Special Guest Expert - Rebecca Massoud: this eJw1jltrgzAUx7_LediTM6vTdgplVNoyC70w8WFPkibRheWiSVRK6XdfZOzxf_udcweilWPK1e7WMchgAwFwZR1WhNWcQhZFSZSuXt8CIIN1Wg6Wmb9guVjGSRQAJkQPnvBvpquXABrOBK0VljO04YJ57s-ETWshu8NghLe_netshtA0TWGrdSsY7rgNiZaIGj4yNEZonlq02NBDUSTXW3s52Es_fuBdb_P-3O0rt7dpLN-xcGvJKMdPVg-GsDXVkxIa08qfCsBxJ-ZPjsVpm5-3X3lVFqddWT5_sisjBB-x9Tsayi727UYbiZ2vz_Lx-AWReWHp:1lZmUV:vzVi3t5s80ws0VeqpzGDTtr5JF0 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
So here's the big question how are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it
One step forward? Only to fall two steps back. We're getting. And drib. How do we finally break through? That is the question.
And this podcast
Will give you the answers. My name is Brian. And this is the mind body.
Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. Oh, my goodness, we have the greatest guest speaker, guest expert. Oh, that was tongue in cheek there. Speaker I gave away her brilliance. She is a speaker. Coach Rebecca Massood is going to be joining us very, very soon. But first, a quick introduction to mind body business show. What is that all about? It is about what I call the three pillars of success during my course of many, many years on this planet. Fifty six, to be almost exact. I started studying just successful people about the last decade, a little bit more than that. And I was trying to find out what is it that makes these individuals more successful than someone like me? I mean, do they put their pants on both feet at the same time or just one at a time? Are they human? You know, what is the secret sauce they have that makes them so incredibly successful? So during that time, as I'm studying mentors of mine that I work with directly, or they could be authors of books, some whom I've met, some who might not even be around and have been long since passed many different sources of information. And what I learned through that whole time of over a decade is that three things kept bubbling up and these were these three patterns to success.
And you might guess what those are. Yes, it's a very title of this show. So mind being mindset to a person, each and every one had a very positive and more importantly, flexible mindset and body. They literally took care of themselves. They took care of themselves by exercising. That's on the outside, on the inside. But they also took care of themselves nutritionally all the way on the inside and took care of what they ate and drank and were very careful about that. And then business business is so multifaceted. But these people hadn't mastered all of the skill sets necessary to build a thriving business and to grow it continually. And these skill sets include things like marketing, sales, team building, systematizing leadership. I could go on all night. There's a lot of them. The good news is, you know, one human being probably can't master take to master something that takes a good deal of time. One human being probably could master every single skill set that's required to truly crush it in business in one's own lifetime. The good news is if you just master one, just one, maybe a couple, but one in particular, then you potentially don't need to master all the rest. And that one I mentioned just a moment ago and we might share it later tonight.
I don't know. No, I'm kidding. I'll tell you what it is right now. It is the skill set of leadership. The moment you have mastered that skill set, you can then delegate you can delegate those tasks to the people who have mastered those skill sets, to those people on your team to take care of it, then you can really scale and grow. So the mind body business show is basically a show for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs to give you the best of the best. Rebecca is going to come on and give you some incredible value, be ready, take notes, because the value I know this because I've been doing this show nearly three years and every single guest expert drops nugget after nugget of wisdom, knowledge bombs, you name it. Lots of bombs will be flying tonight, I trust me. And so another great thing that I noticed with very successful people was to a person, they were also very voracious readers of books. And I'm not just talking any books. These are books that have a profound effect on one's life. And with that, I'm going to Segway really quickly. Then we'll bring Rebecca on a Segway into a little section I affectionately call.
Bookmarks for and to read bookmarks, ready, steady, read bookmarks brought to you by reach your peak library dotcom.
Yes, reach your peak, Larry Dotcom, now, this is advice for you that I'm about to give you. It's very valuable advice I was given back in the day when we still got to speak from stage. I remember those days. Here's the thing. The magic happens in the room. And with that, I will implore of you, especially when Rebecca comes on, is to take out paper and a pen or maybe a notepad or whatever you use on your computer and hold it there separately and take notes instead of clicking away. Typing in web addresses like this one, reach your peak library, dotcom. Write it down now. Visit it later. That way you can give your full attention for yourself, give your full attention to Rebecca because she is going to give you nuggets that can potentially change your life. It's happened every show. And if you are to be off, you know, and distracted typing into you are. And she says that one nugget and you were to miss it. I would just not like for that to happen. I want you to get everything you can from this and by by writing down the information, you will get everything. You'll get everything, including all of these amazing resources. All right. Enough of my soapbox there. Reach your peak library. Dotcom is a website I had built specifically with you in mind. I did not do this for myself. The reason is I did not start reading myself voraciously until about the age of forty seven. I'm fifty six now and I just it was an eye opener. My gosh. I said, my God, this stuff does change lives. It changed my life. And so I started compiling a list of only the books that I read that had a powerful positive impact on my life, whether it be business or personal or even both.
And so I put this site together so that you could at least have a much smaller target to hit, actually to be a bigger target. I don't know. It's easier to hit a bigger target. It's so you would have a go to place where your odds of finding the book that I have a positive effect on your life are greatly increased because it's a filtered list. Not every book I read is in here and it didn't go on here unless it had a very positive, profound effect on me and my business or both. And so that is there for you. So reach your peak library, dotcom. And by the way, when you click these buttons to say by here, it takes you right to Amazon. So believe me, this is not what you would call a money making website. I'll make a few pennies, I think. I don't know if I make over a buck. I have no idea. I don't even go look at that. I just buy have it always put affiliate links on anything. It's my discipline, part of my discipline for my business model. But it's not here. The point is, this is not here to make money from you. It is a resource to help you. You'll pay no more than you would if you went straight to Amazon anyway. All right. Enough of that. It is time. You know what time it is. It is time to bring on our very special guest expert. Here we go, get ready.
It's time for the guest expert spotlight savvy, skillful, professional and deft, trained, legally qualified.
And there she is, ladies and gentlemen, low on the only but gum, so yes.
Thank you, Brian. So good to be here.
