Special Guest Expert - Riana Milne
Special Guest Expert - Riana Milne: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. The three keys to your success is just moments away. Here's your host, Brian Kelly.
Brian Kelly:
Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show! I am so, so excited because we have an amazing expert in the field of mindset with us tonight. Oh, my goodness, I'm getting goose bumps on my arms. I'm not kidding. I love what I get to do. Real quick The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show, What is that all about? If you've never seen the show real quickly, in my now fifty five years on this planet, I began studying those who are successful, specifically those who are successful and started noticing certain patterns develop and why they had achieved that level of success that they were they were getting. And I realized that and they kept coming up over and over and over. And so I said, my goodness! So there's actually three areas. One is mind, which means mindset. Successful people have figured out how to develop a rock solid, very empowering mindset. And we're going to go deeper into that tonight on the show. So I'm going to move past mindset, even though it is probably the most important aspect of your success, whether it be business or personal. And then there's body that is literally about taking care of your body. Those who are successful tend to do this. They exercise regularly. Doesn't mean every single day, but regularly, and they are very cognizant of what they are in-taking as far as nutrition, whether it's food or drink. And that's another pattern I found that developed in many successful people and then business. Oh, my goodness, that is so multifaceted. There's sales, there's marketing - that's a big one, team building scaling, systematizing. The list goes on and on and on. And those that are successful have mastered all three of these areas - mind, body and business. And when it comes to mind and body, it's like they are like a team mind and body. Your mind and body are team. More specifically, more importantly, they are your team. So if both or either one of the team members is not operating at a peak level of performance, then you can guess that the team as a whole might be suffering. And so it's very important first to set the foundation for your success, for your life, and that is through mindset and taking care of your body. And that's going to be a big part of the topic of tonight's show, I'm so excited. And another thing I noticed with successful people beyond mind body business. In fact, this goes into the mind realm once again is most successful people are very avid readers. They love to read. And with that, we're going to quickly segue into a little segment I like to appropriately call bookmarks. Here we go.
Bookmarks, born to read, bookmarks. Ready steady read bookmarks brought to you by ReachYourPeakLibrary.com.
Brian Kelly:
And there you see on the screen, ReachYourPeakLibrary.com. And one quick note for all of you watching either live or listening later to the recording is, stay with us. In other words, take notes, take out a pen and paper, literally, you know, the old school instrument and take notes and write down the resources that you hear during the show. Instead of going off and typing in a Web site address and checking it out, because as they say and as I say, the magic happens in the room. And I would really I would really be disappointed if you were to miss one golden nugget by our guest expert, Riana Milne, who's coming on very soon. So stay with us, take notes and you're going to love the value that this young lady is going to bring to the show, I kid you not. This is going to be phenomenal. ReachYourPeakLibrary.com - That is a website that I personally put together as a result of finally getting in the habit of reading books. I didn't start reading books voraciously until just several years ago, and then I became a sponge. I finally learned that this was one of the key elements for becoming successful. And so this website I put together. Every book you see in this website, I have read and more importantly, vetted, meaning not every book has made it to this list that I've ever read. And so that is here to help you, the entrepreneur or the business person that's looking to increase your success, increase your your personal prowess in in all areas. And so this is really my gift to you. It's not a money making website. It is there for you to go and you can pick out books that have at least been vetted by one other successful person. So that way, the odds of you wasting time on a book are greatly decreased. And so that's there for you and enjoy it. Write it down, don't go there yet, because it is now time, already, fantastically, to bring on our wonderful special guests expert. Here we go.
It's time for the guest expert spotlight - savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, big-league qualified.
Brian Kelly:
And there she is, ladies a gentlemen.
Riana Milne:
Hey, how are you, Brian?
Brian Kelly:
The one, the only, Riana! How are you doing, Riana?
Riana Milne:
I'm great. Thank you so much for having me tonight. Happy to be here.
Brian Kelly:
I'm so excited, I cannot tell you because you are an expert in the field that I love so much. And it's just we're gonna have a rocking good time. Is that OK if we have a good time on this show?
Riana Milne:
That would be great. Absolutely.
Brian Kelly:
Before I jump in and formally introduce you, I want to remind everyone that's watching live that if you stay on to the end, you get a chance to win a five nights stay at a five star luxury resort in Mexico, all provided to us by our sponsors, as you can see up in the corner. Powertexting.com. And we give away a vacation every single week on this show and just so you know, these vacation days are not something to snare you in to a timeshare presentation, which many have in the past. I know that for a fact, because the actual sponsor, the owner of the company Powertexting.com, has actually used this very vacation your way himself, no less than three times. And so each and every time he said it was a phenomenal experience, so be sure to stick on to the end. Now it is time to introduce the one and only Riana Milne. She is a certified global life dating and relationship coach, a number one best selling author, the host of her podcast called Lessons in Life and Love. She is an educational speaker, a certified trauma and addictions professional, and is a licensed mental health counselor for close to 20 years in Palm Beach County, Florida. Amazing already. She was also a life and dating coach for the docu-series 'Radical Dating Finding Lasting Love over 40' and get this, her client is now happily married. So do you think she knows what she's doing? The answer is yes. Riana specializes in those who have had past childhood dating or relationship trauma and offers one on one VIP coaching and online virtual coaching programs for both singles and couples at her LifeAndLoveTrainingAcademy.com, I love it. With that, now, finally, allow me to introduce the wonderful Riana Milne.
Riana Milne:
Thank you so much. That's really sweet. Thank you, Brian.
Brian Kelly:
Yes. I'm so excited to have you here, Riana. I cannot tell you how much I think you can tell a little bit. I'm about to jump out of my chair, I'm so excited. One thing I love about introducing guests is the bios are amazing. Yours is no exception. My goodness! you are so like accomplished.
Riana Milne:
Thank you.
Brian Kelly:
You're very welcome. And you have the talent that helps people and that's what's near and dear to my heart. That's something I know you love to do. You're very serving individual who loves to help people. I don't think you'd be in the field you're in if you didn't. I mean, come on.
Riana Milne:
It's definite. It has to be a passion. Yes, for sure.
Brian Kelly:
Absolutely, and it shows all over. Just watching your face right now as we talk about your glowing, you're you're smiling you're excited. And one of the things I love to do is, is once we learn more about you and your accolades, your accomplishments, your past experience is, I always love, I'm very curious, I'm a very curious person. I love to dig deeper into a successful person's mind. And yes, we're talking about yours right now. And to do that and we're not talking about anything crazy it's just getting a little deeper and find out what makes people like you successful. People like you, Riana. What makes you tick? And so like in the morning when we get up, you know, if you're anything like me you're a little groggy, Right? And you got to kind of raise up out of bed, swing the feet over the bed, they hit the floor. And now you start coming to what I'd like to say and we start coming into, you know, realizing the days ahead and we're either motivated or not. People like you are motivated, there is no doubt. You cannot not be motivated to do what you do and be successful at it. So for you, when you start to come to, so to speak, and you notice that day is coming and you know, it's there and you get to now go help more people. What is it for you, Riana, that motivates you? What's going on in that beautiful brain of yours at that moment?
Riana Milne:
OK, Well, I wake up a little bit differently. I usually wake up alone without the alarm about 10 to 15 minutes before the alarm goes off at 7:30. So I stretch for about 10 minutes, in bed while your muscles are warm. It's the best time to stretch. And as I'm doing that, I think of the 3 goals for the day that I want to make sure I get done and in what order of importance must they be done. And then if I have more time, I'll do goal 4 and goal 5. But that's been a routine of mine since my 20s. Always thinking what way it is I have to do today. So I don't have that sleepy feeling when I get up, but at time I do get out of bed I know where I'm going, I'm focused on what I want to do and then I once I am dressed, I get a protein shake and then I sit down and meditate for 15 minutes, which is a very important part of focusing my brain as well as giving gratitude for the things I do have and getting into my spiritual presence, which is a really important part of my business success. So what motivates me? Basically, the things that I have gone through in my life, you know, I've always wanted to be a counselor since I was very young. I used to do a lot of motivational writing when I was in high school. I used to write these little mini journals that people say, "Can I read what you're writing?" And they used to say, "This is good. This is motivational." And I've gone through a couple of painful relationships, and after the second one, I decided to really focus my niche on the correlation that I made between toxic partners, for lack of a better word and the fact that they had childhood trauma. And I had to figure that out for myself, so it was part of my forgiveness and my healing with that partner. And I had great love for him and it was a devastating situation at the time for me and my daughters, my family. And I needed the understanding and me being a psychotherapist, I had seven psychotherapist friends. I'm like, "What did he have? What made him do these things he did?" And everyone was baffled because even though I have a triple master's in Applied Clinical and Counseling Psychology, this was information we did not learn in school. So I was so fascinated with the research, I just was so excited to bring this out to the world globally and do the correlation between childhood traumas and how that blocks people in life, love, business and even parenting. That's what motivates me.
Brian Kelly:
I love that statement. It makes me love every bit of it. And so much does happen in our formative years, especially between 0 and 7. These are, I'm going back to NLP training that I've been through and that can actually plot a course to your your actual results. And I love that you are going in and identifying those and helping people to overcome what has been holding them back from the life they truly deserve, that they want and that they deserve. And that's that's a beautiful what you do. And I wanted to point out for those of you that are watching and taking notes, hint, hint, wink! wink! that yet another pattern that Riana just brought up that I hear over and over and over again, and it's usually from and as a result of that very first question, and that is that they have a routine.
Riana Milne:
Mm hmm.
Brian Kelly:
And you notice Riana said she's done this. She's had a routine since her 20s. And so it's not something she just started doing and then I'll do it now and then here and there. It's a routine, she's disciplined, and that's one other trait of highly successful people. And notice she spends time on her mind and her body. She meditates, she goes over three goals and she has a protein shake as well. So there you have you it, you have mind and body already starting the day. That's why Riana is where she is. She's successful, she's in Florida, she's helping people and she's rocking it. And I'm so fortunate to be on the other side interviewing you right now, Riana.
Riana Milne:
Thank you, Brian. I think another part of it, too, is when someone can take their pain and make it their passion and their purpose. It's really important to have purpose in your work. Me being very spiritual, I feel that we are all human beings here in this world for a reason. So it's important you find your reason and how can you give back whether it's to humans, to the earth, to animals, just making a difference in some way? And that to me is, you know, helping people heal from the things that I went through with both childhood and love trauma. You know, it gives me purpose. That's why I love what I do so much.
Brian Kelly:
And, you know, because of the fields you're in and what you're dealing with, trauma. I mean, I can imagine that that's got to be somewhat of a challenge at times, probably not for you haven't done it for so long. But, you know, that's not a positive thing that people went through that they're going to bring back up. How do you. How do you maintain? Because to become and remain a successful person, it really takes a rock solid, positive mindset.
Riana Milne:
Yeah. I mean, I work hard and I play hard. I don't take it. Once I've done my work, I can close it off and really go into something different. You know, I really love world travel, I do that a lot, I love dancing, I love music. I was out dancing last night to a Motown band. I mean, my friends are really great company and I can just drop work when I drop it. But when I'm with my client, I'm super focused and I am already prepared that most clients come to me very high anxiety, bouts of depression, feeling very frustrated in love. They keep having repetitive toxic relationships or they may be struggling at work. They stay with work because they're afraid of change and they hate their job. So there's a lot of negatives and fear and low trust in the clients when they come to me. I'm so used to it that it doesn't really shake me but it just takes me a couple of sessions to get them to just relax and open their mind and their hearts to learning something new. And then I look at vitamin therapy. I put them on vitamin therapy. My clients are not on psychotropic drugs. So we do everything holistic- mind, body, spirit, to heal. And then we make the unconscious to conscious awareness. So no longer are they acting from a fear based unconscious mindset. Instead, you know, when they learn the tools, they are working from full conscious awareness to make their decisions, their goals and go for their dreams with more confidence.
Brian Kelly:
My goodness, and that's it. The fear based mindset is what holds people back from greatness. And interesting because we have similar paths in that in that area, Riana, which I love about this, is, you know, once I learned myself personally that it was really fear that was holding me back from really achieving what I would deem success and then learned the tools and techniques to release that fear. Wow! what a difference. My goodness!
Riana Milne:
Isn't it? It's phenomenal. And I call it the other side of the rainbow. You're starting out not knowing what you don't know and it's a very frustrating, scary, sad place to be. And then once you start getting these skills, you're going to do better and feel better but then you'll slip because the unconscious is so strong and there's behavioral patterns from your childhood. Those coping mechanisms come out later as emotional triggers our poor behavioral patterns and we need to break all those. Not only the thinking patterns, but the doing or the reaction or the blaming or the feeling like a victim. There's all these different things that are part of that negative past and we've got to break those habitual habits to get you clear and clean. And it's so funny you said that I have an aura because we talk about that all the time when my clients are on the other side of the rainbow, that you can just see their aura, their energy, their peace, their calm, their happiness levels are very, very evident. It's almost like an anti-ageing drug as well, you know, people feel and look much younger than their years just because they just feel so good and happy about life.
Brian Kelly:
And it's all because of the mind and how powerful our minds are we have no idea. You have a better idea than most, I'm sure. And the beautiful... how wonderful that you get to witness that, you know, on a daily basis. I can see what would motivate you for sure. Knowing that at the end of the other side of the rainbow, they're gonna have that glow. They're gonna have that youthful, freed, liberated mind that's allowing them to be who they truly were meant to be.
Riana Milne:
Brian Kelly:
So what you do for people is a God sent, so God bless you for doing it.
Riana Milne:
Thank you. Thank you.
Brian Kelly:
Really, I truly, truly mean that. That is phenomenal. And for those of you watching, we're going to get a little deeper into what Riana does and learn how she can help you. If you're a potential candidate, then we definitely want to get you connected with Riana. This show is not about selling things, it's not about pitching things. It is about providing value and providing solutions for those who are ready for it. And if that person is you, then we will give you the opportunity to reach out and connect with Riana. Highly recommend you do. Just from the short time I've known her, I already can tell, she is a mover and shaker and she helps people in phenomenal ways. It's hard to explain to those who've not gone through any kind of mindset work, Riana. You know, it's like I don't know how to tell you, you just have to experiences it is what I would always say.
Riana Milne:
The thing is, most people don't think they have childhood trauma. And when I first was reading this, it's like, "Oh, he had them. I didn't" You know, I had a few bumps in the road, but I didn't have trauma. And then the research was saying 90 percent of people, adults have 1 to 3 of the 10 traumas I'm going to describe and I developed my list based on the years of psychotherapy and every job I had was working with kids from traumatic backgrounds. So I was in a hospital setting working with kids who were suicidal, cutting runaways, drug and alcohol users from the foster care system. Then as a drug and alcohol counselor, I was in a drug rehab center for adolescents and with one for women with the prison system, which we call 'Drug court'. They were released from prison, allowed to go to a rehab. And then I worked in the schools as a specialty counselor called a SAC, S-A-C, student assistance counselor, working with the troubled upset kids. So kids might've been ADHD or apositional defiant, the bullies or the bullied kids, the loners, just somewhat traumatically upset and they came from homes that were upsetting for them. So all that in combination and then what I saw in my partners, I just kind of put this list together. Now are more than 10 that I identify, but I talk about the top 10 when I'm interviewed. And then people hear it and it's like, "Wow, that makes sense, OK. Yes, I did have this happen" and I was doing the research, I did identify mine as well. So then it started making sense where I was attracting troubled partners into my life. So, yeah. Would you like me to go into those 10?
Brian Kelly:
Yes, please.
Riana Milne:
OK, All right. So when I do, if you'd like to write this down on a piece of paper, there's three columns you put 'Me' on the first one. The second column would be 'Partner'- a partner you remember struggling with, and the third one would be 'Parents'- and you could put mom, dad or both when I go through the list, because later, the Kaiser Permanente Group with CDC, Center for Disease Control also did a childhood trauma study. But their correlation was working with those with childhood trauma and how later disease came out in their life much earlier in life as well. So we're talking like M.S., chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, diabetes, so many different cancer, heart attacks, heart disease. So all those have a correlation to early disease and illness onset. But they didn't really do life love in business. And that was the end that I really research. So our lists were different initially. And I work based mine on on the people that I've worked with. So I'll go through this list. Now, when you're young, you know, I don't want you to place now today blame on mom or dad because parents do that the best that they know how. And remember, they have probably come from trauma themselves. And then we don't want you to feel shamed either because you were young and innocent and you can't help the home environment that you happen to live in. You know, that you were a part of. So we're just trying to look at this in a factual way. OK, So first, the if you were a child that grew up with any addictions in the household. Now, Kaiser studies suggest drugs and alcohol. So maybe as an addictions counselor, I say drugs, alcohol, sex, which is a chronic cheater of a parent, porn, gambling, hoarding, eating, spending, workaholism, gaming, TV watching. There's eleven addictions there and there's more, but those are some common ones. Number 2 is verbal abuse. So if you witness mom and dad yelling and screaming at each other. But I also define if you never heard the words I love you or you didn't get compliments, if you didn't hear Words of Endearment like, "I love you, honey, I'm proud of you." those types of things. A lot of kids grow up not hearing that. And instead, you might have heard something like "You'll amount to no good, yeah, that's good but still not good enough." You always heard these messages, "It's not good enough." That's trauma number two, verbally. OK? Number 3 is emotional abuse and neglect. Number 4 is physical abuse, like beatings, any kind of beatings, rape or molestation. And those two could have happened inside or outside of the home. The next trauma is abandonment and identify two types of abandonment. The first one I call no fault. So it's no fault of your parents if they happen to die early or if they have to go off and serve at war. A child is always left wondering, is my mom or dad OK? Will they'd be making it home? It's a very scary feeling for a child. And the third one would be if your parent happened to travel a lot to support the family. And I identify myself in that one because my dad, we did know it, the family, but he was like James Bond. He was FBI and CIA. And we did not know it until we got letters from Ronald Reagan and William Casey thanking him for his many years of service. But I do remember as a child asking my mom, when's dad coming home? And she would be all disgusted. "Well, I don't know where he is" and I'm thinking " Why? Well, where is he? Is he OK? You know, so that was a nerve wracking thing for a little child. The fault abandonment would be if a parent never was active in your life or if there was a divorce and they happened to go off and not really see you on a regular basis or they promised to see you and break their word, or even if they see you, they kind of check out and they're like only watching the football games or it's a woman who's only involved with her new boyfriend and you're just sitting in the room on your computer. OK, There's really not much interaction there. So that would be a fault abandonment. The next one would be if your part of adoption foster care system or had to go live in another household because your parents couldn't keep you in their household. Trauma number 7 is one of the most popular that I call personal trauma. So that's if you remember being different in some way, you might have been a skinny and gawky kid or someone call you know, they called you nerd or you might have been overweight and you were teased for that. You might have had asthma and not chosen for the sports team or being labeled ADHD and felt different because of that. It could have been a racial thing where you felt different in school because you weren't like most of the other kids. So there's many different ways that trauma number seven could come out. And it's a very, very popular one, leaving you feeling not worthy or not good enough. It's trauma number 8, as I call sibling trauma. Now, this one, your sibling could have bullied you. They could have been born with a medical issue which commanded more of moms and dads time or most commonly, you perceive them to be the golden child. They got more moms and dads attention. So they might have been the super athlete or really pretty or really handsome or super smart, whatever it was, you could see mom and dad praise them all the time. You just didn't feel like you could measure up. The next one number 9 has two parts. The first part is family trauma. This is if a parent was incarcerated, if you had to move a lot due to your military family, you're always the new kid in a different school every two to four years, if you came from lack and poverty or a dangerous neighborhood. And bringing in from the later list is one that's becoming unfortunately so profound and that I call community trauma. These are school shootings, are community shootings, anything where big communities are lost and by things such as Mother Nature, floods, fires, hurricanes, mudslides, volcanoes made whole communities are being wiped out. More and more often we're seeing these types of things occur. Scary for the adults. Can you imagine little children going through this? And then the last one is if there's a mental health illness in mom or dad, and the two most difficult to navigate is bipolar and borderline. So bipolar personality disorder, I describe as bipolar is manic depressive. So manic is could be a gambling spree, a spending spree, an eating binge, OK? And depression can come out by you checking out or even through anger. And the other one, borderline personality disorder, I describe as quick tempers, moody- when they're good, they're great but when they're bad, they're horrid and you never know which one you're going to get. So that leaves a kid in a state of high anxiety. So those are the 10 that I saw over and over again with the populations that I worked with and in the husband that was a struggle, he actually had 9 out of 10 traumas. And then I look at the severity levels from 1 to 10. So let's say a child had three bad beatings in his childhood. They say, "Well, that was really bad. I'm going to give that a 3". And then somebody who's beat three times a week, that's obviously a 10. So the severity levels make a big difference. And on the high scale, this is where you see your sociopaths and psychopaths and a psychopath as a sociopath who kills. Sociopath is someone that uses people for pleasure or profit.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Was going down as you're going down the list, you know, I'm trying to think and to have someone have that many. Wow. Oh, my goodness.
Riana Milne:
Yeah, it's unfortunate.
Brian Kelly:
You feel for them, right?
Yes. Well, yes. And when you understand that, that's why I said yes, he had a really rough go of it when he was a child and, you know, instead I felt compassion and the ability to forgive. But then at the same time, I had to say, "OK, I have to be knowledgeable again to make sure I'm choosing someone who's emotionally healthy, right?, and consciously aware and not taking high risks that not only ruin their reputation, their job, but because they're attached to me, it would ruin mine as well". So that's a tough place to be when you're on the other side of that.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, and it's amazing, you know, just stirs up all these thoughts, like when you meet people and they may be you know, they may not react to you in the way you want them to, but we don't know that they could have been on this list and had a lot of those going on that are still with them.
Riana Milne:
Amazingly enough, Brian, when people of trauma attract people of trauma and these relationships early on are like love bombing. Like a lot of texting, falling in love fast, want to be exclusive right away. This is the guy that might ask the girl to marry him within two or three months, and ladies, that's a real red flag. You know, that's a scary thing. So, yeah, in the beginning and then you see once it gets more commitment... So whether they move in together, they get engaged to get married or there's a child, then the mood disorders and the problems escalate after there's some other form of commitment. That's usually about four months to nine months in.
Brian Kelly:
And I think that's almost true of any relationship, whether it started out healthy or not, is after the kids come, oh boy, everything changes. Some of it's good and someone is like, oh man, this is difficult. How do we keep our relationship going?
Riana Milne:
I got to say, the millennial men, I have a lot of respect for today. You know, I'm watching my son in laws be amazing fathers. Charles and Preston shout out to you guys. And they do change the diapers and take care of the kids and feed the kids. And in my generation, the men didn't do anything. You know, the woman worked and then cooked and then cleaned and then took care of the kids. I mean, we were at super burn out and I think that's why there was a lot of divorces in our baby boomer generation. You know, it's like the husband is just one more kid. So, you know, but I'm seeing the millennial men really, really stepping up. And I believe this is why they saw their mothers with this struggle. You know, when the father was kind of the absent dad or he'd go to work, come home and sit on the couch and wait for dinner to be served. So I really think the millennial men are really picking up and they're being better parents. They are being teens, you know, helping with the child raising. And I see that in my family.
Brian Kelly:
That's fantastic to hear, really fantastic to hear, because it seems from the outside looking in vantage point that the opposite is happening as far as family unity and strength and binding based on just what we see. You know what the problem is? It's the media, it's the news. They don't really want to report on good things. It's just those that are shocking and horrible. We could go down a rabbit hole on that, I don't want to. And so very interesting and intriguing and the fact that... I mean, think about this for those you watching and listening. This young lady to my left, to your right on the screen knows how to help you to overcome an act in spite of these childhood horrible things that happened, these traumas and some of them you may not even be aware of until you talk to Riana and she might... I've had this happen to me as well, that's why I bring that up. you're like "Oh, my gosh. I completely forgot about that. Wow!" You know, these big realizations come up...
Riana Milne:
And it might be interesting to tell them a couple examples of how this can come up. You know, we're talking about business. So the fear based mindset of "I'm afraid to invest in myself. If I buy a business coach, will it work? What if it doesn't work?" And there's all this angst and anxiety and they don't believe in themselves enough. This usually comes from trauma number 7- the personal trauma or the verbal trauma - number 2. When you've heard maybe from your parents "You'll amount to no good or your opinion doesn't matter." You know, "I'd rather see you than hear from you, just keep your mouth shut." You know, where your opinion is not respected. So it's really important that we analyze what is showing up for you. Now, Just the opposite. Let's take an example of, you know, the beautiful story of Oprah Winfrey. She came from a lot of poverty. There's a lot of prejudice against her. You know, she was going into the news media, they told her she was too overweight. They said that our color was too dark. She had all these verbal messages and not feeling good enough. But her mindset was so focused on wanting to succeed, and she had a regimented plan and she was focused to the point of really succeeding. So it can be one way or the other when it comes to the business. The mindset for success, if you have that in place, can really accelerate you. Another beautiful biography is Quincy Jones. You know, very much excelled in the music industry and film and mentored a lot of young people to their success in those areas as well. And at the end of the biography, they give all his awards and his acclaims and they said, "Is there any areas that you failed in?" He goes, "Yeah, I failed in love." You know, so he couldn't hold on to his relationships and his relationships with his children suffered most of his adult life until as he got older, he was able to patch that up. But very interesting. I watch a lot of biographies to see how the childhood traumas impacted them in good and bad ways. I mean, let's face it, we have a very high ranking official in politics, so I will not say the name, and he has a lot of what we call 'blurting out'. OK, blurting out as saying totally inappropriate things and just leaves people saying "He said what?" Right? and blurting out is a sign of childhood trauma. He had an alcoholic father who was quite a business tyrant. His biography was saying he was not able to play with kids on the weekends. He was cleaning toilets of his father's apartment buildings, you know, and so you know that how people end up... I remember seeing a news report and saying, "Do you think he has mental health issues?" I'm like, "No, he has unhealed childhood trauma." It's very clearly evident to me what it is. And this can also, you know, bring on narcissism. And again, the sociopath, people who don't apologize, people who are ruthless in business. What does that show? American scandals or something where they talk about all the business people that have ripped other people off. That's a sociopath, right? Using someone for pleasure or profit. So unfortunately, when I was doing my research, I said 1 in 25 people were sociopathic. Now today they're saying like 6 and 7 out of 25 are sociopathic. Yeah., because the traumas are worse and the families are falling apart, you know. So..
