Special Guest Expert - Jason Van Orden: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward? Two steps back. Who are dedicated. And driven. How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. And this podcast. Will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This is The Mind Body Business Show. Hello, everyone, and welcome. Welcome, Welcome to The Mind Body Business Show. We have another phenomenal guest lined up, Jason Van Orden. He is waiting in the green room. Oh, yep, I see him. He's in there. He's scratching on his monitor saying, Brian, let me in. I'm ready. Let's go. Yeah, he's coming on very, very soon. I cannot wait to share this man's genius and brilliance with you and his experience. His success. That is the very reason of this show. The Mind Body Business Show is a show that I developed literally with you in mind. The success or the business person, the the entrepreneur. You could be successful already. The purpose of this show is to take you to that next level of success by bringing on the most successful entrepreneurs from around the world that I can find. And Jason Van Orden is one such gentleman, and I cannot wait to share him with you so that you can simply take notes and then take action and then take your business to the next level. Remember, it's like stacking pebbles. There is no one magic pill that's going to take you to the stratosphere in your business. It's taking one step at a time, but continually taking those steps. And by watching this show on a regular basis, you will have the correct steps to take to achieve that level of success that you want and deserve. And The Mind Body Business Show is based on what I call the three pillars of success. And it's the three pillars are the very namesake of this show. Mind stands for Mindset. Now, about ten years ago, I spent well, I spent about ten years studying only successful people. You know, I was thinking, my gosh, you know, do they put their pants on two legs at a time instead of one leg like I do?
Brian Kelly:
What is it they did differently that perhaps made them more successful than me? And I'm talking about mentors of mine, like personal mentors. I had one that he became my mentor. He was just an absolute genius in the seminar industry and I ended up becoming his lead trainer. This took years and I became his lead trainer. Speaking from his stage, training his students on his seminars, I did a full half of his seminar each and every time for about two years. It was a great experience. I'm talking about authors of books, some that are with us today, still others who were gone before I was even born. These are things I've read and learned from this ten year period. And these three pillars, mind being mindset. What I found was that to a person, these very successful individuals had developed a very positive, powerful, but the most important, I should say, and the most important aspect was a flexible mindset, very important when it comes to entrepreneurship and building a business and body. Body literally stands for the fact that they all, to a person, took very good care of themselves physically and nutritionally. And then business. Business is so multifaceted and so unique and fascinating because in business, what these individuals had done was they had mastered all the skill sets that are necessary to build a thriving business and then scale it and grow it even more and skill sets. What do you mean by that? Brian Well, their skill sets like sales, marketing, team building, leadership, systematizing. I mean, I could go on and on and you might be thinking, Oh my gosh, I've got to master all of those and more. The good news is you really don't because mastering any one thing can take just forever a long time. Like to become an expert. I forget. It's like 10,000 hours of focused effort to be proclaimed an expert. And so mastering something is not that far different. The thing is, if you master just one skill set, you can leverage the rest. And I mentioned that one skill set just a moment ago and is the skill set of Do you want to know what it is?
Brian Kelly:
I'll just wait to see if anybody responds. I'm kidding. That one skill set is the skill set of leadership. Once you have mastered that skill set, you can now leverage and bring in those who had mastered those other skill sets, say marketing, sales team, building those kind of skill sets. And you can continue to grow yourself and master other skill sets while you're doing that. So it's a phenomenal approach. Even if you don't have a team right now, learn how to lead yourself and cultivate a culture within your company that you yourself would love to be a part of as a team member of your own business. Pretty cool stuff. All right. And to a person, each individual that I studied also I found were very avid readers of books. And with that, what I'd like to do is very quickly segue to a segment that I affectionately call Bookmarks.
Bookmarks Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready, Steady. Read. Bookmarks brought to you by Reach Your Peak Library.com.
Brian Kelly:
There you see it. Reach your peak. Library.com One quick word of advice before we move on. And I promise it'll be quick. And that is you are going to be learning about various resources as this show progresses, specifically and primarily from Jason Van Orden. And I want you to be to pay close attention to those resources when they come up, like websites, maybe books, other kind of resources. One thing I am just beg of you is instead of clicking away and researching it and looking at it on off to the side while Jason is talking, rather than do that instead, please, please, please write it down like reach your peak Library.com Get in the habit. Write that down. Get a piece of paper. If you don't have it, write it on your notepad, on your computer and then visit the resources after the show is over. Why do I say that? Because speaking from stage for years in especially in the beginning times, I remember getting to the really good part on the speaker. I know what I'm talking about. I know where the good parts are. And then at that point, I would notice on occasion there would be someone get up out of their chair and walk out of the room. You know, that all important text came in, they got distracted or they had to go to the restroom, whatever the case may be. And I learned to then train them to literally stay in the room. So stop drinking water well in advance of the next segment and silence your phones and take care of all your business during the breaks, because I would hate for you to miss that one golden nugget that could possibly change your life forever, especially with Jason Van Orden, you know, sending out and giving those nuggets. I don't want you to miss that because you took your focus off even for a tiny fraction of a moment. Please do yourself a favor and write everything down in note form and then come back to visit it when the show is over. All right. That's my soapbox moment I'm now stepping down from and reach your peak library real quick. It is a website that I had designed again with you in mind.
Brian Kelly:
This show and this website are all about you. And why is it here? Because I myself did not become a voracious reader of books until about the age of 47, which is now 12 years ago. Just give it a moment. I know you're all doing the math. You all love that. And I'm proudly wear wear my age on my sleeve. And so this this resource is here for you. What is it? It's a collection of books that once I finally started reading voraciously, I began saying to my team, Hey, add this to the library. These this is a compelling and impactful book, either either in my business or in my personal life or both. And so I just as I read the books, I had them added to the site. So there's no rhyme or reason, but it's here for you. So you can have some assurance that at least one other successful person has vetted the book and you are less apt to be wasting your time. No guarantee that it won't be a waste of your time. It had a personal impact for me. I can't guarantee it will for you, but it does increase the odds that you'll have a better experience with the books you choose. So reach a peak library.com that is there for you. And speaking of choosing the right books and the right people to work with, especially, it is time to bring on our amazing guest expert, Jason Van Orden. What do you say? You all welcome him with me? Here we go.
It's time for the guest expert Spotlight savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained. Big league qualified.
Brian Kelly:
And there he is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one. It is the only adjacent Van Orden. Yes. How are you doing?
Jason Van Orden:
I'm doing all right, thanks. Thanks for having me here. This is great.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, my goodness. I say, tonight we're on the East Coast now since I moved, so it's actually 239 in other places. That's still an evening, I guess. Technically or afternoon. I don't know. I don't care. So. Oh, I can't wait. I'm in a really good mood and I really enjoy talking to you. Jason before the show went live, started off. I can tell immediately with most people, you know, if they're good working with people, I can tell you are that and that you are heart centered and you're there to serve people and get them results. And it's obvious by the fact of what you're doing and that your business is still alive and thriving. So before I get in and start digging deep into your big, beautiful brain, would it be all right with you, Jason, if I gave you a formal introduction so everybody know who we're. Who we're looking at here?
Jason Van Orden:
That's great. Let's do.
Brian Kelly:
It. All right. Jason uses his scalable genius that's trademarked method to help coaches and consultants turn their existing content into Evergreen Group programs so they can serve 20 times the clients and cut their workload in half. Think about that 20 times the clients with half the workload. Who wants that? I'm raising my hand right now. Then he helps them consistently fill their programs. That's also very difficult to do for some, using the Gravity method, which is also trademarked and approach to attracting and enrolling clients without high pressure tactics or exhausting launches. Oh man, this sounds great. He draws from almost 20 years of experience, including launching over 60 online courses, working with more than 10,000 entrepreneurs, and launching the first ever podcast about Internet business. Can you imagine that? There are so many out there now? And it spent ten years, his podcast on a top ten ranked business podcast was like, My gosh, so great accolades and well deserving to have this amazing young man, Jason Van Orden on the stage here on The Mind Body Business Show. Now we get to get into it and you can finally listen to Jason instead of Brian yammering. So Jason, you're going to open it up with one of my favorite go to questions is I like to start about on the on the topic of mindset because it's part of the the theme of the show, but more importantly your mindset. So when you get up in the morning, you know, being an entrepreneur every day is just super simple. It goes, you know, smooth as anybody could ever imagine. Never any speed bumps or anything like that. I'm being totally sarcastic here. Uh, totally. And we're always facing challenges and arduous things. That's almost the definition of entrepreneur of an entrepreneur is to be a problem solver. But for you, when you're waking up in the morning and you know that there are things lying ahead of you that day that you need to tackle some arduous, uh, what is it that keeps you going every day, day in and day out? What keeps you driven? What keeps you excited about forging ahead yet another day into the sea of problem solving soup, if you will? What is it for you?
Jason Van Orden:
Yeah, I'd say it's a couple of things. I mean, one thing that drives me every day is just my natural curiosity, and that comes out in a couple of ways. I love that. I work with experts in all kinds of industries, and I just love getting to understand their expertise and the people that they're trying to serve and the impact that they can make in the world. And I've just always been really fascinated by ideas. I can remember when my parents, when I was young kid, they had the whole encyclopedia collection and I just loved taking that off the shelf and opening up to a random thing. And in a lot of ways I see that as what I do now, working with these experts. I just get to open up into the whole world of their industry and what they do. And then along with that is just knowing that there are so many people with amazing, important ideas that need to get out there to the people that can benefit most from those ideas. And I believe we all have that to offer. And so it's very fulfilling knowing that my own impact in the world in some small way is also being amplified as I help others to amplify their impact too. And we live in a world with no shortage of problems that we need to solve to make life better for more people. And so if we can elevate more of these, you know, individual specific voices, smart people with amazing ideas and expertise to share, then I think bit by bit, we do create that better world, so to speak.
Brian Kelly:
I knew I liked you from the moment we first started talking. I mean, that was it in a nutshell. That's phenomenal and I love it. You help one person and you know that it's going to exponentially, you know, help more people because now they have the tools, they have the confidence, they have the knowhow and the experience to do what they're doing and scale it and bring in more people and serve more people and do good for the world. So kudos to you for being that beacon that they can come to and then start spreading the word and their. Their brilliance and their genius with their business as well. So and we will. I promise. Everyone watching and listening that we're going to dive into. Jason's business a bit and find out I'm going to get into his business. We're going to find out about what he does and who he serves and the results that come from. Maybe a story or two. It's going to be awesome. So you don't want to go anywhere and we're just diving in. We're going straight in. Um. Yeah, love. There's one question I really love. And you've been in business now for quite some time. You've had lots of great experience. You've worked with a lot of entrepreneurs. I so resonate with what you were saying about you get to learn all this and experience all these different diverse people and what they do in business. I get that on this show being the host, it's like, yeah, it's amazing. You're you're one of them. And I'm like, so excited about this. And so you have, I'm sure, gone through many ups and downs in your business. You know, there have been the highest of the highs and oh my gosh, the lowest of the lows where you're thinking, why am I still doing this? Should I just hang it up? I mean, we've all been through there, I think, for you. Right. I want to go to the positive side. When it if you can think of one moment in your business life and it doesn't have to be the one you're in now, but what would be, in your mind, the absolute most satisfying moment you've ever can recall in any of your businesses?
Jason Van Orden:
The one absolutely most satisfying? Well, that's that's really hard to pinpoint. But I will say that one thing that has brought a lot of satisfaction in my life and was one of those key linchpin moments was back in 2005 when I first discovered podcasting. And it was just this new thing that came across my radar and I searched for it and Google didn't even know what podcasting was yet. I remember Google tried to correct me when I typed what is podcasting into the search? And, you know, I, I had already been a marketing consultant and had entrepreneurial experience. I also had previously been a software engineer, so I had tech background where I also understood the tech. It was a very techie thing. I mean, it is a techie thing, but today we have all these tools that make it easy for us to podcast, right? And then I also had a background as a musician in like recording and editing audio and stuff. So like it just felt like this perfect combination of my interests and skills. Now, at the same time, I was really afraid of like putting my voice out there in a new way, putting time into this new technology. Who knew if it was going to go anywhere or not? But thankfully, back at that time, I did go ahead and launch a show with my friend. And it beyond what we could have ever imagined, ended up going to so many countries around the world, led to, like you said, a top ranked business podcast and hence also a business for many, many years just teaching beginning entrepreneurs how to forge their own path in life. And so a lot of satisfaction has come out of that one decision that in that moment I had no idea the weight of the decision I was making to put my effort and focus into podcasting.
Brian Kelly:
And isn't that true of all of our decisions? Almost. It's like we don't know if it's going to be a great success or a dismal failure, right? But if we get that feeling or that desire, you know, we look at it from different angles, How can this benefit me? Is there a reason to put this time into it and effort into it? Why do I want to do this? And if the answers come back, you know, on the upside, then it's like, well, let's give it a go, see what happens. But that's not how entrepreneurs do it. They don't just say, Let's give it a go. It's like they go all in, right?
Jason Van Orden:
That's right.
Brian Kelly:
I mean, any other way is a recipe for failure, in my opinion. And that's I think one of the reasons so many fail is they're kicking the tires a little bit and treating it more of as a hobby. And I'll just do this whenever it feels right versus, you know what, the stuff that's no fun, too. And oftentimes there can be a lot of that, especially when you're first starting out. Have you experienced that in your journey with entrepreneurship?
Jason Van Orden:
Yeah. I mean, you know, one thing I'll add to this topic that is coming to mind is as we're talking, is that entrepreneurship business is a series of experiments. That's how I see it. You know, it's not this straight line plan that we make of like, here's how we're going to go from A to B and grow a business and grow an audience and make sales. It's okay. Well, what's the next thing that makes the most sense to try out here? To reach more customers, to create greater value, to deliver more efficiently or whatever, whatever it is we're trying to optimize or improve in our in our business. And so, you know, I talk about that moment of starting that podcast and it was nothing but an experiment and it ended up being one of the most significant ones I ever did. And equally there have been ones that I tried out. It's like that didn't turn out how I hoped and let's pivot. Let's try something else. Or maybe there's a couple things I can learn there, or maybe I need to shift some variables and give it another go and take it further. But if we keep that in mind and it's like, look, you're zigzagging your way through these experiments, then hopefully you can see it as just this evolving process. And you know, you evolution is, is is based on, you know, things failing, but then the things that really work sticking around and improving. And then in that way we end up with, you know, a better business, a bigger business, better ways of doing things and creating bigger value in the world.
Brian Kelly:
That's such a great way of coining it. Entrepreneurship is a series of experiments. It's like, Wow, as soon as you said that, it's like. Bought on and then zigzagging. I mean, zigzagging because, you know, I use a metaphor about, you know, a ship, a sailing ship. If you're sitting in the water and you have a rudder and you can steer it, but there's no wind. Are you going to are you going to get any closer to your end result destination? Obviously, no. So that means you're not taking action. That's the the metaphor part. That's the comparison. But once you get the wind and you start out, let's say you start out and you're going the wrong direction, but now you're moving, can you change direction and put it toward the result? More toward the result? Yes. Right now you change direction, you turn, you might overcorrect and still be going the wrong direction, but you're still going forward and you're still going toward it. Just not direct. You can still course correct. Once again, like you said, zig zag. That's exactly what I thought when you said zig zagging. And so it's about taking action and experimenting, as you so aptly said. And that is, you know, you got to try things and, you know, do it with some discernment so that you're not setting yourself up for wasting time and or money. Sure. But if you see something that looks like it could be beneficial to the growth of your company, then you know what? That's what we do. We take action. We don't overanalyze it. We just go for it and and then put everything we have into it and then, you know, make the decision, is this something we stick with or should we bail on this and move to the next, you know, course correction and go to the next right thing that we need to look at. So and that's the thing right now, though, man, there are too many of those available to us, like the shiny objects are everywhere. And I'm like, I want to turn.
Jason Van Orden:
Lots of things to experiment with. Absolutely. Yeah.
Brian Kelly:
I mean, I and all of this that's going on now is just it's unbelievable how much is there. And it's very easy to get sucked into multiple directions when we should be focused really on just one at a time. How do you how do you do that? How do you navigate all of these wonderful shiny objects and just remain focused on what you need to focus on until it's time to say, I give myself permission to go to another shiny object?
Jason Van Orden:
Yeah, I mean, this is such a great question. And so there's a couple things I do. Is that so? So for one, if I am diving into something new, um, you know, or wanting to experiment or go into a little bit when ChatGPT came out, this is a good example of that is, you know, I'll set a specific amount of time for me to go down the rabbit hole and I let myself, I give myself permission to go down the rabbit hole and I'm kind of ping ponging around and like reading this suddenly takes me to link over there and then makes me wonder about this. And then I'm searching for something else. I'm like, Oh, let me try something out here. And, you know, and then at the end of that, hopefully I've got a few things I take out of that. I'm like, okay, now let me see how I can apply this to to what I'm already doing. But so that's one thing is like, you know, limit the rabbit holes. And it's so easy to use rabbit holes as a defense mechanism to avoid doing what we really need to be doing. So at the same time, as I set aside a time time for that, I also make sure I'm setting aside time for the things that absolutely have to have to happen on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis to keep moving the ball forward inside of my business. You know, I got to spend time on business development, right? I got to be doing the outreach and networking or, you know, writing marketing and great content got, you know, so I also make sure I get those things on my calendar as well. Now, I, I also when, when I'm going about like, so I know at the top, at the top level of strategy of my business. So for instance right now lead generation is something I'm working on. I'm like, okay came back around because you can only grow a business really in one of three ways. You can generate more leads, you can convert more of those leads into customers, or you can create greater customer lifetime value. Hence every customer is worth more to your business, right? So at any given time, I know where I'm focused most in terms of the growth of my business.
Jason Van Orden:
So that's what's at the top of, of everything. But in doing that, I might say like, okay, well, what strategy do I want to use right now for moving lead generation ahead? And as I was starting kind of a new you know, we just had a new quarter here last quarter of the year, if you can believe it. And I knew that I was going to be focused on lead generation. I gave myself that permission as I was making a plan to move forward, like, what would I like to try when it comes to lead generation? So I talked to my coach, I talked to my colleagues. I've got my ear to the ground. And then at some point I go, you know what? Here's what. And I also check in with myself what feels fulfilling to me, what would be interesting or fun for me to dive into. And for me, I decided to double down on on LinkedIn more and things I was already doing there, but now taking that to a new level. And so I've got an experiment that I started a couple weeks ago and I'm running that experiment for a good 6 to 8 weeks to see how it goes. Just a new way of identifying and reaching out to you and connecting with the right people and expanding my network and starting the right conversations. And I'll evaluate here in a couple of months and see if that's moving forward at the point, you know, at the degree I want it to. And at that point I get to decide, okay, this is really not working out, ditch it or tweak a few variables and keep going because you're just it's like, you know, opening a safe. You know, you got to crack the code just right. And then. Suddenly can unlock and a wealth of results can come out of that. So and that's probably one of the trickiest things, is knowing when to bail or when to pivot or when to double down and just keep going. Right. And I think that's just something that with time, I guess you develop a sense as an entrepreneur, but that's why it's also important to have those around us that help us see what we're not seeing.
Jason Van Orden:
You know, the coaches, the masterminds, the colleagues who might have more experience than us and can say that, yeah, you know, you might want to be thinking about this or just make sure you, you know, such and such or whatever. So I know there's a smattering of ideas when it comes to how I think about what I'm going to focus on and when I'm going to adopt something new or try something new out.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, my God. That was just gold right there. I mean, I love it all. And then you said something more than once that really caught my ear. And that is the word coach. And that's one thing I've seen, especially entrepreneurs are just starting out. They don't tend to go that route and get a coach and think that it may be too cost, it may cost them too much. And then what I always say is, well, why don't would you would you do me a favor and consider how much it's actually costing you not to hire a coach? Right.
Jason Van Orden:
The opportunity cost. Yeah. It's like the inverse way. Yeah.
Brian Kelly:
And what I found, you know, the biggest hold back typically. Yeah. They use money as the crutch. It's really ego. They don't want to give up any control of what they're doing. They don't want to be told that they may not be doing things the right way. I mean, I'm saying they when I raise my hand as being.
Jason Van Orden:
Yeah, I've been I've been bitten by that, too. Totally. Like I get into that rugged independence. I don't need anybody's help. And I forget to ask for help. No, I've totally been there. And I have to remind myself not to do that at times.
Brian Kelly:
They always say ego is a cancer to success. It just it gets in the way. We all have it to a degree. It's not like we'll ever get rid of it. And that's okay. It's just being aware that, okay, this is my ego talking. I need to smack that sucker out of the way and go back and ask for help. And so when you I mean, how important to you has it been to have that help, that coach, that extra brain and ears and eyes that are outside, away and detached from your business enough to not be emotional about your business, to help you make decisions that you may not have ever thought of is is how important would you say that is?
Jason Van Orden:
Yeah, I mean, it's absolutely vital. And I mean, I get the idea like, oh, I want to feel capable. I want to feel like I'm able of making the decisions myself that I don't necessarily need to rely on on others. But it's just. Just the fact of the matter with human existence. I mean, here's one of the things. One of the most important lessons I have learned along the way is like even or maybe even especially the things I do really well for other clients are really hard to do for myself. And that's where ego can bite me, right? Because it's like, Oh, why should I go hire a coach to help me with my messaging when I know messaging and I help my clients every day with messaging for whatever reason, it's it's hard to apply your strengths to your own needs and to see things, you know, to to zoom out and see them with some objectivity. And so it's been vital, It's been critical, and it does feel like a really scary investment, whether it's because of the money, whether it's because of giving up ego, whether it's just being worried about having to try something new and maybe failing at it. Um, but I can see many times where it's like opening up and getting that help from a coach, from a mastermind, from the right colleagues, and knowing who I can turn to at certain times has been the exact thing that finally pointed out maybe what I was missing or introduced me to the new idea that I needed. You know, the stuff that I'm doing on LinkedIn right now, I wouldn't have arrived at that. My myself it was and talking to a coach who'd been talking to other people, they're like, you know, here's something that's that's working well. And I had all these preconceived notions about like, no, I don't know if I can, you know? And it's like, no, here's here's here's the way to look at it. Here's the way to it. And suddenly I was like, oh, okay, this feels good. This makes sense. And off I went, right? And so without that outside help, you know, I might I wouldn't have I wouldn't have tried tried that out. And, you know, we'll see how it goes. But that's an example of the kind of thing that having that outside help can really bring is the new ideas you wouldn't have had otherwise.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I think it's a universal issue where, you know, we're really good at what we do, but for some daggone reason we're not good at doing it for our own business. And it. And then I would be talking to someone else. They'd ask me a question and it just comes effortlessly like, Oh, you do X, Y, z, and I think that'll help you. And I'm like, How come I can't do that for myself? It's so funny and it's universal. I haven't met a person yet who hasn't experienced exactly what you just said. And it just that is another great reason to get help, whether it be a coach, a mentor, a mastermind, anything that you can do, get in a group that discusses that and is helpful in that regard. So yeah, I want to ask you about your business and start going down that path. And first we'll start a little bit generic. I call it chunked up, and that is I have a favorite topic when it comes to business, and that topic is marketing because marketing is the lifeblood of any business. I always laugh at companies that start scaling back their employee base and they start with marketing. Like you just cut off your you're done. It's I don't know why you do that, but I'm always curious because as Jason what what used to work ten, 15, 20 years ago in marketing typically or normally doesn't necessarily work today like I used to send out email blasts to thousands of people and you can make sales without nurturing any anyone. They just would see it and buy it. That doesn't happen that often anymore. Rarely. Right. And then what's happening today may not necessarily work ten, 15, 20 years out in the future. The thing that matters, though, is today what works today and for you personally, if you were to think of the one main go to marketing method that is working for you right now above all others, is it referral marketing? Is it one on one outreach to LinkedIn? Is it What is it? What would you say for your own business right now? Today is your number one go to marketing strategy that works and gets you results.
Jason Van Orden:
Okay. Yeah. So. About three years ago was shortly after the pandemic hit with a friend of mine and I, we started a networking group with, Hey, people are going to be looking for ways to connect. We want ways to expand our network and therefore to bump into more potential clients and opportunities. And so we started as an experiment. We're just like, Hey, well, let's do it for a few months and see how it goes. And three months later it's still going. It's a monthly thing. Every third, every third, you know, it's a consistent time, every third Thursday, so people know when to expect it. So why is this been the most one of the best things for marketing? Well, it keeps me top of mind with people in my market. They love coming and getting a lot of value at these at these networking meetings. I get a lot of referrals to these networking meetings, which makes it easy for for people in my network to refer others into my orbit, into my network, because mean, a lot of times we think about a referral. It's like, oh, I ran, I ran into somebody who is expresses. I really need help with X And you think I know somebody who does X? Let me refer you over to Jason. He can help you with that and that's great when that happens. But how many people right now are there who are like ready to to just get that referral? Whereas, you know, I have people every week getting referred into my network. Because I put on these networking meetings with with this colleague of mine. And so they're like, Hey, Jason and Mike, they put on these great experiences. You got to check it out. You got to go. And so and this is so, you know, it's building my my reach building my list keeps me top of mind and immediately elevates your authority. When people come into a Zoom room and they see 40 or 50, 60 other people and then they have a great experience with those people, like, you know, it sticks in their brain. Well, Jason knows how to bring some quality people together, and of course I find opportunities through that that to demonstrate my little nuggets of wisdom and make it clear what I can do for people.
Jason Van Orden:
And I've got things built into that to identify. Out of these 60 people in the room, who are the five that I should follow up with, because it seems they're indicators that they might be interested in or need what it is that I offer. Now, zooming out from that a bit, though, I'm not saying, you know, you got to go start a networking group. I think another way, because this is what I teach my clients is I think that creating experiences is really super valuable today. A lot of people are so jaded by the number of experts out there posting tons of content and you know, they're tired of giving up their email for these thin lead magnets that give them, you know, barely enough information to do anything as opposed to if you've got like a quality discussion group or mini mastermind or networking group or workshops. I also do workshops on a monthly basis, but I'm always trying to create experiences that I can invite people into. They get a taste of what it's like to be in my world, what it might be, feel like to be my client. They get a taste of my expertise and keeps me top of mind with them. And by the nature of what I focus those experiences on the workshop or the discussion group topic for the day, or that the people who say yes to that invitation, I now know out of all the people in my network, Oh, here, here are the ones that that is top of mind for them. They thought, You know what, I'm going to give up two hours or an hour of my time for that because this is a relevant concern issue question that I have and I'd love to see what Jason has to offer about it. So offering those kinds of experiences, I call them gravity experiences. They bring them into your people, into your orbit, and they keep them in your orbit until you identify when they're ready to move forward in your customer journey. And that's what's been working really well for me for the past. Well, we've been doing the networking for three years, but especially in the past year, I've really formalized the process. I've seen it working incredibly well.
Brian Kelly:
Wow. Is is it a network open to most business and entrepreneurs or.
Jason Van Orden:
Yeah, absolutely. Well, yeah, the, the, the premise of the networking we do we call it generous entrepreneurs and media. And it's bringing together podcasters or people with a platform like yourself. So podcasters live web show or, you know, you live stream on a regular basis, but you've got a platform and you bring experts on to that platform. So we bring together the creators with the platform and the experts who are looking to get on to that platform to connect. And now that leads to lots of interviews and things. It also just leads to lots of great connection in general, whether or not you end up going on somebody's show or not. But that's the premise of the the core value proposition of the networking is, hey, we'll connect you with really quality experts to bring on to your platform, your show, or as an expert, we will connect you with others who are looking to put you on their platform. And so that's yeah, that's and anybody who keeps a certain, you know, generous entrepreneurs and media, we want giving people, people who show up, they're not there to pitch right outside of the gate. They want to figure out like, how can I create value here? How can I develop meaningful relationships within my business? And so that's the ethos that we we go for and that's who we invite into the networking group.
Brian Kelly:
So how does one find this networking group? You're killing me, man. I want to know.
Jason Van Orden:
You go to generous entrepreneurs in media. Dot com gem is generous entrepreneurs in media.com.
Brian Kelly:
Right on. And so just by the sheer fact, if anyone is willing to type that many characters to get in they want. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Jason Van Orden:
I mean, most of the time I'm, I'm putting that in an email or somewhere for somebody. It's not necessarily the easiest thing to type out.
Brian Kelly:
I can see it wrapping around.
Jason Van Orden:
You can also go to Jason van.com/gem That'll take you to the same.
Brian Kelly:
All right cool.
Jason Van Orden:
If that's easier for people since my name is on the screen, maybe that's easier for people.
Brian Kelly:
I love it. Yeah, well, actually, here's the website. Yeah, it's Jasonvanorden.com. I'm going to spell it for those of you listening right now, it's Jason Jason Van Orden. So that's van o r d e n.com/gem. Right. J j gm.
Jason Van Orden:
Brian Kelly:
You got it. And is that a lowercase GM Yeah. Okay. It's very important. What's after the forward slash some people it's a it's a it's a tech thing we have a lot in common. I'm a former software engineer as well.
Jason Van Orden:
Oh, really? Oh, awesome.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And I never went down. The musician musician trail, but many of my colleagues did. It's a, it's a big, uh, it's interesting. Many who have that kind of mind, like you and I end up being musicians, except I didn't do it. But it's, you know, it's technical and notes, and I just never got into it. If I did it, I'd be a drummer so I could beat the heck out of something nice. Yeah. If you're ever looking for a drummer that doesn't know what the heck he's doing, maybe we can get a band going. But. Yeah. So a lot of stuff in common and this is really cool and I'm loving this. And so your business, let's segway directly into that. So it sounds like well, from your your introduction earlier that you're helping entrepreneurs to take their one on one coaching or group, you know, the premier type group coaching and make it evergreen and scale it and make it less necessary. Neat. What's the word less requiring of their personal time but getting them greater results. So I would love, if you don't mind, to just hand it over to you so you can explain in a nutshell what you do for your clients. First, who are your clients? You know, where do they come from? What is your avatar, if you will? And then. Yeah, so my. Go ahead. Yeah. Pardon?
Jason Van Orden:
I started interrupting you. Go ahead. I'm listening.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, no. Yeah.
Jason Van Orden:
Good. I'm so excited to jump in and.
Brian Kelly:
Answer the question. I love it. Yes, that's called passion, ladies and gentlemen. And it's a good thing. I love it. And then. Yeah, so who it is, what you do. And then if you have a Oh, I would love if you have a success story or two you'd like to share with us, please, please do that as well. So okay, now I'll turn it over to you and I'll stop blabbing. Okay.
Jason Van Orden:
Great. Um, yeah, so my, my, the people I work with are coaches, consultants doing awesome work for their clients. They're delivering great results. You know, they've been doing it at least a couple years, maybe a few years, sometimes several years. But they've been doing it long enough to know this is my ideal person and these are the outcomes that they want and this is how I have an approach to getting them those outcomes. The problem that they eventually run into as they grow their business is at some point they're maxed out on how many hours they can sell, right? There's only so much time and energy that you can sell. And if all you're doing is working with people one on one, I mean, that's great. You can make a great impact. But at some point you start wondering, well, if I can only serve, you know, ten one on one clients at a time, and this is as high of my prices can go right now. You know, you do the math. And if that's not the income that you want to have or not enough people you want to impact in the world, well, what do you do? And so this is where I come in and I help my clients to do do three things. Number one, to organize their approach and their expertise to really understand. It's like, here is what's unique about their approach. And we put it into a system, a system that's repeatable, a system that's been formalized. When you read my bio, I had like scalable genius gravity method, right? These are what I call signature processes. So I help create a signature process for my clients. So now they have a thing that can be implemented consistently and also optimized to be more efficient over time. Then we wrap that into a scalable delivery method into an offer such as a group program where you're not just working with one person at a time, but now you can have five, ten, 15, 20, maybe even depending on what kind of program, you know, you can have that five to 10 to 20 times as many people that you're serving at a time and you're serving in a much more efficient way.
Jason Van Orden:
Right. And there's a number of different ways that you can do that we can talk about. But so we wrap it in a group, a premium group program. I'm not talking about just some online course where, you know, you're trying to go for passive income supposedly, and people are left on their own to get through it. I'm talking about creating an amazing experience that serves your ideal clients, gets them awesome results. You're able to charge great prices for it and serve more people while you're doing it. And then the third thing we do is we have to take their marketing and their sales from one to 1 to 1 to many. So you need to go from, you know, networking and getting your referrals to have your handful of clients that you can manage 1 to 1 to. Now creating an audience of people whose attention you continually keep and build a relationship with them and find out, you know, through like the experiences I mentioned earlier, but through some kind of marketing and customer experience, continually figuring out who in my audience is ready to bring into this this program, because you want to be able to fill that program consistently, right? You need to go from just one sales here and there to like you can bring in half a dozen people into a program or more at a time. So we start tweaking their marketing and sales approach to be one to many instead of just limited to 1 to 1. And when we nail that down, a good signature process wrapped in a program that they can deliver one to many, that frees up a lot of their time to be able to focus more on that marketing and sales, to reach more people, bring more people in, impact more people's lives and of course, make more money while you're at it. So that's the overall premise of what I do for my clients love it.
Brian Kelly:
And that's it's such a common issue because, you know, one on one coaching is just flat out not scalable if you continue to it just one on one. And you know, I've talked to so many people and they're wondering how do I get out of this quagmire? How do I get into the ability to scale? And, you know, the thing is, is they're trying to figure out, okay, well, I need to clone myself. I need to train somebody to. Do this. I like your approach better because now they don't necessarily have to do that and they can concentrate on using your systems and methods to do it instead and keep what they're doing. Actually, it sounds like they would expand on what they have and create maybe additional high valued things for people to. To experience in addition to what they're say there, their primary product is. Do you do you do that as well? Do you give them ways to create maybe lower entry type of product? Yeah.
Jason Van Orden:
So one of the big advantages to creating a signature process like that is now, you know, and we create it in a modular way where it's like you could take one piece of it and break that off and it could be like a specific digital course that someone can buy as a first taste of, of working with you to get a result. Or you can decide, okay, I've got my entire signature process here and either you can work with me one on one to go through that process at this price, or you can come into my group at this price and go through that or, you know, slice and dice. You might have your like, Hey, I have my three day in-person workshop intensive that you can go through as well. So it makes it a lot easier to create and market those offers that meet the different price points and needs. And you know, people are at different places in that. And so you're able to serve much more efficiently when you create that signature process. And just to give people an example of what I mean by a signature process, I mean, I'm sure some people are familiar with like Storybrand is a great signature process, right? And that's one where now their coach is certified in delivering that. And you know, you might not necessarily want to do that yourself, certify or license your stuff, but what storybrand is now, it is the the thing at the core of the business model, right? It's a great signature method for good marketing messaging. And so instead of it being a person, you know, so here's the here's the client and here's the person that's going to get that client to the result they want. Well, now what we're going to do is it's a process that's going to get the client to where they want to go, and then it's you and your team supporting and delivering that process to take more people through it. So that's what I mean by a signature process. And then, yeah, it's a lot easier to make different offers when you've formalized that signature process. You know, like we know as entrepreneurs that we need to have good I mean, think about operations if we don't eventually systematize them.
Jason Van Orden:
You said you have all kinds of systems to do this show, right? And I was impressed by like, you know, I could tell there's like automatic emails. I got to make it easy for me to know what to do. And of course, you've got to connect it to broadcast it live. I mean, I can there's so many things that have to happen for this show to be successful. So you're going to have to have good systems and delegate some of that stuff. We know that about the admin of our business, but a lot of times that expert based business is we don't think about. I need to do that with my expertise as well. I need to formalize my approach. And it doesn't mean that now it's this rigid, one size fits all thing because it can still have that element of some customization for people to guide their path through your system. But in the same way, we would create systems for operations to scale our business. You got to do the same thing with your your expertise and your approach to delivering results. If you want to be able to scale your business beyond you, beyond just you having to be present in the room in order to deliver value and give people an impact. So that's that's the the message that I'm preaching and what I help coaches and clients who want to coaches and consultants who want to go to that next level. What I help them to do to open up more capacity for income and impact.
Brian Kelly:
Wow. Building systems around your own expertise. That's a good one. That's a new one to me. That's awesome. And it's helping me to think, you know, because one of the greatest lessons I learned early on was, you know, build your build your business as if you were going to sell it whether you are or not. And that means build it so you can step away completely. Yeah, and it can still operate. And if you can't step away completely, no one will buy it because it requires you. And so what you just said gives everybody that potential to do just that, whether or not they want to. But it's a very good thing to do because it takes your emotion more out of the business day to day and your business will thrive more. So it's it's more of a philosophy and approach. But if you do ever get to that point, it's like I'm I just want to do something else. I'm going to step away. You can actually sell it if you're doing well. At that point versus if you didn't implement what you just stated, which was systematize your, your, your genius, your your, your what is it that.
Jason Van Orden:
You Yeah your intellectual property. Yeah. Yeah.
Brian Kelly:
And so I've never heard that before. That's like genius to me. And wow I'm curious how that how you go about that and that's, that's got me excited. That's why I love what I get to do this show. I learned something every show. That one was one of those mind blowing moments like, wow, it's it's such a simple concept, yet it's so freaking genius.
Jason Van Orden:
And the benefits go beyond just being able to serve more people. Like if you So you mentioned maybe sharing a success story. I had one client that after we did this process, right? So you know, she's very multidisciplinary. She's in the arts choreographer, director, um, also an academic teaches at university. And so and she's having a. Hard time, like really honing in, like, here's my message, what I want to deliver to the world and how I want to present myself. And as soon as we like took all of that and said, okay, here's your ideal person, here are the outcomes they want. Now let's organize that into the milestones that you take people through to get. She's, you know, at the end she's like, You know what? I have such a clarity now about my body of work and what I want to put out there. I was able to take all these disparate pieces. You know, she's a very intuitive person. She goes in the room and teaches. Brilliant, right? She she just knows how to pull it out of her tool belt here and there and like, okay. And people walk away going, That was transformational. But now she's got it, too. It's like, you know, if you write a book, you've taken the time to really think through what you want to say and you know your thoughts and approach to a specific thing. And in the same way, a signature coming up with your signature process does that. And so then your marketing gets easier because now it's easier to see, Here's the content I need to create or what I need to help people understand so they see my process as the best solution for them. It gets easier to convert sales like when I'm on a sales call with the right person and I bring up that diagram of my signature process after we've just talked about what they want to get most, and now they see the exact path that I'm presenting to them to get there. They're like, This is cool. I want this, right? It's it's formalized. It has that. It raises your authority to your perception of authority in the same way a book can as well. So there's all these other advantages that come too from formalizing your approach and expertise as a signature process.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, it really would raise the clarity not just for your client, but for you as you're bringing. I can so feel this. This is this is phenomenal. And then the the one key ingredient for anyone who's looking to buy is the certainty. Right. Like you just said, once they see it now, they can see everything you just said is actually, you know, it's it's bona fide. It's on paper. It's been thought out. It's true. It's going to happen. And when there's certainty involved, then sales are generated. It's like, wow, this is amazing, man. Where have you been all this time?
Jason Van Orden:
That's the response. That's the response we want right when we get in front of the right person. Yeah.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And my gosh, gosh, there are so many people that I've run into over my course of life. I wish well, I now know who you are. And so there'll be a lot that I can throw your way. I'm going to definitely go look into that gem network. I love the acronym. That's perfect. Yeah.
Jason Van Orden:
Yeah. Well, we love to have you. That'd be great.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I'd love to contribute. I'd love to help people. And whatever I can do to help out, I'm more than willing, uh, especially with you at the helm and look forward to meeting the partner that you started that with. And that's pretty cool. You obviously guys, you knew what you were doing. You came, you got onto something, you saw it through three years in the running. So that's pretty awesome. So kudos and congrats on that as well. Um, let's see. Ooh, wee. This is, uh. I don't know where to go next because my mind is reeling in a great way. With everything you've just brought up, I do want to remind everybody I had it on a message that was floating by earlier that those that stay with us to the end, you can qualify to win a five night vacation, stay at a five star luxury resort compliments of reach. Your peak happens to be my company, but we get to do this every single week. I love it. I can't wait to see who the next winner is going to be. We'll be revealing how you entered a win here right toward the end. And we're getting there. We're getting close. So don't go anywhere. And this is only for people watching live. So you must be live. I know who you are. And so if you're not watching live, how do you watch live? Well, go to ThMindBodyBusinessShow.com I like long URLs to there Jason TheMindBodyBusinessShow.com and then you can scroll up and you'll see buttons up here and says where and how to watch click any one of those opt in. I think you get a $500 hotel discount card. It's electronically sent to you just for opting in. It costs nothing to you and all we will do is announce when the next show is going live. And that's once a week. And in that email there will be a link. You can click on it and you'll be watching us instantly and engaging and you'll have the ability to enter to win that five night vacation stay. And these are bonafide you don't want to miss these. These are bonafide vacation days. It's not where I don't know if you've been involved in this Jason, where they you take you into the lobby and then they immediately take you downstairs into the basement and put you under a water torture treatment chamber and try to sell you a timeshare. It's not that. Right.
Jason Van Orden:
Okay. Yeah, I've been through one of those before for sure.
Brian Kelly:
Yes, I've been through a couple. It's like, Oh, man. And they say, we'll just take 20 minutes of your time and four hours later your whole. Anyway, it's not that. It's you're treated as if you're a full paying customer. They in fact don't even know the difference. So it's phenomenal. You don't want to miss that. And then a little birdie told me by the name of Jason Van Orden, he's not he looks like a big birdie to me. He's not a little guy. Um, and that's that's a compliment, by the way. And so that you had a little gift to give away, too. Do you recall that? And is it still good? It's been a while.
Jason Van Orden:
Absolutely. Um, so I've got a workshop that I walk clients through to help them get started with their scalable. It's called Scalable Genius Workshop, and it helps them start thinking through what is their signature process. And so if all of this is appealing to people and they're like, Hey, I'd like that'd be cool to to start formalizing what it is that I'm offering to the world and branding my own signature process. I'd love to offer this workshop for free for people to go and check out. And it's very actionable. Like it's, you know, there's a workbook that comes with it and we talk about principles, and then you put pen to paper and figure some stuff out and then, you know, you can watch what others did on the live workshop, what they came up with. And then we go to the next principle. So you really come out like having done something and moved the ball forward and created your own your own thing. So that's the scalable genius workshop that I'd love to offer people who are listening.
Brian Kelly:
Well, fantastic. Well, let's do it right now. How would they go to find this?
Jason Van Orden:
Well, let's see. Oh, actually, well, we've got the gravity method, so maybe I forgot that it was the gravity method I'd mentioned. We got so much into scalable genius. So yeah, Gravity method is also well, we talked about the experience. So this is perfect too. We talked about how we use experiences for my marketing. That's what the Gravity method is all about. I'm happy to share the other one with anybody who wants as well. So the Gravity method Jason van norden.com/gravity and that's going to tell you how to design one of these gravity experiences that can mean look we've all got in fact I think I saw somewhere on one of your bio on LinkedIn or something, you're like a lot of us are sitting on top of like their clients out there. We've got a lot more that we can pull in out of the woodwork than we realize. Right. And so this workshop will show you how to create an experience that in the next 14 days will identify people who are already in your network, whether that's on social media and LinkedIn or something on your email list or just, you know, people that you've connected with recently and put that experience out there to elevate your brand, but also to identify who might be some amazing clients for me here in the next 14 days that that I can enroll. So yeah that's Jason van norden.com/gravity um and since I teased the other one if forward slash SG if you want the scalable genius you can get both of them. I'll give them I'll give them both away today. Um, no problem there. Um.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Appreciate it. So is that like a coupon code or are they just, uh. How does that work? No, that's.
Jason Van Orden:
Just the secret URL where you can go and enter in your email and stuff and then it will give you a login. You'll get an email with a login into my course hub where then you get to log in and boom, that'll automatically be ready for you to to go through. It's the same course hub that my clients go into to access information. So I'm. I'm giving you a pieces of the same stuff my, my, my paid clients get when they work with me.
Brian Kelly:
Supremely, supremely appreciative of that. That is phenomenal. Thank you so much, Jason. So for all of you listening and I don't know, maybe there'll be a time limit on this because this is quite a gift in my opinion. But go to Jason Van orden.com. So that's Jason and then Van Orden which is Van orden.com/gravity all lowercase and now replace the forward slash with SG is that right.
Jason Van Orden:
Sg sg scalable genius. Sg trying to.
Brian Kelly:
See if can read my own writing. I'm testing myself. And then. And then you also have another one if you want to join his network. If you are someone who is very generous in your time and giving of your value and your your experience and also go to forward slash GM. Gm So Jason Van orden.com/and we have three valuable resources right in one place Write all this down. Don't go there Now, like I told you earlier, because we have one more great prize to give away. And then what I'm going to do is ask Jason a very impactful super secret question.
Jason Van Orden:
All right.
Brian Kelly:
The cool thing with that is I've been doing this for some time now, Jason, this show and I used to ask this question on occasion and it just it hit me every time I got the answer, like, Wow, holy smokes, That has to be shared with more people. So I decided to close every show with the same question. And the cool thing, hopefully you'll think it's the cool thing for you is that when we're done collecting all of these, I'm going to create what's called a collaborative book with the answer to that question. And the title of the book will be the question itself. It's going to be awesome. I can't wait. It it's super amazing, profound, incredible answers and responses. And you're like going, God dang it, He's building it up. And now I'm getting nervous. But that's okay. Don't worry about it. You've got this. And before we do that, though, real quick, I'm going to let people know how they can win that five night stay at a five star luxury resort. Again, you must be watching live. So be sure to be here next time if you're not right now, For those of you listening to the recording, it's all good either way. I'm going to put it up on the screen and then I will verbally tell you how to enter to win. It's a URL and all you need to do is go to write this down. Don't do this now. P stands for Reach your Peak. So R.I.P. dot im not.com/vacation report forward slash vacation all lowercase and write that down as soon as the show is over, go there and enter to win. We will monitor that for the rest of the evening and choose that winner. Can't can't wait to see who it is it's going to be. You're going to love this. It's mini vacation. Areas from around the world mean all over the place. It's amazing. All right. So, Jason, the question that's coming up. Ooh, baby. So here's here's the good news. There is no such thing. As a wrong answer.
Jason Van Orden:
Brian Kelly:
It doesn't exist. Because. I'm asking you a question. You're giving an answer, but it's not a test. There's no test. It's the cool thing is the exact opposite. Is it true? Is the only correct answer is your answer because it is unique to you. If it takes you a microsecond to come up with the answer or if it takes you 1015 30s to come up with the answer, that too is perfect because it's your answer. There's no way to fail here. And with all that, holy crap, I love the preamble.
Jason Van Orden:
That's great. That said, this is a great preamble. You're definitely okay. This is good. It's relieving the. Pressure.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, no, you're gonna. You're gonna crush it. Every single person has. Because, again, everything I just said is absolutely true. All right. With all that, though, are you ready?
Jason Van Orden:
Let's do it.
Brian Kelly:
I love it. Here we go. Jason Van Orden. How do you define? Success.
Jason Van Orden:
Ah, okay. Well. I define success by growth. Each day. You know, I want to I want to feel like I'm increasing my self-awareness, increasing my knowledge, increasing the value. And this is just bit by bit, you know, little increments. The value I'm creating in the world, the quality of the relationships that I'm that I have in my life. Um, you know, learning how I can be be of use to, to those that are close to me as well as those that I bump into through other means, like online and so forth. So it's it's growth. I guess it goes back to that experimentation thing, like being willing to try new things, learn new things and all these different facets of, of life, you know, health and relationships and, and building wealth so you can, you know, give some of that away and also take care of your loved ones. Um, so it's all about just incrementally getting better each day. I will admit that I often can be very hard on myself too, So I have to remind myself about that progress because there's always a horizon that's moving farther away. So if I don't remember to stop each day and see those incremental wins and incremental progress, um, it's very easy to get discouraged, at least for me. Um, so I guess it's keeping that at bay, that self-criticism and just doing my best each day to incrementally improve myself and all those ways that I that I laid down.
Brian Kelly:
Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. And as advertised it was absolutely perfect. Yes sir. Thank you so much for that Jason. That is phenomenal. You are phenomenal, my friend. Uh, you know what? We. We should be done by now, but I'll give you one last. But before we do that, I want to remind everybody three amazing resources that you should all go to immediately following this show. And that is Jason Van orden.com/jem GM also forward slash gravity and forward slash SG three different resources. Please take advantage of this. I cannot implore upon you enough how important and valuable this will be for you going forward. And and then of course, enter the vacation at report forward slash vacation. But Jason, if you would like to take us home, what would you say to a budding entrepreneur if you were to give them one piece of advice and you can only give one, but if you're going to give them one piece of advice that you think would be the most beneficial to them, that's maybe just starting out or struggling, what one piece of advice would you give them with all the experience you've had in your entrepreneurial journey itself?
Jason Van Orden:
Yeah, I mean, there's so many that come to mind, but one I guess that we haven't touched on in some way already is don't, don't rest on your laurels. It's very easy to get some degree of success and feel like, Oh, this is great. I've hit, I've worked really hard and they got to this place and, and then just be like, you know, I'm just going to enjoy. And sometimes, yeah, we need that downtime to rest and recuperate or whatever. But if you just kind of skate through and aren't actively like growing and trying to improve when it comes to market markets and business, there are others that are going to be coming up right behind you that are, you know, they're they're nipping at your heels and willing to put in the hard work as well. This is by no means a hustle culture like you got to hustle, hustle, hustle. I'm just saying. Don't rest on your laurels. Like don't expect things just to stay the way they are right now. So constantly be looking for that next way that you want to improve, experiment, try something new, take it to another level and just be willing to continue to do that and you'll do all right.
Brian Kelly:
Falls right in line with your definition of success, which is growth. I mean, right down the alley. Striker Awesome. Jason Van Orden, you are amazing, man. I appreciate you on on behalf of this amazing gentleman, Jason Van Orden. I'm your host, Brian Kelly of The Mind Body Business Show. Until next time, please everyone do just two things. Number one, go out and crush it and serve more people in your business because they need you. Number two above all else. Please, everyone be blessed. That is it for us tonight. We can't wait to see you again next time here on The Miwwd Body Business Show. Until then, good night, everybody. Thank you for tuning in to The Mind Body Business Show podcast at www.TheMindBodyBusiness Show.com My name is Brian Kelly.
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Jason Van Orden
Jason uses his Scalable Genius™ method to help coaches and consultants turn their existing content into evergreen group programs so they can serve 20 times the clients and cut their workload in half. Then he helps them consistently fill their programs using the Gravity Method™, an approach to attracting and enrolling clients without high-pressure tactics or exhausting launches. He draws from almost 20 years of experience, including launching over 60 online courses, working with more than 10,000 entrepreneurs, and launching the first-ever podcast about internet business, which spent ten years as a top-ten-ranked business podcast.
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