Special Guest Expert - Ryan DeMent

Special Guest Expert - Ryan DeMent: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Ryan DeMent: this eJwdkMtOwzAQRX8lmgWrtMFpWkqkCoEoj0UFJSqCVWTZk2DFsSN73FCq_jtutzNnzr2aIwhrCA3VdBgQSriHFJTxxI3AWkkoZ7PrJSsKloIInmwfPLrLIl-wRTHPU-BC2BANF3p5O2c3KTQKtawN78_ORmmM2m7krvVQHiE4Hcc_RIMvs2wcx2lrbauRD8pPhe0z6dQes32enU99xjbbilXqlX121ZeYhEMdFt8PL83Tn13Lt_dud8c1rXqUil95G5zAlbSj0ZbLXYxKgRTpc5NqQKG4Tp4DekrWvwM6SibJx4Gb5BE38Q8RbqzrOUW6Hwo4nf4B28xhjQ:1oHV27:YiDubdtB0h4_oEo40JCdq119zig video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. Our entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward, only to fall two steps back. Who are dedicated. Determined. And driven. Do we finally break through? And with that is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. And this is the Mind Body Business Show. Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. I am very, very happy right now. Do you want to know why? It's because we have the one. The only Ryan DeMint is on the show. He's coming on. He is in the wings in the green room saying, Brian, would you just be quiet and let me come on and talk already? Well, not just yet, but he will. And oh, my gosh, you are going to love this guy as much as I do. He is amazingly intelligent and he has a wealth of information and background and value, and he's also an automation freak and that is near and dear to my heart because that's who I am as well. So he's like a brother from another mullah. But before we bring this wonderful gentleman on the mind body business show, what is it all about? It is a show that I had developed with one goal in mind, and that was to bring on very successful entrepreneurs and elicit their secrets to success so that you, the the viewer and the listener can simply take notes and model. That means copy what they do so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel. And I have been doing this show for over three years now, and I have to tell you that I've had the most amazing guests that have come on my show, and I've learned myself personally so much from them as well as the audiences. And you're going to do just that tonight with Ryan DeMint. I kid you not. It's going to be a fun, fun ride. So the Mind Body Business show is about what I call the three pillars of success. And what happened is I interviewed and studied and read books from mentors and successful individuals, and I did this with Focus for about ten years.

Brian Kelly:
And what I learned was that these three pillars of success kept coming in common. They kept bubbling to the top, but with each and every person. And so mind what that stands for is mindset. So for every one of these successful people, and I'm just looking at what makes them more successful than me, I mean, do they not put their pants on one leg at a time? Did they find a way to starch them so heavy they can run and jump and get in both at one time and things like that? But no, it's really three, three main things mindset. They each to a person had a very powerful positive and most importantly flexible mindset. Body literally is they took care of their body. They all, to a person either took or still do take care of their body. And that's through exercise and nutrition, what they intake. And then business is multi multifaceted and it's so wonderful and wondrous. And what these successful individuals had done was they had mastered the skill sets that are necessary to build a successful, thriving business and grow it and skill sets that must be mastered. And what kind of skill sets are we talking about? We're talking about marketing, systematizing, sales, team building. My God, it goes on and on it goes. Leadership. And there are so many skill sets that one must master the good news. Don't don't freak out. Because the good news is all you have to do is master one of those. And yeah, it was one of those that I just mentioned. You master that one skill set and the others will fall into place much more easily and you won't have to personally master them. So can you guess which one that was or are you listening? I will let you off the hook. It was a skill set of leadership. Once you have mastered the skill set of leadership, then you can easily, more easily bring in individuals into your into your world and your inner circle and your business who have already mastered those skill sets that you may not have yet to or may never mastered yourself. And that's the golden sauce right there.

Brian Kelly:
It's juice that right there by itself. That is one of the biggest pieces of advice I could ever give. But I'll tell you, Ryan's going to give a lot more a lot more than that. And another great thing about successful, highly successful entrepreneurs is to a person, they are very avid readers of books. And with that, I want to quickly segway into a little segment I affectionately call Bookmarks.

Bookmarks for and to read bookmarks. Ready, steady. Read bookmarks brought to you by reach your peak library.

Brian Kelly:
There you see Richard Peak Library and a quick word of advice before we move on. And that is you're going to be hearing about a lot of resources on this show. I know Ryan has many. He was sharing a lot of them with me just before we came on. He's very resource rich. This gentleman knows about a lot of great tools out there. What I implore of you is to instead of clicking away or typing it in a browser somewhere else and checking it out while we're on the show, instead of doing that, simply write it down, take notes, write it down. I will be writing them down as well. I'm running the whole show and then when the show is over, then go visit those resources. Because here's the thing. The magic happens in the room. Yes, I know it's a virtual room. The thing is, if you take your attention away from what Ryan is saying, I would hate for you to miss that one golden nugget, that one thing that could catapult your business and your life into the stratosphere just because you took your gaze of attention away to something else. So off of my soapbox, I tell this from stage, I tell people all the time, Go to the restroom before you come in the room so you don't have to get up in the middle and turn off your phone. You know, if you're going to get a text message that's all that important, then you shouldn't be at that event to begin with, those kind of things. So just pay attention and take notes. That's my word of advice. Reach your peak library real quick. It is a website that I had my team develop literally with you and mine again to help serve you, to help you to get farther, faster, without trying to guess and get past everything on your own. And so what I did was I had them compile all the books that I myself personally had read that I told them to put in here, that I personally vet, because these are only books that had a profound impact on either my business or my personal life, or even both. But not every book is in here that I've ever read, so there's a lot there that's just to help you.

Brian Kelly:
There's no rhyme or reason to the order that they're in there. They they're there for you. You click on any of those buttons, you can either grab the title, go get them on Amazon directly. These buttons all go to Amazon. I don't care where you go get them. This is not here to make money, but it is for you as a resource to find that one read you may not have read or maybe you haven't started yet. And this is the place to go. That is that that is your peak library and with that an incredible resources on that topic. I think it's time to bring on our guest expert, Mr. Ryan DeMint. What do you think? I think we shall. Here we go. Get ready.

It's time for the guest expert. Spotlight savvy. Skillful, professional. Adept. Trained. Big league qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there he is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one. It is the only. Mr. Ryan DeMint.

Ryan DeMent:
Thank you, sir. Thank you for. The great introduction. That was awesome.

Brian Kelly:
Every word rung true, too. Absolutely.

Ryan DeMent:
I'm blushing a little bit.

Brian Kelly:
Awesome. Yeah. Hey, before we jump headlong into this, a few housekeeping things I'm going to take care of. If you don't mind, Ryan, we're. Then we'll jump right into it, right above Ryan's left shoulder. That, for those of you watching this live on the mind body business, show up on the upper right of the video. You see the big insider secrets that nice red and white stamp looking logo. They have sponsored this very show and they give us the ability to give away every single show, a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. Again, I'll compliments of the big insider secrets you must be watching live till the end. That is when I will reveal how you can enter to win. It's free to enter. And so if you're not watching this live, if you're listening or otherwise go to the mind body business show dot com click on any of the buttons you see there where they say how and where to watch opt in and you will be reminded and notified the next time we go live. Then you can enter. Pretty cool, huh? Right on. Oh, and everybody that opts in immediately gets a hotel discount card for nothing for free. And they're real. They're bona fide. I've used them, so enough of that plug. So here we go, the next thing, and we got a couple more. And then I promise, Ryan is going to just. Just wow you. Here we go. So if you're struggling with putting a live show together and maybe it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the process is done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and connect with great people like Ryan DeMint and grow your business all at the same time. Then head on over to carpet bomb marketing. Carpet Bomb Marketing. Saturate the marketplace with your message. And one of the key components that is contained in the carpet bomb marketing system is one that you'll learn how to absolutely master. And it's the very service we use to stream our live shows right here and right now on the Mind Body Business Show. And I'll tell you, over the course of goodness, ten years now, I've tried so many of these, quote unquote, TV studio solutions for live streaming.

Brian Kelly:
And I'm here to tell you that streaming art is the best of the best. It combines to bring use of use along with unmatched functionality. So the beautiful thing is you can actually give it a go for free. There's the URL on the screen, write it down, don't go to it. It is our WIP. I am forward slash stream live all together all lowercase report. I am for slash stream live and now to bring on the man of the hour. And it is an hour show. So that's like perfect, isn't it? Yes, it's Ryan, dammit. And now I'm going to give him the introduction he truly deserves. Are you ready for this, Ryan? No. Are you holding on?

Ryan DeMent:
I'm holding.

Brian Kelly:
Ryan has unique insights built by 25 years of experience in the financial industry. I don't think he's old enough to have 25 years personally, but we'll go with it. He has a no nonsense attitude when it comes to fighting for what he wants out of life. And when life throws a curve at him, he lives by this phrase Get back up, be persistent, and you will achieve the life you have always wanted. And that's it. Persistency personifies who retirement is and officially, formally. Welcome to the show, Ryan. I'm so excited to have you here, brother.

Ryan DeMent:
Thank you. Thank you. It's it's an honor. And we met on my show and through another connection. So I'm honored to be on your show. And I'm looking forward to a healthy conversation because we seem to talk about a lot of things.

Brian Kelly:
And it's always fun. And that's why I've been so looking forward to this, is we've spoken several times prior and every time I get a lot from talking from you and I hope some is reciprocated in some way, shape or form. And I think we play off each other really well. And Kent, to me this is the personification us to right here of collaboration. For those of you watching, you're thinking about, well, there's all this competition. Competition doesn't need to be there. There is there are plenty of clients to go around. Even if Ryan and I were doing the same exact thing, I would still help him. And I know he would help me because not everybody's going to connect with me and not everybody will connect with Ryan. It's a personal thing, so it's just an awesome blessing to have you in my inner circle of friends. Ryan So I appreciate you, brother.

Ryan DeMent:
Thanks for having me on. The your nickname is What Goes Big for Me Automation Master. And that's that's that's huge. That's near and dear to my heart. And when you started talking to me about the automation piece. That you have, it just. It turned my world upside down for my podcast and just getting there. I'm not even I'm not even close. To where you're. At and. I aspire to be where you're at. So thank you for having me on. I'm honored.

Brian Kelly:
Thank you, brother. It's a love fest. It's a bromance.

Ryan DeMent:
It's a bromance. Yes.

Brian Kelly:
So what I like to. Start off with to kind of set the table. Ryan is I'm a firm believer that our mindset are what's going on in our mind is the very foundation, the very reason where we are today. It is the reason for either our level of success or lack thereof. It has nothing to do with outside elements and no one else's fault. Whatever is going on here is where you are today. That's a direct reflection. That's I'm a firm believer of that. And I've just seen it too many times, and I've experienced it because I used to be a negative person. I'm not at all anymore. I love life. And I got I got what I focused on negativity for you. And I know you're not that way. I've talked to you enough. You're a fun guy when it comes to. You know, maintaining this positive outlet because being an entrepreneur is not easy.

Ryan DeMent:
Tell me you have several businesses.

Brian Kelly:
I can't keep my head above water with one. So it is hard. It is difficult. So how do you keep going day in and day out, week in and week out? What happens when you get out of bed? What is going on in that big, beautiful brain of yours? To let the people know that this is the kind of mindset it takes to succeed and to keep going through all of these setbacks and all these failures and things that happen every single day that most people don't realize happen. What is it for you? What is going on?

Ryan DeMent:
It starts with your routine. It has to be a routine on a daily. Basis, because if you don't go to bed at. A certain time and you don't wake up at a certain time and then plan your day out, you're never going. To. Be able to manage your day. Effectively. And I've. Learned and. Let me back up. I'm an eight. Year. Overnight. Success. And I don't even call myself. A success. Because that's not it's not how I define myself. I spent 25 years in in the financial. Industry. And working. For. Corporate America. I learned a lot of great things. I managed call centers and collection agencies and underwriting departments. That's great. But the one thing. That. Corporate America didn't. Teach me was to be. A fisherman. It kept me fat and. Happy, so I got paid every two weeks. So when I made my. First. Foray into entrepreneurship. Oof, that's about. 15, almost 18 years. Ago. I flopped and I had to put my tail between my leg and come back. I mean, I did not understand entrepreneurship once, so whatsoever. I thought it was all about making money and that was it. And that's what got me into. It was I was. Doing something that I. Had a lot of experience with. I was buying. Charged off. Credit card accounts. I was. Locating assets on the individuals, and then we. Would attach the assets to an excuse me, we would. Actually find assets, litigate on them and then attach to them so. We could actually get paid. It became. It. Became. A rabbit hole. And I was just chasing the money and it just became one thing after another. And it. Just I. Wasn't setting myself. Up for success. And I ultimately had. To sell that. Business, move on. And I came back a second time after I went back to corporate. America. And I did the same thing. But this time I wasn't buying debt, I was doing collections, and I was.

Ryan DeMent:
Dumb. Enough to do it the second time. That time personal matters came. About, so. Forth, and I had to get out of that business. And I went back to corporate America. And after that one time I finally said, Enough is enough. I've got to get myself in the right place, in the right mindset. And I was lucky enough to to meet an individual. That. Was my mentor and started to become my mentor at that point. Was. A boss of mine. That left. Corporate America and started his own, his own business and took me under his wings. And from that point on, I changed my mindset and my mindset. Was all over the place. But the one thing I can. Say is you have to have a. Routine. And I know that was a long way around. It, but if you don't set yourself up for. When you go to bed at night, when you get up in the morning, and then what are you working on during the day? Do you have. Time set aside for things that are making you money or losing you money? If you're if you're. Focused on things that are not making you money. Then you've got to step. Back and. Figure out, okay. Can I. Outsource it or. Can I move it somewhere else off my plate and work on the things that I'm good. At. Not the things that I'm trying to learn? Don't get me wrong, it's good to be in the. Weeds. But if you're an entrepreneur and you've got to make money and you've got to. Put. Food on the table and pay. Your bills, you've got to be. Focused on things making money.

Brian Kelly:
I tell you, we just barely started and it's already a bomb dropping moment. 5g smart bom bom bom bom bom wisdom recientemente. You just knocked it out of the park. And that's our show. Good night. Where's the mic? I'm going to drop it. This was awesome. Right off the bat. I mean, good grief. Become a fisherman. I mean, what a great term, because we need to be fishers of men and we need to be fishers of women. In this case, in business where we're looking, we're always, always. Prospecting for clients. That's the term for it. And then and oh, my gosh. And you had a mentor. These are like the key ingredients, ladies and gentlemen, of being a successful businessperson. He just laid them out for you. I really we really don't have to go on another second in the show. We're going to because he's going to provide a heck of a lot more after he just did that. My God. And then focus on what makes you money. I mean, geez, Louise, I've had this discussion, Ryan, with three people in the last week. It's amazing. It's you know, they're saying, oh, I'm going all over the place. I don't know what to do. I said, You got to ask yourself, is it helping you with your business directly? You know, they get all these offers and this happens to me all the time. I'm sure it happens to you that because someone comes, Hey, you want to start a business together? I'm like, Yeah, okay, you know, like half dog and then get into it and go, Holy crap, this is a time suck and I'm not making any money with my business anymore. So you have to be really more discerning and focus, like you said, focus really on what is getting you the money, but what is it that gets that money? Do you peel that back and say, well, to get that money, I focus on my clients, I focus on getting more clients. But then when I have them, I focus on my clients so that they get the results that they came for, right? So it's not just a money centric game. If you focus on your clients, you will make Manyfold more money off.

Ryan DeMent:
Of course. Sorry. I mean. I totally agree. You have to be. Customer centric and you have to be in it for and I didn't. Say the word that I love to talk about is. Passion. If you're not. Passionate about it. You're going to learn from my failures, from my first. Two failures. I wasn't passionate about those. Those things were all about money. It was all about the G word, greed. And don't get me wrong, making money is great. But if you don't. Have. A passion that you can. Monetize, it's pretty hard. To turn that into. A business. Maybe I'm wrong, but. That's. Just my experience from what I've gone through is passion, monetize. It. Customer centric. And you. Just. Don't give up. I mean, you. Have to be. Persistent in this. Process. I still struggle. I mean, I. I've got stories to tell you that today I struggled with. A bunch of stuff and we can go over that. But at the end of the day. It's not. It wasn't too long ago I was eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I still remember that that motivates me because I don't want to eat peanut butter jelly sandwiches, period. I love them, but I don't want to live on them.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I totally get it. Yeah. Passion. It's so important, you know, I've had so many. Approached me and say, Oh my gosh, all you have to do is join and you make money. And like, for who? Just for me. Is it for them? Am I able to help someone else make money? But doing what? For what purpose? How am I advancing someone else's life? By just getting into something to make money. Those don't interest me. It's. I'm not no judgment. It's okay if those interests other people, that's fine. It just doesn't interest me. I want to have some kind of purpose behind it to where I'm making a positive impact on someone else's life in a huge way. Not a small way. A huge way. That's my goal. And mission in life is to help and serve others. Truly, I don't just say that. And that's what I love about people like you, Ryan, and all the other entrepreneurs I've interviewed. I mean, to a person I can't think of one that was not human or customer centric. I can't. And you're no different than them. And that's why you're here. That's the kind of people that come on this show are just the amazing ones, just like you, that's all.

Ryan DeMent:
It's getting deep, and I don't have my boots on.

Brian Kelly:
The bromance is advancing.

Ryan DeMent:
But the very. First time I got to. Meet you. I knew that you'd be willing to help out on pretty much anything. You laid it. Out. And those are the type of people that. You want to have in your inner circle. It doesn't matter if you're trying to be an entrepreneur or in life. I mean, we could get into a life conversation, too, where, you know, you want to surround yourself. With people that that support. You and will. Engage with you, but also. Be honest. With you. And those people are going. To go to the mat for you. Those are the. People that you want to go to. War with, as I say. And they're going to be. There. Through thick and thin. And it's. Just it's. It makes life so much easier and so much better. And like Brian said earlier. Is I started my podcast because. Of the simple thing is I wanted to touch one person. If I can change someone's. Life, I'll do it. I didn't I didn't. Start. It to. Monetize it. I started it because I wanted to put my voice in opinion. I won't say opinion my my spin on things in. Life because I have a very. Dry sense of humor. But I'm also. Straightforward. And you'll understand where I come from. But at the end of the day. It's about. Helping people and giving them a leg. Up. Because I got a leg. Up and I want to pass that on and move that. Forward and help others. It's that's just part of life.

Brian Kelly:
You lost me on the dry sense of humor because it's actually wet. Because you make me laugh so hard. I cry. It's awesome. Yeah. We have a lot of fun. You and I, I think. I mean, that's my from my point. I enjoy talking to you, and I don't care what we're talking about, but it's usually stuff we both enjoy and truly love, and that's automation and business and and tools and all the geeky things that make, make our lives easier, not just to be geeks, but with intention and like. Right before the show, you had this tool that I wanted to learn about. I saw something you had done that caught my eye and you shared that with me. It's a tool I never knew existed, and now I do, and I will definitely be subscribing to it because I need it. I wouldn't have known that it existed and it will save me a boatload of time, of manual effort. And so the cost of the tool will far be paid for in the amount of time it would have taken for my team to do it. So I appreciate that by far.

Ryan DeMent:
I mean. Jeez, look at how many tips you've given me on CRM and in in automation. I mean. I. I can. Only. Thank you a million times and I'm going to come back for more. Because you are. The automation master. So it's like, why not? You know, ask the person that has the most information or most knowledge and learn from it, and then I'll go make my mistakes and come back to you with my tail between the legs and say, Okay, what did I do wrong?

Brian Kelly:
Yeah and yeah, you'll never have to do the tail between your legs things with me because I make mistakes myself. My gosh. Hey, Laurie Ann Hood, how are you doing? Great to see you. Had a chat with her just a few days ago. I hope all is well with you, Laurie. And going, well, fantastic. Yeah. Bring the comments in. Let us know where you're coming from. I have a question for Ryan. We'll give you a shout out. It's got to be a decent question. Of course it can't be. Why is it sky blue or something like that? But you know, on point. I love your laugh, man. It's it's infectious. It's cool. So don't worry, man. It's all good. I'm taking we're not going that far with this, even though it's a bromance. So and I know you have man escapes me the name Moose. That's right, moose. You got Moose and some other person that.

Ryan DeMent:
I. Got more than moose. I got a. Girlfriend, too, and she's probably listening. She said she would tune in. So we'll see. Paying attention.

Brian Kelly:
I was going to say and you have something else, someone else who is only one like 50 championships in softball, so it's awesome.

Ryan DeMent:
Hey, you guys can relate ball. You know. I was telling her about that that. You can relate. To that because she's she's all about. Softball and all about championships. And man. You talk about a. Passionate person about. Softball, if we. Could get into that. I mean, she cares. About those girls like. There's no tomorrow. Oh.

Brian Kelly:
There it is. That's a sweet spot. So, look, it's not about just making money. It's about being there for individuals. If you're passionate, it's all about. Is it? Let me let me ask you this. Right? Is it about happiness or is it about money?

Ryan DeMent:
Oh, it's all about the happiness. It's about driving. That and. Back that up really quick. Just to go back to her, we have. Arguments about how much. She charges. For lessons. She's probably 30 to 40% below. What the going market. Rate is. And she's probably, I would probably say. 50% or 100% better than. Most coaches out there. Giving lessons. And she just she does it. And I'm like, are you kidding me? But I can't argue with her. She's after her. Passion, so I have. To let her do what she does. But that's that's another thing is she's taken her passion. She's somewhat. Monetized it. And then going after it. Now she's got me thinking about another business, and now we're talking about it. I'm like, My gosh. Add that to the plate. That's going to be fun.

Brian Kelly:
So let's let's talk about that. How many businesses do you currently operate actively.

Ryan DeMent:
Actively to? I have a. Third in the In the Wings that is a. Nonprofit. It's just not ready yet. We're still waiting for the 501. Three to be approved through the IRS, which. That's a whole nother I mean, that's a whole story in. Itself. So I manage. To. And I run those. And then I have. Two podcasts, and the podcasts are specifically passion projects. One is about change and one is about helping entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Brian Kelly:
And a little birdie told me there might soon be a third.

Ryan DeMent:
There potentially could be a third. We're discussing it. So that birdie might be talking some more next week.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And I'm not going to give any details away, but that literally happened, what, 45 minutes before we went on air. Somewhere around there, half an hour. You and I talking. What did I say to you when you called before we were supposed to actually be on. Do you remember how I answered the phone?

Ryan DeMent:
No, I don't.

Brian Kelly:
Oh. I said, Hey, we're not supposed to talk to each other.

Ryan DeMent:
Oh, that's. Right. You're not. Supposed to talk to the host. Before you get on the show. Like.

Brian Kelly:
You're getting married. That was fun.

Ryan DeMent:
Yeah, like we're getting married.

Brian Kelly:
Don't worry. Your girlfriend. Don't worry. It's all good. Nothing to worry.

Ryan DeMent:
About. Don't worry.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, my goodness. So. One of the things I love to really dig deep on is one of the things I love. Love, love about entrepreneurship is this whole concept called marketing. And the reason I love it is there are so daggone many ways to do it that you're never at a loss for variety. But the thing is, it's not about the variety. It's finding that one of many golden or shiny objects that actually gives you the results you're looking for. And I like to ask this of everyone who comes on the show, because here's the thing marketing what worked ten years ago doesn't necessarily work today, and what works today may not work ten years from now. But for you right now, Ryan, if you were to pick the number one marketing approach or strategy you're using today, that's working the best for you. What would that be?

Ryan DeMent:
Video podcasting.

Brian Kelly:

Ryan DeMent:
Yes. And I'll start before that. So I think I've told you this and we maybe talked about it on my podcast. I have never. Had I have a love hate relationship with YouTube. I'm just going to be open and honest. I've sucked at. Youtube and I've never gone anywhere with it. So I. Tasked myself. This year to put out a video. Monday through. Friday for 304 for a. Full 12 months, and my videos coming out initially were not so hot. I mean, you can go back. I have older videos, of course. Way back in the day when I was doing it just here and there. But now. That I've I've got some better tools. Brian turned me on to. Better tools. So I can. Get better tools. Going and better quality. And I'm putting out better content and I'm understanding the. Demographics that is. Translated into my podcasting. And my podcasting is now allowed me. To use video through. Technology that Brian turned me on to. Also. And which ultimately is driving people into my brands. I'll live. Stream on my Facebook. Pages, YouTube. Linkedin and. So forth. It's just. The. Conversation piece like we're. Having today. And people. Are are. Seeing my personality and understand what we're doing. And like. I was. Talking to Brian before the. Show. I'm having people reach out to me. About. Coaching that normally. They. Wouldn't reach out to me. They come through another channel, they're coming through. The podcast and through video. So now it's just I'm doing more video than anything. I still blog, I still. Put out some basic posts, just. Words, but a lot of it is just video. It's just flat. Out video marketing and the. Podcast.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, and it's so true. And, and God bless you for. Thank you for saying that. Because a lot of people are struggling with, you know, should I do a podcast? And then when they start to do and they realize, holy crap, this there's a lot of work. Yep. And I'm just talking the audio version only where you record it and all that. But when you go to a video, just magnify that about ten times about what it takes to put on a show like this together of any kind of quality. It takes a lot of work and it's got to be a passion. It's one of my passions. I love what I get to do and you hit the nail on the head. I had this guy on my shows named Seth Green and he partnered with a guy named Kevin Harrington. Many might know this guy by. He was one of the first sharks on Shark Tank, the hit show. So they partnered together and they have Shark Preneur podcast. And so we did what we call a show swap. I was on his he came on mine and I asked him about monetizing and he what he said was spot on and he said he doesn't target or he doesn't focus on vanity numbers, which is what everybody asks about, how many subscribers, how many views you're getting, how many downloads you're getting, how many, what's your rating, all that stuff. He doesn't focus on any of that. What does he focus on? The person next to him, the guest, and strategically brings them in and doesn't. He never pitched me, doesn't pitch anybody. We had a chat. We both provide value when it's over. If there's a need, it'll happen organically. And that's exactly the way I roll and it's just perfect. And that's what's happening with you, is you just you're showing up. And I just want to let people know the best way to monetize a podcast is not to concentrate on directly monetizing through like what sponsors. Those are hard to get unless you are like a Joe Rogan or somebody that has a huge following. Gary Yeah, when you're first starting, the numbers aren't there.

Brian Kelly:
The sponsors know that they're not going to sponsor you unless you can somehow crush it out of the gate. And so this is like a calling card. It's like a book on steroids, having authored a book, but now it's there every week or more often if you choose. And it's new material every time and it's all there. It's in every form you can imagine video, audio, written word, you know, so a book you can't do that with. So this is a book on steroids and a book you're not going to literally make a income and retire with most of us won't. And but the show can go on and continue to go on and bring in new people like it has for Ryan. Man, that was a long rant. What do you have to say about that?

Ryan DeMent:
Ryan No, I. Excuse me. I like that because I think it's is it Gary Vee that just basically said put. Out content. Just start. Shooting video and put out content. I agree. To that extent, but. You've. Got to not just think that you're going to put out content and become a multimillionaire overnight or some. Viral. Thing. You've got to put some type of thought process behind it because otherwise you're. Just putting out just like everyone else's and you got to differentiate. Yourself out there. And yes, there's what is there like. 30 or 40 million podcasts or something like that. I don't know what the number is. It's a. Big number, it's growing. But guess what? You get to. Have your own voice and you get to do your own platform. And you, like you said. We're paying attention to one another and you're and you're taking. Care of your guest. And that's. What. That's what's going to draw people in. And that's the whole piece of the podcast, draw. People in and give those nuggets. Give those. Bombs however you want to. Call it, for them to actually. Get something out of it and learn. And that's the. Biggest that that's that's the biggest piece I do. It is can I touch and help. People. And get them where they need to be. Period.

Brian Kelly:
You know what's coming. You know what's coming. Oh, maybe it's not.

Ryan DeMent:
It's technology.

Brian Kelly:
What is going on? All right, it's happening now. It's going to happen.

Ryan DeMent:
It's going to.

