Special Guest Expert - Stephen Hercy

Special Guest Expert - Stephen Hercy: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Stephen Hercy: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. The three keys to your success is just moments away. Here's your host Brian Kelly.

Brian Kelly:
Hello everyone and welcome welcome welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show! I hope you all had a great holiday, great Christmas break. We're approaching the new year and with the new year is coming something that's very popular amongst most people on the planet, especially if we're trying to stay fit. And that is a New Year's resolution that many of you are aware of. And that is the number one (holds up one) resolution is to lose weight. To get back in the gym to get fit. So, I'm so excited for our Special Guest that we have for you tonight. Oh, my goodness. We're going to introduce him in just a few moments. The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. What is that all about? Well the thing is, in my fifty-four years on this earth I have noticed patterns developing, specifically of successful people. I've made it a point to surround myself with successful entrepreneurs and business people, especially later in the years of my life. And I noticed from these people I kept wondering, how are they so successful? What makes them unique? What makes them successful? More successful than others? And I started realizing that they had these habits, these patterns that were consistent between each and every successful individual. And one was mind. In other words, mindset. They had learned and mastered the art of a positive, empowering, mindset. And we're not talking all just conscious, on the conscious level per say. Yeah, it's great to stand in front of a mirror and read affirmations. Many of us have heard about how to do that, and we do that. There's nothing wrong with that. The thing is, it's not permanent. It's at the conscious level. And if we could tap into our subconscious and reprogram our brain for lasting success then, wouldn't that be amazing? Well the cool thing is, it is absolutely possible through a wonderful science called neurolinguistic programming or an NLP for short. And then there is the body. The body. What does that have to do with being successful? Well I'll tell you. It has to do with staying in peak shape. In your body physically. Being physically fit. Our Guest Expert tonight is going to really help us learn this at a deeper level. It's not just exercising though, it's also what you put into your body. The fuel, the nutrition the... yeah, the nutrition. The clean eating. And so, the two go together. You need to eat clean and you need to exercise on a regular basis. And so, the mind and body I like to say, are a team. And more important, the mind and body are your team. And then there's business. Business. There are major areas of business that you should strive to master if you want to be like these successful entrepreneurs I've talked about. And all you have to do is simply model, which means copy what they are doing. And that's in the primaries of sales, marketing, scaling, otherwise known as team building. And once you are able to get to a point of mastering all three (signals three) of these areas: the mind, the body, and the business. It is at that moment that I say you are working at a peak level of performance. Operating on a peak level performance. And the goal is... Look. I get it. Very few people have mastered all three. And the thing is, which one of those three or maybe two, should you now concentrate on? Maybe you haven't really concentrate on your body as much in this past year as perhaps you should have. Maybe you have not done any work in the mindset arena or maybe you just haven't put in enough time in learning the proper skills that come along with running a business. Whatever the case may be. Pick one, concentrate on it, and start toward the path of mastering. Mastering it. And then get to the point where you master all three. Then, you will have patterned after those who are successful, and by that point you yourself will also be successful. It's like a guarantee. It's amazing. All you have to do is model success. That's the beautiful thing about this show. I bring on entrepreneurs, Guests Experts, that cover one, sometimes two, sometimes all three of these areas and each and every guest Expert that comes on my show is a successful entrepreneur. So, you can guess that they have all three of them pretty well going right now (laughs). And on that note of mindset, you see behind me, a nice shelf of books. And many years ago, I had the opportunity of meeting with a multimillionaire CEO of a company. He actually invited me, flew me out. We were working on a deal. That's another story for another day. I was in his office for two solid days. Two solid days. Flew me out, put me up at a hotel, picked me up in a limo, the whole nine yards. It was amazing. And I just- I'll never forget this one moment, where I'm sitting on his couch, in his office in his couch. And he looks at me. He goes, "Brian. If people only knew. If they only knew. If they just did this one thing (signals one). If they just did this one thing, they would all be super rich." And then he paused for a moment. I'm thinking, "Ok, I'm ready. Tell me what it is." And so, what he did at that moment was he turned away from me, went toward the wall directly in front of me, behind him. And there was this large floor to ceiling cabinet, two-door cabinet. And he grabbed both handles, in its center and pulled it open to reveal something very similar to what you see behind me (points behind him). And that was just shelf after shelf after shelf of books. And what he says people, all they have to do is read. And he wasn't saying, go read fiction to get to that point of success. And by the way it's ok if you read fiction to relax. But the point here is, is his point was to read personal development, business books. Anything that would help you in these three areas of mind, body, business. That's all. That was the key. And I thought, "Are you kidding me? Just read books? That's it? That's the secret? That can't be. I mean books aren't that expensive. I won't have that much skin in the game. I could go get him at the library for free if I wanted to." So, I did the thing any smart guy would do because I thought I was smart, and I ignored him. And that was the biggest mistake I had ever made up to that point. I ignored that advice. And thankfully thankfully, years later I met another individual who then became my mentor. Worked with him for several years side by side and one day I saw him walking around in headphones. "Hey man what are you doing?" He goes, "I'm listening to a book right now." I said, "Wait, what? You're listening to a book? That's a thing?" And he said, "Oh yeah. Yeah you can do this on Audible." "You're kidding me." Because up to that point I had not read. I probably had not read a single book since the time I met that gentleman years prior. Crazy, right? And so, part of the reason is when I read a book physically with my eyes, I get tired. I honestly get tired. I get fatigued. And it's not pleasurable for me to sit with a book in front me to read. Never was. And I said I'm going to try this. And you can probably guess what happened. Was I put on the headphones, I listened to a book, and I said, "This is awesome." And I began reading quote unquote voraciously. Book after book after book. All in personal development, business, team-building, scaling, you name it. And as a beautiful thing you can do while you're listening to Audible. A book on Audible is, they give you the ability to just tap the screen and store a bookmark right at that moment that you have found something of interest. And the beautiful thing with that is, now I don't have to go back and reread entire books like many do. I can just go back and hit all the bookmarks. Listen to those and go ok I'm good. I don't have to reread the entire book. So, what I wanted to do, the point of all that is, I want to share with you right now a segment that I appropriately call Bookmarks.

Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready, steady, read! Bookmarks. Brought to you by ReachYourPeakLibrary.com.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. There it is, you see (starts slideshow). ReachYourPeakLibrary.com. That is a website. To my left, your right if you're viewing this live or recorded right now. And by the way, for those of you watching live right now please do me a favor and just take notes. That is take out a notepad, get a pen or pencil, and take notes. Instead of going off and looking at different resources that we will be making available to you during the show. Write down the URL, the website addresses and do the research and searching on those later because you do not want to miss one moment of our special Guest Expert, who I promise is coming up very very soon. Promise promise promise. This is ReachYourPeakLibrary. The reason I put this website together, truly, honestly, was for you. My fellow entrepreneurs and business associates, whether I know you or not I want you to have this gift. And that is, a collection of books that I personally have read and I vet. I vet them. They are. I have vetted them. They are books that have had a positive effect on me either personally, or business wise, or financially. I've read more that are on this list. In other words. So, if it's if it's not on here that means it didn't make the grade. What that means for you is it saves you time. If you have not been reading voraciously or if you just want to compare and say, "Hey. What other books are there? Maybe I haven't read a couple of those." You could jump in here and have some degree of certainty that it's going to be a high quality read and it won't waste your time. That's the reason I put this together. It's all about efficiency. Working smarter and harder. But I will say not harder at the moment. I learned a new one recently. And harder it was fun. All right. So, what we're going to do is actually take one of those books that I have read and play a soundbite for you. It's about a minute in length. And this is from a book called Own the Day, Own Your Life by a gentleman named Aubrey Marcus. He's the founder and CEO of a company called ONNIT which is a fitness supplement company. Which is why I felt that was so appropriate for tonight's show as you will find out why, in just a moment. So, what I'm going to do is play that snippet about a minute in length. Get out that notepad and paper. Get ready to take notes. And then we'll come back and get on with our special Guest Expert. So, go ahead. Listen intently and take notes and we'll be right back.

Aubrey Marcus:
What sets guys like Gary V apart from the rest of us though, is that he enjoys his work. He doesn't just embrace the grind. He relishes it. He's working toward something, and that something matters to him. That is why he is such a colossal force. That's also how I've been able to grow on it at an average of forty percent a year since 2012. When people come visit the office you know what they say? It's not, "Man Aubrey, your employees are working so hard." It's, "Man. Your employees are so happy." And happiness is a magnet for success. Happy people do better work and draw other happy people to them. I never have to beg people to stay late to finish a project or volunteer to work a trade show because I am constantly supporting their personal journeys of self-optimization. Financially, physically, and emotionally. And it's not just my com-

Brian Kelly:
And we'll stop it right there. The beautiful thing about that, and the reason that that really caught my ear so to speak at the time was, this is a guy that's talking about loving what you do. And the reason I picked this bookmark is because our Guest Expert, Stephen Hercy is coming on in just a moment. Loves, absolutely cherishes what he does and it's infectious. The passion that comes through, you will see it in just a moment. It grabbed me personally and I have the absolute honor of working with him recently so, I can't wait to bring him on instead of waiting any longer. I think maybe now would be a good time to do just that. What do you say? Let's bring him on.

It's time for the Guest Expert Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big-league. Qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there he is ladies and gentlemen (points to left). Stephen Hersey. The one, the only. The man, the myth, the legend. We have many many things to describe this amazing individual. Steven how are you doing tonight? Thanks for coming on my friend.

Stephen Hercy:
Just a feeling on top of the world.

Brian Kelly:
I love it.

Stephen Hercy:
I'm being interviewed by the best. What can I tell you?

Brian Kelly:
(laughs). Oh, those brownie points will get you far my friend. Thank you so much. Hey real quick, I'm going to give you a quick introduction through the bio that you wrote and then we'll get a little deeper into what makes Mr. Hercy tick. Does that sound cool with you?

Stephen Hercy:

Brian Kelly:
All right all right. Stephen Hercy a.k.a. Dr. Fitness USA is an international body designer. Founder of the International Institute of body design. Certified by the IFBB. That's a big one. International Federation of Bodybuilding. That's been around for quite some time. And he holds the prestigious title of Professeur De Culture Physique Weider. I know that was a mouthful. You may know the name Weider from Days Gone By from Ben. And there was another gentleman named Joe. They were very prominent in the body book building circles for many many years. Decades. Dr. Fitness USA regularly appears as an empowerment guest speaker in recognition for his successful work as a pioneer in the field of pain management and postural realignment. And is also the creator of the proprietary Body Design Formula. Strength training mentoring system, that is taught worldwide. Dr. Fitness USA again, that's that's this guy right (points to left) here, Stephen Hercy. Dr. Fitness USA has worked with celebrities such as, check this out. Linda Gray. Sally Fields. Simon Crane. Billy West. And as well as medical doctors, chiropractors, alternative health professionals, and more. Young and older people of all walks of life travel worldwide to seek his unique services. Dr. Fitness USA groundbreaking prescription strength training system assists men and women alike to become masters of their body, independently of a personal trainer. And get this, to look and feel fifteen years younger. Get twenty to fifty percent stronger. Men and women, once again. And achieve, this is the kicker, a pain-free life. I got goosebumps reading that. Stephen, that is a phenomenal intro and just from that alone a lot of people will understand a little bit about you and your background. And what I wanted to do is dig a little deeper if you don't mind and that is to really find out what motivates you as the person. Like you're in bed, you wake up. What motivates you to jump out of bed, to take on the day? To go serve more people? To help more entrepreneurs business people. People that aren't in business, just people that are in pain. What motivates you to do that day in and day out?

