Special Guest Expert - Jürgen Strauss

Special Guest Expert - Jürgen Strauss: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Jürgen Strauss: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us, who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward, only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated, determined, and driven? How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. And, this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly and this is THE MIND BODY BUSINESS SHOW.

Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. Yes, indeedy, we go to the farthest reaches of the earth. My guest is joining us from good old, Downunder Australia near Melbourne. I cannot wait to bring him on. Amazing. Gentlemen, Jürgen Strauss, you are going to meet him and he is going to drop bombs of value all over the place, wonderful, beautiful bombs. And THE MIND BODY SHOW BUSINESS SHOW, real quick what is that all about? It is about what I call the three pillars of success. I had begun studying only successful people over the last decade or a little bit more and in that time of studying, these are mentors of mine, these are authors that I've met, these are authors that are no longer with us , these are people that are successful. What I found over time was three patterns kept bubbling to the top, their the same pattern over and over again that these successful people passed these traits that I didn't at the moment and I realized what they were. You might guess where they may fall. yes in the very title of this show called to mind, which starts with your mindset and each and every individual that I studied that had reached a much higher level of success than I had at the time had a very powerful and most important flexible mindset. And then there was body each and every one of them took care of themselves physically and through what they ingested nutritionally. So they worked out, they exercised and they also took care of themselves that way. So the mind and body, I like to say, are a team, and more importantly, they are your team. And if you have any member of a team that is not operating at a peak level of performance, then the team as a whole suffers. So when will now be the right time to take care of your mind and your body in a much better way? And business and all businesses, multi, multi, multifaceted. Each and every one of these individuals had mastered the skill sets required to build a successful business to maintain and then grow and grow and grow and continue to improve. And the skill sets are wide and varied. Their sales, marketing team building, systematizing leadership. It goes on and on and on and on and on and on. The thing is, I don't think, in my humble opinion, anyone person can master and I'm talking about mastering each of these skill sets in one lifetime. There's just too many. It takes a long time to master one, let alone several. And there's only one skill set, though, that you really, truly need to master to make this work. And I mentioned it. It was one of the ones I brought up, and that is the skill set of leadership. When you have mastered the skill set of leadership, you now have the ability and you have mastered the skill set of delegating, delegating to those who do have the skills that you have not yet mastered. So there you go. It makes it easy. Why not press the easy button? That's what I prefer and it works. And that's what successful people do. So that's what the show is all about. It's a show by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. And I only bring on the most successful of the most successful from all over the world. Tonight is no different. You're going to love this gentleman before I bring him on real quick. Another great trait of very successful people is to a person, they are very voracious readers, readers of books. And with that, I like the Segway. Real quick to a little segment I affectionately call bookmarks.

Bookmarks, born to read. Bookmarks. Ready, steady, read! Bookmarks. Brought to you by reachyourpeaklibrary.com.

Yes, reachyourpeaklibrary.com. There it is. That is a website I had developed with you in mind, and I know that sounds a little cheesy, but it's true. If you're a business person, if you're an entrepreneur and you're looking for any kind of guidance on how to be successful, then I found later in life just how important books were and I didn't start reading voraciously. Tell us about the age of forty-eight. I'm fifty-six now, so I've been hitting the hitting the books hard, as they say since then, because I realized and experienced the true, unbelievable results I've been getting just as a result of reading the right books, as it says there on the site and so on. This site are just the books that I personally have read and only the ones that have had a profound positive impact on me either in business and professional life or in personal life or both. And so I put this together with you in mind to say, well, at least this way now you don't have to go hunting all over the place and wondering if a certain book at least had a positive impact on someone else who's successful. So this way, your odds of picking a good book and not wasting time reading it are greatly improved. So that is the reason this is together. And real quick, outside mentioned on this Reachyourpeaklibrary.com, do yourself a favor. And instead of clicking over or typing it in and looking for it while you're watching this, please instead, please, please, please write it down on a piece of paper or notepad on your computer and stay with us because the magic happens in the room. I would so hate for you to take your gaze away from the screen and your thoughts away and have you again say that one thing that could have changed your life forever and you miss it. That is why it is so important the magic happens in the room. Speaking of this gentleman,Jürgen , I think it is time to bring this amazing young man on to the screen. Here we go.

It's time for the guest expert spotlight, savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, big-league qualified.

There he is, ladies and gentlemen, the one the only Mr. Jürgen Strauss, who I should say doctor shouldn't I forgot, Doctor. Yes.

Jürgen Stauss:
Great to be with you, Brian. I'm not sure about that. That massive build up in the introduction. Whether I'm going to be able to live up to that.

I think you're going to exceed it after talking to you right before the show. I have no doubt. Don't sweat it, just be you, because that's that's what people want. And I can tell it that, you know, who you are is what the people want. They want to know your your deep wisdom, your deep experience. And I know it's going to be helpful every single show. It's just amazing. People like you that come on that provide the value, just blow my mind in such great ways. And I'm just blessed. And I'm so appreciative that you came on the show all the way from Australia. Thanks for travelling All the way over here.

Jürgen Stauss:
Thanks for the opportunity. And I'm really looking forward to contributing what I can to you and to your audience.

It's going to be phenomenal, my friend. Before we get started, officially, I'm going to do a little bit of housekeeping and mention that you can win a five-night stay at a five-star resort luxury resort, compliments of our sponsors. You see the big red circle up there, thebiginsidersecrets.com.That's Jason Nast, my buddy and his team. We give away one of these every single show and we will show you exactly how you can enter to win toward the end of the show. So stick with us and you must be on live, live to the end to learn how you can enter to win that. That is a phenomenal gift. And yes, we will all be able to move about the world soon, I'm certain of it. It's just going to happen. And also, if you're struggling with putting a live show together and it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high-quality show and connect with great people like Jürgen and grow your business all at the same time, then head on over to carpetbombmarketing.com carpet bomb marketing, saturate the marketplace with your message. And one of the key components that is contained in the carpet bomb marketing course is one that you'll learn how to absolutely master is a very service we use to stream our live shows right here on THE MIND BODY BUSINESS SHOW. Over the course of now, over nine years, we've tried so many of these quote-unquote TV studio solutions for live streaming and streamYart is, in our humble opinion, the best of the best. It combines supreme ease of use along with unmatched functionality. So start streaming right now. Today you can do this after the show over high-quality professional-looking shows for free with StreamYard now visit the website at R-Y-P.I-M forward slash StreamLive all one word. ryp.im/streamlive; Now we can finally bring on this amazing gentleman, Mr. Jürgen Strauss, Dr. Jürgen Strauss. He is the founder and chief innovator at Innovabiz who helped business owners build visibility, professional credibility and deep connection with their dream clients. I'm loving this already. His philosophy is to make marketing human again. As a host of the Enova buzz, he's really testing my ability to talk tonight. Innovation podcasts with over three hundred meaningful conversations, he is doing the work. Ladies and gentlemen, Jürgen has been privileged to chat with entrepreneurs from all over the world. This sounds familiar. I love this. Prior to founding Innovabiz, you're going to work in the science and chemical industries leading large global multinational teams across Asia, Europe, India, North America and Australia. He spent years at the intersection of technology, science, human behaviour, marketing and business management. Oh, I love that combination. He's happily married with two adult children. I think we must be separate twins, separated birth or someone got the same exact thing going on here, two pet cats. We used to have cats and Jürgen is an avid photographer and cyclist. With that finally officially welcome to the show, my friend. This is going to be a lot of fun.

Jürgen Stauss:
Thank you, Brian. Thanks for that really warm welcome.

You bet. You bet. And so I like to kick things off with the first word of the show Mind. And I love, I love, I love reading the bio and getting to know what kind of things you have accomplished, your experience, your background, how many years in business, all those things seen that you've worked with all these different industries and all these different countries. That tells a lot. What I like to do Jürgen is actually go deeper. And this don't worry, this won't hurt as things. But what I love to do is get into that big, big, beautiful brain of yours and find out what is it that really, truly at your core, motivates you every single day when you get up in the morning, because let's face it, being an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. It's not for everyone. A lot more of us, Wittner. So for you, when you get up knowing that you're going to be facing a challenge after challenge, what is it that is going on in your big, beautiful brain that just keeps you going really fast and really hard every single day?

Jürgen Stauss:
Well, there's a couple of things that that really drive me. And one of those is the idea of serving others and making a difference to others. And it's always throughout my career, whatever role I was in, I realized very early on that my motivation comes from seeing the difference I've made to somebody else. If it's helping them take a technical product and turn it into an end user product that I then sell and their business grows as a result, or whether it's helping an individual in a big company have a big success within that company because of my assistance. And then I get a promotion, for example. So does those things really give me a sense of achievement to make that contribution to others? And the second thing is around learning. And I was thinking about this question the other day again and thinking back to my days at university. Now, my alma mater is Monash University here in Australia, and this is a long time ago. But their motto is Ancora Amparo, which is I am still learning and I still live that every day today. So going back to your intro where you talked about the books and the bookmarks, that that's something that I'm you know, I read a lot of books. I listen to a lot of audio books, I listen to lots of podcasts. And if there's something that I run up against and think that that's an issue for me or I can't do that, I always try my best to turn around. So where's the learning opportunity? What can I learn here? And so there's those two things are really what kind of drive me and get me curious about what's going on and open up doors all over the place.

Oh, man. Fantastic. I want to touch on a couple of those. But first, we have people coming by to wave and say, hi, Erica. Hey, Erica. How are you? Yeah, I have a feeling she's the one that referred me to the show. She's been on the show. She's an amazing, amazing young woman. Thank you for coming on and saying virtually. Hello. Appreciate you. Andrew Cavnar has says hello, and he loves this tool. Do you know Andrew as well?

Jürgen Stauss:
I don't know, Andrew. I haven't met him yet.

Even better. Thanks for coming on and participating, joining us. And for those of you that haven't actually raised your hand just yet, go ahead and say hi. Let us know where you're from and just say hi. And if you have questions for Jürgen, as we go through the show, we'll fill those as well as long as they're pertinent and to the point, we will definitely do that. But I love everything you just said. I mean, you know, your motivation is you said it in one word toward the end that really encapsulated the whole essence of you and what motivates you. And it was the word contribution. And that's what I love about what I get to do is every single guest expert I have ever had on the show, Bar none, that is one of their driving forces is serving, others contributing and getting that. You know, part of what drives all of us is seeing the success, not just the act of helping, but also getting to the point of them getting the results they were after. I mean, that's when it really hits home and the goosebumps start bumping up on your arms. Right. And you just sit upfront. Well done. That felt good because that person is better off because of you.

Jürgen Stauss:
Right. And not just and we win. We win by winning together. That's there something I came up with the other day reading a story that people are probably familiar with from the Special Olympics back in Montreal, I think 1976. You're familiar with that story?

I don't think so.

Jürgen Stauss:
Oh, OK. Well, the story is there's a hundred meters of ice in the Special Olympics at Montreal. The gun goes and all the participants make their way as best they can with the various conditions to the finish line. All except one little guy who stumbles and falls early on. So he's lying on the ground. He's hurt himself. He's crying. A couple of other participants hear him and realize, turn around, look back, and they actually run back in the opposite direction from the finish line to help the little kid pick him up. And the three of them link arms and come across the line. And they're all big smiles because what what they realized and what they understood is that, you know, there's things that are more important than winning for yourself and that's helping everybody to win. And they all won. So that that story I read that a couple of weeks ago when I was preparing for something else and I thought, yeah, we win together. That's kind of the motto, love that story.

Oh, man. I just got all warm and fuzzy inside. We understand the show right now and I'd be happy that was for now. We're not going to. But that was. I love that. Thank you for sharing that. I had not heard that. That's a phenomenal story, though. I mean, and of course, kids. Right, right. Yeah. We got a few more dropping in to say, hello, live vibrantly. So that's Karen Duncombe. She's going to be on the show actually coming up. Karen, she says good evening. Great show so far. Oh, yeah. We're just beginning. And my good buddy Don Hoper.ich is from Antelope Valley on my neck of the woods. This guy, he's he's an amazing guy and you would love meeting him as well. He runs the Chamber of Commerce here locally. I've never seen anyone help so many businesses with such a giving heart as Don. So, man, I love you. Thank you for coming on. It's coming on often and saying hi. And I just so appreciate his support all the time. That's how he is. That's how he operates. Fantastic. Now, I opened the show, talking about for me what became very, very important, which was the importance of reading, you know, had not known that for so many years. And it sounds like you're doing it as well. What kind of book would you say if you're not reading one now, what is the most recent book that had an impact on you.

I have written three down? Because I'm actually in the process. Well, here's one I finished reading that had a profound impact on me and a related one that I'm reading right now that's already having a profound impact, although I'm only about 10 percent of the way through it. The first one that I've finished is Ask Powerful Questions, my will whys. And the subtitle is Create Conversations That Matter. So there's going to be a theme around that because the second book is Good Talk by Daniel Stillman and the subtitle there is How to Design Conversations that Matter. So they're sort of connected. And then I'm reading.Sorry.

I'm sorry. Go ahead.

Jürgen Stauss:
And then I'm reading the latest marketing book by Matthew Sweezy, which is The Context Marketing Revolution.

I'm writing this down.

Jürgen Stauss:
I've also got one on my desk, which is the what's the one called? Oh, it's the latest book team tools, something like that. It's the latest book from The Strategier team written by Definer Mastrogiacomo.

Holy moly, that's a mouthful right there. Good job. Yeah. Yeah.

Jürgen Stauss:
As you can see, I kind of read read all over the place, depending on which room I mean or what device I'm on or or listen to different audiobooks.

I love it. Who is the author again of Ask Powerful Questions?

Jürgen Stauss:
Will Wise.

Will. OK, thank you. So I just I just want to really quickly make this note, verbal note to everyone watching or listening is that when you hear of things, notice he said this was it had a powerful impact on him. You know, the first one, especially the second one already. And he's only 10 percent in. When you hear things like that, if you've never heard of or if you haven't read those books yet, you know, jot those down and get those books immediately, order them. Don't wait. Even if you have ten more books before them, I'm amassing a bigger and bigger library because of people like, Jürgen, when they come that highly touted and recommended and it's by someone like this gentleman, then I'm all over it. I don't hesitate. I don't even know for a second. Like as soon as this show is over, I'm not getting I'm going to go to I go to audible. I love audible. I go I'm going to go to an audible and I'm going to order at least those first two. And I'll look into the second, the third one as well. And they're going to be in my library and I'll have them sitting there already. I always download them to my phone. So in the case I'm in an airplane and I don't have Wi-Fi, I have it. And I just put on the headphones and I just listen and take notes and have a good time.

Jürgen Stauss:
The Team Tools is one you probably want to get a hard copy of because it's very visual.

So, yeah, I was telling everybody right now it's the beginning to show, right? And look, I'm not asking you to do anything. I'm not. There we go. I got notes and there's a previous page already filled before this one, and it just helps with the flow of the show. But also, I get to go look back on these. And for myself, what was that book you mentioned? I do this all the time and that way I'm here present. And as you should be listening to this amazing man is to take notes and keep your concentration right forward. And this goes for networking events when we're able to do this again in hotels I used to teach from stage is like they'd be 90-minute segment segments on average and people get a little antsy. Might have to go use the restroom or whatever. It's like, well, time, your time, your drinking, your water, you know, wait till it's toward the end of the 90-minute segment before you drink a bunch of water so that you don't have to leave right in the middle of the best thing could change your life. So just just keep with that. All right. Enough of that. Enough preaching. So. I want to talk about your business. I want to get into what it is exactly you do, I'm so curious when I get wonderful, successful people like you to find out what it is you do like. I mean, in a manner, I have it from a high-level view, but I wanted you to be able to explain it in your own words, maybe start out with the type of clients and clientele you work with. Where do they come from and what levels of business are they? And then what is your business? I know that was a lot, but yeah, yeah.

Jürgen Stauss:
The dream client for us, a business coaches and consultants that kind of operating in that coaching space and it and. The industries they work in typically would be manufacturing, technical type manufacturing and some in the health care industry. So they're serving those industries there. They might have one principal coach and some support staff or strategic partners, or they might be up to a business of 20 with various people doing their training. What we do is help them build their visibility, that professional credibility and really that deep connection with their dream customers by developing their marketing systems around what is the best fit for them. And so that covers things like developing the whole system from understanding what value they bring to the table, understanding themselves. That's always the first step we start with to understanding who their dream customers are and how they can connect with them. What what are the pains and the needs of their dream customers and how can they craft a message that's going to capture or earn? I like to use the word earn in this context, their attention, the attention of their dream customers so that I can then start to build a relationship.

Fantastic, and so it's primarily about marketing. It sounds like.

Jürgen Stauss:
It's primarily about marketing, but a lot of a lot of things come into that, a lot of ancillary things. So, for example, you mentioned our podcast. We're getting close to Episode four hundred, actually, now I think I recorded Episode three ninety-two yesterday. So with that, we have a really well, well oiled machine running that we built those systems over time. And of course people have asked, how do you do that? How do you produce three episodes a week? How do you get on the show and have these conversations? How do you reach the guests and so on. So we built systems where we help people launch their own podcast, help them get on other people's podcasts as guests. And where our training differs, we look at all the logistical part of it and the technical part of it. But we also work with the person and say, well, how do you show up so that you provide value to your audience. And also you get your message across in a way that you're going to develop that deep connection with your dream client. So we really focus on the messaging and and the mind. A lot of mindset work there in terms of being able to turn up on the day on the show, provide that value and have the right audience, the right potential dream customer say, oh, I need to talk more with that person so that that's a heavy focus. And we've also recently started doing what I've called Human Connection Events, and I've subtitled them not not networking events. And again, the way we bring a bunch of people together online at the moment and we have meaningful conversations, that's why I was attracted to these books could talk and and powerful questions because it helped me understand how I could develop those questions that will prompt these meaningful conversations. And recently we had an event where we brought 40 people together, many of whom were complete strangers to one another. And that got into some really deep conversations. In fact, at one point I was I was feeling very nervous because I thought this could easily go really out of control. And yet everybody was very respectful. Everybody went away saying that we really feel as though we're deeply connected with another human being and we're going to continue some of those conversations. So that's all coming into that part of connecting people together and giving people the opportunity to meet people and identify who their dream customer is, starting to build those relationships that then could lead on to business.

My goodness, that sounds like a one stop shop to me. Sounds very comprehensive. You've covered a lot of the bases. I put his website up on the screen. You can see that in Innovabiz.com, no not dot com, Innovzbiz.com.au, that through me the first time. It threw me again. There was there's an extra dot, a U for Australia that shows you this gentleman is in Australia and you serve clients from all over the world. Is that correct?

Jürgen Stauss:
That's right, yeah. We have clients in Australia of course in New Zealand, in Asia, in India, in Europe and throughout North America, Canada and the US.

And are you finding that you're still able to conduct business in a very impactful way, even though you cannot travel and physically visit these individual clients?

Jürgen Stauss:
Yeah, personally, I've always because the clients spread all over, we've always relied heavily on the online tools to connect with people and work with them regularly. Of course, I love to travel as well. So occasionally I like to get out and see people in person. But having the lockdown happened didn't really impact our ability to work and that just focused more on the online one.

Yeah, that is so compelling because you're one of many, including yours truly, that not knowing this thing was going to happen, this pandemic. But we were already kind of position so that we could still operate without much of a ripple in the water in the ocean. Right. It was like, OK, in fact, my personal and my business, our activity went way up once that hit. Yeah. I still can't explain why I'm OK with it. But the cool thing is, you know, lucky for us, you and I, we have that ability because of our business model to transact business online. Not everyone does. I mean, there's restaurant industries they're shipping that really are hurting this time. And I don't want to ever sound insensitive to them that rely on, you know, physical presence somewhere at some time. Hopefully, things will lift and we'll get some businesses saved very soon, but, you know, it's good to have and I've seen a lot of incredible innovative companies pivot really fast out of absolute sheer need to go online as much as they can. My wife and I, we have a favorite restaurant that we go to. We like to just go. It's kind of our date night. And they had a lot of struggles here locally. They kept getting shut down completely, but they got really creative really fast. And they never did this before. They started delivering and the owner himself brought the meal. And there is this nice truck out in front of my house. I'm like, man, this is phenomenal. I just love innovation. That's that's the great business spirit, don't you think?

Jürgen Stauss:
That's right. Yeah. Well, one of the ones that I really so it was very clever was a winery here that I very much focused on people coming in doing wine tastings. And they had very they were well known for their wine tastings because I had the winemaker come out and do an education session, talk to the wine lovers about how the wine was produced and where the grape was growing grown and all the background. So it was a complete experience. And of course, most of the people in bought the wines that they liked when they had the tasting. What they did was they organized virtual wine tasting, so they set times on Zoom got to had people register on Zoom and then send out the wine pack to the people before the event. Then everybody got on Zoom with the ones in front of them. The wine market did the presentation, just as he normally would in person. And of course, there was a lot more opportunity for people to have one on one interactions within that Zoom room. That perhaps wouldn't happen if it was live because there people would be just within their little group that I'd come along. So it kind of took a different dimension, but it added something to it, even though it had taken away the in-person connection. And as a result, you know, they have wine sales basically held up because they ran these events. And the wine sales that they did through the wine tasting events stayed up because they were doing them virtually and the sales were still happening.

You know that is a brilliant observation you just made. I just had not ever thought of that. But, you know, normally, like you said, people would go and sit at their own table in their own area, on their own barstool or wherever, but they would kind of keep to themselves, them and their spouse or significant other a friend or whatever happens to be family and not really interact. But you're right. I mean, that is so true when you're all together on Zoom and there are other people talking, you actually interact with more people than you would if you visit. It's like, wow, it went from you think you're going impersonal by being online, but it became more personal and important. So yeah. Yeah. And I just attended recently a summit which would normally and did normally get held in a physical location at a hotel. Right. And these guys, they did such incredible work. Jürgen, even you would be impressed. I know you're a tech-savvy guy that they put it together and just it was seamless. And they had hundreds of people on. They did break out rooms and it was just like a well-oiled machine. And I got the most result out of this virtual online summit than any networking event, boot camp, you name it. And I've been to so many, I can't tell you a lot of them. I got more results out of that than any other before it. These guys nailed it. I was so impressed. So there's really no need to go physical anymore, even though I prefer it. I love the energy. I'm not somebody right there being on stage, seeing the crowd, all that good stuff. But it's really interesting what this has caused us all to do. And I think it's been a good thing from that point of view.

Jürgen Stauss:
Hmm. Yeah, I think there's opportunities there to take forward what we learn from what we've been forced to do and going into these physical events and pivoting and taking those where we say, hey, there's there's something new here. There's a new dimension added, taking that and using it going forward, but still come back to those in person, because, as you say, there's something different about an in-person event and the energy around it and the interactions and also being able to read people's body language and so on, that that's. That's a skill, but it's a skill that's really hard to hard to master online.

Yes, it's 2D, it's small. You don't feel it as much. And it's like speaking from stage. You know, that's one of the reasons I went to this platform. This is long before we all got hit with covid. But I needed to hit the reset button and stop doing full-blown seminars and just get my ship in order, so to speak. And that was a long story in its own right. But I needed I needed to get on, quote-unquote stage. I just felt that I love it so much. So I started doing this show for that reason and it just developed. It's now almost three years into it. And I've just I've grown I've met so many amazing people. It's really caused incredible growth in my business, which I never expected, just blew me away. You're talking about how you've integrated podcasting into your marketing strategy. I think that's brilliant because it works. It just works, you know, so, you know, doing live shows, doing podcasts and all of these things help. And it's just amazing how that interaction with people, it's all a personal connection, right? I mean. Right. Yeah. We can see where we go to automation and email, you know, email mass emails to thousands and tens of thousands of people to now where it's like, well, when the rubber meets the road, you need to meet with that person. I mean, is that what you're seeing as well? Jürgen.

Jürgen Stauss:
Oh, absolutely. It's you know, it comes back to this concept of you do business with people, you know, like and trust. The first thing you're going to do, you're going to get to know the person a little bit and then you determine, do you like the person? If you don't like them, it's probably likely you'll look for somebody else to help you out. And of course, the trust element is going to be there. So you've got to say, well, if I give this person money to provide a service in particular, can I trust them to provide that service? Can I trust them to do what they say? Can I trust them to deliver what they promise? And all of that starts with. Building that relationship so that you can have a conversation and even even when things might go wrong later on there, if there's a strong relationship already established, you can have an honest conversation with that person without burning bridges or without that relationship breaking down. You can kind of challenge them or which I love that about my clients. I mean, they will challenge me on various things, which is feedback for me and an opportunity for me to improve, because otherwise I just keep doing the same old thing.

I swear we were separated at birth, but I think this is awesome. You are amazing. And there's that whole thing about being flexible and willing to go with things that work. And recently that just you just brought to mind that, you know, it's just new at this moment of the show. It's fairly new app called Clubhouse. I don't know if you've heard of it. It's the social media, the only app. And as soon as I heard that, I'm like, oh, this sounds horrible, right? No pun intended. This sounds horrible to sound only app, but I. I have a close friend who is a very, very successful entrepreneur who jumped on it pretty quickly and just kept raving about it, just really like, what is this all about. I did not, Jürgen, I did not own an iPhone. I never had.

Jürgen Stauss:
Well yeah, that's my problem. I read I read, you bought an iPhone, especially for that reason.

That is the point. I just said I've heard enough. I've got to jump on this thing and I've got what I read.

Jürgen Stauss:
I read the email and I just bought a new phone. I read the email when I introduced it and I thought, oh, I've got to sign up for this. This is absolutely a perfect fit for what I'm doing it in. And of course, I got to their website and it said Iphone only.

