Special Guest Expert - Sumedh Chatterjee

Special Guest Expert - Sumedh Chatterjee: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Sumedh Chatterjee: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. The 3 keys to your success is just moments away. Here's your host, Brian Kelly.

Brian Kelly:
Hey everybody! Welcome, welcome, welcome to The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. Hey, I'm your host, Brian Kelly. And we have an amazing, amazing show for you tonight. I cannot wait for you to meet this young man that we're about to bring on a little bit later. This guy is a game changer. He is bringing light to the world in ways that are going to benefit many. He's an amazing young man. Just talking to him off camera right before we started - really liking this guy a lot a lot. You're going to love him too. So The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show, what is that all about? Well, it's like this: over my now 54 years of life on this planet, I have recognized from - what am I trying to say, - from very successful entrepreneurs, time and time again, I noticed similar patterns that develop. When I recognize these patterns, I realize, well, if you put these patterns together like a recipe - like a recipe where you're going to bake a cake, - and you put them step by step by step, and you just follow those steps from successful entrepreneurs and patterns they've developed, then what are the odds of you succeeding? Well, they're great! They're incredibly great! So, I realized that they kind of crept up in 3 areas. And that was 1) of the mind. (Brian holds up one finger) And by that I mean the mindset. There are ways to really ingrain in yourself a positive mindset. We're not talking about a positive mind, but mindset. And by that, I mean, ingrained into your subconscious mind. And there are phenomenal tools through a science called Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP, which I'm certified in and it has changed my life. I kid you not. I've never said that before until NLP came in my life. I wasn't one of those that everything changed my life. You know who those people are, right? And so, once you've laid the foundation and you've cleaned out the weeds in the garden of your mind and you've taken away all that negative self talk and replace it with positive reinforcing talk, when you've removed or redecided those limiting beliefs, and you've made those beliefs now instead of a negative, limiting belief, you've redecided them into something that's going to serve you better; when you've done those things and more, you have then taken yourself down the path of mastering the art of a positive mindset. And then there's body! Body, what is that about? That is about nurturing and taking care of your body through nutrition and also, as equally if not as more importantly, exercise. Nutrition and exercise. And what I like to say often is: the mind and body, they are a team. And more importantly, the mind or body, they are Your team. So, if you're working out on a regular basis and you're doing a good job, and you're eating healthy, but you still have these nagging negative self thoughts going on, these limning beliefs that just keep cropping up and haven't really changed or gone away, well, then the team overall, you, is suffering. Or not operating, like I like to say, at a peak level of performance. And now when you combine those two, now you have a true foundation for business. Because if you're working in your business, every one of you that's an entrepreneur - and that's what this show is for, it's for entrepreneurs made by entrepreneurs, by myself and my guests come on here, - you will recognize how much time and effort and energy it takes to run a business. It takes a lot, a lot of both mental and physical energy. Because again, the mind and body are a team and if you don't have everything dialed in just right, well, could you still be successful? Probably, sure, but why not be the most optimal human you can be and be wildly successful, not just for yourself, but so you can then scale your business for example and serve more people? Because entrepreneurs, they are the lifeblood, of not just this country, the United States, where I'm filming this, but all over the world. And without entrepreneurs, operating at the highest level - I mean, could you imagine if everyone did? How much better it would be already than it is? That excites me. I'm getting all goosebump here. And that's what The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show is about. I like to bring on incredible entrepreneurs like Sumedh, who's going to come on here real soon, and discuss various areas: Mind, body, business. And to be honest, I don't know which area we're going to touch on tonight. I have an idea, but we're going to let it grow organically because that's how they just always work the best. Entrepreneurs just love to get together and chat. You'll notice, it's really fun. And so, one of the things I remember back, many years ago, was one mentor of mine. He was a mentor that was a multimillionaire. And I remember, he flew me out - I'm not going to tell the whole story, it's on a different site we'll talk about in a minute, - but he flew me out back east, had me picked up in a limo. I went to his office, big corner office. He is the owner of the company. Windows on every side, he had a couch, he had expensive water. I mean, it was unbelievable it was amazing. And in our talks, I was sitting on his couch, okay, this is his office, I'm on his couch, it's is a very large office, and I'll never forget, he just looked at me and he said, "Brian, if people just did this one thing (Brian holds up one finger). if they just knew to do this one thing, they'd all be rich." That was his word for it: rich. And I said, "okay, I'm ready. What is it?" And so, he coyly turned around and he walked back to the back wall, where there was this cabinet that went from floor to ceiling, had two doors on it. (Brian signalling tall ceeilings and doors opening) And as he went to the cabinet, he grabbed both handles. (Brian imitating holding door knobs; and opening them) He looked back at me and then he opened them up, and what I could see was floor to ceiling of nothing but books, books, and more books. Personal development, business, mindset, everything! If it was something that helped propel him to greatness and success, it was in that cabinet, in that file cabinet, or that - whatis that called - the big open doors with the shelves, the big bookshelf! So, I looked at it and I went, "wow, okay." At that moment, for some reason, I made a big mistake. I ignored that advice. I did not take his advice for years. Not 4 years, but f-o-r, for many years. And I didn't heed his advice. And then luckily, blessing, another mentor of mine years later said a very similar thing. He didn't use the word 'rich'. He did say, "you'll be become very successful if all you do is you read, and read voraciously on the topics that serve you." And the thing with him that was different was, well it's the second time I've heard it in that kind of elevated tone. (Brian holds up two fingers) And it was also - the difference was I worked with this gentleman on a regular basis and he didn't just talk the talk; he walked the walk. He'd walk around listening an Audible, listening to books all the time. (Brian holds his hands to his hears to imitate headphones) And so, that really got me interested. I said, "wow, I have never thought about listening to books. Let me give that a try." And a beautiful thing happened. I learned that I really loved listening to books, far more than physically reading a book. Because looking at pages for 30 minutes or more, I got drowsy. Whether it was exciting content or not, my eyes got tired. I don't know what it was, my lids got heavy. And now I could listen, I was like, "are you kidding me?" So, I began reading voraciously through Audible and then I used the phone for this on all times. I would get in the car and go, "oh my gosh, I just realized, instead of listening to music, I could listen to a book!" And now this former unproductive mode of transportation became a millionaire mansion on wheels! Because now I can soak in all this wonderful information as I'm driving around. And that's what I started doing. And so, I began reading book, after book, after book, just knocking them out left and right, really retaining the information. And one of the things Audible gives you is this really cool thing, it's a little icon on the phone or on your app. It's a ribbon, it looks like a ribbon, it's actually a bookmark! And what you do is you just tap it, so it takes an instant of time, it's very safe while driving and you don't really have to -- you barely have to look at it. But you hear something you like (Brian points to his ear) and you just tap that bookmark and it automatically stores that location in the book. So now, if I want to go back and reread the book, I don't have to reread the whole thing. I just go hit all of my bookmarks for no reengraining that information.. Graining that information. And so I started doing that. And so, what I wanted to do and what I have done, is added these bookmarks to this show. And what I'll do is play about a 2 minute segment from a book that I'm recently reading. Actually, I'm still in the process of reading this one. And for that, we're going to switch over into a segment I call, appropriately, Bookmarks.

(Bookmarks animation showing on the screen) Bookmarks. Born to read. Ready, steady, read! Bookmarks, brought to you by ReachYourPeakLibrary.com.

Brian Kelly:
Yes, there it is ReachYourPeakLibrary.com. (Website page showing on screen) And if you're watching this now, please stick with us. What I would recommend you do is get out a notebook and a pen, and take notes. You're going to hear some resources, some websites, rather than going and clicking off and checking those out right away, let's stay here because you do not want to miss this guest expert I have coming on in a few moments. I promise, it's not long from now. So, take notes, stay with us. All right, sounds good? If you're driving, don't take notes! If you're driving and listening to this, don't take notes. Go ahead, if you want to pull over and take notes, great, - but this will be recorded, you can play it back on many different platforms, including podcasts. All right, Reach Your Peak Library is a site that I developed not to make money from, at all. It was actually, I realized I started reading a lot of books and I started actually compiling all of them and putting them together, "my gosh, I'm reading quite a bit. That's pretty good." So, I started adding them to this website. I really made this website for You, the listener, for my guest experts, for anyone who wants to either get started or continue in their path of voracious reading. And I just have it scrolling there (website scrolling on screen) and you see there's buttons there, where you can click and actually grab the book. It could be Audible, hardcover, Kindle, whatever form it was available in, I put a button to it because everyone reads and learns in different modes. And so, what I want to do is take one of the books I'm currently reading. It's actually not on this list yet - because I'm not done reading it, - but I wanted to share with you a quick snippet from 'The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People', very popular book, widely read by Stephen R Covey. So, let's jump into this, a couple of minutes. Take notes as Mr. Covey talks. We will say a couple of words about it and then we'll bring on our special guests expert. All right? So, here we go, go ahead, get ready! All right, start writing... now!

Stephen R. Covey:
The reactive language comes from a basic paradigm of determinism and the whole spirit of it is the transfer of responsibility. "I am not responsible, not able to choose my response." One time a student asked me, "Will you excuse me from class? I have to go on a tennis trip." I asked, "You have to go? Or you choose to go?" He answered, "Well I really have to." I asked, "What will happen if you don't?" He responded, "Well, they'll kick me off the team." I asked, "How would you like that consequence?" He responded, "I wouldn't." And I responded, "In other words, you choose to go because you want the consequences of staying on the team. What will happen if you miss my class?" "I don't..." "Think hard. What do you think would be the natural consequence of not coming to class?" "Well, you wouldn't kick me out, would you?" "No, that would be a social consequence, that would be artificial. If you don't participate on the tennis team, you don't play. That's natural. But if you don't come to class, what would be the natural consequence?" "I guess I'll miss the learning." "That's right. So you have to weigh that consequence against the other consequence and make a choice. I know if it were me, I'd choose to go on the tennis trip. But never say you have to do anything." And he meekly replied, "I choose to go on the tennis trip." "And miss my class?" - I replied in mock disbelief. A serious problem with reactive language is that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. People become reinforced in the paradigm that they are determined and they produce the evidence to support the belief.

Brian Kelly:
Isn't that amazing? I just love that bookmark, that snippet of the book because of the lesson that it has underlying about -- that's right down the path of mindset, isn't it? About our thoughts and what we believe and how we say things. You know "I have to." Well, do you really? I love that! Because no, you don't. And oftentimes, it actually is - really quick aside, - is I do this with my clients, with my co-workers, I have apprentice's, anybody I'm talking to, if I notice they say something like, this is an example, "I have to do the dishes." I say, "You have to? Well, actually here's a great reframe for that. Instead of -- and first is, the key is to become aware of that you're doing that. That's the first key - is become aware that you said "I have to do something." You really don't, but that's not the point. The second point is - you have an opportunity now to reframe that into something that's more empowering. Instead of "I have to do the dishes," how about "I get to do the dishes." And it takes a whole different meaning. Now you start thinking of "why do I get to?" Well, "because I still have my hands. I have a sink to wash the dishes in. I have dishes to wash. That means I have a place to live and I'm so blessed." And so, it changes from "I have to," which could be drudgery into "I get to." which is I'm blessed and everything is awesome and it's abundant. Really cool, really cool. That's my coaching moment for the night. Thank you for watching, goodnight - I'm kidding. Here we go, we're going to move on to the next segment. I can't wait to bring on this young, amazing guy. It's time for our guest expert spotlight.

(Animatin on screen; Words popping up on the screen) It's time for the guest experts spotlight! Savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, big league, qualified.

Brian Kelly:
And there he is, ladies and gentleman, Sumedh Chatterjee! (Brian pointing to the screen on his left) Sumedh is a world class flow coach and creativity catalyst who has traveled the world in search of the question: What inspires individuals? He hails from Kolkata, India, but grew up in Switzerland, Thailand and Vermont, and did a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology. He is a role model for a lot of people and he strives to be the most authentic and best version of himself he can be, and you're going to know and learn that at a deep level when we finally let him talk a little bit. But before, right before we do that, I just want remind all of you watching live, don't forget to stay on till the end because we have an amazing, amazing give away: a 5-night (Brian holds up 5 fingers) - I'll get the 5 on the screen - a 5-night stay, vacation stay, at a 5-star resort in Mexico. So, hang on to the end and we'll show you how you can enroll to win that magnificent, amazing prize. And that's brought to us all by our amazing sponsor at PowerTexting.com. For those you writing notes, I would write that one down. It's an amazing service. PowerTexting.com. And now, Sumedh, at last. Welcome to the show, my friend, it's great to have you on. I mean, I just read your bio. People kind of get an idea about you, but if you don't mind, let's go dig a little deeper. Let's find out what really makes you work at the core. Wwhat drives you? What is it that you get out of bed for? I mean, that gives you that -- you just have the passion, you can't wait to dig into the day? And then if you don't mind, let us know what your latest project is, what are you up to these days?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Ah, the infamous Ikigai. So, my reason for getting up in the morning is one word: imagination. When I'm in that dream realm, I'm always seeing those floaty, little lights. I think it's called either hypogogia or hypopompia. I'm not too sure, but being able to imagine things in my mind as I'm in that sense of dreaming is so helpful in terms of manifestation, in terms of visualization, solving problems creatively, and using all my senses to learn faster. So, imagination really makes it possible for me to experience the world in a way where it's inside my head, (Sumedh pointing to his head) but I'm making the etherial into something tangible. So, when I get up in the morning, that's that thing, that's the power, that's that drive that I get. When I close my eyes, I sometimes like to visualize myself as a tiger just go through a forest. (Sumedh laughs) And as I do that, I believe -- it gives me that sense, that boost of energy. And that creative power that I get from my imagination is so important. We've heard it before from many role models, many successful people in any field, that imagination allows you to see something that is invisible, and make it visible. And so, it allows me to see the better world, the better possibilities, and see people at their best selves. So, that allows me to use my creativity to bring it out of them. A project I'm currently working on now is my coaching package. It's called the Flow Zone Academy. That's been something that I've been crafting and perfecting right now and it's really exciting stuff.

Brian Kelly:
Well, cool! We will dig into that a little bit deeper later on the show, definitely. And if you -- if it sounds like I'm signing off, let me know, because I don't want to miss that. Just remind me. If it sounds like I'm saying "all right", say, "wait, Brian, wait, I want to tell them about my...," go ahead, okay? Just in case, want to make sure. (Brian and Sumedh laugh) So, already you are bringing to the surface some of the patterns that I've noticed of successful entrepreneurs. 'Imagination' - The word 'visualization' was the one that really came out to me and that is a powerful thing that I know all successful entrepreneurs do this: they visualize for different reasons, for different purposes. I love that yours gives you that energy, that vigor in the morning because look, we can all make a choice to be of high energy or of low energy. It's really a choice.

Sumedh Chatterjee:

Brian Kelly:
If you wake up and you don't feel it physically, you can mentally rewrite that whole script in your brain and your body follows suit. Remember, the mind and body are a team. And that's exactly what Sumedh is doing. And I love that because I didn't know about this stuff until about 7/8 years ago. And once all this became apparent to me and I realized that you could truly, you literally can write the script of your own life however you want it to happen by just changing your mindset, oh my gosh. And then there are powerful ways to do that, I mentioned that earlier. So, beautiful! And I want to get back to the book, real quick, Sumedh. I imagine you're a reader as well. You've read a book or two in your day?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Yes, absolutely. (Sumedh laughs).

Brian Kelly:
So, what business related book would you say has inspired you the most? Or if not a business book, what is your favorite book?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Well, I think the first thought that comes into my mind is 'Flow' by Csikszentmihalyi, but I will say, as a coach, I would say my favorite book - or audio book, since now that I mention it, because I do love listening to it, I'm an audio-visual like you, Brian, and learner like you, Brian, - and that book is 'The Prosperous Coach' and I believe it's by Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler. And this has really inspiring me to step up my game as a coach. I've really evolved as I've listen to this, and I do have to say that their fearless coaching style is not for everybody. So, they take a very bold approach. But for the people that it resonates with, it will change your whole entire perspective of your coaching business. It will be like the catalyst towards you leveling up as coach. One of my favorite quotes from the book - and I'm paraphrasing this as I say this here, but - coaching is not about information, but about transformation. And I think that's so true. As coaches we focus so much on cold calling and funnels, but really, it's about those genuine conversations with people and really inviting people to coach with you. And I think coaches are the guidance; they're not -- they are facilitators, they are not tyrants. They're not supposed to be telling you, "this is what is exactly you have to do." And there are more directive coaches, sure, but the best word for coaches, for me, are catalysts. They catalyze transformation. And this book will do that for you. Highly recommend it.

Brian Kelly:
Excellent, excellent, excellent. Yeah, I love that! It's not about information, it's about transformation, and what that gets down to, it's about -- it's not about the journey of going through the coaching and the steps that you're taking, it's about the results at the end, the transformation. It's about getting what you hired that coach for in the first place. So, a lot of coaches - some coaches, I won't say a lot, - some coaches just rely on that oil, they feel good and they're enjoying my process and my program, so we're doing okay. But really, it comes down to, - hey, look, if you're in the fitness business and someone wants to lose 15 pounds, well their result better be: they've lost 15 pounds. But then they are done with your coaching program. If they had adhered to it, of course. There are a lot of parameters to go with it. But, so I love that. And thank you, 'The Prosperous Coach', I have not heard of that book. Definitely going to add that to my reading list. In fact, I already did and I'm going to get it on Audible right after the show. And I recommend all of you do the same that Sumedh is doing. Even if it's reaching, if it's out there - you said it was intense, was that your word? I don't recall.

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Yeah, I believe I used the word... well, it was fearless. So, it's very bold. Yeah.

Brian Kelly:
Yeah, so, I actually liked that because what it can do - I'm just thinking conceptually with not even reading the book yet, - but what it can do is stretch you beyond where you normally would so you can actually reach a level higher than you are now. (Brian raises his hand gradually to show increase in level) You don't necessarily have to go in like 10x rule. Oh my gosh, I've heard so many people talk about - you can't even be human to achieve... operate at 10x what you're doing now, and all this negative stuff about that, but could you achieve more? What if you did 1.5x? (Sumedh laughs) Would that be better than what you're doing now? Yes! So, it's okay. So, it's like working out, right? I tell people, one of my programs has them doing repetitions: 8 to 16 pushups. Do them. And they say, "oh, Brian, I could only do 4." "So did you give it everything you had?" "Yes." "Could you do even 1 more?" "No, I have nothing left in the tank." "Then you did a good job! You did the right thing, and don't kick yourself in the butt for the reps you didn't do, but pat yourself on the back, literally (Brian pats his back to illustrate) for those that you did do, because you gave it your all. Next time you're going to be able to do more because you put everything you had into it. So, thank you. an, that was awesome - prosperous coach, transformation. All right! We're off to a roaring start. I told you, I told you, I meant the value right here. (Brian points to his bookcase behind him; Sumedh cheers) Yes, yes, yes. And I noticed right off the first time we gazed upon each other on our cameras here, that you have this light. You're a very positive minded individual. And in talking to you prior to the show that came out very well. You're smiling all the time. And I've seen a lot of your Facebook lives, you're always talking in a positive frame and for a lot of people that isn't so simple to do. It's not an automatic thing, they've kind of gotten comfortable with being the opposite of positive. And so, when it comes to maintaining that, when it comes to maintaining a positive, productive, successful mindset, what is it you personally do on a regular basis, if you have something, to sustain that?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
I always ask myself the question "Who do I need to become right now in order for me to be the best version of me? So, that's one of those major ones for me. And "What will my future kids think of me right now? Am I really impacting people on the level that I could?" Because what positively does is it broadens and builds. And it allows you to take in more information. (Sumedh illustrated this with handmovements) It doesn't built -- what negative thinking does is it creates a barrier around your thinking. And I just see it as a way of allowing myself to engage more. It's not how you play the game, but it's - the game is to play. So, (Sumedh laughs) so it's really, for me, it's been just taking the negativity and just reframing it in a way that is beneficial to me. It's not really about the failure, but taking that failure and recognizing this as feedback. This is a learning lesson. And really moving on from there, keeping that sense of high vibrational energy alive, doing things that really excite you. And a lot of people, they're very confused as to how to stay here or what their passion is, things like that. I would just tell you to follow your excitement. Do what you really love to do, and as you do that, you will get that sense of positivity, you will get that sense of energy back.

Brian Kelly:
Yes, man. So, I'm getting writer's cramp already. I hope all of you watching and listening are doing the same. Taking notes like crazy! I love positive thinking - it broadens and builds. It certainly does that. And the thing is, if you're not one who's habitually gotten... has worked on your mindset to where you can think positive in nearly any situation. I mean, let's face it, life does happen. Stuff happens. Things happen. I mean, I've actually done live shows about it, miniature shows about my son. He was in two accidents within a couple of months. And stuff happens and you can react -- it's not about the situation, it's about how you react to it. And Sumedh, you said it very well, it broadens and builds, and I love: it's not to play the game, but the game is to play. I think he should copyright that if that hasn't been done so before.

Sumedh Chatterjee:
I've heard that somewhere before, I can't really remember where I heard it, but yeah. (Sumedh and Brian laugh) I always have these quotes at the back of my mind and sometimes I lose track of where it's coming from. (Sumedh laughs)

Brian Kelly:
And then you touched on another thing about failure. Basically failure, it's not really failure, it's feedback. And I know, myself included back in the day, I would freeze at the thought of "I want to be perfect, I want to get it right every single time" and for any of you that know when you're doing a sales call, do you get a 100 % closing rate? No!

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Absolutely not. (Sumedh laughs)

Brian Kelly:
Never. Yeah. Even if it's free, sometimes people won't take it. And so that can be construed as failure in your mind and then because of that you're frozen. And you won't go forward because that didn't feel good, that's rejection. Well, I love -- there's another book that came to mind, it's called 'Go for No'. I forget the author's name. It was a recent read of mine where that was the key - was to get as many no-s and count them. And your goal was to get so many no-s, not yes-s. So if you got 100 no-s and let's say you got -- so, originally the goal was to get 4 yes-s. Say that was the goal. And get 4 sales and then I'll call it a day and I can take a rest a day off if I get it early, or I'll just work all day till I get those 4. Well, instead, they reframed that and said get 100 no-s. And what they found was they got 4, 5, 10, 15 yes-s as a result of going for additional no-s. So it did two things: it gave them more sales, and the other was, it got them past that fear of failure and it got them to the point of "I want to get past all of these failures. It's about failing fast and failing often. So you can achieve success. How many of you think that Richard Branson never failed at anything? How many of you think that Michael Jordan never failed at anything? How many of you think they didn't fail often? That's a deeper question. I'll guarantee you. Tiger Woods, oh my gosh, he's back on top of his game, at least last I heard. He was off for how many years? A long time! Do you think he failed a little bit during that time? Yes! And so, that's the key! The key is failing. But you can reframe that into feedback and say, "okay, I failed. Can I improve on that? How can I improve on that I can improve on that? Good, I'm one closer to a yes. All right, let's do it again." So, excellent, excellent points, Sumedh. I can tell you're well-read and you're practicing what you preach. I love it. I love it.

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Exactly. And 'no' is next opportunity, Brian.

Brian Kelly:
There you go. There you go. Write that down. Not you, Sumedh. (Sumedh laughs) One of the things -- so we talked about mind, we talked about body and we talked about business at the onset of the show, and it's becoming a growing trend, which I'm very happy to see. And that is one of staying and getting into a form of physical fitness to get into shape. I always go kid around some people and ask them, say, "Hey, are you getting in shape?" They say, "well yeah, round is a shape." I said, "no, no, come on now." (Sumedh and Brian laugh) Physical fitness - for you - how important is physical fitness to you and your business, and even your personal life?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Physical fitness has been that fuel for me to stay focused. It gives me that mental clarity in terms of things that I get done and the habit sort of fluctuates at times, as it happens with all of us, but I try and maintain a strict walking and workout regimen to get myself into a low-grade flow state. So, what this is called is transient hypo frontality. Transition meaning it's temporary, hypo meaning the opposite of hyper so it slows down, and frontality meaning the pre-frontal cortex. (Sumedh points to his head) That's that voice that talks about morality. It talks about -- it's the inner critic, it's inside your head. It's always talking. That shuts off as you're working out or walking or doing some form of physical exercise. And so, that actually allows you to go more readily into that sense of a low-grade flow state. And that's helped me in my business to feel more confident about myself, feel a little more confident about my body, which directly relates to being in a good mood; in my personal life, in my business life, in my romantic life, and my friendships. Recently I've been experimenting with different forms of physical fitness like Tai Chi or Chi Gun or sometimes even my cultural heritage of yoga.

Brian Kelly:
I love yoga. I have never sweat so much doing seemingly so little in my life. (Brian and Sumedh laugh) I mean, before I got into it, I was watching it and goin, "pff, come on, what is that, they're just stretching and all this stuff" and then I did it like, "oh my gosh, I'm sweating buckets, this is awesome. This is hard. I love it." (Brian laughs) Yeah. Oh man. Fuel and clarity - that's a great way to describe it. Whenever you work out, you notice an energy ball of just - jolt. I remember, many times I used to commute a long way and I would stay at a friend's house during the week at a job I used to have, and I was tired. I was exhausted every day. Worked long hours, then I'd go and live with his family, his kids, I'm away from mine because it was so far away, it didn't make sense to drive back and forth, but it was emotionally and physically really, really exhausting. And we would go work out, my buddy and I, the guy that housed me or put me up in his house, we'd go work out on occasion. Actually, quite often. I don't remember saying multiple times -- He's like, "hey, you ready to go to the gym?" I said, "Oh, man, I'm too tired. Too tired, I just can't do it." And he would say what the most loving friend on the planet could ever say to another man. You don't know what that was?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
What was it?

Brian Kelly:
He said, "come on, you wuss." (Sumedh laughs) Because you think I backed down to that? I said "all right..." and I went in. And it's interesting, no matter how tired - I mean, I had those raccoon eyes - I was really, really exhausted. I'll never forget - after about 2 sets of whatever I was doing at the moment, I started feeling alive again. And I remember when I was done, I felt more alive, more awake, far more than when I entered the gym. And it happened every single time. So, it's just about getting past that hump, just about getting past that liftoff. When you're in a rocket ship, it takes a lot of energy to get past (Brian raising his arm to illustrate a liftoff) before you can get out in the outer atmosphere, where you can just get past that one spot, then it's all easy sailing after that. So, I love that. Yeah, your habit fluctuates - I love that. Thank you for that - transient hypo frontality. Man, say that 3 times fast or one time slow, even.

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Yes, that's from Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal. They have this thing called the Flow Genome Project. You guys should definitely check that out and take the flow profile test and figure out what kind of type of flow profile are you. How do you best get them to flow? For me, it's - I'm a deep thinker, so I love to really get into the thoughts and really, really break thoughts down. That's how I really get into that flow state for myself. I recorded music and get into the zone like that.

Brian Kelly:
Love it. You say you record music?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Yeah, yeah.

So you're a musician as well?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
I'm a rapper, actually.

Brian Kelly:
What? (Brian is surprised)

Sumedh Chatterjee:
I started off freestyle rapping and then I got into recording songs. I have a music video coming out. And I have this stuff on Spotify and iTunes.

Brian Kelly:
All right. Now I have to put you on the spot, you know that, right? (Sumedh laughs) You know that. Would you be open to giving us just one snippet of one of your favorite songs? Can you do that? Can you perform that with your ear buds and a high grade mic?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Well, I can give you a little, a little thing, like a little -- a written rap that I have really rehearsed a bunch of times so I haven't it so memorized.

Brian Kelly:
Okay cool. If it just takes a minute or two, that'd be awesome! Would you be okay with that?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Let's do it!

Brian Kelly:
Our first true entertainer on the show. That's you, man! All right, here we go. It's all yours.

Sumedh Chatterjee:
(Sumedh rapping) I can't get away from this agonizing pain to find a state that I'm in, feels like a tranquillising, blade surprises, straight in my head. It's chronological, the obstacles and possibles, it's a bottle full of psychotic growth, it's unstoppable. But the hurts definite, it ain't just an urgent sickness. First the symptoms that have you layin' on a (inadible) clinic. No certain minutes, the birds chirping,the world's turning, hurds yearning. Hope to remain on the Earth's surface.

Brian Kelly:
(Brian Cheering) Baby, everybody let's give him an applause. Come on, I want to see it: likes, loves, applause, loving. Oh my goodness, that was phenomenal. Okay, so you saw it here the first time ever. Just so you know that. So, when he flies to rockets -- skyrockets to stardom, then you'll remember, Sumedh Chatterjee right here. Probably will say SUME on his album cover, but you saw it right here. Thank you, man, that was awesome.

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Thank you.

Brian Kelly:
Right down the same path. I love it. I don't know that -- There's nothing more we can do on this show now. You just took it to such a high level. We're done.

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Always. (Sumedh laughs)

Brian Kelly:
That was phenomenal. I appreciate you just doing that on the spot. Let me know when your music video gets close to fruition and we'll promote that thing. That's what we do as entrepreneurs for those of you watching and listening. You find somebody that you connect with, they have a value alignment with your value system and you want to do anything you can to help when the time arises. And I just love giving shoutouts to those who are positively impacting other people's lives. And so, anything - see, that isn't even business related, really, it's not directly toward his coaching programs. Although as you probably noticed the words, it's related. The good thing though is, I don't - it doesn't matter to me, if it's something good for that person, I will shut it out. I do it all the time on social media, Facebook, on this show and that's just part of the serving attitude of successful entrepreneurship. I guess I can put it that way. And it sounds or looks like Sumedh would agree because I saw him nodding emphatically there.

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Yeah. Thank you for adding so much value, Brian. That's really amazing.

Brian Kelly:
And thank you. And so, as I told Sumedh before we came on the show - and I always say this, - this show is about him, it's not about me. I get the blessing of bringing people like him, amazing gentleman like Sumedh and ladies that have come on before that just, wow, I cannot begin to tell you the amount of nuggets and learnings I've gotten. (Brian holds up his notes) And it just reinforces the patterns that I have discussed in the beginning, the patterns that show up for successful entrepreneurship. It just continues to reinforce that those are the patterns every single time. And the cool thing is there's little twist, little, subtle differences between how each person approaches those patterns. And now that I've compiled all this knowledge from all of these amazing people, it really solidifyies -- I'm the most blessed person on the show. I don't know, people watching right now, you're very blessed. I get to talk to people like Sumedh every week, every single week, and get some incredible value out of it. And by the way, all of these are recorded and made available, so I would highly, highly, highly recommend you go back and watch. These are like being in a workshop or seminar, but much higher value because we're not selling anything. There's no alterior motive. There's nothing for sale here. 0! Nothing for sale, in fact, we're giving away a 5-day stay and vacation at the end. So, thank you, Sumedh,I appreciate you, my brother. Good job. And so, okay, all right. That tells me right there, you're one motivated dude! I mean, you've got a coaching program and you're a rap artist who's already on Spotify, who's now going to do a video, a music video. So, I've got know, man,what motivates you to do all this? What is the underlying thing that's motivating this massive amount of taking action that you're doing?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Well, I would say that I definitely want to get better over time. It's always been about growth for me. And even if I can do a little tiny incy-wincy bit better than I did yesterday. One of my mantras that learned from a coach was: every day in every way is getting better and better. And that's exactly the thing that I always have running in my head. It's that if I can do something today that I did a little bit better than I did yesterday, then that is what really helps me to contribute more. That's what allows me to be an impact to other people around me. And so, the word (Sumedh pauses to think) 'inspired'. I think, I believe it comes from breathing into. And I think that's really phenomenal because once I've learned that we're not creative geniuses, but we have a creative genius, that this is something that you become a conduit for, you become a channel for this amazing inspiration that comes in. And so, I can't say all my credit for doing what I'm doing. I'm just being the channel for whatever thing is just coming through me and allowing me to be this light in the world, as you said Brian. I really believe that we have this superconscious part of ourselves or kahunas - the Hawaiians believe this - we have this superconscious part of ourselves that tries to combine our conscious selves with our unconscious selves and really create this super-genious inside us. And I really believe that each one of us has this genius. It's like theis water. (Sumedh holds up a water bottle) Everybody has it, everybody has this genius, but not a lot of people know the secret tools to take the lit off. (Sumedh points to the water bottle's lid) And so, once you figure that out and the tools that have worked for you, or how you can figure out ways to unlock this gift for yourself (Sumedh takes the water bottle'd lid off,) then it's fantastic. You have this motivation, this energy, that doesn't have to fluctuate, but really, it becomes more like facilitated inspiration. So, instead of really focusing on motivation for me, it's just been showing up and just doing the damn thing. And as I have been just trying and repeating myself through the process, it's only in the doing this that I get that power and I really learn from experience and the practicality.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. Yes, yes. Every day is in every way getting better and better, and showing up and doing the damn thing. I love it with emphasis. And that means taking action, taking massive action. We always say, I hear it many times, "take massive and immediate action." And I always add one more word to that. I say, "it needs to be massive, yes, immediate and then consistent!" (Brian holds up one, two, then three fingers) So keep doing it. A lot of times people say, "well, I took massive action, once I dropped 10 grand on a course and it didn't work out for me so I'm done." Like, well, no, you got to get up off that horse, get back on, and go get the next one! And this time be a little bit more prudent about studying what it is you're getting into before you get into it. Talk to people, make sure that they got something out of it. There's reasons behind this. So, take notes, but continue, never stop going! