Special Guest Expert - Brigitta Hoeferle

Special Guest Expert - Brigitta Hoeferle: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Brigitta Hoeferle: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Welcome to the MIND BODY BUSINESS Show! The 3 keys to your success is just moments away. Here's your host Brian Kelly.

Brian Kelly:
Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to the MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. Hey how are you doing, I'm your host Brian Kelly. And we have an absolute phenomenal Guest Expert on the show tonight. I cannot wait for you to meet her because she is amazing. She's doing amazing things, changing lives and making a huge impact on our world. So, without further ado let's jump right in, shall we? The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. What is that all about? For those of you that may not know or have not seen the show before, it's all about those (signs 3) 3 key elements. The MIND, that's the mind set which hopefully we will dig deep into tonight. Hint hint wink wink to my Guest Expert. That is mindset. And by mindset what I'm talking about is not just at the conscious level but also, and also at the subconscious level. And one way to tap into that is through a proven amazing science called NLP or neurolinguistics programming. And my guest is an expert at that as you will find out tonight, and I cannot wait to dig into that. And then it's also about the body. What does that mean? Well it's about taking care of yourself. It's about eating the proper nutrition AND getting in the exercise your body wants and deserves, so that you can be operating at what I call a level of "peak performance." And I like to say it's like this, the mind and body are a team. They're your team. More importantly. And so, think about a team that's playing a sport. Basketball is going right now. Let's use that. There are 5 players on the court. One of those players decided during the off season prior to, "I don't need to get in shape, I'll be in good enough shape when when the season starts." And doesn't really take care of himself or herself, and then the season starts and they play the first game. All the other 4 that are playing on the court are at their prime there. I mean, their optimal peak performance levels both mentally and physically. But this one (signals number one) decided "Nah, I don't need to do that." Well, he's going to suffer. And as a result, do you think the team as a whole will suffer? Absolutely! No doubt about it. And the same thing with you and your mind and body. So, if you have mastered mindset at the subconscious level AND you have mastered taking care of your body, then you are operating at a peak level of performance. If not, then let's see what there is to work on and let's tackle that. And so we address these topics through these shows each and every week here. And then there's business. That comes to sales, marketing, team building. Systematizing Your Business. When you combine all 3 you have what I like to refer to as the "tripod." You know you have 3 legs (signals 3). Let's say you have a tripod holding up a camera and you take one of those legs and you knock it away. What happens to that camera? What happens to that tripod? It all comes tumbling down doesn't it? So, we need to have all 3 (signals 3) areas operating at a peak level of performance. And this is what I found over the course of my life, are the patterns that kept bubbling to the surface time and time again. Each and every time I would talk to someone who had a success at a level that I desire. These 3 elements (signals 3) were always KEY to their reaching, maintaining, and even surpassing their current levels. It's all about mind, body, business. Let's, let's, let's just hit the basic shall we. I'd like to make it more difficult for ya but this is what we've got right. Very basic. And there was a time, several years ago it's been quite some time now. I was talking to a mentor, and we talk about mentors and coaches on this show a lot. Very important. And I was in his corner office, a multimillionaire. Big, massive, beautiful office. And at one point he looked at me, we were having a discussion. He looked at me and says, "Brian, if people only knew. If they just did this (signals one) one thing. If they just did this one thing, they would all become super rich." and then he paused and I'm like, "Let's hear it. What is? What? What is it? Come on, bring it on! Bring it home." And he said, "Well, it's like this." And he turned away and he walked back toward his other wall (points behind him). I'm sitting on his couch, a couch in an office. And he walks toward this large cabinet, double door, floor to ceiling. He goes to the cabinet, grabs both handles, and opens it up (acting out scene). And then looks back at me. And what was inside of that was very similar to what you see behind me (points behind him). Is book shelf after shelf of books after books. They were about business, about marketing, sales, personal development, about mindset. "Think and Grow Rich." I mean, everything you can imagine that many of you have already heard of and or read, was in that, that bookshelf. And I remember thinking at that moment "It can't be true." I mean... they're just books. There's no like, course. There's no study program, I don't have to take tests, I don't have a mentor holding me. I didn't realize that those books, therein lied many mentors. And I made a mistake at that, that moment. And I just kind of sloughed it off. I said, "Meh. That's not going to do it. There's no skin in the game. I can get a book in the library. Why would that...You know, why would that result in my getting rich?" Then, thankfully thankfully many years later I had another mentor who basically said the same thing. His word was more along the line of success than getting rich. Same connotation though, so he said, "Yeah, reading. I do it all the time." And one of the differences was with him, not that the other one didn't but, with him I spent much more time with and I got to see firsthand. He would walk around with his headset on. And I said, "What are you doing?" He said, "I'm listening to a book." It's like, what? You're listening to a book? "Wait, tell me how that works." And so he said, "Yeah you can do it on this app called Audible." I said, "Really?! I have to give that a shot." And so I started listening to books and found that I much prefer the auditory sensation. We'll talk about that maybe a little later, Brigitta, who is our guest, who's sitting in the wings right now. And I really retained and absorbed information much better on an auditory level by listening than by reading. In fact, reading... If I look at a book and I open it, and my eyes scan the page (mimics reading a book). Even if it's a physical book or Kindle Online, I start getting sleepy. It fatigues me just to read. And so, listening is very relaxing and I really absorb the information. And the beautiful thing is with Audible as you're listening at any time you want that...on the screen there's a little symbol there and you can tap it and it actually stores a bookmark, a location in that audio presentation of the book that you can then go back to, anytime you want. I thought "This is brilliant!" Because now I don't have to re-listen to an entire 2, 3, 8, hour book depending on the size. I can just go back and hit those bookmarks for those highlights. And so, what I like to do on every show is play exactly one of those bookmarks on a session. I appropriately call, you guessed it, "Bookmarks."

Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready, steady, read! Bookmarks. Brought to you by ReachYourPeakLibrary.com

Brian Kelly:
Yes ReachYourPeakLibrary.com (begins slideshow) And by the way for those of you watching, either live or recording, or listening, please stick with us and just take notes. Don't go running off. And we're going to share with you some resources during the course of this evening. And it's important for you to stay with this show especially, especially when we bring on Brigitta. I cannot wait. Cannot wait! And just so you know, it's coming very very soon. So, ReachYourPeakLibrary.com is a web site I put together, as a result of listening to all these books. And by the way there's the entire story of that gentleman (referring to video on screen) the CEO in the corner office. I just recorded video and I wrote the whole thing out. I didn't want to go through the whole thing here tonight. But you see, in this list are book after book after book of books that I personally have read. And they're not just books I've read. They've also are books that had an impact on me when I read them. So not every book I've read is in this list, did not make the grade. And there are many many others. There are several in here that are actually my mentors, personally that I know, and others that I consider a mentor kind of virtually. Some of them are no longer with us but some of their teachings have just been long lasting throughout my life. And so life goes on and on and on. So what we're going to do is select one specific bookmark by a gentleman that I know our Guest Expert knows all about, and that is Richard Bandler. One of the cofounders of this amazing science called NLP, or neurolinguistic programming for short. It will do nothing but change your life forever. That's all. That's all. And so, this is a quick snippet. It's about a minute in length. So, go ahead and take out your notepad and your pen if you haven't already, and take notes on this quick snippet from Richard Bandler in "Get the Life You Want." Here we go.

Richard Bandler:
Getting on and getting back on, exercise. 1. Think of something you want to be motivated and disciplined to do. For example, going on and sticking to a diet. 2. Think of how much you want to be healthy and fit and develop your ideal body by dieting. Really imagine it in vivid detail until you feel really motivated and determined to go on this diet. Amplify the feeling by spinning it faster. 3. Imagine yourself going on the diet as you spin this feeling. Then, imagine yourself falling off it at some point in the future and spin the feeling faster as you imagine yourself getting straight back on. 4. Imagine being on the diet and falling off. And then bring the feeling of determination back again and spin it as you imagine going straight back on the diet again. (recording ends)

Brian Kelly:
I just love that section because it hits two (signals 2) primary areas and that's the mindset AND body. I was like, "This is gold!" That was just phenomenal. And the thing is, that was actual one of the techniques used in NLP. Where they spin the emotion and it's an amazing, powerful, powerful technique. And I have to tell you, if, if there's anything you do in your life. All of you listening and watching is...if you've never heard of NLP if you've never experienced it then reach out to our Guest Expert Brigitta when this is over, and we'll give you the contact information because it is life transforming work. I kid you not. And I didn't learn this until roughly 8 years ago. And it literally... and I'm not a, I'm not a dramatic guy. It literally changed my life forever for the better. And I am absolutely blessed to have come across this path. With that, a perfect segue. It is time to bring on the one and only Guest Expert via our Guest Expert Spotlight.

It's time for the Guest Expert Spotlight. Savvy Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big-league. Qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there she is ladies and gentlemen! (points to the left screen enthusiastically) (Brigitta waves hello to the camera). It is Brigitta Hoeferle. And she is on The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. Real quick, I want to do a quick introduction and then we'll jump right in and get some great insight and value, and questions answered from Brigitta. Brigitta is a German immigrant living in... living the American dream. She is the owner and founder of the Hoeferle, I'm getting better at that, Group. And creator of the "4-Dimensional Communication Diamond" that's Trademarked. She is known as the fastest tracked female trainer and retired lead coach of the world's largest self-development company. She was born and raised in Germany and resides in the U.S. with her two wonderfully independent daughters, and her husband the renowned "Culture Guy." Brigitta is an award-winning founder of the German Language School of Cleveland and the Montessori School of Cleveland. Brigitta has always given credit for her success to her unique communication and listening skills. Her tenacity and her never-ending desire to take something from good to outrageously great. I love that line. Today she is the co-owner of the NLP Center of Atlanta. Hope you're taking notes right now. A certified and licensed trainer as well with "Bankcode," phenomenal system. And she has built coaching programs for large international organizations. I'm going to stop there, there's more because I want to bring this wonderful, beautiful lady onto your screen which, she's on there now. I want to hear her voice but right before we do I apologize, one more thing. For those of you watching. Be sure. Be sure to stay on all the way to the end of the live show because at that time I will reveal how you can enter to win a 5-night (signals 5) vacation stay at a 5-star resort in beautiful Mexico. With that, at last I want to say Brigitta, welcome to the show! How are you doing?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Thank you so much for having me! Finally I get to say something. Good Lord, it's hard for me to stay still. (laughs).

Brian Kelly:
I know, right? (laughs)

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Thank you so much Brian for having me on. I've been waiting for this day ever since we talked last. To bring what I can bring to your network, to my network and make it a bigger network.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. I love it. To spread the word. Now that, the bio I just read was obviously your bio, you wrote it. And it's a very great bio, I love it. What I want to do is give the audience a little bit deeper knowledge of you and what makes you tick. So, something like...all of us. We wake up in the morning, at least we hope we do every morning and- but then it's time to get out of bed. So what drives you, Brigitta? What is the driving force that literally lifts you up out of the bed with vigor, with energy, and can't wait to take on the day? And then if you don't mind let us know what you're actually up to these days.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Ok. Well, there are many questions in that. So, what drives me? What gets me out of bed? Well, there's a great thing called the alarm clock, that really gets me out of bed (Brian laughs) and I need it. However, I love getting out of bed and there are many, many things that I have going on in the morning. I have two wonderful daughters. They both go to school here in Atlanta, I homeschooled them. My husband and I homeschooled them for a number of years. Before that, they went to our Montessori school and it is...what really drives me is to make a difference in... Well first of all, in my own children's lives, in my own life, and my family's life. But really, in everyone that I can get in touch with. You know, either physically in touch with or verbally in touch with. I think there's so much out there. That's why I built my Montessori school. When we choose to... chose to move from Germany to the United States in 2004. That was my first big desire to really make a difference. I was very successful in corporate America and started having this idea of building a Montessori school because I knew I hated school. I hated reading! Ask my mom (laughs) she said she had the hardest time to get me to read and now I love reading. I cannot get enough of books, just like you. I need to read all of these books and I'm a big fan of Blinkist, and I thought, "Man if I get Blinkist which is only summaries, then I'll never read another book fully." But actually, the other, the other thing happened that now I read all the summaries of these books and now I want to read the entire book, right. So, the exact opposite happened. But, why? Why do I do what I do? And I'm going to get just really blunt, with one verbal. That's who I am, and I'm just going to give you the raw Brigitta. I grew up with a family that was loving but, yet I heard a lot, "What the hell is wrong with you?" And I grew up with trying to find out, "What is wrong with me?" until I figured out. Wait a minute, there's nothing wrong with me. There's everything right with me, and the children that are growing up hearing "What is wrong with you." Those are the ones that I really felt for, from a very young age on. And I decided to work with children and then also with adults when I was very very young. And I saw an advertisement on TV when when I was a little girl in Germany. When I did my Montessori training, I'm a teacher by trade and marketing degree and a teaching degree. And I did my Montessori 3-year degree on top of that. I wanted to know more. There's this great...Montessori is a great methodology, for the ones that are listening and don't know what Montessori is. Look it up, I'm not going to go into it right now. It's a very one on one wonderful learning methodology and I wish I would have had that. So, I decided my children are going to have that. And that's...that's you know, as an entrepreneur that's where my entire business idea came from of having a Montessori school for my children. We now have a very successful business in Cleveland and I have someone else is running it. I own some shares in it. I am out of the day to day operations. Because I found over the years as I was coaching parents. The children are actually really good, it's the adults around the children that kind of screw the children up, right? The teachers, the parents, (counting fingers) because they don't know better, not because they're trying...they're intentionally trying to harm the children but they just don't know better. And they have a mindset that might not be supportive to them or to their children. So, I worked a lot with parents and coached parents. And that's where the largest self-development company in the world found me, kind of scouted me, and put me on stage. And that's where I am today because I started reading, because I really got to the bottom of my, why. I saw one of the books was Simon Sinek's book, "Start with Why." That's where I come from. That's really what drives me. And mine...One of my mentors and I'm pretty sure we're going to talk about this later, Brian. I have several mentors. I have several coaches. One of my mentors said, "Look. If you are not growing (and for me growing is reading, is continuing to be on the journey of going from good to outrageously great.) If you're not growing, you're dying." And I believe in that, then I model that to everyone else that is around me. Everyone else that I physically touch or verbally touch.

Brian Kelly:
So true, so true. If you're not growing, then you're dying. It's so true. You know, we can talk a lot about getting out of your comfort zone and that's when you're going to understand. You know, knowing when you are at those growth periods. And there's one thing you know, Brigitta. Honestly, I don't know you hardly at all but I feel like I've known you for a long time. After our one chat some time ago now, I thought, " Man, there's something about this young lady." You're so vibrant, you're so full of energy you are so positive, you have a phenomenal sense of humor. I just love that! And so, that's not always super simple for everyone to maintain that. And I was curious for you when it comes to maintaining that positive, productive, and successful mindset on a consistent basis. What do you do, personally? On a regular basis to sustain that?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Well first of all going back to my family, and that's I think, that's where the problem lies. When I was a kid I was just, so high energy and so high strung that it was hard for my parents or my sisters to kind of keep me contained. But I'm not someone that you can keep contain. So, how do I maintain that? Well, it's really simple. All you need to do is feed this girl (Brian laughs) and you know she'll- I say I'm like the Energizer Bunny that runs on solar. I need the sun, right. That's why we moved away from Germany. I couldn't take the two days of summer anymore. It was hard (laughs). And now we live in Atlanta. And when we move...we moved from mid-town Unik, a large large city in Germany. My husband and I, and our little girl back then to a small, small town in Tennessee.

Brian Kelly:

Brigitta Hoeferle:
We found out once we moved there that it was a dry county at the time. And my husband wanted to get some beer. I mean hello. You know, he's from Bavaria, I'm from the Swabian area in Germany. (Brian laughs). He came back and he said, "What the hell. No beer, no nothing. When you drive over to the next county to get anything." (Brian and Brigitta laugh). So anyway, that was a rabbit hole that I just went into. (Brian laughs). Yeah! I need the sun. That's, that's, that's what I need. I need the sun. I cannot be tied down. Someone said you know, "We want to hire you. You work for our organization." I'm like, "No I'm sorry I cannot be hired." I used to work in corporate America and became very successful, and created a lot of success strategies there. At least the foundation or somewhat the foundation of it, but I cannot be hired. I cannot be contained. I need to move, I need to travel, I need to broaden my horizons in all sorts of ways. And I love to work out! Like, it is Eastern time now here. What is it...8:54. Before we went onto to the segment here today, I went to my personal coach and we had a training session. The entire family went. And big shout out to Mayday. He's an incredible, incredible coach and trainer.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, phenomenal. I was going to bring that up and ask you. Now I know how important physical fitness is to you. (Brigitta nods). And that's cool, that so awesome that you brought... So, you brought the entire family?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Yeah! We always go workout together.

Brian Kelly:
Oh that is amazing! So, you're setting some incredible habits for your daughters and probably your husband as well. That's phenomenal. So you can continue on because yeah, you look very vibrant. You're very slim and trim and you look like you're in shape. You just have that look and there's obvious reasons why. Tt's not easy for everyone to stay in impeccable shape. You know, it's not for some there's struggles.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
However... (Brigitta raises hand)

Brian Kelly:

Brigitta Hoeferle:

Brian Kelly:

Brigitta Hoeferle:
It wasn't always that way. I was an obese adolescent. I wasn't...I was an overweight teenager. And when I was 17...16 I decided no more. I got bullied. Kids made fun of me. I wore glasses, you know. I said, "No more of that. I'm done." And we lived in a small village where there were vineyards. So, I started walking the vineyards up and down. I start with five minutes walking up and down. And I made a conscious decision that what other people are calling me and telling me does not have to be my reality. And that was the first time I actually went to the bookstore and bought me a book. And my first book was, oh my god you're going to get a kick out of this. "Emotional Quotient, Emotional Intelligence." And I remember crying over the book and while I was reading it, and going, "Oh my god there...there are other people like me out there."

Brian Kelly:
Yes, yeah. It's amazing that you brought that up. It just reminded me, my son had a very similar journey. And around that same age, maybe a little bit sooner. He began working out and it has become a part of his life. And he gets upset if the plans that we had as a family would get in the way of him going to work out. You know, "I was going to go work out at that time mom or dad" (mimics son's voice) and you know, and I loved that. I'm never going to be upset with that. And he inspired me, literally. There was a breaking point in my life where I walked in the door and I'm not going to tell the whole story, but I walked in the door after going through a long period of very unhealthy habits: working too long, too late, drinking instead of working out because it was quicker to relax that way. And it just gradually really escalated. And I came home one day and there he was standing in our living room, right as I open the door in his tank top and shorts. I knew what he was doing but I said, "Hey why what are you up to?" He says, "I'm working out dad." And I said, "That's it." In my head. That was it. Snap (snaps fingers). I'm back. No more. No more of this ridiculous, crazy, stupid stuff I'm doing. So, I had to make some tough decisions and move on but that's another story for another day. They were the best decisions I made of my life to that point. And so, I can relate to that a lot Brigitta so, I appreciate you. That's one thing...Here's another pattern I see of successful entrepreneurs, including yourself and that is the one of being willing to be transparent. And the more transparent...And we're not talking about getting into the real, real personal stuff here. But the more transparent one can be about their past, about maybe some mistakes or failures that they've made, the better. And on that note, we all, we all make mistakes. Yes? Along the way. I mean, unless Brigitta, you've figured out how to be perfect. I mean, you're probably closer to it than I am but the thing is, with entrepreneurialism, what we've learned or what we do learn to become more successful is to make more mistakes. Make them faster and move forward faster. Learn from them and move on. So, on that note. Do any of them...do any mistakes stand out? What have been some of your mistakes that stand out? And what have you learned from them? Because, a mistake is nothing unless we learn something from it, right?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Right. Yeah absolutely. My God. Which one am I going to choose? Because there's so many. I think one of my...and it wasn't a big mistake, but it was an ongoing mistake that I made. Right when I came- Again I'll be very open and vulnerable. When I came from Germany to the states to start a Montessori school, I hired teachers. And you know, being in a very German way I laid down the law. This is how it's going to happen, in a small town in Tennessee. And people told me, "Well you know, everything's a little laid back around here." Well, no but not in my business because we're going to do it by the book and we're going to do it by my strategy and by my system. And I bulldozed over a lot of people. I really did. And I'm sorry today that I did that. And that...it took time. It took time that I realized I burned bridges. It took time that I realized, "Well it's not just my way or the highway." There are different people doing it in different ways and their way doesn't have to be worse than my way. It's just different. And it took... it took some time. It took some- I had a lot of turnover in teachers in the beginning. There were some cultural differences that I didn't realize. And I was actually my husband's first client (laughs) when he developed the culture mastery. And he said, "Look. This is not how it's going to work. You can't just come in and tell them that it's going to be done the German way. You've got to adapt. Not the other way around." And how often is that? That we go into a conversation that we want the listener to adapt to the sender. But it's not. That's not the way it goes it's, seek to understand and not seek to be understood. And you know that's almost like a common thread that goes throughout my development personally and on the business side that I have learned from. And yes, we all...all failures and they're not really failures but all failures are feedback. And I choose, do I want to do something with it or do I want to become a victim around it. And I choose to look at it now that I've learned and really dig deeper. What's the learning in this? And that's what I coach my clients in too. If they get wound up about something. Great! What's the learning in this? Rather than being stuck in victimization perhaps. And not stay with the face down in a puddle. People have drowned with their face down in a puddle, although it's just a puddle.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, absolutely. I love the part where you're talking about listening. You know, because I'm just now finishing up the book of, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" and Covey and he talks about that at length and uses some great examples with his own son. And there are huge examples and there they work not only on a personal level but also on the business level. And when you were saying that I went back there and thought, "Wow that's phenomenal." Because it's so true that most of us, human beings, I'm talking about every one of us. When we're listening to somebody, we're really formulating what we want to say in response rather than actually listening to them. And when he said that in the book I was just like man, he's so right (laughs, raises hand) guilty. Yes.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Right here (laughs, raises hand)

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, it's a skill that needs...that takes work because it doesn't come naturally, and the ego doesn't like it. And he explains that very well in the book. Highly recommend that one as well to all watching and listening. And when it comes to being an entrepreneur...so I made mistakes too. And we all- Entrepreneurs are...I think we're cut from a different cloth. You know, percentage wise there's a tiny amount of us compared to those that are fine and happy with the corporate life. Maybe some who are not happy who just haven't made the choice or decision to get out. The thing is though, an entrepreneur, one of the definitions is, "Someone who is a risk taker and take greater risk to achieve the rewards that they are seeking." And as a result of that, we tend to sacrifice more. There are things that we give up or that we kind of stop paying attention to. I know I've been through many. So, we're being very real on this show and I love that because this will help those that are looking either to become an entrepreneur or in the process of struggling due to the fact that they're having failures. The thing is, with all this comes sacrifices. Sometimes great sacrifice. So, what sacrifices have you had to make that come to mind to become a successful entrepreneur?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Whoo. So, one thing that I shared not long ago with my coach, with my business and personal coach was because that same question came up. And I had to forgive myself over which, another great book, "The Other F Word: Forgiveness." I had to forgive myself for really putting a ton of time in and building my business which was a school, which had built for my children, and I wasn't around for my children. They were 3 and 0 at the time, so I was pregnant during the building the business. Literally, you know work to the time that I drove to the hospital, signed a piece of paper that they would release me early and went back with the baby in my intro back into the classroom and taught. And now looking back, I wish I would have taken a little bit slower. I think that is my biggest "regret" (air quotes) if you will. That I just didn't, I didn't take enough time to stop and smell the roses during that time. To enjoy the little moments. To sometimes say no. No, enough. But, because I am so driven and but because I had such a big vision and have such a big vision, there was never enough. And you know, those years are now gone. They're 13 and 16. However, I do see all of the foundation that we as parents laid for them and me in the school and the teachers laid for my children, and for all the other children that go there. So, you know just keeping it, keeping it real. But that was one of the...the staying present is to this day, remains something that I must practice... (raises hands to head, thinking).

Brian Kelly:

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Cognitively! Thank you.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. I read your mind. That's right. (Brian and Brigitta laugh). Oh man. That so...similar story is, that's what happened. I neglected my family. Same thing. And I had those types of feelings of regrets and then I look back and go, the good news though is that is now in the past and the past no longer exists. And I have an incredible communication with my wife who is the most important person in my life and without her my children would not exist. So, everything in my opinion, goes through her FIRST, that we come into agreement. And then the kids, then see that and they're sponges. And kids, they are now 24 and 22, respectively. My daughter literally got married a weekend ago. Two weeks- Let's see, (Brigitta silently claps) I'm losing track of time. Yeah, two weekends ago, in San Diego. And so, but looking back and having gone through that and having that feeling of regret, everything still came out ok (Brigitta nods). The thing is, like you're saying Brigitta, it's important for those of you watching that might be going down this path, is really, kind of take a step back. Kind of like wait, step away for a day and really do some reflection and say, "How can I become..." This great question a good friend of mine told me that he asked himself every morning, "How can I become a better husband to my wife?" And he would sit there and think on that for 5 minutes. In the morning, first thing. And then, "How can I be a better father to my kids?" And then he would take it beyond that. "How can I be a better friend to my friends?" And as a result of him going through that exercise he ended up calling me, and telling me that story because I was one of his friends, at least like I like to think so. And he also said as a result of that exercise, he was so excited. I mean, he was almost yelling on the phone. He said because of that exercise since he started doing that, his success in his multiple businesses that he has, has skyrocketed. Skyrocketed, because he he really honed in on the real purpose of his life. And that was his family. And so that was a great lesson for me to learn. And so, you're heading right down the same exact path Brigitta with what you're talking about. And so, again we say this all the time on this show. It's about patterns of success. All you have to do is simply follow them, model them, copy them. It's all here. It's not copyrighted. None of this is copyrighted. You may copy anything you hear on this show to use for your betterment for and for others. To you know, climb the ladder of success, whatever that means to you. And to each person it means something different. Let's shift gears a little bit. And I would imagine with your center you deal with more than just yourself as far as running the business. Like maybe some employees, maybe some assistance, virtual assistance (Brigitta nods). I honestly don't know but you're nodding, so there's employees. And there's a part of building a business, when you get to that level and you're no longer a solopreneur and you're bringing on employees. It just changes the whole...the whole landscape. And now you have a whole different skill set that you need to nurture, to build, to...It's completely different than what you're doing as a solopreneur. And so, there are ways to bring on good employees and there are ways where you can end up bringing on ones that aren't so great, and those can cost you dearly. For you, how important is it in having good employees? How important has that been to your success that you're seeing now?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Oh my God. Well first of all, good employees are A. Hard to find (laughs). Loyal employees, especially in the States and there's you know...don't get me wrong I love being here in the States, and I'm an American citizen. But it's a challenge. So I got to...what you said earlier. What one thing that really triggered me is, there's power in being specific. And the more specific that you can be and the more specific that you are to yourself in your goals, in your vision, and everything that you're tracking, and to others. The more choice and flexibility that you have in your communication, the clearer it's going to be who you're inviting into your personal life, and your business life, and any other areas in your life. So, you know when I started creating my staff I first of all had...I just, I just went out and I just found whoever. Until, it was like trial and error. And in entrepreneurship, that's what we do. It's trial and error, right? (laughs).

Brian Kelly:

Brigitta Hoeferle:
When...the only downfall is if we don't learn from the errors. That's...that's where we get in muddy waters. But I learned. Wait a minute. So, if there is a different communication style than just mine, then what other different communication styles are there? And how can I communicate to them? You mentioned earlier in my bio that I'm a certified Bank trainer and I'm actually their number one trainer in the corporation, organization. And there are four different personality types (signals 4). There is blueprint, action, nurture, and knowledge. I'm a high action, go figure. Most entrepreneurs are high action. They're the ready, fire, aim! (air claps) kind of people. You know they don't think a whole lot. (Brian laughs). People ask me what kind of plan B did you have when you came to the United States to build a school? And I said, "I didn't have a plan B. I knew it was going to work. There was not...Failure is not an option." I learned from my mistakes as I move on and I had to deal with the Department of Health, I had to deal with the Department of Education, I had to do a whole lot of...How do you say, "red tape?" (gestures as if taping) Blue Tape? Red Tape?

Brian Kelly:
Yeah (nods).

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Yeah. So, you know I got a few bad apples in my staff and then I got really clear. Ok so, I need to be specific what I'm asking for as I'm putting the ad out, as I'm talking to people I was...I'm part of the Chamber of Commerce...on their board, blah blah blah. And I learned to write my job description in the code of the person that I invite into that position. You know you mentioned earlier, in NLP we also have 4 (signals 4) modalities and the 4 modalities are visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and auditory, digital. And for the, for the very auditory learners, Audible is great!

Brian Kelly:
Yes (nods).

Brigitta Hoeferle:
I'm a very visual learner. I love to see it. I even look to see little YouTube's like Simon Sinek. I love stuff like that. Which makes it come alive. Then there's the auditory digital learners that go inward and process it in a whole different way. And then there's the kinesthetic learners that take it in and create a feeling around it. So, I started inviting, and when I say inviting I really mean I, I would...Bandler described in the little bookmarks that you started the session out with. I started creating a feeling around it. I visualized it. I started talking about it and it became real. That's what manifestation is. It starts with a thought and that's what neurolinguistics programming is. It starts with a thought, that turns into a feeling, that then turns into an action, that turns into a result. And I have found that the most loyal employees now. And they love working with us and I love working with them. It just makes life a lot easier when everything is laid out and there, there are no assumptions.

Brian Kelly:

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Because assumptions are misunderstandings. You know, they create misunderstandings and then everything just kind of falls apart.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah and I like to call that, "setting expectations" from both sides. So, these are my expectations. But what I do first is, what do you expect to get from this position? What are you looking for? What do you want to advance? What areas? Because sometimes what's on their resume may not be the thing that they really want to do nor are they really talented at. They just did it once and got paid for it, but it really didn't fulfill them. And if they are not fulfilled or happy then they won't be as good for you either. The other things were really making sure they understood the mission, the purpose of my company, right. So, I brought on several apprentices of late and I found by accident, this show that's playing right now. I have it transcribed. I upload it to a transcription service and it makes mistakes because it's automated. So, I brought in apprentices to correct it because it takes a LONG TIME. Up to 2 hours or more if you're just starting, to correct the transcription of a 1-hour show. And what I found is feedback from one of my apprentices though, was because the show is based on the very culture of which my business was founded. You know, MIND BODY and BUSINESS. And all the entrepreneurs that are part of it on the show that come one. And she said, "I now know what you stand for. I now know what your language is." And she wasn't talking about Bank Code, she just understood how I... because I had her doing social media posts for me as well. So, it just...It was like an automated, culture injection into her mind and I didn't really have to take her by the hand and go. So, now all of my apprentices start out by doing this very thing. And I just found that one golden nugget. And for others, they're not doing live shows and there may be other ways to do that, but it's very good to know that they're in alignment with your values, with what you're doing, what your purpose is. Everything you were just saying. You know, and yeah. Trial and error, it sucks (Brian and Brigitta laugh). Because it could take a long time to find those nuggets and you're right. It's not always easy to find the best ones out there. I've got. I've gone through...I have 4. I have 4 apprentices that I've worked with. I currently have 2 right now, and of those 3 were rock solid. The fourth was pretty good but the three are rock solid and so, just loving going through this process of having people. And I say, they don't work for me they work with me. I have a different way of looking at it (Brigitta nods) and approaching it. I like positive reinforcement versus negative. Is there time for discipline? Of course, there must be at some point. But it's not how I drive them, it's not...I don't motivate them by fear.

Brigitta Hoeferle:

Brian Kelly:
Fear of loss. Fear of discipline. Fear of losing their job. I was like "No, if you do a good job and you gave it gave it your all and you made a mistake, I'm still going to lift you up. Good job it's ok. You made a mistake, big deal. Learn from it, move on." So yeah. You. Wow. I talked to way too long because you gave me so much there. That was all because of you Brigitta. I have to tell you. Good job.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
You know, I like to say, "Expectations are premeditated resentments." Really spelling them out and then again, clarity and being specific is, is only your friend.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. Yeah, we think they know what our mind is saying when we're not verbally writing it (mimics talking with hands,).

Brigitta Hoeferle:
You don't? (sarcastically)

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. (Brian and Brigitta laugh). It's, it's interesting. I've gone through that already with several apprentices. And they basically made a comment, "Oh I didn't know I was supposed to go on Zoom with a camera. If I would have known that I would have had that set up ahead of time." And I said, "You know what, that's completely on me (points to self). I did not communicate that to you. It's absolutely fine." So, she was in the dark and I was on video and it was fine. It was fine (laughs). I just wanted to show the screen anyway. So, I talk a lot about on this show, patterns and modeling. But there are patterns. And another word for that is a "recipe for success." It's kind of like, when you're baking a cake. I've never baked a cake in my life (points to self) but if I were given a recipe book that told me what ingredients to go buy and then how to mix them, when to mix them, how long to put them into the oven, how long to put them in the fridge, all that stuff. I'm pretty certain I could bake a pretty darn good cake, just because I have a recipe to follow. And so, along that line, do you Brigitta believe there is some core, some sort of pattern or formula to becoming a successful person when it comes to becoming a successful entrepreneur, specifically?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Absolutely. and that's what NLP is all about. NLP is the modeling the success patterns. That's what it is.

Brian Kelly:

Brigitta Hoeferle:
There are 14 laws within neurolinguistics programming. And yes you learn them, but then guess what? You get to adapt them to your own personal life. And that might take a little bit time and it also takes practice. Like everything else. There is a great German saying and it goes like this, "No master has fallen from heaven." So one day you are not, just, you know, you wake up and you go "oh ok now I have this success pattern kind of uploaded into my DNA." Well that's not how it works. But you can first become aware of what are some of the patterns that you're running on, that I'm running on (points to self) that are supporting you and not supporting you. And you choose to let go of some of the non-supportive patterns. And sometimes it's not the entire pattern that needs to go. Sometimes it's just a little tweak within a pattern that will make it a supportive pattern. But we first have to become aware of it. And that's really where I start with our clients, where we start with within our work in the NLP practitioner courses. And all of that, is to start becoming aware of patterns. And for some people that's really hard. For me, (points to self) I've got (laughs) many many many, many, many moons ago when I took my first NLP training. I got so mad with my NLP instructor because I couldn't see the pattern. And he would not tell me (Brian laughs). And that's what a great mentor and coach does. He guides you, so you can find it. So, you can go on the journey yourself but he won't tell you, because what is that going to do? It's not going to do anything (shrugs). Going on that journey, I went on that journey and when I saw it I was like, oh my God. I was so...I was so in the pattern. I was so associated in the pattern. I was the pattern. It was not supporting me, whatsoever. And I had this huge, huge huge aha!

Brian Kelly:

Brigitta Hoeferle:
So yeah. I'm all about patterns.

Brian Kelly:
It's funny because...when I went through my first NLP training a similar thing happened. And we are very alike, I can tell. I'm also...

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Oh yeah! (Brigitta smiles)

Brian Kelly:
I'm also action. I did the Bank Code exercise with the cards (Brigitta nods). And that's a phenomenal system in its own right. And we were going through all the processes. This was the first one, and I was, I'm gung-ho. I'm action. Like, let's get this done. Let's go. I'm going to go all out. And my son's with me. I took him to the course as well. And we're doing the processes as you know. You're Practitioner and you're in the Change Chair and you're switching back and forth. And every time I was the practitioner, the result was there. The person got the result and they're all happy and yee-haw. And then they switched around and they applied the same technique to me and I'm like, am I supposed to notice something? I don't feel anything. What is going on? And then it happened like 3 or 4 times. First half of the first day and I'm not getting anything and I'm getting steamed inside going "Come on!" I spent a lot of money for this and I want to make this work and same thing. My practitioner came over, "How's it going Brian?" I said, "I've got to tell you man, I'm struggling!" He's like. "Tell me about that." (both laugh). Yes. So, and it's same thing. He took me through me telling him why it wasn't working. And I said, "Maybe I'm trying too hard." He goes, "You think? Yeah, maybe." And then he told me that the best thing he did was told me his story. He had a very similar one that was even more amplified than mine. And that that broke it. I was like ok, I'm going to relax. Very next process. Bang! (claps hands once) It happened. I literally Brigitta, It was setting the anchor, the champion anchor...And I literally got up in the room and I ran around the room. Everyone else is in their chairs doing their exercises. I'm like "Yeah!" (mimics cheering) like yelling... So, it was like this big release. "Yes. It worked, yes!" (laughs) It's amazing. And I was just... Control.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
It's amazing when we let go of control.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. That was it. That was it. I was just, I was trying to will it (grunts) It's going to work. And you just, lay back, relax and let it happen, which ok. Took some doing for this guy. But hey, it's all good now. Entrepreneurship. We've talked a lot about it. There's many aspects to it and we already said it's not for everybody. And God bless entrepreneurs and God bless employees and corporate workers because without either, the other would not exist, really. You know entrepreneurs are taking the risk to start those businesses and companies that then provide the jobs for those who are corporate. And if we didn't have people to work at those jobs then entrepreneurs would burn out because we can't scale. And so, for you, what has been so far your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Freedom! (raises hands in the air victoriously) (laughs) Oh my God but there are so many. The ability to really create something that is, that people need. And seeing that people are receptive to that. I need your services, I need you to be there. I think...the freedom not just for me but the freedom for my children. I'll tell you a quick story. And I...I just have to. Today, we were going through an NLP practitioner course right now. It's a 5-day intensive. But today the phone rang, and my daughter called from school and she just, she's building her own business called, "Santosha Smoothies." And she gets up at I don't know, 5:15 in the morning to make the smoothies, to then deliver them to the gym. She's got a permit. So you know, mom or dad have to drive with her as she's delivering it. And her day starts very early, before school and she goes to school and around 11:00 the phone rings and she goes, "Mom, are you going to be anywhere near the school any time soon?" And I said, "Well, I might have to go to Office Depot and get some ink. I ran out of ink. And she says could you just bring me a cappuccino from home?" My husband has an incredible espresso machine. And yes, I call "my husband's espresso machine" because he uses it and he makes cappuccinos for all of us. So, I said I'll bring you one. I made her cappuccino in this big ass Starbucks (shows size with hands) container (Brian laughs) and, and drive it out to the school. I bring it to her and she hugs me and on my way back home she texts me and she says, "who has the best parents ever? Oh yeah, I do." And my heart was just so full, for many reasons. One reason was "hey, if I would be working somewhere, I would not have the liberty to do that. I cannot just go and meet with my kids when I choose to. And sometimes the opportunity is just not there because I am tied up somewhere, in a meeting or whatever but I have learned that there are more important things than just business. My business or my clients, and that's actually my husband, and my children, and my mother who also lives here in the States. And you know, those are the things that really...Again, that's freedom. That's, that's, that's truly living the American dream as a German girl.

Brian Kelly:
And I loved how you almost jumped out of the camera, out of the screen, when you said freedom. It was instant. And you know I used the term liberation. Same thing. It lets, it liberates you. Having been in the corporate world for many years myself it's like, wow! When you get to choose your own hours. You get to choose. Ok, I want to work today on Sunday or Saturday or any other. It doesn't matter. I will stay up until 2:00 in the morning just because I don't have to get up at 5:00 in the morning to go commute somewhere. Like, that's pretty darn cool because the choice is now yours and not someone else's. And the dream you're fulfilling is more toward your results and your family, and whatever your why is. It could be far outside of that. It could be for charitable organizations, could be for other family members that are not near geographically, could be for anything. But the cool thing is, you get the choice! (Brigitta nods) That's what it gives. That's why so many work so hard to achieve. It's really never about the money, is it? I mean money is important. It helps a lot. But the number 1 goal (signals 1) is liberation and freedom to be able to choose and do as you want, when you want. And it's just...

Brigitta Hoeferle:
And when you're being a service and value, the money will flow.

Brian Kelly:
Right, right. It's amazing. It's phenomenal. And every person I have had on this show to date has that exact mentality. It's always service first, and we get it. The money is going to come. This isn't our first rodeo. We get how this works. And I'm sure for many of us in the beginning, that money was more prominent in the top of our mind because there was a scarcity mindset. We're trying to make it first, right? And so, of course it's going to be higher on that priority list. But as we go forward we realize you know, it's about service. And the more service we make even more and more and more. It's like ok, I get it. This is nice. I like this, because I know you're the same way Brigitta. I just love helping people. This just drives me. I love it, love it, love it. In NLP, what is your current...what do you call it, agency?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
NLP Institute.

Brian Kelly:
Institute. That's...I can't see. I mean, what a gift! That is to give others. To have them learn NLP. Because of what it does. It's the most amazing science on the planet. You can help people with PTSD within NLP. I just saw a study about it where people with PTS- that's post-traumatic stress disorder for...mostly for military veterans but also, others like firefighters, policemen who have seen horrific things and they can't get it out of their memory. And the study was basically, they would give them a counselor and use some some kind of "traditional methods" (air quotes) to help them. And the statistics were pretty amazing. Those that went that route, the success rate was only around 30 percent and it took quite a while to get there. When they started using NLP within 3 sessions (signals 3) only 3 sessions. Their success rate was 97 percent. So this is a science that is about success and it's about getting that success quickly. Because one process as an example that I use from stage, many many times that had a profound effect on me the very first time (points to self) was a very first process I ever experienced in my life. Was when I was an attendee sitting on the chair, my mentor was on stage was doing it. It took a grand total of 7 minutes. And we were done and I'm like, I feel different I'm liberated. Something's different. I feel great. I don't know what it is but I'm really going to, take advantage of this now and learn more and do more. And I couldn't wait to get more. Like, it was like a legalized drug with no bad side effects (laughs).

Brigitta Hoeferle:
It never ends. And I love that! We get to work through stuff as it comes.

Brian Kelly:

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Never gets old.

Brian Kelly:
"Get to" I love how you said that. That is a sign of a seasoned practitioner right there (points to Brigitta). Many people say you have to, not Brigitta (Brigitta shakes her head). You get to because it is an honor, it's a blessing to be able to have that knowledge and to be able to impart that on others, to and spread this because it's amazing. You know, I cannot believe it. We are already at our 1-hour mark and I think, the good part about this.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
What? (In disbelief)

Brian Kelly:
Is I'm not beholden to a radio station or someone saying, "Get off. You must stop the show now." That was my horrible rendition of a German accent just for you.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
I love it! (Brigitta laughs).

Brian Kelly:
I won't quit my day job I promise. But what I wanted to do. There's one more, one more question I wanted to ask you and it's because I ask every previous guest the same exact question. And it's a doozy. And I don't mean that to scare you or put you back and I know this doesn't scare you at all. But it's a deep one. And so, if it takes some time to come up with the answer, so be it. It's ok. That's our time because...it's just it's a very deep heavy hitting question. And so, I like to finish the show with that. And then of course we'll let the folks know how to get in contact with you. And by the way, that just reminded me. For those of you that are watching still with us live, in order to enroll and get a chance at that 5-day, 5-night vacation, at a 5-star resort in Mexico. I know you probably thought I forgot about that. Didn't you? Well here it is, I'll put it up on the screen real quick (vacation ad on screen). This is how you can enroll to win. So there's 2 ways. You can go to the website. ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation. That's ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation or text the word "PEAK" That's P-E-A-K to the phone number 6-6-1-5-3-5-1-6-2-4. One final time that's "PEAK" 2-6-6-1-5-3-5-1-6-2-4 sponsored by our wonderful friends at PowerTexting.com. Definitely write that down and pay them a visit after the show is over. I use that very service and we put out notifications for the show using that service, amongst other things. Amazing amazing. So go ahead. Enter to win and we'll announce the winner later. And now back to the star of the show (Brigitta takes off glasses). And that's her (points to Brigitta) not me. It's Brigitta...Hoeferle. Is that better?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Yeah (laughs)

Brian Kelly:
I'm practicing. And it's good because I could go on stage and I don't have to do anything but try to speak German and everybody would be on the floor laughing (laughs). I don't need any skill set. So, here it is. The big question. Are you ready? Even taking off her glasses, ladies and gentlemen. Now she's getting serious. Like ok, Superman glasses are off! (imitates taking off glasses) Here we go! Ok Superwoman, sorry. And just to let you off the hook this will help us kind of frame it a lot better. In all seriousness is that there is no such thing as a wrong answer to this question. In fact, the only correct answer is your answer. And just so you know as well there isn't to date. I expect it to happen. But to date, not a single entrepreneur that's come on the show before you has answered it the same as anyone else who's been on the show, yet. I know it's going to come at some point, but it still hasn't. So, it's very unique. That's why I love this question. So here it is, Brigitta.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Bring it on!

Brian Kelly:
How do you define success?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
(closes eyes and pauses) How do I define success? Yeah that is a deep one. Man, there's so many elements in that. You know, success for me is when you look in the mirror and you're like, "I am supposed to do what I'm doing. I'm not just finding something to keep me busy, to make money with, to pay the bills with, to get some sort of credentials maybe." Someone saying she's done this, that, or the other. Success is something meaningful, purpose-driven, intentional. (pauses) Success is a legacy.

Brian Kelly:
Love it.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Yeah I could, you know that...Yeah there's so many elements in that but I truly believe that there is a piece of...what also comes up for me. There's a piece of being in alignment, trying to dig a little bit deeper. What does that mean?

Brian Kelly:
Actually, what I've found in asking that question and the responses that come as a result it's typically the very first thing that you say is the answer. That's our subconscious as you are very astute at knowing that, that provided that for you. And it was a big one. Looking in the mirror. And realizing I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, not just going and earning money to help my family but this is really my calling, my purpose. And then you went on to further basically chunk it down and...or a meaningful purpose-driven, intention, legacy. That was a powerful one. And that legacy went right with the very first statement. So, we started to see it circle back. And again, congratulations because unique answer number 27 whatever it is now (laughs). Another powerful, powerful answer. I really like that. That, that is...it's really powerful. "I know I'm doing what I am supposed to be doing." How many people can say that?

Brigitta Hoeferle:

Brian Kelly:
I mean, give me a break. Even people that are enjoying what they're doing. Is it really what...they truly their purpose was on this planet. My guess would be lower, well lower than 50 percent are doing it. Probably under 30 are actually able to do something, to be blessed with being in alignment with their purpose. So, I love that answer. And again it's the correct answer because it's yours.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Right! I'll stick to it (laughs).

Brian Kelly:
I can certainly...and it's always relatable too, that's the beautiful thing. So, I get to collect... That's another goal, is to maybe- I don't know if I'll have an entire book, but a section of a book with all of these answers from different entrepreneurs to see the beautiful variety. And here's the beautiful thing Brigitta. Not one, not a single one (signals 1) ever, ever says it's about making money. It's never about when I reach my first $10 million. It's never that. And for those that have, that are not as well versed in this world of entrepreneurship you know that's typically their focus in the beginning, is the money part. Well, as long as I can make my first million I know I'll be fine, I'll be out on my job. Whatever their situation is. But the mature entrepreneurs say it's actually about living life the way I want it to be lived. I have another a good friend, a mentor of mine who says this almost every day is like, I always look is this making me happy? Am I doing something that I want to do? He's turned down big, big deals because it didn't align with his value system. He said, "I can make a lot of money with this but you know what..." In his heart of hearts he knew they were doing it for the reasons that were not right to him. And so, it wasn't an alignment, he moved on. And I applauded him for that. He spent 3 days, traveled 4 and 3-day meetings where he got pitched to and ultimately said no. And I was like, good for you. And so, that's what it's about it's about. It's much much much deeper than money and income and so I appreciate you for being yet another that didn't even go there. You even said, "not just to make money." I mean, literally and I would quote, "not just to make money," as part of your your original answer. So, I know that you also have a gift for our viewers. And so, if you don't mind. What I like to do is have you describe what that is, and how they can then reach out to you, to obtain that gift.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Yeah, sure. So, my gift to all of the listeners who are live on here right now and the ones that are listening to the recording at a much later time maybe. Please reach out to me and I'll give you my e-mail address here in a little bit but my gift to you is a 20-minute consultation, coaching call. You know maybe just want to go through 1 or 2 intentions that you might have. And we can you a little bit deeper in the 20 minutes. I'd love to give you my time. My time is very valuable. Just simply write an e-mail to Brigitta. That's B-R-I-G-I-T-T-A. Brigitta@Hoeferle. Just like you sound it out, H-O-E-F as in Frank-E-R-L-E.com (link to website on screen). So, [email protected]. You also find my name on Facebook as it's being shared here on Brian's posts and it's just my first name @ my last name.com and in the subject line just put in "Brian Kelly" and then I will know. Just write me a few little sentences. What your intentions are, and your telephone number, and your email address of course. And I will get back to you. I would love to be able to see what we can do together.

Brian Kelly:
Phenomenal! Thank you so much. I've got it on the screen for those of you to make it a little easier as you can see her first and last name right under her chin, her, "chinny chin-chin" as I say. So, put an "@" symbol between those two and then a ".com" at the end and you've got the right answer to e-mail her. So, thank you! That's a phenomenal gift that you are offering to our viewers, our listeners. This is also going on...this is on 9 platform's simultaneously live streaming, as well as after it's over it's being shared all over the place, different social media platforms. And on about 8 podcast platforms. So, if you're listening to this after the live show, by all means reach out to Brigitta. I know how she loves to serve and be respectful. Go in there with a good intention, like she said and make that 20 minutes worth not only your time, but her time. That's very important to respect those, because those that we respect when we're on the other end and doing these coaching calls, we're also examining you to see if you would be a fit for us going forward. So, it's a two-way street. If that is something you want to do and you're in alignment with that, for whatever that individual is, then that can increase your probability of making that happen. And with Brigitta, you want to make it happen. You want it. You want the probability to be very, very, very, very high because of what she gets to do with her NLP Academy. Did I say it right that time?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Institution. Academy, Center. You name it!

Brian Kelly:
Center! (laughs) Her transformational NLP business is unbelievable. We're going to be doing some work together after the show's over to see how we can make this work from Atlanta to my area which is near L.A., and can't wait to have that discussion. But Brigitta, I just want to say thank you so very much for coming on and is that the best way for people to contact you in general? Is that what you prefer, the e-mail?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Yup. [email protected]

Brian Kelly:
Okay perfect.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
It's great. That's the email that comes directly to me. If you Google: NLP Atlanta we're the first link that comes up. You can find me there as well. You know, if you just look for Brigitta I'm pretty much one of the first ones that comes up on Facebook. There are not that many Brigitta's out there (Brian laughs).

Brian Kelly:
And that last name too. There's not too many of those.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
No no. Say it again, come on.

Brian Kelly:

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Hoeferle (laughs).

Brian Kelly:
That's easy for you to say (laughs)

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Of course!

Brian Kelly:
That's all. It's been such a fun time with you Brigitta. I hope this is one of many many more in different avenues. I'm sure we're going to cross paths many times in the future. I just want to say thank you again for coming on the show, for imparting your words of wisdom. And for all of you are watching and listening, we appreciate you as well because we know your time is valuable as well. With that. That is it. We're going to sign off and we will see you next week! On another, MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. Until then, be blessed and take care! (salutes) We'll see you later!

Thank you for watching and listening. This has been, The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show with Brian Kelly.

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Brigitta Hoeferle


Disruptive & positive by design • tenacious & strategic by default • thought provoking & fun by nature, German by birth & culture.

Brigitta is a German Immigrant living the American dream. She is the owner and founder of The Hoeferle Group and creator of the 4-Dimensional Communication Diamond™ is known as the fasted-tracked female trainer and retired lead coach of the world’s largest self-development company. She was born and raised in Germany and resides in the U.S. with her two wonderfully independent daughters, and her husband, the renowned Culture Guy. Brigitta is an award winning founder of the German Language School of Cleveland and the Montessori School of Cleveland. Brigitta has always given credit for her success to her unique communication AND listening skills, her tenacity and her never-ending desire to take something from good to outrageously great. Today she is the co-owner of the NLP Center of Atlanta, a certified and licensed trainer with BANKCODE™, and she has built coaching programs for large international organizations.

Brigitta holds two degrees in marketing and social pedagogy and implements her knowledge with creativity and passion into her workshops, trainings and teachings. Because she is aware that all business problems are personal problems, she has very structured solutions as she teaches in an interactive and inclusive way (providing deeper and accelerated learning). Let her take your sale-ability to buy-ability, because everyone wants to buy or buy-in, and no-one wants to be sold — no matter if it’s a product, a service, an idea, or an opinion. Be prepared to be blown away!

Connect with Brigitta:

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