Special Guest Expert - Deidre Beacham: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. Our entrepreneurs like us. Who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back. We're dedicated. And driven. How do we finally break through? And with that is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This is The Mind Body Business Show. My microphone was muted. Welcome to the show, everybody. How are you doing? We have a phenomenal, phenomenal show for you tonight because not because of me. No, no, no. Because of Deidre Beecham, who is coming on very, very soon. Oh, my goodness. I cannot wait to share her wisdom, her knowledge, her brilliance. She just said something to me right before the show that blew my mind in such an amazing way. It tells me she's very intelligent and knows what she's doing and she is out to serve and help people in the video sphere. So it's very right down the the channel of things that I love to do myself. So I'm really excited and I cannot wait for you to meet her as well, because I just she just oozes with with intelligence and friendship and fun. And what greater combination can you have in a human being? I don't know. There's probably some, but I really, really am impressed with. This young woman cannot wait for you to meet her. But first, the mind body business show. What is it? It is a show that I had put together with you in mind. The budding entrepreneur, the businessperson, someone who's looking to get farther ahead. No matter what your current level of expertise is today and your level of success. The guest I bring on this show time and time again drop golden nuggets of wisdom. I like to call them smart bombs that will help you to catapult your business to the next level. There may just be one point on this show that Deidre will come up with that can and will catapult your business to the next level. You don't want to miss a minute of it. The show's run roughly an hour in length.
Brian Kelly:
And I'm telling you, they're just chock full of value. You've been doing this for well over three years. And I know just by talking to Deidre right before opening this show moments ago, she will be no different. And you want to stay on and stay tuned and stay focused. Get ready, get your pens and pencils ready, take notes and get ready to ask questions because we will open it up so you can ask Deidre. The genius when it comes to video, your biggest burning questions. All right. So the Mind Body business show is about what I call the three pillars of success. They are in the very name of this show. They are mind, body and business, and they really reflect folks that I had studied over the past decade or so. Those were only successful people that I studied. Those three components are elements were present in each and every one of these successful individuals, and that's why I call them the three pillars. So mind is really about mindset and what these individuals, to a person, they each had a very positive, powerful and most importantly, take note of this one flexible mindset. Now that describes Diedre to a T and body body is literally what it means is they all take care of themselves or took care of themselves if they're no longer with us physically and nutritionally. And then business. I love business because it's so multifaceted. In business, these successful people have mastered the skill sets that are necessary to create a successful business and to scale it and continue to grow it. Skill sets like team building, marketing sales, systematizing leadership. I mean, I could go on for some time. If you want to really know a good list of them, you can read. Michael Michael Gerber's book The E-Myth Revisited. He spells out a lot of those there as well. The cool thing is like, if we're going to master any one skill set, it's going to take a considerable amount of our own personal time. The cool thing is, is with this approach, you only need to truly master one of the. Actually, it was one of the skill sets I mentioned of the little group I just mentioned.
Brian Kelly:
If you master this one skill set, you won't necessarily need to yourself personally master the remaining skill sets that are necessary to grow a thriving business. And that one skill set, if you're curious, I don't know. Maybe. Are you curious? That one skill set is the skill set of drum roll leadership. Wow. I didn't see that coming. Many of you didn't, I'm sure. The cool thing is, when you have mastered or even if you're in the process of mastering the skill set of leadership and you're bringing on team members, once you have mastered the skill set of leadership or in the process thereof, you will have the skill necessary to pull in those who have mastered other skill sets that you have yet to master or may never master. Just due to the sheer time involved in mastering each and every one of them. And so there you go. That's the show. We're done. Goodbye. No, I'm kidding. And so that's a big tip, and I hope you take that to heart. Truly. Now, you might say, Brian, I don't have a team. I'd say, okay, master, leading yourself. Ooh, yes. What kind of culture do you want in your business? What kind of messaging do you want? Do you want to be a positive reinforcer? You want to be someone who is a fear monger and negative reinforcement that's always holding some kind of threat over your employees to say, If you don't do this and I'm going to fire you, It depends and it's your choice. You know, different people use different approaches. I know I have mine that works and works very well. That doesn't have to be yours. But consider leading yourself. And what would you do in telling yourself what tasks to do? Bring in the discipline into your life as a leader, and that is schedule everything. I mean everything. Put it on your calendar, including your workouts. If you're working out and exercising on a regular basis and any personal things you have going on in your calendar, make sure they mesh with your work calendar so that they're not overlapping and you're not canceling things, things like that.
Brian Kelly:
So many great things and considering great things. Another wonderful attribute I noticed of all these successful people is that to a person they were also very avid readers of books. And with that, I want to segway very briefly to a quick segment I affectionately call Bookmarks.
Bookmarks. Going to read bookmarks. Ready, Steady. Read bookmarks brought to you by reach your peak library dot com.
Brian Kelly:
Yes. There you see you reached your peak library dot com. A word of advice, if I may, before I continue is that there will be several resources discussed here tonight. They are always discussed. I know Deidre has probably a boatload of them, especially given the space she's in in the video realm. And what I would implore upon you right now is to instead of going and clicking away and checking out these websites while the show is rolling, is to instead get out that you know that. That pencil or pen. Write down the URL. Take notes, Write down books if they're mentioned, and then go looking and investigating after the show is over. And I say that because of my experience of speaking from the stage where I would be on stage knowing I'm coming to the juicy part, the part that can really impact lives. And I notice someone get up and walk out because they had to either use a restroom, they had that all important text or a phone call they had to address to. I would hate for you to be interrupted and have your focus taken away from Deidre specifically when she is talking, because that could be that moment, that one moment that could literally I am not kidding. You change your life forever. So please do yourself a favor. This isn't for me. This is for you. I myself am running the show and I will be taking veracious notes myself. I'm not kidding. I'll show it to you later if you want to know if you want to see it. So that's my soapbox moment. We're going to get off that back to reach your peak library and then drop ou can't wait. Reach Your peak library is a resource that I had my team put together in assemble with you in mind. And what it is, is simply a collection of books that I have personally read and that I vet. And the thing is, I did not start reading until about the age of 47, which is now 11 years ago. Oh, everybody got the math on that one, didn't they? Yes, I am proud of it. 58 and still moving above ground.
Brian Kelly:
I love it. And these books, I, I started reading using Audible. And so not every book I've ever read is in this library and they are in no particular order. They are not alphabetized. They're not by author so much. I mean Grant Cardone, there's a big collection of them all in one spot, but predominantly they're just kind of thrown in there as I finished reading them. And the purpose of this is for you to have a free resource, just to look, to see a group of books that were read by another successful entrepreneur or the who vetted them, that that just improves your chances of not wasting your time in reading a book. That's it. Very simple. So read. Go through this list. Look at the first one that jumps out. Don't even have to go through the whole list. First one that draws your attention either by the book cover or by the description. Go get it. You don't have to buy it from this site. This goes straight to Amazon. Get it from wherever you get your books. That's the point is so that you get the information you need. Oh, there's the email. Three visit by Michael Gerber right there, right on cue. I love that guy. I've met him in person. Wants to. He's an amazing guy. All right. Speaking of amazing people, guess what time it is. I think you guessed it. It is time for the one and only Deidre Beecham. Here she comes.
It's time for the guest expert spotlight, savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained. Big league qualified.
Brian Kelly:
And there she is. Ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one. It is the only Deidre Beecham.
Deidre Beacham:
Hello. Thank you. Happy to be here.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, my goodness. I am so excited and happy that you are here. So thank you for coming on. My goodness. I got comments flying already. Let's see what we got going. Oh, yes. Laurie Ann Hood. We have to give a mention. Laurie and Hood, she is one of our regular viewers. She gets a lot of information from this show. She's doing the right thing by showing up and listening and taking notes every single show. Yes. And she's saying, oh, there's Heather. Hello from Hilton Head, South Carolina.
Deidre Beacham:
I love Hilton Head.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, my goodness. I think Laurean knows her. Maybe. I don't know. That's pretty fun. I hope you stayed. Oh, she's I love it, Lauren. It's doing the work for me. Lauren, you said I hope you stay till the end. It'll be awesome. Ah, yes, it is our friend. Great Brian. My friend Heather is heading my way for a birthday week and you guys will have fun. All right? And Heather says Heather guys are Laurie. I'll be here listening. All right. Great to have you both on. And we have more coming on Know It. It's an amazing show and amazing people like Deidre are the reason so many people come and watch this show either live either after the life is over or they listen to us on our podcast. We are on 35 major podcasting platforms. After the show is over, it will be posted there as well. So you cannot not find Deidre Beecham on this show is over. I kid you not. And that is a good thing because you're going to find out why. All right. I've done a lot of blabbing and there's a little bit more to go. Before I do that. We need to do a little housekeeping. And so I'm going to throw up a little bit of ad spots for everybody watching, listening. We will be back in just a couple of minutes. So hang tight because I'm telling you, you do not want to miss Deidre Beecham. I'm not kidding. You stay here.
Deidre Beacham:
No pressure.
Brian Kelly:
We'll be right. Hey, if you're watching the mind body business show live right now, then you will have the ability to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort of your choosing. Compliments of the big insider Secrets. What is it? It is a five night vacation Stay to one of many destinations across the world. You can see as we go through this very quickly, there's some in Branson and Daytona Beach. These are in the United States, all over the United States, New Orleans, San Diego. There's also Mexico. There's also the UK and Argentina. I mean, it just keeps going on and on and on. Australia, at the end of this show, you will be given the ability to enter to win. You must be watching this live. If you're not watching live, then head on over to the mind body business show com and register to receive automated notifications when we go live the next time. We do not spam, we do not even pitch any products or anything from that notification. It's just simply a way for you to know that we're alive. And now you can join us and you can also participate in this incredible, incredible prize. And you do not want to miss us. So come on live. And you do not want to miss a moment because of our incredible guest experts and stay on to the end. And we will reveal that at the very end. And. If you're struggling with putting a live show together and it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and connect with great people and grow your business all at the same time, then write this down. Carpet bomb marketing dot com. Then head on over to it after the conclusion of tonight's show. Carpet bomb marketing saturate the marketplace with your message and to get a free lifetime membership to a phenomenal resource called the Reach P Club. Your free membership will include instant access to deep discounts on major software services and top shelf training courses that you need to run your successful business. Think of it as your entrepreneur.
Brian Kelly:
Discount house. Catapult your business to the next level. Sign up for free now and get a hotel discount card worth $200 just for joining. Then go and grab your deep discount. So write this down. And then after the show once again head on over to reach your peak club. Com. All right, now let's get back to the show. And there she is again. Yes, it is, Deidre. And we finally are going to get to the meat of the show. Thank you all for hanging with us. Now is the time to get those pens out, those pencils sharpen. Make sure you have ink in your pen and get ready for writer's cramp. So, Deidre. Yes. One of the questions I love to open every show with is that about the mind? Because that's how, in my opinion, that is the foundation, the baseline, the cornerstone of each of our individual level of success or lack thereof. And that is what is going on between those ears. And what I want to find out from you is when you get up in the morning, because being an entrepreneur isn't all that easy, is it? No, we all know. Yes. It's not like we're and nothing against those who work for a corporation. But your lives are pretty much, you know, when you're different, Let's put it that way. As an entrepreneur, you are responsible for 100% for your outcome. And so for you, when you get up in the morning, there are there are times where you have arduous tasks. There are times where you have tasks that you love. And when you get up, there's always a mixture. When you get up in the morning, what is going through your your beautiful brain when you get up the morning that keeps you driven, keeps you upbeat, keeps you motivated to keep doing this day in and day out, week in and week out, What is that for you?
Deidre Beacham:
Two things. One is it's I didn't have a voice for so long just the way I grew up and the messages that I was receiving growing up, I felt that who I really was was just kind of squashed and I didn't feel like I had a voice or a place to have that voice. I mean, I remember saying, Oh my gosh, I'd love to be an astronaut. And my parents were like, Oh, girls don't do that, you know? I mean, it's just like, wow. And so I felt like I didn't have a voice. And and, you know, and I didn't come out of the closet until I was late forties. So, I mean, my voice was really squashed, who I am and, you know, and so because that was squashed, so many other things were squashed. So it is so imperative to me to be able to help women that maybe have felt like their voices have been squashed over the years or men, but that I can help them to get their voices heard. And that's really important, is helping them to feel comfortable and get their voices heard and and to know that their voices are important, that their message is important. And the second thing is, I am a. Wow. I don't want to say that word. Well, yeah, I'm going to say it. I'm kind of a whore for self development. I'm just. That's totally.
Brian Kelly:
Fine. It's a great word. I love.
Deidre Beacham:
It. I just. I just love it. Now I go through lulls where I'm just like, I really don't want to grow anymore at all. And then I I'll just kind of go into a reclusive state. But it always is just it just drives me. I love the self improvement and the challenge of that and the challenge of leading myself.
Brian Kelly:
I love so much about what you just said, and primarily because when you when you get up in the morning, your thoughts aren't about yourself. That's that's what came that's what resonated. It's what what you grew up experiencing that translated into what drives you, which is not you. It's about helping other people, other women, for their voice to be heard. And I totally get it. Yes. Women and females in general, even from a young age, they are unfortunately told that they can't do things when you should never be told that ever. It's like I don't believe there's any limit to what any human being can do as long as they put their focus toward it and they'll figure it out. And so God bless you for having this mission and purpose for helping women in particular raise their voice, get it heard in a in a society and culture that it's it's not all that easy to do even to this day, which is unfortunately changed.
Deidre Beacham:
A lot has changed. Yeah, it's still there's still resonating messages that are still there. And even even in places where they aren't there, they're still inside of you.
Brian Kelly:
So the one thing I love, I've seen a massive increase in female entrepreneurship.
Deidre Beacham:
I love.
Brian Kelly:
That. And why do I love that is I have found that and this isn't like a big epiphany, but women in general to me from my from my lens, they have more integrity percentage wise than men do as far as if you take ten women and ten men, how many women would have integrity versus men? That's what I mean by that. Women would surpass men. Unfortunately, they should be equal in my head. It's like everyone should. It should be ten out of ten everything.
Deidre Beacham:
It should be equal.
Brian Kelly:
No matter what. Ten out of ten, I don't care. They'll get their gender at all. Yeah. And the other thing is they seem to care and to more attention. They they pay more attention to detail than a lot of men do. A lot of men will just say, Oh, I got an idea. Let's just go for it and let things lie where they go. And women will be carefully, tactfully putting every step together to make sure that nothing is left behind. I've just noticed that I have many female entrepreneur, real close friends and just working with them. That has come out big to me in a great way. And I'm glad that that's happening. That spurs on additional competition that will do nothing more than hopefully improve the percentage of men that I was alluding to earlier. I'm a man, I love men. So I mean, I love the fact that I'm a man. I don't love it.
Deidre Beacham:
Anyway, we.
Brian Kelly:
Won't go there. So I love them in a brotherly fashion, let's put it that way. And I do. I love many men that way for sure. And I want to First I need to introduce you and give you the respect you deserve by letting people know who you are and what your background. It's a very short, but I still it's very important because it's going to be the catalyst by which the rest of the show goes. So real quick, here we go. For over 15 years, Deidre Beecham has been passionate about helping women entrepreneurs to get their message out to the world, just what she just said, increasing their visibility and credibility, using the power of video. And here's the genius part, and we're going to get into this. Backed by SEO, that means search engine optimization. She creates safe, fun spaces to ensure that the best you comes out on camera. To learn more, you can visit her website at Bold Video Solutions. We'll talk more about that, definitely. And we'll put that URL up on the screen here. And so thank you so much for coming on and spending your valuable time to help not only women, but men that resonate with your message. Because I think what you do and we'll get into that. I can't wait. I'm like, I'm like, I want to do it now, but it's not the right time. We'll do it in a moment about what it is you do for your clients and how you go about extracting that incredible essence out of those clients of yours and put them on video. And so I was just curious, you know what I mean? What got you started? What what took you down the path of going into video? What's your background maybe, and the steps that took you all the way to where you are now that said, Hey, video is where it's at. That's what I want to do.
Deidre Beacham:
So my background's in marketing years ago. I was in corporate America and worked for General Instrument, which has now been bought by Motorola. But at the time it was general instrument and they developed the very first, what do you call it, the surfboard modem. It felt very first modem. And and then they they were they had the ability to get the Internet up and people were like, well, we need that for so. So I was on the on the development team or sort of the marketing team to market a product that nobody knew they needed. Wow. Which was the surfboard cable modem. It was a cable modem. And yeah, so that was that was fun and exciting. And the very first company that purchased it was Cox Communications in Florida. I was a very first customer. I didn't sell it. I was marketing. But but yeah, our marketing was responsible for that. So that's where my background is. And when I moved from California, that was when I was living in San Diego. And when I moved from there and came out here to the East Coast. I started working for a company and realized I'm not happy doing anything I'm doing for other people. I just want to work for other people anymore. And I found I was always bucking the system because I thought I had a better way of doing things. And there didn't really seem to be a desire to want to do things better, just do things the way that we've always done them. And it's very frustrating. So I left, started in sales because I had no idea what I wanted to do and did sales for awhile, did sales training after that, because the sales training I got was so great that I got a huge, huge customer for the company I was working for in sales and lost my job because they didn't want to grow anymore. So this was just crazy. So I lost my sales job and I thought, well, the sales training worked great. I'd love to sell that stuff. And so I worked for the sales training company. I sold sales training and then did the sales training and that was that was so much fun. But then Gary Vaynerchuk happened and wine library TV.
Brian Kelly:
Oh my God, that was.
Deidre Beacham:
Just the coolest thing I'd ever seen. I had never seen Seriously, this this punk. I mean, it's not a punk now. I mean, he's a multimillionaire, Universal. You know, He's traveling all over the world. Yes. World speaker. And million multimillionaire. I have no idea how many millions of dollars he's worth, but at the time he was a punk ass kid. Excuse me. I don't know if I'm supposed to. If I'm allowed to curse. I'm so sorry. But he was. I mean, because he'd had on, like, a wife beater shirt on and he had this Jets cap on and he's sitting there at a card table. I mean, this is early wine library, TV at a card table and a pitcher. And then he'd bring out and then he'd bring out a wine and then he'd bring his buddy over and they'd sit there and talk about wine like it was beer. And I had never seen it. I was fascinated by that, this kid. Could have such a hold strictly because he was on video and approaching us in such a way that was. Like. Like he was. He was our friend. And I thought, Wow, that is so powerful. We've never had this power before. And I brought it into the sales training company, and they're like, Oh, it's a fad. Wow. This YouTube stuff's a fad. Wow. I don't. I don't think so. So I left that company and and started my own company called The Buzz Builder. And it was a social media marketing and strategy company. And it was about same time Mary Smith was starting to get known. Yes, I've been I've been doing this for a little while. So then I started doing social media training and marketing and I was doing video to promote myself. I wasn't teaching video selling video or anything. I was just doing it for myself, just trying to promote myself. And in the end, I had clients who were coming to me. They saw the success I was having. I was getting speaking engagements all over the place and traveling across the country to go to speaking engagements. And my clients were like, Wait a minute, we want that video stuff from you stuff. So that's kind of how it started.
Brian Kelly:
So whatever that Kool-Aid is, we want to sip. That's fantastic. And that's the greatest way for it to come about is by you leading by example, not even knowing probably at that moment that become one of your primary business models, right?
Deidre Beacham:
Oh, yeah. You know what? I got started. They didn't even have camcorders. Do you remember the little. I can't remember the flip flip I had Flip. I still have it somewhere. It's it's in my bag of tricks. I used to go to speaking engagements. I'm like, This is what I started on. I bring out the flip, and then I went up to a little tiny little camera and they just kept getting bigger and better.
Brian Kelly:
And now you can do everything you want on a phone.
Deidre Beacham:
It's crazy. Isn't that crazy?
Brian Kelly:
And very short amount of time too. I remember using the flip. I'd make sure it was charged. I had a little flexible tripods and I put Velcro on the dashboard of my car and I would tap it and start. And I had this thing said, I am driving under the influence of and then I would say whatever topic I'm talking.
Deidre Beacham:
Brian Kelly:
And had some fun with that. It was just a fun little hobby. But that was the flip back then recorded workouts when I was a certified personal trainer for Notetaking. Yeah, flips were awesome. They're a little bit lot smaller.
Deidre Beacham:
Oh, yeah. Just a little thing. Just a little thing. Yeah. Yeah. There was no mic Jack. It was. Yeah.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. It's USB it into your computer and download the games and. Oh, those are good old days. Thank you for that. That was a good memory lane moment there. So yeah, things have come just a little bit farther down the road since then. Yeah. And technology wise, yeah. I mean what we're doing right now as a great example, you know, we're on streaming, which, you know, originally was only something you could do from your own computer, meaning the studio software would run on your computer. I used to use it. There was something called OBS. I used Xsplit.
Deidre Beacham:
Oh, yeah.
Brian Kelly:
Paid version of OBS. I wanted the support, so I paid for it and but it would bring I had almost a supercomputer in my house PC and it would bring it to its knees because I was streaming to many places. And so things like streaming came along and now my computer loves it because their computers are doing all the work. And just look at this. I mean, the graphics and things that are available to us today and the scene switching, interaction with with people, the technology is phenomenal. Can you imagine what's next? I can't I can maybe surmise maybe virtual or augmented reality. I don't know how that would go. I get dizzy in those things.
Deidre Beacham:
So let's see if you want to watch a host. Crazy. I mean, if you think about it, I mean, it wasn't that long ago the way I actually started flying in airplanes.
Brian Kelly:
Deidre Beacham:
Let me think about how far it's gone. It's just crazy. I mean, I remember when my very first video game was pong. I mean, video games have come. I mean, jeez, it's just nuts. You know.
Brian Kelly:
What? You're seeing a lot of stuff. There's no way you are as old as you're growing up. There's no way. It's impossible for.
Deidre Beacham:
You to fifty's.
Brian Kelly:
No way. I don't believe you.
Deidre Beacham:
Brian Kelly:
No. Take it back. I don't think so.
Deidre Beacham:
Seriously. I was like, How is she know all this?
Brian Kelly:
You look so much younger than that. Like, Wow.
Deidre Beacham:
Wow. Yeah.
Brian Kelly:
All that cool. We're like, brother and sister.
Deidre Beacham:
This is fun.
Brian Kelly:
Great. Gosh. And I will say I'm the much older brother, I'm sure. So, yeah, Pong, I remember that. My gosh, I had a batting cage was the first time I ever saw that. When I was in baseball. I was a little kid, ten, 11, 12 years old, and it was in the building where you'd go, We'd want to play pong, not batting the batting cage. It was so funny. Oh, my gosh. So many. Great.
Deidre Beacham:
I remember how exciting it was when when Asteroids came out and Pac-Man Centipede, I mean, like your life revolved around video games in that era. You know, you had it was like, oh, let's let's go put a quarter in the machine.
Brian Kelly:
It's funny, my wife and I, before we became married, I mean, we were like we were boyfriend girlfriend for like eight years solid from high school all the way through college. We got to the point where we'd go to arcades in the neighborhood and spend a day or a night, usually an evening that was kind of like a date. And we we loved it. We play all the games together, Centipede and all that fun stuff. So. Wow, Memories. This is fun. I'm going to have you on the show more often. But back to entrepreneurship and one of the things I love and so you're in video and this one is really, really intriguing to me, and this is one of my favorite questions to ask of any successful entrepreneur such as yourself, and that is you just said it. What you started out in your career was in marketing. Now, you can probably attest to the fact that what used to work back then most likely isn't as effective as what is working today. And so there's no.
Deidre Beacham:
Way that sales know that none of it's the same.
Brian Kelly:
And so there's no way to predict what will be that next thing that works tomorrow. That's not what is important, though, is it? It's what is working today. And what I want to ask you, Deidre, for you and your business specifically, what is the form of marketing that you are most successful in employing today?
Deidre Beacham:
Well, certainly. Are you talking about for myself or for my clients?
Brian Kelly:
For you?
Deidre Beacham:
For me.
Brian Kelly:
And we can do both.
Deidre Beacham:
Well, it's interesting. I'd still. I'd still give the same response because I think the number one best way, the number one best way to get clients and has proven time and time again for myself is speaking. I mean, it is by far the number one way you get into a room and I'm talking about in person speaking in an audience, you know, you have your target market that you are talking in front of. You have the ability to get all of your emotion right there. Your energy is going out. You're receiving their energy, and then they have the chance to talk to you one on one afterwards. It's just magic. And there's there isn't anything that I believe is better. And if if you have any impetus at all, I think the number one best trait that you can teach yourself or best ability you can teach yourself that's education you get is to teach yourself how to speak. Go get some classes and and learn how to speak so that people will listen and pay any attention to you. It's just fabulous.
Brian Kelly:
That is incredibly astute advice. I couldn't agree with you more because that's what happened with me. I didn't realize how important it was. I got involved. And this people can take this and use it as a strategy to learn how to speak. And that is get go to go to networking events. I mean, show up, show up to great networking events, seminars where they're our speakers and then get in with the person who's running the seminar. If they align with your value system, if they seem like they are what you want to be aligned with, offer to help them. I used to help break down their chairs and stuff at the end, not with any ulterior motive. I just. I didn't have to catch a plane. Everything was close to home, so I'm like, I'm here and I got an opportunity to speak with them where? Whereas otherwise I wouldn't. And then over time, I ended up meeting one individual who became my mentor. Long story short, I became the lead trainer for him. I spoke on his stage two and three day seminars. I did all of day one for him with him. I never say for people, people don't work for me. They work with me. And the bottom line, best thing you can do is get someone who is already good at it. You watch them on stage, that person is good. I want them to train me. And then and then not just have them watch you speak from stage, but give you feedback, specific feedback on how to improve each time you go up on stage. That's what happened for me. And I'll tell you, Deidre, I mean, exponential growth. They told me this wasn't me saying, Oh man, I'm awesome. I got great. I got really good. They told me once said, You are now first class world class. I had no idea what that meant. Whatever. Okay, thank you. But I'm humble. But yeah, speaking. I love it. You just had a sweet goosebumps.
Deidre Beacham:
It's just absolutely powerful. Yeah. So? So the next best thing. The next best thing from that is video. I mean, if you really look at that because you have the opportunity to speak, obviously it's different because you don't have that immediate satisfaction from a whole bunch of people in an audience. It's not quite the same. You do have to have a different energy level going into it. You have to have a different level of preparation. It's just different and you have to have a different mindset about it. But as long as you go into it with all of those things and your messaging video is just it's it's the next best thing because you still have that emotional component, you still have the body language and of course the words. But people can see your genuineness, they can feel your genuineness. And if you are in fact, genuine and let me tell you something, if you just little thing if if you're not feeling it and I mean this in all sincerity, if you're one of those people that it's shooting your own videos. And I highly recommend that. I don't think that all of your videos should be done by a videographer either. You should be doing some videos on your own, catching some live kind of fast, quick moments with you. People love behind the scenes stuff and you don't need somebody like me for that, do those? Because people want to have that connection. They just they want to have all of that. It's so important and there's there's just nothing better that does it. And then they can watch it. Any time you put it up, it's not their time. That's okay. It's still there. It's awesome.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. You're you're exuding all the passion that I feel myself as well. So there's we're like, in lockstep with this. And I will say for everyone watching and listening and we're going to get more deep into Deidre and your business so people understand that you are somebody they want to reach out to. So you just heard the number one marketing approach today is speaking live from stage now. I'll just jump up on stage and become a speaker and a very good one. I haven't seen one. Not ever. It's. You think I thought I could just get up on stage, start talking. I was going to love it. And I got up and I sucked, you know? So you've got to have the training, the background. So what I would encourage everyone, I'm not getting everyone that hears or watches this video live, recorded or otherwise reach out to Deidre because she will get you going with video that will help you to get your quote unquote, sea legs about you as far as speaking is concerned, and speaking in front of a camera, which a lot of people like you think you may not be nervous, Then the camera goes on, you're like, all right. And Deidre will walk you through that, coach you through that. And then you're working with somebody who is a professional speaker herself. What do you think might be able to be the next step beyond that? I don't know if Deidre if you offer any speaking coaching, but if you haven't started that, that would be a great thing to add to your repertoire.
Deidre Beacham:
Yeah, it's funny, I have thought about it recently because I have friends who are also speakers who come to me and have me look at their script. There you go. Outlines. Because sometimes I'm really good at transitions and helping people with the flow of. Because I love to take people on a journey when I speak. So let's let's hook them and then take them on the journey and then bring them back up. Yeah. So it's it's, it's a passion of mine. So I have thought a lot about adding that at some point.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. So in just to get started, for everyone out there knowing that that is the outcome, that is a goal for you to really kick the rear end in your business is to start with Deidre because she will get you going down the path of creating videos, which I can't wait till we have that chat. And I think it's going to be next because I'm excited about it and I can't wait any more. And she will expertly and professionally craft and help you to create your message and then you'll start gaining additional confidence. You might be confident already. You'll gain additional confidence. I can't tell you, Deidre, I've been doing this well over three years. I hold a master class once a month. Every every bit of that stacks up on each other. I was just asked the other day to be to interview another individual. He sent me the script 10 minutes before we got on. I just highlighted where my name was and it was like because of all of this that stacked up, it was so easy and effortless and I enjoyed it. And he was very appreciative. Not to say I'm all that. I'm saying that all the work you put into it makes you come off to them as all that, and it gives you that confidence. Confidence is what sells. Would you agree?
Deidre Beacham:
Deidre Oh, absolutely. And that was the point I was trying to get. I just lost my head, which is that if you're not feeling it, don't do it. If you're getting ready to turn on your camera and you're not feeling it, please don't do it. You just just stop. Because every bit of energy that you have that you are thinking about, what you're feeling, what you're what you're projecting about yourself, what you're thinking about yourself all gets projected out on camera and for whatever reason, and I don't know why, but it gets magnified. No, actually, I do know why. The reason is because when somebody is watching the video, they're usually by themselves, so there's typically no distractions. So they just have you. So they're concentrating. They're looking at you very closely. They're feeling the energy you're getting off there, they're analyzing your expressions, and are you truly being genuine and authentic? And they can feel and they're not even thinking that it just happens automatically. So I would highly suggest, please don't shoot camera now. And if you don't have a choice, like, for example, tonight, I didn't have a choice. I needed to be here at a certain time. And so what I do is I prepare, like for an hour and a half before the show. I wasn't doing any work. I was relaxing. I was getting my mind in the right frame of mind so that when I got here, I could give as much as I can while I'm here, because otherwise I'd be so self absorbed. Because honestly, this is my bed time. I'm usually in bed at 915 every night and then I have a night routine that I go through so that I can prepare for the next day. So. Yeah. I have to make sure I'm ready. So I take. I take the time and it's worth it. Even if it's in the middle of the day, it's worth it. Make sure that you take the time to get your head right before you turn on the camera.
Brian Kelly:
These are like, okay, that is what I would call a bomb dropping moment right there. Did it like it?
Deidre Beacham:
Yes, you.
Brian Kelly:
Did. Smart bombs. Bombs of knowledge, bombs of wisdom. Oh, my goodness. Yes. Oh, my gosh. It's so true. And so many things you said were so on point. It's, you know, being true to yourself, being true to your message. It's kind of like a dog sensing fear. You know, humans can sense when you're inauthentic in a similar fashion. You may not think it shows, but it shows in your messaging, in the inflection, in your voice, in the the micro movements, in your facial muscles, all of it. It combines into either authenticity or authenticity. And so.
Deidre Beacham:
And so. And sometimes the fears can get so caught up. And I see this especially in women, the fears will get so caught up in their heads about how they're sounding and how they're looking and how is it appearing, and is anybody really going to listen to this? And am I too fat today? Am I too thin today? Is my hair look okay? I mean, it just goes on and on and on and they'll think there's a certain way that they need to show up. Right. And you may think that. I mean, not talking about you, Brian. I don't think you do. But whoever is watching you, you may think that that you have to be a certain way or act a certain way or you have to be you. And I didn't get that even though I was doing it for myself. I thought I had to be a certain way. And so I was being inauthentic and I was still being successful because back then you could just throw up a video and seriously get known that it's not like that anymore. You have to make effort. There is effort in getting known. It's not just just slap up a video. So anyway, I just wanted to share that.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And so the other very important nugget you passed out was preparedness, you know, to spend some time and I love how you just basically shut down so you could clear your mind and be present. And that's the that's the bottom line is every to everyone is you want to be present whether it's live or recorded. You want to declutter before you go on so that you can be the best you you possibly can. You know, you're if you have all these things going on in the back of your mind, you're going to stutter, stammer and take longer to get the thoughts out. It will show in different ways. So you'll just come off only as looking more professional if you're prepared like Deidre does and you're listening to her, she's coaching right now. She's telling you and coaching you. Can you imagine what it would be like to work with her, like directly with her, that she's giving you the breadcrumbs, breadcrumbs with her and get the entire loaf. I just made that up. I don't know if that's good or not, but.
