Special Guest Expert - Denis Nurmela: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. The three keys to your success is just moments away. Here's your host Brian Kelly.
Brian Kelly:
Hey welcome, welcome, welcome. Once again, we have another amazing, amazing show lined up for you. I cannot wait for you to meet the man, the myth, the legend; Denis Nurmela, in just a moment. How are you doing this evening? I am so excited! I'm beyond excited! I can't wait to show you what this man has to offer. You're going to hear some amazing, amazing tips. Some great value. Stay on till the end and enjoy the ride. Hey my name is Brian Kelly. This is The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. And real briefly, what is the MIND BODY BUSINESS show all about? Well it's about those three things; the mind, the body, and the business. Those are the three pillars, the three pillars to success. (gesturing 3 fingers) The three keys to success and what I like to say is, if you've mastered mindset and maybe you've mastered body, through exercise and nutrition, but you haven't mastered business, like marketing, sales, scaling, then you're not operating at a peak level of performance. If you say you've mastered body and business, but not mind; once again, you're still not at that peak level performance. It's about mastering all three. (gesturing 3 fingers) Much like a tripod. Much like a tripod where if you were to take one leg away from a standing tripod, what would happen to that tripod? It would come tumbling down, wouldn't it? And that is what this show is all about is putting together three keys that I've learned, over my more years than you would imagine on this planet, by talking and learning from people just like Denis Nurmela and other phenomenal, phenomenal mentors of mine. And with that in mind, one of the key ingredients for success, when it comes to mind and business, is something that many mentors - several mentors - recommended highly, directly to me that I do and I ignored them. For years. For years, that was a big mistake to let that amount of time go by. There is just one thing I needed to do. One thing and it didn't come expensively. It's very accessible. It's accessible to all and in a moment, I'll reveal what that is. Well, actually I'll just tell you what it is. Is that alright? It's reading books! Reading books. And I finally came to my senses from the last mentor who finally drilled it into my skull far and deep enough to where I woke up and said I should start reading books. And so I began reading voraciously, several years ago and as a result, I would listen to them. I love to listen on Audible. That's my favorite mode of ingesting information, especially because I can do it in places I normally wouldn't be able to read (i.e.; the car.) I listen to more books in the car than anywhere else. That's most often where I listen to audible. And a beautiful thing that audible allows you to do, is on their app on the phone, they give you this nice big button that is basically a bookmark and when you tap it, it stores that place in the audible presentation of the book for you to go back and, later, play it back. And so I began doing that and I have now amassed quite a few bookmarks and what I'd like to do is share one of those with you, right now, on this show in a segment I call, "Bookmarks.".
Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready. Steady. Read. Bookmarks. Brought to you by reachyourpeaklibrary.com.
Brian Kelly:
Yes, reachyourpeaklibrary.com. You see it next to me there. (pointing to his side) That is a website that I developed that is not there for the purpose of making money off of you that are watching. That is not the purpose. I decided after reading a numerous amount of books. Not every book was worthy of the time it took. Time is our most precious commodity, would you not agree? Time is our most precious commodity - more than any amount of money. You can never get time back. Money you can make again. Time, once it's gone, it's gone. And so, I thought you know what? What a great thing it would be, if I were to just put up books that I personally vetted. It doesn't mean that you will actually get the same benefit that I did, but at least somebody did. And it might help you to further weed down and whittle down the list to a smaller list that's manageable. And currently I believe there's around 40 books on this site that I've personally read. Every one of them and so I put them on the site for you to be able to just click on a button and grab it, in whatever form you like - audible, hardcover Kindle. Whatever form is available, it's on this site. And so it's just been a life changer. That's all. It's only changed my life and now I'm going to impart the same wisdom onto you, that are watching, that was imparted on me. If you're not reading, if you're not reading the right books right now, then just get started. And, you know, you look at this and go 40 books, Brian? Where am I going to start? It really doesn't matter. Just start. That's the key. Pick one. Go on that list, the first one that jumps out and grabs you and says, "that looks interesting." Just pick it and start reading and then go down the list. This is it. The number one reason for lack of success is not just a lack of reading books. It's the lack of reading the right books. And again, that is why Reach You Peak came to being, because I decided that it was a necessary thing to help out my fellow entrepreneurs and business owners. So, without further ado, what I want to do is cut over to the actual bookmark. And, in this case, I've chosen one from a book called, The Perfect Day Formula by a gentleman named, Craig Ballantyne. And this book was actually recommended to me by another mentor of mine, who is coming up on the show later. He's scheduled to come on in September of this year. His name is A.J. Rivera. Amazing, amazing man. And he knows Craig Ballantyne, personally. And he said, "that's a great book. I highly recommend you read it." And I did. And he was right. And that's the other thing - when you have a mentor, when you have a coach (like a Denis Nurmela) you can use their knowledge and say, "what book would you recommend I read?" And they will tell you I know! I know Denis is a big reader too. So, what we're going to do is, we're going to play a snippet. Just a little snippet of this bookmark. So, go ahead and listen intently. It's a different voice than mine. Different volume. His name is Craig Ballantyne. And we'll just listen for about a minute and then we'll move on to the next segment where we bring our big man on, Denis Nurmela. Hold on just a second. Here we go.
Author Reading:
The smartest business decision I've ever made was to hire my first business coach. But taking so long to do it was also the biggest mistake I've ever made. Had I not been so cheap and stubborn and procrastinating on getting the professional coaching and accountability that I needed, the impact of my business on the world today would be much bigger. We all need a coach. Wayne Gretzky. Derek Jeter. Serena Williams. Tiger Woods. And every athlete at the pinnacle of performance always had a coach. We all benefit from having a mentor. Mark Zuckerberg has one. Warren Buffett has one. Steve Jobs had one. A coach not only teaches us what to do, but holds us accountable for doing it. And that might be the most important role of all. You need professional accountability. You need to be constantly checking in with someone who can give you expert feedback and guide you to making better choices, building better habits and getting better results.
Brian Kelly:
Powerful, powerful stuff right there. And that is one of the key reasons I brought this book into the foray, is because Denis Nurmela is a business coach among many other kinds of coaches. He's very, very experienced in many avenues. He loves to help. He's really a champion of helping the younger generation. He's doing some magnificent things and we'll get into that here in just a moment. One of the key things to grab from that, is the importance of hiring or getting a coach. And so many of us put that off and put it off and put it off, saying, "I can do it all. I can do it all. I don't need a coach." And the truth of the matter, is you probably could do it all., but how long do you want to keep making mistakes? How long do you want to burn yourself out, when you can have someone correcting you, guiding you, praising you, and applauding you along the way. A coach is very, very important. And on that note, it's very important that we bring on our special guest expert. So, hang onto your hats, ladies and gentlemen. In just a moment, we are going to see Mr. Nurmela.
It's time for the guest expert spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big League. Qualified.
Denis Nurmela:
(Excerpts of live shows) Quit losing and start learning. Get siked. Get ready. Get in it and go.
Jack Zufelt:
Denis Nurmela changes lives all over the world.
Denis Nurmela:
Excellence is attainable.
Marina Inserra:
He's a mentor. He's a fantastic speaker.
Denis Nurmela:
I built some great companies. Reached multi-million dollar revenues. And also grabbed some of the ground at raging speeds. Imagine yourself already where you want to be -
Les Brown:
I've seen him mesmerize audiences.
Denis Nurmela:
- with set goals that continue to be fulfilled beyond your life.
Nathan Osmond:
Audiences love Denis Nurmela.
Denis Nurmela:
I'm talking to the kid inside of you that's masquerading as an adult. One person can change the world, if they only make a world of change in one person. (preview
Brian Kelly:
And there he is, ladies and gentlemen. (pointing to side) The man. The myth. The legend. It's like, I can reach him, he's right here ,right next to me. Denis Nurmela! Ah! This is amazing. Denis is the real deal. He has run companies since he was 9 years old. He has reached multi-million dollar levels of success and has also crashed others to the ground at raging speeds. You're going to love his sense of humor (Denis gesturing airplane crashing)- that was humorous right there. (laughing) Denis is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and, by the way, Denis, thank you for your service. (Denis saluting) Much appreciated. And he has had a career in both the medical and computer industries, and now helps other business owners, both old and young, to reach their dreams by speaking internationally, himself, mentoring others, and teaching. And real quick - watch this show until the very end. This is an important announcement. Watch until the very end for a chance to win a complimentary stay at a five star luxury resort in Mexico. Compliments of powertexting.com. An amazing, amazing company. So, those of you that stay on live, till the end - just live, you can qualify. And, in addition to that, I think Denis is going to announce something really, really special that you will all have the opportunity to take advantage of and I cannot wait to hear that. Now that is it. I'm done. I'm going to now bring this man in. So, Denis, tell us a little bit about who this guy is. This guy named, Denis Nurmela. What have you been up to of late?
Denis Nurmela:
Gosh. Oh, not much just sitting around on the couch watching Netflix. (laughing) Oh no, no, no. I guess there's a little bit more than that. So, I appreciate the great introduction and showing that wonderful video. I always watch that video and think, "who is that guy? Wow, I'd like to know him." Because you realize after you get home from signing books and kissing babies and hugging people, that you forgot to take the trash out, and all of a sudden humility comes back. But I'm happy to share with you some of the things that people appreciate of what I've done and kind of give you an idea of what's going on right now and what's in the very near future. So, I love speaking to people about things that I have learned over the years. And, yeah, I have run companies since I was 9 years old. I really had a lot of fun learning how to create. And, that's really was the key, was finding out that I enjoyed creating more than I just love the business. I thought it was business that I love, but when I learned that my real passion is creation and I just used it instead of, on an art pad or something, I did it in business - create new companies. I realized I have a higher calling, now that I'm a little bit older. You mentioned that I like helping the young and the old and I like to consider that I am the young and the old. And I decided that helping to create creators was really what my life's purpose is all about. And I do run a nonprofit called, "YESplace." Young Entrepreneur Success Place where I help youth start their own companies. And, as you mentioned too, I am an international keynote speaker. I'm actually (laughing) - I just got back from China, speaking all over China in Beijing and Hunan and Zhuhai and Xian and Guangzhou and Hong Kong and Macau and - none of those words could I even pronounce before I went there. (laughing) Yeah, it's so busy doing that and works so many colleges and they have such a need for entrepreneurship mentorship out there, that in September, I will be moving to China - that will be my new home base. So, I'm very, very excited about that. I'm excited to help the world, however I can. One thing that has been helpful to me, too, is that in the process of learning how to speak properly and studying the science of speaking, you mentioned reading earlier, too. I am a speed reader, so, in a regular book I'll read about 2000 words a minute and I love to listen to audio books, like you do. I listen at double speed and I try to think, "OK, how do I get through to my audience so they'll retain things and they'll be interested?" So, I started studying the science of speaking and about 30 years ago, became an expert hobbyist in neuro-linguistics and body language. Now, I'm a Certified Practitioner in that and, accidentally, became a clinical hypnotherapist, as well. And mix all that in with my coaching, so that I can help people get through imagined barriers that they have, so that they can be successful in life. So, that's a little bit what I'm up to. So, not much. Watching Netflix and moving to China. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
Just hanging out, chillin'. Eating bon bons on the couch.
Denis Nurmela:
That's right.
Brian Kelly:
Watching the soap operas that they used to watch. (laughing) I love that man. There were so many things you said right there that were nuggets. Help create creators. That's a great tagline, right there. I mean, "I love to help create creators." Denis Nurmela.
Denis Nurmela:
That is my passion. You know, they say that there's only two really important days in your life; the day that you're born and the day that you figure out why you were born. And I truly feel...the - and I've never shared this on the air, but I'm going to share a vision with you, that I have had, that helps me picture what "creating a creator" is and I picture myself going around the world, finding people who either already are, or have the potential of being a flag pole to others and help them write their flagpole and run the flag up. I really want to help leaders become leaders. That's where my passion is.
Brian Kelly:
I was trying to get away with writing some notes and then you stopped talking. (laughing)
Denis Nurmela:
(gesturing raising flag on a pole) And then I run another flag. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
Yes. A flagpole to others. I love this. And then you talked about the fact that you became an NLP practitioner and then, accidentally, became a hypnotherapist. And I love that because I have a similar thing happen in my path and NLP and hypnosis was kind of the last thing that I became certified in that I realized, and I know you realize the same thing, you can use that to help in any - in any business.
Denis Nurmela:
Well, to be honest, I was one of those guys that thought hypnosis was kin to palm reading.
Brian Kelly:
Denis Nurmela:
If you're into a palm reading, I apologize, but I'm not into it. (laughing) But then when I found out that hypnosis is all about just relaxing yourself to a point, or helping to relax somebody else, to the point you can get the right words in. I was like, "oh my gosh!" And saying the right things. You're in a state of hypnosis, believe it or not, when you're sitting on the couch relaxed, watching television commercials. That's how you can remember the jingles from those commercials without ever practicing the words. So, hypnosis happens all the time, naturally. And once I learned about it, it's great.
