Special Guest Expert - Jackie Lapin: this eJwljltPgzAYhv9LL7xCGmDsQLIYCbowdcYgibsiX9qCzXrAtozhsv9uiZfv4Xve74qIVo4p17ipZyhDjyhAXFkHirCGU5TFq3QdJ0kaIDJYp-VgmfkPltFykcYBAkL04Amzmaw3abQKUMuZoI0COTNbLpjHnkYwnUXZFQ1GePvbud5mGI_jGHZad4JBz21ItMTU8DPD5xjPpxZH-3ra21xcJrtzv-XH1waK7hku4rjjP8nLZ_MAwm0loxzurB4MYVuqRyU00NpPBchxJ-ZP3spDkb8Xx7yuysNTVd3vgZw4e_XDKpT9wldbbSQ4353l7fYHU8Zg2Q:1mdl1E:kQB1wibTWtLeEyU_h8DPm9MEeTo video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
So here's the big question. Our entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back
To our dedicated. And drift. We finally break through. That is the question. And this podcast will give you the. My name is Brian Kelly. This is the mind body.
Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. So, so excited. Glad you're here with us here tonight. This is a very special edition because of the guest that's going to come on here in just moments from now. She's an amazing, amazing woman with such incredible life experience and talent and intelligence and everything that goes with it. And what she's currently doing is right down the wheelhouse of what all of us is entrepreneurs desperately need, and I don't want to give it away just yet. So you want to stay here till the end because you do not want to miss a word of Jackie Lapin. She is going to rock the house. I cannot wait to bring her on real quick. The mind body business show that is, it's a show that I had to develop with you in mind. It's a show for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs, but more specifically by successful entrepreneurs in the way of my guests that I bring on to this show each and every week. We do this every single week. Mark your calendar Thursday, 5:30 Pacific and PM every single week, and another amazing individual comes on like Jackie, where I learn and our audience learns the greatest tips and steps to take to become more successful ourselves.
Because why reinvent the wheel when it's already been done? Why can't you just model success, which is just a fancy word for copy and there's nothing wrong with it? In fact, I bet you Jackie will be the first to tell you she would love if you copied her if it helped you become successful. Absolutely. To a person. So that's what the mind body business show is all about, and it's about what I call the three pillars of success. It's about mind, body and business mind being mindset, very successful individuals that I studied for a period of about a decade. Every single one of them had these incredible attributes mind being mindset, which is a positive, powerful yet most importantly, flexible mindset. They also took care of their body and I mean, literally by the nutrition, what they ingested and by exercise and business. Business is all about mastering all the skill sets that are required to grow and thrive, a business to make a business, a successful business and then scale it and continue growing and serving more people and skill sets involve so many different things. There are sales, marketing, team building, systematize leadership. I could go on for quite a while. The good news is to master any one of those is is going to take some time.
It's like to become an expert at anything takes what is it, 10000 hours and not much different to be to master something. The good news is you don't have to master every single skill set if you just mastered one. One of the skill sets, in fact, I yep, I mentioned it. It was one of the ones I mentioned just moments ago. If you master just one, then the rest will fall into place, and that one is the skill set of leadership. Once you've mastered that, then now you can. You can navigate. You can bring in those who have those skill sets that are mastered already and bring them into your team. And once you've become a great leader or mastered that skill set, then you can easily orchestrate and navigate through your business with those other amazing individuals as you continue to master additional skill sets that you desire to do. That is the mind body business show. And so one of the great things another great thing about very successful people is that to a person, those that I've met that are highly successful, each and every one of them are voracious readers of books. And with that, I like to Segway into a little segment I affectionately call bookmarks.
Bookmarks and to read bookmarks ready, steady read bookmarks brought to you by Reach Your Peak Library Scott.
There you see Richard Peek Library. And one quick word for everyone watching live online, even if you're listening to this on podcast afterward, is do what you can to resist the temptation of clicking away, of listening to what Jackie has to say with a URL, a website and or just searching a term on Google. Rather than do that, take notes, write them down like old fashioned. Yeah, I'm talking pen and paper, if possible. If you can remember how to do that because some some of us don't, it's harder with the typing all the time. But be sure to take notes. And the reason I say that is I would hate for you to take your attention away from Jackie. The moment that she drops an incredible wisdom bomb or smart bomb, or something that will change your life for the better forever. I would hate for that to happen, so please keep your attention here. This isn't for me, this isn't for Jackie, it's for you. And so I hope you really heed that advice and just take notes. And then after the show, you can go visit those resources, do those Google searches and such. All right. Reach your peak library. So that is a website that I had built and developed literally with you in mind. It's a gift to any and all who are looking for a singular place. They can go where there are books that are there that have been vetted by at least one other successful individual. So that will help reduce your search time and increase the odds that the books you read.
If you grab them from here are ones that will have a positive impact on either your business or your personal life, or even both. And these are not in here in any particular order. They're not alphabetize, they're alphabetical, they're not by anything. I just drop them in as I consume them. Had them put in here this website, the purpose of it is not to make money. Anyone who's sold anything as a book, perhaps on Amazon, could tell you that it's not a money making thing unless you have a massive following. That's not what it's here for. This is here for you just to have a one stop shop, find a book that jumps out that meets, that moves your needle the most immediately and stop. Grab it, read it, and then come back and get the next one and go ahead. Search on Amazon. It doesn't have. You have to lift it from this site. Just find the book you want that you need that you want to consume. Get it however you want to get it and then consume it because it's been a game changer for me. I know personally because I myself was not a voracious reader until about a decade ago, and I'm fifty seven at the time, so I didn't really start reading until forty seven. Wow, what a life changer. Speaking of life chamber changes, you know it's time to bring on someone who's going to change your life. I know it because she's already beginning to change mind in such a great and positive way. Let's bring her on. Or right now,
It's time for the guest expert, spotlight savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, big league qualified.
And there she is, the ladies and gentlemen, if you want, it is the only Jack Gilpin,
How can I possibly live up to this amazing kind words of yours, my dear? Thank you so very much. I'm honored and great to be here.
And you know what? They are so well deserved, Jackie. So and that's going to be more of them. I hope you can take it because there's more, more praise to send your way, for sure. Hey, before we jump all the way into this, I know I'm itching to pick that beautiful brain of yours before we do that. A little housekeeping, if I may. What you see just above Jackie's her left shoulder, it's on the right side of the screen. If you're watching this live on video or recorded video, the big insider secrets. They sponsor the show as Jason Nast, a dear friend of mine who runs that business and because of him and this business, they have sponsored our show and allow us to offer a five night vacation stay at a five star luxury resort. And you get to choose where and there's a selection that you choose from. It's it's legitimate. It's not a timeshare hoax of any kind. You are going to have an absolute blast. And I know that for a fact, because Jason himself has tested his own giveaway three times, and he said each and every time it was just he was another guest, just like everyone else wasn't treated any differently as far as timeshare or anything like that. So stay on to the end and we'll show you exactly how you can enter to win. You do not want to miss that. And real quick one more. And then we'll get back to this lovely young lady that you see here. If you're struggling with putting a live show together and it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and connect with great people like Jackie Lapin and grow your business all at the same time, then head on over to carpet bomb marketing, carpet bomb marketing, saturate the marketplace with your message. All right, we're going to come back to the woman of the hour. Yes, Jackie. And I'm going to now give her the respect she deserves by giving her a very, very wonderful introduction. Are you ready, Jackie?
You got it.
Here we go. Jackie Lapin is a leader in helping leaders right off the bat. I love this author's coaches, speakers and entrepreneurs to connect with their next followers around the globe, an expert at aiding them to get booked. She provides strategies, guidance and direct leads through their speaker tunity programs as a cool name. Programs, tip sheets and regional directories that get changemakers booked for speaking engagements, radio shows, podcasts, virtual summits, TEDx events and virtual networking across North America. Speaker Tunity also offers a speaker one sheet graphic design service, so they will help you craft your, your speaker, your your, your speaker, one sheet, which everyone needs. She'll also they'll also help you with your booking systems and training to fill up your speaking calendar. Who wants and needs that? Everybody should be raising their hand right now? I'm raising mine. Speaker tunity is the ultimate speaker's toolbox. But wait, there's more. Her internationally acclaimed conscious media relations radio podcast tours have helped nearly get this. Two hundred luminaries, leaders, filmmakers and authors grow their businesses, sell more books, create viewership, and this is the best part. Change more lives by introducing them to up to 9000 radio shows and podcasts, including such clients as Oh my, wait to hear this Don Miguel Ruiz, who here knows about the four agreements. Oh yeah. Dr. Joe Vitale. Oh, I know I met him in person. I forgot his nickname. Something with fire
Mr. Fiable, there you go. James Twyman, Denise Lind, Ariel Ford, Hay House, and more. With that officially, formally, ladies and gentlemen, it is Jackie Lapin.
Thank you, Bryce. I'm just thrilled to, you know, you are my sweet spot. Entrepreneurs that have a heart and really want to deliver their messages to more people in more ways with less work and make more revenue. So we share an audience of people to be served.
Yeah, we have a lot of synergy, I believe, between you and I and what our goals and missions are. And I think what you provide and we'll get into this deeper. I promise everyone who's watching and listening about you provide a service that is the lifeblood of any entrepreneur's business. It is exposure, it is getting out there. How are people going to know you have a product or service that helps change lives, even if it's not on my mood, I'm out. How are they going to know that unless they see you or hear you? Most likely, they won't or you're paying way too much on advertising on online to get the word out. So I love what you do and I love everything you stand for. And you're an amazing woman. We've had a little bit of time to get to know each other before the show and then one time prior, so everything's phenomenal. What I like to do is open it up, jacki, with we got your accolades. We know your you're extremely successful. You've been doing this for quite some time. You've got a thriving business, which we're going to get into. What I like to do is peel the peel the onion back a little bit if I may or pull the curtain back. That's a better visual. And what I want to do is find out, more importantly, what is going on in that beautiful brain of yours to get you to where you are to the level of success that you've achieved. So when you get up in the morning, you've got a lot going on, you've got clients to deal with, you have a team that's your you're working with partners to deal with when all of that's facing you and it's arduous and you're like, maybe getting tired. What keeps you going? What is going on in your beautiful noggin that drives you each and every day to take on yet another day of challenges and problem solving?
Well, you know, it really goes back to my childhood. I was four years old when my father got cancer and it was terrifying. Killed think cancer killed both of his parents. But fortunately, my father survived, but he was wiped out financially, so we had to move to another part of the state. But it was very unwelcoming. People didn't like outsiders. And as a result, I was completely ostracized as a child, but I wanted to have something that was just all. I felt voiceless. I really felt invisible. And so I needed to have something that was my very own. And so I decided to marry the two things that were my great passion the Los Angeles Dodgers and writing and I said, I'm going to be a sportswriter. And of course, you know what my peer group said. And so I believe that success is the best revenge. And so at 20, I was at the Detroit Free Press, all twenty one as a press and on the front pages of the Los Angeles Times. At twenty two, I was at The Washington Post. So and then I wanted to have a sports public relations agency.
And of course, there were a whole lot of guys out there that own PR agencies who were all men and they saw me coming. They said that girls not going to succeed in this business. Needless to say, 20 years later, I had one of those two largest sports special events on cable TV, a PR agencies in America. And so I'm a big believer that. You that you that for me, it's so important to help leaders be visible and to not feel that they are unworthy of the spotlight. And so that really drives me. And of course, I went on from there I had two books of my own that were international bestsellers. One was the best spiritual book of the year at the International New-Age Trade Show and and I just, you know, and when I did that, I realized that my heart lay with the people who were changing the world in better ways, and then I switched over everything to rebrand it as conscious media relations to serve the the the messengers of the world, the change makers, the people who are somehow paving the way for somebody else.
