Special Guest Expert - Jennifer Glass

Special Guest Expert - Jennifer Glass: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Jennifer Glass: this eJwljstqg0AUht9lFl2pgxpNIoRSSZGkNF1IFlnJdOao085F5qKEkHfvSJf_5XznfyCqlQPlOnefAFXoDUWIK-uIotBxhqpsW-yyPC8iRL11WnoL5j8o03JTZBEilGofCKuZ7_ZFuo1Qz0GwThG5MnsuIGB_F2IGi6oH8kYEe3RushXGy7Ikg9aDADJxm1AtMTN8BjxneD21OGWjs_M5pt7EH_o--rn7mZquhj2dSv8NzSsR7iCBcfJitTcUDkwvSmjCruFVhBx3Yl3yeboc66_jrb62p8t728ZnUIr3YBpBrE3ktAnlXhtJXGiv8vn8A0dSYig:1mvWsZ:to59cnQwPNeGibc1Wlr-vOuK3Sg video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

So here's the big question how are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make

It one step forward only to fall two steps back who are dedicated? And driven. How do we finally break through? And with that is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This. Audie?

Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. We have another phenomenal, phenomenal show lined up for you tonight. The one and only Jennifer Glass is joining us. You are going to absolutely love this woman. She brings so much value, so much experience, so much talent to the table, and you are going to be the benefactor of all of that. And that's what I love about what I get to do this show and that is the mind body business show. What is that all about is about what I call the three pillars of success. It's much like a tripod that has three legs. If you take any one leg away from that tripod, then that tripod will collapse and fall down. It's similar with mind, body and business. And what does that? What I found over the course of oh gosh, the past decade or so, what I did was I started studying successful people and what made them perhaps more successful than me. And so what I found was time and time again, three things kept trickling up to the top. And you might guess what those three things are. They are the title of this very show, so mind is really mind set to a person. Each of these successful individuals had a very, very positive and powerful mindset.

Even more importantly, they have the most flexible mindset you can imagine and then body to a person. These successful people that I studied and followed took care of themselves physically, literally, physically. That means by exercising on a regular basis, by eating and drinking nutritious food and liquid and then business, each and every one of them had mastered the skill sets that are necessary to create, build and scale a thriving business. And we're talking about a myriad of skill sets that include things like sales, marketing, team building, systematize leadership. I could go on for quite some time and being an astute person that you are that is watching or listening to this, you you realize that to master any one skill set can take an exorbitant amount of time. It's like being an expert in anything takes on average ten thousand hours, and it's very similar to master skill set. So the good news is you don't need to master every single skill set that is necessary to operate a business. And really, you only need to master one and then the rest can pretty much fall into place. And that one skill set is the skill set of leadership. Once you have that and now, you can masterfully orchestrate other individuals who have mastered those skill sets that you have yet to and may never master because it takes so long.

And now you have a team that you can lead and create an incredible business. So that's one of the things that I learned and among many by by studying these amazing, amazing individuals. And that's what this show is predominantly about, is bringing on entrepreneurs like Jennifer Glass to interview her, to bring out what is what are the things that are helping her to make her business successful so that you can then simply take those tidbits of information that match what you're trying to do and model what she is doing. That means copy and just put it in motion so that you can achieve the same level or even greater level of success than the folks that come on this show. That's what it's all about. It's here for you, and it costs nothing. I love what I get to do. I cannot wait to move further into this. Before we do, one quick, additional thing that I found and noticed among very successful people is to a person. They are very avid readers of books. And with that, I like to Segway into a little section called affectionately bookmarks.

Bookmarks born to read, bookmarks ready, steady read bookmarks brought to you by reach your peak library icon.

There you see it on the screen, Richard Peek elaborate. Real quick, a side note, they're going to be some resources shared with you here tonight on this live broadcast if you're watching on video. You can find us at the Mind Body business show. There is a registration form there, nothing is for sale and that all we will do is remind you of the next show as it is about to come on with the link so that you can join and watch right away. And here's the thing this we're going to be giving you a lot of value valuable resources like websites, so reach your peak library being one example. Highly recommend that you write these down, take notes and instead of going off and clicking away and looking at it while this show is going on, because then you're you'll be distracted and I'd really hate for you to miss that one golden nugget that Jennifer brings to the table that could potentially change your life forever. It's like I say, the magic happens in the room. That means stay focused if you can. It's just my advice. I'm taking notes as well, and I'm running this whole thing. I literally write notes during this show, so I implore you to do the same and then visit these resources when the show is over. All right. Off on my soapbox. Just want to help reach your peak library? That is a resource that I had my team developed specifically with you in mind, the entrepreneur, the business person looking to make it to that next level. And the reason that came about was because I myself was not much of a reader at all until age forty seven, I'm 57 now at the time of this, the show recording going live as well.

And I then began learning just the incredible value of reading not just any book, but the write books that were in the field. That would help me to improve as a business person, as an entrepreneur and as a person. And everything listed on this site is a book that I personally have read and I vet, which means not every book that I've ever read since forty seven till now is even on this website. So I wanted to give you a resource where you just jump in, scroll, find something that jumps off the page. Go get it. This is not meant for us to make money on. If you find it and you want to circumvent it and go to or is it Audible or Amazon and go grab that book fine. Find the title you like, go to Amazon, buy it. It's not for me to make money or for us to make money. It's just a one stop shop. In fact, when you click those buttons that goes to Amazon and so go ahead and pick the next good read from these that you see on, reach your peak library and enjoy. Speaking of enjoying you know what time it is, it is almost time to bring Miss Jennifer Glass back into the fray. Jennifer, come on back. Come on back. Oh, I see you there. Fantastic. If you're ready, give me a thumbs up and we'll get this show rolling. All right, she is ready. Ladies and gentlemen, you are in for a treat. Here we go. Jennifer Glass is in the house.