Deidre Beacham:
It sounded fun.
Brian Kelly:
It's tasty. The loaf is tasty. It's good stuff and it's good for you.
Deidre Beacham:
It's healthy and just a little wine. Add it to that and you've got a meal.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, now we're talking.
Deidre Beacham:
Oh, my.
Brian Kelly:
Goodness. Get that. That dip in oil and vinegar. Oh, yeah. With the bread.
Deidre Beacham:
And a little a little cheese from the Swiss.
Brian Kelly:
I love it. Wine and cheese. Yes. So let's get into your business. And I wanted to find out a little more in depth. Like we've talked about women. We've talked about men. Are there certain what what is your clientele consist of? Are it are it is it entrepreneurs, business people? Is it just stay at home moms or.
Deidre Beacham:
Yeah. So I don't do weddings. Yeah. You know just that's usually the first question somebody asked me. Oh, so you do weddings? No, I do not do it.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. I mean, you're not actually a videographer, are you?
Deidre Beacham:
I am.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, okay. That's part. See, I made a wrong assumption. So take us through what what you do for. Let's pick a client that you can think of, bring up in your mind that you've taken them through the process. What is it that you do for your clients? And then if you have a success story or two, we'd all love to hear that. And while you do that, I'll pull up your website so people can see where to go to get more information. While you're doing that, we're going to kill two birds here.
Deidre Beacham:
Pretty good. Yeah. So the the website just has two pages on it at the moment because we are redoing the websites. We have a new website running up, so it's just two pages, but it's there. And if you want to get in touch with me, just send it to ask ask at bold video solutions dot com because you know what the form down there doesn't work I worked on all afternoon and it's just not working but it's the old site we'll have a new one up soon but yeah so the, the package that I'm working primarily on right now, I do do I do do I do coaching, I do video marketing coaching. But the main package that I'm working on right now is the 90 day visibility accelerator. And what that is, is I interview my client. And find out about their business and then go, I find out who are they? Where do they want to go? Where are they right now? What do they want to be known for and what are they known for right now? And then? Where do they want to position themselves in the market? I also take a look a little bit at their competition. What is their competition and how are they differentiating themselves? I don't spend a whole lot of time on the competition, to be honest. I just want to know who they are to see if there's something that I might be able to come back to them and say, Hey, you may want to think about this, but besides that, I want to do search engine optimization. I go to find the long tail keywords and phrases that people are actually searching for. What questions are people actually asking right now and then come back to them? We spend 2 to 4 hours in my studio or I go to them and I also have an option to do it online just like this. And we record 2 to 4 hours. I take that back in post-processing, make sure the audio is awesome, edit it and put on an intro and outro captions, color correcting all the fancy stuff and then we put it up into. Right now we're testing lately that AI, which I know that Brian is very familiar with because Brian, I believe, is the one that turned me on to lately. Ai But it is a really cool solution. We haven't tested it thoroughly yet, so we are not charging for that aspect of it. But then we also distribute the videos for our clients. So it's 12 videos in 90 days.
Brian Kelly:
And the thing that stuck out to me more than anything and I think was the most powerful part of what you're doing for your clients and it's probably the most subtle to everyone else is the fact that you use SEO in your research to find out what people are actually asking for. And that is so important to know. You know, it's not about what you think the market wants, it's what the market wants.
Deidre Beacham:
And what you are. And let me tell you a mistake that people are making right now. Yeah, because of chat GPT. Are you familiar with Chat G.P.S.? So here's a mistake that people are making right now and chat if you're not familiar, it's, it's an AI, it's free and you can do all kinds of really cool searches and it'll tell you cool things. However, GPT one has really great things and it has really great ideas and we are using it for ideation. I mean, it's just fantastic for generating ideas. The mistake people are making right now is some people are asking it to write scripts for them, for video scripts. I highly suggest that you please don't do that because it sounds like a robot. Even if you tell it and you can tell it this, even if you tell it, do this in the voice of Gary Vaynerchuk. It will do that for you. It's still not going to be you. It's going to be Gary Vaynerchuk. It's going to be some robotic version of Gary Vaynerchuk. Now they are going to get better and better and better, and someday we won't be able to tell the difference between them. But right now we can. So please don't do that. And the second thing, second mistake that people are making, in my opinion, in my professional opinion, is they're using it for SEO. Here's the problem. The CEO. The all the information for this A.I. is only up until 2021. So anything that has occurred between 2021 and 2023 and I don't know, there's a few things that have happened that information is not being served. So you are not getting the most accurate up to date information for SEO for what is working right now today. So again, it's great for idea generation. It really is. It'll outline things for you. It's awesome. But please use your own voice. Please use your own voice. It's really imperative.
Brian Kelly:
It's a great tip. And yet Gbtc just look it up for those of you that aren't familiar with it and definitely give it a go. It's free for now. We'll see when that changes.
Deidre Beacham:
Well, they do have amazing. It really is amazing.
Brian Kelly:
They do have a paid version. I just saw it. I got a friend, Carlos Redlich, who's a copywriting genius, who is actually creating a course about copyrighting, using it as the engine. But you don't you don't have to literally copy and paste. You put it in your own voice and you take pieces. It's like you said, ideation is about bringing up the ideas. Oh, that's a good point. I'm going to write about that.
Deidre Beacham:
And give you an outline and even give you an outline for what you want to do. Great. Use the outline right in the in the outline boom.
Brian Kelly:
So yeah, that's a great a great tool if used properly. And just to warn people out there, I'm part of a mastermind and they're all tech gods. I'm like, I'm like a kid in a candy store. And one of the gentlemen in this mastermind happens to understand that the AI and everything behind Chat beat GPT very well. And he indicated that already, already Google and Facebook and others have algorithms that can and will detect if it was a AI generated like by.
Deidre Beacham:
You're just copying and pasting they can.
Brian Kelly:
Tell. So be careful and not just be careful, change it and make it your own. If you're going to use it, make it your own as best as you can and don't copy and paste and just say, I'm going to hit the easy button because that's that's laziness. I can only imagine how this is going to affect kids and English people that are trying to write or taking the mind away from people. But there's also a lot of positives from it.
