Special Guest Expert - Didi Wong

Special Guest Expert - Didi Wong: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Didi Wong: this eJw1jstOg0AUht_lLFwhI9iWQtKYNphYtdWENsYVmcwMMGUuZC5gbfruhRiX_-V8578A0cox5Up37hhksIYAuLIOK8JKTiGL43mcJo_LAIi3TktvmfkLFtFiNo8DwIRoPxL-zTR5CKDiTNBSYTlBKy7YyG0HbGoL2QW8EaPdONfZDKFhGMJa61ow3HEbEi0RNbxnqI_RdGpR5Okub8z5p29w37apfHlbHkpz-owOv6dk_f76hIVbSUY5vrPaG8JWVA9KaEyP46sAHHdiWrLb7vPNR_69ORbb_XNR3Oec8i-t6lB2s7FXaSOxG4uTvF5vdWdf4g:1lXF27:uwFKJs2euyk2sWMFNMnwWuSNv3Q video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

So here's the big question. Our entrepreneurs like us, who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward, two steps back work getting.

And drib. How do we finally break through? That is the question. This podcast will give. My name is Brian. This. The mind body.

Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome

To the Mind Body Business Show. Yes, indeed, we are back and I am so, so excited to nice guest. You are going to love her. Her name is Dee Dee Wong and I will be bringing her on. I promise the mind body business show. What is it all about, real briefly? It is about what I call the three pillars of success. And about 10 years ago, a little longer than that, I started studying only successful people because I was so enamored and so curious. What the heck makes them more successful than me at the time? It's like, what is it they're doing? And time after time. And these are people I knew personally. These are people I worked with, mentors of mine. These are authors of books, some of whom I met, some of whom are no longer with us. And I just kept looking at all the traits that made them successful. And those three things kept bubbling to the top. And you might you might have an idea what those three might be. Yes. It's part of the title of this very show, the mind body business show mind is all about mindset to a person. Each and every one of these very successful people had a very powerful and more importantly, flexible mindset. Body was literally that they all took care of themselves physically, nutritionally that simple. And then business business is multi multifaceted. There are so many skill sets that one must master in order to build and then grow a thriving business. These are skill sets like marketing, sales, team building, systematizing leadership.

And I could go on and on and on and on. The good news for you is you don't need to master every skill set that is in that list and more. In order to build a thriving business, you don't have to build it yourself. Those skill sets, the the good news is if you were to just master only one of those, there's one magic wand. And in fact, I mentioned in that list, I wonder if anyone could guess which one it is. Oh, wait. I'm kidding. It is the the skill set of leadership, when you've mastered the skill set of leadership, then you now have the ability to delegate to those who have the skill sets, who have mastered the skill sets that you have yet to do, because, let's face it, to master anything, it takes a long time. And being just one person, it may take more than a lifetime to master every single one. So now is the time, if you're not thinking about it, to always think about delegating and utilizing a team from day one. Because if you don't. You might just burn out, many of us have already been there, done that, learned the lesson the hard way, that is the mind body business show. And another wonderful trait of very successful people is to a person, they are also very voracious readers. And with that, I'd like to segway very briefly into a segment I like to call bookmarks.

Bookmarks to read, bookmarks ready, steady read, bookmarks brought to you by Reach your peak library dotcom.

And yes, Dee Dee Wong is here. She's waiting in the wings. She's coming on. She's like biting her nails, saying, let me in, let me in. I'm kidding. She's not biting her nails, but she is very, very eager to come on and she's coming on very soon. Real quick, reach your peak library, Dotcom. This is a website I had built with you in mind, literally. And why I did that was because I myself was not a voracious reader until about the age of forty seven. I'm fifty six at the time of the show. And then I realized, oh my goodness, it's a gold mine. And it changed my life profoundly in many ways, both in business and my personal life. And so what I did was I started compiling all of the books that had that kind of impact on me personally. And so now these are books that have been vetted by at least one other successful person. So when you go to look at a quote unquote, library, at least the odds are greater that you'll have if you grab a book from this library that you'll find one that will have a similar impact or even greater on you as it did me. And this is not here to make money.

Just to be clear, yes, there's a tiny affiliate. You know how it works with Amazon. So all these buttons go straight to Amazon. I don't even know what I would make on it. I honestly don't even look, it's probably 30 cents, maybe a buck. I have no idea. You don't pay any more, but I just I just do that out of discipline. No matter what a product is, I always attach affiliate link to it, no matter what it is. If I'm promoting it, it's just how I roll. And that's how I teach my students to roll as well. But it's not about money. This site is for you. And in that light, I wanted to also point out one more really important thing before we bring on DEEDI, and that is reach your peak library dot com. This is one of those examples where you want to just write it down on a piece of paper or on a notepad, on your computer, whatever you have available, rather than and instead of clicking away and typing and looking. Because let me tell you something, when did comes on, she's going to be dropping some big, massive wisdom, bombs and bombs of knowledge. They're just going to come flying out of the sky. And you do not want to miss them if you're writing or if you're not if you're writing, if you are off looking at another website, typing it and scrolling up and down, not watching as Didi is dropping these nuggets in these bombs, you could very well miss the one thing that could have changed your life for the better forever.

And I'm not kidding about this because I've seen it happen. I've spoken from stage. I did it for years. I was a lead trainer for a mentor of mine. And I know I'm getting to the part that is the life changing part. And I'd see somebody get up out of their chair and walk out of the room, and that was to go to the bathroom or whatever they had to do. And I just felt so bad for them. So this is for you, not for me. So take out a notepad. In fact, I never ask folks to do what I don't myself do. I have a notepad. I will be taking notes. I'm the director, the producer, the talent, if you want to call it that. And I take notes. So go ahead and grab something real quick because you know what time it is. It's time for Didi Wong, here we go.

It's time for the guest expert spotlight. Savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, legally qualified. And there she is, ladies and gentlemen, the one the only lady wonkiness. Hello, everyone. Hello, Lowe.