Brian Kelly:
It's not a surprise to be honest, but it is sad at the same time.
Riana Milne:
Brian Kelly:
You know that and thankfully we have someone like you. You know, all of those that are watching this now can... Look, you may not find that you want or need her services, but you might... I'm sure you can think of somebody who might be in that camp and you could very gracefully introduce them. And I'm sure Riana can help you with that.
Riana Milne:
I have a lot of people, Brian, very successful in business, but struggle in love and they can't figure out why. So that was the one that said, "OK, I don't hear compliments at home. So I'm going to work so hard and get all As or some Bs and I'll get love from my teachers and at least I'll be smart" You know? And then if they got went home with a good report card, they feel a little love and gets finally a compliment from their mom or dad. But then they end up working very hard and ended up being very successful in business. But the underlying thing, let's say they had a father who was very authoritarian, very strict, he used to beat them or scream at them, you know. That was then still not healed, right? So when it came to love, chemistry is one of the worst ways to fall in love. It's funny, all these dating profiles men say must have chemistry and that's all they go on. And it really I describe chemistry as the icing on the cake. Without the cake, the icing just melts. It's gone, right? You need the substance. What is their character? What is their value system? What is their behavioral patterns? Can you trust them? Are they good with money or they're responsible? Are they a good parent? You know, who are they as a person? This is what women really care about. The chemistry is just in a present. It's icing on the cake. So building that integrity piece, you know. Who are you as a person? That's a most important thing. So you know a woman. I see a lot of women that are people pleasers. Where does that come from? That comes from, let's say woman had an alcoholic, difficult mother, and in the morning she would get up to get her siblings ready for school, pack the lunches, get them dressed, get them out to the bus, and then she might not, A) - get yelled at and B) - just hear, "Thanks, Hun." And get a little bit of love. So this is someone always overdoing to either keep peace in the house or keep peace for themselves. That was their coping mechanism. Then as a woman, this might be someone that comes in in a coupled relationship and I hear "I've totally lost myself. I do everything for my husband and my kids and nothing's done for me." And they're burnt out, they're exhausted, they're stressed out, they feel disrespected and unloved, and so we have to rework on that boundary. It's funny for somebody with a lot of humor. I did a study on comedians... with comedians who used humor to get popular at school. They might have had trouble at home. So they came in and they told jokes they were the class clowns. So they became popular by using humor. And a lot of comedians tell about their sad stories as kids and make humor out of it. But every comedian I did a study on, you know, came from a very traumatic household or a troubled childhood.
Brian Kelly:
That's interesting.
Riana Milne:
Yeah. So there's all kinds of ways I put together like 24 different patterns. You know, someone that's a charmer, a manipulator. Let's say a man that's someone like that, well, that could have been the kid that let's say he would be beat by the father. Got an F on the test in he said, "Oh if I change it to an A and get it signed, you know, maybe I'll get away with it." And he finds if he lies, he gets away with things. This establishes the pattern of 'lying is easier than telling the truth', right? Whereas passive aggressive come from, you know, if a guy that shuts down and doesn't want to talk about things. Well, if he talked up as a child, he might have gotten whacked, you know, or screamed at. So he just learned, I better be quiet, not say a thing, to say safe, right? These are all safety mechanisms. So the manipulator, you know, he would go into school and schmooze his female teacher to get his D into a C, you know, do little chores for her, found, Wow! You know, "If I schmooze my teacher, this works. I can get better grades" You know? So all these little patterns are coping patterns that become normalized and then come out in adult relationships at work, at home, in dating, you know, some...
Brian Kelly:
Makes total sense. I am so like leaning and I just looked up at the cameras like, "I got to back off a little bit" because I'm just like going closer and closer like this is amazing. It's so cool to be able to, number 1, identify what is causing certain behaviors. And then on the flip side, which we really haven't got into, is now the result of dealing with that and cleaning up the weeds from the garden, I like to say.
Riana Milne:
Brian Kelly:
And along those lines what what I've been thinking as you're talking like what?... What a business that you have. Amazing. You went from therapy into coaching. And then you've made a success and you've only been at that for a couple of years. A little over two years, right?
Riana Milne:
Yea. Well, I started coaching actually in 2009/10 by going to RCI - Relationship Coaching Institute, got certified for singles and for couples. And then I really wanted an excellent educational program. I'm all about education. So I said "I have to write some books from my research." So 'Live beyond your dreams from fear and doubt - the personal power, purpose and success' That's about the mindset for success. And then I wrote the book that's over 400 pages that went on to be the #1 bestseller, 'Love beyond your dreams - Break free of toxic relationships to have the love you deserve' So they're sister books, they're meant to go together. And then I wrote a 150 page workbook, one for singles and one for couples. So by the time that was all done, I was ready then to officially coach, although it was coaching people in New Jersey where I lived at my company 'Therapy by the Sea'. I was never the typical psychotherapist. I was always more of a motivational mindset coach. So I knew I wanted to do coaching from day one. But I had I wanted to be certified and I wanted to do it right. So by the time my materials were all written, I had moved down here to Florida and said instead of like re-establishing myself in Delray, I'm going to go global. And then I signed on a business coach and was with her for a year to learn the systems I didn't know. And she was a great help, Lisa Sakowitz was my coach for that. And then I took on JLD-John Lee Domus for my podcast coach, and he's fabulous. So, you know, I always take on a good mentor coach when there's something I don't know, especially around systems and and higher tech marketing because I'm more old school. I did a lot of marketing in my model and talent school before there were computers. So, you know, I needed to learn a lot of those things. So I hired on the coaches to help me with that. And then I went to full time 2017 and closed the therapy door and said, "That's it for therapy".
Brian Kelly:
In there, you talk about liberation.
Riana Milne:
Yes, totally. I work from home. I work the hours I want. I travel when I want and it's fabulous. It's freedom, yet still working and delivering my purpose in the world.
Brian Kelly:
Entrepreneur dream.
Riana Milne:
Brian Kelly:
And I love it. So there's messages that you're sending out to our viewers that are amazing. I want to kind of highlight the fact that, look, this is an amazingly successful woman who coaches other individuals and to become the best she could be, she herself hired coaches. That is a huge thing to bring up and make sure that everyone is aware of. Look the best in the world...one most often that people go to is like Michael Jordan. He wouldn't have gotten to where he got without the amazing expert coaches that he got. He's not an expert or wasn't an expert in every facet of the sport of basketball. And just as Riana is not nor am I an expert in every facet of growing a business. You just need help from those who know how to do it. And that's why I love that you have said that publicly, Riana, that you've brought in coaches.
Riana Milne:
Oh yes.
Brian Kelly:
And not just one.
Riana Milne:
You know, I had a publishing coach as well because I wanted my books in Barnes and Noble stores. That's very determined. I remember sitting in the class and everyone was "What's your goal for your book?" Just to establish your self as an expert. They came to me and said, "I want my books in the Barnes and Noble stores" And they all started laughing and the coach says "Well, the reality is only half of 1 percent of self published People get in there." And I said, "Well, there's room for me, half a 1 percent. Those numbers are good enough for me" And I'm in there. I did everything I needed to know step by step. And, you know, that was a big day for me. That was one of my childhood dreams to be in that bookstore. So I was thrilled.
Brian Kelly:
So another beautiful pattern to follow. I love to tell people that they have our permission to model or copy model success. And I love that you just said, "Yeah, but I'm gonna be there." Who wants to work with somebody like Riana? That is like that. You know, whatever you say, that's fine. But I'm I'm just here to tell you, I'm going to make it there. And now you have a coach like that who has that kind of positive attitude, who is a go-getter, who's going to make sure you get the results you want and deserve. She's the want to go to. There's no doubt.
Riana Milne:
I'm very particular. Yes, I have done a lot of business coaching. I do primary as 50 percent life and 50 percent love. But under the life portion is happiness and career. So if they're not happy, we have to brainstorm what do they want to do? What area do they want to do it in? If someone says, "Oh, I want to be a coach too" That's great, but let me tell you the realities. Once you've got the realities, do you still want to be a coach? because there's a lot of work behind it. You know, some of us make it look simple, but it's not. It's hours and hours of work and establishing your niche and being different than anybody else. You know, I learned from a mentor early on. I was a promotional model at WFIL Radio in Philadelphia, and I worked all over the city and with a lot of entertainers. That's one of my favorite stories, dancing the entire encore with Freddie Mercury of Queen for the night of the Opera Concert at Tower Theatre and having the Tramps at my house in Philadelphia partying with them. So it was a cool life for a teenager. But I learned from my boss, Jean, he says, "Hon, you got to be different than everybody else. What's going to make you different? What's going to make you stand out in anything you do in life and business? What's going to make you different?" And I always remember that, you know. And whatever business I had, you know, when I was going to open a model and talent business in Erie, P.A., everyone there like, "Well, that's not going to go here. This is a blue collar town." I said, "I know what kind of town it is. It's not Philly, I get it. I'm from Philadelphia." But I opened up 'Riana's real people modeling'. So anyone could do it. I had age five to eighty five. My oldest model, Hildy, modeled a lot. She was making a ton of money and her husband was actually mad she signed up for modeling school and then she got billboards and brochures for senior banking and senior health services. She was she was going to town. So that's how I opened it up. And it meant it was different. You know, and I was 26 years old when I opened up with my first month's rent coming out of a difficult marriage, that there was a bankruptcy due to his business decisions. And all I have is my first month's rent, not the ability to get a loan. So, you know, I had what my father taught me. He says, "Honey, if you got the five Ds in life, you can do anything." Since then, I've added two more to my dad's story. But the first one I added was decide. Decide what you want with decision is a really important part of what you want to do. It has to be a firm decision. Then the five that my dad said was Determination, Desire, Dedication, Devotion-which is a spiritual part and Dare to dream than the last one I added was Drive. And you need the drive when it gets tough. And when I was working those 12, 14 hour days, seven days in a row building my online school platform, that was not easy, especially because I'm not a tech oriented person. I'm emotionally oriented. So it really took me a long time and you have to stay focused. It's like writing a 400 page book. You know, you have to stay focused to the task. And, you know, but the 7Ds always was my little driving force that always kept me in the game, even when it got a little tough.
Brian Kelly:
I love those the 7Ds. Determination. Desire. Dedication. Devotion. Dare to dream and drive. I love drive. Yes, drive. There is n... I wanted to ask you, something that I love... it's another curiosity thing, especially in the type of business you have. It makes me curious with each guest that come on, is the number 1... the most... One of the most important skill sets one can acquire for their own business is in the realm of marketing. Because if you're not marketing, you don't have a business.
Riana Milne:
Brian Kelly:
You have to market. You have the market successfully. And I'm curious so you started officially a couple of years ago. Even though you've been coaching prior to that. How do you Riana today go about marketing your current business and what has been what you say you're most successful form of marketing your business today?
Riana Milne:
Yeah, I found early on that I was so excited about my message and it was so interesting and different that when I went on podcast, people are like, oh my gosh, I love this. And then I was asked on summits, relationship summits, dating summits, couples, I did a men's summit this week, you know, parenting, so all different kinds of summits I'm on as, you know, one of 25 or one of 30 experts and I'm usually at, you know, on day 2. So I'm pretty prominent that, you know, I'm seen there and being a guest on podcasts. So that started very early in my coaching career. And I love doing it because I love educating. I kind of have that way about me. When I had my modelling talents school, I was educating them what it took to have their dream of being models, actors, singers, dancers. And they actually did very well in my school. So I'm more of that teaching mode and that's where I think I'm most comfortable and where I really shine in educating about this topic. And that's my biggest marketing tool right there. People hear the message and they're like, "Oh, my gosh. Yes, I have co-dependent relationship. Yes, I'm love addicted. That comes from abandonment. OK. This is making sense" You know, "So I have jealousy on control that comes from trauma number 7, not feeling good enough. I get it now." So just putting the pieces together where they've struggled or they have a partner that struggled. And now they have some answers. And then we just start going deep and then we heal it. So I would say that the best marketing tool I have is my speaking- podcasts and summit appearances.
Brian Kelly:
And so for a couple more questions, if I may, on that realm. So podcast, meaning your own podcast or appearing as guests on others or both?
Riana Milne:
I'd say both.
Brian Kelly:
OK, and then for both. How do you... and I'm asking this on behalf of everyone else watching and listening. How do you get the word out that you're available and interesting enough to be on their podcast? What kind of hurdles did you jump over to make that happen?
Riana Milne:
I started out with 'Interview Valet' Tom Schwab's Company, where I'm an affiliate for him now and know him very well because I wanted him to be my agent. See, that's a setup I'm used to I used to be a talent agent, right? So it's like I'll give you 20 percent, just find me the gigs and find me that interviews. So I started out with him and I think there was 20 interviews that I did and that really got me... my message honed in. With Lisa I got my message really down tight. They made me a beautiful one-sheet, they call it for a speaker. And then from there I went on to 'Podcast guest', where I'm also an affiliate. And Mark Schwabe has a list too, finding people looking for guests as well as we can put our own podcasts on there if we want guests. So between those two lists and getting a really strong start with Tom's company, I feel really good about that whole journey. And now I'm interviewing about five times a week.
Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. Yeah. Podcasts, that's one of my go to. I love that. Yeah, I don't remember but you might have come through that and come into this onto the show.
Riana Milne:
Could have. Yes. And then when someone hears me in a summit, I get a ton of referrals. "I saw you and so-and-so summit, I love your message. I want you in my summit." That happens to me all the time. So that's how I get the summit invitations. They just hear of me out there now
Brian Kelly:
How did it start? I mean, the first summit that you were invited to. Where did they hear hear about you? If you can remember.
Riana Milne:
It's really hard to say. I guess it started back in 2015 when I was really starting to coach a lot and I was building my last notebook, but the speeches started to come in. So I don't know, I've always had a website since 2008 and I've always written articles, I have an app. It's called 'Lessons in Life and Love on the Go'. But I was one of the first coaches to have an app out like in 2010. So, you know, I've been out there kind of globally, even though I haven't been officially full time coach, I've been building up all those little systems. So my app is out there and I've had Facebook pages and I've written for E-Harmony and 'YourTango', so people know me from my articles. I've had a lot of news appearances, so it's varied. I'm really not sure. I mean, I do speaking gigs too. I was at a heating and air conditioning corporation last month. You know, it's like, "How do you hear about me?", "Oh, I Google searched you And I saw your Web site and I want you to come about the mindset for success.". Well, you know, I'm a life enough coach and, you know, the CEO sitting there and says "This is the best speech we've ever had here. This is phenomenal. You know, what you taught reaches all of us." I was talking about employee relationships and how the tight correlation is if you're not happy at home, it's going to come into your workplace. If you're not happy at work, it's going to hurt your marriage at home and they're so tightly correlated. So, you know, if you're seeing certain patterns in people, there's certain ways you can handle them or handle it. It's like adult bullying sometimes, you know, and how do you handle that? So...
Brian Kelly:
I love that, you know, here's what it comes down to, and people... and you've said it beautifully about basically how you go about marketing is you show up and you continue to do so, on different platforms. You can either get invited to or that you create on your own as well, like the podcast where you've done both. And that's one thing I've loved. I've been preaching that for a long time. It's just show up, you know, create a show similar to what you're watching right now, would be one way to create your own stage. And now you aren't waiting for people to invite you. Just think of...
Riana Milne:
I love the convenience of staying at home and working , it's the best thing. Oh, yeah, like this is great. I can still work and not be on the road all the time. Yes, it be great to do live stages as well, a little bit more often. But this now that I'm up to five speeches a week or appearances, this is really convenient for me to be able to do this from home.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And I used to speak from stage quite a bit myself. And when we were talking offline before the show started, when I did my business transition, I basically put a halt to that because I know how much work that is and I would put on my own events. At the end, I was like, wow, what a lot of work.
Riana Milne:
It's a lot of work.
Brian Kelly:
And everything that goes into it. And so this was my kind of Band-Aid fix because I love being on the stage. Just I'm gravitated toward it, I don't know why, I just enjoy it and it's so much fun to help and serve others and watch their reaction live from stage and all that. It's just so awesome. But this is kind of a Band-Aid fix until I get back out there and on the stage.
Riana Milne:
Well, to me, it was about getting my message out there. What's the best and fastest way I can help people have emotionally healthy, evolved and conscious love. That's my mission. How can I teach them, if you're struggling, there is a reason for it. And the most important thing is it can be fixed. It can be healed and it can be fixed and those toxic patterns can stop. So that was my mission and I wish I had that education when I went through that and I had nobody to turn to. So that's what drives me. So, however I can get my message out there the fastest and most efficiently. I'm all about that.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And it's... you know, we have such similar paths in that way and there's so many things that I wish, you know, I'd say I wish I'd learned that sooner. The cool thing is, looking back as well, would I have had the life experiences that I needed to be where I am today, Had that happened earlier? Right? We're in a state of struggle more when we don't realize there are things that help us that could actually be a benefit once you've found the solution, now, you can go on with much greater confidence and get greater results for people. So I just love how life has worked. I'm fifty five years old myself, and I feel like I've just begun and it's invigorating. I look at other friends from the corporate world who are just all they can't wait for his retirement. So they can go swing on a hammock and sip on a drink until they die. I don't get that, but..
Riana Milne:
Brian Kelly:
Well, hey, Riana, we are coming near the end and I know it's very late there in Florida compared to here. There's one question I love to ask every guest expert that comes onto the show, and it's it's usually very telling. It's kind of a... it's just it's a magnificent question, because the question itself is that the magnificent thing, it's the answers that come back. And I've asked every guest expert the same exact question. And that's the way I like to close out the show, because it's very thought provoking at times, it can be. But before I do that, I promised everyone real quick that I would show them a way that they could win that 5 nights stay at a Five star luxury resort in Mexico. And it's real simple to do so, I know you've been taking great notes, all of you. Fantastic. Good job. Now it's time to pull out your phone. You have my permission to grab your phone and text this message that you see on the screen. So what you want to do is you want to punch in the phone number of 6-6-1-5-3-5-1-6-2-4 and then down where you type in the little messages. If you're going to text it off to someone, type in the word PEAK. That's P-E-A-K. And do that right now and we will choose a winner. You will be notified by, you guessed it, text message. This very system is run by Powertexting.com, our sponsor. So how appropriate is that to give away the vacation they're sponsoring using their system? So go ahead and and text the word peak to 661-535-1624. And now back to the woman of the hour with the wonderful heavy hitting. It is not heavy hitting. And so there's a little build up to it. But I just want you to know, Riana. The cool thing about this question is there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It doesn't exist.
Riana Milne:
Give it to me, Brian, what is it?
Brian Kelly:
The opposite is actually the truth. And that is the only correct answer is what you come up with, what your answer is. So now that just I know that you're not worried about it anyway, being a mindset professional. But, you know, now you can just be free to just say what comes to your mind. It could be immediate. It may take some time. Either way is fine. Sound cool?.
Riana Milne:
Brian Kelly:
All right. Here we go. So, Riana Milne, how do you define success?
Riana Milne:
I would simply say it's feeling proud of the work that I've done over the years. The combination and I always put this first, of being a mother. I absolutely adore my children. And I'm a grandma now, a mentor, a teacher, a coach, a therapist, a manager, a talent agent and manager helping people to achieve their dreams, to feel their happiest and best evolved and conscious self. If I'm doing that, that is my definition of success.
Brian Kelly:
Love it. I was taking notes like a madman just so folks can see this. I'm going to zoom in on this and show them I'm running this show, i'm taking to you and I'm writing.
Riana Milne:
That's really good. You got a lot of notes there.
Brian Kelly:
All from tonight, I kid you not. You can take a screenshot of that and prove that that is the case. And I love what I get to do. And I love that your answer is, you know, true to form is different than everyone prior to you. That's what's really intriguing about that question. Riana, is that no 2 people answered that identically. Some are similar, but I know it's gonna happen at some some point it has to. But really, when it came down to it, when you peeled the onion, you actually said it. Helping people to achieve what they want, you know? Yeah. And it's all about health. It wasn't about helping Riana to make ten million dollars or had nothing to do with money. I didn't hear a word money in there, which is also very interesting because my prior guests, the same is true. Isn't that cool? Because successful people aren't thinking about money. They're not of a scarcity mindset. They're thinking of, you know, I want to make more money so I can serve more people. The end of the game is to help people because the money comes. It's their result of doing that. And so the beautiful thing is the target, you know, the big shiny object is not money, it's helping others. And you are no different in that way. You are very different and unique and special, of course. And I appreciate you. And now you have something as well. I understand that you would like to share with our audience a little give-away of your own.
Riana Milne:
I come bearing gifts. Yes, I do.
Brian Kelly:
If I could pull up the show while you're describing that.
Riana Milne:
Ok, for anyone that would like more information on the childhood trauma piece of this tonight, I have a free e-book. It's at HaveTheLoveYouDeserve.com. HaveTheLoveYouDeserve.com. And if you go to my web site, which is my name, RianaMilne.com. You'll see the free love tests. As 4 tests back there, one is a childhood trauma checklist. There's one another test for singles and another one for couples. So go ahead. You say it right up there in the corner. Take my love tests and if you scroll down, you will see the links to my app as well as you will get free book chapter downloads of both live and love beyond your dreams. I love this, Brian. Keep scrolling, there is a lot on there. But yeah, it's... The books are on there and you get like 50 to 60 pages of each live in love beyond your dreams. There they are. So you can do that often as well. Of course, my podcast is free. I'm up to 62 shows I usually launch at every Thursday or Friday. So do listen to that. I go into things about life, love, business, parenting, the mindset for success and healing any past trauma. That's all about my app. You can get the app there. There's all kinds of goodies on there. Thank you. This is the best way to do it. I've never had anyone do that for me. Thank you so much.
Brian Kelly:
Very welcome.
Riana Milne:
Wonderful. Yeah.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. I have to tell you, it is a gorgeous website. It's beautiful and functional. It covers all the aspects. It's very appealing to the eye. It's great eye candy factor. And like you said, there is so much to it. It's a and that's an art in a good way. And you're you're an amazing woman. I'm glad that you are achieving the level of success you are today. And I look forward to helping you achieve even greater success in any way possible. let's not lose touch of each other. And I appreciate you so much for coming on spending this hour with myself and all of our wonderful adoring fans.
Riana Milne:
I just want to encourage the listeners to don't wait. I mean, now is the time really to create that life you really desire and to have the love you deserve. Life's too short to settle for less.
Brian Kelly:
So definitely reach out to Riana and connect with her. She actually... What's the best way for the folks to connect with you that gets you quickest?
Riana Milne:
Right through the website, both websites, there's a podcast website, both have contact me. So that's the best way, or [email protected]
Brian Kelly:
That makes it pretty simple, doesn't it?
Riana Milne:
Brian Kelly:
All Right. Well Riana, thank you once again so much for coming on the show. Appreciate you beyond words.
Riana Milne:
Thank you.
Brian Kelly:
For all of you that have been watching live or even listening as a recording or watching as the recording. We appreciate you as well. And that's it for tonight. That is The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. We will see you again next week right here for the next edition. Until then, have a great, great evening and be blessed. So long for now.
Brian Kelly:
Thank you for watching and listening. This has been the MIND BODY BUSINESS Show with Brian Kelly.
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Riana Milne
Riana Milne is a Certified, Global Life, Dating & Relationship Coach, a #1 Best Selling author, the Host of her Podcast called Lessons in Life & Love, an educational speaker, a Certified Trauma & Addictions Professional – and is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor for close to 20 years in Palm Beach County, Florida. She was also a Life & Dating Coach for the Docu-Series - Radical Dating – Finding Lasting Love Over 40 (and her client is now happily married!) Riana specializes in those who have had past Childhood, Dating, or Relationship Trauma; and offers 1-on-1, VIP Coaching, and Online Virtual Coaching Programs for both Singles & Couples at her LifeandLoveTrainingAcademy.com. Riana’s free App: Lessons in Life & Love on the Go! offers many videos, articles, and her podcast. Her 5 star-rated books, LOVE Beyond Your Dreams – Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve - and - LIVE Beyond Your Dreams – from Fear and Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose, and Success, addresses Life Difficult Transitions, Personal Transformation, The Mindset for Success, and having Loving Relationships with yourself and others. Riana’s FB fan page is Coach Riana Milne, and her websites are RianaMilne.com and LessonsinLifeandLove.com
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