Special Guest Expert - Dominique Brightmon

Special Guest Expert - Dominique Brightmon: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Dominique Brightmon: this eJwVjr1ugzAYRd_FQyfATRogQoqqIjIwlEjQDJ2QY3-AhX-obbBQlHcvjPfqHN37RHQAOrYjrChLT-ckTuMAUa0cKNe6dQKUoQoFiCvriKLQcoayc5LG8UeSBqjjIFiriNy5jgvY0NET01uUPdFsxFYPzk02w9h7H_Va9wLIxG1EtcTM8AXwcsS7avGB1vWX5td6Sg635FGvYZ_X4fKuy-MPxHLwn0S4iwTGyZvVs6FwYdoroQm7b1MBctyJ_cl3WRX5rfjN701ZXZsmLLTkiv_NkBveD05qFcnptBmdNpK4Tdnj6_UP45ZbDg:1k1LAN:XVXYn-L8EqyWBpvPFM3HzOs8fZQ video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So, here's the big question, how are entrepreneurs like us, who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward, only to fall two steps back. Who are dedicated, determined and driven. How, do we finally break through and win. That, is the question and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly, and this is The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. Hello, everybody, and Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show, we have a really special show for you tonight because we are going completely off the cuff with a totally new guest expert that's just agreed to join because we had an unfortunate no show, and I can't wait to bring him on Mr. Dominique Brightmon, he is waiting in the wings, and I appreciate him for coming on at such late notice. That, is the true mark of a very successful entrepreneur, or, someone who takes action, massive, immediate action and consistent action. The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show, it is a show for entrepreneurs, by entrepreneurs. And, what we do here, is we interview successful entrepreneurs, from all over the world, to bring value, not just value, but to give you actual actionable tips and strategies, that you can use, so, that when you're finished with a show, and you've taken voracious notes, you'll have enough to be armed with, to model, and become more successful yourself. That, is what the show is all about. It is here for you, to help you, to excel, and crush it, in business. So, The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show, what is in that name. Well, I found that the three pillars of success, lied in those three words, mind, being mindset, a very powerful, flexible mindset. This, is one of the traits of many highly successful people I've studied over the last decade, and then body, that's all about, literally taking care of your body nutritionally from the inside, and also, from the outside, which is exercise. And, those that have achieved high levels of success, tend to take very good care of themselves. And, then business, business is multi, multi, multi, multifaceted. There, are so many skill sets that one must master. And, by the way, all three of these areas, this is where successful people master all three of these areas. But, in business, there are so many skill sets to master, there's things like marketing, sales, team building, systematizing, leadership, accounting. The list goes on and on and on and on and on. And the good news is, that, really you as a single person running a business, do not have to master every skill set, there's only one of those that I mentioned that's actually of paramount importance and that is leadership. Once you have mastered the skill of leadership, then you are able to bring in those who have those skill sets, that you may not have currently. Because, let's face it, I don't know of any human being on the planet, that can master every single skill set, that goes into building a very successful business, and then, taking it farther forward from there, and, speaking of successful people, another phenomenal trait that they all have to a person, is they are voracious readers. And, with that, I like to segway into a little segment I affectionately call bookmarks.

Bookmarks, born to read, bookmarks ready, steady read, bookmarks, brought to you by ReachYourPeakLibrary.com

Brian Kelly:
Yes, there you see it, ReachYourPeakLibrary.com, and, that, is a website, that I had developed for you, the entrepreneur in mind, and, that is absolutely the truth. This is a collection of books, that I have personally read. And, I was not an avid reader till late in the game till my mid-forties. I am now fifty- five. And, once I learn about how powerful reading the right books was, I, then began diving into it voraciously, and I listen to books through Audible, that became the key that catapulted my reading acumen because I couldn't read books physically. My eyes would strain. They might be bloodshot right now, from reading so much today and, I just couldn't get through books. So, audible was my, my choice. It doesn't matter what yours is, whatever, it happens to be, it's so vitally important to not only, just read books, but read the right books, as you can see. And, by the way, please take notes, take notes. Don't, don't, run off and click away from the show and go looking for the resources you're going to hear about. I have no idea what Dom is bringing to the table. We've, never met. He's coming on very soon. This is how we roll. When you have someone that doesn't show, I was prepared to go solo if I needed to. We're going to see how wonderful Dom is going to be. I'm sure he's a magnificent individual. I believe, he is also a pod-caster. So, this is going to be a phenomenal show. So stick with us. These books I personally read and I vet them. And, so not every book I've ever read is on this list. So, I put them here for you. ReachYourPeakLibrary.com, write it down. Stay with us, because it's about time to bring on the one and only Mr. Dom Brightmon, Here we go.

It's time for the guest expert spotlight, savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, big league, qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And, there he is, ladies and gentlemen, the man, the myth, the legend, who I've never met, never heard of before, this is going to be awesome. Dom Brightmon, how are you doing? My friend? My pal.

Dom Brightmon:
I'm doing great. Brian, thanks a bunch of throwing out the bat signal, man had to grab it, man.

Brian Kelly:
That, was awesome, "The bat signal." I literally posted ten minutes prior to going live, because I was sensing that the guest that was due to appear that was scheduled, was not going to show, and, that became the truth. And I was ready, as I said in the opening, to go solo. I don't like going solo, it's just not as interesting or fun. So, Dom, since I don't know anything about you, and I don't have your bio in front of me, would you please, let people know what is your background, what's your acumen and what are you doing today?

Dom Brightmon:
Sure thing. Well, glad you pulled out the bat, it is great to be here my name's Dominique, Dom Brightmon, and you can call me Dom for short. And, to summarize, a lot of my experience, is, that I'm a certified self leadership expert, that coaches and empowers others to share their stories, whether it's through motivational teaching, like, I like to do, or through book casting. And, those who will be wondering what the heck is book casting? Well, that's if you publishing a book, or you have a podcast and, you want to do both. So, I was able to turn my book into a podcast called The Going North Podcast. And, it's great that you have this awesome theme of Mind, body, business, because funny enough, the Going North podcast goes with ReachYourPeak LLC, because it's all about advancing others to advance yourself. And that's what I'm all about.

Brian Kelly:
I had a good feeling when you chimed in and said, "I will do it, count me in." I think with the word you said on Facebook, and the feeling is coming true. So, I appreciate you truly, I truly appreciate you, for answering the bat signal. I think that is awesome. So, Going North podcast. Where is that playing? Is that on Apple? Spotify? Where can people find that?

Dom Brightmon:
Yes, at Apple. Spotify, wherever you listen to podcasts, you can find the Going North podcast about three hundred and one episodes deep. Three year anniversary actually coming up this September funny enough.

Brian Kelly:
Congratulations. That is a huge accomplishment. I know that all too well. I am, not at three hundred yet. I do everything through video and then re-purpose through podcasting, which was one of the topics we can discuss. We don't have to. That's one of those things I would have done if we went solo. But, that's fantastic. So, tell me a little bit about your podcast. Do you interview people? What are the, what's the common theme there?

Dom Brightmon:
Sure thing, so,funny enough, my podcast actually started about a good six months after the passing of my father, after a long battle of dementia. Because, going off the podcast itself. It, stemmed from my book, and that was my entry into, what I call the business of immortality, because when you put pen to paper and publish your work, you are basically in the business of immortality because you're leaving a piece of yourself long after you're gone. And, when I first published my book, after being challenged,to write on a dare, funny enough, I was like, "All right, I got this book out here. So, what the heck I am going to do?" You know, I should probably get on shows and promote it. And, my first live radio interview, host kept cut me off. I'm like, "Oh, OK,crap." And, second interview was for a podcast and the lady actually wanted me to drop more knowledge. And I was like, all right, let me make sure this isn't the same experience for someone else. And, thus the podcast was born, where it originally was going to be about nonfiction author, self published. Give them a platform to share the stories, but it's really branched off into authors of just about any genre, except for romance, to be honest, because, I'm not a romance guy, and I'm not a fan of romance novels, but, it is a lucrative industry if you write, in it. But, really, interviewing authors all over the globe. We've had wonderful folks, even some awesome folks on the podcast Penthouse Syndicate, like Zachary Babcock himself, Tony Whately and, even Nate Bailey himself and, even some folks like the guy behind the Celestine Prophecy, James Redfield. He's, been on the show and,so many others. So, the goals, are a thousand authors with the show, because, kind of like with my life might advance on this advance yourself, giving a platform for authors to share the stories, and get the stories out there, to get their feet wet, with being interviewed, especially if it's their first ever interview, is really a gift and a blessing to them because, if, one good person, sees something good in you, you can run for a lifetime.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, my goodness, so I can tell this isn't your first rodeo, brother. You're awesome.Love it. So, what would you say is the podcast? The book? Those are great. Those are business cards to me. There are great ways for people to, for you to get exposure, but for people, their your platform. And, they're kind of the window into you, Dom, and what you do as a business. So, if you were, if someone were to walk up to you on the street, I don't know, maybe myself, like, right now, and ask you, what is it you do for a business? I mean, what, do, you have clients that you bring in do coach them?, do you have programs? Do you teach them how to write, do a podcast? What is it that you do Dom?

Dom Brightmon:
Yes, sir. So, folks, to start a podcast of their own is to write their books of their own, funny enough, with the books themselves. I had a client a few months ago, that actually, it was a family project actually, out in the Baltimore area where this wonderful lady, she was actually the first female black manager for the pork sausage company, back when Pork sausage was still a thing. And, she was actually, I think she was 92 or something, 92 or close to it. And, grandson actually approached me. And, Dude actually has his own dry cleaning business. And he was like, "So, you write these books. So Dom,so, how about you help me write my own?" So, I was able to help him to find an editor, recommended him to an editor and my network, to be able to get everything polished up, because, he basically had the raw material that was compiled, from just listening to his grandmother telling stories. And, after getting the other editors, they would help him to set up an account and get his little publishing company straight, set up so, that way, he can have his own ISBN number, get the cover done. And, they were able to get the book released a little after her ninety-second birthday. So, being able to keep her story going forward because, the guy behind pork sausages, his stories out there, through someone else and, its great to have other unsung heroes, somewhat foot soldiers, have their stories told as well, and that they, too, could join the business of immortality. So, if someone wants to start a podcast or write a book, that's basically what I do, and also speak too. It's, kind of like the black belt Marshal law, it's like,hey all these folks to be on the show, interview folks. But hey, I still know how to carry a tune, metaphorically too. So, I do, do motivational teaching. I do, have a couple of topics, mostly on self leadership as well, because, you are the most difficult person that you're going to be leading, from cradle to the grave because you're with yourself the longest ever.

Brian Kelly:
That's so true. That's universally true, too. And, I love that you do motivational speaking. My last guest this past Tuesday, was the one and only Les Brown. Yeah, it was off the charts. Amazing. I met him about eight years ago, and, it was in a hotel lobby after he had spoken. It was at an event, I was attending. And, I know how it is. You know, these speakers, they get swarmed by people and non stop. And, I just respectfully waited, and took my turn and said hi to him and he was a sweetheart. And, this is going back a long time ago. And, you know, those are the kind of people that I want to model and learn from, to call role model. And, because, why be any other way, right? I mean, and I could tell, you have that heart, Dom, that you're a someone who wants to serve and to give and to help. I mean, you just helped a ninety-two year old woman achieve immortality, which I love that, "The business of immortality." I hope that's your catchphrase and you trademark that. That, is phenomenal along with the bat like, that was pretty cool. Yeah. So I was just going through my notes as of ninety two years old. So, what a great concept. Find people that have a book, they already have a story. So, a lot of people that you know, I'm sure you've listened to some going through the podcast Penthouse Syndicate with Zachary Babcock. Got to throw some good plugs in there, that, a lot of people come in. They, don't really have an idea what they want to talk about. They just know, they want to start a podcast. They have a business. They heard it's the right thing to do, but ,they have no idea. But with what your approach is, if someone's already written a book, they've got the stories, they've got the content, they'll never be without it, because as they'll find, once they start, as you know, then the subject's kind of write themselves as you go forward, in the actual, in the episodes themselves. And,going forward to new episodes, have you found that to be true yourself?

Dom Brightmon:
Oh, yeah, it's so true, because the stories are already within us, we're all. Everyone, has a book within themselves whether they want to believe it, or admit it or not, and folks just have to capture it. And, that's the main thing. You've got to think it when you think it because of like, kind of, like, with the example. I mean, she was 92 years old, a wealth of stories. And, you know, our folks, when they get, to that season state of life, they have so many stories to share. And, it's like, you might as well take it down and heck, even record them, and put them out there and then even Google translate it later, and get it onto paper, and then eventually package that, so, that way,you'll have something to give back to people and heck, even turn it into a business themselves. So, you're definitely right. The knowledge is already there. The stories are already there. It's just being able to ink it, when you think, you can actually publish it and promote it and then make a profit out of it.

Brian Kelly:
"Ink it when you think it". TM, by Dom Breitman. I love it. Another one.So, you must have like quite a laundry list of trademarks going on here.

Dom Brightmon:
Without the Clorox.

Brian Kelly:
(Indecipherable)that stuff's not good. My goodness.

Brian Kelly:
So, podcasting, I'm glad that, that is what your background is. Or,at least that's where I found you,it was in a podcast,in a private group. And, I wanted to ask you, what has been your experience thus far? I don't know, where you are in your walk with podcast marketing, using your podcast to market your business. What is your personal experience? Been in podcasting. Now, let's take it from two steps. How about, from marketing your business and, also from just gaining incredible relationships along the way, that you can then later, either help and serve, by sending them connections that you may not be able to handle what they need, or directly with you and your business. How has that worked for you so far?

Dom Brightmon:
The business piece, my goodness, I didn't realize, that podcasting was one heck of a business tool, to be honest, because it's one, it's just one heck of a tool, because it's it, it's so beautiful right now because, heck, even, it even ties in with the relationship building, because with an interview based podcast, everybody are starting to catch wind of, when you basically, come from that perspective. It's like networking on steroids, because there's the classic thing where you get in, sit down with coffee with someone, and a lot of folks may not be wanting that, well, especially now during covid nonetheless, and having the commute and drive do the coffee and drinking and whatnot, and then having to go back to where you were, as opposed to podcasts like, "Hey, you got a podcast, hey, let me get on there." And then it's like, "OK, cool, you have a good fit." And, then it's a mutual benefit for both parties and everybody else is going to be involved in the future because, folks that I've interviewed in the past, they've actually gotten more business down the road because, it's basically a nice informal conversation with two people that's recorded, and packaged later, to be able to be put on to the interweb. And, once you go black, you never go back. And, once you put it on the Internet, good luck trying to get it back.So,basically, having that piece of your voice out there, your business out there, your process of doing business out there, your personality out there, because, sometimes, I like to tell Dad jokes and mess around with the guests and keep them on their toes, and keep them a little distracted a bit, so, that way, we could at least break out the shelves and have fun with it. Because, at the end of the day, people like to be with genuine people. They want real people, authentic people. And, that's, and, there's a reason why authentic is a buzzword nowadays, because people are tired of people faking the phone, fake it till you make it, instead of living it until you advance. And, it's been one heck of a journey as a networking tool, and even as a business tool, because the podcast itself actually helped me with my second book, Stay the Course, The Elite Performers and Secret Keys to Sustainable Success, because, talking with all these folks, and actually applying some of their advice to my own life, to better it, and realizing, you know what, "This is going to help me, even help more people because it's another form of myself." And, to create another derivative of myself, because, there's, even one of Robert Saki's best books.It's probably, it's not, rich that, or that great. But, I probably put in second place, is The Conspiracy of the Rich by Robert Kiyosaki. And, in the book, Towards the end, he mentions how he makes all these derivatives of himself with audio books, programs, the cash flow quadron, all these derivatives of himself, so that he could get more passive income, more income into his business and into his life. So, being able to use that, also to create derivatives in terms of concept and heck, even almost writing like a virus, because like yourself, Brian, you're using this wonderful live stream platform and creating into a podcast, and audio content later. And, I'm pretty sure the heck, might even be a book of your own, down the line. We're going to take some of the best tidbits for folks to digest in, because, not everybody can hear, there may be deaf people out there and be, hey, I can read this. So, you're reaching as many people as possible, and you're creating a semblance of omnipresence. So, that's kind, of like a long winded answer, would have been about what podcasting has done for both me as a business and for building relationships with other humans across the globe, such as yourself.

Brian Kelly:
So, this is, that was an amazing laundry list I've got. So, I implore of other folks that are watching, to take notes. And, here's the thing. I don't ever recommend people do things that I myself don't do. So, I'm going crazy here, taking notes. I have writers cramp, because of this amazing guy right next to me, Don Brightmon, and, thank-you for coming on, once again at last minute notice. And, I just wanted to kind of cover a lot of things, not a lot, some of the things you covered. What this show has become, and I think you said it, without saying it directly, and what your podcast can do for you, is become really an incredible lead magnet, and it does it, with such authenticity and character, because you're not reaching out to people saying, "Buy my stuff." You know, you're basically, like you said so eloquently, you're building relationships and it is, like you said, networking on steroids. I'm getting goose bumps because I'm feeling the same. I experienced them as well. We you and I, the ones that are hosting these kinds of shows, we receive the most value out of anybody on the planet. And you're nodding emphatically, because we get to make that incredible tight relationship. We learn from others, who have done things we haven't, but have succeeded, using different techniques. My goodness, the things I've applied to my business from past show guests, I can't tell you, how it's catapulted my business. So, it's like going to those seminars where you pay 20 grand for five days in someone's house, where they starve you to death, so they can upset you again. And, then you go,and, then you learn something.So, you come out and think you're going to be rich. I learn more here, and it costs me just what it costs to run the show. It doesn't cost me 50 grand a year to run the show, and it's just been a blessing beyond blessing.And then another, you were talking about kind of being out there, just showing up. I'm trying to think of the exact words you used, but there's a friend of mine that I haven't seen in quite some time named Rick Frishman, who did author one on one seminars in Vegas. And, I think California as well, used to do two a year, of course, now no one's doing that. But, he talked about the importance of building one's platform. And by platform, he meant literally from the stage, that kind of platform, also from every other possible avenue. For him, it was primarily authoring a book, because that's what he was all about, was out there one on one. He's a publisher. And, I never forgot that ever. And, so with that, I decided I'm going to go back, to what I call, the Genesis point of marketing, which is to me live video, because, because, you can you call it, create derivatives? I call it repurposing. Same thing. You can repurpose a live video in a recorded video. You can't do it backwards. A watch party is not a live video.I don't care what anybody says. It doesn't have that live dynamic, that live entertainment. And, then if you go, and then take that, and take the audio out of it. Well, if you start with just an audio podcast, can you create a live, or can you record even a recorded video of the two that we're talking, not just a video? No. And then can you take it further, make it live no, you can only start with live and go forward from there.And then, you can take the transcribed version of your show, which I do. I have every show transcribed. You were talking about, I have a book in there. Well, darn straight I do. I have one hundred plus books. I could make a book out of every show instantly, and put it through an editor and say, "Just clean it up for me, make it look conversational." But, I am putting a book together, specifically for a question I ask every one of my guests on the show, and you will be now included.And, it's going to, it's going to be the last question I ask, and you'll understand why when it's done. I also have a book that's 90 percent done, in the works, and you won't ever guess what it's called. You'll never guess, in a million years, It's called "Mind body business. Yes, that's right.And so, yes. And, so everything else together, and now, look, I used to run a fitness business and that's when I started this show. So, body fit that. But, I wasn't here to promote fitness. It was just one piece of success. And, the beautiful thing about doing that, is now that I'm no longer in the fitness business as of a year ago, I'm now into the business automation business, and it still fits. All of it fits, because, every piece of it, is, these, are the three pillars of success. And, let's see the conspiracy of the rich. Derivatives, repurposing. Yes. And book from the show. So. Very eloquently stated everything, because I'm feeling every bit of it, doing the same thing, and here's the thing podcasts to me, that's like a rotary phone. You've got that immediately, because podcasting is an old technology. It's way older than even video on the Internet. And, when I first talked to one of my colleagues, a friend of mine who's a very successful entrepreneur, he said, Brian, I was doing my show for about a year at that time. He said, "Brian, you, you,making podcasts? I listen now."What the heck? Why would I do that? That's a dinosaur. And I don't have a rotary phone anymore. Why would I go back to that? And he said, "Oh, you won't believe it. It's actually, it's absolutely crushing it for my business." I said, "Wait, what?" And so being an action taker like you, Dom, I instantly looked into and figured out how to repurpose. Didn't, take that much. It was easy. And then, and now we are both in the podcast Penthouse Suite, if you will, working to market our podcast. So, here's the thing. Carpet bomb marketing is my motto. Carpet bomb is, for those that aren't aware, it's like an airplane. If you look at an old World War Two movie or one,should be two, there should be two airplanes flying over a jet, and you see all these bombs flying out, and they're just saturating the area beneath them with with this weapon. Well, this is just a metaphor. So get over it. If you're thinking, man, you're so destructive Brian. Its carpet bomb marketing to saturate the marketplace with your message. And I'm a proponent of hitting, we're streaming live right now on two Facebook pages, one Facebook profile, LinkedIn, YouTube, Periscope and Twitch. That's carpet bombing. And then, it's also shared automatically, to many more instantly, instantly went live and repurposed, to twenty five, plus podcasting platforms. Moments after the show's over, it takes me 10 minutes to edit the audio. Already all done, with strategy in place and hitting everything, and then have it transcribed. And now every word of the shows, are up, and available, for the search engines to peel away and see. And, so just hitting every possible avenue. What avenues are you reaching out to right now, Dom, to, to get your word out? And, maybe, are there any different than I mentioned that others could also take advantage of?

Dom Brightmon:
Well, I mange carpet bombing extremely well, with streaming in multiple places, I'm trying to think of, what the heck, am I doing? Let's see because. Because, I think the only missing piece, I guess, two missing pieces that are actually going to be coming soon, because our podcast is audio only, but I finally got this new laptop so I can finally do video again. And Mike works great with it. So, with the video piece, definitely add that. And wow, I think it's just about,covered just about all of it, because I mean I mean, you really can't just stick like a cardboard flier on someone's door, car door because nobody's going to go to their car that much, even though we're know this is covid, because, they'll put some with you, because I hate that crap, I'll rip stuff, for that, when I see that on the windshield.So, I mean, that's probably the only thing.I mean, the only thing added on to that, is that I put the logo of my podcast, and the two places where you can find a YouTube and iTunes for the folks who know about podcasts, they know about iTunes podcasts, and, for those who are literally almost out of the game, like, oh, YouTube, I can do YouTube, and it's like, yeah. So, that's probably the only other thing on the back of a business card. But, people aren't really going to be taking those during covid. So I think you just covered it my man.

Brian Kelly:
And, there's, there's a few other things. I don't, I don't,there's one thing I don't do right now is direct mail, which still works today, where you send something, and you make it, just stand out, and you you make it of value, and put something in there, of value. That costs money, takes marketing dollars. So, that may be for a more mature business, depending on where, I'm talking to the general public, when I say that, Prince Io. I, just I've, got to call this guy out. He's an amazing guy. What a genuine, just beautiful man. I met him. Gosh, it's been six or seven years ago, at another, guess what? Networking event. Yes, we were actually together. I was working with my mentor, who had seminars going on, two day seminars, where he taught NLP for business, neurolinguistic programing for business. And, ultimately, I became the lead trainer for that company. I stuck with him for a while, learn from one of the best ever, in my humble opinion, that he's like, the best kept secret ever. And, that's where I met Prince Io and this, this gentleman. What a beautiful soul. I love you, brother. So, thank you for coming on. He's always jumping on the show, and I love this next one. Sebastian Rusk "Podcast sucks. If you don't have one." Oh,Hashtag podcast's, that's even better. I love it. Thank you. Sebastian, that's funny as heck. I love it. I love it. Speaking of funny, do you ever inject humor into your podcast to keep the thing rolling? What's your opinion about having humor in your interviews?

Dom Brightmon:
,Oh my gosh. In this life of brevity, you need levity. Humor is in my life every single day. 98 percent of my podcast episodes have humor. I use humor before I even press the record button, because funny enough, sometimes the guests, if they were recommended through like their PR agency, and they may have not listened to a show, they'll be like, "Hey, Dom,so,how long we gonna be?" And I'll be like, "Yeah, we're going to be going for the next 50 hours or the next seven days. It's going to be seven days of conversation" or then or sometimes I'll be like, "All right, so you're ready for the banana reference?" Or, heck, even the most legendary humor, I inject it. It's known to leave everyone who hears it, bewildered. And, that's the legendary true joke. It leaves people so bewildered.

Brian Kelly:
All right. We've got to hear it now.

Dom Brightmon:
Yeah. So, those who want to hear,check out Episode one, ten of the Going North podcast.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, that was the greatest hook right there.That was called an open loop, orgasmic effect, or the cliffhanger moment, where everyone was like, "OK, I want to hear it." And then he said, that is a beautiful way to promote your, I'm saying this as a lesson for everyone. That is a beautiful way, a funny way, and in an effective way to promote. So, say it again. I don't I don't want, I want this to get out there. Episode What of?

Dom Brightmon:
Yep. One ten, self intelligence with Jane Ransome.

Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. So, you know, for someone that gets it like you, I love to help lift, promote, you can get the word out, and, so go listen to that. So, are you a guest on that one or is that your podcast?

Dom Brightmon:
Oh, that's my podcast right there.

Dom Brightmon:

Brian Kelly:
Self Intelligence.So, Self Intelligence? Is that the title of the episode?

Dom Brightmon:
Yep. That's the title of the episode. And, that's the good thing about the podcast with podcast title, since it's authors 95 percent of the time. This is how they're book, because that's what they're promoting. So, I don't have to use creativity for an episode title. It's already there.

Brian Kelly:
I love it. I love it. Yeah. I hear you. Because, people don't realize that, don't have a podcast, our live show. How much work can go into it, you know, and I've seen so many, that just, they're walking around and they turn on their phone, they're walking in the wind and it's howling, "Hey, I'm here on my professional podcast". No, it isn't. No, it isn't. And it's not quality. And if they interview people, they're doing that person a disservice because the quality stinks. And so, I've always been all about quality, as much as I can humanly put into it resource wise, of myself. Everything, I want because of people like you, I want you to shine. I respect you more than you know. It's not about me. It's respecting the person you're bringing on. I'm saying this, kind of in a preachy way, coaching way to those watching listening. So, consider putting in as much as you can. That being said, I will also say this, for those of you that are thinking about starting either a video based show or a podcast, will, it would be, and a podcast, wouldn't it, because you repurpose it, just don't wait. Ready, fire aim. And by that, I mean take the best equipment you can afford right now. If you can't afford any more, use what you got, and get in a quiet place, so there's no wind. Get some good lighting, put, put your lampshades point em at you. Get resourceful, but don't let perfection keep you from starting. That is one thing I see and hear so many. "But yeah, but I don't have that top rate studio mic like you do Brian". Shut up. I don't care. You've got a microphone right there in the back of that little phone. That is all you need and you'll get better over time. And, as long as you make sales as a result, that will take time. Sales drive service, which means, you can reinvest your sales part of it into upgrading your equipment, which I've done for two years now. More than that, I now have two massive monitors in front of me. I've got high, great lighting. I didn't have that when I started. I've got a studio, great microphone, XLR. It's not a USB, it's old school with a soundboard mixer because, I'm old.So, we'll just say, that, and it's all right. Old as old as old,old is the new gold. Hey, that's mine. I get the train like that. There you go. Yeah. Man Brevity, "In this life of brevity you need levity." That's T M number three and,counting for Dom Brightmon. You are an amazing dude. What do we got for time? I'm having so much fun times flying. This is, there was a reason we met my man. There's a reason we met. Where are you? Where are you coming from right now? Where are you sitting? What state? What city?

Dom Brightmon:
Funny enough, it's actually thunder and lightning outside. We're a man of action. A land of charm and crime and crab cakes. Baltimore, Maryland.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, wow. Crime and crab cakes. Baltimore. Fantastic. So, it's a little late there. Nine oh seven, so not too bad. That's sweet. Yeah, I've been in Baltimore very, very briefly, didn't get much time to spend. I was driving through, but I think, I had a flat tire, a blowout tire on the freeway in, in Baltimore area. So, that's my memory. And, I was like pinned against the retaining wall, on the right hand side of this freeway. And, there was really hardly any space for me to, I mean, if there was a passenger, my car, they couldn't have gotten out. I was crammed against the side, because I didn't want to get rammed by these people flying by. But, that was fun is an experience. And the person who came to it, was, it was actually really hot that day. And the person that came, in the, in the tow truck, it was a woman and she was awesome. She, came out with this ice cold plastic bottle of water for me, like, you are amazing. I was like, this is the greatest blow out tire I've ever had. I'm going to do this more often. You want to be on Interstate 20? Not now. Let's do this again.

Dom Brightmon:
Or twenty nine too. Oh, God.

Brian Kelly:
I have no idea what, what highways you have out there.So, what else, what else is going on. What do you, who is, what would you say is your most prolific, well renowned guest that you've had. You've had three hundred plus episodes. Which one sticks out the most to you, as being one of the most value packed and inspiring that you've had so far?

Dom Brightmon:
Oh, man, that's, that's a rough one, because I've had a lot of folks on there, it's, a it's a lot it's a fewer than that.

Brian Kelly:
And it just came to you, right? Like, right now, who would that one without thinking.

Dom Brightmon:
I'll have to go with episode two twenty one, with righteous leadership. Dr. Ray Charles. Not the musician, not the musician. Dr. Ray Charles. And, he was actually one of my mentors in Toastmasters International when I started, back in twenty thirteen. And, it was him who actually actually helped me, to actually get down and actually start getting more serious because I got into the whole voracious reading thing and he told me to, "Stop being a consumer and be a producer."

Brian Kelly:

Dom Brightmon:
Yeah. And he dropped that line on me, in putting up, it was over coffee. And, I wanted to know if we're able to reconnect, a few months ago. And, he, is back in February. So, that was a great episode. Definitely check that one out, too. That's actually my top downloaded episode this year, too. So far, righteous leadership, because he goes into so many things, the global mindset, having mentors, and folks you can contact all over the world, because a lot of his friends, as I was getting up in their knees, were committing suicide. And, he has a background of risk management and bio chemical engineering. And, I forgot about that part of him while I was interviewing him. And he reminded me of that risk management thing. He said, "All right, so these folks right here, they did suicide at the worst possible hour. How can I get rid of the time element so that doesn't happen to me?" So, he's like, if I can't call Dom at 3:00 a.m. in the morning, then I got a buddy in Singapore, China, who's wide awake and I can talk to." So, basically, having folks you can talk to, at all hours of the day in case you're having those crazy thoughts, because this is a dark time to be living and there's still some light out there, but there's a lot of darkness out there, too. So, being able to do some risk assessment, to hedge yourself against that risk of that thought, by making sure you are connected with people from all over the globe and with covid, if you have a good Web connection, then you can basically add that to your repertoire. So, that's just one of the things. So, definitely check that out. That's probably the most powerful one so far.

Brian Kelly:
But, what a great mentor to have. Dr Ray Charles sounds like an amazing man, and I can relate, because I have a phenomenal mentor in my own, and actually of the age, he literally could be my son by age. Oh, well, things like that never, never came into my equation. It's, it's, I don't care about, I don't care about age. I don't care about race. I don't care about gender. I don't care about any of that. Stuff like this, and I don't, because,And, I never have, and, what I mean by that is, I do care. I just don't care. I don't, I don't put any, I don't put any, I don't put any preconceived opinion on any of that. I just look at the person and say, hey, like my mentor, he could be my son. But, he had the results I wanted and I didn't care. I just said, "Hey, man, I want to learn from you." And I grabbed on to both ankles with my hands and I never let go. You know, he's got fingernail marks to prove it. It's awesome. And he's amazing guy. And he did,he had a seminar industry or seminar business. I learned so much from this young man, and he's a dear friend of mine. And, I look up to him, you know, stature wise, he's shorter than me, age wise, younger than me. I look up to him, because he's a giant. He was a giant for my life and my family. And it's amazing. So, I couldn't say or resound it loud enough, as you did, getting a mentor, getting a coach, find somebody. And, it doesn't have to just be one person. You can actually literally use books as your pseudo mentors, until you find a physical one, and just follow someone who's successful. Before we go too far, I forgot to mention this in the opening, because I want to get this out there, because I love to give stuff away. For those of you that are on with us live to the end, which isn't far from now, to be honest, I'm going to present a way for you to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. Compliments of our sponsor. If you're watching this live, you can see it on the upper right hand corner of your screen, the big insider secrets. Amazing, amazing gentlemen that had set up,(Indecipherable) is a really close friend of mine. We give away, our show, or we give away, we give away a vacation stay every single show. And, it's because of those wonderful people. Jason, and his company, appreciate them. So, stay on. And it's real simple to do it. So, it'll take just a few minutes, seconds for you to enter, to win when we get there. And, we are getting close, because we still haven't gotten to that one question, that one deep digging question for Mr. Don Breightmon, whom I've never met, nor heard of before in my life. That's what I love about this. This makes you more, you know what? It's funny I say that, but it doesn't feel like it. And I mean it, you know, you're, you have this, I get this a lot, not not, it doesn't come to me. I, get that feeling a lot, for other people that come on the show, even those that I have met just 30 minutes prior to. And, it's because of our like mindedness. I think if you go to a seminar, an event, a networking event, this is what happened. I was in the corporate world for two long decades and I didn't realize, I didn't know there was another world out there. And, I, I found one, went to one and I thought, "Holy moly, I love this!" And, not only did I love it, I love the people. I felt like I was in my second family. There's five hundred people, sea of people and I felt at home, and calm, and at ease and not, not calm. I was jacked up. I was excited. Yeah, you can, I can tell, you go through the same thing, isn't, it, isn't it awesome to have a family of five hundred people instantly the second you walk into a hotel conference room? There's nothing like it on the planet. I'm like, "Where's this been all my life? This is freaking awesome". And, I haven't looked back, and I just love it to death, and love people like you to death, because, it's obvious, that you're a server first mentality. Just listening to you. I can tell you're an action taker. There's no doubt about that, because within two minutes you said "I'm in", and just appeared, and look at you. You've got, you look like you've been set up and ready for, you know, 30 minutes, an hour before we came on. Your lighting's great. You were ready. You were prepared. This is a man that gets it right here, ladies and gentlemen. So, every show we have phenomenal guest speakers planned or not, it doesn't matter because they just come. They just show up. It's amazing. Thank you so much Dom, for doing that. I appreciate you, brother.

Dom Brightmon:
I appreciate you for making the opportunity, man, and heck, even just hang on to that point of showing up, the pressure of the classic thing of the first rule, success is showing up. Rule number two is contribute after you show up. So, you've got to definitely contribute,once you show up too.

Brian Kelly:
I agree with that. There's something I started doing. I wasn't even planning to do it. But, when I went to these, I went to a lot of events. Do you remember a guy by the name of Mr. T?..

Dom Brightmon:
Pity the fool.

Brian Kelly:
That's where I was going, the gold chains. And, so, do you know, when you go to a networking event how they put that lanyard on you with that badge and your name? I started, I collected those from day one and I, I would do this from stage and I'd put Mr. T's picture up on the screen, and the point of it, was just to show up, to just show up, to keep showing up. And, so I'd have, you know, a crew member, brings this pile of lanyards up to the stage. And I wrapped and, put it over and I'd look back at Mr. T. See there I put Mr. T to shame just show up. But it's so important, isn't it? I mean, gosh, the relationships you make now, now that we can't physically do it for the moment, this is the perfect way, right? You and I are meeting personally, and people are commenting. And later, those could be future guests. You never know anyway. It's like, I don't even know where I was going with all that. I was leading up to something.

Dom Brightmon:
You're going north, don't worry.

Brian Kelly:
You're not, you're going to, I'm going to just call you the trademark master. I mean, you've been with Ray Charles. Come on now. Dr. Ray Charles. Yes. Different guy I know. Book. How many books have you written? You made it sound like you got more than one?

Dom Brightmon:
Yes, sir. So, two books are out in the public, and I've got another one coming out with 24 other fabulous humans. And, the book is going to launch on October the 9th. It's called From Crappy to Happy from Crappy to Happy.

Brian Kelly:
So, a collaborative book eh?

Dom Brightmon:
Yup. Collaborative book. And, that's one of the easiest ways, to also join the business of immortality. If you find someone who's doing,spiriting, one of these multi author book projects, check out their work and see if they've done this before, and then jump in on it, because that's one of the easiest ways to get your name in a book without having to do all the work. And, that's one of the reasons why I did it. And, this person, Patricia? Well, actually, she's such changed the name to Ariail Patricia. She's a wonderful lady, her and Mishkat Kanavis. They're great ladies. And they've done a great book last year called From "Chaos to Clarity." And, I've had some of their authors on my show last year. And I'm like, "Oh, you know what? Let me join in on the fun, because my goal before casket's almost 15 books. So, I'm like, A"ll right, we'll just make this book number three", "From Crappy, to Happy." Stories of transformational joy. So, basically adding my piece into this whole giant page pie of stories.

Brian Kelly:
Are you spearheading that effort or someone else?

Dom Brightmon:
Oh, they're spearheading it. I'm taking a backseat with this one, because they've done so well and they're always getting better with everything that they're doing. I just want to be part of folks that are doing something positive and getting better with it, because that means I have to step up my game and get better too.

Brian Kelly:
Did everybody hear this? He didn't say because that "I'll get me more exposure and I'll get me more stuff", no, he said, "Because I want to make myself better." So, that speaks volumes of you as a person, Dom, of where you're at, what your intentions are, you know, what you're doing, is extremely intelligent. You're leveraging, literally, you're leveraging other people's efforts and their their brilliance collectively, by adding yourself to a book. I've done this. I was asked to write a piece. I wrote five or six pages. And, I can say I'm an international best selling coauthor. I did hardly any work. I put everything I had into those five, or five and six pages, but I was trying to be respectful. I'm not going to take up 20 pages of a 50 collaborative person book, right? Then, I open it up,and, I saw other people doing twenty five pages, like, "What the heck?" But it's OK. It didn't matter. And, that's a very intelligent way to go about it. I didn't plan it,and, I was just asked and I said, "OK", and then after it was over I was like, wow, she did all the work, she got the international acclaim. And, because of that I can say I'm part of that. And I've got my own "Mind Body Business" in the works, 90 percent done and looking for to get that out and crushing it with that. So, yeah, what you do with the books. That's right down the right alley. Let's see. What else do you have a website?

Dom Brightmon:
Yes. DomBrightmon.com, DonBrghtmon.com. If you hand over to that site, you'll get a nice little free e-book. That's a free gift. Called, "Twenty one lessons from two plus years of podcasting." "Twenty one lessons learned from two plus years of podcasting" so,I distilled a bunch of what I know into a small little free giveaway e-book, for those who want to start their own podcast, because that's what everybody's doing. Mike, and Mike stands were sold out this past April when covid started. And, folks are trapped at home and they're like, "All right, I'll do this show." So, you might as well head over and see what I have to offer to help you on your podcasting journey. So, if you're looking to start, grow a major podcast, check out that magical free e-book free gift to your wonderful listeners and those who are watching.

Brian Kelly:
And, for those of you that are watching, we just so happen to have a copy of it available for you right on the screen. There it is, DonBrightmon.com. You can see, this is the pop up. So, this is what he was talking about, the e-book, as he dances the night away. "Twenty one lessons learned from podcasting." As a free gift. All you have to do is enter your name, your email, and it will be shot to you directly. I highly recommend this. Anything you can learn, when it comes to podcasting, when it comes to broadcasting of any form then, and anything you can learn from someone who's done it successfully, I might add, then devour it. And this costs what? Zero. It costs you putting your email into the list of a person whom, you can rest assured, is of high integrity and high character. So, what's the worst that can happen? And, then if you say "I don't like it anymore", you can opt out. It's that simple. People, just put in your email address and your name and get that gift and get on, get, get connected with Dom. You can tell he's a great guy. And, here is his, look at this. So, he's a man of, look at this. Two hundred seventy one, is where this is at in the list. Probably goes deeper than that, but he's been doing it. How often do you podcast my man? It's like every three days or so.

Dom Brightmon:
And that's probably what it feels like, because it started off as a week thing. Once a week is supposed to be an update. I didn't know what an RSS feed was and it moved to Thursday, a week later. And, then I kept getting (Indecipherable) from people. And, I was saying yes, to just about everybody, and had three month backlog. So, every Monday and Thursday, a new episode goes up, and I usually average from two to five interviews a week.So, yeah.

Brian Kelly:
That's phenomenal. And that's a lot of work as. God bless you, man. I get it. So, here's, one of this book Going North. Is this available on Amazon as well?

Dom Brightmon:
Yes, sir, that one's on audio too.

Brian Kelly:
You're talking to me. You're talking to me. Stay the course. I like the common compass there. Yes. North, stay the course. Let me guess. Lithographic have something? Oh, that's right. It's not yours. You can add it to your chapter.

Dom Brightmon:
Compass Ahoy without the chips.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, man. That that kind of ages both of us a little bit. That's pretty cool. That's all right. I love it. Well, hey, we're getting to the last six minutes of the show. And, what I want to do is go to that question, that last question I ask each and every one of my guests, experts have been on the show. And here's the thing. It's, it's a big deal because it's personal. And it's actually also very powerful. Yeah. And so, But, right before we do that, I promised those that came on a little later that stuck with us live that I would reveal how they could win a five night stay, at a five star luxury resort, compliments of my pals over at,The Big Insider Secrets. And so, you now have, both Dom and my permission, to pull out your phone. Hopefully, you're not watching the show on the phone. If so, don't lose us, and pull up your texting application. I'll put it up on the screen. And, what you do is, in the area where you would tap on the person you're sending it to, instead put in this phone number three one four six six five one seven six seven. I think we're going to have a winner. I see somebody writing it down, three one four six six five one seven one seven, six, seven. And, then, in the message area where you would actually type your message, where you would put your emojis, and all that fun stuff, instead of an emoji type in the words peak, P-E-A-K, dash. In other words, hyphen. And, then the word vacation. Upper case or lower case is fine. P-E-A-K, dash, vacation. Send that off, and you will be randomly, someone will be randomly selected to be the winner. And guess what? There will come a day, I'm confident of it, where we can all move about the globe once again, freely and happily. So, go ahead and do that because. We're about to ask that big driving,personal question. So here's the thing, Dom, With this question, there is absolutely no such thing, as a wrong answer. It doesn't exist, in fact, I like to say the exact opposite is true, the only correct answer, is yours. That's what makes it personal. So, it's not getting into your personal business, but it is very personal. So, with that, are you ready for the question?

Dom Brightmon:
I need a cowboy hat for this one, but sure, go ahead.

Brian Kelly:
And, by the way, some some guests take some time to think about it. Others get it instantly. There's no right answer there either. Whatever it is for you, is right for you. If you need time, cool. If you don't. Doesn't matter. Are, now ready?

Dom Brightmon:
Yeah, like Freddy, right, like Freddy. Here we go.

Brian Kelly:
Dom Brightmon. How do you define. Success.

Dom Brightmon:
I define success as self mastery, self mastery, because success means different things to different people, but for me it's self mastery, because, from cradle to the grave, you're always learning and growing by choice, and sometimes not by choice and being able to get more, self-Aware of how we operate, how we act when we perform at our best, and being able to take advantage of what we've learned and gained, and apply that to our, lives to create the best lives, for our self possible, is self mastery. So, that's what I think success is. Success is self mastery.

Brian Kelly:
This might blow you away. Your show number one oh nine, I believe, and over that time. No two people yet have answered it the same way.

Dom Brightmon:

Brian Kelly:
That's, that's how personal it is. And that's what success means to you right now. Give it 10 years. I'll bet that definitely changes. Yeah. When, we were in our 20s, which I'm guessing you're not, but I can't tell, you look pretty young, but, you have a life experience that ages you, longer than that. But, I'm not going to assume. But in our 20s, we're more of a scarcity mentality. At least I was, and we wanted more material things. So, success than, it, to me, was a lot of money, a big house and a great car. Right now, that's like farthest from the thing. It's about happiness. It's about serving others. I, what, fulfills me, is serving others. And I have always been that way. Most entrepreneurs are that way. And, I can tell you are that way as well. And the way you do that, is through self mastery as one example, because if you're not your best self, how can you bring out the best of someone else's self? I just came up with a list, so I hope we're trademarking all this together.

Dom Brightmon:
That's a BK bomb right there.

Brian Kelly:
Your trade marker,Dom Brightmon right here. So, before we call it an evening, I would like to hand over the mic to you, so to speak, and just say, is there anything, if you were to talk to somebody who was just starting, and maybe they're considering either writing a book or starting that podcast, what would your advice be to them to say, this is where I would start, don't do this, but do this, and that will help you to get to success faster?

Dom Brightmon:
Ah, yes, I have to say, my advice for those, is to emulate the great find, those that are doing the things that you want to do, and it doesn't have to be at the highest level, like Les Brown. And Tony Robbins or Grant Cardone. Great, great guys. Great guys, but, also, find folks that may be close to your levels, maybe, if they have like a thousand Twitter followers, like five hundred, if they're doing something good, see what they're doing too, and try to emulate them as well. And not only emulate the great, but also when you emulate them, realize that they took action and they kept going. So, always take intentional action, and keep going, because it's great to start. It's even better to keep going. And the greatest feeling in the world is when you finish, and you feel like you can do the next thing, whatever that is.

Brian Kelly:
I love it. Thank you so much. Emulate, another word for model. Find someone who's doing it, that's doing it successfully. To some degree. It doesn't have to be, like you said, someone who's achieved the highest pinnacle. And, the other thing that Les taught me, this past Tuesday when he came on the show, Les Brown, was that, you know, he was talking to his mentor and he basically was doubting himself when he was younger, Les was and saying that, "Well, I am not these other people." And, his mentor. "That's the point. You are not, and you are you. So, be yourself." You know, use your own stories, make your own platform. And, he he ended up speaking in front of an arena of, I forget it was, I think it was eighty thousand. It's either fifty or eighty thousand in the Georgia Dome. And, he didn't even know, this was a great story. I got to say it real quick, but, he didn't know when he got there. He thought he was going to be, going, you know, that he was going to be presenting in a banquet room somewhere in this arena on the side. And he got there, and they said, "No, no. Now look out. there, you should." And, the place was full. And, he was, and he said, this man, he went out. I don't know how long his speech was. He said, it's on YouTube. He said, "You can go find it." And, he said, "All I remember was, they gave me the microphone."

Dom Brightmon:

Brian Kelly:
That was it. He doesn't remember any part of this. He says he's watched it back, twice and he doesn't remember doing it.

Dom Brightmon:

Brian Kelly:
And, so what do you take away from that? If you're a little nervous? If you're a little, uh, Yeah. If, you have a little apprehension, when you go out, it's normal. It's actually good. Most, most, of the greatest comedians out there, go through this every single time before they step on stage. Johnny Carson admitted, he was shaking in his boots, every show before he came out, before the curtain opened. He did this as a living every single day of the week, five days a week. And, he was nervous. So, it's OK to be nervous. So thanks, Dom. I appreciate you, my brother. We're going to call it an Evening. This has been The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. And, on behalf of this amazing young man, Dom Brightmon, I am your host, Brian Kelly, saying, we will see you again next week. Until then, be blessed and have a great, great evening. So long now.

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Dominique Brightmon

Dominique "Dom" Brightmon, DTM is an author, podcaster, and certified leadership trainer with the John Maxwell Team from Baltimore, MD.

Because of his love for books, Dominique has written and published “Going North: Tips & Techniques to Advance Yourself”, the follow-up bestseller, "Stay The Course: The Elite Performers 7 Secret Keys to Sustainable Success" and contributing author for the upcoming book, “Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy” in fall 2020. Find his books anywhere books are sold and you’ll see how you too can become a better you.

Dominique has also appeared on many media outlets such as Fox 45 News, Toastmasters International Magazine, and more. In addition to appearing on many media outlets, he has created his own called the Going North podcast which interviews authors from all over the world. It has been ranked in the top 10 of all self-help podcasts in the world for 3 years in a row.

Connect with Dominique:

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