Special Guest Expert - Christopher Rausch

Special Guest Expert - Christopher Rausch: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Christopher Rausch: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling. To make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward. Only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated? And driven. How did we finally break through? When. That is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This is The Mind Body Business Show. Hello, everyone, and. Welcome, welcome, Welcome. To the Mind Body business show. I am jacked up tonight. I am excited. And one of the the reason is because of my incredible guest who's coming on. He is an awesome man. He loves helping people. He is a coach. He's my coach. He is also a driven individual and heart centered and just an amazing guy. He's also a very dear friend of mine and we met many years ago. We might talk a little bit about that on the show, but he has an incredible, incredible story that each and every one of you, I implore of you, you should listen to this all the way through to the end, because it will impact you in great ways and you will be able to be empowered to power through anything in life. After you hear Christopher Roche's amazing back story and not only his back story, but his daily story, what he goes through each and every day, how he shows up, how he powers through every day. It's inspiring. And I am so, so blessed to be able to share this amazing man with you. Now, the mind body business show, that is what this show is all about. It is about bringing on the most successful entrepreneurs from all over the world. And what I do is I grill them with questions politely and with integrity to extract their patterns and their strategies for success. And what is it that makes people like Christopher Roush successful that you can then take and model and integrate into your business model, into your life model and achieve greater success as well? And that is the whole purpose. It's like having a one hour seminar for free each and every week with an amazing individual who you know that you can trust, who you can follow, who you can just write notes and follow them, take action.

Brian Kelly:
It's about learn, do teach. You learn it here. You take action and then down the road you teach it yourself. And that is what this show is all about, is sharing the wealth in more ways than one. And it's about what I call the three pillars of success. And it's the very name of the show mind being mindset to a person. Everyone that I interviewed and that I have talked to and study that has been successful and achieved a great level of success has always to a person had a very strong, very positive, very flexible, which is the most important attribute mindset, and that is a learned trait. That is something that one must learn. Some people seem to be born with positive attitudes. I'm here to tell you that those are learned. People work at this stuff and successful people do. Just that body is about literally taking care of oneself. My my next guest coming on, Christopher Rush is no stranger to this. He takes care of himself and you'll be blown away about the fact that he does that with what he goes through each and every day. It's so inspiring. But these individuals take care of themselves physically and nutritionally, and business. Business is multi multifaceted. And what that means is people that are successful in business have mastered various skill sets to get them where they are. There are many skill sets one must master to build a thriving, successful and scalable business skill sets like marketing, sales, team building leadership systematizing. I can keep going on for some time. And the good news is for you, being a very astute listener and watcher of this show is that to master, any one skill set of any kind can take an exorbitant amount of time. The good news is if you just master one skill set and I know Christopher Rush has mastered this one skill set, if you match this one skill set, the rest you can leverage into the fold. That one skill set is Do you want to know? Oh, you know what? I think I have a drum roll in here. Yes, it is the skill set of leadership. Leadership.

Brian Kelly:
Once you have mastered that skill set, you can then leverage it into bringing in other people who have mastered those other skill sets that you have yet to or may never master because of the sheer time it takes. And now you can take your business and really grow it and thrive it quickly. And with that very quickly. Another vital attribute of very successful people is that to a person, what I've also found is that they are also very avid readers of books, and with that I like to segway very briefly. I, I promise we're going to bring Christopher on really quick, real brief. Let's segway into a segment I affectionately call bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Born to read bookmarks. Ready, steady. Read bookmarks brought to you by reach your peak library dot com.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. Reach your peak library. Now, a quick word of advice for everyone Watching and listening is instead of getting that taking away and going off and taking your attention somewhere else and typing these resources in and checking them out on the side, I implore upon you to please instead just write them down. Reach your peak library. Dotcom is one Christopher, I'm sure is going to have many resources for you as well. Write it down. Visit it after the show. The reason is because the magic happens in the room. Yes, this is a virtual room, but if you're not paying attention and Christopher is dropping those knowledge bumps and you miss just one, that one that could potentially change your life forever. And I'm not kidding about this at all, then I would I would be I would hate for that to happen. So please keep your gaze and your ears on this show and listen and watch as Christopher comes on. And you're going to love this. I can. I am. Oh, it's coming. I want to just skip this part and move into it into his section real quick. The Reacher peak library dot com. It is a resource that I had. Put together, my team put together with you in mind. And I'm not kidding when I say that it is a compilation of books that I personally have read and I vet, so not every book I've ever read in my life is in this list. They are only those that have had a profound impact in either my personal life, my business life, or even both. And truth be told, pull back the curtain. I did not myself start reading voraciously till I was the age of 47. That was 11 years ago. I know everyone's doing the math now and that's okay. I own it and live it and love it. And so this is a resource for you. Go find the book that you that just resonates with you, that jumps off the page. Go get it wherever you want to get it. It doesn't have to be on this website. This website is not here to make money. It's here to be a resource for you. You can either get it straight from here, go straight to Amazon for you to buy. Grab the book, read it. It's a life changer. I kid you not. I learned this 11 years ago and I can't speak highly enough about the importance of reading not just any book, but the right books. And speaking of the right books, we have the right person here with us today. This man is amazing and I'm not going to yak anymore. Let's bring him on right now, shall we, Christopher? Ouch. Here he comes.

It's time for the guest expert spotlight, savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, big league qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there is, ladies and gentlemen. It is the one, the only. Christopher Roush.

Christopher Rausch:
Mr. Kelley, great to be here, brother. Thank you for having me, man. What a great intro. I couldn't play a drinking game to the intro because you said my name so many times. If my name was the drinking game, I'd be drunk already.

Brian Kelly:
And people will get drunk. With your knowledge. I will.

Christopher Rausch:
Oh, they're going to drink it out, baby.

Brian Kelly:
Let's go, baby. Yeah. I'm looking for my drink now. Where is it?

Christopher Rausch:
So I got my h20 right here.

Brian Kelly:
Yes, ditto right here. That's. That's how we roll, baby. So, yeah. Christopher, you're an amazing guy. You're a great friend. And I am so blessed and pleased and happy that you came on with me. And I'm not. I'm not just blowing smoke up your skirt, which you don't wear or anything like that. On Saturday night at. All. It's absolutely true. You know it. You know me. And ladies and gentlemen, this guy, he's the no excuses coach. As you can see here on the screen. I hope you're watching this live on the mind body business show dot com. And if you're not, go register there so you can interact with us and win a great, great prize, which I'll talk about here in just a moment. But you want to reach out to people like Christopher Rausch and you're going to find out why. Because this man is all about results and there is nobody I know that has been through what he's been through. And still he powers through each and every day. He gets the results. He keeps the attitude high, even though he's going through literal hell sometimes here on earth, this man. And then not only is he taking care of himself, he's taking care of his wife, he's taking care of his son and all of his clients. And so this is a guy you want to be connected with. And I'm so blessed to be able to share this wonderful stage with you, Christopher. So thank you. Thank you. I want to introduce you first and then we'll head off to an ad spot and then get going, if that's cool with you. I want people to get an idea of who you are and don't go anywhere. Stick around. You do not want to miss this. Christopher Roush, my good buddy is debatably the world's most effective and impactful. Unstoppable. No excuses. Coach, Speaker, Workshop facilitator, retreat leader who's life apprenticeship of the victim to Victor is nothing short of miraculous and surely inspiring. I can. It's like I feel like I wrote this. It was awesome. Today, as an international keynote speaker, Christopher captivates and enthralls audiences with this story and then empowers them to accept what life has presented, embrace change. And here's the beauty part and take action personally and professionally. His commitment and credibility are indisputable, and I can attest to that as he so obviously lives. His message and people leave are inspired and motivated, just like yours truly do. Take an action regardless of their perceived obstacles. Ladies and gentlemen, I bequeath upon you officially and formally the one and only. Mr. Christopher Roush is a no excuses coach himself. Yes, I'm.

Christopher Rausch:
Here. Right there. There you go, Mike. Drop right there. Boom.

Brian Kelly:
Boom. That's awesome. Now, if you're not watching, you must be. Come back to the mind body business. You'll see it in the past. Shows he just did something that was really cool on video. I'm not going to give it away. If you're listening on podcast, you got to come back and watch it on video. I'm sorry. That's just that's just the advantages that are for watching us live or recorded for sure. All right. Real quick, I'm going to drop us off to a couple of bookkeeping or housekeeping ad spots here, and then we'll get right back here with Christopher Roush. Do not go anywhere. Stay right here. Hey, if you're watching the mind body business show live right now, then you will have the ability to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort of your choosing, compliments of the big insider Secrets. What is it? It is a five night vacation stay to one of many destinations across the world. You can see as we go through this very quickly, there's some in Branson and Daytona Beach. These are in the United States, all over the United States, New Orleans, San Diego. There's also Mexico. There's also the UK and Argentina. I mean, it just keeps going on and on and on. Australia, at the end of this show, you will be given the ability to enter, to win. You must be watching this live. If you're not watching live, then head on over to the mind body business show com and register to receive automated notifications when we go live the next time. We do not spam, we do not even pitch any products or anything from that notification. It's just simply a way for you to know that we're alive. And now you can join us and you can also participate in this incredible, incredible prize. And you do not want to miss us. So come on live. And you do not want to miss a moment because of our incredible guest experts and stay on to the end. And we will reveal that at the very end. And. If you're struggling with putting a live show together and it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and connect with great people and grow your business all at the same time, then write this down.

