Special Guest Expert - Christine Howard

Special Guest Expert - Christine Howard: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Christine Howard: this eJw1jstugzAURP_Fi654BDeQBimqSomUKE2yoKjtCln2Baz6QW0TVEX59xpVWd65M2fmiqhWDpRr3O8AKEcvKEBcWUcUhYYzlGOc4vXq8SlAdLROy9GC-X9kSbZMcYAIpXr0hLu4Xi0C1HIQrFFEztCWC_Dc74mYzqL8ikYjvNw7N9g8jqdpijqtOwFk4DaiWsbM8AvEFxzPURsn5_IY6oTV4SGka1zsskP1-fH27vv7FLY_i2ci3EYC4-TB6tFQ2DA9KaEJq31VgBx3Yl5y3J_K4lx-FXW1P22rKnztDbeOK9hpv45Fclh6e6uNJM775_N2-wMTpWBd:1mOWvU:pJN9lXaYqybuOb0YU889rVVNbOQ video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

So here's the big question how are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back

To our dedicated? And driven, how do we finally break through? And with that is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This is the mind body.

Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to the mind body business show. Oh my goodness, we have an amazing, amazing show lined up not because of me, but because of the wonderful guest expert who is coming on. Christine Howard is in the house. You do not want to miss this young lady. She is amazing and she's out changing women's lives and I cannot wait to share her with you. Real briefly, the mind body business show. What is that all about? It is about what I call the three pillars of success, and these came about due to the fact that I started studying only successful people for a period of about 10 years or so, and I wanted to find out what were the the traits of these very successful people that made them perhaps more successful than even myself. And I started noticing patterns developing certain things kept rising to the top and there were three of them, and you might be able to guess what those three are. Yes, they are part of the very title of this show, mind being mind set. What I found with these very successful individuals is to a person they each had no one, a very powerful and positive mindset and number two, and perhaps even more importantly, a very flexible mindset. And then body that's all about literally taking care of oneself nutritionally and through bodily exercise. I know it's like a four letter word with a lot more letters than what I just said. And then business business is multi multi multifaceted. It is so amazing. I love everything to do about business, but the thing is is these individuals had mastered the skill sets that are required to build a successful business and to grow that business even more.

In this scale it there are things like marketing sales, systematize team building leadership. I mean, the list goes on and on and on and being astute individuals that you are that are watching this show right now, you know that to master any one skill can take some time. I think, to be an expert in anything that the magic number is ten thousand hours being spent on that one kind of task or vocation. And the good news is is you don't have to master every single skill set that I mentioned and the many that are beyond those. And the good news is you only need to master one. That's right, just one. And actually, it was one of those that I listed off in just a moment ago. If you master just this one skill set, then you're pretty much set with bringing in the rest. And that one skill set is the skill set of leadership. When you have done that, when you've mastered the skill set of leadership, you can now surround yourself with a team who have mastered those skill sets that you have yet to and maybe never will master yourself. It's beautiful thing, beautiful thing. So let's work smarter and I say and harder, I don't say not harder. Let's keep going. Let's do it. Let's crush it all together. And speaking of crushing it, that is another thing that very successful people do is they are very, very avid readers of books, and I love that fact about them. And so that became one of my habits. And with that, I would like to Segway into a real quick segment I affectionately call bookmarks.

Bookmarks born to read, bookmarks ready, steady read bookmarks brought to you by reach your peak library Scott.

Yes, reach your peak library. And one quick aside here, and that is, please write down these URLs, these resources that Christine will be bringing up, especially when she comes on right after this. She's coming on like in moments, so things like reach your peak library, write it down instead of going and typing and clicking away and taking your attention elsewhere. Because like I always say, the magic happens in the room and I would just hate for you to be taking your attention elsewhere, right at the moment that Christine Howard gives that one golden nugget that could have changed your life forever for the better. And I'm not kidding about this. This has happened. I can't tell you how many times when I'm speaking from stage and someone will get up because I have to go to the bathroom or they get a call silently and they run out. And I know I'm getting to the good part, and I just I feel bad for them. I won't. I don't want that to happen to you. So please do yourself a favor. This isn't for me. It's not for Christine. Do yourself a favor and take really, really good notes and then go back to those resources after the show is over. Sound good? Reach your peak library. That is a website that I had developed, and I'm not kidding when I say this with you in mind. This is really a gift, because what it is is merely a collection of books that have had profound impact on me personally, either in business or in personal life or both.

And so not every book I've ever read is in this list. I didn't realize the importance and the power of reading until about the age of forty seven. I am now 57. And once I found out about this amazing thing called Audible, I couldn't get enough. And so I began reading voraciously, using my ears instead of my eyes, and I found, Wow, I can get through these books much better and stay awake. And everything is just a better mode for me personally. All modes are available here. You click those buy here buttons and those go to Amazon. This is not made to be a moneymaking website by any stretch. It is here for you that you can now go to one site where at least one other successful person has vetted these books, so the odds of them having impact positively on your life are greater than if they were just the book you found off the shelf and just started reading it. So that is why this website exists. One hundred percent for you. There's a cool little story in here. I would highly recommend you watch that video when you go there and remember, write this down. Don't go there now because it's time to bring on the amazing Christine Howard. Let's do it.

It's time for the guest expert, spotlight savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, big league qualified.

And there she is. Ladies and gentlemen, it is the one, the only Christine Howard.

Hello, Brian.

It's going to be so much fun. Welcome to the show, Christine. Before I give you the formal introduction, you richly deserve real quick going to do some housekeeping for those that are watching and viewing. For those of you that are watching live, you can see right over Christine's left shoulder. It's on the right side of the screen near the top that nice red rubber stamp looking logo that is the big insider secrets and a wonderful, amazing gentleman by the name of Jason Nast owns and runs that company, and he provides us the ability as our sponsor to give away a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. And again, as compliments of the big insider secrets. We get to do this every single week. We are so blessed. Thank you, Jason. Thank you. The big insider secrets and a couple more, and we're going to get back to the woman of the hour real soon. Now, if you're struggling with putting a live show together and it's overwhelming, and let's say you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and connect with great people and grow your business all at the same time, then head on over to carpet bomb marketing, carpet bomb marketing, saturate the marketplace with your message, and one of the key components that is contained in the carpet bomb marketing system is one that you'll learn how to absolutely master. It's a very service we use to stream our live shows right here and literally right now on the Mind Body Business Show, and over the course of gush, it's going on 10 years now. I've tried many of these quote unquote TV studio solutions for live streaming, and I'm here to tell you that streaming art is the best of the best.

It combines supreme ease of use along with unmatched functionality, so you can start streaming high quality, professional looking live shows. And you can do this for free right now, if you wish. By going to the website you see on the screen, don't do that now. Write it down. Write it down. R.i.p. I am forward. Slash stream live one more time. R.i.p. I am forward. Slash stream live and go get your free account and get started streaming high quality shows on your own right away. And now it is time to bring on the woman of the hour. Here she is again. Yes, she's like, Wow, I keep popping in to hear what's going on. All right, so. A formal introduction is in order because she deserves it, she's an amazing woman as a leadership, lifestyle mentor and soul calling catalyst. Christine Howard guides women to awaken their true radiance and live fulfilling lives. Passionate in her commitment, she supports women to dissolve patterns and habits that block their ability to create a life of grace and ease while achieving their highest personal and professional dreams. How many of you want that? Everybody's raising their hand, fueled by her own transformational heartbreak. She inspires women to take up a new path for living, leading and achieving with radiant achievement. There's a reason that word is in there. Ladies and gentlemen, look beyond her left shoulder. I love it. In addition, yes, to coaching private clients and leading mastermind programs, she is the author of the newly launched book We Just Kind Of Gave You the Hint Radiant Achievement With that officially, formally. Welcome to the show, Christine Howard. Yes.

Thank you, Brian. I am so, so, so excited to be here.

And you are a gem, you. There are a lot of processes that go on behind the scenes that people aren't aware of before the show, and you just took care of everything so wonderfully, so completely. You made my job easier. So thank you so very much, Christine. And I wanted to just make a point about that to everyone watching listening. That tells me as the host and the one who put down that process together, the level and degree of Christine's professionalism, it's very, very high. And I want everyone to know that because you're you're going to be listening to someone who's going to be giving you valuable information tonight. So you definitely want to take notes and then come back and visit. We'll give you websites to visit of hers. She's got a gift as well. I forgot to mention it. So you want to stick on to the end because that's when we're going to give that gift away as well. So it's going to be fun. So, Christine, I love I love reading bios of individuals who come on the show. It tells so much about them and it tells a lot about their experience, their accolades, their sometimes their their setbacks and how they overcame them, everything in between. And then what I like to do now that I've got you on the show is peel back that onion just a little bit and find out what is it that's really making you successful.

And this is common to every person on the planet. Our level of success, either of success or lack of success is due to one thing and that is what is going on between those two years. And yes. And so for you, Christine, what I wanted to find out. This is always one of the biggest things that there's a key to successes is one of them. You when you get up every single morning and you know, being an entrepreneur, it's not always rose petals and and easy, easy going every day. It's like a minefield of of things, setbacks, and that's what we do. We solve problems, so we're ready for it. But for you, what is going on in that beautiful brain of yours when you get up and you know that all these arduous tasks may be in front of you to take care of, or it's just the next day of working hard. What keeps you going with a positive mindset? What are the things you do to keep yourself just continuing to crush it day in and day out?

It's a powerful question, and I love that your show is called the mind body business because it the mind is a cornerstone piece. So for me, I have a morning routine. It's taken me a while to develop it, but now it is truly non-negotiable. And I start with meditation then and that very time wise I do journaling, which is where I get to unload everything that's been on my brain. Sometimes creative ideas come up. Sometimes it's it's clearing things, you know, issues, questions, obstacles and and then just stepping into possibility is sometimes the journaling. And then the last thing which again is the next element is body is I. I do some form of physical activity. I don't always call it exercise, but it is. It could be dance a dance workout. It could be. It's something at the gym or a beach walk. But I found for me, if and when I skip any one of those more than a day, I'm off and and I can't. I just am not at that optimal positivity that I normally would radiate at. So having that morning routine like is is cornerstone and critical to to my mindset being just dialed in. So, yeah,

I so love this. And because there are so many, countless people I've interviewed that that one common thing they seem to have is the R-word routine. And for everyone watching and listening, if you don't have one and you're not sure where to start, you could start by modeling Christine. It's obviously been successful. It may not be successful for you, but it's somewhere to start. She she herself said she's refined it and so if you haven't got one start, I mean, I literally did a workout half hour before the show to really get everything going. It was a short workout, but a nice, strenuous one to get the heart pump and jumped in the shower, woke my butt up and I love what I get to do because now I get to be present for people like Christine, this amazing woman and and be completely present, you know, and be at my top and have the most energy to provide. And I'm only saying that to help everyone out there to say, Know Christine does it. I've got a certain routine and just pick the one that works for you. But if you don't have one, maybe that's one of the reasons that you're finding difficulty in getting to your goal of success, right?

Oh, for sure. And I will say, and I love that you mentioned the the workout right beforehand. I actually took a nap. It was not a nap nap. It was more a rest. I closed my eyes. I set a timer. I put on some just some music in the background and it, you know, rest is another key element, right? So we can have our great morning routine. But if we're not getting enough sleep, that's that's a knock against being able to stay in that positive mindset, too. So I am a frequent rest taker and a 15 minutes, 20 minutes. You know, it all helps and and I think that's part of it. That next step is there are things during the day that we also to stay in that place of the energized mindset. So that could not be more.

I did the what you call it. I like that rest break.

Yeah, something I don't even remember.

Yeah, it's better than that, because then everybody thinks that maybe something like because I took a rest break earlier today to for 20 minutes, so was a lot. And my gosh, it was amazing. Isn't it amazing how just that little bit of time and you wake up like, wow, I feel like ten times better. And really?

In the past, that would have had a cup of coffee. And in that whole body thing, really recognizing what my body needs, I might want to be awake and coffee could be the fast fix, but it's ultimately depleting at that point. So take take the short break.

Yeah. And there is no better drug. If you want to call it that, then exercise physical movement of some kind. The benefits are so ungodly long and it's amazing, and so few people will do it and it costs like, you know, zero. How much does it cost for you to walk on the beach? You almost do a dance workout, probably in your home or living room.

Yeah. Nothing. I do it on the TV on.

But even if it does cost some money, maybe that's even better. Maybe if you have skin in the game, it'll get people more motivated, like, Hey, I'm paying for this, I better use it right? Hopefully. So fantastic. Now I'm going to guess, I know the answer to this just because I see one of those behind you. Oh, probably book would you consider yourself? And now you're an author, and I want to talk about that very next thing. Would you consider yourself to be an avid reader as well? And if so, beside the one behind you? What book are

You reading right now? Oh, I absolutely am an avid reader. I have been since a little girl and I will say I have. I probably have three books going right now. They are mostly all about business. Launch is one of them and I can't remember the author. I apologize. I just started reading Art of the Impossible by Steven Cutler. And that's fascinating talking a lot about flow, which is a big part of my life. And I recently completed a book called Waking Up in five D. It's not a business book, but it's truly about how to live at a higher level, a higher consciousness, higher vibration and how we can do simple things to help shift how we're showing up.

I love that. And this is the one thing I love to tell folks that are either watching live or watching none live or listening on podcast is when you hear of recommendations of books like that from someone of the caliber of Christine Howard and and all the previous guests that have appeared on the show is take note of them and then right after the show. Don't wait. Get the book! Go to Amazon. Whatever your favorite flavor is, whether it's the hardcover soft Kindle Audible, it doesn't matter whatever yours is. Go get it and make that commitment now and then you're more apt to read it when it's in your hands. So it's something I do all the time and it keeps my audible library full. I love that. So thank you for those wonderful recommendations. And then there is this other book I hear. It's like, you know, just rocking through the charts. There's one called I can't remember reading something or other. What is radiant achievement? Yeah, that's it.

Yeah. If you would bring that to them. Yes. Love it. Happy to. Happy to.

So what was that like going through and writing the book? So many people are. I mean, I'm in the middle of writing mine. It's been over a year.

Well, I'll tell you, it was three years, nine months and two weeks, and this is what I know this is because writing a book is a journey of growth. I believe it certainly was for me, and I wrote the draft, the first really bad draft in seven weeks. And then I put it down and I just again, it was. It's one of those things where I was really connected in what what was coming up for me, what felt right, where was I at in my business and everything? And I knew it wasn't the time yet to to finish it. So I went on to some other projects and other activities in business and picked it up a year later and added a whole bunch more content. I won't say it didn't double, but I added maybe another third and really had somebody look at it and challenge me on what was in there. So, you know, this was a very, very interesting process for me because when you sit down and you start to share your story, your stories of growth, your stories of pain, your stories of everything, it can be kind of difficult to keep your butt in the chair.

And so I would check into I would not check I would go to a coffee shop and literally put on headphones, set the timer and and to make it happen, I really had to get super structured with myself, and I didn't have a lot of projects as a creative entrepreneur. I tend to have a lot of shiny objects come in front of me, so I had to really block a lot of that out and then realize I needed support. So I had someone who helped edit the final copy. I had people I worked with on the marketing. I had a group in my mastermind that helped encourage and support me. So there were a lot of people that I brought on to help me get it to that place of publishing. So it was, boy, at some point it had so much momentum. I knew it was, you know, it was only a matter of weeks that it was going to happen. But it took quite a while to get to that point. But I never gave up. So yeah, it was quite an emotional accomplishment when it was all said and done.

I can only imagine and you know, there were some great bombs of wisdom in there. Yeah, I love all of that, and one that really, really caught my ear was when you said you got support. And that's what I found to be true of so many people in business in general, whether, you know, even aside from writing a book, even just in business to get a mentor, to get support. I mean, you got an editor and people the market, and that's phenomenal. And a lot of people just don't go to that extent to get help because of that, that big e word ego, they think they can do it all themselves. And that's the thing I learned is the sooner you get rid of that, diminish it as much as possible, the faster you will see success. And that's what really stuck out to me. Because yeah, and don't feel bad if you do, I don't know if you do it like it's a great accomplishment. And if it took, you know, 13, 30 years at least is done and you made me think because I had this amazing guy, Les Brown on my show sometime back and in this book, this book is that I'm holding that just came out, I don't know, a year or two ago, I think it was during COVID. But anyway, he started this book in nineteen ninety seven. I was like, Good gracious. I don't. I don't. I don't profess that everyone should do that and take that long. You should get it done as soon as you can. But I love the journey is going to be yours. It's personal. A book is a personal journey, and so whatever it takes to get it done. Just don't give up on it. That would be the bottom line, I would say. And you're a great testimony to that. That's that's some good staying power right there. Get it done. This is the epitome of an entrepreneur right here, Christine. Our because you know what? This is what happens every single day in different ways, right?

And luckily, it does. So yeah, yeah.

It's like I was. It's actually kind of a cool thing that it happened to be honest, because that's a perfect exhibition of what it's like, right today. And, you know, just putting up or going through these, these little quote unquote setbacks or hurdles and just overcoming them. And you did it. And I was just explaining to the folks while they were waiting to come back. Just, hey, if if this is a long term thing, we'll just reschedule. It's not a big deal, right? Right. But now you're back on,

Ok, hey, it makes it exciting. Keep people on their toes.

That's right. Fantastic. So we talk about a lot of different topics on the show, mind and body and business and everything in between. And you were talking a little bit about part of your routine is to get moving, to move your your body in some way, shape or form. How important is that part of it to you, the actual physical movement? And if you don't do the physical movement, what happens as a result that keeps you doing it day in, day out for you, really? Oh no. So what is that like for you?

I will say it. I have gone through long stretches. I hate to admit this years ago where I did not work out and I was very much in that, you know, stressed out, do do do. The task list was the first priority. Self-care was at the bottom. And and I like to say it was like self-care was for emergency stops only, and I had my emergency that ended up happening. And so now I see it's it's a it's a mood lifter. It helps me maintain a healthy body weight. It helps me keep creativity. That was a huge thing that I learned from moving my body, especially when I dance. I feel like it just awakens creativity in me. So it's you talk about the your show having three prongs. I think exercise helps in at least five different ways for me. And it now again, it has become one of those non-negotiables that even if it ends up being the 20 minute power walk, you know, that's the rarity. But most days I get, you know, something really whatever's calling to me. And I think that's the thing. I have this mindset, and I think this is something for everyone to really think about.

We were raised with that exercise kind of mentality that it had to look a certain way, and I went through my phase of if I can't go for an hour to the gym that I'm not going at all. It was super silly. It was so silly. And so I miss a ton of workouts. It's just such a fixed mindset. So that goes to the mindset piece. I was so fixed on the exercise and now you know, there's I get physical activity and a lot of different ways. And you know, we've heard, Oh, you just park further away at the shop, at the grocery store, the mall or whatever. And and now, you know, a good dance session is movement. And again, it fulfills fulfills my need, my body and my mind and my spirits need for movement. We're meant to move. And as a result, yeah, it helps in positivity, creativity, being able to sit and focus even right, when you get kind of those get all that little inner energy out, then it helps me to sit and focus to.

Yeah, there are just so many site benefits to it, it's it's uncanny and that people don't take advantage of this is also kind of. And I've done the same as you, you know, taking those extended periods off. And then the beautiful thing I will say, though, about exercise is once you've done it and you felt it, you will never not go back. Even if you do take a break because you'll remember it and you'll go, Man, you know, I used to feel better, and I remember that was because I used to actually move. And I want to be clear about this for both men and women, for men. This does not mean you have to become a professional bodybuilder like Arnold Schwarzenegger. And for women, that does not mean you have to become a supermodel. Although Christine could be put off as one because she's very beautiful, but you don't have to go to those extremes. You just need to move on a regular basis. And Christine had a great example in the opening to show what she does in her routine. Just that alone, it does some unbelievable and the fact I love the beach walking because you get the sun. On top of that, I start my day by going out in my backyard, my, you know, my studio, my home is right here, my home, my office and everything. And so I got to get out. So I get out and I'll do jumping jacks out on my backyard. We got a nice big backyard. It's very sunny and just get a lot of sunshine. It just wakes my butt right up. I love it and it's amazing.

So absolutely appreciate

You sharing that. So these are the intangibles that many people don't really cover it in any depth when it comes to being successful, not just in business, but in life. And that's why I like this part, because mindset was one of those that was rarely ever talked about in my journey, growing through all this until about a decade ago. Then it started gaining steam in popularity. Then I learned about NLP neuro linguistic programing. I became certified in that I taught it from stage four, my mentor stage for two years. It was phenomenal and I learned mindset was the cornerstone, the key, the foundation to your success or lack thereof. And just got deep into it. And then the mind and body, the mind and body are a team. And I say, more importantly, the mind and body are your team. They're not separate. You can't, you know, go eat a donut but do NLP or go work out and forget about the positive mindset. They don't work that way. They work hand in hand. And the quicker you develop those positive habits, just just model this young lady right here. That's all you have to do. Listen to her, take notes and then say, Tomorrow I'm going to the first thing in the morning. I'm going to incorporate Christine's routine just to see what happens, and I'll venture to guess it's going to be something good. I don't whether it being your routine, when all said and done, it's not going to be something bad, that's for sure.

Right, right. And it can change. It can change, I think. I love that you mentioned, you know, the fixed mindset versus the flexible mindset. And again, the mind and the body go hand in hand. So I when I had when I started back, it was ten minutes. It was like a ten minute what can I do for ten minutes because anything longer just seemed overwhelming and it didn't seem sustainable. So from there I built. So for anybody who's like, you know, been sitting on the couch and you know, they have the furniture looks different now because I've been sitting so long. Start with ten minutes. It's OK. It's a perfectly OK.

Yeah, just start. That's the key. It's just start.

Just start. Yeah.

And I love the fact, so your book is called Radiant Achievement and you're all about that, and the cool thing about it is you don't just talk about it, I can see it. You're radiant. And with that, I want it to go a little bit into if you're OK with it, into your business and what it is you do and whom you do it for. So let folks get an idea, and maybe you could be a right fit for them just to have a chat and take it to the next step. If you're OK with doing that, I think you always will.

Absolutely. Yeah, thank you. So I work. I work with people, primarily women, but it doesn't have to be who have a calling, a dream, a desire that is stirring in them. And they like they are saying now is the time to bring this to life. However, they might be stuck in overwhelm or self-doubt and need support in bringing and bringing it forward, bringing it to life. And that's what I who I work with. A lot of the women I work with are entrepreneurs, but they don't. They don't have to be. I've worked with women that are in transition from a divorce or a health crisis. There's a lot of empty nesters now. I've worked with corporate women that are great at what they do at their job, but they're looking to bring that passion project to life. And so that's a bit about who I work with and truly it is. I'm not an accountability coach. I'm really about that inner transformation where you get get to reconnect with who you truly are, what's truly important and meaningful to you, and to look at the mindset. So I love the overlap with what Brian does is to really look at your mindset, obstacles and help you really reframe and reconnect to inner powers that you have so you can bring those dreams, visions, desires forward. Bring your life forward. What I call a to turn on your life right? To turn on this radiant life where you are authentically happy, you are authentically fulfilled. You are living from this place of a true inner grounding to who you are and what you desire. And to do that with grace and ease, joy and flow. So the hustle? I'm sorry, Brian. I'm not a fan. The I'm all about taking action and work and being consistent and focused. However, there's so much more that I that's available to us, and I teach women those those inner ways of thinking and being that allow us to have the synchronicities to have the flow happen and where we can bring these our projects and dreams and callings to life in such a fun and joyful way.

Yeah, and it's interesting we were talking right before the show, you know, you're like the third guest I've had in a row that has talked about a similar approach in a similar concept. And it's interesting because I've actually taken heed to a lot of that. And that was to be true to what makes you happy. Be true to what your value system is. I'm working with a company. You know, you talk about getting help. I paid a good sum of money to get some help in one area of my business, and they have a particular approach to distributing what you do, marketing and that kind of thing. And there were parts of it that weren't in 100 percent alignment with me, and I just started doing something that was and I thought, Wow, I enjoy the bejesus out of it now. This is more in alignment with what I feel is right. Yeah. I don't go straight into a sales pitch. In fact, you have to talk to me at least three times before you'll hear anything about a sales pitch. And that's only if we're a fit. And that's the way I like to roll is unless we're a mutual fit it, it shouldn't go forward. It can't go forward because you're both wasting each other's time. When that wants, something like that happens. So I love hearing this, you know, because it's reinforcing now three times.

For me personally, yes, I pay attention when things happen in threes.

I never thought of that.

It's a yes, pay attention. It's, you know, so like you were talking about what we were chatting about before the show. And again, this is something that I teach and I walk. The talk of what what I teach is I really started to notice when things happen in threes, it's a loud signal that this is something you need to look at. Now, even when things happen in twos, especially if they're close together, and I had something happen recently and I just knew Mike, I just heard, OK, call this person. You're seeing this person's name coming up in two different places in twenty four hours, you need to call them. And I did. And it was like the perfect piece of a puzzle for a retreat. I'm putting together that that was like that made it so easy for me.

That is phenomenal. A little earlier, I wanted you to be able to showcase your book and we had some technical issues. Oh yeah. Ok, go back to that real quick, if you wouldn't mind bringing that up to where we can now see it.

Yes. Yes, there we go.

So and it took some time to write it. And what's the quickest?

Yeah, the quick synopsis. Ok? So the book is about a new approach to how you how you can live, lead and achieve called radiant achievement. It's really source it's teaching an approach that source from the inside out, which is completely different than most what most people have been taught structure and strategy. It's really this is from the inside out and how you balance using your inner powers and which mindset is one of them, by the way, Brian, and and how you balance it with outer structured action. And and then the result of how you can how you will experience more joy and and flow and ease in bringing your projects to life. So it goes into really detailed examples of my life before engaging this power in my life after. And exercises and tools. And so it's really like a handbook on how you can step into a new path for your life and really rewrite some of the old paradigms that truly are not working in today's day and age of again. Hustle over work, push at all costs that you have to sacrifice everything to be successful, like it's time to lay all those to rest, and this book helps you to really start to consider those possibilities for yourself and your life.

I love it that it's more of a guide, and it's immersive and experiential by design, that's phenomenal because you don't just sit and read, you can actually like do activities exercises.

Exactly, exactly. And then each chapter has even more bonus material that I linked to my app, which is so fun and cool. This was one of the, you know, from a business perspective, just new things that I'm taking, trying out and doing or that really spoke to me is at the end of each chapter, there's a code and people can enter the code into the app and then it brings up additional journal exercises, videos, audio that they can use to again, just deepen into that material.

Even more goodness, Christine. That is genius, right? App we are having a chat on. This show is over. I am not kidding.

Okay, perfect.

So the most brilliant ideas are often very, very simple. And that one was just it hit me. I'm like, Good Lord, that is awesome, because you could put all these links. I've always wanted this. You know, when you write a book, if you put these URLs in there, I've written a book, I'm 90 percent done and it's got URLs in there that I no longer even have, you know,

Web addresses, right?

So I worry about its longevity. But if you have an app and you make those links somewhat generic enough, then you can change the app all you want. But they will still get to something that's still alive and well.


Oh, I love it. And so for all of the watching and listening to get to this one way is to go to our main website and that is on the screen. For those of you watching, it's Christine Marie Howard. So let's see h r i s t i n e. M a r i e h o w a R D, and when you get there, scroll all the way to the bottom or there might be one up here. Let's see. Oh yeah, the upper right. They call it a hamburger menu because it looks like a hamburger. Kind of. There's two buns and a piece of meat, I guess in the middle, and you just click on book and that gets you to your book. The other alternative is it's also at the very bottom of her website. Right there you can see book and you click on that and you get to see the amazing reading achievement. So that is how you get it. So go out there. Buy this book. Are you on audible by chance yet?

Not yet, but I've been doing a lot of audible myself, so it's on. It's on the list, definitely.

And that'll be an interesting I'd be curious to hear about how that goes, because if you have an experiential guide where people are doing exercises, that's going to be a little different. And maybe that's where you just guide them more to the app and say, this is where you find that exercise and things like that. But fantastic. And you got my my geek needle peg right there. That was


I love it. And congratulations, by the way, for getting that book done and out. That's a huge accomplishment. I I gosh, you're inspiring me to finish mine, I mean, I'm just this gross and

Ok, good.

It just keeps coming. Life keeps coming, but I'm glad it beats the alternative, you know?

Absolutely, absolutely.

In the opening, I talked about various skill sets that one needs to master to build a thriving business, and there are just so many of them. There's no way I could probably spend the hour talking about every one of them and bringing them up. And the thing is, is where everyone is today, like where you are today, Christine, you might be leaning on different skill sets than you did say, five years ago. And then five years from now, you may have a whole different set of skill sets that you're developing and concentrating and focusing on. So for you right now, if you were to pick three skills that you have acquired and are utilizing to continue to catapult your success, you can think of just three. What would those three main ones be? They'll come right to you instantly.

I know. I'm going to know I'm going to look at my notes because this was a really big question. And I will say I I think you might not consider these skills. I kind of think of them or as attributes. And I wrote down curiosity because we again, instead of thinking really hard on, you know, why the why am I here or how do I get there? It's more when I'm curious, then answers and next steps come to me. So I will say the skill of just being curious and that beginner mindset. Let me tell you, I've been, you know, I'll call myself an entrepreneur for quite a while now, but I, as I evolved in accomplishing certain pieces of my business, there is still I feel a lot on the formal business side. So really being willing, no matter how long I've been in business to feel like I have that beginner mindset and know there is, there is always something to learn to. Like you said, take it to that next level and and you talk about it in your show and your show opening to the perseverance. So again, I think when we start to overthink things, it's time to take a step back and and regroup and get curious and OK, what do I need to learn right to be? I think that other skill, maybe I'm going to take it back, not perseverance, but like really being willing to be honest with ourselves. And I know I tend to be that big dreamer. And sometimes maybe too not. I shouldn't say too positive, but when I start to look at things factually, I'm like, OK, what? There's a little bit of something I need to learn here. And so be willing to be really honest with myself is definitely a skill that's helped me to continue to move forward.

Kind of like a reality check, in a sense.

Yes. Yes, exactly, exactly.

So, you know, this is worthy of one of those flybys. And not just this, I mean, everything you've been talking about tonight is worthy of a flyby of a bombing run curiosity. Oh my gosh. So my mentor told this story where he met Richard Branson and it was at an event and there was a break and they were in the hallway. And he said, You know, Richard Branson, you know, super successful. He came up and just started peppering my mentor with questions. He was curious. And he was saying this from stage is like, Wait a minute, he's thinking this, you're Richard Frickin Branson. I want to ask some questions of you, you know? And he just would relentlessly ask the question. I have a question. And I thought, What a great model to follow, because most guys. Being one of them and many women as well. If you ask a lot of questions, we think we're going to be perceived as dumb or inept, and the ego gets in the way of our growth. But look at Richard Branson. I mean, he got there because in part of his curiosity and every it. So when you said that, I was just like, Yes,

That is like that, and it makes it more fun to it makes it more fun. Yes.

Yes. When you when you learn to not be that know-it-all and to not you don't have the need to come off as knowing everything. Once you once you've shed that, oh my gosh, life is so fun, it's liberating. It's free. You're not worried about being perfect. It's wonderful. And then beginner mindset that was beautiful opening to learn, being open, to learn. And I always say the mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open and a similar concept. You know, you need to always have that open mind and learn. I learned stuff. I learned stuff from my son and daughter who are much younger than I am all the time, and I love it. I said, Wow. Good point. I'm going to take that note. And so that's ego again, my mentor. Yes. Age my son. He is by age. He could be my son by age. I don't care. I don't care what race, what, gender, what religion, what. It doesn't matter to me. As long as the values are in alignment with mine and that they have the results I desire and then I'll learn from that like wide open and then being honest with ourselves, the reality check. Yeah, it's like dream big and do so with discernment to some degree to not go over the board. But right? I'm a big dreamer, too, and I understood what you were saying. There was like,

Yeah, probably

A bit that piece off that was a little bit too big for a bad boy, but I tend to do that really quick and often. But that's OK.

That's OK because we learn from that too. So it's all learning.

Now, as a human being, we all have emotions, right? And we all know as entrepreneurs and astute entrepreneurs that people buy on emotion, from emotion, from your emotional state when their emotional state is charged and triggered in a positive way, moving them toward the quote unquote sale. That's when they buy. Not so much about the features and the and all that good stuff of the product or service, but one of those emotions is extremely, extremely powerful. And it's the emotion that keeps so many from moving forward. It causes hesitation. It causes resistance. And we're talking about the emotion known as fear. Now, yeah. Yes, it is powerful. It can be powerful. So for you, Christine, today I'm sure you've had everyone has them today. What would be what you would call your greatest fear? And then how do you manage it or learn from it?

Yeah. You know, when when I was thinking for our show today, my first response was, I don't feel I have any major fears, and it's because the big ones have been taken care of. I feel and now I have such a connection with my power to create that. Why would I be afraid of anything? And at the same time, I will say when I sat down. What comes to mind is I do have some fears around their mind around being pushy. I, you know, I've had those people that were pushy business coaches or pushy salespeople in my life, whatever. And I'm a softie and I definitely been intimidated by people. So my fear would be, I don't want to be pushy with people. And that how I manage that is recognized that I'm in my head. I'm not. I'm not in that place of service. I'm in the place of me, ego. And so I shift into, you know, what is of greatest service for this person? And then that helps me to show up with more heart centered energy and language that's really about being a best service for them, and I can transmute that fear pretty quickly.

Wow. Wow. Wow, wow. Wow, wow. Because you know, everything happens for the better when we shift focus away from our self, doesn't it?


It's like, Oh my gosh. I mean, there are so many applications to what you just said. I'm just trying to minimize one. One example, oftentimes. So anyone that's looking to or has spoken from stage, you'll go through some anxiety. It can be positive. It can be negative. But the more nervous you are going up on stage, I learned, was because the more you are into your own head about yourself and how you are going to perform, and a great trick or tip for that is shift your mindset immediately to say I get to I get to help transform these people's lives. I wonder how this is going to go out for them. And once you do that, I've done this many times before I go up on stage and I'm like, Ha, I feel better because I'm really there for people. I love helping people. And so when you get that, it's a trigger to say, OK, get out of your head, Brian, it's time to it's time to go, help change some lives and let them and get out of my own way so I can have better impact for them. And I love that great.

Great example, for sure. Yes.

Yeah. And that's the thing. Fear is it takes on many forms. Like you said, you've gotten rid of the big ones, and that's great. There's resistance. There's hesitation we take. We've taken people through NLP processes that release that root cause of fear. It's called using a timeline approach. We've done it from stage. It's an amazing process, seven minutes and it's gone. And you feel this weird liberation. I did. I was like, I don't feel anything, but I feel something. And then it just it. It frees you to make the choice and go forward with the choice. That's the that's the key is not just making the choice, but then acting on it. And you just have that resistance in that barrier is gone because the fear is gone, too. It's just liberating. I love this topic of fear

Because it's a great one. It is. It is, because again, I think we're shifting culturally and the more we become conscious and aware of what's going on in our bodies, the more we can stop that fear. Like you said, what are you doing to manage it like you can face it? And and so when the and I love resistance that you said that because definitely I have resistance that pops up, you know, often and we all do and and I look at it differently now than I did before. Its resistance is there because that means I have something that I get to now work through walk through growth through eliminate and up level. And it's a completely different mindset that I have around the times when I do feel resistance.

You just said something, oh my. You've said it so many things that are awesome, but you just said a phrase that very few people do it the way you did. You didn't say, I have to get through this, you get to that, that one, that one reframe or in your case, it was your original frame. But you get in the habit of doing that because I always say for this show, I love what I get to do and I truly meet that. But you know, it's a great exercise like, so one of the greatest is people. I mean, it's universal. Everyone loves doing dishes, right? No, nobody loves it. And oftentimes we'll say, I have to go do the dish. I have to go mow the lawn. But if you just do that one, you become aware. You said this earlier about being aware. And then that's step number one. Step number two is a quick reframe and just say I get to. And then your subconscious goes to work. What do you mean? You get to. That's because you're blessed. Do you have a kitchen? You have dishes, you have a house, you have all that that goes with it. It just changes the whole perspective. And that was phenomenal that you said that because most people would naturally say, I have to. That was great. This is amazing. You're amazing. You're an amazing woman. This is a fun show. And yeah, we're at the bottom of the hour. However, we had a little five minute glitch, so we're going to keep pushing if you're good.

Perfect. I'm good. That's great, absolutely.

And we do have to give away so. I think it's getting close to time to do that, but the other part is I love to close out the show with one very powerful question, and I know you've seen the show before, Christine. I just hope you don't remember what it was, but even if you

Don't, I don't remember.

So beautiful because it's it's a very profound and powerful question, and I say that only because of the responses I have gotten to it. I ask every guest this question since, my gosh, I don't know how many shows in, but long time ago I've been doing this for a while, almost three years, and this question is really, really awesome. I love the reactions and responses I've been getting from it. But before we jump into that and you don't want to miss this for those of you watching and listening. Before we jump into that, for those of you that are watching live, I promised that you would have the ability to enter to win a five night vacation state at a five star resort, compliments of the big insider secrets. And so I'm going to put this up on the screen for those of you watching live right now. And look, here's the thing. You can at this moment and this moment only take your gaze and attention away. Whatever it takes for you to get to this website, to enter, to win, and then be sure to get right back. So here it is. I'll put it up. So what you want to do is bring out your phone or your computer and get to a browser and type in the URL you see on the screen.

It's R.I.P.. I am for vacation. Guest experts on the show are allowed to enter as well. Hint. Hint, wink. Wink. Or Dot. I am forward slash vacation. I've actually had some win. It's been pretty awesome. I'm not kidding. It's OK. You can enter if you wish. You can write this down and do it later. I know you want to stay present for the peeps. So that is how you enter to win and then one more prize or one more giveaway. And this one's a doozy. It's a little birdie told me it comes with a value tag of one hundred and eleven dollars. And yes, it's by the one and only Christine Howard. So let's put that up on the screen as well, and I'm going to copy or paste several URLs into the comment section, and hers will be one of them. So just hang tight while we go to that. But what I'm going to do is kind of turn it over to you, Christine, so you can take them through it. I've got the actual appointment thing up on the screen so you can talk to it and let people know what they can expect once they take action and schedule this with you. So here we go.

Awesome. Awesome. So first, I'm going to say this is a fun session. This is a chance when you get to pause and come together with to have some support and really get a look at how have you been achieving, how are you using what? What methods are you using for achievement? And we'll tap into the seven powers that I teach in my book, and you'll get a chance to not only talk about what you're doing now and how that's working or not working for you. You'll get to look at with my guidance the seven powers and do a quick assessment on the inner powers that you have to support you in your journey of achievement. And then I'll give you some ideas, strategies, tips to help you shift. Make a shift which will allow you to start seeing some different results, and it's action packed. I kind of get right to the point and you get to walk away with some a golden nugget, at least one to help you reorient how you're showing up for your the things that are most passionate, you're most passionate about or projects you're bringing to life.

Fantastic and on the screen, I'm looking at the schedule and it says USD one hundred and eleven. Is there a coupon code or do you just have it set up to that'll buy that for now?

Yeah, it'll bypass that. Yep, exactly.

Fantastic. I just want to, you know, because someone who sees that might have a little bit of resistance,

I might I might. I might need to change that. I'll make sure that I'll put the change the word so they know it's free.

Yes, that's cool. No, I was just saying that to make sure people that when they saw that just relax and go ahead and book it and they won't be charged. And so the URL for that, I'm going to read this aloud for our podcast friends who are listening only and get ready. It's a long one, so get out some a pencil or a pen and start writing it's tiny URL, forward slash. And when the rest of these the case upper or lower is very important. So the first word and these are all together no spaces. The first word is radiant. In the first ah, it's capitalized. That word is capitalized, then achievement capital a then assessment capital A. Again, so you have three capitals in that URL. So tiny URL for Radiant Achievement Assessment. Again, one hundred and eleven dollars value. And here's the thing I love to tell folks when beautiful guests like Christine give away something so valuable. I mean, 30 minutes is a long time because, you know, I can imagine how many are going to take advantage of this. What I implore upon each of you? Number one is take advantage of it. Number two, respect it. Respect her and her time and know that she is there to help you because that's what she's doing.

30 minutes. It's no cost and normally one hundred and eleven dollars. And so it's a gift. And please treat it with respect. I know you will. You're you're part of the tribe, you're my fam that watch the show and you're part of her fam as well. So just be sure to treat it with the utmost respect and and really be present during that 30 minutes and just be there and follow what she where she takes you and just enjoy the ride because it'll I'm sure it's going to be a great one. So just do that with respect. But I'll circle back to the first part is, do it take action? Take her up on this offer. This is not something you get every day, so just be accepting of it except the gift and take the leap and come on. You've watched her this entire almost hour now and you can get that. She is a woman who has high integrity, high intelligence, high character, and she's not going to waste your time. It's not going to happen. I know it. I know it. I've known her for. We go way back like to a half hour before this show started, and but you can just tell with people and she's an amazing woman.

So definitely take advantage of this and don't take advantage of her. Ooh, at least came up that one. That's pretty good. If I do say so myself, you know, all right now we're going to get to the big crescendo. The big question. Yes, I love it. She's rubbing her hands. This is awesome. Here's the thing about this question. There's always a little buildup to it, but it's appropriate. The thing is, is for you, Christine. There is absolutely no such thing as a wrong answer. It just does not exist. And in fact, to make it to really emphasize it, the opposite is true. The only correct answer is yours. It's unique to you. That is why. So I always say it's a personal question, but that's the only thing that makes it personal is it's unique to you. And some answer it like that. Others take a few moments and think and ponder. No matter what it is for you or however long it takes, it's perfect for you. It doesn't matter. It's great so you can relax knowing that it's all good, and whatever your answer is, is going to be the correct answer. No one can dispute it because it's personal. Sounds good. Perfect. Are you ready?

I'm ready.

All right. This is awesome. Here we go. Christine Hayler, how do you? Define. Success.

You know what, it's funny you say that I had a feeling I actually took some notes on that when I was thinking about success being part of what you talk about. Success is. You can you can frame it different ways, so success is, I believe, a living and authentic life. It's I think it's pretty simple, it's living an authentic life that where you are having joy, love and really fulfilling what is meaningful to you. That's how I would define success.

Fantastic. You knew we were going to end with that, yeah.

You know, it is interesting because I had some notes when I was thinking about success, like everyone defines success differently. For some people, it's it's money. For some people, it's a relationship or some people it's experiences, right? And and for me, it's really about living that authentic life that's in alignment with what's important to you and who you are.

And I resonate and again, like, you're the third one in a row that has pretty much hammered this point home, and it's a great it's a great point to hammer home and I hope everyone embraces and receives it and then actually acts on it and really put some thought into what makes me feel good. Am I? Am I happy? Where I'm at now is what I'm selling or what I'm doing as a business? Is it fulfilling? What parts of it maybe are not fulfilling? Doesn't necessarily mean you need to pivot to a whole different business model. It might just be certain pieces that need to be tweaked. Just it's happened to me just recently, so just wanted to help folks out with that a little bit. It doesn't mean you have to completely change your life in a in an instant. Just take. Take it apart. Think about it. Get into yourself. But the best part for you to do would be to reach out to Christine Howard and have her help extract what those things are that you should probably do without in your business and or your life so that you can move into your authentic self. So phenomenal. Phenomenal. I cannot thank you enough. You've been an absolute blessing. You're amazing. Thank you for spending the time here with us on this show for an hour and a half of your time and going through our fun little challenges that we overcame without any issues. That was phenomenal. You're you're an entrepreneur's entrepreneur. And I just appreciate you. Thank you for

Coming. Thank you. You're so Welcome. So grateful to have been here with you, Bryan.

Oh my. I hate that these things must come to an end, but they must just everyone must get to sleep at some point as well. And you talked about that earlier. So yeah, we got to live it right?

Yes, absolutely. Absolutely.

All right. That's it, everyone. On behalf of the amazing Christine Howard, I'm your host, Brian Kelley of the Mind Body Business Show, and we will be back again next week with another fantastic episode. Until then, everybody please be blessed and so long for now.

Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at WW W The Mind Body Business Show Dot Com. My name is.

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Christine Howard

As a leadership-lifestyle mentor and soul-calling catalyst, CHRISTINE HOWARD guides women to awaken their true radiance and live fulfilling lives. Passionate in her commitment, she supports women to dissolve patterns and habits that block their ability to create a life of grace and ease while achieving their highest personal and professional dreams. Fueled by her own transformational heartbreak, she inspires women to take up a new path for living, leading, and achieving with Radiant Achievement. In addition to coaching private clients and leading mastermind programs, she is the author of the newly launched book, RADIANT ACHIEVEMENT.

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