Brian Kelly:
Happen. Wow. We have a weird issue going on, but at least the show is going on. I'm happy about that. I'm going to have to I'm going to have to talk to my technical producer about that. Oh, wait, that's me.

Ryan DeMent:
Oh, but. You know, the funny thing is, and we'll wrap up. This piece is people. Just if they want to do it, they. Just need to have to go do it. And that's the. Biggest that that really is the driver is you can't. Keep on thinking about. It. You just have to do it. And. Hit the record button if that's what. You really want to do and you want to put videos. Out about whatever, you've got to hit the record. Button and just do it and see where it. Takes you. You're going to get feedback. There will be plenty of people that will give you feedback. So be prepared. I mean, that's. That's, that's, that's the world we. Live in is. People. Live behind that. Feedback. And it's. Digital. So that's life.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad you said that, too. So it's not going to be. No, this it will not be perfect.

Ryan DeMent:
Ever, ever.

Brian Kelly:
What happened? Just 5 seconds ago, I had a technical glitch. It never is perfect. So what? Just keep moving. It's about the conversation. It's not about all the fun bells and whistles, although they are fun. But you just keep going and just stay true to what the mission and purpose of your show is. There's going to be issues where, oh my gosh, Ryan, I had a mentor of mine who I was dying to get on my show. It was easier to get less brown on my show than my own mentor, but oh wow. Different reason. He had a health condition, that's why. And he didn't want to. He has a cystic fibrosis and he coughs a lot. He was in the seminar industry for years and he crushed it and I ended up being his lead trainer. It's a long story. We got to get to know each other very well. And I was just like, Gosh, please, I hope he can get to the point where he can come on. So we finally we got him on and about, I'd say, 10 minutes into the show. He disappeared off of the show, just gone. And I'm like, uh oh. So I just kept dancing. I knew so much about him. I just kept talking about him. And then he finally came back and he was using his wife's laptop and he came back and came back on the show and we finished it up. This stuff happens and you just have to go with it and be okay with it. Don't worry about perfection. Worry more about authenticity. Be yourself. Like Ryan and I, we're just ourselves right now. This is how we talk to each other on the phone, on Zoom. This is us. This is the real us. Don't try to be a radio broadcaster and change your voice. So you sound like a radio broadcaster who is getting paid a lot of money because you're not.

Ryan DeMent:
But I do. I do remember our recording for. My show, how. Badly it went in, what we had to do to make it happen. But we made it happen.

Brian Kelly:
We did? Yeah.

Ryan DeMent:
So, I mean. It's just one of those things in life. I mean, you just got. To persevere. And be persistent with it and keep going. I don't know. That that piece I. Think I. Oversimplify. It, but it's the only way I know how to do. It is you have to be. Persistent. I mean, get knocked down nine times, get up on the 10th. You got to keep going. I know it's an old. Adage, but. What else can you actually do? I mean, if you truly want to be an entrepreneur and you're hungry. You have to. Keep going, even when it's. It's horrible. You're eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and you're barely paying your bills. You've got to keep going and you've got to find a way and side. Hustle it if you have to. Uber eats whatever. You want to do. I mean, to keep things going, you've got. To do what you got to do. Yeah. Be resourceful.

Brian Kelly:
And I often say that as far as doing a live show like this, it can take a lot of equipment, money, software. But what I always say is do what you can within the resources that you have today. Do the best you can. You know, you're not going to hit it out of the park. It's okay. But as long as you are there and you're focused on the guest and getting the most value for your audience and between you and the guest, then everything will be fine and they will understand. And just just put everything you've got into the quality and the professionalism of it. And then I say all that also to again, I'll reiterate, be authentic when the lights go on and the camera starts rolling.

Ryan DeMent:
Yeah. People try to be. Who they're not. And it doesn't. Work, but. It's life. You just take the. Punches and you roll with them and you and you see where it goes. I mean, look at my background. Compared to your background, I. Still have a lot. Of things to learn in podcasting, and I'm okay. With that. So I grow and I continue to adapt and. See where it. Goes. I'm still young in my my podcasting career. You've got, what, ten plus. Years of. Podcasting or more?

Brian Kelly:
Mm hmm. Yeah, but there's nothing. And I'm looking at your background thinking I love good things. Come to those who hustle. That's what draws to my eye. And today's date. And then there's hands holding something up. I'm not quite sure what that is.

Ryan DeMent:
Well, that's. I'm working on my back wall and my position on my of my camera. So I mean. That's it's an actual. The guy from Monopoly. He's pushing. All the chips and he's going and it says go all in. So I want. To be I want to reposition my camera and my wall. To. Where I stand up and start doing podcasts. So that's what I've been working on.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. So see there you got it right there. Ladies and gentlemen, inside scoop, I, I literally just put this audio treatment in the back. Audio dampening treatment starting July 4th, my son helped me and we're still not done, but we've just about carpeted the entire every wall and the ceiling to boot. And we've got more to do. Always, always improving. Never stop. I've upgraded cameras and lights and I didn't start with the greatest. I had a Logitech. I still have it right up here on my monitor as my backup scene. What is it? C 930 E It's been my go to I've used it for like a decade close to a date when it first came out. I just, just keep doing what you can with what you've got, I would say, except I would not go as far as to just use a phone unless you have it on tried button. It's not jiggling around.

Ryan DeMent:
Yeah, those are very phones. Are very powerful nowadays. I mean you can point and shoot and they. Have they have. I was looking at some phone rigs on Amazon the other day and they've. Got some pretty sophisticated. Ones where. You could literally just. Put it on your desk and shoot and go, yeah, I mean, literally, I mean. That's you can start there. I mean, you don't it. Doesn't have to be a professional setup.

Brian Kelly:
Absolutely true. Yep. And just make you know, all I would say is test it. Whatever you have, test it. Do a test podcast. Do a 15 minute, ten minute. Find somebody you know, like and trust that that a personal friend that is also in the business space that will give you that true, honest feedback. That's what I do. I go to the guy who sponsored the show. Jason asked The Big Insider Secrets. He's my go to he knows tech and we both bounce stuff off each other and say, you know, that didn't look so great and we're just honest to help each other, not to be mean to each other, ever. I love him like a brother. And you're right there behind him. Ryan, you're getting close. I mean, come on, our names rhyme. How can you get closer than that? That's like, come on.

Ryan DeMent:
Yeah, it's pretty close. Just drop the. Drop the B on Brian.

Brian Kelly:
And drop the Y on. Right. Replace it with an I. I've never seen a Ryan with an I.

Ryan DeMent:
I haven't either. I was just thinking about that.

Brian Kelly:
Of course you were. That's how we rule. Always thinking the same. So my goodness. Oh dude, I knew this was going to happen. So this show is special because it's not just a one hour show. We're going for two. Okay, I know. I know you'd say that. Oh, that's good. Oh, so. We've talked about a lot of great stuff already. Another thing about social marketing is a great skill to have, and I love that you said you actually surprised me by saying live video podcasting and pleasantly surprised because that is a big way to go and basically laid out the truth behind it. It's not going to happen overnight. Oh, thank you. So, Lewis Howes, have you heard of that guy?

Ryan DeMent:
I've heard the name.

