Special Guest Expert - Noa Schecter
Special Guest Expert - Noa Schecter: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. The three keys to your success is just moments away. Here's your host Brian Kelly.
Brian Kelly:
Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show.
Brian Kelly:
Oh my goodness, do we have a phenomenal treat for you tonight. And it's not me. No, no it's not me. It is our special Guest Expert Noa Schecter. I'll bring her on in just a moment. So stick with us. Stay here. Take notes, because you are going to be blown away with this young lady's amount of experience and value that she brings to the table. I only bring the best on. That's just it. I just bring the best. And Noa is amongst those, for sure. The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. What is that all about? For those of you that might not be aware. Well, in my 54 years of life on this Earth I've come across many, many individuals both successful and unsuccessful. And some time ago I decided to begin concentrating and studying those that were successful. I've had enough experience with those who are not. I knew what not to do. And now I want to know what to do spanning back quite a few years. And, in that time, I noticed over that period of time that when I interacted with these individuals, got to know them, some of them very well, some of them on the surface. I noticed patterns started to emerge of these very successful people and those patterns came in the form of three. And you might be able to guess what those are. That's mind, body and business. So mind, that's mindset. Each and every one of these successful individuals had a very powerful, rock solid, positive mindset. And some did it through science called NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming, for short. Others did it through other means, but the common theme was they all had that going for them. They had a rock solid mindset. They knew how to, basically, react to situations that weren't always the best. In ways that helped them even catapult farther, and then body. What is that all about? It's actually literally about your body, and those that are successful tend to take care of their body a little bit more, or a lot, in some cases, than those who have not achieved success. And we're talking about, yes, that four-letter word called exercise. I know you math whizzes are out there, that's not four letters. Exercise is something that a lot of people do not like to do. But if you want to be successful, it's something that I implore that you do start doing on a regular basis. And it's not just exercise it's also nutrition, eating the right food. Just one of the greatest fitness gurus on the planet, he's no longer with us, he was labeled the godfather of fitness. His name was Jack LaLanne, once said, "If man made it, don't eat it." And that's all you need to know. That's all you need to know is man made it, don't eat it. No matter what kind of diet your favorite diet is, that's all you need to know. And the final prong, the third pattern, that I've noticed with successful individuals is that mastered the key aspects of operating a business, and that would be things like sales marketing, building teams, systematizing your business. And what happens is, when you've mastered, if you just master one of these areas, you will see a dramatic increase in your personal life and your business life. And that's what this show is all about. We cover different aspects on different shows. Sometimes we cover things online, other times on body. Other times we hit some areas of business. Each time it's different. But we always hit those elements, because the people I have on this show are successful. And it happens by default. And it's an amazing thing. And speaking of success, I remember going back about a decade ago, I was flown out to the east coast to meet with a gentleman, a multimillionaire, to discuss a contract, a very lucrative one. And he actually had me flown out there, put me up in a hotel, and I spent two days in his office, corner office, very beautiful, large. You can kind of picture that with a multimillionaire owning a company, full furniture, everything. And I remember one of those days, I was sitting down on his couch and he was standing talking to me. He's facing me and he said, "Brian, you know, if people just did this one thing, if they just did this one thing, they'd all be super rich." And he kind of paused, and I'm thinking I'm ready, I'm ready. The student's here; come on Master, teach me. And at that moment, he kind of coyly turned back away from me toward the back wall, the wall behind him. And at that wall was this very large, standing two-drawer cabinet, and so he went back there grabbed both handles looked at me and flung the doors open. And what he revealed was very similar to what you see behind me, and that was shelf after shelf after shelf of books. And we're talking books for helping to propel one's self forward in business and personal life. So we're talking about self-help books, we're talking up health and wellness, and we're talking about sales marketing team building. Everything was there. I was like, my, you know, my jaw was probably gassed open as he's showing me these books, like wow. And then I did something that was very odd. I literally discounted his advice. I said there's no way, to myself. There's no way that just reading stuff, books, can help you to become rich or successful. I like that term successful; he used the term rich, and I just, I ignored his advice. Can you believe that? And, thankfully, many years later, I met another gentleman, who Noa also knows, my guest speaker, Guest Expert, knows this gentleman. His name's Mel Cutler. I met another gentleman who became my mentor, ended up getting real close with him, worked with him for several years, ended up speaking from his stage, teaching his students his material, really got to know him on a deep level. And at one, one, day we were at his house, and he was walking around with his headphones on. And I was like, "Hey Mel. What are you, what are you doing? What are you listening to?" He goes, "Oh yeah, this? I'm listening to a book." I said "Wait, what? A book? Really?" And so this was when Audible was a little bit newer, and it wasn't that widespread. I said, "Well, how do you do that?" So he explained it to me, and I thought, "Wow, you know I don't like reading books with my eyeballs because, I get, I literally get tired; I get sleepy and I lose my concentration." And that's one of the reasons I didn't like that advice that I was given 10 years prior. And so I said, "Well, that's great I going to check that out." And so I started, and I downloaded a book that he recommended, and I absolutely loved it. And I started reading through Audible voraciously, I mean, nonstop in the car, anywhere I was. I was listening to books and still do to this day. And so one of the things I noticed on Audible the app as you're listening to the book you can actually tap an icon on your phone, on your device, and set a bookmark at that very moment in time as the author or the the narrator is reading the book out loud and then you can go back to that book mark and listen. And so this way now, I'm thinking, this is brilliant. Now I don't have to listen to an entire book more than one time. You know how many people including myself would read a book more than once, the same book. Well this time now I don't have to this way I can just go back to my bookmarks. So what I've done is compiled quite a few bookmarks over the last few years. And what I want to do is share one of those with you right now on a segment appropriately named Bookmarks.
Bookmarks born to read. Bookmarks. Ready, steady, read! Bookmarks. Brought to you by ReachYourPeakLibrary.com.
Brian Kelly:
That's right, ReachYourPeakLibrary.com. You see a screenshot of the website there, to the side of me. And for those of you watching live right now thank you for coming on. I appreciate that so much, and for those of you listening to the recording that's fantastic. What I implore of you to do at this moment is take notes. Take notes. Get out a pad of paper. Get a pen or take notes on your device. Whatever works best for you instead of going to Web sites and resources that are mentioned during the show, write them down and then visit them after the show is over. Because I don't want you to miss a moment of Noa, because I promise you, she's coming on very soon. But real quick I wanted to describe what Reach Your Peak Library is: It's a website I developed, and I developed it with one thing in mind. And that was you. That was you, the viewer, the listener right now. Because what this library is, is a personal library of mine that I compiled over time, and the books that are in here are only those that had a profound impact on me in one way or another and catapulted me forward in one area or another. And so I've, I've compiled a list on this site right now; they're about 40. There are a number more that I've read since that qualify that I'm just falling behind and getting on here. But here you can at least go to a list, a library, so to speak, and know that they've been vetted by at least one person who's in the industry entrepreneurship success and just getting ahead in life and even the personal life. And so it will help you to quickly go through books, read them, knowing that the odds are you're not wasting your time. If you pick one of these, any of these books. So pick one, just go to the library, ReachYourPeakLibrary.com later, after the show, and scroll down a list, and whichever one jumps out at you first, just pick it. And then go grab a copy. This is not a moneymaking website for me. It's not, that is not the purpose. This is just to have everything in one place to help you, to serve you. And so what I would like to do tonight is simply play one Bookmark from one such book. And one of my new favorite books, I only read this several months ago for the first time, and it quickly became my all time favorite. And I know that because I have more Bookmarks in this book than any other before it, and that is Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. Any of you that are in entrepreneur space undoubtedly have heard of this amazing, amazing man. And what I'm going to do is play just a one minute snippet from this book, and then we will bring on our special Guest Expert Noa Schecter. And so, take notes on what you're listening to right now. So go ahead, give a listen, lean on in or tighten up those ear buds and listen in. Here we go.
T. Harv Eker:
Rich people are excellent receivers; poor people are poor receivers. If I had to nail down the number one reason most people do not reach their full financial potential it would be this: Most people are poor receivers. They may or may not be good at giving, but they are definitely bad at receiving. And because they are poor at receiving they don't. People are challenged by receiving for several reasons. First many people feel unworthy or undeserving. This syndrome runs rampant in our society. I would guess that over 90 percent of individuals have feelings of not-being-good enough running through their veins. Where does this low self-esteem come from? The usual: our conditioning. For most of us, it comes from hearing 20 No's for every Yes; 10 you're-doing-it wrongs for every you're-doing-it right. And 5 you're-stupid for every you're-awesome. Even if our parents or guardians were incredibly supportive, many of us end up with feelings of not being able to continually measure up to their accolades and expectations.
Brian Kelly:
Powerful, powerful wisdom from T. Harv Eker. And throughout this entire book, he talks about different areas of mindset of those who are successful and those, why they have not achieved success. And here he's talking about poor people, that they are poor receivers that they don't like to accept. And it's amazing. It's amazing. It's an amazing book. I highly recommend you pick it up. And our special Guest Expert is very well versed in this book and in T. Harv Eker's works. And so this came out as a beautiful, beautiful connection. And speaking of Noa, you know what I'm thinking? Maybe we should do something like, I don't know, bring her on because she is the star of the show? So let's do just that. What do you think?
It's time for the Guest Expert Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big league. Qualified.
Brian Kelly:
And there she is ladies and gentlemen! It is Noa Schector, the one, the only. Noa, how are you doing this evening? Thanks so much for coming on.
Noa Schecter:
Doing phenomenal right now. And thank you for having me on the show. Really appreciate it.
Brian Kelly:
We are so blessed. I say we because, not just myself, but everybody watching, listening either live right now or at the recording. This is going to be a phenomenal show. I know it. And before I do a formal introduction of you, Noa, I want to remind everyone watching and listening, especially you that are watching live, is at the end of the show-so stick around to the end-at the end of the show you will get the opportunity to win a 5, there it is, a 5-night stay at a 5-star luxury resort in Mexico compliments of my good buddy Jason Nast and his company PowerTexting.com. So be sure to stay on till the end. You'll be amazed how easy it is to enter to win. It's 100 percent free. Don't charge a thing for the show nor this amazing 5-night trip. All right let's get on with it. I'm going to introduce Noa formerly and then we're going to get to know her at a deeper level. Noa Schecter is the founder of the Accelerated Leadership Academy with co-founder Phil Black and together they work with entrepreneurs, business owners, corporations and others who seek assistance in scaling their business to new levels. I love this already. They help business owners, how to communicate better whether one on one or through their signature program called Mastery. I love this. As an NLP master, hmm, one of the patterns, yes, as an NLP master practitioner and educator Noa coaches also mentors adolescence, teens and adults in many forms and settings on the topics they need help with. Noa helps them find the solutions they need to live a more peaceful, even more, prosperous life. You can learn more about Noa and her coaching and training services at TALA, T-A-L-A.L-I-F-E, life. We'll go... into the contact information again at the end of the show. With that I would like to now formally welcome you, Noa, to the show. Welcome, welcome (laughs).
Noa Schecter:
Thank you (laughs).
Noa Schecter:
So let's jump right into it and start to get into the essence of Noa Schecter. And that's what everybody is here for. We want to get to know you at a deeper level, including myself. Want to get to know you, what makes you tick, what, what drives you to become so successful. So on that note, like, you know, we all, we all sleep at night, at least I hope most of us do, sometimes it doesn't seem like it. But when you get up in the morning and, you know, your feet hit the ground, the floor, and you're about to get up out of bed, what is it that you find drives you day to day to say, "OK, this is it. A new day is upon me, it's time to get busy, go forward and live my passion and dream." What is that for you? What motivates you, Noa Schecter?
Noa Schecter:
Other people's success. When, and sometimes it's even the unknown. To start the day and not exactly know where I'm going to with the day. So, I like surprises and instead of ... I'll create my day in the morning. But at some point I say, "OK, if shifts are going to happen throughout the day I'm OK with it." So instead of say, "Thanks, I'm not going to work today according to my plan, so it's like, OK what kind of surprise am I going to have today?" So you see? It's a shift in my thinking and the words that I'm using.
Brian Kelly:
Love it. Love it. Love it. And I noticed before the show started you, you announced or you told me that you had authored some books. You told me that in your information long ago before we brought you on the show. And on the topic of books, right, we were talking about books a little earlier, or at least I was, and the importance of reading books. You know, I finally got...I smacked myself in the face and woke up and realized the importance, and it is huge importance. And it's one thing to read books and it's also another great thing to author books. And a little bird told me, Noa, that you might have 2, like, hardcopy books or books you personally authored sitting somewhere near you. Would you like to comment on those and give us a little insight?
Noa Schecter:
Sure. But first of all I want to thank you. I want to thank you so much for talking about books. I'm, like, a big fan of reading books and listening to (inaudible), like, oh I see already a book in your library I'm planning to read, so important. And it's, like, it's a word that is start to be forgotten, reading books, think it's so important. I don't know how many people you knows. I'll get out 5:30 in the morning and my hubby, sometimes, we go to a restaurant, coffee shop, in the morning and just read a book for an hour. It's so important. That's also how I write my books. I read a book and then I write my books at the same time. It's kind of inspiring me and helping me. So, yes, I do have two books right now. I have a few other e-books that I wrote. The 2 I have right now, it's the 51 Networking Mistakes that I co-author with a great friend of mine called, named Bart Smith. The other book I have, What's On Your Mind, helping people understand how to vent, how to talk and why it's important to have, like, a coach or a good person or a partner that when you speak about your issues, your problems, and you need some support, it's not just to talk to everyone. Who is the right person to speak to ... or to vent, like I called it in the group ... to whom to vent, so you can have a better and happier life. And one more thing to say about the Networking Mistakes book, this is funny, I deal with a lot of entrepreneurs, business people, most people are not comfortable doing networking events. And in this books, I realize working ... like, 2 years ago working to a one networking event, there was, like, at least in my book there's 51 networking mistakes, there were at least 30 mistakes in one event. So I came. I started discussing it with my friend Bart, and I said, "Wow." So instead of saying negative things about the person that created the event or the people who said how about inspiring people to do it right. And that's how they 51 Networking Mistakes star was born.
Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. I want a copy of that, for sure.
Noa Schecter:
You got it, by tonight, I'll emailed it to you.
Brian Kelly:
And I've seen many mistakes as well attending, you know, I've, I've run, I've trained several, I've mentioned earlier of Mel's; I also did 3 of my own events and then I've since witnessed other events and now you have a different eye for what's going on.
Noa Schecter:
Brian Kelly:
Like, like, where are the seat... how are the seats situated? Where is the table situated? Where are the speakers? Is everything, like, flowing nicely? In addition to what people are doing and saying at the breaks and you're like, "Did you just say that?" Are you serious? You think you're going to make a connection that way? It's interesting. So I'm really interested. 51? That's, that's awesome. I can think of several off the top of my head. I don't, I don't want to go through it, but what I do want to do is actually add to that a little bit, which is the importance of going,, just going to seminars, workshops, boot camps. It is ... I always just say, "Just show up." You never know who you're going to meet. At the same time, go with an outcome in mind, a specific outcome, maybe 2 or 3. One of mine now is always, my outcome, is to meet in person and chat with the main speaker on stage, at some point. I'm not going to go be, you know, one of these raging fans that's going to be tugging on their coattails, saying, "I need to talk to you." But I'll pick the opportune moment. And I found when I make that outcome it typically happens. And then other things happen while you're there. And show up. And then read this book 51 Networking Mistakes so that you can know the right way about going about networking, collaborating, talking, getting to know people, meeting them instead of, you know, barfing all over them, what you do, maybe, ask them how can you serve them and what do they do first and lead in something like that. I don't know. I don't want to put words in the mouth of the master of the book here but.
Noa Schecter:
You can ask me. I'd love to give some tips about the book.
Brian Kelly:
What I would like to know, if you could think of one-the biggest mistake that's the most common-what would that be?
Noa Schecter:
Why 1? Can I do 3? (laughs).
Brian Kelly:
Ok let's do 3. Let's do 3.
Noa Schecter:
Great. The first one is when you enter the room ... the one things that I would like to tell people, research the place, the event, the people that are coming to the event before, so, you know, you know, there is a saying, "You need to know who's in front of you." So you know how to dress, you know how to prepare yourself. Do I need to bring money? Cash? Credit card? Whatever, all of it. Ok? And dressing to the event; you don't want to dress too much if everybody is a casual you don't want to wear, like, a black tie. But then if everyone, it's a black tie you don't want to show up with the jeans. That's one mistake. Second one that is driving me crazy when I go to event, and I, somebody, and I give someone my business card, and I said, "Oh can I have your business card?" Then they say, "Oh I don't have one." Or they say, "I ran out" or "I forgot it" and I was, like, "What?" You know, I just gave you something of mine. You know my name, you know my business ... from my business card you know so much about me and who I am. So it's kind of exchanging information. And sometimes people say to me, "I don't believe in business cards." Ok. But I give you something of mine, so at least if you don't believe in business cards, pick up your phone and say, "Hey, let's exchange information," because it's, like, exchanging energy. And the third one, it's the 80-20 rules. I know you know it. Be curious. When you go to the event, don't say so much about ...most people like to say here's what I do. And they go on and on and on and on about what they do. Or they say, "I have this business and this business and this business, and they don't understand you've just lost your audience. So be curious and care about the person that is standing in front of you, because you understand that, Bryan, it's all about the connection. How we can connect with each other first and then if there is a connection it doesn't matter what you say after. The whole idea of entering the room to network is have, to continue to have that connection that your career. It's like fishing. I go to the ocean, fish the fish. You're not going to eat it right there. You've got to bring it home. And maybe freeze it, maybe cook it. I don't know, maybe sell it. But you just got to fish.
Brian Kelly:
I love that. Yeah. And, you know, being that you are an NLP master practitioner that makes you a phenomenal resource not only as the author of the book but to help people, to show them how they can build rapport instantly with people that they meet. You know with the matching and mirroring and other techniques that come through NLP training that, you know, once I learned that, Noa, that was, like, that was a, that was a godsend to learn that. Before that I didn't care to meet or talk to people. I love people. I just didn't want to talk them. And didn't know that the reason was why I didn't know how. I didn't know how to do it properly. And once I learned through NLP training how simple it was and how quick it can be, I'm now everybody's best friend all the time and I'm happy. I love meeting people now in the elevator, when it's quiet I'm the one that talks. And it's not belligerent, right? It's just something I'll just survey and see what's going on and I'll say something and always get a smile crack. And you know with everybody ... I'm not looking for business transactions with everybody I meet. And to your point about you know the fishing, you're not there to you know eat right away, you're develop, develop a relationship, to start it rolling, so very, very valuable. Can't wait to devour this book. This is going to be phenomenal. Do you happen to have it in Audible form yet?
Noa Schecter:
Yes I do.
Brian Kelly:
(Gasps) Oh, it's my next one. Right on.
Noa Schecter:
Brian Kelly:
Noa Schecter:
I have it in PDF. I have a hard copy and I have it in audio.
Brian Kelly:
Very smart. I'm curious did you personally, did you personally narrate the book or did you have someone else do it?
Noa Schecter:
No, I had somebody with a wonderful voice ... author of this book Bart's made. After all, I have a little bit of an accent. So we realize it's not such a good thing to narrate the book. So we decided to let Bart narrate the book.
Brian Kelly:
Oh that's, that's fine. I was just curious, because I was, we were talking before. I'm writing the book myself and wanted to know what level of effort that takes to then once you've written it now to voice It. I heard it's not a small amount of effort, that it's quite a good undertaking there. So kudos to you both for putting that out. I can't wait. That's my next on my list. Everyone listening this is, this is not a show to promote a book, just so I get that straight. But I already can tell just from 3 of the 51 mistakes that people make, this is a book I want to pick up personally. Because I, I have in the past gone to many network, networking events, boot camps, seminars, everything we mentioned, and can always get better, can always improve. I'm sure there's things in there that I've never heard of. Yeah. Fantastic. I'm looking at my notes that I wrote. I'm writing notes, so if you're not writing notes and you're just sitting there watching and listening there's no excuse. All right? I'm having fun with you now, but not you, Noa, but with the listeners and viewers out there. I'm the host. I'm running everything: I'm the director, I'm the producer, I'm the co-star. This is the star right here. Yeah. So write notes; take notes. You know, that's just you know ... writing, authoring a book, learning advanced skills in NLP for mindset, you know, being an entrepreneur takes a lot of different skills, usually, specifically, because many entrepreneurs start out on their own, solo-preneur. And so now you have to master sales, marketing, team building and copywriting, website building sometimes, it depends on if you're on a shoestring budget. So being a successful entrepreneur, Noa, what would you say, and I'll give you not just 1 this time, but, what would you say are the top 3 skills needed to be, become and maintain being a successful entrepreneur?
Noa Schecter:
Ok. Few. First of all, to know how to fail but change it. It's not failing. It's learning experience. I also, I shared with you before, I also work with many entrepreneurs actually in Israel, also here, people that's starting their own, their own business and it's, like, it looks ,,, you know, from the outside, we all hear about this person became a billionaire overnight or did an exit or he's very successful. But people don't know how many nights him and his teams were awake. How many times they, they, they were, like, working out of the house or they didn't have money, barely any money to buy food or they were couch surfing. Nobody thinking about this, like, "Oh, he did it. It's so easy." Or they don't know how many times they tried, they failed. They had to do it all over again, either starting from the beginning or to do something different. So people are not aware of it. So my message to everyone, as an entrepreneur, be prepared. Don't think that if you are starting now it's gonna be successful from the first, from the first, from the beginning. There is ... and have Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, that's plus number 1. And don't see your failure as a failure. It's just another way of shifting your business. That's number 1. And number 2, like, you said, a lot of entrepreneurs today, they, when you were at the beginning you're doing it all. Ok? The problem: you don't have the skills to do it all. I just ... I'll give you an example. I just worked with a guy today, he's in Poland and he's creating a workshop for entrepreneurs in Poland, and he reach out to us and I need you there. Can you do one day workshop in Poland? I said, "Of course." And I see the e-mail that he sent with the brochure he created, I almost had a heart attack-so many spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes. And I said, "Listen. In Poland, hire someone for $5 and just creating it right." So ... many people, you know, have the impression that I need to do everything by myself, not realizing there is so many resource around you and, and team around you that can help you. Like, you know what you're good at and continue to do it. And there's something that you know that you're not good at, look around you. Who's on your team that can help you? Or whom can you hire in a minimum pay that can help you to get to where you need to get? And number 3, entrepreneurs again because they're starting and, like, very lean, they don't have the budget, or they're working 24/7, they don't rest, or they don't celebrate. So one of the things I tell them, sometimes, when I work with our client is, like, "Hey, when is the last time you celebrate your success? When is the last time you turn off your computer, turn off your cell phone and just go out and have a good time and connect to people, connect to nature? Do something different, sometimes, doing that different, or, even like I do: go and read a book in a library, in a coffee shop. Sometimes just these action help you to start thinking out-of-the box and maybe find a solution that you need to find to help you move forward in your project.
Brian Kelly:
Nuggets of wisdom. Beyond compare. I mean, good grief. Know how to fail. Be prepared. Plan A, Plan B, Plan C. Failure equals shifting your business. Yeah. And one thing I learned, as well, as, you know, you want to get good at failing and failing fast and failing often, because every time you do, takes you that much closer to that level of success. And that's what keeps many people from ever succeeding is the fear of failure. And if they fear it and then it happens then, oh my gosh, their world is turned upside down. I failed. I'm a failure. No, you're ... that's just one of many that he will go through on the path to being a successful entrepreneur. So, I love that. And then about, you know, you can ... You don't have the skills of every position. Absolutely agree with that 100 percent. You know, we have what is called a core competency. And I had another mentor who was very good at pounding that in my head and said, "Brian, you're your core competency is this, not this other thing you're doing, so delegate that." I said, "Ok." And I started doing that. So I brought on apprentices, and, my goodness, what a liberation, liberating feeling. Thank you for those likes and loves. What a liberating feeling that was to get help and get help of people who were more adept in those areas than I was. I just told them what I wanted to do and didn't have to worry about it, phenomenal. And then celebrate. Oh thank you. Thank you. You just gave everyone here permission to celebrate, to take it easy, to enjoy it, to ... you know what, look back. Even if you have nothing but what you consider to be failures, look back at those as accomplishments of that's how many failures farther, closer, to success you now are. You know, like I would say in the fitness industry, if something called for doing 10 reps, like 10 pushups, and for whatever reason you're able to only do 7, and you gave it everything you've got. But what do we as humans typically like to do? We like to kick ourselves in the butt for not completing all 10, because the goal was, was 10 and we only did 7. And my thing is I always say no, no, no it's not that. Since you gave everything you had that's all you could do. Period. End of story. Instead of kicking yourself in the butt for those reps you didn't do. Rather pat yourself on the back for the reps you did complete, because you gave it your all. And guess what next time you'll get more done because you gave everything you had. So man. Oh, those were unbelievable nuggets of wisdom.
Noa Schecter:
Can I add something to that?
Brian Kelly:
Yes, please.
Noa Schecter:
Remember Thomas, not remember, but Thomas Edison, ok, before he invented the lights, right? The light bulb. He said, and people came to him and say to him so many times how can you do it, failing and failing and failing? He said, "I'm not failing. I'm just learning what, what to do not what not to do." That's it.
Brian Kelly:
Exactly. Exactly. And it's a process and so many people fall for that shiny-object syndrome where they think they all have to do is join a network marketing company and pay a monthly fee and they're going to become rich and there's not going to be much effort or failure involved, it does ... nothing works this way. Nothing works ... to become successful, it takes, it takes hard work, it takes discipline, it takes, it takes thick skin, and it takes drive, and it takes having a big huge why. What is your why? That you will never stop at what you're doing because of that why. There's so many awesome things, I don't want to take over the time here with that, but, because this is Noa time. You know, it's, it's, one of the biggest daunting things for most entrepreneurs that I run into, and ... I'm no different, is how do you acquire customers? How do you get clients? What is the, what is a great way to do that, or ways to bring in customers and clients? Because so many people that I run into say, "Well, yeah that's all great well and good, Brian, but how do I get the leads to begin with? How do I get the customers and clients before I go changing all of my trainings and make it better?" So for you, Noa, how do you personally build a successful customer base?
Noa Schecter:
Like you said networking, and I network everywhere. So instead of calling it networking how about I connect?
Brian Kelly:
There you go.
Noa Schecter:
That's how I see it. I connect with everyone around, because other people. So for me it's natural. I can go to the supermarket then I connect with everyone. First of all, I think it's very nice, to people that serve you, always acknowledge them. So it's really genuine for me. Like, smile at people, smile at people around me and I said I tried. Sometimes it's, it's our nature to judge people but you never know who is in front of you. There are so many amazing people around us. You don't know who I am; who they are. Yeah. They don't know who I am, too. But you don't know who is in front of you. One of my dearest friends today and a mentor, an extremely successful person-here's a good example. I went to an event in Arizona 2, 3 years ago. Don't know anyone. And this is a gentleman from the back of the room, at this, late 70s. Ok? Waving at me, so I'm waving back. He's waving back and we start waving. And then I said, "Why he doesn't get up?" So I walked up to the gentleman, and I realized that he cannot move. So we having this amazing conversation that night, he became my mentor. He became a friend. We call each other almost every... once a week or once every two weeks. And this is just network. And now he said to me, "Noa, I want your success. What is it that you need? That I would love to help you." And we are working on a few things together right now. But you would never know. Just be good and genuine and the success will come. When you connect with people, and it's only for the business, they know it. And you'll see, they'll walk away from you, or the body language, you can tell it on the body language. But when I connect with people, because I care, at some point, I get a referral. Or they'll say, "You know what Noa, I know you have a great program, you help me. I swear to you "... I shouldn't swear. Sorry guys (laughs). Before January, like, it was I think December, one of my dearest friend said, "Noa, I want to take you for, for lunch before the Holy Days." I was like, "Ok. Let's go for lunch." We're having a great lunch and I should shared with her a program that I created how to achieve goals. And I'm sharing with her and showing her how does it what happens and why people fail on goals and then all of a sudden she is, like, "Ok coach me." I say,"Ok, thank you so much. Let's set up time," because she's treating me for lunch. Correct? So I want to give something back. And she says, "No, you don't get it. I want you to be my coach." I was like, "Oh why?" She said, "I know, I know you're going to help me a lot. I know you're going to push me and what you wrote here, I want it. I want you to show me how to do it." I was like, "OK." So you never know, drive your car and call people you haven't talked to them for long time.
Brian Kelly:
Oh yes.
Noa Schecter:
You know, show people that you really care about them, not just when I have an event I call people. Christmas come, everyone in my phone book getting a message: "Hey, Merry Christmas." You'll get that probably next year, too, Father's Day. I just go and I connect, send a text; show them I think about you.
Brian Kelly:
Fantastic, fantastic. So connecting it comes down to connecting ladies and gentlemen. And it comes down to personal relationships. Yeah. Many do not like hearing that. I know that I didn't used to like hearing that. I'm a automation guru, I guess. I've been called... I don't like the word guru, but I'm really good at automation. And I always love doing that rather than connecting with people in person. That was the old me, but I thought I could, you know, reach the masses much quicker than one-on-one, one at a time, face to face. I thought that's not very efficient. Let's blast an e-mail out to a couple thousand and get there quicker. Well I found out over a many times of trying and decades of trying this literally 20 years, Internet marketing, that it comes down to personal relationships, whether you like it or not, that is the way to become successful. And so yeah it's good to gain the skills necessary to interact with people. And again I'm going to do this. This was not Noa ask. She did not ask this. I'm plugging her book and it's 51 Networking Mistakes, and you are co-authoring with another gentleman, is that correct?
Noa Schecter:
Yes (inaudible).
Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. So, there we go. Let's see. I wanted to bring up another ... so that ... when we as entrepreneurs go through our daily lives, there are lots of peaks and lots of valleys. (Inaudible) Sometimes it feels like the peaks are insurmountable. They're just hard to get over and climb, where we can coast back down and have a good ... easy sailing. So let's talk about the good times. Concentrate on that for the moment, and let's talk about moments during your business, Noa, where things felt like they were going good and you felt that either an event occurred or that you had a period of time where things were just clicking, what would you call your most satisfying moment thus far in your business?
Noa Schecter:
There's so many I cannot say one because we deal with people not machines. Like when you are in front of a, like, you, let's say you send 5,000 e-mails and 2,000 response to you, say "Wow that was a success." However, with people I cannot say one way of success. There's so many ways to see success. Success could be a person that I reach out once in my life. You will call me and say, "Hey Noa, thank you for that advice ... change my life." That's a success. Successful could be my clients, you know, moving forward ... and achieving their goals. That's a success, too. Success is someone say, "Hey Noa, I didn't take a vacation for so many years and now I'm doing it." There is no one way of achieving success. And for me personally, if I have a goal and I achieve that goal it's a success. But I think the most is when I influence others, which, whether it's personal friends or clients, and they get something, for me that means success.
Brian Kelly:
Yes. And so on that can you think of one specific moment that was, you say there are many, just pull out one you don't have to name names. I can tell you've got it already.
Noa Schecter:
Oh yeah (laughing).
Brian Kelly:
What is that one specific moment that you've truly found to be satisfying?
Noa Schecter:
That happens, I think, 2 years ago I went to the supermarket by my house, and I see a homeless guy had Downs, start talking to him, I say, "Hey, good morning." You know, like, talking to him like this is my friend, I just haven't seen you in a long time. And he said, "Good morning," and ... and all of a sudden I see this beautiful blue amazing eyes and I was like, "Wow what a beautiful eye. Are you hungry? You want coffee?" And then all of a sudden, he gets, and he was so modest, he said, "You know that's OK, just get me coffee." And because he was so nice, I got him, breakfast, lunch, dinner. I mean I came out with a huge bag. And I start talking to him, and I see that he likes to read, talking about reading, and I said, "What it is?" He said, "Well, I love reading, but I don't have any books." I said, "Don't worry." I run home and I got, like, 5, 6 books, giving books, and we start having a wonderful conversation and I'm talking NLP to him and he said, "Oh I know NLP, and I used to do research about the brain." And he's about 23 years old. So he tells me about the research that he does and I was, like, "Ok is or is he high on something or this is real?" But I realized the language was very nice, profound language and I'm talking about the brain I know him; he gets it to everything I said. He said, "Yeah, I know." Oh, I said, "Ok something is off here." So we starting to talk to him and talking to us say, "Hey. Why are you on the street?" And he was like ... "You don't belong here." And he said, "Well my girlfriend dumped me, we had to find ... I said, "Seriously?" So you want to say to me, now I knew immediately I have to help him. I got to get him out of the street fast. Him telling a story, I got, I don't have much time to, for a therapy or a session. I said, "Listen buddy, do you want to tell me everyone has a fight with his wife, girlfriend, whatever, they should enter on the ... finished end up on the streets?" Wow. So I didn't buy the story, start talking to him, and then my heart was like racing. I said, "Something wrong here. Something doesn't make sense." And I start checking on him, and I notice, like, in the afternoon I came to check on him. This guy is, like, I think 6'2", nice, handsome guy. So I brought my NLP book and I start doing NLP on him in the parking lot (laughing).
Brian Kelly:
Noa Schecter:
Short story, I connected him with his mom that afternoon. Make sure he calls his mom. We bought him a ticket. Next day he was on the train back to his home. He went back to the university, graduate, like, I think 4.0, and I think last one I heard that was a few months ago, he is, he was applying to a med school.
Brian Kelly:
Noa Schecter:
So, talking about something (inaudible). And this book, What's On Your Mind? Actually he helped me to write the chapter about him. We wrote it together. And, when he needed some money, so I gave him I think a $100 or something for the trip, I gave him some money for the trip on the bus. But I say, "Hey you know," ... and this is something very important. You just don't give money to people. Let's say, "How about that? You're smart. Your writing skills good. For the next few weeks I want you to help me with my writing." So he helped me. And then after that I hired his services or extra time so I become his boss. I became his boss at some point.
Brian Kelly:
So what a phenomenal story. I mean my gosh. Yeah. You weren't just his boss, you were his mentor, you were his savior for a time there. How amazing. So, that's. So, ladies and gentlemen these are the kind of people that come onto this show. Time and time again, they're heart centered, serving centered. They are there to help and give. She did not use the opportunity to say this was the most satisfying time in my business. This is more of in-my-life. And which, you know, business is a relationship. It is this. There's no, no real big difference between business and personal life when it comes down to the fact that we've already discussed, you must develop personal relationships. And the beautiful thing is how that kind of segued into the assisting and working in your business with you. That is just one of the most ... that is a rock star story right there. That is amazing. That, you know, it'll be phenomenal if you are ever going, if you're doing a seminar on your own or webinar is to bring him on as a guest speaker and, and help to talk about that story. What? That is awesome, Noa. That is phenomenal. We're done. That's it. Mike drop. Boom.
Noa Schecter:
Oh my God, Brian, this is only one story. Do you know how many stories I have?
Brian Kelly:
That's, that's great. And that's why you probably have, you know, 7, 8, 9, 10 more books in you, because that's what books are, are phenomenal about, you know, storytelling is the best part of books. But real quick, we are getting low on our time. It happens every single show. I had a couple more I wanted to ask you. Not that there's a quota to meet or anything like that but I went, pulling out the most pertinent questions that remain, and I opened the show by talking about I have recognized that there are patterns to success. There are many patterns to success. And for us to become successful all we really need to do is model or copy those who are successful by following those patterns. Do you, I believe, there is some sort of pattern or formula for becoming a successful entrepreneur?
Noa Schecter:
Yes and yes. There's your (inaudible). First of all, I believe that, and again you don't have to believe me, it's my philosophy. It's the thing that, I'm working with so many people I start realizing that actually things are individual. There's no one pattern. I don't like to put things in the box, as you already noticed that. It's about my personality. So, everyone has a different pattern. Every one of us has a different strategy for success. So when I work with my clients, it's not about me. It's about what is their strategy for success. What works for them? And then when we find what works for them, now we are amplifying it and bringing it to the next level. And something that doesn't work, sometimes, is it real? Or it's a story. It's a story that they created. For example, working with people they need to sell more or they need, like, insurance people. I have met that some talking about MLM. We did, my business partner and I did some workshop for World Financial Group, and I remember asking them, "Hey, your business is all about being under out there and connecting with people." I remember I asking one of them, "Hey, how often do you go network?" And he said, one of them said, "Once a month," and he was proud of it. And then I was like, "Are you kidding me? Once a month? At your kind of a business, you need to be out at least 3 times a week, because that's how you get, to get people and engage with people. And it's true. I heard that later that he'd start taking it more, more seriously. He start networking 3 times a week. And of course this affect his business. So, for someone it's maybe to learn how to do better marketing, online marketing. For someone he's, like, maybe we saw learning how to sell, how to increase my selling. For someone like you, like you said I need to read more and I need to connect with people more. It's very individual for each person. So that's one thing. If there is something prominent that I tell to people and I share with all my clients and my friends, it's all about your inner world. What is the story that you have in your inner world? Because ... here's it's true. And I didn't say it. There's so many research about it and you can go and check it. I'm sure one of your books saying it. Your inner world is actually creating the results that you have in your outer world. What do you mean? It means that when you have thoughts, right? When you have a thought you have, you're going to focus on something, whether it's successful or not successful, that thoughts will create a meaning. You're going to give it a meaning. The meaning that you give to that thought will create an action, that action creates results. For example, you drive there's a freeway, you're on the freeway. There was an accident or, or there's something that delayed your driving home. So you can say, "Oh my God, bad delay, bad weather, bad freeway." That's the meaning that you ... that this is delay so bad. The action that you take, it's interaction, you're not happy. You go home. You're upset. Your day's over. The results? You may come home and you're upset at your wife or your kids or your loved one, it doesn't matter, but it's negative. Or you can change it to say, "OK you know what? There's a delay. Maybe there's a coffee shop here; maybe I can see the ocean in my right side. Beautiful day, maybe I can go for a little walk. Enjoy my day." And now this is the action that you're taking. The results: you feel happier. So it's all about what you see and what kind of translation. How do your inner world translate the actions, the things that happened to you in life?" I prefer to use it for positive way versus negative.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah I love that. In NLP, as you, that's called the IR, Internal Representation, that each of us have, that we all run certain filters. And we could be, you and I ... I won't use you, because I want to use a different example. Myself and another person could go to, let's say, a gathering, maybe a celebration. We'll call it a party. And we're both at the same exact party standing shoulder-to-shoulder and experiencing the same exact experience. And then when we leave we might have completely different opinions of how it went. It's like, wait. Weren't we at the same place? I mean, I had a blast and this person's complaining that the air conditioner was too high or too low all night. You know, and I'm like, "Really? That's what you got from this?" And it's because of the filters we have developed over time that program our subconscious mind, we're getting deep now, that these internal representations that Noa is saying much better than I, because she's speaking in actual English instead of me going down this rabbit hole, but that's where it all comes from. And what I completely, firmly believe and everything you just said Noa because it's, like, that thought, your thoughts become your beliefs, your beliefs then transition into emotion and then once that emotion hits that's when we take action. And that action or inaction, that becomes the results we currently have in our life today. So everything you, you think about is what has created your reality today. And at first, when I first heard that I was, like, "Whoa that's a little woo woo; that's a little kinda out there." But it's actually really true, because I have reprogrammed my mind using NLP and that sounds a little woo woo by itself but it's really simple, really quick. And it's a science and proven. It works and it's a life and game changer. So Noa is a person to reach out to if you want to change your mind for the better, because, look, she did it for a homeless young man at 23-years old who is now graduated and success in his own right. Do you think it works? Well, yes. She, she didn't go into detail what she did but she took him through some NLP processes right there, and that just changed his world for the better. And so it's an amazing, amazing science. I had to give that shout out to NLP, Noa, because it's so powerful. Thank you for bringing that all up, for sure. Ok, real quick. We're really toward the end. I was going to let you do 3, but we're gonna bring it down to 1. And this is an easy one, I hope. You talked about, well, you gave us all permission to have fun, right? To go celebrate. What is one thing you love to do personally that, just, you detach from the business, you detach from your phone and e-mails and everything, and just go let your hair down and relax and have fun? What is that for you?
Noa Schecter:
Not exactly relaxing. I go salsa dancing, because when i did salsa I can't talk and I can't talk. I mean there's no thinking about the business. I got to pay attention to what my partner is doing. Otherwise I find myself on the floor.
Brian Kelly:
I love it.
Noa Schecter:
There's something about the music, about the move, and I was, like, this is my secret hobby (laughing).
Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. And it also inherently involves a form of exercise. So that is absolutely perfect. And I just wanted others to have an example of, just an example, it doesn't mean that's what they have to or need to do. But, you know, without hearing a concrete example of what other people do to have fun, well it might be, "Oh that's all? It's just going out and dancing. Cool. I can do that." You know they might have been thinking too big and thinking I don't know what I'm going to do to celebrate. I haven't done it in years so how the heck am I going to do it now. So thank you for that. We have one more. And it's a, it's a, like, a driving question. It's a really good one that I ask every single guest that has come onto this show and it's an amazing question,and it may take some time to come up with the answer. And this one, yeah, there's only one answer; you can expand on it, though. And but before I jump into that, and everybody stick on because before I do that, what I want to do is show everyone watching live and staying here to the end of our show, how they can win that, remember, that 5-night stay at a 5-star luxury resort in Mexico. This is the time that you are now given permission to open a new tab in your browser or a new app on your phone. And here is how you enter. There are two ways. One is to go to the website you see on your screen (new screen display) and that is ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation. Again, that's ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation or if it's easier for you, or you just prefer to do it on your phone, go ahead and text the word peak. That's P-E-A-K to the phone number (661) 535-1624. If you need to, go ahead and write this down really quick. The screen's going away soon. Text the word peak, P-E-A-K, to (661) 535-1624. I think even Noa wrote it down just now watching her on camera, so that's cool. And oh by the way, I cannot do this without the amazing, amazing folks Jason Nast and his business partner at PowerTexting.com. Many of you were alerted of this show coming on using that very system right as we were going live. So go ahead and also write down PowerTexting.com. If you want a personal introduction to Jason, let me know. It's done. We talk about networking we talk about connections, and we have the master connector right here next to me right now. Noa Schecter. So Noa was kind of a build up to this question and I don't want you to get nervous about it because here's the thing. I've asked many entrepreneurs that have been on this show the same exact question. And to date not a single, not, no two person, no two people have answered it the same way. Some similar but not exact and not the same. And I know that someday someone will say something that a previous one did. And that's OK. The cool thing is there is no wrong answer and in fact just the opposite. The only correct answer is your answer because it's unique to you. And we kind of touched on it earlier but I want to see if we can get you to be more specific on this answer and I'll help you along if necessary. So are you ready?
Noa Schecter:
Ah huh. Yeah.
Brian Kelly:
All right. Noa Schecter, how do you define success?
Noa Schecter:
Ok. By the time I get it, by the time you are about to leave the world, looking back on your life and feel good about what you did. That's one way of success. So success for me is building up every day to get into that point. That's success for me.
Brian Kelly:
That is supremely powerful.
Noa Schecter:
It's a long, how do I say it? Long (gesturing and laughing) road to Heaven. So success is every day, set up your goals and every day assess your day and say, "How good was my day? What did I do today that moved me forward towards my goals? Whether it's daily, yearly or lifelong goals, lifelong goals that you're ... you want to achieve.
Brian Kelly:
Fantastic, fantastic. And true to form, different than everyone else. I love it. I love it. And the thing is I'm going to compile all of these answers into another, like, smaller book. Because how, how powerful is it to learn about all the different types of interpretations of success that there are out there. And every single one of them is right. That's the cool thing. They're all correct, because it's your definition of success. So it's right. Doesn't have to be mine; doesn't make it wrong does it? No it doesn't. Every one of them has been amazing. And I noticed, I remembered you had a gift for our viewers. You wanted to offer them something; I wanted to give you the opportunity to talk about that briefly. Do you have a website I can pull up while you do that?
Noa Schecter:
Yes. It's WWW.TALA.LIFE, L-I-F-E. That's one. And the gift that I have is actually, I have few. So just put the people on the show, if they're interested in getting the PDF for the 51 Networking Mistakes, after we talked about it so much, just shoot us (gesturing typing on a computer). They can even send you a message and definitely we'll send them, we'll send them a PDF for the book, complimentary, of course. But what we have, we have 2 amazing gifts for the audience. I mean, of course, we're giving 2. One gift is the DiSC assessment that they do that help people understand what is your potential. This is of, this value is $500 and the client will take the assessment and then they spend about an hour and 1/2 with me going over the assessment. And the other gift that I have actually, so it happens that we are as a company, we're doing a magnificent event April 6 and 7 in beautiful San Diego. The name of the event is Beyond Limits. Again, the value of this event, the value of this gift is $500 for 2 days. You're going to work, you know, every person going to work. What is your inner world? And how you create the success on your outer world? How to change your thoughts? You know, one of my words, one of my sentences is, like, "Change Your Thought, Change Your Life." And I do believe in it, and I work with people on that. So how to accelerate your learning and move faster in your action and creating greater results? Two days that's all about you, and we are gifting 1 person 1 ticket for this event. The rest of you, just shoot up an e-mail. We have a link for the event. I'd love to see everyone at the event.
Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. So to that end, now, how would they get in touch with you to receive this amazing gift?
Noa Schecter:
WWW.TALA.LIFE, L-I-F-E. That's it. No dot com. Nothing. WWW.TALA.LIFE. And it's The Accelerated Leadership Academy. Or they can find us on your Facebook. I'll send you the link, too. So you have it, so you can, if they ask, they could always reach out to us through you.
Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. And so when they go to that website do they call the phone number or hit the email that's on there at the very upper blue area? How do they get, where do they go from there?
Noa Schecter:
They either website, pass a message, call the phone number, whatever works.
Brian Kelly:
Noa Schecter:
We are going to respond. And, Brian, I'm inviting you to this event too.
Brian Kelly:
Thank you so much.
Noa Schecter:
You are going to be my guest if you like to come.
Brian Kelly:
Hey San Diego's got a warm spot in my heart. That's where my daughter lives. So we just went to her a few weeks ago. I can never see enough of her.
Noa Schecter:
OK. April 6 and 7.
Brian Kelly:
I have to look at the calendar on that one. Well, fantastic. So TALA, that is short for The Accelerated Leadership Academy, as you can see on the screen right there (screen display). And Noa, I want to just say thank you so very much for coming on the show, for, just, just divulging, just giving us so much value. It was so amazing. I mean, I have writer's cramp. I was writing notes throughout all of the sheets, went to the back. And I get more out of this I think than anyone else on the planet, because I'm right here with you and I love that I get to do this. And I love that I get to share you with the world and I, I so hope that everyone that's watching this either live or recorded that you are getting that value, too. You're taking notes, and you're taking action. Go reach out to Noa and get those gifts. They're gifts. That means free. By the way, free (laughs).
Noa Schecter:
Two gifts, Brian, 2. But no, not for everyone.
Brian Kelly:
There you go, first come, first served.
Noa Schecter:
Two people. But the book is for everyone.
Brian Kelly:
There you go. So first come, first serve so get there now taking action that's how you, that's one of the traits of successful people, are those that take massive, immediate and I add 1 more, consistent action. All right, enough coaching and preaching. We have to let everyone go here, Noa, it, because we're beyond our 1 hour by a little bit. I want to respect everyone's time, yours as well. But thank you once again for coming on, for rocking our world and I can't wait for the next show coming up, and so everyone stay tuned. We'll see you again real, real soon on the next edition of The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. For Noa Schechter, I am Brian Kelly. Have a wonderful and blessed evening. So long for now.
Thank you for watching and listening. This has been The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show with Brian Kelly.
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Noa Schecter
Noa Schecter is the co-founder of THE ACCELERATED LEADERSHIP ACADEMY with co-founder, Phil Black. Together, they work with entrepreneurs, business owners, corporations, and others who seek assistance in scaling their business to new levels. They help business owners how to communicate better, whether one on one or through their signature program called MASTERY. As an NLP Master Practitioner and educator, Noa coaches also mentors adolescents, teens, and adults in many forms and settings on the topics they need help with. Noa helps them find the solutions they need to live a more peaceful, even prosperous, life.
Connect with Noa: