Special Guest Expert - Scott Ferguson

Special Guest Expert - Scott Ferguson: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Scott Ferguson: this eJwljstOwzAQRX8l8oJVGiuvNkSqECCVx4IFoWwjy56kFn5E9rimqvrvOGI5d86cuVfCrUEwOOJlAdKTR5ITaTwyw2GUgvTVru2qum5zwoNHq4MH97_YltumrXLCOLchGdaw7u7bcpeTSYISo2F6dU5SQdL-ROZmT_orCU6l-IS4-J7SGGMxWzsrYIv0BbeaCifPQM8VXU89LeXw2xj8eNeJ6cr4VHefX5vD99tr-TxfNqf6gSncaxCS3XkbHIe9sNEoy8QxvcoJSlRrk2EBLpnKXgJ4zAZuEbMDuDl4awq9NAmdrNMME7uOt9sf_URgzw:1nZx6M:STIi-xlJQVlj6KFWTADQrg4BDXg video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling.

To make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward.

Only to fall two steps back?

Who are dedicated? Determined. And driven. How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. And this podcast will.

Give you the answers.

My name is Brian. And this is the. Body. Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. We have a very, very special edition tonight. And why is it special? It is because of the one and only Scott Ferguson. He is here. He is now. He is waiting. He's chomping at the bit. He can't wait for Brian to be quiet so we can get on and talk about what has made him so wildly successful over the years. And I cannot wait to share his amazing mind, his brilliance, his genius, his work ethic, his authenticity, his everything. I mean, this guy is amazing, and I cannot wait to share them with you in a moment. But real quick, the mind body business show. What is it? It is a show that I had developed for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs. And what we do is we bring on successful entrepreneurs, people that are in it to win it, that are not just kicking the tires as a hobbyist, as a as a way of comparing. And the reason is, is because we are here to help you to get to that level of success faster by revealing their secrets. The guests that come on the show, by revealing their secrets on how they achieved the level of success they currently have.

And thereby all you need to do is simply take notes and then take action by copying or a fancier way of seeing it is modeling what they do for success. And that's the beautiful thing about this show. It's 100% free information, but its value is beyond measure. And so be sure to pay attention when Scott comes on. I'm telling you, this guy is amazing. He's served our military. He's an amazing guy. I love this guy and I've never met him in person. It doesn't matter. I love him. He's an awesome guy. He's like my brother by another mother. And here we go, the mind body business show. And also another one of the things I learned is the three traits, the three pillars of success, I like to call them that I learned over the course of probably ten years or so of studying just successful people, really honing in on what made them perhaps more successful than yours truly. And it came up I came up with these three common things that kept bubbling to the top, and you might have guessed they are part of the very name of this show, mind, body, business, mind being a mindset to a person.

Each of these successful individuals had developed a supremely powerful positive, yet most importantly flexible mindset. They also, to a person, took care of themselves body physically no kidding through working out exercising and through nutrition and then business that is so multifaceted. There are so many skill sets that one must master in order to be successful in business things like sales, marketing, team building, systematizing, leadership. I could go on for quite some time. The good news is you as an individual to master one thing can take a very, very long time. The good news is you don't have to master every single skill set, not even all the ones I just mentioned yourself. If you were to master just one skill set and I'll be looking forward to hearing what Scott's opinion on this one is one skill set. If you just mastered this one, then the others can fall into place quite nicely and easily. If you want to know what those are, just raise your hand, say. Yeah, Brian, I want to know what that that one skill set is. You have to raise your hand. I'm going to tell you anyway.

That one skill set.

That you want to master immediately is the skill set of leadership. Why? Because the moment you have mastered that skill set, you can then successfully and effectively lead those who have mastered all of those skill sets that you have yet to master and perhaps, maybe never will master if we're really honest because of the time it takes to master any one skill. So that's a beautiful thing. And another wonderful thing about very successful people that I found over the years is to a person, they are also very avid readers of books. And with that, I want to quickly segue into a little segment I affectionately call Bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Born to read bookmarks ready. Steady. Read bookmarks brought to you by reach your peak library.

Yes. There you see reach your peak library. And the way the reason I said it that way is not for you to go clicking away and typing it in your browser. Instead I implore of you to write it down and then visit that and other resources that Scott's going to bring to the show after the show is completed. And why is that? Because I've been I've spoken on stage many times, and I've gotten to that point where I know I'm hitting the juice, the part that's going to change people's lives. And on occasion I would notice a person get up and leave the room. They had to go to the restroom. They got that important text or phone call, and it just made me feel terrible that they were about to miss what could change their life forever. Now, with Scott, it could be every moment of this show. So you want to pay attention and so take notes. I implore you, this is my advice. I take notes. I'm running the show. I'm the director of the producer, the not really the star. That's Scott. I'm the guy in the camera. I'm taking notes myself right along with you. So take notes, keep your attention, your gaze on Scott and listen very intently, because you will want to you definitely want to retain what this man says. All right, enough about that little soapbox moment. Reach your peak library real quick. What is that? It's a website that I had developed with you in mind.

Now, there are many, many, many books out there in the market. We all know this. But what if you could just go one place for at least one other entrepreneur that has been successful, has vetted certain books? Then your your likelihood of picking up a book that won't impact you has greatly diminished. That's the reason I had this website put together. Every book in here is a book I have personally read and I stand behind it. I bet it because it had profound impact on either my business or my personal life or both. There is no rhyme or reason to the order in which they are here on this site. So just find the first one you have yet to read that jumps off the page to you and get it and read it. You don't have to get it from this website. You can go straight to Amazon, which by the way, that's where these buttons all go anyway. You can go wherever you want or need it. The the purpose of this is not to make money for my company is simply here to provide you an additional value based resource so you can get farther, faster. That is it. I just love helping people sometimes to a fault. Speaking of loving to help people, that is the cue to bring on the one and only Scott Ferguson. Here we go.

It's time for the guest expert. Spotlight savvy. Skillful, professional. Adept. Trained. Big league qualified. There he is, ladies and gentleman.

Brian, what's happening, man?

Got Ferguson. Yeah.

I'm feeling pretty privy here, man. I love the introduction. I love the Read Your Peak Library. I referenced that quite a bit to pick up some knowledge nuggets for some books that I'm looking for.

So yeah, it's nice to have a one stop shop and it's wonderful to be able to share of all the time I've invested because not every book I've ever read is on that site by far, but those that can impact only those. And so yeah, I just love to give back any way I can. I know that's how you're wired to go. That's why I wanted you on the show so badly. When we had that Taco Bell back, I was like, Yeah, this guy's awesome. We got to we've got to do something together before I jump into the whole show flow and get you properly introduced, which you deserve. Real quick, a little bit of bookkeeping or housekeeping, I should say. Everyone can see if they're watching on the show live. The big insider secrets, that red and white logo on the upper right corner of the screen. They are a sponsor. Yes, thank you. And they are giving us the ability to offer on each and every show a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. All you have to do is stay on to the end of the show. And I will give you the means by which to enter to win. We give away one every single show, all because of the big insider secrets that come.

My good friend Jason Nast runs that company a couple more and back to Big Scott Ferguson. Yeah, he's a big deal. Yeah. So if you are struggling with putting a live show together and it might be overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling, enabling you to put on a high quality show and connect with great people. And I'm talking of people like Scott Ferguson and grow your business all at the same time, then head on over to carpet bomb marketing, carpet bomb marketing, saturate the marketplace with your message. And one of the key components that is contained in the carpet bomb marketing series is one that you'll learn how to absolutely master. It is the very service we're using right now to stream our live shows on the Mind Body Business Show. And over the course of the past ten years now, I've tried so many of these, quote unquote, TV studio solutions for live streaming. And I'm here to tell you that stream yard is the best of the best that's available today. It combines supreme ease of use along with unmatched functionality. You can actually get an account for free. Right this down our IP. I am forward slash stream live our IP. I am forward slash stream live all lowercase no spaces altogether.

Now to the man of the hour. It is none other than Mr. Scott Ferguson. And in the proper intro he deserves. And then we're going to have Bryan be quiet and let Scott talk. L Scott Ferguson is the host of the Time to Shine Today podcast, very successful podcast. By the way. His mission is to not have anyone feel like they have no one. I love that Scott story was highly sought after by people in the entertainment business, which he was not ready to share until now. At Time to shine today, Scott shares his knowledge nuggets to help individuals and teams to level up in both business and personal lives. And Scott is a veteran of the United States Navy. Thank you for your service, sir. With multiple deployments in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and he puts in here, etc., like it's no big deal. Come on, that's huge. In the early to mid 1990s. Mad respect for you. Scott was an active podcaster and real estate junkie slash investor. Scott loves to give live intentional loves the beach. Jujitsu, fitness, yoga and volunteering. That says a lot about the man that I know to be true. Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome officially and formally to the show, Mr. L. Scott Ferguson.

You're like, there we go. Thanks, Brian. Appreciate that, brother. So much. So stoked to be here. And I'm blessed beyond so. Absolutely.

And you know, this is the way I'm talking to the audience is the way Scott talks all the time. This is behind the scenes. He's not putting on a show. It's it's a wonderful thing to be authentic, to to have character like Mr. Scott Ferguson. In the in my circles in our circles, we see this quite often. The problem is outside of our circle and what I say, our circles are successful entrepreneurs. It doesn't all seem to ring so true because they're in this mindset of scarcity, trying to make it, and they're there. They're letting their their true self not shine just to get ahead, if that makes sense, to make shortcuts. But that is not Scott. Scott is all the way authentic. One of the one of the greatest souls I've come across in a long time. And what I wanted to do, Scott, to start this thing open was open. Boy, that's an interesting word, because that's what I want to do. I want to open and I don't mean physically but actively open that wonderful big brain of yours, that beautiful brain of yours, and find out what is making you so successful. What is bright at this point, like when you get up in the morning, you know, being an entrepreneur, there are so many things always swirling about that need to be taken care of. There are there are those things that we just don't want to do. We still have those. No matter what level of success. And yet, as an entrepreneur, it's all on you to do it. What is it for you, Scott, when you get up in the morning, what is going on in that big, beautiful brain of yours that's telling you that keeping you driven, that's telling you you've got this. It's telling you I'm going to take it to the next level, no matter what arduous task lies in front of me. What is that for you?

You know.


Again, thanks for having me, Brian. The the big thing about my my morning, it's my structure time. That's the only time that I know is going to be kind of the exact same way because of how much I coach or how many clients that I service. I have to put on different hats at all times. So my morning is super, super critical to starting my day. And, you know, it's very structured where I get up, I do my my brush, you know, just the regular brush to the teeth kind of thing. And then as I get older, it's I hit in my forties. I realize I need to take things a little bit slower. I don't just hop out of bed as much anymore, so I make sure I get that hydration at 32 ounces of water right in. And then I go right to two ounces of apple cider vinegar with some pink Himalayan sea salt and lemon juice. Knocks my PH straight and then I'm straight to the trampoline. Man. I'm huge into rebounding and I tell people, my clients out there and it's funny when I speak on stage, people laugh because I'm the guy that brings out the rebounder and I'm telling the first 2 minutes of all my speeches or at the engagements is the benefits of what rebounding can do for you because your heart pumps blood to cleanse it. But your lymph where all the cancer, the leukemia, all that stuff is just jarred in there. You can't get rid of it without motion. So I hop in that trampoline and when you're off the trampoline, don't care if you're half inch or inch off, you're at zero gravity. The second you hit that trampoline, you're at four times of gravity. So a four times gravity to zero gravity, it pushes all your toxins out. So that first 90 minutes to 2 hours of my day is structured around me, period. It's my most selfish time that I get my journaling done, my gratitude sandwich eating, and, and I get ready to serve clients by 845 nine in the morning. So my morning gets up and the only thing.


Is structured throughout everything my life, luckily I have people that work for me that handle the my day to days, but the morning is the time that it's all mine. And it's a very selfish. But selfishness is not a bad virtue. If you look in the dictionary, there's nothing bad about being selfish. You have to take care of you before you can take care of others, just like they say on the airplane and oxygen masks and stuff like that. So that's what I do, man.

And have to take care of you before you take care of others.

That's not a bomb dropping moment.

Getting carpet.

Bombed. Well, yes.

Knowledge bombs. Bombs of wisdom, smart bombs. That is Scott Ferguson right there. What? Yeah, everything. My gosh. And you're one of the first that has ever said this. And I appreciate you for seeing this, that your structure is primarily only in one part of the day. Many others try to make it a structure throughout their day. And that just I think that's a recipe for failure because of all the moving parts that we have to deal with every day. It's almost impossible because things come up, don't they? Where? Well, like today I had several small, minor issues, but my team at the moment couldn't take care of it. It was only something that Brian knew. I'm going to work on that, believe me. And you just have to. You have something has to give in order for something else to take its place. And it just happens.

Everybody that I know, man. That I know either I have read about or actually been blessed to interview or speak with. That's the that's the one thing everybody had in common. Their morning routine, I say, and that with quotes is structured. And once I started doing that, it changed everything I started doing about 12 years ago. Now I'm working with a coach on my nightly routine because that kind of should be structured too. So you get that sleep and that REM and and deep sleep and stuff like that. But you know, the morning is it has to be structured. All my clients, that's the biggest thing. Restructuring your morning. That's where we start. It's our foundation.

I love it. I love right off the bat. I'm I'm just thinking about that. What you need is I feel invigorated and I'm not kidding. I'm like I feel like I've been through it just now. And that's a great thing. You know, the mind and body, I always say they're our team and they're your team and you're taking care of both through a lot of physical activity, but you're also doing the gratitude and everything in between that gets you set both mentally and bodily. I had a great I fail to remember the gentleman's name, doggone it. But I interviewed him. I've interviewed so many people, but not excuse. He made a statement that he works out on a regular basis. But what he does is he he works out right before an upcoming arduous.


Get the energy flowing. I mean, do you ever, like do something to jack yourself up mentally, physically, before something like that's coming up?

Like, right before I came out here was 3 minutes of rebounding, man. Like, I mean, I rolled jets, you know, jujitsu, and I'm in the gym lift in three days a week. That's how my foundation was built in my temple. But the rebounder is what I do in. It's set on my watch. I'd be like, All right, you got to move. Especially if I have a day sitting on my ass. You know, I get on that rebounder just because it jars everything loose, you know, and it gets the stuff in. And as long as you're taking in the fluids, you know, it's going to cleanse you. So, like, to your interviewee's point, yeah, man, I get moving before anything going before I walk out the door, I get I rebound, you know what I'm saying? So it's a it's something I fully believe in just because, you know, I've been doing it just a few years, but it's changed that part of it's changed everything. My morning routine I've been doing 12 years, but I added the rebounding in 2018, so I got to shoot four or five years. Yeah.

That's awesome. And the thing is, I always say if it's not broke, don't fix it.

And it's great when I'm speaking because when I walk out there, people are like, What is this £260 dude that's pretty well put together doing jumping on a trampoline. So I'm telling them and I'm speaking to them and it's crazy when I have to hold a mic. Usually time I'm held up, but I'm able to speak to them and they're just I get their attention and all their heads are going like this. So they're already starting to affirm anything I'm going to be talking about for my 15, 17 minutes. So it started off as kind of a gimmick, but I used it really to bring myself down before I would speak to like get the blood flowing and and get things going. And of course, I stole it from, you know, Tony Robbins rebounds every day and something I really dug into why why does he do that? So he's all about the hacks. And it's the one thing that I feel it works 100%.

I love it from every vantage point. You know, it is kind of a gimmick, but at the same time it's not. And you're getting them to do the nod. And that's that's really cool part being part of it. And yeah, it gets their attention. There was another gentleman that spoke that would start from the back of the room and no one knew where he was. Not everybody moved, literally turning back, and then he would come to the front and then go back down the middle in the background were all like.

Do you go and do keeps people moving, gets that blood flowing?

You know, he would.

Literally go up the stage like if the steps were in the middle of the room in the center, he would walk up them backwards without looking.

That's awesome.

So you got our attention quick and it kept our attention and and the guy sweating like everywhere. He's got suit on.

He's passionate and.

He's working and that impressed me. So yeah, I love, I love anything that works in speaking and yeah, getting moving because like when people go on, they get nervous, right? Even on a show like this, I know you don't, but everybody does. Come on. Everybody does to some extent. But doing what you're talking about to kind of break that seal of stress and anxiety is perfect, right? You know, when you're about to go up on stage, that's when like physical stage, that's when you're just the heart's going like crazy, right? And I go through several things in my head as well as body. I'm saying, well, you know, this is for them. This is not for me. And once I get that in my head, I'm like, shush. I just.

Relax. Look, you know, I competed in bodybuilding for a long time, and so I was up in my underwear in front of two, 3000 people and flexing my muscles. And you diet for 18 months or 18 weeks to get to, you know, 3% body fat for 5 minutes. So the. Stage fright. I get amped up for it before because you're going out there in your underwear and you're flexing and it was like, holy, you know what? You know? So it just doing like speaking out, just not saying it's easy. Don't get me wrong, I get amped up and I always keep it garbage pail close before I walk out because I have like, you know, if I didn't fast that morning, whatever comes in, it's coming up. So just because it's in it's great nerves, right? I mean, it's the good use stress, not stress distress. It's you stress because you get to go out there and share and know that people are going to leave feeling better about themselves. So I want to give it my all and make sure that I'm the best possible. Like you say, mind, body, business. It's like that temple man. You got to take care of that temple man. And then the mind and and the physiologically you've got to start there. I'm just a huge believer with your physiology. It's got to be right before you can even be happy, period.

And it shows in your presentation and how you present yourself. I always liken it to like if you're afraid or if you're nervous and all that, it's kind of like it's kind of like a dog that can sense fear, right? All members know something's off. They're not sure what it is, but it comes through. And so, you know, that's what I love about you, Scott. You're all about preparation and being there on point, doing whatever it takes, even looking different than other people, like by jumping on a trampoline, going out in your underwear. That was funny.

There's a great story about.

Zero, you know what I mean? To New Year's resolutions every year, Brian, one is to make someone smile every day. And I've accomplished that even right now with you two. Unless I've hurt you, disrespected you, or did anything wrong to you, I get zero. You know what's about what you think about me? I just don't. Because I'm me and you're you. And I'm going to respect the hell out of whoever is across the room for me or even as a competitor. I respect them, but I don't care what anyone thinks about me. And that's what comes back to what you were talking about earlier with our tribes, right? It's like you're like we you and I are together because of our mindset in our body mindset in business. And we're together and it's like, those are the people that I'm going to surround myself with, period. And now the people that are open to being leveled up, whether I can help them, you can help them or good friend Brigida can help them. That that's who I, I have no problem farming out the work. But if they come at me and they're just like just hating, then I just don't care. And that's one thing that I've just learned through the years is I grew up a very insecure person, that it took years for me to get past that, you know? So being able to take care of my mind and my body every day just just sets that stage.

I mean, what you just said, right there was gold because I did the same. I mean, I think we live parallel lives. I think we were separated at birth. Know my brother.

And I even.

Have an H separation. But yeah, same thing. Always wanting to please people, wanting everybody to like me and.

Kind of stuff.

And then as just like you learned later in life, it's like that's not serving me or them. And then I look back on my old self and go, No wonder I didn't attract the right people because I was just this little pleaser running around and yes man and all that. It's like once I got into my own space and said, Wait, respect your self first, right? Once that. And so I'm saying I'm repeating this for people that are watching or listening that this is so important if you're not there yet, if you're not in your own space confidently. And that's kind of what it is, right? Scott It's about your self confidence. If you haven't achieved that, then work on it. In fact, I know an expert that can help you with that, probably sitting right next to me.

We'll get you there. We'll get you there. Everybody has it. I mean, as long as you want to level up, you're willing to do the work. Myself and my team are ready to help you, you know, and we do it for the intention, not the attention. Right. We we're very intent on getting the the person's needs. So there's a ton of questions that we're asking. But just we also preface everything with you're going to be doing work. And again, we might not be the right horse for every course and coach and everybody. But but that's okay because that's how I built my platform at time to shine today is to refer people that need to be leveled up by a different personality.

Man. You just said a phrase I've never heard.

That just basically encapsulated.

Everything I try to explain. I mean, that was awesome. We do it for the intention, not the attention. If there was ever a bomb dropping moment.

Oh, my goodness.

And I got that from my good buddy, Julian Harris. He told me that he's like Fergie. You're doing it for the intention or the attention. I'm like. He's like, Bro, you're doing it for the intention. I didn't see it, but, like, really think about and then pass it on to your client. So I asked him if I can use it on on my podcast and stuff and he's like, Absolutely. We're all regurgitating everybody else anyway. So it all goes back to the Stoics. So which is.

It's true. Yeah.

Further magnifies your integrity, brother, that you gave you gave someone else credit for that, that rightfully theirs, even though they probably don't care if you do or not. That is how you're wired. My God, you're a giving guy. You served our country. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I have nothing but respect for anyone who served our country present, past, and those who are thinking of doing it in the future. And I don't care if that means sitting behind a desk.

You committed what you did.

You committed your time. You committed your life. That time of your life to help our country, no matter what the reasons were. I did. And I have nothing but an adoration, respect and gratitude. So thank you, Scott.

Are you.

Saying that all.

That you've served with and for and. Oh, man. It just. It just gets me all warm inside, I'll tell you. And so warm. I could probably wear nothing but underwear right now. I just.

Love it. I love it.

I think down the road, you could issue all your clients logos and underwear as they get their certificate. Just say this is yours.

