Special Guest Expert - Steve Brown

Special Guest Expert - Steve Brown: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Steve Brown: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

So here's the big question. Our entrepreneurs like us, who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward. Only two steps back

Work, getting the. And drib. Finally break through. That is the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Scott. This is the mind body business show.

Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. I say this every single opening, and I mean it with everything inside of me, we have a phenomenal show lined up for you tonight. I cannot wait for you to come to meet the amazing Steve Brown. He's coming on. He's sitting in the wings, waiting anxiously to be brought to center stage. And I can't wait to share them with you. And you're going to be blown away. He's got this genius concept behind podcasting and doing live shows, and I can't wait to share that information with you. Really had me excited. I literally had goose bumps under this blazer. I'm not kidding. This doesn't take much to get me excited. But the mind body of business. So what is that all about? It is what I call the three pillars of success. I began studying only successful people for a period of about a decade. And what I found were those three things kept bubbling to the top of what made these individuals more successful than, say, someone like me. And over and over and over again, these three things would come rise to the top. And those three things are part of the very title of the show. So mind being mind set. And that is each individual to a person. These are successful people had a very powerful and even more importantly, very flexible mindset. There was body body was literally they took care of themselves nutritionally and they exercise on a regular basis. It was interesting walking in their paths with them. Some of them I knew personally that I would work with, and I would notice they never drank alcohol and and they just were healthy all the time.

And I thought, wow, that's really interesting. That's really cool. And then business business is so multifaceted. And what happened there is these successful individuals had mastered the skill sets that are necessary to build and grow a thriving business. Now, that may sound easy, but there are many skill sets that one must master and to master. Any one thing can take a long time. I mean, we're talking about skill sets like marketing team building sales, systematizing leadership. I could go on and on. There are so many skill sets that are required to run a successful business. The good news for all of us is we don't personally have to master every single one of those skill sets and the many more. I didn't even mention if you just master one, just one. And I actually mentioned it in the opening just a second ago, then the rest can fall into place very easily. And that one skill set is the skill set of leadership. Once you've mastered that, you are now empowered to delegate the tasks out to those who have mastered the appropriate skill sets to help you grow your business and really crush it and take it to the moon. And another wonderful trait of very successful people I found during my studies was to a person each and every one of them. They were very avid readers of books. And with that I like the Segway into a segment. I like to affectionately call bookmarks,

Bookmarks, going to read bookmarks, ready, steady, read bookmarks brought to you by Reach your peak library dot com.

Yes, reach your peak library, dotcom. By the way, real quick note for all of you is I would so love for each of you, for yourselves, not for me, for you to take notes as we go through the show, because you're going to be learning about a lot of phenomenal resources and incredible information from Steve Brown, who's coming on right after this. And I would hate for you to miss that because you happen to go off clicking and looking at another website like Ritscher Library dot com. Instead of doing that, just write it down and visit the resources after the show. That way, you'll never miss a golden nugget. I would hate for that to happen for you. And so just stay with us throughout the show. That's for you. That's my gift. Reach your peak library. That is a website that I had put together at my team. Build that and you may you may not believe me, but I did it with you in mind. This is a gift website. This is for you. This is not for me. What it is, is a compilation of the books that I have personally read and that that had a profound impact on me on either business or personal or both. And those are only these are only books that I have read. So not every book I've ever read is in this list. And I'm actually a little bit behind. There are more coming on here and there probably will be another one added to the list by a certain somebody who's a guest tonight.

Just a hint. It could be adding another beautiful book once I get through the reading of it. And here's the thing. Just find a book that resonates with you. The first one, you don't need to go through this whole list. It's not alphabetically. There's no rhyme or reason to it. I just put them in there as I pulled them out of my account from Audible and grabbed the graphics and said, here, go build this. And all of those buttons, by the way, they go to Amazon. So this is not here to make money. It's here for a gift for you that give you a one stop shop. Big boom. Oh, my goodness. M. Cutler. That's my mentor. Amazing guy. Just incredible, incredible information here. So please do take advantage of this. Reach your peak library, dotcom, and yeah, you'll you'll see your life change for the better. I personally didn't even start reading books on a regular basis till I was forty seven. I'm now fifty six and I just my gosh, I start devouring them after I learn what a great impact that had on my life. And so I just implore that you do the same because that's what we do. We like to model excellence. We like to give the things that work to you. So all you have to do is copy it, just do what we're doing and you'll see your success increase. Speaking of increasing success, it's time for Brian to stop blabbing and bring on the true star of the show, Mr. Steve Brown. Here he comes.

It's time for the guest expert spotlight. Savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, league qualified.

And there is a ladies and gentlemen, it is the one, the only Steve

Brown, and everybody loves the show and I'm so proud to be on here.

Thank you, my brother. And it's going to they're going to love it even more, if you can imagine that, after they've seen your brilliance on this show. So here's the thing, Steve. I love I love what I get to do. And why that is, is because I get to meet and get to know amazing individuals like yourself. And I'm not kidding this this has been the greatest relationship building tool I've ever had in my life. And they're genuine. They're not fake. They're not phony. They're not Facebook. Check out my link and go buy my crap. It's none of that. It's just getting to know somebody and learning their brilliance. And I just I love doing this. Before I give you a formal introduction that you richly deserve. Steve, real quick will do a little bit of housekeeping, then we'll we'll jump in. That some cool with you.

That's awesome.

Right above Steve's left shoulder. If you're watching, that's over on the right hand side of the screen, you'll see a red logo that is our sponsor and one lucky winner. We do this every show. There you go. Thank you, Steve. Vanna, Steve. I love it. One lucky winner will. When a five night stay at a five star luxury resort, compliments of the big insider secrets, that is that red logo up there as my buddy Jason Narced and his company. And because of him, we're able to do this every single show. So you must stay with us live till the end. And that's how I will announce how you can enter. That's where I will do that. And then we have a couple more we're going to get rolling. So if you're struggling with putting on a live show together and it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show, which is very important, and connect with great people like Steve Brown and grow your business all at the same time, then head on over to carpet marketing, dotcom carpet bomb marketing, saturate the marketplace with your message. And one of the key components that is contained in the carpet bomb marketing system is one that you'll learn how to absolutely master the very service we use to stream our live shows right here and actually right now on the mind body business show and over the course of goodness, over nine years now of streaming, we have tried many of these quote unquote, TV studio solutions.

And I'll tell you, streaming art is the best of the best. It combines supreme ease of use along with unmatched functionality. So you can start streaming high quality, professional looking live shows for free with streaming out right now. So write this down. Don't visit it, write it down. The website is our whippy dot. I am a forward stream. Live our whippy. I am for Stream Live and you can grab it for free and take it for a while and start your live video show right away. Now let's get back to the Man of the hour. Yes. You know, that is there is the handsome guy right there, the one with the hat. That's the handsome guys. That's how you know, here's the thing, Steve Brown, he believes entrepreneurs are the invisible heroes of today's economy. You risk your future with no guarantees. You all felt this to you and you fight hard to provide products and services that improve our lives. You also happen to provide jobs for almost half of the American workforce. Steve is the author of The Golden Toilet. I love that title. He's the host. There it is. He's the host of the Arawa online podcast. And he's the owner of our own Ahli Online, an Internet marketing agency. Too many vowels in there. For me, his mission is to help you avoid wasting money and time with the frustrating demands of more modern marketing. I can so relate to all of that. Steve, now officially, formally welcome to the show. My friend is going to be a blast. I can't wait.

I'm proud to be here.

Yeah, and I'm excited to have you. And one of the things I like to do in the beginning is actually we're not we don't necessarily need to go in order of my body business. But I like to open it up with mindset because in my humble opinion. Our every every thing you know, where you are today, success, your level of success or your lack thereof, and when I say your I'm saying generally your everyone listening is one hundred percent due to what's going on between your own two ears. No one else's fault if you're not successful. And yeah, it is your you are the reason if you are successful. So it's your fault. Either way, let's put it that way and one is better than the other. So for you, Steve, being an entrepreneur, as you know, that was a great bio. I love that. We're always fighting hard. There's there's an undertow. There's an implication that it's not all that easy to be an entrepreneur. It's not. And we risk everything, like you said. So knowing every day brings with it challenges, not just we're going to get up and we have a challenge we already know about, but new ones are going to hit us during the day, every single day. What are you do? What's going on? That big, beautiful brain of yours under that hat when you get up in the morning, what is going on to get you going? To keep me motivated, to keep striving, to keep excelling with all these road bumps and setbacks along the way. And then how do you do that all day long and then continue day after day, week after week, month after month? What is going on in that noggin of yours?

Yeah, I don't know what's going on in there. Sometimes I sure suffer because whatever is going on in here. But, you know, as humans, our eyes are set in the front like binoculars. And we're our brains are big because we needed extra processing power for eyes. We have the best eyes on the planet. We see details. And that means that we're used to looking out and going towards something, aiming at something. And there's this innate fulfillment for overcoming challenges on the way to somewhere. And I think that when I finally started my company, I felt like I was more in charge of where I was going. It wasn't easier. It wasn't like it. It wasn't roses. And in Candie's it was hard. But at the end of the day, I was deciding where I was going. And it was fulfilling because overcoming, building a team, going together, these things were so fulfilling. And it just I think that's what really gets me out of bed, is doing things and just growing, learning, overcoming.

And so you often think about the outcome, you know, like what is it you're working toward either today or this week or this month, but is that usually a driving force for you?

Have you found. Yeah. And you know. I'm if you read any of Whitman's books, he talks about the visionary is generally an entrepreneur, is a visionary, right. And so that means they have this idea, they see where they're going, the challenges, getting that out of your head and written down clearly enough so that the team that wants to help you get there can see and go to the same place. But I'm always going to this place. That's where my energy comes from as I'm going to and I'm building what I envision. It's just that it often takes longer than you want, right, and you run into all those details that you don't want to think about, that's someone else's, you know, that takes the energy out of me. But you know that you've got that one person on a team. You go, hey, this is what we're going to do. And then they go and ask you two hundred questions, OK? And I'm going like, what is wrong with you? But I need them. I need the question that I need to get those details worked out. But it's not me.

Yeah. It's like after they go through all these questions, like I could have done this myself twice.

Right. But it wasn't like is good. Yeah.

I always like to point the finger in the mirror when those things happen for myself and say, how can I communicate better, because there's obviously a disconnect of some kind that happens all the time and has different personalities and different interpretations and all those things. And that's it. Just it can take time. It can take time to find that sweet spot of the proper method of communicating with an individual when that kind of thing happens and it happens all the time. It's not like it's a rare thing. It's just about navigating and having the patience and the determination and being aware that it happened and that there's a way that we can together improve that going forward. And so, yeah, I totally relate, though. It's like, good Lord, if you ask me one more question, I'm just going to have it done already.

But if you think about the number one challenge a leader has is to clearly communicate the vision in their head. It's the hardest thing. The people we admire, the books that we buy, the videos that we watch of these people, they're so eloquent. They sat and really got it distilled and clear. They've got this clarity and they just go, oh, my gosh, it makes so much sense. But as a leader, we need to do the hard work and get there, too. It's one of the it's one of the things that you need to really get good at as a leader. I'm not there that

I would like to offer a gift that I never have. I've never said this publicly before. I usually keep it close to the test. But it's been a godsend. And I know you do a lot of live shows, Steve. One of the key elements for me and my team being one hundred percent in alignment with our mission, our purpose and everything, every show, every one of these shows I have automatically transcribed when it's over. Well, it's like Siri and it makes mistakes, and so one of my gifts to give back you'll learn about this tomorrow through my automated system, is to offer you the embed code of what will be this video and the written word that is animated beneath it. And see, every word is phenomenal. But the thing is, is it makes mistakes like Siri. So what did I do? I started having my team go in and do the correction. When they go to do the correction, they'll they'll see something and hear it because it's both the word and the audio. Everything they get, all of the modalities are juices flowing, but they'll see an error. They'll have to back it up, change it, correct it and play it again. So they hear many parts over and over and over again. And repetition is the key to mastery. They will know your value system. They will know your culture, everything about your business, everything is important to you as Steve Brown without you having to train them or lift another finger and you're getting another value added service, taking care of at the same time.

So thank you.

It has worked. I can tell you it blew my mind actually the first time I had one of my team members do it. That's what she came back with. You know, because of that, I now know I know you very deep things like wow. And your values isn't like, oh, I didn't expect this. This is awesome. So we've done one hundred and I've lost count. We're at sixty shows or something. Not all of them have been transcribed and corrected by the team. And so it's just so anyway, that was a big. Derailment there, but I thought it was important, so you mentioned one book or at least the author Whitman would be if you were to pick one business book that has inspired you the most of all the books you've read. I know that be difficult. I don't know if I could do it, but what would be the book that comes to mind first?

You know, one book I really that really changed my paradigm about the responsibility, what I need to the way I really need to look at what I'm doing with my business in the modern world of Marketing is a book by Michael Whyatt called Platform. And it's an excellent book. It really connected all the dots, you know, we we. Go into this business challenge as an entrepreneur. We're going to attack every problem, whether we have all the tools, knowledge or not. But when I read that book is like, oh, I now I know what I was feeling. I just didn't have the right words to say it or to communicate it to someone. That's what I wanted to do. It's a great book. Excellent book.

Interesting. And something I also do. I wrote that down. I'm taking notes as I go. Look, I'm taking notes and I'm running the show. But the thing I often do is when I hear a great you know, someone is vetting a book like you just did so highly, I write it down and as soon as the show is over, I will go to Audible and purchase it. And it's in my library. So I don't forget it's there. Like I don't remember where some of these came from and who set them right matter. I know they're there for a purpose. OK, you're next. I'm just going to go in order. So appreciate that a lot. It's very valuable. I found that when you can find out what is meaningful to other people that are successful in business, that's the key for everyone out there listening is to go out and devour it yourself. So let's see what's going on. Dennis Miller is coming to us all the way from China now. Yeah, he's an amazing entrepreneur in his own right. He's built large businesses and he's now followed his passion. He's teaching in China. He's teaching English to Chinese college students. I think it's college and he is obviously loves what he's doing. And so he was on the show just before he left the United States. And this is going back. I forget how long it's been probably close to two years now. But thank you for coming on. I appreciate you. I have no idea what time it is there, but I appreciate you for being on here all the way from China. It's a global global reach here on the mind body business show. I mean, I'm not going to interview people from all over the world as well. Let's see. Speaking of books, I saw you flash it a little earlier. I would like, if you wouldn't mind, to bring that back up and then also give us a little synopsis of the book, what it's about, and just whatever you want to say about it.

You know, the golden toilet. So I'm like you, Brian. I work with business owners. They would come in and they would say, hey, I think I need a new website. I think I need to show up in a search. I think we need to do some social media. But when I backed up and really got to thinking, what is it that they're really asking, these are successful business people, but yet they've been convinced for some reason they need to really get their act together online. And what I realized is like one of those foreign films where the their lips are doing this. But the subtitle was saying this, Steve, I know I need to do something. I see my competitors do it. My employees are expecting me. My customers are expecting a me. But I'm not really clear where I'm supposed to start. What is it I need to do? Can you help me get there and avoid some mistakes? And when I realized that, then I knew that I needed to get better and more clear about what it is they do and it's the fundamentals, we would start an engagement and they would say later they go, I thought we were going to do this marketing. What we we are doing the marketing. But what I realized I wasn't clear on the fundamentals. We needed to get your fundamentals in place first. That's clear. Messaging, some marketing automation. Let's get the sales process automated as well, and then let's design strategic campaigns.

But if you start off with the strategic campaigns, first, it's going to crash because we don't have our fundamentals in place. One day we were we were having this great I'm serious, Brian. We were talking our team. We were had their analytics up. We love automation. Just like you use HubSpot. We're a platinum level agency. Right. And with HubSpot, we're looking at look at all these leads coming in. They're submitting these forms. If there was ever an account that we could be proud of that the analytics were showing. And I swear the next day that client comes in and goes. He goes, Steve, you know, I love your team. You've done great work for us for three years. I just don't think it's working. What do you mean you don't? I could not believe what I just heard and I'm going to had it, how in the world is he saying this? When I see what's in the back? What's going on? Well, we were being graded by attrition. He was bringing on, but it was falling off the back just as fast as it was coming on. And when I realized that I had assumed they had a good sales process in place, they were documenting outcomes. They were following up. And boy, was I wrong. But we were being graded against. Yes. Didn't have our fundamentals in place. That was a big lesson.

You know, you you hit a very sweet spot in my ear. And that's fundamentals because that took me back to when I started playing sports as a youth. I love sports, love playing them. And I hated the word fundamental. That meant boring, and that meant doing the same thing over and over and over and over again. It was never the thing I like to do. Never was the word fundamental next to something I enjoyed. However, I completely relate that it is important and no longer being a kid and being a grown grown adult. It's not that it's not that painful, actually. It's actually when you have the outcome like you do, Steve, always in your in your gaze, you're looking at you see the outcome. It's never difficult. It's just getting you know, it's just going through the process of getting there, the fundamentals, setting expectations, great communication. All of this. If you don't have that, you're right. It's like built on a house, a car. What is it built like a house of cards or foundation of sand or whatever all the wonderful metaphors are. I totally get that. Oh, my gosh. You know, they'll be like these digital ad agencies where where I first started learning this like they're very good about their messaging.

They have to be because. OK, Brian, we're going to get to the leads. But I'm here to tell you, that is the that's our success measure right there. We're done closing them. Selling them. That's on you. I said, yeah, I understand that. I appreciate you making sure that was clear. But yeah. So that there are assumptions that can be made that can. Cause issues, so I love that you brought that up. That sounds like a great success story to go back and say we figured it out, maybe we can help you sharp your sales, whatever else, whatever talents you guys have that you can help them with to get past that hump. But now knowing, you know, that's the important part is messaging up front. That's what I want to go with, with everyone watching, is to just make sure the expectations from both sides of the fence are very clear. This is what we're responsible for. This is what you're responsible for. This is what we call success. I don't know what you call it, but that's what our agreement is going to be. Yeah.

And I just realized, you know, when you say marketing, I see an apple, but you may be seeing an orange. Right. But we're both sitting there talking about marketing for an hour. And so that's why I thought this book needs to address all that. Let's get everybody on the same page. Let me tell you, Brian, if you read this book and you come to me, we're a year ahead of the schedule because we're on the same page. We're aligned. We're following a system immediately that's successful. That's what a real business person does. I'm going to design a system and I'm going to win, but I'm going to follow my system. And as as leaders, we need to help our entrepreneurs implement that system and understand it.

And here's the thing, you shared that with me. Of course, I did research about you before you came on. We never met before this. And I saw your book. I saw your website. And I have audible an account. And I just want to bring this up real quick. I think this is its sheer genius. It's so simple. But what Steve has done, as you see on the left hand side, and he'll put up his website here as well. So you know where we're at. It's Arawa online dotcom. And what I noticed on the left hand side of the screen, I know it's kind of an eye chart for those of you if you're watching on a phone. But the beautiful thing is. That pop up on the left where it says, is your website a load of crap and I just love the play off the toilet and all that, but here's to the genius of it. Listen, audible for free. If you have never purchased a book from Audible, your first one is free. And what a great way to get your book in more people's hands, and you can also buy the physical copy for those that like to enjoy reading the physical copy as well.

I just think it's sheer genius. I've never seen one do that before. I must be living under a rock because they're probably all I don't know. And you did something else that I want to talk about, too. That is sheer genius. And I am so glad we got connected. I think Seth connected us. Is that true? Yes. Yeah, you're just. Oh, my goodness. I guess I am literally goosebumps under my jacket. I'm not it doesn't take much to get my geek on. So, you know, I'm just enjoying the heck out of this. And we'll come back to your site here in just a minute. But I wanted to share that because everyone here can get his book for free. And if if you have already purchased something, I'll just purchase it. I did. I literally bought this book right before the show started. I kid you not. In fact, I didn't even share my screen to prove it to Steve, but he'll see the extra sale come through and I can't wait to devour that and find out what. OK, I got to know what was the inspiration behind the metaphor of the golden toilet.

So thank you for asking. The biggest challenge that we have is when people come to you for whatever business you're in, you have people coming to you and they come with their prescription already filled out. OK, so when those business owners would come to me, they know Steve, I need a new website and I need some social media and I need to show up in a search. Well, if I just said, OK, we can do that, it's never enough, OK? Especially if it's not what they really need it. And you know what they call that. If you were to take that, if you got a prescription pad and you went into a doctor and you go, oh, I've got this pain here, I want you to take my kidney out, OK, let's schedule it. You know what that's called? That's malpractise. OK, and so when I but here's the thing. I got to get you to stop thinking that the world revolves around your website. It's important. But finally, one day I thought, how can I only got a few minutes talk about this and I can't say it seven times.

So it's like, you know, Brian, I just want you to know your website is just a toilet. Their brain stops, they stop thinking about the argument they just had with their whoever before that meeting my websites on what? It's a toilet, OK, you wouldn't work in an office if it didn't have one. You wouldn't build a house if it didn't have a toilet. But when people come over, where do you hang out? You hang out in the kitchen, the fireplace, the pool. It's an important piece of a bigger system that makes your house a home. And we need to put it in perspective. And if all we're doing is sprucing up a website and calling it a day, then what's the biggest fear a business owner has wasting the money I don't have on something? And what's the most absurd, universal, iconic image of wasted money? A gold, solid gold toilet, the golden toilet? Stop wasting money on your website. Instead, let's build a system that includes clear messaging, automation and strategic campaigns. Let's win where we're winners here. Hmm.

I think we were separated at birth. I'm in. I mean, the resemblance is uncanny already. I get that, but I think it might have happened. That is beautiful. I mean, don't flush your marketing dollars down the toilet instead connect with Steve Brown. And I'm not kidding. So we will give you his contact information before the end of the show. And please, if if it sounds like I'm dropping off and saying goodbye and I haven't done that yet, that's happened before. And I'm like, no, that's the most important part, is helping people find this individual these days that really, in all honesty, isn't that difficult, but still want to make it as easy as possible for them to get a hold of you. And I want to talk about the people you work with. So people that are watching and listening can say, you know what, I might be a fit. This guy could help me. And I have a I have a feeling that probably much greater than 50 percent of the people who watch the show would be a perfect fit to get the assistance that you provide. So what is it you do in your company and for what kind of clients do you do it for?

So what we're going to do is help you. The number one lever we're going to improve immediately is your messaging. We're going to help your messaging really resonate with your audience. We are a certified we were the original agency certified by Story Brand in the application of how to take your content and make it honor the rules of story. Our brain craves information in the form of a story. And when you honor those rules, then when people consume, read, watch a video, read a blog, listen to a podcast, they feel he gets me. And I trust him and I feel safe, that is just utilizing the rules of story to connect that you emotionally understand that, for example, what the problem that you and I address and help entrepreneurs over is a. Their businesses are at risk if they don't start representing themselves online, like the big brands like that, this is not a cute little thing that we can maybe address and this is serious. This is life or death, especially after this year that we've had when we all got hit by the torpedo called the pandemic.

Whoever thought that you couldn't shake a hand with a client, that you couldn't have people come to your store or your shop, and if there was ever a time you got convinced, wow, I need a virtual representation of my physical presence and it needs to be top notch. It's now this is the life and death. It's serious. And so we need to do it right and we need to get the fundamentals. But your messaging is number one. So who do we want to help? I want to help progressive minded business leaders who are already convinced of this fact. We don't have time to convince someone that doesn't get it. We need to move now. Let's get your messaging straight. Let's make it into some automation, the technology that you need. Let's make sure that your sales process is honored. Remember the story before and then let's talk about what strategic campaigns you need to be running and let's take advantage of this extra attention. But you can compete with the big folks. We just need to follow a system and get our fundamentals in place.

So resonant with the whole thing behind the story concept in so many ways. And here's the thing. Like a lot of people have an idea. They want to write a book and a lot of people think that they're the first one to ever think of that idea for that book. And I see you smile because that's like everything has been written about. Unless it's fiction, right? If it's fiction, then maybe you can make something of this new. But if it's not based on reality, it's it's probably been written. So what differentiates you from another author who before you has already written a similar topic? It's your stories, your metaphors, your experiences. It could be your extension of someone else's story that you tell in the book. It's from stage. The same thing. Steve, I know you know this like when you're on stage and your speakers are so worried about the content, the PowerPoint, the slides, everything being perfect, they've got to get the information because it's life changing. People care about the stories that are intertwined into that more than they care about the facts, figures and and things that will help them to crush it in business. It's just fact. You're absolutely correct that people will they lean in when they hear a story and you capture and keep their attention. So I love that whole it's just the way humans are wired. Like you said, it's perfect. So. I don't know where you came from, but I mean, I don't know how we got separated and you ended up in Texas. I'm in California, right. Figure out a way to pull that back together at some point.

Let me hairstyle everything. It's. Yeah. Yeah. But I stopped getting the haircut for a while, so I just started wearing a cap. We still got to go, which is still show biz. We got to show up and work.

The show must go on. That is absolutely correct. And that's another thing I love about something you do. And I've seen you in other lives recorded after the fact. And I noticed that you are very good about continuing with your brand, you know, your t shirt. If you were to sit up higher, everyone could see it's Arawa online. I can get rid of the name. Yeah, there you go. And your hat is our way online. All the branding. He's got a monitor on behind him with his book. And I'm just saying all this to tell people all you don't have to reinvent the wheel. All you have to do is model success and model. What is that? That's a that's a fancy word for copy. But if we say copy, you go back to your elementary school days where or when I was a kid, because I'm older, you literally get your hands smacked with a ruler. If you were looking over and copying from your your mate next to you in a test or something. So just model copy with with permission. With permission. But these are simple things to employ if you're not doing it, is to get your consistent branding. You know, I don't have a logo or anything on my person. And I started this show this way and I remain committed to that from day one. And that's OK. So what if your brand is whatever your style is, you define it, stick with it.

If you want to change it up, that's fine. A lot of people change that. But I just love that these are the intangibles that you pick out from people are successful. And so you want to model those who are successful, only those that are successful. How many times have you been given a stock tip by, say, a coworker like, oh, is the greatest thing since sliced bread? You should go buy some. I said, well, you're sitting next to me still working at a nine to five job. How's that working for you? I don't think I'm going to take that advice right now. So take advice from successful people and your odds are greatly increased. So that's my soapbox. I'm done preaching. OK, I like I like to ask a certain question because it can. It can take some thought in order to come up with it, so don't sweat it if it does. But if you were to think of where you are today, now, Steve is far different than, say, four or five years ago in your business and in your knowledge and in your experience. So where you are today? Right now, what would you say to someone that are the top three skills that are necessary to master to become a successful entrepreneur or a business person? I just three, just three.

Well, I think the first one is persistence, hmm. You just can't quit. Can you just can't the most competitive? Profession that exist is not pro basketball, it's not NFL football, it's not that that's for sissies. OK, being a business owner. Oh. That's the most competitive, it's you against everything that could go wrong. You can't quit persistance, No one. Number two, you need to see patterns be able to start recognizing patterns and build systems and. Patterns are, you know, when you watch something stupid on Netflix or whatever, you just get sucked into the story, right? You just turn it on and you just get sucked in. But if you back up and see how did they start? How did the show start? In some action, something happened. It got your attention. And then they went transitions it. It follows a pattern. But if you you're sucked in all the time, you don't see the patterns. And in business, at some point, you got to stop getting sucked in and back out and go what's going on here? And start being able to predict what's going to happen. Then you can set up systems to navigate through these things. You're going to get in my book, I talk about being an entrepreneur is like, I'm going blank. What's that show where they wear all these goofy protective gear and they get knocked in the mud in the water all the time?

I remember the name of it. I know it. Yeah.

That's being an entrepreneur. You just every time you turn around, you get punched was something you didn't expect. Right. And so. All those guys do is close their eyes and run through it, but if you contrast it with American Ninja, they've practiced, they they've looked they know when they jump from here where they're supposed to land, that they are following a system and they practice, see patterns, build systems, OK, and then then it's like one thing that really emotionally can impact you is that you see your vision. That's what you're was when I started it. Right. This is why I showed up. And then you share with your mom, you share it with your buddy. They don't see it. And they're just like going, what are you what are you talking about? You're stupid. That can suck the energy out of you. But here's the thing. It's OK. No one else is going to see your vision like you see it. Just be OK with that. And when those that love you say something stupid, it's because they don't see it. It's OK.

Oh, my God. I can relate to all of this is so funny. Over a million dollars yet it's like what's taken so well. How long would it take you to do the same thing? Come on now. You will never there because you don't have the same. You're not wearing the same one. That's OK. Not nothing against those that are not. God bless all the families. The toughest right sti holy smokes. They're the ones that love you the most. But they're also the toughest yet about, you know, well, beer. You're smoking something strange and stupid. Harebrained idea is that. Yeah. Oh man. It's unbelievable. And then you work with somebody that did not grow up with you, not a brother or sister, not a mom or dad. And they're like, man, that's a great idea. Let me help you. You know what? I'm leaving my family. I'm going with this. It's brutal. It's like a vicious, bad joke.

But it's more it's

Ok to love me and support me

And but you got to go on and and you have to go on your journey, regardless of who goes with you.

Yeah. And, you know, in all seriousness, that can also be a very big motivator, canted. It's like, you know what it is made me want it even more and not because I'm mad at you. I'm disappointed. I no doubt I'm disappointed that I'm not getting support. But it drives me feels me to say, oh, doggone it, I'm going to do it now. It's really going to happen. Nothing's going to stop me. And so take all of these these setbacks, these kicks in the head and learn from them and turn them around and put them into your favor. Is my my advice to those watching, not to Steve already knows all this stuff. He's the one that should be teaching it. He probably does teach it. I wouldn't doubt it. He's teaching it right now. Teach it and preach it. Holy smokes. Just look at the time, no. So we're going to go an extra hour, everyone. No, we'll stay true and close it off here in about 13 minutes. A little less this. I could literally talk to you for hours, hours, literally. There's I love the fact that you're into automation because I was I'm not competing with you. I was joined by another person. I was called the automation master.

And I thought, wow, that's quite a term. I like it, though. I'm going to go with it because I didn't make it up. But I love the fact that you're deep into automation. You said it several times. It's part of systems. It's very important these days. It helps you save a ton of time and money and in errors because an automated system does the same thing over and over again. There's no there's less human intervention. When humans touch stuff, things can go wrong. Nothing against humans. I love humans. We're the ones that created the automation. So it's all right. So I love all that, and you're very astute, your branding, you're doing live shows, so let's talk. Oh, so this guy came up with such a genius genius business model. This is one part of what he does. And I asked him if it would be OK to share it on the show out of respect because it's so simple, yet so genius. Like, why didn't I think of that with? The cool thing is, all of us can do this. There's plenty to go around. Would you agree, Steve? So a lot of people want to learn how to do a live show like this. I know this because I've been sought out.

I can't tell you how much. And so I did. I came up with a program to show them how to do it. And then I put together a done for you, done with you hybrid type system to do just that. Well, Steve is smarter than me. Instead of doing that, he said, how about I'll just take that same client. I will interview them on a weekly basis, me and him. And so, I mean, Steve will take and create the graphics, the branding and everything around that individual and just bring along every week. They don't have to go through all this. It's hell it can be hell of going out looking for new guests for each and every show of changing the messaging, for each and every show, getting the social media posts out to announce each and every all the stuff, there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes. This guy just simplified it by 10 X. So it's ten. It's it's X over 10. And so I think it's genius. So what where can people find your life? You have several clients that you're doing this with now. Where can they find that? Would it be on your Facebook or your YouTube or probably everywhere, right?

Yeah. So if you go to our Facebook page, r.i, online on Facebook or my YouTube channel or I online, we stream them there. OK, and so, you know, you think about your folks that you work with, they have this deep expertize. When I started this agency, I realized that the biggest challenge our customers have is producing content on a regular basis. Content is king. You're supposed to produce content. So we help them do that. We write blogs. But here's how the conversation may go. Brian, we need blogs. Why do we need to do a blog? I never read a blog. Well, it's how people find you. It's how you. OK, so what's the blog about? Well, it's how to do how to carpet bomb your marketing. OK, all right. So the first thing. So we need to write the blog. You first. You need a plane, then you need some need some content bombs and then you need to schedule takeoff. And then we'd send the blog back to the person and they would read it. No, no, this is not me. I don't. And so it was like this big wrestling match. OK, but now contrast it to this conversation. Brian, you're so smart about what you do and you've got all these people that are on your Facebook page or they're out searching for things. Why don't we do this? I'll have you on and we'll talk about the most common questions you get asked and I'll ask the questions and you just flow. And when we hang up, think about this. They said it just like they wanted. They came with their personality. They came with their unique perspective. And it's just authentic and it's them. And when you hang up, it's approved and it's published and we're gone. Yes, OK. We just revolutionized blogging to just make it into a live conversation and it gets you see who views it. You see you see they are they'll show up on like the third or fourth show house, my hair is my lighting good. My house, my my kids, my my good. It's amazing what they do. And you just do it with them.

They become studio experts by osmosis. Yeah, I love the authenticity is wow, that was something that you just said just a moment ago that really resonates. Here's why I'm I'm interviewing now. There was a lot of things that happened leading up to the show, a boatload, a lot of automation. Not going to go through all the details then coming on. We have never met before. We had questions pre arranged for the show. Probably hit three of them. Maybe I never hit them all. That's OK. The thing is and now I'm also pressing buttons and changing scenes and bringing up banners. And it's a one man show right now. People don't recognize that. The thing is, I'm thinking about those things. And if I'm thinking about those things, I'm not one hundred percent present for you. I do everything I can to be as close to that as I possibly can. But when you flip the table like you've done Steve and that person now, like if I were on the other seat and you're interviewing me, I'm not worried about any of that. I'm just answering questions. That's when you said authenticity like boom light bulb. Now they are their most authentic self more than ever. And they're not worrying about all those other things that are the moving parts. You know, did the VA do this right? Know all the things that go behind it.

So you know what? It's time that was just a bomb dropping on. Smart bombs, knowledge bombs, bombs of wisdom that all defines Mr. Steve Brown right here. This guy is amazing. Good gosh, this is going by way too fast. I just looked at the clock again, if you couldn't tell. So there is one final question, and I hope you didn't cheat and watch the whole thing with Seth. But even if you did, it's OK that I like to ask every guest expert on that comes on the show. And it's a profound question and it can be personal. But I've found it's just a profound question. And I after I did a couple of times over a year ago, when I first started asking this question like, whoa, I didn't expect that. And since then has been just gold, just gold. And so I want to close the show with that. But before I do that, we have a couple of gifts. And are you still I didn't confirm with you before you had a you had a gift of your own. Let me pull that up and see if it's correct. And we'll also announce that as well. And I'll give you a key word. It was pitstop coaching. Is that still good?

That's correct.

So stay on. He's going to he's going to unload a wonderful gift on a free month of coaching. That's amazing. So you'll want to stick it on so you can see how to get that real quick. For those of you that are waiting for that five night stay at a five star resort, this is now how you enter. And yes, Steve, guest experts are allowed to enter. I've seen it happen and they have one. Sometimes it's a random drawing. So here we go. So remember, before I sing, take notes to everybody and don't go clicking away and taking your attention away. Well, now you have both Steve and my express permission. I hope that's OK if I'm speaking on your behalf, Steve, to take out your smartphone, your cell phone and fire up your text messaging app. And here's why. Get out a pen and paper as well. You want to write this down? We've got to move on and get this last question and Steve's gift to you all as well. So on the screen, if you're watching on video, what you need to do is take out your messaging app and where you would put in the name of the person you're going to send that text message to instead of the name put in this number. It's three one four six six five one seven six seven. I'll say it one more time.

That's three one four six six five one seven, six, seven. And then down where you would actually type in the message where maybe you would put an emoji or two emoji emojis just flat out letters, two words separated by a dash or a hyphen that those words are peak PIAC Dash vacation. Peak dash vacation hit the send button, what will happen next as I pull the screen down? I hope you got that for all this. Leave it up here for just a moment. What will happen next? You will get an automated text message back requesting your email address when you provide your email address then and at that point, only you are now officially entered to win. Our automated system is taking care of all of this and you're a random winner will be chosen. And we'll be announcing that later tonight or early in the morning, usually later tonight. But you'll see the email because we have your email address. We're able to let you know that you've won. So that is that. Let's bring back the man of the hour. That's Steve Brown, in case you're wondering. And he has a gift for you. And I'm going to throw that up on the bottom of the screen. And if you want to explain what that is and how people can enter to get that and go ahead and take it away.

Yes. You know, a lot of people have an idea floating around in their head and they're there and wanting to pull the trigger. But there are still some questions they have what maybe what my message should be, maybe. Is it this how nice would it be if you could, like, have a pit stop going around the track a little bit and think about it, pull in and talk with a team of experts about whatever it is that you need to consider and then leave with some assignments and come back around the next week and talk about it again. We do this often and we call it the pit stop, the Arawa pit stop. So if you just go to Arawa online dot com, you click schedule or free strategy session and just put in I want to do the pit stop. OK, I was. I heard you talking. Yeah, I heard you talking with Brian. See that little that button get a free strategy. There you go. Just put our pitstop. Recompete. And I'll know what we're doing.

Our pit pitstop reach your peak.

When you put that in, it's going to ask you,

Oh, OK,

Just just put that in there and you'll get an automated follow up, an acknowledgment. It'll schedule one time with me and we'll hop on and we'll we'll make fun of my, you know, whatever something that I did. And then we'll get you set up with the team and start doing a month for meetings with your pit stop crew.

Wow. That is phenomenal. Now, the ladies and gentlemen, please understand and take this seriously, because this is Steve and his team's time. And you all know and you're very astute. Time is very valuable. It's one thing we never get back as humans money. We can make more money, but time you can't make more of it unless someone has figured out a way to do that. And if you have, contact me immediately, but most likely not. And so please be respectful. Come ready to. Get the job done, you know, to talk about business, it's OK to open with a little bit of personal get to know each other, but be mindful of his time and his team's time, please. At the same time, I will say, please take him up on this offer. Oh, I cannot tell you how many times or I would just say, you know, who am I to waste their time or to take their time is like you are you are an amazing person. That's who you are. And you have a great idea and now you need help. The key is to think about who not the water, how who in this case is Steve and his team. So get connected with them. If you're ready to take maybe you're stuck like, oh my gosh, how many people I know that are stuck right now, Steve, that this would be so perfect for for those of you that are stuck, this might be the right thing for you.

And look how that initial call, maybe it's not a fit and you'll find out immediately and not waste any more of each other's time. But if you don't reach out, you'll never know, will you? It's like having a dartboard and not throwing the dart. And you're not you're certainly not going to hit the dartboard if you don't throw the dart, are you? So be sure to throw that dart. Just make sure it doesn't have a point on it. Make it sure it's one of those soft Nerf ones because you're throwing it at Steve. We wouldn't want to hurt him. So thank you for that. I appreciate that very, very much, Steve. And I hope your audience does as well. So we are at that time, it is time for that inspiring question to close out the show so some people get a little apprehensive, wondering what the heck is it going to ask me? And that's if they didn't cheat and see a previous show. I know what it's going to be. That's all right, as a matter certainly. But the cool thing about the question is, there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It's impossible to answer it incorrectly. It's just the opposite. The only correct answer is yours. And that is really all that makes it personal. It's just unique to you. So it's not like getting into your personal life kind of personal. It's just unique. So with that. Are you ready?

I'm on pins and needles.

I love it. Here we go. Steve Brown. How do you define success?

I define success as you applying your time to what is fulfilling for you, not it's not about being happy, it's about getting to go towards that what you're aiming for. We talked about it earlier, being able to choose the time, your time and invested in a challenge that you want to fulfill. That's success. That's going to feel fulfilling. That's going to make you it's going to grow your self-esteem. It's going to give you experiences that you can help others because you actually attempted something. And there are other people that want to know they looking for you to deliver some of your insights. And if you're if you don't do that, you can't offer that.

And you know what's coming? Yes, more bomb dropping moments from Steve Brown. He is the guy, the man, the myth, the legend he's been on. This wonderful show, and I say it's wonderful, not because of me, it's because of people like Steve who come on the show that graced the stage and provide incredible, immense value. And I cannot I cannot thank you enough, Steve, but I mean this with all sincerity. You spent an hour, an hour and a half of your time with me a half hour before you left. And I don't take that lightly and I appreciate that. And you've just provided incredible, immense value for anyone and everyone who. I was fortunate enough and is fortunate enough to see and or hear your words, so thank you so very, very much, Mr. Brown. I appreciate you, brother.

Thank you for having me. I love it. And I hope we made a really great show for your audience.

Oh, off the charts. Amazing. Love it and. I have separation anxiety going on right now because I think we were separated at birth, but like they say, all good things must come to an end, really? Must it? I don't know if this is true, but we're going to do that right now. So I appreciate everyone who came on and watched. I appreciate those who are listening on the podcast afterward. Reach out, ask questions, visit us on the mind body business, show dotcom. You can register there and get announcements automated. Go figure of upcoming shows. We don't hammer you with all the spam and stuff to say. We got a new show coming up with the amazing Steve Brown would be an example. So we look forward to seeing you register and we will definitely get the word out about each and every show so you can have great value and have something to model that will ensure greater certainty in your success. All right, that's enough. On behalf of the amazing Steve Brown, I'm your host, Brian Kelly of the Mind Body Business Show. Until next time, be blessed. We'll see you again very, very soon. So long for now.

Thank you for tuning in to the mind body business show podcast at w w w dot the mind body business show. My name is Brian.

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Steve Brown

Steve Brown believes entrepreneurs are the invisible heroes of today’s economy. You risk your future with no guarantees and you fight hard to provide products and services that improve our lives. You also happen to provide jobs for almost half of the American workforce. He is the author of The Golden Toilet! He's the host of The ROI Online Podcast and he's the owner of ROI Online an internet marketing agency. His mission is to help you avoid wasting money and time with the frustrating demands of modern marketing.

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