the automation and I spent many, many hours and an ungodly amount of money over the span of two decades in creating, tweaking, assembling and testing, automated software, tools and services. And the result is, I found that on a very rare occasion that it did work and I emphasize very rare. And sure, there are some industries where this human less approach can and does work online. Retail is a great example. Think of Amazon and Spotify, where physical goods are the focus of the transactions. And another thing to point out is that over the years, certain kinds of marketing that used to work say, ten years ago, 15 years ago aren't necessarily working nearly as well today. And what is working today may not work all that fantastically well in the future. And so it's always a ebb and flow. It's always a test and trial and error literally in the marketing realm. But you want to be up to speed and current with what the most current marketing trends, successful marketing trends are so that you can have success in your business. There is one form of marketing though, that has withstood the test of time that worked, you know, ten, 15 years ago that works today. That will work in the future, and we'll get into that here in just a moment. So you don't want to miss that. Very important and very valuable information. But listen, when the rubber meets the road, this is what I found. I found that the most important and most successful strategy in building a business is in doing so by creating, I'm going to say it, actual relationships and look, I was in absolute denial for a very long time, primarily because I just didn't want to have to talk to anyone. And, you know, if you're anything like me, I thought it was too cumbersome and way too time consuming to attempt to build a business just one person at a time instead of, say, blasting out thousands of emails at a time to a lot of recipients.

Brian Kelly:
So I was looking for an efficient way and I was hoping automation would be the the key. And then about, oh, 11 years ago or so, I ran into a gentleman who would ultimately become my mentor. And from him I learned the absolute importance of building personal relationships to help grow a business. And I learned that, yes, it does indeed take time. It does also it does take a lot of work and it does take showing up to seminars and workshops and networking events and and really investing in yourself. And I'm one of the quick fix, though. You know, I wanted the instant gratification. I wanted to build the list and email them and just watch my business explode. And that was what I had hoped. But with my mentor, I learned firsthand the sheer power of relationship building and the importance of maintaining and also nurturing those relationships, especially once they were established. So you never want to give that up or forget about continuing to nurture them. And so I found I began getting clients in my own business and I could see growth was soon to come. And as a solopreneur, I was now faced with yet another problem. And okay, now I've got these clients coming in, but I can only handle so many. At that time. My business, it wasn't scalable and I had no systems by which to grow my business. So there was just simply too much to handle on my own. There was just no way I could do it all myself. There were things like, as an example, building and growing my social media presence on all of the major platforms. You know, we have many, many to choose from now, and I personally hit as many as I possibly can, in addition to scheduling, say, new guest experts for my weekly live show. This very show, the Mind Body business show, took a lot of time in setting everything up for that show. There's a lot of work that goes on in the background, getting ready, preparing for the show, you know, handling all of the post show activities when it's over, you know, such as following up with the past guests who have appeared on this show, who I've interviewed, updating the show website to remove the one that just finished and continue to add new ones as we get more people coming on to say they want to be interviewed and then editing out the audio from the video, like extracting it, separating it, and then uploading that to over 35 podcast platforms to repurpose the show into audio format.

Brian Kelly:
And the list just goes on and on and on. And then on the client building side of things, there were tasks such as adding leads that came in from Facebook ads into my CRM, and that stands for Customer Relationship Management, which many of you are familiar with, which included following up with these potential clients through texts and emails and scheduling strategy session calls. And it just goes on and on and on. So I think you're getting the picture by now. Yes, Yes. And I was in serious, serious need of systems. And what I found was after reading a book by the gentleman you see on the screen, Michael Gerber, one of the things he said in that book was if you don't have systems in your business, then you have no business. And I was like, Ouch. That hit me right between the eyes with truth. Because at that moment I had no systems in my business. And so leaning on my background of software engineering, I started building and piecing together automation sequences and funnels. You've heard that term many times, I'm sure, using a variety of disparate services, and I also needed help from actual humans as well. So it wasn't just setting up these automated sequences. So if we were to talk just about this very show, the Mind body business show, I needed help in managing my social media accounts, in correcting the transcriptions from each of the resulting shows, and I needed at least one sales rep and I needed a lot more. Those are just some examples. And so when it comes to automation, there are choices. There are a lot of choices. As you can see on the screen, there are full blown CRMs, there are website builders, funnel builders, email and text, follow up systems, online schedulers, affiliate systems, shopping carts, and the list goes on and on and on. And over the years I have used many of these aforementioned services, I got to tell you. And now I've seen several that are all in one services with these services that combine all of everything I just said plus additional ones. These are companies who started out specializing, say, in one area, and then they branch out and added other services into a quote unquote, one stop shop model.

Brian Kelly:
And I saw and I used one in particular that started out as a website builder. Then it branched out into including an autoresponder system and then it decided to also add a shopping cart system. Yet another completely different service. All in one started out as a webinar platform. Then they added a website builder, followed by an autoresponder, then a video hosting service, a helpdesk membership site, and back end analytics of all of the above. And it's like, woo hoo! But wait, there's more. And they've added an entire affiliate management service along with a full blown e-commerce system. I mean, this is ridiculous and insane. Now, I'm not going to name any names here, but I've actually tried both of these services that I've mentioned here. They each did a great job of marketing and they were each able to snare me into their diabolical trap because I saw that shiny object. And this was not the first nor second time I had fallen for that all in one shiny object. Now, listen, any one of these services by itself, any one of those functionalities I just talked about like autoresponder website builder, funnel builder, affiliate system, any of those, any one of those by itself is difficult enough to pull off as a service provider. The company that provides it, let alone two, three and even more. And if there's one thing I know from my past as a software engineer, automation in any form, it takes a lot of time and resources to create. And then once it's created, it takes a whole other round of time and resources to really dial it in and to make it into a very high quality product or service because it's never right. The very first time you finished developing it, then, given the fact that these services are all technology driven, there's constant R&D that stands for research and development that needs to go on because technology is always evolving, it's always advancing. And to top it all off, you need a highly skilled team in place to support all of these services. Now, each of these requires its own specialized skill set. In other words, you need an absolute army of software developers, beta testers, support reps and more.

Brian Kelly:
And it's simply too much for even a decent sized company to pull off successfully, let alone a smaller startup company. And many have tried. Several have tried to do it all inclusive, shiny object syndrome. Now, look, we don't have much time, and I do want to get to your free gift, I promise, in the beginning. So I need to step up the pace here a little bit. And I will. So when it came to sifting and sorting the multitude of choices of services available, I began by putting each service through my own filter or criteria, if you will. And so what I did was I came up with a simple list of criteria that each service must meet in order for me to even give it a try to begin with. So each of them must meet a certain set of criteria, like, well, the first and foremost is super obvious, but it must work and it must work very well. So let's take an autoresponder, for example. There are many of these on the market right now. There's MailChimp, a Weber get response, constant contact, active campaign and the list goes on and on and on and autoresponder sends or drips is another word, a series of email messages over time to email addresses. You know the people that it's going to that had been collected through say an opt in form on a website. And the thing is, the emails that are being sent, they actually must arrive at their respective destination without a high percentage being blocked or even landing in the recipients spam folder, which is becoming more and more common these days. It takes a lot of time and knowhow for an autoresponder service or company to get on and stay on respective email service providers whitelist. I'm talking about like Gmail, Yahoo and similar. And so it doesn't take much at all to fall off that white list. And when this happens, then they need a team of highly skilled technicians to jump in and take the necessary steps, and it's advanced to get whitelisted once again. This is just one example of what is required to keep just one service banging on all cylinders. There are many more facets to an autoresponder service, many more.

Brian Kelly:
That's just one small example. And so let's keep moving. So another criteria is it must also be user friendly. So trust me, if you provide a service that's confusing to the end user, that would be you. Then the end user, you won't stick around very long. It just makes sense, right? Because one comes to mind who's very nicknamed contains the word confusion in the spoofed company name of their original name, confusing tools and resources they take time to navigate. And to complete the tasks at hand. And as the saying goes, time is money. And another criteria is that it must have flexible pricing or very affordable pricing depending on the the amount of functionality it provides. So most services I've come across, they already have this as part of their core offering, but there are still a few out there that have you start off with an exorbitant price schedule that are built for larger, more established companies. So it needs to have pricing options that are tailored towards small business owners in addition as part of their offering. And that's another one of the criteria. Yet another is now this one. This is this is really close to being number one in my book, but of course, it must work. These are not actually in any particular order of importance, but stellar support is way up there on my list is that when you need support, there is somebody that's going to respond to you, number one, in a timely manner. And then number two, they're going to solve the issue. How many? I can't tell you how many support services I've gone through for companies like this where I don't hear back for a day or two. And by then I'm like, I figured it out on my own because I've Googled and spent hours and hours and hours trying to figure it out because I needed to get it done or they responded in a timely manner. But then you go back and forth and they just keep basically telling you or parroting back to you what you just told them. The problem was, and they have no clue on how to fix it. And I've been through all of that frustration and I'm sure many, if not all of you watching and listening to this have gone through as well.

Brian Kelly:
So stellar support. The support has to be trained, the staff has to be knowledgeable, and they have to be very responsive, which means that the company has to have enough of them to cover all the time slots during the day. All right. Let's keep moving. And next one is there must be a way to integrate with other services. So any service I look at, I have there's one go to integration tool that I use that is basically the foundation of nearly all of my automations. It's basically the glue that ties everything together. And to find out what it's all about, all you need to do is stay to the end of this presentation, this, this episode, because it's included in my free gift that I'm going to be announcing. There's nothing for sale. This is a this is a podcast. This is not a webinar or anything like that. I just want to give you some great value for a change. And so it's a free, a free gift that's going to save you a ton of time. And trust me, this integration tool I'm talking about is where the true automation magic comes in. It's just an absolute godsend to have. All right. And so with automation, what you want is a way to create comprehensive automation sequences that will take on tasks that are repeatable. And so why is that important? Because this will free up your Vas and your employees from doing those repetitive and mundane tasks day in and day out. And and then you can instead task them with other tasks that truly exercise and grow their skill sets. So these are things that make your team members happy when you are taking away those very laborious, very repetitive, very, you know, doesn't, you know, if you can follow instructions, you can make this work kind of task after a while, not very long your your team members will get bored. They will get tired of doing the same thing over and over and over, trading time for dollars without really growing. Now, when you automate those kind of tasks, you're not taking their jobs, you're elevating them into a better position to give them more challenging tasks that they want.

Brian Kelly:
Every single person I've ever met wants a challenge. They want to grow. They want to feel that they're part of advancing that company, that system, that that widget, whatever it happens to be. So in this way, you're giving them a piece of the company because they feel like they have ownership of a particular thing being improved because of their creative mind, because of their creative genius, not because they just sat down and did repetitive tasks that any, any person could do with any skill set whatsoever. So that is what I'm talking about there. And so from an automation standpoint, there is one tool that really stands out that I use now every single day, and it's responsible for literally running well over 85% of my automation sequences. And that tool is called Peak Connector. And yes, it will be included in the free gift that you're going to be getting as well. But go ahead and take notes if you so desire. The number of usable features that are offered by Peak Connector. It's unlike any previous service I've ever used, and I'm telling you, I haven't used them all. I have used a lot, and I'm a software engineer. By trade, so I know what to look for. I know when I see something that works and I know when it's a comprehensive, high quality, well supported, all the criteria are met kind of service or tool. And so this connector allows for automation in ways I had never seen before. In fact, because of its additional advanced features, I've actually developed a proven hack that will increase your email views, your deliverable deliverability and views by upwards of 50% as just an example. And studies have shown that emails being sent to opt in subscribers, that means these are people who have said, you know, they've entered their name and their email address and said, I want you to send me email. They're telling you by entering their information into your form, they want to hear from you. And now studies are showing that those emails are only now being seen by about 55%, who literally reached out and asked you for the information. Only 55%. Some never see them due to poor email deliverability by the service itself, because maybe it's not a mature service yet and it takes time for their rankings to go up.