So excited. Rebecca and I literally just met about 40 minutes ago, and just like everyone I've had on the show, to me, I felt an instant connection, instant friendship and instant kinship, because entrepreneurs have this incredible golden mindset and aura about them, especially the successful ones. They have this incredible just light around them and they're always looking for solving problems and serving people and helping them. And that's what I love about Rebecca and everyone like her. And so that's what I love about what I get to do the show. I meet some amazing people. Rebecca doesn't know it, but she's now a lifelong friend of mine because you can't pick your family and you're not family. Sorry, Rebecca, you just can't do that. But before we jump in, quick housekeeping. For those of you that stay until the very end of this show live, you've got to be watching live. You can qualify to win a five night stay at a five star white vinegar, five star resort, many to choose from. And this is all compliments of our friends and sponsors who made this possible and. Rebecca's left shoulder on the right, if you're watching this live, the big insider secrets, dotcom, that's Jason Narced, my good friend.
They make this available for you. So stay until the end and you'll learn how you can win a fight. And these are legit. This is not where they they take you into a basement once you get there and browbeat you with a four hour time-Share presentation. That's not at all. In fact, I know this because Jason himself has utilized this very thing. He offers three times, three times. And not once did he get a time share pitch. Not once. All right. A little bit more. And then we're going to get moving. So if you're struggling with putting that live show together and it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and connect with great people like Rebecca and grow your business all at the same time, then do yourself a favor and head on over to carpet bomb marketing dot com. I can say it really. Carpet bomb marketing saturate the marketplace with your message and one of the key components that is contained in the carpet bomb marketing courses and this is one you'll learn how to absolutely master is the very service we use to stream our live shows right here, right now on the mind body business show.
Now, over the course of, I would say over nine years now I and my team, we've tried many, many of these, quote unquote, TV studio solutions for live streaming like we're doing now. And I'll tell you right now, streaming art is the best of the best. It combines supreme ease of use along with unmatched functionality. So you can start streaming high quality, professional looking live shows for free, free, free. Did you hear that? We're streaming out right now. So don't visit this website. Write this down and visit it after the show. I'll even put a link in the comments for you to make it easy. The website is our WIP that I am forward slash stream live altogether AJP. I am for streaming live. All right, that's enough of that. We're going to bring on the lovely, the magnificent Rebecca Massood and here she is. And now I'm going to stop talking and really soon, Rebecca, I promise. And everyone out there. I promise. I promise you. But first, I must give her the respect she deserves and give her a proper introduction. May I do that, Rebecca? Is that OK?
That's perfect.
Awesome, because it's a good one. Rebecca Massood is a soulful speaker, coach, marketing mentor and passionate yogi. Women entrepreneurs hire Rebecca when they are tired of hiding out and long to be fully expressed with their gifts and message. I wonder if that could be you listening right now. Rebecca's clients courageously step into the spotlight with a soulful signature talk, attract their ideal clients with ease and double or triple their revenue. I am not kidding. I have to stop for just a second. I'm getting goosebumps. This is powerful. If I could peel my jacket back, I would show you I'm not getting as they were. Ladies unapologetically say yes to being seen, heard and highly visible. Oh my goodness. Who would not want this young lady taken you by the hand? Speaking is frightening to so many people, men and women alike. And just reading that bio, that was powerful, Rebecca. So I can tell right now that you have what so many people want and need. And so thank you for that incredible bio she wrote right in. That was her amazing already. How are you doing tonight, Rebecca?
It's time to thank you. I'm so glad to be here. And I'm having a great time already.
So it hasn't even begun. The good times are just beginning. What I love to do is so the bio is fantastic. It is. It truly is. And I love to hear how people go about their business, the experience they've got or had. You've got many years under your belt of great experience. You know what you're doing. What I like to do is dig a little deeper. I like to dig a little deeper because I found through studying all those people that I talked to in the beginning that it really, really all starts here. There's a big nugget. Mine's big, yours isn't big, but in this noggin. And what I like to find out, Rebecca, from you personally, your story, like when you get up every single morning and you know what's ahead of you being an entrepreneur, just for those of you that may not know, isn't like a cake walk every day that you do have challenges every single day. And knowing that those are facing you, what is it going through that beautiful brain of yours, Rebecca, when you wake up and start your day and. Power through the entire day that keeps you going forward in a positive manner. Day in and day out,
That's a great question. Well, I would say I start my mornings. It's how I set up my day. I mean, really, it starts the very first thing. So I do love coffee and I also love my warm lemon water. So I start with a tall glass of warm lemon water gets. It's very cleansing for the body. And then I'm an early bird, so I have a special love affair with Mornings. So morning is my happy place. And so and so I love to get up an hour plus before my family and have that time just for myself or I journal. I express my gratitude. I write what I'm thankful for, I, I might meditate. So it's really and I think about what's what I have going on that day and I might ask for guidance like I'm seeing clients or if I have a speaking engagement or if I'm sending an email out to my list, I really connect in and say what what is the message I'm here to share with my audience today?
Fantastic. So I talked about being excited earlier, there's someone called Pamela J who is also excited. She says, so excited. Rebecca's work is life changing. I have a feeling you two may know each other. I'm just throwing it out there to my big world. Yes, that's fantastic. Thank you, Pamela, for coming on. Yes. And I love comments, love questions, shout outs, whatever. Love engagement. That's what makes life so much fun and joyful and just love sharing amazing people like Rebecca with everyone and as many as we can, because really that's that's our job as entrepreneurs, isn't it, Rebecca, is to you know, it's ah, it's not just it's not just our duty to make a lot of money. It's our responsibility. And I say that because when you make a lot of money and you're like Rebecca, you're going to do nothing more than scale your business larger and serve more people and help more people. And so that's why it's so important. Do you agree with that, Rebecca?
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's like we're here to serve. And for me, it's about expanding as much as possible and reaching as many people as I can.
And that's not to, like, keep going back to the ad spot earlier, but that's what carpet bomb marketing is all about, is is saturating the marketplace and that means greater exposure. You hit every avenue you possibly can. So and that's what I implore of everyone to do. That's an entrepreneur that's trying to get their business up and running. There are so many avenues and platforms that don't even cost money that you can take advantage of. But we won't go down that rabbit hole unless Rebecca has some tips on doing that. Otherwise, we'll keep moving forward. Would you say that you yourself, Rebecca, are also an avid reader? Because I came up with the importance of reading. Oh, great, cool.
