Special Guest Expert - Joel Remandaban: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. The three keys to your success is just moments away. Here's your host Brian Kelly.
Brian Kelly:
Hello everyone welcome, welcome, welcome. Hey I'm Brian Kelly and this is The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. So glad you could come on with us tonight. We have an amazing show ahead of us. We're going to talk about the three pillars of success - Mind, Body, and Business real briefly. We're going to bring up a wonderful snippet from a book and then we are going to bring on our Guest Expert of the evening. You are going to love this man. He is going to rock the night. That's going to happen right now.The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. What is that all about? Well, here's the thing. Many people will spend all of their resources including finances and they will risk their health and put that on the back burner in order to gain riches in their business. I've seen it time and again. I've been guilty of it myself. And here's what often happens, unfortunately, is folks that you know entrepreneurs tend to get too tied up into their business and let their health go, it becomes secondary. And what they do is they spend their whole life amassing a fortune and then when they get to that point, they begin to spend the rest of their life trying to get their health back. And part of my mission and purpose is to turn that ship around and reverse the priority and start with the mind and make that your priority and to help you give you the tools and resources through these shows. And the guest experts that we have on like the one you're about to witness tonight. I can't wait for you to meet him. And through the mind, through mindset, through proven subconscious level reprogramming of the mind techniques that will get you to the results you want much faster, much quicker. It will help you in all areas of your life with health, with fitness, with business, every area. And on the note of fitness, Body. Exercising and nutrition. Our current guest is actually an expert in this area. We might talk about it. We're just going to talk about whatever is best for you. The highest value we can give you. "Body" is very important. So, your mind is a great tool, a great asset. It must be operating at peak performance in order to do that. Your body must also be doing the same. I like to say the mind and body are a team. More importantly, the mind and body are your team and if you have one team member that's not pulling the grade, if they're not doing everything that they can be doing, operating at a peak optimal rate of performance then the team as a whole suffers. Does it? Is that correct? Yes of course. And so, we want to put all three of these together. And in business - sales, marketing, team building, building systems. If you master all three of those then you're doing pretty well in business. Very few do. And we are hitting on these topics each and every show. We're going to be hitting several of these three areas tonight with our special guest who's coming on. And one of the things that, you know, in between watching these shows that we come on normally once a week. We have a special edition coming up this Monday. Highly recommend that you view that, tune to that especially if you're a business owner, entrepreneur, you won't believe. Anyway, I don't want to digress to that. I want to concentrate on this show. A mentor of mine many years ago told me one thing, one thing that was key to success and he looked at me. I remember, I remember it like yesterday it was gosh, probably going on 10 years ago. He looked at me and said, "Brian, if people just did this one thing, if they just did this one thing, they would all become super rich." That was the word he used was "rich." And I'm sitting in his massive office this is back East in Massachusetts, and he turned around went to this cabinet. It was floor to ceiling, huge cabinet. And he opened both doors and there were nothing but shelves in there. Shelf after shelf of books just like you see behind me. (gesturing hands behind him pointing to bookcase) Books on personal development. Books on business. Books on health and fitness. Everything there was what this man absorbed in this man himself was a multimillionaire at that moment. And I thought, "You know what? That seems too simple. That can't be right. Just reading books that's going to help me become rich? I don't believe it." Here I am sitting with the guy who's telling me ... you know it's the ego getting in the way. Well thankfully, many years later, fast forwarding, another mentor of mine not only expressed the importance of reading, he also showed by example because I worked with him on a weekly basis. And I would see him listening and Audible. Reading physical books all the time. All right I'm going to follow his example. And since then, I started reading voraciously and I began reading through Audible because I found that I could absorb the information through listening. Your method of learning and absorbing might be different. We each have different modes of learning that are optimal rates of learning. Mine happens to be audibly. I didn't know that till I started. And so, I'm glad that's the case because what I get to do is turn on Audible when I'm in the car where I normally would be doing something less productive like just listening to music which is ok, but it's not productive. It might be relaxing me, but it's not productive, it's not advancing me in where I want to be advancing so, I listen to it in the car. Everywhere I go. And one of the great things with this Audible app is as you're listening, as you're listening to a book and if you hear something that is like, "oh, you know I like that that is a good point. You just tap a little ribbon. It looks like a rib and it's actually a bookmark icon and it instantly stores the bookmark for you. So, you just look down once more. It's no more than turning the dial on the old radios in the cars if you remember that. And so, it's stored and then I can access it later on any device including my browser which we're going to do in just a second because I'm going to bring up a bookmark that I set while I was driving around that has a good lead in to what we're going to be talking about tonight with our guest. And so, with that we're going to move on over to that section that I call Bookmarks.
Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready, steady, Read! Bookmarks. Brought to you by ReachYourPeakLibrary.com.
Brian Kelly:
And there you see it right there, ReachYourPeakLibrary.com. (Showing information on screen) Now, if you're watching this and you're sitting at a desk, please stay with us. Just take notes, write down notes, and you can go to the website later. ReachYourPeakLibrary.com, right there on your screen. Just sit with us. Pay attention because when we bring on this special guest, you're going to want to really take notes. I mean you're going to get writer's cramp because of the wisdom that this man holds. In the meantime, ReachYourPeakLibrary.com. So, I began reading voraciously, as I mentioned earlier. So, the entire story about that file cabinet is right there in video form. It's written in written form so, if you like to listen or watch or read there all three forms are there for you. And then here are all the books. In fact, I'm a little behind. I need to add a couple more that I have read since updating this list, but there are about 40 or so there. And the reason I did this was for no other reason than to provide you with a resource that you can go to if you're just starting maybe you've read a few and you want to know what another good book is. Well, at least you know at least one other entrepreneur that's vetted, personally, these books to be of value. Every one of these has value and if it didn't - Not every book I've read is in this list let's put it that way. And so, if they don't cut the grade, then I don't put them in here. And so, there's book after book as you can see there and you can just click on any of these buttons to acquire whatever version works best for you. These go straight to Amazon. It's not my creation of a product site or anything like that. I just wanted to provide this service to you. And so, what we're going to do now is jump over to one of the latest books I just finished. It's not even on this list yet. We're going to play a little snippet. And that's from a book called Own the Day: Own Your Life by Aubrey Marcus. He's the founder and CEO of a company called Onnit with 2 Ns. It's all about health and fitness. He's created a supplement empire. I personally consume his products and my mentor, Mel Cutler, met him in person and told me about that meeting and I thought I got to get this book and learn more about this guy. I was very intrigued by everything. So, what we're going to do is play a little snippet. You're going to hear this and it's about a minute in length and then from there we will move on and introduce our guest experts so, take a good hard listen.
Thankfully more and more prominent and successful people are talking about the importance of sleep. Matthew McConaughey has publicly talked about needing 8 1/2 hours per day. Heidi Klum gets 10 hours every night and that's with two kids. That has some serious beauty sleep. LeBron James and Roger Federer have both said they sleep 12 hours per night, half the day. Bill Gates has talked about his need for a solid 7 hours of sack time per night. He's jealous he says of short sleepers, people who can do with less, but for him it is crucial to get his sleep. Jeff Bezos, the founder of a multi-multibillion dollar online empire is right there with him. I just feel so much better all day long if I've had 8 hours. Here's the deal I can make with you, if you take your sleep seriously you will get more done with less stress. For some, it sounds too good to be true. Like golden eggs from a goose. But the productivity and lifestyle benefits of sleep have all been very well researched and well documented.
Brian Kelly:
And we'll stop it there. Amazing. I was so thankful that Aubrey wrote that because how many of you have heard about...there'll be time for sleep like he said, "when you're dead." There'll be time for sleep later. The thing is, this sleep is extremely important to all of us each and every one of us, every single day. And it is a fact that each of us require different amounts of sleep to be completely refreshed, regenerated, repaired during the night when we're sleeping. And so, to hear people like LeBron James and the tennis player, whose name now escaped me, needing 12 hours of sleep every single day. Heidi Klum. Come on. So, that helped me a lot because I've never been one that could get by on 6 hours sleep. 7 is my absolute minimum, personally. If I get 8, now I'm happy. 8 is my magic number. Just so happens that's the commonly referred to number. But yours might be different. I'm actually jealous of those that can get by with 5 or 6 a night big time because all that extra stuff I could be doing. But it is what it is. We are all made differently. So, very important to have your sleep because it's very important to have your health. And on that note that is where we are going to segue in and bring on our special guest via the special Guest Expert Spotlight.
It's time for the Guest Expert Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big League. Qualified.
Brian Kelly:
And there he is, ladies and gentleman. (pointing to side of screen) It is the one, the only, Joel Christopher Remandaban on Are you going by Joel these days? Or Joel Chris?
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
Brian Kelly:
You're new. So Joel Chris.
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
Yes. Joel Christopher was fat. Now, he is thin.
Brian Kelly:
I love it. You slimmed down the name. Well let me give you a quick little intro here Joel and then we'll bring you on, officially. Joel is an internationally acclaimed Internet marketer, speaker, trainer, and Amazon Best Selling Author. (showing book on screen) Here is the book itself. You see his name, but the long name, the bigger name. I won't say the other word. He is best known as the Master List Builder. In fact, we met - I don't remember how many years ago, it's been a long time ago - and that's how I knew him, was the Master List Builder. We'll talk about that tonight. Long before the days of social media, Joel amassed an opt-in email list of more than a 153,000 newsletter subscribers in as short as 3 years. In today's day with social media, that may not seem like a huge deal back then. That was a monstrous deal in a great way, that was truly unprecedented for its time. Absolutely. Recently Joel utilizes passed skills to launch a massive social media campaign to save his own life. I love how he just adjusted and came back. He went away for a while from internet marketing, for quite a while, came back and they had this whole new world in front of him and he was flexible. He got busy. He learned to save his own life. It's amazing. And as a result, he found a living kidney donor that will prolong his life without dialysis for another 20 - 30 years or more. Thank the Lord that was amazing. I'm so excited for you, Joel. This just happened a short while ago, ladies and gentlemen. And real quick, before we move on, watch the show to the very end. For those you watching live on one of the live platforms. If you're listening on the podcast, it'll be too late for that. But if you're watching live, watch the show 'til end for a chance to win a complimentary stay at a 5-star luxury resort in Mexico compliments of PowerTexting.com by my good buddy, Jason Nast and his partner, Rhonda. With that, Joel Chris, how are you doing, my friend? It's been a long time and - I just gave an intro. It was a bio, right? If you wouldn't mind, could you tell us more about yourself in your own words. Those were your own words, I get that, but live and in person, give a little bit more behind you. Who you are, what makes you tick, and also what are you up to these days? What are you up to lately?
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
All right. Yes, my name is Joel. I came from the Philippines. I was recruited here back on 8/8/88 as a physical therapist. And then the Internet Marketing bug caught me. So, I bought my first domain, November 13, 1999 and launched my first website SuccessAccess.com on 1/1/2000. So, New Year's Day in 2000 and I didn't really know what to do because I was not a techie. I was more of a touchy, feely physical therapist, but it took me 2 years to learn it and to actually make some money. After 2 years, then I really focused on it like I found my niche, which is email marketing and email list building and I just zeroed in on it. And I became a master at it. And I did this speaking, traveling all of that, up until 2010 when my health went down. Just a quick background. When I was born, I was an infant, I had a kidney infection. OK? And then, it became dormant. No signs of symptoms from age 8 to about 35. I showed signs and symptoms. So, they did a biopsy of my kidney and they found out I still have what we call IgA Nephropathy which is an immune disease. So, because like doctors said, I lose weight, at least 60 pounds, and then I change my lifestyle and reduce my stress. Back then, my internet marketing career was very stressful. I was forming an outsourced company in the Philippines which was for social media marketing. And remember this was 2006, the main social networking site that there was MySpace and a believe Twitter. Facebook was not in vogue yet. YouTube just starting. So, I was way ahead of my time. So, I was... Peter Principle, I was promoted to my level of incompetence. So, I had to back up, close my company and resume my physical therapy career and little did I know that after eight years from 2010, when I started to change my lifestyle, my diet, my exercise, and my activity, little did I know that I will be using my internet marketing skills to save my own life which I did through the social media campaign, that we'll be talking about later on in this interview and it actually saved my life. Now, my endeavor, what I'm into now is really learning internet marketing and mastering it even more. But this time, focus on a different niche. And also, as my pay-it-forward social entrepreneurship venture is what we call Super Kidney which also I'm going to lay lay out a little bit for this interview. So, that's what I'm focusing right now. I'm just recovering from my kidney transplant, which happened on July 10th, a little over a month ago. So, that's my background. And that's where I'm going to at this moment, Brian.
Brian Kelly:
I love the fact that your taking what you learned and relearned, in a whole new world, and you're mastering it, once again, your information went viral, again. And the cool thing is, now that you've saved your own life, you told me even before you even knew you were going to get that kidney that your goal and mission was to help others after you were able to save your own life. And I love that you're actually holding true to that. I never had a doubt you would. I know you're a man of integrity, high integrity. You wouldn't be on my show if you didn't, brother. No one would. You have to be high integrity. So, I appreciate you for helping others. This is the kind of heart that this man has. He's just now recovering; he's not 100% yet. Not full strength back, but the guy... you impressed me so much, Joel, because even in the midst of going through dialysis, which I cannot imagine the energy drain that you went through on your daily basis and you still kept that great positive attitude and the fact that you were still, even at that point, thinking of others, to help others is just a testimony to you. And what makes you tick. So, I appreciate you, brother.
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
Thank you.
Brian Kelly:
And we were just talking about... right before we brought you on about the importance of reading and for our guests, for our audience that are out there that are listening and watching. Would you consider yourself to be an avid reader? And if so, what book are you reading at this moment?
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
An avid reader is an understatement for me. (laughing) I'm a voracious reader. I'll give you an example, just in the last 4 days; I'm already on my 5th book. So, I did a book a day since about Monday, this week. I started with this. (Showing eBook from phone on screen) I don't know if you can see this book. It's called Your Mark On The World. It's about making a difference in the world. And then I followed up with Crowdfunding for Social Good which is subtitle Financing Your Mark on the World and then Non-Profit Crowdfunding Explained and then currently, I'm on my latest book which is 925 Ideas To Help You Save Money, Get Out of Debt and Retire a Millionaire In Order For You To Leave Your Mark On The World. So, I've been reading that one. I've finished reading Journey, right now, because I want to prepare myself and my team to launch this...what we call Social Enterprise of finding kidney donors for others. There's actually 100,000 other Americans who are in need of a kidney donor and a kidney transplant, right now. Every single day, there's 22 of us, who were on dialysis or who are dialysis, dying waiting, every day, about 4500 a year from kidney related diseases. OK? Mine is just a tip of the iceberg, which IgA Nephropathy. The number one cause for kidney disease is diabetes, high blood pressure, and an inherent familial disease called Holistic Kidney Disease, OK? Without getting into medical terms, Basically, what I'm coming up with or my team are coming up with is an app that will increase the awareness for living kidney donation, which will compel others to donate and help save lives. So, my action really is to transform the world one kidney at a time, but it doesn't take... it takes more than one person to do it. So, I'm building a community around this concept. I have started last year because I had this idea last year. So, the next 90 days, I'm going to be launching piece by piece of the whole venture from creating a non-profit to creating a social enterprise marketing plan to launch it, actually developing the app and eventually launching it.
Brian Kelly:
Let's talk about that in a little more in depth because what you basically have created here is a movement and you're doing it via community, and that's what a movement requires is to have a community behind it and it's very similar to a business, is it not? I mean it's just like starting up a business and building it, marketing it to get the word out. So, you started touching on it. How do you go about or how do you plan to actually market your movement? What different tools and techniques - this one of the most popular topics on the show is how do successful entrepreneurs market their business, or in your case, movement? So, how do you go about marketing your movement? And then whether it's for this movement or your past business, maybe for when you were the Master List Builder, what's been your most successful form, thus far, of marketing?
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
I would say it wasn't really marketing a product, but it was about marketing and essentially creating a viral marketing campaign using social media to save my own life because no matter how much I make and I end up dead 2 years from now, that's not going to matter, OK? My kids need me so, I'd rather.... I would consider beyond all the money I've made as the Master List Builder for about 8 - 10 years... It is more... because health is the number one wealth. I couldn't tell the difference. I was weak. I had no time for anything else, but dialysis, work, and my kids. That said, I basically got cooped up in my house or when I see patients for physical therapy or when I go out with my kids. But that's it. No social life at all for the last 3 1/2 years since I've been to dialysis. But I had to make those sacrifices and I don't really call them sacrifices. To me, it was like a way of life because if I don't go to dialysis, I'd be dead. OK? So, that would be what I considered my most successful marketing campaign to date, yet.
Brian Kelly:
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
But doubt will pale with what I have in mind with SuperKidney.com -
Brian Kelly:
I have no doubt about that. (laughing)
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
Because, you know, Kidney For Joel was all about just saving my life, right? Finding one donor. Now, Super Kidney will help save 10s, if not 100,000 lives, many times over than I did with myself. All I had to do, really, is mimic and improve what I did last year to a much better version of it this year, because I learned a lot.
Brian Kelly:
And you are one of the most goal-oriented and successful at reaching your goal type of people I've ever met because I remember seeing - you would do Facebook Live's while you're sitting in your chair, getting dialysis, and you're there marketing for Kidney For Joel and for the movement. And you're learning, you are learning, I remember at one point, you went to a full blown course on Instagram to learn that form of social media marketing. And I know that you, once you put your mind to something, man, and there is no holding you back. You're one of the best I've ever seen at actually proclaiming you're going to do something and then following through. And not only just doing it, but crushing it. And I appreciate that. I mean you're not...you weren't. Well and we were talking business things but this was before you started getting really close to the kidney finally coming. And I remember you gave me the key, you gave me the key because you just touched on and if you don't mind, I want to bring up the fact that you said you're not a techie, right? You said you're not a techie and somehow, though, even not being a techie when it requires a lot of technical skill, you became the Master List Builder of building these e-mail lists. Some are like, "Well, how the heck? What? How do you do that?" And you said, "Brian, I want to tell you what the secret is." I said, "Oh man, I'm all ears. Please tell me." And for those of you watching, do you want to know what that is? Go ahead and give me a thumbs up or a Love or something and say, "yes, I want to know!" Because I'm going to tell you. Joel told me the secret to his success. There's 2 things: he says he takes the very complex - he's very good at making complex situations very simple. He takes a complex issue, problem, situation and simplifies it greatly. The second and most important key that hit me right between the eyes and I thought, "oh my gosh, now I know what I need to do" was to delegate. And he delegated to some VA's of his that he put to work, that had the technical expertise and just told him what he needed done in layman's terms, and they went off and made him and helped make him The Master List Builder. Of course, this guy was on stage, he didn't just sit back. He worked hard. This guy works harder than most people I've ever met. But thank you for that, because as a result of that, I now have one and now a second apprentice coming on to help me. And it has been a Godsend. I had no idea how much relief and liberation help could bring. And it started opening my mind to all the additional possibilities there are now, because now I'm not sitting there thinking, "well, I'm only one person. I only have so much time." Now I'm thinking, "wait, I don't need to worry about that anymore. All I need to do is sit down and do it once. Trained the apprentice and they're off and running." And so thank you for that valuable, valuable advice. I will never forget, Joel.
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
You're welcome. And also, here's another secret, OK? You make your audience a part of your story. Make them own your story. It's their story. Then you rally them around that cause. I call social entrepreneurship as doing well by doing good. Using social media for a social cause. I've always been a social entrepreneur by heart. I didn't know it until I met this guy named David Eubie who took me into this article on... I don't really remember that magazine Web 2.0, there was a story about this guy called The Banker to the Poor, Muhammad Yunus from Bangladesh. He created a movement of millions and millions of people doing micro-loans, like $50, $100 to the poor people of his country, Bangladesh. And $100 can mean a lot for somebody who lives in a third world country. but he created this movement. And I read his biography and all that and I said, "that's what I wanted to do." This is it. This was back in 2006. That's why I started my social media outsourcing company because of that purpose. My only mistake was this; I didn't have a role model. I didn't have a platform or a blueprint to follow. I did it my own way without somebody teaching me or learning from them. So, you know how pioneers are, they get the arrows in the back, mud in their face. I did that. That's why I failed miserably in getting that outsourcing company up and running. By the time I was ready to make it up to the successful... like on the brink of success, my body just wore down. It just went down. So, that's another thing. Make them own your story and then make sure you have the help of everybody. They don't have to, like for example, in social media, if you're doing a crowdfunding, they don't have to donate. If they just share it to like 5 of their friends. And those 5 will share them to like 10 of their friends, it can go viral. That's what happened to my car magnet sign. There was this lady named, Dolce Del Toro, who was behind a truck. It's a truck of my mechanic's best friend that has my car magnet. "Need a kidney. KidneyForJoel.com" and my phone number. She took a snapshot and guess what happened after? She took a snapshot, she posted on her Facebook, it went viral. (showing KidneyForJoel.com website on screen) It was shared. Almost 80,000 times in less than a month. That really made it viral. It was amazing. So, make them own the story and it make them part of the whole program, make them a part of your story.
Brian Kelly:
Excellent. Thank you for that advice. Now, you can see on the screen, this is the site he's referring to KidneyForJoel.com that he's going to be switching over to - what is it? SuperKidney.com.
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
SuperKidney.com, Yes.
Brian Kelly:
And probably morphing some of this over there or a redoing it from scratch. I don't know, but either way, look at what he's done while he was - This was happening while he was in a reduced state of health.
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
Brian Kelly:
And if someone like Joel in that state of health can do this, can you imagine what Joel's going to do now, when he's feeling good. But also, let's bring that and redirect it back to you, the audience member, What's your excuse? There is none. I mean, let's get busy and just take notes. Follow the advice of Joel, of all the past guest experts that have been on this show, and the future ones coming on because there is a common theme going here over and over and over. One of them is discipline and that's something that Joel epitomizes. He has discipline like nobody else. I mean, if he's going to do something, he will schedule out his day to the hour and he will get it done. He's got kids to take care of. He's got his kidney to take care of. He's got a job to take care of. And all this while doing dialysis for many hours, I don't know, honestly, how you did it, Joel, with your reduced state of energy and everything else. And look what he's done. And he's doing it by delegating and he's also - he won't probably admit this, but he's a brilliant, brilliant man because they put what - what's on his website is out of his brain and he's directing. We've had talks where he's directed me on things to do like delegate. And I listened to him. I got smarter. I started listening to successful people and actually putting into play what they tell me and I can't wait for the next nugget of gold from Joel, or whomever crosses my path, because when I meet somebody successful and I get advice from them, I'm all over it now. And so, listen to Joel and follow Joel. Actually study his campaigns, go onto Facebook and Like him and Friend him on Facebook and study his campaigns. Knowing Joel, if you have a question, he'll answer it. And say, "hey man, how did you go about doing that one? How are you marking on Instagram?" He may not sit there and teach you, but he might point you to a resource that can help you learn. So, be respectful of his time, as well. But definitely, he's a man with a heart of gold and he's - you see it, you hear it. He wants to help people. He wants to help those who are in need of a kidney. And I know him; he would love to help anyone who is looking for business help. That's not his goal. That's not his main thrust so, just understand that please. But he just loves to help and that's the other common denominator with every entrepreneur I've interviewed, thus far. And those that are going to be coming on the show is that they love to serve. They love to serve others and help. It's just...to me, it seems like a inbred human trait that all have, but it's not necessarily the truth, but Joel definitely does. And you know, Joel, I know that you've worked hard. Even back when was it 1999 from then on until you kind of bowed out of Internet marketing for a while and then you got back into it. And each time, I know it's true for me, success comes at some cost at some point. There are sacrifices that must be made. Whether their good, whether their bad; they happen. Something has to give way to the time you're spending building that business, building that movement...etc. So, what sacrifices have you had to make yourself to become so successful as you have?
Brian Kelly:
Well back in the olden days, between 2001 and 2010, I traveled a lot. In the beginning, I was able to bring my ex-wife and my daughter, Simone, to wherever I spoke and then later on, my daughter had to go to school. So, I can't take them anymore. They have to stay. So, I travel even more and this time I travel outside the US. I was mostly in Asia, different parts to speak and then forced my business; my outsourcing business was in the Philippines. So, I was gone most of the time so, I actually sacrifice my marriage, my health. What else? But I guess the most difficult part was being away from my daughter, Simone, at the time. And when Anton was born, it was 2006. That's when I started my other company. And in hindsight... Hindsight is always 20/20, OK? I can see it clearly now. However though, my getting divorced not saying any bad thing about my ex, or anything like that, was actually a blessing in disguise. I never wanted a divorce because in my family, that's not the norm. My parents were married for almost 50 years before my father died. However though, because the doctor told me improving your diet, lose 60 pounds, at least in the next... I don't know how long, and then reduce your stress. If you could eliminate your stress, reduce it and then exercise more. Now, part one was easy. Lose the weight, exercise, and eat properly. That was the easy part, OK? Because I have some control about it. As far as my relationship went, my marriage went, It was a two-way street. It just wasn't... Me being gone... Because even though your partner is gone, that doesn't make you have an excuse of playing around. Anyways, the point is this; little did I know that separation, that divorce eventually, was the best blessing in disguise because I finally discovered that, when everything was clear, I had no stress. She was the most stressful part of my life. I had no idea. And finally, I figured out. So, first, it was tough because there was a custody battle and all that, but at the end of the day, I'm a lot happier now. I'm a lot more prosperous now, because no one spends - I don't splurge on any material things. I'm a simple guy. I buy from like Walmart; the most I can buy from is like Old Navy, when they're on sale. I'm a very frugal guy. So, that's the main thing. You never really know what really causes your biggest stress until you stand back or stand above and beyond that level. You're in a 30,000 foot level and you're looking down and you see yourself, outside of yourself. And you see that, "oh! Now I get it." Like everything in my life, I always find it to be a blessing in disguise. Give you an example, last year, I was supposed to have my kidney transplant, but my former transplant center screwed it up. However though, I discovered by research, that Methodist is actually the number one kidney transplant in the whole world! And the former one was not even in the top 20 in the U.S.
Brian Kelly:
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
So, I'm like I'm in good hands. (laughing) So, there's always a silver lining -
Brian Kelly:
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
- In the clouds. I always see that positive thing. Like, what is this teaching me? When I was under...when I had like big belly. I had to be aspirated 3 times a year because I had what we call a cyst or fluid in the belly. I always thought, "what's this about? How can I turn this around? OK? Like another example, most people on dialysis stop working on the 4th month of dialysis. 70% of us who were or was on dialysis, quit working full time or quit working totally and become dependent society after only 4 months on dialysis. I survived for 3 1/2 years having 2 jobs. I had a home health physical therapy business and during my dialysis nights, for 4 hours, I had my... it was my iPad in one hand, my left hand being hooked up to the machine and I would review notes for the patients done by my fellow therapists. I had a client; they'll do this for like 10 - 15 hours a week. So, income-wise, I was more productive income-wise while I was in dialysis for 3 1/2 years than I was before dialysis.
Brian Kelly:
Isn't that amazing?
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
I turned a disability into an opportunity.
Brian Kelly:
Right. Yeah, it's amazing how an injury or something that immobilizes you, can actually create laser focus more than you ever thought possible. I remember snapping an Achilles tendon and I couldn't drive, I couldn't leave the house. And so, I sat at the desk and I found, "wow, I'm getting so much more done because I'm not just jumping, going downstairs to the kitchen and getting all these distractions." I could focus. And so you take - you know, when life gives you lemon, you make lemonade, right? And just like when you're driving in the car, it's a perfect time to listen to a book. I mean, I'm still paying attention to the road and I'm absorbing. It's automatic just as if you were listening to music. And it's amazing how these little trials in our lives can be such moments of teaching, isn't it? and make us go, "Oh, I see what's going on now. Thank you for the reminder, Lord. I get it." Hey, we're going to close here, brother. We got 15 minutes left and -
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
- I'm going to say this quickly, ok?
Brian Kelly:
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
Last year, I broke my rib lifting a patient. I couldn't work for 3 or 4 months. Guess what I did? I learned more about social media marketing. I turned my zero follower Instagram from zero to 8,000 in a period of time. I had more time to think about the campaign that I made it more viral. So, what I thought was a hindrance, which is a fractured rib, which hurt like the dickens. You couldn't do anything. You can't even get out of bed. It's hard for like a month. I was able to turn around and make it more productive. And you're right, have more distractions and focus on something.
Brian Kelly:
(laughing) It's amazing. Well, hey man, there is there's one question that I want to get to with you, personally, and I do this with every one of my guests. And it's a doozy. It's a big question. And if it takes you a little while to think of the answer, that's OK. Take all the time you need because it could get pretty deep. But before we get into that question, for those of you that are watching live, right now, this is that time to find out how you can get a chance at winning a beautiful, wonderful trip to a 5-star resort in Mexico. (showing inforamtion on screen) This is a 5 night vacation day. So, here's what you do. You go either to the website of ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation. For those of you that are watching live, if you're listening live, that's why I'm saying it out loud ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation. Just make sure the word "vacation" is all lowercase and the rest of it really doesn't matter the case. And then another option, if you have a phone handy and it's easier for you to do this while you're watching online, you can text PEAK, the word PEAK P-E-A-K to the number 661-535-1624. Again, it's text PEAK to 661-535-1624. Go ahead and do that now and I'll keep monitoring the entries as they come in and we'll announce the winner. and I will also...well I'll actually give it 5 - 10 minutes after the shows over for those that happen to catch the recording late just to give them a chance and then the winner will be announced via text message. So, a lot of people have joined us tonight here, Joel. And what I want to do now is ask you that that big, hard hitting question. Are you ready?
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
I hope so.
Brian Kelly:
I know it's a big buildup, isn't it? So, the cool thing is to take the pressure off, just so you know, Joel, there is no such thing as a wrong answer to this question. The only correct answer is your answer. Because it's about you and what this means to you. And what is that question? Are you ready? Here we go. Joel Chris, how do you define success?
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
Success. I define success as being able to do what you want, when you want and with whomever you want, and have fun doing it. And that pertains mostly to my time with my kids. Raising them the right way and having them live at their utmost potential will be a success for me. It's not about money, it's not about the business, it's about my relationship with my kids, primarily.
Brian Kelly:
You caught me writing notes. I love it. Here's the thing. I've never heard the same answer twice that was similar, but you gave it a few extra twists and one of them was that you were very specific and said that because the who it's with is with your kids. And I know that to be true because I know you and I've been, I mean, anybody who follows you on Facebook knows this to be true. That you love your kids so deeply and you're so proud of them and rightfully so. Anton and Simone, they're just amazing kids. I feel like I know them because of you. And I've never met them. I remember Anton had longer hair and then he got a haircut and I was watching through that whole thing and he's gone through spelling bees and it's just touching, heartwarming. Love that and the other thing... There is one thing that every entrepreneur has in common to the answer to that question. Are you curious of what that is, Joel?
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
Brian Kelly:
You said it. Most of them just don't... they just omit it. You said it outright. You said, "it's not about money." Isn't that interesting? And that comes as no surprise to me because every guest, so far, there isn't a single one that has listed money. Has said the word, "money." Has said the word, "Finances." Have said anything to do with that as part of their definition of success. And I find that this is a level of maturity beyond most. I mean, some when you're just starting out, money is your focus and you need money to survive. And money is important. So, I don't want to belittle that too much. But the key is really to become successful, is to not focus on the money which is counterintuitive, to a degree. If you focus on serving others, like Joel does, like all my past guests have, then you become successful as a result and success is in helping others. Isn't it Joel?
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
Yes. Absolutely.
Brian Kelly:
It's all part of the same parcel, yes? (laughing) I want to ask you one bonus question. Is that cool with you? Everybody watching, is that cool? Because I know you're a goal-oriented guy and you've probably already mapped this out and if you haven't, that's OK. You probably have an answer for it anyway. You have this movement Super Kidney coming up, is that domain live yet?
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
It goes to my Facebook donation page, but it's not active yet.
Brian Kelly:
Ok, no worries. No worries. For that movement, where do you see yourself, in that movement, in ten years from now and then stretch it out to 20 years from now?
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
10 years from now, I'm hoping we have helped at least 10,000 lives that we have saved through Super Kidney. In 20 years, man that's a long time so, I would imagine this app; we'll develop it so that it can apply to like liver donation or cornea donation or lung transplant donation. And then, in year 20, we should have a least, active in maybe 5 - 10 countries who are afflicted the most with chronic kidney disease. And that's because the laws are different in each country. I'm more familiar with the living kidney donation laws in America because that's where I got it. I had my living kidney donation. So, that's what I think will happen in 20 years is go beyond the borders of America. Maybe in 5 to 10 other countries starting with kidney and liver and in other parts of the body that can be donated by a live person.
Brian Kelly:
I just love how you go all in, every time, because if you're doing the math, that's 1,000 lives per year on average, for the first 10 years. That's a lot. And you know what you had to go through, personally, to save one life; yours. That's an amazing trait you have, Joel, because you set your goals high and you usually hit them. I haven't seen you not hit them and that's the key, is aim high, for everyone watching and listening, is to aim higher than you actually think you might... a little bit higher than a realistic number. Stretch it a little bit because when you stretch it and it's a little bit unbelievable, you find yourself working harder to reach that goal than if it were a comfortable number. It's all about getting out of our comfort zone and stretching ourselves. Another thing would be is to get an accountability partner, a mentor, a business minded guru. So, Joel is mine and you can't have him, just saying. (laughing) He's taken because he doesn't have time for anyone - I'm just kidding, Joel. He'll make up his own mind on that. (laughing) But he's taught me so much in such a short period of time just on a few phone calls. We met - do you remember what year that was that we met? Was it that 2012?
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
Brian Kelly:
Oh my gosh, that was a long time ago. 15 years.
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
October 2003.
Brian Kelly:
Wow. With the godfather of the Internet Marketing, Mark Joyner, himself it was his farewell party. I remember that. So, a long time ago. I still have that picture of the 3 of us; you, myself, and my wife together. And I had a little bit extra in the girth, as well, at that time so; maybe I need to shorten my last name to Kel, now. (laughing)
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
You know, I didn't really notice, you look the same to me.
Brian Kelly:
(laughing) Yeah. I've never really had weight issues, but when... So, when I have any different variation, it's very noticeable to me because I'm usually, pretty slim most of my life. But yeah.
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
Good genes.
Brian Kelly:
I called myself a "chunky monkey" back then, but well fantastic, Joel. I sure appreciate you coming on the show sharing your wisdom. I look forward to following your progress and helping in any way I can. I know everyone watching and listening would love to do the same. I want to find out, for those who are watching and listening who I have not yet connected with you, what is the number one, best way for them to connect with you, whether it be social media, email, text.
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
Facebook Messenger is the fastest way.
Brian Kelly:
Your profile name is Joel Chris Remandaban, correct?
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
Yeah, but you can find me at Facebook.com/JoelCR
Brian Kelly:
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
It's shorter.
Brian Kelly:
So, is that your personal profile or a page?
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
Brian Kelly:
Oh ok. Awesome. So, that's how you connect with him. Joel CR. Go to Facebook search for JoelCR. You can't mistake this handsome face, right here, when you see his profile picture. You'll know it's him and just reach out to him and say, "hey Joel. I'd love to follow your story. I'd love to help in any way I can." Or if you know of somebody who is in need of a kidney, then maybe you can help Joel to get this movement going bigger and faster. Because like he said, it's all about community. So, if you know someone in need or you have any tips or tricks that can help speed the process up of getting these badly needed transplants taken care of, then please, please, please reach out to Joel and just let him know what that is and just have a conversation with them. He would love - I'm speaking on your behalf, Joel, but I think he would love to have that conversation with you.
Joel Christopher Remandaban:
Yeah, absolutely.
Brian Kelly:
All right. Well, that brings us - I can't believe it's been an hour already, my friend. It always happens that way, it just blows on by. It's...before you know it, we're done. But I look forward to watching your journey going forward. It's going to be a glorious one and I, for one, will be watching intently and studying your moves and probably giving you a phone call, here or there, on the way. So, with that thank you all. I appreciate all of you for watching, coming on, and watching and listening, for those of you listening on the podcast that is recorded after the show. Until next time, we will see you again on The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. Real important, this Monday, so tonight is Thursday, we have a very Special Edition coming up with the CEO of a company whose providing an amazing service that both Joel and I use, now, that will help you to expand and scale your business quicker than you ever dreamed. And it's amazing and it can cost you nothing. (gesturing "0" symbol with hand) How's that? So, we'll see you on Monday and then we will resume normal programming every Thursday night. We have shows scheduled all the way out to the end of the year. It's phenomenal. Can't wait. See you Monday. Joel, we'll see you again soon. We'll be on the phone and Facebook messaging and texting like usual very soon. Everyone else, we'll see you later (gesturing salute) and blessings to you all.
Thank you for watching and listening. This has been The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show with Brian Kelly.
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Joel Remandaban
Joel is an internationally-acclaimed internet marketer, speaker, trainer and Amazon best-selling author. He is best known as the "Master List Builder." Long before the days of social media, Joel amassed an opt-in email list of more than 153,000 newsletter subscribers in as short as three years - truly unprecedented for it's time. Recently, Joel utilized his past skills to launch a massive social media campaign to save his own life, and as a result found a living kidney donor that will prolong his life without dialysis for another 20-30 years or more.
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