And that's that's the other reason I love what you do is you are like the gateway to success. You're the gateway to exposure for letting the unknown become known in know in a bigger fashion. They may already be known, but you can elevate them further, or they may be unknown completely. And now suddenly, because of your help and your assistance and your knowledge. I can't wait to dig in to the business side of things because there's a lot to cover there. And I want to give you the opportunity to let people know about the depth and breadth of what you offer as a way for people in our space to become more successful, to get the word out and not break the bank doing it. And so I can't wait to jump into that. One of the things that. I often, you know, I talked about their skill sets that one must master right to become have a successful and thriving business. And the thing is is what is the top notch skill that works for you today for your business is probably not the same one that was doing the same for you five or 10 years ago. Because you're growing, you've changed. And now you move on to the next skill set to master it and continue. But if you were to nail it down just today, like right now, if you could think of three, what would the three primary skill sets that you now are very, very well versed in that are really helping you to crushing your business? If you could just pick three and let other people know that they're when they're at the similar point that you are in their business. Those are the three to strive for. What would you say those might be?
Well, for me, it's my writing has always been my great skill. And when I write pitch letters for radio, podcast tours and things like that, I say that I can capture people's mission message and their soul in a page and a half. So that skill has always been the strongest for me. The next, I think, is people. You have to be able to listen, you need to be able to be compassionate. I learned only later in life after the first couple of years and being your raging out of control on NPR that you have to be kind and you have to step back and not speak exactly what's going into your head any second and think, what is it that I can if I want something to do what I want them to do in my way? How can I say that in a way that makes them want to do it for me, rather than slamming them and demanding it from them? That was a real lesson for me. And I actually, I think, become a lot kinder in my old age. And another thing and these may not be skill sets, but I think really the important there's a combination of integrity and courage that every entrepreneur needs to have.
That integrity factor is doing the right thing, even in the face of adversity. Whether you like the, you know, whether you anticipate that it might blow up in your face, whether you're going to have to go put your head in the lion's den, you still have to speak with courage and integrity. And and the other factor is. You have to go. That courage is taking the calculated risk. I'm not saying go take the crazy risk, I'm saying calculate the odds of whether this really can move you forward and don't sit in the fear of it, just move forward. And as long as you know that you can afford the ramifications if it doesn't succeed. Now, nothing is going to, you know, if you do it from a calculated standpoint rather than a wild and crazy standpoint, the step forward is not going to cost you everything. It's simply going to cost you a little time, effort and energy and you learn something and you go back and start over again. So it takes the time to be to take the calculated risk, saying it's worth doing. Let's see what happens here.
You know what that is, Jackie. You know, it's coming. I mean, it's not just one bomb drop moment that was several in one eye and the skill sets that you brought up. That's the beautiful thing about this question. I don't know if any two people have asked that same question have given the same answers. That's what's really cool about it. And the first one shocked me and not in a bad way. It's just it was different writing, Wow, that's really very true. I mean, how often do we write? Just every day we do emails, we do text. It's not just ad copy. So that's a valuable skill set to hone. But for those that let's say you want to do copywriting as an example, I had a question for you on that, jacki. And that is if they don't currently have that skill and maybe writing for some people, like math is not their thing or it is their thing. And if it is their thing or isn't their thing, it never will be kind of thing. I said a lot of things are in it. But as far as writing goes, what if that's the case for someone that they just flat out know? They don't have the ability and it's proven and blah blah blah. What would you say to them? Would you have any kind of advice for them?
Hire somebody that can do this content for you? I mean, I write for a living. I've done this a ton of times. I mean, I spend my I mean, literally 75 percent of my life has been dominated by writing. I just hired a copywriter to review a launch that I was sending. And she made it so much better, so much better. So, I mean, I'm at the, you know, in the top, not the top echelon, but I'm pretty accomplished and I still sought help.
That's I'm not going to hit it, I'm not going hit the button, I'm not going to drop another bomb because I want to keep going, but that was another one. Oh my goodness, I hope everyone was listening. No one, I baited you for that. I knew that was going to be your answer. I wanted everyone else to hear that higher somebody. Either that or get some help, which is still higher somebody. And the second one was what Jackie just said is she got out of her own ego's way. She is an expert. There is no doubt she is an expert at what she does, but she is not so egotistical to think that it couldn't possibly be done a little bit better. And that's that is where you truly see growth, not in just your business, but also in your personal life everywhere when that ego becomes farther away from you. Jackie's mastered that. It's that told me right there, she's mastered it. So learn from amazing experts like Jackie. Just do what she does, model her behavior, model her her victories, do what she does. Find out, get to know her. We'll give you an opportunity to do that here later in the show. You definitely want to do that. I kid you not. You can see her. I mean, come on. She's she's an amazing woman. Very, very warm, wonderful, inviting everything. And I appreciate her. So. Wow. And then people listen. Communication skills is what I got out of that. Yeah. You know, hone in your communication skills. Be, you know, work on your patients. We all have. I have impatient.
I mean, most entrepreneurs are like that, right, Jackie? We're very impatient. But it is a it's a it is a skill and it can be learned, for sure. And then how to effectively communicate and not come off brashly and still get what you are desiring for them to achieve is and that is the end result, which is a good thing. And then integrity and I can't oh, courage. Yeah, and courage about taking risk. And I love how you you highlighted and pinpointed calculated risks, not just go out. And I've had I have listened to Jackie and I just disagree with this. I'll say it up front in case your opinion differs. I'm fine with it. But this one speaker was on stage, not going to name names and literally told everyone in the audience If you have a job right now, quit. And I thought, what kind of advice is that that is so irresponsible? What about those that have a wife and kids or a husband and kids, depending on who they are and they have commitments and they're just going to throw it all out there and risk everything that is not? In my humble opinion, that was not good advice. So calculated risks and that's where I went to. When you said that, I was like, Oh, this is beautiful and oh, don't sit in the fear of it. Ooh, that was the boom. Don't sit in the fear of it. Fear causes hesitation. Causes resistance, causes lack of success. It causes A. Success causes failure. And so it's OK to have fear. Just recognize it and then get past it.
And Jackie just showed you or told you exactly how to do that. So. Model success, ladies and gentlemen, is all it takes. It's not. It's not rocket science. Many people have lived before us who have gone down these beaten paths before us. They don't even have to be older than us. My mentor is 18 years, my junior. I could literally be his dad by age, so it doesn't matter. Let's just go with those who have done who have achieved success and model them as long as they fit with your integrity and value system. Who are you? You just, I mean, that's the show. We're done. Goodnight. Yeah, that was phenomenal. Oh gosh, I love what I get to do. Talk to amazing people like you, Jackie. Ok, so one of my all time faves that I love to love, to love, to ask each and every entrepreneur that comes on this show is what is I call the lifeblood of everyone's business, and that is marketing and the ability to do so successfully. You know, it's basically getting more eyeballs to your business. And if anyone knows how to do that, you're going to see in more depth that Jackie does that exact same thing, that very thing for her clients. It's the lifeblood, and she provides you with the answer. But for you, Jackie, I want I want to ask, is what is working best for you and your company from your side of the fence, not from what you're doing for your clients? As far as marketing your own business, what's working for you today, the best? What's your go to?
Well, actually, it's some of the things that we recommend for our clients. Obviously, I do a lot of speaking, either at events, on people's masterminds, on podcasts, on virtual summits, all of the things, the kinds of opportunities that we bring to other people. So that takes a ton of my time. I also don't do internet marketing campaigns to our own community. I get a ton of people off of virtual off of giveaways, product giveaways and a free gift offers. And they come into our community and then we're we're introducing them to our products and resources to support community. And but again, I write a lot of that copy and then but the single most important factor for us are joint ventures, working with other leaders who have communities of authors, leaders, experts and, you know, all the people in our coaches. Excuse me, so that when they want to advance the knowledge base and the skills and the availability of speaking opportunities to their communities, they're introducing it to us. And we do that in three or four different ways. Affiliate programs and discount programs and high end mastermind programs. And, you know, lots of different things. And then they mail for us, you know, they introduce us, they help us with launches. So but clearly the majority of our clients come in through somebody else or they've seen me in some kind of virtual opportunity like this or on stage everything.
Yes. Where have you been on my life, Jackie? It's like we were separated at birth and you're like my sister by another, Mr. That's what's going on here. It's just amazing. Amazing. I have chills. I'm not kidding. I love what I love. I'm a geek. I love this stuff so much. Internet marketing. Oh, so. Speaking and she said a lot now, look, that wasn't just to plug her business to me, it's obvious that's not what she's doing and the reason I know that is because that's what I hear time and time and time and time again, that is what is getting the most eyeballs to you, your brand, your business. People are buying you, not your business, no one. So if they see you speak, they are getting you. And they know if they like you want to do business with you, then they seek you out. It's much more powerful approach than just throwing out an ad without you in the ad as an example.
Say Brian, over the last three weeks between the middle of October to the end of October, I am doing six presentations a week.
Another thing I want to point out about this amazing woman, a product of the product. See, she's not just selling a service and saying, I think you should do it because it's good, it'll be good for you. She's doing it by example on her own at the same time, not on her own, but know for her business. And so that to me, that always speaks massive volumes of someone's business. Are they like, Oh, here's here's one of my favorites, Jackie. Someone is a search engine optimization expert. Or even better. Here's a better one. A website designer. And then you go to their website and it looks like garbage. Yes, how many times I mean, I can't tell you how many times I've done that. I'm like, Why would I do business with them? They don't even spend the time on their own site. What are they going to do for mine? Search engine optimization? How do they rank and let me search on their company? I don't see them in the first 10 pages. I'm moving on.
Well, you know, you have to be more than a one trick pony. I have 15 different presentations I can do, somehow improving people's ability to get booked for speaking because you can't, you know, people are going to get really tired of seeing the same thing from you over and over and over again. You have to be creative. That's the other thing. You've got to have some creativity in your business.
And for those that haven't started out, though, I would wouldn't you just agree that start with one and get it honed down and then start worrying about creating multiple because a lot of people they might say if they've not done it before. These are just the people haven't started yet. They might go, Oh geez, I haven't even done one. And now I need to do five or 10. I don't. I'm not even going to start, you know,
But that's because I'm also introducing different products in different places. But essentially, you should start with one, but you should have two others that are very closely aligned. Because when you go to offer yourself to a Speaker Booker, if you know, as I say, if you only have one arrow in your quiver, it had better be a bullseye. And you know, it may or may not be something that they want. So I strongly encourage you to have at least three. And sometimes it's the same presentation veiled differently for different audiences like this is for a business audience, and this one was for personal growth audience. And this is for just a women's market. Know, so really, it can be pretty much the same. So you don't have to reinvent the wheel but make it a little bit different. Or you can have three entirely different topics within your expertize level.
I love it. Yeah. My mentor. We did this. It was perfect because we we had this one of our go to presentations and I would do this for him on his behalf. I worked with his seminar business and did meet ups and and places where he couldn't get to at the time. And we did one for a real estate group and we never had addressed their real estate group. And the title is the three deadliest sins ex make to make them broke. So we just put the three deadliest sins real estate people make to make them broke. And then during the presentation, you find those spots to make it relevant to real estate agents and that that mob so totally get what you're saying and it works like you said, you just slightly bury it. That would be the easiest way to do it to start. And then, like Jackie appropriately pointed out, pick out. What would you say, what's a great way, what topic would you, would you? So someone has a service, would you tell them to do something like focus on the pain points of your customer and address one or two of those in your presentation so that people will want to? Or what would you say?
I would agree. Great point. But you can do like three tips, five tips, something like that that all that helps alleviate that pain point. You know, the usual structure of a presentation is, you know, an introduction a little bit about your story, how you got here, because usually you're coming out of an experience that is illuminated this and then three to five tips and then make them an offer. And in some cases, you can make them a paid offer. Some cases, some speaking opportunities don't let you do a paid offer. You have to only do a free offer, so you have to have both of them in your arsenal. But if you're going to make it a paid offer, then you need to. You know, the sales is a bad word to a lot of people. So I consider it either speaking to enroll or invite, and all you really doing is inviting people to help them, then the next level to let you be their guide to the next level. So take that that ugly thing of sales, you know, the sleazy salesman out of your life, out of your mind because that's not what it is. You're really just helping people to achieve their next level.
Yeah, that's powerful, and that's a common mindset about sales and negative connotation with it. And again, my son, my mentor, his name is Mel Cutler and
Yeah, he's no longer in the seminar industry, but I love him dearly. We still talk. He's in business. He's still doing business with his wife and amazing guy. But he taught me so many different things, and he's the young man I was telling you about. And I guess there are so many things I've learned from him speaking from stage, you know, him and his team that he assembled all star team and he went through all of the things you're talking about. This is so perfect because everything you're saying I can attest to. It works. I'm not saying that I would have questioned you at all, Jackie, but I can say without a doubt, I know it works because I've experienced it in a different realm, in a different world, in a different group. And so I'm seeing that for everybody watching and listening that if you are even curious about what Jackie and her team can do for you, then we'll give you the opportunity to reach out to her, write her name down. You can see it on the screen and you can also search her on the internet because she's been speaking all over the place. So guess what? You're going to find her all over the place, which is another goal you should have. Do you agree with that one, Jackie, that you want to put yourself out there so that no matter where someone goes, they see your face or your name?
Oh, that is definitely so. You know, the benefit of doing a ton of podcast kind of speaking is that it's going to significantly increase your ability to connect with people when they start searching on Google. You know, on my other business conscious media relations where you do the radio podcast tours, all you have to do is put in things like mind, body, spirit conscious, conscious and PR or something like that. And I show up on Page one just because we've done so much of it over the years.
I love it. What would this is like kind of a curveball I'm going to throw at you, but it's not a hard one, but I'm very curious about it when it comes to offering a book. Does how how much would you say that assist and helps one getting booked on other stages? Or is it just it doesn't matter at all if you have a book or not? I know you could get them booked, whether they've written one or not. But have you seen a difference in the acceptance rate of someone who's authored books?
Yeah, yeah, I absolutely do. And when we do our radio podcast tours. Eighty five percent of the time there's a book involved because it's really the gateway. That's your credibility gateway. And while you can certainly get booked without it, I strongly encourage you because it builds your brand in a way that nothing else can as an authority. And when when booking a podcast host and booking coordinators are looking at you as opposed to somebody that may not have a book, they're going to pick you first. So I strongly encourage you to get a book. Now, it does not have to be 400 pages as a. And you know, there's a legitimate complaint that people don't read books, et cetera. It's still a very strong marketing capability that you really shouldn't overlook. I mean, one hundred and twenty five pages is really about all you need. And but it's definitely worth having
It lines up with everything I've heard and not yet experienced. I'm 90 percent done with a book I've been done with for probably three years now and just made the commitment recommitment again recently to get it done. And I've always been curious about that and it just makes sense. And the other thing I heard from people in the industry is that it really I don't want people to take this wrong, but it doesn't matter what's between the cover and the end, because it's just the fact that you authored one and went through the the process and you have your name on it that without them opening the book and reading a single word, you have just raised your authority level in their eyes and their perception. So to that, like you said, you don't need to write a four hundred page, massive Bible or anything. Just get it out there. Get your your book out and use it to your advantage as part of building your platform, which is also another ingredient alongside of getting on stages. Podcast Everything Jackie does. So all this fits together, and that's the beautiful thing about what Jackie is doing for all of our clients and everyone that's coming through her doors. I can't stress enough how important it is to reach out to her. If you're looking to grow your business, this is a surefire way. And Jackie, will it happen tomorrow? Will they see results like in two days?
No. Wait, we were just talking about the fact that, you know, let's say that you get somebody if you either do it yourself or you hire a virtual assistant service, especially with speaking, it's going to take three to four months to really see some kind of, you know. Consistent booking results podcast is a lot easier, but still, you know, the more time you give it, the more that are going to be, really. I mean, we do send one pitch to nine thousand radio shows and then line up 30 and a couple of days. But that's because of the volume that we do and because so many of them people know us. If you're starting out on your own, then you're going to have to get into a lot of doors individually before you can get people start to say yes, but don't get discouraged. Just don't get discouraged. You'll get there. And if you're not getting results, go back and tweak the materials you're working with. Maybe your pitch isn't distinctive enough. Maybe it doesn't make you stand out. That's really the key. It's got to be unique. It's got to be different. It's got to be something that they haven't heard a million times before.
And that's where I think when people and this is very common, I myself fall victim and guilty of this is people try to do it themselves, and they're doing it by trial and error. And the honest truth is that trial and error is costing you far in excess of what it would cost to hire a crew like Jackass and just get it done right the first time
Or take an E course like the one that we have that teaches you to write your radio and TV pitch letter teaches you how to write your speaker when she teaches you how to write the proposal letter that you need to send to a Speaker Booker. You know there are. There is two paths. You can have somebody to do it for you, but you can also learn how to do it yourself. It's teaching somebody to fish.
I love it, so you offer different levels that folks could get involved with you. And so that I'm assuming would fit different budget levels, so it makes it an open and available to nearly everybody. Is that an accurate statement?
Yeah, exactly.
I just want to make sure I don't misrepresent anything you do because you're just too amazing and I would never want to get on your bad side, that is for sure because you are just you're you're a phenom and I wanted to back up a second. You talked about joint venture partnerships and I got a big smile on my face because literally before the show, we were spending time about a half hour together. And that literally is what we were doing was hashing out a way we could work together. I kid you not. Because when I realized what Jackie does and I've actually signed up for one of our programs myself, and when I realized what she did, I just said there are so many things we could do together and in a positive way, help each other, help each other's businesses and in the end result. Help our clients get the result they want and deserve. And that's the bottom line that both Jackie and I want is for you to succeed whoever you are, the clients that come to our door. So I just want to say that everything Jackie is saying, she is not just saying she does it, and that's important because there are so many wannabes out there. I've met people that have just been copywriting for, you know, a couple of months and call themselves an expert copywriter and things like that. I'm like, No, you're not. You haven't. You haven't had time to put in to make yourself an expert and know all the angles. Jackie, I can imagine the stories you have, the rejection letters that turn into success letters, the vice versa, the success letters that then later said, No, we don't want you all the different aspects that go with it. You want someone, not you, Jackie, but listeners and viewers. You want someone like her and her crew in your hip pocket. I'm so excited about this. And she mentioned
I work for somebody else for years of my entire career. The rest of the time, I have been on my own as an entrepreneur, and yes, I have known rejection in a few occasions.
Yeah, and it's part of it, right? It's like if if you're a new entrepreneur or you're a budding entrepreneur and you're starting, no, that rejection is going to be a part of it daily and be OK with it. You're just the next one might be the right one. You're not going to be a fit for everybody. You could literally have the exact same, I mean, to a tee. Exact same product or service as the person next to you. And you pitch them and pitch them and pitch them. And then they choose the other person and you're like, What? What's the difference? It's just that they they connected more with the other individual. It had nothing to do with what you could do for them, and that is not a negative thing. It's just we don't all connect with the same people, and that's a good thing. So there's many, many out there. Does that ring true with you, Jack, in your experience?
I'm a believer in the energy and resignation, and you're going to resonate with certain people and, you know, and not other people. And it only takes one or two to, you know, you can be in a room of 50, but one or two is going to be your clients and they could turn into very high end clients for you.
Oh gosh, thank you for saying that too, because everyone thinks everyone is their client and it's like, No, they're not. It's a small percentage. And yeah, oh my goodness, you're amazing. You're a genius. You've been through it. You know this. You are the type of person that every, every person that is an entrepreneur looking to build their business should at some point cross your path and by some point, I mean sooner rather than later. Don't wait. Take action. We'll give you. And this is not a sales pitch by any stretch that I do not. That's not the purpose of the show. When I see something that I know is fantastic, I shout it from the rooftops. I stand to make zero dollars if any one of you does business with Jackie, and I hope all of you do business with Jackie because I believe in what she does that strongly. And so I want to be very, very clear. This is not a pitch fest of any kind. It is a service that can help you achieve success. And that is what this show is all about is finding those things, whether you have to pay for them or learn them on your own. It doesn't matter to me as long as the results there. And if it's from a legitimate source like Jackie, I'm going to shout it from the rooftops and guess what? It's my show, so I can do it anyway. But fantastic. And oh. I don't know what it is about today, I mean, I did get some really good news I shared with you, Jackie, before I'm feeling really just jazzed and pumped and excited. You came at the perfect time. I mean, for me personally, the perfect time. Oh gosh, I just it's like, so rejuvenating. I'm just so excited about this. Let's see. What do you say to people that may not be in it for the long haul that folks that are out there looking for a quick kill make some big money now and not worry about developing a long term strategy for their business? What is your philosophy surrounding that kind of approach?
I think it's pretty shortsighted because it's a lot easier to build long term relationships that sustain you over years than it is to try to continue to try to get new ones in all the time because you were not investing in the people and the clients that you have. I mean, just from a standpoint of staffing, I have one person who's been with me for 17 years, one that's been with me 15 years. Another one that's been with me five years. And my whole team in the Philippines has been with me for the last six, the last four years. That takes the pressure off of me. These are people I know I can count on because they know how I think. They know we have the same value system, et cetera. I couldn't do what I do without them, and I couldn't serve the clients the way that we do without them. You really need to invest in the taking care of the people in your world in order to really build a sustainable business.
Well, get help. Get a team. You know what that is, Jackie. Bombs are wisdom, smart bombs, knowledge bombs, that is Jackie Lapin. That is the definition of her. She is an amazing woman. She is. And I don't mean to minimize this or belittle it or any way just because of the cartoon in there. I truly mean it. You get it and just listen to her all the different people she has in her, in her organization. And you know, they're there because she says, I can I can count on them. They're still there because they can count on her. It's a two way street and without great leadership, you wouldn't see what you're seeing with Jackie. I mean, come on, people that are with you for 15 plus years, that says that's volume that speaks volumes of you. Go ahead. You had something.
And you know, we're building these regional speaker lead directories. So more than seventy five different directories with up to two thousand speaker leads in any one market in the U.S. and Canada. I need a team to do that, and I've got these wonderful nine folks that have been really building and doing all this database, but they still need direction. And so we establish we want it. There are twenty five hundred national organizations that we wanted to track all their local chapters in every city, and then we wanted to make sure that we got the organic information in each city. There was organization of that. You have to actually sit down and say, This is what we want, this is how we want to do it and then give your people a head to go.
That's a perfect time to Segway into what I've been wanting to do this whole show, and that is to talk about the services you offer and how they can be a fit for the folks that are watching or listening. And I really want people to lean in on this. This is not again, it's not a sales pitch, but it's an offer to you to choose what works best for you. And Jackie has a phenomenal gift as well for everyone that can help you to figure out if it's right for you without paying a dime. Now, are you listening? All right. So I'll bring up your website and just let you kind of take it away and briefly discuss what it is your organization does. I mean, you do so much. I don't know how you do it briefly, but do the best you can, and I'll pull up your website and let you take it away. Here we go.
Well, speaker tunity is the ultimate speaker toolbox. The speaker and leader resource company and what we do is give you all the resources you need to get booked on a variety of different kinds of stages. So essentially, if you want to get booked for speaking, virtual and live because so much has gone virtual today, or if you want to get book for radio shows and podcasts and of course, so many are now video cast. Just like this or you want to get on virtual summits, we've got directories that are going to give you those leads. We've done the research. You do not have to. We make it so easy for you. So that's the first part that we do. Let's stop right there. Can we stop there? Brian. Ok, so right there we have three subscription services that started only thirty five dollars a month. They give you radio shows, podcasts, speaking gigs, et cetera, and we've got a new product that gives you radio, radio and podcasts that are just B2B. So if you have a B2B audience, that's a great service for you. If you want to get booked on our virtual networking opportunities to prospect for clients, we've identified two hundred of them. And by the way, on those two podcast products we give you, we give you 40 podcasts every single month. Those are monthly subscription services. One gives you speaker leads all over North America. The other gives you virtual summits that are looking for guest presenters and giveaways that are looking for partners. Ok, let's scroll down.
Wow, I think I want the second one now. There's so many. There's so many juicy parts to this. I think I do like that second one, too. Ok, right there.
Ok, thank you. So that one right there, let's say that you want to really saturate your market so that your carpet bombing, carpet bombing, your own market, we have up to two thousand speaker leads in any one market, seventy five markets, and they're divided into four different categories business, which is subdivided into fifty five industries, ethnicities and gender service groups, everything from rotary sister, optimistic king clubs in Canada. The next category is all the places you touch the consumer moms groups, parenting seniors health and wellness support groups, people that are suffering LGBT military, other special interest groups, bookstores, libraries in the hospitals and the last one spiritual unity, senator, spirituality and faith based groups. So those are great now. The second one is, hey, maybe you don't want to be speaking across the board at different kinds of organizations. You only have one niche that matters to you. We will give you all the speaking contacts at meetings, venues and associations in your niche alone all across North America, women's business or entrepreneurs or authors or coaches or spiritual centers or moms groups. We got it for you. We've got 60 different specialties that you can pick from. So if you want to get booked on stages in your niche, we we've not got that nail for you. The next thing is want to get on a 10x? Lots of people want to get on TED. So but if you've ever tried to wander around that way, it's a royal pain in the ass. So what we've done is downloaded all the TED X's in a spreadsheet so you can see what's coming up date wise, what's coming up in your market or around your states and also our provinces? And then also what's virtual or live.
So it's really easy to say, let's now skip on down a little bit. You guys update that quite twice a year. Ok, so now let's say you want your speaker, one sheet or your podcast an introductory sheet. You don't even know what to write in it. We'll help you. The first thing is we do you pick from a template? The second thing is that you select colors and then we give you a form and it says exactly what to give us. And you go right that come back, send it to us with all the graphics. We'll turn your speaker sheets around. Those other two products are coming next year. That's where we do graphic design for your book of your flier handouts, your book fliers and your promotion of books. We'll do help you with your slides. And then the last thing is something we have right now. You can stand on any live or virtual stage and say, Go, for example, to Bryan four one one dot com. You can give them a URL and will pop on their phones and their digital devices. This great capsule of what you offer, so it'll include all your products, your free, free gift offer, your E courses, your books and with all live links, and then how to get a hold of you or book you for speaking. All of that is they can be doing connecting with you while you are on the stage and buying and et cetera, et cetera. So you can see a sample of that right there if you go to Speaker two and a little bit further buying.
It just never ends. Isn't this great?
So let's say that you, you know, we were talking about you don't know how to book yourself and you really want to have some of those skills. Well, there's an e-commerce how to fill up your speaking calendar. It teaches you how to write your speaker one sheet, how to write the proposal letter, what to say in that phone call all the things you need to put yourself. The next thing is how to book yourself or more radio and podcast bookings. We'll give you all the skills that you need to make that happen and the one I'm going to point to go all the way to the one on the right. That is how to get booked in the corporate marketplace if you want to know how to get in those doors. There are nuances that you have to know, and this course is going to give you seven modules of fabulous information. And then, by the way, if you just don't want to sit through some training programs, that turnkey booking system gives you a quick video and samples templates, checklists that'll make you get out there and jump on it right away. All right, one more,
Most comprehensive suite I've ever seen.
Thank you. So we've tried to fill in everything that you could possibly need or want, and one of the things that people came to us and said, I don't have time to book myself, I want your resources, but I don't have time to do it, so we solve the problem. We have developed a strategic alliance with this organization called Book For You Virtual Assistance. And what you can do is you can take our directories and then hire them to go, get this the gig for you, and you can hire them for 20 hours a month, 40 hours a month or 80 hours a month. But what's good about it is they know this, this marketplace, they they've been they've been researching and working in it for a long time, and they will go after those gigs on your behalf. And it's not just handed off to them. You have an intake meeting, you get weekly reports and then you have a meeting monthly meeting to go over what's working, what's not working and where you should be redirecting the energy going forward. And then just they're on the right. That's the radio podcast. Or as we were telling you about if you want to completely done for you radio podcast tour, then you can take advantage of that there. And that's the program we've been doing for 12 years. So there you have it. Our mission is to help you get booked in more ways, more places on more stages with less work, less money and make more money and change more lives.
All right. Thank you so much for all of that wonderfulness.
And here's the fun part.
Yeah, we're getting there. We're getting close. Not quite yet. I know what you mean. We're going to we're going to lay on you a wonderful, wonderful gift from Jackie that she's offering. And also, I haven't forgotten for those of you that have stuck around with us, thank you for sticking around until the end. Live on the live show. So if you're not watching this live next time, you want to be sure to do that. And for that, go to the mind body business showcase with the in front the mind body business show dot com and you can just register at the bottom and we just all we do is send in reminders of the next upcoming show so that you don't miss the next live show and you can enter to win the five night stay at a five star luxury resort and. We're at the end, so we're going to get this wrapped up, but before we leave and I will still let you know how to win the vacation giveaway and what Jackie has in store for you. Don't worry, we'll get there. I like to end every show, Jackie, with a specific question, and it happened kind of by accident, but it was one question that came up more than once. And then when I started getting the responses and realizing what they were and how powerful they were, I said, Whoa, I'm going to make that my ending question to end the night on. And I'll tell you, it has lived up to every expectation I had for it to, to be for sure.
I mean, it's really it does. And so it's a phenomenal, profound question. And the beautiful thing is it's somewhat personal, and I'll explain that just a little bit more in just a moment. But before we jump to that question, now is the time. If you're watching on a device that is connected to the internet, which means if you're watching live, you are doing that. You can go to a particular website and this is the one and only time that Jacqui or I will give you permission to take your gaze away from the screen if you have to to go to this website because I want you to enter right now and I'll put it up on the screen and read it out for you. You want to go to this website. It's our WIP dot com forward slash vacation, all lowercase. So it's our WIP. Time for vacation. All you do is you enter your name, your email address, your cell number so we can notify the winner and you'll be entered. And we will announce that later this evening to one lucky winner and you're going to just be blown away and amazed by this amazing trip. So go ahead and do that. Do it quick and come back because we have another amazing gift by this amazing young woman named Jackie Lapin. Are you ready? Here we go. I'm going to bring that up on the screen. That's not it. So I'm going to bring the real one up.
There you go.
And what we're going to do, I'm going to just fire off a little thing that shows what this gifts about. You can read it along the bottom, as Jackie describes exactly what it is.
So essentially, we've got two hundred transformational leaders available to you free of charge for an entire month. We're going to give you speaker tunity speaker leads, which gives you one hundred and twenty speaker leads every single month and you're going to get to take it and peruse it and see if you can get yourself booked or see if there come the kinds of leads that you want. And that's you know. And then Speaker Tunity Radio Insider, which gives you 40 life enhancing radio, shows things that will improve one's life in one way, shape or form. And the second, the last one is speaker two and three summits. We were talking virtual summits with open guest presenter seats. Normally those are thirty five dollars a month. We're going to give you the entire month free to try it out, you know, just see if it works for you. You can go to Speaker two forward slash free hyphen trials. Speaker Turnitin.com before we last free hyphen trials and to see if this is good for you. And then, you know, you can either step up to some of our other products or you can. And here's a good part about this. You could you can try all of them or none of them. You can you can pick and choose which ones you want. And at the end of those 30 days, then you can decide if you want to stay on or you can opt out. There's no obligation to stick around any longer than you feel like it, but if you like them, stick around. Hey, we got 400 people in our subscription services and most of them started like this, so they must like it or they wouldn't be sticking around.
And I mean, come on already at just thirty five dollars a month for each of these individually is an absolute steal in my humble opinion, and you get to kick the tires, so to speak, for 30 days. Thank you for this, Jacki. It's amazing. And it will help people make the decision that is going to be the right decision for them is to at least get started and figure out which of these works for them, what they're most aligned with. And again, that Earl real quick is speaker tunity. So think of opportunity and put the word speaker instead of upper, I guess, speaker tunity forward slash and then free. The EFF is capitalized. That's important. Hmm. Dash trials,
I don't know. That part is case sensitive, so I think you're good.
It is actually everything after the slash is case sensitive in web addresses. Ok, yeah. So I test it to make sure, yeah, that with the capital, it works just fine. Everything before it doesn't matter. It could be lowercase. D does not have to be capitalized, but yeah, so free dash trials and the word free and the word trials are both capitalized the F and the T. So just make sure you type that in in case you have issues, you know, that is the reason. Thank you, Jacki. Now it's time for the big, the big, the big question. It's coming up here just a moment. Let me do some clean up. Thank you for that, for sure. And now. The big question, so, Jackie, there's a couple of things about it. Number one is there's no such thing as a wrong answer. It doesn't exist. It's 100 percent impossible to answer it incorrectly because the exact opposite is the case, and that is that the only correct answer is yours. That is the only thing that makes it personal. It's it's unique to you, in other words. And so knowing that and I know you're a veteran and this is not freezing you in the lease, but knowing all that. Are you ready?
I love it. Here we go. Jackie Lapin, how do you define success?
For me. It's working with people I love. Serving being of service to the people who can benefit from what from the gifts that I've been given. And for me, ultimately, it's living where I love to live in a beautiful home that has been mine for twenty seven years or surrounded by 300 roses and then the opportunity to travel and explore the world. I say the world is my classroom and I love to adventure forward and see historic cities and understand ancient cultures and see how we developed in all of the different communities across the world. So for me, that success being able to do all those things.
Oh, right, that is phenomenal, thank you so much, Jackie, and that's the thing I love about that is each and every time you see you opened up with, it's not about you. It was about serving others, about working with incredible people, but getting giving service in a way that benefits. People didn't say in a way that benefits Jackie Lapin. And that is one of the common things I've learned from asking this question, which makes you another unique, amazing person. And that is because nobody has answered that exactly the same way yet. No two people and I've done this hundreds of times, and it's pretty amazing. That's why it's such a powerful question, and I wanted to just say Thank you so much, Jackie, for spending your very valuable time being on here. And by doing that, everyone can now attest and learn and know that Jackie is doing. She's practicing what she preaches just by being on the show. That's part of what they do is they get you booked and obviously she got booked and now she's getting greater exposure for her business. And that's exactly the reason she does what she does, so she can do that for you as well. And so I can't wait to see all this flood of people coming on to my show, Jackie. I'm just kidding. And so I'm booked pretty far out already, which is a blessing. And so, so, so blessed that you were one of those that came on. And so do you have any last parting word you'd like to give anyone out there? One last quick piece of advice for anyone that possibly might be struggling trying to navigate the waters of this thing called entrepreneurship.
Well, first of all, I want to thank you for being an extraordinary host and being so gracious about what we do. But my my my message to you is don't hide your light under a bushel because you're robbing the world of your of the gifts that you have for it. So get out, go speak and help others over the barriers that you have overcome and show them the light. Show them the way.
Amen to that. Ooh. Powerful show, powerful woman. And I'm just beyond elated and I want to go for another hour. I'm so glad you agreed to do that, Jackie. I know I'm kidding, but I would definitely easily. We could go another hour. We'll just have to have you back on the show again. Thank you so very much once again. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the amazing Jackie Lapin on behalf of this amazing woman. I am Brian Kelly, your host of the Mind Body Business Show, and we'll be back again next week with another phenomenal guest. It just keeps coming, and we're going to continue to follow and model that path of success that Jackie has paved for everyone in advance. So thank you again, Jackie. And that is it for us so long. For now, everyone be blessed and we'll see you again next week.
Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at W WW. The Mind Body Business Show. My name is Brian Kelly.
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Jackie Lapin
Jackie Lapin is a leader in helping leaders, authors, coaches, speakers and entrepreneurs connect with their next followers around the globe. An expert at aiding them to GET BOOKED, she provides strategies, guidance and direct leads through her SpeakerTunity® programs, tip sheets and regional directories that get changemakers booked for speaking engagements, radio shows, podcasts, virtual summits, TEDx events and virtual networking across North America. SpeakerTunity® also offers a speaker-one sheet graphic design service, booking systems and training to fill up your speaking calendar. SpeakerTunity® is The Ultimate Speaker’s Tool Box.
Her internationally acclaimed Conscious Media Relations Radio/Podcast Tours have helped nearly 200 luminaries, leaders, filmmakers and authors grow their businesses, sell more books, create viewership and change more lives by introducing them to up to 9000 radio shows and podcasts, including such clients as Don Miguel Ruiz, Dr. Joe Vitale, James Twyman, Denise Linn, Arielle Ford, Hay House and more.
Connect with Jackie: