Special Guest Expert - Starr Codd

Special Guest Expert - Starr Codd: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Starr Codd: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward only to fall two steps back? Who are dedicated. And driven. How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. And this podcast. Will give you Banswers. My name is Brian Kelly. This is the Bind body Business Show. Hello, everyone, and welcome. Welcome, Welcome to the Mind Body business Show. You will not believe this, but we have a true star joining us tonight. Oh, I cannot wait. And this is a super star. I'm not kidding. Because her name is Star Card. Oh, yes. And she is an amazing, amazing young woman. Very, very successful in business and very astute, very intelligent, integrity based. And I've known her for just a little while now. And so many great qualities bubbled to the top immediately. And these are the kind of people I love, love to share with you. It's not about coming here to watch Brian blab on a show. It's here to watch our guest experts and star card. You are going to fall in love with her immediately for so many different reasons, and I cannot wait to share her with you before we do that. The Mind Body Business Show, it is a show that I had developed with you in mind. That is the business person, the entrepreneur that's looking for that next level up in their business, wherever that may be. And so I bring on highly successful entrepreneurs like Star in an effort to help you to get that next step that you so desperately need. And we're going to talk about many different topics tonight. And I'll guarantee you, you will take away some golden nuggets that you can employ and apply to your business immediately the very next day because of Star, not because of me. And so the mind body business show it is about what I call the three pillars of success, and they are the title of this very show. So mind being mindset. Now, for years I studied and concentrated on only paying attention to successful people and what made them successful.

Brian Kelly:
And these were the three things that kept bubbling up with this ten year study or so, and mind was mindset. They had a very positive, powerful and most importantly, flexible mindset to a person. All the successful individuals that I followed studied. These are mentors of mine that I knew personally. These are authors of books, some of whom I've met, some who've no longer with us that were never around, even when I was born. Lots of different individuals that I've studied and followed over the years and realize they all have this one thing in common mindset. They also have in common body that is literally because they take care of themselves or took care of themselves physically and nutritionally simple. And then business. Business is multi multifaceted. And what it employed was all of these people, all of these successful individuals, all had mastered the various skill sets that are necessary to build a successful, then thriving, then growing business. And these skill sets include things like marketing, sales, team building, systematizing leadership. I could go on for quite some time. And the good news is you're probably sitting there going, How do I master all of these? I only have one lifetime on this planet because mastering takes a long time. And I get that. The good news is if you just master one and it was one of those that I just mentioned just a moment ago, one of those few if you master just one skill set, you can leverage the others. Anyone want to know what that one is? If you do, just go ahead and let me know. I'll wait. I'm kidding. I'm going to tell you. It is the skill set of drum roll leadership. And you might be saying, Brian, I'm a solopreneur. I don't have anybody to lead yet. That's fantastic. Get in the habit of leading yourself as if you were part of your own team. How are you thinking? What is your mindset? Do you have your business mission and purpose down? Do you know what you're doing? Are you solid in your culture? There are so many great things. We could spend a whole show on that by itself, but that is it.

Brian Kelly:
Mind, body business, the three pillars of success. And that is why Star Card is here waiting in the wings. And she's like literally scratching at the monitor saying, Let me in. And I will just in a moment. But before we do that, another incredibly wonderful and common trait of very successful people is that to a person, they are also very avid readers of books and with that, I would like to segway real quickly to a little segment I affectionately call Bookmarks.

Bookmarks Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready, Steady. Read. Bookmarks brought to you by reach your Peak Library.com.

Brian Kelly:
There you see it. Reach your peak Library.com. And a real quick word of advice before we move any further. You are going to be getting a lot of resources, maybe some book titles, some URLs and websites. Please do yourself a favor and stay focused on what Starr has to say, because I would hate for you to have that one moment where you took your focus away and you're actually typing in the website and checking it out. When Starr gives you that one golden nugget that could literally change your life for the better forever. I would hate for you to miss that. So it's something I often say from stage, and that is the magic. It happens in the room. So in here it's basically keep your focus on the show, specifically on Starr as she's talking when we bring her on in just a moment. Yeah, I'm teasing you to death on her. I know. I know. It's great. And so Reach your Peak Library.com is a website that had developed with you in mind. Personally, I myself was not an avid reader until about 11 years ago at the age of 47. I know. Give you a second. You're doing the math. I know every one of you are. And that is when I started reading and I started reading voraciously and realized, my gosh, this does literally change your life. It changed mine for the better. And it many books had profound impact on me either. Through business or personally or both. And what I started doing is I said, here I. Through these books, images and descriptions from Amazon directly to my team and said. Add these to this site and make them available for others just to go click that button. It takes you to Amazon and that way you can get a book that has at least been vetted by one other successful person that that gives you greater odds of not wasting your time. Not going to promise it won't because maybe not every book is where you need to be right now, the topics. But I will tell you that all of these that are listed on this website have done just that for me. They have had profound impact on me. And speaking of profound impact, I've had enough blabbing here. You know what it's time to do, don't you? I think you all do. It's time to bring on the star of the hour. I know she's never heard any of this stuff before. I'm the first one to do this. Here we go. Star Scott is coming your way.

It's time for the guest expert spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big league Qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there she is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one. It is the only star card. Woo hoo!

Starr Codd:
Hi, Brian. Thanks so much for having me.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, and ladies and gentlemen, I have to tell you, we I had a cancellation for someone who was supposed to appear tonight instead of Star because they had an issue that literally hospitalized them. And Star was so gracious. Just what was it, two days ago? I asked you if you're available, would you like to appear on my show? And she said yes. And then she got hammered with things to do to get prepared for the show, because that's what my system did. And she did it all. And I just want to commend you publicly to everyone and say this is a woman who is an action taker. There is a reason why she is so successful because she has the habits instilled of a successful person. So I wanted to just give you those props and kudos for everything you've done. And thank you for saving my show for this this night on This Week. I appreciate it.

Starr Codd:
Thank you, Brian.

Brian Kelly:
Well, fantastic. We're going to actually I'm going to introduce Star officially formally and with respect, because she deserves it. Real quick, before we do that, we're going to do a little housekeeping. Others might call it bookkeeping, going to do a few words from our sponsor. And then we'll be right back. So don't go anywhere. Don't go anywhere. Stay right here because Star is going to be coming back real soon. All right. Here we go. Hey, if you're watching the Mind Body business show live right now, then you will have the ability to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort of your choosing. Compliments of the big insider secrets. What is it? It is a five night vacation stay to one of many destinations across the world. You can see as we go through this very quickly, there's some in Branson and Daytona Beach. These are in the United States, all over the United States, New Orleans, San Diego. There's also Mexico. There's also the UK and Argentina. I mean, it just keeps going on and on and on. Australia, at the end of this show, you will be given the ability to enter to win. You must be watching this live. If you're not watching live, then head on over to the mind body business show.com and register to receive automated notifications when we go live the next time. We do not spam, we do not even pitch any products or anything from that notification. It's just simply a way for you to know that we're alive and now you can join us and you can also participate in this incredible, incredible prize. And you do not want to miss this. So come on live. And you do not want to miss a moment because of our incredible guest experts. And we will reveal that at the very end. And if you're struggling with putting a live show together and it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and connect with great people and grow your business all at the same time. Then write this down. Carpet bomb Marketing.com.

Brian Kelly:
Then head on over to it after the conclusion of tonight's show. Carpet Bomb marketing Saturate the marketplace with your message and to get a free lifetime membership to a phenomenal resource called the Peak Club. Your free membership will include instant access to deep discounts on major software services and top shelf training courses that you need to run your successful business. Think of it as your entrepreneur discount house. Catapult your business to the next level. Sign up for free now and get a hotel discount card worth $200 just for joining. Then go and grab your deep discount. So write this down and then after the show, once again, head on over to reach your peak club.com. All right. Now let's get back to the show. Good Lord. Let's do that already. Who was that? Yammering forever. Let's get on with this. All right. Star Card is a business coach and entrepreneur. She walked away from corporate America after successfully climbing the corporate ladder to start her own business. How many people can you say, you know, that have done that climb the corporate ladder, which every person who is in corporate wants to do, climbed it and then said, I'm out of here. This is inspiring to me. She launched a beauty business and scaled it to over $1 million in sales annually. Let that set in for a minute. Yes, she is very successful. She now helps women turn their passion and expertise into a coaching business so that they can create time and financial freedom in their own lives. You notice there was nothing about money in there. That's what I love about successful individuals like Star. It's what money can help you to achieve. It's more about the time and financial freedom. I call it liberation. With that, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show Star Card, officially and formally. How are you doing tonight, Star?

Starr Codd:
Good. Thank you so much again for having me. Super excited to be here.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. And oh, you have no idea. This is phenomenal. And just in the short period of time I've gotten to know you, I'm very intrigued by your accomplishments already and where your journey is taking you and wanted to give you a moment, if you're okay with that, is to give people a little bit of a backstory about how you got to where you are now. I mean, what what drove you? What I'm curious about specifically is what drove you away from corporate after you climb that ladder. What was the defining moment for you that said, That's it, I'm going to go do my own thing?

Starr Codd:
Yeah. So for me. When I would work in corporate, obviously, like I'm looking at these people making money and I'm actually like, Why can't I have this? But just to take it back. When I was in school, when I was in high school, I knew I was interested in business. I was going to be a lawyer or an entrepreneur. So I knew that early on from a very young age. So I went to school for business. But when you go to school and you're going to college, you're like, Well, what kind of business am I going to start? What am I going to do? And so from there, I just continued to, you know, work on getting my degrees and getting, you know, a really great paying job. And I just wasn't fulfilled. I wasn't satisfied. I mean, I even had a flexible job for making six figures. And you would think my stepkids would say, No, star, don't quit your job. Are you crazy? And I'm like, I want to make my own money. And also, I really didn't see that that point that I could go past, you know, where I was at making like 100 and something thousand dollars at the corporate level. Like I felt like, okay, this is as far as I'm going to be able to go. So I wanted my own thing, and I also wanted time, freedom and flexibility to not sit there at work, you know, watching the clock from 830 or 9 to five until you can leave. And I really just wanted to be able to do my own thing.

Brian Kelly:
Can so relate to this in so many ways. I've done my time in corporate as well. That's how I like to say it. And it's interesting, you know, as I'm looking at entrepreneurial things and talking to colleagues about it, excited as heck and they want nothing to do with it. And it just it literally saddened me that this was it for them. This is they're not going anywhere else. All they cared about was punching the clock, going home, cracking open that beer, whatever they did, I don't know. But wow, I was just saddened that because I didn't know about this world until later in my life, I was never availed to entrepreneurship. And then when I saw it, I'm like, that's what's been missing my whole life. I went out of this thing, This is nuts. So I totally relate to a lot of that. And a lot of people might say, Man, you're making six figures. What are you nuts? Like, Yeah, I get it. Because it's not it's money is not the thing that makes people happy or fulfilled. Is it nice to have. Yes, of course it is. Is it scary? Yes, it's scary to go out and be an entrepreneur because you don't know when your next paycheck is coming in. It's not like a corporate job. But guess what? Without people like Star, there would be no corporate jobs. Someone had to have that idea. Someone had to take that risk. So God bless you for doing that and that you're building your empire and bringing others and helping others. And we have several people coming on to say, hello. There's Lori Ann Hood. How are you doing? Lori Ann Hood. She's a frequent viewer of the show and you need me to USPS. Michael Bemis. I don't know if that means. Usps Unique selling. What does that mean, Michael? Maybe I'm missing it. The acronym and then a Facebook user says, Right, Anonymous. I love it. And Crystal Jensen saying hi. All right, we've got them flying in here. Everyone's joining. Thank you so much for coming on, Crystal and participating, engaging. We love that. And we'll definitely open it up for questions from the audience, too, as we go through. And if you think of one, throw it in the comments. We'll get to it. Time permitting definitely will give that a shot. And so I love that background and that reasoning. And then so when you actually made the leap, how scary was that to you?

Starr Codd:
You know, I've been thinking about it for a while. And like I said, you know, the first phase is what type of business are you going to start? What is it going to take? What exactly are you going to be doing? And for me, I had originally started a business which was a durable medical equipment business, and it took like a full year to get accreditation paying staff, paying for the lease. And by that time a year had gone by. I said, you know, let's close the business because, you know, I'm working full time. I'm investing my money and just literally sitting there waiting for this to happen. So then it was like, okay, I've got to start something that I can, you know, get off the ground really quickly. And that's when I decided that I was going to start this beauty product business, and I decided that. I needed a location, I needed to source my products. And also I was pregnant. I should probably backtrack a little bit, too. So I had a baby and that was another reason that I wanted to. That's what kind of pushed me to make it happen sooner. I had this baby. I wanted to be able to be around him. Unfortunately, I did have to put him in childcare a little bit sooner than I thought. But basically when he was about one, I he became a hip baby with me. I call him a hip baby, so I would, you know, run my business, take him with me as I built this business. And then I put him in daycare when he was about two.

Brian Kelly:
That's that's a lot to deal with for sure. I mean, my God. Yeah. To do it without a baby is hard enough then to add that, Um. Wow.

Starr Codd:
But that was my motivation though. It's like, okay, now is the time, right? Because there's always like, I feel like a lot of women that do have great jobs, they want to start a business, or it might be like a side hustle for them, but they never fully pull that trigger. And that was the motivation for me to like, okay, let's make this happen.

Brian Kelly:
And how many times have you heard it? It's very important to have that. Why that? One reason. And for you, it was your son. For me, it's my wife and for everybody. It's individual choice. But it needs to be something very, very strong. And you obviously found that, obviously, because look where you are now and where you came from. And what did you find going through corporate that you learned some things you could carry forward into your business? And also, did you find things you want to never incorporate into your business as the result of being a corporate employee?

Starr Codd:
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I take it back to my education as well. There's a lot of entrepreneurs who say you don't need a degree to start a business, and that is very, very true. So I'm not saying go out there and get a degree, but I credit a lot of my education and my work based experience. And even just going through the process of of working full time while getting my degree and then going and climbing the ladder, All of those experiences have helped me to be a successful entrepreneur, to see certain things that I could do in my business, to be able to simply run reports and be able to audit contracts. I gained that experience in corporate America. So absolutely.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, same here. I would witness leadership styles and you know, of those who were the bosses or the managers and things. And I would just mentally note, okay, I don't like that one. I don't like the way they handle it. I don't mean I don't like that person. I don't like the way they handled that one situation. I like that one and started mentally accumulating all that. So like, well, now that I own my own business, I don't want anyone to ever look at me and go, I don't like that one. And it's okay if they say that. Because if you're if you're taking your business forward, not everybody's going to like you. But but it's important to know the things that work and those that that rub people the wrong way. You want your company and your people to be as happy and productive as possible. And so, so many lessons. So for everyone watching and listening that might still be in a corporate position, know there's hope and that you can utilize much, much of your experience going forward that you may not even know that will be that valuable going forward. Yeah. Oh, here's a great question right off the bat. Tara Washington. Here we go. So this would be to you, star, if fear was something you encountered in the beginning, how did you push past those moments?

Starr Codd:
That's a really good question. Um. You know, I was fearful at times, but I also am more of a risk taker, so to speak. And from a young age and I'd like to tell this story, too. You know, when I was very when I was a late teen to young adult, I always felt like whatever I wanted, I could have. Right. And I didn't know about the secret or anything like that. But I just always had that belief system. And now as I'm older, I take myself back to that person. When you were younger, you were already there, so remember to stay in that place. But there is going to be the fear of like, okay, I'm walking away from corporate America. Do I have enough savings? Do I have, you know, is my household going to be supportive or my spouse and these things? So I think you have to know that this is what you want in order for you to push past those fears and actually take action. So many people will sit there. And I did the same thing. I will say with coaching, when I started my coaching business, I got into the online space. I was playing a little bit around with affiliate marketing, but again, like I was playing with it because I had my other core business, Yeah, and I saw coaches and I was like, What is this coaching thing about? These ladies are over here saying they're making all this money? And I say for about a solid 6 to 8 months, like I would not pull the trigger and start my coaching business because I had fears around, Can I coach? How do I coach? How do we even start a coaching business? Do you need certifications? And so yeah, those fears do exist. But honestly, as soon as I made that decision that, okay, I'm going to do coaching, I started building my audience. I took a course just to a very quick course to figure out how to structure my coaching business and move forward. So you basically have to take action despite those fears.

Brian Kelly:
That is so true. I mean, you know, we were talking earlier that we have those moments where you're going to say something that's really compelling. This is one of those so you know what's going to happen. Oh, yes. Smart bombs. Bombs of knowledge. Bombs of wisdom. That is starcourt. That is definitely true. And that is you got to take action. And I heard this great saying, and I can't. I wish I remember who it was so I can attribute to them. But they said you need to become comfortable with becoming uncomfortable. And it's so true. If you're in your comfort zone, that means you're most likely not moving forward and you might likely be moving backward to be honest. And so it's very important to keep taking action even in spite of those fears. And that's truly what makes one person far more successful than another. And yeah, it is. It does cause trepidation. There is hesitation resistance. But once you learn and you you said one of the best things in there, and that is you took a course, you got knowledge, you went and took care of that one fear and said, well, this is okay. I've got at least one idea of how to structure it. It's better than what I had before, which was none. And now I can take that step and so do what you can. I'm telling everybody out there to do what you can to make it to that next step. You don't need to complete the entire business in one sitting, but prioritize, lay it out and say, What am I going to do first and move on. Most important part is like Starr did she just she she got connections, she learned, and then she just she shot. She fired and she went after it. And that's it. I mean, that's the way to do it. I don't know how else to tell people it's action taking. That is the number one thing. We got another comment flying in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think she just answered that. Sarah King says that's that's true. Fear may be may be there but you you can still take action even with a fear.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. That was a statement, not a question. Thank you, Saran. Sorry I got the name wrong. Sarin. I don't know if I'm seeing these right. I'm not used to these sarin. King Thank you. Excuse me. Okay. So shifting gears just a little bit on opening. We're talking about books and reading books. And I have a feeling I know the answer to this because just talking to you earlier, you seem very astute and well versed, very knowledgeable. But would you consider yourself to be an avid reader? And if so, are you reading 1 or 2? Some read more than one at a time. I can't do that. But are you are you reading something right now that's really intriguing you that you'd like to share?

Starr Codd:
So I, I actually listen to audios. Okay. I want to be very honest. I, I don't specifically read. It does make me get very drowsy, but I am constantly absorbing information. So I am constantly consuming books on Audible. I probably have more than most people do and I do actually hop around from them. There's not one specifically that I'm into right now that I can say off the top of my head that I'm reading, because I do tend to bounce back and forth if I'm if I feel like I want to hear motivation around making money, I'll jump into an audio on that topic.

Brian Kelly:
Very good. Very good. I'm the same way. Audible and same reasons. I would get sleepy. I couldn't do it. My eyes would fatigue and thank God for Audible. That didn't come till, well, almost about 11 years ago, maybe a little longer than that. But that's how it all started. I had a mentor walking around. I was staying at his place. We were there for a weekend, working on a lot of great stuff together and in the mornings walk around with these headphones on and he kind of looks at me and said, Hey, what are you listening to? He goes, Oh, it's an audible. I said, What's that? I'm listening to a book. Said, What you're listening to. I got to try this. And wow, that was it. I got Yeah. I got credits coming every month into Audible to purchase books. It's awesome. I love it. So every time, every time I'm in the car, it's audible and it's like, what do they call that? Something on wheels. University on wheels? Yes. Bridge. Come. Cabanas, Cabanas, Cabanas, Cabanas. I wish I could get these right. So thank you for that. She's putting up. Oh, for those of you listening, there was a fire 100% and a heart emojis. Thank you for that. That was for Star. Yes. And so you've had a beauty salon. Obviously. You've had employees that worked for you. And I always say worked with me. How much do you would you put in the in the truth of the fact that having good employees is a crucial part of a success of a business? Is it how big of a of a percentage or a priority is that for you? And what part did that play for your business?

Starr Codd:
99%. So I depend heavily on team for all of my businesses. I always have. I know that a lot of people feel like make your money and grow your business and then bring team members in. I brought team members in from the start, so I've had success on Etsy. I've had team members, I've made six figures there. I have, you know, the brick and mortar hair companies. I had staff there. I actually opened lash salons. I was not a lash licensed lash artist or esthetician. I literally hired Estheticians. And even in my coaching business I have team and support. So first of all, in order for you to scale your one person, so yes, you can grow, but there's only so far that you're going to be able to do. There's only so much that you can do on a daily basis. Even for me, when I had, you know, multiple locations, I can only be in one place at one time. And remember, for me, entrepreneurship is about time freedom. I am not going to sit in the retail location for eight hours or 9 hours or 12 hours or whatever the hours are. I'm going to have a team there. I'm going to have cameras at home. I'm going to have my phone on standby. And so I was able to really build a lifestyle that supported me and being able to be with my kids and, you know, pick them up from school as I wanted to and, you know, go into the shops and manage them. So, yeah, it's so important. And I think the other question was good team members. So yeah, you know, I have had extremely bad experiences with employees to the point where and I do tell my story to my audience because it's very important, right? I've had embezzlement in the company and and different things like that have occurred to me. So these things can happen. And all I could do at the time was like, really learn from it, tighten up ship and fix whatever issues are happening in the business and learn from those. So yeah, sometimes you know, you are going to get, you know, not the most amazing team members, so it's just best to really take your time through the interview process and really bring the right people on. And also, like training is also very, very important when running your business and really putting in the time to train your staff and make sure that they're delivering the type of customer service or client experience that you would personally deliver yourself a new.

Brian Kelly:
You are an amazing young woman, but boy, oh boy, this is phenomenal. I just reread The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber for the second time and he talks about a lot of what you've just hit on, which were, you know, training. That's part of your systems, you know, making sure that things are repeatable, that someone who comes in new off the street, if they can follow directions, they can run, they can be an employee in your business. It's that simple. When you get it to that point, it looks like you did that and learn from things that don't go right. And guess what? Everyone out there I know because I used to be that person. I'm going to wait till everything is just perfect before I start or embark or do anything new. That's a recipe for failure because the only time you're going to succeed is just to just to, you know, jump and then worry about opening the parachute on the way down and it will open and you'll be fine. You might hit a rock here or there on the side, but that's where you learn. You say, well, I'll jump in a different area next time or I'll jump farther out. But you learn and then you adjust. And you said that very thing. You said you learn from those, you know, when you had those bad employees. When you do and the pain will drive how how deeply you will learn and never to do that again. Yeah. And so yeah, yeah. I've put together a comprehensive I pre-frame the bejeebers out of people that before they come on to work with me and that is to make sure they understand expectations are set. Like if you can't, if you don't agree with these expectations, we're not a fit and I'm fine. That's cool. Everyone's different. I'm not here to be a taskmaster. It's like, look, I need somebody who's who's going to abide by these pre framed ideas and values and everything. And if it's not a fit, it's not a fit. That's okay. But yeah, it a bad hire can cost you a lot. As, you know, star a lot of money. You had embezzlement, my God, anguish when you maybe have a clash and that no one wants that. But it does happen. It's life. And you can't hide from the fact that bad things are going to happen, Negative things are going to happen in your business. But the beautiful thing is you learn from it. And that's what's. Successful. She chose she had the attitude of I can choose to just say woe is me, or I can choose to learn from that and determine how not to let that happen again. Is that is that a pretty good summary?

Starr Codd:

Brian Kelly:
Cool. Yeah, you are. You're amazing. Thanks. And we met by chance. This is awesome. You know, And the reason why did we meet Star? You were doing something. We don't have to be specific about where we were, who we were talking to. Why were you there with me? And we weren't there to. We didn't come together, but we joined. And I met you for the first time. What was that, two days ago? Yeah. We ever met. What were you doing and why?

Starr Codd:
I guess you could say the persistence in being able to scale an aspect of my business. Would that be fair? Yes.

Brian Kelly:
And it was a part of the learning process.

Starr Codd:
Yes. I'm always learning.

Brian Kelly:
So there you go. It's everyone listening. That is another key ingredient to success. Bonita Stokes Walker says, Hi star, they're coming in everywhere. It's awesome. And then don't know if you know Ebony. Nicole James. She says, Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, you guys did it. I don't know what we did, but okay. Or maybe it was you in your group. Um, and Sarah and King says, I love both reading physical books and listening to Audible's Yeah. Um, I've read on a rare occasion because they don't come in audible. I'm like, No, that's right. Note to all authors out there, create an audible version two There are so many times I look and it's like, Oh, there's no audible. I'm not going to do it. I just I don't have the discipline or the time. I'm not going to sit on the couch and read. I'm going to do it in my car while I'm doing nothing else and I've got the time. It's about efficiency. Um, so now you have tasted corporate and you've tasted entrepreneurship, you have tasted brick and mortar, you've tasted online and now coaching. Going through all that, you've got a lot of background experience, more than most, having tasted all say tasted. I don't know why, but. What? What would you say? Now, being where you are now, what is the number one favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur? Looking back at everything you've been through.

Starr Codd:
Oh, my goodness. For me, it's the creativity. So the starting of each business has been so exciting for me. I you know, of course we're here for time freedom. But when I started a business, I go all in. I mean, I will stay up until 2 or 3 in the morning, but I'm super excited about it. And it's by choice. It's not because I have to be working these hours and I love developing and branding and, you know, marketing and and just figuring out just the whole process of that specific business. So I guess you could say bringing businesses to market.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And I see it and I feel it. The joy. Because that's why we. That's okay. I want to ask you this question because there's been debate around this about, you know, you have some gurus that get up there and say, well, you got to find something you're passionate about and make it into a business or you need to get into a business that you are passionate about either way. And then some will say that has nothing to do with it. You just need to find something that the market there's a market for and make money doing it. What is your philosophy on that? That whole line of passion versus not?

Starr Codd:
You know, I was talking to my husband the other day and I mean, I think you do have to have some level of passion or interest in the business. But one thing that we we came to a conclusion on is like starting a specific business at the right time with the right product and the right service to the presenting it to the right market is so crucial and it's been so valuable to my success. So that doesn't mean that I specifically love hair extensions. I've never worn extensions until I started my company and I think I've only worn them like three times. So yeah, at the time I was younger and I did enjoy beauty, so it was something I was interested in. But was I super passionate about hair? No, not specifically, but it was still within the realm of something that I enjoyed. And then I did get to dive into like the packaging and that sort of thing. So, um, yeah.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. So there were very specific things of building the business that you thoroughly enjoyed or you wouldn't be up till two in the morning working on them. Yeah. And, and I can relate to that too. And you know, some people are like, what do you do for fun? I was like, what do you mean I'm doing it? I'm doing it. This is what I do for fun. Why don't you go golfing? Because that takes four hours and that's a waste of time for me. Now, I've done it many times and like, I just don't it doesn't draw me anymore. I don't feel the need to go out. And it's fun. It's nice to get out, but it's every, every everything is different for every one. Oh, we have Sonya Rickett Stinson, high star in Chicago. Dr. Sonya.

Starr Codd:
Nice. I want to add to that statement, though, just to kind of like fine tune my answer. So I think it's important that you're picking a business, a product or a niche that can actually make money. And sometimes what we're super passionate about may not be something that people are going to buy or that you can make money from. So again, working on a business that you can make profitable and then using those proceeds after you've created a lifestyle for yourself and your family, you can go back and do some of the philanthropic work that you might want to do. So I did want to kind of clarify that also.

Brian Kelly:
Very wise there as well. Yeah, I always say, you know, so many people, we all have, how many great ideas have we all had? And then, oh my God, people eat this up. But then the next question you got to ask yourself is or will they, you know, will they really eat it up? And the only way to find out is to test it and test it and ensure people want it before you build an entire business around it. I've seen that happen. I've done it myself and I'm like, Wow, nobody wants this. And I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Well, I is only one person. And so you got to make sure there's enough people out there that want or need your product or service before you even invest all that time and money, even if there's no money involved. It's a lot of time. A lot of time. And so, yes. All right. We have another Facebook user saying hi star. So a Facebook user says hi to you. Hi. I don't know. I've seen this happen a few times. I don't know why it does that. But thank you, whoever you are, for coming on and engaging, you can drop your name in there if you want. I don't know if you know who you are because it probably doesn't say Facebook user to you. It's funny when this happens. Um. Oh, one of my absolute favorites. But before I go to that. Oh goodness. You know what? I've gotten so curious now because you've gone through corporate to brick and mortar to now coaching and I'm curious about a few things, and I was hoping you would be open to sharing what it is that business is like. Who who is your target market, your avatar, as we like to say, your your focused individual that you are looking to help and have helped. And um, and then what is the service like? What kinds of things do you do and what do you target and what do you help people with? Is it business related? Is it personal, Is it both that kind of thing as far as coaching goes? And then third and finally, I know there's a lot. Third and finally is if you have a success story or two you'd like to share with all of us, we'd love to hear that as well.

Starr Codd:
Yes, absolutely. So currently I primarily serve women coaches. I do serve other entrepreneurs depending on their business more so service based. So I help coaches to be able to come into the online space and organically grow their business. So we are building their online presence. I focus on helping them build a Facebook community so that they have a lead generation strategy that's on steroids, bringing in leads on a daily or weekly basis. So for me, remember when I told you my story about how it was stuck for 6 to 8 weeks? I'm sorry, months on whether I wanted. To start coaching. When I pull the trigger, I name my Facebook community and I started growing that group for two months while I took that course. So the first month as a coach and that Yeah for two months. Remember, I'm studying and I am making connections and I am growing the group. But when I put my offers out, it was a ten k month. I think it was like 11, if I'm not mistaken. So I do the same with my clients. I want them to understand how to come online, be present, communicate their messaging, leverage Facebook communities as their way of audience building and growing their email list. We build out offers that are attractive. And again, you know, I enjoy packaging and branding and making things look really nice. And from there, you know, we're teaching marketing and sales. I teach marketing and sales, and I help them to effectively enroll clients, premium clients into their business. So yes, I have tons of stories of helping women succeed, which is so, so amazing. I have women who've been able to grow their Facebook groups anywhere from one to over 10,000 members. I have clients who have had ten, 20, 30 K months brand new to the business. Specifically, I have a client who was she was, I want to say, maybe doing some sort of business coaching and she wanted to completely change her niche. She didn't know if it was going to be possible. So I said absolutely it is. And we created her Facebook community and with under 2000 members, she had I want to say her first month was about ten K and the second month was now.

Starr Codd:
Mind you, we worked together for eight weeks before. This though was a 20 k month for her. I have another client who also similarly was doing a different type of niche in the health and wellness space and she wanted to switch gears into business and she had a lot of mindset issues around that and resistance. And so I helped her work through that process of understanding that this is something that she could do so long as she had the desire within her to want to do the business coaching and she has just taken off, her community has grown, she has high ticket premium clients. And so, yeah, I have so many clients that have some really, really fun results and and I have clients who just, you know, have gotten their first client, too. And that's so fun. Right?

Brian Kelly:
Oh, goodness. All of it. And I love how your your passion shines through the second you said, oh, I have tons of stories. And the smile got huge. And that means you are very happy and proud of helping other people. That's what I'm feeling from you, is you're enjoying the fact that you had something to do with another individual success. And that's what truly is, I think at the essence of most of entrepreneurs is that we love to help others and serve others and see them succeed and to do anything else too, that would be falling short. I mean, do you do you have that kind of feeling as well?

Starr Codd:
You know, I think that when I'm feeling down in business, it's because I'm not able to support someone or they didn't get the results that I expected them to get in it. It's not necessarily my fault. Right? They may not be putting in the work, but I would say that that would probably be the downside of like my emotional state in this type of business and working with humans versus, you know, a product based business. But it lights me up to see women succeed. And one of the things that I always talk about is that, you know, yes, I do have support. I do have a husband who's super, massively supportive, but anything can happen, right? And because of like where I've come from in my childhood and my roots and my background and how I grew up, like I want women to have financial freedom and independence and never have to say that they have to depend on their spouse, a parent or even a job. Like I want them to be able to understand that they can make their own income. And I know one of my mentors was like, Star. Not everybody has the ability to just come into the online space and just make money. But you do. And my thing is, yes, we all do.

Brian Kelly:
Um. Man, this is amazing. And you have a couple of people checking in new ones. Luna Rossa says yes. Star is amazing as a coach. I mean, we didn't pay anybody to come on here and say these wonderful glowing things. At least I didn't. And I know you didn't either. And then Weiner or Weiner, Crumbly, says yes. Star is an amazing coach and so knowledgeable. So you have actual people who've gotten results from you as well. Oh, my gosh. Another Facebook user saying hi. For those of you listening before I forget. So the website to connect with her is Star Codcomm and it's star RR Double star because she is our double aka she's a double star cod cod.com. So there's two letters at the end of each star star RR dot not dot Come on Brian star rr c o d d.com. I think I have COPD or something anyway. So what is that? I'm all over the place. So fantastic. Oh here's here's another great one. My goodness. So Stephanie Andre says I just started working with Star and I'm glad I took the leap and thank you for putting your name in there. Came up with Facebook.

Starr Codd:
Thank you.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And you know, I can only imagine how blessed every person is who is come across like like yours truly. I mean, I am so glad we met at this. I mean, complete happenstance that it happened. It was awesome. And there was just something, something very special in you and you were talking in the group and I thought, wow, this this woman is you're far more, um, I don't know. You're far more brilliant and amazing, I think. And I think we all are the same way. We are all less complimentary of ourselves than other see and us. And that was also an endearing attribute of you. It's like you were. You were not all about yourself. You weren't egocentric. You're very humble. That's the word I'm looking for. Very humble, but very accomplished and also very successful. And there's a reason for all of that. And that's because you work your butt off. There's no way it didn't happen by not working. And I always like to make that point for people watching. Well, it's just easy. It looks easy for them. It's like it took her ten years to be an overnight success. So, you know, just saying so not like that's a new one. Um, so my gosh, I got to look at the time. We're doing great. Oh, this is fantastic. Yes. One of my favorite all time questions. I love it because I love the M word and it's called marketing. Marketing is the lifeblood of every business. And what I find so astonishing to this day is when companies are feeling the pinch. The first department they go after to cut is the very thing that's feeding them the blood to keep their business going. And it's the marketing department. I'm like, They're done. That was that was a numskull move. But for you, you've been through this now on the corporate side, now going through brick and mortar and online and coaching. And have you found that what works back when you started, say, the brick and mortar is is still working identically the way it did then today? Or have you had to change your marketing strategies over time? That would be the first part of the question.

Starr Codd:
So we know that, you know, technology is always advancing. So of course we're going to change some of what we're doing in business. But my my hair company, I literally grew that what I call more of a grassroots effort locally in Southern California. And so I would go to events where I knew my avatar would be at okay, physically go there passing out fliers. I would hire people to pass out fliers. I've done radio, I've done breast cancer awareness events where we donated proceeds to specific organizations, any type of outdoor event where they would be at, we would rent booths and we would be there. I connected with local salons. I ran ads on Facebook. I ran ads on radio. So literally anything that you can do to scream your business from the rooftops you should be doing. And so similarly in the online space, again, like I talk about Facebook groups, right? I'm bringing a community of people together who are my ideal avatar and the fastest way that I can do that possible. So, you know, I feel like all of the efforts combined are very important because these things are compounding. You're continuously getting people to see you. People have to see things multiple times in multiple ways to make that decision to purchase from you, whether it be a product or a service. So just, you know, being here, right, I'm getting exposure even Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
Don't know the numbers correct. But I've heard multiple times that it takes an average of seven impressions before someone will actually buy, meaning seven times that they've seen or heard about your product or service. And I just thought about the other day because I've been watching this one that's been it's got my. And I'm like and I know I'm going to end up getting this. I just know, you know, And if it keeps coming in front of my face, I'll get it because I know it's going to keep coming. And of course I did. But retargeting Yeah and it's, it's fantastic though, because it, it was something I wanted and needed and truly desired. Oh my goodness. They keep coming in. You have such a great following, Tara. Washington says Star is a blessing. Oh, she puts some star emoji at the end. That was really cool. Uh, let's see. We've got star builds relationships based on conversations and encourages individuals at all phases of of their journey of the journey to their goal. Fantastic. And Stevie, Stevie, Stevie. Stevie says hello with a hand wave. Yeah, they're just coming in left and right. So I'm just going to tell everyone watching this either live or listening to this after the fact of a recording that we have the real deal here. Star is not just a person that says, I think being an entrepreneur is a good thing for you. She is a product of the product and she's put in the time. She's put in the sweat and tears. I usually don't put the blood part in there because that probably didn't happen. Hopefully it didn't, but it may feel like it. But yes. Oh my gosh, there's even. Oh, here we go. My goodness. Stevie says rock star is dynamic. Oh, yes. There they come even more. And Angel or Angel? Uh, I'm not even going to attempt last name, but she's the best coach any new business owner needs. Oh, my God. They're just flying. Bonita Stokes. Walker. Yes. Star is the real deal. So we'll just make the rest of the show all about.

Starr Codd:
Making me blush. I mean, I enjoy supporting women. I truly do. I'm very passionate about that. And I think it shows.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, it's the true measure of all of that is the results. And we're seeing objective evidence of that all night tonight. So that is phenomenal. You are you are such a treat star. There are many that there's this thing called fake it till you make it. And I'm not saying people are faking it, but they might be putting off that they're doing better than they truly are. You know, we were all honest. Most people are struggling even though they put up on Facebook. You know, they're they're driving a Lambo, but they rented it for a day or, you know, stuff like that where I just don't that doesn't do anything for me to to do stuff like that. But there are those that are doing that to try to gain influence or status higher than where they're at now. Just just put your put your nose down and work put in the work. And what I would say for everyone and I'm going to even open it up to the guys if you're okay, Star is reach out to Star. She's figured it out. She's figured something out that not many people are doing. And I have a feeling it's primarily due to the fact that she is causing her clients to focus on either one or very few tasks in the beginning, and that will help them to build their following on Facebook. And then from there and then all the messaging and stuff that goes with it. And it sounds I mean, you said that one worked with you for eight weeks. So that tells me that and that should tell everybody, Guess what? There's work involved. You need to put in some effort. If you're not ready to work, then don't even bother. But if you are, Star is your person, go to her. Get your business lifted off the ground or take it to the next level if it's already up and running. Because Star's done this, she's done this. She's developed over $1 million business annual revenue. So come on, come on. That's the other thing is if you're looking for a mentor, if you're looking for anyone to help teach you, you want to get somebody who has already achieved those results. And that's where Star comes in. So there's no more guessing. You don't need to guess. She looked mean. Look at her and listen to her. She is an amazing, wonderful person, Easy to get along with. And I'll bet she's also, though, the type that will get in your ear and give you the truth so that you can get to the next step. If you're doing something that's not down the right path, that she's smiling ear to ear right now. So she's probably got that toughness built in being a mom and all that. That's a perfect attribute. I love it.

Starr Codd:
Yes. Oh.

Brian Kelly:
Oh, goodness. It just keeps going. Linda Houston, she says, I love watching Star when she pops on. She is definitely a breath of fresh air. Yes. So positive and uplifting. Oh, so agree. Oh, yeah, yeah. Elba Cologne. Another different name. You guys. You guys and gals are awesome. Mostly gals. She helped me build my Facebook group and then, oh, here we go. Luna Rossa says if you are not ready to do the work, do not even bother. Oh, so true. In any phase, in any kind of business, no matter who you're with. Um. Yeah. So for me, that's why I think passion is an important ingredient. Because if you don't like what you're doing and you're working till 2 or 3 in the morning, oh, forget it. It's not going to last long. And so that tells me you love what you do. Star And it might be micro pieces of it or the whole thing is a picture or all of it together. But as long as you're doing something that you truly enjoy, you can have a very long and successful business, in my humble opinion. Oh, my goodness. Oh, no, no. The time. So we do have a couple of gifts to give away. We're not there yet, but I promised everyone who stayed on live till the end. And we've got a good number tonight. Thanks to Star, she is literally a star mean because that's that's mean Come on your name that you have to be so we're going to give away that five night vacation stay at a five star luxury resort here in just a moment. And also a little birdie told me that there's some incredible person might also have a gift for everyone here tonight. So don't go anywhere. We're almost there, but we're not quite. I like to end every show with one very profound question star. I do this every show and it's amazing. It's powerful. It's profound. And you're going to crush it. You're going to love it, and so will everyone else. Before we do that, though, I did promise everyone who stayed on here live until the end.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, I got to put that on the screen because that made me laugh. Stevie says Yeah for the gifts. And Sheila Evans-Brown. Says, yes, she is a star. Wow. Linda Houston star lives passion and her beautiful smile lights up a room. Yes. And Bonita Stokes Walker says, Nice. I can't keep up with you. Thank you. Thank you. Keep them coming. Don't. No! Stop, stop, stop. And so what we want to do is give everyone the opportunity. So I'm going to put up a web address on the screen, and I will just implore upon all of you to please just write it down. Like I said in the beginning, write it down. When the show is over, you can enter to win. We will still have team members monitoring, looking for the entries, and then we will choose a winner later on after the show is over. So don't sweat it. You have plenty of time. So I'd say give it 5 or 10 minutes after the show is over. Be done in that time. But here it is. I'll put it up on the screen and stay with us, because I'm not going to put this up very long. But we're going to come back with Star in just a second. So here's where you go. Write this down report. I am forward slash vacation. You know, I'm feeling good. We get enough entries. I may give away more than one report. Forward slash vacation. What do you think, Star? How about the magical number three? I love it. Yeah. I mean.

Starr Codd:
Yes, I would love for the ladies to win.

Brian Kelly:
I'd love to reward action. And you have it's obviously an extension of your teaching. All of these women are commenting. That is that is a sign of action takers, because not everybody comments not not everybody participates and plays full out. You have ingrained that in them. So, I mean, everything about this is I'm getting goosebumps. You are amazing. Amazing. Beyond amazing. And that's that one. We do have another one this a little birdie and I'm not trying to infer that star is a little birdie, but she is an amazing person. So I'm going to put yours up there and let you talk through it. I'll pull up the site as well and let people know what they are in order or in. Uh, I can't think of the word what they are in store for. That's it. Here we go.

Starr Codd:
Awesome. Thank you so much. So, yes, if you head on over to starcom.com/mini course, you can check out my three part training and this is specific for coaches, course creators or pretty much any service based provider. I wouldn't recommend this for product based business owners, but this is a three day, kind of like a three session training where I'm going to really be talking about how you can actually scale your online business consistently, create a system so that you can enroll clients on autopilot. We are going to help you to map out a business model during this training so that you can actually put your mind around the the pot to put your mind around the fact that you can actually truly make 10 to 20 K months in your business in the online space because sometimes this is like a dream. But I'm going to show you visually how you can actually do it and you'll you'll see that it makes sense, right? And then the other training is going to be really about becoming booked out and selling out your offers and how you can create a client attraction sales system. So I highly recommend that you check out that three part training, implement whatever you can that I do discuss in that three days. But yeah, it's a free training and I'm so happy to share this free mini course with you guys.

Brian Kelly:
And I mean, listen, with her prowess, with her expertise and her experience, it's valued at 497, treated as a twice at least double that register. It's 100% free. Get the education. Then you'll know at that moment whether or not you want to take yet another step and go deeper with Star because it's great to get the initial information. And I'll be the first to probably say there's probably no way she could give you everything she's got in three short courses. I doubt it, but it gives you enough to know if this is the right fit for you to take that path farther and you'll learn something probably you never saw before. And if for nothing else, do that. But you also get to learn more about how who star is because it's her on video. I got to preview some of it and it was like, Oh, this is awesome. So I kind of got to know her before we literally got on this show together and I got to know her by way of her videos and just amazing stuff. And I appreciate you, star, for making this available to our audience. And that is phenomenal. So it's star card so it's star RR co.com/mini course Mini SEO. You are all one word mini course and all lowercase by the way, the mini course make that lowercase all the letters star card.com/mini course. Thank you for that star that's phenomenal. Appreciate that. All right. Well, I can't believe we're at that that time. Oh, come on. I'm seeing more comments flying in. Yes, Linda. Oh, we've got a bunch of hearts coming by. Sharon King. Or is it Saran? I'm sorry if I got that wrong. Saran. Okay. Thank you. And then Linda Houston star is amazing. Beyond amazing. I agree. May God continue to bless her and every divine connection. Amen to that. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Oh, my goodness. All right. So we have that wonderful time Where. I'm going to ask that wonderfully profound final question. Now, everybody knows how to get a hold of you. Is there a different way before we we tie this one up?

Starr Codd:
Just on Facebook. You can search for me there. That's probably the easiest way.

Brian Kelly:
Okay. And that's star with two R's and cod with two D's. Yeah, that was easiest way to say it. Why do I do that? To begin with. So. All right.

Starr Codd:
Double R, Double D? Yes.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. That could be like. A cool nickname. So here's the thing about this question, star. And the cool thing about it is there is absolutely no such thing as a wrong answer. It doesn't exist. In other words, you cannot fail this test and it's not even a test, so you can just relax on that. The cool thing is the exact opposite is the truth, and that is the only correct answer is yours. It's the reason I ask this question. I did this for a number of episodes for a long time actually, where on occasion I'd ask the question and I started realizing, Wow, these answers are pretty amazing. So I decided to close every show out with it. And with your permission, when we're all done, you'll you'll you'll know why I'm going to be asking. That is, we'll see if we can add your answer to a compilation book by the title of the very question which you still don't know what that is. And you're going, Come on, give me the question. And so with all that buildup and hype and wonderment, are you ready? Yes, of course you are. Did everybody see that instantly? She just said yes. Quit messing around. Give it to me. All right. Here we go. Star card. How do you define? Success.

Starr Codd:
Wow. So for me, success is just really feeling happy with yourself and your life. So some people might put success around money, some people might put success around being able to provide for their family. And again, like all of our situations are unique and different. So for me, success is being able to provide for my sons and allow them to live in a safe community and go to an amazing Christian school. But I also know that success for others means different things and ultimately what's going to bring you that joy, that peace and that happiness where you're able to sleep at night, you're not up, you're not stressed out. I think for me, that's what success means.

Brian Kelly:
And you know how we have to end this one, don't you? Oh, yeah. Yes, that is star card, Smart bombs, bombs of wisdom. She is she is amazing. As all of you who have been watching and commenting already know that most of you who have come on know who she is and have worked with her. And that's another testament to you and also to that Facebook group that you've built of your own. I'm sure many of them are coming directly from that with the notifications that are received and appreciate you beyond words, star and everything, not just in your business prowess, but how you go about it. You're an example for others to follow that truly you can stand behind and be proud. And you know, there's a certain somebody that's when it's time is going to say, job well done. Yes. Thank you so much.

Starr Codd:
Brian, for having me on the show. It's been amazing. It's been a pleasure. And I'm so happy that you extended the opportunity to me.

Brian Kelly:
And I'm thank you. And I'm so happy you accepted. Like when you just just right then you just said, yeah, I'm free. You had no idea what I was going to ask you. I'm like. Hey, are you free? Say 5 to 7 somewhere around there on Thursday? Yeah. Oh, great. All right, here we go. So, freedom. Yeah. Action taker. All of it. Fantastic. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. They're still flying in. I'll put one more up Seraphine Oguttu. I don't know if that's right. Job Definitely well done by Star. Yes, I would concur wholeheartedly. Oh, well, I don't want this to end, but out of respect for everyone, including you, Star, we want to keep this down to just a little over an hour. But I cannot tell you how appreciative I am for you jumping in, saving the show for tonight and for imparting your incredible wisdom. Your value is unmeasurable, and I know so many people, including yours truly, can and will learn much more from you on how to build a successful business. And just appreciate you. Thank you so much.

Starr Codd:
Star Thank you, Brian.

Brian Kelly:
On behalf of the amazing Star Cod, I am Brian Kelly, the host of the Mind Body Business show. Until we meet again next week, Everyone, please do two things. Go out and crush it so you can serve and help more people. And number two above all else. Please, everyone be blessed. That's it. Take care for now. So long. Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at the www.TheMindBodyBusinessShow.com my name is Brian Kelly.

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Starr Codd

Starr Codd is a business coach and entrepreneur. She walked away from Corporate America after successfully climbing the corporate ladder to start her own business. She launched a beauty business and scaled it to over a million dollars in sales annually. She now helps women turn their passion and expertise into a coaching business so that they can create time and financial freedom in their own lives.

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