Special Guest Expert - Kent Emmons
Special Guest Expert - Kent Emmons: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. The three keys to your success is just moments away. Here's your host, Brian Kelly.
Brian Kelly:
Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to The Mind Body Business Show. I am over-the-top excited for tonight's show. We have the most special guest on the planet, my dear friend, Kent Emmons. We met years ago because we were both speaking on stage at an event and we were hanging out in the back and just kind of hit it off. And then many years later, we kind of ran into each other at another event and we both pointed, said, "hey, I know you." And we started talking again. And yeah, it's been awesome. So we'll get into that in a little bit. The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. What is that all about? Real briefly, what I began doing was focusing on those people that had success, you know, success that I looked to achieve. I was looking at those to model and what I found over the course of years of studying successful people, talking with them, hanging out with them, reading about them is that they all seem to have three similar patterns in common that was just across the board. And the first was mind,that stands for mindset. They all have a rock solid, powerful, very positive mindset from sunup to sundown. And you're going to love our special guest, Kent Emmons. He's one of the most positive people I've ever met. I've never seen him, not yet, not once, without at least once smiling. But it's usually most of the time. It's like he can't take it off of him. It's awesome. And body. It's about taking care of your body. Most successful people do. You'll see Kent. He's very, very fit. It's about, you know, exercising. It doesn't mean you have to be a bodybuilder or a supermodel. It just means you have to move. And also to take care of yourself on the inside. Nutrition to feed yourself those things that will propel you forward. And then business. Businesses is multifaceted. There are things like sales, marketing, team building, systematizing, leadership skills. When you put all these together and if you've mastered all three of these, then you are what I deem one of those that are successful because they all have these three traits. And that's what I call operating at a peak level of performance. Hence the name. Reach Your Peak, that's my company. And Kent is no stranger to any of this. He follows all three of these to a tee. Very successful gentleman in the radio network and television network space amongst many other things. I can't wait for you to meet him and learn about him because I'm going to I'm going to peel apart his his brain so he can see what's going on in there. Not literally, figuratively. And then we might do something a little different that I've never done on this show ever before. We might have a beverage and it's a adult beverage. This has a little bit of something in it that I'll let I'll let Kent kind of bring that one up. That'll be fun. So The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. It's all about success. On that note, one of the things I found that successful people do in addition is many of them read voraciously, read voraciously. And with that, I'd like to segway into a little segment called appropriately Bookmarks.
Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready, steady, read. Bookmarks brought to you by ReachYourPeakLibrary.com.
Brian Kelly:
Yes. There you see it on the side. ReachYourPeakLibrary.com. And by the way, for those you watching live, even if you're watching the recording or listening on podcasts, do yourself a favor and stay here on the show. In other words, where you're going to be getting some resources in the way in the form of websites, et cetera. During the show, and it's best for you to just write them down, get a piece of paper and a pen and do old school and take some notes. And the reason is, is the magic. It happens in the room. So if you stay with us and you're concentrating on the show because you do not want to miss a single word that Kent has to offer tonight. The man just oozes value. I've got to spend a few hours, more than a few hours at his home twice recently. And the guy is amazing. You're going to love him. So stick with us. So, ReachYourPeakLibrary.com. Briefly, what is that? That is a Web site I put together literally with you in mind. You, the entrepreneur, the business person, the person looking to either get ahead or advance farther than where you are right now. If you haven't started reading, I recommend highly you get started. And here's a good place to start, because here's a collection of books that I personally read. I vet these personally. They have had an impact on me positively, either in business or in my personal life, sometimes in both. And so if you're not sure where to start reading, this would be a great place to start. It's a one stop shop. ReachYourPeakLibrary.com. And that is it. It's the number one reason for lack of success, as you can see on the screen, is not simply a lack of reading books, but it's the lack of reading the right books. So if you're not doing that on a regular basis, I recommend you start doing that right away. I started listening on Audible because I didn't know it, but I didn't like reading the physical book. I mean, I kind of knew it, but I didn't know there was another way that was better for me. I would literally start nodding off and my eyes would get irritated and tired. But with Audible, I just listen. I can close my eyes if I need to, but I usually don't because I'm usually driving when I listen. On that note about driving and about success, we've got a major driven individual here and a major successful individual that I would like to introduce to you right about now. So let's bring him on, shall we?
It's time for the Guest Expert Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big League. Qualified.
Brian Kelly:
And there he is, ladies and gentlemen, the one only the man, the myth, the legend. Kent Emmons. How are you doing, buddy?
Kent Emmons:
Oh, my God. That introduction is going to be a lot to live up to.
Brian Kelly:
Easy for you. Easy for you. Oh, Mr. Scott (inaudible) this pair of powerful. What was that?
Kent Emmons:
It was that various circus view. You know, here he is coming in.
Brian Kelly:
Yes. Pump up the energy, baby. Because that's what you bring. You bring a ton of energy all the time. Before I formally bring you on, I want to remind our viewers, though, that remember, every show we do this, you can qualify. You can win a five night stay. There it is a five-night vacation stay at a five-star luxury resort in Mexico, compliments of my good friends at PowerTexting.com. So be sure to stand to the very end of the show because I'll give out the details of how you can enter to win. We give out one trip, every single show. No kidding. Here we go.
Kent Emmons:
You look for that one.
Brian Kelly:
Kent Emmons:
Right now I'm ready for a vacation.
Brian Kelly:
Here we go. All right. Owning radio stations and networks over the years, Kent Emmons discovered early on that there were big bucks to be made by running spots for products that sold directly to customers by having a good eye to spot products that would sell, that would sell well. He started dedicating a substantial portion of his media outlets ad inventory to direct response that easily carried over to television. Emmons founded Kent Direct Inc, an international direct response television and digital firm. That, along with its affiliates, has generated billions in sales over the years. That's with a B. Ladies and gentlemen, B billions. I can't even comprehend how many zeros are in that. In 2018, Kent, along with some like minded friends all across the business spectrum, saw a massive hole in the media market. News on both sides of the fence was not only broken, which I firmly believe it is as well, but the big networks were totally ignoring the 18 to 34 year old crowd, which is also the most profitable media demographic. I love this guy's entrepreneur mind, entrepreneurial mind. It's amazing. Recognizing a very, clearly wide open and very profitable hole in the media space, Kent and his posse formed something called Crave News, which is a very edgy, hip, live interactive digital news network. And it is set to launch from its downtown Los Angeles studios this coming 2019, around mid 2019 or so. At least that's what he says. We'll see if that's still true, I hope. I hope so. I can't wait. Finally, Brian's going to stop talking and say welcome to the show, Mr. Kent Emmons. How are you doing again, my friend.
Kent Emmons:
Brian? I'm great. It's good to be here. And could you do my funeral, too? That was awesome. You could do my way. And it's all done.
Brian Kelly:
Well, man, I don't want to go down that road. Don't think about anyone's funeral, but I appreciate that. I'm humble. Thank you so much. So, Kent, man, you're always so upbeat, positive, big smile on your face. I mean, you're not you're not just this is you. It's really you. You're not making up somebody else that you're not. I've seen you in different areas. I've seen you in the hallways during networking events where it's not even a break time and you're out there smiling, talking to somebody. And so I can tell that you're very motivated and driven guy. And I was just curious and I loved to ask this of every one of my guests when they come on the show, because it really gives those that are watching and viewing and a little bit deeper of a view of what makes you tick, so to speak. And so like when you're getting up in the morning and I know you told me your routine was pretty cool, you get up and you go out in the front of your ranch home there and have some fun and do the first half of your day working outside in a beautiful setting. But right before you do that and you're starting to wake up, you know, you're starting to come to conscious and then it starts to hit. The day ahead is coming. And then that motivation and drive hit hits you. For you, what is it that does that to you? What motivates you to hit the day, day after day after day with all of this energy that you have.