Brian Kelly:
So he's a very prominent entrepreneur. Not quite as much as Gary Vee, obviously, because not as many people heard of him, but he's very high up there. A former professional football player, I think it was arena football player, an injury sidelined him. But he said something in an interview that I will never forget. The interviewee asked Lewis. And this was a year or two ago. If you were if someone approached you and said, I want to start a podcast, what advice would you give them? And he said he didn't think at all. He said, well, number one is they need to be consistent. So if you're going to do it on a certain day of the week, you do it that day of the week every single time without fail. Number two, if you're not committed. To doing it for at least two years no matter what. Yep. Then my advice is do not even start. And recently he was asked that similar question. This is just a few months ago, and now it's 3 to 5 years because it's been so saturated with podcasts. And I thought, thank you. He's telling the truth. You need to be committed for a long time to doing what? So you have to be passionate about it if you're not. I would I would also say don't get started. If it's not something that truly is something you want to do is have. Have a wonderful chat with amazing people like Ryan at least once a week. Then if you don't want to do something like that, then don't do it. Don't even embark. There's a lot there's a lot under the hood. You've got to be really you really got to love what you're doing. And I do. I absolutely adore it. I love it.

Ryan DeMent:
Consistency is big. I mean, that is huge. I mean, once you nail down when you do. It, you've got to stick to it because there's. Algorithms, there's. Seo that you've got to worry about. There's so many pieces that go into it. And he's right. I mean, I think you and I were talking about it earlier, maybe in some other conversation. But a typical podcast, when it first starts out. The downloads are less than 20. Per episode. And that. Frustrates. People. And I'll raise my hand right here. I was averaging 15 when I first started. I didn't know what I was doing. Just like everybody else, it starts. You don't know what you're doing, so you have to learn. And what I've. I mean, I could have given. Up, but. I didn't, so. I mean. It's I don't know. How else to say this. It's you got you got to grind it out. It's persistence, grinding and just letting people know that. Hey, I've got a message to be told. Find great guests like Brian or others that want to come on and just have conversations and. Talk to people and let. People know. You have to learn. Podcasting, so you've. Got to understand how the algorithms. Work. There's all. Different things you've got to learn. But it's doable if you're dedicated. To it, like Brian said, and you're passionate.

Brian Kelly:
And this may blow your mind, but I was talking to a gentleman last names Mendelssohn, who is, you know who he is.

Ryan DeMent:
If it's the right Mendelssohn I'm thinking about. Is it. Steve Mendelssohn?

Brian Kelly:
You know, the first names escaping me. That doesn't ring right now. He makes a living off showing other people how to do podcasting and monetize it. And one of the things he said recently, I was just on he does a dinner party, a virtual dinner party. It was phenomenal. He just gives value. He's just value value by like you and I. And we were talking and he said, I'll be honest with you, I don't even know how many downloads I have and I don't care. And I thought that's that's perfect because that is not. He gets it. You do, too. But the focus is not on the vanity numbers. It's on the relationship you're building with that individual. Everyone I have on this show, we're like lifelong friends. After just being together for an hour and a half, we do a half hour show, check out tech, make sure everything's working. There's always something that comes up, I tell you. And that's why it's important to have that 30 minute show. But yeah, just think of it from that vantage point. For those of you thinking about a live video show, a podcast is the relationships you're going to make now. Ryan When when you go and look for guests, are you looking at guests to say, hey, that one can probably end up being a client of mine? Does that cross your mind?

Ryan DeMent:
Not at all. I mean, it doesn't even they're not even we're not even in the thought process. I mean, it's. All about is that. Person going to bring value. To. Our listeners? And if they don't move on, I mean. There's. There's so many websites you can go to. To to. Match. People for guests or be a guest yourself. And you've got to be careful. There's a lot of scammers out there. But if. I know Brian has a system that's automated that. Is excellent. And he. Doesn't do a pre call. But I'm old. School, I still do pre call. 15 minutes. I have a conversation with the guest. See if there's. A connection. Do they bring value and then bring them on? And that's just that's the way I do it. He has automation. He has he has. A lot more of the things going on and. He does it that way. But the thing. Is, both of us. Are checking the boxes to make. Sure the right. People are coming on our. Shows. And they bring value. It's not about. Is that guy going to be a. Customer or is that person going to be a customer? It's about. Can we bring value. And have a. Healthy conversation like Brian and I are having.

Brian Kelly:
And that's the beautiful thing because organically. They either become a customer or this is what happens with me. I become theirs. So, you know, I'm not I'm so not looking at this to be a business transaction. I will strategically pick them out in to be in common areas like you and I are. We're both entrepreneurs. We both love podcasting. They don't have to be podcasters to be on my show, but I want them to be astute business people that have achieved a certain level of success so they can bring that value. And I'm looking at it like, well, you know, that could potentially some at some point whenever organically we could do business together, whether I'm their customer or vice versa, I don't know. But oftentimes I become their customer. And so I don't look at it as the one way exchange of value, because it's always two way. One is giving money that is giving the value, but it works that way. And what you said is perfect that, you know, you do want it to be strategic. And what I say that is you want your show. I always say this. My show is not my business. No. However, it does cover topics that would be related to what I do as a business. But I know you saw an ad spot in the very beginning. That's the last I talk about it. I don't talk about it ever again, usually on the show. And so it's not here to be an advertisement. It's here to have a conversation with a very astute, very successful gentleman who can provide value for others who come on to watch or listen.

Ryan DeMent:
And there's another vanity number in there that we didn't. Talk about, those. Guests that come on and they. Say they. Have hundreds of thousands of followers and so. Forth. You got to validate that because you're. Going to find people that are going to tell you that and then ends up being they don't. So you have to be very careful because if you're just. Shopping. For people that supposedly can have that social reach for you. Again, you're not in the right business. It's it's about the conversation. It's about helping people. It's about putting a message out there or something you're passionate about. But you've got to be careful. Some of those. I'll be honest, the ones that. I struggle with are authors. Authors want to come on and push their book, and they don't do a lot of they don't do a lot of legwork on the other side. Because if you're a guest. Like I'm doing today, Brian is going to. Ask me to help. Share some of this across my social platforms too. There's work for me to be done also, not just on his side, and that's. What we expect as hosts is the guest. Comes on and. Also helps put out the episode out to their social. And promote it, because ultimately that's. What we're here. For. It's a symbiotic relationship. One one person helps the other, and some people. Just don't do. That. And you're just going to have to. Be faced with that. It just it's just facts of life.

Brian Kelly:
Love it. Let's just focus back over to you completely, because that's what I love to do. I want to find out more about your primary business, what it is you do, what what your target market is like. Who do you serve? What kind of clients are they? Corporations. Individuals? Are they business people? Family people and. And then if you have a success story or two to talk about, if you have one, then feel free to do that as well. But I'd love to give you the the stage, so to speak, because I'm curious, too, to learn more about what it is you do as your primary business right now.

Ryan DeMent:
So the. Primary. Business is called True. Vest, and we're an. Affordable. Housing sustainable housing. Developer. We typically. Work in. Cities that or or city areas. Oh, you're on the website. Cool. That are. Left behind with. Private. Development or private funds. So we go in and actually. Develop. Renovate and build new homes in. City blocks that. Predominantly. Are. Rent havens, as I call them, is where you have generational generations of. People. Living in homes that have rented. I mean. Literally, we've helped people where we've had. Three or four generations of. Individuals. Living in a. House that. They've rented from the same family year. After year after year. Over generation. And you're allowing people to understand what. They're what they're capable of. A lot of our customers our customers are individuals, families. They're un bankable. They don't have. The ability to get. Traditional financing in a normal credit market. So they. Work in these secondary and tertiary. Markets. So we have. To help them become bankable. We put them through financial coaching. We have. Nonprofits. We work with that will help. Them on the financial coaching. Side. And once they can get themselves. Bankable. Then we work with them on getting a mortgage and start working them on that. Process. So they go. Through a traditional first time homebuyer program. And these. Individuals. I don't know. The best way to describe it is they. Feel like they've been left behind in the system and we have to come in and help them understand they're not. And there's others out there that. Are helping them and willing to get them to the place that they want to be. They also want to. Get better jobs. They want to they want to move their families into better neighborhoods. So there's so many things that we do. It's not just housing. We're touching families and we're touching lives. And from a success story, I mean, I've got plenty of them.

Ryan DeMent:
The ones that always. Touch me is the very. First one we did many years. Ago. It was a. Single mom. To two. Children living in a. Studio. Apartment, paying. About 1200 dollars for a studio. Apartment. We built her a home. We rehabbed. A home for her. And gave her a three bedroom, one and a half bath home. And she was paying less than $600 a month in her mortgage. And I cried on television. It's not national television. This was in Indiana. It was on. An. Abc network affiliate. And it's it's. Touching to. See a. Family go from renting and not thinking they can ever. Put a roof over their head. That's their own to now. She's she's purchased her. Third home now she's bought two from us and a. Third house. She's going to be she's going to actually move out to a different area of Indiana that we don't serve. So she's going to. Actually buy her third. Home in that amount of time. And she's gone from. Renting, never being able to buy and having some credit challenges all the way through. Getting her third home and now her. Kids will actually see that. Financial awareness and change in her to. Help her. I mean, that's just that's so. Rewarding and that's. So that's so big. For me. And that's, that's what we really do. In. Our projects are all about giving back to. The community that we're serving. We, we partner with cities. That's our. Biggest partner. As we come into cities. Build the relationship, work with the city council. Mayor. Whatever, to provide affordable. Housing and build homes that people love. We're not building boxes. We're building we're building homes and allowing people to understand that they don't. Have. To rent the. Rest of their lives.

Brian Kelly:
Well, that is just freaking awesome. I did not know this about you and what you did, and that's. That's almost sad that I didn't ask enough questions to find that out first. So apologies for my end from not asking more about it. But I love it. I love it. What you do is is phenomenal. And she the one you were talking about. So you not only are for first time homeowners buyers, but you will take somebody who's already bought one and help them with their next purchase. Is that correct?

Ryan DeMent:
Yeah. I to be honest. I joke about. It. My business partner. Is like Steve Jobs. And I'm Steve Wozniak. I'm the operator. So he's like, oh, why don't we just start. Putting together a platform that allows people to come in and get. House Services? And, oh, by the way, why don't we just. Start having them start working towards their next. House? So we've. Got a whole plan to do. That. And we want to build them houses. We love building people houses, especially for those. That think they can't. Do it. And we find a way to make it happen. There's so many. Tools out there. For. Individuals. That are looking to buy a home. Even when interest. Rates are high. You can still find ways to make it. Work.

Brian Kelly:
And when you say build a home, are you saying literally or. Or just.

Ryan DeMent:
No, no, no, no, no. We will. So today. When I say. Today. I spent about 3 hours on the phone with general contractors. Where. We're putting together our next. Project. We have 16. Lots on. A city. Block in Evansville. And this is Evansville, Indiana. This is about. Two and a half hours south of Indianapolis. And we're. Going to build brand new homes, three bedrooms, two. Baths, roughly about. 1300 square feet under roof. And I got to work. With general contractors. Right now, I have one I need. To go up to like probably three or four. If we're going to make this road map. Work for the city and. This block. Has been. Dilapidated for probably. 15, 20 years. Close to that. And they just had these tiny little homes there. Called. Shotgun homes. I don't know if you're familiar with that or not. There are one. Bedroom, one bath. You'd like literally. Walk in and you. Just walk. Right down the center of it. You have your living room, you have your kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. We've basically tore those. Down and going to put brand new houses on them. And there's there's some people living on the block already. We had to save some houses because they had historical designations. They were built in the late 1800s or early 1900s. But it's a whole development redevelopment. And this is going to be huge. It's a it's a huge. Touching point for us. That. Is going to kick off another. Project that we have. In the. Works to where we're. Going to build a veterans only community in. Kentucky potentially. Yeah. So that that'll be even bigger for us. We're still in the process of working. That out, but that's. That's in the works. Too. So I'm excited. About all. Of that. And that's, that's called. Scaling and, and getting to where you need to be. And I'm scared. About a lot. Of things. I might be eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches again. Because I've got to. Put all the money into the. Business. So, I mean, I'm okay to do that as long as there's an end result. That's that's part of. Being an entrepreneur.

Brian Kelly:
Fantastic. So do you serve every state in the US or certain states?

Ryan DeMent:
We're just. In the. Midwest. So Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, that area. In another. Business, that's. A whole nother business. The other business I run is is defaulted mortgages. But that's that's a whole nother conversation.

Brian Kelly:
Okay. So, yeah, if you know of anybody out there listening, if you're listening or watching this and you know of somebody that's looking for a home in the Midwest, then go to True Vesta Co. True Vesta Co and it's true v e s t dot co. And we're, oh, my goodness, we're one minute out, but we've got a little bit of time. But so I guess we've got to kind of I don't have to, but. Out of respect for everybody, including yourself, who knew that this was going to be a one hour show? Don't want to overextend that welcome or the other way around. Anyway. So what we're going to do is I love to end the show with a one special question. Every single show. I started asking this question kind of here and there during the show, and then I started recognizing and realizing these answers were like, interesting. I was like, Wow. So I think I'm going to ask this every show and I do it now. I close the show out with it. Before we do that, I did promise everyone who stayed until the end. Oh yes, you can win a59 state of five star luxury resort, compliments of the big insider secrets. You see their stamp up there. This is an amazing thing. I'm going to pull it up on the screen right now and you'll want to write this down. Don't go there yet. You'll have time. Even when the show is over, we give it an hour or two before we pick the winner. So I'm going to put it up on the screen for you watching live. You want to go to this URL, write this down. Our IP stands for Reach Your Peak, which is my company name. Just to give it some extra juice. Our wipeout am forward slash vacation or wiped. I am for vacation all lowercase so write that down and then enter. As soon as we sign off and we will pick a winner. You will be announced and we will reach out to you individually, to whoever the winner is, and we'll shout it from the rooftops on Facebook and the social media world. So the one thing about this, this question, Ryan, is it's very profound. I love it because in a way, it can be personal. The good news with it is that there is no such thing as a wrong answer.

Ryan DeMent:

Brian Kelly:
It doesn't exist. It's exactly the opposite. The only correct answer is yours. And that's the only thing that makes it personal because it just makes it unique to you, if that makes sense. So no pressure except that the curiosity is brewing. I know it happens every time. What the heck is this question going to be? So, are you ready?

Ryan DeMent:
I am ready.

Brian Kelly:
All right. Here we go. Ryan DeMint, how do you define success?

Ryan DeMent:
Wow. Deep success. It's not about money. Success is. About you finding your happiness. Your. Passion. But also. Doing something. That you. Love that makes an. Impact. And. If this. Was me back in the day working in corporate. America, it would. Be me climbing the ladder and chasing the dollar. And it's no longer about money. It's no longer about dollars. It's about. Me being happy, me being able to spend time with my family, my girlfriend, my. Dog, be able. To do things. That. I couldn't. Do before. But also. Being able. To help people through, whether. They're buying a house, they need coaching, you know, people having situations with their housing where they need to somebody to help them out. It's just success is. Coming from the heart, doing something you love and helping people and ultimately. You can monetize. All that. As long as that all makes. All. Wraps up into a nice. Pretty bow. And what'll. Happen? It comes back to you in spades. It's a wonderful thing.

Brian Kelly:
Hmm. And you know what's coming to.

Ryan DeMent:
He blew me up.

Brian Kelly:
You blew it up. You blew up the show in a great way. I appreciate you, brother. You've been an absolute joy to have this fun time with. Oh, I see what we're doing. I'm pressing the wrong buttons. I'm doing the technical stuff wrong again. So I want to just say I appreciate you not only for coming on and spend your time, but I also appreciate you for for being you, for who you are, and for providing that example. You are literally a fantastic role model for others who are looking to achieve success. And I just want to acknowledge that and let people know you're probably younger than I am. I don't I never look at age. I have a mentor. My mentor literally could be my son, my age. He's 18 years my junior. I never look at that color, gender, any of that. It's just what is inside, what makes that person tick. And you are that you have an amazing heart and you're also very gifted and you're persistent and that's why you're successful. And I hope people really integrate all of that and model success, model this man do act like he does, do what he does. Be afraid it's okay to be afraid but go. Yeah. If you're not afraid, you're not you're not going forward, period. I'm not.

Ryan DeMent:
Trying. You're not. Trying for. Sure.

Brian Kelly:
There are nights I wake up in a cold sweat worrying about things that, you know, you just got to deal with it. And that's okay. It's part of the ride. It's part of why I like it, to be actually honest. It's like it would be so boring. It's like corporate, like you said, get a paycheck every two weeks. You know, it's coming. It's like, you know, so what? But now it's like, well, where the hell is the next one coming from?

Ryan DeMent:
And you've got to. Worry about that. And my mom my mom still. After all these years, still. Asked me the same question pretty consistently once a year. Would you go back if they offered you your job. Or a promotion? I said, Nope. I ain't going back. Can't go back. I mean. That. What's that? Why? Oh, I. I want to be control in control of myself and my future. And it. Boils down. To is I'm a better. Fisherman than I. Was a corporate guy. I've learned to fish. And I'll continue to. Fish. And that's just way I'm going to be. It's I want to be able. To do that. But I have a. Bigger impact now. I have I. Found my. Voice. I'll be honest, I've never had a problem speaking or anything like that. But I found my voice and I found my niche and I'm in it and I'm going after it. I wouldn't I couldn't go back. I, I couldn't go back. I just I smile because it's like. I'm thinking. About all. That time. I was probably. Working 80 to 90. Hours a week. Oof, easy. And guess what? I probably work 60. Hours or 70 hours right now and it. Just flies by like that. It's not a big deal.

Brian Kelly:
Because you love what you're doing.

Ryan DeMent:
Same here. Yeah, it's a wonderful thing, but you have to work so hard.

Brian Kelly:
Why do you do that? It's like it's not work to me. I enjoy it. Dude, I'm going on vacation this weekend and I'm going to go through a conniption fit if I don't have something to do that's related to what I love doing, it's like, Man, do I have to sit and be alone with my family? I love my family. I love them. I just I'm so used to doing what I love, which is this and not at their expense. It's just I'm going to have withdrawal symptoms when I'm gone. I am bringing my laptop, but it's going to stay in the hotel room. Only if there's an emergency. I'll go run back. But I'm going to have some fun this weekend. But yeah, I hear you. That's the beautiful thing. And the one word I come up with as far as, you know, entrepreneurship versus corporation, working for someone else. And there's nothing wrong with doing that, by the way, everyone.

Ryan DeMent:
No, there isn't. Not at all.

Brian Kelly:
Because entrepreneurship is not for everyone. Good Lord. That's why there aren't so many of us out there. But the one word that comes to my mind is liberation. You're free to do what you want. When you want, how you want, call the shots. Your success or failure is dependent upon you, not about someone else. I've had jobs go bye bye. Because the Department of Defense would pull the plug on a program like that. We're gone. We're done. Like, what the heck? I don't want to do this anymore. All right, we got. We got to call this one a show. Ryan, truly enjoy talking to you all the time. I hope I'll send you an invite link to schedule a time. Let's talk again next week if you're open and available and let's keep this idea alive. I think because I think part of what we did tonight actually, was it if you if you rewind and think about it, it's pretty awesome.

Ryan DeMent:
Oh, yeah. It's just part of it. It's all part of it.

Brian Kelly:
All right, brother. Well, you have a great, great evening and enjoy your time with your girlfriend and the super softball champion coach manager. Awesome. I love it. And your dog, your lovely pooch. I hope he's fully trained or she. I can't remember if I think he's a moose. Moose. That's right. It's got to be.

Ryan DeMent:
He he's. He's in my bedroom right now, so he'd. Stayed away. So he. Wasn't barking like the last time we were on. Bed.

Brian Kelly:
He's trained. I love it.

Ryan DeMent:
Yeah, we're. Getting. We're getting there. We still got some work.

Brian Kelly:
Now your girlfriend's probably saying now we need to work on Ryan.

Ryan DeMent:
She she says that pretty consistently. That's pretty. Good. You can shout out to her. Her name's Cindy. You can tell her whatever. You want to tell her.

Brian Kelly:
Hey, Cindy, you're doing a great job raising this guy. He's become a fine young man. Keep doing whatever you're doing. You know, women keep us in line. I'll be the first to admit it in a good way. And so appreciate you for being a part of Ryan's life to help him make himself a better man than he probably was before he met you. So kudos to you. All right.

Ryan DeMent:
Hey, man.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I have nothing, but my wife is my wife. She's everything to me. So I get how important women are in our life, especially our spouses or girlfriends. It's phenomenal. So with that great high note, I'm going to call this a show on behalf of the amazing Random Moment. I'm your host, Brian Kelly of the Mind Body Business Show. Until next, we meet everyone. Have a phenomenal, phenomenal evening and be blessed and go out there and crush it and serve others. So long. Goodbye for now. Thank you for tuning in tothe Mind Body Business Show podcast at www.TheMindBodyBusinessShow.com My name is Brian Kelly.

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Ryan DeMent

Ryan has unique insights built by 25 years of experience in the financial industry. He has a no-nonsense attitude when it comes to fighting for what he wants out of life. When life throws a curve at him he lives by this phrase: Get back up, be persistent, and you will achieve the life you have always wanted.

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