Special Guest Expert - Chris Thistle: this eJw1jl1vgjAUhv_LudgVUkWQSWKWgcvikukSNM4r0rUFOvvB2iJZjP_dkmWX78d53nMFopVjylXut2OQwTMEwJV1WBFWcQpZFCXRMp0_BkB667TsLTN_wWK2iJMoAEyI7j3h31ym0wBqzgStFJYjtOaCee55wKaxkF2hN8LbrXOdzRAahiFstG4Ewx23IdESUcMvDF0iNJ5aNMuT00fZnCtVxPvjbvrJvtLi5_imXtk8-Z5Uuycs3EoyyvGD1b0hbEX1oITG9OCnAnDcifGT9812ne_Wp_xQbrYvZTkpWsPtvuXW56HsYt-ttZHY-fIob7c7ZvpgQQ:1lghzM:cWjBtBgU-jWxLjzdyLJyF81s4xI video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
So here's the big question. Our entrepreneurs like us, who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward. Only two steps back work getting.
And Dreft. How do we finally break through, and that is the question. This podcast will given you. My name is Crankily. And this is the Mind Body Shop.
Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. I am so excited to bring you an incredible, very special guest tonight. His name is Chris Thistle. And this is a show that is going to be very near and dear to my heart because tonight is going to be a little bit more serious than normal because the topic is serious and. What we're here to do and my job is to help spread the word of what Chris has come up with through all of his research and through his actual efforts and bona fide proof of what those efforts have done for him. And I cannot wait to bring him on here in just a second and let you know that there is hope if you're suffering from cancer, the big C word, maybe Parkinson's epilepsy, Crohn's, autoimmune, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, the list goes on and on. And we're going to get into a deep and help you to either help yourself or those that you know, either those that you love or those that you're acquainted with. And I can't wait to share this this young man's brilliance and genius with you. He's gone gone far above and beyond what most people, if I dare I say maybe every single person in America has done to research and get the answers and then put them into place so that you can get the results that you're looking for. And, yeah, this is going to be a controversial show because we are going to say things that cannot be put in writing. It's going to be interesting and so I'm not going to go through a lengthy introduction of this show, we're going to get right into it this time and bring on our special guest expert, Chris Thistle. Here he comes.
It's time for the guest expert spotlight, savvy, skillful, professional and deft, trained, vaguely qualified.
And yes, indeed, ladies and gentlemen, there he is, and you'll want to know this guy and this guy's name. So I highly, highly recommend that you take out notes, a notepad and a pen and start writing notes, write down his name. We're going to put up his website. He's got some incredible resources, some life saving information and product for you. And just to be absolutely clear, I stand to make zero money from this. This has nothing whatsoever to do with my making money in any way, shape or form. And it's here we are here to help save your life. And because of this man, not because of me, I just want to bring this guy out to the public and shout him from the rooftops. Because, Chris, you know, you and I, we've talked on the phone. You are very, very wonderful about spending hours on the phone with me and answering all of our questions and getting us the formulation we needed to take care of ailments in my family. And I appreciate that so very much. You're just an amazing, amazing guy. Before I really dove in and introduce you formally and we get diving into this quick couple of things for housekeeping. And that is, look, we're still going to have a little bit of fun here. And for those of you to stay on live to the end, you can win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. And that is all compliments of the big insider secrets that come. You see that red logo up there if you're watching on video, if you're listening to our podcast, it's the big insider secrets dot com.
They enable us to give away one of these vacation days each and every show. It's an amazing, amazing gift. And then a couple more. Here we go. Yes, if you're struggling with putting on a live show together and it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and to connect with great people like Chris Thistle and grow your business all at the same time, then head on over to carpet bomb marketing dot com. That carpet bomb marketing saturate the marketplace with your message. And finally, one of the key components that is contained in the carpet bomb marketing course is one that you'll learn how to absolutely master is the very service we use to stream our live shows right here and right now on the mind body business show. And over the course of the past, it's been over nine years now. I've tried so many solutions. Television studio type solutions for live streaming and streaming is the best of the best bar none. It combines supreme ease of use along with unmatched functionality. So start streaming high quality, professional looking live shows for free with streaming out now. Now I implore of you to write things down as we go through instead of clicking away. So go ahead and write this down. Our IP that I am for stream live our IP Dreamforce streamed live. Write that down and stay with us because the man of the hour is back with us now, Chris Thistle.
And I'm going to give him a proper introduction because it's what he deserves by far. Chris, this is a former paramedic with a master's degree in health science while also minoring in microbiology is a smart puppy. This gave Chris. The medical and plant knowledge needed to create thisll therapies as a company that focuses solely on the medicinal customization of cannabinoid remedy remedies. That's a that's a tongue twister, Chris. Chris tailors his products to an individual specific diagnosis. This is this is a game changer. What their symptoms are overall health goals by utilizing 17 unique cannabinoids. Seventy five cannabis derived turbines and an ever growing list of vitamins, supplements and nootropics of them saying all this right, having helped over 500 people, that's five hundred and animals as well to reclaim their quality of life. Chris is ready to bring his proprietary method of healing to the masses. You're going to want to listen to this all the way through. So, Chris, thank you so very much for taking the time out of your busy. I know you're a busy man working very hard to get this incredible product out to the masses. So thank you for being here. And yeah. So let's jump right into it. You know, I'm sure some people saw or heard Cannabinoid and then this word called cannabis. So let's just address the elephant in the room right off the bat. So what you do, Chris, is primarily just to get people high, correct?
Absolutely not.
No, of course not. Because it's anything it's couldn't be further from the truth. And I've been in a CBD company. I wasn't looking to go into a CBT company. It's a long story how it happened. But as a result, I I became very educated in it and realized that there are still many entities out there that block the the commercialization, I guess is a good way to put it, of things like CBD, oil, things that are not drugs, things that are not going to cause any altering of your mind whatsoever. It's just going to cause great things. But what is going on with that, Chris? Why are so many what if the FDA is one example, I'm guessing is saying you can't have this on just merchant accounts? This I know for a fact merchant account shy away from CBD oil of any kind they say you even have, which means you can't process credit cards to take orders with our merchant provider. I ran into that. So what is up with that, Chris?
Honestly, I think Big Pharma has a big hand in it, because so many people are getting off medications, they're shying away from traditional medicine, that just gives them another side effect and a side effect on top of that. And they need a new medication and another medication, you know, and big pharma is losing a lot of money and they had a lot of pull on. So honestly, I think it all goes back to Big Pharma.
And let's address that one head on and I want everyone to hear the answer to this is and I got Chris is OK to have this chat before we started. I don't in any way want to jeopardize what Chris is doing or be very careful about that. But if we say it versus write it, then it's OK. And so, Chris, I want to ask you straight up, do cannabinoids mixtures of those with the things that your you work with? Have you seen them cure cancer?
Absolutely, 100 percent, if not CBD or THC by itself, but combinations of the correct cannabinoids terpene supplements, combine that all together and you can cure cancer.
So I want to be very clear, everyone, you heard that, yes, you can cure cancer. That's amazing. Hey, Tim Gillette, thank you for coming on. I love the support. Please, everyone share this now immediately if you are so inclined, because this is life saving information. Yes. Jason Nasty is on the line and he has lots of questions. Good. I can't wait to hear him. And Lisa Testa, thank you for coming on. I have context to a merchant services company that will let you take credit cards for Civita we've seen up there, out there. But they're far and few between. And that's your thing? It's part of the part of the reason I wanted to have you on here, Chris, is also to educate everyone about not there is no harmful nature in the products you formulate at all. There's no hallucinogenic anything in them. And I know this personally and I will say it now. I myself am a customer and I take the CBD oil that Chris had formulated originally for my wife. And in fact, there is zero. What is the what is it called when you get high on marijuana
Cycle activity
Cycle activity, euphoria? Well, I'm euphoric just because you're on, but that's beside the point. There's none of that going on whatsoever and it's one hundred percent legal. It's not a drug. It is. It's a miracle plant. It all comes from that plant that we all know we all love. We've seen the jagged leaves, the marijuana plant, and it has so many amazing when you start researching this now that your mind is open to it, all of you watching, listening, you're going to be blown away with the magical properties. And Chris, we're going to talk about some of them, I hope tonight we get to that because it's unbelievable what a wonderful plant this is and what it can do not only for humans, but for farms, for nuclear fallout situations that I've learned just it goes on and on and on. And so what took you down this path? Let's back up a little bit. You have a great past. You know, with your degrees, you became a paramedic. I mean, what was that like being a paramedic and helping people in that field?
It was a thankless job, definitely. You know, it was tough. I mean, I love helping people, but paramedics and EMT should definitely be treated better than they are. They didn't work very hard and don't really get much for their job. You know, especially when I started out as an EMT. Basic, you know, it gets a little better as you go up the ladder, obviously, you know, EMT intermediate and then you become a paramedic. But they are thankless jobs and you see a lot of crazy stuff. I mean, especially working in Boston, you know, working in the tougher cities. And then there's people, you know, the paramedics that work and, you know, real tough cities and New York and stuff. And they might go and try to treat a gang member and they get shot at, you know, so it's a thankless job, you know,
And it's it's somewhat upside down, in my opinion, based, you know, there's what you did paramedics. There are police. Of course, there are massive scrutiny. And I think it's really unfortunate police who do the same thing put their lives on the line everyday people in the military who have enlisted because they're only there because they enlisted. They volunteered to go into that teachers who teach our kids. I think all of these vital, vital vocations are so vastly underpaid and underappreciated. I love that. So you came from that hole. And the reason I brought this whole thing up was you come from a place of loving to help people. Yep. And it was the people's job. You still did it for, what, seven and a half, eight years
What steered you to what you're doing now from that point
Is so basically I had an uncle who had Parkinson's and I was always interested in cannabis becoming legal and all that always kept up with the laws. And I was interested in the whole farce, all the different facets of cannabis. I used it when I was a teenager. I mean, I don't really smoke cannabis right now, but I do use my custom formulas. But anyways, I had picked up a CBD vape, you know, years and years ago at a trade show. You know, one of these trade shows that I used to go to all the time. And I brought it over to my uncle's and my his wife, my aunt held it to his mouth and let him take a couple of puffs off that vape. And after about five minutes, all his tremors stopped. He was completely normal. Then once I seen that, there was no stop and I was off to the races, you know, looking, reading everything that I could find.
And that's one of the things that impressed me so much about you. Chris, is your. Your absolute undying way of studying and never stopping until you've gotten all the answers and the interesting thing, when we were talking and you shared this with both myself and my wife, when we're on the phone, is you're looking at a place that I never would have expected that would be the go to region of the world for expertize in how to formulate to help heal the body. So where is that? And tell us a little bit about that research and what it has done as a result of doing that research for you.
So the top tier research is coming out of Israel. I know that might be surprising to a lot of people, but there is a scientist named Ralph Nechirvan and he is actually called the godfather of the endocannabinoid system. He discovered how to separate GHC from the entire planet. So basically all this extraction and everything that's going on today, you know, and they're making to distill it or just straight CBD isolette they have him to thank. And he's also discovered how to synthesize cannabinoids in a lab setting. So literally create CBD or THC or CVN, whatever, out of nothing. So all of their research, you know, on top of that, they have federal grants. They're backed by money, which the United States doesn't do because of the legality of cannabis. So when they have that federal grant to back them up and then they have a top of the line, scientists like Dr. Mashonaland, you know, they can really come up with some amazing things.
And that's so cool, because according to what you've researched, there's nobody else in the United States, as far as I know, that is going as deep as you are by modeling what they found in Israel.
So basically, you know, I. Look at all these different companies and even research companies in the United States. Everybody is just focused on two cannabinoids, THC and CBD. I mean, you might find CBG cannabis grow. You might find that in a few stores that's starting to become popular. But, you know, just those two cannabinoids, CBD and THC people act like that's the end all be all cannabis. And it's not because there's over one hundred and fifty different cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, each one with their own medicinal benefits. And I carry the 17 most medically beneficial cannabinoids. So that sets me apart right there. And then seventy five different cannabis derived hairpins. You know what a TAKUAN is, right? We discussed that.
I think you explained it to me once, but I love to hear it again because I don't recall.
So that's right. So turbines are found in every single plant that are actually found in some insects as well. Those over twenty thousand different things in the world was over three hundred found in cannabis alone. And they're responsible for the aroma and the flavor of the plant, which a lot of people that know about Girkins, they think it's just the aroma or the flavor, but they also provide medicinal properties. So a long time ago, Native Americans and even people to this day all over the world, they go out and they collect different herbs and roots and plants and combine them together to treat different ailments. Well, the reason why they're so specific when they choose their ingredients is because of the term genes that are found inside those ingredients. Now, like a modern day version of that would be, let's say, Brian, you walk into a medical dispensary and you go up to the counter and you say, you know, hey, I have anxiety. And they say, OK, here you try this strain of cannabis. And then I walk up and I say, I have migraines. And they say, here you try this strain of cannabis and they give me something different. The reason why they're giving us different things is because those different strains have different turbine's. So I get those extracted from the cannabis plants in all different strains. And that allows me to add whatever properties my patients, quote unquote. FDA doesn't like that word, but my customer patients, whatever you want to call them, whatever they need.
I can add through the use of Girkins and then the final part that I think is really setting me apart from everybody else is know the vitamins and supplements and nootropics. So, you know, that allows me to really take it a whole another step further. And, you know, adding things like that in there, when you add that to terpene and cannabinoids, you only need micro doses of these different supplements and whatnot because the turbines and the cannabinoids increase the Bible availability tenfold at least. So creating these custom formulas that are tailored to different people's illnesses, that nobody is doing that and I just want that I want this to spread. And, you know, I currently have customers in Thailand, Peru, Brazil, London and all across the US. But, you know, there definitely needs to be more people that know that something like this is out there because everybody is just going into the CBD stores and just buying CBD isolette for two hundred dollars a bottle, which is outrageous. And, you know, or they're going into dispensaries and when they buy cannabis, all they're doing is going off the THC content. They're going to buy the, you know, the weed with the highest THC or that one has. Twenty seven percent of that. One has twenty two percent, no buying. Twenty seven percent THC and the wrong way to buy cannabis, you know, so there's a lot of education that still needs to go on.
So let's address that as far as the U.S. just reminded me of areso short for Rick Simpson oil that became very, very prominent. If you were to research cannabis and cancer together, that will probably come up more than anything these days. And one of the things that it does, because it has an intense amount of THC is it really, really makes you high. And I saw a documentary on this and watched from patients who are taken it. It worked for them. It did a great job. And there were two main differences of several. But one was that the amount that they needed than just the other was the cost. I did a little research and found that. So it's normally a 90 day protocol, as I understand it, 60 and 60 or 90 and a which would involve what I was researching, around 60 grams in total of areso, and that came at a price tag of around six thousand dollars. And we're talking a 60 to 90 day application, which for me, if I have a loved one, I don't care how much it costs. I'll go to the ends of the Earth and raise the money somehow. Some way it'll happen. But six thousand dollars, just to put that in perspective. And then you get something like this where this is a 30 day supply, it's tiny. And that's what you were just saying, that it doesn't take that great amount. You know, they have a dropper. Half an eyedropper once a day is all it takes, and this is it. You don't have to inject anything. You have to smoke anything. It doesn't taste horrible. Even if it did, who cares if your life's on the line, but it doesn't it doesn't taste horrible, in my humble opinion. And and it doesn't cost six thousand dollars. So if it's OK, if I share Chris with this, he just talked about traditional CBD, which is what, one cannabinoid?
Yeah, it depends. I mean, there's CBD isolette, which only has one cannabinoids, isolated CBD. That's just CBD. Then there's broad spectrum which has almost all of the cannabinoids minus all of the THC. So no THC. So those to you, you won't fail a drug test for. And then there's a full spectrum which has every cannabinoid in it, albeit in very, very small amounts, and it has up to zero point three percent THC. So, you know, the full spectrum is a little bit more medicinal than isolette singular cannabinoid by itself. But it still doesn't have enough of the other cannabinoids to be effective. You know, it's still I just look at those isolated broadspectrum and full spectrum, which is the basic CBD tinctures, you know.
Yeah, and the comparison is something like that that did not have the knowledge behind it, the mixture of the formulation that Chris does from his research from Israel, from his proven results, this is what really matters to me, is not all of the stuff that went into it, although that is important. And I don't want to dilute that at all because of the work you put in, Chris, but it's the result you're getting from that and from these wonderful concoctions. So this is very specific. You had this made from my wife and this goes back to a story where and this is my copy of it, it has my name on it, too. He does look at that same guy, my name. That's pretty cool. So I know that this is mine. You've also supplied some for both my dad and my mom, and they each have their own separate formulation as well. And they are now actively consuming that. And it's not all but 19. Let's see, 12 years ago, I lost my mom and she had battled breast cancer for 16 years, a long time through chemo, multiple times radiation, you name it. It was it was horrendous. And just love those days where she wasn't feeling horrible, which anyway, back then I knew nothing about and probably wasn't that prevalent as far as Israel.
So I don't know if that even existed. I don't know when it came out. But I did research this is my mom. Right. And I found this stuff that I can only describe as dirt water. It was it came in a little cajas and it just this light brown look to it. And it was a full jar, one of those. What do you call those? Those Mason jars. Yeah, Mason jar. And just it just came that way. Somebody formulated it and, you know, it didn't look appetizing. It didn't look tasty. And that wasn't the reason. But I decided I'm going to buy double and I'm going to drink it next to her alongside of her as a healthy being to see if there are any adverse effects to me, you know, because obviously, if you're already weakened from chemo and everything else, it may be magnified the results of that side effects. So I wanted to be there with her and also experience the whole thing, the taste, all of it. It was nasty. But again, if your life's on the line, who cares what it tastes like, looks like how you ingest it as long as it saves your life.
That was that was that from cannabis?
No, I don't recall what it was from. And it had apparently I don't know if it had any effect at all. I have no way of knowing it was Nancy was had a lot of lymph nodes involved from the very get go. 16 years is quite a testament to not long with what she had. That's the whole point of that, is I wanted to be there by her side and experiencing whatever it is she's experiencing the best I could even she lost her hair. So I shaved my head bald to support her. And then my dad, my son followed suit. So we were a nice bald family. It was pretty cool, but that was a lot of support and so full circle to today. Similar thing is happening now. And next time I'm on the air, you might see me bald and both. It's because of my wife. She's going through it now. And luckily, it's pretty, pretty quick. But I'm I am actually taking the same exact formulation she is alongside of her. That is why I want to explain all that. And so and I've talked to you a lot about this, Chris, and here's one great way to summarize how to treat this, how to think about this. It is basically a supplement. Yeah, dietary supplement. It's a miracle plant that has had its beautiful. Parts extracted based on education, based on knowledge, based on research, based on actual results. Of how people reacted. Let's talk about a few results, let's talk about you gave a great story about an individual that had been diagnosed with stage four. That's the highest later stage pancreatic cancer. Now, when people hear pancreatic or lung, they instantly think death sentence. So what happened with this one?
So back in twenty eighteen, I actually was an owner of CVT store in Massachusetts with partners, you know, no longer part of that business, you know, just focusing on my physiotherapist now. But back then, you know, I always work the front, always dealt with all the customers because of my medical knowledge. And this woman came in and she walked right up to me and she said, what do you have to make me feel comfortable? She didn't want to try to treat anything. She just wanted to, you know, go out and spend her last days as comfortable as possible. She wasn't going to do chemo. She wasn't going to do radiation. She told me she had four tumors on her pancreas, stage four cancer. So I said to her, before you give up, you know, let me try to make a custom formula for you. And after me explaining how it works and everything, you know, she agreed. And I actually used, you know, based formula of full spectrum CBT. And I added in the cannabinoid CBG cannabidiol, which is the stem cell of all cannabinoids. So when you have a cannabis plant growing before it has THC, before it is CBD, before it has CVN, CBC or any of these hundred and fifty different cannabinoids, it's all CBG throughout different stages of its lifecycle. It gets hit with different enzymes and amino acids and those CBG molecules turn into THC or CBD or so on and so forth. And at full maturity there is less than one percent remaining of CBG.
I get that extracted. And when a human, you know, just that it's like taking the plant equivalent of stem cell therapy. Now, what it can do in this woman's case is as far as cancer is when the cancer goes to metastasize, it needs to grow a new tumor somewhere else. You know, it's going to spread, needs to grow. The tumor may be in her lung or wherever it wants to go. Now, for that to happen, something called angiogenesis needs to occur. Angiogenesis angiogenesis is the creation of new blood vessels. So you need those blood vessels feeding that tumor to keep it alive. Now, CBG actually inhibits that process. So by putting CBG in her formula, I knew that the cancer would not spread or get any worse than I know stage four is pretty bad, but you didn't want to have it spreading through her entire body. That's the first part of healing. Somebody is containing it. And then I use something called CVC Carnamah Chroming, which causes apoptosis cell death in cancer cells, actually eats them from the outside in and then the terpene limonene, which is found in citrus fruits. So that's why a lot of people that have cancer get vitamin C infusions. That actually creates a secondary cell wall around the cancer cells and stops them from replicating. Well, anyways, I made that formula for the woman and after three months she came in, she walked right up to me and gave me a hug and she started crying and I thought, this is it.
You know, she's only has a couple of days remaining or something like that. But I started talking to her and she wasn't upset at all. She was very happy. She told me that she just had three of her tumors removed. And once they remove the tumor, there's obviously some down to the pathology lab to see what's going on with them. Her doctor remove them because they had shrunk over 60 percent. And when he sent them to a pathology lab, he seen that there were you know, there was this coating around tumors and there was, you know, another molecule that was, you know. Drilling its way inside the tumors that he asked her what she is, what what have you been taking that's without it. So she told them that the owner of the Comedy Store made me a custom formula with this, that and the other thing. And he said, well, you better go and give him a hug because he saved your life. So she she came in and gave me a hug. I told her, you know, are you going to continue on this formula, stay, you know, keep taking the same thing. So she kept taking it. And then four months later, that final tumor, it disappeared on its own. It didn't even need surgery. And she's still doing fine. So this day.
For months.
Seven months total, it was three months for the first three tumors and then four months for the final one to completely disappear.
My goodness. And what she basically ingesting droppers full of a former governor,
Same exact thing. Yeah.
And it I love this. I love the actual stories of, you know, this is you can't. Yes. Could you make this up? Yes. But he's not. There's no way. And one thing that really rang true with me about you, Chris, is I'm a businessman. I'm an entrepreneur. I'm always looking for helping other business people to make more money. And you were very adamant in saying, I'm not doing this for the money to help people to save their lives. And so that was going down the path of the price point of like Rick Simpson oil, which has had some, you know, downright downright miraculous results similar to what you describe. But six thousand dollars plus it gets you so high. Some of them some of the people I saw on the documentary said that was the toughest part. I had to get over that hump. But it was to say that they'll do anything they need. They were hallucinating. They had so much, even if it were THC laden, the the drug part, the type that is psycho, whatever you said, active psychoactive part.
Yeah. If if it was that, how many people in history that are you aware of that have ever overdosed and died off of marijuana or THC zero. There we go.
Yeah. It's just not possible.
Anyone that's wondering if this is safe or no one. It doesn't make you high. Number two, it's safe. You can't overdose. So that's why I say think of this as more like a supplement. But this is a let's call it a super supplement because it's saving lives. And that's I'm excited. I literally have goosebumps under my jacket right now. I am so into the I want the word spread so far and wide about what it is you do. I want to bring up another example, because we do have actual a picture. A picture is worth a thousand words and it goes in line with a question of a good friend of mine. Jason asked who brought it up, pull it up on the screen here. And he said, Have you had luck with psoriasis and so psoriatic arthritis treatment? I'll never make a doctor every day,
Every day, every day.
And so you had a particular young woman in that exact condition, correct?
Yeah. So this woman this is one of my customers in Peru. She's had psoriatic arthritis, probably. She's about sixty three years old and she's had it for over twenty years now. And it obviously manifested in the form of pain. But also she had the dry chappie shave skin and it was covering her entire face, which, you know, obviously that's going to take away from your quality of life. You're not going to be able to feel comfortable in certain situations. And all they were doing for traditional medicine was giving her tropicals to essentially burn off the top layer of her dermis and hoping that it would be healthy underneath. And that's absolutely not the way you want to go about something on your skin. You know, your skin is a reflection of how you're doing on the inside and how your internal systems are doing. So you need to balance those out. You need to achieve homeostasis. And once you do that, you can begin to have healthy looking skin. But this woman I told her to stop taking, you know, stop using that topical and I created a special formula for her and not a topical, not anything, just something that she's ingesting. And after thirty days, the changes were miraculous. I mean, we have the other picture. It's I mean, it's night and day. I was even shocked that it worked out well. Like, she she's almost completely clear her skin in that picture. It's still shocking to me to see that.
I have one more time for comparison. For those of you watching and for those of you listening on podcast after the show, I, I highly urge you to come over to the mind body business, show dotcom the mind body business, show dotcom, go to past shows and you can pull up this show with Chris Dussel and you'll be able to see these images from there. So be sure to do that because we're showing the before picture. I mean, it looks painful.
It looks and it really does
Look like scabs on our face, open source, big all over, all over our face or forehead or cheeks. And we go to the after and. My gosh,
It almost looks like she has makeup covering everything. Yeah, but it's not. That is crazy.
And that's why I wanted to impart upon everyone watching as this goes on, we could go on all night about the types of things that Chris has helped people with, what he's helped to cure. And yeah, I'm saying I'm saying cure. Why can't we say the word cure? I don't understand that. That just drives me nuts because it's.
Yeah, it's not FDA approved. So you can't act like it's a medicine. You can't say it's a medication. It cannot treat or cure anything. You just can't say it
And be part. And medicine in today's terms just means a chemically altered concoction of some kind that does more harm than good. But I didn't say that, did I? OK, but they are just saying the itching is what makes you crazy. So she a lot.
Oh yeah, definitely. I mean, you can tell just from the picture, I mean I'd be itching like crazy. Yeah. She had her face looked like that for the better part of 20 years. I mean she was. Yeah she was at her wits end. Wow. And I mean she was in tears. You know, the fact that it helped that much, I mean,
She it's
Gone. I mean, I'm I'm still shocked honestly about that outcome, but I'm glad that it helped her. And, you know, she's still taking it her formula to this day because she doesn't want it to come back. And yeah.
And that's the other thing, the cost that I keep dodging that, but not on purpose. But we were talking about isolette and full spectrum and broad spectrum. And I myself had taken CBD oil that was broad spectrum are full spectrum. It was
Yeah. You were taking for
Fifteen hundred I think was the mg. Yeah. Fifteen hundred and it was around one hundred and forty two hundred dollars per bottle like this. Yep. And after talking to Chris I remember we were on speaker with you Chris, and you're talking about everything we're talking about tonight and so much more in great detail, knowing that what you have is way more special than just CBD oil off of the the countertop, if you will, is my wife and said OK. And without really waiting for a big thing that she was like, so, Chris, what are we looking at for? Cos, you know, in my mind I'm thinking areso six grand for ninety days. Right. And you came back and said it'll be two hundred and I'm thinking. Dollars said out loud, and I remember this, he said, That's it. You paused for a moment and said, Wow, that's it. I get a lot of people that tell me that's too much. I'm like, are you kidding me? If they knew actual CBD oil cos that isn't even specially formulated, doesn't have the extracted cannabinoids like you have done the 17 and put them together in the proper mixture along with the beans and everything else that goes into it and your love and care. You physically put that, you formulate these yourself individually.
Everything's handmade. You. And so everything myself.
Think about this, and this is everybody out there, two hundred dollars a month, would that be worth it to cure your cancer? Would that be worth it to get rid of your your arthritis or the skin conditions and all the skin conditions that go with it? How about pain? We have a question about pain here. Have you created formulas for lower extremity nerve damage? Pain?
Absolutely. Yeah, actually, the one that you were showing that relief, if you see the bottle, it says relief. When I first created those formulas I created for premade formulas, I created, you know, relief, which was for neuropathic muscular joints, all different types of pain. And then I created relax, which was for basically anxiety and depression, created revive, which was for focus, memory retention, energy. And then I created rest, which is for insomnia, people that have trouble sleeping. And, you know, when I made custom formulas for people, I essentially take the label that I think it's, you know, fits the formula that I'm making. So when I made the formula for you and your wife, you know, that's going to give her relief. So that's why I use the relief on. But the relief that's on my site is made specifically for neuropathic pain, muscular pain, joint pain. And then if you want, you know, you can reach out on my site through the chat function. It goes right to me and I will customize it to you specifically. Now, you told me your age, your weight, your diagnosis, your symptoms, the medications you take, food allergies, for example. Brian's wife had a food allergy. All the stuff I had made up was with coconut oil and I had to go out and get my palm oil. So now I have a special ingredients and for her formulas here. And so then I try to make sure that I can adapt to everybody's needs.
And you're so easy to get a hold of. And I don't want to cause a landslide of people calling you and all of your time, but is something called a diagnostic quiz, right. On his website. And so you can go through and basically explain what's going on with yourself, like he just mentioned through the chat
Interface that will that will show you what Terrapins will work best for you. I'm actually working on one right now for cannabinoids and supplements as well. So it will be everything on one, but that is a lot of coding.
But and then so I mean, this says twenty four hour, seven customer support, I can attest to that. My gosh, you're on the East Coast. I'm on the west. And there was one point I was texting you, and I know it was past 11:00 p.m. your time and you responded within minutes. And I didn't expect that. I expected all you'll get to me tomorrow is like smokes.
You know, I always answer my phone. And on top of that, like when somebody purchases a product, I should be priority mail there in Massachusetts. They get it the next day. If they're in California like you, it's probably like two or three days, tops. You know, sometimes I'll even do overnight shipping for free if it's a special case, you know.
So we just want to implore one, people try not to take advantage of this guy and ask for stuff like that up front, me personally, I will pay extra just to keep you rolling, if that if that's what it comes down to, not because what you do is so important in my life. It's got to be in everyone's opinion now that that knows that what you do gets results. Yeah. Lisa said currently on intrathecal, I guess, as I say, M0 for pump and wanting to wean out opioids.
Yep, yep. I have gotten a lot of people off opioids, benzodiazepines and all Neurontin SSRI is I mean, that's probably a daily thing too. I get calls about people wanting to get off medications. That's becoming more and more prominent. And that's why at the beginning of the show, you were talking about, you know, why isn't this legal? Why why can't you say this? Why I can't say that. And I said that Big Pharma, I think, has a lot to do with it. And that's why so many people just want to get off their medications. They tell me they're on 15 different medications and they want to get down to one or two or they want to get down to none, then I can't tell them stop taking your medication. But they can use their own discernment. And, you know, as they start to feel better or they go to the doctors and they get better test results, you know, they know what they need. And if they don't need it anymore, then so be it. Maybe they're just taking a dropper until the time, the day, you know, that I think that's a lot better than taking 15 different medications, you know.
Absolutely. And, you know. Yeah, well, take us down that rabbit hole. Big Pharma, you know, they're going to they're going to be the reason they don't like this. One of the big reasons is this is literally taking money out of their pocket 100 percent. And I, for one, am more than happy to do that because, I mean, my gosh, I have a good friend of mine who take who gets an injection and does this quarterly. And I think the number was twenty thousand dollars per injection. We're talking about a little bitty thing, a syringe that I know what you have can help him.
Yeah, you're telling me about him.
So it's unbelievable what Big Pharma charges because they can because of insurance. And I mean, it's just a big rabbit hole, like I said. But in the onset, we talked about so many other things, you know, about what you have addressed with different formulations. Cancer is one of them. It's the big C.. Right. Parkinson's was another. So I talking about Trembly and you talked about that just a little bit ago, that he was calm in no time. Crohn's disease, epilepsy. You had a story about epilepsy. I remember
Sure that
So actually, this came from a business acquaintance of mine. His brother lives in Thailand and he's married to a Thai woman and she's a very small, petite woman and about eighty five pounds. And she had severe epilepsy that also manifested in the form of neuropathic pain. And she was having, you know, up to five seizures a day. And on top of that terrible pain she was dealing with. So, you know, the business acquaintance got in touch with me. I got in touch with them, which a 12 hour time difference. So that was another call that was late at night. But I talked to them, created a custom formula, very difficult to get the product into Thailand, had a claim that it was essential oils and know fake invoice and all that. But I got that over there. And after she was taking it for four days, she stopped having seizures. And after two and a half months, after two and a half months, she went to see her doctor and her neurologist. The neurologist cut all her medications by 50 percent. So cut everything in half. And then after another three and a half months, she went back and they took her off her medicine completely. So she doesn't take any other medications now except for my formula that I created for no seizures. No no pain. She's completely fine.
I mean it, and we can go on again all night with all of the case studies that I like to call case studies. The types of conditions that Chris has directly helped people with and you saw the picture of the nice lady before with all of those horrible things all over her face, the sores, the scabs, the it looked it looked painful. And then just a short 30 days later, clear after 20 years here in St.. And so I just please, if you maybe you aren't the one, if you're watching or listening, maybe you don't have any of these ailments and think, thank the Lord if that's the truth and that's the case. But I would be willing to bet, you know, somebody who does, whether it be someone you love or a friend or even just I mean, I learned of somebody who I met twice as many years ago, and I learned that he was suffering from neck cancer, cancer on his neck. And I reached out to him and gave him your contact information. I don't care who it is. These are human beings. I mean, I don't care what I mean, but I don't have to know them to spread the word about this life saving gift that you have for them.
The other thing I want to touch on is you were talking about Rick Simpson oil. And, you know, people hear cancer and they automatically go for Rick Simpson Oil or FICO, which is full extract cannabis oil, which, you know, a lot of people think that are the same thing. And they they basically are they're just two different extraction process processes. But, you know, people like I said, they automatically default to that. They hear cancer. They say get on soil right away, even with animals. You know, I treat animals all the time. I'm treating a few of them at the moment that have cancer. And, you know, I see people saying, oh, give give that cat areso. And then I jump right in on Facebook or whatever it is and say, no, do not give the cat Owasso because they have about one hundred times the amount of cannabinoid receptors we have and that will kill the cat. Wow. The amount of THC. But, you know, people think that the the high, high amount of THC in ARESO is what kills the cancer. Now that actually can help. But honestly, I think and I have information to back this up, that it's the other minor cannabinoids that are found in the Owasso because it's a full extract.
It actually has about 20 percent CBG, which I was saying, you know, inhibits angiogenesis. It has about 15 percent CBC, which causes the pop ptosis, and then it has the Terrapins like the limonene, which I was talking about. Now, if you go and you just go by CBD oil off the shelf, that's going to have less than zero point one percent CBG. So there's hardly any trace trace amounts. And so when you go from smoking cannabis or whatever and having just trace amounts of these great cannabinoids and you go and you have something like areso that has 20 percent, you know, that's a big jump and that's going to make a big difference. So I honestly think as time goes on and we research more and more, they're going to see that it's the minor cannabinoids and not as much the THC. You don't need to get high. And, you know, like like you said, you know, with the R, so it was so high that you can't even do anything. You don't need that. You just need the other cannabinoids and let them do their job and they'll take care of the cancer. You don't need the crazy amounts of THC.
I love it. And Lisa agrees. She feels better just listening, she said. And you know, normally the show runs an hour and I know you're on the East Coast. There are there are several things I'd still like to address, but I totally want to be respectful of your time. Chris, are you willing to go a little bit longer?
Yeah, I'm fine. Yeah.
Ok, fantastic. Because I got questions coming in, I think that are important to address for people that are watching and listening. Jason, that's my good buddy says, can you help treat high blood pressure with this?
Actually, yeah. So there was a new cannabinoid and this is why it's important to stay up on the latest research and whatnot. It's probably the second newest cannabinoid that they just discovered probably about four months ago that was called CIBM Cannabis Movement. And that was actually discovered by some Italian scientists out of Harmony Italy. And that actually came from a strain of hemp called Carmenere. And that, you know, that cannabinoid CBM actually can control your blood pressure. It can regulate your a one second can help regulate your metabolism. And that's just the newest cannabinoid. But also going back to what we know already, you know, that everybody knows about. CBD and whatnot, the main purpose of taking CBD is to promote homeostasis in your body is promote balance. So when you start taking CBD, like somebody might take CBD for paint, you know, they got a bad elbow or something. And after a month of taking it, oh, they go to the doctor's and they're able to see count in their blood pressure is much better. So it just it. Balances out everything in your body. That's what your endocannabinoid system is, therefore it's there to just keep everything balanced in your body and you'll see that, you know, you'll have a lot of unexpected outcomes, not bad good ones.
You know, you when you take different cannabinoids, you're going to start experiencing things that you didn't even know that was wrong. You know, like you might start, you know, sleeping better. You might feel that. You might not think that you sleep, that you might think that you sleep fine at night, but then you start using CBD for pain or something like that, and you start sleeping better. You start having more vivid dreams because you're getting into that deep into that REM sleep phase. And then you wake up feeling less groggy because, you know, in REM sleep is when your body repairs itself the most. And so, yeah, there's a lot of stuff that cannabinoids can help with. I mean, with the term things that I have and the cannabinoids that I have and all these different supplements and vitamins and whatnot, I can basically put together combinations to treat almost anything. And I pretty much have done that. That created quite a bit different ailments.
That's phenomenal. And yeah, Jason said lower blood pressure, more sleep. Who doesn't want that?
Exactly. Yeah, especially our lead times with covid and everything. You know, it's a crazy time. Everybody has anxiety right now. Everybody's having trouble sleeping. Everybody's having high blood pressure, you know, so everybody could use some of these custom formulas, maybe even make one called a million plus, which is an immune boosting formula. And, you know, I make those different formulas, but. I can actually take with each one like so like I told you, I have the rest formula, for example, that helps you sleep and then I have the immune. Plus I can combine those two together because everything's handmade and made to order. So when somebody contacts me and says, hey, I need to sleep better, but I also want to boost my immune system, I can combine two things together. And now they have their own custom formula.
There you go. There they are right here on his website. There's a million plus and Scott, relax, rest and revive. So I'm guessing Restitched help you get to sleep revived.
If you look at my reviews on Google and my reviews on Facebook and stuff. It almost looks like the rest is all I make because, you know, so many people are reviewing that one because it is my number one selling premade formula. You know, when I say premade, just like, you know, one that has a set, you know, set ingredients to it. I do sell those worms online and I do have wholesale contracts with other other stores and stuff, and that's how they can carry my product because obviously they can't just carry a bunch of different ingredients and make stuff up as people come in. So I had to come up with a few that people could put on the shelf, and I'm actually up to 10 different formulas now. I have the pet formula and see PET, which is comes in bacon and chicken. I have a Delta eight formula. We touched on Delta AT&T, didn't we, Brian, before we did.
When we were talking about on the show.
Yeah, not on the show. So you know, when you use cannabis, when you smoke a joint or eat an edible, you know, whatever your, you know, form of intake is, the main cannabinoid that most people are after is Delta nine THC. That's your quote unquote, everyday THC. And that's what gives you that psychoactive feeling. So, you know, that euphoria and. There is another there's multiple different types of THC that a lot of people don't know about. Now in my formulas, I use Delta eight THC and also I've just started using Delta 10 THC. Now, those are actually made through a conversion process that they don't really occur naturally. They do in very, very small, small amounts. But if you want actual usable amounts of Delta eight or Delta 10, you have to convert it to a chromatography. And what that so Delta eight THC has all the medicinal benefits of Delta nine THC, but none of the drawbacks. And so, you know, Delta 1980, when people smoke a joint or whatnot, you know, they can get paranoid, they can get anxiety, it will exacerbate nerve pain. Sometimes they can actually inhibit REM sleep. Delta eight doesn't do any of that. And it's about 10 to. Depends on how it's formulated, but it can be between 10 and 30 percent less psychoactive. So it doesn't hit you in the face. You know, it's a very subtle high. It's clearheaded, it's focused. And honestly, I prefer it more than Delta Nine. I look at it like Delta eight is more medicinal and Delta nine is more recreational because with Delta eight, I can formulate that in somebody's tincture to not produce any type of euphoria, but give them all the same medicinal benefits from Delta nine. And you can't really do that without the THC.
And so quick question on Delta eight, will that show up on a drug test for those that need to be worried about that?
Yes, it will. So when they do a drug test or THC, they're looking for the metabolites of THC. They're not looking for Delta Nine itself. So when you ingest Delta, it metabolizes exactly the same as those in.
Ok, so just good for people to know in case they are frequently given drug tests at work or or whatever. So just to know that and then for questions like that and how to use alternative approaches, reach out to Chris. I know you'll have different ways to attack this and make it work for you. Here's a great question from Lisa Testa again. How long does it seem to take for the supplements to begin working? I like how she called it supplements, isn't it? Yes.
So I have know different strength formulas when I make custom formulas for people, I like to either do fifteen hundred MG base formula of CBT or a three thousand base formula. Reason for that obviously is because I, you know, I believe that you should have CBD in there, but also I have to put a milligram number on it. That's how people shop. You know, they want to see how many milligrams is now, even if it's just fifteen hundred or three thousand, that's not the final number because I might have three thousand milligrams B CBD, but then I had five hundred milligrams of CBG or two hundred milligrams of Delta, 88 C. But regardless, anyways, back to what I was saying with the three thousand milligram formula, which is what I recommend to most people, you would take that twice a day for five days and after those five days, your CV two receptors in your endocannabinoid system would be full and that's when you would get the maximum efficacy from it. But you would start noticing the difference after the first couple of days, probably two days, you'd start noticing. It really depends on what you're using it for you. If you're using it for something like anxiety, you might notice a difference right away after about 10 minutes, if you're using it for something that's, you know, systemic throughout your entire body, like autoimmune, like Crohn's, that might take, you know, five or six days before you start noticing a small difference. And it might take a full month before you start noticing a big difference. It depends. And then on top of that, everybody's different. Everybody takes things different. It metabolizes different. You've got to try it yourself. But I usually use the five day mark. As you know, when you're CBT, receptors will get saturated.
So I use this as a rule of thumb, tell me if this is good or not, but I always tell people after what I've researched and listen to you, it's to give it give it 90 days to fully start realizing there's a change going on. Because like you said, some are internal and it's more difficult to realize something's happening with that woman. Of course, it's pretty visual, but not one's condition is externally. It's not something we can prove or say. Yep, it worked under the shadow of a doubt. It could be. Well, I started. I started. I stopped drinking soda. So maybe that's why I feel better. Maybe it wasn't, you know, so I just don't give it ninety, ninety days. Seems to be a sweet spot for everything in life, business, everything. What do you think. Too long to give it a go or.
No, definitely. Like I said, you might start treating like four. For example, say you start taking it for anxiety. And you start noticing the difference right away, but if you start taking it the whole time, all the way for 90 days, by the time you get to that 90 day mark, you're going to notice that it did this, this and this that you didn't even know it could. Do you know why you're going to notice that my knee doesn't hurt anymore or, you know, it's going to have all these great unintended side effects that are good side effects? Not bad.
So some benefits. We call it the side benefits.
Yes. So, yeah, definitely. You know, like I said, you know, certain things are systemic. You know, certain things are just, you know, like very easy to treat very quick. But, yeah, definitely give it a fair shake. You know, give it a little time to work throughout your body and you'll definitely won't be let down.
And for those of you that are on medication, just think of the the future of this for yourself. Maybe after three months, you can wean yourself off those medications. And what is the price difference? Think about cost, you know, two hundred a month versus what are you paying for multitudes of medications. Even if you do have insurance that as a copay still can't be a considerable amount of money above and beyond a measly. I mean, what do we spend on coffee a month? I don't I haven't quantified it, but probably up there we get and coffee. We probably spend easily one hundred bucks a month for coffee. We drink a lot of it. We love it, but it's a more than one person drinking. But if you lose perspective, this is your health. This is your is your everything. No question this is a human script, but a question from a friend in the room, can you drink beer and take this, too?
Absolutely. Yeah, actually. So that's actually funny. One of the turbines that I use is called Human Lead, and that's also found in hops. So that actually what that does the proper medicinal properties of human gene is that it's twenty three times more effective as an anti inflammatory than anything that's sold over the counter. So it will give you all those antiinflammatory properties without damaging your liver. And when I'm talking to people that want a consultation about arthritis or pain and joint pain, things like that, I tell them about Humulin and then I say, have you ever seen an older gentleman, maybe, you know, 70, 60, 70 or whatever? And he probably has pretty bad arthritis or something. And he might have one or two beers. And after he has those two beers, he limbers right up. And a lot of people will think right away that it's the alcohol. But really it's, you know, the hops, the Humulin playing a big role in bringing down his information.
Wow. And I know I know Jason personally. He does not drink. And he just sent this next comment and celebrations in the room erupting now.
So I get that Humulin.
So before we call it a night, there was another thing that we talked about, you and I on the phone that I found so intriguing. And that was this is a miracle plant. That's what I'm calling it. It's a miracle plant. I had no idea. I mean, the only thing people think about or know about the negative side of it is marijuana is illegal. Well, it used to be in most states, it's federally illegal. But the other things that can do beyond just helping us internally, directly. You called it a bio accumulator and talked about how it was used in the farming industry. Is that do I have that right?
Yeah. So actually, it cannabis or hemp either doesn't matter. I mean, basically the same thing, you know, when you say hemp, really all that is, is cannabis that has been bred to have very low THC and high CBD, unless you're talking about industrial hemp that's made for grown for fiber and whatnot. But even that when people plant that in their fields, it's actually a bioaccumulate or you can also call it a fight over a mediator. So it actually sucks up whatever is in that soil. So any heavy metals, any toxins, and it cleans the whole soil, cleans the whole field. So, you know, back in the day, farmers after, you know, every couple rounds of corn or wheat or whatever, they were growing, they would grow hemp for six months and clean their fields and then they'd have nice clean soil again and they planted start planting their crops again. And I was telling Brian that, you know, that big nuclear meltdown in Japan, the way they're cleaning that up, you know, because all the radiation spilled over into the Pacific Ocean, they're actually making manmade islands with him, planting hemp all over the islands and then pushing them out to sea. And that is sucking up all the radiation. And I mean, then you have irradiated plants. So they have to dispose of those. But that is the reason why most people tell you, and I would tell you, too, is that you always want to make sure that any CBD or any cannabinoid product you get is manufactured in the US, you know, grown and processed in the US and also grown organically because you get stuff that comes out of China and stuff. You could be getting irradiated. You could be getting something that's grown in a field that has lead and mercury or, you know, you never know. And you could be doing it a lot more harm than good. So you want pure clean, have great point.
And then you also say that the farmers that that was banned, that they could not do that for some time.
Oh, yeah, definitely. So it was banned back in the good and the actual years slipping me. But they banned it back in the 40s, I'm pretty sure. And then they brought it back during World War Two for Hemp for Victory, which they were. Allowing people to grow hemp again, to make money, textiles and whatnot, and then they took it away and then back into twenty eighteen, they made it legal again. But I actually attribute all this stuff like people, you know, these these ailments and illnesses that are becoming more prominent, things like autism or Crohn's and SILLIAC little things that you didn't really hear about 60 years ago. It's because back then farmers were growing hemp and the animals on their farm were eating the hemp. And then we were either eating the animals or drinking their milk and we were getting cannabinoids. Now that farmers weren't doing that for 60, 70 years, we weren't getting any cannabinoids. And a lot of this information and research out of Israel, they think that a lot of these new ailments that are popping up, being becoming so prevalent are because of a deficient endocannabinoid system.
I find this so incredibly interesting. It's I mean, with all the evidence and we could go on forever and I'm scrolling through, I took I don't know how many pages of notes when you and I spoke. So I've been scrolling through those as we're talking. There's so much more. Oh, there's also, you know, there's oil that you ingest through your under your tongue. You just let it sit there for two seconds. Forty five seconds, 30 seconds, whatever. There's also a topical that helps with pain and it's CBD laden with CBD. Look it's got eighteen hundred. Is that eighteen hundred milligrams.
Three hundred milligrams of CBD, 500 milligrams of CBG, two hundred milligrams of Delta. Eighty two. So you see how it says eighteen hundred on the label but it's really twenty five hundred milligrams of that. And then there's you know, proprietary blend of turbine's twenty seven essential oils, arnica and calendula for mussels, camphor and capsicum for warming, menthol crystals for cooling and even a little bit of light pain for numbing the pain.
I mean, come on, ladies and gentlemen, you know you know, this guy was pretty intelligent, you know, when you find out he's got a master's degree, right. And it doesn't even matter what the masters degree is in, that takes some serious work. And it takes, you know, in my estimation, above average intelligence. I'll just say that. And so, yeah, you're you're an amazing guy, Chris. And what you did was I am so blessed to have crossed paths with you. And the way I found you was bye bye. Little accident. I thought another organization and I was referred to by a friend, he goes, Oh yeah, I know who that is. After I researched someone from Massachusetts, it wasn't the same person. It was you thank the Lord because you have taken this to a much more extreme level. And I want to get the word out about you. And by the way, everyone watching stick with us. We have two gifts to give you, and I'm going to do that right now. But I wanted to set something up real quick, Chris. Yeah, every person I bring on this show, they're all entrepreneurs. They're very successful. And success is is a word. And what I want to do is I like to ask every single one of them the same exact question to close out the show. And it's a very powerful question, not because the question itself, but the answers that I get in return and I can't wait to unload it on you. And I mean that in a nice way. Don't worry, it's not a big deal. You're going to love it and you're going to crush it on the answer because. Because you will I just know who you are real quick, the giveaways. So let's start off with that five nice day at a five star luxury resort, compliments of the big insider secrets, dotcom and a little secret.
That's my good buddy, Jason Nast's, who's been on here commenting throughout this evening. He's always supported myself. My business, my family has an amazing dear friend of mine. And look, he's giving away on behalf of him because of his company. We can give this away to you. A five minute vacation stay. So if you have a cell phone handy, pull it out right now and take out your fire up your messaging app where you would text message someone and I'll bring up the information on the screen. And what you want to do is where you would put in the name of the person you're going to text to. Instead, put in this phone number, it's three one four six six five one seven six seven. Again, it's three one four six six five one seven, six, seven. And then we're where you would actually type in the message, you know, that's where you put your emoji, stuff like that, that no emojis just put in two words separated by a dash or a hyphen, if you prefer. The two words are peak. That's OK. Dash vacation, peak dash vacation. Go ahead. Do that right now and then watch your phone. You'll get an automated response asking you for your email address. Once you supply that, our system will then instantly enroll you and put you in to a random drawing and we will announce it later this evening. Who has won that wonderful gift? And thank you again, Jason Narced and the big insider secrets dot com for that amazing gift. And then there's this amazing dude next to me who has also offered something up to you. Remember that, Chris?
Yeah. So I will offer a bottle of my arrest formula. I find that that just can apply to everybody. Everybody needs a little help sleeping once in a while. So I'll be giving her a bottle of formula. Three thousand milligrams of that. Five hundred milligrams of and which is the sleepy cannabinoid in lower doses. It's great for anxiety and I also know the whole ingredient list and whatnot. And then, you know, if everything goes good from there, we can create a custom formula.
Sweet Jason wants it. He also said he's also known as the big insider. And to do that, they need to email you. Is that correct? One person, one lucky person will become the winner of that. I'll put that on the screen. And so you what you want to do is email him Chris, at Fassel Fera dot com and thisll is spelled t h i s t l e and then t h e r a so short for therapy dot com Chris with a c h. Got to put that in there too. Could be a K right there, Cringle. So definitely email him and maybe just put mind body business or the mind body business in the subject line. And that way he knows that you're entering to win and just say pick me.
How's that.
And then, Chris, I would love for you to let me know who won that so we can also shout that you don't show because, look, it's two hundred dollars, but it's worth more than that by far. Its weight in gold by far. It's not only going to help cure you, but it's made with absolute love and care by this amazing guy. And I'm not joking around that that is amazing how much his passion shines through and what he does to help you and everyone else. It just warms me all over to know that there are people like this in this on this earth who are out there helping people is not in it for the money. My vantage point is I want him to make an insane amount of money. Why? Because he can then take this operation, scale it and spread it far and wide, faster than he ever could ultimately. And I know that's how he will take. You know, Chris, you have my permission and everyone else has to make a boatload of money. Enjoy yourself. Take some time off. Go get a super car, whatever, whatever floats your boat because you deserve it for all the people you're helping more than anybody. Most people on this planet, you deserve that. And so please make a ton of money and we'll do anything we can to help you get there so that you can continue this well into the future. Well, after you're even on this planet and I'm on this planet, let's keep this this gravy train rolling and get people off of their medication, more importantly, healthy, and keep them alive for their loved ones and for friends and associates.
So I can't thank you enough. And we do have that question. I didn't forget about it. So let's look at the issue, OK? Here is how we're going to end the show. And thank you so much for staying on an extra half hour. My gosh. And we need it to happen. Yeah, this was big stuff. And I can't wait to share the aftermath of this with the videos, the podcast. We're on twenty five podcast platforms, so definitely share share this in any way, in every way you can, those of you that are watching or listening, because we need to get the word out about this thare dot com Chris thisll and everything that's going on here. All right. Regarding that question. So the thing is, Chris, it can be a little bit personal. And the good thing is there's many good things about it. But one of the good things is there there's no such thing. As a wrong answer to this question, it flat out does not exist. It's impossible to answer it incorrectly because the exact opposite is the truth, isn't that is the only correct answer. Is yours, if that's the only part that makes it personal. Cool. Yeah, so if you're ready. Are you ready, they're ready. All right, here we go. Chris, thisll. How do you define. Success.
I would say the number of people killed. Definitely, I know I'm successful when I have carried a bunch a bunch of bunch of people. I'm just getting started and I want this to be spread onto every continent if possible, and just treat all the different ailments that, you know, present themselves in front of me. And that will be success.
And a. Hmmm, you know, I haven't done it all night, but that is a bomb dropping moment. Yes. Knowledge bombs, bombs of wisdom, everything you can imagine. Appreciate you, Chris, for those of you again watching. I just plead please share this. Please share this video, this podcast. Whatever form you are now watching or listening in, please share it because more people need to know about the amazing life saving formulations and things that Chris brings to the table. I'm a product of the product. I'm not here to make money off of anything. I make nothing. I make not a dime. I'm here to help you to learn how you can save not only the life of yourself, but those of your loved ones and those that you may just know need help and you may not even know them. That's OK. So I'm just showing a couple of things that we have here at the house. And I appreciate you. Thank you for helping us. Chris, thank you for helping my family, my my parents. And I can't wait to hear more success stories directly from them as well as others that you are helping to treat. Thank you, my brother. I appreciate you, man.
Thank you, too. Thanks for having me.
You bet. All right. That is it. It was a long one, but a very good one. A very phenomenal show on behalf of the amazing Chris, this of I'm your host, Brian Kelly of the Mind Body Business Show until next time we meet. Have a great, great evening and rest of your life. Until then, so long and God bless.
Thank you for tuning in to the mind body business show podcast at w w w dot the mind body business show. My name is Brian.
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Chris Thistle
Chris Thistle is a former paramedic with a Master's Degree in Health Science, while also minoring in Microbiology. This gave Chris the medical and plant knowledge needed to create Thistle Therapies, a company that focuses solely on the medicinal customization of cannabinoid remedies. Chris tailors his products to an individual’s specific diagnosis, symptoms or overall health goals by utilizing 17 unique cannabinoids, 75 cannabis-derived terpenes and an ever-growing list of vitamins, supplements and nootropics. Having helped over 500 people and animals reclaim their quality of life, Chris is ready to bring his proprietary method of healing to the masses!
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