Special Guest Expert - Kevin Roth

Special Guest Expert - Kevin Roth: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Kevin Roth: this eJwljs1ugzAQhF8F-dATAWEgP0hRVVVVDjm0Cs0lF-TaC7FibMte41RR3r2gHmdm59t5EG40gsYOfy2QhryRlEjtkWkOnRSkoZt6S8uyTgkPHs0YPLj_YF2sq5qmhHFuwkxYzHK7q4tNSnoJSnSajQuzlwpm7C0yN3jSPEhwaraviNY3eR5jzAZjBgXMSp9xM-bCyQnyieZL1efFVx1_qs-VYxdeHWNFzxf3fe9oez_cgjm9t69M4X4EIdmLN8Fx2AsTtTJMnOdXKUGJalnSWuCSqeQQwGPycbfgMFklR5ikTk4Gr9loq_m-N25kOBcW-Xz-AQskYo8:1nDIJS:1Tl64p9M5Vmai026qKIMdZWLQa8 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

So here's the big question how are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling

And struggle to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back to our dedicated? And drip. How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. And this podcast will give you the. My name is Brian Kelly, and this. Does the mind body?

Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. We have an extra extra special guest on tonight, a professional musician who is an extremely talented, world renowned. I cannot wait to share him with you. He's got some incredible stories. He's overcome some amazing things in his life, and it has helped him to catapult not only his life, but those of the people that he comes in contact with, the people that he coaches. He's an amazing coach and just a great guy, and I can't wait for you to meet him. That's coming in just a few minutes. But first, the mind body business show real quick. That is a show that we've had we put together with the purpose and intention of sharing amazing entrepreneurs, business people, successful people in all walks of life so that you simply can take notes and model what they have done. In other words, copy because it's much easier to copy someone and it takes much less time when you already have a proven recipe in front of you, you can just follow it. That's what Kevin Roth is here to do with you and for you tonight. We're here to help you to make it to that next stage. And by listening to what Kevin has to say, his story is everything he's been through his business and all of that rolled up into one. You're going to have a recipe for success. That's why I love what I get to do, because you only need one recipe that is successful.

You don't need 10, 15, 20, just one. If you find one that resonates with you. You grab it. Hold on to both ankles and you. You use it. You go through it step by step by step. Mind, body business. Three pillars of success After studying so many successful people over about a decade, these three things kept bubbling to the top. These commonalities? One was to a person, every successful person that I studied, whether they're alive and they're my mentor, whether they're an author of a book or a prominent speaker. Or maybe they're not even with us. But they also have left the legacy of great knowledge to a person. They all had a very powerful and more more importantly, a very flexible mindset body. They took care of themselves. I'm not kidding. They took care of themselves, both externally, as you know, working out, exercising and also internally with nutrition and things that serve them best and then business. We all know about that one. If you're watching this show, you're here because you want to learn more about business. And it's a multi multi, multifaceted, wonderful world. It is business. And the thing is, one must master specific skills in order to become successful in business and to grow your business skills like sales, marketing, team building, systematize leadership. I mean, I could keep going on for quite some time. The thing is, just like becoming an expert in anything you know, that takes on average 10000 hours of concentrated effort on that one thing.

The same with mastering a skill set. The good news is you don't have to master every single one of those and more that I just talk about. In fact, if you just master one. It's all it takes just one, and if you want to know what that one is. Go ahead and let us know. Ok, I'll tell you what it is. I won't hold it in front of you. One skill set that if you master it, then you can then build and completely. Expand and scale, a thriving business that one skill set is the skill set of leadership, the moment you have mastered that and as you are going through the path of mastering it, you are building a team and you can now bring in those people who have mastered those skill sets that you have yet to or maybe never will master. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing. Now you become like the orchestrator and we have a musician here tonight. So this is going to be fantastically fun. I can't wait. All right. We're going to move in to another topic, which is another thing I noticed from the most successful people that I that I have studied and those that I've interviewed. Many on this show are approaching two hundred now just on this show alone is that they are very avid readers of books. And with that, I like to affectionately and briefly move into a quick Segway that I call bookmarks.

Bookmarks born to read, bookmarks ready, steady read bookmarks brought to you by reach your peak library.

Yes, feature Peak Library and real quick, real quick word of advice is when you're getting these valuable resources like reach your peak library instead of succumbing to that, that desire to go, click away and go check it out. While the show is running, I would implore of you to write it down. Take notes because I would hate for you to miss that one golden nugget that Mr. Roth is going to share at the very moment you're off looking at something else in your your mind is not set on what he is saying. And so I always say this the magic happens in the room. This is just advice. I literally I'm running the show. I'm starting it, I'm hosting, I'm interviewing and I take notes during the show myself. So I never ask anyone, including my clients, to do things I either am not willing to do or don't do myself. So off my soapbox, just want a quick piece of advice there? Reach Your Peak Library is a website that I had built with you and mind. And yeah, I know it sounds a little cheesy, but what it is is I did not read myself vigorously for a long time, not until I was each forty seven. I'm fifty seven now, so roughly ten years now and then I began reading and realized the value of immense value of reading, not just any book, but the right books and what you see in front of you. If you're watching this on video is my collection of books that I personally read and vet and say, these are go to books for you. Other entrepreneurs and business people looking to get to that next level.

And so I just started dropping them, having them dropped into this website as I finished them off. So there's no rhyme or reason to the order that they're put there. Just go grab a book the first one that jumps off the page that you're interested in reading and just grab it and you don't have to get it on this website. Find it on Amazon. The purpose is not for me to make money on this website. I want to be very clear this won't make it easy for you. There's a button there. If you want to do that, click the button. Go to Amazon. It just goes to Amazon and you can get your books that way. So not every book I've ever read is in this list, only those that have had profound impact on me personally. And so you can at least know with some degree of certainty that you're not going to be wasting your time. The probability is going to be great that you'll get something out of it because someone else who is successful has gotten something from it. And yes, I would be remiss if I did not say hello to my buddy. Dennis Miller was another very successful entrepreneur who's been on this show as well, who now resides in China and has for some time he teaches there. He's from the United States. Great to see you, Dennis. Thanks for coming on. And now that's it enough of my yammering. It is time to bring on the man of the hour. Are you ready? Let's do it now. Here we go.

It's time for the guest expert, spotlight savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, big league qualified.

And there he is, ladies and gentlemen, it is the one, it is the only Kevin Roth. Yes, yes. Welcome to the show, Kevin. How are you doing, buddy?

I'm great. I'm really happy to be part of this podcast. I love what you do. And it's really great.

And I can't wait. We're going to dig into what you do. And it's unique. It's amazing. It's wonderful. Before we jump in, and I will give you the the intro you deserve. You know, definitely right before we do that real quick, a few housekeeping items so everyone sees. If you're watching video that wonderful red and white circle above Kevin's left shoulder, it's a big insider secrets. They sponsor the show and they give us the ability to give away a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. And it's it's not a timeshare pitch. It is legit. So if you stay on to the end live, I will show you exactly how you can enter to win. We give this away every single show I love when I get to do in that regard. A couple more and then we'll get back to the man of the hour. So here we go. For all of you that are struggling with putting a live show together, and maybe it's overwhelming and you want to get a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and to connect with great people like Kevin Roth and grow your business all at the same time, then head on over to carpet bomb marketing, carpet bomb marketing, saturate the marketplace with your message, and one of the key components that is contained in the carpet bomb marketing series is one that you'll learn how to absolutely master, and it's a very service we're using right now to stream this this live show on the floor, the mind body business show.

And over the course of the past. Good grief. Ten years now that I have tried so many of these quote unquote TV studio solutions for live streaming, and I'll tell you, stream art is the best of the best. It combines supreme ease of use along with unmatched functionality, and so you can start streaming high quality, professional looking live shows for free with streaming right now. So go ahead and visit the website. Write this down. Don't visit it yet. Our WIP stands for Reach Your Peak, which is to be the name of my company. R.i.p., I am forward slash stream live altogether. One word all lowercase r y p i am forward slash stream live now back to the man of the hour. Finally, we are going to meet the amazing Mr. Kevin Roth. Here we go. So Hugh, I'm already winded, Kevin, and I'm going to very soon hand it over to you to just give the show to you. You can just talk the rest away. But before I do that, an introduction. Kevin Roth is an internationally known musician and recording artist who in Twenty Sixteen received a death sentence after being diagnosed with stage three melanoma. He changed the way he thought eight and created a life that was purpose driven and fun. Listen to these words, ladies and gentlemen, these are powerful. He now teaches professionals, doctors, clergy, psychologists and many others how to discover, create and live their own purpose driven life with practical advice that works.

I have got goosebumps and chills. I am not kidding you like it took my jacket off. That's it, ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome Mr. Kevin Roth to the show. I'm excited for this one, Kevin. This is going to be great. So one of the things I think he's got a little treat for us to everyone who's watching. So you don't want to miss this. I'm just stay with us. He's got something very cool. He's going to do, and I can't wait for that. Kevin, I like to open up with asking about that very powerful thing we all have between our ears. It's a little bit higher and it's called our mind. And you obviously have tapped into your own mind to help you to overcome something horrible and thank the Lord. You did overcome that and kudos to you and the fact that you use what you learn to help others. So I wanted to find out from you, you know, you get up every day. You're a businessman. Not every day is a perfect day. You know, there's arduous things coming up certain days, and there's going to be those bumps in the road, those speed bumps for you, Kevin. When you get up in the morning, what is it that keeps you driven, that keeps you excited, that just keeps you moving day in and day out, no matter what, what setback may be following in front of you? What is it for you?

Well, for me, it's just staying authentic and doing what I love. It's really that simple. You know, when I was diagnosed with melanoma and they told me that although they removed the two small spots a little spot on my nose and then under my chin, they said it's gone, but it'll probably return this to 70 percent chance that it's going to return within two or three years and then you'll be dead. I didn't believe them because my gut told me that I was going to be perfectly fine, which I am. It never came back, but I thought if I only have a short amount of time, I'm going to do exactly what I want to do. So I was living in the Midwest at the time. I was actually recording a new album for Paul with Peter, Paul and Mary called Re-awakening, and I had just finished my part of the album and I asked myself three questions I. The first question was what really matters? To me, because, you know, I had reached fame and fortune thinking that that would bring me happiness, and it didn't really. I thought when I fell in love that would be, you know, happiness and when the fairytale romance kind of went back to normal, that wasn't particularly always happy. So, you know, I had to figure it out quick because if I was going to be leaving the planet, I wanted to do it in style.

So it was real simple. What I really liked, what was important to me was being a musician and a writer, and my dog Bosco is a little miniature dachshund, and I knew why, because that's authentically what I am, who I am. Many people have jobs where it's not really who they are, if they're lucky, they kind of like what they do, but it's not really who they are, and it's important to know your why you know why you want to do this. And then the game plan I had was. Get out of the Midwest and go back to California, where I lived 20 years prior and live the life of an artistic bohemian. But I knew that I would have to get rid of certain things. One was stress because stress and inflammation causes cancer. And I was under a tremendous amount of stress three years prior to this unfolding. And by the way, I believe that the cancer came because I literally asked the universe. I said I wanted to be spiritually enlightened, so you better be really careful what you ask for because six months later, I got hit with this thing. But it was certainly was a lesson.

I call it a spiritual kick in the ass. So I went to California and I wrote a new album. And I was I lost about 30 pounds on purpose. I had 30 pounds to lose. And a friend of mine said, What are you going to do? And I said, Well, probably try and book another tour. And he said, Kevin, you've got 50 record albums, man. Why don't you give it a break for a little bit? And why don't you teach people how you survived and become a life coach? And I had never heard of a life coach, you know? So I asked what it was, and I forgot what he told me. But it was a real turnoff and I thought, No, I'm not. And then he said, what you did was really incredible because you really did change your life and think about what you did to get you from barely surviving to thriving. So I thought about it and I thought, well, I was kind of interesting because I really play the dulcimer since I was 15, and I continue to play it every day in a meditative style, but I didn't even know it. So he coined it dulcimer meditation. Hmm. And so I reached out to the dulcimer community on Facebook and said, Hey, I'm going to be teaching a course on dolphin meditation and my philosophy on how I survived stress, feeling stuck and how it changed my life.

Anyone interested? And I got a couple of clients and then I got referrals and then I got a whole business going. And this was just when COVID started. When everyone was out of work, my business started to really grow. And I discovered many things about people that I didn't know. And just real quickly, people are really hard on themselves. We think we have all the time in the world, which we don't. And what we put our belief in our system of thinking into is not always doing us justice. And there's a spiritual value to it, and there's a scientific value to it which proves what I have experienced. So all of these books that you spoke about, which are great books, these kind of self-help books. I eventually started to read a little of them when in terms of growth, because of my coaching business, and I had already learned all of that on my own, but I didn't know what it was called. You know, like books, I just say, no, well, I knew how to say no to the oncologists that wanted to take stuff out of my body when there was no signs of cancer in the book about, you know, get rid of stress because it'll kill you.

Well, I found that one out real fast and I just got rid of, you know, I just changed the way I thought. So when I coach people and in my course, I teach there's two expressions. One is if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change from Wayne Dyer and the other one was when you replace what doesn't work with what does work. You never go back to what doesn't work. I mean, why would you write so you like these little stories about all that, but that's basically what what I did and I found out. That I really loved it, and I was really pretty good at it. And, you know, recently in another podcast, someone had asked me, Well, how do you keep doing this every day? I said, it's not hard because it's who I am. Hmm. I don't teach something. That I don't live. I don't teach from courses, I teach from experience, and I have an innovative out of the box mind for being an artist. And, you know, I have a theory about the whole thing you want to hear it or you want to get into some questions.

I am loving what I'm here and I got to pause for just a minute, if you don't mind. It's it's not hard because it's who I am. If that's not a bomb dropping moment, I don't know what is. That that was such a profound, profound statement, it's not hard because I want everyone to hear this and really integrate it into their being that if you don't feel that way when you're doing your work, you may be not in the right lane of work. I found this out myself to Kevin. I was doing something I loved, but it wasn't what I truly loved. And I recently found out what that was and shifted gears. And my gosh, what you just said is absolutely true. Absolutely to the to the bone. I love it. But yes, I do want to hear more. Please, please continue.

Well, I'll tell you, it's a little funny story. I was on a big concert tour. I don't know, maybe 20 years ago and it was a sold out tour. And I picked the songs and the musicians and I that were giving the concert. We got pretty much standing ovations and we were selling a lot of product. And every night after the show, I would go back to my hotel room and I would think you've had an amazingly successful night, but you're still miserable. Like what is going on? What is it going to take? You've got money, you've got fame, you have a sold out tour and you're still not happy. You know, what is it? And I couldn't figure it out until I got the cancer and what I discovered. And I learned this from watching near-death experiences on YouTube. You know, their lawyers and doctors, surgeons, many people, including one of my clients who have been clinically dead for a little bit of time and then they come back. And there's all kinds of proof about this stuff, all kinds of proof, scientific and documentation. But what they come back and they report is that this place they go to, they feel quote home and they feel loved and they feel that this planet Earth is kind of like a dream. It's like an illusion. And if you think about it, when you're a little tiny kid before you develop a big ego or not a big ego, but just an ego and a personality, you are really one with this innocence and this this consciousness. Everything is wonderful, you know? And then you develop the eye comes up and you know, my food, my this, my personality.

And we go through life searching for happiness and searching for something that will give us peace. People meditate. They some take drugs, some whatever it is that they do. It's all about going back to that longing of home. So where is home, right? So scientifically, when I was looking into all this, everybody, I'm going to give you a really crash course in it. They say that the mind is the problem. That's why I love I love Buddhism. I'm not a Buddhist, but I love Buddhism. But if you ask somebody, where is the mind? You can't find it because it's not in the brain. You can dissect a brain and you'll never find the mind. So it's consciousness. So what's consciousness? So you get people like Deepak Chopra and all these people discussing it. Here's the truth. Call it God, call it Jesus called Buddha. Caller Peter, Paul and Mary, call it mind, you will never know because it's formless. It simply is. It's the first cause and I'm not talking religion. I'm talking spirituality. I'm talking about. Think about it. The science is saying space is expanding into what? Into what so when you start to learn that all the ancient teachings, spiritual teachings are now? Matching sites. Ok. These are scientists, quantum physics says there's nothing here, there's nothing here. We're seeing things, but they're scientifically is nothing here. So I don't want to go deeper into that. But when you get that in your head, all the problems that you face become less. And you realize you don't need the stress. You don't need the illness. You don't need a lot of money. What you need is success, which is your health.

If you got your health, you got your first couple million. You need something to do, someone to love and something to look forward to. And if you can find that through Jesus or Buddha or Muhammad or however you find it, it's all the same thing. But it's not what you think it is, it's not in worldly possessions, it really, really isn't. That's not to say that you can't be rich and happy, although I know more happy poor people than I do. I mean, I know some rich and famous people and I have a cousin who's got more money than anybody I know put together. He's got foundations. He's relatively happy, but he builds homes and he sells them because he wants to face the east and he wants to face the West. You know, there's nothing that feels really settled. He's a great guy. But when I talked to him, he's content. I don't hear happiness. So and he's a pretty spiritual guy, and he's actually one of my favorite people in the world. But I was crossing the street the other day, and I saw three workers having a talk that was in beer. They didn't look like they had a lot of money in their pocket. They were at a corner taco. They were kind of overweight workers. They were laughing. I thought to myself, I haven't laughed like that. I don't know. It went. I mean, I laugh. I have a good time, but not like that, you know? So I'm walking around with money in my pocket. I don't know what they've got in their pocket. I would think a lot, but they're happy. So that's the key to success.

Hmm. I love it because it's so true. And we've heard how many times over our lives money does not buy you happiness by itself. It doesn't. It can be a catalyst to help you if you choose it wisely enough to actually create more happiness in your world. But it often comes with a lot of stress in trying to find out how to make more of it and all the other things. But you know, it's I look, I look at it as we all have a choice in every one of us. We're going to be put through circumstances. You had melanoma, my wife's had breast cancer, I've had COVID and my my dad is going through dementia and we're going through a lot right now and a lot of other people could crumble at that and think, my god, everything is going against me, and I just turn it around and say, You know what? I'm blessed to be able to have these family members that I get to help and take care of instead of wallow in the pity because I always say, I love this one quote, I didn't come up with it. But real quick, you can let your circumstances affect your attitude, or you can let your attitude dictate your circumstances. So when bad things happen, we're human. We will react angrily, upset we'll be depressed. But the point is, how long are you going to let that happen? How quickly are you going to turn it into something that it doesn't need to be right? There's no need to just wallow it and just cry and complain. Yeah, you can get off your chest, let it out, but then move on and look at all the wonderful blessings you have in your life.

Yeah, and you know, the other thing that's important along with that, because that's absolutely true, is most of the clients that I talked to are very hard on themselves. Mm hmm. And cancer taught me self-compassion. And how I felt was that a nurse who I was seeing showed more compassion and empathy towards me than I showed towards myself. You know, I'm an A-type personality, so no matter how much money I had. How much more can I make? How many more albums, how many more TV shows. And one day, in fact, it was the day that I got that call from the oncologist that said, We're in trouble here, buddy. I walk through my apartment. And I said, out loud to nobody, just me. Don't worry, Buddy will get through this. Those are my exact words, and I thought for half a second. Who are you talking to? And I didn't know I had a friend inside myself. So I go easy on myself. You know, I teach, you know, don't get upset and ride the surfboard. These last couple of days, I was talking to you before the show have not been fun days. I've had a lot of problems and I got pissed and that's OK, OK, with what I've been through. I'm supposed to be pissed, but I didn't hold on to it. There you go. I didn't hold on to it. Ok? It's not a feeling that's worth it. I don't want to push it down, but I looked at it. I teach mindful meditation, mindful awareness, so I let it breathe. And I said, What did you do or not do that created the situation? And how can you not do it again and adjust for it? And it was interesting what came up, you know, and it's something that I have to look into. So just because I'm a coach and just because it seems like I know everything, I'm a human, you know, I still screw up, but that's life. That's what it is. How you learn.

Yeah, it's so much wisdom and all that, oh my gosh. I used to be a certified personal trainer and you talk about being hard on yourself. We are we are all our own worst critic. We will do more for others than we would do for ourselves. All that's true. And let's say I've got somebody a client. I'm saying, give me 10 push ups and they can only do five and they get up and they're shaking their head and in their mind, they're kicking themselves in the butt for not doing all 10. And I look at him, I go, What are you doing? It's like I failed. I didn't do all 10. I said, Look, stop kicking yourself in the butt for the reps. You didn't do. And now I want you to literally take your hand. Go like this, put it up behind your back and pat yourself on the back for the reps. You did do, yeah, because you went to the as far as you could. That was your limit. Now, today, tomorrow, maybe a week from now, you do another one. You'll get up to six the next. You'll keep going up, but always give yourself credit for what you have done, not for the failures that you put in your own mind that you think you failed on something when you are extremely victorious in getting that done, because how many others are even working out at all?

You didn't have a great attitude of gratitude. Yes.

Yeah, yeah. And if people want to start their day in a great way, just think whatever you want to think, God, I prefer to think God and just say, I thank you for this view I have because nobody else in the world has this view at this very moment. Thank you for that. My site thank you. And I just I just rattle it off. As quick as it comes to my mind, it can be corny. It could be dumb. But if I say it out loud, I'll do it in the car and it just sets you up for a phenomenal day. And if you do that as a habit, then you're always in an upbeat mood. And yes, like Kevin, you have those bad days, everyone. You know you deserve to vent. You deserve to let it out. You deserve to swear, kick whatever happens, whatever makes it feel better, but then get over it as fast as possible. Don't let it rule because like you say, it's too short and it's too precious and it's too wonderful. And let's all enjoy it as much as we can.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

So you mentioned something a dulcimer, and I had not ever seen one of these before. I had not even heard of the word before, and I have a feeling you might have one nearby. Is there any chance you could show that to the peeps and explain the

Beautiful things that are not watching listening? It's sort of in an hourglass shape and it has four strings. This is one of many dulcimer. I sell them, I get them online. I teach you how to play it. It's a very simple instrument to play. I've taught it in elementary school that just a little bit of how it sounds. You know, on my website, I give a free stress buster thing. It's five minutes. And during the five minutes, I play the dulcimer and I also teach a breathing technique, which is just real simple. Inhale for four, hold for four. Let it go for four. Do that several times. And then you hear this. And I played this kind of thing every morning, and it works with your subconscious because you can think about what you want to do during the day and what you have to do, but what comes through is what you should do, what's good for your soul. So imagine listening to that and having a really great cup of coffee. That's how I start my mornings.

Yeah. As we were prepping for the show right before you were doing that and it was so calming. It's got to it's like being next to the ocean and hearing the waves come in. It's just got that kind of feel to it.

Well, I made dosi. Meditation is an hour long and the background is the ocean, the ocean waves or one with the ocean and one with the rain. Yeah, but yeah.

You found that guilty meditation. All right. Where can people get that? Is that it is that Kevin Roth music?

Yeah. Kevin, Rock music or it's on Apple or iTunes or something like that. It's also meditation. Yeah.

Fantastic. Yeah, and on that note, that's a perfect segue way. What I'd like to do is dig a little deeper on what it is you provide to your coaching clients. We had a little chat right before. So definitely give the different layers that you offer. I'll put up your website as a backdrop. If you're if you're OK with that, that you can have the moment to let people know what it is you do, who you do it for and how they can get in touch with you to maybe get together and see if you can help them going down the road. Would that be cool?

Sure, I'm I'm not opposed to nice publicity like that. Thank you. Well, you know the people that come to me. Or come to me because they're stressed or they feel stuck in life. They're just not happy. Some come because they want to lose weight, which I have a program for, that that's really a lifestyle change, someone to start a business, but they don't know what they want to do. So the way I work is I work with individuals. There are about 45 minute sessions. We have an initial free 30 minute interview to see if we jog because and then you want to be sure that whoever is your coach or mentor, that you have a resonance with. And then we talk about who they are, what matters, why. And we talk about a game plan and I work with, you know, professionals. One of my clients is a doctor. One's a psychotherapist. I had one who's clergy, you know, they're all professional people that are looking to change their life and become happier. And they go to my website, Kevin afford and they, you know, they see my story, they hear or they've heard me on a podcast and they say, I like what you're saying.

I am not sure how to do it because I've read a lot of books or I've done things and I start, but I don't, I don't know. It kind of fails like a diet, and there's a reason for that. So that's what I enjoy doing with with my clients. And for those that can't afford a personal coach. I have a general course, kind of an outline of what I do on Kevin Roth's teachable. And I think that's on my website, too. That's like one, ninety nine or something. I think that's what the price is. And then people take those eight modules and then they have an opportunity to talk with me afterwards. So I sort of teach what I did and what I do. You know, and that's what I love doing, I love what I love about it is when my clients, I see my clients on Zoom, their face is one way when we begin the conversation and by the end of the conversation, they're smiling and they're happier and they feel like they've been, well, clients and I've been mentally massaged when my heart has been resolved. So that sounds nice.

That's got to be like the most wonderful feeling in the world. I used to speak from stage and would teach neuro linguistic programing to our audience and the same thing, you know, they would walk through the door on day one. It was a two day seminar and they they had that look, you know, their frumpy, their disheveled, their looking down. They're not happy. And by day two, they come in with the biggest boisterous smile and they're wide open and happy and elated because we take them through some processes, change their minds, their state, they do it. And that's what you do for your, your clients. Maybe not end up, but the outcome is the same. Sounds like it. And that's a very that's an amazing gift to be able to do that for people. Wouldn't you think, Kevin, do you feel that way?

I do. You know, one of the things I teach is an LP. Really? Yeah. Yeah, I have lots of little side courses that people take for me and workshops. It's more rewarding than a standing ovation in a way for performer's ego, because when you hear somebody say you've changed my life with tears in their eyes that it's something that lasts beyond a concert, you know, I had a client I don't really talk about. I'm a very private kind of thing. I don't talk about other clients, but I had one woman whose husband died years and years ago, and she had a tremendous amount of guilt about it. And I put her through a. Sort of a ceremony kind of thing where at the end of it. She felt like she had just gotten out of jail, and she had told me at the end of our sessions, I mean, she was on Zoom and she she had tears in her eyes. She kind of started getting all choked up. And it just changed, and the reason that I can do this. And I can do it pretty much came to me, the Scott in the car. About five years after the cancer thing went away, I was sitting there and out of the blue I thought, How did you survive that? They gave me a 70 percent chance of dying and how did you do it? Why? Why did you get a break like that? And what came immediately to my mind is so you can show other people how to do it? Hmm.

So that's what it is. For a while, I gave up my music career, but now I combine the music with it, and then when I go out and I do personal talks, they say, Oh, could you give a little mini concert with it? And I throw that in. That's kind of the fun part. But so far, that's what keeps me going. I I try and stay a little humble. I talk with more authority than I actually feel. But I if if I don't feel good at the end of a session, I don't feel good all week long. So I make sure that I feel good, which means that they feel good. And I only teach from experience and I also teach during the week. So if you come to me, let's say on a Friday afternoon for a session, I don't stop thinking about you until next Friday. If I see a video that I want you to see, I shoot it to you. If something bothers me during the week, I'll think about it all week long, which is why I don't take one hundred clients.

I have a very limited amount of people I work with because I want to see that look on your face. Change the way it didn't change before. Now what you do with the information is up to you. You know, I tell you really quickly. I worked with a guy for about three months because he was being transferred to Germany and he was too busy. So we worked out the fact that he would drop six of the things that he was too busy with, which was teaching. And we got at the end of the three sessions and he learned a lot from me. But I said, How do you feel now that you have this free time to do this contemplative work? He said, I feel so much better because I've got so many other things I want to teach and I'm thinking, You like, you didn't get it, dude. It's like you're supposed to not do things so that you have the time to contemplate. But he got what he got. And he thanked me and, you know, he keeps in touch. So my job is to deliver honest, good information and also to learn from my clients. I learn a lot from my clients who

I don't hear. I don't hear that very often that I get to learn from my clients as well. So I'm going to drop off for that. My goodness. Yeah. And the thing that does shine through about you, Kevin, you opened up by saying this, that what keeps you driven and keeps you going every day is staying authentic. Those are your words. And I hung my hat on those because throughout this chat, that's very evident that you walk that walk. You don't just talk it. You are a person who really cares about others who cares about their results. And it keeps you up at night if they're not getting their results or if you haven't got them to that finish line yet. And that's just a testimony to what a wonderful person you are. And the fact that you went through what you've gone through your life experiences, the good times, the bad times, and you've taken all that wrapped it up in a beautiful package to teach others, you don't have to go through this. You can you can come out the other side, or if you do go through this, you can come out the other side like you did. So I appreciate you for what you're doing. I love getting to interview. Amazing, beautiful people like yourself. So I appreciate you for coming on. We're not done yet. I'm just I'm

Flattered, but thank you. Yeah. Yeah, OK.

And, you know, you are a very acclaimed musician. I mean, I that's I was watching music and you were doing like this interview style video. It's very well done, by the way, and you were playing different tunes in front of crowds and they were giving you the standing O's. And yeah, that that does feel good a standing ovation. But like you said, when you help change someone's life for the better, there's nothing, nothing that compares. I did it from stage, and when you're doing NLP from stage, you can see everybody. It's amazing that you can see everybody, no matter how big the room is and you can see some are crying, some are smiling, everyone's reacting differently. But you're having an impact. And when they come through the doors the next day and they're thinking, you left and right and it's just a blessing. I didn't do it. I just walk them through something I learned and they they did the quote unquote work, which really isn't that much work. They just follow instructions and they got the result they came for.

Yeah. And that's that's the satisfaction that we get from doing this work and that we get when we learn from other people. But you know, you brought up something about being authentic. It is so much harder to, you know, be something you're not, you know, I mean, I hate Kiss Ass Corp. I just hate it. I hate it. There's no reason for it. You know, the way I get clients, I don't do a lot of advertising. I just talk to people. Yeah. One old fashioned thing. How do I stay relatively happy? I keep my life as simple as I possibly can. I learned to turn off the phone, OK? I learned to not check messages. We're too connected to everything outside, and we're not connected enough inside. So people who are performers or artists, they. To do their thing and people do meditation and people do yoga and people do all kinds of things to get back to that longing of home, which is Who are you? Who, who are you really? You're not the head of the corporation. You're not just the guy doing mind body business. You're not, I mean, talking to you. You are you. You know, you are absolutely authentic. And that's why you do what you do. But there's a lot of people who think, well, changes. It's really hard to change. I have a job that pays the bills. It's harder to stay where you are.

Yeah. They don't know that yet because they can't see through the forest that they put themselves in.

Yeah, yeah. But when they find out they they change. And I don't think anyone puts themselves in the forest intentionally, I think. No, really. And it's, you know, life can be hard. But if you if you simplify it, it's much easier and you can live a life that's more joyous for sure.

You just you just put the nail in the coffin. You said it again. I was just going to comment on that, that simplifying your life make it easier. And that's quite often, I believe, and you probably have seen this why the wealthy are not happy because they have so over complicated their life to get those riches and continue to move forward and get more those that are standing on a street corner, eating a hot dog and drinking a beer who aren't worried about all that are happy as heck because they have a simple life. Funny and yeah, ironic, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. If I just successful, I'd be happy. Yeah. And so that's why you know what, if I consider myself successful and I consider myself successful in the days that that I'm I'm doing OK. But you know, I do charge. I'm a coach. This is my business. But if I see somebody come to me and they say, I don't have any money, but I really need help. My job as a human being is to help them. I don't know if I'm going to take them on for six months gratis, but I can direct them. I can talk to them, you know, people just want to be heard, which means they want to be loved, which means they want to be themselves and accept it for that.

Oh, gosh, I just I so hope everyone watching listening this resonates and integrates what he just said that was, you know, there's so much synergy between how you and I think I love it. I'm I'm just I'm not. I have got goose bumps everywhere from

Underneath his

Jacket. I am. It's just enthralling. I love this. And I wanted to say a quick thing about, I do charge. Thank you and I hope you charge. I hope you charge a lot of money to those that can afford it and some to those who cannot or don't think they can because they will take what you have to offer that much more seriously and they'll get a better result from it when they have more skin in the game. And here's the thing I wish upon you, Kevin, the blessings of an amazing amount of wealth because I know what you'll do with that wealth as you'll scale and help more people.

Sounds like a good plan, and if it's meant to be, it'll be. It'll be, you know, I was rich at one point and I was miserable. And I remember the day I had over a million dollars and I called my father and he said, congratulations, don't get too attached to it. And sure enough, the stock market crash I invested in the real estate market made a lot of money. Then that crashed and then I was almost broke for a while. You know, everybody was kind of really successful, goes bankrupt a couple of times. I didn't quite hit bankruptcy, but I built myself up after the cancer thing, which was fairly expensive to the place of doing what I love and making enough of a living to. To do the things that I want to do and to help the people I need to help and, you know, stay open to what the universe sends me like you.

And it's a two way street, my friend. My gosh, I'm so glad our paths crossed. Do you do you talk to many younger folks, like in their twenties, maybe early thirties? And the reason I ask Pardon.

I would love to. But when I started this, COVID started about two and a half years ago and the colleges were shutting down in person. But I would love to if anyone listening out there wants to invite me to come as a speaker because they, you know, 20 year olds are like 40 year olds now. So and it's an important demographic because they're deciding what they want to be and what they want to do. And this planet's in a lot of trouble. I mean, with the the global warming and everything like that. So they're, you know, I'll tell you, this is the absolute truth. I've traveled all over the place. I've met a lot of people. It may seem that people are real jerks when you watch the news, but there's a mostly really good people out there. People, most are very grateful they've been taken my life by many of them. So talking to younger people helps them do do them, which helps everybody because when you're authentic and you love what you do, it kind of radiates through.

And one of the reasons I was thinking about it is even myself, when I was at that age, I was a lot more materialistic in thinking and I wanted things. I wanted boats and cars and houses and all the wonderful things that I didn't have growing up or my family didn't have. And to be able to run into someone like you who's gone through the ups and downs and hurdles and had the money and lots of money and brought it some back and knows what the key to happiness is. That is a powerful statement to make this somebody at a stage in their life where it would, you know, basically save them many years of anguish going forward.

Yes, but I'll tell you the truth and your listeners the truth. It's work. It's mindful awareness. Every day you have to check in and say, why am I doing this? How do I feel about this? Is this right? Is this wrong? You have to be able to do something I call ride the surfboard out here in California, there's a lot of surfers. None of them ever stay on the surfboard all the time. So you have to know how to get back on. You know, like I mentioned earlier, this last two days, I've had everything kind of go wrong, you know, and I kind of blew up and then I thought to myself, OK, you don't need to get this angry. You need to relax and know that it's just something that your mind is telling you. It's huge. But look at the facts, dude. It's not huge, OK? I told you what the problem is, but I want to share, but I called somebody and they're fixing it. You know, it was an inconvenience. I've been in hotels for a couple of nights. The world didn't end and my favorite saying that my favorite, but my go to it's not cancer. Hmm. Boom, boom, boom, boom. That's a bomber in it.

I so agree.

I agree. It's it's not the end. It's not there. He goes with the bombs. No, where they're aiming, though. When they go down, man, you know, it's kind of right where I'm sitting.

No guests were harmed in the filming of this broadcast, just with that.

So you have to kind of put it into perspective and you learn by, you know, you have to have darkness to know about light. So there's suffering and it's only an illusion. You know, we're only here for a speck of time where we come from and where we're going. Nobody can figure that out. You know, it's it's ethereal, so you might as well make the best of it. And that is knowing in your gut and in your heart and in your head what is important, why and what to do about it. So when someone calls you up and they're stressing you out? You know, what's important is I'm not doing this. Why? Because last time I got all stressed out for a long while, I got sick. I mean, there's scientific proof that says it. When you're unhappy, you get sick. Thank God I'm a musician that really helped heal me, and I just make a plan. I say, You know what? I'm not going there anymore. You know, other things come up because they're going to. And the more you practice it, the better you are at it. It's just mindful meditation. I forget the guy's name, who is a Buddhist that just recently died. What a beautiful, beautiful man. Fat something or another. He just didn't it. Ninety five, he died at ninety five. Wow. And he taught me, he and his lots of books and things like that. Mindful meditation. And he's he's a monk. He's a Buddhist monk. Buddhism is wonderful. I'm not a Buddhist, but it's wonderful stuff and it's free and it's easy and there's no guilt. It's great.

One of the best pieces of advice I got from one of my mentors was always have the outcome in mind. Know what your desired results are. And what that means is before you're about to take on a task, whether it takes time or money or both, then be very cognizant about why you're doing it. What is the result you're looking to achieve? And when you do discover that result, if it's not compelling enough, it's not something you should do at all. And there's a I used to be I would call myself a seminar junkie. I used to go to anything and everything. I'm in Southern California and they were always around. All hotels were always running something that was business oriented and I just loved. I love being around the people and I just kept going and going and going. And one day I was at another one and my mentor, he texted me. I was putting post on Facebook that I was there, so he knew where I was. He goes, Hey, man, where are you? I'm like, OK, here we go. So I told him. And he he responded with one word that changed everything. He said, Why? And I knew exactly what he was asking.

It's like, What's your outcome? And he goes instead. And it turned out his home at that moment was 10 minutes away. And he said, Hey, man, you should leave that and come here. My dad's making sushi. Let's hang out. I'm like, Are you kidding me? And so respectfully, I waited till the break and then I went and I left, and I thought from then on, that stuck in my head. So if you're for everyone out there, exactly what Kevin is saying is know what your why is. You know what compels you? What is your passion? What do you like doing? There are things you're going to do like Kevin. Do you ever do anything during your business that's getting them the result you want? There are steps along the way that are not pleasant to go through. Am I right? It's not like one hundred percent, just euphoria. There are things arduous tasks that must be achieved to be successful and get success for your clients. So I don't want to paint that picture either, that it's just a perfect, rosy petal walkway all the way there, you know?

You know, I'm not one of these bubbly. Go for it. Go for it, coach. I don't like that stuff. I tell my clients some of the crap I go through because I keep it real, you know? And one of the thing that we didn't bring up, but it is real important is surrender. You check your heart, check your gut, but surrender. Asked for help, whether that's to whoever spiritual thing you believe in. Jesus, Buddha, God, whatever it is, if you're an atheist. Surrender to the trees. You don't have to carry it yourself, you're not on this dream trip alone. You really aren't because you came from somewhere, you're going back to whatever that is. That's the longing, and everything happens for a reason. So I've gotten out of a lot of trouble by surrendering and just saying, you know, to the universe, help me out here. Show me what I need to say. I did that before your show, and I don't know how it's working, but it seems to be doing OK, you know?

Yeah, and surrendered. So I love that. Thank you for bringing that up, because surrender to me also means seeking actual human help like mentors, coaches, others that can help you get there. Because doing business is there are so many. As I said in the beginning of show, it's so multifaceted. There are so many moving parts. You've got to get help or you will burn out. Can you do it? Probably. But it may take you 10, 15, 20 extra years to get the result, and by then you're burn out. And so I always found out that the one thing that keeps most, especially the men from reaching success quicker is the ego. And we need to surrender, as you say, and put that ego aside and say, I could use some help here and embrace it and enjoy it. I love getting help from people I used to not like to ask for help. It's just, I don't know. I think we're born with this thing. Don't don't ask for help. You can do it yourself. Once I started opening up. Wow. So did my life. Sort of my business. Everything just got better. So I love that word surrender. It's a great, powerful word. My goodness, I just look at the clock brother. Yeah, so mightily successful what you did before the show because we're four minutes out and I'm having a blast. I didn't even realize how late we were getting into it. What I want to do is I like to close every show. We're not quite there yet, but I'd like to close every show with one question. You kind of skirted on it earlier, but I'm not going to give away what it was just yet because it's been very profound in the responses I've been getting.

I've done a little over one hundred and eighty shows. I don't know the exact count, but it's a little over a hundred and eighty do these once a week, that's all. I've been doing it for three years, three plus years for this show and it's just an amazing question. I kind of stumbled upon it, asked it several times and thought, Wow, this is pretty cool. I'm loving this response. Before I do that, I promised everyone who was watching live that they could win five night stay at a five star luxury resort, compliments of the big insider secrets. And we also have a gift from Mr. Roth. We're going to get to that as well. So you can for a moment, take your attention from the show. But listen, listen to this. Write it down and then go get to it after the fact. But I'm going to put it on the screen, so get ready to write this down what you want to do. You want to go to the website R.I.P. I am for vacation. R.i.p., I am for vacation. All lowercase. And there you can enter to win and we will pick a winner later this evening. I'm not kidding. I know it's getting kind of late. We do it all the time and I can't wait to see who wins that. This go around and a little birdie told me that the one and only Kevin Roth has a beautiful, wonderful gift for everyone. So Kevin, I'll put that up on the screen and let you take it away and do a quick description of what that's all about if you're OK with doing that.

Ok. Ok. So it says, are you successful but feeling stuck, stressed out about what's next for your life? So there's a little link you can click and I give a free 30 minute Zoom session. Find out what I can help you with. See if you want to become a coaching client. And it's it's free. It's 30 minutes. And also on the same website. Kevin Ralph. There's a free stress buster five minute video that will help you with that. And then there's the next thing which isn't free, but it's. And that's the online course with eight modules creating a life you love.

There's the teachable, there's a learn more button that'll take you right there and the stress, I like that five minute stress, Oh, I'm going to find that and we're going to definitely check that because I think there's some music involved in that and your mother soothing. So definitely everyone go to Kevin Roth. So it's Katie V i n r o t h dot org and basically scroll to the bottom of that web page. And that's where you'll see that contact form, where you'll get to get on, hop on a Zoom call and look, you can tell he's a nice guy. He's not going to bite. And if he does, it won't. He won't bite very hard. So it'll it'll be painless and you'll enjoy it and then definitely take him up there. Just click here to get your free instant access to my five minute stress busters. Click right on that. The Big in the black banner right there and take advantage of these wonderful resources and then determine for yourself if this is a gentleman you want to take the next step with. And the reason for this show is not to pitch anything, but when I see something that's compelling, I always share it. I call it sharing. And this guy, Kevin, is not a hard sales sales tactic kind of person. I can tell he will just talk to you. Here's an amazing thing that's going to happen when you guys talk, and this is how I do it as well.

Kevin, it's pretty fun if you're going to find out if you're both a fit for each other during that chat. It's a two way street, you know, as you're talking to Kevin seen if he's right for you. Guess what? He will be thinking the same thing about you, and that doesn't mean to worry about it. It's not a test. It's just if you're fit, you'll be a fit. And if not, that's OK. You'll you'll have a wonderful experience talking to him. Maybe he'll play a few notes for you while you're on the phone down. But my gosh. All right, I almost forgot about the last question. It's like we have to do, this is the best part. So Kevin, this last question is it's amazing. It's profound, it can be a little personal. But the thing I found is there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It doesn't exist. In fact, just the opposite is the only correct answer is yours. And that's really the only thing that makes it personal because it's unique to you. That's it. So we're not getting deep into your personal life. So with that, I know you're ready. But I will ask you out of respect, Kevin Roth, are you ready for that last question?

Yeah, well, we'll give it a whirl.

All right. Here we go. Kevin Roth. How do you define success?

Success is doing what you love and loving what you do.

That's it short, and to the point

Is the authentic.

Be authentic. Absolutely.

And then go for it. And if you need help, I'm here. You know, Brian, is there lots of help out there?

Yes. Be authentic. Surrender. Be willing to surrender. Ask for help. Everything you've said here tonight, Kevin has been amazingly powerful in my humble opinion, been down this path a little bit a little down the road. Myself gone through our own experiences and I resonate with everything you've been saying. And I just hope that everyone that's been watching and listening to this takes to heart what you've said and not just take notes, but now put those notes into action and go and put them into action. And if you're not sure exactly how to do that, then you know it's real simple. Reach out to the man. Kevin Roth, Dawg. You can find them right there, and I'm sure he's all over the internet. Look for his name and look for his music. Listen to his music. He's got lots of that on YouTube and other places. It's very soothing and get yourself in a wonderful state and then reach out to him and say, Hey, I want to have a chat, brother. And guess what? He'll he'll do that. Look at them. He's such a nice guy. He's a nice guy. He's a he's a businessman. So don't forget that. Do it with respect. Know that it's valuable time and come ready to have your life changed in a positive way.

Tell me about show.

Yeah, there you go. Any final thought you'd like to close with Kevin, and if not, that's fine, but

I do have a profound thought for you. And I've been thinking this the whole show. You're ready. I'm ready. You're a terrific host. And you ask great questions and you're a lot of fun.

Oh my gosh. Thanks so much. I didn't see that coming. And I love to lift people like you up higher than you. I mean, you're already up there in my eyes, and I want to lift you up so others can see you above the horizon. Get the word out about Kevin Roth because you're doing truly amazing things with an authentic and amazing heart, and we need more people like you on this planet. So in the meantime, I'm going to do what I can to get the word out about you through this show and other avenues. So look him up. Call him. Schedule that Zoom. Chat with Kevin Roth. Go to Kevin Roth Talk. Scroll to the bottom. Fill out that form. Get this five minutes of stress relief from his beautiful music and his soothing voice. I mean, come on. What else? What a what a great thing. So. Kevin, thank you. Once again, so much for coming on the show. I appreciate you, brother. That's it. It's a wrap. We have to go. Kevin's got things to do, so I have. Yes, you're so welcome. Thank you, Kevin. What an amazing guy. That is Kevin Roth. I'm your host. Brian Kelley of the Mind Body Business Show. Until next time and one week from tonight, we will see you again. Until then, so long and be blessed. Everyone take care.

Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast. At WW W, the Mind Body Business Show Dot Com. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Kevin Roth

Kevin Roth is an internationally known musician and recording artist who in 2016 received a death sentence after being diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma. He changed the way he thought, ate, and created a life that was purpose-driven and fun. He now teaches professionals, doctors, clergy, psychologist's, and many others how to discover, create and live their own purpose driven life with practical advise that works!

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