Like, I meant what I said. I yeah. I'm just I love this question. And I loved your whole intro about all the books and everything. I was reading the scrolling through the list, looking at all the books. But absolutely, books have just been a huge love of mine since I was a kid. And there I usually have three, four or five books going on at one time. So I definitely and then I have my favorites that I go back to. I read I reread books multiple times, particular ones that really have have changed my life and they continue to inspire me.
Ok, I'm going to put you on the spot here. You can only pick one of your favorites. Oh, I know you have many and you won't be just counting the others, but if you were to pick out one as of today, like, what's the first one that just pops into your mind? That's the one. Which book would it be?
Goodness. Well, OK, I'm going to say the science of getting rich so, so many people know about Napoleon Hill's book, Think and Grow Rich. And not many people know about the science of getting rich by Wallace models. I think it was written in nineteen fifteen. It is a little gem. It's, it was, it was a book I would carry in my purse back in the day when we could go out and about and we were, you know, I was moving around all over. Now I'm mostly at home but I used to carry it around in my purse. It is so good and it was so impactful. It really changed my life and changed my abundance, ability to receive greater, greater abundance in my life.
How did you spell his last name?
Waddle's. It's an interesting name. W a t l e s Wallace Waddle's fantastic.
And so here's something I just want to kind of interject for. The viewing and listening audience right now is when you have someone of Rebecca's caliber, and that means every guest that I've had on my show are similar in ways. When they come up with a book that they say is their favorite, that has great impact. The first thing I do is, number one, I write it down, so I practice what I preach. I'm not kidding you. I got notes already started. I write it down. And then when this show is over, I'm going to go on audible and purchase that book. I'm not going to wait. And then it's in my library. I've never heard of that book. And so I have my gosh, I'm reading one now. I can remember I got so many in my life, forgot which one I'm on right now, but they're they're just amazing. I love Orrible because you can speed it up one and a half times if you power through it fast and get it all. But you know what? What Rebecca did was just drop what I call a bomb of wisdom on this show. Yes, she did. Yes, and we didn't even rehearse that we were in tandem. Yeah, and literally. Right. So I will repeat it for those of you that may have missed it. It is The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Waddle's at Élysées. And you said so how many pages roughly?
Oh, my goodness. Well, let's see. I have it right here. So it's a little it's a little book. Yeah. I guess quick-witted. Yeah. It's a hundred and fifty pages.
Oh yeah. That's, that's very doable. And then I, I personally don't like seven and eight hundred page encyclopedia type books. I like to get it done in two hundred pages or less. That's, that's kind of my sweet spot but that's great. I love also the, the four agreements from a mindset standpoint lobbi. Oh, Don, we go through it.
Yes, love, that's us, too, yeah. The little one I was going to say that book had maybe become more attracted to my husband because he mentioned that book and I went. I like you, I want to know you, Mark.
Well, this show just took a big turn here because, you know, now we can get into relationship advice and just share what books you read. And if there's a match, maybe you'll end up, you know, being a match like a long term edge.
I like it. Yeah. Yeah.
So just know that the four agreements is a winner, guys, so. And it's not a big read. So if you haven't read it, go get it and you'll love it.
Guaranteed you'll want to attract your mates.
We got it all. Oh my goodness. And so you are a this I love this. You are a coach that or you you train women to speak from stage and you give them everything they need to do it. The confidence, the willingness, the the results. You help them to get results and actually earn money from doing it, which is realistically that's what we all want. Right, is to make some income so we can then scale it, increase it, the business I'm talking about, and then serve more people, bring in other people to do what you do and coach. And so what is a typical client? What does a typical client of yours go through in the process? Do you have like an outline form you could share with us about when they first come to you? This is what happens in the next step, the next step and so on?
Well, a lot of my clients typically come to my one day workshop, which is called Speak, Shine, Sell, and they actually began the process of crafting their client, attracting signature time. So they just start to get the ideas. They craft their story, what content? They might include their call to action. And then they typically go on to work with me privately because once they get a draft of that talk put together, then there is a lot of fleshing out that have a lot of the mind set work we do behind the scenes before they actually get on stage, on stage. So that's it. And then they can also join my membership program, which is the Social Speakers Club. And this is a gathering of powerful, potent women entrepreneurs. We come together in a sisterhood of support, and it's a platform for people to practice their speaking in a safe, supportive space. They've. And we have a lot of fun and we gather the energy to get people out there in those bigger audience audiences.
And that's genius to have a place where people can go to practice that is private and it's among others, that are just trying to achieve the same thing. I've done similar things back when we were able to do this in person, and that was huge because it gave you additional confidence because you knew the feedback was going to be just feedback that got you better. It wasn't going to be anybody saying, oh, you weren't funny or you weren't this or you weren't there to support because they're going to be up soon after you and you're going to they're going to get the same kind of support. It's phenomenal and it works so well. And I'm excited because I know and you know this, Rebecca, so many people that we've run into would be just incredible speakers. Everyone has a story in them. Everyone has experience. Everyone has something that will impact somebody that they're speaking to and change their life. Everybody does. And it's I love the fact that you're here as a tool to extract that brilliance from each and every individual. Quick question. And we talked about this before we came on. You do also cater to men as well.
Oh, yeah, I have men come to my workshops and I do work with them privately on their talks and helping them craft that message and get out there. Excellent. So our choice for sure,
Just know that the four agreements that aren't going to work on her, she's taken. All right. That's for someone else. So that part of it. So that's that's phenomenal. I love this. And so one on one to me and I know this just having gone through a similar I mean, I'm not sure if it's similar, but I went through a one on one type of process and it is the most effective by far. You're getting the attention, you're getting specific, you're getting all the attention from one person who knows what they're doing that can help you to get yourself to the next stage. Because here's the thing. When you first go out on stage. No, tell me if I'm wrong, Rebecca, but the first time you ever got to speak, I'm just going to flat out say you're going to suck because I did. Yeah. Is that is that pretty true?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And it just KeIso dare to suck. I mean, that's what I tell. I go up there in Dallas, suck do it. Yeah.