Brian Kelly:
Right. I was a similar - I mean I was in the audience when I was first learning about all of this where they were combining NLP and hypnosis and my first reaction, mentally, was get away from me, you know? (gesturing the X sign) And since then, learning it's really simple. It's not woowoo and it's basically when people think of you're being put in a trance. Well a great way to describe it is, have you ever been driving along on the freeway and then suddenly realize you missed that off ramp that you took nearly every day.
Denis Nurmela:
Oh that's never happened to me in the last five minutes. Yeah. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
You were in trance and the thing is with hypnosis, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. It's amazing. We could spend probably a week discussing this one topic. I love it. I feel akin to it, you do too. But there's so much more that I want to get out of you for this audience, as well.
Denis Nurmela:
Brian Kelly:
But very important, for all watching, when you see MIND BODY BUSINESS - Let's see if I can get my hand right there with the title is. (pointing to show title on screen) MIND BODY BUSINESS. That is where we come from when we talk about mind. It's the subconscious brain that is far more powerful than the conscious brain and NLP is a proven science that helps you tap into and reprogram your subconscious brain for the better. It's amazing.
Denis Nurmela:
Well, it's true and let me tell your audience, that you, like me, want to do better with your life. And the best way that you, like me, can figure that out is by learning how to communicate at a higher level with the words that you use, with the way you communicate, with your your fellow man, and the way that you communicate with your own brain. So, you, like me, are going to be successful because you're doing those things.
Brian Kelly:
That's interesting. I've often heard of NLP being called, "The Science of Success" and I believe it is. I truly do. Phenomenal. So, on the concept of reading. We're switching gears here quite abruptly.
Denis Nurmela:
That's fine. Oh I love gears switchin'.
Brian Kelly:
- Unless -
Denis Nurmela:
- We could even grind the gears if you want. We can just kind of throw them all together. (laughing) I've done that too in life.
Brian Kelly:
That'll work. I got some oil around here somewhere. We'll take care of that if that happens.
Denis Nurmela:
You're a slick guy. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
What business related book have you read recently, or maybe you're reading it now, would you say has inspired you the most?
Denis Nurmela:
I'm gonna mention two and I think that - there's been some recent ones, but I want to show you the ones I think that are most effective and they're not even mine. When I was a young man, I read a book called, "I dare you." And it was written by - I forget his first name, but Ralston is his last name. He was from the Ralston Purina Company. It is a motivational book that kicked me in the behind when I was probably 15 or 16 years old and it challenges you. It's a short read. It's out of print, but you can still buy it all over the place on Amazon and eBay and everything. It's called, "I dare you." And, in fact, I've got a couple of the old leather cover copies. It's an older book. You'll love that for motivation. And the other thing is - I was grateful to have read this book, too, and many people have read it. If you haven't read it lately, you read it again with a highlighter. And that is, E-Myth: Revisited." is the name of the book written by Michael Gerber and I was honored to be at his 80th birthday party a couple of years ago. Great mentor. That book is an easy read. Most business books are (gesturing yawning) you know, OK (laughing) but this has a story line to it; it makes sense. It talks about how to put systems in your business. How to run your business from the press box, rather than down on the field. How to not be the worker bee, the technician in your company. So, those are two books that I would highly recommend for you to read.
Brian Kelly:
Yes, the old pie shop. I remember it well.
Denis Nurmela:
That's right. That's right.
Brian Kelly:
Michael Gerber. Amazing guy. I didn't see him at his eightieth. I met him and he I don't think he was 80, yet, but I met him briefly and he was a very welcoming individual.
Denis Nurmela:
He's great. Yeah.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, he was guest speaking at an event and he had one of those tables out in the hallway. He was one of those holding up you know his books and CDs and things and I just went over to chat with him. He's like grandpa. (laughing)
Denis Nurmela:
Yeah, yeah.
Brian Kelly:
Love the guy. And one of my mentors actually trained with him for, I forget hoe long it was, like a week solid intense training. And so, you are highly recommend the E-Myth, as well. It's like I've heard it called, "The Bible for entrepreneurs."
Denis Nurmela:
It really is. When I first joined Vista - if you're not familiar with Vista, I will recommend that. If you run a company - you have to run a company that's doing, at least, a million dollars a year. And it's kind of an invite type thing, but you can find out about joining. To join, there can be no more than about 17 members in each group, it's the world's largest CEO membership group. And there's no competitors, no vendors, no - your spouse can't come to it. It's a very kind of, not secretive, but trusted. (showing book on screen) You signed a nondisclosure agreement with each other and you share your profit of loss statements. Anyway, it's a great, great,- like your board of advisers. You know, and when I went to my first meeting and they all started talking about stuff, it was like everybody was talking about things from the E-Myth and I always thought, "Oh it was just me. I thought I figured that book was a good book." But yeah, it's definitely one you've got to read if you haven't read it.
Brian Kelly:
Definitely, yes. So, there it is on the reachyourpeaklibrary.com. It's one of many awesome books. You see right next to it, another somewhat well-known book. A few people know about it, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Amazing, amazing books.
Denis Nurmela:
That's a great book, yeah.
Brian Kelly:
Love it all. Fantastic. Great books. Thank you for that. "I dare you." I'm going to look that one up and I hope they have it on Audible, of all places. That would be phenomenal.
Denis Nurmela:
I don't know. I don't know if they have it in Audible, yet.
Brian Kelly:
So, another thing I wanted to ask you and this one's really near and dear to my heart. At the age of 47, I started an online fitness company and so, can you imagine limiting beliefs that were going through my mind at that time? You know, 47. Brian, are you an idiot for doing this? You're too old! Come on. (laughing) And I thought, well that's the very reason I need to do it. So I did. And that's one of the things that I found to be...It helped me to be accountable, not just to other people, but to myself because I was doing live workouts on camera - all that good stuff. And on that note, I wondered how important is physical fitness to you, Denis Nurmela, and what would you say to people, from the business aspect...from the success aspect, and how important fitness should be for them and their personal life, as well? What does it mean to you?
Denis Nurmela:
To me, it's as important as getting customers to walk in your door for your business because you've got to perform at 110%. And I'll tell you, I'm still a big guy. But I have released 80 pounds over the last couple of years. And while I'm still on a plateau and have more to lose, I am in much, much healthier shape than before. Last year, I ran the L.A. Marathon. I just hiked about five miles on the Great Wall, which is not easy. It's not a nice flat wall, there's a lot of steps and big inclines and all that. I'm in really good shape and I think it is so important to have your your body in good shape because your mind, then realizes, that your capacities have been increased tremendously, not only with your body, but with your thinking process. Your body sets an example for your mind. So, I absolutely think it's one of the most important things to do.
