Special Guest Expert - Hunter Preston

Special Guest Expert - Hunter Preston: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Hunter Preston: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward, only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated? And driven. We finally breakthrough? And with that is the question. And this podcast will give you the. My name is Brian. And this. The mind body. Hello, everyone, and welcome. Welcome. Welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. Oh my goodness. We have so many phenomenal entrepreneurs that come on to the show and tonight is no different. You are absolutely going to be enthralled and love listening and learning. From Mr. Hunter Preston. He is in the wings. He's coming on. I cannot wait to share him. His brilliance, his genius. And he's got a unique perspective that you do not want to miss. Trust me on that. The Mind Body Business Show. It is a show that I had developed with you in mind, with the business owner, with the entrepreneur who is looking to find the key. The secret set of ingredients that can finally bring brought together in a perfect recipe, can finally get you to that level of success that you want and that you deserve. And so I bring on successful entrepreneurs from all over the world and from many different areas of life and business perspective, and in such a way that when they come on and they exude their brilliance, their values and everything that they do to become successful, all you need to do is simply model what they have done to to achieve success. And model is a very fancy word for copy. And many will resist doing that. Why? Because copy as we were growing up was a bad thing to do. Teacher said, No, no, no. Well, now that we are grown adults, it is the exact opposite. You want to copy, you want to model those who have achieved success because doing it on your own, let's face it, it will take a lot longer. It's already been done. I guarantee it. There's no need to try to figure it all out on your own when someone else already has.

Brian Kelly:
Find that mentor, model them and then take off and really make a difference in this world. And I cannot wait to bring on Hunter. He's going to give you some great nuggets of wisdom that you're going to be able to take forward into your life. Implement them and change not only your life but those around you in a much more profound and better way. So I cannot wait to bring them on and what the Mind Body Business show is about. My mission and purpose is to really showcase each guest and so that you can get the most out of this. And so really pay attention and stay on to the end. We got some great gifts at the end as well. For those of you that stay with us live to the very end. So looking forward to giving that all to you as well. And the mind body business shows about what I call the three pillars of success. And you might guess that that's part of the name of the show Mind Being Mindset. Now, I have studied successful entrepreneurs for over ten years. I made it a point to study just successful entrepreneurs. And what I found was that to a person, each one of these successful business people had a very positive, powerful and most importantly, flexible mindset. And then body to a person. Each person, each one of these successful individuals also took care of themselves physically, literally, physically, by exercising regularly and eating and drinking nutritionally. And then business. Business is multi multifaceted. And what these individuals had done was they had mastered the skill sets necessary to develop, build and scale very successful businesses. And these are skill sets that involve things like marketing, sales, team building, systematizing, leadership, and the list goes on and on. And being astute as you all are, that are watching and listening right now, you know that to master anything can take a very long time. The good news is you personally do not have to master each and every one of them. In fact, if you were to concentrate on just one and it was one of them I just mentioned, because there are many more. If you were just to concentrate on just one of these these skill sets and master it, then all of the rest can fall into place much more naturally, much more quickly, without you mastering every skill set.

Brian Kelly:
Anybody want to know what that is? Anybody at all? If nobody responds, I'm not going to tell you. I'm kidding. I'm joking. It is the skill set of leadership. When you have mastered the skillset of leadership, you now have the qualities to bring in those people that have mastered the skill set. So you have yet to master, or you may never master because of how long it could take to master every one of these skill sets together. And so now that you've brought in these people that have mastered those skill sets, you can just orchestrate them through your leadership skills and build a massively beautiful and successful business. That is what the Mind Body Business show is all about, and it's about getting you to the results you want and deserve faster. And another great artifact of all of these very successful people is that to a person in my studies, every single one of them were also very avid readers of books. And with that, I like to segway really quickly into a little segment I affectionately call Bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Born to read bookmarks ready steady. Read bookmarks brought to you by reach your peak library dotcom.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. Reach your peak library. And yes, Hunter is coming on in just a couple of minutes. Stick with me. You do not want to miss this young man reach your peak library. A real quick word of advice for everyone watching, even if you're listening on podcast, is rather than succumb to that itch to go off and look at these resources on your browser, on your phone, elsewhere, while the show is going on, rather than do that, I implore of you to instead get out an old fashioned pen and paper, or you can do it on your notepad, on your computer and write the resources down. So in this case, reach your peak library. Just write it down and forget about it for now, when the show is over, then go back and take a look at each one in turn. Because I know Hunter is going to have quite a few of his own that he's going to reveal. And yes, you'll need that to go collect your gifts and enter to win a drawing. That's pretty awesome. I'll tell you about that in just a moment. Rather than take your attention away from what Hunter saying, I would hate for you to miss because your attention is elsewhere and you're out there scouring these websites and resources while the show is going. And he could be releasing that one, that one smart bomb, that one bomb of knowledge, that one incredible thing that could catapult your life to the next level. And if you missed it because you are gazing somewhere else, I would just hate for that to happen. So do yourself a favor and take notes and write everything down. Visit it later. That's my that's my soapbox moment before we get going. So reach your peak library real quick is a website that I literally had this built by my team with you in mind, this is a collection of books that I myself have personally read and I haven't just read them. They also had profound impact on me personally, either in my professional life or my personal life, or even both. And so what I did was I started compiling all the books that I had read that that met that criteria.

Brian Kelly:
And here's the thing. I did not start reading voraciously until the age of 47. That was 11 years ago, but not until the age of 47. Thank goodness. My mentor told me about this resource called Audible, which was fairly new at the time, and I learned that I didn't like reading because my eyes would get fatigued and I didn't know that at the time. But then I started listening. I love reading books by listening, so that was my medium. Whatever medium is for you, what you can do is go to this site, pick any book that you want to read, whatever, whatever one speaks to you. There are no order here, no specific rhyme or reason to them. There's not alphabetical. Just pick one and start reading it. And even if you want to get it somewhere else, you don't need to get it from this website. The purpose of this is not to make money. They are affiliate links that go to Amazon, which I don't know, I'll make a few pennies really. Seriously. So it's not about the money. Go to go to Amazon directly if you want and look the book up. I'm fine with that. Just find a book, pick it up and read it because you will notice as you do this and you get in the habit of doing it, you will see things change in profound ways for you and your business. And I put these here because you can at least know that one other successful entrepreneur vets these books so that your odds of picking up a dud are reduced at least somewhat. So that is literally my gift to you. Reach your peak library. Speaking of gifts to you. Oh, yeah. It's the gentleman that's coming on the camera right about now. Let's bring on Mr. Hunter Perez.

It's time for the guest expert, spotlight. Savvy, skillful, professional, adept. Trained, big league qualified.

Brian Kelly:
That's right. There he is, ladies and gentlemen. It is the one. It is the only hunter. Preston. Nobody.

Hunter Preston:
Doing great tonight. How about yourself, Brian?

Brian Kelly:
I'm doing fantastic. I'm excited, I'm pumped, I'm amped. We have a great show in store for everyone because of you. Not because of me. And I can't wait to share you your brilliance, your wisdom, and everything you're doing right now. Before we do that, real quick, a little bit of housekeeping. Everyone can see if they're watching this live over Preston's left shoulder. That's on the right side of the screen at the top. For those of you watching the big insider secrets, that red and white stamp, that is our sponsor. That is my good buddy Jason Nast and his company. And they are allowing us to give away every single show, a five night stay at a five star luxury resort in a multitude of areas around the world. You get to choose. All you have to do is stick with us to the very end. I'll show you how to enter. You write down the URL, you do it after the show is over, right after the show's over. And then I can't wait to see who that lucky winner is, because these are amazing, amazing vacation days. They are legitimate. You are not going to get whisked away to the basement and have a drip water torture about a timeshare presentation. That is not what's going to happen. And I know that for a fact because Jason asked himself, a dear friend of mine has actually used this very thing three times and each and every time he said it was phenomenal. So stick around for that. And a little birdie Birdie told me that there's a gentleman over here somewhere that might also have a gift for you waiting in the wings toward the end of the show. So stick around. You don't want to miss any of that. And then a couple more real quick ones and we'll get back to the man of the hour. Here we go. Let's get to it. So if you're struggling with putting a live show together and it's overwhelming and you might want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and to connect with great people like Hunter Preston and grow your business all at the same time.

Brian Kelly:
Then head on over to carpet bomb marketing, carpet bomb marketing. Saturate the marketplace with your message. And one of the key components that is contained in this system, the carpet bomb marketing system, is one that you'll learn how to absolutely master. And that is the very service we're using right here, right now on this show. And it's called Streaming Hard. You see that right there on the screen. And over the course of gosh, it's been now ten years. I've tried so many of these, quote unquote, TV studio solutions for live streaming over a computer for a live show and stream. Art is the best of the best. I have to tell you. It combines supreme ease of use along with unmatched functionality. You can start streaming live for free. Yes, for free. You can give it a good whirl. High quality, professional looking live shows with streaming right now. Don't do it now, but write this down now. The URL is ripe. I am forward slash stream live report. I am forge slash stream live all one word altogether, all lowercase. Back to the man of the hour. It is Mr. Hunter. Preston, I am so excited to have you on here, buddy. I'm going to stop talking here really soon. But before I do, we're going to give you that incredibly long introduction and I'm being a little funny there. We've got a really quick way of introducing this young man to because he's going to introduce himself by the best way he can, and that's by telling you from his own lips. And that's the best and most beautiful way to do it. Hunter Preston is a certified life coach and entrepreneur who has taken a fantastic journey through life to be able to create multiple businesses and a life experience that he is so excited to share with the world. Yep, that's it. Welcome to the show, Hunter Preston. Officially, formally. You are in, brother. You've made it. Finally, we're. On.

Hunter Preston:
Awesome. Thank you, Brian. I so appreciate you having me. And I am grateful to be here.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, man. And right back at you, my friend. And I love to open the show with a question that has to do with the first of the three pillars. And that's the mind. And what I love to do is find out, because here's the thing, I think. The the baseline, the cornerstone, the foundation of one success or lack thereof, has nothing to do with anything other than what is going in that beautiful mind. It's all starts and ends with our own self. It's no one else's fault where we are, and it's all about what's going on in our mind. That's what I've learned over my life of studying successful people. So with you, Hunter, being a successful person, when you get up in the morning and, you know, being an entrepreneur, that there are struggles, there are challenges each and every single day as we go forward in this life. That is why so few become entrepreneurs. There are so many challenges that face us every day for you personally when you get up. What is going on in that big, beautiful brain of yours that is keeping you driven, that is keeping you going forward, no matter what gets in your way? No what? No matter what kind of setback or. Yeah. Setbacks that might come your way. What is it for you that's going on in your beautiful brain that keeps you driven and going? Day in, day out, week in, week out.

Hunter Preston:
So I have established a bit of a routine that I have created for myself. Lots of trial and error has gone into this, lots of testing, lots of planning, lots of lists. But now I have a really great flow to my routine in the morning and it starts out where I wake up in the morning and do my bathroom stuff and teeth and and whatnot, and then I get my mud water coffee supplement. Have you heard of this? It's a coffee substitute that I intake vitamins and nutrients instead of just straight coffee. I'm bringing this goodness into my vitality of life. So I then take the coffee outside to my porch and be in nature where I can interact with it and see it, feel the breeze on my skin. And I have a plant medicine ritual that I do roll my own cigarets and I am a medical cannabis cannabis patient. I consume my cannabis and I perform Wim Hof breathing. Are you familiar with that at all?

Brian Kelly:
No, I'm not.

Hunter Preston:
Wim Hof is an extraordinary man who has many world records utilizing this breathing technique that has been studied by scientists and doctors and publishing the results. I highly recommend you take a look and test it out yourself. I do this and it raises the energy that we all are aware of, that we all feel that dictate our entire lives. I raise that energy by doing this breathing and it pulls into me all of the life force and love of the world. And I envision it all above me, flowing through me, healing me, utilizing essentially the placebo effect of unexplained mental power as you brought up with your pillars, to affect positively my body, my mind, my life. And it fills me up with this happy, bubbly energy that is infectious. And I just want to share it with everyone.

Brian Kelly:
That's the beautiful thing, isn't it? We just want to share things that are successful, that work, that have impact, even if they may seem a little strange at first, which I used to be one of those that would, you know, put up the woohoo sign and say, you know, get away from me. That's that's weird stuff. And I'm not like that anymore. I'm very open. I love hearing this stuff. One of the things I want to point out to everyone listening, that is a success pattern that I've learned from everyone I've interviewed on this show is to almost to a person, not every single one, but Doug on almost everyone in the morning, they have a routine. Does it mean you need to follow the exact routine that Hunter does?

Hunter Preston:
No, absolutely not.

Brian Kelly:
But if you don't have a routine, maybe his is one you can start to model. Depends on you. And if you want to follow his his methods, that's fine. Reach out to him. We'll give you that information at the end as well. Because, look, it works for at least one other individual. That's a recipe for success. That's the point of this show is recipes for success. You only need one. There are many, many recipes for success, but all you need to know is just one that's proven, that does work. And so that is one of the great things about this show, is you get to now write down the recipes for Hunter Preston's success, and then, if you choose, model them step by step.

Hunter Preston:
That's absolutely. Brian I encourage everyone that I meet, not necessarily in any way to emulate what I do, but to see what I do as a contrast to what they are doing and show it as an option for them to try something different to see if it works. I want every person we are all unique individuals. Everyone should be finding their own unique recipe for success and for fulfillment and for happiness. That is, it cannot be done just between two lines and here for everybody. It just doesn't work like that.

Brian Kelly:
And that's why it's so beautiful that the world has someone like you, a coach, that can help them navigate those waters. Right. Because you know what? Isn't it don't you ever find. Have you ever found that it's often harder to build your own business than it is to show someone how to build theirs?

Hunter Preston:

Brian Kelly:
I find that all the time. I'm like, how come it's so easy for me to help somebody else? But I struggle with my own business. I think it's because we're in it so deep. We have that emotional tie and we don't want to make a mistake and we're worried about that. It's not that we don't care if we make a mistake with someone else. It has nothing to do with that. There's just this.

Hunter Preston:
Psychological pull.

Brian Kelly:
That keeps us from really crushing it in our own way and our own business on our own time. That is why it is so important for each and every one of you to get a business coach or a life coach. We have one right here, right now. And so I would highly recommend that you if you feel so inclined if if if Hunter is someone that you are connecting with, look, not everyone's going to connect with Hunter and he won't connect with everyone else. And same with me as well. But if it's someone you connect with, then we'll give you the opportunity to connect with him at the end of the show. That's what we do. We connect people and especially really wonderful heart serving people that want to help others. And so oh my gosh, we got comments just flying in. Yeah. Lori Anne Hood, how are you doing? You cannot be successful with a closed mind. So true. Yes, we know who this is. This is Linda Bachman. Look at all that amazing. Artwork behind her. That's funny, Linda. It's the exact same thing.

Hunter Preston:
I love all of my beautiful artists. Thank you. Everyone out there. Seth McMinn right here and Ludwig Hennig and Alicia Rockefeller. Rockefeller, I'm sorry. In the middle here.

Brian Kelly:
Great. And there's a theme behind that. We're going to get into that as well because of the wonderful colors that are all involved in that. This is going to be a very interesting show. And by the way, we do encourage you to ask questions, to comment. We love interaction on this show and by all means. And then we'll also give you a shout out on the show for all the lots of people who are going to be watching and listening to this over the course of time, not just now on the live show. This is a recorded show as well. So this is your opportunity to get out there. So be constructive and either ask or comment accordingly. And we'd love to hear what you have to say. And by the way, if you're not watching this live, if you're listening to this either on a podcast platform or you're watching the video as a recording, I would suggest that you write this down and go to the Mind Body Business show. Com Yes, it's a long one. The Mind Body Business show. And then click on any of the buttons that say where and how to watch and register. It's free. We don't spam. All we do is announce to you automatically when the next show is airing live with the link. All you have to do is click it and you're on and you're watching and you get to interact with us. Makes it really simple. You don't have to remember it all the time. So. Fantastic. Fantastic. So. Hunter. I talked about the importance of reading. We did reach your Peak Library segment, and it just it was nothing more than a life changer for me. That's all. It was just a life changer to finally implement, integrate reading books into my life for you. Would you consider yourself also to be an avid reader? And if so, would you mind sharing what book maybe you're reading right now, or which one had the most impact on you thus far?

Hunter Preston:
Oh, absolutely. I have always been an avid reader, and I'm in love with books. I have fallen in love with audiobooks certainly in the past few years, though, and absorbed them so much faster than I did have time to sit and actually read paper books. So I love reading my audiobooks these days. Right now I am listening to and I'm always wondering which to call it. Did I did I read or did I just listen to it? It's audio chanties falling into grace.

Brian Kelly:
Ooh. All right. Falling into. Grace.

Hunter Preston:
It's a very, very peaceful Zen transitionary, stepping into the depths of one's thoughts and soul and really what makes us tick in there, you know, dictating our human experience to the deepest levels.

Brian Kelly:
There was, okay, we have these things called bomb dropping moments during the show. And to illustrate that happens it. Oh, yeah. There we go. We have to stop that from happening more. Just one, though. That was fantastic. Dictate. Was it dictate our human experience? Is that what you said?

Hunter Preston:

Brian Kelly:
So did you guys all and gals hear that he he's about dictating his human experience because, oh, my gosh, I teach this a hunter is we all have choices in life. We all choose on how we react to every circumstance in our life. And we all have circumstances. And I'm not talking all positive. Right. And so you can either let your circumstances control your attitude or you can let your attitude dictate your circumstances. And you just said it right then and there. Perfect, because that helps you look. It's okay to get is it okay to be upset with something for a moment or to hunter when it happens?

Hunter Preston:
Absolutely. We are allowed to experience and express emotion. Absolutely.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. We are human, right?

Hunter Preston:

Brian Kelly:
There's no. Denying that. The cool thing, though, is we we then have choice. Once that emotion dissipates enough for us to get our wits, we can then say, okay, I now choose to go down path a or path path. Well, that happened. But now what? What else can I do to, you know, that that could have happened for me, not to me. Let's make it a positive. Or I can say, Oh, I'm such a victim that's going to ruin my life for the rest of my life and take path B, we have that choice. Every one of us does. That is the difference. One of the key differences between the successful and the unsuccessful. Which path would you prefer? Not you? Hunter I'm talking about everyone in general. So yes. Which correct path would you prefer?

Hunter Preston:

Brian Kelly:
So I love that you said that. I'm sorry I interrupted you, but that was huge. That was huge.

Hunter Preston:
Yeah, you're right. Yep. So that's a that's been a great book that I have recently read and I've read a few of his others as well. Some of my other favorites are Michael Singer, The Untethered Soul. The surrender experiment.

Brian Kelly:

Hunter Preston:
Eckhart Me? The power of now. A new earth.

Brian Kelly:
I love this. You know, I'm literally writing these down. I'm running the show taking notes. And that's not to pat myself on the back. It's for everyone watching and listening. Whenever you are watching or listening to a show like this similar to this, where we have entrepreneurs and your interest in growing your business and anybody gives out recommendations of books in a positive light, write them down if you have audible. I just I have credits still remaining there. I just write after the show. I go and I just get every single book that was recommended because if it had a powerful impact on someone else's life, the likelihood of it doing the same for me is greater than if I'd never heard the book at all. Right. And I've read so many books as a direct result of hosting this show, I can't tell you. And so I recommend that to everyone going forward, not just for just for the show, but as you listen to other interviews and go to seminars and wherever you hear anyone recommend a book, I recommend that you go get it right away. Don't, don't wait. Because if you wait, odds are you won't get it at all. Yes. Emily says such great book recommendations. Thank you, Emily. A lot of people watch it on YouTube tonight. I love it. How are you all doing? Appreciate you coming on. All right, so. Oh, my gosh, we could do this all night. I know that you're on the East Coast, so we're only going to go to about 1 a.m. your time, if that's cool. I'm totally kidding. So one of the things, one of the core pillars of the mind body business show is body. Right. And one of the things that I found and you were kind of touching on it when you were going through that visualization or that bringing in of things that you can't explain and how it made you feel good. And I always talk about the mind and body. The mind and body are a team, and more importantly, the mind and body are your team. Both must be taken care of. Both must be grown and nurtured and stretched. And if one member of the team is not operating at a peak level of performance, then what's happening to the team overall is not operating performance. Right. And so both are equally as important. And Deepak Chopra, I think, said something about how the cells, your your your body is listening because the cells in every area of your body are listening. So what you do is your body is affecting the mind and vice versa. It's awesome. So just want to find out and I think I know the answer, but I want to hear from you. Hunter is is physical fitness important to you? Is it important to your business and to your life and how?

Hunter Preston:
Oh, absolutely. Anyone who has ever met me will absolutely associate me with one thing, and that is the flow arts or POI, perhaps specifically. I'm not sure if you're familiar, Brian.

Brian Kelly:
I'm not.

Hunter Preston:
So the flow arts are a kinetic centripetal force energy activity that one can do. That is fun calisthenics, aerobics as well as yoga and stretching because of the required. Movement that one has to go through. Would you mind if I did a brief demonstration?

Brian Kelly:
Oh, my goodness. That would be awesome. And Derek Winn says he loves you, brother. Excellent. Look.

Hunter Preston:
These here are my pois. And as you can see, they're they're pretty much just strings with LED lights on the ends weighted with these 3D printed heads and handles. These are made by flow toys. I have been buying their products since I first started spinning and they are my favorites. I will turn the lights off just for a second and you'll be able to see a little of what.

Brian Kelly:
I can do with them. Whoa.

Hunter Preston:
So that's just one of the ones that I do. I also have a few others here, but my lead saver here, which is very much making me feel like a Jedi.

Brian Kelly:

Hunter Preston:
So I use these flow charts to not only stay physically fit, but to have a really fun time to raise my heart rate and to essentially go along with the energy of any song that is playing or music that is there. It brings me a sense of peace, tranquility that comes with meditation at the same time as I'm having exercise and fun.

Brian Kelly:
I love.

Hunter Preston:
It's also look at.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. Wow. Thanks so much for that demonstration. My gosh, I think you put Bruce Lee to shame on that first. One for sure.

Hunter Preston:
I appreciate that, Brian. Thank you.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, thank you. I love the illustrations. It's obvious you've been practicing that stuff. You were very flawless in your execution. That was pretty awesome.

Hunter Preston:
I've been doing that for about 13 years now. It shows. My son was born.

Brian Kelly:
All right. He's got kids, too. I love it.

Hunter Preston:
I love it. Oh, I have fun.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, my goodness. Woo! Okay. Emily says what a beautiful way to express energy in motion. Yes. And it definitely Derek Win says it requires discipline with surrender equals first date. Sounds like we have some students in the mix here, if I may.

Hunter Preston:
That's absolutely right.

Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. You got quite a following here. Appreciate you all for coming on and supporting Hunter. Obviously, he deserves it. You can see and here's one thing I want to point out real quick about what Hunter just did. He could have literally dropped both of those things at any time. Number one, he had the confidence that he probably wouldn't. Number two, he probably didn't care if he did because he's being authentic. And those are two qualities of successful people and the fact that he was willing to put himself out there. This is what I teach as well, is getting out of your comfort zone. Hunter I don't think you are out of your comfort zone. I think you put yourself in it right then and there. But the point of this is, I know everybody was thinking, oh, my gosh, what if that thing hits him in the face? Or what if it if it wraps around his arm and he can't get it back off? That was a great way of demonstrating live. This is you know, this is live right now. And for those of you watching or listening on an audio podcast, you definitely want to come back to the Mind Body Business show. Visit the past shows link and find the link that has Hunter Preston's name in it, because you will get to see that phenomenal demonstration with these really cool. I cannot explain it like numb chuck lights and light saber kind of thing.

Hunter Preston:
They're called. Yep.

Brian Kelly:
So thank you for that. That was phenomenal. You know, one of the questions I wanted to ask you in the show is what makes you happy? You just made me happy. That was pretty awesome.

Hunter Preston:
That's one of my favorite things to do is make people happy and spread that joy. I love it.

Brian Kelly:
Another key to, you know, that's he's hitting on all the keys, folks, about what it takes to be a successful person in business. And that is he's he's centered on other people's happiness, their joy, their results. And that is one of the keys to success, too. Oftentimes, you run into folks that they're just in it for the money. It's all about the money and nothing else. And that money is for them and no one else. What I found in doing this show for now, over three years is to a person, every person I have interviewed is not that way. They are all about serving and that is why they come on the show. Because they're successful. Because they love to serve. They love. Hunter is giving his time right now for free. Right. And he could charge for this if he were charging a coaching fee for all of you. But that's not how he rolls. He's here to give back, to give value, to give you helpful tips and to demonstrate things that work for him that you could possibly look up or reach out to him and say, How did you learn that? Where do I go to learn that? Can you help me? Simple. And people are thinking, what does this have to do with business? Just everything. Just everything. I mean, it's life. Life, you know, relationships and business. There's really not a whole lot of difference. Business is about relationships. Would you agree with that?

Hunter Preston:
Hunter Absolutely. I think it all starts within, as you alluded to there once once we have things within ourselves. Good to go. The rest kind of seems to just fall into place.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I totally agree. Totally agree. So one might be curious now. I mean, you just said a few things that got me even more curious that you're a dad many times. Over. And and kudos and congrats on all that. Yeah. And now you're showing us these mad ninja skills with the light flow. You called it the flow arts. Yes. And I was just curious if you would be open to sharing with everyone what is a typical day in the life of Hunter Preston look like when you get up? What we know what you do on the initial routine a little bit. And what is it like for you going through the day so people can get an idea of what a day in the life of a successful business person is like?

Hunter Preston:
Sure. And I did jump the gun a little bit earlier. I started with my my early morning routine. And that is very much my me time that I have for myself, which is great. That is that is so important to start the day off with that that personal time that we take for ourselves instead of pushing it down, pushing it away as if, Oh, well, I've just got to get off to work. I've just got to get this done. I'll, I'll, I'll take care of me later, you know, you take care of you every day. And if you do, you will. Thank you. So after I do what I described as my breathing exercises, I certainly do sit there for a while and meditate. If I am able afterwards and have a few extra minutes, I will absolutely do my flow arts also and raise a little blood pressure. As you saw, my body naturally goes into very stretching and flexible poses while I'm doing those flow arts just to avoid hitting myself. It's just the natural places my body has to go. And so I'm essentially doing a kind of yoga. At the same time. I also am able to implement yoga if I feel like an area of my body is bothering me at that time. So, you know, paying attention to my body every day is, oh, my leg hurts because of something, my shoulder hurts. I will take that extra couple of minutes and change my routine to apply to that specific area exercises or something extra that can help that sore area and listen to my body instead of just ignoring it, ignoring it, push through. Oh, I'll just take an Advil and push through. No, I am going to take 5 minutes and do some stretching on this because it's sore, not just pretend it doesn't exist and take a pill to try and make it go away and then have that be a problem because I just I just didn't do anything about it. So that's more or less my my progression from there. And I would hit my hit my job, which is my main office at the architectural and design firm that I have, as well as the life coach and integration consulting business that I also run. So I have multiple enterprises going and many, many things cooking. I spend and split my time between the different teams of people that I work closely with that I am also building up and bringing up with me to create these awesome dreams that I have planned and thought about for so long. I'm so grateful for every member of all of the teams that I create in these different enterprises, and I'm so excited to raise them up with me as we together create all of these things that are being successfully grown.

Brian Kelly:
I love it. I love it. Sounds like you're a true team person, lead by example, and I really can relate to that in such great ways. My goodness, you're getting so many comments here. I'm just throwing them up because there's so many as you're going on and love you. Hunter It's true gaming and just so many more. Thank you all for making the comments. If you have questions, go ahead and put that in there as well. And you said. Something that's truly a metaphor for success. And that was you know, you have a routine. Routine usually means I do the same thing every single day, the same steps, every piece of it. You just said that if you notice something, you change it up. That's that's a term or that's a form of flexibility, being flexible. That is a very high, highly quality. It's a high quality. I can't think of the. Word. It's a very high quality attribute of successful entrepreneurs, and that is to be flexible. So you're in the middle of doing a physical activity. You notice there's something off and you said, You know what, there's a pain. I've got a solution for that. And you switched right to the solution. It's exactly what entrepreneurship is, is as you're coaching someone like Hunter is, he'll notice something that they need, that they have a pain for, that he might have a solution for, that he doesn't maybe typically always offer the solution for. But he's an entrepreneur and he's thinking out of the box. That's exactly a great example of what it takes to be successful. It it can be learned. Do you agree with that, Hunter? That flexibility can be learned?

Hunter Preston:
I think it has to be learned. I think we go into life a little bit too black and white sometimes where we draw our lines and we say things have to be exactly this way or else. And then we get disappointed by life and we get hurt and we get betrayed and we get sad. So I think that that flexibility is gained from knowledge of not leaning too heavily one way or the other regarding self.

Brian Kelly:
Well stated. Well stated. Absolutely. My goodness. Do you ever exhibit? Do you ever notice or feel the emotion of fear? Like afraid to do something, worried about the outcome, a little hesitant or resistant? Yeah, I see that smile. So you were. If you were to pick one, if you were to pick one, what would you call your greatest fear or resistance or hesitation? And then? And then how do you manage and or overcome that?

Hunter Preston:
Yeah. Fear is is a tricky one. You know, I think that we all have that that within us just struggling to get out, we can scare ourselves out of just about anything if we think hard enough about it. But I kind of feel like that is the secret to fear at the same time is that if we're able to think about something and stop ourselves from doing it just by the thought, why can't we just. In the same line of thinking, not think that thought or not pay attention to that thought? My point is that if we put a spotlight on a fear, if we put it up on a stage and we say, Oh, I'm afraid of this, this might happen, and all of our focus is on it. That becomes our whole reality. It sets everything up to be just that big fear. What if this happens? Call it the whatever. If we let out. What if we go crazy? It will literally dictate our experience and we will have nothing but that fear put up on a pedestal that we can only see. And we can't even see what's really going on. It's the fear. That's all we can see. So I like to just let it flow, is what I call it. I mean, instead of having something up there and focused on it, we are allowed to experience thoughts of fear and feelings of fear and emotions of fear. But instead of clinging to them and saying, Oh, no, look at that, we just let them flow and they have no power. If we take it away and they can just flow right by it to be replaced with something else, because we don't control those thoughts that come. We can't stop them, we can't prevent them, but we can certainly prevent ourselves from focusing on them intently and letting it control us totally. I don't struggle as much with fear as I feel like many do because I try and just shift my focus to things that I do want to pay attention to the passionate things that are in my life, the things that I love.

Brian Kelly:
Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Matthew McEwan I hope I said that right. Fear is the mind killer. Derek Lynn, just ride the tide. I love it. Yeah. Mentor of mine, who I had the incredible privilege of being his lead trainer for a couple of years and would teach from stage neural linguistic programing techniques and things. And he would say this quite often at every seminar, he would say, Here's the bottom line. You get what you focus on. So if you want to if you focus on a bunch of he would say this, if you focus on a bunch of crap, you're just going to get more of it. But if you focus on what you want more and more good stuff, you will get more of that. So it's another here we go again. We have the choice. You get what you focus on. So what you just said, Hunter, is perfect alignment because that's what's happening. A lot of people will have that fear experience and then, like you said, grab on to it and embrace it and not let it go. It's like, no. Yeah. And one thing you would ask yourself, those of you listening, is, how is that serving me? What kind of results am I getting by doing that? When would now be the right time to change that? If that's you? If that's you, yes. Life is all about choices, says Lori and Hood. We've got a great group on here tonight. Thank you all for your wonderful, insightful messages and comments. I love this. This is so much fun. Yeah. You know, it is important. I do want to ask you a question that I already kind of leaked out, but I think it's important that other people realize that being a business person or entrepreneur is not just all about money. What the bottom line that really drives each and every one of us that I've interviewed is what truly what truly fills you? What truly makes you happy, what what makes you so driven to get up and serve people each and every day. So for you, Hunter, if you were to think of what it is that makes you truly happy, is there any way you could put that into a paragraph and let people know what it is that makes Hunter Preston a happy man?

Hunter Preston:
I think that one of the things that makes me the most happy is the ability and the knowledge to take all of the experience that I have had, the things that I have learned. And the pleasures I have gone through, the knowledge I have gained, the skills I have accomplished and achieved and impart those in an understandable way to a young child or other human in some way so that that knowledge can be shared and emulated and enjoyed by other people, so that they don't have to go through the trials and tribulations that I perhaps did through life and share that knowledge with them.

Brian Kelly:
Definition of entrepreneur right there. I love it. Yeah, it's like a, you know, business person. It's it's all about helping people. And we do that typically through our own past life experience, both good and bad, you know. So what was good? Follow that. What was bad? Don't do that. And but the cool thing is, you know, so you can do it relatable so that when you put it in a business setting that you can just say, these are the things I did. I see you going down that path. I would recommend maybe let's change that, alter that direction just a little bit. Let's go this path instead. Let's see how that works and then help them to get to the result they want and deserve much faster. That's what it's about, and I call it the short. It's about getting the shortcut to success, but in an integrity, authentic way. Not the bad kind of shortcut, right? It's about just doing it smart, learning from someone else, taking after their lead. They've already done it. Like I said in the opening of the show, there's no need, no need to do it yourself. Can you do it yourself? Probably every one of you wouldn't doubt it. But would you rather take ten years to get it done? Or 3 to 5 your choice again? It's a choice. Yes. Yes. Every person met is a learned lesson. Absolutely. I don't know how to pronounce that. Yikes. X yikes. I don't know. Sorry if I got that wrong. S and y case. That picture looks familiar. I don't know if I know who that is. All right, so that was phenomenal. Goodness sakes. I just look at the time. How does this happen? Hunter You know, how it happens is because I'm having such a great time. It's flying by. And I wanted to ask you more about your business directly. All right. I started talking about that before the show came on. And I want to get into that therapy that you were talking about in a little more depth. So what I'd like to do is I'll just pull up your website on the screen and I'll also put the URL on the screen and just let you start describing who is it you serve, who are who are your clients, which are ideal client, what is it you do for them? And then if you have a success story or to to tell, feel free to do that as well as I bring up your site. Go ahead and take that away.

Hunter Preston:
Also, not a problem. So at yourself. Coaching and integration consulting. We have kind of a two branch system. The main hub can be categorized as just life coaching in general. Literally, as I described the experiences and things that we gain insights, revelations that we gain from experience, how how to interact with our thoughts, how to interact with our emotions, things that we don't really get taught in school, things that really we don't get taught unless we have incredible parents who go out of their way to really dictate how their minds are working to us and how they dealt with it. It's it's a challenge to find those tools all in one spot to deal with the uncertainties of life. So we're geared towards helping anyone who is trying to coach themselves better themselves, become the best version of themselves that they can. The other branch is the Integration Consulting, which is working with psychedelic medicine. I have multiple psychedelics that are now covered legally and able to be prescribed to people to have these incredible experiences that they can then utilize our coaches to work through integrating those to apply them to meaningful lessons in their life. These experiences are some of the most palpable that people ever experience in their entire life. Counted up with the birth of their first child in their memory, you know, the heartbreak. It's it's that impactful, how these things can change what people think, how they view the world and really how how happy they are. There are multiple studies that came out just this past year regarding PTSD and depression that are in the 80 percentile for success rates with as few as 3 to 6 sessions, PTSD and depression are just gone as opposed to pharmaceutical studies have something like a 23% success rate and then you're on it for the rest of your life. It's not something that they're trying to get you off of and heal you. It's something that they want you on forever. These psychedelic medicines are geared towards healing people so that we can be okay with being exactly as we are and utilizing the power of our mind, our thoughts, eating healthy foods, exercising flo arts to raise our vibration and energy and all the tropic breathing energy work. Reiki This is all stuff that we can do to manipulate our bodies, health and the quality of our life. And so that's our, our whole goal for the coaching and integration services that we offer. And I'm very passionate to share all of that with as many people as I can to help the world see a different way of looking at things.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, and we were talking before the show and I know this can come out as being somewhat controversial and that's good. That means people will not forget it. Psychedelic integration therapy is something I hadn't personally never heard of before talking to Hunter right before the show, and I thought, Wow, that sounds interesting. Tell me more. And he said, It's legal. So we can all get over that, right? We can get over that right now. Because so many people and.

Hunter Preston:
I have I have a doctor and a prescription for my medicines. And the you know, there's a lot of people have a little bit of a scary feeling when someone says the word psychedelics. You know, a little shiver runs down their spine. They think about, oh, something's going wrong, someone's going to jump off a building or something and think they can fly. You know, these things are based on propaganda that we have all absorbed as part of our culture and are not actually based on real experiences that people have had and dictated. If we. Are able to be prescribed safely by a doctor. These medicines and we are able to have these experiences, they are have the capacity to change the way we think and see the world. They have the capacity to change everything.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And I think I'm trying to find it here. Lori Ann Hoods. I think she hit it on the. Yeah, here it is. I think she hit it off the nail on the head. She stepped away from Big Pharma three years ago and have a look back. I think that's one of the big reasons none of us are able to hear of it or embrace, you know, natural cures, natural remedies, natural therapies, because it doesn't line their pocketbooks. And it's been really, really bad. And I know this from a personal standpoint, someone very, very close to me has has had cancer and we have found the cure. And, you know, I had the gentleman on the show, his name is Chris Thistle. So anyone wants to look him up and it's through CBD oil. Cannabis is a magical plant. I did not know anything about it other than you would. I thought you'd put it in a joint, smoke it and get high. Well, this is not the THC version. I'm just talking about the cannabis side. It's a magical plant, and it it has so many positive things that it does. And massive studies have been conducted in Israel where they're allowed to do all this. And Chris has latched into that community and then turned around and saved countless lives. Who people who had stage four cancer all the way up to stage four, he is cured with his formulation. So listen to what Hunter's saying with a lot of. Less scrutiny and more interest in open your mind and be open to figuring out or to researching. In fact, even better, why don't you just reach out to Hunter directly? And to do that, how can they do that? Hunter, I'm going to bring your site back on the on the screen real quick, because I just saw we're already at the end of the show for time, but we can go as long.

Hunter Preston:
No problem. Yeah, they can certainly reach out through the website. Our contact information is on there for submittal appointment input forms for new clients. We would be happy to hear from you and we'd be happy to help you on your journey. I am very much here to change people's minds about psychedelics and the way they see them in the world. I am. Very passionate about it and I am so grateful for being on the show.

Brian Kelly:
Brian And we're not done yet, brother. But yeah, you're very welcome and I'm glad having you. And just for those who are listening on podcast, only after the show has been recorded, the way to get to his website is called Integrate Your Dot Life. So it's not. Dot com. It's dot life. Integrate your dot life. Once you go there, you either click on the contact link at the very top right of the page, or you can scroll all the way down to the bottom of the homepage and there is also a connect form there. And just reach out to him and say, Hey, I heard you talking on the Mind Body Business show, and I'm curious more about this psychedelic integration therapy, or I'm curious about the art flow or the flow arts demonstration that you did. Tell me more about that. Whatever it happens to be, reach out to them. Everything you've basically said on this show is new to me, Hunter, and I appreciate that. I appreciate you for shedding light on things I've never seen or heard of. I love learning new things. That's one of the greatest gifts of doing this show is by far it's amazing. And so it's a gift and you gave it. So I appreciate that very, very much. Thank you for doing that.

Hunter Preston:
There's not a problem.

Brian Kelly:
All right. My God. We got people just rattling off the comments. This is great. Always in for. All right. Yes. So, yeah, Rick Simpson, oil is another one. That's great. Yeah. Preach this fact, Laurean Hood. I love it. Nature is the best healer. There you go. Oh, he's then forever says maybe it's yikes and yikes. Maybe that's it. Yikes. I don't know. Yes. And Lori and Hood says also thank you, Hunter, for giving us this gift in your time. I couldn't agree more. We have a couple more things to do here, though. We're not done yet. So stick around if you can. Those you watching and listening and what I what I love to do, Hunter, I love to close every show out with a very profound question. Sure. And it's a it's a really profound question. I know, only because I've been asking it for now several years. And the answers have just been very intriguing. Before we do that, I did promise everyone that stayed on with us live that we had not just one, but two gifts. So first, we're going to do the vacation. Stay, give away. Now, remember when I put this URL on the screen, the web address, all you need to do is write it down. And if you're listening life, you can enter as well. Even if you can't see it, I'll say it out loud. All right. So here we go. I'm going to put it up on the screen. And look, you don't need to enter. Don't go to it until the show is over and closed. We will be monitoring the submissions for a good 30 minutes after the show is over after we close this up. All right. So you have plenty of time. Here we go. Who is going to be the winner? Who do you think, Hunter? All right. To enter, go to this Web address, R.I.P. Dot. I am forward slash bifurcation all lowercase our wiped time for slash vacation write that down write it down right now type it in your your tablet into your computer and your phone. Do not go to that website right now because you do not want to miss either Hunter's gift or his answer to this final question. You're going to love it. All right. He's hydrated. We're ready to go and we are going to pull up. And I'll let you lead on this Hunter. He has a phenomenal gift for all of you. And so here it is. I'm going to put it up on the screen and go ahead. Take it away, Hunter.

Hunter Preston:
Absolutely. I be happy to offer everybody a complimentary one hour coaching interview with me. It is going to be difficult to come by in the coming months, and I'm happy to make that kind of a priority for whoever has this opportunity. It's going to be great to work with whoever gets this, and I'm grateful to share that with anybody who is coming to the table.

Brian Kelly:
And please recognize everyone. I mean, he's been on this show for a full hour. That will be a coaching call with you for an hour dedicated and focused on you. And so please understand there's great value in that and treat it with the utmost respect accordingly. And for you to reach out to him and ask for that complimentary one hour coaching interview, just go to his website. I'll put that back on the screen. Go to integrate your life, integrate your life. Go to that contact form that we showed earlier. Click on the contact link or scroll to the bottom end of your name, your email address and the subject put in there. What should they put in there for you? Hunter, So that you notice about.

Hunter Preston:
Just a new client intake would be great just to have the in the subject. You know, especially if they're if they've not been before. Just that new client intake would be perfect.

Brian Kelly:
Wow. And thank you. I mean, that's not a small undertaking. How long is this off for? Because this this show is going to be around a long time in many forms, in many places. So we need to I'm guessing you'll want to put a stop to it at some point.

Hunter Preston:
Sure. Yeah. I very much I very much encourage people to be able to come and take advantage. But I feel at some point a limit for those would come into effect.

Brian Kelly:
All right. So no, no absolute date. But you just you'll just shut it off at some point.

Hunter Preston:
Yes, I think so. All right. After the 30, 30 to 60 would be something like that.

Brian Kelly:
All right. Sounds good. I'll let you decide on that. And you know, a lot of people that are anxious, my my phone is going berserk. I have it on vibrate. Everyone's entering to win the vacation. Stay. It's going nuts, I'm sure. Get text notifications when they do that. So. All right. People aren't following instructions, but that's okay. I appreciate the action takers out there. No problem at all. And so we're about to wrap it up with that one big question. It is profound, as I said, Hunter. And here's the cool thing about it, though. There is no such thing as a wrong answer. It doesn't exist. It's impossible to answer it incorrectly, just so you know that going right into it. And the other thing is that, well, just the opposite. The only correct answer is yours, because it will be unique to you. I know that for a fact, because I've done this a long time and so I love it. And so if it takes you a moment or two to reflect and come up with an answer, that's perfect, if you get it instantly, that's also perfect. Why? Because it's your answer. Is that cool or what? I think that's pretty cool. All right. With that. Are you ready?

Hunter Preston:
I am.

Brian Kelly:
Here we go. Hunter Preston, how do you define success?

Hunter Preston:
I would define success by feeling that everyone that had ever helped me, that surrounded me, was right there at the same level that I was after accomplishing the goal that we had all worked towards together.

Brian Kelly:
Everyone at the same level all at once. That's beautiful. And you know what that calls for, don't you? Hunter? Yes, you guessed it. Your comb. No. The bombs are smart bombs. Knowledge bombs. That is the one. The only hunter. Preston. Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot tell you how thankful and appreciative I am of you, Hunter, for coming on the show tonight to spend an hour with me with all these amazing people who are commenting like crazy. Thank you all for coming on. Really enjoyed that part of it as well. And for all of you again who were not here live and you would like to be included in the comments and and have our have a shout out your name and your comments and your questions and just be involved with our guests and with myself. Just go to the mind body business show dot com and you can scroll the bottom or just click any of the buttons that you'll see in the middle of the page as you scroll down. And that will take you to a registration forum, completely free, no spam, and it will just announce the next show. That's coming up live. And all you do is you open it, click a link and you're right here with us live and interacting. And I can't wait to see more of you. Come on in. I appreciate you. They're still coming in. We got to call it a night there. Hunter, your your tribe is awesome. Appreciate you so very much. Linda Barkman, thank you for referring this fine gentleman to this show. Appreciate you as well with that Hunter. One last thing. Sure. If you had one piece of advice, one piece of advice only that you would give to a budding entrepreneur, someone who is just starting out. And you can think of just one thing that you would like to impart on them knowing nothing more than they are just starting. What would that be?

Hunter Preston:
I would be to tell them to pay attention to five little things that I always pay attention to. Employee relations being a priority. Honesty with everyone you work with, both in and out of the business. Cooperation, perseverance and initiative. All those things combined need to be present for any successful effort taken.

Brian Kelly:
Those are five fantastic pieces of advice. I can't perfect. Love it. What a great way to end it. Thank you once again, Hunter. I appreciate you and everyone else that came on. Thanks so much for coming on and chatting with us during the show. That is it for tonight. On behalf of the amazing Hunter Preston, I am Brian Kelly, your host of The Mind Body Business Show. Until next time, I cannot wait to see you all again. Take care of everyone. Go out there and crush it. Serve others and above all, be blessed. Have a great one. Bye bye. For now.

Hunter Preston:
And again.

Brian Kelly:
Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show Podcast at www.TheMindBodyBusinessShow.com My name is Brian Kelly.

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Hunter Preston

Hunter Preston is a certified Life Coach and Entrepreneur who has taken a fantastic journey through life to be able to create multiple businesses and a life experience that he is so excited to share with the world.

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