I like so many techniques getting ready. Here's the thing. This, this one thing helped me so much, you know, about the nerves before you go. There's actually two things. One is if you're really nervous before it's go time, it's time to get up on stage or the camera is going to come on like a show like this and you're nervous most often. That's the reason for that is because you're in your own head thinking about yourself. If you take that and now you project and say, well, I wonder how I'm going to positively impact everyone listening, you'll just feel that anxiety dissipate because you're not making it about yourself. And the other point was, I was going to make sure it'll come back to me. There were two things very important that, oh, Johnny Carson. So it's a quick story. I don't know if you've heard this one, Rebecca. And it's what's really frightening to me is not everybody, even those who that was Johnny Carson. I was like. So many times like to go, if you ever heard Johnny Carson know what? So just for those that may not have heard of them, I'm not trying to shame anybody here. He was Jay Leno's predecessor on The Tonight Show and Jay Leno was what's his name? The current one. The first name, Conan O'Brien. Nice dark haired gosh. Anyway, the current host of The Tonight Show, I should know it because I used to watch him all the time.
No, but he comes on after anyway, so Johnny Carson wasn't the very first host, but he was probably one of the best and the most long tenured and cool thing is he went out every single night, four nights a week or so. I think how often they they filmed in Burbank, California, and he did this every day. This was his job in front of millions of people who are watching on TV. And he confessed that every every single time before that curtain would open and he would announce his name. He was nervous. He was anxious. And I thought, my gosh, if someone like Johnny Carson, if it's OK for him to be nervous, who am I? So it's OK. And it's natural. It's a it's a positive anxiety that you go through. That's impossible to say. Positive anxiety. It is great nerves. It gets you and it gets you up. And just know that most often I was a little bit every single time. I don't know what to expect. Rebecca and I have never been on this show together before. There were unknowns. But just channel it and have fun and think about how you're going to impact the people that are watching and listening. What are your thoughts on that, Rebecca? You probably have a different approach, but I
Don't think you're I love your thoughts and I love the job. I heard that about Johnny Carson, so that's really cool. And yeah, because my my clients, they say, well, how do I get rid of these nerves? And I say, you don't. It's actually your aliveness and you want to feel those nerves even more like go into and deeply feel whatever you're feeling. And because it's about being in your body, that's really when you're up speaking or speaking virtually like we're doing. It's about fully being home in your body, not being there's a tendency as speakers we want to pop out of our into our head bubbles. And I work with my clients and like, no, come back down into your body. So taking a big, deep breath is a way to bring your bring the energy down, down, down, really ground into your body and the earth and then speak from that place. It's what makes us magnetic speakers. And it came from taking the audience.
Yeah, and taking a deep breath, that was another massive wisdom bomb right there, Justin. Yeah, and that was another one that was actually there were three and that I had forgotten that one is right. Before you go on stage, it just take a really nice, deep, cleansing breath. And that that's true. Any time you're nervous, that will help dissipate any nerves that are coming up. Oh, my goodness. Power for its
Power, power, power poses. I want to learn about that.
Prince Ilse's high brother, Brian, this is a I love this guy, I've met him several times is a what? A wonderful soul. Great to see you again. I'm loving the show already. More blessings to you, Rebecca, and your team. That's that's the way he is in person. He's an amazing guy. And he helped me out. Jimmy Fallon. That is correct. Winner. But you said something about a power pose. I want to learn more.
Well, this is Amy Cuddy. It's one of the most watched Ted talks out there, Amy Cuddy, and she talks about the power of presence. But this is something I learned from her, is that when any time we have something that we want to get out there and we're really nervous about and we want to, like, boost our confidence, we put it to put yourself literally take three minutes before you go into go on stage or go into an interview where the stakes are high, put yourself in a power pose and that's like you can't see my arms, but like Wonder Woman posture. Or you can just raise your arms up into a body and literally stand like that, breathing for three minutes. And it literally changes your the chemistry in your body. It releases testosterone, which is building your confidence, and it lowers cortisol, which is the stress hormone. So when you put yourself in that posture and then you go out there, it literally has you step into it and be that confident speaker.
I love that and maybe even don a cape and go up on stage of the Cape.
Exactly. Or Angel Wings, but
There you go. Yeah, and I've actually seen people go up on stage wearing a cape. It's funny. That's why I brought it up. But I love that because these are great tips. By the way, ladies and gentlemen, for those of you that have not yet spoken from stage. Yeah. I'll never forget my first time what I call really, truly speaking from stage. I was invited up to talk for three minutes because the speaker lost his way and he knew me. I worked with him. I helped him out and I didn't. I can consider that an actual speaking gig, but with my mentor, I got a 90 minute segment and he would give them a 90 minute segments to help you get your way through. And that was my first one. I remember I was so nervous. All I did was stand up comedy the whole time. I mean, every every thing I taught on stage, I found a way to turn into a joke because I was just nervous and I thought it was effective. And when I got done and I got the feedback, it was everything. But and that's why I say your first time you're going to suck. And that's OK. Just know that and get over it. And here's the thing. Every single time you speak, there's going to be little elements where you're going to realize little pieces of it. Oh, I sucked at that moment. So what? I get over it, do your best and move on. Because the bottom line is, what are the people getting? What are they receiving from your message, from your experience and how are they being helped because of you when you concentrate on that and all that stuff doesn't matter. Be imperfect, right, Rebecca? Be authentic.
Absolutely. Yes. Perfection is the myth. Anyway, I say it's about it's not about perfection. It's about connection, because people really want to see the real you and the real you makes mistakes and mistakes. So it's funny. This is polished. Perfect. Good person. Yeah, it's real. Real.
I mean, come on, it's not about you say that again.
Perfection, not about perfection. It's about connection
Really. I'm thinking that there's a. Yep. I think it's coming. It's about connection. Absolutely. Very, very true, and so what has it been like? So, Rebecca, there was one point in time in your life when you were not a speaker, correct?
Yes, Brian.
And so when you became a speaker and you began honing your craft and improving it, what kind of changes did you experience in your business life, in your life in general after that?
When I started when once I started speaking, yeah.
On a regular basis.