Stephen Hercy:
Well, that I know that I build a better mousetrap than anybody else. I don't have to compete with Arnold Schwarzenegger types. I don't have to compete with personal trainers. I don't have to compete with cross-fit. I don't have to compete with anybody that's in the fitness world or what we call celebrity trainers because I have a system that actually is revolutionary that's produced results over fifty-five years, beyond what was known as possible. And everything's been documented, it's not something that's pie in the sky. So, when I'm looking at a physical body, I'm already looking at the solution. I'm looking at the sad part that the person wants to be healthier or physically fit but they're nowhere close to where they could be if they actually had a blueprint or a prescription type of program that could address what's really going on with their body. So, when somebody comes to see me, if they say, "How much?" I know that's not a person for me. I'm looking for the person that actually says, "Based on your findings or what we talked about, is the condition of my body reversible?" Because most of the time the body just arrives where it's supposed to be, even with your personal trainer. What they're really in the back of my mind anyways, is they're asking for the impossible. They want a new body. Ok, we can do that, but it's got to be a good fit. They've got to have a positive mindset and attitude, and they're they need to be willing to follow instructions and give up control to do it my way.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Isn't that true? So much. I'm in the fitness industry as well and it's just, it's all about the individual. So, those of you that come to see Stephen after this show... All you need to do is follow his instructions. It's that simple. If you want to try to build a better mousetrap and invent it yourself then you're not going to get the results that he can guarantee for you. It's that simple. I've dealt with this myself and if you just follow his... "Well you know Stephen, I don't like that machine I'd rather do this one because I'm comfortable with it." Well, that ain't going to work then. Do what he tells you. Like it says it's a prescription. If a doctor prescribes you a certain medication and then you go to the pharmacist, "You know. I don't really want that one I want this other one. I think that will help better." (Stephen laughs). Would you do that? No. No. And the same is true of Stephen. Stephen's got a very precise system. And I am currently, peal pull the curtain back. I am currently experiencing, I just started with Stephen recently and I will tell everyone right here, right now. That just yesterday, I lifted more weight in one particular exercise than I ever had in my life, ever before. And that's not an ego thing. That's not to say look how strong Brian is now. All that is, is to tell you that what Stephen has is already working and I've just begun to taste the fruits of this unbelievable system.

Stephen Hercy:
Thank you.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Yeah. It's an amazing system already and I barely scratched the surface. I cannot wait to experience the rest of it. And the reason I love what Stephen does. Let me just say this, if I may Stephen. One of the things I really love. Love love love. Is that it addresses pain. People that have joint pain, I have in both knees something called Osteoarthritis. Which is early onset version of full-blown arthritis and there's pain involved. Well now, with working with and just in what four workouts I think so far? If that. I have no pain in my knees like I used to. It's continually getting less and less. Like right now I would normally feel pain just sitting here existing. I don't feel a thing. It is phenomenal. I'm excited and I can't wait. That's why I wanted... One of the reasons I wanted Stephen on the show was to help spread the word of this, especially for those of us that are getting up there. You know forty, fifty, sixty, even beyond. And Stephen's a physical specimen in his own right. And he's the product of the product. And I just love having him on here. So, you talked briefly Stephen about a positive mindset. And isn't it true that that is so crucial? I talked about the onset of the show, mindset. In not only achieving success but to maintaining it. So, when it comes to maintaining a positive, productive, and successful mindset, what is it you personally do? I think I have a guess. On a regular basis to sustain that?

Stephen Hercy:
This is what I tell men, could be applied to women. You pick up your program or the map, you get in the car, and you get to the gym and you don't think. See people say, "I have no time. Where will I fit it in?" You'd be surprised if you stopped thinking and doing. You get in the car and you get to the gym. You'll find that you'll be at the gym and you'll still be thinking about all these problems but you're already at the gym. So, why wouldn't you exercise? Especially when the exercise in this system is different than personal training in the sense that the energy comes from inside out. And we teach people never to do anything that feels uncomfortable. And that's because of the sequencing of the way the program is put together or what's really going on with your body. And that I'm an ergonomic expert so I can modify the machine. Ah! You know what that looks like? I'm a shoe salesman. I'm going to go get you the right shoe fit, I'm going to get you the right color, and you're going to be happy. So, it's as simple as that. So, people who say they have no time, or they don't know what you do is because they're in La La Land. They're doing the wrong exercise or you're wasting your time.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah and you know... I think a part of that, there's two things that come to mind. One is lack of... not ability, but the desire to prioritize it in their life. What I often tell people is put it in your calendar, on the days you're going to go to the gym, and treat it as if it was the most important appointment in your life. And you're not going to, you're not going to change that appointment for anything. And the other is, a lack of degree of certainty that once they go to the gym they're going to get the results they're looking for. And that is the, that is the secret ingredient that Stephen, Dr. Fitness USA provides to his clients. Is that certainty. If you, we'll go to his website here in a moment. When you go to his website, look at the testimonials. There's no way you can fake this. It's the results are everywhere, and they're based on you said over fifty years. Fifty years. This guy's been doing this for a long-time ladies and gentlemen. And he wouldn't still be doing it in this business if it wasn't working. I would just go out and say that. So, this is the gentleman you want to follow. And really at any age, whether you have pain or not. Why not get into a proper regimen of working out? In a way that you're comfortable when you're working out rather than straining all of your joints, which I did for decades until I met Stephen. Now I'm just la la, just lift more weight than I've ever lifted in my life and I'm not even straining that hard. It's amazing. I know the answer to the next question I'm about to ask you Stephen but I want to hear in your words. How important is physical fitness to you personally, and your business, and your personal life in general?

Stephen Hercy:
When you get up in the morning. Better check your body. Because if you lose any function of your body or as men get older, they lose half of it. You're not going to be too happy because your body is the vehicle that drives you through life. Right? People don't know but I'm going to be seventy-one. That's astounding because men don't have that vision. How they got to where they are. So, I don't remember because I still think like a child in a sense but working out for me is a very different experience today and I promote it to men because when men get in their forty's or fifty's they actually... not everybody. So, we're not generalizing it. I can hear the audience out there, "Oh yeah." But the thing is, that we produce less testosterone. So, working out as we get older is actually a feminine experience. You see when you comb your hair, you brush your teeth. That's feminine. When we work out when you're younger that's ego. That's what our testosterone levels is like but when we get older it's a feminine activity. So, I don't do anything that feels uncomfortable. Now when I say uncomfortable it doesn't mean that it's not challenging. I always challenge our or my body. I never go in the gym and say, "Oh I'm maintaining. Or I'm not as strong as I used to be." So, when I walk up to men they say, "Oh. I'm not as strong as I used to. So, I'm taking less weight. I'm doing a lot of reps." And I say, "Oh fool. Why are you taking less reps? It's the opposite. You take less reps and more weight. So, why would you do high reps? Are you running an endurance race? You have no idea how to train that's appropriate to where you're at in your life, and how do you get younger?" The trick is to keep on using a program that continually taxes your strength for the level where you're at in life.

Brian Kelly:
And it does it in such a way that it doesn't strain your joints, it compliments them. So, I guess that's the best way I can explain it. You can correct me in any term I say that's incorrect Stephen because that's just my interpretation thus far. That it truly- You know I've worked out my entire life, on and off. Since I was early teens, literally like fourteen, fifteen years old. I looked up to my brother who is big into the body building. He wanted to be a bodybuilder. And so, he was reading all the magazines. He was taking the massive tubs of protein powder and these big old liver pills I called them pellets because they were massive. You could choke on them just trying to take them. And I just followed my brother. He was my inspiration. And it was amazing to go through that and all my life work out like bodybuilders would workout, not being a bodybuilder myself. So, when Stephen's saying these things I'm thinking, "Why was I doing that? I was never going to be a bodybuilder. I personally didn't aspire to be one." Yeah, I was young and had ego and wanted to look bigger, stronger, and more fit. But why did I go down that path? When it takes so much more to become a bodybuilder than just take a few supplements and workout every day and do things without any true direction. So, that's what's beautiful about Stephen has. It even works for bodybuilders by the way. Well look at his testimonial videos, you'll see some bodybuilders in there that have been his clients and are his clients. So, it runs the gamut. And the thing is, he said it perfect. A prescription. It's actually tailor made for you personally. Right? It's not just this, cat one size fits all workout regimen. Going through it myself right now. Each each and every workout the adjustments are made. I'm just blown away by it. It's pretty awesome. So anyway, I kind of digress. There are many people that have inspired me along life like I said my brother was one, because of my brother I read Muscle Magazine, I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Colombo, his buddy. All those guys from way back when and I really loved it. And that inspired me to look at these magazines, to read the articles, and watch my brother. For you Stephen though, I'm curious. Who to this date has been your greatest inspiration for what you're doing now?

Stephen Hercy:
There's been a lot of different people but one that comes to my mind is... There's a couple of people. One is Billy Hill who people don't recognize I've had. That he came along the same time as Steve Reeves and he was an absolute beautiful man with a most electrifying personality and people don't know that he was actually sponsored by Ben Weider. And he used to tell me that he'd be hanging off a balcony doing chin ups and then Weider would come along and tell his parents that if he signed a contract with them that he would make his son famous, and he did become famous. So, that was one. And then we go way way back was Jimmy Caruso who was the greatest black and white photographer of all time. And he was just a little... We won't swear but he could do all the bodybuilding poses or make himself look like a bodybuilder, but he ran a very tight ship because of being a photographer. He had a professional life. So, he had a studio in Montreal Canada was built along the lines of a boxing studio. It was very old, but it had the right type of equipment that he had manufactured. And he didn't trust people so he would hire his own employee to go to the foundry to make sure that they weighed the weights properly, but every bodybuilding champion passed through there. So, you could see that the system that he was using was definitely working. And Arnold Schwarzenegger, all those pictures that you see of Arnold were all done by Jimmy Caruso who never got credit for it except in the writing. I mean he'd get credit monetarily. He didn't have a lot of confidence in the outside world. But he was pretty well known that... I respected him as a person in the bodybuilding arena or physical fitness. He had a system that was pretty spectacular. So, if you say who did you learn from? In a sense you said you learned from Bruce Lee, that be pretty credible. If I go way back when I spent five years with Jimmy Caruso and understanding his system and where he was going at and how it created real champions. And how Sergeant Grant Arnold Schwarzenegger would fly into Montreal Canada in a little studio and be photographed by him. It was pretty pretty amazing.

Brian Kelly:
That is awesome. I've not heard that story before. It's funny you talk about how he didn't get you know, the kind of credit he deserved...

Stephen Hercy:
Wait, wait! There's another thing. I used to have go in there and when I went in there he would say, "You know if you train on my system you would need a dog tag to recognize yourself." Because I used to hear I trained in other gyms I was wondering, "Who is this guy Jimmy Caruso?" But it actually factually was true. And it's kind of great because one day I come in and people look it up. There was Roy Calendar and he was able to take who became a professional wrestler that he took on Roy Calendar and was able to bring him to Mr. Khanna, Mr. Universe and even into the Olympia all inside of a year. And I would look at Roy Calendar and say, "Oh my God. Where does this guy get this body from?" I didn't know who it was I was really talking to (Brian laughs). I mean when you look back that you read a lot of famous people or interesting people and you're looking at them as if they're the next door bodybuilder. So, these type of people when they work out are very inspiring because they have beautiful movement and the shape of their muscles are all actually very balanced.

Brian Kelly:
And I've loved reading over the years of how different of those bodybuilders get the results that that they had. Like Arnold the most famous of course. Before him bodybuilding existed it's just no one knew about it. And it kind of got popularized I think when that movie came out, Pumping Iron of with Arnold in it that really brought it to the forefront. But I loved reading about how especially someone like Arnold who we now know to be super successful in many areas of life. He's got mind, body, business, down pat. And that would be how he concentrated on every rep, and how he would be smiling while working out. And others are like anguishing and growling and they look at him and say, "Why are you smiling?" And he just looks he goes, "Because I know that I am going to win the next Mr. Universe." You know he's just, he's visualizing walking across a stage with a trophy. Just everything about the way, he train was so inspiring and how I hear people listening to music, and podcasts, and things while they're actually working out. Music might be ok but podcasts where you need to concentrate on what they're saying, I say no because I want to concentrate on the actual muscles as I'm working them. I want my mind on what I'm doing, not on something else. So, anyway I go off on a big tangent, but I just want to share that with you Stephen because we have a lot in common when it comes to our interest in the physical body.

