Special Guest Expert - Robert Evans

Special Guest Expert - Robert Evans: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Robert Evans: this eJwljltrwjAYhv9LLnbVNrQ1VQsyJirINicrsnlVsiTt4nIoOTSI-N-X4uV7-J7vvQGilWPKte46MFCDF5AArqzDirCWU1AXc7QoyhIlgHjrtPSWmUdQ5dUMFQnAhGgfCZNZLpYonyeg40zQVmE5MTsuWMT-BWx6C-ob8EZE-9e5wdYQhhCyXuteMDxwmxEtITV8ZHAs4HRqYd5c0uKMBDp-7b4vvfdVqmW1fwvL8Xrcpa_5MxZuJRnl-MlqbwhbUR2U0Jie4qsEOO7EtOR9f9isPzbn9anZH7ZNk37qH2bcdsTKZnKYxWqnjcQudid5v_8DxvFfsw:1mW8zu:vcH9LswA6HwkS7IGYMf4-pQxlI4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

So here's the big question how are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make

It one step forward only to fall two steps back? We're dedicated. And driven. You finally break through and win. That is the question. And this podcast will give you the. My name is Bill. This is the mind body.

Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. I am super, super excited tonight because I have a fellow geek on the show and we're going to geek out a little bit. Don't worry, we'll do it. We'll give it to you in layman's terms, for those of you that aren't into the whole tech scene. You definitely want to stay and watch this to the very end, because what this gentleman brings to the table is different than what you're used to seeing in such a great way. And I cannot wait to share his genius and his brilliance with you. His name is Robert Evans, and he's coming on very, very soon. In the meantime, the mind body business show very quick. What is that all about? It is about what I call the three pillars of success, and it came about from my 10 years of studying only successful people, and I found those three traits were very prominent in each of these successful individuals. So by mind, that means their mindset to a person very positive, profound and most importantly, very flexible mindset. Then body that was literally that they take care of themselves to a person. The successful people are very successful. People that I studied took care of themselves nutritionally, and they exercised on a regular basis. And then there is business, which is so multifaceted. There are so many skill sets that are required for one to master in order to build, develop and grow a thriving business. Skill sets like sales, marketing, team building systematize leadership. I mean, I could go on for quite some time and I won't. I will spare you. The thing is, though, to master any one skill set.

It's like being an expert, you know, you've often heard to be coined an expert. That person has spent an average of ten thousand hours in that respective field or or trait that they're working on. Similarly, with mastering anything, the good news is you personally don't need to master every skill set, not even the ones I mentioned. In fact, one of those that I mentioned, just one would be the one I would aim at if I were you. And that is the skill set of leadership. The moment you have mastered the skill set of leadership, you now have the skill set that you need to then bring in those that have mastered the skill sets in the other areas that you have yet to master. And by doing that, you may never have to master those other individual skill sets. And let's hope you don't, because again, it takes a long time. So that is what the mind body business show is. It's a show for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs giving you that shortcut to success. And this is what all integrity and authenticity that kind of shortcut. Why spend 10 years trying to become successful when we can help you to cut that down, at least in half, and usually, oftentimes even more, just by watching the show? And be sure to take veracious notes as we go through? And speaking of notes, another great trait of the very successful people that I studied and research is what that to a person. Each and every one of them were very, very avid readers of books. And with that, I want to Segway very quickly into a quick segment I affectionately call bookmarks.

Bookmarks born to read, bookmarks ready, steady read bookmarks brought to you by reach your peak library Scott.

There you see Richard Peek Library on the screen for those of you watching, even for those of you listening on podcasts. Do yourself a favor and take out a piece of paper and a pen and take notes during the show rather than succumbing to that itch to go. Click away and check it out on your own. While we're talking, here's what happens. What I what I really would not like for you to have happen is that you take your attention away right at the moment. Robert Evans gives that one nugget of value that can change your life forever. I would hate for that to happen. And so just pay attention for now. This is my advice and take notes and then visit those resources after the show is over. So this is for you. Not for me. I already know what we're talking about. I know about these websites and I want you to get the most out of it by listening intently to what Robert has to say because he comes on right after this segment. So get ready. It's going to get fun. Reach your peak library is a resource that I had built with you in mind because I personally was not an avid reader until about 10 years ago. I was a forty seven. I'm 57 today. That's about right, and I found out and discovered this wonderful app called Audible that back 10 years ago. And that opened up my world because apparently I didn't like reading with my eyeballs. I wanted to read with my ears, and that's actually the truth. And so as I began listening to these books that were just having immense and profound impact on my business and my personal life, sometimes in both, I began noting which ones of those did that.

So not every book I've ever read is in this list. But those that did have profound impact on me as an entrepreneur are in this list, and that's why I had it put together. So that gives you a resource to go find that book very quickly. And these are in no order. They're not alphabetize. They are not by author, except you can see a lot by Grant Cardone, all in one chunk. They were just dropped in there as I either completed reading them or as we just went to my library and start pulling them out and sticking them in there. The ones that worked that had had profound impact on me. And this is not meant to be a moneymaking website. If you've ever resold or got an affiliate link to Amazon, for instance, to sell books, you'll know what I'm saying. So and by the way, all these are listed on Amazon, you can get them anywhere you want. I just made it convenient with a buy now button there or a buy here button. So go grab a book. Just look at the list. The first one that jumps out and sings to you and says This is the one, just get it right away. Don't look at the rest of them. Don't go through every single one of them, because then you may not ever decide on any one of them. So that's my advice there, but that is a gift to you. So the value of reading and reading books is immense. And speaking of immense value, I think it's about time to bring on the one and only Robert Evans. Let's do that.

It's time for the guest expert, spotlight

Savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, big league qualified.

And there he is, leaving is one, it is the only one. Robert Evans,

You hear me, OK? Just want to make sure no Mike gets you? We're good. Good. Yeah, thank you. So, so awesome to be here, and I'm excited to chat with you and and see where you take me. That's I like adventures. It's kind of like, you know, we get to go on an adventure together and Brian's my guide. And I don't I don't know what's going to happen next, but I'm sure ready for it.

So, you know, you just you just said something that's actually very applicable to anyone and everyone that is either going on the podcast or live video and being interviewed. And that is it's best to do it if you possibly can without any script in front of you, without any guidance on where the show is going to go because it makes it authentic and real. And at that moment, and you always come up with the answer that was meant to come up with anyway. So I appreciate you saying that right off the bat, he's already providing value having got started. Real quick, a little bit of housekeeping you can see right above Robert's left shoulder, so it's to the right of the screen as you're watching. And that is that red stamp. It's the big insider secrets. They sponsor this show and they give us the ability to give away a five night vacation stay and a five star resort of your choosing. And we do this every single week on the show. We're so blessed. Jason Nast and the Big Insider Secrets makes that available, so stay to the end. Those who watch live can enter to win, and then a little birdie told me that Robert might have a gift for you as well. We're going to share that with you at the end. And then before we move on one last shout out and then we'll bring Robert back on and dig into his brilliant mind. If you're struggling with putting in a live show together and it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to pull on a high quality show and connect with great people and grow your business all at the same time, then head on over to carpet bomb marketing, carpet bomb marketing, saturate the marketplace with your message and now we're coming back to the man. The myth, the legend himself. Yes, that's you, Robert. Robert Evans and we're going to give him.

Robert, what's that? Robert, I like that big league, you know?

So let's I want to give you the introduction you deserve because you do. You deserve it. Robert Evans is co-founder of a technology company called Action ERA, which is mobile, web and and social platform for content creators, experts, authors, speakers, coaches and entrepreneurs. I think that covers just about everybody who watches a show that's fantastic. Robert has been a trainer in the digital marketing and personal development world for twenty one years, building different successful businesses. His focus now is helping businesses leverage high engaging platforms like mobile apps. That's right, I said it out loud to reach more people have a greater impact and make more money in their business and listen, stay on the show. You heard mobile apps and you're going to be blown away because Robert and his company have changed the entire what's the word, the entire landscape when it comes to mobile apps and developing them for small business. I am so excited to have you here. Robert Welcome, officially formerly my brother, my mother, my tech geek buddy.

Great to be here and good ready to nerd out with you, bud.

So one of the things I love to do is now it's hit the surface like we just did with your background a little bit and what you're working on today. But what I always love to do and open the show with is go a little deeper because I am a firm believer that it is our own individual mindset that is the driver of whether or not we achieve success or we do not at whatever level it happens to be of achieving or not achieving it. And so what I like to find out is like, I know the tech world. Robert, I know it can be daunting. My goodness to stay ahead of it. On top of it and knowing that you have these struggles, these moments every single day, what is going on in your big, beautiful brain when you get up in the morning, that just says, that's OK, I'm going to tackle this. I'm going to do it with, with passion, with fun, and I'm just going to nail it and knock it out of the park again today. What is it for you that's going on in your brain when you get up?

Well, you know, one of the biggest things that really keeps me going, even in that struggle, is knowing that there are people, clients, people that are living their passion that are, you know, they're they're expressing their passion through their work, through their message and that sort of thing that's counting on me to show up because it's not that I just wake up and I just run my business, but I wake up and I actually I help other people accomplish their success in their business and. And, you know, being and being an entrepreneur my whole life since 15 years old, which is a long time ago and being in this digital marketing space for as long as I have that, you know, the times that I didn't really show up in that way because there are times I haven't been perfect. That's that's for sure, is when I felt the the least connected to my the expression of who I am as the person that I am, that I am walking this Earth right now. And so when I'm showing up and I'm putting in the time, you know, as long as I'm not compromising my own values and my own my own happiness and helping other people reach people, then then I know I'm on track. And a real quick note on that is that I learned a number of years ago in a message that I was sharing about the power of the ripple effect that a lot of people just think from that one dimension of, Well, if I do this, I'll have this much impact on this many people. But what they forget is that if I can go out there and impact or inspire or provide tools or education on another person to go out there and reach thousands of people or tens of thousands of people, and and then they as a result do the same thing. That's part of my Ripple legacy. And so I always have to remind myself that's not just about just the people that I'm serving, but it's all about all the people that they're serving, and I'm a part of that.

I love that, and yeah, I like I liken it to planting the seed and it grows and it bears fruit and exponentially, then it drops more seeds and more growth and same kind of thing. And yes, Jay Miller, we are live. Just in case you wanted to know the answer to that. He's watching from you. Thanks for coming on, Jay. Yeah. And I love that you talked about, you know, being true to yourself, to your values, to your happiness. And that is becoming a common theme these days. And I'm glad most entrepreneurs, a lot of entrepreneurs who are achieving and finding success have that one thing in common that you just said they're doing what makes them happy fulfilled. It's fulfilling their purpose. It's bigger than just making them happy. Like you said, it's about helping others achieve their level of success that they want desire. That's why I love having people like you on the show. I mean, but these are the key ingredients, and I wanted to kind of highlight that where people are watching and listening is that it's it's never about yourself. Whenever you make it about someone else, that's when you see the true growth in your life and your company regardless. And the thing is, I don't know if you're the same way, Robert, but won't we often do more for others than we will for our own selves?

Yeah, we will. And there's and there's a there's a disconnect that people have in that. Not when you do that for another, you're really doing that for yourself. It's a spiritual principle. I learned a long time ago the source. In fact, it's been a driving factor in in how I start businesses and do businesses. And often I go out there and and I go out there to help and teach and in experience things or help other people experience things that that which I want to experience myself. So if I want to create more success in my life, I'll help other people create more success in my life. And then the universe has no option but to give me more success, because how can I give it away to other people if it wasn't there? You know, so it's it's something that has been a huge influence in my life.

Fantastic. Oh, we got some great input from a viewer on LinkedIn. Yeah, we're not live on Roku. That comes later. And the sound here as a chuckle when I'm talking, Brian. Ok, so we might need to turn the volume more down on your end there, Robert, if possible, and still be able to hear. Thank you for letting us know that LinkedIn user. We don't have the name, and that's OK. Yeah, that's I love the whole whole concept of ripple effect and helping others, and that's really cool where you help them to learn something you want to learn as well. Obviously, with you, it's doing it well. You've already achieved a great level of that success as an example. And if you're looking to just achieve more, you just say, I'm going to teach somebody else how to achieve it and I'll learn how to achieve more. And then with things like you're developing, which we will talk about for sure, this this whole concept is apt. And it's not just an app for people can't wait to unveil that for folks. I was very fortunate that Robert gave me quite a nice demo of what they're working on, and it's just far, far surpasses anything else I've seen in the market. I mean, not even close. So you'll want to see this. It's very exciting because it can and will help you in your business. Unlike many of the other ones I have personally seen out on the market, that just always short, in my opinion. But. Speaking of ripple effect and being happy with what you're doing as you're doing it and you've been doing this again for quite some time, if you were to look back over your career and think about those times, those wonderful times where it just it just leaps out in your mind and said, Man, that was an amazing, amazing moment. What would you say? Up till now has been your most satisfying moment in your business, and you're walking your business.

In the different days that I have done that, I hear you're probably probably the most memorable. The business I had, that's what I'm doing now, and what I did is I took it as I took. I organized organized trips around the world around different rewards and different parts for it with other professionals on a transformational transformation like you call them. And we would take them to a place of control or to give them a transformational experience and bring about positive, positive messages. So what is the one of the most gratifying, most gratifying in their career? And it came about came about in the desire and the desire around wanting to do so again. So why don't we have that experience that when I get that experience, that experience and while I'm out of it? Given that you give that experience to that. And we went to we went to Aruba, to Liberia, Liberia, Africa, which is just an amazing, amazing country that is struggling for a long time, for a long time. And I put on the very first personal development development event in which part of which our participants, the participants, the second stage on stage. Yes, yes.

I just got another report, the sound. I've heard it too. I didn't know if others were hearing it, but it's gotten incredibly garbled.

That's a strange, strange time, this time to see if I could do another switch to another switch.

It sounds like electro, robo. It's weird. We had it all working beautifully right before the show goes live, this stuff happens, folks, it's OK.

How about now?

Oh, there we go. That's much better.

Wow. So, OK, let's hope that something

About something about wanting to travel the world in the Apple is related to it.

Yeah, well, yeah, it was just what one of the most memorable experiences of my business careers was traveling to Africa to put on an event there for all of our participants to speak and to teach their messages in front of about four hundred teachers. And I just got the power of what we're capable of doing when we just put our mind to it. And that's, you know, we we got a chance to share messages that have been never shared before in those people's lives, and those people were able to take it to their students. And again, talking about the ripple effect, how powerful is that for that to roll down in that way?

Yeah, absolutely. And so I love how the fact that it's not just that you're having success in that moment, it's how many people you're positively impacting, that's where your mind is. And I can I can feel that, and that's what I think is one of the most driving forces of any successful person on the planet is they're always looking for ways to help others improve their lives. And that is the focus. And that's difficult. Did you find that difficult to have that kind of mindset, Robert, when you were first starting out as an entrepreneur and you know, it was more of a scarcity mindset just trying to pay the bills?

I still find difficult. I mean, but it's it's not that it's not going to ever be difficult. It's it's a matter of acknowledging that it's difficult and pushing through it anyway. And yeah, there have been many times where I didn't push through it. That's when I've just kind of given in when I just flipped on the TV or or went to the refrigerator or whatever, you know, as an entrepreneur that we have those moments. And but it's like, it's like being a speaker. You know, they say that as a speaker, when you stop being nervous, stage when you become less effective as a speaker. That's I think that's true as entrepreneurs is that when it becomes too easy, then you're not. You need to switch to do something else, you know?

As you know, I'm glad you brought that up, because I'll tell you something. This isn't the boast or brag, but in school I always did really good. I was one of those guys that it came easily to me, a lot of it, and I was always hovering around the four point, oh, not again, not the boast to brag, but what I found was especially when it came to college and I started not getting A's. Every time was if I ever walked into like a midterm or a final and I had comfort, I would blow it. It's interesting. And then the same thing when speaking on stage, which I've done a lot. This was the best advice I think I was ever given. And that's what you're feeling the moment before they announce you to go up on stage. That's when it's like amped up and you're like going all sorts of emotions are running through. And at that moment, if you can train yourself to think of less about how, how well you're going to perform, but and more about what kind of impact you will have for the audience, then you'll find yourself calming down. Will you be completely nervous or not nervous? No. And it's actually a good thing to have some of that positive anxiety going when you get up on stage that it translates into really great energy. But yeah, it's so on point, Robert, that you said that because I've been through that both on the scholastic side and going up on stage. Because, yeah, you're the first time, first few times up on stage. I'll never forget. I was trembling so hard. I knew that people could tell. I just knew it. You know, my knees were just going like this and and my voice was trembling. And then when I got done, people who knew me, who knew how I sounded and how I look, they said we couldn't tell. I said, Wow, OK. That was comforting, too. That doesn't happen anymore. But that was that was something else.

One other one of the one other really interesting story about that is when I was in my early 20s, I think it was 20, 21 years old I would attend. Is my audio. Ok, right now? Yes, so far. Ok, good. When I was 20, 21 years old, I was one of the very first person development experiences I had was with Tony Robbins, and Tony Robbins is famous for his Fire Walk seminar. And I went and did that, and it was one of the most profound moments of my life because I remember there being two thousand people going outside and bare feet, getting ready to rock across 10 feet of hot coals. And believe me, I was scared out of my my wits and it was it was nerve wracking. But that fear is what prepared me for the moment, and that's part of that training that you do with them. Now fast forward a few years I had done more fire walks and more things with Tony Robbins and did a 40 foot long one. Still, time and a certain point, I got comfortable with people. And and then I remember this next one I was doing. I didn't come up to it, afraid I didn't have any fear because I didn't have any fear. I didn't do the prep work. And so when I walked across the coals, I actually singed my foot. And and and it was a very profound moment for me to understand the importance of fear in your life, that it's not something you push away. It's just the way you way it prepares you and drives you.

Yeah, it's like you can utilize it as a tool in a way. And, you know, I think that that bears a lot of where you hear the get comfortable with being uncomfortable in a similar sense that, you know, once I tell you, I notice this of myself and you're saying it to like the second, you become comfortable in your position in your business, then that's when you start growing. You don't get any farther. In fact, you might stagnate and go the opposite direction. So I always say get in the habit of, you know, get used to being get comfortable with being uncomfortable. And I didn't coin that phrase. I can't remember who did, but I love it because it's a great lesson for all of us that, you know, many people think we're going to get wealthy, get rich, land a hammock and swing with an umbrella drink and the money just keeps rolling in and we can be comfortable the rest of our lives. To me personally, if that's how it ends, I'm not. I'm not. I don't want to be part of it. It doesn't sound like any fun to me. I don't want to just sit around and yeah, how

Boring and how boring would that be?

I'm telling you it's like, What's next? You know? Right? We made that happen. We we helped all these people. How can we amp this up? Or maybe it's a completely something different, but I could never, ever sit by a pool and just sit there and bake for an hour and turn over a and I couldn't sit there and read a book. I couldn't. I just I'd be there for like 15, 20 minutes. My wife and I do this. We share this story and it's like we look at each other after we turned over once, like, Are you ready? Like, let's get out of here. This is

I'm tired. I had the opposite. I had an ex-wife who could sit on the beach all day, pulled me to the beach and I would be going crazy, hence my ex-wife. So, yeah, totally. I'm totally with you on that.

Yeah. And yeah, it's no way and I get on an airplane to fly. I'm like, OK, I got to be doing something. I can't just sit here, so I'll either be productive or. All sleep, but there will be no in between. Nothing else, nothing else is going to happen. So yeah, it's in. That's cool. Not everybody is wired the same way and I'm glad. Thank the Lord that we're all wired differently and also think that we're there aren't that many entrepreneurs percentage wise compared to the rest of the planet. And it's beautiful that we're able to do these things to make things available for others to help them grow, whether it become a successful entrepreneur in their own right or become an employee of our company, and we help them by providing them an income that helps them and their family, whatever the case may be. But it's just beautiful that we have such a wide, varying human race, if we will. So one of the most exciting questions I ever ask on this show, and it's truly exciting. I love asking this question because I'm the deep, the most deeply curious about the answer, and that is when it comes. So every business, you know, marketing is the lifeblood of every business. It's just and I find it fascinating when things happen. Tragedies hit the marketing departments the first to be cut. It's like cutting off your own, your heart. It's like cutting it out. It's like why you need that. So I was curious and I get it. Marketing what works today may not have worked five 10 years ago, and the same goes into the future as well. But for right now, Robert, what would you say for you and your business is the absolute best form of marketing. You have hit on up to this point.

There are two questions or two and two and two part answer here. One is the reason why it got into mobile apps is because mobile apps is where marketing used to be 15 years ago as far as engagement is concerned. Because if you know for us to market, it's not just marketing, but it's getting people to engage in whatever it is that we have to offer. However, you can't just launch an awesome mobile app, and then it's just going to give you automatic engagement. You people got to download the app they got to, they got to know that it exists. So the type of marketing that I find most effective and most enjoyable is it? Well, two things then they kind of relate. One is viral marketing, creating ways in which people that experience my message to want to pass that along to other people, giving them a reason, giving them inspiration, giving them a tool, giving them something that really does that. In fact, my very first hundred thousand person email list was built out of a viral marketing concept that we've actually reinvented today in the app space. And then the second marketing strategy is other people's networks, collaborations, joint ventures. You know, I don't do social media. I don't buy ads right now. I will eventually when my business hits a certain level, but it doesn't make sense for me to throw five hundred dollars or a thousand dollars in ads because it's not going to produce results because I can go out there and spend time building a relationship and have someone just tell their tribe about me and get a hundred fold return than what I would on a thousand or ten thousand dollars in ads. So joint venture and collaborations is our, you know, biggest thing that we, we use to drive interest are our trainings, our knowledge, our why? Why apps? Why now? Type understanding of this of this industry? And so it's really just, you know, having other people, you know, trust you and believe in you enough to to want to do something for you like that?

You know what that is? That is a bomb dropping moment right there, knowledge, bomb, smart bombs, bombs of wisdom, I mean, you said it so beautifully. Even even if you had this unlimited budget for ads, the juice, the sweet spot is building relationships, and that is something that I personally shunned for as long as I possibly could because I just wanted to automate everything and let my email list be the recipient of all the wonderful messaging and just sit back and rake it in. And after attempting this for probably a decade, I realized that ain't working so good. Is it, Brian? So what else do we need to do? And then thankfully, I met a mentor of mine who I ended up doing strategy calls for hours and hours and hours, and I said, Wow, this is how it's done. It's building relationships. It's not selling people. It's building relationships. Seeing if you can help them, they're not a fit. That's OK. How else can I help you? Before we end this call, we have 30 minutes. Let's finish it up. So, yeah, right on.

One of the challenges I think people face when they try to be nice is that they approach people saying, What can you give to me as opposed to first going to them and saying, Look, I want this, I want to do this for you without this expectation of reciprocation of them, you know, giving back, they'll give back, it ends up happening. But if you go in there without that expectation and you give to them in a way, if you buy their products in their programs, you know, and you become part of their community and they see you involved, then that that's that's the biggest difference that you're going to find in in in establishing those types of relationships.

And I want to drop the bombs again, but I want the show to be more about bombs because he said, do it without without expectations and like we are, we were separated at birth, even though you're a lot younger than I am. But we're twins separated at birth, brother by another mother because I would say that about going to events and seminars and things like that, I just naturally stayed until the end. I mean, things chairs are being broken down, and I would literally go up to whoever is there and say, You guys need a hand. I mean, usually I would drive to them. I happen to be blessed to be close to a lot of activity, and so I'm within driving distance, don't have to rush off to the plane and I hang out and I'll often I'll be able to talk to the speaker. He'd come back out of the back and and I just respectfully chat, and I built some incredible relationship that way. But I had zero expectations of anything coming back from it. I was there in a position to give and help, and I meant it and it wasn't to get something in return.

I knew I was going to get something just adding relationship, but I had no idea at the time how incredible it was going to become. And I just try to teach that it's like, Look, it's important to do it. You just said, Robert, in exactly the way you said it is. Don't do it with expectations of getting anything in return. Give just give to give and tell you what it's going to happen. As long as you have a pure, pure heart when you go in and you're going in for the right reasons, I totally, totally resonate with that. That's beautiful. And and you are a beautiful, beautiful human, Robert. So I appreciate you for spelling or telling everybody else how you operate so that they have someone they can model. And this is what I always say. Look, you don't have to reinvent success. All you need to do is find somebody who's who's achieved it and model it, which is a fancy word for copy. And I think Robert give you express permission to copy everything he's just been telling us here tonight, for sure.

Yeah, for sure.

Yeah. And it's it's not difficult. It's also not all that easy. Yeah, it just takes work.

That's that's part of the fun, though.

Exactly. And you know, it's like a recipe for a great anything that you're going to cook. There are recipes for success. All you need to do is find one and then get really hone in on it and hit every, every part of the sequence of building that wonderful whatever it happens to be a piece of food or a cake or whatever, but really dove into every aspect as you're building your business and you will find with certainty that you can achieve success if you just follow someone. I don't know who that someone might be that has a recipe for success. We're going to get into

That high five. You go, Oh yeah,

Hey, that worked. I guess that wasn't too good for twins, though. I got to tell you. But and I'm on, I'm at college. I was even going the wrong side, and I've been doing this a long time. I wanted to get into, I mean, specifically, I am so excited for what you and your brother and your team are developing in the app space. And here's why. Because as many of you are watching or listening can probably attest. I mean, over the years, my goodness, how many people have gone off across the stage and promoted their app that any business can have, and it'll be up and running in no time and it's going to. Bring you business like you've never believed, and then I would go look at people who got that. And look at their app and go and then not install it because they're friends of mine, like. I'm sorry. I'm sorry you spent your money on this because it was very cookie cutter, very templates and very all you could see was their logo changed and maybe their contact information and oh, they got electronic contact card. It was a novel concept. It just did not work. And that's the bottom line for me. It's always about results what you have guys have come up with. Is in my own opinion, you know, very mind blowing, because you thought of everything, it's not just an app. It is far more than that. I won't do it justice. So if you don't mind, could you give us a quick overview of what we're talking about with this unbelievable new app that you guys have developed?

I love to. I mean it. And here's the interesting thing about it I didn't set out to start an app business. I actually came across the an understanding of what apps could do just out of my curiosity of other marketing platforms out there because I was tired of how little results you can get from email marketing, how much like social media and all the other where everybody else is kind of playing that sandbox. I don't want to play in that sandbox. I want to play in a different one. So when I researched apps, I said, Oh, this is where I want to play, because what you can do with an app as far as engagement, ultimately getting people to engage with you is where it used to be 20 years ago, 15 years ago when I had a big list and I would get 70 percent that would open those emails and 20 30 percent that would click, and that just doesn't exist anymore. And in the process of me looking to launch my own app, I found out why our business a small entrepreneurs, small businesses, solopreneurs and that's thing aren't launching apps because the quotes that I got at $100000 plus and and I understand why that's the case now after being an app developer.

But rather than me being defeated by, oh, I don't have one hundred thousand dollars, so I better go do what everybody else is doing. I I said, OK, well, the best way that I can actually do this is to create a business that launches, you know, builds a platform for other people to do what I I want to do. So we we built the platform, called the expert app platform. My brother and I are partners. He is the genius as far as the the app development side of things. And I'm the architect taking twenty one years of digital marketing and putting it all into how do I take all these different technologies over the internet that we use? I call it marketing fragmentation and how do we put it under one roof? How do we share content? How would you have membership membership elements? How do we run Summit's virtual events, E courses, learning management system, you name it? How do we build that all into one platform where we don't have to send our clients to five different places all over the internet? Spend hundreds of dollars every single month and have one place where they can go on the device that they're holding in their hands four to five hours a day, tapping and touching and and accessing things.

I just saw the stat the other day, I updated some of my research. There are six point three billion smartphones in the world nowadays. There are more smartphones in people's hands than our computers on their desks. It's the fastest growing technology ever and large companies right now, 70 percent of their marketing, focus and budget is mobile. Small businesses are not doing any of that. Less than one percent are in the app space. And if some of them that have gotten the app space or gotten this space with the cheap, ineffective apps, so we set out to solve the price problem and the understanding of apps needing to be the platform, you need to be a now, not later on. This is the time now because if you're an early adopter of this platform, then you're going to be getting your head out when the crowd ultimately comes here and and then building a system that ultimately will give you all those things all in one place. And that's what we've done with our with our app, our platform. We actually launch branded apps, their their apps for their businesses, and it's about a two hundred thousand app built, but we charge nothing remotely close to that.

Yeah, and and I know that just listening to this for most people won't tell them like, well, actually, I'll ask you, I'll make it even easier. What would you say? And I know there's going to be many things when I ask this question, but what are the main parts of your type of accent you develop that differentiate you from what you've seen in the past that I was kind of describing in the beginning? Yeah.

Well, there's there's a couple of different things there because there are different types of apps out there, you're right, there are static apps in their dynamic apps, static apps or apps that you download from the App Store. You open it up, there's content in it and then that's it. Nothing changes because it's not connected to anything. Dynamic apps are connected to databases, so I could add a video to my app right now. In two seconds later, it's available to our own, my app users to be able to access or any of that content. So my app is this expandable world. Then there are template apps and there are platform apps. Template apps are those cheaper, you know, get it for one hundred dollars on Instagram deal, you know, and you have to log into a software program and you have to drag and drop build your app. So you're now building this app that doesn't have the functionality, the features or the effectiveness because you're doing it yourself and who who likes to do that. I mean, people don't like to do that. Maybe some of us nerds, tech nerds, we do.

But but even I don't like to do that, and I'm a tech nerd, either. A platform is an app that's built for a certain type of business like ours is built for experts, author, speaker, small businesses, entrepreneurs, the smaller companies that have knowledge or information that they want to share with people and products that are physical or digital or services that they want to promote. And it is an app that's already built. It has all the features, all the functionality to it. All you've got to do is add your content to it and use it, and it has your brand wrapper around it. That is almost identical to a custom app. Except for that, it's been pre thought out for you. It doesn't take six months to a year to build, and it's not going to cost you one hundred thousand two hundred thousand dollars to launch. And so those are really key things you've got to watch out for with with apps when it comes to the ones that work and the ones that don't work.

And one of the key things that I wanted to kind of hammer this a little bit harder was the fact that the apps you develop are driven by databases, which what does that mean to the person layman's term? So you're looking at your phone in your hand? Typically, traditionally, most apps, everything that was put into that app is literally on your phone, physically sitting on your phone, in in program space. And if you tap it and you change, but if you are ever for want to make an update, you would have to push an update out that people would have to accept them and update their app with what Robert and his brother and his team have designed. You can change data from any from a web server, basically a machine, a PC that they give you access to easily and effortlessly. You don't even know this is happening and you get to change elements of your app remotely. But what happens is your app itself on the phone didn't change, but the data is pulling in bid. And that's the beautiful part about dynamic. It makes it hyper flexible. You can change things instantly if you're going to go up on stage and do a talk, you can do some modifications, update the database, not even know you're doing that and you don't have to know and then go walk up on stage and crush it without having to re, you know, ask everybody to go update their app and all that good stuff. So I just want to put it kind of more layman's terms. Did I get that right, Robert?

You did. In fact. Hey, can I show it real quick? I want to show you just so take about 10 seconds here. Yeah. So I've got my phone here. And if I open up the Expert Insights app, which is one of the apps that we have, I'll show you a great example of this. This morning at 11:00 a.m., I did a live webinar on Zoom in which I was able to livestream it directly into my app right here on the home screen of my app. And so. So this is a great example. And if I if I click to the video, you see that little spinning wheel, that's it. Pulling the data, the featured video from the database, and it's putting it right, right in there. And so so that's how quick it is as far as that's concerned. Here's another great example of my personal. This is the app that launched at all. This is the one that I got our quote for. So if you know, if I click on here, is that spinning wheel? Is it grabbing? We're saying, what is the featured video and it pulls it up. Speaking of Africa, that's the video from Africa, and I go over here to article, but let's say I want to change that video right now. I can go in there. I go into the back end, change the video, change the text and then if I click back over there, it would re pull that newest video in there and it would display it. That's what dynamic is, is the flexibility to be able to do things in a moment's notice.

Yeah. And there's so, so, so much more of this app. And I know there's we wouldn't have enough time to cover this, probably in a four hour interview. And that's not a bad thing. That's a good thing. You have other things coming down the pike. I mean. Ok, let me ask you this, so when a customer comes to what is their biggest need or problem that you're solving with for them, the your app, what is it that you're actually solving for them?

A few things. First is simplifying their their their world and where all their their content is. You most people that are actively full time running a business in the digital marketing space have five or six different technologies that sharing content and all these different places, and they're their ping pong and their customers all over to experience that. So we we consolidate that all down into one platform, most access platform in the world. Second thing is, you know, solving the frustration of engagement. I mean, here's a great example in the app world, the equivalent of sending out an email is sending out a push notification. A email list of ten thousand people is half effective in an engagement as a push list of 1000 people. So 10 percent of that email list will give me twice the engagement, twice the numbers of people that will interact with my content. So really, my one thousand person push list is as effective as a twenty thousand person email list. So. So and that's solving a huge problem for us nowadays because everybody is sending everybody emails and no one's reading and no one's engaging. And and the truth is, all we need to do is send out a simple call to action, Hey, this is what I'm doing and people will choose to to engage. And and then, you know, finally, it's also teaching people how to market using the newest technology. And that's a big part of it. It's not just us launching an app for them, but we actually teach them how to do all the regular digital marketing, do a virtual summit, do a virtual event, you know, do a webinar, but use your app as the mechanism which you capture people more effectively engage with them even better than than any other thing out there. And so that's what we help people solve, as you know, a kind of a re rethinking a re approach to marketing, digital marketing in general.

Yeah. And you kind of you dropped a little breadcrumbs of tease along the way. I love that with the webinar and all the other stuff, because this this is a I don't know, it's an app on steroids. It's an app platform on steroids. It's not just an app, it's a platform that you can customize for your own needs for your business and you're doing something that I've not seen anyone else do. Maybe they've done it before, but I don't know if we're allowed to talk about it. That's something you're going to be releasing. I think it was next year.

Yeah. So here's one of the other biggest problems with mobile apps. Most mobile apps out there is that people can, you know, open an app on their phone, open it on their tablet. But then what about the people that still want to be on on the website, right? And so next, early next year we're launching, it's our phase two of our new company action era. We're launching the web version of the app. So if someone opens up the app and is taking your course and they are on module one lesson number four, and then they end there and then the next day they say, Oh, I want to go continue this course and they go to your website, open up. They go back right to that same course where they were left off at. It's just all cross-platform. So everything that this app, which is a lot which again, where most people have to go to for four or five different places online to do, you'll actually be able to do it in a web version of it too. And and then the third phase, which is a little bit longer out, is that we're going to disrupt the social media world by creating a social platform for content creators and experts without all the drama, without all the politics, without all the B.S. that tends to go with, you know, you know, post something here and then Facebook owns it forever and, you know, all all that sort of thing. And we're going to provide a social platform for content creators to really engage and share and really find a lot of people to experience their message. So we have big visions for what this business is going to do down the road.

Yeah, and it's very apparent and you've been doing this one hundred percent full time for a little over five years, if I would call. And that's that's a good amount of time to nail this down to get it. They know what they're doing is what I'm trying to tell my audience. Is that and the fact the way you talk about your partner, who is your brother and how incredibly gifted he is and the fact that you guys are a great combo because you're like the the creative and the architect of the whole thing, and he is the one that gets down and gets it done. And when you're talking about the web version being in lock, step with the app version, the phone version, I just want to point that out. That comes due to that. Dynamic magic, all based on a database. I mean, the architecture is simple yet genius because they decided to go with a database driven approach, which is never a bad thing. In my humble opinion, I love database driven tools and resources because you can access them from literally anywhere as long as you have an internet connection, because they're going to hit another computer on the internet and pull the data for you. And it does it all automatically in the background. So put that in couplet with an app because who is not connected to the internet when they're on an app today? Hardly ever. Unless you're in an airplane, you didn't pay for wi fi. The only time you're not connected to something data wise or wireless connections. So that's why what you're doing is so timely because everyone has access to it now. Before old days, it wasn't so prevalent and people didn't want to use their data. Now they don't have to worry about it. So you're you're hitting the stride perfectly.

Great. Great. Great. Really great. Quick story in Africa, going out to the outer villages of Africa, bringing clean water filtration systems to people that are dying from and getting really sick from dirty water and the whole village, all the villages. The town center has two computers that people would access to get on the internet on a computer. But then we would go out to the actual villages and we'd be bringing these water filters and meeting all these people, and we would get about a dozen or so people coming up to us with their smartphone, asking for a Facebook profile that is legitimately the reach that you have nowadays with phones and apps and that sort of thing. So I love that. I think back to that now and I'm just going, Oh my God, I never even imagined in a million years the reach that we have and how powerful it is.

I mean, as a technique, is it the greatest time ever to be alive? I mean, I think so.

Yeah, it's just so fun.

There's so many possibilities are endless. And we get to play in this wonderful world that has all these availabilities of things to us, the technology, everything. It's just it's it's it can be too much if you let it be. But I choose to just say, this is fun. Let's pick what we want to pick and focus on it. And you've done that. So kudos to you and your brother and your whole team for creating something again. Robert hasn't really touched the surface. I kid you not, not even close to everything that their app platform can do. And yeah, definitely, Robert. If you have something coming up where you go into more depth like a webinar or some kind of training series that gives people a bigger, broader brush to play with. If you wouldn't mind if you have that available, go ahead and tell us where they can find out and learn more about this.

Yeah, actually, the interesting thing about it is the website link that you have for me. Expert Insights Scott app. If you go there and you download that app, then you will see the newest webinar that I just did this morning, available on the home screen there. So if you want to going to dove into a little bit of a deep dove of the stats and the information and the features and functionality of of the app, then you'll actually be able to do that. And if you if you access this website from your phone and you scroll down just a little bit below that phone image, you'll see buttons to Android and Apple so that you can download the app, open it up and you'll see that webinar prerecorded there. It's only going to be up there for about, you know, for about a week and then we'll take it down. But it's it's a true education. I know that the people that watch that when they get a lot of value out of it, it's not about bragging or hype. That's but because all I'm doing is just sharing information that I've come across that I'm excited about. But that's that's one of the best ways for you to learn about this right now is that's as fresh as it gets.

Fantastic. And for our podcast listeners, the web address is it starts with the Letter X and it's expert, so it's a play on the word. So get rid of the first E! Expert Insights app. That's Exp e r t i and s i s got a p p. And so definitely go there and you'll see what he's talking about. As you scroll down a little bit, you'll see an Android and an Apple button and just tap on the one to install it and definitely watch the replay of that webinar. If we weren't live right now, I'd be doing that at this moment, I'd be tapping on it and installing it to check it out. I've actually installed a couple of of Robert's apps. I don't think he knows about that, but I was checking them out beforehand. We had a great chat. What was about an hour or so a week or two ago. I've lost track of time due to recent events, but it was phenomenal. And even then, with all that time, he barely scratched the surface on what this bad boy? This look, I want to be very clear about something. This show is not here to sell or promote, but I love to share it. Things that I see that have a great potential in really changing the whole landscape of business, and that's what I think Robert and his team have come up with, and I'm excited about it and I'm excited for it, and that's why I'm helping to shout from the rooftops about it. So, yeah, I'm literally helping promote. I'm not making any money for this, by the way. Just to be clear. Go to his webinar. Watch it. If you resonate, get with him. Do whatever the next call to action is and then integrate it into your business. And the faster you do, the better because of all the plans they have going forward. This is a very forward looking company, and that's another thing I love about you guys. So enough of the bromance

Now that'll never be over, Brian.

I love it. So I was just checking the clock. I'm like, Good Lord, I don't like it when we get this late. So we do have gifts to give, and I have not forgotten about that for all you hung on live and also that maybe not libels. We'll see what Robert says about the gift he's giving away. What I love to do is close the show, though, Robert, with this one question that I asked every one of my guests and I started doing this. I don't know about 10 shows in or so. I'm around one hundred and seventy plus now. Just do it once a week. It's not like three to five a week or anything like that. So it's been a while, three years or so. And I ask entrepreneurs like yourself this one question, because when I first asked it, I thought, Wow, that was an interesting answer. And I asked it again. I said, Huh. Another interesting answer. And all the people I've had on this show, Robert, No. Two people yet. I'm waiting for it. No two people yet have answered it the same way. I mean, some similarities here and there, but never just the same exact way, and it's just been so profound. But before we get to that, I'm going to reveal to everyone now so they can do this right away. So earlier I said, you know, don't take your gaze away from the show.

Take notes. Well, now I think Robert will agree. We'll give you permission just for a moment to pull out that smartphone device of yours. Or you can just go to a web browser if that's handier and what you want to do to enter to win for a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. I'll put it up on the screen. What you do is you go to this web address, it's r y p stands for Reach Your Peak or Y Dot. I am forward for vacation. Our white dot. I am for XYZ Vacation. Make sure it's all lowercase, especially after the slash. The vacation part is the important part to be lowercase are Typekit. I am forward slash vacation. Enter your information there and you'll be instantly entered a winner. Random drawing. We give away one of these every single week. Thank you to our wonderful sponsors Jason Nast and the big insider secrets dot com. And we're going to go to that little birdie moment where this little birdie named Robert Evans told me that he would like to also give something phenomenal away. And so I'm going to pull up the information on the screen and let you take it away about what it is that they are about to experience with your gift.

Yeah, so we are launching a new directory inside of our Expert Insights app, this is just one of multiple apps that we have. But this app is developed for this specific reason and in this directory is going to be a directory of experts. Those experts are you guys. Those of you that are listening anybody, that's an entrepreneur that has a business. What we want to do is we want to give you a free listing in our app where you can share your business in your video articles that you have links to your website, links to a freebie. Opt in so you can build your list linked to an event that you may have going on. There's a number of different things that you can do as far as this listing is concerned, and it's totally free to this audience. Normally, something we charge 10 bucks a month for it and, you know, one hundred and dollars a year and it's totally free to your your audience. So if you go to that link that we provide, then you can actually sign up. It's right there. Expert Insight Scott app with the X snowy Ford slash pound sign directory invite. And in order to get it for free, you have to use the promo codes right now. You have to use the promo code when it takes you to the page where you you pay that nine 10 dollars a month. Use the promo code mind body and then it'll zero it out and it'll be totally free to you. And that way we can actually promote you and put a bunch of eyes on you, especially as it being a new directory in a big launch that we're going to do to put get a lot of people to check out all these experts in here.

And you have somebody here that actually has worked with you, her name's Eva R, and she says, I am so happy to be working with Robert on my app and it's all it's cracked up to be must be. That's awesome. Thank you, Eva. Yeah, and definitely so for those of you listening on the podcast, again, it's expert Insight Scott app, as we said earlier with an X and No e in front. Expert Insights Dot app for I say pound. Others say hashtag and then directory invite altogether. No Space Directory invite all lowercase as well. So again, it's expert insights dot app. Ok. Hashtag Directory Invite. And then when you go through the actual process of making the quote unquote purchase, be sure to use the promo code of Mind Body all together. No space there and you get a year's worth of listing for free. Thank you, my goodness. Thank you so much, Robert, for that. On behalf of all my people that are watching and hopefully those that are part of your tribe as well apparently have at least one. It's awesome that we're aware of anyway. So fantastic. Thank you for that. Let's see. Let's clear that and that and we'll get a little bit better because I want to get to this one great question that I've been teasing you about.

Yeah. Can we hear it?

The cool thing about it, Robert, is there is absolutely no such thing as a wrong answer. That's what's really cool. In fact, it's just the exact opposite. The only correct answer is yours. And with that comes, you know, however long it takes you to come up with the answer. It could be instant. It could be five seconds. It could be a minute. It doesn't matter. Whatever it is is perfect because it's your answer. It's unique to you. So relax, enjoy. And when I ask the question, you come to you and you'll just you'll rock it. And again, there's no such thing as a wrong answer. It's just

Impossible. So what you're really doing up the suspense here, Brian, it's very I'm very impressed.

I wouldn't do that on purpose. No, that's right. All right. Are you ready for it, Robert? Hit me with it. All right. Robert Evans, how do you define success?

Ah, this is interesting. I used to define success as something that I'm doing and the results of that doing this when I realized a long time ago in a business that was very successful, made me a lot of money, had impact in the world that I was unhappy doing that business. I realized that I wasn't successful because I had had this really narrow definition of purpose. And what I decided to do is I decided to change my definition of purpose. And if I'm experiencing my purpose and it was easy for me to do, then I'm going to be successful no matter what, whether I'm got a lot of money or people like me or whoever the case that the truth is that when I'm doing this, that automatically happens. And so this is my definition of my purpose in my life. My purpose is to experience things. And that's really broad. It means that I and that's one of the reasons why I closed down a super successful seven seven figure business and decided to travel around the world because I wanted to get out from behind the computer and I wanted to travel and see the world. And when I was doing that, I felt like I was in my purpose. I was having experiences. But then I made it even more broad in that when I'm not doing good, when it's not great, when I'm struggling. That's also my purpose, too, because it's really unlocking the next levels of who I am. So that's how I define how I define success, is how I define purpose. If I'm living my purpose, if I'm experiencing things in my life, then I'm successful. I don't care what anybody else says. I'm as successful as I want to be at that point. So that's that's it. That's my answer. Hmm. You had to right, I got two bombs, yeah.

Fantastic. Yes, success equals purpose is the equation I got from that. So that is phenomenal, as are you. Robert Evans, you are phenomenal. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you coming on. We had an individual from LinkedIn saying that the link wasn't working, but I know it works as long as they type it in properly. So if you need further assistance, reach out to me after the show is over. No problem with that it. I tested it myself. In fact, I have it up on the screen, but anyway, we'll get them the right, the right spot, the directory invite link. We're talking about Robert. You've been phenomenal. What you guys are working on is phenomenal. I love your heart that you're here to help people. And if you're building a business, if you're a coach, if you're if you're an entrepreneur, you said you rattle off your tongue like so quickly, easily every time. It's almost like you've said it before. I love that if you are a content creator and expert, author, speaker, a coach or an entrepreneur, you definitely want to reach out to Robert directly. Is there a way? What's the best way to get out to you, Robert? Should they go to the download the app and do the webinar?

I think I think email would be a great way if you if if you're right with me throwing out my email to everybody. Oh, totally. It's it's simple. It's Robert at Action ERA, which is action. The word action are a. So Robert and action are a. So if you have any, any troubles with the links, you only need to reach out to Brian or I, and we'll get you taken care of. If you want to set up a call and chat, you know anything that you want to do. Reach out to me. I'd be happy to talk to anybody that watches this amazing man here. Yeah, because if you're watching this amazing man, you've got some good taste, people.

Yeah, you're looking in the mirror when you say that, right?

No, I mean, I guess we are right. I got a little bit. I got a little bit more of this, but you know, and a little less of this, but you know that it all just kind of drain down. Is that what would happen?

What I tell people is I just I grab the bottom and I pulled him and this happened. Everything came off the top.

I've seen that happen before.

This is all temporary. It's going to be normal in a little while, but there's a reason behind it. We don't want to go down that path at this moment, but it's all good. It's wonderful. It's amazing. Just like Robert Evans is. And yeah, thank you for giving out that email address so that folks can get in touch with you directly and, by the way, definitely reach out and set up a call with them because the way it's gone right now between he and I is exactly how it will go with you on the phone. There's no hard sell. He just basically tells you what it is, answers your questions and you see if you're a fit and that's the end of it. And it may not be the end of it. You might go, Oh my God, I got to tell more people about this, which I'm doing, because it's an amazing, amazing, amazing service that they've put together, and it's just going to do nothing but get better. You can tell his drive is very, very strong, and he wants to help people. And that's the beauty of entrepreneurship and people like Robert Evans. So Robert, I can't say enough. Thank you for spending your time with me and everyone here on the mind body business show. Greatly, greatly appreciate my friend.

My pleasure. Thank you, Brian.

All right. On behalf of this amazing gentleman, Robert Evans, I am your host, Bryan Kelley of the Mind Body Business Show. We will be back again next week with another fantastic episode. Another fantastic entrepreneur. Just as good as Robert Evans, I'll tell you this guy is amazing. Until then, I cannot wait to see you again. So for now, so long and be blessed. Take care for now. Robert, thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast.

At W-w-what the Mind Body Business Show Scott. My name is Brian Kelly.

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Robert Evans

Robert Evans is Co-Founder of a technology company called ActionEra, which is mobile, web and social platform for content creators, experts, authors, speakers, coaches and entrepreneurs. Robert has been a trainer in the digital marketing / personal development world for 21 years building different successful business. His focus now is helping business leverage high engaging platforms like mobile apps to reach more people, have a greater impact and make more money in their business.

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