Yeah. Well, I started pretty early on, so nine years ago I started my business and I started speaking pretty quickly and I was one of those very sucky speakers, but I did it anyway anyway. And I just kept doing it consistently. Consistently. And so that's actually one of the keys. Is he showing up consistently? Consistently. Over and over and over, because then you and I also realize and I also every opportunity is an opportunity to practice. So whether I'm literally on a stage speaking in front of an audience in front of an audience, I'm still practicing. I'm still I'm a work in progress. I'm always. Always.
I am taking notes.
Those were talking major.
Those were two major bombs of wisdom to keep dropping them over and over on the show. I want to keep their attention, but showing up consistently. Oh, my gosh, that's a huge one. So a lot of people back in the day when we could speak on stage would go, where would I speak, where am I going to speak? How am I going to get out there? There are several ways, you know, you could you could get on stage stages if you knew somebody that's might be harder to do than doing it yourself and create your own stage. But now, today, where else but virtual could you do it consistently? I mean, this show is a very unique hit. So many wonderful things. And just a little bit there, Rebecca, because you talked about every opportunity is an opportunity to practice. That's exactly the way I view the show for me. I'm speaking every week at least once a week on this show, and I'm getting better in different ways. I'm also noticing things. I'll go back and go, man, that was a dumb comment, Brian. So what? It's being authentic in in the moment. And you get more comfortable. You get more apt to be flexible. Look, this is technology. I've had my mentor, Rebecca, came on the show. I was waiting for a long time to get him on. Oh, I could not wait. And he finally said, yeah, I'm ready.
And there was a valid reason why it took so long. I won't get into that. He finally comes on. I'm talking to him. The show is just open it up. And then his video froze and then it went up, gone inside. I'm going, oh, not now. You know, this is my this is the one I've been waiting for forever. And I knew him so well. I just started because I've been doing this for a while and I'm not pat myself on the back. But what Rebecca is saying is absolutely true. Consistency, everything she said, showing up consistently and practicing using the show. I knew so much about them. I just started talking about him and what happened. I just said he'll be back. I know he'll be back. If anyone is is resourceful, it's it's him. His name's Mel Cutler. And he came back and it turned out his laptop physically literally crashed and he ran into the other room and got his wife's, who was watching the show and fired that up. So it took several minutes. But you just get you get the hang of it. And no show or no speech or any engagement ever goes perfect. But people won't know any different. You just keep going with it. It's so fun. I could go on forever. Sorry, Rebecca. I'm just taking over too much.
Well, Brian, you're really what I hear in that story is you really demonstrate the power of being present, fully present when you're speaking and using the art of improv. So you completely improvised in that moment. Something unexpected happens. It always does something. And so you want to be present to what's happening with the audience. You get somebody in the audience that's making a comment or a face or something. You want to respond to that and connect with that person and and so in. That's you know, you can't. Practice that part, you can't prepare for that part, it's just about being fully present in the moment and then. Reacting, responding, and so improvise is something I've studied and played with and and it's a great part of bringing that into speaking.
It is, oh my gosh, an improv has a connotation of comedy in it. Right? When you talk about improv and
Trying to be funny,
I have a really good friend, Tom Antione. He's an international speaker. I mean, I don't gosh thousands of times on stage, but he started before he became a speaker and an Internet marketing multimillionaire. He was before that a comedian. And he he has said countless times, in fact, recently he's been on Instagram talking about this, how that helped him so greatly to become a successful speaker. Now, I mean, everyone needs to become an improv expert. No, it's just that I'm sure Rebecca will take you through all the processes and everything you need to become flexible in the moment to be focused and to power through it. It's just it's fun that there is only one way to get better. And I know Rebecca is going to agree with this, and that is to do it consistently, continually and then have somebody here. This is important, though, not just to do it in a vacuum, have this young lady in your corner giving you feedback after the fact. That is where I got the greatest improvement in my speaking career. Is that something that you agree with as well, Rebecca?
Yeah, well, we all need mentor as a speaker. I'm a speaker coach. I have my own speaker coach. And it's invaluable to have that support to to get the feedback and to work with someone that can really help you hone that craft.
Did you just say you have your own speaker, coach? Are you kidding me?
That is speaker. Coach needs a speaker coach as well.
Oh, that's incredible. And I love that. The best of the best. Including people like Michael Jordan, you know, the greatest athletes, the greatest business people on the planet, they all have coaches, you know, no matter how, you know, Michael Jordan was, by all accounts, the greatest who ever played even while he was playing. And he still had not just one, but several coaches coaching him to help him improve even more once you stop improving. And this is why I just came in. In my opinion, once you stop improving, in my opinion, you stop living. I don't think there's ever you can ever reach that very top. There's no glass ceiling. It just keeps going up. It's open.
Sounds like a wisdom bomb. Brian Oh.
Do I have your permission
To drop one of those? I love it. It's one of your own.
Wow. That's my first ever wisdom. Thank you so much for that. That's awesome. I love the concept, the whole topic of speaking. And so today, for someone to get started in addition to connecting with you and we'll give everyone that information how to connect with you. By the way, Rebecca has a gift for you, too, so stay till the end. We're going to give away a finite state, a five star resort and an amazing free gift from this amazing young woman. So stay on for that. So what can people do right now to get on a stage? What would be your number one go to even for someone just starting out? And that would be if they're ready for that step when they're working with you, where will you take them? What stage would they go on?
Well, I would say start with any stage that that you can. I mean, what I started out I literally spoke in my chiropractor's waiting room. So 10 people sitting there in my chiropractor's and the whole front row was my family. It was like my husband, my sister in law, my other sister in law, and then my sister in law's sister in law. And they were all sitting there just so excited to see me out there speaking. And it's so start with where you're comfortable. Are you ready to jump on the big stage? Are you ready for that TED talk or is it in your local community? Is it at your local local networking group? So that's how I started chiropractor. I spoke at my local networking group. I went to Rotary Clubs and spoke there just to get that practice. Some people go to Toastmasters and get practice that way. It just it's it's the the the process. You could use your Facebook group as a practice space to get comfortable doing, going live on videos, Instagram video, live videos. I mean, those are all just beautiful practice spaces. And so it really depends if you're like I mean, most people are not ready to jump on a huge main stage. They're like, OK, I can gather eight people in my living room and start that way. I mean, literally, it doesn't have to be this big thing. It can be just these baby steps that gets you more and more comfortable and confident.
Great. More OK. It's deserved and it just is we have to do this. It's just it's the one the one thing that really stuck out that I think is absolutely genius is a Facebook group, because if you're the creator of the group, you control who the members are. And so you can literally create a temporary group. I've done this and use it for testing and then invite friends, invite those that are involved with you alongside of Rebecca in a membership area, which Rebecca probably has the set up, I'm guessing. And then you can go in. And only the people in the group, if you make it private, can see your performance and then give you valid feedback that you do in real time right after you're done. And then another great resource that I personally used for years, and I don't even I haven't been to their site. I don't know where they stand today is Meetup dotcom. And basically it was a way once covid is pretty much relieved, will be able to do this again. So I don't even know if they're still in business, to be honest, but it relied on physical locations to meet at in your area. And so, you know, I'd go around, talk to restaurant owners, business owners that had a facility and say, hey, I'll bring people in and I will give you a 30 second spot to promote your business and get you some free advertising. Would that be OK? I see you have a nice room in the back and a projector. I need to use that. Would that be a fair trade? And I did for one a week in four different locations every every month. And it was awesome. And that's small. Like you said, ten people. That's where my mind was. I think that's a meetup up right there. It's pretty awesome.
Exactly. And I was amazed because one of my first speaking gigs, there were 10 people in my chiropractor's waiting room, I got two clients from that, and one of those became a ten thousand dollar client. And I was not a polished or confident speaker at all. I dared to suck.
Yup, and you showed up
And I showed up,
You did it. So another quick anecdotal this I used to help with another speaker. I mentioned that before I was on their crew. And so we would run microphones, anything that was asked of us. I told them I'll do anything but clean toilets. We got a hotel and it was just for the effect. But I was in the back. So if you're in a live event, oftentimes there's all those seats, the stage in the front and all in the back are the tables that are kind of in a U shape. That's where the team sets for audiovisuals, selling goods, whatever. And so that's that's hallowed ground. Nobody but those that are involved in the show directly are allowed inside the you. So I'm back from the you watching our speaker and being on onepoint ready for anything that needs to be done. And this stranger walks in and jumps into the you and he's dressed well. And I'm like. Who the heck is this guy in my mind, like, what do you think you're doing in here? You don't belong here and I'm looking at my team, my crew team over and seeing how they're reacting. And no one's, like, freaking out. And I'm like, OK, I'll let it go for now. But I'm just kind of I'm going to keep an eye on this guy. Why are you back here? At no more than five minutes later, Rebecca, one of the other crew members came over and began putting a microphone on his lapel, miking him up.
And in an instant, my perception of that person went from here, you don't belong here to, oh, my God, you're a speaker, and now he's way up on a pedestal in an instant. Yes. And so what I love about, you know, for anyone that steps up, this is exactly what happened to Rebecca. She just told the story. She got two clients. One became a high end client because of their perception. She brought authority to her being. It's more powerful than writing a book and writing a book is another good thing to do, too, but once you find out a speaker, you just you're hooked together. Yeah, I never said a word to the guy. And I went to the bottom of the barrel to the top of the mountain, thinking about it like, oh, OK, you're good. Yeah. So it's powerful just being a speaker. And I shouldn't say just it takes some work. It takes dedication, takes effort. It takes it literally. Please don't do this by yourself and think you can just become a great speaker on your own. You can if you want to take 10 years to do it versus probably have several months with Rebecca, maybe sooner do it with somebody that knows what they're doing and can coach you and get you to the promised land way quicker than if you were to do it on your own. That's my advice. What would you say to that, Rebecca?
Absolutely. Yes. I mean, we all need we all need the support. And like I was saying earlier, I have my own coach to help with helping me step up and say yes to those bigger stages and refine my message. And it's just we just work better as a human species when we have support. And I think as entrepreneurs, we're so much happier when we're surrounded, when we surround ourselves with great support.
Isn't it so true that we often see one person that is like uber successful in in our mind? We never think about the fact that they probably had many coaches over the course of their lives. It probably took them 10 years to become instantly famous, right?
And they've had help. You must get help. Jason Anderson. I love it. Dare to suck. I love it. Yes. Jason was a guest on this show as well. An amazing, amazing entrepreneur as well. So thanks for coming on, Jason. Love it. Yeah, everything. Everything. So speaking as is so, I love it so much. I worked with a mentor. I taught his students I was his lead trainer for two years or so. I branched out on my own. I did three of my own events and then I hit the reset button and needed to build my platform. And in the interim, I got I got that itch. I want to get back out there. And so this is the result of that itch. The mind body business show I'm not good and now I'm able to do this. And then when committed, I was already ready is awesome. And then I can't wait to get back out there, though. So what would you say, Rebecca, the difference between as a speaker speaking to a live audience on a stage where right there. Or speaking in a virtual space where you can't see them like we're doing right now, what is the difference and what is your experience been with each?
Well, other than when I'm speaking here, I'm wearing flip flops and when I'm out on the big stage wearing like, well, there's a big difference in how comfortable the comfortable ness of my feet and your height and my height. Yeah. So, you know, they're both great. I the whole thing has absolutely I've been embraced even more. I was already coaching and teaching online and now even more and I can't wait to get back out live to. So it's it's a boat now. I mean it's the virtual speaking is not going to go away. I now have the ability to have women and men from all over the country attend my workshop, my workshop. So it's I love that because before I was just doing my workshops in San Diego, but now I have these virtual workshops and workshops. And so it's the combination is where that I really am.
Yes. Oh, I can't resist. The combination is where it's that. That's a yes. Oh, yeah, Obama wisdom there it is, because very, very soon we will have that ability and in many parts of the country that already are doing that meeting and congregating with speaking events that I went to one in Florida, when was that? January or so of this year. I think maybe it was December and we had to have a limited capacity, but it was nice to just be an event. I wasn't speaking at this when I was there to support. It was a whole different thing, but it was awesome just to feel it and be involved in it. Once again, I can't wait for it to come back. And I totally agree. I think the combination you can use one, you can use this venue like we're on right now to basically act as a marketing funnel, if you will, to get people to your live physical event as one example. Just an example. And that could be like in the form of an ad spot like you saw we did in the very beginning of the show. You could advertise your own stuff. It's your show. You get to do what you want us to. Beautiful that. I can't wait for that time where we can do both, literally. My gosh, look at the time. Are you are you kidding me? We only have five minutes left. Good thing that this doesn't just auto destruct in five minutes. We can go a little over if we have to. My gosh, there are so many things. Oh, let me I would like to ask one more if you don't mind going over maybe five minutes or so. Rebecca, would that be OK?
Yeah, sure.
Cause I hope I hope you know, I want to give respect to everyone watching as well that are watching. Thank you for hanging on. Yes. The prize will be given out if you can hang on just a little longer. This is a very important question because one of the keys, one of the lifeblood of any business comes by the way of this term called marketing. You know, there are marketing. If everyone had mastered the skill set of marketing, no one would ever have an issue in making money ever is the one most important gradient in developing, building and growing a business if you were to take a skill set out of them, in my humble opinion. And for you, Rebecca, if you were to look at today, you have to go back over the whole course of the years that you've been doing this. But right now, currently, for everyone out there watching and listening to help them out, what would you say is the best form of marketing that's working for you right now?
Well, this is so easy. It has to be speaking, of course, speaking, speaking from the heart, speaking from your soul and blending strategy and soul to connect with your audience is really the best form of marketing. It's because you can create that intimate connection. Even if you have an audience of hundreds or thousands, you can create that intimate one on one connection as you look out into the audience or look into the eye of the camera as you're speaking. And it can appear as if you're speaking just to that one person that's watching you. So it's it's that's the opportunity to nurture that relationship through speaking.
Absolutely. Love it. And I want to bring up your Web site really quick, give you a moment to let people know how they can connect with you. We're not done yet, ladies and gentlemen. But do write this down. And you saw the website earlier. I'll bring that back up as well. And here's the website in the lower left. It's Rebecca Massood Dotcom. And that's our b c c a m a s s o u d dot com. That's for our audible or podcast, Listening Friends. And this is the website. You will see if you're watching this live or recorded video. You can see this up on the screen. And what would be the best way for people to connect with you? Is that through this website, Rebecca, or other means?
Definitely they can connect with me at Rebecca Massood dot com. They can go to the contact app at the top right there and also on Facebook and Instagram. Instagram.
Fantastic. I'm getting some comments loaded here to put in and also, yeah, let's do this now. So let's not make people wait the entire extra five minutes, just if that's okay with you, Rebecca. You had mentioned before we went on the show that you had maybe a little free gift for the people that came to watch you tonight.
Yes, I do. It's my ultimate guide of places where you can be speaking now and so you can go to Rebecca Masu dot com forward, slash free Dasch gift free dash gift and it's I get started speaking forty nine places where you can start speaking locally and online. The five steps that you need to get started speaking. I provide some phone scripts and email scripts to help you start inquiring about speaking opportunities. If you're like, I don't know what to say when I reach out to an organizer, will I give you all the things that you need to say and what you want to say as well as what you want to have ready with doing your speaking outreach?
Oh, my goodness. There was so much in that just by itself that Lawrence. Yes, another day, another bomb dropping. That was phenomenal. So you want to go to Rebecca Massood dot com for free Dasch gift. Now, this is important. So you see on the screen that you those are the see that notice. There are mixed case in the lettering. There's R is capitalized and M is capitalized. Anything in a URL, a website that is that part and the dot com, anything before the dot com. It doesn't matter if you have all caps all over this case, it doesn't matter. The important part is after the forward slash that matters. So free Dasch gift one hundred percent all lower case. So Rebecca, Amazon.com for free Dasch gift. So be sure to drop that in the comments. So hopefully all of you can see that and just click on it. I would highly recommend that you all get this. What? I don't it doesn't matter if you're already a polished speaker. I've learned some things from Rebecca. I've spoken a number of times on different stages. I've shared the stage with the numerous and credible people. I'm not going to go namedropping here. And I've learned quite a bit just by hosting the show. And I know that you will be able to to and now if you're just starting, my goodness, you've got the right person. She's right here. It's like The Brady Bunch, isn't it? And it's only only certain people will get that one, too, like the Johnny Carson, but definitely reach out to Rebecca.
So go to that site, grab the gift. It is called a gift for a reason. I mean, did you hear everything she said? I mean, for things to have ready. My gosh, preparation is key. Oh, my gosh. That's one of those things that will keep you from being freaking out if you're not hundred percent prepared. Things like what if you're on a PowerPoint and you have that shining up on the screen and the light bulb burns out in the hotel, you you're doing your speech from what then? How do you prepare for stuff like that? I'm sure she's got all this covered, so be sure to head on over Rebecca Amazon.com for free gift. And now we're almost there. I know many of you are hanging in for that big prize. All of that gift signed up for a little bit longer. Rebecca, I love to ask this one final question of every one of my guests, experts that have been on the show. And it's interesting because I didn't plan it this way. I just asked it once and thought, wow, that was an interesting answer. I didn't expect that. And then I've asked it time and time and time again. Now, every show and the answers are just so incredibly intriguing to me and and powerful, thought provoking, you name it. They run the gamut. And that when when the question is asked, some will get it right away. Guest experts like yourself, some will take some time and ponder. And it's just interesting that the variety of reactions to this question.
But before we ask that final question, you know, we have to do this. Well, I'm going to say we get to do this and that is show people how they can win that five night stay at a five star luxury resort, compliments of the big insider secrets, dotcom. So in the beginning, I said, keep your attention to Rebecca during the show, if you remember that. And so now I think Rebecca would agree with me. We're going to give you permission to take it away for just a moment and pull out your your your phone, your smartphone, cell phone, and then pull up your messaging app, the text messaging app. Why? Because you're right now. Because to enter, to win, all you need to do is where you would type in the name of the person you're about to send a text message to instead of typing in the name put in this number. And that number is three one four six six five one seven six seven guests. Experts are allowed to enter three one four six six five. That was four, Rebecca, one seven, six, seven. And in the message area where you would actually type in emojis or anything like that, you know, your actual message instead of emojis, no emojis, just two words separated by a dash or a hyphen, if you prefer. And those two words are peak. That's p e a k dash vacation all together, no spaces. So again, real quick, write this down because I'm taking the screen down real quick.
Three, one four six six five one seven, six, seven. That's the number. And then the message is peak dash vacation and then keep your phone handy because you will get an automated response. I'm big into automation and our system will respond to you requesting your email address. When you provide that, you are automatically then entered into the. So I just want to get that out there and let you know how and what to expect, and we're going to bring on the one and only Rebecca back to the screen. So we built it up a little bit. Rebecca, this final question. Probably wondering what the heck is it now, the good news is that. There's only well, there's no such thing as a wrong answer to this question. It doesn't exist, you cannot get the answer wrong. That's what I'm telling you, that the really cool thing is just the opposite is the case. The only correct answer is yours. It's it's personal, not in a deep personal digging into your personal life kind of thing. It's just a personal question because everyone seems to react differently. Cool. So you know that. So whatever it is is going to be the perfect answer for you, whether it takes you 10 seconds a minute to come up with the answer or whether it's instant. It doesn't matter because it's your answer and it's about you. It doesn't matter. And I'm not on the clock. We're not on the clock. So how long it takes. All right. With all that buildup, are you ready?
I'm ready.
All right. Here we go. Rebecca Massood. How do you. Define. Success.
Well, I define success as doing what you love, absolutely you're doing absolutely what you love the way you want to do it, you're. You're giving your gifts, you're you're sharing your expertize, you're receiving abundantly for your gifts and having a great time. And so for me, life is about joy and fun and pleasure and receiving abundantly. And success is is that it's it's all that it's all bundled in that's in that and and giving giving of yourself, giving freely, just feeling the sense of freedom and joy and just no limits to what you can create being that creator, master, creator in your life and. Painting the canvas any way that you desire is what successes to me.
Hmm, warrants one final bombing run. Yes, oh, perfect timing with that, you are good at this. Fantastic. Wow. Rebecca Musser, thank you so very much for everything. You've been phenomenal. You provided incredible value. I know this. I mean, like, I'm not kidding. I learned a number of things from you that I have not utilized or known about before in my speaking career. So thank you for me to you for providing such valuable information. I can only imagine what others that have not yet been on stage or are just starting the nuggets of wisdom that they got from you and the impact. Here's the thing for all of you, that we're taking those notes, and I know you are. Look, I got a full page. It's like I have no more room that here's the most important thing you can do with those notes is in Rebecca, I'm sure will back me on this is put them into action. And one great way to do that is simply to reach out to Rebecca at Rebecca Amazon.com and go to that website, click on the contact link on our website and just have a conversation. You can tell she's very nice. She's not going to bite. Not right now. She won't bite. And very personable, very approachable. And look, you can just tell by her she wants to help and she has she has the experience to do so.
And so I implore of you, if there's any part of you saying, you know, I think it's a good idea, I should start speaking publicly, even if there's all these other voices saying, yeah, but yeah, but you're too old, you're too short, you're too fat, you're too skinny, whatever. Throw those voices out because Rebecca will help masterfully mold the beautiful clay that you are into a phenomenal speaker. So I got where I come up with all this stuff. Rebecca, I'm going to get that and write some hard copy with it. But in all seriousness, reach out to her. There's a website. You see it right there. Let's see. Thank you, Pamela. She says, great interview, Brian and Rebecca. Lots of great value. Yes. So agree. So agree. Thank you for everyone coming on. Thank you, Rebecca, for coming on and spending your valuable time with not just myself, but with everybody who's been watching and listening and interacting. Thank you all for that. Before we call it a night. One last thing, Rebecca, if you wouldn't mind if there is somebody that has never spoken either in public or from stage, either one, and they came to you with Rebecca. What do you think? What is one piece of advice that you would give them to get them started immediately?
Uh. Well, I mean, honestly, I would say come to my workshop and that that's just a great starting ground for starting to. Put together a talk that you could see delivering to your ideal audience, and it's you know, we just it's it's a great, safe, supportive space where I walk you step by step and you're surrounded by other amazing entrepreneurs and that are also in that some are nervous that we've never spoken before. And so there's going to be people there just like you that are just getting started. And so and I also say I have a lot of compassion for yourself. The entrepreneurial journey is is is it's tough. It's it's it's it's not for the faint of heart. And and so, as you first of all, just congratulations for saying yes to being an entrepreneur because that takes such courage. And so. Driving off of that courage, like sailing off of that courage to the next step, which is getting you on a stage where, again, it can be just so simple, eight people in your living room, 10 people at your local networking group, restaurant, back room of the restaurant, and and then just giving yourself a lot of compassion and love as you keep stepping out and taking those leaps.
So I can tell you right now, everyone, the answer was the first thing she said because everything she said after that, we'll support that, and that is to attend her workshop. And do you have those online right now, virtual, yes.
Yes, I do.
Know it can't get any easier. Go to our website. Is it on your Web site directly? Yes. Success stories. Work with me is an honor. Work with me
And work with me.
Ok, so go to our website. There's a work with me navigation menu at the very top, top left, the farthest, most left. And and if you can't find it, just reach out to her. I mean, again, look at her. She's an amazing and listen, she's an amazing woman who has your best interests in heart. So connect with Rebecca. Rebecca, one final time. Thank you so very much for coming on this show and just love it. And we went over ten minutes, more than ten, and I'm okay with that. Thanks again. Appreciate you. And for everyone that came on live and interacted, appreciate you and all of you that weren't able to make it live. And you're listening on the podcast. Remember to head to the mind body business, show dotcom and you can actually register to just get reminders of when we go live. And you could watch and interact with us live right here on this show each and every week. Can't wait for the next episode, which is coming up very soon. That's it. It's a wrap on behalf of the amazing Rebecca. Listen, this is your host, Brian Kelly, my buddy. Go sing along, everybody. Have a great evening. Be blessed by bye for now.
Thank you
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Rebecca Massoud
Rebecca Massoud is a soulful speaker coach, marketing mentor and passionate yogi. Women entrepreneurs hire Rebecca when they are tired of hiding out and long to be fully expressed with their gifts and message. Rebecca's clients courageously step into the spotlight with a soulful signature talk, attract their ideal clients with ease, and double or triple their revenue, as they unapologetically say "yes" to being seen, heard and highly visible.
Connect with Rebecca: