Special Guest Expert - Chara Rodriguera

Special Guest Expert - Chara Rodriguera: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Chara Rodriguera: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated. And driven. How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This is the mind body. Hello, everyone, and welcome. Welcome, Welcome to the Mind Body business show. Oh, we have another wonderful, amazing and very unique show lined up for you again tonight. I love what I get to do because I meet the most amazing, amazing, successful people on the planet. We interview. I interview successful entrepreneurs from all over the world. They come from all different walks of life, all different religious backgrounds, races. You know, all of this never mattered to me personally. What mattered to me in an individual was their integrity, their their value systems. Are they in alignment with mine beyond that age? Gender doesn't matter to me. I mean, we are all brothers and sisters in this in this life, in my humble opinion. And we have a wonderful, amazing guest coming on who I cannot wait to introduce you to, Sarah Rodriguez. She is an amazing young woman coming all the way from the east side of our country in New Jersey and am on the west. We are spanning the United States tonight. The mind body business show is a show that I had developed with you in mind. And what does that mean? This show is here for you as the businessman, as a business woman, the entrepreneur, the person that's looking to make it to the next step, the next level in their business. And what I do is I interview the best of the best on this show. And when they come on and they reveal their secrets to their success, for their achieving those levels, then all you need to do is simply take notes. And when you're done with taking the notes is simply to take action. And that is it. It's that simple because why reinvent the wheel like yours truly has tried to do so many times over the years?

Brian Kelly:
I finally gave up and said I didn't give up. I gave up on doing it myself and I said, It's time to shift and try to get help. And that's what I did. And that was the success. That was the the mode of success for me personally was to get the ego out of the way. And that's why I have this show here together. So please, please, if you're watching this live, do pay attention and take copious notes. And if you're watching this as a recording, this same thing holds true. Watch it as if it's live. Listen to it as if As if it's right now. Right now. And right here. I said right now, twice. That's pretty good. Very empathetic. I can't talk today. So that's why we have guests on this show, because Tara can talk much better than me. No kidding. The mind body business show it is here for you. It is about the three pillars of success, people that I have studied over the years that are successful had these three key elements figured out mind being mindset to a person. These very successful people have a very positive. Yet most importantly flexible mindset also body. They literally take care of themselves nutritionally and through physical exercise. And then business is very, very multifaceted. It involves it involves mastering key skill sets like like marketing, sales, team building, systematizing leadership. And I could go on and on and on and on. And the good news is, as you'll find out, if you follow this show for any length of time, is that you do not have to master every single skill set. In fact, if you master just one, because let's face it, mastery takes a long time. If you just master one, the rest can be easily leveraged into place. And that one skill set is if anyone wants to know, let me know. I'm not going to make you wait. It is a skill set of leadership. Yes. Once you have mastered that skill set, you can now bring in the individuals who have mastered those skill sets that you have yet to or you may never master.

Brian Kelly:
Because let's face it, we only have so much time on this planet to master so many things, and that's good news. And with that, another thing I found with very successful people is they are always very avid readers of books. And with that, I like to segue into a very quick segment segment that I affectionately call Bookmarks.

Bookmarks Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready, Steady. Read. Bookmarks brought to you by reach your Peak Library.com.

Brian Kelly:
And yes, Jara Rodriguez is coming on very, very soon, I promise, right after this. Reach your peak Library.com. A quick word of advice for those of you watching live, even if you're listening on the recording or watching the recording. And that is to instead of going and clicking off to something like Richard Peak Library.com instead of typing it in your browser, instead of going and visiting it while the show is going on, I implore upon you to instead just write it down, write it down, take notes, get used to that old habit of writing. Write them down and visit them after the show is over. Because I'll guarantee you, chair is going to have some things for you that you're going to love and you're going to want to go check out. Wait till the show is over. Because I say this all the time from stage and that is the magic happens in the room. Now you can you can understand that being intelligent viewers and listeners, that this is not a live room setting, but it's about focus. And if you're focused on the content, you won't miss potentially that one golden nugget, that one smart bomb that brings forth that could change your life forever. I would hate for that to happen. So all I ask is that you you stay focused. And by the way, I'm running the show. I'm interviewing the show, and I'm also taking notes myself. So I never ask anyone to do that. I myself would not do myself. I send myself twice there too. I love the repetition. Repetition is the key to mastery, as you know. So Reach Your Peak Club is a website I literally had developed by my team with you in mind. This is literally like a gift. And I don't mean that in a in a pompous way at all. I didn't start reading myself until about the age of 47. I'm That was 11 years ago. All right. You did the math. You know it. All right. We're out there and I started cataloging the books that I had read that actually had a profound impact in either my business life or my personal life or even both.

Brian Kelly:
And I just I started just having them thrown in here. They are not in any order of any kind, I'll tell you that right now. So scroll through, find the first book that jumps off the page. You can get it from this site. You can go to your favorite audible. I get mine from Audible. Those buttons all go to Amazon. I think Audible is an option there too. This isn't for making money. This is for giving you resources that will definitely help you to propel yourself farther into that area of success that you want and that you deserve much, much faster. That is, reach your peak library. And speaking of propelling yourself into the realm of success, it is time, ladies and gentlemen, for the amazing Kara Rodriguez. Here she comes.

It's time for the guest expert spotlight savvy, skillful, professional, adept. Trained. Big league qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there she is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one. It is the only Chiara Rodriguez. Oh, yes. Welcome to the show, Sarah. How are you doing?

Chara Rodriguera:
Thank you, Brian. I am. My heart is bursting. I am so excited to be here with you and your audience today.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, this is going to be so much fun. Oh, my gosh. The comments are flying already. Oh, yes. We got to hit some of these. Tanya Bugbee, Hello. Looking forward to the show from LinkedIn. Tim Gillette, great, great friend of mine who said hello to me and then said, Amen. I love that. Joel Solomon. I love repetition is key to mastery. Yeah Joel Thank you, brother. He's been throwing amazing guests my way to come on the show. I appreciate that. Joel and Katrina Ferguson. Tara is a goddess. I think you must know her. Yes, that's a great thing. I love it. And maybe you don't. Maybe you just put it off that way and everybody knows it. By virtue of you just being here and Joel is saying hello to both of us. Hey, Joel. Great to see you, buddy. All right. Um, real quick, before I jump in and give you that formal introduction that you so richly deserve, we got a little what I call housekeeping. It could be more aptly coined as bookkeeping because we want to put some Yeah. I'll just say we're just going to throw some ads up. Stay with us. Don't go anywhere. I promise. We'll be back with the great Cheryl Rodriguez. Here we go. Hey, if you're watching the Mind Body business show live right now, then you will have the ability to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort of your choosing. Compliments of the big insider secrets. What is it? It is a five minute vacation stay to one of many destinations across the world. You can see as we go through this very quickly, there's some in Branson and Daytona Beach. These are in the United States, all over the United States, New Orleans, San Diego, there's also Mexico. There's also the UK and Argentina. I mean, it just keeps going on and on and on. Australia, at the end of this show, you will be given the ability to enter to win. You must be watching this live. If you're not watching live, then head on over to the mind body business.

Brian Kelly:
Show.com and register to receive automated notifications when we go live the next time. We do not spam, we do not even pitch any products or anything from that notification. It's just simply a way for you to know that we're alive and now you can join us and you can also participate in this incredible, incredible prize. And you do not want to miss this. So come on live. And you do not want to miss a moment because of our incredible guest experts. And we will reveal that at the very end. And if you're struggling with putting a live show together and it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and connect with great people and grow your business all at the same time. Then write this down carpet bomb marketing.com then head on over to it. After the conclusion of tonight's show, Carpet Bomb Marketing. Saturate the marketplace with your message and to get a free lifetime membership to a phenomenal resource called The Richer Club. Your free membership will include instant access to deep discounts on major software services and top shelf training courses that you need to run your successful business. Think of it as your entrepreneur Discount house. Catapult your business to the next level. Sign up for free now and get a hotel discount card with $200 just for joining. Then go and grab your deep discount. So write this down and then after the show, once again, head on over to reach your peak club.com. All right. Now let's get back to the show. Oh, my goodness gracious. Please, for the love of you know what, let's get back to the show. That guy talked forever. Don't know who that was. Oh, all right, now, here we go. Officially introducing the amazing Chara with a heart of a mystic and the mind of a luminary. Chara is a natural born inspirer. Since 1997, Chara has been a teacher of yoga, meditation, mindfulness and inspired living. She shares empowering messages and practices that will help you live with greater awareness, skill, peace, joy and love. Oh yes, bring it down.

Brian Kelly:
As the creator of Soul Path Yoga and the Optimal and Dream Life programs, Chara has spent the last 25 years gilding or guiding others to step into their full potential and onto their authentic path. Her extensive training and experience also includes specializing in relaxation exercises. Oh, a little birdie told me we might be doing something similar to that mind mastery techniques and effective ways to reprogram the mind for success. Right down our alley, you could say Chair is a facilitator of dreams coming true. Known for her intuitive, poetic and loving style, Chara inspires people all over the world to shine their divine light, live their unique magic and honor their authentic path. Ladies and gentlemen, the one and only Chara Rodriguez, welcome to the show. Officially, formally. Finally, we get to listen and hear your wonderful voice. How are you doing once again? Chara we're going to have some fun tonight.

Chara Rodriguera:
Thank you, Brian. So excited. So excited. You guide the way and I'll share.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah And I can't wait to hear everything about your background. What I like to open the show typically with is the first word of the show's title, and that's mind, because I found that to be the baseline, the cornerstone, the foundation of all of our respective either level of success or lack thereof. And I always love it when I bring on someone successful, such as yourself, to find out what it is that's going on in your big, beautiful brain every morning when you get up, like when you get up and, you know, being an entrepreneur and running a business of any kind, it is not the simplest of tasks. In fact, there are many, many obstacles one must overcome. And that's why so few of us do what we do as entrepreneurs. It is not easy. So with you, when you get up in the morning, what is it going on in your beautiful brain that's keeping you driven, keeping you excited and passion and always energetic toward your your desired outcome? What is that going on in your brain when you get up knowing what faces you that day?

Chara Rodriguera:
Yes, great question, Brian. And besides being an entrepreneur, I am also the mom of a 13 year old and a 11 year old boys. So there is a lot going on in this mind. How do you keep it calm? How do you focus it? Exactly the question that you asked. So a couple of things, and I want to share these things, but I'm going to start. With meditation and I want everybody to pause. Don't run away, because I have some things to say about this. So I meditate every day. However, there are many versions and ways to meditate. There's infinite ways to meditate. It's not only sitting there and being still because that is not going to work for some people. So there are moving meditations, there's present moment awareness meditations, there's walking meditations, there's action meditations. And we're going to do a non traditional meditation a little bit later together. So meditating and you can even think of it as just the practice of focusing your mind. And one thing I'm committed to is the practice of. Observing the thoughts. And choosing or guiding the thoughts in a certain direction. Now, that takes time. It takes practice, especially if you weren't trained to do that early on. Your thoughts are used to running the show. You're used to living in the thoughts and the stories as if that's the reality. So in my yoga classes, in my meditations, in the programs that I teach, we start to develop the practice of observing the thoughts, observing the mind, and then guiding and directing the mind to where we want it to go. We also align the mind with our heart. And as you start to do those practices, you start to feel so much calmer, so much more empowered, so much more in control. Of the direction your life is going and the results and the experience that you're having. So meditation and mind mastery techniques are one thing. When I wake up in the morning, I do a meditation and I read my own affirmation that I wrote for myself. And I also practice soul path yoga. And what makes Soul Patio unique is that each month we focus on one foundational principle that we apply when we're on our mat. But it's a principle that then you practice off the mat and it can be considered a mind mastery practice. So you're taking that practice off the mat. And the combination of these principles together creates extreme integrity, which is a word you used right at the beginning that I absolutely love. It puts you, your mind, your body, your heart and your business in integrity. So those are a few things I could go on, but we'll pause there.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, fantastic. And before we go on, if possible, scoot a little closer to the microphone. We're losing a little bit. Could hear it all. Could hear it all. It was getting faint. And I said, we can't miss a word. Not a word. I was like, come on. No, no, no. But we're all good. We're all good. So, yeah, integrity is big. I love that We're going to get to go through and experience this with you and by your leadership. I love anything and everything to do with mindset because that was the missing link for me personally, not just in business but in life. And what you're saying resonates so, so wonderfully well. I did a massive shift on my business model not too long ago, several years ago, and I've never been happier because it was an alignment with, like you said, you want to make sure you're in alignment with your heart. And that's what that was. And I'm like, Wow, I love getting up every morning. I love going through the arduous tasks that are always in front of you because I know going through those gets me to what I love to do every day, you know, the automation and the helping of people. And so it's just fantastic. So what you're seeing is absolutely true and the fact that you are here to be a vehicle to help others to achieve that, that's even better. So I hope those of you that are not you know, you know it if you're not there, if you're questioning whether you're there, then you're not there. I would say so if you're even questioning, am I even doing what I want to do, then you're probably not. But it's not up for you alone to figure it out. I'll bet you money that chair might have some ways of helping extract that from you. With you. For you. So. Oh, my goodness. So what led you down this path? Chair Give us a little background of yourself, if you don't mind. Like, when did this all start and from where was there like an event in your life that took you down this path? And then you said, Oh, I like this. And also, oh, I'm very good at this. I get a lot of results for people. So what got you started in this line?

Chara Rodriguera:
Yes, great question, Brian. So I'm going to quote one of my friends and colleagues who I think is listening live, Joel Solomon, who introduced us. And he always says from bad things come good things and from terrible things come amazing things. So the first 25 years of my life. Was like almost being in a different plane or dimension because I was constantly stressed. Constantly feeling anxious. Constantly feeling self-conscious, feeling depressed and not understanding why I was here or what this was all about, not feeling connected to this whole human experience. It was very painful for me from very early on. It was it was just painful and weighed on my heart. And by the time I was 25, which was in 1995, like you said, you can do the math. Audience. I was ready for a nervous breakdown. I was having pains in my heart and stress related symptoms to the point where I couldn't function anymore. And I was even working in a job that I loved, which was production at the time, video and film. And that's what I thought I wanted to do. But I found it so stressful I couldn't function. And someone mentioned yoga to me and I didn't know anything about it. It wasn't mainstream. There were no yoga studios at the time. But I said I'll try it. And fortunately at the time I was living in Summit, New Jersey. And I want to give out a shout out to some of the amazing teachers there, Claire Diab of the American Yoga Academy, Cara Clemmy of Glow Yoga in Basking Ridge. These were some of my first teachers and. I remember a class. It was like my second class and Claire was teaching and she asked us to breathe. And not only did she ask us to be, she taught us how to breathe. I had gone 25 years, Brian, without ever in my life taking a deep, full breath. Like, no wonder my body. My mind was under so much stress and angst, I was barely breathing. And they say, how you breathe is how you live. So I was barely alive and I felt this ray. It was like a literal ray of light come into my heart.

Chara Rodriguera:
And from that moment on, I felt this connection to the path of yoga. And it didn't take very long until my heart was like calling me. It was like, I can't wait to share what I'm learning with other people. I can't believe I've gone my whole life without anybody teaching me these things. And something specific that touched me very deeply that these teachers at the Summit YMCA, by the way, not even a yoga studio, they many of them anyway, would read poetry at the end. And they would share poems from the sacred Sufi poets. And these words were like a language. A forgotten language inside me that was brought back to life. And the practice brought me back to life. And so when I hold space for someone, it is it's not just teaching, stretching or breathing techniques. It is holding sacred space for someone to tap into that. Deeper truth, that inner light, that divine nature that we all have inside. So that's how it started. And it's just continued to blossom every year from then.

Brian Kelly:
Wow. This is powerful because, you know, having been on this earth quite some time, I didn't. What did you say? How you breathe is how you live. Yeah, I was I was living a very short life. Um, and yeah, I did. There was a I had a guy on my show who did who specialized in breathwork. And like you said, a deep, full breath that you've never taken before. And I went right there and thought, Wow, the stress just left me. And I felt so like renewed. So everything you're saying and I know I'm saying all this because there will be those some people watching and or listening that might go, oh, this is a bunch of woo woo, come on, breathing and being, you know, getting in touch with yourself and your feelings. And you haven't said those words, but it's it's about really discovering who you are and what you really want, which many of us have not given ourselves the time to do, nor nor dare I say, nor did we know how to. And that's why what you provide is so valuable. And I know this without even having worked with you personally, that what you do is you change lives for the better. You help them to change their life for the better. You're a conduit for them. You just happen to know the techniques. Now, look, there are many recipes for success out there. There are many recipes. There's neuro-linguistic programing. There's all kinds of different ways to achieve different levels of success. Why not give just about every one of them a go? You know, I look at I did NLP, I'm certified in NLP. I thought that that changed my life and this guy did this breathwork stuff on me. I'm like, Wow. And there's this EFT and now yoga. And the way you describe it is different than I've heard before because you take through all the elements, I think, of how yoga was originally intended to be utilized more. Now it's just stretching, moving. And I will say I have never sweat so much doing so little, which appears to be so little in my entire life. Yoga is not easy and it's amazing.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, my gosh. So Joel has some kind words to say. Joel Solomon says Sarah is the mystical, magical meditation and yoga teacher and poet laureate for the multi, multi, multi, multi millions. I call her M8. Very nice. Joel, you're a great guy. And do we do we. I'll just say do we limn I don't know how to say the middle name MIL maybe. Liam Aloha from Hawaii. Aloha. How are you doing? Yes, great to have you all here. Yeah. And so thank you for that background. Yeah, it's interesting when you you the reason you found your calling of something you love to do is because not that you went down and did something you've done over and over and over again is because you said it. You've never you didn't even know what yoga was. You know, you didn't even know anything about it. And I don't know if you said it that exact way, but you were new to yoga. You decided to give it a try and it changed your life forever. You now have a thriving business. As a result, you now change lives as a result. I mean, how does that feel like? Really? How does it feel?

Chara Rodriguera:
Um. So many things. It feels amazing. It feels. Um. Big like. Like responsibility isn't quite the right word, but like a calling. It feels like this is what I am here to do. And so this is, you know, I feel like the great creator is counting on me. So, you know, fulfilling that is important. And it feels like an honor. Um, it feels like an honor. And you touched on something, Brian. It's like I could see at first glance people might be like, Yeah, but how does this relate to business? And I want to mention something that I didn't know about called an inner blueprint or in Sanskrit it's called your Dharma. And your Dharma is the inner blueprint of who you are created to be and what you are created to do. And it would be very similar to let's just take a rose seed that inside the rose is a blueprint for the full plant potential. And when that seed is nurtured. It can grow, grow, blossom and bring forth all that it was created to be. And similar. We have an inner blueprint. But most of us have not been taught how to nurture that. How to give that space to blossom. And so. We get all this conditioning imposed onto us as to what we should be doing and what the definition of success is and who we're supposed to be and what we should do. And it's no wonder we feel pressured. We feel anxious, we feel stressed. We feel like constantly going after the money piece of business. And it's because somewhere along the line we've gotten out of alignment with that deeper truth. And that's why it feels so amazing. That's why I call the practice that I do Soul path yoga. And it's actually spelled Soul because it's the illuminated path. It's your unique one and only illuminated path. And when you're on that path. You feel empowered and magic happens because it's truly where you're meant to be. So things align for you. Um. Blessings align for you. Opportunities align for you. Collaborations align for you. Because you're truly fulfilling what you're here to do. And if you build your business on that, you can never go wrong. Is my belief.

Brian Kelly:
I love it. Gela. Whoa. Gela Alonzo says hi. Hi. Brian. Alonzo and Rapadas families.

Chara Rodriguera:

Brian Kelly:
Welcome Love fest. Love it. Thank you for coming on. And we love participation and questions. Soul Path Yoga. I noticed that about the first word. I'm like, Wait a minute. That means a sun. That's not the soul, but it's dual meaning. I see where she's going. That's really cool. Um, and so, yeah, I actually want to do that. I want to pivot right now. This is a great time to do it. If you don't mind. Share. What I'd like to do is literally pull up your website, the visual representation of it, and ask you what kind of who is your target market from a business standpoint? Like who, who, who are your clients? And they don't have to be business people. Just curious for your business. And then, you know, are they only women or do you target only women? Do you target only men? Do you target just a specific age group, corporations versus individuals, that kind of thing? And then what is it that you do in more a little bit more detail? Like if someone were to come to you and say, Tara, what do you do? I want to see if you're a fit for me. That's that's part two. There's a third part. And then if you have a success story or two you'd like to to share because people love stories, so do I. That would be awesome as well. Would that be all right?

Chara Rodriguera:
Absolutely. You may have to remind me and go through each of the questions again.

Brian Kelly:
Kind of laid it on you. Yes. I'll bring up your website, Yeah. So what is it you do know what who is your target market? Who do you cater to?

Chara Rodriguera:
Okay. So this is such an important question when you're thinking about business. And I have had several people periodically help me with marketing. And they each had a different philosophy. Like, one marketer was very specific and said, you want to have one person and you want to give them a name and you want to How old are they and where are they from? And give them this whole story and you just market to that one person. And I've had many people give me advice on this. Honestly from my heart. I mark it two. People. It is mostly women, but not only women. It is mostly middle aged, but really varies from anywhere anyone in their 20s to anyone in their, you know, even up to 80, 90. But the key. Distinction for me. Is a person who feels on the verge that they are ready, like their soul is ready for some kind of an awakening. That's who I want to work with. Now, can I help somebody who's feeling stressed and anxious and they just want to stretch and they just want to breathe? Yes, I can. But truly, it's that person who has a longing in their heart, a knowing that there is something beyond this human experience. That they are ready to awaken to. That's who I want to work with.

Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. And then as far as details of say, what what is it that you take an individual through? Like if they said, Sure, what is it you do? What would you do for me? And how does that how is that going to happen? What are we going to do for our time together?

Chara Rodriguera:
So first, I love to talk to people and just get a sense of where they are, where their heart is and what they feel they need. And I have a number of offerings that may support them. So certainly one is Soul path yoga, and we can do that in any number of ways. I teach virtually so anyone anywhere in the world can do soul path yoga, and that is a very first of all, you can start for free. And anyone listening today I'm giving three months of Soul Path yoga, three month subscription. All you have to do is email me. We'll talk. I'll send you the links to make sure we get you all set up. And that's a great way to start a group. Class is a great way to start. Then there's some people who say, Well, I don't want to be in a group. I want to be by myself and I want you just to focus on me. And we can do a private session. And that works really, really good when I get to work with someone private. There's always a bit of check in and we can always add more reflection at other techniques in. So private sessions are one of my favorite ways to work with people. In addition, I teach life programs. I teach an eight week optimal life program that leads into the second level, which is dream life. And I'm currently creating the One Life program. And these are levels. And in these programs we teach mindfulness techniques. But in a I want to say in a much more accessible, fun way and. We teach inspired living. We teach mind mastery. We teach manifestation. And we teach connecting to the divine so that you have universal support throughout your journey. We teach healing techniques in these courses. Yeah That's the Life program page. And Brian, I am working on some new offerings because one of the things I love to do is write and publish books. I've published three books. My last two books are sacred poetry books combined with sacred self images. And I'm creating an offering where I'm going to take people who are ready through a process of creating their own sacred self image with me. And also the option of having a sacred soul poem channeled specifically for them. So that's a really fun new offering for anybody who might be interested. And certainly my books are available on Kindle and on Amazon as a hard copy and they are full of. Inspiration.

Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. Do you have one handy there with you?

Chara Rodriguera:
I do. This is my.

Brian Kelly:
Book. Very prepared. Love it.

Chara Rodriguera:
Yeah. This book became a best seller, and it's entitled Love. And if I may, just to give the audience a sense about this and also just to tap into your heart and whether or not you're called to get the book. It these words, I think, are very powerful. And it says that this book is an invitation. And really all my offerings are an invitation to slow down and listen to your heart. It's less about romantic love and more about exploring. More about exploring love and romancing your own souls, your own soul. I chose the title Love because there is nothing more profound, powerful, magical and divine. Love is the greatest teacher and healer, and it's the greatest catalyst for creation and transformation. When it comes to love, we are never done. There's always an opportunity for a new beginning and a new level of learning. Therefore, this book and any offering I present to people is an entryway into the labyrinth of love's infinite nature. Now is the time to love ourselves one another in our world, fiercely and tenderly. The more we allow love to be our intention and motivation, the more certain we are to live extraordinarily blessed lives.

Brian Kelly:
That is powerful. It's like they're it's what is. So that is just fantastic because it's like you gave the definition for love, but there is no one definition for love and it can continue on for quite some time. Beyond even that, what you just wrote and as you're saying, all these different descriptions and ways of depicting what love is, it was like, Wow, yeah, you know, I'm thinking of agape love and things that are biblical. And it was just it hit the chord right there. It was fantastic. Thank you for sharing that. Oh, my gosh. Yes.

Chara Rodriguera:
May I? May I? Brian just mentioned, you know, that can sound well and good, but how it relates to business, we've all heard do what you love that entrepreneur is, you know, should be doing what they love. And then, you know, Yeah success is guaranteed. Well, maybe or maybe not. But I think the key point in that reading is when love is the motivation, when it's the intention, when your goal is to love and be loved and bless and be blessed and be of service with your unique gifts and your unique way, then I think you start out as a success. It's already successful no matter how it unfolds.

Brian Kelly:
When love is the motivation. Now, I told you earlier that I had this little thing where I'm dropping bombs. I'm not going to do that on this show. It doesn't fit. This is fantastic. You are dropping some incredible nuggets of value, of wisdom, of love, and I appreciate that so much. It is such a great message. Patty. Patty Sorry. Lifts. Drew Hope I said that, right. That's so good. Kara. Jillian Keller. Lots of love. Three hearts, chairs, Classes are life changing. Joel is chiming in again. Chair has a love poem. Book is all inspiring. I'm not a poem lover, but I couldn't put this book down. And I read it in one day. I cried in parentheses, bawled and laughed out loud. Man So, Joel, I'm in the same boat, so I'm going to have to pick that book up and read it because just like Chair did by example, she did something she normally wouldn't do, and that was she partook yoga and now her life is she's not just her life, but everyone she touches. Her lives are changed because of her. And that one action. And then Ian North says, My Auntie Milagros loved the book Love Thanks, Chair, for helping me put it into her hands. Oh, man. Love it. Thank you all for coming on. And if you have questions for Kara, please drop them in the comments as well. If you're on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, we're on a lot of different platforms right now as we stream live and appreciate all of you for coming on and participating very, very much. And that just goes to show what an amazing individual Kara is and how many lives she has impacted and continues to do so. And that's why I wanted her to showcase her talents and what she does and didn't forget the third part, Kara, and I'm not going to let you go on that one. Well, I'm just having fun with you if and that is, you know, people love to hear success stories. People love to hear what changes were brought about in, you know, that were great, like from zero to hero stories. You know, we all love those. It doesn't have to be from zero. It doesn't have to be to hero. But did you have somebody that came in that was maybe lost? Not not they hadn't found their way. They were looking They were asking you saying, I'm that person. I need I need clarity. Do you have one in mind that you could share a story of how they came in, where they were at? You don't have to share their name. And then what the result was and how their life has changed since.

Chara Rodriguera:
Yes. Yes. First of all, my own has changed. But this this is a story of just recently within the last six months. Um, I have a good friend who takes my yoga classes and has done my optimal life and dream life programs, and she has a best friend who has a daughter in her 30s. As a family full life. And this beautiful young woman was struggling so deeply, like just kind of fell rock bottom. Some challenging traumas from her past mindset, as you said, Brian, old conditioning, old limiting belief systems like just to the point where she felt hopeless and in despair and desperate for help and was reaching out for help for so many years. But for whatever reason, um, the help wasn't working. So my very good friend said, You have to call Sarah and I give my client this young woman so much credit because she did, as you said, Brian, She took the action. She called me. We talked for about 45 minutes. And through her tears, I felt her heart. I understood her story. And we set up a plan. And I've been working with her twice a week privately for the last six months or so. And in six months, the transformation in this woman. Is mind blowing and she will tell you herself that she is moving from that that self that was so down, so in the dark to feeling hopeful, to feeling empowered. And we use the word sovereign to becoming a sovereign woman in her life who knows where her control lies over her thoughts, her mindset, her words, her actions, her responses, her focus. And we are practicing every time we're together through different modalities, Soul path, yoga through. She's almost done with the Optimal Life program now. And I kind of just work intuitively with her and will include other things. Sometimes we'll do an Oracle card reading, sometimes we do Hands on Healing. I'm also a Reiki practitioner, third level Reiki practitioner, so I let her. Tune into her heart and let her decide what feels like a yes. And we design the sessions together. And I tell her every time how astounded I am with her progress. But here's the thing. I cannot take credit for this. The credit goes to her for her willingness and her commitment and her dedication to her practice. I cannot do anything for anybody without that.

Brian Kelly:
It's so true. They have to be open and willing to do the work because work is involved. They have to go through and do something they've probably never done before, which causes discomfort, which means they're going in the right direction. But they don't know that yet. It takes and that's why it takes someone who's ready. I mean, literally ready. That's what being ready means, is you're going to do some things that might feel uncomfortable, not like physically, but maybe yoga's involved. But. But not necessarily. But, you know, I always forgot who coined this term, but we always say get in the habit of, let's see, get comfortable with being uncomfortable. In other words, make it a practice to do something to stretch yourself each and every day, do something different that you haven't done before. It doesn't have to be a massive thing. It doesn't have to be like, take up yoga and you've never done it before. That's quite a shift. But I'll tell you, I don't know what kind of yoga. I know there's a lot of different variations of that as well, but the one I did was literally from a DVD series, a workout series called P90X, and it kicked my butt. I mean, it was difficult. Some of the moves I couldn't many of the moves I couldn't do. I'm not a flexible person, but the end result was unbelievable. Just the physical part of it, just that by itself. I can imagine going through any of your programs, but yoga included, where you're making, you know, your body is feeling fantastic. When you're done, you're limber, you're I don't know how to explain it. It just it feels good when you've done yoga and the results are pretty lasting. I remember getting on a golf course and I'd changed nothing except I was doing yoga and I was hitting the ball a good 20 yards farther on every drive. And I just looked at my dad. I said, It's got to be the yoga. I've changed nothing else. I'm just more fluid and limber physically. But that also helps with your mind because the mind and body are a team. And I know I'm I'm preaching to the choir chair.

Brian Kelly:
I should be teaching this, so I'm going to be quiet for a little bit. So yeah, a little bit. Yoga. Yoga is phenomenal. And then the fact that you're mean. Oh, the other thing I wanted to point out is I love how you are not just focused on one single craft. You mentioned Reiki. That means you have been out there and looking for additional ways to improve and make even more whole and complete what you are doing for people. So I commend you for that. That is amazing. You put in the time and effort so that others could reap the rewards and it's obviously showing with all the people coming in and commenting and saying just that very fact. So kudos to you. You're one of the very few there are. There are some out there. You're one of the very few that takes your craft and then builds on it with other like crafts or other that supplement and complement what you've already done as your core to make it an even better result and experience for your your client. So appreciate you. Appreciate you for doing that.

Chara Rodriguera:
Thank you. Thank you, Brian.

Brian Kelly:
And it's so obvious and so apparent. It's like and written three, three books. Goodness sakes. Oh, man. I just I literally just. Gosh, it's been about a month ago, I just submitted my first manuscript that took over Yeah. And it was a it was a it. I started it. I'll say I started it over ten years ago. I didn't work on it the whole ten years, but I'm actually glad it worked out that way because the experience I gained in that ten years, I was able to knock it out at the end. So yeah, I'm really excited for that.

Chara Rodriguera:

Brian Kelly:
But thank you. But to do three of them, I always heard like after the first one, the others come easier. Is that true?

Chara Rodriguera:
They do.

Brian Kelly:
You know what.

Chara Rodriguera:
Good. I can only say though I haven't written like a long novel. My first book. You are. It's 1212. Empowering Messages for Children and Teens. Really? Anyone anyone's age. But it's, you know, it's written in a very accessible way. And then my next two books are sacred poetry books, so. I didn't discover that gift until a few years into yoga and into teaching, and that started flowing through me. I didn't even know that that was a gift I had, which is another benefit of yoga. It starts activating latent gifts. That you may not know. You have latent capacities that you may not know you have. And of course, that is very helpful in business. Latent talent, superpowers that you have inside you that become activated because. You mentioned the movements, Brian, and of course, the breath. And I'm going to go out on a limb and say your golf game improved not only because of the stretching and you're more limber and more flexible. Yes, that's part of it. But you are also more connected to your higher self. You're more connected to life and the universal energy of life, and therefore everything becomes more in a flow. Everything becomes less of a struggle and more easeful That's actually what the word yoga means uniting your individual self with the universal.

Brian Kelly:
It makes total sense. I was a certified personal trainer for some years, and I know for a fact that that that that the mind and body are so intertwined that any improvement made to one causes a ripple effect to the other in either direction. And so I always say, why not make it both directions so you can really live your best life possible? And I can see that completely and totally. Jillian Keller says, Sierra Yoga changed my life. Her programs and her spiritual energy are enlightening. Love to you both. Oh, that's very nice, Jillian.

Chara Rodriguera:
Jillian and Jillian is a super success story. The the courage and commitment to her practice. She is a testament. She's also a yoga teacher. And I go to her now when I need wisdom, I go to Jillian.

Brian Kelly:
Now I have a really, really close friend going to give him a shout out, Daniel Aaron, who's also a yoga instructor. And I didn't know much. He lives in Hawaii. I haven't met him in person yet. It feels like it like we're brothers that were separated. And I saw some video of this guy and I'm like, How do you do those moves, bro? It was like, Wow. It hurt my shoulders to watch him. And he did it effortlessly. So I love it when, you know, I've seen so many people say, I do this, I do that. And then you watch them and you go, Did you just start and you're calling yourself an expert now? Well, I could tell that you are. And I could tell that Daniel definitely was too, because I've seen his movements like, man, there are so many moves to this day. I did yoga quite a bit on that program, P90X. I never could get through all of them, ever. I got better. But I am not. I am not built for flexibility. That's okay. I'm fine with that. It got better by far.

Chara Rodriguera:
You better start soul path yoga right away.

Brian Kelly:
Hey, I got to the point where the first time in my life ever, at the age of it was around 47, I was able to touch my toes without bending my knees. First time ever. And that took some time. That's how unflexible I had been. And that was in the past. All right. Katrina Ferguson. I've followed Sarah to three different yoga studios and do her online classes. I love Soul Path yoga. All caps on the end. All right. Yeah serious fans. So what is is there something unique about Soul path yoga? I know there is. The obvious answer is yes as far as the movements are concerned. Or is it you involve breathwork and mind work more or bringing it back to the way it used to be brought in the beginning? What makes it unique?

Chara Rodriguera:
So the uniqueness is what I described about the principles. It's based on 12 foundational principles and they are yoga principles. I did not make them up. They are the foundational principles of yoga and they create integrity in mind, in body and spirit, so that you can actually embody more life force, more love, more light, more creative power. It would be like if you took a bucket that had holes in it and you filled it with water. The water would keep flowing out. You wouldn't be able to hold it. And for a lot of us, myself included, I'm, you know, there's always room for improvement. So these foundational principles really put me and all the students in integrity so that we can embody more of the universal love, more of the creative power. Now imagine how your business is going to flourish when you can hold and flow with more universal love and more creative power and support and creative genius inspiration. People always say, like, How did you come up with that? I'm like. All the credit goes to the divine. I am just a channel. I'm just a channel. But the channel has to be in integrity. So everything in Soul Path yoga is choreographed around that monthly principle, and year after year we do these principles and you might say, Oh, I did that principle already. Well, the next year when it comes around, you're at a different level. You're going to be able to practice that principle at your next level. You're going to take it to a whole new place. And I appreciate that you gave me that affirmation that you see in me, that I evolve, that I add, I do things that are complimentary, and I also collaborate with people who have complementary skill sets. And so getting back to the soul path yoga. My style is a little bit slower. I lean toward the gentle. We might do things that are challenging. So sometimes people describe it as gentle, but not necessarily easy. In my virtual class, though, I keep it relatively gentle and simple because I'm not personally with that person. And my greatest goal is for everybody to feel safe so we don't do anything too crazy in my virtual class. And even in my group classes. We'll I'll see who's there, I'll see their level and I'll kind of push them a little bit. But in general, it's it's a meditative flow. It's breathing practices, meditation practices, and those foundational principles are all woven together. In a way that is very. Self-empowering. And the goal would be to create oneness within yourself and oneness with the universal.

Brian Kelly:
I love it. Yeah. And it sounds like I mean, when people, you know, when you're doing the same thing, but later they're at a different level. They get a different result and they grow even farther. That's where I like that one term. Repetition is the key to mastery. And it's like another analogy is, you know, how many people have ever read a book? One book more than one time. And then everyone would raise their hand and say, okay, the second time you read that book, was it exactly the same? And every single person would shake their head no and would hold up a book and say, Wait a minute, let me hold on a second. Let me just check to open up the pages that did Did the words on the pages change? Was it a different book? I mean, is it the same book? And they're like, of course, no, it's the same book. So the thing that changed was you and you were ready for the expanded version that didn't hit you the first time through. Just like what you're talking about when it's time and you're ready for the next level, but you're doing the same thing, you're just going to get a different result out of it.

Chara Rodriguera:
That's right. Now, Brian, do we have time for me to give the audience a little taste?

Brian Kelly:
Yes, let's do that. No. Oh, my gosh. We are at the end. Time wise. But we're not at the end because, you know, I'm not paying for studio time. So, yes, let's do that. And then we have two gifts to give away. And I have a final question. So we still have a little bit to go here. So hope everybody can stick with us. So, yes, take it away, Jerry.

Chara Rodriguera:
Okay. So today is a very auspicious day, Brian. We're talking about this before the show started and it has everything to do with this month's Soul Path Yoga principle, which happens to be abundance consciousness. So it is spring, at least at the time of this recording. It is spring. There's an abundance of color, fragrance, beauty, like bursting through an abundance of nature's goodness coming through. Yesterday was Passover. This weekend is Easter. We're in the middle of Ramadan and people all over the world are celebrating, um, in ways that are really beautiful, all about rebirth. And in addition, it's a full moon tonight and it's my birthday this week. So there is a lot of, like, rebirth happening. So if you're watching today, even if you're watching the recording, you're here for a reason. There's this new level of you that is ready to come forward. So I'm going to invite all of us to just stretch your arms up, take up some space. You call this pose five pointed star. But with the audience here today, I'm going to say it's beyond a star. It's a supernova today. And then you can let your hands rest in your lap. You can soften or close your eyes and deepen your breath. And you might think, thought we were doing yoga. Isn't that all about movement? Not necessarily. Just let your breath flow to you. And to whatever degree you can through you. And our practice today is going to be unique. It's going to be a form of yoga and meditation. Through sacred words. So I am going to read you a sacred poem. That is perfect for this time of year. And for, as we said, this journey into our next chapter, into our next level, be that personally or professionally. And this poem is entitled Enlightened. So as I read it, let your breath flow. Let the words flow through you. And just be present with what may resonate in this moment. Enlighten. Invite a new breath. Invite a new moment of possibility. Plant a new seed of awareness. Plant a new seed of permission and self care.

Chara Rodriguera:
Notice how even when storms are present, life still blooms. Life still evolves for the better. Life still reveals beauty. Spring is life's way of reminding us that we are reborn again and again. Now is our opportunity to let go of the weight of the world. Let go of self-criticism. Let go of shoulds. Let go of fear. Let go of the illusion of perfection. Now is our opportunity to let in life. Let in a fresh perspective. Let in the present moment. Let in the bigger truth. Let in an abundance of love and light. Now is your opportunity to say yes to health. Yes to fun. Yes. To freedom. Yes. To your heart's calling. Yes to true. Prosperity. And most importantly. Yes to you. Take a full, deep breath in. Full, deep breath out. And see how you feel. How do you feel, Brian?

Brian Kelly:
Just amazing. That's all. Calm, Replenished. Yeah. Feels good. I'm like, All right, the show is over. We're done. Good night.

Chara Rodriguera:
So that's a. Sample of the type of feeling you would have in a Soul Path yoga class.

Brian Kelly:
Interesting. I like it. It's very, very cool. And it's not painful at all in any way.

Chara Rodriguera:
Now we're pain free. We believe in being pain free.

Brian Kelly:
That's and that's fantastic. And so, yeah, we are reaching the end, but we do have a couple of gifts to give away. I don't want to leave because I promise that. First let's go to yours. And by the way, I haven't mentioned that yet either. Her website is kera-tv and that's c h a r a.tv. That is our website where we were talking about and showing it to those who are watching live. And if you're not watching this live and you happen to be listening on a podcast or maybe even watching this recording, don't forget to go to the mind body business show.com and register. We just remind you of the show coming live and you can interact and engage just like so many have here tonight. Thank you all for doing that. And then the actual gift that Sarah is offering, she mentioned it earlier in the show. I'll let you go ahead and describe that briefly, Chair, and how people can reach out to you to get that.

Chara Rodriguera:
Yes, it is a three month subscription to my virtual Soul Path Yoga, so you can be anywhere in the world. And there is a certain time we do it live, but you don't have to watch it live. It's recorded. You can do the practice anytime and you can go to the library. There's an extensive library of classes. You can do any class that sparks your heart. So that value is $111. I would love to practice with you and I'm available. So when you come on early, I'm there. We can talk live and I stay on after and we could talk all things mind, body and business. So that's one gift. And would you like me to say the second gift?

Brian Kelly:
Brian Oh, sure. I didn't know there was a second one.

Chara Rodriguera:
But first of all, how you get the three month subscription, just go to charity and email me or email me directly at info at Dot TV. It's on my website, so if you forget, no worries. Info at charity. Email me that you want to a link to the three month subscription. I'll send that to you. We'll talk. We'll make sure everything is connected and you understand how it works. So that's how you get that gift. And then also at charity, if you go right on the home page, there is a complimentary life changing meditation. It's my all time favorite meditation entitled Breathe and Let the Magic Begin. So that's another second gift for you. Oh, lastly, my love book, I put it on discount. I put it down to the lowest possible price on Kindle you can get, which is 299 because it's a full color book. It's on sale for 299 on Kindle on Amazon and you can get it immediately. You can have it sent, emailed to you immediately. It's on Amazon.

Brian Kelly:
Wow. My goodness. She's just flooding us with gifts. I love it. Thank you so much. You're very, very kind of you. Fantastic. And we do have one more, and that is the vacation giveaway. It's a huge one. My goodness. Yes. A vacation stay. Five night vacation. Stay at a five star luxury resort. You can actually choose a four or a three star. They do have those, too. But literally anywhere in the world, there's many to choose from, as you saw earlier. And then we're going to ask Tara this one final question. And it's interesting. She's already touched on it several times during the show, but I'm going to ask her directly and it's going to be wonderful and amazing, just as Tara is, because it's a profound question. And I love closing every show with it. But real fast, everyone that's watching don't go to this website yet. Write it down and then you can enter to win after the show is over. We'll be monitoring it. Don't worry. Plenty of time. So what is that website to enter to win? It is now on your screen. For those of you watching live R.I.P. dot com forward slash vacation R.I.P. dot m forward slash vacation after the show is over. Write that down. Write that down right now. And then after the show is over, head on over there. And it's real simple to enter. And just as an aside, you will also be automatically registered to get updates of when our show goes live each and every time. You can opt out any time, it's fine. No worries at all. There's nothing for sale. All right. And then who? It may be the end of the show. It's also it's my favorite part of the show, not because it's the end, but because of this question that I'm so blessed to be able to ask each and every guest. And so. The cool thing about this question is that there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It just flat out does not exist. It's because.

Chara Rodriguera:
Of water. Okay, I'm ready.

Brian Kelly:
Well, the exact the thing is, the exact opposite is true. Is that the only correct answer is yours Because it's unique to you. And it. I've been doing this show for over four years, and the answers have been unbelievable. And I know yours will be too. They are been and there's nothing to live up to. There is no failure. Every answer is correct. There is not a chance of failing. And it's going to be phenomenal. I already know it. I already know it because I've asked this question many times. With all that build up. Are you sure? Are you really ready?

Chara Rodriguera:
I'm ready.

Brian Kelly:
Let's do it. Oh, I love it. I love it. I love it. Let me cue something up. Okay. All right. Here we go. Sara Rodriguez. How do you. Define. Success.

Chara Rodriguera:
Let me consult with my assistant here. Okay, we got it. This is easy. It's just one word. And that is bliss. Mm. Less equals success. Your own peace and happiness. Your own, fulfilling your own potential, your own satisfaction, whatever brings you joy. That is success. And for me, being of service to others is what brings me the most bliss. So I would add others.

Brian Kelly:
That is phenomenal and true to form. Absolutely perfect and also true to form for everybody who's been on this show. No two people have yet to answer that question the same way. It is mind blowingly awesome because the other great thing about it is nobody used money as their focus for that answer. Not a single person, not one, one mentioned one actually mentioned it, but the focus was only on the liberation it provided to do what they would make them happy. But it wasn't they weren't money centric. That wasn't what they defined success as. And it was just like, Oh, this is awesome. I am so like it. It's reassuring to hear this from so many people that they're not.

Chara Rodriguera:
Go ahead. I love that, Brian. And I love, too, that your audience can participate. So as you ask the question, everyone who's listening can answer that for themself.

Brian Kelly:
Absolutely. Yeah Patty says, Thank you. This is true. I hope I'm saying that right. Michael Calderon. Well done, Chair. You are fantastic.

Chara Rodriguera:
It's my Uncle Mike.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, hey, Uncle Mike. How are you doing? Love it. I love it. Yeah. Don't forget to enter to win that vacation. Stay. That is a real deal. The sponsor himself has actually utilized that three different times. It is legit. You don't get whisked away to a timeshare torture studio of any kind. It's a real legitimate vacation stay. You're another guest just like everyone else. So don't forget to enter to win. That is it. That is all we have time for tonight. Oh, my goodness. Jerry, you have been phenomenal. Incredible, Tremendous and stupendous all rolled into one. And I appreciate you for coming on. I appreciate you for spending your time. I know it's getting late there in New Jersey land. And I appreciate you for sticking it out with us here tonight. And my goodness, your joy for serving others. It just oozes and it's obvious. And I appreciate you for that.

Chara Rodriguera:
Thank you, Brian. It's my pleasure. I so appreciate what you're providing here for all of us. It's it's a gift. And thank you, everybody, for listening and watching and commenting. It's like, just filled my heart to know you were here with me. Thank you.

Brian Kelly:
Yes, I echo that. Thank you all. All right. On behalf of the amazing Cara Rodriguez, I'm your host, Brian Kelly of the Mind Body Business Show. We will be back again very, very soon, usually every single week with another fantastic episode. Until then, please do two things. Go out there and serve more people and crush it. And number two, by all means, everyone, please be blessed. Take care for now. Bye bye. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at www.TheMindBodyBusinessShow.com my name is Brian Kelly.

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Chara Rodriguera

With the heart of a mystic and the mind of a luminary, Chara is a natural born inspirer. Since 1997, Chara has been a teacher of Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness and Inspired Living. She shares empowering messages and practices that will help you live with greater awareness, skill, peace, joy and love. As the Creator of Sol Path Yoga and The Optimal and Dream Life Programs, Chara has spent the last 25 years guiding others to step into their full potential and onto their authentic path. Her extensive training and experience also includes specializing in relaxation exercises, mind mastery techniques and effective ways to reprogram the mind for success. You could say, Chara is a facilitator of DREAMS COMING TRUE! Known for her intuitive, poetic and loving style, Chara inspires people all over the world to shine their divine light, live their unique magic and honor their authentic path. For more information and a life-changing meditation entitled: BREATHE…And Let The MAGIC Begin!, please visit: www.Chara.tv. Some fun facts about Chara:

1. She’s the Mamma of two sons: Von (13) and Zan (11). They give her daily opportunities to practice mindful breathing! ;)

2. About a year and half ago, her family got a mini labradoodle puppy named, Dream, and she’s become one of those obsessed dog moms.

3. She started taking self-portraits back in 1990, when no one else did that. So, she considers herself a “selfie pioneer”.

4. She’s a big Harry Potter fan and believes in magic.

5. Her arms are always open for real and virtual hugs.

6. Her all-time favorite quote is: “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud, was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” –Anais Nin

7. She can sometimes be bribed with really good chocolate!

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