Brian Kelly:
And I'm using layman's terms here and and some others. The rest can land in the recipients respective spam folder. That's been huge lately. More and more going to spam even though they're not. They requested the information your autoresponder sent it to them per their request. That by definition is not spam. They asked for it, but spam is used for everything these days. That term has been so overly used and that that could be also though due to the email service provider, the auto responder service, it could be due to their poor ongoing management of keeping their various service off of these blacklists. So once they get on a blacklist, it's difficult to get them off. It takes time, but once and if they're on there, everyone that's using that service, that's subscribing to them, any of the auto responder services out there, active campaign. I'm not I'm not singling any out saying they're bad get response A Weber MailChimp all those if they were just starting out then odds are they're hitting blacklist getting on blacklist more often until they mature and there are very advanced ways to get your emails delivered sooner. But I'm not going to go through that here. But just say a lot of this happens because of poor management, because you might have, again, an immature auto responder company. So look, here's the thing and this is it. No matter how great the service provider, there will always be some percentage of emails that just simply don't get seen. And by using just one of connectors advanced features, I have seen a dramatic increase in email opens and I'd love to share this technique as well as many more with you directly and we'll get to that in a little bit. And so as I mentioned before, I use a collection of handpicked proven services to manage and to create automations that that literally streamline and systematize my business. And I'd like to give you that free gift. It's a collection of all the tools and resources that we use at my company. Reach Your Peak to create automations that result in freeing up an immense amount of time. And I'm not talking about just my time. It's the time of my Vas, my team.

Brian Kelly:
They now have time to spend on more advanced, more skill driven type tasks that make them happier and that get my company moving farther forward faster. And to put that more into perspective as far as the importance of automation and and their sheer value after being on the receiving end of one of our most comprehensive automations, a recent client of mine, he said that he thought and he he's a very astute businessman, so he had a keen sense into this. He said he thought that I had a team of four people that were handling everything for us in the back end. And at that time, the truth is there was only one. And you might have guessed that that one was just yours truly didn't have a team yet. I had automation running. He saw it and said, This easily is four people running this in the background. And so I knew, you know, I already knew intellectually that it was saving me a ton of time and anguish. It was also very reassuring and affirming to hear it from an astute businessman that it looked like to him the amount of effort he saw on his end. There was more going on than he actually saw because there were internal messaging going on to me personally to remind me of things. But that told me a lot. So the automation is. Supremely valuable. In fact, I do put on a live advanced video master class 100% free, nothing for sale. And I talk about that in more depth about and actually break down some of the numbers on how automation can save you an immense amount of time and immense amount of money. And so the price that you're paying for the automation services pales in comparison to the amount you would either pay yourself for the time you have to do it on your own or a team, which you would more than likely need a team rather than just one person. But that's the deal there. So that is you can go to let's see, it's peak Masterclass.com. Peak Masterclass.com just register. It's coming up soon. As as I'm doing this live at this moment, you will see this coming up very, very soon in the coming weeks.

Brian Kelly:
So be sure to register for that 100% free. And if you can't make it live, replays were made available, all the good stuff because again, nothing's for sale. So not trying to hide anything by not having replays run. So. All right. So with all this automation and what this gentleman had just witnessed and received, that happened more often, more and more often as I went through with my show, I was constantly being told by my guest experts, those are the people who I interviewed on that live show, on this very live show. They kept telling me just how organized and professional I was. And I always got a chuckle out of that because I got to tell you, I personally, I'm definitely not all that organized, truth be told. But the thing is, is when you present yourself and your brand and your organization in in such a way that it looks and it acts professional, then what happens is you just get more business. That's just the bottom line. And so one other such past guest expert, her name is Brita, Birgitta Hoover. And she had experienced all this magic from her end as well, just like the gentleman before. She recently coined me as the automation master. That's why you see this on the screen. If you're watching this live or recorded video, either one. And the thing is, I kind of liked it, so I'm going to I said, I think I'll go with that. I'm going to keep putting that up and out there. And so many of the guests, just like Birgitta, they would ask me right after our show together time and time again, they would say, Brian, could you please show me how to do what you do? And after person after person after person asked, I finally buckled and I decided to create a very comprehensive Done for You program. And it's called Total Broadcast Blueprint. It's all about doing live video shows, and it has been over two years in the making and it's finally completed. And we do we are serving clients in that area, and it's a service where my company serves business owners who have the money, but maybe not necessarily the time to produce their live video, say, podcast show, and we do everything for them from A to Z, so it makes it so that they can just show up and they click the go live button and they do the scene switching that during show, which is very simple to do, and we provide full training.

Brian Kelly:
But everything that happens before the show and there's a lot we handle that all the graphic creation, the thumbnails, the outreach to the guests that are coming up on the show, putting up their bio, building the web page, adding that guest to the site. There is so much that goes into it. I'm just barely scratching the surface, ensuring they're going to get the timely messages as the date draws near. A lot of that's handled in my automation sequences. And then during the show they get to just show up and they click go live. They don't have to worry about any of that happening in the beginning. They come in, the guests already has the link. They know where to go, they know what to do because they were told by my automated system and with assistance of my team to get ready for the show. And then after the show is over, they're done. They can relax. They don't have to worry about repurposing. They don't have to worry about editing the show to take off the countdown timer on the front to take off the silence on the back, the amount of silence time in the back and and then repurpose it, extract the audio so we can upload it to 35 podcast platforms to then upload it to another service and, and create video short reels like 15 to 20 shorts and then schedule those on social media. All of this is being done for them, 100% for them by my company. And so when they're done, they're done and they can just concentrate, go back to their business, work on their business instead of in it. And then when it's time for their next show, typically every week they come back and they do the same thing. They just say, I see who's coming on. They have their own show website, they can see the bio, they know who's coming on, and they can they can do some research, which we recommend. You don't have to put a ton of time into it to. More research. There are links to their Facebook and their website on the website and everything's there. And so we just make it super simple because I've been through it myself and it is not super straightforward, simple thing to run a show.

Brian Kelly:
In fact, I did this years ago and I did it all manually, no automation whatsoever, and I burnt out and there were two of us that did this myself and a business partner. And so I had to I had to bow, I had to step back, I had to step down. And I hated doing it. I didn't want to. But I you know, it was a disappointment to my partner. But I was burning out and was just because it was too much effort because that's the thing is if if the show couldn't be of the highest quality possible with the resources available at the time, this was some many years ago, actually. But if I couldn't make it as high quality as it possibly could be, then I didn't want to be a part of it and it just became too laborious to do all this without automation and without a team, in all honesty. So I backed out and after after about two years, we ran for two years. And it was it became a grind. It was fun in the beginning. And then it just was an absolute lot of work. And again, go to the Masterclass Peak Masterclass.com Register for free. I'll cover that in a little bit more detail. You get a good idea of what it takes to run a high quality top shelf live video production. And and the cool thing is when you have that in place, when you're doing high quality top shelf, then people will recognize that people that you talk to that are prospective clients when they go to research you, which they all will, which, you know, you do that too. They will. Number one, they cannot not find you because we make sure you're everywhere. We spread your your message all over the place, different 8 to 10 social media platforms and that's live. And then the repurposing that I mentioned, they cannot not find you. But then the important thing is, is when they do find you, it will be associated with top notch, high quality. They'll see the video quality. They'll see the the graphics in between the scene switching and everything that goes on and the sound quality, the camera quality, video quality, all of it because of our help and assistance and training and coaching.

Brian Kelly:
And they're going to see that and they're going to go, Well, if they had any resistance or hesitation about doing business with you for whatever it is you offer before, they will have zero after they see all of this. Because why they're going to say, well, my gosh, if if this person if if, if the host of that show, if that person I want to do business with, if they put that kind of intense effort into making such a high quality production on their show, I can only imagine how they will treat me personally when I become their client. And that's how the magic happens. All right. Let's keep moving. Oh, yes. So here we are. We're at the free gift time. So we're going to be finishing very early this evening. A little treat for you, a shorter version, you know, and let's see what we got going on. Yeah. So for those of you watching live, I'm going to throw in an added gift, an addition to this one. How's that? So what I'm going to do, you need to stay on to the very end. But what I'm going to do is I'm going to throw up a quick ad spot. When I'm done with this, just watch it. Hang tight. It's only a couple of minutes in length. When it's over, stick around and I'll give you a way to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. Again, compliments of my company, Reach your peak. I just love giving gifts away. Nothing for sale in any of this. So just stay with us. All right. And so here is a comprehensive list of proven automation tools and resources. So the free gift you see here, it's coming up, is a collection of the very tools and resources that are utilized in my comprehensive top shelf live video show production service known once again as Total Broadcast Blueprint. You see that on the screen. And the reason I say all this is to emphasize the sheer value of this free gift. This is a proven suite of resources that we use on a daily basis Myself, my team, we use it every single day.

Brian Kelly:
Many of the resources you'll see there, we've tested and tried again, many of these resources over the years. Like I said in the beginning, you know, I spent the time and I spent the money so that you don't have to and you can use this list and go to it and know that these are proven automated resources that you can hit the ground and run right away with. So what you'll see in this list, it can end up saving you literally months of time and thousands and thousands of dollars in hiring Vas to do all this work manually, the repetitive work and in going about finding these resources by trial and error, it'll save you from doing that too. So go ahead, head on over to report. I'm forward slash automation and what I'm going to do is I'm going to. Attempt to drop that in the comments here. Just hang tight with me for just one moment and we're going to throw that out and make sure you can just click on it right there. And that is a 100% free gift, nothing for sale. You're going to get emailed one email back that's going to have the list of all the resources along with links that you just click to go check them out and see which ones are a fit for you and your business. So that is now going out to the various platforms through a link. So go ahead and click on that if you see it and stick with us. And so don't go anywhere because I just decided to add this additional gift to tonight. I normally don't do that for a presentation like this, an episode, but I do want to give that out. So it's for you that are watching live only. And with that, I want to say, um, well, we're not. We got one thing to do. I was just about to wrap it up and I even forgot. Thankfully, I had this to guide me. So started out this thing by saying, Well, which is better? Is it is it automation or is it personal connections? Which is better for your business? So you're probably wondering, you know, Brian, you haven't really answered the question that started this entire episode.

Brian Kelly:
And yeah, I promised you in the beginning that I'd provide the answer and, and I'm a man that keeps my promises. And thankfully, this slide for those of you watching cued me to do just that. All right. You ready for the answer? Get that drum roll ready. So when we talk about automation versus personal connections and which is best, the real answer is you probably guessed it by now. The real answer is actually both. You see, we need to establish and nurture personal relationships to build our client base and to reach out to them for referrals, to form joint venture partnerships and expand our connection base and things like that. And then we need automation in order to scale and systematize. You cannot scale rapidly if you're continually hiring and training new people, human beings, to do these repetitive, mundane tasks, rather just plug in an automated system, have it built or build it yourself and have your team do it. But once it's built, it's now there to run over and over and over and repeat and repeat and repeat those mundane tasks. And it does it with much greater high quality. There's no human error, no human induced error when you have automation in place. That's what I learned from my background of being a software engineer is that once you've written the software in my case and once it's running and you've tested it and you've got it working and the bugs ironed out, it never makes mistakes. You know, the only mistakes come from external sources, like the Internet drops out or things like that. And so just wanted to. Yeah. Put the book end on this to say they are both equally as important personal connections and automation for the reasons just specified. So I wanted to thank you for watching and listening and I hope you received a lot of value here today. Now don't go anywhere. Don't go anywhere because I'm going to throw up a quick ad spot and as a thank you for just hanging tight, right after that, I will bring up the exact way you can enter to win everyone, you must be watching live to enter to win. And you will see it here in just a moment.

Brian Kelly:
But stick with me and don't go anywhere and I'll see you on the other side of this quick ad spot. All right. We'll be right back. Hey, if you're watching the Mind Body business show live right now, then you will have the ability to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort of your choosing. Compliments of the big insider secrets. What is it? It is a five minute vacation stay to one of many destinations across the world. You can see as we go through this very quickly, there's some in Branson and Daytona Beach. These are in the United States, all over the United States, New Orleans, San Diego. There's also Mexico. There's also the UK. I mean, it just keeps going on and on and on. Australia. At the end of this show, you will be given the ability to enter, to win. You must be watching this live. If you're not watching live, then head on over to the mind body business show.com and register to receive automated notifications when we go live next time. And you can also participate in this incredible, incredible prize. So come on live and you do not want to miss a moment because of our incredible guest experts. And if you're struggling with putting a live show together and it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and connect with great people and grow your business all at the same time. Then write this down carpet bomb Marketing.com then head on over to it after the conclusion of tonight's show. Carpet Bomb Marketing. Saturate the marketplace with your message and to get a free lifetime membership to a phenomenal resource called the Reacher Club. Your free membership will include instant access to deep discounts on major software services and top shelf training courses that you need to run your successful business. Think of it as your entrepreneur Discount house. Catapult your business to the next level. Sign up for free now and get a hotel discount card worth $200 just for joining. Then go and grab your deep discount. So write this down and then after the show, once again, head on over to reach your peak Club.com.

Brian Kelly:
All right. Now let's get back to the show. Yes, indeedy. Let's get back to the show. So I promised that if you stuck it out through that little ad spot that I would show you how you can win that five night stay at a five star luxury resort. Compliments of Reach Your Peak. My company sponsoring that here. I'm going to put it up on the screen. So you'll want to write this down. And then once we sign off, go ahead and enter. To win. We will still be monitoring for entries. So don't worry, you don't have to do it this second. I don't want you to click away and and miss the the final close of the show. So here we go. I'm going to put it up on the screen again. You must be watching this live in order to to enter to win. So we'll know based on the time that we see these entries come in. I've seen them come in long after the live is over and it's like, nope, sorry. All right. So for those of you watching right now live, this is for you. We're going to put it up on the screen. Write this down. You want to go to Rhipidium, forward slash vacation, all lowercase, as you see there on the screen. Report forward, slash vacation. Enter your information there to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. Various locations all over the world. It's a phenomenal, phenomenal prize. You do not want to miss that. And let's get back to our regularly scheduled program. And yes, thank you for coming on. And don't forget, this is the gift, the main gift that we started with. You want to be sure to head on over to report forward slash automation for your free list of resources, hundred percent free. And again, you're going to save a ton of time and money by not trying to not trying to figure it out yourself, not having to figure it out yourself, because we already did that work so you didn't have to. So I appreciate you very, very much. Thank you for coming on.

Brian Kelly:
I hope you got value from this. And we will see you again next time on the Mind Body business Show. Until that time, please do two things and continue to do these two things repeatedly. One is please continue to go out and crush it in your business and serve more people. Because without you, without entrepreneurs, the world would not be a great place at all. So keep doing what you're doing. That's number one. Number two, above all, above and beyond all. Please be blessed. All right. That's it for tonight's show. I am Brian Kelly, the host of the Mind Body Business show Until we meet again next time. Take care, everyone. So long for now. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at the www.TheMindBodyBusinessShow.com. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Brian Kelly

Brian Kelly is a Professional Speaker, Business Automation Expert, international best-selling co-author, and founder of Reach Your Peak – The Entrepreneur Training Company. Brian serves entrepreneurs who have the money, but not the time to produce their Live Video Podcast shows from A to Z.

On this episode of The Mind Body Business Show:

Automation or Personal Relationships? Which is more effective when it comes to marketing?

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