Special Guest Expert - Dave Combs

Special Guest Expert - Dave Combs: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Dave Combs: this eJwljslugzAURX_FeouuSBAQMiBFVdWmSTrSSWpXyDUPatXGyH6GtFH-vaBu73DuPYIwDWFDBf20CBlcQACyccQbgYUsIYsX6TJOkjQA4R0Z7R3af2MezWdpHAAXwviBMIrJcpVGiwAqiaosGq5HZiUVDtjvntvaQXYEb9UgfxG1LgvDvu-ntTG1Qt5KNxVGh6WVHYZdHI5VF0YP_iO_z_PrW_O0dXF-0Hev-9XN845v9o-_75PdOVe01lhKfuaMtwLXpekbZXj5NkwFQJLU-OSlRSG5YluPjtjm0KIlNmHsinfILo3-dEO4MlZzGtK6ncHp9Ae1pWDf:1ncryU:AJSH-esBb0ySaFybWV_hvwBXnYI video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

So here's the big question.

Our entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward, only to fall two steps back. Who are dedicated. Determined. And driven. How do we finally break through? And with that is the question. And this podcast will give you the. My name is Brian Kelly.

This is the mind body.

Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. We have another fantastic show lined up for you tonight. And it's because of our amazing guest expert, Dave Combs. He is here. He's in the wings. He's waiting. He's going to come on really, really soon. He is an amazing guy. I cannot wait for you to meet him and for this show to give the up tune, to share his brilliance with everyone who come in contact with it, whether it be on live video, recorded video or podcast audio. We are on 25 different podcasting platforms. The Mind Body Business Show is a show for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs, and our mission is to bring on the best of the best, like Dave Combs, so that we can extract the secrets, the secrets that have helped them to catapult themselves to the level of success they currently have. And they continue to rise. That's what I love about this show is no two stories are the same. There are recipes for success. There are many recipes, just like a chocolate cake, but there's hundreds of recipes, and I'll bet every single one gives you a successful cake at the end. The real cool thing is you only need one. Just pick one and go with it. So if you resonate with Dave, he might be your next mentor. You never know. And that is the beauty of success. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. And so the mind body business shows based on the three pillars of success, and they are the very part of the name of this show. So mind is all about mindset. And most successful people, all those successful people that I study and I did this for about a decade, studied just successful people, they all had this these three things in common.

One, they had a very, very powerful, positive and most importantly, flexible mindset and body. They literally, to a person, took care of themselves either through nutrition or exercise. Well, actually, both. And then business business is very multifaceted. To succeed in business, one must master a series of skill sets, skill sets like sales, team building, systematizing, leadership marketing. It goes on and on. And the thing is to master any one skill can take an exceedingly long time. And the good news is you as a person, as an individual trying to create a successful business or just a more successful business, you personally don't have to master every skill set because if you have just mastered one. Just one. Then the others can fall into place. And that one skill set is the skill set of leadership. The moment you have mastered that, you can now bring in other individuals who have already mastered those skill sets that you have yet to or may never master yourself. And that way you can build your business faster and get up to the level of results that you're looking for within a much shorter period of time. Because why waste time when you're here to serve people and give them answers to their pain points in a way that's in a serving attitude? That's what we want. We want to scale businesses like that all the time and help in any way we can. And that is it. That's the mind body business show in a nutshell. And another phenomenal trait I recognized over this period of studying successful folks is that to a person, they also are very avid readers of books. That's right, books. And not just any books, but the right books. And real quickly, we're going to segue into a little segment I affectionately call Bookmarks.

Bookmarks for and to read bookmarks. Ready steady. Read bookmarks brought to you by reach your peak library dotcom.

Yes. Reach your peak library now. Dave is coming on right after this, I promise you. Hang tight. Dave Combs is in the house. Reach your peak library. One quick word of advice before we move on. And that is as we're going through this evening on this live show, I know Dave is going to be dropping nuggets and bombs of wisdom, smart bombs, knowledge bombs. They're going to be everywhere. He is going to be dropping some incredible valuable tips that will include resources like websites. And what I implore of you to do is rather than click away and take your gaze away from the show and your attention is to write those down and then visit them after the show is over. And there's a very specific reason for that. I've spoken on stage many times and I'm speaking and I know I'm getting to the part that's going to have the profound impact on folks lives. And sometimes I'd see certain people get up and walk and leave the room because they've got to go to the restroom. They got that important phone call or text message and they just missed what could have changed their life forever in a great way. And I'd really hate for that to happen for you. And all it takes is taking your attention away for just a little bit, and that that could be the case. I don't want that to be. So it's up to you. But I would advise you to to write notes, get out a pad of paper or tape it on your computer, whatever is best for you. That's my soapbox moment. We're going to get off it now.

Reach your peak. Library is a site that I had built with you in mind. The entrepreneur that's looking to build their business, to take it to the next step, maybe even to improve in your personal life, but primarily business focused. And what I did is I was not an avid reader myself until about the age of 47 when I started reading crazily because I realized, my gosh, this is having a profound impact on my life. So as I was doing this, the books that had that impact on my life ended up on this website. And the reason is, is because not every book I've ever read is in here. They're only the ones that are vetted that I vet as a successful entrepreneur so that you, when you come to it, you have a more likelihood of not wasting your time because it hopefully will have a similar impact on your business and your life. I can't promise that it will. Depends. We're all in different places at different times, but it's here as a resource for you. This is not necessarily a moneymaking website. I have no problem if you find a book on this website and go buy it at a bookstore, purchase it on Amazon directly, whatever you want to do. But they're here so you can look at them and go, Oh, someone else says, These are good books. Maybe I'll go spend some time and read those, too. I would highly recommend that. All right. Spending time with a valuable resource is exactly what we're going to do now, because we're going to bring on Dave Combs. Here he comes. Get ready.

It's time for the guest expert. Spotlight savvy. Skillful, professional. Adept. Trained. Big league qualified.

Yes. And there he is, ladies and gentlemen. It is the one. It is the only. Dave Combes.

Wow. Brian, I tell you what. What a intro. I tell you. And before we even get to talking about me.

I brought. You won't believe this.

You were going to ask me what books do I love? This is one of the books that I read when I was just a young pup trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life. And these are some of the nuggets that got me into the entrepreneurial mindset when I was in. I was probably I know I was in my twenties, so and I'm a little bit beyond that right now. But there's another one here is Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Models and those, those kind of books just get you your life off to a good start. When you're young and you're not sure what you're going to do, those books will plant the seeds of thought and in logic in your mind that will they will be there for the rest of your life. So amen to what you just said with that library. That is fantastic. I thought I couldn't I couldn't believe he showed my book right there.

Well, hopefully we'll have another book to add to that library soon. There's one over your left shoulder. I see.

I see. Yeah, that would be great.

So, yeah, real quick, before we go any farther, I do need to get through some housekeeping, I call it. I want to mention that for those of you that stay on with us to the end that are watching the show live, that you are going to be given away to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. And that's all compliments of our sponsor. You see that red and white logo above Mr. Combs? Left shoulder, the right side of the screen as you're watching us. It is the big insider secrets. That is my good friend Jason Nast and his company. They give us the ability to give away a show or a show.

A vacation each and every.

Show. And I just love him for it. So be sure to stick around till the end. You do not want to miss that. And then a couple more quick ones. And then we're going to get back to the the man and myth and legend himself, Mr. Dave Combs. So stay here. Stay here. If you're struggling with putting a live show together and it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and connect with great people like Dave Combs and grow your business all at the same time. Then head on over to carpet bomb marketing, carpet bomb marketing. Saturate the marketplace with your message. And one of the key components that is contained in the carpet bomb marketing series is one that you'll learn how to absolutely master. And it's a very service we're using right here, right now to stream our live shows right here on the Mind Body Business Show. And over the course of now, jeez, ten years I've tried so many of these television studio type solutions for live streaming. And I have to tell you, stream art is the best of the best. It just combines supreme ease of use along with unmatched functionality. So write this URL down. Don't go to it. Write it down our WIP dot I am forward slash stream live one more time our WIP dot I am forward slash stream live all lowercase, no spaces all together and go check that out. We're going to bring back the man of the hour right now. Here he comes. Here he comes. Ready? There he.

Is. Look at that.

The magic of video. So now to give him the proper introduction. Introduction that he deserves. Are you ready, Dave? Here we go.

I'm ready. I'm sitting down.

Dave Combs.

He is a songwriter, entrepreneur, successful business executive and best selling Amazon author. I mean, that's all we need to say right there. But there's more. Over the past four decades, he has written over 120 songs and created 15 albums of soothing, relaxing, instrumental piano music, including the popular standard Rachel's Song. His music has been played millions of times on radio, satellite and all Internet streaming media. You're going to love this guy. He gets things that most people much younger than him and younger than me don't get. I cannot wait to dig into his beautiful brain. His book, Touched by the music, as you see over his left shoulder, is about an inspired and some say anointed song, the man who wrote it, the successful music business that grew from it, and the millions of people whose lives continue to be touched by Dave's peaceful, peaceful music and his uplifting stories. And we're going to get into a few of those, I'm sure, tonight. And in his book, musician and master storyteller Dave Combs brings to life his amazing journey through his own personal, captivating stories. And Dave grew up in Erwin, Tennessee, and now he and his wife, Linda, make their home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, in the USA.


There we go. Finally officially informed. Dave Combes, the one and only master musician and incredibly successful businessman. I cannot wait. I'm so happy to have you here, Dave.

Well, Brian, I'm happy to be here, too. This is this is really exciting.

Oh, and we were talking before we got on live here, and I learned some things about you that really impressed me in a huge way, that you were very highly interested in writing software when you were younger. And there weren't, there wasn't this availability of computers and, and software languages and all the things that I, I because I have that same background. That's what's so great about this. The cool thing is you have embraced technology faster than most that are 2030 years your your on the younger than you. I can't think of the right word. What's the word? Not your senior but junior. Your junior.

Yeah. Oh, my goodness.

I'm having a senior moment myself.


I love the fact that you haven't you don't, you don't only embrace it, but you you like. I can't think of the right word, but you are just you champion it. You are you are one of the first to jump on it. And we'll talk into that about that a little bit. When you talked about your music and how the platforms of the media changed over time on which the music came from and played. And what I like to jump into first, Dave, like I always like to open a show, is, in my humble opinion, all of our success or lack thereof, all starts and ends in one place. And that's what's going on between those two ears in the noggin. And why I like to find out from people like you is when you get up in the morning, you know, being an entrepreneur isn't always the easiest thing in the world. In fact, it's often not. And there's always a challenge to overcome, which is kind of why I like it. But not everybody does. And when you get up and say there's arduous task looking, you know, looking you in the face as soon as you wake up, which we do have those sometimes daily, sometimes weekly. And you just you get up and you know, it's time to get to it. What is it in your mind that's going off when you wake up, you start your day. What keeps you driven? What keeps you just powering through each and every day, each and every week, each and every month, you know, continuously and and persistently and just to keep going so you can achieve level of success that you have today. What is going on in that big, beautiful brain of yours when you get up?

Well, for one thing, I have several decades of experience in doing that. And earlier on, obviously, when you are not sure about your success or whether your business is going to be a success or not, you wake up with all these questions about is this going to work, that going to work or whatever. But over time, you will develop a set of things that happen positively that give you confidence. And so today, when I wake up, I know there is probably not a single problem that's going to confront me today that I will not be able to handle. And if I can't handle it by myself, I certainly can handle it with my wonderful wife, Linda. She has been a partner and my best friend, my my soul mate since we first met in 1969. We've been married 52 years coming coming on 52 years. And so between the two of us, there's hardly a problem, whether it's technical or personal or has to do with people or marketing or ideas, we just complement each other. So when I wake up and I know that I'm going to maybe I'm going to appear on four podcasts a day I have I always look forward to those like these because I love talking to these hosts. Eventually most of them become good friends of mine because we just connect that, that well. And so I have the confidence that knowing that if I don't know the answers to my problems, they're going to have people like you, Brian, and other folks that I talk with. Now, if they've got that problem solved in a heartbeat and like you said, you build your team around you.

If you don't know the answer, just have the leadership and be humble enough to know that I can't do everything. I've got to bring in some my team to help me with this. And so I think that's the secret, is that you have you have your mission in mind. Of course, the overall thing that you want to do, like in my case, I want to spread my music around the world as best I can. There's millions of people who have heard it, but there's tens and hundreds of millions that have not heard it yet. So my mission is to spread the word about that. Well, I can't do that by myself. But with the help of folks like you and others that I've talked with, their who knows when I'm going to talk to one person who has a contact that has a way to get it to 10 million people. You just never know. And it's the same way with marketing a product, you know, you never know when you're going to meet somebody that's going to help you and give you the idea that's going to change your life with your business. You're going to go in a direction you never thought of. So that's kind of how my mind works. My my wife says that, my, my, I'm an idea of minute kind of person. I make her mind brain spin, she says. Sometimes I got too many things going, but you just have have to have those ideas and concepts and just keep take action. Don't stand still and fret and worry about things. Take action. Just move ahead.

My goodness, I didn't share this with you before we start the show, but that is what I call a bomb dropping moment, if there ever was.


Bombs. Bombs of wisdom, bombs of knowledge. That was my gosh, that was an entire seminar in a couple of minutes right there. I hope everyone was listening. Confidence that is like the mean the main ingredient that I see that keeps people from success is they don't have enough self confidence. Other people could have confidence in you, but if you don't have it in yourself, it's a difficult road and we've all been there, I think you included, Dave, we've all had that, that lack of confidence in the beginning when we haven't proven to ourselves we could do it. So that was huge. Married for 52 years. God bless you. I mean, we've got 36 over here, my high school sweetheart. And the way you talk about her, thank you for being what I consider to be a real man when it comes to that. I appreciate that. And we need more people like you to say stuff like that publicly about their spouse, whether it's man or woman, you know, husband or wife. I just that I have nothing but respect for you for that and then be in humble enough. I mean, that's just basically getting out of your ego, right? Getting throwing that ego away, having enough humbleness to ask for help. And what I mean, being a guy, Dave, was that one of those things that took quite a while to finally get over that and on a regular basis and ask for help?

Yes, I'm lucky. And I think you can appreciate this, that we're both computer programing kind of guys that very analytical. And it's tough to admit sometimes I don't know how to solve this problem because I'm I'm a I'm a problem solver at heart. And it's I'd always like to think there's hardly a problem you can throw at me that I can't figure out a way to solve it. But sometimes you just have to say, I do not know how to solve this. Let me go ask somebody else. You just have to have to bite your tongue and do it. So that's you've got to learn that lesson real early, I think. Otherwise, you're wasting time.


Amen. And yeah, I've got to tell you, and I even go to the point where, you know, there are times where I know I could solve it, but do I really want to spend the kind of time I'm going to need to spend to do that? Why not bring somebody in who already knows how to do it like that and get it over with and tear out that.

Band-aid and be done with it, right? Exactly.

Oh, my gosh. Yeah. It's like marketing. Take my gosh. I mean, I'm I'm writing notes to myself. So for those of you that are thinking, man, gosh, I don't want to write notes. Well, I'm running the show and writing notes. So I always I don't ever suggest people do things that I myself won't do. That's another thing I live by. But that my gosh, every nugget I want to get right into your music, how that came about. I love your back story about how you started off in the corporate world and you are one of the few, one of the rare that loosened yourself from the grip of the corporate chains that bind so many people that one out. If you don't mind a quick back story of how old you were when you finally found that that golden what they call those not the golden the golden.

Handcuffs, they got rid of them, not the golden parachute of.

The golden parachute is when you get a retirement from that corporate place that enables you to retire. But I was too young for that. I was 44 years old when I was able to finally quit my job, but I was too young to retire and too young to start drawing retirement. And so I had to make a difficult decision because it had been ingrained in me from my youth that when you get a job with a good paying, big corporation, you stay with that company til you retire. I mean, that was the mindset of my my parents generation. And so it was difficult to say, you know, I've been working for AT&T Western Electric for 22 years and I just going to say goodbye to those 22 years and and just launch out onto my own. That's a huge decision. But I didn't make it blindly and I didn't make it without some certainly some forethought and some some soul searching on my own part. And ironically, I had gotten some letters from some of my fans who wrote to me. They didn't know me. They didn't know that I was trying to make this decision. But that very week, I got a letter from a man that says, Dave Combs, writing music and producing the music that you've done is what God puts you on this planet to do. And I thought, whoa. You know, sometimes you pray for divine intervention or divine guidance. Well, what I learned was that the good Lord doesn't speak to you through claps of thunder and strokes of streaks of lightning.

He speaks to you through.

Your your other fellow man. I got 10,000 letters from people telling me what my music meant to them, and it dawned on me that I was expecting some big revelation. And I had it right in front of me in terms of all these communications from these wonderful people. And so that made the decision easy because at that point, the numbers were there. I was making a lot more money with my music business than I was at AT&T. So it wasn't a rough financial decision. It was more emotional than anything else. And so I had lunch with my boss and he he knew about my music business anyway. And we'd talked about it many times, but I had lunch with him and I said, Well, Bill, I'm sorry, but I cannot afford to work here anymore. I need the time off, please. So I handed in my resignation, and that was in February 1992. And I haven't looked back. It was a good decision, but it was one where I had to build my business from 19 and 81, when I wrote my first song up to that 1992, that was 11 years. And so it took me 11 years to build a music business sufficient to offset my income from my full time job. And it wasn't until then that I made the leap.

And it's tough to do that when you have a full time job. I mean, now that means you're doing you're working 40 hours a week for them and then you get home and you're working the rest for yourself. And what that does is say you had a great high degree of passion for what you did, you loved what you did, or you probably wouldn't have done it and spent all that time.

You're right about that. It was every every evening and all weekend long working on building that business and building my retail outlets through gift shops. I sold my music back then, CDs and cassette tapes through gift shops, not through record stores or the big box stores they didn't have wouldn't have anything to do with me. So I had to develop my own channel, my own market, and it became known as the play and sell market, which they play the music, and then you hear it, they sell it and you buy it. And me and two other musicians were the only ones in the whole country that were doing that for a living. And it was later on discovered by everybody. And now the music stores are out there. They're out of business and music. This day and time is you can buy it at Cracker Barrel. You can buy it at the card shop. You can buy it anywhere now. But back then it was just me and two other people and we developed that market and thank you very much. We did real well at it.

And I love how you've just continually retained your flexibility going from cassettes to to then CDs, which are now on the way out as well. Yeah. And now then it was iTunes and just electronic media that you still had to have a player for. Now you don't even need a player. You can just get it from the Internet directly and just play it directly. It's amazing what technology has done, but walk us through what that was like for you as a musician or as a person who wrote music and created music and then sold it. What was it like for you to have to continually change how you went about marketing and delivering your music when the medium kept changing on you?

Well, that was very difficult. If you recall in the mid nineties perhaps the CDs were kind of at their peak and then the latter part of the nineties was the introduction of the internet and the digital media and digital delivery. And you probably remember Napster. Napster was they were the group you remember that basically took music from the copyright owners, gave it away. Well, that is not a business model you can make money at when you give your product away. Well, what they did was basically kill the sales of music because the teenagers and young people were saying, why would I pay $15 for a CD? I can just go to Napster and I can download it for free and I don't have to pay nothing. Well, that was really, really bad. And it hurt not just me. It hurt the entire music industry. And fortunately, Apple came along in the early 2000s and came out with iTunes and were basically offering one song for download for $0.99. Well, that. That model basically worked. People were were willing to pay $0.99. And I think their conscience got hopefully got the better of them rather than steal it by getting it for free. They were oh, I'll pay $0.99 for a song, surely. And so basically that that model took over. And fortunately, the courts also shut down Napster in their stealing of the music. They paid dearly for that. But in the meantime, they they had killed our sales for several years there. But that was painful. And we were wondering how are we going to still be able to stay in business as a music business? And fortunately, the digital world began to evolve and and grow.

You had it grew from downloads to start with. And all of a sudden somebody introduces streaming Pandora. Pandora comes out and says, oh, we got this new way of analyzing music. And Dave Combs, you can submit your albums to us and everybody else can. And and if your song sounds like another song, we'll put those two together and make that a station, so to speak. So when they played my music, the next song that came on may have been a Barry Manilow song or some big name, so it really helped the little guy a lot because if your music was good and sounded like the other big name, big popular music, you got played on Pandora and that's still today. The way you can do a Dave Combs or a Gary Primm channel on Pandora. You'll hear my music and you'll hear a bunch of other music as well. So that was early on and I jumped on that, like being an ATV kind of person. As soon as I found out about something, man, I'm uploading my files just as soon as I possibly can. Spotify comes along and how do I get my stuff on Spotify? I just upload, upload and get that stuff there. I wanted to be early in. I think the term you were looking for a while ago was early adopter. I have always been an early adopter for technology and gadgets and I love gadgets anyway. I'm a sucker for all these gadget ads on TV. Yeah, I got to have one of those, you know. So anyway, music was kind of the same way as soon as something new came along and I jumped on it.

And now I have all my songs at 170 plus that are on every streaming media in the world that exists today, I believe. So there's no place in the world that you can't easily get to my music. Now, there's a there's another caveat here. Most people don't know what how much a musician like myself gets paid every time one of their songs gets downloaded. I always love to ask people. They give them a wild guess, you know? But the real answer is point to pennies. Point to pennies, not even a penny. 0.2. It takes five plays, five streams to get one penny of royalty from me. So now you do the math on that and say how much how many streams do I have to make to make, let's say, 25,000 out of my music business? Well, that's some big numbers there. So that's the that's the hill we've got to climb in terms of of the margins and how the the flow of money comes down from the big boys down to the US, the songwriters and the producers and the the people at the bottom of the of the pyramid, so to speak. So that's that's an uphill battle. And it still remains that you'll hear a lot of congressional hearings about this. And everybody, you know, not only are we complaining about it, the the record companies, the big Sonys and all these places that own the catalogs, they're not happy with it either. So it's a it's always a battle, a struggle between who's going to get their fair share of the pie of the money.

I think we're cut from a similar cloth, though. You know, you're everywhere. Your music is everywhere. And that's that was my philosophy with the show is to have it in many places it can it's funny you mentioned Pandora because they recently and I'm talking right around the pandemic time or right before that opened up podcasting as another channel, if you will, in there. And as soon as I saw that, like you, I jumped on it and it took a while to get it approved. But we are you are going to be on Pandora in the spoken word as well as music now soon after this show airs live. So that's cool. And that's why I coined that term. It's called carpet bomb marketing, which means saturate the area and you're doing just that with your music. You're saturating the marketplace with your music. And that's phenomenal because like you said, you can go nowhere without if anyone were to ever look you up, I think they'll have no problem finding you by name, right?

I would hope not. Yeah.

And that's the whole key. And I'm loving listening to this because this is such a great lesson for everyone in business to learn. And the cool thing is to be on all those platforms. It doesn't really cost a ton of money in a lot of cases, especially in podcasting. It costs nothing. It's an RSS feed that gets syndicated. Is it similar with music or does it cost money to be uploaded in certain platforms?

No. I mean, you're you're basically providing them a revenue stream as well, because they don't I don't get 100% of the revenue. They're going to take some off the top for themselves, for their overhead, for their profit. So, you know, a 99 cent sale from Apple, I may get $0.67. So Apple keeps the you know, the difference, whatever. But there's no charge for me to put it up on their platform so that that part is really great. And it's even the same with books. You know, when I got my book printed, written and ready to upload, I've uploaded the digital file, the word document basically of my book along with the PDF of the cover and all that up to Amazon. Well, guess what? Amazon prints one book. If you order one book, this is a print on demand. No more of these order 10,000 books and have your garage full of boxes of your book anymore. I basically when they somebody orders to books down in Greenville, South Carolina, they print two books and mail them to them. And quickly I mean, quick, it is a quick turnaround because it's all digital.

That's. That's pretty awesome. Yeah. Print on demand is also great. Yeah, I remember I've seen friends of mine.

And they've had the big old boxes full of their books and they're like, Yeah, what do I sell? And you had to.

Pre-purchase these if you wanted to publish. And it was like, Oh yeah, so you do book signing after book signing after book signing. There are all these bookstores and you still have a massive.

Pile of books in your garage.

Well, it's nice to have that print on demand ability, and that's what I love about you and talking to you. You work smart. And I always hear this term and I'm sure you've heard it, too. It's always work smarter, not harder. I don't I don't resonate with that. I think it's work smarter and harder. Yes. Continue to hustle, continue to work, continue to and to me. And it sounds like it is with you. It really isn't. I don't consider it like work. It's not like yet. It's I enjoy it. And so I have no problem working harder and going after what I can. You know, you have a great eye and ear for something new, a new gadget. You're going to try it out. Will, that worked. I'm going to employ that in my business model. Now, my business strategy, it sounds like we're I mean, I know we're a little bit different in age, but you might be my twin brother that I never got connected with. Separated, birth or something. You just happen to come out to be the better looking one. So I don't think you do that.

But and you're.

Getting deep in here now.

I better get my feet. I love it. But yeah.

I have nothing but respect for what you've done, how you've gone about it. Everything you're saying just resonates so wonderfully in business and in life. How to go about things, being an idea man, always throwing ideas out. You know, you've been through this for quite some time now and I'm sure you've had some great wins. I'm sure you've had some difficult times, too. And like you just mentioned with Napster, some struggles. But if you were to if you were to single out one moment in your in your business after after you were 44 years old and you went into the industry you're in now with the music, if you could pick out one moment, that was the most absolutely satisfying moment since you started. What would that be?

I think it probably stemmed from the article that I wrote in Guidepost magazine. Of course, I enjoyed the the progress up through being able to quit my job. But by 1994, my music business was really on a on a tear. And I got a phone call from one of my fans who called to tell me how much my music had helped her through her pain and suffering. She had a terrible disease where she needed surgeries all the time, and it was very painful. And I found out through her that she was a writer for Guidepost magazine, and she loved my story about Rachel's song, how I wrote it and all this and a lot of what we've talked about. She thought it was very inspiring about being able to quit my job and she says, I love that story. Why don't you let me submit that idea to Guideposts? I said, okay. All right. So she she did. And shortly call me back and said, they love it and they want us to do an article. So she goes through it. She she was a ghostwriter. So she wrote the article for me in the in the magazine and basically submitted it. And they, they published it and it's called two part harmony with my picture there on it. And it's a story about Rachel song and how it led to my being able to quit my job and and that spiritual inspiration that I got that I told you about a while ago, that's in the in the book. Well, this little magazine, a lot of most of your listeners and readers are watchers are going to have seen this magazine. It's been around forever. But it's a it's one of those full of good stories, magazines. It's it's circulation in the hard copy was over 2 million people. And the day this was September issue, 1994, the day that magazine hit the street, I could tell I could have told you to the second when it hit the street, because they put my address and phone number in the back of the book.

Oh, no.

My phone started ringing, Brian, and it was an 800 number. And I would you'd answer it, pick it up. It was somebody I just read this article in the magazine. I want to order my cassette or our CD of Rachel Bob. And I'd take the order and just put the receiver down. Ding it, ring it again. It was you didn't even really didn't even have to wait for it to ring you pick it up. There's somebody there. I had to hire two people to help me answer the phone. And then two days later, my mailman comes to the front door, the doorbell rings, I go to the door, and here he stands. And he's standing there with this big old canvas bag, and he can't even it's too heavy for him to even pick up. And I said, and he says, Dave, what in the world have you done? I can't even pick this bag up and it's full of mail for you. I said, Well, I just wrote a little article in Guidepost magazine, and I guess people are reading it and writing to me. And he it took us all night long just to zip open the mail and pull the contents out and put a paper clip on it. And it in two weeks time I heard from over 10,000 people from this little article and my phone was just amazing. So if I had one thing, I guess, that I'll never, ever forget was the the impact that this little publicity and this is not advertising, this is publicity, and it's the importance of good, positive publicity. What it did for me, it basically basically it put me in high gear, but it also was super confirming and affirming that I was doing the right thing. And that was just an incredible watershed event in my life.

That's amazing. I love stories like that. Oh, goodness. That's. I can see why that was that moment. My gosh, I could imagine, you know, the phone's lighting up two days later, the mail coming in, having to hire people, getting to hire people. Because I like the refreshments. They didn't have to. I got to.

That's awesome.

Oh, Don Hopper, it's. How are you doing, buddy? He's a local city of commerce. He runs a Chamber of Commerce. Chamber of Commerce here, local where I live. He's an amazing guy, always giving, always helping business.

Hey, Don.

Thanks for coming on, Don. Great, great guy. Yeah, that's a great that. You know what that really tells me? You know, a lot of people will speak from stage or write books themselves and it's interesting or even when they present on stage, there's so a lot of them are so ingrained with the information they're providing, you know, making sure the slides are just perfect. They got every bullet point they want to get across. And what I've learned over time and through mentorship is the importance, probably more importance of storytelling and metaphors then the actual information. You want to sprinkle the information in there. But with yours, I can imagine the story is what literally sold your music, because that's all it was. Like you said, it was publicity, it wasn't an advertisement. And that just that just rung true. It's like story sell period, end of story. I mean, end of story. If there's something of interest in the story and you know, for everyone out there, make them authentic. Don't just make up some story to try to sell something. But have you spoken from stage? Have you have you I mean, you've written a book. The resonate with that. Does that make sense with you?

I used to do more than I do now with the pandemic has kind of slowed everything down from public appearances. But I would do a program at a church group or whatever. And and I've spoken to lots of people and Rotary and those kind of little club private clubs and are not private clubs, but just social clubs. And the stories are what makes the, the makes your points. Yeah. What I'll do is I'll, I'll tell a story, I'll sit down at the piano and play a song. I'll get back up and I'll tell another story or two or three and say, back then I'll play another song. And it's that kind of back and forth that I think makes for an interesting program. But the story is, is the key. And in storytelling was what I really had to learn to fine tune my art of storytelling to do my book. I wanted my book to bring for example, when I did the recording of Rachel's song in the studio, I wanted you to, when you're reading that story, put the song on and put it in your headphones. And as you're reading it, I want you to be in that room with me. I want you to hear that music coming out of that piano and the synthesizer and and feel the joy and emotion I'm feeling about hearing my music played by somebody else for the very first time. And it's that bringing it to life in a story is what I think is so important.

Yeah. Bringing them into the experience. And that's very key. And I talked to a guy who was a publisher, a book publisher, and he said something I'll never forget. He's like, No matter what you're about to write about, I'll guarantee you it's been written about before you. He said, So what? Why would anyone want to or even consider writing another book? Because it's going to be on a topic that's been written about. And he said the reason is because what makes it unique to you are your stories that you put in that book. No one else has your stories. Nobody has your stories that that's what makes it unique to you. And you will resonate with a certain percentage of people. You won't resonate with everybody. We never do. But you'll resonate with a certain percentage of people that the person that wrote the book before you may not have resonated with. So you've just hit a whole different market and it's like, I never forgot that that plus my mentor about talking on stage about the importance of stories and like I'd watch this guy who was masterful. I was like, Geez, Louise, this whole thing's been a story. And I haven't cared about the fact that there wasn't anything of meat, but there was because it had a purpose that he would lead into the story. But I was just like, that was it really gets people to ingest what you're saying. And so that my whole purpose is to get them to get the result they came for whatever that takes.

That's exactly right. And it's a real privilege sometimes to share your stories with people as well and see them. You can tell when you're talking to an audience, whether you're connecting or not. And if they're if they're looking around and looking at their phone or whatever, you've lost them. But if they're there on the edge of their seat and really paying, looking you in the eye, you know, you've got them and they deserve for you to give them your best effort and your best story. So they get the message and they enjoy it and remember it. Everybody remembers a story.

Okay. I can't resist that one. Oh, I missed a miss swinging to miss it.

To the wrong page.

I've got gremlins going on behind the scenes here. Messing with my. My production quality. That was a bomb dropping moment. But you just said it's it's basically what I heard from you is it's important to get the impact for the audience. And it's not about, you know, a lot of people before they go up on stage, me included. We get nervous right before you're being called up if you're a guest speaker and you start getting those nerves and then I finally just call myself down. Mentor taught me this as well. It's like, you know what? This is for the people. This is not about me. This is about the audience. And I just want to do everything I can to make it the best experience for them as I possibly can. And then I'm instantly calm down.

It's amazing and I feel the same way. Brian About my music. Yeah, I enjoy the recording myself, but the best thing that I feel about it is I know when I hear a song I've always been able to tell a hit song when I heard it on the radio. You may have to when even when I was a kid, if I heard a song and I said, as I hit it, I never missed it. I mean, it was always a hit. And so when I heard my own music being arranged and performed by Gary Prim and the way he did, I knew in my heart that maybe it's not the hit is not the right word, but it's going to be received by people that are going to say, Wow, that, I like that and I want to hear that more and more and more. And it's that confirmation to me that was really important that that I connected with my potential audience of my music. And that's still true today. I know that when people hear my music even on streaming and satellite or wherever it is, they're going to be touched by it. And and I still get emails and letters that from people that tell me that's still the case.

Isn't that the God? It's got to be the most joyous feeling in the world that knowing that you had a positive impact on someone, it could have been they were not feeling so wonderful that day. The state of mind was maybe they were sad, or in reminiscing about someone who's passed and then they put in your music and they they're lifted and then they tell you about it. I mean, that to me, that's that's worth more than all the money in the world is to help people, you know, lift their spirit in any way you can. I love to talk to like if I go to Starbucks, those baristas, my God, they are so busy, unbelievably busy. And they're in this state and they're just grinding. And I will look at their name badge. I'll see their name. I said, you know what? You are doing such a phenomenal job. I just want to tell you, I appreciate how hard you're working or I'll say whatever comes to mind, but it breaks that state and just that moment and kind of smile and like there I did my job, I planted a seed and I walked away and I felt good about helping them break out of that state for just a moment. Whatever it takes.

Mm hmm.

And I imagine you get that from your music all the time.

Yes. Now, when you get my.


On, chapter 21 is full of it's 22 pages where I have extracted out of my 50,000 notes and letters, I've taken 22 pages of them and put them in my book. And I'm telling you that I still read that Chapter 21 periodically myself because I cannot read it without getting that. Feeling of a connection between me and my music and my fans that have gotten something out of it. They're so personal and so touching. Some will make you laugh. Some will make you cry. But they're they're all so personal. And that connection is really I devoted a whole chapter to that. So when you get the book, you'll be able to read some of those wonderful notes that I got as well.

There's so many great parallels between your connection with your listeners, your fans and with business, and the importance of establishing relationships with your clients and your people. There's a lot of similarities here where, you know, as long as you get that, you know, many entrepreneurs, most that I've interviewed on the show are not money centric. They're servant centered. And they understand this inherently, that it's about serving the individual, getting them the results they're looking for, making them get. When they get to that point, then you feel good because you did something for them versus, Oh, I got I got money from them, so I feel great. And so I see a lot of similarities between what you do and it's a business, what you're doing and your, your relationship is a is a different dynamic because it's the music that they're loving and because of that, they love you. And I see why, though, if they had ever met you, then they would love you even more and they should all meet you. But it sounds like many of them did.

They called you, but that's a great story in its own right. But my gosh.

Have you ever had one of those things where you get an idea? So when you go down the track of business and you're going through the music industry, you're going down that track. But then you think of these micro movements that you might want to make change the approach to this or refine this, and you think, Oh, this is it. This is going to really take me to the next stage. And you get stuck on that idea, not necessarily in a bad way, but when do you know when to say, I've taken this long enough, I need to pull the plug and go a different direction because so many of us get stuck in that rut where we just know this is going to work and we're told to be persistent and never give up, but we're never told when to give up when it's the right time. How do you know that?

Well, I think, Brian, you and I probably are similar in that we are numbers people. I basically I have my MBA from Wake Forest University. So I'm a business oriented person and I look at the number. I've always looked at the numbers and graphs and charts and all those kind of things and projects. I used to be a forecast expert in AT&T, so numbers are part of that and. Essentially you go to a point and if you try something long enough and you see the numbers are just not working, you need to set a draw a line in the sand, so to speak, and say if this thing goes south beyond this, that's it. I'm not going to just hope. Hope is not a strategy. You've got to go by the numbers. I'll tell you one good example real quickly. I thought that my music would sell like gangbusters on television. You've seen these Time-Life scrolling ads where they play the pretty music and the sign and the titles of the songs, all that stuff. I thought they were selling music. They are not selling music. I can tell you they are selling mailing lists is all they are doing is they're building a mailing list. If they don't if they break even on an ad for a Time-Life whatever, that's great.

But out of the process, they get a mailing list of people that ordered the book and they can sell the mailing list for more than the music. So anyway, I thought that that would be a great place for my music, you know, because my music would sound great on TV and it's as good as theirs. I hooked up with HGTV, which was a new cable channel at the time in Knoxville, Tennessee. Got my ad made, made a handshake agreement with their sales or marketing manager or vice president of marketing that he would I paid him $13,000 for, I think it was 30, 62nd ads to run on TV. That's a lot of money for me. I did not know if I was going to make any money or not, and neither did he. He could not assure me that I was going to break even, but this was early on. Luckily, he was an honest man and we shook hands on a deal that says, he says, I will run your ad until you are whole, until you make back your $13,000. And I said, I can't refuse that ad, that thing. And he had no idea what it would take. Well, long story short, they started running the ads.

I'd get four or five orders, something like that. Just dribbles coming in. I was expecting thousands. Just a handful came in. Well, he was good to his word. And this is the value of a handshake on an honest person. He ran my ad for free for four years. Wow. That long? And the way they did it was they ran it in their unsold slots anywhere. They had an ad they had. And so they ran my ad. I was the king of late night TV. You could not turn on HGTV after midnight and not see a Dave Combs ad on there, maybe two or three times an hour. But eventually I did break even and I agreed for him doing that. I said, I will share with you the data that I collect on who bought it, where they were. And so he got a lot of data out of the deal where his listeners were and what kind of reaction. But anyway, that was a lesson where I decided I'm not going to do that again because advertising at that rate, at least, it did not pay off. And so that was a I had to draw the line. And but fortunately he had shook my hand and said, we'll make you whole.

And I know a lot of people today can relate to those kind.

Of situations.

Like when you go to do a Facebook ad, especially if you've never done one yourself. And yeah, it's a complicated thing. I'm a tech guy like you, and it's it's enormously complicated the first time, the second time, even the third time. And I just said, that's it. I just paid somebody to do it. And still the same as your know. We heard crickets. We got nothing really at all. And this guy was absolutely confident that and I had no right to not believe him. And I'm not mad at him today. He honestly felt this would work really well from his past experience. He's very experienced. And just there was one little thing that was different about mine than the others that he had success with. I won't go into the details, but I can relate to this so much.

You know.

We're not saying I don't think Dave saying and I'm not saying either don't spend money on advertising, just be very strategic in where you do it and how much money you're going to spend like your deal. That's a great deal to say make it performance based. And when we break even, then we can pull a cord. That's great. So that's an entrepreneur approach right there. I mean, and that guy was and thankfully he was an honest guy, like you said. That's phenomenal. I'm glad that happened. And you know what? The thing is, though, you got a lot of exposure that you wouldn't have gotten otherwise, whether people got it right. Yeah, they might go to that. You know what? I don't care if this kind of music, but I know someone who might. And I'll bet some sales happen on the back end as a result. Quite a few. I'll bet if they remember if they wrote it down before they fell asleep. If it was that late at night.

I wonder if I saw any of those. I'm trying to think, was it local.

To your area?

Oh, it was nationwide. Of course, HGTV at that point was a beginning network. They didn't they weren't in a lot of markets yet. They were still growing. And they would always tell me their reach was so many millions of people will reach is just a fancy term for how many cable TVs are plugged in. It has nothing to do with how many people really actually watch the show. So it's I learned a lot from it. And I just you do have to be wise and very careful in how you spend your your advertising or any kind of money you're investing in your business. Don't just throw throw money at something and think it's going to work. You have to throw it and maybe and test it. If it doesn't work, pull it back. Don't do it anymore.

That that's key right there is to test it for sure. Yeah, I love it. I love it. My gosh. Yeah, I just looked at the clock. I shouldn't have looked, but I need to, because we're getting near the end here. Dave, you've been amazing. A wonderful, gracious guest. I mean, I know this isn't your first rodeo. I wanted to talk to you more about your podcast appearances, the number and frequency that you do, because you're doing everything that that I agree with as far as what is necessary to be done to get the word out about you, your business, your passion, and how you can help and serve others. And I just appreciate your your work ethic, your authenticity, your character. Big one. You have a solid character. You're an amazing man. And I appreciate getting to know you tonight because we never met before. We started talking about half hour before the show. And I was like, I like this guy. And, you know, and the fact that we're twin brothers, that that adds to it, right? That we were separated. But I like to end every show with a specific question. And I asked this question of every entrepreneur that graces a stage here on the mind body business show. And the thing is, I love what I love about it is it can be a little personal. It's always profound. It's an amazing question. It literally happened by accident because I ended up asking it several times, but not every time. And I thought.


That was an interesting take on that one. Okay. And so I said, I'm just going to do this every time. And before I do that, though, I did promise those who stuck with us to the end. Yes. I didn't forget that. You can enter to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort, compliments of the big insider secrets. Jason, ask my good buddy who puts that on. I'm going to put up on the screen how to enter. And so get out those pens and pencils and your notepads on your computer or whatever you're using for notes and write this URL down. You don't need to enter this second, so stay with us. Tell it we're almost done. We've got a few minutes left, so stay this to the end. Write this down and enter after the show's over and we will gather all the entries and do a random draw and can't wait to see who wins. So here it is. Write this down. We're going to put it up on the screen for those of you watching live right now. And that is you want to go to our IP dot I am forward slash vacation so it's our WIP.

I am for vacation. Write that down and go to that web page after the show it commences or completes and then hopefully you become the winner and you get an amazing vacation stay. And just so you know, these aren't those fly by night. We're going to take you to the basement and water drip torture you into a timeshare, anything like that. It has nothing to do with it. It's a legitimate it's a legitimate vacation stay. And the reason I know that is because the sponsor of this, the owner of this company that sponsors it himself, did this three times, three separate times. He went on these vacation stays that were offered that he's able to sponsor us with. And he said all it is is you pay resort fees, the taxes, not the room fees, and you're in. And there is no there is no basement where there's a timeshare presentation, none of that. It's like a vacation. It's a true bona fide vacation. So definitely write that down and enter that after we're done, because it's time for Dave's big question. I hope I hope Dave is ready for this because.

I'm going to let me sit up.

Please get ready for this.

This will help a lot. Dave There is one of the things about this question is there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It does not exist. It is is the opposite is the only correct answer is yours. That's the only thing that really makes it personal. It means it's unique to you. That's what I found is every answer was quite unique. And so you may have it like that or it may take several moments, even minutes. It doesn't matter. I'm not paying for the airtime. We're all good, however long it takes. It's just right because it's your answer. So there's absolutely no pressure or worry about it whatsoever. So whatever comes into your big, beautiful brain is the right answer. So with all that lead up, are you ready?

I hope so.

Yes, I know you are. Here we go. Dave Combes, how do you define success?

For me, success is measured in the number of and quality of lives that I have touched. I learned this a long time ago. Success is not a a dollar figure. It's not a title. It is merely the lives that you touch for the limited amount of time that you're on this planet. And for me, that comes home really true when I realized that my music is one of my vehicles for me to touch those people's lives and maybe even my book as well. Somebody picks up the book and reads it and is touched by that, that the words that are in there or encouraged or inspired. But the number of lives that you positively impact is really the true measurement of your success in this life, I do believe.

Mhm. Absolutely. Love that. And real quick, I'm going to pop up your website for folks to see where they can go to grab your music. And Rachel's song right there you see it it's at combs music dot com at. Com B's music music. So Combs like the comb that you put through your hair but plural. Combs music dot com and go ahead and head on over there and grab Rachel's you can actually play it I actually played it before the before we got on the show I had to stop because I was getting so relaxed. I wanted to get amp back up to get on the show. It's an amazing, beautiful song and he has more music there. You can see other links there with books, with music. He has videos there. He has a lot of media. He has been on many different podcasts, which is another entire lesson. We could go another hour on that by itself. Amazing, amazing stuff that you do. And I just you're what is the right word. I'm having a difficult time with the right words tonight, but they're all the right words.

You're an inspiration to me. You truly are that you are still just in it. In it to win it. You're haven't stopped, you haven't slowed down. You keep going and you're there to impact people's lives in a positive way. And I appreciate you for that. I truly do, because you are a model that many people can simply follow. And that's the beautiful thing. You don't do anything inauthentic to help people. You just be you. And people can go, Oh, I want to be like I want to be like Dave. I want to do what he's doing. And all I have to do is listen to places like the Mind Body Business Show or go on to his media link in his website and listen to all of his interviews. And I would recommend people do that. Everyone do that. Go listen to all of them, as many as you possibly can. Because the wisdom this man has is is deep and broad and wide. And I appreciate I appreciate you very much, Dave. Thank you so much, so very much for coming on this show tonight. I appreciate you.

Well, Brian, it is a real, real honor to be on your show with you tonight as well. And I've certainly enjoyed it. And I hope that your listeners and viewers really take this information and take it to heart. And I hope we've inspired somebody tonight to to move on onward and upward.

Like you've at least inspired one. I know that for a fact. And that is yours truly. So appreciate you, my friend. And unfortunately, that is going to be the end of our show. We have to cut this off at some point to honor everyone and respect everyone's time. Dave's especially, he's on the East Coast there. And so with that, I want to say on behalf of the amazing, amazing Dave Combs, I am Brian Kelley, your host of The Mind Body Business Show. And we'll be back again next week with another great addition. Until then, so long, everybody, and be blessed. Take care now. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business.

Show podcast at WW. The Mind Body Business Show dot com. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Dave Combs

Dave Combs is a songwriter, entrepreneur, successful business executive, and bestselling Amazon author. Over the past four decades he has written over 120 songs and created fifteen albums of soothing, relaxing instrumental piano music, including the popular standard, Rachel’s Song. His music has been played millions of times on radio, satellite, and all internet streaming media. His book, Touched by the Music, is about an inspired (some say anointed) song, the man who wrote it, the successful music business that grew from it, and the millions of people whose lives continue to be touched by Dave’s peaceful music and his uplifting stories. In this book, musician and master storyteller Dave Combs brings to life his amazing journey through his own personal captivating stories. Dave grew up in Erwin, TN, and now he and his wife Linda make their home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina in the USA.

Connect with Dave:

Live Streaming Best Practices Panel: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Live Streaming Best Practices Panel: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Narrator :
So, here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us, who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward, only to fall two steps back. Who are dedicated, determined, and driven. How do we finally break through and win? That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly, and this is The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show.

Brian Kelly:
Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. Super excited for tonight's show. We have not just one, not two, not three, but four, four amazing guest experts who are joining me tonight right here on this very stage.

Brian Kelly:
They are waiting in the wings at this moment. So let's get busy. Shall we? The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show, that is a show about what I call the three pillars of success, and that came about as a result of my study of only successful people in the last decade or so. And these patterns kept bubbling to the top and those patterns being mine, which is mindset set. Each and every successful person, to a person, had a very powerful and flexible mindset. So I learned that and said," I need to implement that". Then body: body is about literally taking care of yourself. Through nutrition and through exercise, exercising on a regular basis, and again that was another pattern of very successful people and in business. These successful people had mastered the skill-sets that were necessary to create, maintain, and grow a thriving business. They're wide and varied. It's like marketing, sales, team-building, systematizing. It goes on and on and on, leadership. There's no one person, in my humble opinion, that could master every single one of these. All you have to do is master just one, and I actually mentioned one of those. It was in that list. I don't know if anyone caught that, but if you master just one of those skill sets then you're good to go. That skill set is leadership. When you've mastered the skill set of leadership, you can then delegate those skills off to people who have those skill sets. See where I'm going? Good. That's what successful people do; the ones that I studied, anyway, over the course of about 10 years. That's what this show's about. It's a show for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs. I got four guests waiting, and I'm not going to wait any longer. So, I think we should just bring them on. What do you think? Let's do it.

Narrator :
It's time for the guest expert spotlight, savvy, skillful, professional and deft, trained, big league, qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there they all are. These amazing, beautiful guests on The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. How are you all doing? Altogether, too. That was phenomenal, I love that. So real quick. All of you, I hope you don't mind for just a moment. I want to do some housekeeping? I wanted to mention to everyone watching here live. If you stay with us till the end, you can win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. All compliments of our friends at The big insider secrets dotcom. You see them flying by on the bottom of the screen right now. It's an amazing, amazing vacation stay. Stay until the end, and you'll learn how you can enter to win that wonderful prize. We also have this. If you're struggling with putting on a live show, and it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high-quality show. And connect with great people like the ones we have tonight, and to grow your business all at the same time, then head on over to carpet bomb marketing dotcom. Carpet bomb marketing, saturate the marketplace with your message. One of the key components that is contained in the carpet bomb marketing courses, and this is one that you'll learn how to absolutely master, is the very service we use to stream our live shows right here on The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. Over the course of the past, now it's over nine years, we have tried many of these, "TV studio solutions" for live streaming. I'll tell you right now, Stream Yard is the best of the best. It combines supreme ease of use along with unmatched functionality. So, go ahead. You can start streaming high-quality, professional live shows for free. Yes, I said it. For free, with Stream Yard right now. Visit this website, and do this after the show over. Take notes while the show is going. So write this down R-Y-P dot I-M forward-slash stream live. R-Y-P dot I-M forward-slash stream live. Fantastic. Now let's get to the real fun, and the fun is these amazing people. Dylan, Julie, Tim, Christian. How are you all doing tonight? Thank you for being on this amazing show. Yes. So, what I'd like to do is open it up. Let the folks get to know you just a little bit now. Ok, guys. We're talking sixty seconds or less. All right. Just lay it low here, but we'll just go and order. I usually go ladies first, but let's just go around the circle. It's easier for me who's running the show. So. That's what's important. Right? So, let's start with Dylan Shinholser. Go ahead. Take it away. Give us a little brief background about you, what you do, and your business.

Dylan Shinholser:
Yeah, absolutely. So like I said, my name is Dylan Shinhoser. I own a couple of different businesses. I'm owner of a company called, "Experience Events", which is event management. I'm also a director of business development at a virtual event, event ticketing, and virtual event platform called, "ViewStub". As well as a co-host of another show called, "Event Masters", where I just ramble all day, every day about how to produce better experiences. It's really all I know and love to do is events. That is my less than 60-second pitch about myself.

Brian Kelly:
That's a good one, too. I'll tell everybody I've spoken with you in person. We had a call some time ago, and this gentleman, Dylan, is made of integrity and great character. So, reach out to him if you need any assistance in any of the areas he talked about, or if you just want to say hi to a really great guy. Then get in contact with him, and at the end of the show, we'll go through that. Please. Somebody remind me if I forget how to contact each of you. Because that's very important to me. This is the reason I bring this show to the forefront. (It) is to bring people like you into the lives of those who may not know who you are yet, and even those that do, to experience even more of your brilliance, your experience, your knowledge, and your value. It's not about me. This is about you. Always, always. Every time. I have one guest, usually. I just feel like I'm in this big family right now. But let's keep moving. Julie Riley, amazing young woman. Take it away.

Julie Riley:
Yes. So, I am Julie Riley. I am the social media manager at StreamYard. The platform we're using right now. Prior to my time with StreamYard, I owned my own marketing agency. I've been in digital marketing since two thousand and seven. So the very, very early days of the start of it is when I jumped in(to) digital marketing, and I love just being able to help others succeed in their business.

Brian Kelly:
Fantastic, and I will also say that I have spoken with Julie in the past. Both through a typewritten chat form and verbally. I think it was Clubhouse first time, which was phenomenal. Yet another phenomenal person, incredible integrity, and character. And yes, you're going to notice there's a pattern about this with the remaining two. It's the same thing. Hopefully, we can get the last one to talk a little bit. That will be nice. I'm just having fun because we were having fun before the show started. The one smiling. The biggest down there with the green hood; not pointing anyone out or anything. Thank you, Julie, for coming on. Yes. These people, Julie and Christian specifically, I know Christians coming up here in second. They're non-stop. They don't stop working. It's evident because of the very software research we're using right now. It's of grand quality for a reason. It's because of people like Julian Christian who keep everything rolling smoothly on the back end. Dylan's there nodding his head emphatically because he gets it. It's a lot of work, and they're doing it masterfully and we appreciate you. All right. Enough of the favoritism here that felt like favoritism. Julie's our favorite. Timothy McNeely! My buddy, my friend from just a little north of where I reside. I believe. If I remember.

Timothy McNeely:
Central California, baby. Bakersfield. Yeah, my name is Tim McNeely. Today, so many dentists and driven entrepreneurs are just not sure if they're getting advice that really makes a difference for them. They may have a financial adviser who is giving them some advice on their investment portfolio, but they're not really sure that they're on the right track to really maximize their net worth outside of their business. That's what I help them do. Maximize your net worth so that you can keep taking care of the people you love, support the causes you care about, really make that difference in the world, and build an amazing life of significance. I love doing streaming because I get to talk to some of the best of the best out there and share the knowledge with the beautiful entrepreneurial community.

Brian Kelly:
I'll tell you something on a personal note as well. Literally, we talked earlier today, Tim and I, on a Zoom call. He just reached out to me and said, "let's catch up." I had him on the show some time ago as a single, solo guest, and he was phenomenal. We've just kind of maintained a relationship, a friendship ever since. He just wanted to reach out and say, "Hi" and "What's up? What do you want to talk about?" We just started talking about business and things. He gave me resources that will help me in my business, and hopefully, I reciprocated it somehow. I don't know if I did, but it is the people like Tim, like Julie, like Dylan, like Christian. That is the cloth that they are all cut from. They are here to help people. That's why I love entrepreneurs. I love all of you. I mean it. I do. I love you. You guys are amazing. I didn't even get a crack at a Christian on that one. Jeez, I mean... there we go. That's a little better, but I'm telling you, he's working on StreamYard our stuff right now as we're on the show. I mean, I'm.

Christian Karasiewicz:
I'm really trying not to, seriously.

Brian Kelly:
The founder Geige Vandentop. If you ever watch this, there's a message to you. Ease up on your people. Alright? Just having fun. Alright, Timothy, you're an amazing guy. Thank you for spending your valuable time and coming on here. As well as Dylan, Julie, and the ever so talkative one, Christian. I'm not going to attempt to say your last name. I'll let you take care of that one. Welcome to the show, Christian. Let's hear all about your brilliance.

Christian Karasiewicz:
Sure. Thanks a lot for having me. My name is Christian Kerasiewicz. I'm the content marketing manager at StreamYard. So, pretty much anything you see on our blog that we're going to soon be launching. I'm the mastermind behind that. So, I do that. In addition to that, I also host live stream reviews, a YouTube show. We also do on the StreamYard YouTube channel where we invite people on to talk about their live streams and help them work through some of their problems, some of their challenges that they might be having with getting community or building a show. Thanks a lot for having me. I appreciate it.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, my gosh. Thank you again, Christian, for your time and being here. I mean, he's literally building a blog while on a live show. I mean, that's a great thing. I'm not even kidding with this one. That is phenomenal. That is showing such dedication. So, it's more than that. It's passion. It's love. You know? What time is that where you are, Christian?

Christian Karasiewicz:
About 9 o'clock, or yeah... about 9 o'clock.

Brian Kelly:
(Nine o'clock) PM. Ladies and gentlemen, in case you're watching this recording. Yes. By the way, I'm going to be on twenty-five different platforms after this is over. So no pressure, but don't mess up. I'm just kidding. So, this is a phenomenal group of people, and I can't wait to dig in. Christian, just what you just said, what you do is right down the alley of what I was hoping to talk about tonight. It'll go organically, but I wanted to talk about... I mean, look at Julie, and look at Christian, and look at their images. Look at their video. It is gorgeous. Here, we'll start with a really gorgeous one first. Look at that. I mean. If there were nose hairs that weren't in place, we'd see them. That's phenomenal, and there is Julie. Wow. Very beautiful. Even more beautiful. I should just have her up like this all the time, and we can just talk in the background. Because, you know, maybe more people would come on. So, you guys have phenomenal camera setups, and here's one thing I always like to preach to those who are getting into the live streaming game. Does it take money? Yes, it does. It takes resources. It takes cameras, microphones, (a) computer, internet, good internet, fast internet, lighting, doesn't have to be fancy. What I always say though, is, do the best you can with the resources you currently have. OK, I wanted to start it off that way because what we're about to talk about with Julie and Christian is their cameras. They are top of the line. We're not talking a one-hundred or two-hundred-dollar webcam here. I like to let ladies go first. So, Julie, do you have a story when you first turned on your new camera versus when you had the webcam and what that looked like and felt like.

Julie Riley:
Oh, my gosh, I turned that camera on, and it was immediately noticeable (the difference). I actually did a live on my personal Facebook page where I logged myself in as a second user into StreamYard. I had my Logitech camera that I had been using up as a camera and then had my new one. So, I could do back and forth and show everybody the difference between the two. What an upgrade that was. The Logitech served me great for years. It didn't stop me from going live, but that upgrade was immediately like, "oh, I can never go back down now".

Brian Kelly:
So, that so that is one thing. Let's say you're on the road, and I can imagine at some point both you and Christian, maybe, you'll be sent on the road to maybe support conventions and things that are on the road. Now, you want to stream live, what are you going to do then?

Julie Riley:
Well, you know, the great thing about the Sony is (that) it's a small camera. Tripods, portable ones, are small. I can take it with me. If all else fails, and I'm either on my phone or I'm on my little webcam or even my built in webcam, it's not going to stop me from going live. Is it going to be exactly what I want? No, but more than likely I'll have the Sony with me.

Brian Kelly:
Thank you for saying that. I mean, that spoke such volumes. I hope people are taking notes that are watching. Definitely take notes on this. Because, look, the show must go on. That's what I say, and this show tonight is the result of a guest who unfortunately was ill and could not make it on. So, I scrambled and found these four wonderful people to say, "I'll come on and do a panel with you." And that's it. The show must go on, and I'm going to either do it with people or I'll do it solo. It doesn't matter. Consistency is key, and we can talk more about that, too. I love how you're just talking about, Julie. Where, look, I don't care where I'm at. If I've got something and it's my time to go live, and I don't have my gear. I'm doing it.

Julie Riley:

Brian Kelly:
I love that commitment. So, thank you for that. For everyone listening, that's important. Yes, quality is important. Like I said, do the best you can with what resources you currently have. That includes, wherever you are. You may have a DSL camera that Julie paid five-hundred thousand dollars for. Oh, sorry, it wasnt that much.

Julie Riley:
Thank God it wasnt that much!

Brian Kelly:
What was the model of that again?

Julie Riley:

Brian Kelly:
What does it run about?

Julie Riley:
It was about seven hundred.

Brian Kelly:
OK, not too bad. A little bit less than five-hundred thousand. Not much but yeah.

Julie Riley:

It's a phenomenal thing, and I love that that's your attitude toward commitment. I'll tell you. You have a similar attitude...anytime I go and ask for support through the back side of StreamYard community. I mean, like through messaging. When I say the backside, that's sounded weird. When I ask for support, you're always there. I mean, you don't sleep, and I appreciate that. So, keep not sleeping for everybody's sake. Christian, you do the same. So, Christian, what about you? When you made that initial change from whatever camera you had before to this unbelievably clear one year look you're working with right now. What did that feel like the moment you saw a difference?

Christian Karasiewicz:
So, it's very interesting actually. So, this is actually what I was using before. I've been using this for quite a number of years. This is a Logitech Brio. It does do 4K. I invested in this one and eventually came out, and the quality was fantastic. The only thing was, though. I wanted to scale. So this was great for traveling, for example. This is what I took around with me. Super portable. It's got the ability to put it on a tripod. Fantastic, but it did not allow me to scale, so I had to always take up another USB port and all that sort of thing. When I moved to the Sony, the Sony looked very good. I will say the one thing you have to do, though, is you need to go through the settings. There are a few adjustments you want to change. That's what's going to actually enhance your picture quality of it. It's a fantastic camera. It's a Sony 6400. Then, really, the other side to it is also the lens. So I'm using a Sigma lens. So, that I think is the real big difference. I mean you have the kit lenses it comes with. I did make the investment in the the additional lens, which I think that's actually what's contributing to why it looks so good. I will say from a quality standpoint, again, start with what you have. You know, the key things for live streaming. Audio is going to be your most important part. Then also, if you, for example, are using one of these webcams, make sure you have enough light. These things look great with a lot of light. When you don't have a lot of light, you're going to see pixelation. You're going to see distortion and things like that. So, turn it back to you.

Brian Kelly:
Especially with light, if you turn on the green screen feature, you really need to have good lighting then. That's the biggest time. I'm so glad to be liberated from that. Even though I loved it. This is actually a natural well behind me. I painted the entire studio. I actually occupy my daughter's former bedroom. I've been here for four or five years now, and I finally got rid of the cartoon drawings and the yellow paint. I'm a real boy now. I have a real studio. This is awesome.

Christian Karasiewicz:
That looks really good by the way. I was very surprised (by) your background because that looks like one of the standard backgrounds people would normally bring up during a live stream. One that has, you know, the gradient going around the outside. So, whoever did the painting on that fantastic job.

Brian Kelly:
Why, thank you very much. My wife did most of the work to be honest, but I feel like that helps with that. Yeah.

Timothy McNeely:
If you want that comparison between cameras. Right. Christine was just talking about the Logitech Brio. That's what I'm on, and you can see the massive quality difference between Kristen and Julie versus the webcam. So. Right. (A) huge step up.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, we'll point that out in glowing detail right now.

Christian Karasiewicz:
You're using a green screen. Right?

Timothy McNeely:

Brian Kelly:
Your sound, Christian, is smooth. I mean, you have a great radio voice. Having that microphone, I think will pivot to that too. Dylan, what are your thoughts on cameras? Yours looks actually really decent right now? You're on (a) green screen, correct?

Dylan Shinholser:
Correct. Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
It looks really clean. You've done a good job with all the lighting. It's almost like you've done this before, and you know what you're doing.

Dylan Shinholser:
I try. Yeah. So, I actually when I first started doing it, I started listening back on my phone. When this whole pandemic hit, I was using the one inside your laptop and realized very quickly (that) I'm on calls all day, live streaming shows and stuff. I was like, "I got to set my game up." So, I haven't made that leap yet to the DSLR, but I will. I'm on a Logitech, one of the models. I won't even lie because I'm not that tech-savvy. It was expensive for Logitech, so I bought it. I was like, "it's got to work." So, yeah. So, that's where I'm at. I agree heavily. I think it comes down to, because we get asked it and I know you guys get asked, it comes down to what you can afford at the moment. Then always trying to push the limits of production value. Right? My background was a wall. It was just like random yellow wall, and now I have a giant green screen wallpaper now. So, now, I can be wherever I want which is a concert. That's where I want to be, and that's where I'm going to be.

Brian Kelly:
You're the one on the stage, brother. Not the audience.

Dylan Shinholser:
No, I'm actually the guy behind the stage. I never want to be this. It's actually weird for me to be in front of people. I'm the guy behind the stage telling people to get on the stage.

Brian Kelly:
Pushing them forward. Well, you do a good job, Dylan. I wouldn't know any different. Maybe your calling is to step out from behind and be on front more often.

Dylan Shinholser:
We will see. Twenty twenty-one has a lot of stuff, and I've got a long way to go. I got super bored in twenty-twenty so I might as well talk.

Brian Kelly:
I've gotten to know you a little bit over time, and you've got a great personality. I think you need to shine in front of more people. That's my humble opinion.

Dylan Shinholser:
I appreciate that.

In the front, not behind the scenes. It's okay to be behind the scenes on occasion, but someone like you with your personality and your integrity, your character...get out there, buddy. It's a disservice if we don't get to see you. Let me put it that way.

That's what a mentor of mine said. He was like, "dude, you're actually being selfish by not talking more and getting it out." Because like I said at the beginning, I only want to help more people create better experiences and events. Make them flow better and make them more money as humanly possible. At the end of the day, I just want to travel the world with cool people and do cool things. I've learned a lot, and a lot of people need some of that experience. So, I got a stern talking to by one of my mentors. He was like, "dude..." I was like, "alright, it's alright. I promise." I started live streaming then had to get better cameras, better lights going on. It's crazy up here in my little command center of all these different lights, webcams, and monitors. Everything you need to do to pull these shows off.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I love it. Christian, go ahead.

Christian Karasiewicz:
So, I want to throw something in there real quick. We talked about various types of cameras. If you're just getting started, use that built-in laptop, the webcam. So then you can take it up a notch. You can go to the Logitech. The C922. That's about, I think, a 60 to 70 dollar webcam. So, don't overpay by the way. It's about 60 to 70 dollars. Get it from Logitec, probably. If you find an astronomical price on Amazon, move up to like the Brio, for example. If your budget allows it, that's about one hundred fifty dollar camera. Then move up to a DSLR. For example, Julie's got that, the Sony 6000. I would also say if you happen to have a smartphone, this can be used as a webcam. Essentially, if you think about it, this is a thousand dollar camera. Because you paid a thousand dollars for this device of sorts, and this will give you some phenomenal picture quality. If you already have a smartphone and you don't have to have the latest iPhone, it could be pretty much any iPhone and Android phone. You just need an app such as one called,"Camo." There's one called,"Erion." So, there are lots of apps out there. Don't think like, "hey, I have to now go drop a bunch of money." Look at the phones you have lying around. Those are going to be great ways to fix your picture quality.

Julie Riley:
I've been going live since 2015, and I only had this camera last year.

Brian Kelly:
That's it. You keep reinvesting. I had a good friend of mine who were business partners. He said, I'll never forget it,"sales drive service". When you're making money, you're able to invest. You're able to up your game, and I love that. So many great points. You can just set a phone on a tripod and your camera will look better than many people's webcams. For sure. One of the things that I would recommend, this isn't just a plug StreamYard, is to get at least get the free plan. Do they need any more than the free plan to be part of the community, Julie?

Julie Riley:
No. They can come to join the community even if they're just getting started into streaming. We do like everybody to have the free plan so they have an understanding, but we'll still let you in. Agree to the rules. That's the big thing. Yeah, come join the StreamYard community. It's really a "stream yard" community.

Brian Kelly:
It's a very valuable place because questions like what Christian just addressed are often asked (What do I need?). I'm just starting. I'm a newbie. I see that so much in there. What can you do to help with a camera or microphone or computer? You can go there if you have those questions and ask, and the community will fill in the blanks wonderfully well because they're a great bunch of people. Just like Tim down there who's gotten pushed to the side for a while. So, Tim, is this your first camera that you've been using for live streaming so far? Did you have one before it?

Timothy McNeely:
Yeah, right. I started with just an HD one. Right. Logitech and then jumped up to the Brio. Been happy with that so far. But, you know, it's interesting how the game keeps growing again. That's the thing, right? Just get started! Just do this. I started with just using zoom and recording those for my interviews, and then I realized (that) I need a better platform. I need a way to kind of do that live production. Now I'm doing Stream Yard and got intros. Just get started with whatever you've got and kind of build that proof of concept. You know, I recently just upgraded my lights because I bought the cheapest lights I could at first. I just wanted to do something, and done is better than not done a lot of times.

Brian Kelly:
I totally agree with everything you just said and like what Christian was saying. If you're going to put money into anything, make it the audio side of things first when you upgrade. I was fortunate. I started over nine years ago streaming live. This is a DSLR. Not a DSLR. Good grief, XLR microphone. It's old school. It's not even USB. So I plug it into a mixer board, and from there into my computer. I've used it for years. It's been just amazing. I've never had to do anything with my sound as a result. For you, there are great USB alternatives now. Oh my gosh, there are so many out there. Someone like Christian could probably point you in the right way. Someone like the StreamYard community could push you in the right way and tell you,"these are the ones". I have a connection with the guy who is a sound expert. I've never heard of this before. He has a studio that does 4D sound. I don't even know what that means. Four dementional?

Christian Karasiewicz:

I don't know what that means, audibly. He was telling me about speakers in the ceiling. I'm like, holy moly,. You don't need that obviously for a talk show like this, but think about the possibilities and have fun with it. The bottom line is, when you go on and go live. Enjoy yourself. I'm trying to do that a little bit with these fine people tonight. Thankfully, they're still here with me. I haven't upset them too great, especially Christian. I keep picking on him. Poor guy. I appreciate you all, and it's okay to have fun on your show. Would you guys agree with that? Is it okay to have a little bit of fun?

Julie Riley:
One hundred percent. If you're having fun, your audience is going to be having fun with you.

If you're not having fun... I don't believe in doing anything that I don't find fun. It's a life motto of mine. If I don't want to do it, I don't want to do it. Yeah. Like you said, Julie. If you're not having fun with it, then how in the world do you expect the viewers to want to have fun or engage or interact? It starts with you.

Brian Kelly:
Absolutely, absolutely. One of the things I wanted to pivot to is something I'm deeply interested in because the product that came up earlier when I did the quick ads spot. I like to solve the pain points that people are having in their live streaming experiences. I'm curious. I'll bet, Julie and Christian, you guys have seen and heard a lot about that. I actually had a team member of mine from my company put a poll up in the form of a meme, a graphic. What's the right word? I am having trouble with words these days. It's an infograph. That's it. Simple. I was a little bit shocked by the result, but I was just curious what you guys think. What are the biggest pain points you're seeing? (Either) that you're having individually. Tim, if you have that as well. Dylan as well. Dylan, you probably hear about a bunch of it as well. What are the pain points you are seeing come back over and over and over again? I'm having a horrible time trying to find another guest on my show if they're interview style, or the tech is just blowing my mind. Even though StreamYard is so simple. I'm having trouble with x, y, z. Let's just go around the horn. Dylan, if you don't mind, I put you on the spot. Can you think of any of those pain points that keep coming up over and over again?

Dylan Shinholser:
Yeah, absolutely. The biggest thing I see is they underestimate what it does take. I totally agree. Why I promote StreamYard to our clients and everyone I possibly can is because of the ease of use. People go into it and think shows are just like setting up the webcam, and they can be. Setting up the webcam and just talking. Right? There's a lot of back end stuff to this. These shows and I'm learning that as doing my own now. I'm like, holy cow, I'm about to hire fifteen people because this is absurd. But, yeah. I think that's the biggest thing that I see is underestimating it, but also at the same time, they overcomplicate it. They have to think (that) they have to have all these bells and whistles and seventeen thousand cameras and two million dollar microphones. It goes back to our first point of "just do it". It doesn't need to be overcomplicated, but understand going into it, there is some work that takes and understand that you do have to respect what it takes to put these on. At the same time, don't overcomplicate it. It's funny how people work. They overestimate or underestimate it, but then heavily overcomplicate it at the same time. I think that's the biggest one I see.

Brian Kelly:
I'm so glad you brought that up. I've said this so many times, people don't realize what goes on behind the scenes before the show even comes on live for that episode. The amount of time and effort. If you want to do a live show that's of quality and represent yourself and your brand in a way that you want it to be represented professionally. It takes a good amount of work for every single show. That's why I automated nearly every process (that) I use now. It took time to get there, but you can use a team. You can get a team. Like you said, Dylan, to also help out. For me, it's all about quality, and more time is spent before the show by far than the show itself. After the show is over, another good deal of time is spent. That is in the minor edits, the repurposing, the marketing, and everything else that goes beyond. The live show is this tiny window of time, and it's the fun is part of it by the way. When you have everything automated, the rest is not "not fun" because you're not doing it. It's all automated, but definitely great. Thank you for that. Julie, what has been some of the big p.. sorry to wake you up there. What have been some of the big pain points? You are wide awake. I just starttled you. You've seen over and over, I bet you've seen a bunch of them.

Julie Riley:
Oh, my gosh. So many, you know, especially because I'm approving all of the comments that are coming into the group. I think one of the huge ones is that the hesitation of people who believe that they have to have everything perfect. That they have to have all of the backdrops, the overlays, the banners, the super expensive microphone, and the super expensive camera. That they have it. The room behind them is messy. They haven't thought about turning to just a blank wall because they're like, "well, then I don't have a fancy studio set up." They get to this point where they're trying to create perfection, and perfection is a fairy tale. It doesn't exist. There is no such thing as perfection. There is, again, where Dylan said the overcomplicating it. They've got to really just slow down and go, "what do I need to get this process going?" What is the minimum to make it happen? From there, then I can then build on it, and build on it each week. Go, "okay, I got live. I got the first one out. I got the jitters out. I hate the way I sound." When I had my agency, I would tell my clients. They'd be like, "I can't stand the way I sound." I'm like, nobody likes the way (that) they sound. There's actually, and I say this all the time, there's a term for it that is a term for not liking the sound of your own voice. I tell people, you have to get over that fear. They're like,"I don't look good on camera, I don't know how to be on camera." The other thing I tell people is to set up a fake Facebook group with nobody else in it but you. Go live in there a bunch of times and just get those jitters out. Get that feeling of pressing the button and going live. Then invite your husband in, your sister, your mother, or whoever. Somebody so that you're talking to somebody. From there, build up each time. As we said with the cameras, again, you can you can slowly build. You can slowly add in the overlays. You can slowly add in the backgrounds.

Brian Kelly:
My goodness! I absolutely love it. I have my own Facebook group that I use just for that. Nothing more. I go in there, and I test things for StreamYard and other things in there. I go live in there because there's no substitute for going live. We've got more buttons to click, and things kind of change their arrangement just a little bit in the window. If you practiced it 20 times without going live, then you go live you're going to go, "what the heck just happened?" I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. That was perfect. Perfect advice. I love that. We've got a comment coming in or two or three. Yeah. Kelly, crucial. Kruschel. Sorry if I got that wrong.

Dylan Shinholser:
Kelly Kruschel. It's Kruschel. She said she's on my team. She's a friend. Hey, we've got a supporter.

Brian Kelly:
Love it. Love it. Then Fran Jesse, I know her. I'm getting ready to make my first video essentially input. Yeah. Reach out, Fran. We're friends. I will give you assistance in any way you want because this is the greatest this is the greatest avenue for media on the planet, in my humble opinion, for so many reasons. One is people get to see you. I love clubhouse. It's also phenomenal in different ways, but people get to see you. They get to interact with you. They can engage with you, and they get to see your essence. It doesn't cost you, the studio owner, studio time. If you do this in the old days when you have to go to a television studio and you want to do a show, it would cost you thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars just to use the studio. Let alone get the media time to put it up on a television station. We're living in wonderful times. It's the greatest time to be alive, in my humble opinion. I'm a tech geek. I'm not young anymore. I'm fifty six, but I can't wait for the rest of what my life has to hold. Yes. You're welcome, Fran. Any time. Wonderful. Wonderful. Alright. Where were we? I got all messed up and loving myself there. We're going to have fun. I'm being real. This is like... I don't know. I'm the most relaxed (that) I've been in a long time with everything that went on today. It was one of those weird, everything-going crazy days. I feel like I'm at home with you guys. That's why.

Dylan Shinholser:
It's been one of those years.

Brian Kelly:
Thank God that last one is over.

Dylan Shinholser:
Yeah, yeah. Sure.

Brian Kelly:
So, okay. Pain point. Let's go back around one more. Tim, what do you have?

Timothy McNeely:
Yeah. When I first started doing this, my whole goal was to get out there and to talk to the different experts in the different areas of the challenges that my my clients face. I started off as an interview show and just using Zoom to record the video. Then all of a sudden I had the video. Now I had to put an intro in. I had to put an exit in. I had to extract the audio so I could do the podcast. My team members and myself were spinning our wheels. Just trying to really kind of create a workflow around the creation of this content so we could get the message out and help people with their challenges. For me, all of a sudden, the revelation was (that) I can do this live. I can have people type in (and) ask comments as I'm doing the show. Not only that, from start to finish, I can produce the whole thing going live. Right? You go live. You can play an intro now. You can throw in little commercial breaks. You can throw in the outro, and then it's done. Download the audio. You throw it up, and now you've got your podcast. You don't have to upload video to YouTube and Facebook and LinkedIn. It's done for you now, automatically. So really my biggest pain point was just the production side of things and putting everything together so that I could keep talking to people and doing the fun part. Right? I don't want to get caught up in all the details of making this. I want to talk to people, learn, and share that knowledge. Really, a lot of the pain point, just using StreamYard has really been absolved because it's a turn-key easy to use platform.

Brian Kelly:
Amen to all of that brother. Here's the key for everyone that's ever going to do a live show or has done one. The most important part is that you show up and you be the talent. That means you need to be dedicated mentally toward what the task is at hand. If I have too many things going on, like production-wise, which I used to when I didn't automate things. That's in the back of my mind. Did I dot every "i"? Did I cross every "t"? What's going to screw up on this show? Versus showing up fully for my guest. Being there for them. Getting out of myself and my own business and being present for the other person, that's what I'm about. Lifting up the other people, that's what my show's about. It's important to me.

Timothy McNeely:
Actually, if I can touch on that talent piece, Brian? I think he brought something up so important for everyone listening to this. If you're doing any kind of a show where you're interviewing people, chances are (that) the person you're talking to (is) a little bit uncomfortable. Your job, as the talent, is to spend some time before the show really crafting what it's going to look like. What direction are you going to go in? You want to make that person you're talking to look like a star. The more you can rehearse with them and put them at ease, you're going to end up with a much, much better show. Because you've taken a little bit of time to make sure that (the) other person is going to shine just as bright as you do. So, take that time to work with your guests beforehand through interview guides, through little questionnaires. So that you can help prep them, to keep them on a thread, and you can really help them deliver their message. Most people are not trained professional speakers. They just aren't. I've hired some of the best speaking coaches to help me develop messages, stay on topic, and learn how to tell stories. People don't invest time, energy, and effort to do that. You can help them do that through a briefing before you start your live with them.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. That's why I was saying before, I do a thirty-minute preshow. All of us were on here for 30 minutes getting to know each other, making sure all the tech was good, doing some checkout. You were talking about people being nervous and stuff. That's why I'm riding Christian so hard with all these jokes and stuff because it broke his nervousness. You can see his sweating. I am so kidding. This guy's raw. He's a rock. He's awesome. He's a pro. I love this guy, man. I always pick on the quiet ones. I don't know why that is. Christian, man, you're bringing massive value. All kidding aside, you're very experienced. You're matched for what you do. You've said already so many amazing things. What about you, brother?

Christian Karasiewicz:
I'd say this. I think a couple of the pain points. I think one is people want to ask, "how do I get better at my live stream?" I think (that) the first thing is practice. To Julie's point, I think you mentioned having overlays, backgrounds, and all this other stuff. Look at it like this. You want to show your audience as well while you're helping them. You're doing this with them. You have everything at the same time, and you're trying to make everything perfect. Your audience is going to be like, "I'm not going to stick around this person because they've done such a good job already. I won't ever get to that point". They start having that self-doubt. The key thing is going to be practice. You don't have to have every single one of the overlays. Maybe start with the the intro or the thumbnail, and maybe you have an outro for example. (Those are) the first two things you do. As you build the show, then you can add segment graphics. You can add videos. So, you can scale it, but you don't have to have so much at one time because then it's just too overwhelming. That's point number one. Pain point number two is that people, for some reason, think that they're going to immediately be able to monetize their live stream. I say pain point because everybody's like, "oh, I bought all that equipment." Now, you've got to figure out how to pay for all that equipment, you know? If you're struggling already with your business and growing it, then you're not going to immediately monetize live stream. You have to have an audience. You know, you have to build that community. When you go live, they're tuning in because (of) the social platforms. They want to see that you're bringing viewers, they want to see engagement. So, point number two is monetizing your live stream. There are ways to do that, but don't always set out with monetization being number one. It could take a couple of years to monetize. So, get started. Build on it, then make those investments as your business is growing. Yes, mic drop. Yes.

Dylan Shinholser:
Do you have that mic? Just a mic drop? Because I might need to get one.

Brian Kelly:
It's actually super.

Dylan Shinholser:
Yeah, super real.

Christian Karasiewicz:
That's pretty cool, actually.

Julie Riley:
I like that.

Brian Kelly:
It's actually part of a magic trick that you put in a paper bag. It's a long story, but I found one more affordable that would not break my keyboard because that's what it landed on. You didn't hear it. Oh, my gosh. Golden nuggets there, as usual, from Christian who I give a lot of hard time to. I'm going to stop because you're amazing dude, and I don't want to get mad at me. I want you to be my friend. So many great things. So, you said two years. I was like, wow. I was watching an interview. How many of you have heard of Lewis Howes? Former professional football player and turned incredible entrepreneur. He's all over the place. He was being interviewed, and the guy interviewing him asked him a question. He said, "so, Lewis, if someone came to you, and they were talking about the fact they wanted to start a podcast. Now, we're talking just the audio version. That's what a podcast really is for everyone that may not know it's audio-only. Not video, even though they're going that way." He said, "well, here's what I'd tell them. First, you got to actually be consistent. Whenever you decide to do it, do it at that same day and that same time every week or multiple times a week. Whatever that happens to be. Number two, more importantly. You must commit yourself to doing that for at least, the magic number, two years. If they are not willing to do that, I would tell them, don't even get started." We didn't talk about monetization. None of that was discussed during this Q&A. That was telling. Who was I talking about this earlier with earlier today? It's not necessarily about monetizing. It's about building your platform, and I wanted to add to that. It took me in two years. I was just hitting that moment in time of my live show. That's when the momentum started. He was spot on, and so are you, Christian, about the two years. Then using a certain strategy (that) I use, I continually ask for referrals in a certain way. I eventually landed the one and only Les Brown. Some of you know who that is. Some of you don't. I've noticed some don't and Im like,"what rock are you living under?" He's amazing, and he's been on my show. Because of that, the two-year commitment is my point. Not talking about monetization. Then what I found after doing this for two years and striving for excellence all the time in every facet, I'm talking about the preshow communication with upcoming guests and the setup and the prep that they all go through and my system makes sure they do. The show itself and then after the show, all the post-production, everything that goes into it. Once you have that, people notice and my show, without my intending it to be, became an incredible, powerful lead magnet for my business. Focus, just as Christian was stating so properly, does definitely, positively impact your business. If you do it right. You do it high quality, and again, within reason within the resources you have. Go ahead, Christian.

Christian Karasiewicz:
I was going to say. That's another point that people look at, and they want to generate revenue off of it. That revenue may not be actual money upfront. It may end up being (help) (to) drive more leads to my website. It's not necessarily driving more people to my social channels. You're following is... It's OK. That's not going to necessarily grow your business because you had five more followers on Instagram or something like that. It's potentially getting them back to your website, which can be an opportunity for them to schedule a coaching call with you, maybe buy a product from you, learn from you for example. You're not going to get every single person to become a customer, but you're going to be able to use it to generate more leads.

Brian Kelly:
Totally, totally true.

Dylan Shinholser:
That's why I do it.

Brian Kelly:
You see on the top of this screen "streaming live on" and then five. We're doing it to eight right now or seven right now. "Listen-on" down below. On the bottom, there's actually twenty five of those like us could fit them all. Roku now was on Fire TV. Look, you're not making money from those, but here's what happened. How many of you have heard of Kevin Harrington? Shark Tank? Original Shark Tank? He has a partner named, "Seth Green", and they do a podcast together. They've been doing it for years now. They have five-hundred plus episodes. We got introduced, Seth and I. I met Kevin. We shared the stage once. I'm not name-dropping, but yes, I am. It was awesome, and it was fun. Seth reached out. We were connected by someone else. We were introduced, and Seth did his own homework. He came back, we literally talked on Zoom, and he says, "wow, I did some research. I looked you up and, my God, you're everywhere." I just wanted to say, "yeah, that's right." So, you want to get out there. That's why, shameless plug, I call it, "carpet bomb marketing". You saturate with everything you've got within reason. Right? If you can automate it, it can be near or completely free. So just do it. Why not add it to your arsenal? So, it works. Just be consistent to a minimum of two years. Get in touch with people like Julie, Christian, Tim, and Dylan. You might make that even quicker than two years. I'll direct you to the shortcuts that many of us did by trial and error.

Timothy McNeely:
Touching on the monetization piece, a good friend of mine runs one of the top coaching consultancies out there. Right. Very, very successful. Runs a great podcast, great show. I ask him one day. I said, "have you need any money doing your podcast?" He thought for a second. He says, "naw, I've actually lost money doing it. The relationships that I've made...I've made millions off (of) that." If you approach it from that standpoint... There's different goals, but I always approach, you know, what's the end result? What are you looking for out of your show? Why are you doing it? That's how you can measure the success of it. Is it helping you achieve whatever goals you set for yourself?

Brian Kelly:
Totally agree. It's very similar. Isn't it? To writing a book? I'm holding up another namedrop. Yes, it's very similar to writing your own book. Because a lot of people want to write a book and make a living off of the sales of the book. I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, most of the time it just doesn't happen that way. If anyone comes up to you and you're talking to them... During the course of conversation, maybe you ask them what they've been up to? Or, hey, I've authored a book. The moment they say that, in your eyes, do they not lift up in an influence in your mind? Right then and there? Instantly. It builds authority. That's exactly what this live show, and live shows like it, are doing. When you're giving evidence of it by spitting it out to all of these platforms, there's no way people can't find you and know that you're serious. You know, it's showing that you have a commitment level. It's showing that you have a quality level of professionalism. It's not about the show itself. It's like, well, if I do business with that person, or will I... Will I want to do business that person? If they're professional. Yes. If they put on a shoddy show, they might give me shoddy service. If I do business with them. Does that make sense? People want to (be) representing yourself in the best. Do it the best you can, but do it. Please, don't delay. Don't try to be perfect. You heard everybody talk. Go ahead, Dylan. You had something?

Dylan Shinholser:
Well, yeah. There's indirect ways to make money with shows, live streams, and of course direct (ways). Right. Direct is selling sponsorships, ad-space, all that good stuff. The indirect monetization is so much more powerful. When I do shows or when I hop on shows or anything, it's literally just to build a top-down awareness of myself. I just want people to know what Dylan Shinholser is. Then that way, because I do multiple things, I'm never trying to sell one product at any given time. I'm trying to sell myself, and what it does is it gives me that outlet to do it. Then if you're hosting a show. Right? This maybe goes into some other topics around how to market and things like that. It's a powerful relationship tool because when you can open your platform to other people that you're looking to connect with. I'm in the business of working with influencers and throwing their events. Well, the best way to connect was get them on my show. It gave me a reason to reach out that wasn't pitchy or sales. It was more or less. Hey, man, I just want to give you an outlet, because I think what you talk about is cool. Tell my people about it. After the show, I was like, "hey, man, what are you doing next Tuesday? I need a speaker." Or "hey, man. I have some ideas (that) I want to pitch you or (some) things. They're more receptive. So, I always do shows and things not about the direct money I get, but the indirect thing. It's the indirect impact that I get from relationships, or people sharing my stuff out and people go, oh man, he sounds semi-intelligent unless they're watching this. Then then they'll go, okay, great. Let me go over to this platform that he runs with this business that he does or whatever because he sounded halfway intelligent on that show. Right? So, I think the indirect monetization is what most people don't... They don't get that the instant gratification of like that five thousand dollars sponsorship check. When I forgo that and go on to bring on much more money on the backend with the people I connect with, in the top influence that I get.

Brian Kelly:
The magic word there was "relationship".

Dylan Shinholser:
Relationships all day, every day. That's all I do- is build relationships, and how can I do it? Do more shows like this. Can I get it out? You're on like forty-two different podcast or outlets here, right? Every one of those. Every time you put a show on it, you're building a relationship with someone on that platform. Even if it's just you talking, and they're listening. You're building that relationship. Everything (that) I do, is built on: how can I develop relationships? Live streams is just an amazing way to do so.

Brian Kelly:
Posting them is one thing. Right? That's a great thing. What I learned through a podcasting expert friend of mine is the maybe not as equally important, but possibly greater importance, is getting on other people's shows. That includes audio podcasts only. He explained how his business skyrocketed when he did what he called, "podcast guest marathons". He would have someone get him booked in his team. He would carve out three days and just say get as many as you can for me. He'd do that. Then when they ask him about how to get in contact with him... This is the gold right here... It's not go to my Facebook page and look up my name and message me. He would tell them to go to his podcast website and from there to subscribe. Now he's building a following. It's genius. It's so genius. I just want to impart that. The cool thing, though, is when you're hosting a high-quality live show that opens the door for you to be a guest on many more.

Dylan Shinholser:
Oh, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Being a guest is what goes back to the authority building. Right? If I can build my authority, I build my influence. If I do have something to sell... If I'm trying to build my brand or whatever it is or I'm just trying to get to as many people as possible to talk about events with them... That authority I call it, "authority hacking", being able to get them on your show. That'll get your show in front of their audience, and then going on to other shows helps you develop your authority. It's like writing a book. I was I'm a guest on this show, this show, this show. It's like writing a book. Your authority starts to become a little bit more when you're leveraging their influence. Right? When you're a guest on the show, if that show has a following, you becoming a guest on that show gives you authority because now you have the validation of the host that everyone is following and love. So, I can authority hack by getting on other people's shows.

Brian Kelly:
It leverges. You have a whole new tribe watching and interacting with you as well. I mean, this is one of the most powerful things people can use. If they just get out of that rut of trying to find a way to make money with it directly, that's when they'll see the real value come through. It's about building relationships. It's long-term. Not short, quick kill. I got to make a commission and run. It's build a relationship. Establish it. If you go into this with the mindset of it not being for directly making money, I personally think you have greater success. The long-term plays always work better than the short-term. Short-term works can work, but they're temporary. The long-term is a lot more permanent and lasting. Just think of all the wonderful bread crumbs you're leaving throughout the world. Through all the venues and platforms we've been talking about. In speaking terms, if you're on stage, that's what we call a "stage swap". Where you would be a guest on someone else's stage in return for them saying, "okay, but I'm going to do the opposite." We'll have you on our as well. The same thing with podcasts and live video. It works really great. Just make sure they're a fit.

Dylan Shinholser:
They've got to fit. (It's) got to makes sense.

Brian Kelly:
Both ways. Yeah.

Christian Karasiewicz:
I want to add something real quick to that. If you are consistently going live, so it's great to be consistent, go live on a regular basis, but also think about the long game. It's a couple of years, for example. Also, don't be afraid to be making changes and adjustments as things are moving along. It's not about substituting equipment. It's about looking at your process. For example, you mentioned Brian, that you have automation on some of the things. Think of smarter ways to take bigger jumps ahead. If I have to send someone an email, and I'm like, "hey, do you want to be on my show?" Then I have to deal with the whole back and forth. Well, okay. Yeah. What time? Then I have to send everything back. There are tools out there like Calendly, Harmonizely. You can send a calendar link to somebody and they can only book a certain slot for example and vice versa. This takes out the guesswork out of having to do all that back and forth. That's a way to work smarter because now you want to book people for your show. You send them one link. The person then doesn't have to send you a message back, and you can even use it to collect feedback for your show questions. There's not a lot of back-and-forth and downtime.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, absolutely. I do that as well, and it's a godsend. I could not do what I'm doing. I would not do what I'm doing without the automation part of it. I have an onboarding form. You guys all... Most, not all of you went through it, but that was a mini version. Julie, you went through the big version. I then changed it right after I saw that. Like you said, make adjustments. That's what I did. I'm constantly doing that. Improving. I have a document automatically generated in Google Docs with your bio. The answer you had to why you think you would bring value to the show. Also, all the questions you chose to be asked for the show. Some of you didn't see that. So everything's done. The Q&A part used to take hours and hours doing manually. Now I just give them thirty-eight questions. Choose ten, and we're good. You tick the box. You choose what I'm going to ask you. (I) just made it a system, and it has worked beautifully. I don't even use the ten questions hardly. I use maybe the first three. Then we go organically like we've been doing tonight. My God, it's six twenty-nine! Are you kidding me? I'm having too much fun. Real quick. I know everyone that came on in the beginning. You heard this thing about a prize. We're going to do that real quick, and we'll come back and wrap it up. For those of you watching, remember in the beginning I said, "take notes and don't go clicking away and stuff like that"? Now I think Dylan, Julie, Tim, and Christian will also give you permission to do what I'm saying, and that is take out your phone. Take your gaze away from us for just a moment, but you'll still have to look back. Yes, yes. You can do this too. Please, do. What I want you to do....

Dylan Shinholser:
I need a vacation.

This is how you can enter to win a five-night stay at a five-star luxury resort of your choosing. Here's what you do. Take out your message app on your phone. Fire that up- your text message app. Where you would type in the name of the person normally that you're going to text. Instead, put in this number: three, one, four, six, six five-they're all doing it behind the scenes- one, seven, six, seven. I love this. Three, one, four, six, six, five, one, seven, six, seven. If you're watching this and you're not a guest, go ahead and write this down because I gonna take the screen down. I want you to get it. This will be open until the end of the evening. Where you actually put in the message... Where you might put emojis, those kinds of things, not emojis, just two words separated by a dash or a hyphen. Those words are peak (P-E-A-K) dash Vacation (V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N). All together. No spaces. Peak vacation. Send it off, then monitor your phone. You're going to get an automated response back asking you for your email address, and that will then officially enter you into the contest. Compliments of The Big Insider Secrets. Our buddies, Jason Nash, the owner. Dear friend of mine who lets us give this away every single week. Every show, actually. We do more than one a week now on average. So go ahead, get that entered. I can't wait to see who's going to win that. You're going to be asked later, you don't have to if you're the winner, to provide your Facebook information. Just your profile so we can say congrats and give you a high-five online and get others to come watch the show. To be honest, that's another strategy. We're just rolling back the curtain. That's why we do it this way. You can offer incentives like that. My friend has offered that to anyone who is my friend. If you're not my friend, you don't get it. If you're on as part of the panel here, they're all my friends. Christian may differ on that opinion, but I think he's my friend.

Christian Karasiewicz:
I'm your friend. Yes.

Brian Kelly:
Ok, good. I picked on you so hard. I apologize, but you're just you're a fun guy. I appreciate you for putting up with it. I definitely do stuff like that. Implement it and announce it in the beginning. That helps retention. I'm just pulling back the curtain for everybody. You can do different things like that. Having multiple people, I noticed, is also a little better than just one every single time. So, mix it up now and then. Alright. I know we're a little bit over, but I want to give you each another chance for a final parting tip. Anything you want on live streaming. It could be hardware, software, how you smile, what bling you wear, don't wear, your makeup. I'm wearing some, by the way, just so the guys know. Yeah, I don't know what they call it. It's not like guy up.. guy-liner, but it's like makeup. I know. That was bad.

Dylan Shinholser:
I haven't heard of that one.

Brian Kelly:
I just did that. I'm not a young fart anymore. Anyway. So, Dylan, we'll do the same thing. Go around the horn. What would be one final quick tip, or parting words of advice, you can give our wonderful viewing and listening audience?

Dylan Shinholser:
Keep it simple stupid. Don't overcomplicate it. There's things that you need to do and standards you need to meet. At the end of the day, keep it simple stupid will allow you to not overcomplicated it (and) get overwhelmed. Once you get overwhelmed, it's a wash. I would just say as a life advice, event advice, live stream advice, just keep it simple stupid and keep it moving.

Brian Kelly:
Real quick, I got to interject on that. Just so people know that that comes from an acronym K.I.S.S. So we're not calling everybody stupid, for one.

Dylan Shinholser:

Brian Kelly:
That was great. I have a friend who is Sicilian in nature, and he did this from the stage. He talked about it, and he brought up the whole thing. We're talking about doing it without complicating it. He goes, "It's like K.I.S.S. Who knows what K.I.S.S means?" Someone raised their hands. They said, "keep it simple, stupid". He goes,"Oh, no, no. It's keep it simple Sicilian." He lighten the load of the stupid part. I thought that was cool. Sorry, Julie, what is your parting tip?

Julie Riley:
You know, you're going to have to get started at some point. In order to do that, you're going to have to get over your fear. Go practice. Get those done, but also go watch and find other people that you resonate with their live shows. Start to take pieces from each of those. Now, obviously, you cannot go copy their live show and recreate it. You can pull little things from multiple different people's live shows that you like and that resonate with you. If you're comfortable and things are resonating with you, you're going to exude that comfort and that confidence out to the rest of the world.

Brian Kelly:
I love it. I love it. Alright. The man, the myth, the legend, Timothy J. McNeely. What is your final parting word of advice?

Timothy McNeely:
I'm going to close with a story. The purpose of this story is to illustrate the power of doing a show. July 20th, 1969, the first man walked on the moon. He left his footprints up there. On the moon, there's no wind. There's no rain. There's no weather, and those footprints today in twenty twenty-one look exactly like they did in nineteen sixty-nine. They're going to be exactly the same a million years from now. You too. You leave footprints on the hearts and the minds of everyone that you come in contact with. In streaming and having a platform, that's your opportunity to leave your footprints and to have an impact on people. Get clear about what your message is. What's the impact you want to have? If you do that, all of the other puzzle pieces are going to fall in place for you.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, baby. Okay, I've got to do it. I've got to do it. That was amazing.

Dylan Shinholser:
You have to get one of the little lower third animation gifts that are possible here on StreamYard. It's just a mic drop every time someone does one.

Brian Kelly:
Not nearly as much fun though, bro.

Christian Karasiewicz:
That's true. Fair. Very fair. I'll give it to you. I've got to get me one of those little squishy microphones.

Brian Kelly:
A little sound effect like I just broke my desk or something. That would be good. Alright, Christian, you've had a long time to think about it now. No pressure, but this better be a good one. I'm kidding. What do you have?

Christian Karasiewicz:
Let's see. The best piece of advice, I think, would be don't have gas or gear acquisition syndrome. You're going to watch people doing their live streams, and they're going to go and be like, "hey, I got to get that mic because this person upgraded." Oh, they got a new webcam. Remember? If you develop a plan, the whole thing is work the plan.. work the system. It's great (that) somebody else got some equipment, but it doesn't mean that you need to go out and get that yourself as well. Remember, work your plan. When you get to the certain points, maybe set that as a milestone. If I get to a certain number of viewers, for example, or a certain number of subscribers on a channel, then I might need to upgrade something. Don't be buying stuff just because someone else is doing so.

Brian Kelly:
Sales drive service. I love it. You guys are amazing. Thank you so much for coming on. Everyone who watched live. Thank you for coming on. Those of you that watched on the recording. Thank you for spending your valuable time with us, and those listening on the podcast. The same goes for you. Definitely. I hope you took a lot of notes because these are experts in the field. They are giving their value, their heart, their experience. They only charged me two-hundred thousand dollars for it. It's really been a deal. I'm kidding. They charged me nothing. You got incredible value from these amazing, amazing professionals. I can't thank you all enough. I appreciate you Dylan, Julie, Tim, Christian. Thank you from the bottom of my heart with all seriousness. I know we had some fun tonight. Thank you, Christian, so much for letting me pick on you so hard. You've been a great guy. I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you at a deeper level. If you're open to that after tonight. Appreciate you all. On behalf of these amazing people, that's it. We're out. My name is Brian Kelly. I'm the host of The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. Until next time we will see you. Be blessed. So long for now.

Narrator :
Thank you for tuning in to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show podcast at w-w-w dot The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show dot com (www.themindbodybusinessshow.com).

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