Deidre Beacham:
And let's are there are great positives. It is making my job faster. It really is making my job faster. And I'm telling you, I mean, every time you see words down at the bottom of the screen, I shouldn't say every time there are still people that actually type those in. Most professionals are using AI to do that. I use an AI. I don't type all those words out. I use an AI and then I go back and I check it. They're still not perfect. They are getting better. They are much better than they used to be. But when the AI comes through, I always have to check there's punctuation problems, there's capitalization problems, there's misspellings, but I use it. It makes my job faster. And I'm certainly going to use it as a tool. Yes, not as a replacement for things I do, but as a danger.
Brian Kelly:
I told you I only did a couple of these a show, but that is yet another.
Deidre Beacham:
Oh, no. I wish I had my. I wish I had my little sound. Clapper. I just cleaned up my office and I had this little clapper here that I would run, but I've moved it and I'm not sure where I put it.
Brian Kelly:
The key point with that that was so remarkable was use it as a tool. And just that a research tool is what I would emphasize.
Deidre Beacham:
Yes. Awesome. As long as it's information for 2021.
Brian Kelly:
Exactly. And so you're right. You're absolutely right. When you're if you use it for SEO, it's not going to be current because SEO is my God. It changes almost every week. I mean, God bless all of you who are in that space, including you, Deidre, because it's like a never ending moving target to try to figure out the best way to utilize SEO. I have a friend who specializes in that with websites and I'm like, Oh my gosh, God bless you. You need a full time staff for that. It's amazing.
Deidre Beacham:
But I can tell you a quick tip that will make it quick and easy to find. It's a very simple, simplified version of of search engine optimization for videos. So if you go into YouTube and if let's say that your let's just say video marketing because that's mine. So video working and if and what you can do is just type into the search bar let's say content for video marketing. But as you are writing that out, you'll see underneath, you know, how that drops down and you see all these all these things that pop up. Maybe you just type in video marketing and then you see all the things pop up. So those are how that works. Is the top option or alternative. What it thinks you're looking for is because people have actually searched for that thing the most and then next step down and then next step down, next it down. So those are things people are searching for. So it is a way. To do search engine optimization because that is actually where it's pulling it from. Then you can take that information and do something like how to whatever that is and see what pops up. If you want to get a little fancier tube buddy.
Brian Kelly:
Deidre Beacham:
We'll give you some free. At a certain level, it'll it'll give you some free information. So I do a paid version and then I also use sim rush. But that's you can you don't have to pay anything and you can get at least a semblance and you can figure out some questions that people are looking for. They may not be because there's you want to look at traffic and you want to look at how how many people have actually talked about that topic. So there's a lot more to it, but that'll give you enough that if you're not doing video, my God, at least do that and search and find things that people are looking for so you can shoot those videos for yourself.
Brian Kelly:
And then that'll help you craft your marketing messages on your website.
Deidre Beacham:
You know, the.
Brian Kelly:
Key points to put on there, you're wanting you want to hit the pain points that people are experiencing and then give them the solution that they're looking for. Maybe take them through that journey like you were just laying out your your strategy for building that out. And yeah, so I can help you with so many things, including video. And that's I'm telling you, ladies and gentlemen, Deidre Beachum. If you're not marketing right now, if you're not doing video and if you want to aspire to every one of you, if you're not doing it, you do aspire to be a speaker. Because Dieter just told you that is the number one form of marketing for her and her business right now. And I will tell you, she's not the first that has ever said that on the show. So it's real and it's definite and it's true. And having been a speaker on stage, you cannot supplant real speaking from either stage or the stage level with everyone else is talking. It's a virtual stage. It doesn't have to be a physical stage for those of you that go to that level, but with live people in the audience, that's all it is. There is no substitute. The energy you are talking about it, it just it's indescribable. And it's it's it's something that is addictive. Once you start getting motivation or momentum in improving your craft, even the first one, you're scared out of your gourd. I don't care how comfortable you are in front of a camera. You stand up in front of the stage, in front of people. Then you'll see how fun it is and it's fun and get over the nerves. And Deidre can help you through all that too. Having been through all this herself, I'm sure you know, no one that's been up on stage has never gone up there and not been nervous. Did I say that right? They've all been nervous.
Deidre Beacham:
When I still am. I still am. I'm As it gets closer and closer, I get nervous. Isn't quite the word I would say for it. But there is a body, body response because the body is still in fight or flight. Even if my head isn't somewhere, obviously my subconscious it is. So there's still like this fight or flight thing, but I keep telling myself about how excited I am and what I'm going to share. And I can't eat, I can't eat, but once I get on stage, I would say five words in. Yep, that's all gone. Yeah, it's just gold. And then it's all about the energy exchange and the information and the ride.
Brian Kelly:
Got me reliving it right now, thinking awesome. It is. It is. There's nothing. It's hard to explain it. I just looked at the clock. Deidre. I know this is rare. We're already a minute past.
Deidre Beacham:
Brian Kelly:
Rarely gone this far without recognizing. So that's a good sign on how amazing you are as a guest and as a person and what you bring to the table for people. I did promise everyone that I would let them know how to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort, compliments of the big insider Secrets. You see that stamp emblem looking thing to the right over his left shoulder? Yes, The big insider secrets. That red and white stamp that is by my good buddy Jason asked. He sponsors a show. He gives us the ability to do this every single night. Don't go anywhere, because I'm going to show you how to enter that here in just a second. Also, every show I ask one very profound, hard hitting question to end the show of my guest X, right? Oh, yeah. I saw the eyes go up. That was good. But before we do that, we're going to I'm going to give you the mechanism for entering to win. Now, remember, write this down. Don't go there now. You don't have to enter while we're still alive. Just do it right after the show is over. You'll be fine. I'll. We'll be checking on that and have the staff looking and we'll pick a winner randomly. So here it is. I can put it on the screen. Get out your pens and pencils. Write this down. Here it comes. You want to write down our P? I am for vacation. That is a URL. That is a website recipe dot. I am for vacation. Our WIP just stands for Reach your peak, which is my company name. So ripe I am for such. Vacation. Go there, enter to win, and then don't go anywhere. Don't. Don't go there. Now write it down. And now we're going to come back to the woman of the hour. We're talking about Deidre Beecham.
Deidre Beacham:
Yes. And the hard hitting question.
Brian Kelly:
You didn't forget about that. That's awesome. So and before we go into that, I mean, I just want to point out, I was going to share with everybody that I myself take notes during the show. That's only page one. There's a second page. And so I hope everyone else took as many copious notes as I did, because that's a sign of a guest who brought it and Deidre brought it. And I'm.
Deidre Beacham:
So grateful you.
Brian Kelly:
So grateful to you. Thank you for not just for myself, but for everyone who's watching us live and everyone who gets to listen to it on a podcast or watch the recorded video, They're going to be blessed by your information. So I appreciate you for doing all that. Now back to that question. I know you're like, Oh, dang it, When is he going to drop it on me? The cool thing there's a couple of cool things about this question, Deidre, And the first and foremost is there is no such thing. As a wrong answer.
Deidre Beacham:
Brian Kelly:
It doesn't.
Deidre Beacham:
Exist. My favorite kind of question.
Brian Kelly:
It's actually the second part is it's just the opposite. The only correct answer is yours. Because it's specific to you. It's it's phenomenal.
Deidre Beacham:
And then I can't wait.
Brian Kelly:
And it's very powerful.
Deidre Beacham:
Let me get let me get my special glasses. All right. Hang on.
Brian Kelly:
Wonder what's in.
Deidre Beacham:
Brian Kelly:
Deidre Beacham:
So off of the air, it's gin, but on air it's water. I asked for a tumbler because I really wanted a rock tumbler that was different and unique. This is a Christmas gift.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, that's nice.
Deidre Beacham:
And so I'm showing it off.
Brian Kelly:
I love it. But to drop some scotch in there at some point.
Deidre Beacham:
So you look pretty with scotch, wouldn't it?
Brian Kelly:
It would look good. Yes. So about that question. Yeah. And so it's very profound. Oh, the other part is you may come up with the answer instantly or it may take a few moments. Even then it's perfectly okay, because it is your answer there. There's no way you can fail on this. In fact, I've done this many, many.
Deidre Beacham:
This is quite mysterious. Brian.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I wouldn't have done that on purpose. What? I know. No, no. Build up on purpose. And but the cool thing is, it doesn't matter. It will be profound. It will be incredible. It always has been. Not a single person has failed it. Neither will you, because you can't. It's impossible with all that. Are you ready?
Deidre Beacham:
I'm ready.
Brian Kelly:
She's thinking.
Deidre Beacham:
Wait on me.
Brian Kelly:
Let's get this over with. All right.
Deidre Beacham:
Favorite colors. Blue. How do you know?
Brian Kelly:
All right. Deidre Beecham. How do you. Define success.
Deidre Beacham:
Oh, wow. How do I define success? Honestly, I think success. Well, I can only define success for me because I truly believe that everybody has their own answer for that. And my answer has changed over time. But I would say that my answer for that now would be being able to wake up every single day. Being able to do what you love. It may not be. Easy for people to do what you love. And when I when I say that, I think purpose is a huge part of that. And if you're following your purpose, even if you don't have the money coming in yet, if you're following that and you're consistent, it's consistent, emphasize enough how important consistency is. But if you're consistent, you will find the success you're looking for. But I think it all starts with. Yourself and finding. That success in. Getting to that next level of who you are and what you need to be in order to help others define success as well, because I think that's truly success.
Brian Kelly:
Hmm. Mm hmm. You know, this is going to end, don't you? These are. Yes. This has been Deidre Beecham, the one the only the video expert that uses SEO to craft incredibly hard hitting, wonderful, profound engagement, eliciting questions of her clients. And she's a speaker. She's the full package. And I would highly recommend anybody and everybody who has a heartbeat that has a business that wants to take it to the next level is to reach out to Deidre and Deidre. What would be the optimal way for folks to reach out to and get in touch with You say, Hey, where do we go from here? How do I take this to the next level?
Deidre Beacham:
I would suggest either LinkedIn or Facebook would be a great way either place. I'm at Beecham. Deidre Beecham. You know my name right there. So I'm very easy to find whether you go there. I'm also on Instagram. I'm going to be doing some trainings next week on Instagram, so that's a great place as well. If you want to send me an email, it's ask, ask, ask at bold video solutions dot com.
Brian Kelly:
All right. So we'll do that one first ask at and then you see on the screen. For those of you watching for easy listening it's ask at bold video solutions. Email her there just to let her know you saw her on the mind body business show or you heard her on the podcast. Either one is fine and then her name to spell it just so you get the right Deidre in case you're not watching, you don't see her beautiful face as I.
Deidre Beacham:
I'm the only one on there.
Brian Kelly:
So teacher Spelling might throw them a little bit because Deidre is d e i d r e and her last name is Beecham. Just like it sounds b a c h a m. So be sure to connect with her on LinkedIn or go to her at ask at. Bold video solutions dot com. And by the time you see or hear this after the show is done, I'm sure her website is going to be up and humming at full speed. You can probably go there and fill out that form as well. So don't be shy, Go, go do that. And if it doesn't work and go to the other alternatives we just gave you. And you know what? That's there's nothing wrong with that. We do this all the time, always making changes. That's also a sign of a successful business because you're not happy. I shouldn't say you're not happy. You're not content with where you are today, because once you reach that one goal, it's time to look for the next one and go even higher and better.
Deidre Beacham:
Yeah, and I and I think the objective every single day is to level up in some way, not as opposed to everybody else, but as opposed to yourself yesterday. Oh, Oh, okay. I'm sorry.
Brian Kelly:
I'm sorry, but that's worthy. It's going to happen.
Deidre Beacham:
Here it comes.
Brian Kelly:
Who for a long time. But that is the way to finish. That is.
Deidre Beacham:
Brian Kelly:
Wow. Deidre Beecham, thank you so much.
Deidre Beacham:
Most fun I've had on this show.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, you're amazing. You have great insight, incredible wisdom, great experience. You have a heart of gold. You are integrity based. And I am happy and blessed to have been able to share the stage with you.
Deidre Beacham:
Oh, thank you, Brian. It's been it's been an absolute pleasure.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, my goodness. It's all. Oh, yes, this has been fun. All right. We have to cut it. Well, we don't have to, but I'm going to. Out of respect for everyone watching and listening, I know we've gone 10 minutes over. Thank you for hanging on all of you that are still here. And, Dieter, thank you for hanging on in the late wee hours of the morning. Please stay on, if you can, for just a few minutes after we're done. But to everyone else, I want to say thank you. And two things. Go out there and serve people to the best of your ability. Help somebody else to really kick butt in their life. And number two, and most importantly, everybody be blessed. And so long for now. Have a great night. We'll see you next time. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast. At www.TheMindBodyBusinessShow .Com my name is Brian Kelly.
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Deidre Beacham
For over 15 years, Deidre Beacham has been passionate about helping women entrepreneurs to get their message out to the world, increasing their visibility and credibility using the power of video backed by SEO. She creates safe, fun spaces to ensure that the best "you" comes out on camera. To learn more, you can visit her website at boldvideosolutions.com
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