I think it's genius in a couple of ways because, you know, the statistics that I've heard are that eighty-seven percent of people that have a smartphone are Android users. The rest are iPhone, which I thought was interesting. So they picked a small market because this is a slow rollout. It's in beta. And so imagine going to eighty-seven percent of all users and leasing it and then having all of those support requests coming in versus 13 percent. So I thought that was actually smart. Even though I didn't own an iPhone, I didn't like that that that was their choice. And it's by invite only currently. So you have to get somebody to invite you. So that's a very slow rollout. But I'll tell you now, having been on it, I actually hosted a room once. It it was a whole different dynamic, Jürgen, I mean, unbelievably high-value Grant Cardone, Uncle Gee was on there at least twice right after I got onto the app and I was in a room with Grant Cardone. I mean, it's a virtual room, but it's live. You can talk to him. I'm like, wow, this is unbelievable. Then there was I'm trying to think of a guy's name from Shark Tank. It'll come to me and Jay Abraham were both on their part. Even Mark Cuban I did not see him was the FUBU guy. Damon, Damon, Damon, something, Damon, I know this, I knew it. Damon Jones, I think our John Damon someone might come in if you know that if you're watching this, but it's just you. There is nowhere else in the world you could do this than they would. You know, they're spending literally hours on this thing. Greencard done was on there for I was on it for a little over an hour and he wasn't like one percent solid, but he would stay in the room, quote unquote, virtually, and then come back from whatever he had to do after and unmute the mic and talk. It was just it's amazing. So if you don't have clubhouse, if you're not on it, get on it. Not just you,Jürgen . But I'm talking to the whole base. Then I want to go too much on a side note there. But since I said it there, follow all of us on clubhouse at Brian C. Kelly if you have it. And if you need an invite, I have six or seven of them now, which is cool. So I can give those out as well, but be happy to do so. We do have to see if this is a good one. Yeah, Andrew agrees and said clubhouse has been fun, feels different and it sounds like what you do here Jürgen is ripe. A perfect for this everyone. It comes on. All they do is provide value and answer questions and raise questions. And it's rare that I ever hear anyone trying to pitch themselves. That's what is really astonishing to me. I love it. And so it's like this show, like I want to know about your business, so I want you to be able to tell people about it. Right. And so I asked you that that's giving permission. And I that's what the show is about. It's about lifting you and people like you so that people can get to know you and know I can trust you. I know you now. I like you and I trust you. It was done quick with a smile. How can you not trust them?

Jürgen Stauss:
And that's one of the things we teach people is how do you recognize that real quickly, whether it is whether that person is somebody that you can work with and whether they actually fit your dream customer profile if you're out there putting a message out to those dream customers.

Exactly, exactly, so. I want to get back to your business here real quick, if we could actually pull up your website so people get an idea of what it looks like. And look, I did not Jürgen in here to pitch anything, and he agreed not to pitch anything. I'm asking him. So I'm going to for permission because I have a deep seated interest because of everything I've heard him say. Makes me more curious about this man, because it doesn't matter what business he's doing. I would do business with him if it's a fit in between our respective businesses just because of everything he said up to this point. So I want to give him some props and show off his beautiful website that he's got here. Look, it looks just like him right there. You can see it. And there's proof in the proof of the podcast right there Innovabuzz. That's the name of his podcast. Innovabiz is the name of his business. And you've already heard and look at this. He's on all the platforms that he this gentleman gets and understands marketing. There's no doubt. Oh, he's got this really cool talk to me little bubble in the lower right. Go to this and you interact with this, click on it and have a, you know, a virtual conversation with them by sending him a video back and saying, hey, Jürgen I saw you on the mind body business show. I just want to say I want to meet you. Let's see if we can do business together.

Jürgen Stauss:
So look at anybody that gives me a video. Well, anybody that responds to me there, I'll send you, like, response if you send me a video to a video back personalized.

Oh, yes, and look at that.Ok, I got to point this out, Michael Gerber, you interviewed him, right?

I did, yes. On Episode 54 that he's he's one of my business heroes.

Jürgen Stauss:
You know, way before I even started my own business, when I was still in the corporate world, I was reading his emails, books and devouring them. So when I got the opportunity to connect with him and bring him on the show, it was, oh, wow, that's amazing. He was amazing. Yeah, very generous.

I'm still here. OK, I ran around the corner hoping you could take a little longer because I wanted to show people because of you I got inspired. And I just got this just came in the mail, how wonderful latest book I have the image revisited. The lights are really showing up. There we go. Yeah, yeah. And no audible version, but I got that and I met the guy in person one time, OK, maybe 10 years ago or so, something like that. And he had he was a speaker at this event and he also had that booth outside sponsor Booth. And that's where he was during a break. And I walked up and just wonderful gentlemen like an old grandpa. He's 80, I think now. Is that right?

Jürgen Stauss:
Yeah. Well, that book was launched on his 80th birthday. So that's that's probably two or three years ago now. He he put that together beyond a myth. So it's kind of the the taking it up a higher level from the Last Myth Revisited book. And he did. He basically did a bunch of events promoting the book and promoting a movement around that book, which was focused on him leaving a legacy, and he's been working since then to bring other people on, younger people on who will take that whole movement and philosophy forward.

I love it. Yeah. From what I gathered, it was more of build your business as if you're going to sell it. Build it to sell.

Jürgen Stauss:
That's right. Yeah. So there's if I remember correctly, there's eight stages there. And the first or maybe. Yeah, there's eight I think. And the first four stages are basically what the emyth is, the original Emyth books described and then the next four stages are focused on that, selling the business and leaving a legacy. So they're kind of taking a higher view of the whole lot. And of course, you can only do that if you've got all the systems and processes in place so that you're not down in the nitty-gritty of of the business, you know, working on the business rather than in the business, which I think is probably attributable to him at some point early on.

Jürgen Stauss:
Yeah, he said something and I literally hunted it down. I even got the Kindle version so I could do a search and I could not find this phrase in the image revisited by. No, he said it. I just don't know where I heard it.But I just remember at the time when he said he said if and when I heard it, I should say is if I have no systems in your business, you have no business.

Jürgen Stauss:
Yeah, that's right. In fact, I think I read that again recently.

Oh, if you find out where that is let me know, I've got to find it. Oh, man. It's driving me nuts that I can't find that exact quote.

Jürgen Stauss:
I'll check it may be in this tool. So you just reminded me there's a little tool. You'll enjoy this. It's called Read Wise. Now I don't I can give you an affiliate link but I don't have it with me. Read wise dot com and you can. Highlight sections of a book, so if you find a quote like that, you can highlight it and send it in to your read wise account, which is cool. But the really cool thing is you can set it up to deliver a random selection of those highlights that you've saved personally, plus related highlights that other people have done on the system that are related to that book or that theme. And you can have them delivered to you at an interval that you like. So I have a daily email coming from Read Wise and I use it and you can do it with physical books as well. So you just use your phone camera to Photograph the page and then you can highlight the section and send that off so it's not limited to digital books. And I also use it with my podcasts, with the notes that we like. The show notes from the podcast. Often I think back who said that or what? I remember somebody said something cool, but what was it I said? So I now bookmark things on those show notes as I as we publish them. And then I'm reminded of the years sort of comes back randomly. Today, I'll get nine or 10 snippets of things that I've bookmarked and read wise. And it's kind of a reinforcement of the things that you found cool at the time.

Yeah. Oh, man. This is I'm telling you, we were separated at birth towards Audible. You know, the app has a little bookmark feature in it as you're listening. And so I could do this while I was driving safely. It was no worse than the old days. Reaching down to, if anybody remembers, is a radio knob. Remember those? It took me less time to tap the bookmark symbol than it would to change the station or turn up or down the volume. And I was able to. Then you can go online to the Web based version and you can go right to it and actually watch as it reads. And I used to actually add those to this show audibly, you know, and the person one read it out and just take the snippet. It just became too time-consuming it too much work for every show so that if I do that again, I'm going to get some assistance in it. I don't know if it provided enough upfront value rather than bringing someone like you on without waiting another minutes for that to go on. So one more time to be with the guests. So but it was really fun to do that. And that's it's right down the same alley, kind of sort of like what you're saying is great because it does things that are also related to the one that you highlighted. That's really cool. What a genius concept. What a great time to be alive. You know, technology is all it is.

Jürgen Stauss:
Yeah, some great things. But having said that, you know, coming back to our philosophy, making market more marketing, more human, one of the things that I find a lot of marketers these days are getting lazy and abdicating to the technology. And whilst the technology is awesome and there's lots of great things you can do with the technology, you you've got to keep focused on the building, the relationships. And so if you can use tools and technology to help free yourself up from the mundane tasks and then spend more time interacting with people, building those relationships, that you get a win win.

Yeah, and that's some people even to this day, miss that that whole concept. They want the quick kill, the quick pay and then move on to the next. But it's not sustainable or at least it's not sustainable. And yeah, it takes time to build these relationships, to culture them, to continually keep them alive and get in touch with your your current and past customers, even those that have left maybe to keep that going. And just, you know, those things like we've been going to the summits and the networking events and stuff. I've made so many friends and lifelong relationships as a result of just going there and having a chat. Whether or not we're a fit business wise, it doesn't matter because, you know, it's a connectivity thing. Their network and my network, we can find something that will help each other. Now, this long enough, you're not going to be ever at a shortage to help anybody, literally anybody. You may not be able to do it yourself personally, but you'll know somebody who could and you can connect them, say, I know this person. They're really great, great integrity authority.So, yeah, this is phenomenal.

Jürgen Stauss:
That's right. And then you then, of course, that gives me the buzz again, that I've helped that person. I haven't actually done the thing that's helped them, but I've introduced them to the person that's helped them.

Yeah, that was a guy named Lopez Jabba's Libbrecht that I talked to many years ago, and he came up with this term contribution leadership and what he would do is go volunteer to, like anything, a seminar, someone writing seminar wanted him to do, run microphones, take care of things in the back room, do whatever a back of the room and expect zero in return just to contribute and do so without expecting a thing. And I that went deep with me and I began doing that. And it reached great rewards, not necessarily financially, but like you just said, that that feeling of you just contributing, you helped. And yeah, it does ultimately come back financially. It does do that. Do agree with that?

Jürgen Stauss:
Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. You said something there that I'm very passionate about. And that's when you do communicate with people and you do put out knowledge and, you know, at some point there's there's the cross over to our side. You've got everything I'm giving you for free. If you want to go further, you have to engage me. You have to buy my service or product that if you go into that journey at the very beginning with the expectation that everybody that signed up for your lead magnet, for example, is going to become a customer or everybody that you present to, for example, on this show will reach out to me and become a customer if I went into it with that presentation. There's two things that will happen. I first of all, it's a totally unrealistic expectation. So therefore, at the end of it, I'm going to be totally disappointed. But the second thing more important is people sense that. People sense that you're just there to draw you draw them into the funnel. And I hate the term funnel, but still widely used to draw them into a funnel. And they're going to bombard you with emails. And at some point, probably in the second email, they're going to start to hit you with sales pitches. And if you sense that it kind of to me, it turns me away. It breaks the trust a little bit. So my philosophy very much is like what you've said, if you decide I'm going to go here and contribute, then you do so with no expectation and you contribute and you do the best you can give the value that you have to give to the audience. And the counterintuitive thing is that with that approach, often you get much better results than if you go into it with a real strategic, OK, everybody's going to go into this funnel and I'm going to sell to them and and then I'm going to convert X percent. So talking about the statistics. So, yeah, the counterintuitive thing is, if you go in without expectations, give a lot of value upfront, your results often turn out better.

Wise, beyond wise, I love that. Yeah, I have a story about business cards, you know, where I don't even carry them. I haven't for years now. And my mentor said at the best, it's like he would never give anyone his business card unless asked for it. And what the bottom line is, if they don't ask for it, one of two things happened or didn't happen. One is you didn't provide them with enough value for them to make them want to know more about you. Or number two, you just want to fit, which is OK. And guess what? Most of the time that is the case. You're not there. But people try to cram that round peg in that square hole or vice versa, and it just doesn't work. I had one guy, he he gave me a business card before I even said hi. He just reached out and said here and he'll do it for is walk in the room like, oh, that. And then another time and another break, he's handing me another one I already have. OK, here, here. Here. Like what? And then we're sitting in this seminar. We're near the back. I'm second row from the back. He's in the back. I didn't know at the time. Right. And we have tables in front of us and all of a sudden I feel this tap on my shoulder and you will not believe it is our card. And the guy was in the middle of talking on the stage. It was disrespectful beyond, you know, on top of everything else. It's like I already have, like giving him the stink eye. Right. And he literally flung it at me like a ninja star so it would land on the table. And so I don't be on a business card ninja just unless they ask for it. Don't give it to them because the value isn't there or there's none of it.

Jürgen Stauss:
That's right. You know what would have been cool if you had have taken two of these business cards that he'd given you already before and when he gave you that fifth or sixth one. So, OK, thanks. And here's some here's some of mine. So go can't give him back a couple of days.

That would be awesome. Yeah. Maybe wrap it with mine on top and give him the whole stack. Yeah. I just that I love that story because that's the epitome of what not to do and it's, it's also just as valuable to know what not to do than it is to know what to do. And for you guys, all guys and gals watching Jürgen Strauss is that guy who knows what to do. I mean, it's so obvious to me you you don't just talk the talk, you walk the walk. Obviously, you wouldn't have a thriving business in marketing. I mean, ladies and gentlemen, you all know marketing is one of the most difficult things to master. And this guy makes a living at it, helping others. And that that goes a long way with me right off the bat, like, wow, God bless you, brother. Because on that note, I'm really curious what we don't have a whole lot of time. I just look at the clock. So, see, we're having a good time. Time goes flat like fun when you are marking. What what let me just say this way. You are a marketing expert. If you were to pick one approach today and you only had one you could choose, what would you say? Today is the best form of marketing that you and your company utilize that is the most successful?

Jürgen Stauss:
That's a really good question. And I think it comes back to what you're most comfortable with and what your dream audience is most comfortable with and also what they resonate with a lot of people. So we still use email marketing. So we have a lead magnet on our on our website and we follow that up with email marketing. But we do it a little differently so we don't hit people with twenty lessons, although I am thinking of experimenting with something along those lines again. But what we do is three emails that basically welcome them to our community, tell them where they can get more information. The second email kind of reinforces the download that I can get and just remind them where it is and maybe has a couple of additional points on it. And the third one really just asks the question of how did you find the information we provided and what else would you like to see? So it's really the prompt to start a communication. So I think the thing to me that's most effective is really finding ways to start that communication, whether that's through email marketing or the other one. You talked earlier about the little video chat thing we've got on our website. That's another way where we promote a way to start the conversation. So it's really getting to that first conversation to be able to understand, first of all, am I a good fit for this person? Can I help them? Because if I can't help them, if they're not if they're looking for something that I'm not an expert in or or for some reason, we just don't hit it off together, then both of us are wasting our time. And even if I think, well, I need the money, so I'm going to try and sell them, it's. Only going to end in tears for both of us. So I've learned that I've been there, I've done it in the early days of my business. I've learned from those mistakes. So now I say, well, I don't think we're a good fit. If it's a person that needs some expertise that I don't have, I will connect them to somebody who I believe can help them. Or if it's a person that we don't actually connect, I will probably give them a few other people to talk to us. I don't think we're a match and here's some other people. So that way I've at least helped them take the next step on their journey. But I think the answer to your question, just to summarize it again, is, is finding ways to start that conversation. And again, don't advocate automation. Use the automation, for example, to put a chat button on your website of a good one or to start the email sequence. But very quickly get into that conversation mode so that you can understand what's the specific need? How can I help you specifically? And at that point, then you will learn a lot about that person. You build the relationships and you'll know what it is that they need the most help with and how you can provide something that that will give them that help. And that's setting it's kind of the foundation that set you up for success on both sides.

The expert in marketing, Jürgen Strauss. Nobody has answered that in that way, and you are such a breath of fresh air, you just told the truth that this is what works. It's about having a real conversation. That is the best forum, not the only forum. Other forms work, but Carinda, again, that is his best go to right now. And it's so pertinent. That's what I'm experiencing. The more that you have personal connections, communication, the better. Your Holiness.

Jürgen Stauss:
And I know Erika's here on the show. She might still be here. She's big on LinkedIn. I do a lot on LinkedIn now. But the same principle applies whether you're going to LinkedIn or Instagram now is big or Facebook if you're going into there, rather than just I mean, we post a lot of information, but it's kind of information for general consumption and hopefully it's helpful to the right people. But when I reach out to somebody, I try to start that conversation and not by pitching them, not by saying, hey, buy my stuff or listen to my podcast even I'll go in with The View. Hey, I read your profile. I see you're in this space. I wonder if you'd like to connect with me and let's have a conversation, and I might give them something that hopefully will be helpful to them if they find it helpful. That usually starts the conversation. If they don't, well, that's fine, too.

Fantastic. We've actually gone a little over time already, but we're not done yet. I hope you're OK with sticking on for a few more minutes. And I promise. As you can see on the bottom of the screen, for those of you watching that, I did promise a giveaway. We actually have two giveaways. I didn't mention that at the beginning of the show. I apologize for that, Jürgen, but this amazing guy has a gift for you as well. So you don't want to miss it. We're almost there. But there is. Jürgen, there's one question that I like to ask of every guest that comes on this show. It's the same question. Will each person? The answers have been quite surprising, and I love it because of that fact. And it can be personal to a certain degree, but the answers have always been very profound and just amazing. But before we do that, as I promised everyone watching, listening look before I said don't take your gaze away from the screen. But now even you're going to give you the permission to take out your phone, because I'll give it to you to that permission as well. Your smartphone, open up your messaging app. Go ahead and do that right now and then look back onto the screen in front of you. And what you want to do is where you would actually put the name of the person you're going to be texting instead. Put in this number. This number is three- one- four- six- six- five- one- seven- six- seven. So you may want to write this down because the screen, we've got to put the screen down so I can get to Juergens question and his gift as well. So three- one- four- six- six- five- one- seven- six- seven. Write that down and then where you actually type in a message where you would put on an emoji and how you doing? Well, no emojis, just two words separated by a dash. Those two words are peak. That's P-E-A-K dash or hyphen if you prefer vacation, peak-vacation to three- one- four- six- six- five- one- seven- six- seven. Do that right now. Go ahead, write that down. You have until the end of this evening, at least my evening. I know it's tomorrow in Stroud still as I would say, but he's in Australia. It's actually Thursday night here in Southern California and it is Friday now afternoon, mid-afternoon. One thirty pm. That's right. Yep. Wonderful. Australia near Melbourne. I won't give your exact location just here, but I'm just having fun, so go ahead. And then when you do text that in, be sure to look for response. Automated Response is going to ask you a couple of questions before you're officially entered. So just answer them. They were easy and do that. And then we have one more. I'm going to hand it over to Jürgen to describe this one. This one's a phenomenal gift. Let me find the right button here to press it is right. Here, there it is, I finally found it and we'll bring up the website so you can kind of give them a little overview of what they're about to be gifted with.

Jürgen Stauss:
So this is our what we call marketing master mini class. So the mini class of the first four steps of our marketing framework, and it's all around starting that relationship. So the four modules starting off with what I call the lighthouse, the lighthouse is a metaphor for the constant message you're shining out into the world and it's got four foundations. The first foundation is who am I as a business owner and as a person, my wife. Why have I got something to share? Why am I driven to share what I want to share with the world? What is it that I've got to give and how do I deliver that? How do I impact people with that? So that's the lighthouse module, which is the first lesson. Then the second lesson is around the dream customer who's the dream customer and getting to know them a little better. And what we do there, we've got we do more there than just the traditional avatar type things. We actually use a tool called an empathy map to really understand what drives them, what motivates them, what their mindset is, and the behaviours that result out of the mindset that they have and the beliefs that they have in the values that they have. And then what are the biggest pains and what are their aspirations and ambitions. So that's the depth we go to to understand the dream customer. And then the third and fourth modules are around the messaging. How do we take all of that knowledge and craft a message that's going to earn their attention and begin that conversation and the relationship? So that's the marketing master mini class. And there's the link on the screen there that you can access that it is our lead magnet, one of our lead magnets. So the form will come up that you'll be entered in two and you'll get access to it. I think this, if I remember correctly, there is another video that will Welcome you so highly personalized. And then, as I say, the follow up emails are very short three sequence that essentially ask you what else can I help you with once you've gone through that little course?

Look at that. Transparent. Amazing. And how many thousands of dollars is this going to cost? Everyone who goes here? It's absolutely free. No way. I mean, everything you just explained. Come on now. I mean and I'm saying that on purpose because everyone watching definitely write this down. ryp.im/Innovabiz and that's spelled I-N-N-O-V (as in Victor) B (as in boy) I, Z as in zebra. I like that. Let's work our way down. ryp.im/innovabiz And get your free mini master class. That is phenomenal. Let's I love this. I say that right. Master mini class, other way around, so I crack myself up as is that crazy? So I appreciate that. And again, so everyone stick around because we're at that time where I ask him that big question. So are you ready for this Jürgen?

Jürgen Stauss:

You sure?

Jürgen Stauss:
Yeah, I'm ready.

Before we go into it, I want to just let you know that when I ask this question, there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It's impossible, in fact, the exact opposite is true, the only correct answer is yours. That is the extent of it being personal. So it's not personal really that deep at all. It's just because whatever answer you come up with is right, because it's your answer. However long it takes you, it takes you 20 minutes to think of an answer. That's OK. I'll say on in two seconds will be here any way it works. That's your answer. So I'm looking forward to seeing your response on this.Here we go. Jürgen Strauss, how do you define success?

Jürgen Stauss:
That's a big question I for me and the lighthouse exercise really helped me. Develop this and it's around, one of the things we start with there is what's my ideal day look like? And I was reading something this morning talking about planning and making this the most fantastic year ever. And their philosophy was around journaling and starting off with what's my dream year going to look like and what would I do if I couldn't fail? So for me, success looks like being able to live that dream year, that dream week, that dream day as often as possible. And so the to have a business that enables me to do that, that enables me to make a difference to my clients and perhaps even help my clients live their ideal days because they've got businesses that serve them, not the other way around. It's not a job that they're serving the business. So that's that to me is one of the causes of what success looks like. And then what follows from that is, is a level of fulfillment, a level of balance so that I can enjoy my bike riding. You mentioned at the beginning of my photography, as well as working on the business, I certainly enjoy all the work I do in the business, but I like to have the balance of the physical activity and getting out into the countryside and also the photography work I do. So, yeah, that's that's what success looks like to me. So balance fulfillment, living my ideal dream day as often as possible and making a difference to other people so that they can live their ideal day ideal. Your ideal life.

Hmm, mm hmm. Mr. Juergens Strauss, ladies and gentlemen. Powerful, powerful mindset, incredibly experienced, incredibly successful in so many ways. I so appreciate you for coming on the show. And, you know, you were kind of concerned the beginning. I know you were kidding about bringing up value, but over the top, in my humble opinion, anyone still watching that? Plenty. If you agree, go ahead and put up a yes or a clap sign or whatever. If you feel right for giving this gentleman a big ol high five, I do high tens. We go double every time. Appreciate you all the way from across the pond, as they say. If you wouldn't mind one last thing and that it's if you were to meet someone who is a budding entrepreneur just starting out and they're really not sure what the best piece of advice they could go with to get started. And you had one just one piece of advice you could give them. If you were to know right now, today, what that piece of advice would be to help that entrepreneur, to get them started, what would that be?

Jürgen Stauss:
All combine two one. The first one, I would say, and this was before I had this conversation. Yes, the first one I would say is focus, determine who it is, who's your dream customer, focus on serving their needs, that you have a proprietary skill or talent in fulfilling and delivering on really focus the more narrow you focus. It's counterintuitive. Again, like what I was saying before, the expectation part, the more narrow your focus, the more opportunities are going to come your way. So that's that. That will be the first one. The second one is something somebody said to me yesterday and I said, that's brilliant. In the light of where we are today in this time of pandemic. And it's everything is temporary. Everything will pass. And they put it in both light. So here we are in this pandemic and this lockdown's and it's impacting the economy for a lot of businesses. And that's bad. And there's lots of other bad things happening. And I don't mean to trivialize because lots of people have lost their lives and lost loved ones and suffered. That's really bad. But in terms of what can we do ourselves? Because we can't stop the pandemic, but what can we do ourselves to move forward and to come out of this in the best way we can? That philosophy of everything is temporary because it's going to pass. It will be over at one point. The other side of that, though, is if you're living your dream day, you're living your ideal day. That's not forever. That will pass to so be really present and enjoy and. And. Yeah, they really present in that video, that audio moment.

Great, great, great advice. Oh, my goodness. Thank you so much again for coming on. Thank you. Everyone who commented and showed their love, Erica, Andrew, Charente, Don. The list goes on and on and on. We thank you all for being here tonight to share this amazing man right here. I got to share him with you. I'm so blessed. Thank you so much again Jürgen again.

Jürgen Stauss:
Thank you, Brian. And thanks to everybody that was spend time with us today. I really appreciate it.

And you can tell that he means it from his heart. You are an amazing guy. I love you like a brother. I do. I do. All right. Well, that's all the time we have for tonight. We went a little over, but it was worth every minute. I appreciate you Jürgen and everyone else for hanging on. And that is it for this show. It's a wrap. We will be back again next week right here on THE MIND BODY BUSINESS SHOW. On behalf of the amazing Jürgen Strauss, I'm your host, Brian Kelly saying long for now.Good night and be blessed.

Jürgen Stauss:

Thank you for tuning in to THE MIND BODY BUSINESS SHOW podcast. At www.themindbodybusinessshow.com. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Jürgen Strauss

Dr Jürgen Strauss is the founder and chief innovator at Innovabiz, who help business owners build visibility, professional credibility and deep connection with their dream clients. His philosophy is to make marketing Human again.

As the host of the InnovaBuzz innovation podcast, with over 300 meaningful conversations, Jürgen has been privileged to chat with entrepreneurs from all around the world. Prior to founding Innovabiz, Jürgen worked in the science and chemical industries leading large global multi-national teams across Asia, Europe, India, North America and Australia. He's spent years at the intersection of technology, science, human behaviour, marketing and business management. Happily married with two adult children, and two pet cats, Jürgen is an avid photographer and cyclist.

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