It's time for the guest expert, spotlight savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, big league qualified.

And there she is. Ladies and gentlemen, it is the one, it

Is the only Jennifer Glass. Yes. Thank you so much, Brian.

So great to have you on. I was so fortunate to be on your podcast earlier and you are such an amazing host. You are so talented. I can't wait to share you with my audience now because of your brilliance and everything about you. You were just a gem, and I'm so grateful to be able to have you on my show. So thank you so much for spending the time with us here tonight.

Thank you.

Let's give this young lady the the big intro that she deserves. What do you think? Yeah. All right, here we go. Jennifer Ardglass is the CEO of Business Growth Strategies International, the only company to offer business growth coaching along with smart payment processing solutions, market plus web hosting and design solutions designed to increase a company's bottom line. Because that's what we all want, isn't it? Jennifer is a business growth expert who works with small to medium sized businesses to help them find the money that they are leaving on the table, and we're all doing it. She is also the author of multiple works, including her. It's the bottom line that matters. Series of books. They're there. She's holding it up. Beautiful with that officially and formally. Welcome to the show, Jennifer Glass. This is going to be a phenomenal, phenomenal episode. I can't wait.

Looking forward to it, Brian. Thank you for having me.

Yeah, absolutely. So what I like to do, Jennifer, oftentimes so the title of the of the show is mind, body business. And in my humble opinion, mindset is the is basically the foundation. Our mindset individually is the foundation of either our level of success or lack thereof. And so when I bring on successful individuals such as yourself I love, I love to find out what is going on in that beautiful brain of yours that has brought you to where you are and keeps increasing your success as you go forward. So what I like to find out before we get going is more of a peeling the onion or the layers of the onion back a little bit to get a little deeper into what makes Jennifer Glass tick. And by that is, every day we get up as entrepreneurs, we know we have a mountain of things to do that we want to get done and we need to prioritize. We love what we get to do, but it's still there are still days that are arduous. And for you, Jennifer, when you're getting up in the morning and you're about to start your day, what is going through that wonderful brain of yours that is keeping you motivated driven no matter what comes in front of you, what is going on in your in your mind when you get up in the morning?

So that's a great question I wanted to answer. When you think about what are the books you showed in the Richard Peake library was start with the Why by Simon Sinek. And it really is the why, why we do what we do, and that's going directly to the root of your question. And to me, my why is to make our community stronger? I know that when I help my clients, they are now in a position to hire more people. They're now in a position to be donating more money, time, goods, et cetera, to different communal causes. They're able to start being in a position to be more involved in their community. And ours are as our communities get stronger, our nations get stronger. I was accused of being utopian because, oh my god, you know, how could you possibly like? That's way too utopian. It's crazy. I was talking with someone else from California. She's like everyone in California's utopian anyway. But but it really, though, is, you know, it wasn't meant as a compliment, but I don't see it as a problem. I see it as a proud badge of honor. Right? Why can't we have a more perfect union, right? President Lincoln call for a more perfect union. This is exactly what we're trying to do. And so I want to make a difference. Can I make a difference in one person's life today? Can I make a difference in ten, fifty a thousand, whatever that is? That's what I want to do that day. And I know that every day when I get up, it is with the desire to at least impact one person, at least to make sure that they are in a better position than they started the day.

I love that and I love the the reference to Utopian because that is a big thing going on right now, as in the United States specifically for sure. And there's a big difference in one reason it's thought of as negative is the the the connotation, the the context in which that was made negative is because with a utopia, there's always some one entity in control of every one. That's usually when the negativity comes from. And what you're talking about is exactly the opposite. You're helping individuals to become self-sufficient so they can then spread and help more people. Completely different in a much better utopia. In my humble opinion, I love it because this is what I like to say about people like you, Jennifer. I wish and pray for massive wealth for you. And people go, Why would you want to do that? Well, because of what Jennifer just said, because I know her mindset. If she makes more money, she will scale her business and help more people. She will hopefully take some of that and reward herself and have fun and get things she likes to get and do things she likes to do because she would deserve it. But she knows. I know to a core this. She just said it the essence of Jennifer as she wants to help people to succeed, and that will help the community at large to improve. So I appreciate that big time.

Thank you.

Do you agree with that or just or disagree with my concept of utopia in the different approaches?

And I completely agree with you when it comes down to looking at it from the perspective of, like you said, that negative idea. It really is just help everybody. And that's going to make the community better. It's not that it's one person in charge. And so when everyone is in charge of their own destiny and they're in a position to be better and the community is stronger and the nation is stronger, that's where it's going to make a difference.

I love it. And Raymond Cousin agrees. Raymond Cousins, he's a wonderful, amazing guy. I got to know him personally. One plus one equals 11. So true. You know, when you have people like Jennifer making a difference in the world, that's what happens is you have that compound effect. There's a book by someone in that list about that. Yes, I love it. So. Now, you no doubt you have run across the folks and maybe still do this day. There are people that have a mentality that they want to go in for the quick kill the big buck at any cost or not really taking into consideration the cost. Maybe it may not be with intent, but not really carefully going through it. And instead of building long term relationships like you're talking about instead of building everything with a long term vision, not the short term quick kill and you are doing that. So what would you say would be a key or a best way to go about doing that to achieving long term success, not just getting in, grabbing a quick buck and moving on to the next thing and trying to do it once again? What does it mean for you?

So what it really comes down to is how are you looking at what you're defining as your ultimate success? Right? My keynote presentation is actually all about this. It's the success equate to happiness, and it really is all about how do you start defining success for many people when I started researching this? They were saying, Well, success is me being in a position to buy a car vacation home, whatever it is. Other people said success is really based on the time of lifetime, right? If they're younger, they're going to have a completely different perspective of what successes than when they're older. Also, can you do what you want to do when you want to do it? And so when you look at having that long term goal in terms of where you want to be to find where you're looking to get where your success point is and keep moving that yardstick because the problem is that too many people do to a certain degree and then write, I'm successful, I don't have to do anymore. And then it's like, Wait, no, you do, because there's another day tomorrow, right? Like the song from Annie. It was just on last week. I think last week, you know, big show tunes geekier when it comes down to any, you know, the Sun will come out tomorrow. That's exactly the idea here. There's another day. And so you need to be at that point that you're going to be looking, what am I going to do tomorrow to still keep growing, to be changing? Because if you don't, you're not going to be loving it. And so that's really what it comes down to.

Man, I so agree with this, Jennifer, so deeply being from the corporate world where the big dream was to finally reach that age of retirement, that was their idea of success and then just do nothing but their hobbies for the rest of their life. And the the thing I saw over and over was it didn't take long until each and every one of these people that had that kind of mentality ended up in the obituary column. It was sad. I know I'm thinking of one right now that I used to work with who that was. His whole thing is, I can't wait. Then I can just sit around and go have fun. And two years later, the man passed away. The purpose? The drive was gone. And I'm not saying everyone has to have it. But I think for entrepreneurs, if those out there that are not entrepreneurs but want to be know that it's it's never what Jennifer, you said it so beautifully is like. Once I reach that level of success, I've made it. I can just cruise. Well, if that's you and that's and that's OK, that's you.

But that is not the mindset of an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs always looking for the next challenge, the next big level to reach, the next way to help more people to succeed. And that's what's so beautiful. It's like, that's what I call life. It's living. It's living with a great purpose, in my humble opinion. I cannot imagine hitting a ceiling and saying, I'm done. What would you do? I can't handle it. Have you ever? I've sat by the pool with my wife, you know, and we're like on a vacation. And I see people reading and we're laying out there and we're both in half an hour. We're looking at each other going, I can't handle this anymore. Let's go do something. We can't just sit still. It's awesome. I appreciate that you brought that up because I hope folks that get into entrepreneurship that aren't in it or if you are in it and you're thinking that there is a ceiling. Might this may not be the right right path for you, so maybe we think it. What do you think, Jennifer?

Absolutely 100 percent. Yeah.

Needed a drink of water there. So and that leads into something else, so when we're working on things as entrepreneurs, you know, when we have a new idea, it just takes off immediately, right? And everything is perfect.


Yeah, I wish. Yeah, I was being very sarcastic. Yeah, because the thing is, some ideas come to fruition quicker than others, but usually any idea takes quite some time to finally hit, you know, hit a rhythm and start working the way we had envisioned it. So how how long do you, Jennifer, stick with a new idea before you just say, you know what, I finally need to just stop and what would be the reason for stopping?

Well, before I answer that question, let me start with this. There's a saying that says an overnight success is about 10 years in the making. And so it really is that way when you look at a lot of ideas, right? I mean, as an entrepreneur, especially one that's been involved in so many different projects. It comes down to trying to figure out what pieces are valid, what pieces do I need to possibly reconsider and where do I need to go in terms of figuring things out? And one thing that I judge a lot of ideas on and really, I mean, I start a lot of my clients this way also is I show them a research triangle. Now, if you think about a resource triangle, you have time on one side, money on another side and resources on the third side. And so as you look at ideas, you look at businesses, you look at opportunities, you need to be taking into account those three pieces time, money and resources. And that's what's going to allow you to start really figuring out what's going to make sense, what doesn't. In terms of some ideas, I'll be honest, I've gone down some paths and I stopped way before the finish line because I have all these people who say, No, no, no, no, no, it's never going to happen. Let me give you an example in college, right? And I'm going to date myself here.

For all of you that don't know, just because Brian already did, too. But in college, I was seeing writing on a wall that this weird thing called the internet was going to ultimately be a place where people were going to want to go for a job. They were going to look online for a job. And there was no such thing as Monster Hot Job CareerBuilder or indeed any of those places didn't exist. There were classified ads. And so I was saying, what if I created a site that would have all of these classified ads on this site instead of having just to go to the newspaper? Well, I was told the newspaper is not going anywhere, it's going to take too much work, too much effort, too much ridiculous time and money and everything else, and it's not worth it. I'll let you know within two years. That idea was reality when monster and hot jobs, I think it was rolled out. Another one was I had a crazy idea about cleaning the bathtub because I hated cleaning it. So I wanted to have some that plugged into the shower and started washing the shower. Well, SC Johnson came out with that same thing that just sprayed around the shower because I didn't follow my instincts and I listen to No, no, no. The problem is we all have a lot of no known numbers in our lives. What you need to do is you need to actually look at what it is that you're doing in your business, in your idea and what it is that you're trying to do.

And if you honestly believe that there is a path to getting you there, you have to follow that. I'm not saying follow it into bankruptcy, but you have to at least try to see where you can go. You know, there's comics that you see all the time about that guy who is using the pickax and the dirt, and he stops an inch away from the gold. Too many times people do that and they kind of get lost. But we also need to do those. You need to look at it realistically, right? If this is something that is just a complete money pit and gone, I'm thinking of Tom Hanks movie now. But if you're looking at that and you're a mile away, you have to stop because as the founders of Google, I think it was. That said, I'd rather fail fast quickly because then at least I learned from the failure and I can move on. And so you need to figure out what is it that you're really doing? And then you're going to be in a better position as you continue moving forward and you're not going to be leaving too much on the table, which is what I hope my clients with to avoid leaving money on the table.

That's fantastic. So many golden nuggets in there, I don't even know where to begin, but one of the things it's also do some research and get an idea of what time frame it should take if you can find that for what you're embarking on. I've got a perfect example of that. There's a gentleman by the name of Louis House and he is a entrepreneur, and he was asked this question on stage once about podcasting. And he said the question was asked them if someone came to you and they were asking. They said, Louis, I'm thinking of starting a podcast. What would be your advice to them? And he didn't think very long. He said, OK, well, number one, they need to commit to be consistent. Meaning if you're going to drop a podcast episode every Monday at this time, do it every Monday at that time without fail. Number two, but more importantly, is if you don't commit to doing that, this was what almost took me out of my chair for a full two years. Then my advice is don't start at all. And I just love how folks come in, and because this is live video it's kind of in the podcasting realm, we do repurpose this to podcast.

But I was right at that two year mark with this very show when I saw that video and I thought he is spot on because that's when the momentum just started hitting and all the people that you come get to know, like Jennifer Glass and all of these relationships that you develop over time. Things just start happening and you just go, Wow, this is pretty neat. But it took two years knowing that at least, you know, it's going to take two years of commitment before you're going to see anything really beneficial financially or otherwise from it. You see beneficial along the way, but just know if you know it's going to take some time, then know it ahead of time and be willing to commit to it if that's what you want to go down. And then there's, like you said, if it's putting you in the poorhouse and you're not anywhere close to the gold, then it's time to maybe reroute and start digging in a different direction and find the gold in a different hole somewhere. So very astute, very intelligent and great advice in my in my humble opinion. So thank you for that. My gosh.

When you're looking at what it is that you want to do. One of the things you as you figure out your strategies to get to where you want to get put down seven different strategies to get to each goal. And why do you do seven? Because when you're already brainstorming, how am I going to get there? If you can put down seven strategies, you're taking all of that brainstorming time in the beginning before you actually start and when something doesn't work, you quickly pivot instead of having a stop and then re assess and then go. If you know, we're ready, though, that you've got seven strategies right now. Tomorrow, if something didn't work today, you can start with the next one tomorrow to help you figure out exactly where you're going to be going.

And also very great advice, yes. Oh my gosh, how many times that has happened for me where I kind of I pick a strategy that I've heard from others that works. I go with it as that's going. I'm looking at other strategies just in case. So a similar approach, for sure. And then sometimes when we come up with additional strategies, we add those and layer them on top of the one we're using if you have the bandwidth and the team to do that. That was another approach, too. And you quickly find out what works and what doesn't. And that's the good thing because like you said, you want to fail fast, you want to find out what's not working quick, so you can just put it to the side and move on to the next strategy. And I love that concept. Come up with seven strategies ahead of time so that you're not scrambling and going, What the heck do I do now? And you're in a different headspace now. You're freaking out maybe a little bit, and it's going to be harder to find another strategy that you want to go through. So I think that's sound advice. That's phenomenal. Thank you again. I'm just going to say thank you for the rest of the show. Said, OK, let's just give me my response. Thank you. Thank you. I love it, I love it. Ok, this has got to be among everything discussed, and by the way, I do definitely want to dig into what you do specifically like. What exactly is it you do for your customer base and who you help? I know with the opening, we talked about small to medium sized businesses.

And I want to go through, we'll pull up your website if that's OK and just have a chat about what did you do, who you, who you do it for and what kind of successes your clients have gotten as a result, which I know there are many. So I want everybody to know that. So stick with us. You want to hear this? She does amazing things. One of my favorite topics ever when it comes to business is that of marketing. It's interesting when times like this happen pandemics and slowdowns, and you need to cut your your employee base if you need to. Oftentimes, they go to the marketing department first, and that's like cutting off their lifeblood. They get rid of the marketing department, like, what are you doing? You know, they need the people to put the things together and build whatever the product is. Yes, we get that. But if you have nobody buying it, you have nobody coming to make the transaction because of great marketing, then it's going to be difficult. So for you, Jennifer, when it when you go about marketing your business, knowing that what works today most likely may not work 10 years from now, and what worked 10 years ago probably isn't working today. But for you right now at this moment, if you were to pick one form or approach or strategy for marketing in your business, what is that one form that's been the most successful for you?

Joint ventures and partnerships? Oh, without a question. And that is going to be here 10 years from now. It was here 10 years ago. That is never going to go out of style when it comes down to what you do in your business. Having the right people that you can speak with on a regular basis that are talking to the exact people that you want as your clients. There are going to be in the best position to work with you and refer business. Let me give you a really quick example of one of my clients and how we made this work for them. So I have a flower shop that came to me and we were trying to figure out what can we do to really make a difference in their business? And what we did was we looked at a whole bunch of different ways, what was going on, and it happened to be that two doors down from them. There was a jeweler that was literally in the same strip mall as where the flower shop was. And so what we said was, let's take the two of you right? And the biggest industry, by the way that flower shops work in, there's two. I'm going to take the happy one and the bridal market, although I just spoke with another one.

Two days ago, three days ago, she was in the middle of putting a funeral order together, but whatever. Let's take the bridal market right because it's much happier. So in the bridal market and the reason I said the jeweler is because two doors down. The guy is going to come. He's going to want to get a ring. He goes to a flower shop. He gets a dozen roses. Both of them are in a unique position to refer each other without any additional expense involved in that transaction. But then what do you do then to make it even bigger? You start going, all right, look at an event chain in the bridal market. You have the jeweler, the florist, you have the catering hall, you are the caterer, you have the officiant, you have the DJ or the band. You have the photographer, the videographer, the printer, the baker, the candlestick maker. I mean, everybody that's in that candle that eventually is somebody that you know, can have put together. And each one can refer all over the place based on where somebody comes. And what we did was we came up with our trusted vendor list, right? For all you brides out there, women that went through this, you know, one of the hardest parts is figuring out who am I supposed to deal with, right? You got to have appointments and how many people do you sit down with to talk about the tastings, the dresses, all of these different pieces, right? You're going so many different places.

But what if you had a single sheet of paper that said, here's the list that all of us work well with. If each of these are going to work well with the next. Now also, you know, there's not going to be any issue come the day of your wedding. And so it makes so much difference in terms of figuring out how do I get from here to there? And so a joint venture strategy can make a huge difference, and it doesn't matter what industry you're in if you're selling cigars. There's a change over there. I can't think off the top of my head because I don't smoke cigars. But if you're selling kids clothing pediatricians, I mean, you've got all of these people that are in that chain that you're in a position to directly communicate with and all of you can cross refer. And so without a question. Joint venture strategic partnerships is the one strategy I would always keep on going back to.

And another thing I love about that a side benefit of like you referring your client to someone else is their experience. A view is heightened and improved because you help them save time by giving them a vetted resource that they can, you know, now that they've gained trust in you, that they can take that trust and project it forward to anyone you would refer them to, and it would be a quicker decision for them taking them less time. And then, of course, be sure to vet the people, make sure that they're giving great, high quality, like you said, a preferred vendor list that's genius right there or a trusted vendor list and have that at the ready and this happened. You're so Jennifer. You're so correct. Not like I'm surprised, but on everything. It's like I've had so many referrals come my way that I didn't ask for because of relationships built with people that are great partners and JV partners. And if you have something, if they refer business to you, consider if it's like an electronic delivery or even physical. If there's a way to to basically reward them for that referral monetarily, then set that up like an affiliate program or referral program to give them a thank you. That's what I'm doing. I've got a referral program set up, so it's like, Thank you. They don't even ask. They don't sign up for my affiliate program. They're not doing it to make money. And and I just say, No, I'm going to pay you. Is that OK? And to date, that's odd. I've never had anybody say no yet. It's crazy. Yeah. Oh, I forgot, Jennifer. Thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, my goodness, so much, so much, so much fun. Oh, OK. Being an entrepreneur is is I don't know, it's to me, it's a fantastic rocket ship ride. It's exciting, it's invigorating. There's fear involved. You don't know if the rocket's going to careen down and come out of orbit and crash to the ground. The good news is you can parachute out and get it another rocket and do it again, but I just made all that up. Did that come from? But when it comes to being an entrepreneur, Jennifer Glass for you. You know, when you think about everything it entails, all you've been through. What is your one favorite part about being an entrepreneur?

The difference I get to make in people's lives. It's without a question, again, it's my wife. Like I said earlier. If you can see how people are going to be changed and the way in which they're changed, I don't think that there is any greater pleasure. Then knowing that you have positively impacted other people and the lives of everybody around them.

Thank you. So this is another reason I love rubbing elbows with people like you, Jennifer, have you ever so you have your family, right? You have your own family. And they typically hang out together. You're all together and then you go out to say a seminar or a networking event that is entrepreneur base, where a lot of business owners show up. I've had this happen so many times I'll go. Oftentimes my wife will stay home and I'll go and spend a day or a weekend or whatever it happens to be. And it's interesting when I get there without without saying hi to a single person, I just feel it. I sense it. I feel like I'm with my second family because everyone has like minded and positive. People are smiling. They're not downtrodden. Oh God, I go, go to work tomorrow and all that stuff. Do you do you get that same kind of experience when you go out among the people, so to speak, of entrepreneurs and small business owners?

Without a question, I mean, when you start seeing people who are not dealing with the. Oh, my God. Kind of mentality. It does make a huge difference, I mean, when you go to conferences and seminars and all sorts of different events, you really see people who are in a completely different light and especially when they get those nuggets from the various speakers. That's where it really makes even more of a difference. And I've been fortunate. I've spoken at many conferences and people come up to me and they're like, I took 18 pages of notes from your remarks. I'm like, That's great. I'm really thrilled that you did. But one question I have, and by the way, for all of you that are watching and listening, one question I have for you, when you do that, what are you doing with it? If you don't take action, don't waste your time. Right? But you know, there you're getting your highs, you're getting the endorphins and everything, but you have to take action on what you learn. And so always, even if you're reading a book, by the way, just constantly in your book highlight, write down the points. Don't just highlight it in the book, write it down somewhere and not just type it. Write it because it's going to have more muscle memory that way, which is going to make a huge difference when it comes down to what it is that you're trying to ultimately do.

And you said the key word. All right, the very end, do I always say there's three stages there, learn then do, which is what you just talked about and to really hammer it home is once you've done, it is to then turn around and teach it because when you teach it, it then becomes even deeper ingrained in you than you could ever imagine. That's what I would say all the time. How many of those seminar? I remember the days, Jennifer, back when it would be a seminar and people would sell these big packages full of cassette tapes or CDs or things that you would take home books and you'd go and you get all hyped up. And man, this is going to change my life. You pay an exorbitant amount of money that probably is worth every penny. If you do that second stage, which is, do you take it home? You put it on your shelf. Now that person on the on the stage was selling self-help. Right? So to help, you can help yourself. Well, you took it home and it became what shelf help because you did nothing with it. So what Jennifer is saying, do not go down that path. If you're going to go in and take action, that was the perfect word, right? There is take action, do something with it.

I can't tell you, and it's not always as easy as it sounds because you know the luster wears off when you get back. You know it was you're on a high and you're with all these great people. You get home and now it's reality. There's dishes to do. There's a lawnmower. There's all these things that are going on that you didn't have these distractions when you were there. And so it takes discipline, but just make the commitment. If you take make that purchase or you're going to invest that time, just make the commitment, put it on your calendar, prioritize it, make sure it gets done. Otherwise, it's wasted. And my gosh, we don't have time to waste people. We got a lot of lives to impact in a positive way. That's why Jennifer's here showing us how to do it. Oh, Jennifer, thank you. I know it's worn out. It's getting old, but it's it's fun. So I'm one of those people that just keeps doing stuff no matter what. My goodness. Let's see. So let's let's discuss your business. I want to bring that up before it gets too late. And what I want to do is pull up one of your websites and let me know if you want me to switch over at anytime is fine with me, and I just wanted to give you the opportunity because you deserve it.

And not only that, it would be a disservice to everyone in my audience and those who see this outside. If we did not bring this up because you are here to help change people's lives and that's what I'm here, that's the purpose of this show is to help spread the word about amazing individuals such as Jennifer Glass and what she is doing to help us all in that area. So I'm going to pull this up in just a second. I promise it's coming and. There we go right there. All right. So, Jennifer, who is it that you guys? I mean, talk about your business, say what you do and then talk about maybe who it is. You impact, maybe talk about a case study or somebody that you guys positively impacted, which I know there are many that just sticks out and you'd want to share with people. And then maybe how to get in contact with you to have that discussion to see if you're a fit.

Absolutely. So in terms of my coaching business, I work with a primarily small to medium sized businesses in the retail professional services. Peter B. Online and nonprofit industries, primarily, I've got a couple of outliers and other spaces along with agencies and things along those lines, but it's primarily those people that are really looking for help in changing something about their business. A lot of people come into business, whether they're startups. I don't know exactly what to do or they're established and they're seeing a plateau in sales or they're not seeing the growth in sales. They're not sure operationally how to move forward strategically where they're going. There's a lot of different issues that businesses come up with at different times in their life that make a difference. And when it comes to the marketing aspect of a business that's one of the areas that I really specialize in for my clients where we really look at what are they somebody doing? And by the way, if you cannot actually work with somebody like me, you definitely want to get a copy of my book as a bottom line that matters. Quick tips and strategies. You can use the next 12 months to grow your business. It's going to be it's full of the eight primary strategies that we use with our clients to directly help you get more business.

That's the goal. But the idea, though, is that when it comes down to what it is that we're doing, we're looking at your joint ventures, we're looking at your upsell cross-sell down. So I mean, how many of you actually even know what those mean and if you know what they mean? Do you have that in your business? Too many business owners that I speak with on a regular basis don't have any kind of upsell cross, lower down sell opportunity. But look at Amazon, look at Apple, and I'm calling out those two companies as an example because they're amazing at what they do, right? The cross-sell on Amazon. People like you bought these things also. And then when you're looking at a listing by these three things together because it makes sense, there's an upsell, Apple, you buy anything they're selling Apple care. It's just a non a non a no brainer for anybody to decide. You know what? It makes sense. Let me get that. So if you're not actually using those strategies, you want to really start looking at that. And those are areas that we work with our clients to help them really figure out what it is that they're doing. When I give my presentations, one of the things I usually show is I show one dot and a whole bunch of other people, and I basically liken it to if you're out in the savanna and you're a.

Gisele, you're a giraffe. You're a zebra. I mean, it really doesn't matter what animal you are on the price side. Do you want to be there or do you want to be the predator that's going to eat other people's lunches? And I'm not saying, do you want anything bad? But the problem is, though, is that if you're not doing it, somebody's doing it to you. And so the problem is that we need to really think, what is it that we're going to be doing? And we need to act as a renegade when it comes to the marketing that we do because if we're following everybody else, we're doing exactly what they're doing. The one percent never go down to that two to ninety nine percent because they're the one percent. So if you're doing what everybody else is doing, you're somewhere in that two to ninety nine percent range. How do you ever expect to move right? And that's why you need to do something different. And so that's what we do with our clients. We make it that you're going to be getting into that top tier if you are with everybody else because you're not going to be doing the same things everybody else is doing. And one of the things that we do is we work with you to help you come up with your market dominating position, not just a unique selling proposition, but it's a market dominating position that's going to actually make you stand out from the crowd and make it.

It's a no brainer. Why should I work with you, right? Too often we talk about price unless you have the Walmart model where you're going to be the race to the bottom. Price is not going to be the thing that differentiates you. And I don't think any of you listening are in a position to be in a race to the bottom in terms of your pricing. So that's what we do, and I'd love to speak with you about helping you in your business. And if you go to BJ's coaching and Brian's got this site up right now on the page, there's a. Schedule introductory call link right there where you can actually just click on that, I'm happy to have a 15 minute call with you. Absolutely no obligation for you just to what's your biggest issue that you're having right now in your business? Let's get that address. And if I can help you in 15 minutes, great. If it needs more time, we can certainly look at how we work that through as we continue to move forward.

Fantastic. Yeah. So for everyone listening to repeat, if you're just listening on a podcast after the show's over, it's B GSI coaching and the introductory call schedule that she was alluding to. If you scroll down about halfway down on their web page, you'll see a nice little graphic there with a nice red button to schedule an introductory call. And that's how you can get hop on with Jennifer. And you can tell, look, you've listened to her and those who have watched on either live video or recorded video, you can see she doesn't bite. She's a wonderful individual. Look at that smile just on cue. And I've had the pleasure of talking to her several times now, one being on her own podcast, and she's she's everything she. She impressed me more than I could imagine because she just has this, this talent base and integrity and everything. She has the whole package. I don't know how to eloquently describe, but I'm making an attempt at and I'm failing miserably, but I just want people to know that this is someone I personally would vet and say, Go have that chat. It doesn't mean you're going to be a fit, but it could mean you will be. You just never know till you have that chat. So I would recommend highly that you just it's 15 minutes. Come on. And this is her time, by the way. And I want to be very sensitive to that for for her is be sure to show up and be a professional and not just waste her time, even though it's just 15 minutes, that's 15 minutes. If she has four of those calls, that's an hour of her time. So be ready. Have have questions ready to get the most out of it for yourself. I talk about this a lot. When people set up calls with me, it's like, Have your notes ready? I schedule one hour calls where they just ask me anything they can and want to. And oftentimes they come on. I don't even remember what this call was for. I'm like, My


And you're here, why did you even? It's interesting, but that's I put that on myself. I met cause I need better messaging leading up to the appointment to tell them, remind them, come with notes on this subject. It's so funny, and it looks like by your reaction, you've been through some of that yourself

Once or twice,

Once or twice. I love it. Oh my goodness, I just looked at the clock. I don't like, you know, I should just stop looking at the clock because that tells me that we're getting close to the end. I don't want it to end. This is phenomenal. So we have two giveaways tonight, not just, oh my gosh, I didn't even talk about, I think opening. For those of you that stick with us to the end, you get to enter that you're going to be watching live for this one. So those that are with us live and we're almost there, you will have the ability to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. And that's all compliments of you. See the big red stamp on the upper right there over Jennifer's left shoulder to the right of the screen as you're watching. That's the big insider secrets. My good buddy Jason Nest is the owner of that. They offer this. They they allow us to offer this each and every show once a week. It's an amazing, amazing thing you don't want to not enter. And yes, Jennifer, if you're wondering, you can enter as well. I always I'd love it. I've had guests win that prize and some will say that's not fair.

Why not? She came on and spent her time and gave you all this value. I think it's the least we could do is let her enter if she wants. So I can't wait to bring that up, and that will be very soon. And Jennifer has a gift for all of you as well. A nice little surprise. So hang on for that. Here's the thing, Jennifer, I like to close each show with my guest with a question, a specific question. And I found it to be very profound. It kind of happened by accident, but the same question was coming up. I let my guests choose the questions as you know, Jennifer, and this one question kept coming up and I thought, OK, that's interesting in and of itself. And then the answers I got like, Whoa, I started realizing an interesting pattern. Let's just put it that way. And so it's a it can be personal in a way, but not to worry. I'll expand more on it real quick. But before we do that, OK, I'm just going to go to it. Are you guys ready? Are you ready to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort? I'm going to put it up on the screen.

This is only for you if you're watching live. So what you want to do, this is the only time we're going to give you permission. Jennifer will agree with me, I hope. Is this the only time you can take your gaze away because you'll need to actually open up a browser tab a new one? Don't delete this one. Just open up a new one. And here it is on the screen. You want to go to this web address. It's our WIP that stands for Reach Your Peak R i p I am forward slash vacation. All lowercase are P. Forward slash vacation, go ahead. Head on over there. Enter to win and we will announce the winner by random drawing later this evening. Yes, it will happen this evening. So go ahead and do that right now. Right now, get it done. All right. I am forward slash vacation and then come right back here because Jennifer has an amazing giveaway herself and I'm going to pull that up. Do you want to give it some words before I give them the how to get there? Ok, fantastic.

So I have an e-learning platform that goes through. And again, remember I said my down sell opportunity, right? Because you have to have something that's in a certain level. So my e-learning platform, BGC Academy Dot, is where a lot of the strategies are gone. What's in my book is really my lowest. The academy is my next site. You can go to BJC Academy Register using the promo code Mind-Body Business before December thirty first and you'll get 30 days free. That's a ninety seven dollar value. Or if you opt for the year long program, it'll take another ninety seven dollars off the nine ninety seven rate for the entire year, bringing the entire year to nine hundred instead of the ninety nine ninety seven that it normally is, which is an incredible value with the amount of information you're going to be getting. You're going to be getting the eight primary strategies with a virtual MBA program that's a fifty two week long program. You're going to be getting our ad library, our elevator pitch library, our headline thank so many different pieces, all in that BGC academy dot site. I really want you to go there and use the coupon code Mind-Body business by December thirty first and get 30 days free and ninety seven dollars value, or take ninety seven dollars off the year program for nine hundred instead of the nine ninety seven at that point. And I hope to see you in there.

Fantastic. Thank you so very much for that. I'm going to leave that up on the screen for a little bit, so I'll reiterate. So the where you go for this is BG s AI Academy, and once you get there, you enter the coupon code of mind body business. No spaces and doesn't need to be all caps. Usually, most coupon code systems don't care, but

I don't believe it does.

Ok, but to be safe, I put in all caps. That's what I do as a purchaser myself. So mind, body business and do this before the end of the year. While I love that date, it's going to be twenty twenty two the next day. So get it done, take action. And at least, you know, if you want to get the month for ninety for nothing and then you'll probably come back and say, I want the next 11 months worth because that's amazing. The value is just unbelievable. So definitely either way, you choose or go all in, be an action taker and say, I want the year. I'll take ninety seven dollars off. Thank you very much. And to that, they will say to Jennifer, What's those two words?

Thank you.

I love it. And I promised we would close the show with an amazing, amazing questionI for. Miss Jennifer Glass. Yes, this is going to be amazing, so I wanted to now kind of put the bookend on the other side of this. So this question is profound and it can be personal, but here's the thing. There is only one correct answer to this question. There's only one and that answer is yours. You cannot get it wrong. There is no wrong answer. And so that's the only thing that makes it personal is because it's unique to you. And I'll tell you already, you've already skirted over this question several times during the show. And so again, if it does, if it if it comes to you like immediately, which it most likely will because you've already been thinking about it and you know very well what it is already, I can tell that's fine. If it takes you a while and you want to rethink it, that's fine, too. Why? Because it's your answer. It's unique to you and nobody else. So whatever answer comes to your mind and how long that takes? You can just relax and know that it's going to be an awesome answer because I know it already, I know it's going to be awesome, even if it's different than why I think it's going to be. So with that, my goodness, what a what a big buildup, huh? All right. With that, are you ready? Shoot. All right, here we go. Jennifer Glass, how do you define success?

Success is really based on, again, as I said earlier, the stage in life where you're at. For me, success is really when you're seeing the people that are for me that I have impacted and that I continue to impact on a regular basis. The more that I can keep on impacting again, my success line keeps moving forward. It doesn't stay still. And so I'm always chasing it. I'm not letting it. I'm not letting me pass it. And so when it comes down to success, it's really helping other people. There's all sorts of ways that I could do it. Money, cars, house vacations, all of that. But it's really what is the biggest impact because I know at the end of days the only thing I can take is my name. And the more that I can do to really make that difference and help the people, now that's going to be my name in the end of days. So not to end it in a morose manner, but it's really helping people, and that's how I define success.

Oh, that is absolutely amazing, as are you, Jennifer, you are an amazing individual. I appreciate you. So the best way to connect with you, would you say, would be that introductory call, the 15 minute call

Or is there a different call is great. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn, Jennifer Ardglass and you can check me out on Facebook. The gen glass that's with two N's Twitter, the Jen Glass with two N's Instagram, the Jen Glass with two N's. You can definitely go there. Bga Coach Inc.com The site that's up right now. If you're watching us on video again. Gsi coaching SEO HHI. And for those of you that are listening to the program and I really encourage you to reach out, and if you do connect with me on any of those platforms, let me know that you heard me on the Mind Body Business show and I'd love to connect with all of you and make a difference in your life.

Oh, and I know that anybody that does call you will have a difference made in their life just by talking to you, as you've done with me, just having you here on the show and being a guest on yours. It's been an absolute joy, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart, it's been phenomenal. The value you brought, the wisdom there, so many intangibles that I could go on for another hour and and help and teach people say, when Jennifer did this, did you notice this? There are so many of those moments just on this show. That's why all I could say the whole night was, thank you, because that's because that's what what happened. Jennifer brought the value for you. This this show is for you, the audience, and it is to share wonderful, amazing individuals like Jennifer with you so you can take what she has done. Her knowledge, her experience, model it and become successful more than you could ever possibly dream. And one of the best ways to do that is reach out to her. Get that 15 minute introductory call, reach out to her on social media. All those ones that she gave with two ends. Don't forget the Jen Jen Glass. Don't forget to ends and make that connection. Do it! Don't wait. Don't hesitate. Don't. Don't let fear or resistance or hesitation. Get in your way. Just do it. You can tell she's an amazing, wonderful woman. She will help you. She's there for you. And all it takes is for you to open that door and take a step through and you can meet with this amazing young woman, Jennifer. Any last parting words you would like to give for advice for all those out there that are struggling today and trying to make it in their business?

Well, you need to do is go back to what we said earlier, take action. You want to find the one thing that you can do right now that is going to make a big difference tomorrow if it's really listening to what we talked about on this program tonight, definitely do that because there's a lot of tips and hacks, if you will, that we covered over the course of the last hour or so on the program that you really want to be going back. Because I guarantee you, if you look at what it is that we covered, you're going to come up with a few ideas that are going to give you more clarity and more strategic direction in terms of where you want to go. That's going to make a difference in whatever way you ultimately decide to implement any of those seven strategies that we talked about to meeting your goals. And so you've got to take action. That's the first step. Go out, do it. You learned it. You took your notes. Now go do something that you're going to make a difference in your community.

Ooh, Jennifer Glass, the one. The only the amazing Jennifer Glass. Thank you once again for gracing the stage with us tonight. And for all of you that have been watching and listening, we appreciate you. Don't forget to go to the mind body business show register. It's cost you nothing, and all we do is announce the next show. Who's going to be on it? And we provide you a link so you don't have to go hunting for it. You can just click on it and you'll be right here with us again. Well, maybe not with Jennifer, but we'll have to have her back. How many of you would like to have her back? Show of hands? All right, we can't see you, but I can't wait to hear from everybody. Yeah. Jennifer's raising her. I love it. So, Jennifer, how am I going to on behalf of the amazing Jennifer Glass? Thank you, Jennifer, on behalf of Jennifer. This is your host, Brian Kelly of the Mind Body Business Show, saying so long for now. Everyone go crush it, help people and be blessed. Take care, everyone. Bye bye now.

Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at W W W Dot The Mind Body Business Show Dot Com. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Jennifer Glass

Jennifer R Glass is the CEO of Business Growth Strategies International, the only company to offer business growth coaching along with smart payment processing solutions, marketing plus web hosting, and design solutions designed to increase a company's bottom line. Jennifer is a business growth expert who works with small to medium-sized businesses to help them find the money they are leaving on the table. She is also the author of multiple works including her “It’s the Bottom Line that Matters” series.

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