Special Guest Expert - Ken Rochon

Special Guest Expert - Ken Rochon: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Ken Rochon: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. The 3 keys to your success is just moments away. Here's your host, Brian Kelly.

Brian Kelly:
Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. How are you doing this evening? My name is Brian Kelly, founder of Reach Your Peak and host of the MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show, what is that all about? Well, the thing is, in my 54 plus years on this planet, I started recognizing certain patterns develop - patterns of those who I saw as successful entrepreneurs. And I noticed it coming up over and over and over again, and I realized that they really fell into 3 areas: the Mind, i.e. mindset. It's key to develop a powerful and positive mindset and we're not talking just from the conscious level, but also from the subconscious level. I know some of you might be saying, "woo-woo, that's woo-woo stuff there." I was the same. Then I learned about this science, this proven science called Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP for short, and it literally changed my life from that day forward. And I do not say that lightly. I'm not one of those guys that says that changed my life every turn. (Brian laughs) You know the type, yes. Mindset is what I call the foundation of everything that you currently have or do not have in your life right now. Whether you are successful or not successful, it all stems from your mindset. That's pillar number 1. Number 2 is the body. And what does that mean? Well, the body, that is your temple. It is your heart your, blood everything, that keeps you alive. And why not operate at a peak level performance by nurturing your body with the foods that was designed to eat and by exercising, as we were also designed to do? And you know how you feel much better when you exercise, don't you? You feel great, even though you might have been super tired right before. So, the mind and body. 2 very crucial elements for the foundation of you and your life, for not just business, but all of life - personal and business. And then there's business, the 3rd. And that is where the rubber meets the road. When you want to get masterful at sales, at marketing, at team building, where you're scaling your business, and when you combine all 3 when, you have mastered or come close to mastering all 3 of these pillars, that I call them, then you are operating at a peak level of performance. And that is my goal for you, entrepreneurs and business owners that are watching this, and those that don't own businesses as well, is to be able to operate at your peak level, to be the optimum human that you can be so that you can serve more people and do better for the world in general. And make a big impact on everyone you come in contact with. And so, it's much like a tripod, right? Mind, body, business - 1 leg for each. If you take one of those legs away, if you kick it away, what happens to theat tripod? It all comes tumbling down, doesn't it? And that's the same thing with these 3 pillars. If you do not master - or at least embark on mastering all 3 areas, - then you might have some tumbles in your life. That's the best way to describe it. And so, that's what the show's about. It's a show by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs and we have an amazing, amazing guest on tonight, Ken Rashawn. I cannot wait for you to meet him. I love this guy. He's got a great sense of humor. I hope he shines that through a little tonight. Hint, hint, wink, wink. (Brian winks) He can see me right now; you can't see him, but I am really looking forward to bringing him on. One other thing I wanted to mention before moving on was those things behind me (Brian points at the bookshelf behind him). A lot of books. I had a mentor many, many years ago who flew me out to his office. I'm on the West Coast, he was on the East Coast, and he flew me out to his office. He was the CEO, multi-millionaire, corner office, large, large office, and I was sitting on his couch and he said, "Brian, if people only knew, if they only just did this 1 thing. (Brian holds up 1 finger) If they just did this 1 thing, they would become super rich." He used the word 'rich'. And he kind of paused right there, I was like, "Okay, I'm ready. Feed me. What is it?" (Brian laughs) And so, at that moment, he stepped away from the couch because he was standing at the moment, turned toward the back wall, right behind. (Brian turning towards the bookcase behind him) And there was a cabinet, floor to ceiling cabinet, two doors open. And he walked up to it. He grabbed both handles, looked back coyly, opened them up to reveal the contents. And what I saw was similar to what you see right behind me. It was shelf, after shelf, after shelf of books. And he said, "Brian, if people only read, they would become rich. If they just read!" And he had -- it's not reading fiction books, you get that, right? It's reading books that will empower you, that serve you. So, business books, self development books, self-help, mindset books, everything that go into a successful pattern of entrepreneurship - as you can see with The MIND BODY BUSINESS moniker. So, that is -- that's what we're all about, is learning how to become successful. I made a big mistake that day, a huge mistake. And that was: I ignored them. I thought, "you're kidding me. Books? I mean, I can go to the library and read the stuff for free." Right? Yeah, I could. Well, there's no value putting -- no skin in the game for me, so how could they truly be that valuable? And I made a mistake and I did not start reading. I did not grow up reading a lot of books at all, and I never started even after I got the best advice that was ever given to me that I didn't even know. And then luckily, thankfully, years later, I met another mentor who said a similar thing that, "books -- if you read books, you'll be much more successful." His key word was 'successful'. And the thing with him was, I was ready for it, more ready for it at that point. And the other part was, he didn't just talk about it, he also, showed by example, because whenever I saw him during break - I worked with him for a couple of years, - and whenever I saw him, he'd be walking around with a headset listening to books. (Brian puts his hands to his ears to demonstrate wearing headphones) I was like, "wow, you can listen to books? How do you do that?" And so, I found out about this app that many know about, it's called Audible. And I started listening and said, "wow, I really enjoy listening far more than my eyeball scanning the page where I start getting blurry eyed and drooping and getting sleepy and wanting to fall asleep." (Brian illustrates falling asleep while reading) When I'm listening, I'm listening the whole time, and I'm awake and absorbing. I said, "This is awesome!" So, I began reading by listening, began reading books voraciously and read book after book after book, in business and self development, and you name it, anything that would serve me better going forward for success in my business and my life, I was after it. And so, I began noticing -- well, I noticed on Audible, you can tap this little icon (Brian tapping with his finger as if to tap a button) and I said, "What is that icon? I wonder what that is!" And it turned out it was a bookmark feature. So, what you could do is, as you're listening to the book, at that instant tap that symbol, and it stores that location instantly (Brian snaps his finger) and you can actually go back and review that moment in time and beyond. And I thought, "wow, now I don't have to reread entire books. I can bookmark those things that I saw stood out and just go back and play back the bookmarks." And so, tonight that's what we're going to start with. We're going to play back one such bookmark for you right now in a little segment I call bookmarks.

(Bookmarks animation showing on screen) Bookmarks! Born to read! Ready, steady, read! Bookmarks brought to you by ReachYourPeakLibrary.com

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, there you see on the side ReachYourPeakLibrary.com and by the way, for those of you watching live, and even if you're watching the recording, stick with us! And what I mean by that is when you hear of resources - because you will hear of several resources by means of website addresses, etc. - just write notes. Take notes. If you don't have a pad of paper and a pen, grab one quickly before we bring Ken on because that's where the money is. The gold is in Ken Rochon, who's coming on here in just a moment. I promise he's coming on soon. Real quick, I wanted to go over ReachYourPeakLibrary.com It's a website I personally put together. It is not a for profit website. It's just there for you, my fellow entrepreneurs. And what it is is a list of book, after book, after book of ones that I personally have read, that have had an impact on. So, not every book I've read is in this list. It had to make the grade, so to speak. So, there's a lot of Grant Cardone in here as you'll notice. 'Big Boom' by Mel Ethan Cutler - that's one of my mentors. He's the one that got me reading ultimately. He's an amazing, amazing man. I love that man. I love so many people. I love Ken too and we just met. So, this is a list of books that I have read and I'm still reading more and more books, and not every book is even in this list yet. But what I put it together for was so that when you're searching, if you're just starting or even if you've already read quite a few, you could go to this list and say, "hey, I wonder if there's any more that might be of interest that I might not have read." You can just go to this site and pick it out. And you can see there you can get it on Audible, hardcover, Kindle, they even have -- some are soft -- paperback. Thank you, that's what I'm thinking of. So, it's all there for you. And what I want to do is bring up one specific book with a bookmark, and it is by a gentleman by the name of Willie Jolley. Amazing, amazing man. He was literally discovered by a gentleman many of you know by the name of Les Brown. And Willie has an interesting story, I'm not going to go into the whole thing, but Willie was actually like a lounge musician, and very good one. Let's just say Les met him and said "would you come and open for my seminars, my workshops?" We're talking about the music part. Well, Willie did, and then he learned the magic of speaking from stage. And this man is amazing. I could not get enough of this book. I read it over and over and over, I go back to the bookmarks. He talks a little bit quickly. So, if you're taking notes, get ready because what he has to say is right on point for this show and for our guest coming up. So, hold tight, listen in. Here we go. It's about a minute in length. That's it, and then we'll bring on the man, the myth, the legend himself, Ken Rochon. Here we go.

Willie Jolley:
And I said, "You know what? Tell me a about your setbacks, Edward. I know it's been a challenge to start this company, to have the success you've had. I'm sure you've had some setbacks." And he said, "Do you want the ones today or yesterday?" In other words, he made it clear that setbacks are part of his daily routine. Part of the deal if you're going after success. He shared his perspective on setbacks and how to turn them into comebacks. Edward said that he had so many setbacks that it's hard to remember them all. Yet, his perspective about setbacks is consistent with all the other people I interviewed. They view setbacks not as setbacks, but really as growing experiences disguised as setbacks. He said, "you know the old saying is true: a problem is nothing, but an opportunity and we're close." And he said, "if your reasons are strong enough, they will lead you to results." I said, "Tell me more!". He said, "Focus on the why. Why, why are you willing to do this? Why do you want to reach the goal? Why are you willing to go after those things that are uncomfortable to go after? Why are you willing to keep going in spite of the challenges? If the reasons are strong enough, you will become unstoppable."

Brian Kelly:
Yes, that is so true. Interesting! Interesting that this came up just now. I already had this bookmark chosen for the show, and just before the show, I myself was interviewed by a gentleman by the name of J.V. Krumm III who does Conscious Millionnaire Podcast, and this topic came up of finding your 'why', and that is one of the crucial elements of entrepreneurship, of successful entrepreneurship, and that is when you have a strong enough 'why', you will go through any hardships that come in your way. And gosh, I wonder if any hardships do befall upon us entrepreneurs along our journey. Just wonder if any of them do? Yes, they do and they seem to come in waves at times, and you're thinking, "oh my gosh, I can't take this anymore." You can if you have gone through the process of developing your, very specific to you, very strong 'why'. Now, I don't want to go too far down the rabbit hole because the gentleman that I'm about to bring on is going to provide an amazing amount of value for everyone here watching and listening. Thank you, by the way, for being on, appreciate you. Let's move on over to the guest experts spotlight, shall we?

(Guest Expert Spotlight animation; Words popping up on screen) It's time for the guest expert spotlight! Savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, big league, qualified.

Brian Kelly:
(Brian pointing the screen to the left of him) And there he is the man, the myth, the legend himself, Mr. Ken Roshon. I'm going to do a quick intro and then we'll jump on into it. Ken is a lifelong accomplished serial entrepreneur. His success has been established with the Umbrella Syndicate, Big Events USA, Perfect Publishing, and Absolute Entertainment. He is a social proof celebrity, event photographer - say that 3 times fast, say it just once, I dare you - and an international keynote speaker, a published author of over 22 books, goodness sakes, a forerunner of a nonprofit organization called the Keep Smiling Movement, and past honoree as America's most influential business connector. That's a pretty, that's a pretty amazing list of accomplishments. Overall, he considers himself a renaissance man, a world traveler of 102 countries, and the love of his life is his 5 year old K3. I love that, I love that. And we're going to bring him on in just a second. I just want remind you, for those you're watching live, remember to stay on to the very, very end because we have a phenomenal, phenomenal giveaway for one of you who follows the directions. At the end of this show, you can win a 5-night vacation's day at a 5-star resort in Mexico, compliments of my good friends at PowerTexting.com. They sponsored and they provide that. They themselves have been to one of those Mexican resorts and said it was amazing. So, you know it's high quality. So, stick around. Now, finally, the guy that's next to me is going to start talking and you're going to hopefully start taking lots of notes. So, Ken, I want to welcome you to the show. First of all, I appreciate you being here. Now, I just read your bio, which is impressive as all get out. Every bit of it. 22 books, I don't know how anybody does that. And it's amazing. I just want to take it a little bit deeper and let people get to know you. You have just an amazing sense of humor to boot. One of the things I wanted to know is - and for our audience - is what is it that makes you, that drives you, to get up in the morning, to get out of bed, to go take on the day? What is that one thing right now, and maybe what is the latest project you're working on that you're really, really passionate about?

Ken Rochon:
Well, I guess it's first when my son screams from the other room and he says, "Daddy! Daddy!" and I have to run in his room to make sure he's okay. That's what gets me up in the morning. (Brian laughs) But what gets me up in the morning that I'm excited about is The Keep Smiling Movement because I've not done anything that shifts your attitude, shifts your mindset, and actually gets you connect to the universe in a way that actually provides with the opportunities and everything you really want to have in a day, which is positively intellection to humsnity. And it's funny, but you just mentioned Willie Jolley who's in D.C., and using the new book, (Ken hold up the book) Keep Smiling, the bald, beautiful and bald editions, and his wife is in the black women influencers. (Ken holds up another Keep Smiling book) And here she is, Mrs.Jolley. (Ken flips to the page to show her) So, it's kind of funny that you mention 2 things that are just like right at my hands, and these are not the books I've written, these are just pictorial books. But I love what you shared with your audience in the beginning about the books that you read that changed your life. And I did this book last year. I read it on Facebook. And it was a book that -- the gentleman says, the 50 book challenge. I would like to hear books that change your life. I'm going to read all of the books that you've mentioned as long as it doesn't go over 50. So, I'll pick the best 50 and I'll do one a week. So, I came up with an idea, I said, "What if I came up with my list of 50 books and put a book together called the 50 Book Challenge." and just spening an hour a week learning about books. I saw most of the books you mentioned, at least half of them are in this book. So, I not only agree with you, but it's about revisiting those bookmarks as you said, and having them integrated into your life and become habits.

Brian Kelly:
So, I guess the first question I had for you, I think you kind of answered that you might possibly consider yourself to be an avid reader? (Brian and Ken laugh)

Ken Rochon:
You know, I'm more of an avid writer now. I was an avid reader. Right now, I like to put out 1 book every 3 months.

Brian Kelly:

Ken Rochon:
And I challenge myself to go to mastermind's to take notes, to learn things, and just to say, "what is different?" The cool thing about writing in books is that you actually start looking at Google and Amazon, you say, "has this book been written?" And if it hasn't, why don't you write a book that actually changes the (inaudible) of what business can do.

Brian Kelly:
Wow, that's a great idea! And it's amazing that you can still find books that have not been written because it seems like everything's been written that can be written already. So, I'd be really curious to know how that process works. That sounds like an info product in the making there, brother.

Ken Rochon:
Well, if I may interject, most of the books that you put on your list have happened the last 10 or 20 years.

Brian Kelly:

Ken Rochon:
Yet, we've been having books forever. (Brian nods) And you're the kind of guy that if you did the 50 book challenges for your MIND BODY BUSINESS or Reach Your Peak, you'd actually have people that spend an hour. So, it's really interesting, God gives us 168 hours a week, that's 7 x 24 = 168. 68 hours we sleep roughly or maybe rest (Brian laughs) and then 100 we're awake. So, why not take one of those hours and invest it in the material, the book, the challenge? And see what you can get out of the book, and you change your life, just like that gentleman said.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, and I love that. And one of the ways I found that I could get through books really, really fast - I didn't mention it, I usually do in the opening - is there's one place that most humans reside in quite a bit that doesn't lend itself to much productivity. And that is the automobile, where you're sitting in a car and most of the time -- in the past I would be listening to music. And that's good to relaxing the stress and all that, depending on the genre of music you're listening to, of course. But I found that now I can read and that I had no problem retaining the information while still driving very safely and tapping that little bookmark symbol. and I found that I went through books really fast in a very short period of time, even with little 20 minute jaunts to and from locations. It just added up quickly and I was able to get productive time in where otherwise you're just sitting there and your mind's going numb, unless you listen to podcasts or something like that. That was a breakthrough for me, to be able to listen to it in the car. Now, I can get through them. It's not about speeding into it fast, I just want more information. The more I get, the better, and the more I learn. So, yeah.

Ken Rochon:
Zig Ziglar referred to it as automobile university, right?

Brian Kelly:
Yes. (Brian and Ken laugh)

Ken Rochon:
Now, I actually just text all the times then I can just be illegal.

Brian Kelly:
I love it. Love it.

Ken Rochon:
So, if you're writing a book though, if you're writing a book, Brian, I think it's a cool idea that when you have your recording device, your smartphone next to you, you record these ideas and they become your chapters. They become the (inaudible)

Brian Kelly:
Interesting you say that. Years ago I started writing my book by walking around and talking into my phone, and it still sits unfinished. So, yes, I know. (Ken laughs) I mean, with someone like you, who has done over 22 written already, maybe I should tap into your knowledge base to see what kind of system have you developed or habits to help you power through and get done? 3 months, that's pretty impressive. So, so for those of you looking --

Ken Rochon:
Hoping you get a dent in it --

Brian Kelly:
Love it. Love it. And yeah, because we all know: a book is like the key to the kingdom when it comes to obtaining that authority status. I can't tell you how many times on stage can -- I have actually coauthored a book, and my coauthoring, it was about 8 pages long inside of a collaborative book. But I can stand before everyone and say I'm an international bestselling co-author with all -- and the interesting thing is, the book doesn't have my picture, it does not have my name. It has the main author's picture and name. Yet, when I hold it up on stage, I can see in everybody's face a shift, a change. Suddenly, I become a greater authority figure in their eyes, just because I said "I'm an international best selling--" You don't even have to be a bestselling, just that you are the author a book. Isn't that amazing? So, it's very important. I need to get up and do that.

Ken Rochon:
That's important. I would like to interject that for me the most important thing for me is I'm downloading my brain and my heart, so that my son is able to learn more about me. He's very young, he's only 5 years old. And there's going to be a day when I pass, and I don't know what day that is. I want to give him everything I have, that I have learned, wisdom, experience, books I've read, movies I've watched. So, my reason, my purpose for doing this actually - I get upset that I lost parents , I've lost uncles, aunts, really smart people that when they left, I didn't know their story. I didn't know their wisdom. I wish I knew them.

Brian Kelly:
Wow, that's interesting. Makes me think of similar -- Yeah, I never really thought about that. That's really cool. It sounds like a very powerful 'why', one of potentially many for you, but that's a very powerful 'why' to keep on going and writing and downloading the brain, I like that. That's phenomenal. Now, I know just from -- I've seen some of your -- I listened to your radio broadcasts. You're all over. I love it. You have a phenomenal person helping out, Andrea Adams Miller. I just had to say that because I love her. I know as you do too. And that's another key - is to get help, get coaching, get mentoring, get help, get assistance, get... the list goes on and on, so that you can do something like Ken does, which is right 22 plus books, have a radio show. I don't know how many companies and movements he's involved in - many, several - and the only way you can do that really is if you have enough help; and he's a father. That's a full plate right there.

Ken Rochon:
Well, thank you for saying Andrea because we wouldn't know each other, I wouldn't be on this show if it wasn't for her. Having someone who is a publicist, having someone has your back, having someone who strategizes, it doesn't matter really what those costs are if you start getting value from it (inaudible). So, if you really are up to making big things happen in the world, you want to have a partner or a publicist, or a team that actually really gets what your mission is and your 'why' is, and they actually leverage you. So you actually do what you're suppsoed to be doing instead of the smaller things that are important, but they take away from what you really have to do.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. Oh yeah. Words of wisdom, I tell you! Now, I see your smile and I know you like to kid around, and so you're a very what I would call a positive person. Subtle. I love you have this deadpan humor. But then you get those pearly whites now and then. That's good, you open the mouth and smile. (Brian laughs) We're going to have fun on this show, I tell you. But the thing is, positivity doesn't -- for some people isn't that easy. Actually, for some people it's easier and more comfortable to stay negative. It takes no energy to become negative and stay negative. So, for you, Ken, when it comes to maintaining that positive nature, that productive, that successful mindset, what do you do on a regular basis, if anything, to sustain that?

Ken Rochon:
Well, I have circumstances and challenges and obstacles like anybody else, so I don't want this to seem like I have a silver spoon in -- Trump and all the other rich people are saying, "hey, you've got a problem, let me take care of this for you." (Brian laughs) First of all, let's put that to bed. So, the real issue is whether you want to focus on what's going wrong or whether you want to focus on what you do right, or what you have that is right. So, for instance, I lost my mom to Alzheimer's back in 2008, I was a caretaker for 3 years, and it really put life in a perspective. And if you have ever been a caretaker, or you've gone to another country where it's third world and they have to walk 3 hours to get water, you start learning how much blessings and gratitude you can have. I know it's corny, but I actually stop myself if I am going the wrong direction in my mind; and I think about what I have to be thankful for. Honestly, within second I can think of my son, I can think of my house, I think of... I live in DC, it's a beautiful area. There are so many things, it doesn't take long. And when I shift it, and I get into gratitude, it's really crazy, but I've been rewarded every single day, every single minute for being in that state. And just like music is the universal language, a smile is the universe's expression. So, when you smile, all a sudden you attract the type of pheromones and the connectivity to humans that want to connect with you, and just amazing things happen. So, I really appreciate that question because that is actually corny, crazy, real reason to actual happiness.

Brian Kelly:
It's often the corny things that you'll hear entrepreneur, successful ones, like Ken, talk about that are the true secrets to success. And I'm not kidding at all, and I'm not trying to be funny here because it's amazing! Like NLP when I first heard about it, I was like "get away from me. This is too weird and wacko and hypnosis and all that stuff." (Brian crossed his fingers to create an X) Now I'm a certified NLP practitioner, hypnotherapist. I mean, it's amazing. (Ken also creates an X with his fingers; Brian and Ken laugh) Yes, exactly. There's the sense of humor we're talking about, I love this guy, he is awesome. Yes. Oh my gosh, smile like he's doing now! And he's been doing since we got on the show. He's a product of the product. I'd like to -- There's a really simple way to help everyone out there practice getting in that positive mindset. I still do it to this day where if I am about to embark on something I'm not really happy about, like "I have to go do the dishes now. You know I have to." Well, actually, literally, do I have to? No! No. (Brian shakes his head) No one's told a gun to my head. Not even my wife. No, no, no. No one's holding a gun to my head. I don't have to. But a perfect refrain that really sets the table is instead, when you -- first is catch yourself when you say that either internally or out of your mouth. And number 2 is to reframe it and say, "you know what? I get to do the dishes" and think about what that implies underneath. I mean, "I get to." What could that mean? Well, I have a sink and I have dishes to wash. That means I probably have a place to live. That means I'm blessed. It's a blessing. I get to! There are people that don't have dishes, that don't have a sink, that don't have a place to live. And when you reframe and think about "oh my gosh, I am so blessed." Just like -- and then do it with - like Ken says, - with a smile. Put those 2 together and just watch things change. Get in the practice of doing that. I always go into coaching mode, Ken, I love talking to people like you because it just gets the juices going. And I know you have way more golden nuggets than I have, so I'm going to stop yakking so much and get back to you. You are, by all intensive purposes, a very successful individual and success - a lot of a lot of people make the mistake that it comes easy, that it doesn't take a lot of effort, that maybe you were born into it, or you inherited it, even if that's the case, for some people, it's not like you were just handed the golden key on how to manage it now that you've been given it. But there's things that attribute that they cause success for different people in different ways. A lot of times they go down the same road of pattern though. But what would you say, in your case, Ken, what do you most attribute your success and more to point if you can come up with 5, what would you say are the 5 key elements for starting and then running a successful business?

Ken Rochon:
Well, it is not saying "I am grateful that I can wash dishes" and it is not trying to reframe that so that "I enjoy washing dishes." I will say that those are not things I'm practicing, but God love you for that shift. (Ken and Brian laugh) Because I'm going to try and apply that. But I have yet to really enjoy that part. (Both laugh) But I will say - it's about giving thanks. So, I give thanks at every meal and I don't care if people watch it or not. I'm really cognisant in the fact that I have so much to be thankful for. One thing is getting real with the fact that you have a lot of blessings and those blessings are something that can be taken away from you any day, soenjoy them. Number 2 is find your 'why', and your 'why' is typically either a purpose that you create for your life, or is a calling from God, depending on what your belief system is. I believe that my mom passing of Alzheimer's called me to realize that my workaholic, entrepreneurial event lifestyle that I was doing before, it was all monetized, materialistic, and all about me, was not going to get my satisfaction if I was to leave this Earth and have something on my tombstone that I did not make the difference that matter in life. So, I redefined what my life was going to mean, how it was going to matter, and how I was going to be a legacy. And being a father, as you know, Brian, you are a role model, and if you want your children to live to be a leader, you need to be a leader. If you want them to learn how to problem solve and be valuable in life, you need to be a problem solver yourself. So, everything I've done, 22 books that I've done, they've all been about what has not been done, and then I write about that. So, I don't know if that's actually 5 things, but it's to challenge yourself. get a bucket list, find things that will actually push you because every time you are pushed, you get uncomfortable, you grow, you learn, you become the man or the woman you want to be.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, I love that last part especially about getting uncomfortable, which everyone just loves talking about - that, "I don't want to be uncomfortable." Yes. In fact, actually, to be successful, you do. In fact, you strive to be uncomfortable every single day, multiple times a day, and get in the habit of doing so, because without doing that, without stretching yourself, you will not grow. You will not go past where you are today, guarantee. Get out of your comfort zone. Get on shows like this. Ken was sweating bullets, he was really nervous before coming on, he was out of his comfort zone. (Ken laughs) I'm kidding you. Because he has a radio show; this is not his first rodeo to speak. (Ken jokingly wiping sweat off of his forehead) Yeah, but seriously, get out of your comfort zone on a regular basis! Especially if it's a comfort zone that when you leave it you, know it's going to take you in the right direction. I mean, don't just get out of it because it's getting out of it. You want to be -- go into the discomfort region of something that is toward what you're focusing on achieving.

Ken Rochon:
I want to inject something because I did leave it out of my 5 and it's actually very relevant to what you just says. So, you have written a book and you co-authored the book, and with what you know - I was fortunate enough to be with Brian an hour before the show, we got to talk, we got to know each other a lot better. I feel very fortunate about that because going into a show with the host, you get to create a friendships, but you more importantly, get to learn from them. And I have learned that most people say, "I can't do things because of resources. There is no time, money or some other fear." And I have learned a very valuable questions you can ask yourselves. Aand that is: if I got paid $10,000 to write a book in a week, would I do it? And the by the way, that's not a book, that's anything, it's anything! If I got paid $10,000 to do something I can't do by tomorrow or next week, or in 30 days, would I do it? Magically, the answer is yes. It's no without that incentive. But that's actually, not only an uncomfortable test, but it's actually what you probably get if you do the uncomfrotable test. Most people that do a book position themselves to be a better leader, they call themselves to be a better person, and they actually attract all kinds of new attention so they actually create opportunities. And there are so many things that come out of it.

Brian Kelly:
That is a golden nugget among golden nuggets, right there. And it almost sounded like another little underhanded challenge directly at me, in between the eyes. I love it. Thank you, brother.

Ken Rochon:
Actually, Brian, it's because I love you. I want to actually be the guest that causes something for you, but I'm going to tell you, I will help you. For me -- it's like having a universal statement, you can't break things if (inaudible) they say, "You can do it, I will be there right with you." And believe it or not, in 30 days, you are going to have a book out. You are so rich in content. And listening to an hour, you have to work harder. You have every single thing in place to write a book.

Brian Kelly:
Man, I like this guy. I'm going to -- Can I take you home?

Ken Rochon:
I'm home, man. (Brian laughs) Just don't let me do the dishes. (Both laugh)

Brian Kelly:
But remember, you get to.

Ken Rochon:
I know.

Brian Kelly:
That's the part that's bothering me. (Brian laughs)

Ken Rochon:

Brian Kelly:
It actually doesn't mean I go in there and love every second of it, but it does reframe it, and it does help a lot. It's just a great thing to do as a exercise - and it's not just dishes. "I have to go to a seminar." What you really want to do, that one's easy. "I get to go to a seminar. I'm blessed. I had the money to buy the ticket. I have a car to get there, I have transportation, whatever that might be." In every situation. if -- it's a very common term. We as people in the Unites States, especially, "I have to..." whatever it is, if it's good or bad, we always "I have to go do this now." You really have to?

Ken Rochon:
Can I tell you what it triggered?

Brian Kelly:

Ken Rochon:
What it triggered was, when I was able to do dishes when I was 12, I actually dropped the dishes, broke them, and my mom said, "you're not allowed to do dishes" (Brian laughs)

Brian Kelly:
Nice! Nice! All right. We can work on some NLP afterward and we can go back and you can redecide that moment in 7 minutes and you'll be done with that. And you'll be doing dishes with that smile that you're wearing right now. Put on some music and dance while you do the dishes, and drop all you want because they're yours now right. All right. (Brian laughs) Okay, so, it takes a lot of things - you were talking about are kind of on a higher chunked up level: giving thanks, find your way, be a leader, and challenge yourself. If you have $10,000, could you get it done in X amount of time? Those are fantastic. If we can shift over, it's related, but it's slightly different to what kind of skill set is necessary to become successful? So, what would you say - let's just bring it down so it's not so challenging because I'm just throwing these out at you, - what would you say are the top 3 skills (Brian holds up 3 fingers) and we're talking sales, marketing, or copywriting, or anything along the lines that you find are the most... the top 3 that you need to become successful as an entrepreneur?

Ken Rochon:
Number 1 would be listened skills. I went through landmark education. You can go through other things, but landmark education teaches you how to create possibility, how you create relationships through listening and really stopping your internal voice so you can clear people and (inaudible). So, that will be number 1. Number 2 is related to that, it's your communication skills. Learn how to speak in front of an audience, how to empower people, learn how to write so you can communicate your gift, your propositions, so people can receive it, get it, and want it. Those are the top 3, they are all related to communications.

Brian Kelly:
I was writing notes, I missed the third one.

Ken Rochon:
Okay, first one was listening, second was speaking and third one was writing.

Brian Kelly:
Oh okay. It's 2 and 3.

Ken Rochon:
So, writing the scripts, writing scripts. So, I have people say to me, "how can I get conversion? Get somebody involved (inaudible). I say, "Okay, so Brian, you are a person that cause smile in the world. You're committed to your show. You are committed to helping people have the right mindsets, the right wellness, and the right... abundance of abilty. I would like you to find people that you would like to honor that would be in your book because they actually resemble these creates." That's a script, and as simple as that is, that would actually work. I've been in front of people like John Travolta, Nancy Jones, where I have 5 seconds to 10 seconds to say a script and that script decides wether they will keep smiling. I don't have any on me, but the Keep Smiling Cards are very much like this. The photos you saw in the book. (Ken holds up his book) that they are all holding and keep smiling. So, the point is the Keep Smiling Card is saying, "I believe in positivity. I want to cause smiles in the world." If you cause smiles in the world, you will acutally keep wanting to cause abundance in the world as well as make an impact. So, I think that's a really beautiful statement to actually think about.

Brian Kelly:
I agree. I love that, and yeah, I did see your -- I saw some snippets of that campaign through Andrea, and I saw a lot of people that I recognized, like you are talking about John Travolta and other people we would consider to be high end celebrities that otherwise wouldn't be so approachable. So, that was impressive just to see that. And so, you're proving exactly that that the concept, it truly works. Just because you're having -- you're giving away smiles and making people smile. And I appreciate the fact that you said that about this show, and I want to concentrate more on getting people to smile more than just providing phenomenal value. I mean, it's already chalk full of that, and I love the fact that you're on this show right now because you make me smile and I know that means you're making everyone else smile who's coming on because of your really cool sense of humor. We have a similar sense of humor, that's why I think it's funny. So, hey, what the heck.? (Brian and Ken laugh) And when it comes to communication, speaking and more speaking and building rapport, I found that NLP can teach you so many amazing things, and one of those is speaking. It's about language patterns, it's about building rapport. There's something called 'matching and mirroring' that -- I used to, I kid you not, Ken, I used to be very introverted, I used to not want to talk to anyone, especially if you got in an elevator with them, right? "Oh, no, we gotta stay quiet." And then I learned these skills. And oh my gosh, my whole life opened up in front of me and I was excited and happy. I love people and I knew I did, I just didn't like talking to them for whatever reason. But now that I had those skills, it was natural, simple, and you can become someone's friend in a blink of an eye. (Brians snaps his finger) And you can do it with integrity and character altogether. And that's what happened and now it's like, "wow, I have the rest of my life ahead of me and I'm so excited about it because of that." So, it's all down the line of smiling, communicating, building rapport, and listening, like I wasn't doing when you said those other 2. What I -- I combined them in the number 2, just saying, I did hear it, I did hear it. (Brian laughs) Oh man of failing his formula right off the bat. Way to go, Brian. Nah, it's all good, it's all good.

Ken Rochon:
It is good.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. yeah. And I opened the show by talking about patterns that I've noticed over my life of success. And I was curious, I'm always curious about the guests I bring on, if you have noticed something similar? Are there patterns that you picked up over time where you said, "that's one I keep seeing, and there's another one, and there's another one. Now I'm going to start modeling and following them and oh my gosh, now I'm seeing success based on following those patterns." Has that occurred to you as well?

Ken Rochon:
Well, of course it has. I would say that the patterns I try and watch other people that are just true to their heart, and I can be proud that they're not any different on stage than they are in their life. That's the parttern I want to see. I want to see the person that believes in their family, believes that balances is achievable, and that they can actually succeed at anything they put their mind to. So, they are positive; the person that turns and bites a person that's taking care of them and disrespects people, that's never going to work. So, I would (inaudible) those poeple.

Brian Kelly:
My gosh, I wonder, do you know any of those people that are not the same offstage as they are on? I'm not going to go there. We both know many. Yes, we both know many and it's like ick! They come off stage and you're like, "Who are you? Are you the same guy or gal - doesn't matter - that was up there just moments ago?" Like. ugh! I paid money and I spent time and I'm in a hotel room and okay, I'm going to go network the rest of this event because there's a value missalignment there. Yes. So, I concur. The speaking industry - I like to gravitate there, I just love speaking from stage as far as like seminars and workshops are concerned, is a phenomenal, phenomenal venue, a platform. And it's -- it was going down a path where it seemed like I was seeing more that were in that negative realm, that we just discussed, than were in the positive, that weren't truly authentic. And now, I'm starting to see a shift back, and I think that's in part because people are not dumb. More and more people -- not everybody sees a speaker when they come onstage, not everybody has access to the speaker when they come off stage, but word does spread, doesn't it? (Ken nods) And it's good that the word spreads. It's not a negative. It's not gossip, it's telling the truth and saying, look, your time and money are better off elsewhere. That's a good -- I want to know that. I mean, you would want to know that, yeah, Ken? To say, if it was someone you trusted, that came to you and said, "Ken, I just wanna let you know that this would be one I would avoid. Instead, maybe go to this one".

Ken Rochon:
Exactly. So, the words are 'social proof'. And I asked this question on stage and say, "if you're living a big life, does the world know it?" If the world doesn't know it, you don't have social proof. So, the reason someone like Trump or Obama win president elections - and by the way, they are so totally different, we all agree they're very different people, - but they both did the exact same campaign, the social proof campaigning, that proved that they were doing big things in the world, and the world knew that they were doing big things in the world. No one could compete with that level of social proof. So, the part that most people miss is they go to do big things in the world, but they don't have a camera, they don't have distribution, all the campaign, they don't have Andrea Adams Miller, who actually puts all that together for you. And, next thing you know, you're spinning their wheels and you're 1 of the 98% of people that have put a book out, that no one knows the book exists, and don't even care if you carry the book. So, every single book I have, I carry with me because I know that those books are social proof and I don't know who I'm going to meet that I want to give them my book to. I meet a traveller that says, "I love to travel more than anything." Wll, I give them my book that tells how to get to 104 countries, then I actually give them value. So, provide books -- and I was going to say, actually, the patterns I forgot to mention is, if you listen to people, what they need instead of telling them what you need, then you actually create a new pattern of actually becoming a friend and someone that they value. So, my exercise I do with you people, for instance you, Brian, I'm very intrigued that you're at the age and content level and activities and leadership and ILP level that you are, and then you are not known for this amazing book that's in your mind, your heart to be unleashed. And so, I'm committed as a friend to value what you have inside you to bring it out into the world so it actually can make a difference in the world. So, I always listen to people and say, "okay, who would be right connection for that person?" and just make that for them, just serve them. And again, this is all corny stuff that I found from Bob Burg 'The Go-Giver' and practicing for 1 year to be the go-giver; That it was the karma, it was the shift, it was the philosophy, mentality, and habit that I needed to do and still connect to my core because it worked.

Brian Kelly:
Wow. 'The Go-Giver'. I've heard of 'The Go-Getter'.

Ken Rochon:
That's what he starts off with. He says, "The go-getter is on a treadmill, they are constantly getting, getting, getting, and keep getting, getting. getting. The go-giver has a tipping point and if you heaven't read Malcolm Gladwell, Brian, that is the biggest gift I can give you and your audience. I read 'A Tipping Point' before I started the (inaudible) And 'The Tipping Point' is that if you put in the resources, and the time, and the commitment, and your purposes for a certain amount of time, maybe like a year or so, and his second book 'Outliers' says 10,000 hours, what will happen is you will rise to the level of the top 10% in the industry. And I did 330 events my first year just to see, if I did 330 events, would it make a difference? Just as an experiment. And it did. Massive! I got in the Ravents, I got in the White House 4 times, I got to go to the Redskins. This is the demographic area, and no one gets with the Ravens and the Redskins, I promise you. (Brian laughs) One or the other, and I gotthem both.

Brian Kelly:
I get that one. That's funny. Wow, you must not have slept that entire year if you were doing that many of events.

Ken Rochon:
Well, yu have to change the rules, Brian. So, my rule was that I had to find an event, go to that event for an hour, photograph it, and do phenomenial social media, and leave to do that phenomenal social media. So it's really, typically, 4 hours. It was 1 hour travel, 1 hour capture, 1 hour back, and 1 hour post-production.

Brian Kelly:
Cool! So, it's social proof, as you were talking about before. It's generating social proof.

Ken Rochon:
And soo the more I them, the more I actually help myself.

Brian Kelly:
Yes, yeah, and that's the servant attitude that -- and I can tell from you, just looking at you, listening to you, that it's all authentic. It's not just, "I'm going to serve somebody because I expect riches on the other end." Well, "there is a chance that that will happen, but at the same time, I'm good with just serving because I know it's the right thing to do." And after you do --

Ken Rochon:
Can I make an (inaudible) because this is actually a very good point for that.

Brian Kelly:

Ken Rochon:
It is authentic. But there is a silver lining of inauthenticity also. And that is that in 3 years of being burned by people, and I'm not saying a lot of people, there is enough people that take a certain attitude. It's not what will turn (inaudible) Learn to serve people that actually are just givers, but they are lovers of the light. They are people that really want to (inaudible) It's just trying to get a helping hand, but they have nothing intended to beyond lending a helping hand.

Brian Kelly:
I love that you brought that up. My -- the mentor that I shared that I love so much that had one of those books, Mel Cutler.

Ken Rochon:
I love Mel Cutler. He is so cool!

Brian Kelly:
He is amazing. I met him at someone else's event. He was a guest speaker, and then I went to his event. He offered a ticket. And I was like the first one. I ran, I kid you not. I couldn't get out of my chair fast enough, I said, "I like this guy, I want to get...I wanted more from him." He's who I learned all of the NLP from. It's amazing, it's been amazing. But the thing was, was after their event was over, I tended to be the first one there and usually the last one to leave. One of those people. But I'm the last one to leave not for the purpose of getting under their shirt and getting access to them; I literally just I saw that there were people breaking things down and his wife was right there, Kate, and she was helping break things down. I said, "Do you mind if I give you a hand?" And I expected 0 in return. I just wanted to help. That was it. That was my heart. And so, that's what I tell folks going forward - that if you do it without expectation of anything in return, and it's really from a servant's heart, and they are the kind of person you just mentioned, Ken, then something does happen from it. And what happened was just the rest of my life has been changed for the better forever. I didn't know it at the time, but because I showed up and I helped. And it's a rewarding feeling to do it, just to help somebody, and not really expect anything in return. And it just so -- I used that, I patterned that, I modeled it, and continue to do so to this day, where I will help other speakers - whoever it is - to do something without expecting anything in return. Even if it takes an hour of my time, if I see that there's a heart centered person, if I want to help them, then I do it. And I don't expect money in return. You don't have to monetize everything that you do. That just technically --

Ken Rochon:
And technicallyyou are. You're monetizing a relationship.

Brian Kelly:
That's true.

Ken Rochon:
Because yeah, and when you put all these investments into family, you're monetizing a future. So, it's just whether you consider abundance money or you consider abundance love.

Brian Kelly:
Ah! Man, that was beautiful. Do you have that trademark yet? That is a perfect --.

Ken Rochon:
It's all your, baby. If that will get your book done, it's yours. It's your title. (Brian laughs)

Brian Kelly:
All right. What time are we at, I'm going to time hack that so I know when to go to the video later. (Ken laughs) Thank you, man, that made my whole evening, my whole week. That was beautifully, beautifully said. Well, a little shift of gears, and I would love to stay on this path. We're getting close to our time, which I cannot believe, every time. But we do have a little bit. But there's one question I'd love to ask each entrepreneur that comes on, or successful business person, because it's one of the most often skirted over questions, if you will. In other words, you see people from stage, I have many times or webinars or whatever, tell you about the importance of this 1 thing, and they go into the importance of it, and you should master it, and then they go on to the next topic, and you're going, "oh, oh, but how? Why? Where? Where do you start? What? How? Give me the meat!" And it seems to be skirted over more often than not. And the topic is that of marketing, which is the lifeblood of any business when it gets down to it. Yeah, I mean, you have companies, major corporations, when they have layoffs, they're hitting their marketing team first when they should be the last to go! (Ken laughs) They're keeping the technicians, the ones that are turning the crank that have talent, that they are needed, but without marketing bringing that business for them to do their job, what -- So it's a little bit backwards. Not everybody does that. But for you, Ken, that's what I do- is I personalize it, and say, what have you personally found to be successful in your marketing? What do you do specifically -- I know there's a ton of different ways to market, I get that, I get that, marketing is a huge broad, broad stroke of a brush, - but if you were to pick out 1 or maybe 2, whatever makes it easier. (Ken holds up 2 fingers) 2? Okay, he's got it already. What is your most successful form of marketing been to date?

Ken Rochon:
So, number 1 -- actually, there are 3, I'm sorry, I gotta go to 3. So, number 1 is forget about your content. Your book or whatever it is, being 90 %. It's at best 10%, at best. You're marketing and distribution are 89 %. So in other words, you're going to do a book, I know Brian's doing a book this holiday season - I'm very excited about it. (Brian laughs) And the book is coming out. Let's say he has $2000 to put towards the book. He needs to either pull back the money for that book content, i.e. the printing of the book, and finishing the book,the production of the book, and 80 to 90 % into marketing. So, I always tell people, if you do gorilla marketing, you're going to get a lot fewer resources. So, the reason 98% of books sell 11 to 41 copies is because there's no marketing, and there's no social media campaigns, social proof campaigns: 0. And they are tired of holding the book and selling to their family after 4 weeks, so the book rests in the garage or on Amazon. I mean, it's the same principles. And most people never write a second book because their marketing plan was not good enough. So, they actually think they were a failure as an author, when they weren't! They were a failure as market, a failur as a marketing campaign person. So, if you put the same energy --and by the way, the reason all my books.. I heaven't showed these book off, because they are on both sides of me, there are way more than 22. But my point is: every one of these books are my baby, and anybody that has had a child know it changes their life. Every one of my books changed my life. And if you treat that book like it's going with you for the rest of your life, it will change your life. And most people look at a book as a small,little birth, with nothing being given to it, no food, no energy, no nothing. And they wonder why it does. So, I don't know if I've gone 3 or 2 1/2, but my point is - the 80-20 rule is very important. That when you write a book, you look at 80% of it being energy being put in the book, marketing the book loving the book. And the second thing is that when you are doing anything in life, that you are looking at how to market long term, creating a campiagn out of it. It just never stop, it's your focus. A guy who gave me a Keep Smiling Card 3 years ago, his name is Barry Shore, and he is getting awards for his Keep Smiling movement. People chant, "Oh, I know it's Ken Rochon, it's Ken Rochon, he's the one that had me take a picture with that card." And hen was kind enough to call me on the phone and say,"Ken, I was so excited that people said your name and they saw the card and said they got the award. So, that's a real partnership. And by the way, I will close my comment by saying that the number 1 thing that I feel that happens in life, in partnerships, whether it's your wife, your partner, even a client partner relationship, is that you are looking at a short term relationship. And I came up with a definition of partnership. By anything, you will invest, stand, and (inaudible) And that is, any time you are in a partnership with someone, (inaudible), unconditional, giving arrangements. In other words, you compete to get the unconditional (inaudible) Think about that. If you give more to the other person and condition, means there's no score keeping. That means that you are constantly investing in that person. That's really magical.

Brian Kelly:
You're taking the concept of serving to a whole new level and that's phenomenal. That's -- Look, ladies and gentlemen, at this man (Brian points to Ken to the left of him) who has achieved phenomenal success; can you possibly fathom why? I mean, we've just discussed it for nearly an hour here, many, many, many reasons why. The patterns to success, and it's all coming down to mindset and his heart, and his serving attitude, and how he goes all in and not half baked. That it's about relationships, is what I'm getting from this - is it's about long term relationships, not just get in, grab a quick buck, and get out with that kind of mentality going in. It's about an investment in a human being, and being there for them and giving all out everything you have. Am I getting that right, Ken, am I close?

Ken Rochon:
Yeah. 2 words:humanity and leadership.

Brian Kelly:
Yes, humanity and leadership. So, I hope everyone else is writing notes. So, I'm here hosting the show. I'm also the producer, the director, the star. Well, not the star, that's Ken. And I'm finding the time and the way to actually write my own notes (Brian holds up his sheet of notes) so, I have a lot of notes. That't the bottom half of 1 page, and I'm just about getting there, almost done with the next page.

Ken Rochon:
Book, book, book.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. Book. Book,book, book. I have -- and I have a file full of these from my past guests, and they are gold. And I would not let go of these for anything, for anything. And the beautiful thing though is, you all have the ability to replay this because it's on Facebook Live and other public venues that you don't have to pay to get to. So, go look at The MindBodyBusinessShow.com. I never plug this. I maybe I should do that more often, but it's not about plugging it, it's really for you. For you, the viewer, the watcher, the listener - that you go to The MindBodyBusinessShow.com and just opt in and you'll get alerted minutes before each show goes live. And you can either show up or you can come afterward and watch the replay. But the beautiful thing I found by interviewing people like Ken, is that the valuable wisdom that's proven to work is right there in front of you. We opened the show by saying "if all you did was 1 thing" and that was read, well now you can listen, and read because every show is transcribed so that those who want to read it, can read it, and you can get that also on The MindBodyBusinessShow.com . So, that being said, we're getting near that bewitching hour. Gosh, darn it, we're already there. So, there's one more life altering question, Ken. I mean, this is -- I ask this of every entrepreneur, every guest expert on the show. And what I find is it's a doozy. And the thing is, if it takes your a moment or 2 to come up with the answer, (Ken imitates wiping sweat offof his forehead) Oh, there he goes, he's wiping the brow, the sweat is starting to pour. That's okay. Dead air time is fine. We're not set to end the show right at 6:30. That's the beautiful thing about it, we can go a few minutes long if that's cool with you and cool with the audience. We're going to continue on a little bit longer. And that is to ask this really driving question that I found really interesting the answers of all the other guests that appeared before you. I can't wait for yours. So, are you ready?

Ken Rochon:
I think I am.

Brian Kelly:
You are?

Ken Rochon:
I hope.

Brian Kelly:
I was just checking my notes. I almost forgot -- one more, we have to do this real quick.

Ken Rochon:
I was initially going to leave at 6:30. (Brian and Ken laugh)

Yes. So, remember, in the beginning I promised you a way, you, the watchers and listeners, if you're watching live that you can actually enter to win a 5-night stay at a 5-star luxury resort in Mexico. So, I don't want to leave you guys hanging out any longer. Here is the way to do that as soon as my screen starts reacting the way it's supposed to. It will come. There it is. (Information showing on screen) Thank you. Thank you. So, for those of you watching, you can see it on your screen. There are 2 ways. You can either go to a website and that's ReachYourPeakLLC.com.vacation, and 'vacation' is all lowercase. That's the only thing you need. Remember with case in any of that - ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation. Or if you prefer and it's easier for you to text it on a cell phone, text the word PEAK, that's P-E-A-K to the number 661-535-1624. Again, that's PEAK to 661-535-1624. We're nearing the end of our time here, so I will be monitoring that well after the show for those of you that enter this right away. I can tell when they come by timestep. Do that now, right now, and I will choose a winner and notify you individually through text as well. So, go ahead and do that. I can't wait to see who that winner is going to be and we'll announce it later on the Facebook page here that you might be watching on. We're on 9 different platforms simultaneously. It's a phenomenal, phenomenal thing. Lots of great stuff going on. And now I have some weird stuff happening, (The sceen is unusual) but it's okay, we're going to keep plugging on. You've got to love technology, don't you? Yes, you do. So, Mr.Rochon, the all important question is -- and this is, just, okay, to let you off the hook now, so this, there's no wrong answer to this. There's only your answer. Your answer is the only correct answer. I have asked all the other ones before, and just so you know, not a single one has answered it the same exact way yet. I expect it to be answered the same way once, but we're not there yet. So, that'll take the pressure off, you can now wipe that brow and it won't come back and you'll be relaxed. So, Ken Rochon, how do you, personally you, how do you define success?

Ken Rochon:
I don't know. (Brian laughs) Okay, was that the first time you've heard that answer?

Brian Kelly:
It is! Holding true to form!

Ken Rochon:
I define success as being abundant. Abundant, affection, you have needs, and part of that is taking what you believe in and creating a legacy with it. So, I believe that everyone has - and by the way Andrea will be very proud because I shared this with her earlier and she said, :share this with the show". So, this is the first time that I've said this: Is that every single person has a song in their heart and they're afraid to sing it because they don't know if someone's going to accept them, or if they can overcome their fears to actually brave enough and sing it. So, I believe everyone should sing their song, who they are, why they are, how they are. Who they are is their journey, what they had to go through, what they had to overcome, and what they've learned from it to be where they are now. Their 'why' is what gets them out of bed like you said at the beginning of the show. What drives, what causes them to actually feel alive, that they matter. And then 'how' is how they create abundance, they solve problems, and most importantly, in my case, inspire someone else.

Brian Kelly:
Yep. So true to form, no one else answer it like that.

Ken Rochon:
Did you like the beginning though? Was I good?

Brian Kelly:
Yeah! Yeah, I was like, "uhh...".

Ken Rochon:
I don't know...

Brian Kelly:
And I love the way this graphic has messed up on us. But that's technology, we are going to have fun with it.

Ken Rochon:
I now have hair, technically, in a way. I have a graphic hair, a graphic hair.

Brian Kelly:
It's kind of an orang-y looking. But I like it how you stamped the MIND BODY BUSINES right on your forehead.

Ken Rochon:
You know, Brian as a big gift to you, I'm getting this as a tattoo. I don't want this to be a banner on my head, I want it to be a tattoo.

Brian Kelly:
Sweet! I'll send you the graphics so you can take it to your local tattoo artist and get it done. Look forward to seeing that next time I see you. That's awesome. Awesome. Well, hey, it's been an absolute blast. Kem, I can't tell you how thankful I am and how blessed I feel to have you grace this stage. (Ken puts his hands together) Not only for myself, but for everyone who's watching and listening on the live version. And even those that listen afterward on the recording. We're on 9 different streaming platforms, also 8 different podcasts platforms. It's all over the place. And I'm just so grateful that folks have access to someone like you, and that you stepped forward and invested your time to be here to give us your wisdom, and appreciate you, brother.

Ken Rochon:
Likewise. And I want to say that the preparation you gave is really insane. I've never -- I've been on 51 shows, just why I wrote my first book, and no gives the type of preparation you do. You live with your heart, lead with your heart, and God bless for teaching so many guests how to be a better host, so thank you.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, man, that really -- that warms my heart. Thank you so much. You say that as the graphic is all skewed, that's wonderful.

Ken Rochon:

Brian Kelly:
Thanks man. I so appreciate that. All right. And I appreciate all of you who have watched and listened to the show, either live or recording. Keep coming back. I saw your comments. I was watching on Facebook. Sometimes we have time to address those, other times I would just rather focus on the guest expert. So, thank you all for coming to watch. That's our show for tonight. So, until next week, we will see you again. Everyone be blessed. Ken, thank you so much once again, my friend.

Ken Rochon:
Pleasure. Thank you.

Thank you for watching and listening. This has been The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show with Brian Kelly.

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Ken Rochon

Ken Rochon is a lifelong accomplished serial entrepreneur. His success has been established with The Umbrella Syndicate, Big Events USA, Perfect Publishing, & Absolute Entertainment. He is a Social Proof Celebrity Event Photographer, an International Keynote Speaker, a published author of 22+ books, a forerunner of the non-profit organization "The Keep Smiling Movement," and past honoree as "America's Most Influential Business Connector." Overall, he considers himself a renaissance man, a world traveler of 102 countries, and the love of his life is his 5 year old K3.

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