Stephen Hercy:

Brian Kelly:

Stephen Hercy:
Let me mention something to you. They say I'm the new Jack LaLanne but I'm a little bit different. My passion or my want is to bring awareness worldwide that bodybuilding or strength training is the number one anti-aging component today. Not yoga, not running, etc etc. It's a whole new generation. So, let's go backwards. If we go into a place like L.A. Fitness, you'll see women or men... No let's say the women but men too, or boys. And they're only like fourteen or fifteen years old. And when you look at them those are the type of people or visual image that they would look like more like ballet, or the little girl next door, but they're all pumping iron. They're training like no tomorrow because it's a very passionate way of taking care of your body. And the reason I mention L.A. Fitness is because new L.A. Fitness's as have up to date equipment. So it's very user friendly. There's not a girl that's thirteen, or fourteen, or fifteen years old. It's not like pressing two-fifty, three-fifty. Some women are pressing four-hundred and they're doing everything else but because the equipment is functioning properly, they're having a good time with their body. So, the energy because they can lift higher weights or there's more awareness in the gym or better equipment, the energy of the gym is much higher today than former years. Which means that it's a very very positive environment to go to the gym. Now when you talk about women, sometimes not every time. And they say I'm doing yoga, or I don't like working out. Well I don't like going to the dentist either, right? They're not very well educated because in the former years when they're up to you know as they go forty, fifty, they've let their body deteriorate to such a degree that they don't know what's possible to bring it back to life. Because the yoga uses different muscle fibers, it's not... at it has a different brain connection so they're not using the tools that's available today. And we don't put that on personal trainers studios but it might not be that conducive to go to a personal training studio because the equipment today, most of them is not updated. Like an L.A. Fitness. So, the workout is going to be very hard and tedious. And I want to look at bodybuilding or strength training as a beautiful expression or dance with your body. And also, and also, you see out there in the spiritual world you have a lot of books. You have a lot of therapists, you've got a lot of car, you've got this whole conglomerate people and especially for women they're looking how to be spiritually balanced or you hear they have to have a positive mindset. Well women's brains use a little... work a little bit different. When you're saying to a woman, "I need you to be, have a more positive attitude." It sounds like a good idea. That's a very guy expression because their emotions will rule it out if there's any interference in their family or their place of work where they feel uncomfortable. So, what happens is. The strength training allows them... on my program at least, to increase their strength twenty or thirty percent. What helps is it steadies their emotions. So, that means you can talk to a woman and say, "Oh well you have to change your mindset and need to go to the gym." But that doesn't mean anything to them because they're at a certain point where women are thinking too much twenty-four hours a day, or they have children, or they have a lot of stress in their life. What happens is they go up inside their intellectual mind and they live there, and they kill their body, even if they exercise. So, that's a very foreign term to understand. If they go to... if we take a woman and we can get her to the gym on my program, we can override her nervous system in as little as twenty minutes. Now as soon as they reach a certain level of strength within those twenty minutes, they immediately have an aha moment and they go quiet. They go, "Oh, that feels so good." Because there's nobody yelling at them, there's nobody touching the weights. It's in the instruction and the ergonomic setup, and the confidence we instill in the person that they can do it. So, instead of taking six to eight weeks of therapy etc etc. because we're revolutionary in the industry in addiction and stress control because I have the right format or how much weight they left to lose. Well they can make a lot of progress in their life. It changes them right across the board. So, what I say to men out there is the greatest thing that could happen to a man is to see a significant other grow younger through the years. Or when your wife or significant other picks up her bag and says, "I'm off to the gym." Okay. And I don't mean that couples that go to the gym do the same program. You've ever seen that? It's like asking a man to walk into a woman's high heels. Okay, so that's pretty illogical. You both have different nervous system, different intellect. The good thing is if you're a couple and you're at a gym and you see each other working out, that's bringing you together, but you don't have to do the same program. Women move faster, they can transmit thoughts and feelings between left and right side of the brain. They can dance around men who are much more methodical thinkers except when we move slower. We ask women to repeat themselves fifty times because we don't really hear properly (Brian laughs). And you're laughing but you know what I say to a woman, "Instead of having overreact to something just say yes and then have a nervous breakdown afterwards." (Brian laughs). So, I practice. You want to know something? I practice that to myself because we men tend to go passive aggressive. So, when Batista's asked me something I said, "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Now, do that. Yes." I just practice saying yes. It's kind of like a game or way to play the we'll add that later. Yes. Yes. Except for cleaning up like the kitchen or... When I'm saying right now is... You see the kitchen. It's in the kitchen, the living room, my desk, everything is piled higher and higher and higher. You know what she did? She took everything. Every single piece of paper and dumped it in my office. I passed by, go, "Oh my God. What happened?!" Well that's where strength training comes in. Women learn to say no to loved ones, they learn to take action, and they don't give a damn about men's feelings. We're supposed to take care of women's feelings or at least when they express it, we learn how to follow them. But women are not responsible for our feelings. But we will play a guilting trip on them because we have a feminine side. So, with therapy they always say, "Oh. Get men to express their feelings. Poor men." We don't have a problem expressing our feelings we're in them naturally. Ask them what we think or how to solve a problem, we feel loved. And so, all those therapies that people go to, unless they're actually going to a gym and grounding their body they're living in their head. That's the point of the whole story. Those therapists don't create and don't say "Oh you need to do some strength training so it's trackable." They keep creating business by feeding them more and more data and they still keep floating away like that fantasy in the sky. We try to get women to be stronger because you know why? It's better for us. Because women, it's a man's world but it's a woman's universe. And women are the grounding force when they get grounded. We step in line because you know, men teach, preach, in control and we try to get a better deal. And I try to get to better deal all the time with Batista but she don't get in the car door unless I open it. She don't throw out the garbage. She don't even do the dishes because she just did her nails done. I do the dishes. And in the morning when I get up I ask her, "Can I offer you breakfast?" I don't say "Can I get you breakfast? Can I offer you breakfast? So, we try to be kinder to women, but the women need to take more responsibility to take better care of themselves by going to the gym on the body designed for new system. Because a lot of women they go to the gym and the weights that they're lifting are insignificant to cause change in their body. And they have to understand that they just don't understand that.

Brian Kelly:
And one thing that I wanted to point out was this, your system is based on strength training. And I have actually come across women that when they hear that they think, "Oh my gosh. I'm going to grow man muscles by lifting weights." And that's actually not going to happen because to do that, you would have to supplement so incredibly much to... If you've looked at a female bodybuilder, they didn't get that way just by lifting a lot of weights. Not at all. There's supplementation of many things. Some legal, some not in some cases (laughs). But you have full control over your body. One-hundred percent. And what you're going to see is firmness. You are, you might see some definition, some muscle come through, some fat go away. That's what you know, firmness. That's what most women aspire to. Men aspire to that as well. And you made a comment about a calming effect when a woman goes through your program and I can attest to that as a man, personally. The very first time, the very first workout I went through using your system and I reported this to you if you remember Stephen and that was as I'm leaving. Walking after my last set toward the locker room, I felt something I couldn't hardly describe but it was a sense of calm and it was also that my body felt in perfect alignment and it was it was mind blowing to me. Being a gym rat most of my life where, anytime I worked out I left my skeletal system did not feel good because I just put it under a lot of stress. Well after going through this program and walking to the locker room I felt better than when I got there. And it lasted throughout the entire day. I went and I walked a long a long amount of many steps. This was during the Christmas shopping times. I was in a mall and I walked a lot and I felt great the entire rest of the day. So, I want to point those two things out that strength training is phenomenal, and it is the thing that women should concentrate on more than all of the other cardio, all the other yoga. And the fact that you're going to feel better. Not you won't feel drained, you won't feel tired. I felt energetic and ready to take on the rest of the day. I couldn't wait for the rest of it. So, I just want to put that additional plug in there. By the way, just in case you're wondering Stephen didn't pay me a dime to say any of this. This is all coming right from here (touches chest) right from the heart. It is one-hundred percent true blue, blue as this blazer. What I'm saying to you right now. Both Stephen and Batista have become friends of mine and we're having a blast working together on various projects. And on that note, I wanted to switch gears just a little bit Stephen and move it over into the life of what we are all and that is the entrepreneur. Which is a life that isn't for everybody. Let's face it. It has a whole different... it is a whole different life of its own. You know, a corporate employee you typically are pretty much assured you're going to get a paycheck every week or two weeks. You pretty much have a good idea how much that's going to be you. You basically do the work they tell you to do and then you get paid for it. Entrepreneur you flip that on its ear and now you are doing only the work you are prescribing for yourself to build your own business. The paychecks are not guaranteed week to week, month to month. It's a completely different mindset that requires the skills and tenacity and the perseverance. Like Stephen and Batista, Dr. Fitness USA. So, I wanted to ask you. And so, that's the reality side of it. Right? And there are great things about it as well. And that's what I wanted to ask you Stephen. What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

Stephen Hercy:
Well you actually have your own time to create. There's no limit on your creativity. Like, when I'm developing a program. Even with working your program I'm getting ideas in the middle of my sleep. See (reaches for paper) you're laughing. You might not be able to see this, but I created a weight scale for you, for your chest brace. You see these, all these things here (showcases paper). There's about twelve, fifteen different lines here. And what that means is there's twelve or fifteen different ways I can change your program. There's a weight scale or a rhythm of music that I can tell exactly where you're at and how to progress you in a very logical, systematic way, that you're in control of your own body. The programming as you know is sustainable. Ok. You're not having a trainer dictate you sets of reps. Because today, when you're working with a trainer... And don't get me wrong I love trainers because we've developed programs that are taught in Belgium after it got there unlikely. We've expanded so people have more opportunity to have a piece of themselves, so to speak. It's an amazing situation where we could use sometimes... If somebody wanted to work with me personally because I'm not going to train anybody. I can actually show up with a trainer in the gym because I'm the engineer and I'm going to oversee that they don't mess up my program that from time to time I actually hire a subcontractor which is a professional trainer. So, that's a wow I can talk about the business. And I can expand myself. So, whether you understand what I'm trying to say here.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And you know like, compare that to say a corporate job where you don't have much decision making power. Of course, depending on your role within the organization but typically you have a manager or a boss or lead telling you what to do, when to do it, how to do it, at what time to do it. Everything about your aspect of your life. And with an entrepreneur if I heard you correctly Stephen the main thing that you love about it is the ability to be creative. To create what you see is necessary when you see it, even including hiring out to help you the scale and take it farther. And so, that's the beauty of being an entrepreneur and I really resonate with that because you have, I call it liberation. You're liberated. To do what you want, when you want. And yeah, you have to make money. So, it's not like this free for all you're on vacation forever. It's anything but a vacation. It's a phenomenal ride though isn't it, Stephen?

Stephen Hercy:
Absolutely. So, you know what's interesting in the fitness business you have different aspects when you meet somebody. And somebody says, "Oh I'm a lawyer." They always ask me, "What do you specialize in? Or you go to a doctor or they say, "Well are you eye, nose, and throat man? or are you..." You know they ask that. When you meet somebody, you say your working with strength training or your fitness, wherever they're at. That means if they're doing swimming, they're doing yoga, across the personal training. They become the expert. They never ask a clarifying question. It's kind of interesting. They reverse the conversation, so they learn nothing (Brian laughs). It's just an amazing phenomenon that they become the expert. So, because I'm empowering people trying to own who you are, and have a voice, and ask lots of questions. Ok. And bottom line is get to the gym now. I don't care anyway anyhow. You can call... what do they call it? Umber, Uber? Or Lyft.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. And I love what you just said was ask a lot of questions. And that's another pattern of highly successful people. So now, you're listening to it right now live by Stephen Hercy, Dr. Fitness USA saying ask a lot of questions. And there's another way of framing that. And that is have a mind of a mind of curiosity. A mentor of mine physically met in person this gentleman named Richard Branson, some of you may have heard of this guy. Head of Virgin Atlantic. Multi-multi I don't know how many millionaire billionaire. And an amazing guy. And he met him in person. And what happened was, Richard Branson walked up to him and started peppering him with questions and all that my mentor could go through in his mind was, "Wait a minute, you're Richard Branson. I want to ask you a few questions. I want to know what's going on with you." And the thing is Richard Branson is so genuinely curious again, another trait another pattern of a highly successful individual, and what Stephen is saying is absolutely correct. Is... and ask a lot of questions and then hang in and actually not just receive the answer but absorb it. And if it's an expert like Stephen, then put it into action. Taking another step beyond all that.

Stephen Hercy:
And stop saying, "I love my trainer!" (Brian laughs). Ok. The reason I is, let's look at the positive. The trainer could be the general doctor, so why are you assuming that they're the surgeon. There's a difference between a general doctor and a surgeon. So, if we say, "I'm working with a trainer and then I'm an international body designer." What is the difference or the transition? What is it you're doing more than what I'm doing already? People don't ask those questions. I love my trainer. What does that mean? Are you in a relationship with your trainer? What is about me? Probably whatever you're doing has nothing to do with your body. I've met people that are physically fit, and they come in here and they're having a conversation with me and I say, "Take off your shirt." Oh my God. Where has this guy been? He's been weighting with his trainer for two years and he doesn't have a shred of muscle. Or the opposite. They have too much muscle and they look like they fell into an acid problem. See, you have to... If you strengthen your body too much in one place it could cause your body into a lot of pain. So, stop loving your trainer. How about loving yourself and asking a lot of questions. Because they are not, they are not the surgeon. And today trainers need to make money so what they do is they have a system of confusion. They mix a lot of things into the training from jumping up and down and just being on a merry go round. So, you sweat a lot and you think you're working out. You have to stay focused. Stephen Hercy, when I get in the car I don't listen to the radio. I don't do anything. What I do is, I go to the gym and stay focused.

Brian Kelly:
There you heard it.

Stephen Hercy:
No texting. No texting. No you know, all these things that people do. Stay because it's your time. And if you love yourself a lot you will stay with yourself and not have outside distractions. And remember if your mind can conceive it, Dr. Fitness can help you achieve it.

Brian Kelly:
I love that.

Stephen Hercy:
Well you have to have somebody who comes from a loving place. I'm passionate about what I do so I make time for people. I like people, they say they, "I have no time." Well you're talking to somebody that's very very busy. But I have time. What's that all about? What do you mean you don't have the time?

Brian Kelly:

Stephen Hercy:
It means you're not taking care of yourself.

Brian Kelly:
We all have the same twenty-four hours a day. It's all up. It's a choice. It just comes down to a choice. We all have time. It's about what do you put as a priority in your life. And I love what you just said though, about making that time for what a perfect way to frame going to the gym. And that is, make it you time. Make it self-reflective time. In between sets and you're recovering. There's time to sit there and reflect. And I do this. You know when you said that it made me think about what I'm doing especially in between sets. During the set I'm concentrated on what I'm working on but in between I'm trying to stay in the groove, in the flow, in the zone, right? And what I'm trying to achieve and not get too distracted. Gyms have televisions and things flashing all over the place and I just keep my head down and just say, "Look man. This is this is the time." It's an hour, if that. Spend the time to rejuvenate you. I love that Stephen because that, that right there could be reason enough for many people to go to the gym. If they just reframe it and think of it as me time rather than like you said, all the distractions and falling prey to all of those. So, love it. My gosh. Oh my goodness. You won't believe this Stephen. We're four minutes out from the end.

Stephen Hercy:

Brian Kelly:
Happens every single time and there's one huge question I wanted to ask you. I ask this of every entrepreneur Batista, your wife who was on the show not long ago was asked the same question. I hope she didn't give up the secret, what it was. But what I want to do is ask you one final question that I think its kind of heavy hitting, it's deep, and it's really cool. Because each individual I talk to and ask the same question. Well, they answer in different ways. And before I do that though, I wanted to remind everyone that they can enter to win a five-night stay at a five-star resort in Mexico. And the way to do that is look at the screen right now (prompts sponsorship). And if you're watching, if you're listening, just write this down. If you're driving, stop. Pull over and write this down. You can do it one of two ways. You can go to the website that's on your screen. That's ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation. That's ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation. Or text the word PEAK. That's P-E-A-K to the number 6-6-1-5-3-5-1-6-2-4. Again, if it's easier to do it on your mobile phone. Text the word PEAK P-E-A-K TO 6-6-1-5-3-5-1-6-2-4. This is all sponsored by and the trip provided by PowerTexting.com. A phenomenal company by two wonderful friends of mine Jason and his wonderful partner Rhonda. And they do a phenomenal job, and we use this very system ourselves Here at ReachYourPeak. In fact those two, both of those methods that you enter will be going through their very system to enter. So, go out and do that right now. And then we're going to come back and ask Stephen Hercy. The one the only Dr. Fitness USA this very important question. And Stephen I don't want to get you too worried. I can see sweating like crazy, I'm kidding of course. And that is that here's the cool thing about this question Stephen, and that is there is no such thing as a wrong answer. None. It doesn't exist. It's just the opposite actually. It's there is only one correct answer and that answer is yours. So, there's that takes all the weight and pressure off. And you can take a moment to think about the answer after I ask it. To see what really fits best for you and your subconscious will provide you the best answer because it's yours. Only you own it and it's a really cool thing. So, are you ready?

Stephen Hercy:
Well hold on there. Did you read a good book like mine?

Brian Kelly:
We'll get there, we'll get there. It's coming, it's coming.

Stephen Hercy:
But a commercial. Listen, I want to know if you've read a good book lately?

Brian Kelly:

Stephen Hercy:
Oh, that's me! Dr. Fitness USA! (Brian laughs). You know I do that in an elevator. You're laughing but I'm standing in an elevator and I say, "Did you read a good book?" And it takes them a while before they realize it's me. You have to have a little bit of humor in here.

Brian Kelly:
Ok, ok.

Stephen Hercy:
What's your question?

Brian Kelly:
And we'll hit the book in just a moment. We'll hit that a little bit more with more emphasis. So, let's let's dial it in. Get centered. Because I want to, I want to really get the essence of you on this answer. So, Stephen Hercy, here it is. How do you define success?

Stephen Hercy:
You know what's amazing? Batista asked me that same question and I gave her the same answer she gave you. You learn to get up after you fall down every single time because life is that. There's ups and downs and you will get knocked down, but the thing is you keep going under all situations. Because, you know why? I'm going to tell you why. Because tomorrow morning you won... Today might not be so good but tomorrow morning you might want to get up because it's going to be a better day and you don't want to miss it.

Brian Kelly:
Mm hmm. With passion with power. I love it. Learn to get up after you fall down under all situations. That's almost the moniker of an entrepreneur, isn't it? And that's what makes people like you tick. That's you to your core is like, just keep getting up. No matter what. Keep getting up. Under all situations. It's like falling off a horse, get back up on it. Don't give up. Ever ever ever. Great great message. Thank you for that. And yes. We want to also provide you with another gift that Stephen has already kind of let the cat out of the bag so to speak. And I'll bring that up on the screen in just a moment. There we have it. So, we're going to bring it over and let you Stephen talk about this phenomenal resource that you're giving away as a free gift to our viewers (Book promotion slide).

Stephen Hercy:
It's my original book. And I suggest that one reads it. And you just have to subscribe, it's absolutely free. It's for sale but actually because I'm on this mind boggling ReachYourPeak Show and with respect to Brian Kelly. I've decided to make this book as a gift to your audience. So, all you have to do is subscribe or put in some information. And the book is absolutely free! No strings attached.

Brian Kelly:
Wow. Let me bring that back. I was putting it up on the on Facebook. So, it's called Posture for Power. So, allow me to give them the full web address so they can go grab that Stephen. I also put it in Facebook Live in the comments section. For those of you that may not be watching that at this moment, just go to my personal profile search for Stephen Hercy in my timeline and you will see the comment in there or just go straight to this website. It's Dr. that's D-R. Not the full word. DrFitnessUSA.com/posture the number 4. So, posture, four, and then power. Dash, gift. It's a lot. Here we will do it one more time. So it's DrFitnessUSA.com/posture4power-gift. So it's D-RFitnessUSA.com/posture4 the number four. power, hyphen or dash gift. G-I-F-T. And I want to thank you for that Stephen. That's an amazing gift. Writing a book is no small task as I know personally as I am in the process of doing that myself. And so, greatly appreciate that. So, go pick that up. Subscribe. Click on the button that you saw on the website and grab your copy of the book. It's a gift by Dr. Fitness USA. This amazing guy right here (points to Stephen). We love him, we love him. Well you know what Stephen. I hate to say it but that's about all the time we have. And what I want to do first, is give folks a great way to connect with you. And there's a couple of ways. And you provided one for me which is fantastic to tell everyone. And that's the same website. It's DrFitnessUSA.com/contact. And you want to go there to get with Stephen and Batista both. Let me see, I'll bring it up here real quick. It's coming up. There we go (prompts website). And so, here you can connect with them and choose one of these sessions. So, which of those would be the best for them Stephen?

Stephen Hercy:
Well it's a thirty-minute call and it's...

Brian Kelly:
Ok. So, the discovery session?

Stephen Hercy:
Yeah, it's a discovery session. We get to know each other. There's no sales pitch but you know in a conversation. Just like I had with yourself. You explained what you were doing in your training and I could have said, "Well you're kind of flying upside down by the seat of your pants. You really want to continue doing it that way?" And I got like that because you're a smart man. So, you had this aha moment and you decided to ask some clarifying questions and in those questions we bonded. And you are well- You know what's interesting is world champions, Mr. Olympians and things like that. They actually have no problem being told what to do or having a mentor but the little guy or the little woman, they have a hard time being open to being mentoring or understanding especially for men that as they go along like they actually need a mentor, so that they could be younger through the years. Because whatever they're doing isn't really working for them in the gym, especially when I go there, I stare at them. I'm hoping they're going to ask a question, but they don't (Brian laughs). And I'm saying, "My God. Why would you want to be a pain that way?"

Brian Kelly:
And a lot of it is just people are unaware that they're unaware that there is an alternative. I was one of those people. And then when we started talking you were explaining your system. My curiosity went through the roof. I had to know and experience this system some way somehow. Another way to connect with Stephen real quick is his Facebook profile. This is what you look for, search for Stephen Hercy on on Facebook and just look for that profile picture and that muscular body in the main picture above and message him. Reach out to him directly and he will get back to you because he's a man who loves serving, he's a man who loves helping people to correct their body, to get rid of pain, to live the best years of their life, that when they thought that they were just doing nothing but going downhill. That's what I see in what you do Stephen is you're... You're literally a life saver in a way of lifestyle right. You're changing the way people live for the better. Pain free, stronger, muscular, fit, feeling better, more energy, the list goes on and on. So, definitely connect with Stephen. Stephen, thank you so much once again for taking the time for being on the show. I cannot thank you enough for the value you brought to the listeners. I look forward to working with you more in the future and seeing you again very very soon my brother.

Stephen Hercy:
Thank you.

Brian Kelly:
All right until next week and next show we will see you again on the next edition of The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. Until then goodnight everybody. Be blessed.

Thank you for watching and listening. This has been The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show with Brian Kelly.

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Stephen Hercy

STEPHEN HERCY aka Dr Fitness USA is an International Body Designer, founder of the International Institute of Body Design; certified by the IFBB International Federation of Bodybuilding and holds the prestigious title Professeur De Culture Physique Weider.

Dr Fitness USA regularly appears as an empowerment guest speaker in recognition for his successful work as a pioneer in the field of pain management and postural realignment and is also the creator of the proprietary Body Design Formula strength training mentoring system taught worldwide.

Dr Fitness USA is the leading authority in bringing his revolutionary strength training systems to the addiction recovery community as a new tool for mood behavior stabilization, stress management, and is the first person in the world to provide strength-training programs for women suffering from endometriosis and autoimmune disorders.

Dr Fitness USA, has worked with celebrities such as Linda Gray, Sally Fields, Simon Crane, Billy West as well as with MD’s, chiropractors, alternative health professionals. Young and older people of all walks of life travel world wide to seek his unique services. Dr Fitness USA ‘s groundbreaking prescription strength training system assist men and women alike to become masters of their body independently of a personal trainer, to look and feel 15 years younger, get 20% to 50% stronger and achieve a pain free life.

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