Brian Kelly:
I love that, it's so true. I often say from stage, "the mind and body are a team. The mind and body are your team and if the body is in prime shape, but you haven't cleaned out the weeds in the garden of your mind, and you haven't changed your thinking process from a subconscious level, that fitness goal that you had may not be reached." Often, it's not. How many people go and make a new year's resolution? I'm remember going to gyms on a regular basis and I remember, I hated January. I couldn't stand it because I was a regular. And then January came up and then the place was flooded and I couldn't get onto the equipment I wanted. And then by - it was a guarantee by as late as, maybe, March - it would be back to normal. And I kept going, "why is that?" for them. Well, it's all about mindset. Unless you have really reprogrammed your mind to realize that this is something that you sustain and do this for life, you're just going to give up, most likely. But, 80 pounds, I can attest to that. I remember you when -
Denis Nurmela:
That's right.
Brian Kelly:
I wanted to praise you and lift you up and say, you are a product of the product. That you're not just saying, "I think you should make fitness a priority in your life and make it important." You did it and so that's another important point, wouldn't you say Denis, for people looking for mentors, is to find a mentor that's actually succeeded at something they look - they aspire to succeed at, rather than someone who just flaps their gums about it and talks about it.
Denis Nurmela:
I agree, I agree and let me go back on your point about it being a teamwork between your mind and your body, too. Because I think, as a person, I like to use that word as your soul. Your soul is everything, but if you don't understand the neuro-linguistics, body language, high end communications - if you don't understand how to be in control of your mind, and I don't mean control like it's really tough, but how do you guide and influence your mind to do good for you when that happens, your soul becomes the coach of that team. And, unfortunately, too many individuals teams are run by the captain that's on the ground; the head, the brain. And so, we think our brain just does stuff for us and we hope that it's going to - we hope we're going to have good luck. We hope that our heads are going to get in gear and we don't know how to coach it or guide it. So, I think it's so important to learn some of these things. And I just did NLP for me, neuro-linguistics, and understanding how to communicate at a higher level is tremendous. In fact, I'm going to open the curtain, so to speak, to share something that I just said in NLP earlier. Now, I know you noticed it, Brian, because I saw a little grin on your face, but I said three times in a row. You, like me, want to be more successful in life. Well, that was an NLP statement. You, like me, is what I said in that sentence. You, like me, want this to happen. Your subconscious mind picked that up. So, I said it in a way, and I'm revealing it to you, so it's not a secret. I said it so that you'll think, you know, I kind of like that guy. But, if you notice, salespeople do that and you know that the rest of the world knows how to use NLP. Then doggonit, you better know how to use it, too. Or, at least, understand it's being done to you, right?
Brian Kelly:
But I always deal with integrity and ethically, like you do, as well.
Denis Nurmela:
Brian Kelly:
I agree completely. That was a nice little embedded command, we would say. Like me. And yeah, NLP, you're starting to see, you, the audience, you're starting to see a pattern develop already on this show and we keep coming back to this one concept. It's all about the mind. And you truly, truly, in my personal opinion, because I did not have the mind mastered until late 40s. And once I did, I saw phenomenal change in my business life, in my personal life. I loved life more. I love life more than I'd ever have. I love being around people, talking to people. I didn't like that before. It's the number one most important ingredient, in my personal opinion. True success is learning something like NLP. You know, positive affirmations, they're great, but they're at the conscious level. You stand in a mirror saying, "I am rich, I have a yacht. I have a house." And you know you're doing this every day. That's fine. Continue to do that. But, know and recognize that's at the conscious level and you're not reprogramming anything.
Denis Nurmela:
Can I tell you a secret? I want to tell your audience a secret about that. I believe in positive affirmations, but so many "rah rah" coaches tell you to do it at the wrong time. And that is the mirror, in the morning. You just got out of the shower. There's a lot of temperature change. You're thinking about your schedule for the day. Your beta wave is really, really high. So, you're very conscious and you're telling yourself, "I'm gorgeous!" And your conscious mind says, "Yeah, except for that stinking spot on your face you've hated since third grade." You know he wants to protect you, so it doesn't get in. It gets in on - your alpha wave is higher when you're in kind of a state of hypnosis which, you're in when you're in deep prayer meditation, but you're also in when you're almost asleep at night. So, if you create a little mantra for yourself and if you learn self hypnosis, too, you can kind of throw that in there also. If you repeat those things to yourself in your mind while you're getting ready to fall asleep, you're actually going to let them soak in better. You could save in the morning if you want, but they're going to get thrown off like water off a duck's back, too. So, anyway I want to share that real, real positive stuff with everybody.
Brian Kelly:
That's a great, great tip because you're closer to what you're actually going to be in, which is your transitive state anyway. You're in a deeply rooted state of relaxation and that's all it is. Ladies and gentlemen, hypnosis - to be hypnotized, all you need to be in is a state of relaxation. Deep relaxation.
Denis Nurmela:
Yeah, you could be in it right now. One two three Wake up. (laughing) There you go.
Brian Kelly:
Exactly. (laughing) Hey I got a something. I've got to give a shout out. We just had a gentleman come on the air to watch. His name's Donald Barrett and this is crazy. This is amazing. He is the one of the first mentors that I was talking about that mentioned the importance of reading books. So, I wanted to pull it up real quick at reachyourpeaklibrary.com. (showing on screen) Again, this is - there's things that are for sale there. I'm not making money. I might make a few cents off an affiliate link, but that's it. But the story I tell in there, if you read it or you watch that video, I talk about a CEO of a company that flew me out and then basically opened up his cabinet. And he said, "if people only knew, if they just knew, that all it takes is this..." And he opened up this double door cabinet that went floor to ceiling and it was shelf after shelf after shelf of books, similar to the ones that I now have on reachyourpeaklibrary.com. And I wanted to say thank you, Donald, for that incredible advice, because it came full circle when my, now, latest mentor, Mel Cutler, finally popped me in the head and said, "go read books." And it's been a life changer. No kidding.
Denis Nurmela:
Welcome, Donald. (waving)
Brian Kelly:
Yes. Thanks for coming on. Awesome. Now, Denis, as an entrepreneur, there's many of us - I don't know if you're one of them, but we have this tendency to chase things. There's a term out there like shiny object syndrome.
Denis Nurmela:
Just Squirrels. I only chase squirrels. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
And I know, I know that's never happened to you. But if it were - actually yes, I know it. Because that's where the creative juices come in. Right? We're so creative and we see something, that's not what we're focused on right now, but it looks intriguing. I can make a business out of that or - boy, people would love this. So, I guess you have had several businesses of yourself, on your own. What actually ignites you to start - what ignites a spark in you to start a new business? What does it does it?
Denis Nurmela:
You know, I'm going to answer that question, but I also want to talk about the squirrels (laughing) because I just remembered something I wrote in one of my books that I had forgotten about for a while. So, the ideas could come from anywhere that spark you to start a new business. My nonprofit was really the spark from understanding that I need to help create creators. But some of the other businesses have come from chasing squirrels. But one of the chapters in my book The Saturday Morning CEO talks about how to have a strategic planning meeting with yourself each week. It's called - I don't remember if it's just a name of one of my chapters a or just one of the sections in there. It teaches you how to cage the squirrels. So, you don't just let the squirrels run off and go, "ooh! Look at that! What was that?" You actually cage it. And by that I mean, you get it ready to go on an agenda, to do a little research on it, to study it, so that you can decide whether it's something that you want to go with or whether you want to maybe offer it to somebody, because if you're networking with people, this idea might be great for somebody else and you can just give it to them for free or you can sell the idea to somebody or you can just let the squirrel go and, you know, throw some nuts out there and have it chase them. So, I think that if we get diverted a little bit, that's OK, but be good about keeping a journal and having a meeting with yourself where you study the strategic value of all these scrolls that come into your life. To some, it might be an inspiration from God, from the universe, from wherever. And others may just be a fleeting thought that came from some bad burrito you ate yesterday. (laughing) So, you want to be able to identify them and then the next thing you do is you filter them against what your core values are. So, I try to filter any new squirrel that comes into my life against putting up those flagpoles. You know, am I helping to create a creator by bringing this squirrel in and feeding it?
Brian Kelly:
If you're not understanding, these are golden nuggets, again. If you didn't hear that just now you, the watchers and listeners, then go back and listen to that again. He's saying things that I've been hearing over and over and over again and these are the habits of the highly successful people. And a couple of them were have a meeting with yourself and journal and I have heard, in fact, a previous guest that I had on, Alex Branning, we're going to have him on again has created a resource for you.
Denis Nurmela:
Tell Alex I said, "Hi." He's a great guy when he comes on.
Brian Kelly:
Yes, I will. Alex is probably watching right now. How you doing, Alex?
Denis Nurmela:
Hey Alex. (waving)
Brian Kelly:
These are the habits of the truly successful and filter against your core values. Another big one is - I've seen friends of mine start businesses that I knew were not in alignment with their values.
Denis Nurmela:
It's an alignment with making money. How many people do that? "Bob's making a lot of money with this, I think I'm going to get involved. (Imitation)
Brian Kelly:
I've had them approach me and say, "Brian, I think you should do this. This will get you to that next step that you want to get." And I said, "at what cost? I'm not going to do that. It's not in line with my value system. So, thank you." I appreciate it. I truly do. They were thinking of me, but it wasn't for me. So, there's a lot of entrepreneurs out there that are struggling. I know that because I know a lot of entrepreneurs, so you, Denis, financially and sometimes they will take that shortcut and it's good to have an accountability partner, a coach, a mentor, somebody to, at least, let them know that maybe you want to think about that. You know, your decision is your decision. But yeah I did think about that.
Denis Nurmela:
Yeah, in fact, remind me before the end of the show, I want to tell people about something because I'm one of those coaches that charges too much for most people. So, if you want to pay me twenty thousand dollars for the year, I have people who do that and I work with them depending on what they need anywhere from 10 to 20 thousand dollars they pay me, up front, for the year. They're accountable and I work with them and they achieve their goals. But remind me, towards the end of the show, and I'm going to tell people how they can get some coaching, not only from me, but from some other people who also charge upwards, in the high...and for practically nothing. So, it just started a new thing. I got together with a bunch of other experts and it will all reveal it here on your show at the end of the show.
Brian Kelly:
Speaking of revealing. And there it is. The open loop.
Denis Nurmela:
That's right. Another NLP. (laughing).
Brian Kelly:
Yes, another gentleman by the name of Mark Joyner who's known as the Godfather of Internet Marketing calls it the [Zeigarnik] Effect and I don't even know how to spell it so, don't ask me (laughing) but it's what they use in television commercials. They use it all the time. And cliffhangers, they do that as well. But before a commercial comes on, when they develop the show - they develop the show with the express intent to really get you curious. Like (gasped) "wait, wait!" and then they break for a commercial, like someone's hanging off the cliff. You don't know if they're going to fall, their fingers are starting to come off of the ledge and then break the commercial. (laughing) And you go, "Wait!" Well, guess what's going to happen? You're going to stay there and you're going to pay intense attention to that commercial, as a direct result of that open loop or Zeigarnik Effect. Same thing is like tell them something really enticing, but don't finish it. That's a nice open loop. Good job, Denis. So definitely can't wait to share that resource. You did share that with me, earlier, and I think it's an amazing concept.
Denis Nurmela:
Well, I wasn't sure if it would be ready or not, and we're ready. So, we have a couple more pictures. We're still adding, but I'll go over that in a minute. But, can I add something else, too?
Brian Kelly:
Denis Nurmela:
Please, please, please, be willing to think, not only outside the box, but think outside the room that the box is in. I'm getting ready to move to China. Never in the world did I ever think I would ever even go to China, let alone, want to live there. And I've got a bunch of college students that I have taught that while I was there and some that have come to the United States and learned entrepreneurship for me and a couple of them have some great successful companies. They're like my kids. In fact, they call me their American Dad. "Hey dad, I got a question about such and such." (imitation) And so, I move into China with this pseudo family out there and a whole bunch of colleges that want me to put a program on. I never would have thought of that and I didn't go seek it. It found me. You know, China found me and it's way outside my box. I've got to learn a new language. (Speaking Mandarin) (laughing) So, anyway I said something in Chinese. (laughing).
Brian Kelly:
Well, it's all Greek to me, that's OK. (laughing)
Denis Nurmela:
That's right, yeah. But you know, now I'm open to the idea that, you know what? Maybe I'll live in China for five years or so, learn the language, and then I'll move to Peru or something get my...(speaking Spanish) So, I don't know. We'll see.
Brian Kelly:
But I'm telling you, you need to open that mind because it's a gold mine. But every time you say something, getting out of your comfort zone, get out of that box, get out of the box. I was just having a discussion with an apprentice of mine the other day about that, where, the best thing you can do is get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Someone else coined that phrase I'm not the originator of it, but I love yours. I've never heard that before where he said, "don't just think out of the box, think out of the room that the box is in." That's brilliant.
Denis Nurmela:
That's my new one. I'm going to coin that phrase so. And coining things is good, because change is good. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I love that. It's like take it another step and just really think out there. And, yeah, China - that's a very good example.
Denis Nurmela:
That's way out there. China you can say, "hey, I'm going to fly east or I'm going to fly west" and go to China and be correct there. (laughing).
Brian Kelly:
There are a lot of things that motivate entrepreneurs. That get us out of bed, that make us have that drive, that keep us going. That keep us going even in light of adversity because, as you know very well, Denis, that no business is ever easy to get to that finish line. It takes time, it takes perseverance, it takes getting over lots of disappointments, and you have to have a really strong "why" reason. What is that one reason? What is something that motivates you so much so that you're doing something, like you're doing now, to take a massive leap to go to China and change your entire life? What is the thing that's motivating you to do things like that?
Denis Nurmela:
I'm going to give you two things; One is what my "why" is and, the other is who is motivating me. I want to throw those two things out there. So, the thing that's motivating me is what I've already told you, too, is that I see flagpoles landing down all over the ground. You know, I see people with some huge potential that need to get their name out there. They need to be known. They need to be international keynote speakers like myself. And so, they might have to get over some fear or shyness or the feeling that they don't know enough or whatever. That motivates me to see other people succeed. I don't want to win a Nobel Peace Prize or something, but I'd love to have somebody I help encourage, when one. I would be - I would feel so much better to watch it from the sidelines. And then, I'm often asked, "Who motivates you?" Well a lot of people encourage me, just like you and I, Brian. We can talk and encourage each other. We've talked about the host of my old radio show. Put him on here as a guest with you and vice versa. And encouraging each other and growing together. So, encouragement happens from a lot of people, but I'm really motivated by one person and that is the Denis Nurmela of the future. Now, this is going to sound a little weird, but it's true and I really embrace this. I have conversations all the time with Denis Nurmela of the future because Denis Nurmela of the future has already gotten over the hurdle that I'm looking at, right now, going "how the heck am I going to get over this? Through this? Around this? Under it?" Whatever. And so, I just talked to him and I said, "hey, how did you get over this? How did you get to where you are now?" And then he can look at this from another angle and say that well, "because there's a door over there on the left hand side. (pointing to side) You remember this other person you know, well, they helped you through it." "Oh, ding! That's right! I should have thought of that person" "Well, I just did." So, having this conversation with this person, who is yourself in the future, not only does it help you to look at your own life from a completely new angle, but it creates an assumption that you were successful getting past that hurdle.
Brian Kelly:
I like that. (in agreement)
Denis Nurmela:
And it's so real because you're having a conversation with the guy or the gal who actually got through it already. So, you don't have to wonder if you're going to or not. You're finding out how you did. So, anyway that's my - to me - that's my life. And when I forget him and leave him that's when I start going (gesturing spiraling down motion) spiraling and then I go, "oh wait a minute. Sheesh, I haven't talked to him in awhile. Let me find out how he got through this spiral.".
Brian Kelly:
That's powerful, man. I've not heard of that approach before.
Denis Nurmela:
For me it works.
Brian Kelly:
That is amazing. And...there was one thing I picked up on-
Denis Nurmela:
-Now I would suggest that you talk to your Brian Kelly of the future because this is my friend. Just want you to know (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
Well, I already had a picture of Denis Nurmela of the future. He was a little bit grayer, but, man, did he have a rock solid six pack going.
Denis Nurmela:
Oh, I'm - you know what? I never looked down there before, but I will now and ask him how he got it.
Brian Kelly:
Nice. Big pecs. I love it. The thing you mentioned that your future self told you was they helped you through it.
Denis Nurmela:
Brian Kelly:
And, guess what? We started out with talking about the importance of coaching. And your future self was saying, "you just got coached on how to get to the next step.".
Denis Nurmela:
That's correct.
Brian Kelly:
And so, he is a coach and he also has coaches and mentors and people advising him. The most successful of the most successful. You heard it earlier on the soundbite - Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods - some of the greatest athletes that have ever played have coaches. They don't do it alone. Why should we? Why should you? Stop.
Denis Nurmela:
Yeah, I've got a bunch of coaches. I've got - there's people that I've learned from. Ryan Avery is the youngest ever world champion of public speaking. He's given me some great advice. His wife even helped me figure out how they properly booked stuff and get more speaking jobs. I've been inspired and coached by some great -Les Brown and so many other people that I've learned from. Even people that I've just read their books, like Michael Gerber and others. I've got a business coach that has helped me, who's been successful. So, if you find out the things that you want to be strong in, get a coach in that area. In fact, Ryan Avery's really good about that. When he joined the Toastmasters, he won that year as the youngest ever world champion of public speaking and he did so with a huge, big handful of mentors. He looked at speakers who had won before, and some that were just so good with their body language, and other people that were really good with their voice inflection, and somebody else was really good was something else. And he asked each of them, "can you coach me in just that area that I think you're so good in?" So, finding not only just a coach, but somebody who's been there and done that and, in fact, I'm embarrassed to say, that I'm a certified coach and the reason I'm embarrassed to say it is because I used to take pride in the fact that I've built multi-million dollar companies. I've been there done that since I was 9 years old and I never had a certificate that said I'm a coach. Well, I accidentally got one when I got my NLP certification and other stuff. So now I have one I got a certified thing. (laughing) But, find the people, who are the real deal, who have really done it and that's who you got to coach. You're not the one who's got a beautiful plaque up on the wall with a nice gold frame.
Brian Kelly:
And I don't want to leave it right there. So often, I remember being in the audience of events and things and they would say, "go do this and then they would leave you hanging and I go, "but how? I don't know how to do that." And I found there's two, as you mentioned one of them and I was going to bring it up is; read books. Your mentor doesn't have to even be alive. Literally. Think and Grow Rich. you can read books and use those as "mentors." Virtual mentors. But for me, personally, the most powerful thing to do was to go to workshops and seminars that were in my wheelhouse - things I wanted to learn more at. And I met some amazing people. As a matter of fact, there happens to be one guy right over there that I met at one such event. (pointing to his side at Denis) I kid you not. And most of the people that you will see on this show are a direct result of getting out there, of showing up, of going to workshops and seminars. Yes, it takes investment. Get over it. It's so so valuable. The investment is so worth it. It may not seem like at that moment sometimes, but I'll tell you over the long haul, if you keep calling, you keep going to seminars and networking events, that are in your genre, then you will break through and start making those connections because guess what? It's like a herd of animals that travel in the same circles. You start seeing those people over and over and you establish stronger and stronger relationships and friendships. Sorry, Denis, you had something to-
Denis Nurmela:
No, no, no. I just wanted to say, too, and figure it out. Google it. YouTube it. Do whatever. I don't know if it was the event that you and I were at, but I remember one event that was a multi-day event. We were given some ideas of how to create the right website name for our business and branding and stuff like that. And so, the next day, we came out and I had been kind of chastised by the person from the stage of not having my branding down at the time. This was years and years ago. And so, that night I figured it all out. And I went and purchased the urls online from my hotel room and on my laptop and the next day when I stood up to ask a question I branded myself and told him I got the website. In fact, I had it built already. A very simple site, but you just go make it happen and if you don't know how, then all that means is you just have to figure out how to learn to do it. The quicker you can learn it, the more practice you have learning, the the more successful you can be in a shorter period of time.
Brian Kelly:
Couldn't have said it better, my buddy. Couldn't have said it better.
Denis Nurmela:
It's important. That's important to do.
Brian Kelly:
You know, it's hard to believe, but we are already over 50 minutes into our hour show. Can you believe that?
Denis Nurmela:
Oh, I'm telling you, it's incredible. I can just talk forever and so can you. (laughing) So, Hey! Can I tell him about my special deal here.?
Brian Kelly:
Well, that's what I was going to segue into. A couple of things because I want to let everybody know, the show isn't over yet. I have one more hard hitting question that Denis has no idea what this question's going to be.
Denis Nurmela:
Oh, those are the best ones!
Brian Kelly:
Yes. And, it's one of the most powerful, thought provoking questions you can ask an individual that has had the success that Denis has had.
Denis Nurmela:
(raising hand) Tighty-whities is the answer. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
Stick around for that. In the meantime, I want to share a couple of wonderful resources for you. Those of you that are watching live, right now. Right now. This very moment. You can now enter to win that five day trip and the five star luxury resort in Mexico. And I'll put it up on the screen. All you have to do is one of two things; you can either do it on a website or you can just text it, directly from your phone. If you want to go to a website, you just type in reachyourpeakllc.com/vacation and just be sure the word "vacation" is all lowercase. The rest of it doesn't matter, just vacation, lowercase. reachyourpeakllc.com/vacation or text the word PEAK, P-E-A-K to 661-535-1624. Again, that's PEAK to 661-535-1624. And I repeat that for our podcast listeners who are not able to see this at the moment and this has all been sponsored by a great company called powertexting.com. In fact, when you text PEAK you will see Power Texting in work and when you opt into the form on the website, that is also powered by powertexting.com by my good friend, Jason Nast and Rhonda, his partner. Phenomenal job and just appreciate that. And they are the ones, by the way, offering up this vacation. So, it's wonderful to have sponsorships, isn't it, Denis? (laughing).
Denis Nurmela:
Oh yeah, it's great.
Brian Kelly:
And then, it gets even better. So, go ahead and do that. Go ahead, you can text while - and keep listening, don't go anywhere. Keep listening. Write that down. Here. Let me put up real quick. Give you five seconds. (showing website and texting information on screen) Ok, it wasn't five seconds, but that's all you got.
Denis Nurmela:
(laughing) They can pause it. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
That's right. Pause, playback.
Denis Nurmela:
Technology. That's right. Pause it now.
Brian Kelly:
If I get that - if I get your opt-in, if your information comes in within 5 to 10 minutes after the end of the show, I'll still consider you for winning the prize. How's that sound? So, you can have the opportunity to rewind and all that good stuff. This is the one that I wanted to hand over to Denis because he has something extremely amazing to bring up. And I wanted to give him the floor here and just - you're going to be blown away by this. So, stay on this and I will give you the resource here in just a moment but go ahead, Denis.
Denis Nurmela:
There are several coach friends of mine who we all charge upwards of twenty thousand dollars for a year of coaching and I've brought together a team of experts. In fact, we're even bringing more on right now. This is brand new, but I'm going to tell you about these five people and how you can get advice from all of us for, right now, it's normally - when we started the program, it's $49 a month and you can actually get in touch with all of us. But, right now, if you promise to tell five other people about it, you get it for $5 a month for life. And that's the amazing thing here is, the experts. So, I'm, of course, on there. P.J. Dixon who, you may have heard him speak somewhere. He's in the National Hall of Fame for people with disabilities. He's in a wheelchair. But even though he shouldn't wheelchair, he is a martial artist. He's a 10th degree black belt. (showing website on screen) This guy is incredible and he's a neuro-linguistic group. - Oh, hey! Thank you. There you go. There he is, right there. And then you'll see below that is Rachel, and Rachel runs talkraw.org and she you bought her first home at age 24, she made it all through college with zero debt. In fact, I believe it was all paid for. She really knows and understands how to handle money. She's a great author. And people's pictures you don't see, yet, on their website, but it's coming is Hank and Sharyn Yuloff. And you may know them too, Brian, but they run their own advertising agency. Absolutely expert marketers. They're going to be there also. and this is all a paid membership to belong to a secret Facebook group. So, you'll be able to ask them questions. Every week, they're going to put out - from all of us - are going to put out some advice for you. You can ask us questions and in the first week of every month, the only little catch or return for them putting all this time in, is that they'll let you know about their new products and books and that's not even a catch. That's great. They're going to give you the same deals that they give their clients. So, this is all brand new and it's a way for you to tap in if you're not yet there at the point of being able to get a one on one coach. So, this website is abitofexpertadvice.com (showing on screen) Thank you. We started a bit of advice, Radio show and live Facebook. And we've got 100,000 people that liked the page, so we had a lot of followers. Well this is kicking it up from that. And this is abitofexpertadvice.com. So, you get there now and all you got to do is say, "I promise I'll tell five other people about it." Then boom, you sign up and I think Brian has just signed up on that, too, and so you'll see him in the group and that's $5 a month for the rest of your life. It'll never go up and you'll hear about some great things from some fantastic coaches. Handful of the best. So, that's something to offer to your entire audience. I hope to see you all there.
Brian Kelly:
That is truly amazing. I can't thank you enough. I mean, my goodness. $49 a month is a steal to get access to someone just - if it was just Denis himself, as he said he's charged tens of thousands per year for people that come on. So, it's something to jump at and let me bring that up real quick. (showing website on screen)
Denis Nurmela:
We've got other coaches that are coming on, too. We have already talked to a new expert in nutrition and fitness and also in other areas of life, relationship stuff, and so, we're not going to have a ton of experts. I am handpicking a few key people. They're not getting paid. They're not paying me. They're giving of their time just to have a chance to offer some great stuff to you guys. And we're all busy putting flagpoles up. And if you think you might be a flagpole that's just laying on the ground, hey, come on and join us.
Brian Kelly:
(showing website on screen) That's it. Go to abitofexpertadvice.com and see it on the screen. Write that down. I'll replay this one. I don't know how long Denis plans to keep this incredible deal up. If he's going to work forever-
Denis Nurmela:
We're trying to grow it like crazy. The other bit of advice grew up to 100,000 in just a few months. And I don't know if 100,000 will be our target for this or whatever, but at some point it'll go back to the $49, which is still a really good deal. But if you're willing to help us grow it a little bit, then you get grandfathered in at $5 a month forever so.
Brian Kelly:
There's a lesson right there. We talked about it on a previous show and that's about referral marketing and that's exactly what Denis is doing here is there's great value in referrals and it's a great form of marketing that really cost you, the business owner, in this case. Denis, no extra money. You just have to set up some systems to automate the process to go follow up with these referrals and that's it. And you've got other people out there.
Denis Nurmela:
And we're actually using trust. We aren't even seeing that you're sending 5 people, you just promised that you will. (raising hand) And it's up to you, then if you don't do it, oh well. Whatever. But if you're a good person and you really want to help share the news, you're going to love it. You'll probably share it with some other folks. All you got to do is say, "yeah, I promise" and we'll believe you because we have faith in you.
Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. And that's the kind of person Denis is. He's a trusting guy. And it's going to be a raging success. There's no doubt because of mindsets like that right. You're not a scarcity mindset. You're just the opposite.
Denis Nurmela:
There's no doubt. Yeah, we're going to give all the good stuff there. Like I said, I'm moving to China. I'm starting a new YouTube channel and I'll share all kinds of cool stuff on that and that's free for everybody, but I'm not sharing the good stuff. And these few experts in here we're going to share some real nuggets on this site because we know that you're paying something even though, it's just $5 a month. We really want you to get some quality advice.
Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. I appreciate that. I appreciate you for putting that together and all your experts as well. Well, it's come to that time Denis. It's come to that time for that one question.
Denis Nurmela:
Are you ready to do another hour? (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
Denis Nurmela:
Oh, is that the question? (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
That's it. (smiling)
Denis Nurmela:
Good. Let's do it, yeah. (laughing)
Brian Kelly:
So, I like to ask this question of the other entrepreneurs that have been on this show and other people that are successful, as well, outside of the show because there's no - just to take the pressure off, there is no wrong answer. There is only your answer and that answer is the right answer because it comes from you. And it's interesting to hear the variety of what the answer is. And I think when we compile these over the course of months and maybe years, it's going to be interesting to look back and see what everyone responded with. And so, here it is Denis. What I'd like to ask you and for anybody watching, drum roll please, get in close. Denis Nurmela, everyone wants to know, mostly me; How do you define success?
Denis Nurmela:
I define success as your soul, and we talked about this, your soul being the coach of your team which is your mind and your body. So, it really relates to what your show is all about. Taking control of your life. And yeah, the external stuff is good. It's good to have a great mentor. I'm a mentor, I should be selling you on "get a mentor." Be your own mentor, first, too. You know. And my idea of success is, when you've got that harmony where you're able to coach your mind and your body and you're able to accomplish the things that you set out to do. So, that's my idea of success. And for each person, that could mean money or relationships or I'm going to go speak at a an orphanage in Uganda and help his kids there and single young adults learn how to start businesses. But for him, that's his form of success, is to see that these orphans have a life. So, whatever it is, to do those things, to accomplish those things, you've got to be - your soul has to be the coach of your mind and your body. That's my definition of success.
Brian Kelly:
Yes and a very original one. I love it. And one of our commenters - you probably know who that is.
Denis Nurmela:
Hey! Lori. Yeah, yeah. (waving) I shared some real high end stuff with her last night on the phone. So, she's great client of mine.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, her comment was, "always great advice from an amazing friend and mentor." Thank you Lori, appreciate that. Yes. And we'll get some "waves" and "hellos" and "wishing you well" and "having a great interview" Diana Leeman.
Denis Nurmela:
Oh yeah, Diana. Hey! (waving) She just moved to Georgia. Good to see you, Diana. Diana's a great friend. She's wonderful. I'm sure I'll be coaching her soon, too. So, she'll be a great speaker. You'll hear about her soon.
Brian Kelly:
Well, I mean all she needs to do is go to abitofexpertadvice.com and-.
Denis Nurmela:
That's right. That's right. I'll see you all there. (laughing) Fantastic.
Brian Kelly:
Well, Denis, I can't thank you enough for taking the time. Very wonderful of you to do this. Very gracious. You spread some incredible golden nuggets across the carpet and just like this golden dust, pixie dust, as we went along. And I know it may not seem all that impactful to some who are watching and listening. I would just ask you to go back and watch and listen to this. More than one time. In fact, all of the shows, as time permits, because of the amazing value that people like Denis bring to the table. There were so many in there, I could not write fast enough because he kept stop talking and I had to get on camera again. (laughing)
Denis Nurmela:
Can I add one thing to what you're saying, too-.
Brian Kelly:
Denis Nurmela:
When you come back and rewatch this, get your head in gear. And turn on the learning modes. In fact, anybody that knows NLP you can tell you how to turn on the learning modes in your mind, so that you don't just hear the teacher go "wah wah wah wah wah wah" like Charlie Brown, and actually soak in the stuff that's being said because I may be the best teacher in the world, but until the student is ready, right? Have you heard this, right? When the student is ready, the teacher appears. So, I can say the same thing and it can be heard by so many people watching this show, but only so many students will recognize that the teacher was there. So, if you become the student and rewatch this, you will gain new things, not because I say something different when it replays because that's not technologically possible, but because you were listening, the teacher appeared and the teacher is in your own head.
Brian Kelly:
Excellent, hakalau, my friend.
Denis Nurmela:
Brian Kelly:
Yes. And for those who don't know what that means, look it up because it's exactly what he was just talking about.
Denis Nurmela:
Hawaiian term and Michael Stevenson. I love you. (saluting)
Brian Kelly:
Yes indeedy. All right. Well, that is going to conclude our show for tonight. We'll see you again next week, same bat time; same bat channel, as I like to say. Thank you, once again, Denis. Thank you all for coming on. The Audience watching, listening and commenting. Even if you're watching this as a recording, please feel free to comment. We will respond to you. Again, thank you, once again, Denis and we'll see you all again next week. (Saluting)
Denis Nurmela:
(speaking Mandarin) (waving)
Brian Kelly:
OK. Bye, bye for now.
Denis Nurmela:
(laughing) Bye, bye.
Thank you for watching and listening. This has been the MIND BODY BUSINESS SHOW with Brian Kelly.
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Denis Nurmela
Denis Nurmela is the "real deal". He has run companies since he was 9 years old. He has reached multi-million dollar levels of success and has also crashed others to the ground at raging speeds. Denis is a Veteran of the US Air Force, has had a career in both the medical and computer industries and now helps other business owners both old and young reach their dreams by speaking internationally, mentoring others and teaching.
Denis has authored several books, including:
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