Brian Kelly:
Carpet bomb marketing dot com. Then head on over to it after the conclusion of tonight's show. Carpet bomb marketing saturate the marketplace with your message and to get a free lifetime membership to a phenomenal resource called the Richer P Club. Your free membership will include instant access to deep discounts on major software services and top shelf training courses that you need to run your successful business. Think of it as your entrepreneur. Discount house. Catapult your business to the next level. Sign up for free now and get a hotel discount card worth $200 just for joining. Then go and grab your deep discount. So write this down. And then after the show once again head on over to reach your peak club. Com. All right, now let's get back to the show. At last, we get back to the show and we get to talk to Mr. Christopher Roush and we have comments flying in already. Brigitta Who? Phyllis. She says, Boom, the automation maestro. Is out again, that's for sure. I didn't see that. Debbie. Bettendorf says Christopher. Yes.

Christopher Rausch:
Deb, thank you for being here.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, and even the guest himself is trying to get engagement. Thank you, brother. I love it. Who's with us today? Live in the chat? Yes. Everybody chime in. I'll put that up as well. Go ahead. Say hi. Let us know where you're coming from. We'd love to hear from you. This is going to be awesome. The rest of the show is 100% about this man, Christopher Roush. And I want to get it kicked off and really launched because you have an incredible backstory. You grow up in a very interesting environment, and I'll leave it at that. Because of your situation, your parental situation and everything you went through. So if you wouldn't mind to kind of set the stage for what people are about to find out about you and how you've overcome what you've been through and are going through today, would you start off with how it all started? What what was your life like and what did you have to deal with growing up?

Christopher Rausch:
Well, first of all, what's the rating on this show? Is that PG or is it NC 17 for yourself? Well, yeah. I mean, first of all, thank you again, Brian, for having me on the show. I appreciate your friendship. I appreciate having me on here and just being able to jam with you and share my story with your viewers and listeners. You know, it's something that I'm super passionate about. I mean, if I can go from being a homeless seventh grade dropout who lived in the back seat of a station wagon with 18 cats and two dogs with a mother with virus, psychological disorders and chemical dependencies. If I can do that, if I can ultimately do that, go through two suicide failed attempts. If I can go through getting carjacked, having my mom raped, digging through dumpsters and for cans and newspapers and bottles, if I could do that for four years and ultimately wind up turning around and getting my general equivalency diploma and ultimately 12 years later, getting my master's degree, all you guys can do at to. So there's there's there's there's the skinny on that's that's the short abbreviated version.

Brian Kelly:
Of the hell.

Christopher Rausch:
That I went through. But I mean, again, the hell that I went through is, has helped me become the man I am today. And so I look at it all as life happened for me and not to me. And that's one of the big reasons why I'm still smiling today. And I'm not looking at it from a victim standpoint. Like my my sister is.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, wow. I mean, right there, I've got again, I've heard this before. I've heard longer versions of but I've got goosebumps again, just and thank God, thank God that those attempts were failed. Yeah. We are also blessed that you are still with us and here to share your life, your wisdom, your experience, your love with us. So I, for one, can attest personally to all of that for sure. Oh, okay. Yes. I have to write. I have to put this up. Debbie Bettendorf says Christopher is an inspiration and has a powerful story. But even more, he chooses positivity and to help others. Incredible human. All caps.

Christopher Rausch:
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Debbie. She's a powerful human, too. So connect with her.

Brian Kelly:
And that's the way Christopher rolls. It's it's always about someone else. And I love that about you, brother. You're not a self-centered guy. You're not narcissistic. We both know people like that. And. You know, I would never name any name whatsoever. So, I mean, my gosh, grew up in the backseat of a car to suicide attempts, carjacked mom, raped mom, had mental issues. Holy moly. That's like about four or five times more than anyone on this planet has ever been through. Yours truly included. I'm going through some stuff today, but pales in comparison. The cool thing is when you go through these adversities and come out the other end typically are sometimes if we choose the right path like you have, do you feel you came out strong as a stronger person than if you had led what you would consider to be a more normal, normal life?

Christopher Rausch:
Yeah, that's a great question, Brian. I appreciate you asking that because literally at the time, you know, up until that age of 13 when we became homeless, up until that point in time, it was physical and mental abuse inside my house all the time. I was physically beat, mentally beat, spiritually beat, if you want to even include that in there. And I was also picked on by the kids on my block and also the kids at school. So I literally the first 13 years of my life were sheer hell because I was tormented and I never fit in anywhere. I was all about trying to find a way to keep people laughing or smiling or doing something in order to keep from people kicking my ass because I didn't understand what it was going on. But when I got into the seventh grade over that summer, testosterone and everything else kicked in. You go through puberty. And so I started growing and I got bigger. And so when I went up to the seventh grade, all of a sudden I went from being bullied to being the bully here and getting into fights. And I got expelled and I was doing drugs during PE class and missing first period. So I look at the fact that I became homeless as a blessing because God only knows how I'd have turned out if I had to continue down that road. So I'm thankful for every every, every single, I guess, negative situation you can call it, because it all helped me become the man I am today. And I'm proud of that.

Brian Kelly:
And I'd say another thing to be thankful of is most of all, that is in the past. Yes, it's all just.

Christopher Rausch:
Electrical energy in your brain. It's up to us how we choose to look at those experiences. We can look at them as something I don't want to repeat again, no doubt. But at the same time, when I look back on those things and chose not to be a victim as a situation of those things and chose to be a victor and chose to do the things that were uncomfortable and hard to do in order to get where I'm at. I mean, I'm living legacy. I mean, I teach people to do that all day long and people say, Well, that's you, Chris. You're so special. I'm like, I'm no different than anybody else. If I can be that seventh grade homeless drop out. I thought I was doing crappy in school. I had a vision problem, I had a hearing problem, and I did poorly in school. The teachers made fun of me and so I never raised my hand. So if I can go from being that scared little kid to now speaking in front of thousands of people doing my podcast shows and just living a kickass life, I know anybody can do it. I've proven it time and time again.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, and I appreciate you being You're always so transparent and I think that is a great thing. And I think all business owners should have an added layer of transparency about who they really are and not not just because, hey, we want to know the truth about you. It's more that people will be able to resonate with you and connect with you at a deeper level because it makes you human. If we're on Facebook, you know, and a lot of you were saying this earlier before we got on the show, Christopher, that a lot of people have this viewpoint of, oh, Christopher has got all together, he's got a perfect life, no issues, because what they see are the short segments, the walk and talks that you put on Facebook, the posts, and it's because you're a positive guy and you choose to be. But it's not always rose petals and tiptoeing through the tulips. In fact, you're sharing if you're okay with it today, you're actually battling something at this very moment as we sit here and talk.

Christopher Rausch:
Yeah, I'm in a ton of pain right now. If I moved the wrong way, my back will twinge. I mean, for people who don't know it, I had back surgery back in 2019. It got so bad to the point I didn't want to do surgery, but it got so bad that every step I took, I made a face and it got so bad that people were so concerned for me that I was ignoring the pain. And so finally I said, I went to a doctor, he's double board certified brain surgeon. And I said, okay, if I do this, do I have to do anymore because I only want to do this once? And he says, Well, I can't guarantee that. And then ultimately I did the surgery. I had a two level fusion, so I have six screws and three titanium rods in my back where my l3l for L four and five are fuzed together. You saw the pictures. And so unfortunately the lot a couple of weeks ago, it's always been bad since then. They wanted to do surgery. Six months later I did an MRI and they said, you know, the disks above and below where you're at are herniated and it's only a matter of time with the stenosis on the pyramidal side and in the in the spine side through the spinal column. And then the frontal side, the frontal are the nerves that come out of your spine and go down to your legs or in some cases go up to your neck in your arms. They wanted to do more surgery. And I said, no way. There was no way I was going to go through that again. So knock on wood, for three years I've still taken my pain medication and I've done all sorts of other things to help ensure that I don't have to go back to surgery. But about two weeks ago I did something to my back and now I've been in just a lot of excruciating pain. So I think I moved things around and now those nerves are being impinged. So if you see me kind of make a face, it's literally doing that as I speak.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Face and or noise. And if it happens, let it rip. Because, you know, most, most mortals and I don't consider you immortal, you're superhuman in my eyes. Would not be on the show right now. You wouldn't. They would not be a guest. I was I was contemplating giving you an out. And I thought, that's not that's not Christopher. I would be like, that would piss him off if I said, Christopher, it's okay. If you want to reschedule, you'd probably go screw that. I'm the no excuses.

Christopher Rausch:
I show up, I get a baby, I show up, I get up. You. I don't know if you know. Do you know who David Goggins is?

Brian Kelly:
I do not know that name.

Christopher Rausch:
Okay. David Goggins. Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't know who Goggins is, they call it the Goggins effect. Before I did my surgery. He's got a bag. He's got a great two books out. One of them is called You Can't Hurt Me or You Can't Cure Me. You Can't Count, can't Hurt me. I always screw that up. But then he's got a new one now. But essentially I studied him because he's known for going through and enduring a lot of pain. And he sits there and he gives us a perspective shift When we talk about pain. The pain? What if pain is actually good for us? And so even to the point where one day I was walking and I was feeling all sorry for myself and every step that I took was super painful, I was like thinking about David Goggins and going, Okay, how can I shift my perspective about my pain right now? How can I be thankful for this pain right now? And I swear to God, Brian, I was going to tell you this off camera, but I decided to save it for this. God's honest truth is, my buddy, who I didn't I shouldn't even call him a buddy, somebody I know from back in the eighties and nineties. We call him Big Mike. I found out from a friend of mine that Big Mike was actually became a quadriplegic. I was like, What the hell happened with Big Mike? Big Mike was a huge alcoholic and Big Mike one night got got really drunk and passed out and fell into his daughter's four year old daughter's wooden table that he had set up in his apartment. He was divorced and so he got weekend custody of his daughter and got drunk and sure enough, fell on the wood table and the woods splintered and went and severed his spinal cord. And so I got the news that he was able to move a little bit of his fingers, but other than that, he couldn't move anything. And so as I'm walking, Brian, I'm sitting there thinking about this and I'm like. How can I shift my perspective about this? And I thought, okay, who would be grateful for this pain?

Christopher Rausch:
And Mike popped into my brain. Mike Mike is sitting there right now. He cannot move and he's completely paralyzed from the neck down. Would he love to have pain in his legs and pain in his back right now? Yes or no? Yes. Okay. So I can find a way to have some sort of gratitude that by the fact that I'm able to still walk, albeit super painful, that I'm thankful for this pain because it means that I can feel my legs. And so just playing little tricks like that with myself over the years has helped me get through and endure all this. And even up until this point, I mean, I still got up this morning and walked my son two miles to school. I did it yesterday. Yesterday was pretty scary. They got to a point where I was standing there and I didn't have my cane with me and my back started seizing up and I had nothing to hold on to. And I just thought I was going to fall like a bag of bricks. So I later had to tell my wife who was talking to one of the moms. I said, I just have to keep walking. So if I stood there, it was getting so painful I thought I was going to fall over. But as long as I kept going and as long as we keep going, ladies and gentlemen, then we're never going to we're never going to fall. We're never going to sink permanently. We may go down a little bit, but we're always going to come back up. And that's what I teach people to do, is to find that inner resiliency within themselves, to push past that pain and push past the the normal. Like everybody's telling me. Chris, you should take it easy. Chris. You should get the surgery. I'm like, No, I want to listen to my own self. I'm going to sit there and do as much as I possibly can because of course they're going to look at the mirror and say, Oh yeah, that's bad. But as long as I have a different perspective about it and I don't look at it that way, then perhaps I can sit there and slow down that process of aging by taking better care of myself, because all they want to do is keep you on that revolving door of, oh, more surgeries, more money, more surgeries, and they don't even talk about what you eat, what you put into your body, your supplements, all the different things that you can do on your own to help minimize some of the pain.

Christopher Rausch:
There's a lot more out there. You just have to get smart about yourself and take care of yourself. Make yourself the priority.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, they unfortunately, I think a lot of doctors have the best intentions. It's just their training teaches them to keep going down the big pharma route to get the surgeries done. Some obviously are in it for the money, but there are many that have great intentions that just were taught incorrectly, in my humble opinion, or not incorrectly or just not fully. To give you all the options, I have an orthopedic surgeon who's awesome, just saw him the other day. He if he he could have easily said, we're going to cut on your shoulder again. He says, no, we're going to do physical therapy and that will fix it. I'm like, No drugs, even nothing but go in and have them move you around. Like, right on, let's do it. And so they do exist and thankfully they're out there. But I want to circle back to how you have impacted so many people. But me personally recently, yeah, I used to be a certified personal trainer, so I was very fit. Well, the second almost the second I shifted from that business and I loved it, but I shifted into something I love even more. I started giving myself excuses not to work out as much. And then that led into family issues and that led into drinking and that led into bad eating habits. And it just snowballed to the point where I became severely overweight. I mean, for me, I've never been overweight like bad in my life, but now I'm looking at 246, almost to 50, which is ridiculously large for me. I'm 62 and I had this massive gut hanging out. I couldn't even see my zipper, you know, like.

Christopher Rausch:
What did you do? Test?

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Look down. Where are my feet?

Christopher Rausch:
My belly sticks out further. My dicky.

Brian Kelly:
Do the Nikki.

Christopher Rausch:
Do test.

Brian Kelly:
You know about that? I love it. I think I've heard of it before. That's so funny. But you heard.

Christopher Rausch:
It here on the Brian Kelly show. So you're Nikki, You need to lose some weight.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. That typically works only for guys, I think, but yeah. So. Yeah. So I got to that point and I was just on your show and we talked about this. You were asking me about fitness. I was very honest and that I was not in a good space. And you challenged me and we took that discussion off the air and into a coaching environment where you put a challenge in front of me that I couldn't resist. I said, That is what that is the only thing that's going to finally make me do what I need to do. Because you challenged me and you knew how to do it. Not no one else before you had ever figured I myself disciplined. Sucks, always has. And now for the first time and I.

Christopher Rausch:
Till now. Up until.

Brian Kelly:
Now. Yeah. And I was going to say now until first time in memory, I now have self discipline and it just takes the right motivation to do it. And I'm here to tell you this is the motivation right here is in the form of Mr. Christopher Roush and I don't bring people on to pitch them unless and I do do it on time, on occasion. But in this case I'm a product of the product. You know, I am a living, breathing example of what works. And. Christopher And you didn't even work at it. You were just kidding around, but you've been doing it and you know what you're doing. So you knew how to press.

Christopher Rausch:
A few buttons.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, exactly. You knew exactly the buttons to press. And I said, Yeah, let's do this. That's the only way I'm going to get this done. So I literally did a two mile walk slash jog right before this show, and I'm getting back on the treadmill, so to speak, figuratively and literally. Yes. Oh, my goodness. Look at this. Rather we got a. Dennis Miller. Hello from China, my brother.

Christopher Rausch:
Oh, wow. Dennis from the old days. What's up, Dennis? Call it all the way from China. Thank you.

Brian Kelly:
Brother. Speaking from the old days, we got another gentleman from Texas, Mr. Tim Gillette.

Christopher Rausch:
Gillette. What's up? Rocker? Tim Rocker. Rocker Life coach. I remember. That's how I met him. Coach, We had some good times. Tore it up.

Brian Kelly:
Good old Debbie was when I was talking about you being super human. She says yes, he's hiding this cape, but I believe he has one too.

Christopher Rausch:
I offered it to her and she said, No.

Brian Kelly:
That's funny. Yeah. Yeah. So one of the things I wanted to just kind of pull out about that whole story is the importance of getting someone to help you a coach. It doesn't have to be a health issue. It doesn't have to be a life or a personal issue. It could be a business issue. It's just it really comes down to being disciplined and having the focus and having someone tell you something that you yourself cannot see and you think, I've got this. And I think that all the time. And I know that I don't 100%. I said I need outside eyes to tell me what direction would be a better direction for me to take at this moment. And every time I've done it, Christopher, I've had multiple coaches over, over my lifespan every single time I've seen incredible results. And it's not it's not magic, it's not crazy, but it takes someone who has some of the attributes that you do. Christopher I mean, you have this great straight between the eyes, I'm going to tell you like it is, but with love attitude, can you expand more on that and what brought you to to have that kind of strategy or approach with people? Or is it just because you find you got results by doing that?

Christopher Rausch:
Now? That's a great question. I mean, for me, I just realized that the sooner you get to the root of the problem, so many times we were just talking about health care. They deal with the symptom of the problem. So somebody comes to me and says, I want to lose weight. Okay, that's not your real goal. Why do you want to lose weight? So I'm kind of the guy that asks the why. The why the why? Because I'm a firm believer when you have a big enough, why you have a big enough, how? And so let's just get straight to the point. Let's not. That's why my tagline is and my friends now joke around about it, but my tagline is I help people overcome their self created crap without the self help fluffy bullshit. So the fluffy bullshit is like meditation and sitting Indian style and chanting, I'm going to be rich and all that other stuff. Well, I've gotten into that stuff, so I don't necessarily call it all fluffy bullshit, but I just learned pretty, pretty quickly that for me, the way I work is like the sooner I know what the situation is, the sooner it is I can do the work to fix it. I don't want somebody to cloud it over. I want somebody to sugarcoat it. Just tell me, Chris, here's where you're at and here's what you need to do. Here's what you need to do to get to here. Because all my life, when you think about what it is that I went from being that seventh grade homeless dropout and then ultimately somebody gave me the suggestion like, have you thought about getting your GED? I'm like, I don't even know what that is like. It's a John Quincy diploma. I'm like, You're asking me to make up four years of high school, five years of high school. I don't have that kind of time. My my bandwidth and my my belief system was so limited. I thought it was stupid. I literally thought I was stupid. I figured I was going be working two or three jobs for the rest of my life just to be able to make it.

Christopher Rausch:
I had no visions of any any super success, but fortunately, the people in my life who mentored me did that same thing. They gave me the straight, the straight word, but they also did it with love. They said, Hey, Chris, I can lead you to this pot, but you can you. It's up to you whether or not you're going to carry that further. And so the same thing I've done with my coaching clients is most often times I get to people get to a point where they come to see me and they're comfortably miserable. They've got a good enough job, they've got a good relationship, they've got a good house, they've got a good everything. But inside they're unfulfilled, they're miserable inside, and they keep hoping, wishing and praying that someday something's going to change and they're going to be able to live their life of their dreams. And that is all complete nonsense. You know, nobody's going to come save anybody. And so I believe if I can use love and I can use a direct firm approach with people to get them to see the big why, then they're going to have leverage in their life every day when they wake up in the morning and they don't feel like doing something because that's somebody excuse Chris. My excuse is I don't feel like doing it. I'm like, Well, when are you ever going to feel like totally working out? But my question to them is, when are you going to feel like going to multiple doctor's appointments? When are you going to feel like getting a diabetes diagnosis? When are you going to feel like getting your arm amputated? When are you going to feel like taking all these medications and having your life limited because you didn't make proper decisions? Right now, I just tell people like that, Are you are you prepared for that? Are you prepared to keep eating your weight worth of gold and sugar and ultimately one day not be shocked that you're going to wind up with an A onesie that's off the roof? I've seen it happen. I've seen it happen to so many people. I've seen it happen to personal friends of mine. There's a guy I know that wasn't way better shape than I was when we were younger.

Christopher Rausch:
And he's on literally, I think, 17 different medications. He's already had open heart surgery. Now he's to a point where he's so overweight and so limited by the by the medications that he takes, he can't even do anything. So he's literally probably cut ten, 15, 20 years off of his life because he didn't have time and he didn't feel like doing something. But at the end of the day, if we feel like having the results, we have to find that will within ourselves. And so what I do is I just inspire people just to do a couple of things differently. Just it's not going to be overnight. It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be well worth it. Because when you think about it and I know you can attest to this, Brian, we have survived 100% of all the different adversarial things that have happened in our life. We've not only survived from it, we've actually hopefully learned some lessons from that. So if we learn lessons through the challenges that we go through, we get to grow through, then can't we have a little bit of a perspective shift and say, I'm grateful for all those tough times? Because for those times they. Taught me the most because we don't learn anything when life is easy and going smooth. We learn things when times are tough. And that's why you were talking about resources in the beginning of the show. For anybody who's never heard of it, finding Joe. It's a documentary. It's on YouTube. It's called Finding Joe. It's about the hero's journey. And then it talks about all the peaks and valleys that we go through along our lives. And we watch our favorite movies. And what happens, you know, the heroine or the other hero goes through the the tough times and we root them on and they come back and they want to teach everybody else how to go through those things. That's the same thing for our life. And I know even in my life up until this point that I've had all these ups and downs, these these incredible experiences and these lows, even low lows back in 2016, even so much that I wrote on my arm, What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.

Christopher Rausch:
I literally tattooed it on my arm right there. You want to talk about a no excuses approach? And that's what I used to tell myself on my Chris. Every day is a new day and what doesn't kill me only makes me stronger. And I thought, I'm going to go tattoo that on my arm and recognize that any time I'm going through something tough, what am I supposed to learn from this? How can I gain from this? How can I grow from this? And then pretty much after I got my life together, I found that I had this unexplainable truth that I was able to help people just by them talking to me. And I didn't even know what a life coach was. People would come into my office at work and they would ask me at work question That took 5 minutes, and then they would walk out of my office an hour later going, Oh my God, I can't believe I told you this. And I'm not even making this up. It's person after person after person. Different departments didn't have this whole perspective of who I was, and then they spent 45 minutes talking to me about life and they're just blown away like, Oh my God, I can't believe I just told you that. And so then I just went out there and I started doing Pay It Forward coaching, which was my way. I'll coach you for free for six weeks. You go out there and do three nice things for somebody else and come back and tell me about it. I saw the movie Pay It Forward with Haley Joel Osment, and I'm like, I'm going to go do this. You know, I'm going to use my gifts because now I can apparently talk to people and help them see things differently. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm not sure if it's NLP or anything else. I just read a ton of self improvement books, watched a ton of videos, went to school, write autobiographies. I just study what successful people do and I just duplicated it.

Brian Kelly:
Even if that isn't a bomb dropping moment, I don't know what is.

Christopher Rausch:
For those don't say.

Brian Kelly:
China. Smart bombs, bombs of knowledge, bombs of wisdom. That is Christopher Roush right there. That was a lot in a very short period of time. And I mean, I can't believe you ever thought or were told maybe that you were dumb because nothing could be further from the truth. You are a very smart man, very knowledgeable. Listening to you talk, you talk as fast as you think. And that's to me, when I've been amongst very cerebral people. I was a software engineer for many years and very smart people around me and that was a common trait, was fast talking, fast thinking. And so I liken that to you and you remind me of them. And I never for an instant would think that you are less than completely intelligent. It's interesting. I just find it. That's all for it. And it's obvious. And so, you know, people think that where we are, we just were born and walked into it. You know, it takes ten years to become an overnight success, suffered so many times. And it's so true, you know, in some ten years takes longer than others. It's even funnier. But you mentioned something about, you know, you're talking about people at your job. And I remember when you used to work, it was like a scuba diving business or something like that. And I remember you were in that process of wanting to get out and just do your own thing as an entrepreneur. And I have ran into so many, yours truly included, looking to do the same thing and the hope is so huge, but the desire and the drive isn't big enough because I want I also want to ask you, how hard was it how how difficult and how long did it take for you to finally, ultimately break the shackles of a full time job? And was that a big traumatic experience the day you did it? I mean, take us through that, if you would.

Christopher Rausch:
Yeah, well, there's there's a lot of back story on that one that would have to go for a whole totally other show. Plus, I signed a non-disclosure agreement saying I wouldn't talk about the details publicly but yeah, literally got to a point where I said before Brian, I literally called myself comfortably miserable. I made six figures. I had a corner office. I'd been there for over 20 years. I've been there actually 26 years. When I left. I grew up within the company. It used to be privately owned. It was a great organization. I don't have any knocks against it, but progressively when we got bought out by a private equity firm, it went from being about the customers and about being about the employee, because John Cronin, who started the company, used to say, You take care of the people, the people take care of the customer, the customer takes care of the company. And I just remember saying like, Oh my God, where so many people are looking at the bottom line and they're looking at all the different measurables and and KPIs and all the other stuff. He was like, Let's just take care of the customer. Let's start by taking care of our staff so that they're empowered and they're inspired and they're motivated and they're capable. They're armed with tools to be able to take care of our customers, and then our customers will take care of us. But when we got bought out by a private equity group, it got we got some more egos inside the building and whatnot. And ultimately it came down to being more about KPIs than the customer or the employee. And I could tell with some of the new people that they had hired on that my honesty and my straightforward approach was not really necessarily appreciated. And I had already put in my years of being the first person there in the last person to leave. I'd already put on those things, but yet when my son was born, I started looking at my life a little bit differently and I could see that wasn't rubbing right with what they wanted me to do. So ultimately it became a we'll call it a mutual agreement where they invited me to leave.

Christopher Rausch:
And so that happened on November 7th, 2019. I'll never forget the date as long as I live. We had talked about doing it. We had talked about the opportunity to to delegate my responsibilities to other people. But we also talked about doing it together and kind of having a graduation plan and, you know, who's going to take over this and mentoring that person to make sure it was a shift for success. Instead, they decided to do it without my my input on what data I was going to do it. But to answer your question, Brian, after being there for 26 years, I was so relieved because I was so miserable, I was so relieved. But the thing that happened, I told I told all my my staff and I was personal friends with my staff. I had the number one rated department with the Orange County Register as best place to work thing. I could tell you all these stories, but overnight I literally wasn't needed anymore and that blew my mind. And like nobody, like the guy who took over my position, he's a personal friend of mine. He knew for two weeks before it was going to happen, that it was going to happen. And he didn't tell me. I don't fault him for that. But ultimately, overnight, I wasn't needed. I was I was in charge of three huge departments. I was in charge of all these different we were getting electrical vehicle charging stations. I had all these different things going on. And overnight Christopher wasn't needed. And that blew my mind because shortly thereafter that I wasn't necessarily thinking about doing my my speaking business and my coaching business full time. At that point I thought, well, now I can get a job closer to my house because I was doing that two hour, one way commute like you've done. And I thought, maybe I get a job closer to my house, I'll move up a rank, a rank. I could go up to vice president easily, or I was looking at chief operation officer positions totally in my zone of excellence. You have a master's degree in organizational management. 20 some odd years of leadership.

Christopher Rausch:
I get a job by my house and then no big deal and continue to do my side hustle. Then I sent out over 100 resumes to jobs in my industry by my house with all my experience at. 26 years of turning the company over and doing all these different things could not get a job or an interview to save my life. And that's when I kind of just this little whisper kind of knocked on my on my head and said, Chris, what about just doing your your business full time? And that thing always had scared me before. I was like, oh, my God, will I make enough money? You know, will I be safe enough? And when you think about my past of being homeless and being on the streets and financial insecurity, my whole goal all the time was to have a house and to make sure I had a job, to make sure I was never going to be homeless again. And so ultimately recognizing that and saying, you know what? When is it going to be my turn? When is it going be? My turn is the money, is the possessions, is the ego, is everything else. Is that really fulfilling my life or would be to fulfill my life? Step into my Zone of genius, which is a great book again, by The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. Phenomenal, phenomenal book. He talks about there, There's our zone of greatness, our zone of excellence, and our zone of genius. And it talks about how we give ourselves upper limit problems and excuses for why we don't do those things. And so I thought about it and I did some I ran some numbers and I talked to my wife and I said, listen, I want to do full time speaking and coaching and I want to do this. I can do this. I've got money saved up. It's not about I don't want to be that miserable person anymore working for somebody else's dream. And then ultimately, I made the decision. I think I made the decision, the final decision on something like March 3rd and then this thing called COVID started coming around and they talked about a lockdown.

Christopher Rausch:
And I thought, how am I going to be a professional speaker on lockdown? Well, it's only going to be six weeks. Okay. No big deal. Two years later, I've had to shift and pivot so many different times. But I'll tell you this, Brian, as uncomfortable, as awkward as as really soul crushing in a way, to have that identity so wrapped up in my position and my my my title and my successes and everything else to have the next day, it was just wiped away like nobody needed me anymore. Nobody cared about me, nobody checked in with me. That was a huge shock for me to go through. And ultimately when I did that, I just decided I was no longer going to put my sexual self in situations where I'm not even respected enough after being there for 26 years to allow me to say goodbye to my staff, to allow me to have some dignity, to be able to do this on a professional level where, you know, like they did for so many other people. That was soul crushing. And I just decided I would rather be broke. I would rather be struggling. I would rather have to fight for every nickel than to walk into another position and be like, okay, Chris, we'll pay you 250,000 to be the director of something and be the vice president of some. And I just took that plunge and I've kept going ever since. And has it been easy? No. Has it been worth it? Hell yes.

Brian Kelly:
Boom, boom. Well, you know what's going to have to happen with that? Boom, boom, boom.

Christopher Rausch:
There's a carpet bomb market.

Brian Kelly:
That's right. That's right.

Christopher Rausch:
Get a hold of Bryan for carbon marketing.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. So, my God, I did not know that back story. I've always been curious about it because you and I had talked about it and, you know, having full time jobs and all that and going through that and living someone else's dream and that's really horrible that you were disrespected so badly where they just chopped you at the knees and said, Get out. Basically, I'm putting those you never told me this. So just in case they say, hey, you're in trouble for disclosing stuff that wasn't his word, Those are mine.

Christopher Rausch:
I wish them all the best. They've all aged exponentially in the last three years. I mean, since this has all gone on with Kobe and everything else, all of them have aged dramatically. The corporate culture is not the same whatsoever anymore. People won't come back to the office. I left it the perfect time. It was one of the greatest gifts of my life. Brian, for them to let me go at that particular moment. The best gift. You can only see it at the time. So that's why I was encourage people when something bad happens, just think about, okay, is this a door opening somewhere else? If if I was just helping somebody earlier today, their wife cheated on them and I said, okay, now you know what? Now you know what your wife is up to? Yes, it sucks. And yes, it's going to take some time to get over it. But now you're going to have the opportunity. As long as you're looking this way, you're going to see the next person coming into your life. That might be the one that's actually right for you. But so many times we look at that closed door and we think, oh, my God, should have could have woulda, you know, those people. And we just become mad and bitter towards those people. That's what we attract when we're mad and bitter. Right. We're just mirrors for ourselves. And so I sit there and I think I wish people well. I hope you're successful. I hope you have all the you know, it afforded me time with my son every single day that I did not have because I was killing myself at this job. You know, there's so many benefits that come into this. At the end of the day, what are we going to take with us when we die? When I think about this, back in 2008, I was successful by all means on paper and everything else. But I wasn't unhappy and I was unhappy inside. And so I went to this funeral. And this is going to be beneficial for your viewers and your listeners. I went to this funeral and I sat there and I saw them all the people of my coworkers eulogizing one of my coworkers.

Christopher Rausch:
I really didn't know her that well, but I went there to pay my respects and person after person got up there and talked about all the things that we never knew about how Ann was, how and did these little things for the employees that she never she didn't want exposure for. And so I thought to myself, Brian, I'm like, okay, if I died tomorrow, who would show up and what would they say? That's what it just dawned on me. I'm sitting in the back of the church. God is my witness. And I thought, 15 people will show up. They'll bring really genuine draft and Jack Daniels and Bon Jovi and Motley Crue records and they will spend the entire church time, the eulogy time, whatever. They'll talk about all the stupid shit Chris did. I'll remember that time he did that. Remember the time he passed out? Remember any time they chased that girl. Remember that time he did this? Oh, yeah. Oh, and the postscript to that would be, Oh, yeah. He was a homeless seventh grade dropout who ultimately bought his first house and became successful and changed the world. And I thought about it in the whole drive home. Brian I was down in Orange County and I live here in Riverside, so it was about an hour and a half drive home. I kept bugging me and I'm like, Well, what can I do to use this epiphany, if you will, to make to create leverage in my life? Because I'm always looking for that leverage. How can I create that positive leverage? And I thought about it, and so I went home again. God is my witness. I took out an eight and a half by 11 piece of paper like this because I always carry paper around me everywhere. And I proceeded hand to paper, not even typing. I started writing my eulogy. Ooh, ooh. Boys and girls. That's uncomfortable, isn't it? I don't want to write my eulogy. I don't want to think about that. Well, guess what? When you think with mine, think with the end in mind and you work backwards, you very often achieve whatever it is that you go for.

Christopher Rausch:
So I sat there and I wrote it all out my hand. I was thirsty and I went to my kitchen and got a drink of water. And I came back and I literally almost pushed it to the side. I'm like, okay, I did it. I don't know what that's for, but I'm going to go back to doing all these other things, right? Ego related. Like, let me check out some more stuff on my box. And I looked at it and I said, you know, instead of pushing it aside, Chris, let's just give it a read. I swear to God I was going to push it aside, figured it just something I needed to vent and get out of myself. So I started reading it and I was like, No, wait, wait, whoa, whoa. I had this little whisper. Tell me. Well, Chris, if it was a eulogy, they would be saying it out loud. So. Christopher Rouch da da da da da da da da. And I get down to the center of it, and this is where the meat really hits. Brian Because I started fucking crying and said, Christopher, Will, Christopher Roush will have fought for what's right and what's fair he will have risked for which that mattered. And you have left the earth a better place for who he was and what he did. Tears is running down my eyes. I had no no idea that that was going to even happen for him. And I thought, Why am I crying? And I thought I would be so proud and so honored to be known for that. Like I partied and had a great time. Sure, no problem. I did every drug in the world except for heroin and mushrooms. I think it was you know, I had a good time. I did all sorts of crazy things. You know, this is back in the eighties when when you didn't have cell phones with cameras, you know, I did a lot of stupid stuff. I'm proud of that. I have had a good time. But, you know, to be able to be remembered with that, with that thought in my mind.

Christopher Rausch:
So every day when I wake up, Ryan, the first two things I do is I say what I'm grateful for, even if I'm in pain, even if I'm miserable, what am I grateful for? And then I set my intention for the day. And one of the intentions that I set for the day is that I will live accordance. I will use my words and my actions to make the world a better place for who I am and what I do. And so if I'm going through the day, having a shitty day like kind of today was one of those days I would stop myself and like, have I done something to lift a world up in a positive way? No. Here's what I could do. I could do a post, I could do a video, I could do something, I could call somebody, I could text somebody. I could do something to make a difference in somebody else's life. So today is my day and that's the last person I communicate with. Like, what did your dad say? Your dad cared about me. Your dad wanted to see how I was doing. Your dad just or somebody said, Oh, he just posted a post about how you can never give up on yourself. And as long as I'm living that legacy, we're all going to die. I mean, that's just the truth. We're all going to die. And the older we get, the closer it gets. They ain't going to go away. So what do you want to leave behind? A bunch of possessions, an ego, a title of fucking certificate on the wall? Or do you want to leave behind memories and moments and to know that you are here to make an impact in the world? I'm all for the impact. I will go broke. I will. I will. Yeah. There's. There's no way I could ever go back to any of that shit.

Brian Kelly:
And I will say you are fulfilling the legacy that you are desiring to fill and you're in the process of doing it every day. And the other thing that is really cool is you have a son and we know how kids are sponges and you may not know it now. You probably have seen it in witness. I didn't know it for a long time. But they are listening. They are watching. They are. They are recording every thing you do. The beautiful thing is that when you're gone, you won't be gone. Your legacy will live through them and they will take on a lot of the great traits that you have instilled in them without you even like talking to them about it. They're just going to see that you're leading by example and they will take that. And I learned things that my my son had told me a while back at a retreat that blew my I started bawling my head off in front of a whole group of adults. It just blew my mind. I had no idea that I had that kind of a positive impact on my life. It just was humbling and just beautiful. And so know that everything you're doing right now, not only your son, but your wife as well, are watching and listening and and look, you're not perfect. I'm not perfect. Nobody's perfect. That's okay. Let's just not be perfect and get the heck over it and just move on and make and change lives as best as we possibly and humanly can. I agree wholeheartedly or. About intentions than than what actually occurs. It's like I intended to help that person. I slipped, I fell and they broke their kneecap because I ran into them. But that wasn't my intention. My intention was to help them. That's never happened. I just made that up. But that stuff happens, right? And I always say, Yeah, there we go again. No good deed goes unpunished, does it? Right. But just. Keep going. Keep stacking those pebbles. I'm not telling you you're the coach. I want everyone else to keep doing that. Because the more of those pebbles you stack, the higher they get, the more people will finally see.

Brian Kelly:
And look, I don't think you're about what people see. You're about making differences in people's lives without having to be that person on the pedestal. Everybody looks up and goes, Hey, it's Christopher Roush, the Superman, the awesome guy. Yeah, yeah. It's nice to get the accolades. It's nice to get the recognition it's needed in order to grow our business. And that's a good thing. I hope you become supremely wealthy so that you can serve more lives and I hope you can scale your business, create more Christopher rushes. Maybe Jackson will follow in your footsteps before you're off this earth and continue with the legacy. Who knows? But it's people like you that I am always rooting for and will help as much as I humanly can to say, Let's get this guy out there. And that's why I do this show is for greater exposure for you. And what a perfect segue. I didn't even plan this, but I want to ask you more pointedly about your business. Your business? What is it you do? I'm going to pull up your website and just let you talk and say, what are the kind of people you work with? I mean, are they men, women, adults, kids, teenagers? Are they business people? Are they layperson? Are they What are they? And I'll let you take the floor and then go ahead. If you have a quick success story or two, you'd like to also go through besides mine, of course. And then and then how can people best get in touch with you? We got a lot more to go. So I don't want anybody to think this is the end of the show. We're not even close. But if you wouldn't mind doing that, I'm going to pull up your website and let you go at it.

Christopher Rausch:
Yeah, I didn't expect this, but yeah, I mean, essentially my services are one on one coaching, professional speaking, doing keynote speaking, doing workshops, courses, seminars. I'm actually in the process of designing my first course right now due to the popularity of the people demanding to work with me. I only work one on one with people. For the most part. I do a group coaching every once in a while, but only to work with me and it's sort of expensive. So I've had people come to me and like, Well, Chris, can you offer a course? Can you do something at a different price, price point, entry point? And it's something that I didn't want to do, but I finally acquiesced in doing that as an addition to. You guys can see this first, because I've got a mock cover of it. Here's the here's the cover of my upcoming book called It's Just You and Me, Kid. The short version of it is it's just a true story of a mother and son survival on the streets of California. But yeah, 164,000 words into writing my book. And yeah, essentially it's working with me. And the people that I work with now are God's honest truth. About 95% are women. I find that women are more eager to do the self development route and want to change and want to improve themselves. Occasionally I do find men that want that same stuff, but I find that their ego is tied with it a little bit. So probably about 95% of my clients are women between the ages of 35 and 70. Here's a here's here's. When I said 70, I thought of a story I could share with you. So normally I go, women are like career people and they're just they got to a spot where they're comfortable, be miserable, they're just good enough, and they realize they're not meant to be good enough. They're meant to be great. And so but what's interesting is I had the 69 year old woman reach out to me. It was before COVID. She saw one of my walk and talk videos, which you talked about. And people love those things. They're all on my YouTube channel where I just take the phone and I just start doing a video and I just talk about whatever's on my mind.

Christopher Rausch:
You know, if I'm going through something, I figure somebody else is going through something as well. And so every once in a while, this is my gift. I'll say, anybody watching this can get a free hour of my coaching. For me, free. You know, it's No, no, no, no. Anything in no strings attached. It's just for you watching this video all the way till the end. If you want to work with me for an hour, I'm not going to try to sell you anything. And so this lady hit me up afterwards. She goes, I followed you for a while. You. Scare the hell out of me. She goes, But I want to take you up on your free offer. And I said, Absolutely no problem. So we get on a Zoom call and asked her a couple of questions, and I said, What is it that you really are trying to find at 69 years old? And she was from from Kentucky. She was from the South. And she proceeded to tell me that basically she had been widowed for 13 years. She wanted to be in love again. She wanted to find a relationship. Her family wasn't really too keen on that. And there were some things in her closet that she'd never told anybody else about. And so ultimately, with working with me, did I work with in six month length, six month length contracts? So she wanted doing two six month contracts with me. And in that process we got her to come clean and be honest about what happened to her from the church, what happened to her in the church as a 12 year old. She never told anybody about that besides me. And so I got her not only tell her family, but she wound up switching churches because the church that she was with wanted her to be a certain way and act a certain way. And and we don't like churches like that. If you guys want to go to that church, that's fine. I like to go to places where people want you to become your best and want you to get remarried again, irregardless of what it says in the eyes of that.

Christopher Rausch:
So ultimately, she found a new church and she not only told her new pastor what she told me, but also the pastor told her, like, if you'd ever like to share your story, you could probably help a lot of young women in here today that might have been going through the same thing as you were, but maybe they don't have to hold it in for 60 years or 50, whatever yours was. So she didn't even tell me she was going to do this, but she wound up doing it. And she came to her next coaching session with me and said, Guess what I did this week, Chris? Because she was all trying to be hip and everything. And so what'd you do this week? I won't say her name. And she says, I told my whole church what happened. And I said, You did. We were sitting there doing this thing like we always just kind of like got in this groove thing. It was funny. And I said, I am so proud of you. And so ultimately, with working with me, she wound up taking her health better seriously. She ended a lot of the negativity and the beliefs that she thought about herself and her marriage while he was alive. And then ultimately we went through the dating apps because there are specific dating apps for elderly people. It's cute as hell. I learned a lot about old men that I do not want to know about because people will tell me everything. She's like Christopher. Those old man are still horny. They're still. I'm like, Oh, God, shut up, shut up, shut up. I don't want to know. I told her I was going to teach her how to fly her freak flag, and I did. And she was like, Oh, yeah. But she ultimately met a beautiful gentleman and she now she's been married for a year and a half. She's living the life of her dreams. Every once in a while she'll out of the blue, she'll just tag me in a post. I'm like, I would not be this happy if it wasn't for Christopher. So here's a 69 year old woman who wanted a flier freak flag, and all she had to do was just start shifting her perspectives about situations that she had been through.

Christopher Rausch:
But I've got all sorts of success stories all day long, you know, mostly women, but I've got men in there as well, different factions. You know, people talk about that someday. And I just simply ask them, can you show me where some day is on a calendar? I just want if you can. If you can if you could show me that, I will let you go. I'll leave you alone. Well, there is no okay, so let's talk about that. So what are you really telling yourself? What are you okay? What's going to be the worst happen? I have to declare bankruptcy. Do people survive bankruptcy? Yeah. Have you heard of millionaires and billionaires who have gone through bankruptcy three times only to be a quadrillion there? Yeah. Are you willing to put that effort in? So if you don't want to put the effort in, let it go. Let it go like a birdie. And don't hang on to that anymore and enjoy your 9 to 5. Enjoy your freedom, enjoy the shit you buy. But if you can't let that go, then you've got to start making some different actions. You've got to make some different choices in order to get what you don't have. And so I tell people like this, like we have this thing called the reticular activation system in our brains. I think you know about this, the system. And so, like if people sit there and think like, I'm thinking about buying a blue bronco, then I'll send you go and look at a few blue Broncos. What do you see on the road everywhere? Blue Broncos. Because you like, you're fixed on that. I want a blue bronco. I see a blue bronco. And so when I give this exercise to people, when I'm doing seminars or whatever, I'll ask, or even just doing like a keynote from home, like a zoom one, I'll tell people like, look around your room right now and tell me everything that's blue, and I'll give them 10 seconds of like.

Brian Kelly:
Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue.

Christopher Rausch:
And I'm like, Okay, Brian, tell me, what was red? Well, Chris, you were telling me to.

Brian Kelly:
Focus on.

Christopher Rausch:
Blue. I'm like, Yeah, And that's the same thing that happens in life. If you focus on the fact that you always screw up relationships or you never get the promotion, or you always do this or you never do that, and guess what? You're going to get it because your subconscious mind is going to find ways to seek out that validation, that proof. And that goes back to our conditioning that happens between zero and five. We literally become the people that we are between the age of zero and five because of all the inputs that we get from parents and teachers and loved ones and all that other stuff. What becomes our sense of identity and what do we do? Oh, I'm stupid. So I must I'll see. There I go, being stupid again. And it isn't until somebody gets somebody like me, it goes, No, you're not stupid. No, you were just misdirected. You had people in your life who thought they were going to do reverse psychology on you, and you're going to be all sorts of wonderful and you're not. And now you're all sorts of screwed up, But it's not a life sentence. And so when people start looking around for the other aspect of gratitude, like I had, I had a guy telling me, This is no shit. Brian It was a older gentleman. I didn't coach him, but he knew. He knew what I do. He knew what he knew. He knew what I do. He knew what I do. He knows what I do. That sounds fucked up too. He knows what I know. He knows what I do. Yeah. Anyway, so he said, Chris, I know you always talk about gratitude. I got you to laugh. I'm sitting here, I got twinges going through my body. He goes, I know you're always talking about gratitude. He goes, I'm going to tell you a story right now. And he goes, You can use it. And he goes, Don't use my name. He goes, You can use this. And he was I don't know how old he was. He was in the seventies. And he says, You know what, Chris?

Christopher Rausch:
I didn't take my bowels very seriously. I didn't take my poop and habits very seriously. And so I got pretty backed up and I got to a point where I ruptured my colon. I had diverticulitis, so he had to be put on a colostomy bag. And he's like, Chris, you don't want to know what I miss. He goes, You know what I miss? Because I miss taking a poop the normal way. And he said it differently. It goes, and I miss wiping my own ass. He goes, The things we take for granted just to be able to go, it goes. I took that for granted. I thought that my body was invincible. And so the things when we stopped taking things for granted, like there's a great documentary out there, it's actually a movie called The Sound of Metal, and it's about this heavy metal drummer who loses his hearing. And you just think about just take a second and just think about this guy, your vision or your hearing. Just think about if you no longer had that, like, boom, you don't have your vision anymore. All your problems that you have, right? The second would go away. Like, why am I worried about Katie in legal? Because she's a bitch. Why am I worried about this? Why am I worried about what kind of car you can't see shit anymore? Ladies and gentlemen, that stuff happens to people all the time. So I do this thing when I'm in seminars, when I'm speaking in front of people, I'm like, okay, who in here? What's your biggest problem in here? People like money. And, you know, most most of the time people's thing or money. And I'm like, okay, all things being equal, who could use $1,000,000 right now? Cash money, no taxes taken out. I give you $1,000,000 cash. Who's game? Everybody's like, Oh, my God, it's Oprah. They're like looking out of their chairs and everything. And I'm like, No, no, no. I'll just come back to reality for a second. And I said, Okay, $1,000,000, and I'll just pick on a few people that I think are that are going to play.

Christopher Rausch:
And I've been having fun and I'm like, okay, so you $1,000,000, What would you do? $1,000,000? Stand up? And they stand up like, Oh my God, $1,000,000. I bought my parents a house and I did it. All these different things. And I said, okay, all things being equal, I'm going to give you $1,000,000 cash, but you're going to give me your eyesight. The whole crowd goes through. And I'm like, You're going to donate your eyes to somebody you can't see. You're going to be blind. But they're seeing eye dogs. There's ways to get around. You have $1,000,000.

Brian Kelly:

Christopher Rausch:
No loopholes, no nothing, no taxes to do everything that you want to do. Will you do it? Lady looks at me every time. No, No. Anybody else?

Brian Kelly:
Anybody else? Mm hmm. I'm like, Okay.

Christopher Rausch:
Eyesight's pretty important, but I can use a half a million dollars, $500,000 cash money right now. No taxes.

Brian Kelly:

Christopher Rausch:
What is he going to do now? Michael K? You, sir. Half a million dollars. What would you do? Gets all excited and everything else. I said a half a million dollars. I said, you give me your legs. You're paralyzed from the waist down. Not quadriplegic, but a paraplegic. You can go still surf like I have a buddy of mine who does crazier shit than I do, and he's in a wheelchair. And that's not even a joke. So you can still get around. You can still drive. I still have sex. I don't know. I don't. Paraplegic. And you have 500,000. Do you do it? No. And so I tell the crowd, I'm like, Think about this for a second. When you wake up in the morning, I want you to think. I want you to think about me and I want you think about in the morning when your feet hit the floor and your eyes look around the room. You're 1,000,005 ahead of the game. You have so much. But we bitch about the things that we don't have, and we spend our entire life doing that. We end up with. What Regrets? Regrets? There's a great book out there. I've given three books now. I think The Five Regrets of the Dying by Bonnie, where the hospice nurse sat. Are you familiar with this, Brian?

Brian Kelly:

Christopher Rausch:
So I actually write. Oh, yeah.

Brian Kelly:
I shouldn't do that. Oh, yeah, we.

Christopher Rausch:
Shouldn't do that. But I do have it right here. Just as I actually bought, I used to buy it for people. The Top five Regrets of the Dying. This hospice nurse sat with people who are dying and said, What is the number one regret of the dying? And so the number one regret of the dying is that people live the life they thought they were supposed to live instead of living the life they wanted to live. So here they've had all of their life. They're on their deathbed. There's no going back. And they sit there and all they have to think about is, Fuck, I wish I would've taken that other chance. I wish I would've. I wish I would have ended that relationship 20 years earlier when I knew I wasn't happy. But I stayed together for the kids, and the kids found out that we were bullshitting anyway, and they're still fucked up from their own shit anyway because I lied to them. You know? It's like we have an opportunity every single day. It's not perfect, it's not easy, but to go live the life that we're not going to regret and to get out of relationships and get out of jobs and to get out of whatever it might be and get into the thing that even if it's only for ten years of your life, then to be able to sit there and say, Wow, for those ten years I truly lived my purpose. I was authentically who I am. That's one of the things that people love about me. And like Chris, I just dig, you know, I'm like, I'm just being me. I'm just I'm just being Chris. I talk fast, I talk in circles sometimes, blah, blah, blah. But that's who I am. But I'm going to go to my grave being who I am, and that's what I want for everybody else.

Brian Kelly:
I love it all. And I just looked at the time where over time. But you know what? Who cares? This is my studio, and I don't have to pay for studio time. Bonus time. So, yeah, bonus time. And I did promise I don't want to go to any farther until I fulfill on a promise that I made earlier. Is that those who stay with us live get to enter to win a five night stay and a five star luxury resort. And that is compliments of the big insider secrets. You see that nice red and white stamp on the upper right? You do see that? Yes. You're all watching this, aren't you? If you're listening to our podcast, God bless you. Thank you for doing that. Definitely want to come to the Mind Body business Show Register. We will notify you when we go live. You click a link that we provide and bam, you're on and you can communicate with us. Have fun with us. We are going to get to the prize. So here is how you enter to win and all you need to do is write this down. Don't go there right now because I end every show Christopher with an amazing powerful. Heavy hitting question. And oh, by the way, after this prize, Christopher, I hope you remember, but you have one to give away, too. It had 45 minutes. Was in the title just in case that. Yeah.

Christopher Rausch:
Oh, they got it. Oh, yeah. I'm happy to do it.

Brian Kelly:
We'll get to that in just a second. So real quick, I'll put it on the screen and explain. It's real simple. Write this down. You'll see it on the screen right now. All you need to do is write down this web address. It's our IP dot, im forward slash vacation, all lowercase rip im ford slash vacation enter to win. Go ahead and do that after the show is over. We're almost there. But you don't want to miss this hard hitting question, nor do you want to miss this amazing gift that Christopher Roush has provided to all of us. I'm going to put it up on the screen and let Mr. Roush explain how you can make good use of this.

Christopher Rausch:
And 45 minutes makeout session. Oh, a coaching session. It's a good thing my wife would be mad. You know, My wife got me for Valentine's Day. My wife got me from Valentine's Day. She got me a pair of boxers with her face on it, says I love my wife. Do you know what I said to her? Not even thinking about it, Brian, I said, my girlfriend's going to be so pissed off if I wear these boxer shorts.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, man.

Christopher Rausch:
Well, I get my gift to anybody watching this and stayed up until this point. Again, it's just something I do on the spot, spontaneous. But I will grant you guys a 45 minute coaching session with me. No sales strings, no nothing attached. Basically, we'll do a couple of pre-interview questions. I'll ask you, like, what do you want most out of your life? And a couple other things and then we'll jump on a call and then we'll get to the nitty gritty, the root of what is potentially holding you back. And now we'll give you strategies on what you can implement in your life and books you can read. And if you do those things alone, you will be leaps and gains above wherever you're at Right now, the only thing I ask you to do is if you get value out of that. When you get value out of that is just go do something nice for somebody else and just tell that person to go pay it forward. Because the world right now is in turmoil and we need all of us to band together black, white, short, straight, gay, Republican, Democrat, whatever it is, we're all the same. We are humanity and we need to start acting like it. We need to start lifting people up. The devastation in Turkey, the devastation in Haiti, everything that's going on in the world, we all together can band together and make this world an amazing place. So if I can help you and I want you to go out there and help somebody else, that's my gift to you. Just go to they can go to No excuses, Coach. I was like, How did they get it? Don't excuses, coach. And there's a couple of different places on there where you can click 45 minute coaching session. If not, if you don't want to do that, just reach out to me, Christopher at Christopher Roush and we can make that happen as well.

Brian Kelly:
All right. Is it near the top?

Christopher Rausch:
It's some it's on a few of the pages. Yeah. I just have somebody just message me and I'll send them a direct link on my calendar.

Brian Kelly:
So it's Christopher. Christopher Roskam.

Christopher Rausch:
Yep. Because I mean, email simple is simple, easy pi. Or then go to my website and find all my social media links. But yeah, that may have to do a little bit of work. But it's my gift to you guys. And I have a blast doing I'm I gave over 200 of them during COVID and I got some clients out of it. Yes. I mean, people want to work with me. That's great. But the thing that I found, Brian, and here's here's something that really can hit home for people is about I did about about 200 and I started noticing a theme and I was talking to people. I'm always very keen on studying people and finding out, Wow, what what gets us to shift fastest? What's the root of our situations? And so I heard this sort of whisper in my ear. We know Glenn Warshaw told us to listen to our whisper, and I credit him with a lot of that. The way that I'm in tune with myself now. And I start hearing this question like, ask them, do they love themselves, yes or no? And I thought of my brain. I'm like, that's a stupid question. Of course people love themselves. I sound like an idiot if I asked that person the question. And so I took my I took the chance on the person that I was speaking with. I said, listen, I just got something, this little whisper hand handed to me. I said, I'm gonna ask you a yes or no question. I don't want you to really think about it much, but just give me your instinctual answer. And sure enough, Brian, do you love yourself? Yes or no person after person after person on a zoom just like this? Like. Well. Yeah. You know, geez, I never really thought about it. I just. I mean, I guess so. I'm like, you know, we would talk about, Do you like yourself? Do you love yourself? Why are there conditions on the fact that you love yourself? How do you treat yourself? And that alone dude, just being able to sit there and see that people aren't loving on themselves.

Christopher Rausch:
If you start loving on yourself and you stop tolerating half the bullshit you tolerate in your life. I get my clients to drop a third of what it is they're tolerating. They write a lot, a list of what they tolerate from themselves, what they tolerate from inanimate objects, and what they tolerate from other people. And literally the first week they come back to me, they lie because they they're embarrassed of how much shit they're tolerating. And I tell them, You're lying. I'm pretty sure you're lying. I get to know them by then. Mike, Really think about it. Be honest with yourself. All the stuff that you're tolerating. Well, Chris, you don't understand. Know if I don't do the kids lunches, they won't. They won't eat. If I don't do the laundry, the kids will wear stinky. I'm like, Okay, so if you got hit by a bus tomorrow, you're telling me your kids will go hungry for the rest of their lives? No, they would figure something out. They would find a way to make it happen. I said, You're just placating them. You're doing this and you're putting yourself in this victim role. They're taking advantage of you because you're allowing it. And that's never nothing's ever going to change. So I get people to drop a third of what it is that they're tolerating, and it's pretty incredible. You start taking care of yourself, you drop a third of the things you're tolerating. It's amazing what can open up in your life.

Brian Kelly:
So many truths in that taking care of yourself. Take care of yourself for yourself first. You know, they even do this on airplanes. Put the mask on yourself first or you can't help somebody else. Which there's a reason behind that. You know, take care of yourself first, like I have not been doing with myself. And Christopher is helping me to write that ship, checking in with me being my accountability. That is the biggest part is the accountability. It's like I don't want to let anybody down, let alone a friend of mine. And I would be letting him down, Christopher, if I didn't continue on the path I'm on now. Which just as a side note, I've dropped 11 of the £20 I haven't weighed in this week, so it'll probably be more 11 of the £20 of my goal. And then after I do that, I'm going to go another ten. So I'm saying that publicly. I know I've told. You privately. But I'm going to get back down to probably right around late college weight where I actually had the muscle going back then. It's all atrophying away from all the years of neglect and.

Christopher Rausch:
The 54 maybe I'll be 54 in two weeks.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. There you go. Young. I got back. You're young, little punk. All right. We're having fun. We're having fun. So I did promise that one heavy hitting question to close the show. So don't forget Christopher. Christopher Roush. You spell that Christo your at and then the same word. Am I going to repeat all that again? Roush is spelled r a u, c. H, yes. So Christopher Christopher Roush email him, go to his website. No excuses, Coach. Take advantage of that 45 minute coaching session. And one thing I will ask of all of you before I ask this final question of Christopher is please treat it with the utmost respect. Treat him with most respect because he is volunteering his valuable time. He's sitting here in excruciating pain for you right now, and he will do this for you for 45 minutes just for you. Please take it seriously. Take it as though you spent $2,000 for that 45 minutes. You probably heard more than that per hour. And so take it seriously and take yourself seriously, because if you just take his lead and do what he tells you to do and follow his instructions, you will get results guaranteed. I will guarantee it. Christopher doesn't have to guarantee it. I will guarantee it on his behalf. There you go. No, this guy. Thank you. That's how it goes. All right. Oh, love you more. That's what I was telling my dad. That's awesome. All right, so I'm going to put your name back up there real quick. So, Christopher Roush, are you ready?

Christopher Rausch:
I am ready. My cats. My cats wanting attention. But, yeah, I'm ready.

Brian Kelly:
Kitty cat has to wait. Not necessarily. You can do. It. You want always. Coming up, the cool thing about this question is there is no such thing as a wrong answer.

Christopher Rausch:
Okay, well, I have to introduce my associate producer.

Brian Kelly:
This is crazy. This is Gizmo. He's a gizmo.

Christopher Rausch:
Look at those whiskers, you know.

Brian Kelly:
All right. Sweetheart, What a cool look. Black and white.

Christopher Rausch:
That's my biggest question.

Brian Kelly:
Let's go. Yep. There is no such thing as autumn or top.

Christopher Rausch:
I'm both.

Brian Kelly:
No exact opposite is true, though the only correct answer is yours. And so it's unique to you. And if it takes you an instant, great. If it takes you seconds, no problem, it takes you minutes. No problem. It is your answer. And your cat's tail will contribute for sure.

Christopher Rausch:
Raw and unscripted, baby.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. No kidding. All right. So with that, are you ready for the big question? All right. All right. Here we go. With the tail wagging. Yep. Christopher Roush. How do you. Define. Success.

Christopher Rausch:
How do you define success? I think success is being able to go to bed at night feeling that you lived your legacy, that you did something that. Yourself or somebody out there. Success is what what we're here for as far as what our true legacy means. So when you go and you write your eulogy and you get those bullet points, make some bullet points out of that, and keep that index card by your by your bed. And so when you go to bed at night, think about what it is that you're here on this planet for. And when you wake up in the morning, look at those again and set that intention every day and so every day. So at the end of the night, when you go back and you reflect on your day, was it a success? Did I do something to make this world a little bit a better place? Did I do something today to become a better parent? Did I do something today? The not success guys, it's not about the big things like do I get $1,000,000 today to buy a limousine? Do I know? Did I make an impact in the world? Did I have a good day? Do I did I appreciate all the different beautiful people that I have in my life, that I appreciate the challenges that I have in my life. Yeah, that's success. Don't look at success necessarily in terms of what you're going to get when you get there. Success right now is defined as how you're living your day because we often so want to own the month, own the year and everything else. But when you own the day and you live in that legacy, God only knows when any of us are going to go. And so if this is the last thing I ever do, if this is the last thing I ever say, my wife and my son can come look at it and go, Dad was living his legacy and that's all that matters to me. I don't want to get to a point where I'm not living my legacy and I'm being incongruent, and then ultimately I have regrets. Regret Stock Ladies. Jonah So as long as you don't have regrets, I say that success.

Brian Kelly:
And. And we end the show appropriately. Yes.

Christopher Rausch:
More people on your show. Baby or Facebook will put you in jail like they did to me.

Brian Kelly:
For what? For what?

Christopher Rausch:
For doing airplanes with bombs.

Brian Kelly:
It's all. Over.

Christopher Rausch:
The city. That you're a bomber or something like that. I'm super careful with what I say now because I've been in Facebook jail. I lost my Facebook, my primary profile that had 5000 people on it. I lost it because somebody hacked it and put ICE's pictures in there.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, nice. Yeah. Got to love. And I say that with tongue in cheek. You got to love some people sometimes. Christopher Roush Man, you are an amazing man. You are an amazing friend. More importantly to me, amazing husband and father and kitty cat, daddy and doggy daddy as well.

Christopher Rausch:
Love my animals. Love my animals.

Brian Kelly:
Appreciate you, my brother. We're going to call it a show. And I appreciate everyone who came on to watch live. I hope now is the time. If you're ready to go, enter to win that vacation stay. It's also the time to go Email Christopher Christopher Roskam and get that 45 minute coaching session and then pay it forward when you're done. Yes, Christopher. You're an amazing guy. I love you, brother, and I can't wait. We're going to continue our communication throughout our our travels together in our lives together. And I appreciate you and your dear friend. Thank you so much, buddy.

Christopher Rausch:
Thank you, Brian. I appreciate being on the show. I appreciate being a Brian, a brother of yours, and I'm happy to help out.

Brian Kelly:
Any time. Thank you. That's the way. Yes, absolutely. And everyone out there, please continue to crush it, serve others, and above all, be blessed. So long for now. Take care. Everyone. Thank you. For tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast. At www.TheMindBodyBusinessShow.com. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Christopher Rausch

Christopher Rausch is debatably the world’s most effective and impactful UNSTOPPABLE ‘No Excuses’ coach, speaker, workshop facilitator, retreat leader whose life apprenticeship of the victim to victor is nothing short of miraculous and surely inspiring! Today, as an international keynote speaker, Rausch captivates and enthralls audiences with his story and then empowers them to accept what life has presented, embrace change and take action – personally & professionally. His commitment and credibility are indisputable as he so obviously lives his message. People leave awe-inspired and motivated to take action regardless of perceived obstacles!

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