So put in the swag bag, you know.

Even some stuff and it's fun.

I always give homage to who I hear it from and they might not actually said it. But I always say, and it's funny, I was speaking a couple of weeks ago in Charlotte and there was three people that I was on the tour with speaking. And I say, as my good friend Leah Woodford said, as my good friend, they're like sitting in the crowd, hearing their own stuff that they gave to me and they're like Fergie too. I was going to use.

That in my speech.

So they're like, Thank you for giving me the credit. But it was also so rude. Each one of them went up there and said what they're going to say. They would be like pointing at me saying Thanks is kind of funny. But you know what, man? I just want to wake up every day open and go to bed smarter, you know, like something that has leveled me up. Something that someone says no matter what your age is. You know, I go to this kava bar here in South Florida, and kava is just like a it's a root that they drink in the South Asian South Pacific and they have awesome bars here. And it's kind of really a really chillaxing root. And I see a lot of younger kids there and it's great seeing them there instead of out the bars and nothing wrong with drinking but like having it and then spilling about, they're building companies and it's just like they're saying stuff and I'm just able to absorb the younger generations motivation at this place. And it's just like, Wow, I've gotten stuff down. I throw it at my journal and I'm just opened it everything, man. I'm a sponge.

I'm a sponge. I'm convinced. Man Separated at birth.

There we are.

Because I ended up having a mentor in my life. And this guy was and is a genius and he understands the mind and mindset. He understands how to be a successful businessperson. He's got the flexibility beyond flexibility. I mean, I know I know of no one with more flexible mindset. And the kicker of it is, by age, he literally could be my son.

That never matters. Yeah.

Yeah he's he's 18 years my junior and just and I met him, gosh, ten, ten, 11 years ago. So it's been a while. But the same thing. I don't care about race. About gender, about age. About religion. If you have. It's all about, for me, integrity and character. If you have those and you have something that is going to help me go forward or if there's something I can help you with, it goes both ways. I don't care. Anyway, I'm not just about sell, sell, sell. It's like we'll have a chat like with you. Scott, I don't know when we're done. You might. I might become your client. And this has happened in the past. I don't do the show to get clients. It's just what happens will happen. And it's meant for a purpose without selling the heck out of people every at every moment. And man is just going about that way of life is so freeing, because I used to always wonder, should I be selling more? And now I'm like, No, hell no. What do you think about that? What is your approach when it comes to actually closing deals? What is the what's your your your what's your philosophy on all that? And there's no wrong answer here.

It's no.

I work more to mentor than to coach at first because I know that the I give, give, give and tell hurts so good. But I'm also open to reciprocity, right? Just kind of like that plant that might be sitting on your shelf. You breathe in oxygen, you breathe out carbon dioxide, the plant breathes and carbon dioxide brings out oxygen. So there's a give and take to everything. But if I'm mentoring, you know, to start and then they like what they hear and then they might bring me on as a consultant or a coach. But I just you know, I was told by my mentor years ago that the more you mentor, the more immortal you become. Right? So it's like I'm able to mentor people and whether they hire me or not, I've dropped some knowledge nuggets on them that I'm just regurgitating. By the way, that's the name of my book that will be coming out as Regurgitate. You're in it because you're a podcast interview that's coming up. And basically like Tony Robbins regurgitates Jim Brown, Jim Brown, Earl Nightingale or Nightingale Wallace Waddles all the way back to Aristotle or Hippocrates or whatever. Everybody's regurgitating stuff. So that's just all I'm doing with mentoring is going through my mental rolodex of what I was taught and then doing that. But I've had guys that I, a small group at my church from 2007 are calling me up and saying, Bro, Fergie, you know, this happened like punched me in the mouth. And, you know, I just want to thank you for what you dropped on me and I'm paying it forward to other people. There's no there's no check big enough that can cover that withdrawal, however you feel me? That's the thing, man.

It's like I'm all about the mentoring. So that's where I start with is is the mentoring, and I'll monitor as much as I can. Now, if it gets to a point where it's coffee every Wednesday and they want to talk to something, be like, Listen, I am I am a for profit here, bro, you know? And they'll be like, oh man, I didn't even know or but then again, I've had people just slide me checks from it, just be like here and I take it that's open to reciprocity. I will take it and I will cash it and thank them, you know. But at the same time, I want to give, give, give until it hurts. So good, man, because some people out there, especially we just went through as a country, as a world, you know, they need it, you know, and and I need it. You know, I'm blessed with awesome coaches. You have five coaches that I meet with, you know, and they've all leveled me up in one aspect or another, from speaking coach to authorship to mindset to body. You know, just like look at your name of your company, you know, mind body business. I have a coach for every one of them that I pay five figures a month to. And it's like I they're four figures a month, sorry, five, four years month, four figures a month to make sure that I am leveled up, period, you know, because it's, you know, but a lot of them, they drop that serious knowledge on me as well for free. So to answer the question, long winded man, I love to mentor.

And you at one point said, Do you feel me? I literally had goosebumps at that moment not getting.

Even with my clients. I'm like, You feel it. So it's everything's physiological and everyone throws through coaching. Think they're just doing the six inches between their temples, right? But you've got to feel it physiologically to like people do not understand your temples. Not taking care of the rest won't fall in line, your mind will fall in line. It just won't unless you're physiologically good and it's rooted right in the name of your business man.

So yeah, it's so true.

Because and that's such a great lesson for everyone watching that goes to a marketing or sales process is one of the most important parts of the process that so many seem to either forget or just not address is the importance of eliciting emotion from individual that you're marketing advertising to in a in a great way, in an integrity based way. But you want to evoke that emotion because people buy on emotion. And I wanted to give a quick shout out. We were talking about her just before the show. Scott, I want her to hear this. Yeah. Linda Bachmann is in the house. Yes.

Veterans. There we go.

Linda Yeah.

So, yeah. Linda I've been telling him all about your idea and your concept and I'll hook you two up after the show. And she also said he is telling the truth nothing but a good heart to help the world. Yeah, and Linda is the same. That's the thing. I love what I get to do because of people like you, people like Linda and all the past interviewees, I've had just amazing, amazing people. And my gosh, I have. I'm getting writer's cramp. And I love it. And I love how you mentioned this, this one thing you did in 2007. Here's the thing with everybody I want to let I just want to emphasize it a little bit more is it's okay not to get paid the moment you do something. And in fact, if you do it without the intention of getting paid, it may come back to reward you and often does. And it could be much, much, much later. But those that go after the quick kill, I'll be curious about your opinion on this. When you're going after a quick kill and you want to make the sale today at sometimes at all costs, that's not a recipe for a long, successful run at whatever you're doing. What do you think?

Sad said, man, like a lot of people, and I applaud the people that can walk in to a business and sell a $5 million home or whatnot. But that money is going to run out, you know, are you going to be a yo yo? You know? And so the people that I coach through different situations, we say, I tell them, you know, inch by inch, it's a cinch by the yard. It's hard, right? So we're going to break everything down into the steps that I know that are proven. Now, I'm not a consultant. Right. So, like, there's people like one of my clients is a CEO of your 50 business, right? And it's like he's forgot more about business or. No, but he came to me from mindset visionary breakthrough. So he wants to see things from a different standpoint. So asking powerful enough questions, we'll get there. But those powerful enough questions is that inch by inch, right? I'm not asking them. What are you doing next week? It's like, do what do we do now to get to where we know that our coaching objective is right? So inch by inch, it's essential. And that's where my mentor of mine, Rod Hairston, as a company, envision you a fantastic human being.

And that's where I kind of got that scene from. But to answer your question, that breaks it down. Instead of trying to jump the staircase, you know, and enjoy every frickin part of that journey, man, also, like enjoy it. Let it embrace you physiologically to not just like everything that you're going through, all the bad stuff, anything, embrace it all because it's part of your story that you're going to write in the future or journal about, you know, and you look back at it and the things you worry about. I mean, come on, Brian, you've been journaling a while and you look back at stuff you worried about, like in 2008 and you're like, Are you kidding me? Why was I worried? But it was the world to you then, right? And it's just funny how just getting it down on paper and get those thoughts out. It's another part of inch by inch. It's just like getting the stuff out of you. There's so much that has to go. It's just like sweat in the morning when you get a workout in, it's it's another inch by inch to happen.

So that's how I live.

Man You installed a camera and Mike somewhere in my house because you're, like, reading my mind.

This is like.

This is like ninja stuff.

Oh, sorry. Not your underwear. Your bra, I promise.

All right. Well, hey, if you. If you send.

Me some swag, that's underwear.

I'll take it to go. And that's awesome. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. So true. All of it.

Jiminy Christmas. I don't know where to begin because that was just massive golden nuggets. You just you exude everything that I love to see in a person. And here's what I want to say publicly. I wish immense, immense, immense wealth on you. I wish. And I bless and I want you to experience massive wealth. And why would I want to do that? Because I know that Scott is the kind of person that will take that wealth. And at least for a good part of it, he will scale and expand his business and and change more people's lives. I almost said the word safe, and he probably will do that.


The people that are wired the way Scott is with the servant attitude, with helping people first, not worrying about a paycheck as a result of his efforts, even though, yes, we all need one. But the more people like Scott need to roam this planet, and if he can scale his business bigger than the odds of other people becoming more like Scott, and he's not trying to make people like Scott, I want to be clear, but he's want to make them more successful in whatever they wish to do. Then let's do that. Let's instead of saying, Oh my gosh, Scott, you pay for figures for all those coaches, you must have a lot of money and they'd start getting jealous. I'm like, No, no, he's bless him. He's putting in the skin to get better to help.

You and other people.

Thank you for realizing that, because some people don't and I don't. I do it. I don't know.

Yeah, I would probably.

Do some of the coaches if I wasn't speaking, if I wasn't coaching people. But that really give the best of Scott Ferguson when I'm out there speaking or even 1 to 1 with coaching, I have to have that. And that's what people have got to realize, too, is the importance of having somebody that actually cares, that listens with their neck, you know, that actually is in tune to you then. It's so critical. So critical.

I mean, listen, with their neck instead of their wallet.

Is that what you mean by that?

Yeah, exactly. But no, you get a lot of them. And the people that I interview at times trying today, we have a kind of a coaching referral program. Right? So I interview you. And then what I do is I set up a 5 to 10 minute coaching session with the coach just to make sure that not sound like a douchebag, but that they can coach. And I see and I watch them and see how they're coaching me. And then I watch three and I just have to make sure that they're actually listening because some people will listen. But are you listening with all your senses? You know me, I'm engaged. I talk with my hands, I'm fired up. And again, I'm not the right coach for everybody because other people need more of an advocate coach. It's it's okay. It's all right. I'll be I'll empathize with you. But, hey, our coaching objective is to level up. If not, I have an awesome advocate style coach. I got the perfect person for you and that's what I've been graced with. With Time to Shine. Today we will be like the Angie's List of coaches, consultants and therapists in the next 60 months, next five years. We had an awesome influx of investor capital this past week and we're building it out and it's going to be just fantastic of how many people that I have had a lot been the catalyst of to be able to help. And that's everything that matters to me, period. You know, it's huge and I'm going to get paid and that's fine. You know, a lot of people are like, Oh my gosh, it's money. It's money. That's what you want. Absolutely. It's going to be a byproduct of the service that I provide, without a doubt.

That's genius. That's scaling on a whole new level. It's just. I love that whole concept and. Oh yeah. I mean, I'm going to ten x what I was wishing for you earlier. Just.

Thanks, man. I really appreciate those blessings because they're genuine coming from you. You know, I feel that. And I really appreciate it. Right? You're a cat that I can't wait til we hang out in person because we're going to be attached at the hip, having fun and blasting out stages and, you know, maybe going for a brain grenade or two afterwards and just chatting it up and giving each other funny feedback, you know, maybe razzing each other on along the way, too, you know, and it got to have that as well. You know, the other thing I really live by, man, is that you don't take life too seriously because you're never making it out alive. Right. So I saw that on the movie Van Wilder in the year 2000. Ryan Reynolds. Ryan Reynolds, when he was young, said that and it stuck in my head. I was like, Wait a minute, I'm going to die one day. And I was 28 in 2000, so it was like, I'm going to die one day. So the mortality, since I'm like two, why make caring about this so much, you know? So that's it's just I don't know, I'm not self-deprecating, but I just love to have fun.

No, there's nothing self-deprecating about that. I've taught my kids this. I walk around, I see these usually guys that are just so serious all the time. There's never a smile or never an emotion other than a and I tell my kids and I told them as I grew up, I said, look, there is a time to be serious and there's a time to have fun in your life. And rarely is it the former. Rarely it's when there's a funeral, when there's a big decision to make financially when you're getting married. Yeah, you can stop fun with that one, but it's serious. Time to the times to be serious are very few and far between compared to why not enjoy life for all it's worth every step of the way that you can even look. I'm going through some hell right now. Personally, my wife has breast cancer. My my dad has advanced dementia. And it's just crazy right now. What you were saying earlier is so on point. I just look at it and go, I believe in God. I'm a Christian. And I say, well, he's letting this happen to me because after this, everything else will seem like no big deal and I can crush it even more. So I'm going through it now knowing it will not go forever. And that, number one, my wife is fine. She's cancer free.

She's going to say no.

Thank you. And number two, you know, my dad is just going to keep getting slowly worse, unfortunately. But we love him with all our heart as long as we can and we'll get through it. And the beautiful, we've learned a lot and we'll be better for it. Like you said, you said it so beautifully earlier.

You know it segways into you know a lot of my speaking engagements, the name of my session is overlapping happiness, right? So what you're going through right now and it sucks what your dad's going through and, and I feel free because I watched my mom deteriorate and passed away in 2019. Right. And so it sucks. But something that always stuck with me that I was taught by mentors is everything's finite, everything ends right. So if you're like, Oh, I'm going to South Florida, I'm seeing Fergie, we're going to have a great time going to rock stages. We're going to change people's lives. But guess what? Your plane trip back to LA, which isn't a bad place to go, but you're playing back to the left coast is going to happen. So that happiness that you had. All right. Iraq ends, right? Just say bad things when they happen. It's finite. It's going to end. So what we do at time to shine today is we talk about overlapping our happiness, meaning like if I walk up to a lady and say, man, those are great shoes, you know, seeing that smile on her face, that's happiness. When overlap next, what can I do to make someone else happy? Because if I can make people happy, that smile lights up according to my New Year's resolution, make one person smile.

They usually go for ten or 20, and the happiness overlaps, overlaps, overlaps. And it never stops. Bro, that is key to your mindset, your body and your business. The name of your company, you overlap happiness. All of it will come. Joy You know, my last podcast interview I just dropped today is about with Linda Shively, and she talks about joy stealing dragons. You know, I'm like what she went through, watched her five year old daughter die and then having to level up. And now what she does, she speaks in Carnegie Hall. She speaks everywhere. And it's just awesome to hear how she overlaps her happiness as well. So that's where we live from, is like what you're going through and what I went through. Everything's finite. Everything as you and I are going to end one day, you know, at least in the vehicles that we are in our bodies or know where the souls go, my belief is going to heaven, but, you know, it's going to it's going to end, you know, so might as well be happy. And the way the best way to do it is to overlap or overlap them and overlap. Overlap.

Can't agree more, man. There's nothing gives me more joy than just planting one little seed of happiness or joy in life. After I learned a science called NLP neural linguistic programing. Before that I was I love people, but I didn't know how to interact effectively the way I want it to be my true self. And then I learned it. I'm now that guy in the elevator. That's the first one to speak up, you know, and everyone's sitting there and they're morbidly afraid to make a move or say anything. I won't do it to be funny. I'll just make a comment. It's like anything to break the ice. It's whatever happens, it occurs. Or I'll go up to a Starbucks and, you know, they're working the baristas, they're just going crazy and they're in that state, you know, they're just grinding. And I'll make a comment. I'll see their name badge and I'll say, Hey, Jerry, and I just want to tell you, you're doing a fantastic job. My God.

You and I.

Are separated because I'll walk into Starbucks when it's busy like that and be like, Hey, can I get a half caff double decaf, right? And they'll look at me like I'm an idiot and I'll smile like you guys are doing awesome. It doesn't even make sense, but I got a smile out of them and they're just like, All right, man, thanks. And I'm just like, You're right. It's like. But you're also breaking the silence without awkwardness because you you've worked on it. Like, some people just can't stand there and be quiet because silence kills them. Right? But like me, I just I thrive on that. I thrive I make it a mission to meet somebody every day. You know, it's part of I don't add it to my resolution so much because you're not going to be out every day. So it's nothing that I can't do, but I can make my woman smile. I can make you smile. Anybody that I can kind of come in contact with, I can make smile, but meet somebody new every day is is amazing, you know?

And it is. I'm a believer that all people are good. Yeah. Know, they may have bad habits. Some, sure. But in the beginning, my dad said one of the things I'll never forget. He said, I've never met anybody for the first time that I didn't like. True. Think about that. Then he waits and he says, until they prove me wrong. Right. That's beautiful to live by.


This is my.

Dad. This is awesome.

It's this in our dads. We're like, from the hard knocks, you know, like kids these days. Nothing. Nothing against parents either. But kids these days get time out. We got knocked out. So for your dad to actually say something that from that generation, it's the same generation probably my my old man's from right. And and it's funny with our conversations and and stuff. It's it's true that that's that's amazing that your father said that benefit of the doubt be otd man, you know, so we see the dad. Yeah.

And I've watched him and I can tell over all the years I've known him now that he said that and that was recently. It's like, that's true. That's how he's lived. He's always been so wonderfully friendly, friendly with people. We would always say his moniker, his name is Bill. He's a he could walk up to a brand new person with his hand outstretched and he'd say, Bill Kelly, I'm glad to meet you. I mean, he would just be. Yeah, he would be friend. An entire, like, motor home park where they're at a river camping. And he would go and hit every everybody he saw on his on his path. He was saying hi and just friendly and was like, My gosh, that's awesome, Linda.

I love it.

He says, I want to be coached and mentored by you, too.

Yeah, and vice versa.

Linda is also an amazing coach and very talented. And you're going to find that out.

You're. Yeah.


Can't wait for that to happen. My gosh. Look, see, man, you have a special sauce and I mean a great way.

Thanks, man.

I appreciate it. Something very, very deeply special about you that I think it's obvious to most everyone watching and listening. But yeah, you come from a different DI, you know, the DI that they mold things down and things.

They just it comes from a space of a management man, you know, it comes from that and being able level up and people handed me certain books throughout my life and people taking an interest in me through. I was born in the Philippines at 72 during the end of the Vietnam War, and I was a mixed breed, right? So my father was American mama's Filipino, you know, my father was, I was told, got killed in Vietnam. So mixed breed bastard males were actually taken from their mothers and shipped to Spain because I'm six foot one and a big dude and if they had tens of thousands of these bastard babies around, they're free to physically take over the country. So I was shipped off in with different couples and I lived in a lot of abandonment, a lot of dark areas of my life. And it was just people throughout my journey that showed up for me and I didn't even know that they were showing up for me because when you're young and your brains mush. But then as I start looking back, it's like, Man, this is why I do what I do, because there's a lot more to my story that I'm leaving out. But it's why I do what I do is because there's people there that actually did that. I mean, in 2008, when the market crashed with real estate as a realtor in Michigan, a very successful one at that and didn't listen to my advisors.

And I was literally sleeping in a house I had listed where they would move to Florida. And I was living in it with my dog, you know, and and just someone handed me the book by Andy Andrews called The Traveler's Gift. And it's this dude that's daughter's dying, losing his job. He runs a car under the tree, wants to kill himself, but he wakes up in 1945 on the floor with Give him hell, Harry Truman looking down at him the day before. He's going to drop the bomb and talking about responsibility and how the responsibility is the ability to respond. And he goes and meets like King Solomon for wisdom and frank for happiness, Abraham Lincoln for decisions. I mean, it's it's a book that I just sat there, internalize. I'm like, wait a minute, dude. I'm helping nobody. Because back then I was a vulture. I preyed on other people's misfortunes who for foreclosures and stuff like that. And here I am. So that's what I just turned to turn that corner in oh nine, 2010. And that's when I launched Time to Shine Today. Or we don't want to have anyone to feel like they have no one period.

That's that's why I always say, I know there's good in everybody because you were at a point in your life and thank you for your transparency and honesty and that's another great. My gosh there's so.

Many I a kicker man. My father didn't die. He was alive until two years ago, which I just. 22 through 23. And me, you know, the whole spit in a cup thing found out. I have relatives on the west coast of Florida I'm sorry, west coast of California in Alameda or something like that that are related to me by blood, which is pretty cool because we're meeting this year. And then I also have a twin sister that my mom kept and gave me up and found that out and I was 33 years old in Jersey. So there's a lot of stories, like I had a lot of talk shows Sally Jessy Raphael, Ricki Lake, Oprah Winfrey, Montel Williams, all those 1990s talk shows knew about my story. I'm just like ready to tell. I'm in my twenties, I'm partying, I'm having a good time building businesses and stuff now. It's just like I'm kind of coming out in telling my thing. But there's a reason behind it because now for the last 12 years, I've been serving people and helping people truly level up. And it's when you're a speaker, so you have to have something that catches that audience after you get off the trampoline, right? So, you know, it's like you have that and I'm able to tell it and they can see because people resonate more with weakness than strength. You know, you're in a crowd, you're glued in to stories, right. You know, versus, oh, look at me and you can be this. It's like, do shut up, you know? So but yeah, it's just it comes from a place of abandonment, man, that I give, give, give till hurts so good, you know?

So this is a testimony of perseverance right here. And I'm pointing that Mr. Scott Ferguson and you you had the drive, you had the will, you had the desire, you had the heart that was given to you that just finally got awoken to who you truly are. Because I can tell I mean, to me, this is this is the true Scott Ferguson, whoever you were talking about before, I don't know who the heck that was. I'm glad I never met him.

But I don't either, man. It's like, who the hell are you? Even my dad. My dad and I are best friends now.

That's awesome.

Because he worked on the line at General Motors. Right. And nothing against. Right. But that's what he wanted to do. But I was always like, no, no, no. And then I would be the douchebag that showed up at family reunions and 100,000 cars and shit like that. So when I lost everything, right, my dad was the one dude. That was like, listen, man, he's like, I ain't going to ride you down. But listen, this might be the best thing that ever happened to you. I'm like F-you, and I laughed and didn't talk to him for like a year and a half. Right? Then I came back and it's like, he's right. And he always wanted me to succeed. He just never knew how to teach me to succeed with anything. But he was always the cool dad and always fixing tires for people, sweeping chimneys for people on this off time. It's like, do that service, right? I mean he's and he's retired living back in Alabama where he grew up picking cotton, going door to door to asking people, what do you need help fixed? Like that's what he does. Like, you know, how are you doing, Mr. Kelly? Like your dad? My dad's that dude, man. You know, they come from that.


They sorely missed. We tell you that right now.

You just describe my dad to God.

This is crazy, man.

I look at the clock. I hope you can go a few minutes longer because no good. We're going another 2 hours. Just everybody.


But what I want to do before I forget is I want to pay homage to what you're doing as a business and give you the stage, so to speak. What I want and I want to know as well, this is out of my curiosity is you're a coach. What is it exactly you do as a coach who who is your target market? It's a multiple part question. So you know, who what is your target market? Who do you help? Is it individuals, corporations, married couples, kids or all the above, any above, whatever mixture? And then what is it that what is it you do for them? And if you have a story you'd like to tell about one or more of your past clients or even current, that would be of interest that you think and or not, it doesn't matter. But you could tell the story. I'll put up your website and I'd love to hear more about what you do. And then let then finally let people know how they can connect with you. We're not done yet. Don't go anywhere. Anybody.

I just want to give you that. I want to do it. You know.

Coaching is something that I am inherently like. It was a gift that was given to me just through my the the past that I went through in the people that helped me level up and able to regurgitate what I was taught back to people. So a lot of the people that I'm working with are say coming out of a marriage, they went through therapy. Now they're looking for the next steps or they went through rehab and not just for drugs and alcohol. It could be work exhaustion, it could be domestic, it could be whatever. And then they come to me for kind of I'm set up kind of as an aftercare program. When they get professional help from a therapist view, they come to time shine today and we help them push through there. But I can't help as many people myself as I really want to. And that's why I've set up Time to shine today. So if there's any coaches, counselors, therapists that really have a great story in are all about leveling up. Other people then reach out to me. I'd love to get you interviewed on Time to Shine. Today we went over a million downloads, listens. We're got some solid traction with with different I can put you in touch with who you.


Period. Whether if you're thinking about possibly take your life like my little brother did reach out because I have counselors at the at the drop of a hat, you know, that I can put you in if you're, you know, you're making six figures and you want to put that extra comma, you know, in your income. I got people that will get you there, you know, including myself. I'll get I'll help you get there. So that's just kind of we want to do is we want to we want to help people that want to be helped, that are ready for the breakthrough. And the best place you can really find us is at time to shine. Today.com And if you want to really try to check out our podcast, it's just time to shine. Today.com Slash Podcast That's that's our story, man. We just want to give, give, give until it hurts. So good, brother.

And you definitely do that and appreciate that. And I'm so blessed and lucky that I'm scheduled to be on that podcast in the future. You're booked and I get to I get to be on in next year sometime, but.

No, I know.

I thought we booked you personally, but maybe not if we ought to get you on soon. We'll definitely get you on.

It's cool.

I'm the same.

Way. I'm booked through July on my own.

And, yeah, that's the thing. I want to get you on here as soon as possible.

That man.

You just have so much to offer. And I knew that from our first conversation. There was just something more than one. Something very special about you, brother. And thanks. I can't wait.

Our avatar of listener is kind of somebody that's looking to level up and know that there's more to life that needs that breakthrough, that visionary, that mindset. And so we got we're just. Our podcasts are less than 30 minutes generally. So we're very short because the people that are listening are people that are driving to work and they want to be leveled up. You hear my crazy ass on there going crazy and talking with clients or with my interviewees and like, we're going to have fun on mine just like we had on this and we keep people engaged. It's a lot of fun to ask questions that pretty much no other podcast is really going to ask you. So it's it's a lot of fun. We have a great time. I got I got three questions set aside for you, my friend. I just can't wait for radio.

So podcasting is my thing.

No, man, that is so not the truth. I'm not a very good judge of what a woman thinks is good looking. But you're a handsome dude, man.

Your brother.

It's going to be fun. I want it. I've been talking to my wife about this. Don't tell her I said this. She knows that I want to get out of California at some point. And my number one destination I always bring up outside of California is Florida. And so we need to have some talks about all the details of Florida, because I think there are some preconceived notions that aren't correct. I've been there several times on business and things, and I've never encountered the bugs, the size of dinosaurs, even though I've heard they exist.

I mean, are our state birds the mosquito? But it's good. It's good.


It's actually it's not that at all. There's gators. They really have to watch out for gators. That's no joke. Me and my pit bull walk every morning. You have to be watching for them. They don't bug you, but they'll just look at you if they're hungry. Better run.

Faster and.

Stitch. My my rescue pit can run a lot faster, not can. So he had to go. But no, it's it's it's a beautiful state. I'm not going to get political, but it's there's a lot going on here. If you're a speaker or something like that and your listeners and your listeners, I'm sure they are. I mean, you got Tampa, you've got Sarasota, you've got Orlando, you've got Jacksonville, you've got Palm Beach. Where I'm at, you got Lordy, Fort Lauderdale, you got Miami. You can speak every day. You speak every weekend. I'm booked every weekend in Florida so yeah in it's awesome. And obviously the weather obviously no state taxes.

But it is it's a.

It's a beautiful place and it's it's such a mixing bowl because the side I live on, I'm from the Midwest, I'm from Detroit. And move down here eight and a half, nine years ago. And most of my peeps go to like the west side, like Sarasota, Fort Myers, Naples, where everybody's like me. I give everyone hugs. You know, I usually scare people because I walk on like a big dude. But that's me over here on this side is I 95, right? The expressway that goes up to New York, Philly, Boston, you know, and they're edgy. So I used to hate them. But then I learned, wait a minute, why are they that? Because it's so population dense there that they live on top of each other, that they just want their space. Right. And once I learned that, it was like, boom, it was it was all awesome. Now that I got some of my best friends are from Brooklyn, Long Island, Staten Island, you know, Southie, Massachusetts, it's awesome. The whole state's a melting pot. It's fricking awesome. I love it.

So get here. Let me talk to Miss Kelly. She there?

Well, plus, they're the first ones to be hit by the hurricanes, right? Yeah, we.

Are, man. We dodged at least one a year. We dodged you. You're so funny about hurricanes, dude. It's like people. Like, I got crushed by Dorian, and I got crushed by Matthew or. Yeah, Matthew. And then no, Irma. Dorian made the right Hurricane Irma. Hurricane Matthew crushed me, but it was just.

Kind of like, Hey.

It sucked. Don't get me wrong, you're doing two and a half weeks. No power. That's what they make generators for. Make sure you have a generator. Make sure you keep ten gallons of water. You know, you keep canned goods like I have a whole hurricane room, you know. And when September rolls around, you just watch the weather. And other than that, we haven't had an earthquake yet. I know. I know a couple of those in the. Early nineties in California.

So big, big difference.

With a hurricane. There's a distinct warning that is.


To stay. It's like, you got a week, bro. There's hurricane parties. There's all kind of, you know, everyone's helping each other put their shutters.

Up, you know, cooking.

Everything up that's in your freezer because, you know, if you lose power, it's gone.

You know, it's a blast. Don't get me wrong.

It's scary that. 35 to 40 minutes that as it's going over you. It's it's like nothing you've ever imagined.

It's no fun. I love it. I love it.

So I love to end every show with a question, a very special question. I see we're getting over on the time pretty good here. But I want to be respectful, not only of your time, also of of everyone watching and listening.

But I appreciate it.

I do have a question I love to end every show with. And it just came kind of by accident. And it's very, very profound. And the answer is, have just been almost mind blowing at times. And it's cool. It can be a little personal. But before we do that, I did promise everyone who watched to the end live that they could enter to win a five night.

Stay at a five star.

Luxury resort. All compliments once again of the big insider secrets. When you see this on the screen, remember, write it down and then go to it. Right after the show is over, we'll give you time to enter. Here is that information right now you'll want to go to write this down our WIP. I am forward slash vacation report. I am for vacation. Go ahead and do that. Enter right now. And we're going to get to the big question here in just a moment. But before we do that, Mr. Scott Ferguson also has a nice little lovely gift for you. I'm going to bring that up on the screen and let Scott take it away and give a brief explanation of what that is. Here it is.

Yes, I think I brought it up a little bit earlier. But if you are somebody, you don't have to be a coach, consultant, therapist. You can be a business owner, somebody that really believes in service. First service oriented. Love to get you on the show. We're going to get you a lot of traction, a lot of listens. Also, I put all of my podcast interviews on terrestrial radio on their AM FM station in their hometown. We work with producers and pretty much every city, including Canada and Canada as well, and getting your show put out there. We're going to get a lot of promotion. We have a list of over 150,000 subscribers to time to shine today that your show will be in front of. And so there's a lot of people that need to hear good stuff. And if you're that person, please reach out to us. And we'd love to just grab a little bit of information from you, make sure you're right for the show, and then bring you out for an interview.

I love it. And that URL is time to shine today. Dot com forward slash guest. Just remember that guest should be all lowercase. Time to shine today dot com forward slash guest for our listening viewers I like to say that doesn't make sense. I know on purpose it might have been on purpose. I don't know. Yes, that's right. So, Mr. Scott Ferguson, it's time for that that wonderful.

Question of Jeopardy! Music or what?

It's a good one.

Yes, the answer and I'll give you the question.


And here's the thing. There's no such thing as a wrong answer to this question. That's that's really all that makes it, quote unquote, personal. It's unique to you. And that's what I found about this question. In fact, the exact opposite is the case. The only correct answer is yours, because it's unique to you. So if it takes you a moment to reflect and think about what the answer is, that's cool. If you get it instantly, that's cool. Why? Because it's your answer. I think I got the point headed home. So with that I know what the answer is going to be. But I'm going to ask you anyway.

Are you ready to do it?

All right, Scott Ferguson, how do you define success?

Success. I don't dwell on it too much.

But I think.

That success to me.

It would be knowing that I planted trees now. I will never sit in the shade of. And that's all the success is to me.


Watch. Everybody know what's coming.

Go. Yes.

All night long. Knowledge bombs. Smart bombs. Bombs of wisdom. This is the one. The only. Mr. Scott Ferguson. Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you all reach out to him and ask to be on his podcast. Fill out that form. Don't forget to do that. You know, I'm on there. I cannot wait to spend more time with you, Scott, because you're amazing. Yeah. And I look, I'm going to look for every excuse to get out to Florida.

Maybe Palm Beach is the area.

To the West Coast swing and a couple of cities speaking. So I'm going to definitely hook up with you there, which we'll talk about.

But I can't wait. Absolutely.

Please reach out to me. I will drive hours to time with you.

Are you near LA then?

Kind of. But I would. We do everything by how long it takes to drive here. It's about an hour's drive or so to LA from where I live, which is nothing for us.

Are you inland or out or.

Up in and.

North end or north? Okay, cool.

It's kind of the same California shape, but. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah. But yeah.

I've been down there. I go to Orange County, which is even farther south of L.A. by quite a bit, quite often. I've done it in the past for you, man. I'd go much, much farther.

South and going north. I'll be in La Hoya for my first gig and then we're going to head up. And I stationed in San Diego SEAL.


In Coronado for seven years. So it's like I still have friends that I served with, so we're going to have a whole kind of night of a reunion ish kind of thing. And then and then just going to hit the hit the speaking.

Circuit, you know.

You have to find me a portable trampoline. I can take everywhere because you know what I do? I literally get a trampoline and Amazon have it delivered to the speaking facility, you know, and they're like, Oh, have it set up for you. They never do. So it takes like, I got to get the whole thing.

Set up stuff.

But no, but no, I can't wait, man. When I, when I get the firm dates, I'm going to I'm going to hook up with you there for sure. I know you got to go. So I really appreciate the time.

We'll hit the stage and do dueling trampolines. We'll do it.

You'll be awesome.

All right, brother. Oh, my gosh. That's it. I don't want to end the show, but we need to do that.


You and I will probably talk another 3 hours after the show. You know, it's late there, but I'll respect your time as well, for sure. But ladies and gentlemen, I got to say, this has been the amazing Mr. Scott Ferguson.

Thank you.

I am your host, Bryant Kelly. I cannot wait for the next episode. I don't know how it's going to be tough to compare to this one. But I'll.

Tell you, you got a.

Stud guest coming up next year. And yes, we also ran.

Every single one, but every single time the bar gets raised even more. All right. That's it. So long, everyone, for coming in, tuning in, listening once again. We'll be back again in just a couple of days this time. Until then, so long be blessed. Everyone make a difference.

Love your guts, peeps.

Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business.

Show podcast at WW. The Mind Body Business Show.

My name is Brian Kelly.

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Scott Ferguson

L. Scott Ferguson is the host of the Time To Shine Today Podcast. His mission is to NOT have ANYONE feel like they have NO-ONE. Scott’s story was highly sought after by people in the entertainment business, which he was not ready to share until now. At Time To Shine Today Scott shares Knowledge Nuggets to help individuals and teams to Level UP both in business and personal. Scott is a Veteran of the United States Navy with multiple deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia etc in the early to mid 1990’s. An active podcaster and real estate junky/investor – Scott loves to give, live intentional, loves the beach, Jiu Jitsu, fitness, yoga and volunteering.

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