Kent Emmons:
You know, there's a lot of things that motivate me, but I think everybody kind of wakes up the same. I think everyone wakes up. And the first thing that hits their mind, just because it's the way God does this, I think is, oh, my God, "I've got to do this today. I've got to do that today. I've got to do this." And if you have a little bit of a rough patch on something, then you get a little..And so my mind immediately over the years, I've just trained it to go to what am I thankful for? What are my blessings? Remember the old song and church? Count your blessings. Count them one by one. And you think about how many people this morning didn't wake up. They didn't get out of bed. And I started start thinking about, wow, you know, this amazing book that helps that energizes you and keeps you up for the day. And then as far as what really motivates me is I love building things. I love, you know, taking broken things and turning them around as far as business school and things like that. And I love hanging out with my daughter and doing that kind of stuff. So those are things that motivate me. But, you know, the upbeat thing I think really comes from just, you know, being blessed and just recognizing a lot of people don't. You know, you take a look at how many cases of depression are in our country and stuff like that. But if people really started looking at their blessings and didn't worry about what everybody else was posting on Facebook and this and that, whole game changer.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Yeah. And stop watching this news, the things they call news on television, because, you know, my wife and I are we literally we'll see it. Come on. And we change the channel as fast as we can because we know it's just gonna be an onslaught of negativity, of skewed, opinionated reporting. No matter what the topic it seems. It's just to improve their ratings. I think it's we were talking about this while we're at your house a while ago and you said this, that it looks like it's primarily money based. And I believe that. I mean, I think that money has a lot to do with what is being reported. We don't want to go down that big rabbit hole yet that I just started this down.
Kent Emmons:
No, I'll give you the two second on that one. I mean, everything is driven by ratings. And, you know, on the right you've got Fox and they, you know, drive their base. On the left, You got MSNBC and CNN and they drive their base. And it's really about how fired up they can get him and get him to stay tuned in for the next segment and that kind of stuff. And, you know, it's it's they they pander to their audience. That's what they do. That's why I would, you know, like it like you mentioned, we're launching a new news network. It's a much younger, geared news network live. And we're doing that. It's gonna be right down the middle. It is going to be a lot of fun. And but it's gonna drag it's gonna bring the 18 to 34 year old who are just kind of being force-fed news now into being able to call and talk, text Skype in and participate in the news. And it'll be fun.
Brian Kelly:
I love how you both brought in that genre of age, physically into the fray and and integrated it with the technology that's being used today, which seems to be something that is slowly gaining steam. But with with you doing these networks online, it's going to be a game changer. I can just see it. I can't wait. I can't wait for it to come out. I'm antsy to say something about it, but I won't. I promise. I know it's coming soon.
Kent Emmons:
I will make the announcement here pretty soon.
Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. I'll help you get the word out on that, buddy because....
Kent Emmons:
I appreciate it, man.
Brian Kelly:
It's a game changer and I'm really excited for it. So fantastic. Now, I talked about in the beginning a little bit about the importance of reading in all reading books. Has that been something that's been part of your life? Is it really? And if so, has it impacted you in a positive way towards your business and your personal life as well?
Kent Emmons:
Absolutely. I've always got a stack of books. I mean, you've been out here to the ranch. I've got you know, I'm always in the middle of two or three books. I'm constantly reading. I also download books like you do. You mentioned you like the audio books. I love that. I'll be taking off next week. Could be on a long flight. I've got three or four downloaded already and excited to jump on and take a listen.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I love that. I love traveling for those moments because now I'm by myself and I can just really get into it and listen. And that could be in the car as well as in the plane when I do a lot of book listening on the plane. And definitely in the car. And I'll mix it up. Primarily it's books and then a little bit of dash and music now and then, just to relax a little bit.
Kent Emmons:
Hey you got to jam it up to that music again, music gets you gets it, sets the tone, you know, kind of sets the mood. And I've got that playlist from everything from back in the day, like, you know, 38 Special and Aria Speedwagon all the way through (inaudible) today. All the way to old country stuff, new country stuff, you name it. There's so much great music out there. And depending on your mood, you know, with Itunes or whatever you use, Spotify or whatever, you can build your own playlist and just be rocking out, get the mood and then they kick the day off.
Brian Kelly:
I can't tell you how many times I used Pandora and I'll fire it up in the park or in the driveway as I'm backing out or in the garage. And when I'm backing out, I hit the pavement of the main street to get out of my house, and I'm already done with the music. So that's enough of that I want I want to listen to a book. It happens more often than not. Yeah. It's so funny. It's that little bit of juice gets me going.
Kent Emmons:
So much great stuff out there. Amazing stuff.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Now I can tell by looking at you, brother, you're pretty fit, dude. We're about the same age. In fact.
Kent Emmons:
By the way, I often ask you, what's the last book you read? Cause I know you read a lot, too.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, bro. I read so many. I have to look it up. But it's The Biology Of Belief. I don't have to look up, The Biology Of Belief. It's a game changer.
Kent Emmons:
It was great.
Brian Kelly:
Kent Emmons:
I heard it was great.
Brian Kelly:
It is amazing that I learn about a lot of books from guest speakers like you that come on to the show. And that was one of them. And it it's a it's a dynamo. Talks about DNA, our genes, and it actually tells us what they've learned beyond what we've always thought. And it's not a controversial thing. It's all science based. It's phenomenal. I would recommend it to everybody because it'll shift the way you think about yourself and how you think every single day and what impact your thoughts have on you. Deepak Chopra was big on this, right? The mind and body. They're not separate. They're actually intertwined very finely. And every cell in your body is a part of your mind. It's amazing. It's amazing. So, anyway, it's an amazing book. Dr. Something or Other, I can look it up if you want it, but.
Kent Emmons:
Yeah. (inaudible) later.
Brian Kelly:
The Biology of Belief is is the title. It's probably the only went out there. It's amazing. Thank you for asking, because I just I just finished it. I started reading another one that the tone was much different in the second one and I'm already starting to lose the feeling from the biology of belief. So right when I'm done with this something, I go back and re listen to The Biology of Belief. So it's ingrained deep in my mind because it is that important. It's a it's a great book. Great.
Kent Emmons:
I get it.
Brian Kelly:
So you're a very fit dude. I mean, you're wearing a polo shirt there. So I imagine you've been atop a horse or two. You might have a horse or two near you, maybe just because you're on a ranch or something. And I remember trekking up the way they are.
Kent Emmons:
Yeah, they're there. You know, they're big manufacturing machines. That's what they are. But my daughter loves them. So, hey, look what I mean. They may go and they make a lot of stuff.
Brian Kelly:
A big production plant out at the Emmons ranch. Here we go. Of. So you're very you're a very active person. I notice you just you just you're moving all the time, whether it's in your house or, you know, we sat together for several hours and it's like, "hey, let's go get something to eat." And it was like, "bam, let's go." I was like, "all right,".
Kent Emmons:
(inaudible). One of the Hollywood power lunch places in and out.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. That was great.
Brian Kelly:
What was that?
Kent Emmons:
The last of the big times--Hollywood spenders. Right here in and out for. Only the finest for my buddy, Ryan.
Brian Kelly:
Well, it's a cool thing. You know, everything is like a hundred percent. Or it's not, I don't know if it's organic, but it's fresh, right? It's all fresh. IN IN OUT is a cut above the rest.
Kent Emmons:
Yeah, It's amazing.
Brian Kelly:
And it's very tasty, by the way. It's really good. So what what level of importance do you put on staying healthy? You know, I've seen fit in your life. Do you do something on a regular basis? Do you just do it when the time permits? How do you stay fit? Because you're about the same age as me. About a year younger. So weren't. Neither of us are young pups. I can (inaudible). I'm older than you. But how do you stay fit at that age? And a lot of people would like to know that. I know many men and a lot of women as well. We'd like to know. How do you stay fit going into the latter years of life?
Kent Emmons:
You know, hopefully this is not the latter year. It's kind of interesting. I got, as you know, I get my health care done. I'm never sick, but I get my health care done at the top. It is the top international hospital in the world. It's in Bangkok of all places. And for a year, I've gone there for my physical for eleven or twelve years. Do it every year. And they do an age indexing on you where they can you can get an index. You know what your you know your body. Okay, you're 54, but your body is you know, the index is you know, my particular ones. Thirty five thirty six. So I'm my body's at 35, 36 but I'm actually 54 years old. And then they can also kind of figure out, you know, provided you don't get hit by a bus or some crazy cancer, you know, about how long you live. And I was 52 when I got my I mean, I had my physical every year, but 52 and I. And it said that, you know, a hundred and four has always been my age index. And every year I was back at a hundred and four.
Kent Emmons:
So I got to hit the halfway mark a couple of years ago I think. And so I don't know that fifty four is the later part of life. I mean I think I'll take a look at 54. It's very young and I take a look at my dad, who's 80. My dad still walks three miles a day. Sometimes you'll walk three miles then two miles with my mom later. He's an amazing in better shape than I am and very active. But, you know, a lot of the physical activity for me is hiking up in the mountains. Up here behind the ranch and stuff, a lot of hiking and a lot of walking like a mountain bike a little bit and that kind of stuff. Course I love water sports and that kind of thing. But then a lot of your you know, your physique, I think really has to do with your mental state. In other words, I think if you look younger and you you're motivated to go out and exercise and and do that, you know, your mind kind of drives your body to stay in shape and drives you to want to stay in shape.
Brian Kelly:
I love that because, you know, we were talking about that, how the mind and body like to see the mind and body are a team, but more importantly, they're your team. And, you know, if one member of your team is not operating at a peak level performance. Then your team as a whole is suffering. And so it takes both the mind so and they do follow each other. You're very right. I mean, if you don't think in a manner that's commensurate with going out and moving, then your mind is going gonna win. You're not going to go out and moves like, you know, I could just sit here and eat another Snickers instead .That'd be easier.
Kent Emmons:
Think about this, Brian. Think about how many people that are way younger than us. But, man, their physique looks older because their mind is older. They you know, they already kind of picture that they've got that one foot in the grave or whatever it is. And you see these people that don't age well. And a lot of it it all starts right here. I think it really does start in your mind. I look at my mom and dad and those two are like kids and dad's 80 and mom's 75 and they're like kids. But they think that way, you know, they're always active. They're always out doing something, helping people, you know, very active in the community and stuff like that. And I look at them, you know, people can't believe it's my dad. They go and he actually tries to pass me off as his older brother and some people.
Brian Kelly:
I see where you get this sense of humor from. That's awesome.
Kent Emmons:
That's actually true. I actually believe it.
Brian Kelly:
I have a very comical dad, too. So we have a lot in common, my brother. Yeah. So I totally agree with that. There have been so many countless accounts of people literally healing themselves through that through thought, you know. Yeah. People that are stage four cancer and they survive without chemo based on changing their mindset. Big believe. And the Biology Of Belief is one that pushes me even farther over to that that side of the thinking. About the power of the mind, even though I already was a believer, it just solidified it with scientific backing because they're able to test at a deeper level. And I don't think we're done. I don't think science has done. It's ever, always improving. You know, we have nanotechnologies and things that go down deep and small and tiny. It's gonna keep going. They always think that we've hit the end, but I don't believe that. I think...
Kent Emmons:
I don't know, some of the things that are on tap right now. I actually had a friend of mine who's in India right now. And he's he's actually one of the shareholders of my network. Big, big, big business guy. And he's a big thinker, big, big, big picture thinker. He's actually meeting with medical experts over there that do brain mapping, but they're taking it to a whole another level. And they're doing all...the stuff that's out there that we don't even know about is, you know, it's mind warping. And, you know, I've been out here in California. I know the medical community out here pretty well. There's a big research community and stuff. And some of the things I hear are just you sit there and go, "Man, I had no clue." I mean, it's stuff that's beyond, you know, beyond science fiction.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Yeah. And I can't wait to hear what what they find when you when they come back and he talks to you.
Kent Emmons:
Brian Kelly:
I'm always..I'm so deeply interested in the mind, especially since about eight years ago. That's when I first came into knowledge of neuro linguistic programming, NLP for short. And I used to think I would sit in the audience and do one of these and go, you know, get back from his seat and get this woo woo stuff away from me. And I found out very quickly, it is not nothing close to that. It's not...it's science. It it it works. And I believe in it so much that I became an NLP practitioner, certified. And it changed. It changed my life. I don't you know, so many people go..if you go to Wikipedia
Kent Emmons:
(inaudible) beginning days of NLP. Uou had a cane that had a snake on it when the eyes went like this. Oh, you know, that was jungle book. Never mind, that's the whole....
Brian Kelly:
That's right. And those eyes that were doing. Yeah. That's right. Yeah. That's. Yeah. That's what a lot of people think of it as that with hypnosis and other things. It's just and just like me, it's because you don't know what you don't know until you you dive in and you get the details of it. You can only surmise what you can based on what you've heard from others who also don't know.
Kent Emmons:
That's exactly, right.
Brian Kelly:
As it typically happens. And so it's an amazing thing. The mind is I think it is the foundation, the cornerstone of everything we have today, whether it's success or not success. It's what's going on up here is is the outward results that you have out here. For a thorough believer of that because once my mind started changing, so did my results. And then I, like I said, onset when I follow people like you. I see that this pattern of success is so inherent, especially with someone like you can't. Because you have that incredible, powerful, positive mindset at all times. I just love. I just love observing you when like I was in your place, honest, kind of checking you out, watching that. Don't worry, I'm married. It's all good.
Brian Kelly:
But us watching you. Yeah. And you're an amazing guy. And you're you're cut from a special cloth. And I'm so blessed that people get to meet you.
Kent Emmons:
Everybody has been and everybody has it in him. It's just really recognizing how blessed you are. I mean, just think about just, you know, if, you..I know a lot of people get the present, but if you just think about all the great things in your life and all, you also look at what's going on with other people and how how many people would give anything to be in your shoes. You know, and really, if you,if you count your blessings first, everything else falls into place.
Brian Kelly:
Yes. That's like the attitude of gratitude, right? It's like you're thankful. You start each and every day being thankful. And if you've forgotten the beginning, then go back and be thankful whenever it comes to your mind. You know, learn things like, "It doesn't matter." I'm like, "I'm thankful that I have I have eyesight and I can see." I can see Kent.
Kent Emmons:
Brian Kelly:
I'm thankful that the car that I was able to drive to Kent's ranch and I'm thankful that I'm just thankful that Kent's here. You know, I don't know everything's sinful about Kent. That's pretty good.
Kent Emmons:
Brian Kelly:
I'm having fun. Speaking of fun, do you think it's about getting time for whiskey or 30? Are we getting close?
Kent Emmons:
Yeah. You know what? I'll jump over there in a little bit. I'll mix one up.
Brian Kelly:
Cool, Cool. So we were just having fun before we started on the show. And I've been over this place, you see as nice array behind him there of adult beverages and came over and we did some cool show called Whiskey Politics. And it was obviously themed around whiskey. And so that was kind of cool. So we decided let's let's pour one. And one of the reasons is the cool thing is you get to do this as an entrepreneur. If you're a corporate employee, how many of you can drink while, "working"? I call this work.
Kent Emmons:
I'm not a monster drinker, but I'm a big fan of Jack Daniels and Tab of all the I mean. I come from southern Illinois, so I'm I'm a redneck through and through, still am. And so Tab and Jack is my thing.
Brian Kelly:
Kent Emmons:
So I got to love it. Yeah. You know what? You probably best not doing this if you're sitting there working for somebody else. Don't do it till you get home.
Brian Kelly:
That's true. Yeah. The point is the freedom that entrepreneurship grants each and every one of us think about, you know. If this was actually on television, like traditional television, they wouldn't allow it at all in the log. All right. And here we are.
Kent Emmons:
We've done it. I remember we were doing no whiskey politics. That's hosted and produced by my friend, Dave Sussman. You met Dave?
Brian Kelly:
Kent Emmons:
You set him...we were right here at the ranch during the presidential debates. And know, we were doing a network show out of Washington, D.C. during (inaudible). And I happened to be Dave's fiftieth birthday and he brought a great bottle of whiskey. I said, "come on." So this is let's just do it on air. Alright, Let's do it. Like the guy from Whiskey Politics is here. Do the seat back, rack up, wrap up, Joe with us. We got to do Whiskey.
Brian Kelly:
It was awesome. I was so much fun. Thanks so much for inviting me out to be a witness of that and be involved in that. That was a lot of fun. That was a hoot. And speaking of...
Kent Emmons:
That was a network.. It like more streaming but it was sure fun. And that was a..I think Dave, Dave and some of those crazy guys for putting it together. David and (inaudible). some of those cats.
Brian Kelly:
Cool, Cool. Well, speaking of redneck. This is my...
Kent Emmons:
(inaudible) Jeremy. Oh, I get it. I get a little whiskey.
Brian Kelly:
This is my redneck wine glass just for people watching. So it's a mason jar on top of wine stem. We're wine drinkers. All right.
Kent Emmons:
Brian Kelly:
What's that?
Kent Emmons:
All right, Hang on. Let me have a mace. Can I can I take a break for one second? I'm going to watch this. I'm not going to.
Brian Kelly:
So Kent's taking a break. He's stepping away. He'll be right back. You can probably still hear us. And it's an amazing thing. He's an amazing guy. Just like I said, so positive, out outgoing. Thanks, Scott Schilling.
Kent Emmons:
Actually (inaudible) my fridge, actually. Kept the mason on my fridge. I'm gonna do a little Jack and Tab.
Brian Kelly:
There we go. So full disclosure, I got the deal. I got the Mason Jar idea straight from Kent from before the show. I thought, "oh, I think I got something like that." It actually says Mason on the jar, too. It's funny.
Kent Emmons:
By the way, you know, I think that I picked up. This is Jack here. But I always had an interesting thing a couple weeks ago. My daughter and I were invited over to Graceland. You know, the Elvis house?
Brian Kelly:
Kent Emmons:
In Memphis, a buddy of mine, Morris (inaudible). He's a banker down there in Memphis. Real character. And he yeah, he's one of the owners of a company. He's a partner of Pat Benatar and her husband, Spider, in a company called 3cord. They're doing. It's a new kind of bourbon. Hang on a second. I'll show you the. So, yeah, I'm not. We did a lot of it over. Great. We had a lot of fun and Graceland. They gave us kind of the run of the place and then Pat put on a concert. You remember Pat went over from the 80s.
Brian Kelly:
Heck yeah,.
Kent Emmons:
And of course. Yes. Freaking amazing. But on top of that, the whole night was around a tasting, the private tasting of this record. And it was just unreal.
Brian Kelly:
I can imagine. I love Pat Benatar. I'm not gosh, going through high school, I wore out records. You know, remember those vinyl things that they used to have and yeah, cassette tapes wore them out because I just love every one of her albums that came out. That. Man, (inaudible) Festival years ago.
Kent Emmons:
Talking about positive,amazing. Just unbelievable personality. I mean, she is great. And what is she? Sixty five? Sixty six? She's on stage. He's like a kid. She's running, jumping, singing. And Spider, her husband, you know, is our lead guitarist. And, you know, they've been together for a hundred years and she's like a kid. She's got be what, sixty five. Sixty six. I don't know, Something like that. And she's a lot of fun to just hangs. She's just really, really, really fun gal.
Brian Kelly:
You know, I think that is absolutely so awesome. You know, number one, that a lead guitarist and a lead singer are married. Number two, that the lead singer is a female and they still get along because it's usually the other way around, right? And number three, they're still together. That is a testimony to them. Amazing. Amazing. That's so cool. It just means they enjoy each other. They did it right. So kudos to them. And man, I'd love to meet her. She's amazing. Cool. Cool. So. Alright, back to you. Well, you know what, buddy? Cheers.
Kent Emmons:
Brian Kelly:
Tink. Got to have a little of that.
Kent Emmons:
Tavern and a Mason Jar.
Brian Kelly:
So let's see. I think it's whiskey, ginger, beer and lime. I'm not much of a whiskey drinker. I actually looked up a recipe right before coming on the air.
Brian Kelly:
And I said, "Hey, we got a ginger beer from about a month ago". Well, someone else in my family had that.I said, "OK." So it's actually kind of good. Well we'll have to go through this real quick. You know,all of it before the show is over, get a little loopy
Kent Emmons:
Brian Kelly:
Kent Emmons:
(inaudible) Warren, set you back up in your chair. No problem.
Brian Kelly:
Exactly. So, you know, being an entrepreneur. I'm sure you can attest to the fact that it's super simple, all the time and it just comes naturally and it's a piece of cake every day.
Kent Emmons:
Now, you know, being an entrepreneur is tough. I mean, you know this. I mean, it's it's a great life. I mean, to me, you know, that's all I've known. I've always been an entrepreneur or, you know, I started off and my mom taught me how to do a lemonade stand when I was a little kid. And then, you know, I did it on the golf course. And then, you know, when I was old enough to start mowing yards, I started mowing yards and doing that. That's all I've ever known. I've never, like, you know, had a job. We sold a company to a great big, huge entertainment company. And I had the opportunity to go run one of their divisions or actually be second in command at one of their divisions. And I sat there and wait it out. And I was like, "you know what?" I just I don't know that I could do that. It just didn't, you know, I didn't didn't bring (inaudible). But, you know, it's like it's kind of like walking a tight wire in a hurricane. You know, it's like you're doing that. And there's that challenge. And you have to stay so focused on the very end because all these crazy distractions and stuff like that. But, you know, when you make it to the end, like when you finally get there to the end, it is such a fulfilling, like deeply fulfilling, you know, orgasmic sweetness. It's so sweet when you get to the end that it's worth every bit. It's probably like like women always talk about, you know, right in the middle of having a kid. You know, it's just that they're thinking, "I'll never do this again. I'll never do it again." And then, you know, they get their kids out and they're like, "Ah, can't wait for the next." And it's kind of the same way because there's all that pain that goes into stuff. And then but then when you get to. And I don't think, you know, people really can't understand what that feeling is until you've done it. Like you and I can never understand that childbirth thing.
Brian Kelly:
Kent Emmons:
You know, you haven't, you know, can't physically do it. But if you haven't ever done a business and launched a business and gone through those steps and through that heartache and it makes no difference whether it's a big business or a small business, makes absolutely no difference. You know, you go you go through with everything. And but it's so worth it. And it does give you that freedom. And you're out meeting new people every day. And exciting people, especially in our business. We're in the media business. So, you know, the people you meet, I mean, you never know who you're gonna be. Yeah. I mean, you know, some of the people I hang out with. I mean, you never know who you're gonna be sitting with and where you're going to be sitting with them and you know who you're gonna be out with or on their plane with or doing whatever it is, really. It opens a lot of doors. You know, being an entrepreneur.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Yeah. So we were talking before the show, and that's the very reason I created this show. And that was to have people like you basically tell it like it is. So here's the thing. It is not easy. You know, it takes work. The key I found is knowing the pattern or recipe to follow, to get to that success point that you described as being at that point, that makes it all worth it. And then once you've reached that point, yet you're back to doing it again and then again and then again. And that's the thing. You know, it takes. I don't know.
Brian Kelly:
It takes a mentality that's not common amongst a lot of people. But do you do believe that that mentality can be learned?
Kent Emmons:
Here's the thing, and I'm interested because you set a pattern. I don't know really what that pattern is. I mentioned to go back and pick up on that. But one thing I've found is that really separates the successful entrepreneur from the non successful entrepreneur is you have to stick with stuff. In other words, it's like, for instance, you know, we're launching this network. It's a major launch. The big thing and you know, it takes, you know, a year and a half of going out and raising money and pitching investors and, you know, talking about as an 18 that, you know, pitch it's an 18 to 34 year old, very young, very edgy news network center...may skew a little center,right? Sometimes a little center left, but mostly center center right. And, you know, you sit there and you look at some of these guys and and, you know, my group investors are freaking amazing. They're great. They're visionaries. And these are people a lot and we've been in deals with before. But you also have to go through those ones, you know, sitting there, the billionaire in Dallas, and he's looking at this thing, he goes, "man,That sounds pretty good," he said. But seven words that I've come to hate during this pitch, especially in Dallas. It was, "why hail? There's already a Fox News." Oh, my God. So you and you sit there and you go through that. And so when you're pitching and you're pitching hundreds of people and, you know, you're you're you finally get down to where 20, you know, 20, 25 people. And most of them are, you know, very, very ultra high net worth individuals buy in. That's a lot of work. So it's a lot of it's a lot of no's or a lot of ridiculous. "Well, there's already a Fox News" Look, by the way, an actual phrase, "Why hell." You that was a "Why Hell?"". But but you have to stick with it, you know, because you walk out of some of those meetings and you go, man. Those are some of those interesting people in the world. A lot of big names. But, God, I just felt like, you know, you come out of there and you just "Oh" and then you go to the next one and then you get one that gets it. You go, "oh, this is great." That energizes you for the next month. And you get to the next one and it's another why hell, "You know,". It's like, "oh, it's you know, it's one step at a time in it". But anyway, it all gets back to sticking with it. Like literally, sticking with it. And you can go back home, beat your head against the wall, which I do on occasion, and then you go back out again. And then when you have that good meeting, whether it be with an affiliate or a, you know, investor or a private equity firm or whatever it may be, you have that one good meeting, that super charged you for the next couple of days. And that's how you do it. But where everyone seems to fall off is they get two or three bad meetings and they say, you know what, "Screw it, I'm done." Either they go back to their paycheck lives.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. It's become an instant.
Kent Emmons:
There's nothing wrong with that, either, by the way. There is its thing.
Brian Kelly:
And I think it's become because part it's due in part just for lack of knowledge of knowing that it takes that much to do it. And if they knew, they may never have started to be honest.You know, because it it takes, like you say, persistence, diligence. You have to have thick skin. You have to have a very strong mission, a very strong purpose. A very strong. Why? Because you're going to get knocked back a lot more than you are, you know, propelled forward like you. So when you get those forward propeller. Those are like huge, huge. And they overcome all the the negative ones. But it's not for the faint of heart. But the thing is, if you have if you know that you're going down the right path and you know that these things are going to happen, or if I have a good inkling because it's just the way it works, then you can be more apt to muscle through it, Right? And there are so many factors that go into that.
Kent Emmons:
And it's you know, you can have, you know, a regular person probably has a range of emotions. This is just an example. But, you know, here. So, you know, they had a bad day at work, but every Friday there's going to get a paycheck. So you know where the entrepreneur has ,"I just got the shit beat out of me all day long and nothing went right." And I've got to make payroll for three hundred thousand dollars on Friday to,"Oh, my God. We just signed the biggest deal ever. This is the greatest thing ever." So you go through these things. That's why it's like that tight rope in a hurricane. You're like this the entire time and you're getting shot at from all angles. But you're also looking down at the end of that tight rope and you're seeing that sweet smell of success and that sweet smell of accomplishment. That feeling, that warmth of accomplishment. And so, yeah, if you if you're if you're asking the formula, I don't know. There's a formula as much as that is. Just stay stay true to your mission and be persistent. And if you've got to take a little time off, I got. I'll take time off if I just get, you know, to just frazzled. I just take time off. Well, there's a day or two or a couple of weeks. I'll go out golf to an island. Right. Do whatever. Come back in, recharge and keep going.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And you say for me, that's part of the pattern. What you just described, the discipline, the persistence. That's part of mindset. Those were the three the three pillars I call the success of the things I found in successful people. And that's dead on in the mindset arena to have that kind of, you know, fortuitous to stick to it, to be able to go through it, knowing that, look, if you keep going, you're going to succeed. If you're if you found I think they're you there. I have been down the path so many times can't and I've done I've been that person that quits too soon, but I quit too soon because I didn't have the certainty knowing that at least I'm going on the right path to begin with and I'm doing the right things. And then I started learning because I did come from the corporate world and had to re learn or learn how to do entrepreneurialism in it. It took some time because I was Mr. Ego. Trial and error, Doing it all on my own. And finally, I learned the best way to do it was to get away from myself and model and pattern myself after those who have succeeded and throw the right and get accounting that I achieved.
Kent Emmons:
So you know about you.
Brian Kelly:
Kent Emmons:
I love this. Something I find so interesting about you. And I love this. And we've spoken at the same events before and we've been on a big stage. But I find this so interesting. People don't, a lot of people don't realize this. You you're in. You start in the aerospace business. One of the geekiest businesses on the planet. And then you use. Then I watch you on stage and you just go, "holy cow." You know, where did this come from? This is not a geeky aerospace guy. You know, this is this is a hard core communicator. I mean, this is a great communicator, but you don't see that. Very seldom,you see coming out of a deep, corporate scientific world like that and then be able to really communicate like that. I just I I admire.
Thank you so much. It's so funny. It brings up a quick thing. I just made, there was a a manager of mine years ago and it was in the software arena. I used to write software for it, went on airplanes and stuff that I can't talk about. But he got to know me. I came up. I would visit his place on occasion because I came from another area and we got to know each other.
Brian Kelly:
And he just one day he just came up to me, goes, "Hey, Brian." I said, "What?" He goes, "What's wrong with you?" I said, "what do you mean?" He goes, "There's something wrong with you. And so what do you mean? Because you're too normal." Because, you know, I'm a geek, you know, and I'm in the geek world. And I guess I came off as not a geek to him. But yet I I've I've really put in a lot of time and effort to be able to do what I do and speak from stage. And I love it. It's a passion of mine. And I will go back to the stage like physical stage. I've been off for quite a while now. This is kind of that bridge to get to the next time.To scratch the ditch. You know, and help help impact more people in any way I can. And that's the goal for me. I love helping people. That's it.
Kent Emmons:
Nice. And you do. You're amazing. And you're fun to do business with, too. You're straight up. You're honest. You're very you're very forward thinking. And I think one of the things that that really works for you that a lot of us don't have is you've got that aerospace geekiness that allows you to really dig in and get automated systems down. And, you know, the way you're automation is it you're at your media company. It's really amazing to me. And you talk about discipline. You know, most of us media guys are just, you know, by the seat of our pants and you've got this thing just dialed in.
Brian Kelly:
And that's the cool thing about all successful businesses, though. If you don't yourself have that possess that ability, you just bring in those that do. I mean, you outsource it. I can't do everything. And I'm the first to say it. And there's no way I'm going to do everything. And I'll just I outsource. And I have apprentices now on my team helping out. And it's been a godsend that I can just kick back and not kick back, but I can now go forward faster with more fervor, knowing that everything else is taken care of that I used to despise and they love it. So I'm good. It's a win win. And so you just find those that are talented in the areas. But you know, this is a show about Kent Emmons. Stop it already. I don't want to keep talking about me.
I'm always wanting to hearing about Brian Kelly, because I've known you for so many years. I just love hearing about it here. You're classic. You know what, Bryan? You're the only person that I can take to in and out for a high powered Hollywood luncheon and stay for three hours. Now, granted, I'm going to I'm going to tell you that part of that is because it's unlimited Diet Coke. So I can go back and forth that machine that I want. But we get so enthralled in conversation and, you know, leadership theories and different things like that that it's, "Yeah, I could do that. I'd like to do the Brian Kelly. I'm going to turn it back around and start interviewing you."
Brian Kelly:
Well, cool. That means I'll be invited on your upcoming shows so I could look forward to that.
Kent Emmons:
Brian Kelly:
Man. Alright, you got me gushing over here. So, gosh darn right we got to go for another couple hours if you're okay with that.
Kent Emmons:
Hey, I'm in. Listen, we need that bottle of Jack is huge. And by the way, you brought me. I got to show your audience what. I'm not (inaudible) you get back.
Brian Kelly:
Just a little housewarming gift.
Kent Emmons:
You really look at the big gentleman, Jack. Holy cow.
Brian Kelly:
So, that's interesting because I..
Kent Emmons:
In fact,(inaudible)told somebody that I was done on a show with and you've got a hold of them and said,"hey, what does he drink? What kind of whiskey is?" Very sneaky.
Brian Kelly:
Sneaky. Yeah, I actually saw previous. I think it was Whiskey Politics you had a month prior to that. I was researching and I saw, you know, researching that show and I found it and there it was. And you guys had all these whiskies lined up in front of you. I thought, well, "I wonder which one can't." Because I knew you were drinking something. I know what it was. But I said, "I wonder which one's his?" And it turned out to be the one farthest from you on the table. So I'm glad I asked because I didn't want to, you know, bring a what I call the peace offering or a housewarming gift to you that you didn't like..
Kent Emmons:
That was like an Indian tribal thing.
Brian Kelly:
Well, I do have. I did have a peace pipe in my trunk. I didn't bring that in.
Kent Emmons:
I think a couple of those guys had a peace pipe that night.
Brian Kelly:
I think I smell something.
Kent Emmons:
It's California.
Brian Kelly:
It's legal now. I think I smelled something, too. It's all good. It's all good. Everyone's having a good time. Everything was under control. Kickin plugs out of outlets.
Kent Emmons:
It's the funniest thing because I walk outside, you know, some of the crew or somebody is doing that. I mean, they are hired immediately, just gone. You can still smell it in the air.
Brian Kelly:
So it's so funny. Oh, man. So you know what? A lot of people, including myself, I know a little bit about it, but a lot of people I like to know the person like, "what do you do on a regular basis?" What is describe a typical day in Kent Emmons life? Like you get up, you get coffee, whatever you do, and then you what do you do next? And then what is your day like? How many calls do you get? Right.
Kent Emmons:
You know, if I'm home, you know, I've been to Los Angeles. I don't have to go into the city. I work in the city a lot. And we tape in the city, too. But if I if I don't have to go into the city, I line up phone calls. So they're usually lined up, you know. You know, a week or so in advance, you know, in the mornings. But I get up, you know, do a nice three or four mile, whether it be a hike or a walk or whatever. And then, you know, my table out of out on the front. I go out there and said it's in a great shade spot. And I sit there, I lay my work out. And I work right outside. And I love it. You know, I'm overlooking the ranch. And if you've been out to meetings before. You know, I love having people out. Will have breakfast cooked. And will, you know, have coffee or whatever. And we'll sit there, meet right outside. You know, it's a great area. And, you know, it's provided it's in the shade even right now when it's hot outside. It's still a great spot to be. And you can get a lot of work done that way. And that's my day. So, I mean, that's that. That's the morning. Youu know Afternoon, hanging out with my daughter. She likes horses and stuff. So she's a horse person. Love doing that. Love movies, that kind of thing. If it's a day I have to go into the city, I get up extra early and I beat the traffic. So I leave the house at five thirty and do that if it's if I'm traveling, same thing. I'll get up and just walk like crazy and do all I know. Just try to get lost. And yeah, that's kind of my day. But a lot of it is just I try to knock out. I try to take the things that I least look forward to and get them done first.
Brian Kelly:
Kent Emmons:
Though. You know, if I'm you know when I'm up that early. When I'm up early, I get, you know, just stuff that I just got to get cleared out. So I don't have to be worried about the rest of the day. Do that first and then on to on their phone meetings or video meetings or people coming out here or me going into the studio or whatever.
Brian Kelly:
Very cool. There's a book out Eat That Frog that talks about that, where you get rid of the things you don't want to do first. Like the best.
Kent Emmons:
Which I highly recommend. Cause you do about the rest of day. And you'll do anything to get to that point where if you just blow through it like, you know, a problem is like a circle. You know, you can sit there and you just go around and go around and go around it or you can just go, cut right through it. And I just didn't bite the bullet in her eyes. I pull right on through it.
Brian Kelly:
And then then you're not worrying about her and thinking about the rest of day and you're free to enjoy it.
Kent Emmons:
Yeah, there's also that sense of, oh, my God, I got that off my shoulder. You know.
Brian Kelly:
That's like a lot of people like to work out in the morning because let's be honest, it's inflicting physical pain upon yourself most times. And let's get it over with with and let's now you have all that energy for the rest the day after working out. That's the beautiful part. You mentioned your daughter. You have a power family here and many people probably don't know. But would you mind letting everyone know what your daughter does and what they might know her from?
Kent Emmons:
Well, I have two daughters, two amazing daughters. My older daughter is a real estate broker in Kansas City. And she's, you talk about a personality that she and her mom is the same way. She walks into a room and all eyes just go shook. Is she one? She's beautiful, but she's got this magnetic energy, this personality and this warmth about her that is so wonderful and, you know, great business. She's got back in Kansas City and she's just smart, as can be really, really cool. Twenty nine years old and just, you know, one of those people that I aspire to be and she's mine. You know, she's my daughter. And then my younger daughter is an actress. She's 12 years old. And she's on a ABC show and and very, very fun and also just a great heart. An amazing, amazing, amazing. You know, just a great young woman and a businesswoman, too. She's 12 years old. She understands business. She understands politics. Very smart gal.
Kent Emmons:
Well, I think the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree there, my friend. Tune into Modern Family Wednesday night at 9:00 on ABC.
Brian Kelly:
I love it.
Kent Emmons:
That's my plug. My cheap ABC plug, Modern Family. And you will see Kent's daughter. That is amazing. One of his two daughters. I love how you mentioned both. And you're equally as proud of both. And, you know, I you know, when you talked about her entering the room, that reminded me of you. Like whenever I whenever I'm scanning around and I saw you like especially in Vegas just recently. Like, you have that. You have that factor. You know, there were like three or four other guys around you and you were talking. And I remember. Oh, my gosh. I just want to I gotta go talk to Ken. It's been so long. I've got to do it. And so I stood right next to you politely, not saying a word because I don't wanna butt in. And then you kind of noticed. And then and then then I but you know.
Kent Emmons:
You and I are both the same. We love people. I'm so interested in people. I don't care where they're from, what they do or whatever. It's just so interesting, especially like in that particular setting, it was a higher end setting. You know, a lot of a lot of CEOs, a lot of very, you know, hiring folks and some you know, many I knew, but many I didn't. And it was great that a lot of us got to meet each other and stop at just the energy of meeting new people and or seeing people you hadn't seen in years and that kind of. Stuff. So that that doesn't that energized you?
Brian Kelly:
Oh, yeah.
Kent Emmons:
(inaudible) Like you said,.
Brian Kelly:
I had pretty much resigned myself to not go to many events anymore just because I've been to so many of them over the years. And I went to two this year already, and both of them were deeply rewarding in many different ways. You know, meeting people, some that I knew, some that I didn't know, like you said, forming new relationships. I actually got quite a few of them to come on the show there. They're booked and on the calendar to come on the show. Some sooner than others, like the person you're looking at right now, not me, this guy over here. And it's it's just been an amazing ride. And, you know, I used to go to so many events. I like to say I don't know how many remember Mr. T from Rocky. And, you know, he had all those gold chains when he wasn't, you know, being an actor. He was walking around. He was actually in his own element. He had massive amount of gold chains like I can't imagine how much that weighed. But I went to so many of these events that I used to say that, you know, because they give you those lanyards like we got him at that last event. Right? With the badge and all that. I kept him all as many as I could. And so when I speak from stage, I actually have someone bring them up. And I have a picture of Mr. T up on the screen. And I put these on and I say, look, I put Mr. T to shame because there were more thickness in the lanyards.
Kent Emmons:
You know what's crazy is any I've done that here and I counted over the years. And it's I got to know four or five hundred of these things. And I've even started hanging them in random places. Like there's a moose, you know, a moose head up above the main fireplace here in the mirror. And he even that he would Liberace back here, my bartender has got money. He's got my sea pack badge. You have the all access sea pack badge from last year. It's everywhere.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. I still have the one from our Vegas event sitting right here on my desk.
Kent Emmons:
How funny. How funny is that? That was a great event. There was that. They put on and a lot a lot of power in that room.
Brian Kelly:
That was phenomenal. Yeah, Sherri Brigitta Overlay was the emcee of the event. And she's been on this show. That's how I met her. It was quite a powerful group of people. I was so elated by being invited to that. That was phenomenal. And had it not happen, you and I wouldn't have met up again.
Brian Kelly:
So, so many things.
Kent Emmons:
I would not have connecting with you again. I hadn't seen you in years and yet a long time.
Brian Kelly:
Out of nowhere. And so, like you were saying, so many things to be thankful of. That's one of them for me personally. Definitely. My goodness. We were four minutes out, my brother. I want to you know, there's one question I love to ask every entrepreneur, and it's what it's like as important as getting to the clothes on stage. You can't finish the show without it. One of those.
Kent Emmons:
Brian Kelly:
And so there's nothing more important than getting through the clothes.
Kent Emmons:
So I'll tell you, the answer is, despite the the part my daughter plays on Modern Family, I am straight. I'm assuming that's what you're getting at. Right.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. That's how you. That's how you had two daughters. But yeah. You know, I'll drink to that. I. But yeah, there's this one question I ask this of every guest on the show, and it's a really interesting question, not because the question itself, but the answers I get and it can be deep. But for some it's not. And if it takes you some moments to figure it out, that's cool. That air time is nothing. Doesn't cost me a dime. And that's fine. So it's kind of. It can be very deep, though. But before I jump into that, I did promise everyone that is watching live that I would give them a way to win that five-night stay at a five-star luxury resort in Mexico. So I'm going to do that right now. I'm going to put that on screen and I now give everyone sodas. Can't we give you permission to actually take out your phone, take your gaze away from the screen or look at it if you need to get this number and punch in this phone number as if you're going to call it. So (661)-535-1624. And then down on that little message area type the word PEAK as if you're texting this to somebody. P-E-A-K and then tap the little sand icon there on your phone. So again, that's send a text to this number (661)-535-1624 and into the word PEAK, P-E-A-K and you will be automatically entered to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort in Mexico by my buddy Jason Nast at PowerTexting.com. And just so you know, just so you know, there is no timeshare pitch awaiting you when you arrive, which so many wonder how can you give these things away?
Kent Emmons:
I was looking forward to a good time, Sheriff, Jimmy, and I can't get one if I had text that in. .
Brian Kelly:
I don't think they would even prepare one for you. And the reason I know this is because it's so awesome. Jason himself tested this very thing that he is sponsoring us with. And he went and he brought his daughter and he said there was nothing of the sort. It was just as if he was a guest at a resort. It just happened to be all paid for, minus taxes and fees, some kind of resort fee. And you got to find your own way there. You got to fly there. But the stay is a hundred percent on them. And there's no ulterior motive whatsoever going on. It's just you get to go enjoy yourself. So that's pretty phenomenal of it.
Brian Kelly:
But getting back to the main question here, Kent.
Kent Emmons:
Is one of those Barbara Walters things I want to start crying about halfway through the question?
Brian Kelly:
Well, I don't know.
Kent Emmons:
Or like get a Buick,an Oprah Buick. What am I going to get here? What's going to happen? Everybody gets a grip and a Buick every week.
Brian Kelly:
Only if Kent cries. Oh, man, I love it. So here's the thing. Just to kind of let you off the hook and ease the pressure off if you're feeling any. I can't tell half the time because you're so funny. It's awesome. The thing about this question is there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It's impossible. You cannot answer it incorrectly. It's just the opposite. Because the only correct answer is yours. It's a personal thing. And to each person, it means something a little bit different. And I just know that from asking this question over 50 times now and every time, it's different. So now the pressure's off and you can just relax and and really sink into the answer when I ask it. Are you ready for it?
Kent Emmons:
Brian, I'm telling you, this better be a doozy.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, now. Now I feel like I'm gonna let you down. So here we go. Kent Emmons, how do you define success?
Kent Emmons:
Happiness. Everything is about happiness. I had so many friends that are worth billions that are miserable. I have a lot of billionaire friends that are happy as I do. And but I define it as happiness. I look at, you know, I don't look at success as how much money you made or having the bank or whatever. It's all about are you doing what you want to do? Are you happy? Are you looking forward to tomorrow or are you looking forward to tonight or are you looking forward to what you got going later on today, you know? Are you happy? And that's really what it's all about. It has nothing to do with making money. Making money is just kind of a byproduct. It's a you know, it's a nice security blanket to have. But, you know. But practically. But I mean, it's really success is just really. Are you happy?
Brian Kelly:
That is phenomenal. And that's the thing. So many so many that are not like grizzled entrepreneurs would be more apt to go to the money side. You know, "when I make my first mil." But here's the cool thing, Kent. There is not a single person I've asked that question, whose true, You know, if you peel away the whole curtain, their true answer was never about money. And if money is even part of the answer, it's only because money affords you that liberation, that happiness to then do what you want to do. It's not about the money itself and the material things. It's about the freedom that that avails to those who went down that path. When one person talks about money but continued on and describe the reason behind it. "Oh, that makes sense." So it's not like full of money for money's sake and it's important, but it's not the defining result of anyone's definition of success on this show to date.
Kent Emmons:
No. And you know what? Look, a true entrepreneurs, especially guys like me, serial entrepreneurs, where we you know, we love to start businesses and then start another one is our. And, you know, everybody who's been in the financial tank a time or two. If you haven't, you've not earned your stripes. And I look at that and I I recall, yeah, you get financial pressure and things like that. And you're looking at millions of dollars in that and you're trying to figure out how you get out. But even during that time, you know, you're not missing a meal, you're looking forward to, you know, tomorrow because, you know, tomorrow you're going to dig a little deeper. And then now when you you know, when you're on top of stuff and you're still looking forward to this and that, but you're not as afraid of that other thing because you know what? You're happy back then do maybe miserable. You know what? I had headaches ago at that kind of stuff. But it all comes down to. Are you a happy camper?
Brian Kelly:
And I just know I embrace challenges. I love the challenge. I love going through it. If you know, if it was so easy, what would be it wouldn't be that great? I mean, you wouldn't have that that crescendo that you feel every time you're successful, right? You would just. Oh ok, well, that was easy. Did it again. Whoop-dee doo!
What is that old joke about there on the joke was kind of a story, parable or whatever about the guy who's in Las Vegas who died. He died and he went to Las Vegas. And he ends up he's a gambler, he's a big gambler. And he goes to the blackjack table and he gets twenty one and then he gets twenty one. And this goes on for days. And he has just stacks of money.
Kent Emmons:
And all he's getting is 21. And he looks over at the waitresses. Man, he said if this is heaven, I wonder what else. He said well how do you know you're not in. No.
Brian Kelly:
That's like a twilight zone right there.
Kent Emmons:
Every single day. Tomorrow morning, I have no idea what's going to hit me, but I know it's gonna be fun. It's gonna be a challenge. And if it's something that hits me from the side, you deal with it like you said. Is that challenge? And it's it's it's, you know, moving the ball forward down the court.
Brian Kelly:
And that's why I can't I don't I don't I can't conceive of this concept known as retirement. I don't get that.
Kent Emmons:
I don't get it.
Brian Kelly:
All I can get. All I can do is reframe that and maybe into transitioning from one career path to another, but not retiring outright. I've got to continue to help people no matter what, as long as I can. As long as I'm capable.
Kent Emmons:
You know, it's kind of interesting when you take a look at let's take a look at Bill Gates for it. So I've got a chance to meet him several times. And an interesting cat. And, you know, with him, you know, the guy at one time was the wealthiest man in the world, still probably one the top two or three or whatever. And, you know, he's retired from the company. But again, I'm not wild about his politics. But what he and Melinda do out there, you know, trying to change the world and trying to make a difference in different things. They stay active in that. So it's not retirement is that he's moved on to another mission. So it's always a mission. Doesn't have to be a moneymaking mission as long as it's a mission.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Having a purpose. Yeah. I could go on forever about corporate people. I knew as one in particular comes to mind and I've asked this question, Kent now of more people as they reach their retirement years and I ask them, "So you've been working most of your life." You've been waiting, working for this moment. What are your plans for retirement? And you know, more often than not, what the responses. It's like I get one of these.
Kent Emmons:
Brian Kelly:
They have no clue. After all these years, what they want to do after they retire and one just so I know what,"I love photography. I think I'll just take photos." Like that's it? I'm thinking that didn't say that they'd be rude. But it turned out I saw him at a...And this is after he retired, just not even a year later. He was in a convenient, a little store. It's like a pharmacy store. I don't know what they call him all over the U.S. but anyway, they had a patio furniture setting sitting out in the middle of floor, very close to the front. And there was this old man sleeping in the little wicker couch. And I was like, "oh, my God, it's him." And so he must have been like waiting for his wife to get the prescription from the back. And then literally like a couple months later, I can't.
Kent Emmons:
For, Agora or Ambien. what do you think?
Brian Kelly:
Well, the sad part is about a couple of months later, we found out he passed away.
Kent Emmons:
Brian Kelly:
Because he had nothing to live for. And I've seen this time and time again, you look at the obituaries, it says retired five years ago, ten years ago. I mean, nobody lives very long after they retire because they have nothing to plan for the rest of their life. And I was like..
Kent Emmons:
Well think about this. Think about how many opportunities there are to go out there and help people, whether it be in our country. If you're not in international travel or out of our country. But I mean, you know, you've got areas in that, you know, in the country here, you know. You can go on with church missions. There's all kinds of great missions you can go on. And whether it's building houses or infrastructure for people or whatever, it may be, volunteering, you know, going places. My older daughter as a particular charity, things she likes to do down in Haiti. And, you know, there's all these great opportunities that lets say that like say you and I both say tomorrow somebody came and said,"you guys have to sell your businesses and walk away from it." You would you would never get back in business again. You could have a career of doing nothing but helping people. Doing nothing but helping people build things, helping families, helping educate people. There's so many things to do and that, you know, I feel bad for the people who, like you were talking about. You read the obituary. They died five years after they've retired. And it all had to do with the boredom. They were just bored to death, had no mission and no purpose.
Brian Kelly:
That's the sad thing is, you know, they're all up in their 60s, some late 50s. But I just think about the life experience that they could have a part of upon maybe a youth, somebody younger, even a colleague, you know, and say, hey, I've learned a lot in my life. I want to help you out because I made this mistake and I want to see you make it. They have so much to give. I have more to give then than younger people because of their life experience. It's the opposite of what we are told about the aging workforce and people that are older. They get, they have more to give than you and I because we haven't had that extra 10, 15, 20 years of life experience under our belt where we can help people. So, anyway off my soapbox.
Kent Emmons:
Yesterday, I was up at Reagan Center. Reagan Reagan Ranch Center up in Santa Barbara. And you know, Art Laffer? Art was Reagan's economic adviser. He he was the author of the Laffer Curve. The Economic Curve, which is the which is the literally the gold standard of basic economics. And it was something we had got to spend a lot of time in there. Very funny guy. And he's 79 years old. And this guy, I think I'm energetic, dude. I can't keep up with this. This guy's unfreaking believable. And I got friends of mine that are, you know, business guys and stuff. I got a buddy of mine here is a broadcaster here in town. He's 98 years old. You think the guy was 50 and he's doing this. He's always looking at new deals. Always this, always that. Always there(inaudible) always things going on. And it's this mind that just keeps going and going and going that that that forgets to tell the body, hey, you know, you're ninety eight. It's like not we're well past that. The body the mind is saying, you know, forget that whole thing about your body. Just keep on rockin.
Brian Kelly:
What a phenomenal way to end this puppy. And you know what? Cheers to you, my brother. I so appreciate it.
Kent Emmons:
Great to be on here with you.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, I'm so blessed that you have come to grace this stage with your presence and so on. So is everyone else. We've had quite a people.
Kent Emmons:
Your eulogy. And don't forget, you get to do my funeral. That was such a great introduction. I want you to do the greatest, greatest wake of all time. The big headliner, it'll be Brian and then Frank Sinatra.
Brian Kelly:
Well, then I'm going to up my mindset game to ensure that I outlive you to begin with, because that has to be there. But you know, hey. Not looking forward to that day for either of us, but I am looking forward to the next time we get to do some more things together. Thank you for bringing such incredible value to this show to our audience, because.
Kent Emmons:
Brian is my blood. He's got a lot of fun going on here.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And before we leave, is there any is there any way people can connect with you that would like to to learn more about what you do, maybe pick your brain about being an entrepreneur?
Kent Emmons:
Yeah. Yeah. You know, I'm pretty pretty liberal about giving out my email address [email protected]. Or even easier, [email protected].
Brian Kelly:
There you go. It's a lot of Kent there. I have a Brian. Brian C. Kelly. That's good. Well, once again, Kent, thanks again so much. And on behalf of everyone watching and listening as well. Thank you for coming on, spending your time with us. That's it for tonight's show. Oh, it was wonderful as everything that I had hoped it would be.
Kent Emmons:
Thanks, man.
Brian Kelly:
We're gonna raise the glass one last time and say goodnight everyone and be blessed.
Kent Emmons:
(inaudible) That's just too nice. Good night, everyone.
Thank you for watching and listening. This has been THE MIND BODY BUSINESS SHOW with Brian Kelly.
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Kent Emmons
Owning radio stations and networks over the years, Emmons discovered early on that there were big bucks to be made by running spots for products that sold directly to consumers. By having a good eye to spot products that would sell well, he started dedicating a substantial portion of his media outlet’s ad inventory to direct response that easily carried over to television. Emmons founded Kent Direct, Inc., an international direct response television and digital firm that, along with its affiliates, has generated billions in sales over the years.
In 2018, Kent, along with some like-minded friends from all across the business spectrum, saw a massive hole in the media market. News, on both sides of the fence, was not only broken, but the big networks were totally ignoring the 18-34-year-old crowd, which is also the most profitable media demographic. Recognizing a very clearly wide open and very profitable hole in the media space, Kent and his posse formed Crave News, a very edgy, hip, live interactive digital news network. Crave News is set to launch from its downtown Los Angeles studios in mid-2019.
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