Deedee Oh, this is going to be so much fun. You are such a breath of fresh air. You are so fun to talk to. Before we get on this show, before we get any deeper, I need to do a little housekeeping. I like to call it and mention a few of our sponsors. One of them is right above your head, up above, I think, to your left and.

Yep, to the viewer's right.

And that is the big insider secrets, that nice red logo. Here's the thing. If you stay with us live until the end of the show, you can win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. Compliments of my pal Jason Narced and a big insider secrets dotcom. We get to give away one of these every single show. What a gift we give that. So, yeah, so do I. So thank you so much, Jason. And the big insider secrets. Dotcom and wait, there's more. There's more. If you're struggling with putting a live show together and it's overwhelming and you just want let's say a lot of the process is done for you. How many of you would like that while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and connect with great people like Dee Dee Wong and grow your business all at the same time, then head on over to carpet bomb marketing, dotcom carpet bomb marketing, saturate the marketplace with your message and one of the key components that is contained in the carpet bomb marketing courses. This is one that you'll learn how to absolutely master is the very service we use to stream our live shows right here on the mind body business show.

Over the course of the past nine plus years, we have tried many of these quote unquote, TV studio solutions for live streaming. And I'll tell you right now, streaming art is the best of the best. It combines supreme ease of use along with unmatched functionality. It does everything so start streaming high quality, professional looking live shows for free with streaming. Write this down and visit it later. Visit this website. It's our whippy. I am forgood stream live. That is enough of that. It is time for the one the only Diddy Wong. She is here. She is present. And now. Soon she's going to get the talk, isn't that is that a novel concept because first out of respect, I need to introduce her. Yeah, give her what this is. What she deserves is a proper introduction. And so that's what we're going to do. And then it's going to be your show from there. I'm not going to say another word. I'm kidding. I might


All right. Born in Hong Kong, I'm already interested. Raised in England. Are you kidding me? And now residing in Los Angeles. She's traveled more than I have. Didi Wong is an award winning international keynote speaker, executive TV producer. I mean, listen to this speaking coach, business mentor, best selling author, angel investor. And here's the most incredible part. She's a mother of four, all under the age of ten, including an identical set of twin girls. Wow, I don't know how any human could do all of that. At the same time, her company, which is called the Yes Academy, is a results driven educational mentorship program for entrepreneurs. That's why she's here. She has received numerous awards and recognitions all over the world. But the one she is most excited about in the coming months is when she will be knighted, Lady Didi, where she will join the royal order of Constantine the Great and Saint Helen of Spain to further the royal initiatives, both domestically and internationally.

Goodness sake. I think you.

I don't know if we have anything else to talk about that.

Ok, fine.

Very, very impressive. And congratulations to you. You've put in the time and effort so deserved. The accolades, the rewards, the awards, the upcoming. What is it. The knighting. Yes. My God. It's a

Phenomenal. And so I

Love to get to introduce folks like you. Such incredible, amazing people by the bio and they get an idea of what you've accomplished and what level you're at, which is pretty high. And then what I like to do is I like to dig a little deeper because there's something that got you there. There's something that got you there. And there's there's something got you there that other people are still struggling. They haven't figured it out. And where it all comes is that that wonderful, beautiful brain of yours. And what I like to do is kind of peel back the onion, so to speak. I'm not talking about your brain and stuff. And I wanted to find out, like when you get up in the morning, because being an entrepreneur, let's face it, it's not always easy, is it? It's it can be a grind. There's always a challenge. So it takes a very specialized kind of mindset. And for you, when you get up in the morning, what is it that motivates you? What is that thing that you think about that no matter what's going on in the day coming ahead, even if something arduous is about to take place that you have to take care of? What do you do in your mind, set in your mind? What are you thinking when you get up to start each and every day so you can crush it over and over and over again?

In one word, just gratitude. I always wake up with a smile. I talk about smiling a lot and anything that you watch of mine, I talk about smiling. And it's not just smiling when you are talking to someone, but actually starting off with a smile for yourself. I talk about being your own best friend a lot, and I truly am very comfortable in my own skin. So wherever I go, there I am and I am happy to be with me and I'm treating myself as my own best friend. And so every day when I wake up, my mindset is positive. My mindset is I'm going to do something extraordinary today, no matter if it's just showing up to my yoga class, speaking nicer to my children, giving an extra kiss to my husband. You know, whatever it is I think about just giving goodness. I talk about transferring gold dust every single day. So that's my mindset every single morning. I just really happy. I really do.

I've never heard that. Transferring gold dust, though, you said


That is not a Smartbomb moment. I don't know what is.

I hate to get all of this throughout the whole

Hour with you.

I can tell I think you will. And it's only 30 dollars per day.

Not kidding. It's actually

A good idea to charge

It ridiculous. All right. And then you have your guests completely compete.

How many bombs did you get? I got 15. Did you get 17?

That's not a bad idea. So I cut you in on a percentage.

We'll make a deal. So one of the things I talked about on the opening, there were several mind, body and business. And then one of those was about reading. And I'm just curious. I see books stuck behind you. So I'm going to guess that you do read and enjoy it. What would you say is and let's say it's a business book, it doesn't have to be a business book. Forget that, because business is about relationships. So it could be something else. It could be mindset or anything else. But what book has inspired you the most up till now?

Like you, Brian, I heard you say you didn't really start reading until a later stage for me. It was after I had my four children when I really pressed on the gas to be a real entrepreneur, a serial entrepreneur, when I decided that I need to read more books. And my favorite book is the one of the ones that you have that I have to actually want is The Thinking World, which book by Napoleon Hill. You talked about how you really wanted to start talking to a lot of successful people. That's what Napoleon Hill started doing. Right. So that one has made a major difference in my life. I was on the thinking for a rich world legacy tool actually in twenty nineteen, which allowed me to step on stage big stages all around the country to decide which success principle I was allowed to talk to and talk about. So Success Principle number seven decision is my favorite one. So that book has been a huge made a huge difference in my life. I refer to it all the time when I have my clients and when I speak on a podcast or any TV shows. The other one I'm if I'm allowed to also tell you audience is one thing, one thing by Gary Keller, because I'm a Gemini, I am somebody who loves variety. So when I first started being an entrepreneur, I decided, what is it that I really wanted to do? I couldn't decide because I'm so good at so many things. But more and more, with branding and understanding how I should really be known in the world, I had to really design and evolve as an entrepreneur.

And I started off being a life coach relationship expert. Then I went into business and being a pitch queen because I was on a TV show that I'm like, it's not really what I want to do. Then I went into really helping people build businesses like start ups. Is that really what I want to do? And I keep evolving. And now right now, I'm really known for just really helping people with speaking. How do you convey a message in a very short amount of time and string of vocabulary words together to form a beautiful sentence that will actually leave a lasting impression in people's minds? And at the end of the day, here's the big nugget. Write that down. Since I told you to have some notebooks out, it's really not always about your words. It's about how you make people feel. So if you're watching this right now and in a month's time, you remember that Asian girl I still remember seeing? I don't remember her name. I remember she's just I don't remember what she said, but I just remembered she was just so happy and bubbly and I really enjoyed watching her. And that's the feeling that you want to leave people transferring Goldust, you're adding to people's lives. No matter what you're saying. It doesn't matter. It's how you made them feel at the end of the conversation so that they would want to have another conversation with you. So that's really my message right now as I speak in college and a business mentor.

I'm telling you, you hit the nail on the head. It's not always just about the words, it's about how you make them feel and that, if anything, was not a bomb drop.

I mean,

Genius, and that's true because, you know, people buy if you're talking about a transaction, let's say you're selling from stage, you're selling on the phone. It doesn't matter where you are. If they are emotional, they're not going to buy. And if they're not in the emotion that drives them toward buying, they won't buy. So if if you want somebody to be happy and excited, then get them in that state with authenticity like DNA and character and everything like that. And then just a future pacem allow them to see what their future could be. Once they work with you, show them how others have succeeded, do all the right things about it. But the key you set it, that is the key. It's emotion. We are emotional beings. People think of business. They think it's ones and zeros, corporate dollars, money teaching. It's really relationship building and it's humans interacting. And how do you interact at the best at the peak level with another human? She just hit it on the head. I mean, thank you for bringing that up, because I hope people wrote that. All right, look, I'm running the show.

I love it. I got to back just to delve deeper into it, because I just love talking about this so much. You also brought up the emotion treat people as humans. So what I talk about is when you meet someone new, don't just treat them as that title. Yes. You heard I was an international award winning speaker. I'm a bestselling author and angel investor, blah, blah, blah. All of those accolades are good for business, for introduction. But once you get into the actual conversation, treat people as humans like treat people as like treat me as a woman. Right. Treat you as a mother or father son, you know, treat you as a human first and talk about things outside of the business. And that dreaded question will always come, oh, so what do you do that's always going to come? And when that question comes, that's when you can really open up and start talking about business. But at the very beginning, especially the seven to 30 seconds of the beginning of the conversation, that's when people are forming that judgment on you. And so in that time and that's why I teach my elevator pitch, cause in that 30 seconds before it ends the 30 second, you better have made an impression that you are authentic, you are real fun. Find somebody that you people want to talk to before you go into that boring business. Stop talk about money or talk about what you offer.

But that is so vitally important. I totally agree with everything you said there, because I remember the old me when, you know, if you're if you guys can remember being at actual events, seminars and things where there are other people and yes, you you are interacting with those folks and your. You know, back then, back in the day when I first started doing that, I didn't know how to talk to anybody. It was it was horrible. You know, we were handing out business cards and it just I learned so much over the years on how to properly introduce oneself and make it about them first and then use second. I don't know if that's the way you teach Dedi, but people don't want to hear about you. They want to hear about themselves. And as much as you want to talk about yourself, you'll get a chance if they see the value and they want to interact with you. But that's so it's so key communication. So, OK, that's so look, we're talking there's two keys already. We've we've hit two. If anybody comments on what those two are, I will I will grant you a complimentary vacation. Stay five days. You want it and we'll still give away another one. How's that? One of them is amazing. Yeah. So so I'm going to write them down so I don't forget. And I'm sure there's more and yeah, when the third one comes out, we're going have another big bomb blast, you can better believe it. So, yeah, it's so communication is key. And would you agree that it's not just verbal communication? Would you also say written communication is also important? The skill,

Body language, 93 percent of how you communicate comes from your body language and facial expressions. That is included. And I would like to say this is a Deedee ism and energy is so weak in any body language books. All of you Googled body language. They will say ninety three percent is what? But if you actually cut off those facial expressions are you're talking to you're hearing me right now. Yes. You see my body, you see my hands doing gestures and stuff like that. But actually, you're seeing my eyes open up and you're seeing my mouth smile in a certain way and my eyebrows are all of that comes into play when people are checking you out, when you're speaking and they don't even know it. That's the thing. It's a normal human perception. And on top of that, I add on the energy. So body language is your arms, your body bending your knees, maybe your shoulders going up or down or whatever. And then then you have your facial expression, which, as I just said, the energy now the energy part is the part where people don't even realize how they kind of exude negativity all that they don't. They say they just tell people who they are without even saying a word. And you don't you know, I say your vibe attracts your tribe. So when you actually meet someone like Brian, I just met and it was instant, like we knew we were going to have a good time because your vibe attracts your tribe. You are going to vibe and the frequency that will attract someone who finds the same frequency. But when you find someone who is vibing low and you're like being high, then, you know, you know, that might be a waste of time to actually get into a conversation.

And I'm not saying this in a nasty way, because when you go into a room of networking, there are times when you just know someone is yapping away and you're not tuning in and your is just somehow does not want to be actively listening. Right. And you just looking around hoping for something to happen so you can move on. And I see my pitch cause I say just politely move away like you actually should be real about it, be authentic about it. And you really cannot tell someone, hey, I want to move away, then, hey, I need to run to the bathroom. All I need to go get a drink or something like. But I actually think that networking is a skill set, that networking and being able to move around the room, find the people who are fighting at your frequency. That's when you really get something out of when you show up to an event. And I've done that so much in my lifetime as an entrepreneur. And if you build your relationship fragile because that's the goal line of every single business relationship capital, that should be a bomb right there. Right now, your relationship makes much more sense than the financial capital because you know the right people, they can take you to so many goals that you want to achieve. Then just having money because you have money and you don't know the right people, you don't know how to use it.

Yes. Yes. I mean, I can see what's finger on

The relationship capital, you said, huh? Interesting.


Forms of wisdom are flying tonight. Eddie Wong is bringing everything, and she's absolutely right in all of this relationship relationship capital. I love that term and energy. That is one thing that's often not discussed when it comes to communication. Thank you for bringing that to the forefront, because everything you just said, I could relate with you. You know that that's a person you either want to be hanging with or you just don't want to get back out. And that's right. And there are many times and never knew the right way. I would just thank the Lord if a friend of mine would come up and actually interrupt us like.

Oh, exactly,

I, I have a tough time being rude. I just I don't know how why, but I just can't do it. It's my blood. But but boy, there are times where I just sit there. Oh please. I got to get out of here. So perfect. And then but the opposite is true. And think about that. One person could say all the right words and have even facial expressions to go with it. But if they're doing it haphazardly and you can tell it's kind of like I always say this, it's kind of like a dog that can sense fear. Yes. A human that can sense inauthenticity when you're trying to act like you're happy or energetic and you're not, you're just going through the motions. Right? If you're not energetic, figure out a way to get. So go run around the corner and do some jumping jacks, literally do some physical activity. They'll jack up the interview first, no matter how tired you are. But these are these are phenomenal tips. And this is this is Deedee who is all about communication. The other thing I love, if we can go back a second on it did was you were talking about how you've evolved, which I think is key for people to hear and learn is that we've all been through there. A lot of people will shame other entrepreneurs and call that the shiny. Syndrome right on their chest, this new one is No. One, no, in this case, it's I'm doing one thing and I'm learning, you know, what this other thing is? I'm actually I like that more and more passionate about it. And I have more core competency in that area. And then then even then, there may be another one. I've been through it, too, and that's why I can relate to that one as well. Used to be in the fitness industry and now I do automation. I'm a software and I love automation more than I love fitness. I didn't even know it until a couple of years ago.

So it makes the whole business. And so as humans, we all have so many different skills. And I like I said, I have a variety of things I'm really good at. So actually, it was not really chasing the shiny object is really more fulfilling my own soul that I can be a life coach, I can be a relationship expert, I can be a host on a TV show if I want it to be. I can be so many things. And who's to say you can't be try them. All right. It's up to you to control what you want to do. And right now, I've I've had so many people tell me you have to have a podcast, you have to have a podcast. Your personality is so great. You be such a great host. But in my heart, it is not bringing true to me. And so I'd rather be a guest and I come on the shows. And so if it's not ringing true to you, but even though if somebody keeps influencing you, influencing and talking and staying with one book, I actually don't have a solo book.

Everyone keeps saying, do appreciate you have achieved so much. You need to have a book. You need to have a book. I don't think I need to have a book right now. I may be down three years down and you know, it's up to you to decide what is true to you. And that's my evolved revolution. You know, I really have been authentic to my own journey because it's not always about, you know, serving. You've got to serve yourself first before you serve others because you have to be happy with what you're doing. If you're not happy with what you're doing, then people will sense that if I were doing relationship expert and life coaching right now, I know I'm good at it, but it's not something that I love to do every single day anymore. So I have to be my own soul. That's another thing that I think people are afraid to do and really listen to your own heart. Then you'll be happy. And if you are happy, then everyone around you can be happy.

Yeah, and it's so spot on. A quick story. I had a really good friend. His name is Rozz Slotter. He's been on my show twice now. He was on not too long ago and this was back when he was big in the fitness business, full time, three boutique studios, one in New York, two in Florida before covid hit. But at that time, we had a chat. He just called me. So I just want to talk to you. So we did we shared the stage at one point. He's a phenomenal speaker. And we think that this personal chat with me, it was so wonderful. And we were talking about the whole world of fitness because at that time I was in fitness as well. And then he says, tell me, what else are you doing? And I said, well, I'm doing all this stuff in this automation, blah, blah, blah. And this is what the greatest thing that came out of it did was he's a good friend. And he he hit it right between right between my eyes. He says, Brian, when you talk about fitness and we're just on the phone, not even zoom, because I don't feel it.

But when you talk about him, I feel the passion. I said, wow, Ross, thank you so much. That is incredible feedback. And yes, it's OK. I'm saying that for me to realize it's right. Three other people said similar things within a 30 day span and I decided to stop and completely get away from fitness. In two days after that decision, I completely eliminated my website with all the workout videos I had personally recorded. Spend years, seven years of this, and I did not feel one ounce of regret. I felt free. So what you're saying is after you go, Oh, Tim Gillette, how are you doing? Is coming up. Tim's got a great podcast of his own. Look him up on Facebook search. Tim Gillett, the amazing, amazing guy we met probably nine, ten years ago, maybe longer. Really, really great guy entrepreneur and three D Odilo three. I should know what this is. This sounds familiar. Said cool. If you're still out there, remind me your name. I feel bad because I know who this is, but I can't remember your name.

I love your story illustrating my point because most most people they are on autopilot are on just every day. Wake up a certain time, bruschetta, tea put that sits on or put their clothes on and then they go out, drive a commute. It's the same old thing every day. But have you stopped? And actually ask yourself, are you enjoying your life every day, are you enjoying doing that routine every day? And if you say yes, then amazing. That's so great. But if you have an inkling, like I am not quite fulfilling my soul, I'm not. Am I really walking my purpose? Even if you have to ask that question, then you're absolutely not doing what you want to do and really close. It has been such a blessing in disguise for actually a lot of people, even though they might have lost their business. But you know what? You know, in the losing the closing of the door, you open another door. Like Sharon Lechter says, she always talks about how one door closes, another door will open and believe in the journey of life. You don't even have to believe in God but believe in the universe that will guide you to, if you will, will it to guide you and manifest it. I talk about manifestation all the time.

And if you have if you can please listen to this podcast of the podcast, TV show and live streaming it all. The audience that you have. Brian, I really want to get this. And I hope that I'm not just one of these guests that you like. Oh, she was cool. I want to really get into your ears and into your eyes and say stop for a moment and think about your life. Thought for a moment and really think about your routine. Are you walking on spending time with the people you want just because of money, or is it because of really fulfilling your soul? You will live as much happier life if you do something that you love to do and that will help other people because we are all on this earth actually to help other people. And the side the side bonus is cash flow. So, yes, Academi, like confidence, connections and cash flow will just come. And I really like to reach those. I'm sorry I'm getting so passionate about this, but I really love talking about really making people wake up and smell the coffee and like, what are you doing with your life? I wanted to shake you. Are you happy? Are you happy? Go on and live a happy life.

These are huge volumes of wisdom. Yeah, great, you love it.

Tests, yes. Does anybody that's watching or listening, can they feel her passion?

I can,

And it's obvious and I love it, it's been elevated and getting stronger as the show goes on. And that tells you she loves what she gets to do. And and she's right. There's a constant tug back and forth. It's a tug of war in your mind? Well, I'm not really satisfied or fulfilled with what I do, but it is paying my bills. So, you know, then there's that fear factor of making that transition switch. Yeah. Dennis in Ramallah, coming all the way from China, says, Do what you love a good friend. Move to China. He teaches there. He teaches English language. Think he's still doing that. So thanks for coming on, Dennis. I can't imagine what time it is there right now.

Thank you for calling.

Yeah, and that's there's somebody a great example, he followed his passion, he moved to China. I mean, he he just up and moved from the United States and moved over there. Thankfully, he spoke the language enough to where he could interact over there. But he's teaching them the English language and he's made a ton of friends. You just follow him and look at that. I want to give him a shot to follow him. It's Dennis with one in that way. You know, you've got the right guy, Dennis in Ramallah. So go out on Facebook and just watch his life unfold before you in China. It's really neat to see it from a different vantage point. You know, we're all here in the United States. There he is. I teach public speaking and English. Yes. Oh, wonderful.

Oh, that's great.

He is an amazing entrepreneur on his own. Right. He's founded and started many businesses. He's multitalented as well. And that's a good point. You brought up an interconnectedness.

Yeah, definitely.

There's a really good point. You brought up about having multiple talents. We all have multiple talents. Every human being does. It's up to you to figure out which of those talents you want to hone and craft into your passion. Right. And there's I just saw another comment. I know very little Chinese and he's making it work. So you don't need all the resources on the planet to become successful. You just need to have the drive and the passion and the resources will find you and you will find them and you'll get it done. Will it be a struggle? Will it be there? Will it be fear? Will it be trepidation? The beginning, most likely. I just that's just your subconscious telling you

You're doing the right thing because you're challenging yourself. That's another part. You shouldn't be so comfortable all the time. The more you challenge yourself, the more you grow or think otherwise, you're going to be bored by the mundane stuff. You know, try to challenge yourself no matter if it's playing a different game or playing a new instrument or speaking the language or traveling to another world and learning about other people's cultures, getting on a different show with a different person and learning about them. You know, I mean, I've done so many podcasts and shows the mind body business show that Brian's putting on, taught me something today as well. So I'm always looking to educate myself. So education is it's so fun. It's to be fun, right?

Yeah. And I can tell it is with you and I think no one else can too. And that's a great, great thing. And you just hit another nail in the head because I, I hosted the show and I am one hundred percent positive. I get the most out of doing this than anybody on the planet because of the people I have like you, relationship capital. I've never heard that before. Maybe it's been said before, I just never heard it before. And there are things that certain guests have said, certain certain routines they go through certain tools or techniques or strategies. I've implemented several of them and I've seen my business improved drastically as a result. This show itself not I mean, the show cost nothing. So I'm not really pitching. It is your time, but just if you just watch the shows, they're all available on the mind body business show dotcom. Every one of them is there and you can watch them. And it's like being in a seminar and not paying a dime for it. And you're going to

Learn amazing,

Incredible it. Look, everyone thinks it takes some magic wand of I just I have to know something that I've never heard of before. It's not it's a lot simpler and it's pretty much laid out the entire strategy to your success on this.

Sometimes it takes a different person to say the same idea for it to suddenly bingo in your head or lightbulb in your head. And that's why I think the power of listening to different speakers come in, because you can listen, of course, a lot of things that speakers talk about, it's very common sense. It's you hear a lot of entrepreneurs talk about positive mindset. But when you hear it from people, you hear from Brian Kelly, you know, it it rings differently. And that's why it's very important for you to choose the right podcast to consume. I talk about whatever you consume. You talk about mind, body, body. Is nutrition. What you do to your body a consuming right. What have you doing, your eating, whatever you listening to is really important to people. Don't actually think when I say consume, you probably think, oh, what I eat. But no, it's consume what you listen to. And nowadays more and more we're so lucky because we live in a day and age where there's so much live streaming, there's so many podcasts, there's so many like radio, TV shows. All of that gives you so much information. But you also have to be picky as to whom you listen to, because then you listen to people who are either negative. They swear a lot they they don't have a very good picture of life, you know, you start to become that you get influence without even knowing. Is that a subconscious is part of the thinking, the subconscious mind. So make sure your consumption of whatever you consuming the food, drinking or listening to you are picky with what? You put that in your body.

I don't know if think she's dropping more bombs than anyone ever in history.


Oh, my goodness.

Look, here it comes. So we have three key areas. And so those that did not answer those two questions is now too late, because I'm going to reveal there came a comment to see if someone had it. Oh, we got another one. So Dennis normalizes. Yeah, roller coasters are no fun without ups and downs. So true. If you are always successful all the time, you wouldn't know any different than why it wouldn't be gratifying unless you had the bumps in the road or the dips in the coaster. Yeah, that. All right, this is a long one, but Don is a good friend, a local gentleman who is a chamber of Commerce, runs our Chamber of Commerce here locally, says one of these days when I grow up, I'm going to figure out grow up. He's funny what I like to do, although I'm having a lot of fun engaging with our wonderful consumers here in the Antelope Valley, taking talking about supporting our small businesses and economy. Yeah, and. It doesn't matter where you are and in your life or in your walk with your entrepreneurial career, you're always going to be that's what makes us entrepreneurs. I think we're always looking for that. Next, how do I prove how do I take it to another level? And that might be pivoting to something entirely different, but just be open to it.

And if you're someone like Don who's very, very experienced, it won't be as hard for people like him than it will for those just starting out. But just you've got to get going. You've got to do it. That's the only way to do it. Right. Take action. Take it. Same old thing every day. So don't don't confuse what he was saying about that with a success routine that a lot of entrepreneurs, they each have their own routine. I personally am not a routine guy. I try to I can't do it. I like variety. I'm like we were talking about this before the show when you said I was like you because a lot of people love routine. It keeps them going to keep some discipline. I do things not the same exact thing every day, but I kind of cycle different things every day. So, you know, I don't go crazy different every day, but I don't do the same exact thing. Yes. The sequential subsequent day. I will look back on that. Yeah. Got to have variety. I do need to do what works for you is the bottom line. So a routine like get up in the morning. I know when I started doing was go out and get in the grass barefoot and do jumping jacks with the sun on me.

I'm in California so we can do that more often and then also come back in and drink water with lime like natural lime juice and a pinch of Himalayan sea salt. Oh, people, all your fitness guy. There's a lot of misnomers about the blood pressure myth. But anyway, there were certain things I attempted. I listen to other people doing them and then I thought, I'm going to try that and I've done that. And so that's what I encourage you to do. If you don't have a routine is model. Other people that have routines go back and look at almost every show I have. People have routines and see what works for you and then go with that. That's it. It's simple enough to make this too difficult. Yeah, so sweet. I did. I want to find out now that people understand what an amazing person you are and that you're a communication expert. What exactly is your target market? Who do you help and how do people get in touch with you? And then how does it go from there? What's their way of introducing themselves to you and what do you do for them, if you don't mind?

Yes. So I love helping anybody who considers themselves an expert or that you are an author or you want to be an author or you want to be a speaker. So I have a show on Amazon Prime video season four right now. I'm actually casting this this time and I'm looking for speakers to be on the show. And it's a very, very high quality show. And we I curated twelve speakers for the season to come in and I teach you literally how to perform, to speak how to. I told you earlier the networking, how to make an impression in the first seven to thirty seconds. So I will help you with your elevator pitch. I will help you to really understand volume pace pauses how to choose the right vocabulary. How do you use them. Really, really, really put in the energy to deliver your speech. So I really am a speech speech expert. I can help you write your speech as well. I've done I've been told I'm a really great speech writer, but generally speaking, I have a program called Become a Speaker in 60 Days, which is an accelerated way of becoming a professional speaker. And then I put you on the platform of the Amazon Prime video. And then the other thing is I really help people with their businesses. How do you actually run a speaking business? The company people a lot of a lot of people coach. Right, like I do with the teach techniques. They teach how to deliver. But a lot of speaking coaches actually don't teach the business of speaking.

How do you actually monetize as a speaker? So I teach that as well. So, yeah, my my demographics that come my way are generally experts, authors, people who want to be speakers. I want to be better speakers but want to be better business owners and finding investors because I'm an avid angel investor. So I come across a lot of people who have ideas, who don't know how to start their business, don't even know what entity they should be registering, that kind of people. I want you to get out of that paycheck to paycheck job, basically, and monetize. And be able to be have your freedom. One of the questions I get asked a lot is how what defines success for me is if you can be your own boss and you never have to ask for permission to go on vacation or do whatever you want with whomever you want, whenever you want. That is my ultimate reason for being an entrepreneur. I love my time freedom so much more than anything. I if I want to be on Brian so I can be at a five thirty in the evening if I want to be with my children and do nothing but suddenly go to Disneyland, I can do that because I have passive income coming in. I teach people how to start thinking about investing and be open minded about creating passive income for yourself. So I love them, but yeah, that's what I do. I love helping people when people.

Fantastic, and then so for that speaker program that you have going on on Amazon Prime and the seasons, how do people reach out to what's what's the process for someone getting to you? I'm sure they have to meet certain qualifications for you to bring them on and be one of

Your applause because it's simple. Just dog calm. You can email me at de de Waal dot com. I don't run a company that has a ton of people who you can get through before you get to me. I'm very personable that way. I actually believe in being able to be approached quite easily. You can find me at Walmart, so if you want to apply to be on the show, just email me or you can always follow me on Instagram at all. Official. So, yeah, easy peasy. Just find me a pretty much Google my name. You'll find a ton of stuff.

Very cool. And so above and beyond the 12 speakers that you're looking forward to, it sounds like it's like a real time case study that you're doing with them, watching them transform from where they are today to where they will be in 60 days, if I

Have the best, is an eight year course with a showcase so you can repurpose your showcase speech. And I teach you about PR, about marketing, about how do you monetize as a speaker the body language, delivery, storytelling and your message, your branding. All of that comes into play when you want to become a much more well known and above average speaker. I want to really train people to be advanced speakers. And oh, by the way, one thing this is a nugget. This is another take away last last probably last fall when you find a mentor to follow anybody that you want to hire as a coach or as a mentor. Right. Don't just hire them for their knowledge because you can really nowadays find a lot of all this on the Internet. But find someone who actually has a network, who actually has some resources, who actually is walking the walk and talking the talk and out there doing what they are preaching, doing what they're teaching. Because if you're finding someone who is just teaching, that's what they do. That's all they do. And they're not doing themselves, but they're not current. Right. I definitely am proud of myself as a coach. And I do I do have healthy confidence in saying that what I teach my clients and people to become speaker.

So I actually have all the platforms where I wish you to speak in this and this summit and that summit. So I actually, after you take the course, is not like my mind. That's it. You go about your way. You are now in my network and you are now somebody that would put in my forefront of my mind and refer to. So you can ask any of the people who have taken my courses, I always reach out to them. Hey, I was always looking for you like yesterday's. I was looking for somebody neuroscience. I knew exactly who to. If so, I am walking the walk, talking the talk and constantly investing. I've been investing in nine companies in the last six months. I really am out and always improving myself. I have mentors in courses as well so that I'm in touch with what's going on and that's the kind of mentor you want. And actually, when you click with that philosophy and taking that energy, it's like finding a relationship where you're really going to be spending a lot of time with your mentor. So make sure you like them

And that they have some

Bombs of wisdom, I must say.

Thank you.

My goodness. So there were three primary areas for those of you that may have just joined us or maybe weren't paying attention, hopefully you were paying attention the whole way. But what we've been talking about, what has brought up and these are things that I've summarized into three key points that I found that she has spoken about tonight that I find to be the three keys to success. And that is No. One is. About evoking emotion from someone eliciting emotion and that it's not so much about your words, but it's more about the emotions, I should say, and it's more about your emotions. They both go together. And then along with that, the second key to success is really understanding and really mastering communication. And that takes on many different flavors. So it's also it's it can be the spoken word. It can be the written word. It's also definitely the body language, facial expressions. And then there's one big bombs you drop that no one else that I have heard has ever mentioned. I'm sure they have, but maybe not. And that was your energy level. So that all goes in to your communication, whether or not you are hitting the mark with the other person.

And on that note, by the way, you're not going to hit that mark with every single person, even if you have all the right traits going right. Sometimes you're just not a fit. That's OK. And then the third that I found that that lift it up when you're talking, did was the level of your passion. Be happy with what you're doing. Be at ease, be excited about what you're doing, not just because the paycheck is coming in, but because it's truly what fulfills you, what fills your your being, what makes you happy. It gets you to smile, like when she wakes up. I don't think I smile that quickly. When I wake up, I'm going to wake up, but I'm going to work on that side. Yeah. There you go. Yeah. And I'm a I have been in my adult life. I became a very positive person. I wasn't always positive. And man, it's so much more fun to be a positive person. Oh my. I grew up in a I wouldn't say a negative environment, but the the attitudes and things that were present weren't always positive, not saying anything bad about any one of my family. I love everybody dearly, but that was just the influence that we had and shook that over time.

Took me many years and finally broke through that that ceiling. And I just love life. I love people. I love meeting people, love talking to them. I love people like Dee Dee Wong that have achieved success, who are so open and willing to. She's she's opened up her closet of secrets to you. And you're probably thinking that was no big deal, those aren't secrets. Yeah, they are. If you put those all together in ways she said it, then you can achieve success. And here's the other thing. Yeah, you could put this together and achieve success, but do you know how to put them together? And if not, there is somebody who does right here. Her name is Dee Dee Wong. And look, just start the conversation. I have no idea what investment would be required. I never asked and it doesn't matter. Give her a call. Let her tell you what she can do and back and forth, set up an appointment, see if it's a fit. If you don't call, if you don't connect, then, you know, if you aim at nothing, you are sure to hit it. Is the scene right out of that.

So that is true. Yeah.

Do yourself. I mean, this is a rarity where we have an individual. I shouldn't say it's a rarity not on this show, but in life. It is a rarity, unfortunately, that a lot of people are out there, are faking it till they make it. And sometimes in the very beginning, you almost feel like you have to you have to build yourself up. Well, is built herself up. She has the acumen. She has the experience. She has the success. She has the failures as well that she's learned from to help you to reach that level of success much faster than it took her to do organically and through her evolutionary process of getting to where she is now as what she's doing today as an entrepreneur. That kind of sum it up there.

Absolutely. And yes, you may see me as the successful woman. And I talk about all these. I give you all these nuggets. But what's truly without me going through them myself and having spent so much money on wasting time and wasting money on people that who didn't help me and promised they would. And it's really when you find the right mentor, they already been through that. And you don't have to waste the money. They already wasted the money for you, if I say. Right, exactly. So I find that to be I have a kino called the power of Mentorship. And truly, my mentor has helped me so much. And I am so grateful every day to have found the right people, to surround myself with and continuously to learn from.

Yeah, and that's another golden nugget, you know, get a mentor or a coach. Hey, I promised everyone that if they stuck on to the end because we're almost thirty two and oh there is another giveaway I believe. Is that still true. Disney. Did you still have something. All right. That's what is. So we'll get to those in just a moment. So don't go anywhere. And remember there's a five night stay at a five star luxury resort coming up. We're going to give that. Really, really soon, there's one final question I love to ask every guest that's been on this show, and it is an amazing question and it's I found it to be very profound, somewhat personal at times and very unique in the answers have been unique and powerful from everyone. And I cannot wait to hear yours. But before we do that, yes, it's time for

The give away look at a five star or

So. I'm going to put this up on the screen and look before I was saying, pay attention, take notes for this moment in time. I think Dee Dee would agree to give you permission to take out that cell phone of yours and open up your text messaging app. And here's why. Put it up on the screen for those you watching live. What you want to do is where you put in the name of the person you want to send that message to. Instead, typing this number three one four six six five one seven six seven. Guest experts are allowed to enter two three one four six six five one seven, six, seven as Didi reaches for her phone. I love it. And in the area where you would type in the message that goes out. So you're competing with Didi, but it's a random drawing. You type in peak dash vacation. That's OK. Dash vacation all together, no spaces. And then once you text that, keep your phone handy, you will get a response asking for your email address. We use an automated system and it will use your email address to announce the winner that chooses randomly. So do that now.

Write this down if this is good until the end of tonight, till midnight on this evening. If you're watching live, you know what tonight is? I don't need to set the date and then I can't wait to announce the winner. We'll announce the winner up on Facebook and you'll get that five night stay. And this is an amazing, amazing giveaway because it's not one of those things where I'm going to bring on a screen. Didi is not one of those things where you go there and they take you to the basement and browbeat you with a time share pitch for four hours. That's not what happens. It's it's a legitimate trip. The sponsor, the owner of this of the company who sponsors this, Jason asked himself, has done it, has used this very thing three times and said it's been phenomenal. There's no hijinx of any kind. You just go in, it's your room and you get to have a good time. So that's that. And then the amazing Didi has something for you. And I believe it was like a four week elevator pitch program or something to that effect. Is that true?

Yes, it is.

All right. Let's see if I have that up on the screen here. I do have it, I promise it is right? Yeah, right. There it is. I found it. So go ahead and let people know what that is real quick and then we'll ask that incredible question of you to close out the show.

It's really transformational for weeks, every single person in this world, even if you don't have a business, but of course, especially if you do have a business or you are a somebody who has a service or has if you are an actor, even singer, you have something to give to the world. You need to know how to pitch. And I'm not talking about just pitching to investors. I'm talking about whenever you get to open your mouth to introduce yourself to anybody, you should really learn how to do it in the right way and to be able to change it up depending on who you're speaking to. So I will give you a four week elevator pitch program that's worth five hundred ninety seven dollars to the special winner today. You get my time every week and one hour each week to really work on your allotted to pitch. So there you go.

And how would that person enter to win, to send you an email with a certain subjects?

Simple. Once they. Yeah. Once they win and add Welcome. Exactly right.

They're cool. So as did did I at. Di di w o n g dot com, very straightforward, and again, that's look, it says valued at five ninety seven is probably three for ten times that based on the results.

I am very generous.


And you know what, that's that's typically a one hour, not even that of someone of her caliber, of her time and you get four weeks and so it's valued much higher than that. And so I want to say that just so that people understand and know to give DEEDI the respect she deserves, when you reach out to her and just be professional in your in your communication practice, your communication skills by typing in something unique in the email, make you stand out and she'll say, I want to work with you and utilize what you've learned from her tonight. Maybe mention the three about that. I mentioned

The three components

To success. And I'll remind you what they are. It's these are mine. I brought, I thought these up, but they came from DEEDI emotion. So your emotion

Evoked. You make them feel emotion.

Is more important or just as it's actually more important than the words you use, communication, mastering that skill set and being passionate about what you do because that that that shines through. So, yeah, maybe you mentioned those three things in your email and try to impress her. All right. So what I like to do. Is. Get to that wonderful, amazing. Incredible and powerful question. It's a it's a great one. And so. Here's the thing when I ask you this question. The really good news is there's no such thing as a wrong answer. It doesn't exist, in fact, the exact opposite, the only correct answer is yours, and that is the only thing that makes it personal.

So I find mystery.

Yeah, kind of get your like, what the heck is this going to be? It's really intriguing and. Well, why don't we just do it? Are you ready?

Yes, I am ready and go.

Did one how do you define success?

I said it earlier,

I said, it is about time, freedom, my definition of success is when you don't have to ask permission with anybody in your life to do whatever you want, with whomever you want, whenever you want. And if you find that you can do that and not have to worry about money to do whatever you want with whoever you are, wherever you want, then you. That's my definition of absolute success, the freedom of time and doing whatever I want, whenever I want with whomever I want. There you go, symbol.

No. Yes.

Fantastic, Dee Dee Wong, thank you so very much. What a phenomenal show, you brought everything you had both barrels blazing, I like to say and appreciate you, appreciate you big time. And thanks everyone for coming on to watch the show.

Oh, yes, everyone, thank you.

Yeah, your time is so valuable as as is ours, so I like to respect everyone's time, especially Dee, who put up with all of these emails and hoops to jump through to prepare for the show. But here's the result. You know, an amazing woman, an amazing show because of her and because she put in the time enough that was requested, ever so, so appreciative of you for just sticking with it. And a little hint, the animation isn't done yet. You'll get another email tomorrow, but I'll tell you about that.

Just when you thought it was

Blocking your email.

You won't want to listen.

These are friendly. These are friendly. They're all friendly. They're all they're all friendly.

No, I say if I can say that quickly on the show, I seriously, I've been on hundreds of podcasts and shows like this. Nobody has been more organized than Brian. Seriously, automation. It's fantastic. So that competent marketing dot com thing, like you said earlier, if you guys want to do this, I would totally invest in hiring you to help me if I want it to be a podcast for sure.

Thank you so much. I appreciate the feedback

They got a testimonial like that,

And it

Can start with that hundred dollar bill behind you on your wall and we'll go from there. So you've been so wonderful to had such a great time, I'm sure are all of our viewers and listeners have as well. But it's time to do that thing that I don't like to do. But that is to say goodbye. It's only temporary. But on behalf of this amazing, amazing young woman, Didi Wong, I am your host, Brian Kelly of the Mind Body Business Show. That's it for tonight. We'll see you again on the next episode coming up very, very soon. Until then, so long and be blessed. Good bye, everybody.

Thank you. Thank you for tuning in to the mind body business

Show podcast at w w w dot the mind body business show.

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Didi Wong

Born in Hong Kong, raised in England and now residing in Los Angeles, Didi Wong is an Award-Winning International Keynote Speaker, Executive TV Producer, Speaking Coach, Business Mentor, Best-Selling Author, Angel Investor and a Mother of Four under the age of 9 including an identical set of twin girls. Her company, The Yes Academy, is a results-driven educational mentorship program for entrepreneurs. She has received numerous awards and recognitions all over the world but the one she is most excited about in the coming months is when she will be knighted "Lady Didi" where she will join the Royal Order of Constantine the Great and St. Helen of Spain to further the Royal initiatives both domestically and internationally.

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