Special Guest Expert - Sue Koch: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. The three keys to your success is just moments away. Here's your host Brian Kelly.
Brian Kelly:
Hello everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. Hey, we've got an amazing show lined up for you tonight with an amazing Guest Expert Sue Koch, and you are going to be blown away with the value that this young lady brings to the table. Hey, how are you doing? My name is Brian Kelly and I'm the host of this show and it is called The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. And what is that all about? For those of you that haven't tuned in prior, allow me to explain. First the mind. It's all about mindset. Basically, forming a championship mindset. One that is very rock solid and we're talking about from the subconscious level not so much just the conscious level. And both of them are very important. The key is tapping into your subconscious and there are incredible tools available that enable you to do this including something called Neurolinguistic Programming, NLP for short. Not sure if that will be part of the topic for tonight's show. We have various topics that cover each of the three categories of MIND, BODY, BUSINESS. And body, what is that? What is that about? That's about taking care of your body. Both from an exercise standpoint, a fitness standpoint, and nutrition. And the thing is, your mind and body are a team. And really your mind and body are your team, even more importantly. And if one or the other is not operating at a peak level of performance, well then, the team as a whole is suffering. And then add another team player to that and that's business. How much have you mastered business? We're talking about marketing, sales, team-building, systematizing, scaling. If you have not mastered any of the three then that's why we're here. We are here to help you to identify those areas, to talk about those areas with various guest experts like Sue, who's coming on in just a moment to help you to take it to the next level with your business, with your personal life as well. And that's what this came about was because I've just noticed over many years of dealing with working with, talking to, interviewing, successful people that these patterns kept coming up. Over and over and over and I realized these three components: the mind, the body, and the business, and your business were the keys. And so many will concentrate first, foremost, and sometimes solely on business and put all their effort and energy, resources, financial, time, everything in the business and not even consider really refining their mindset or taking care of their body. And really all success stems from... It all does. From the mindset, starting there. That is the foundation of all success. And when that epiphany occurred to me several years ago that's when I became an NLP practitioner and started learning it at a deep level and realized and experienced how life changing that was. So, MIND BODY BUSINESS Show is about. It's a show for entrepreneurs by an entrepreneur. And I'm really excited to bring on our Guest Expert. Before I do, you see (points behind him) a lot of books right behind me. And that's another crucial part of our show here for you. And that is many years ago I was in a mentor's office. He's a multimillionaire corner office. Owned the building. And I was there for a weekend for... we were negotiating a deal. And I remember at one point I'm sitting on his couch, in his office. And he turns around and walks to the back wall and looks back at me says, "Brian. If people only did this one (signals one) thing, if they just did this one thing, they would all be super rich." And it's like, "Wow he's got my attention now." And so, he reached back there's a super huge floor to ceiling double door cabinet, grabs both handles, opens them up to reveal the contents and literally it resembled what you see behind me and that was shelf after shelf after shelf of books. And we're not talking fiction books, we're talking books that are going to help serve you like personal-development, business books. We talk about many of them on this very show and you'll you'll be privy to many of them in just a moment. So, you'll have an arsenal, a library to go to. And so, I made a mistake back then many years ago. I completely ignored his advice. I thought, "No way. Reading books? That's way too simple." And at the time I didn't... I really honestly didn't enjoy reading. I didn't. I didn't enjoy it. So, I didn't do it. Even though it would have changed my life much quicker (laughs) and thankfully many years later I began working with another mentor of mine. We ended up working side by side for several years, I spoke on his stage, trained students for his company, had a great time. But one thing he did was he kind of reminded me by example. One morning I saw him walking around wearing headphones, I said, "Hey man what are you listening to?" He goes, "I'm listening to a book." I said, "What? You're listening to a book? Well tell me more about that." And so, long story short he told me about Audible. And I started listening to books and thought, "Wow! I love listening." Reading, I get I get tired I get fatigued, my eyes. I want to sleep (laughs) but a physical book. But listening I could keep awake and it kept my attention. And with this app called Audible on the phone, they give you this little icon you can tap and it's a bookmark icon. So, if you hear anything that's profound and you want to go back and review it you just tap it, that's it you're done. So, if you're driving it's no worse than if you were reaching down to turn the knob on the stereo. It's actually quicker and easier, safe. And so, I began listening voraciously to books. Just a ton of books. And it has literally changed my life, shaped my life for the better by doing that. And what I wanted to do is share one such book with you and we're just going to play back one segment, one snippet, a bookmark if you will. It's just over a minute in length and it's going to be something that I think you'll enjoy. And what I wanted to tell you is before we get moving any farther is if you have the ability to grab a piece of paper and a pen or pencil and be ready to take notes especially starting with the bookmarks. But really, when I bring on our special Guest Expert but without further ado what I'd like to do is move on to a segment I appropriately call Bookmarks.
Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready steady read! Bookmarks. Brought to you by ReachYourPeakLibrary.com
Brian Kelly:
(Library slideshow begins) Yes. ReachYourPeakLibrary.com. Now we're going to be giving you several resources during the show. So stick with us on this show. Watch this show to the end. Take notes. Write down the resources and what I mean by that is don't resist. Do resist the temptation to go off and look at these other resources. I have this one up on the screen now, so you don't need to go to it. So, stick with us because you want to be on when I bring Sue, our Guest Expert onto the show. So, what this is is a website I put together. Here is actually the complete story with that gentleman, my mentor many years ago talking about the books and that's how you become rich. And I started compiling a list of all the books that I had read that had an impact on me. A positive impact. So, not every book I've read is in this list. I think currently there are around forty in here. They're all either business based, personal development, mindset, everything we talk about. Body, fitness, it's all in there. And I just decided to do this for you, not for me. This is not a money making website. It's just a single place you can go to look at, find books, that maybe you haven't read yet that have been at least vetted by one other entrepreneur that's successful. That at least the odds of them having impact on you are greater, if that makes sense. And so, I put that together. It's really just a gift. I wanted to put together a list and I've noticed I've fallen behind. I need to add probably, I don't know any more ten or twenty more that I've been listening to. But what I wanted to do is jump in and segway into an actual bookmark of one of those. From one of those books called, "Habits of The Super Rich" by Bruce Walker. And it's an excellent read. I highly recommend it. And I'm going to play about a little over a minute snippet so get out those pens, get that paper out, and listen close, and then right after this we'll bring on our Guest Expert. So, go ahead open those ears and here we go.
Bruce Walker:
Chapter 6. The Most Effective Way to Build a Habit. Attraction, intention, action. Zach and Jim continue to talk occasionally about what made a successful person. They finally agreed on those three ingredients, "not that there are so many more ingredients we could toss into the soup," Jim said. But now he was clearly seeing that the world wasn't going to hand him success on a silver platter like it did to him and so many others in high school. No. He now knew he would have to generate a certain level of enthusiasm and then to take appropriate action afterward. He gave it some thought and said, "Then I need to start creating new good habits that will contribute to my success and not sabotage me for my future goals." He left the cafe determined to write out his goals and start creating new habits based on those goals immediately. Smart man. The best action anyone can take including you is to create habits that will not only help you generate your goals but carry them out for years and years. These...
Brian Kelly:
Solid solid advice. He talks about habits over and over and over. Of course, that's the title of the book (laughs). And it can also be equated with a term that we used often on this show and that is one of discipline. And generating a discipline because when you are disciplined, it becomes a habit. You're doing the same disciplined actions over and over and that is another pattern that has developed of the people. That's what it says, habits of the super rich. That is a pattern of the super rich. They develop habits, they create disciplines. They stick to it. But you notice it was creating new good habits that will contribute to his success. So, you want to concentrate on the good habits and just focus on the good. And don't even worry about the bad. Those will go away. And so this is all about success, about successful people. And the reason I brought that up is because the next person we are coming up with, I'm going to show you just in a moment. Sue Koch, is one such person very successful coach. And without further ado, what do you say we bring her on, huh? It's time for the Guest Expert Spotlight.
It's time for the Guest Expert Spotlight. Savvy. Skillful. Professional. Adept. Trained. Big-league. Qualified.
Brian Kelly:
And there she is ladies and gentlemen (points to left). Sue Koch. The one and only Sue. How are you doing this evening?
Sue Koch:
I'm doing great Bryan. How are you?
Brian Kelly:
Oh, phenomenal phenomenal. So happy to have you on. So, appreciate you agreeing to do this interview. I think I get more value than anyone including the guests that are watching. Real quick if you don't mind, I'd like to introduce you Sue and let the people know, and then we'll talk more and get to know you a little bit more at a deeper level. Sue's coaching career was launched as a result of her personal journey through a mid-life career transition. Her experience led her to desire to help her clients design richly fulfilling, "sexy second act careers" (uses air quotes) that combine passion, purpose, and a paycheck. I like that part. Her mission is to help her clients face any career or life transition with curiosity, courage, and confidence, using a variety of personalized tools assessments and techniques. She guides her clients to discover their own paths leading to integrated and deeply fulfilling lives. And I can imagine that you have quite a broad client base because this sounds like many people I know who have been in these situations Sue... Oh! and before I bring you on officially. Let me real quick announce to everyone watching live and listening live that at the end of the show. Stick on all the way to the end of the show. I'm going to reveal a way that you can win a five-night all inclusive stay at a five-star luxury resort in Mexico. And that's coming up near the end of the show. And I will reveal again how you can enter for that and we'll announce it live here. With that, Sue. How are you doing? And you know what... I want to just ask real quick and let's go a little bit deeper into the person Sue Koch. You know we all go to bed, and then we wake up and hopefully we get out of bed (laughs). What is it that you would say actually motivates you to hit the hit the floor with your feet, with a smile on your face and go, "Great! Another day is upon me." And then maybe divulge what you're up to today that helps that motivation come, come to fruition.
Sue Koch:
Well, my immediate answer that comes to my mind is daylight (both laugh). I think the older you get the more you really get a sense of urgency about everything that you want to get done, that's why you're still on the planet. Having that sense of purpose, that sense of passion. So, really when daylight comes around it's time to get up and get moving on the things that really matter to you because you really never know how how long that piece of thread is and when it might end (makes cutting motion). So, daylight.
Brian Kelly:
Very true. Good. Good. I love it. Love it. I ask many of the guests that same question and that's a good one because I get a wide variety of answers on that one. That's the beautiful part of it. We were talking, or I was talking earlier about the importance of reading and books. And every entrepreneur I know personally that has achieved any level of success and that's a term to be defined by each individual as well but those that have achieved a level of success that we would consider you know financially with their business. They've all... they all seem to be very avid readers and I would, I would venture to guess that you are also an avid reader? Is that a correct assumption?
Sue Koch:
Oh, yeah! If I don't have a book with me or if don't have access to a book, it's like withdrawal symptoms (Brian laughs) So, you know it could be fiction but in the last few years it has been more like you were saying a while ago, more business oriented, more personal growth oriented. Yeah.
Oh good. Yeah. And I'm glad you said that some of them are fiction because I wanted to now clarify that when I said not fiction in his bookshelf. That was not to say that you should not go through things that relax you and do things that relax you. So, whatever that is you know we all need that shut off button. We have to. Besides sleeping, it's good to have a moment of relaxation, reflection, and whatever that is for you is no judgment here. Just saying that that's what this guy had in his office. It was amazing. So, what would you say you know what- Today I know it's going to be tough to pick one but to date, what business related book would you say has inspired you the most?
Mine for me is a book called "Turning Pro." I don't know if you've heard of it or not. Written by Steven Pressfield. If people don't know him, if you've seen the movie, "Bagger Vance," he wrote the book. And it's a little book (pinches fingers together). It's only like maybe that thick (shows height). You could probably read it in two hours. But what I love about that book is he talks about what it takes to go from being amateur at what you are doing or what you're committed to turning pro. And by that he means, what are you willing to do? What are you willing to sacrifice? Where are you driven to become all that you can become? An amateur is likely to go, I don't know. Watch Netflix or something. Pro is going to be out there hitting ten-thousand golf balls or something to become that champion golfer. So, it's a very well written, tight little book, that you can read in about two hours. But every page is juicy, and every page is actually something that you can take with you to overcome whatever resistance that you might have in your business, or in your life to creating the life you really want.
Brian Kelly:
I love that. Turning Pro, I wrote it down. I have not heard her... I have heard of Stephen Pressfield but not that particular book. So, that's another part I love about this show is I get so many incredible recommendations for books. The very last guest I had, well no. It was a couple of guests ago. Carlos Redlich recommended one and I've been reading it and I'm all- I almost went powered through the whole thing in one sitting. And it's a little over five hours. It's just amazing.
Sue Koch:
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, it's called, "Relentless" and just about finished with that and that's another... When you say "Turning Pro." It was a very similar concept. Yeah I love it. Because it's like, a lot of people will dabble, won't they? They'll not go into all full bore. I see so many entrepreneurs and maybe you have too where you know they really find something they love, and they go after it with everything they have. And then after say a month or two and they're not seeing the results they thought they should achieve in that very short amount of time. The silver ball shows up over to the side and they go, "Wow. What's that shiny silver ball?" And they go chase that and never finish the race with the first one. And that's part of turning pro, right? It's like committing.
Sue Koch:
I have great story about that. This story I just love. So, a few years ago I went skydiving. And the people that I had been talking to about it actually know a guy by the name of Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld who owns Skydive Perris here in California. He's a skydiver and he's written a book called, "Above All Else," which is another really great recommendation. He talked about how when he got to be a champion skydiver, people would want to come to him and say, "I want to be part of your team. I want to be a champion skydiver like you." And he'd say, "Well what are you willing to do then to become a champion skydiver?" "Well I'll do anything you want me to do. Just tell me what you want me to do." So, they'd start practicing and pretty soon it wouldn't take very long before ninety-nine-point nine percent of them quit. And they had to take criticism and they had to take feedback. And so, they'd give up. And so, that champion, that turning pro really have to be willing to push through whatever you have to push through, to get what you want. And many of us are not willing to really do what it takes.
Brian Kelly:
That's so true and that's why mind is the first word of this show because that's why. That is the reason, the number one reason that people that don't see it to the finish line. And hey again, no judgment here. I have been guilty of this very activity and I've done this and now I have solely concentrated on one avenue for now five straight years (holds up five) just continually. No matter what. The thing is when you go into a business all you see are the glamour and the passion, the fun things without realizing that, "My gosh it's not going to be that easy." And the more successful you become the more issues arise that must be dealt with, not the other way around. And so, it's about developing that solid mindset. It's not about what what situation is presented to you, it's how you react to that situation. And if you haven't worked on your mindset then that could be a struggle. And some can power through it but very few like you said. Many people will just... they'll go off to something else and give up. Which is sad but again, it's the mindset.
Sue Koch:
Yeah. And you have to have a why, I think. For what you are doing. What's it for? Making Money. People say, "I want to start a business to make money." Well maybe not... that's the responsibility of a business but it's asking why you want to do it. And if you get clear about the why, that's going to go a long way to help you push through those things that we talked about that might ordinarily stop you.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah I'm glad you brought that up because we've, I've trained that from stage and taken students through a process of determining their why. And the more powerful why's are those that are farthest away from yourself. So, you mentioned money. Well typically, usually that's not going to be something that keeps them going. And then we go through this process and typically it becomes either someone they love or maybe a charitable organization that you would go over broken glass, crawl over it to you know finish the race for that why. Something that would make you cry, like emotionally cry. Not out of pain or sorrow. Just something you truly truly love, and it means so much to you that no matter what, because of that why you will not give up. And you're right. That's crucial. You know that goes hand, hand in hand (recreates motion) with the mindset because if you have that why, and if you determine it, and you continually bring it up because what happens? You hit those roadblocks, those speed bumps. And the second you do, is like "Ok (snaps fingers)." The why comes back in your mind. You're like, "Okay I'm not giving up. I'm going to- My skin's thicker because I have a solid why and I'm going to keep going. No matter what." Let me tell you... how many times have you thought about quitting your businesses, Sue? (laughs)
Sue Koch:
Daily? (laughs) It's not but often enough. When you think, "Nothing I'm doing is working. What am I doing this for? Well I'm doing it because I have to. I can't not do it."
Brian Kelly:
There you go because you have a solid why. So, yeah. Thank you for bringing that up. Phenomenal. This is- I hope folks are taking notes like writing this down. And beautiful thing is, as you take these notes you can then look up books that have, that talk about these very topics. Like finding your why. Look at, Google it. See what books come up and then talk to other entrepreneurs and say, "Hey have you read this book. Is it worth my time?" And make your time worthwhile. And yeah. So, this is phenomenal. There is one book called, "The Big Boom" by my mentor called Mel Cutler and that's on ReachYourPeakLibrary. That section, there is a section on determining your why in that book. The whole book is not about that but it is in there. So, that's one resource you can look into as those of you that are viewing and listening. Now another thing that keeps entrepreneurs successful is maintaining a not just a solid mindset but a positive and productive mindset. Those two kind of go hand-in-hand. That that kind of brings us into an overall successful mindset. And we're not- we are human we're not perfect. So, we have bad days.
Sue Koch:
Brian Kelly:
The thing is is we have to make those days not days but not even hours but maybe maximum of minutes. We've got to get past it quick to continue to excel in our business. So, for you Sue when it comes to maintaining a positive, productive, and successful mindset. What is something as an example that you do on a regular basis to sustain that kind of mindset?
Sue Koch:
Well I think a little bit of it is I have a kind of bounce back mentality anyway. I do try to figure out how I'm going to be able to move forward. Certainly, exercise is one way to do it. I get stressed out and sometimes it opens up something because it can be kind of a meditative thing actually, exercise. Because you can't think about anything else but how heavy that that dumb-bell weight is, or whatever. And I've gotten back into exercise this year. And really seeing it in a whole new way has been helpful. In other parts of my life it creates clarity and trust. But the reading, reading positive things, being around positive people and not allowing myself to complain about anything. If I can't have a solution or think of a solution, then bring other people in that are smarter in that area than I am. I think all of those things. You know it's really... the biggest part of success and optimism to me is to be able to do the things that lights you up. Figuring out what that is, and going for it. Just giving yourself permission to have the kind of life that you want to get up this morning to live.
Brian Kelly:
I love that. Giving yourself permission. What a way to bookmark that one or bookend it. That was good. So, I was taking notes. I always do every show and again, I hope the viewers and listeners are doing the same because this is this is pure gold. You're listening to it right now. Sue is very very adept. She understands what it takes to become successful. And I loved one of the first things you said about how you maintain your positive mindset was exercise. And we just got through talking about how your mind and body are a team, didn't we?
Sue Koch:
Yeah (nods).
Brian Kelly:
And just like, yeah. It works that way because when you exercise so many wonderful things happen not just to your body but the result of what you're doing with and for your body really substantiates your overall brain activity. And every cell in your body is eavesdropping on your thoughts in your body, not just in your head. So, yeah taking care of your body it's a mind and body are a team and every time you workout you notice... you just. Like you say, you really stress. If you're not stressed, you can think clearly. You have more energy to get through the day, do more in less time. There's nothing bad that can be said about moving your body, exercising. If you have injuries and you have joint problems, then exercise in low impact areas. Swim in a pool, go on an elliptical if your knees are bothering you. There's so many... there's no excuse really to not exercise. So, that was phenomenal. And reading. Yeah! Feeding your brain with positive input. That's going to help you propel yourself further. And then not complaining. That's a big one. I mean, I kind of translate that into making excuses right and pointing fingers when the mirror should be right in front of you if you do that. You say that person, well it's actually me (points finger). And being at cause. That was another game changer that I learned years ago, to learn to become more a cause for everything that happens in my life. So, you're hitting all the hot spots and that's why I really hope everyone is taking incredible notes nearly every word that Sue says you should be writing it down (laughs). One of the things that happens and you kind of said, you kind of alluded to it when we talked about how often do you feel like kind of giving up. You jokingly said every day. And it sometimes feels like that, I completely relate. And there's another thing that creeps in when there is that uncertainty called fear. So, now we're starting think, "Am I ever going to be successful?" Or whatever that fear might be. There are different levels and different types of fears. For you Sue, today. What would you say would be your greatest fear at the moment? Not like now, but the one that has been coming up and how do you go about managing that fear?
Sue Koch:
Well I mentioned or you mentioned earlier than one of the things that I do is behavioral style assessments. And I know that based on my behavior style, I am a fear-based person.
Brian Kelly:
Mm hmm.
Sue Koch:
So, any uncertainty throws me for a loop. And it could be... you know when you think about it it can be a big thing like, you're happily living your life and all of a sudden, your house burned down. Or you're happily doing your job and your boss comes in and says, "well we don't need you anymore." It could be big things like that.
Brian Kelly:
It could also be just little things that kind of just upset your applecart. And so, for that that's for me just to recognize that I'm one of those kind of people that if my applecart gets upset I kind of freak out. Knowing that having that self-awareness. Knowing that's what happens to me, that's a really big step because I can kind of step back from that for a minute and say, "What's really going on here?" Tigers are going to jump out of the woods and get you right now. So, so what are you really afraid of? And so, I would start asking myself questions about that to kind of settle myself down. And if I can't then I give myself permission to freak out for a little while but, like ten minutes. Freak out! (Brian laughs). Horrible, awful thing that's going to happen. I lost my job, I'm going to be living under a bridge, I'm going to be starving to death. Whatever you can think of that could be the ultimate result of that. And then say well, "Ok. How likely is that really? How likely is that?" And when you think that, "Well it's probably not that likely." Then you can start putting your attention on, "Ok. What's my next step?
Brian Kelly:
Yeah yeah. Perfect. And I think you hit the nail on the head which was, awareness. Is that the first step is being aware that this fear is cropping up in your emotions and that's that's always the key. Some people will go through and not even be aware of it unless it's pointed out to them often enough and they finally can learn to do that. But it's really the key is to become aware of it and then like you do is number two is handle it you know on something we do in peace circles is what we do. It's called reframing it and taking something that might not be serving us. And it could literally be one-hundred and eighty degrees opposite and say, "Well maybe it's actually not that bad and it could be this good." Well another example is I've given it before on the show but it's so oftentimes we as humans will say, "Well I know, I got to, I have to go do the dishes now." Well a beautiful subtle (swats air) there's something flying around. A beautiful, subtle, reframe on that is, "I get to do the dishes now." That has such a psychological undertone. That's a very subtle example. We're not talking about fear but that's an example of reframing. You can use that for any negative emotion that comes through or negative thought. Either even a negative language pattern. And once you become aware of it and then you reframe it or handle it like you do. That's the two keys to getting past it. So, ten minutes. That's not that's not that long. So, that's another recipe for success for those you watching and taking notes right now (laughs).
Sue Koch:
And you can time it, if you want to. Give yourself a day or half. It probably depends on the circumstances a little bit but then say, "Wait. That's enough. We're going to stop freaking out now and see what we can do to get on with whatever it is we want to get on with"
Brian Kelly:
Excellent. Excellent. So, you have your own coaching business. It's amazing. I'm actually pulling up the site so it's Sue Coach Koch (laughs) because her last name is pronounced Coach K-O-C-H and I love that. And it's called Three Squares Coaching. Now I'm curious, what led you down the path? What ignited this spark in you to start this new business venture? And just take it all the way to fruition?
Sue Koch:
Well it came about in one of those transitions we were talking about. My boss came in one day and said, "You know, it's post 9/11 and we don't need you anymore. I'd been there for my entire adult life. And so, I (Sue's website presented) had to figure out what the heck I was going to do. And I have been doing some personal growth work on my own and I had taken a course where I was invited back to coach the next course. And I figured found out that I loved it. And I thought, "Well maybe this is something I could do after I retire." I knew I was going to be laid off. One of my ways of reframing was to say, "Ok. Now that I'm laid off maybe the universe had something else in mind for me and I should start my coaching practice now." So, I was lucky enough that one of the participants in the course that I coached came to me and said, "I have some managers in my company that I'd like to coach to do some career development with them. Would you like to do that?" So, he became my first paying client. It's kind of gone on from there. So, a little bit of luck a little bit of bad news, and serendipity. And here I am. So, I used to think when I was in the corporate world that people would come back and after they'd been fired or laid off or quit or whatever, they'd think it was the best thing that ever happened to them. And I would think, "Oh how can they say that? That's awful. That's awful to lose your job. Well guess what? Now I'm one of those people who can say that it was the best thing that ever happened to me. But you wouldn't have convinced me of that before. So, I think you can just take the things that happen and really turn them around. And make something out of them rather than saying, "Ain't it awful?" Well make it not awful. Maybe it's not awful, it feels awful for the moment. But how can we turn this? Curiosity is another thing to help us turn this into something terrific. How can we turn this around to make something that we want to do, or have, or be? It better or amazing or what I call "sexy" (air quotes) for the next part of our lives that has us go back. Think back on this part and say, " Well that was the best thing that has happened to me.".
Brian Kelly:
Yeah isn't it, isn't hindsight a beautiful thing? (laughs)
Sue Koch:
Yeah it is (laughs)
Brian Kelly:
But the cool thing that you're coaching your clients is to- It's that awareness again, right? It's like something big happened in my life. I don't like it. It didn't feel good. However, I wonder what can what can I make out of this that is not such a negative thing? And maybe its exact opposite and it's a supreme positive thing. It gives you permission to look into another avenue, channel, direction in your life. Even though you didn't want it to happen, it happened. And sometimes I've heard that- How many times have we heard that, that story where a lot of people have to hit rock bottom before they realize they have the ability to raise themself up and do it on their own. And it usually doesn't happen until that actual, one of those occurrences comes into their life where it's not a choice, they have to do something to figure out how to bring in the necessities, the resources, the finances.
Sue Koch:
There's another thing that Steven Pressfield says in one of his books that I just... it just like, blew my heart up. He says that, "The closer that evolution is to... the closer. The closer that something you're doing is to the evolution of your soul, the more necessary it is. The more resistance you get.
Brian Kelly:
Mh hmm.
Sue Koch:
So, it can even- You can even begin to see these things that happen to us that are terrible or that feel terrible in the moment is just... an evolution of our soul. If you can look at it that way. There's another way of reframing it. This is going to grow me into somebody that I had not known myself to be or didn't think I was capable of becoming. And I think that's kind of an interesting way to look at it. Now it's really simple. Believe me. I've been going through it myself. It's not- It is simple but it's not easy.
Brian Kelly:
Sue Koch:
So, it comes down to it again. Like what are you willing to do? I could retreated back to a corporate job or something but I just thought, "Well this is the time for me to really explore and play and see what's next for me. And it turned out to be a win.
Brian Kelly:
And you said the perfect word again. When you said resistance. When you get that that resistance. That feeling of resistance about not wanting to do that. To go forward with what you know is right. Inherently you know it's right. You know it's good for you. You want to do it, deep down you're just... the resistance due to fear is usually the case. And we often talk about that being that moment when your subconscious is trying to nudge you to leave your comfort zone. To get out of that comfort zone. It's now time. And that's always the... Like the key is like, when you feel that resistance, that uneasiness at the same time that you know that decision would be a good one where you have a very high probability of knowing. That is the moment that you need, you should take action. And jump and do it, and go for it.
Sue Koch:
Just be careful with the should. Like, "I should have a job. Or I should be married or I should do this or that." That's usually coming from something I think outside of us. That's based on our culture, based on our gender, based on when we were raised, and how you were raised. And so, you've got to pay attention to the should. And how can I change... how can I transform that into something that comes from inside me. That does compel me and moves me forward. That likely sets you be willing to crawl over glass to accomplish it. It's coming from your heart, it's coming from your own desire, coming your own passion, coming from the thing that you know that if you die not having done it, you won't have lived a full life...
Brian Kelly:
Sue Koch:
That you've wanted to live.
Brian Kelly:
Powerful. This is powerful stuff. Speaking of powerful. And I segway into physical fitness. Now, it's not necessary to become powerful physically to become fit. In fact, I'm a personal trainer and I don't, I don't ever preach that you're here to get muscle to become strong, to become a bodybuilder. What you're here to do is operate at a peak level of performance and that is just move your body. And those things will happen. The toning, the strengthening, the firming and everything will happen as a result. The reason the people quit fitness is its number one (signals one) it's literally painful to some, depending on how they're doing exercise. And two, (signals two) it takes forever to see the results. Right? It takes a long time. You have to have the long-haul mentality. The thing is, is that they set their mind to say, "Look. Look at the end result, it's going to help you to do what Sue has done. It's going to give you more energy. It's going to make your stress go away. It's going to help you in your business." Think about those things. And as you get in the habit of doing this for months you're going to see, definitely going to see difference in your body. You're going to feel it, you're going to be amazed. So, all that to ask you in light of everything else in your life. How important would you say physical fitness is to you in both your business and your personal life?
Sue Koch:
Probably about fifteen on a scale of one to ten.
Brian Kelly:
Sue Koch:
I've never been particularly interested in being fit or whatever but I knew when I was in my thirty's I was doing it a lot, and it felt really great. I have more stamina, more energy. Then I started traveling and got out of it and I haven't done it since, until this year. And I got back into it this year because I woke up one morning and my shoulder was frozen and I couldn't lift my arm to up there (signals arm above head). And I thought, "Uh oh. I better really start thinking about doing something." And I hadn't realized until I actually started back how out of shape I was. And within about two weeks, I started having more energy, I started sleeping like I was sleeping in my twenties. So, again. I think as you get older it's even more mandatory that you keep that body moving or you're going to lose it (Brian laughs). And it happens pretty quickly. It's harder. Yes, I'm going to say it's harder now than it was in my thirties. But you know... I know I've got to keep doing it. So, I think if you're struggling with it, go try something that you love. I don't think that you have to be going to the gym and jumping around to... whatever treadmill music or whatever. Go find pole dancing or go find hula hooping, or go find a sport or something that you love. And that's enough. They're starting to learn that it doesn't take punishing our bodies like we used to think it did. And I'm sure you could speak to this. Its just, you've got to keep doing it and doing it or you're going to lose it.
Brian Kelly:
It gives a whole new meaning to the meaning to the term "move it or lose it," doesn't it?
Sue Koch:
I've become pretty passionate about it just because of the difference. I've only been back at it for about six months. And the improvements have been phenomenal. In just how I feel, in my energy, in my vitality. And so, I feel like I'm preaching to the church choir talking to you. And I would have loved to blow it off six months ago but really now, I'm in for life I think (laughs).
Brian Kelly:
Well the thing is, I think it's one of the most wonderfully, naturally addictive things we as humans do. Because once you've felt it, once you've experienced it. No matter how long it's been for you. When you were in your in your thirties till now, but guess what? You got back up on that horse because you remembered... you may not remember really clearly how it felt but you remembered it did feel good and its like, what. I need to right this ship, I'm getting older. I feel the same way. And it only does nothing but greatness for you if you exercise (laughs) which, I'm not talking to you particularly Sue, for everybody out there. It's amazing the benefits, the side benefits that come from being not only physically fit from exercise but then add nutrition to the mix. And oh my goodness you want to talk about being able to take over the world when you're operating on peak performance levels on both of those. So, it just sets the table for success in all areas in your life. And another great way to make it more fun is simply find a partner to go with you. And I call it an accountability partner. That used to be my number one tip for succeeding that fitness. I now have shifted that around but this show isn't for about promoting anything and I know no one would want to know what that number one tip is, anyway so, we'll just keep... (laughs). But the thing is that is a huge important thing. If I had an accountability partner years ago where I was just tired. I didn't want to go many times. And thankfully he would give me the words I needed of encouragement. He encouraged me by saying, "Come on Brian you wuss" (laughs). That was all it took. I was in the gym and I was so happy. Those those raccoon eyes started disappearing while I was working out and I felt phenomenal even though I felt horrible before I went in. So, you're hitting all the right buzzwords there.
Sue Koch:
Well I think it comes down to like what we were talking about earlier, having a big enough why. I created a why to fit, fabulous, flexible, and flirty. Well when I don't want to go, if I remember that. If I don't go I can't do that. I can't go back to being that, then I get in the car and go. Because I want that more than I want to be waking up in the morning with a frozen shoulder. I keep moving it now but it took a while. I don't want to go back to that. I want to be fit, I want to be flexible, I want to be fabulous. And that's about how you feel in your body. It doesn't mean that it's going to come from the outside, it's how you feel on the inside.
Brian Kelly:
Thank you for pointing that. That is what I tell every client is, it is more important how you feel than how you look. Even though that's not what they want. They don't want to hear that and I understand that. I said that, you know it will happen. Just, you have to get consistent discipline. And that's what people like me are here for, to help coach them and take them through it. I will be their accountability partner.
Sue Koch:
You probably make it fun for them.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Make it fun. Give them goals. Achievable goals. Attainable goals. Discipline is involved sometimes. If they don't do something that they were supposed to do, there's going to be repercussions if they're not eating the way that they've been prescribed to eat. There's going to be repercussions. So, there's... but it's not led by fear. It's led by the positive. What, what is the beautiful you that you're going to see in that mirror? That's in the future. Because humans want to look good. All of us do. We all have that ego. But you're absolutely right in that it's more important how you feel. That's going to change far before your physical appearance will. You'll feel it. Not only in your mind but your body. You're going to feel the firmness. You're going to feel firmer muscles under those current layers of fat that may not be showing but that's Ok. Your body is on the way. It is coming and it's coming into its glorious new self. Just keep at it and don't fall off that wagon when it comes to nutrition. That's the big one. Nutrition is usually the big downfall of most people who get into fitness (laughs).
Sue Koch:
One of the things that I love is somebody once said that "This is your transportation vehicle while you're here on the planet."
Brian Kelly:
Sue Koch:
It's your transportation vehicle. Where where do you want it to take you? And if we aren't fit or healthy, it's not going to take you very far. So, I want to remember that too. Keep the tune-up. Keep the engine tuned up. So, that we can go where we want to go and do we want to do. Do it with joy.
Brian Kelly:
And it's so true and it's sad but most people that... it's just true. Most people will spend more time, energy, and effort, in keeping their car beautiful on the outside, running well on the inside with changing the oil, checking the tire pressure, making sure that the brakes are good than they will put the time into their own self. So, you want to concentrate on yourself so you can enjoy that car longer. So, that it's not about you. What about your family members? Those counting on you. How are you impacting them by your actions or inactions, I like to say. And it's not to get in anyone's face and make you feel bad. It's just something to consider. That your actions are actually not just affecting you. Never. They're always... there's always somebody watching, listening, and seeing what you're doing. And if you're a leader, they're going to follow your example. So, what example are you setting? Just questions to ask yourself.
Sue Koch:
Yeah and we're not going to be... We evolve I think in different parts of our lives in different paces. You know you might be a ten financially but a two in health. So, you don't need to beat yourself up. Just look to see where can I raise that level, even just a little bit. And have fun doing it. So, that all of the where you'd make a difference in one area, as you probably know in fitness for example, is to impact all the other areas. And uplift your entire life. And that's what really what a second act is all about.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And I would take it one step further too to say in every aspect of your life, whether it's business, get a coach. There's one right here right now I'm talking to (points to Sue). When it comes to fitness and exercise and nutrition, get a coach. There's another one talking (Sue points, Brian laughs).
Sue Koch:
I'm pointing the wrong way (laughs).
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And mindset. You know NLP and there are resources that I can send you to, to get that ship righted as well. But get help. Take the ego out and say, "I'm ready for help," because it's only going to be the best decision you've ever made. It was. It took me a long time to ask for help because the ego. And the second I finally got over that and said, "I'm ready." Wow. Things changed fast and in a great way when you reach out. Because we all like to think we know everything and have the solution for all at least, especially men, right? We want to think we got an answer for everything. We can do it, I don't need any help. The second you open up to the help that's when the magic happens. It just... Everything that Sue's been talking about with mindset, with exercise, with fitness. And then get help with and this is on the business end. It could be personal as well, but get mentorship, get coaching. Get someone who's named coach. My goodness, how do you how can you go wrong with that? (laughs)
Sue Koch:
Brian Kelly:
And on that, go ahead.
Sue Koch:
I was going to say, sometimes in our culture we're, well I was brought up to think you handle things on your own. You don't bother anybody else with your problems.
Brian Kelly:
Sue Koch:
You don't reach out for help.
Brian Kelly:
Sue Koch:
If you have a big enough dream and I think my personal belief is everybody has a big big dream inside. The kind of dream that you want to accomplish in your life you can't do on your own, they're too big. And so, we have to be able to reach out to coaches, mentors, teachers, books, resources, whatever it might be. That are going to be our partner, our guiding light, our sometimes ass kickers to get us in motion and moving forward towards them. And help us get past the fear.
Brian Kelly:
Sue Koch:
It's really a gift you're giving yourself by reaching out to someone for support, for help.
Brian Kelly:
Sue Koch:
And they're a gift too because we all want to help each other.
Brian Kelly:
Isn't that true? That is so true. Yeah. And you know to get over the fact that we did. I think everybody has that innate desire to not need help. Not want help. I can do this on my own. Men and women alike. And that's a fantastic point and another... And we're also taught that. I came up in a similar things like, hey buck up and get it taken care of. Don't go crying to me or anybody else, just get it done. And then there's the other part where as we're growing up as kids, and we're taking tests in elementary school and we're in a test and there's somebody sitting over there and we're not sure about this one answer and we kind of want to do this and look over there and copy what they've got. Well what happens about that moment that we didn't know the teacher was standing right behind us. Well back in my day, it was a ruler on hand. Whack! Or something similar. So, we were taught at a young age not to copy. In that case, cheat. Cheating is not good, ever. But copy was the undertow of well, I should never copy anyone else. That's a bad thing because that was the negative anchor that was said back in my youth. And then now, the way to be successful. Every entrepreneur that succeeded will tell you this is to model i.e. copy someone else who is successful. And guess what? There are many out there that will say, "Yeah come into my world, my inner circle. I will teach you, you can copy everything I do." That's what mine did. And I was like, this is phenomenal. I get helped by a mentor and I get to copy him. This is, wow. So, those were two big aha's for me that that you know... there are so many. This show is chock full of them. Sue you're amazing (laughs). You're so intelligent, you're so experienced, you have so much great background, and the value. My gosh. You can tell you're very well read. You're very experienced in your craft and that you're very successful so I so appreciate you sharing all these golden nuggets with everyone. Goodness sakes, do you know that we're four minutes from the end already.
Sue Koch:
No I didn't know that.
Brian Kelly:
It happens every time. So, there's going to be one question I want to ask you that's kind of... It's one I ask every person that's come on the show, every entrepreneur, every expert. And it's a big one. And when I ask it, when it comes out. Feel free to take some time to think about it if you need to. Don't worry about dead air time because it's fine. It's really, I'm really really curious to see what your take is on that one. Well, before we go there though I do want to remind everybody that's watching with us how they can enter to win that amazing trip. We almost forgot, didn't we? Nah I didn't forget. Here we go. I'm going to bring it up on the screen so all of you watching live. This is how you enter to win the five-nights stay at a five-star luxury resort (Sponsored slideshow on screen). You can do one of two ways. You can go to a web site. And that web site is ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation. ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation. Just ensure the word vacation is all lowercase. The rest of that is it could be mixed case it doesn't matter. ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation or if it's simpler for you, use your phone. Just text the word PEAK. That's P-E-A-K to the number 6-6-1-5-3-5-1-6-2-4. Again, that's text the word PEAK to 6-6-1-5-3-5-1-6-2-4. And this is all sponsored by my good friends at PowerTexting.com. And I literally mean good friends. I do know them both. They're partners there that are running this amazing company that have partners and they have... In fact if you go to that URL, either one, either one of those methods for entering to win this goes through their system that I personally use. Many of you received automated texts that went out just minutes before we went on air. That was through PowerTexting.com. So, definitely want to check them out. Write that down. PowerTexting.com. In the meantime, be sure to enter to win using those two aforementioned or either of the two aforementioned methods. So, we're back with the woman, the myth, the legend, Sue Koch (Sue laughs). To ask that one heavy hitting question that she's probably... She's probably sweating like she's in the gym. Wondering what the heck is this? And the pressure is on. So, what I want to do is take the pressure off because Sue, when I ask this question there is truly no such thing as a wrong answer. It's impossible. And that is because the only correct answer that you could come up with is yours. There is only one correct answer, whatever it is. There is no wrong. I hope that helped. The interesting thing that's happened to date and I say this every show because it's true. To date, of all the past guests I've asked the same question of not one or two should I say answered it the same way. So, that tells you the individuality that the different takes on it. And so, if you're ready for it then I'll ask you that question. But I want you to know if you're ready first.
Sue Koch:
Yeah hit me (Brian laughs).
Brian Kelly:
Alright. In all seriousness I'm really really curious and loving them compiling the answers of everybody. So Sue Koch, you personally. How do you define success?
Sue Koch:
Oh Gosh. If you're happy and loving your life. If you're excited to you know, have morning... wake up in the morning and jump out of bed and start your day. And I think that really for me is the envisionment of success. We're here such a little bit of time. Really. One hundred years maybe, if we're lucky. I just had a friend who passed away right before a major birthday, suddenly. And so, you don't know when it's going to happen. If you don't do it now when are you going to do it? So, find those things that really light you up. That really, you know you're going to regret if you haven't done them, and find a way to do them. Going to bring you joy and you're going to be able to say at the end of the day, "I did everything I could" and to me that's the ultimate definition of success. Live life full of options.
Brian Kelly:
Hmm. So, you'll never guess that that was different than all the predecessors as well (laughs). I love it. Yes. And it was very emotion rich. It was when you're happy and loving life. Excited to get out of bed. Things that light you up, another emotion. You're lit up. And it's all about and then the great advice you gave in the middle of that was, take action now. Is basically the message that I was hearing was, don't wait. And you're so right Sue. I mean I ventured onto my latest business venture at the age of forty-seven, I'm now fifty-four and been hitting it with everything I've got and loving every moment. It's a journey. I've been happy. I've been loving life. I'm excited to get up and yeah, things happen like we mentioned right. Things happen. You just learn how to get over them quickly. You know, we control our own emotional states. You have one-hundred percent control. You the listeners, of how you feel right now. You could change it (snaps fingers) in an instant. It's your choice. Your emotions are a choice and there are proven tools that exist that can help you to number one, change them instantly. But number two, also change them permanently. And you can do this through multiple different processes and for anyone just reach out to me. It's not my resource, I can give you a resource to help you out in that area. It's a life changer and that's it. Beautiful. Thank you Sue. My goodness I have so many notes here. The last one- So, there's also one thing I do want to say that not a single entrepreneur has said as part of their answer. Like does that bring curiosity? Like not one has said because you know the reason why, I'll tell you the reason why. And that's because every single person I've had on my show is a successful entrepreneur. Already successful. You are so well educated in the area of I don't know if educated is a good word but you are so just adept at success and what it takes to be success. Every time you answered something you were saying everything that I have discovered to be the patterns for success. Every single time you gave an answer. And so, the interesting thing is like you, the others. One thing they never mentioned, it was never on the top of their list for success. And that was the concentration of, "Well I'd be successful if I made X amount of dollars in a year. A million dollars." Whatever number happened. Not one has said that. Not one. And so, I think that's a powerful point to drive home again to the listeners to say I know, I get it. We all get it. When you're first starting out there's a lot of scarcity mindset. And I've got to pay the bills. So, you're going to be focused on money at that time. We all have been through the stage, or some of us. Maybe not all but most I would assume have been through that stage. The thing is though, the underlying reason we're doing it is never solely or at the highest level about money. Maybe for that month, you're really looking to get that sale to get past that, to pay the mortgage that month. But really, the underlying current is serving others. It's helping people like Sue is doing. As a coach, she serves and helps people to become excited to get out of bed, to live a happy and loving life because she's giving them hope where they're giving up potentially. I'm retiring or I got laid off or my job's out and then here comes Sue and like, I have a light for you. Just follow this because I love helping people, you can see it. She just said it. She loves helping people. So, that's my soapbox moment. But I just wanted to put that out there because too often it's a materialistic mentality that we find but when you get to a certain level of success and know that what takes people to a level of success like Sue is a serving attitude. An attitude of serving. Not an attitude of greed mongering and making money. Is making money important? Sue?
Sue Koch:
Definitely, yeah (nods head).
Brian Kelly:
Very. So, I'm not saying eradicate that from your priority list of priorities. It's just usually, never the very top priority. It's definitely in there and it's definitely a high priority. So, please don't get me wrong there because the more money that Sue makes then the more people she can serve. You see how that works. Yes. Could she get better, more glamorous things. Sure. And she would deserve it and does deserve it, and that's ok. Because she's now serving and scaling and helping more and more people. That's why she is on a show like this. To actually- So, I can help give her greater exposure which I love doing this and helping and serving everyone that comes on here to help spread the word about these amazing people like Sue Koch. Isn't this fun? I love this. I'm getting goose bumps. All right. I'm for the count on way too long. Do you have any- Oh I wanted to ask you Sue. Real quick. What is the best way for our watchers, our viewers, and listeners to contact you so that they can get contact, maybe have a strategy session? I'm not sure what the role is. Go ahead and take that.
Sue Koch:
Yes. They can reach me through my web site (presents website on slideshow) at 3SquaresCoaching.com or they can call me at 9-4-9-2-1-2-4-3-4-5 and mention your show and I will know where they came from so I can treat them even extra special (Brian laughs). And I do do a strategy session, complimentary. Or they can e-mail me at [email protected] and three squares coaching is all spelled out. So, either any one of those three ways.
Brian Kelly:
Ok then a quick clarification, three squares. The number three is the digit. The single digit of three, not the word three? So, three...
Sue Koch:
Yeah either way but e-mail you'll have to spell it out.
Brian Kelly:
Ok smart. Good job. I love it. Covering all the bases. Well Sue, I can't thank you enough for coming on the show and being an amazing amazing guest. The value, just over the top. I kid you not. Amazing. Thank you for your time...
Sue Koch:
I had a good time too, thank you for inviting me.
Brian Kelly:
Oh gosh yes. I'm so glad. And Sue came to me by way of another mutual friend. I had not met Sue prior to and that's another way you can spread your influence and your influence. Not for me to spread influences. For you to grow your sphere of influence in your connections. I got to stop coaching and we got to get off and so people can go back and live their lives and eat dinner and go to your web site and look at that cool pink red hardhat. I love that (laughs). All right. With... what's that?
Sue Koch:
There's a story to that.
Brian Kelly:
Oh. Oooh. We'll have to cover that next time (laughs). All right. Thanks again Sue. I appreciate you and.
Sue Koch:
Thank you.
Brian Kelly:
Thank You. And for all of you watching I appreciate you as well. That's it for this edition of The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. We will be on again next week. We are here every week Thursday's at 5:30. Until then, be blessed (salutes). So long now.
Thank you for watching and listening. This has been the MIND BODY BUSINESS Show with Brian Kelly.
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Sue Koch
Sue’s coaching career was launched as a result of her personal journey through a mid-life career transition. Her experience led to her desire to help her clients design richly fulfilling “Sexy, Second Act Careers” that combine Passion, Purpose, and a Paycheck!® Her mission is to help her clients face any career or life transition with curiosity, courage, and confidence. Using a variety of personalized tools, assessments and techniques, she guides her clients to discover their own paths leading to integrated and deeply fulfilling lives.
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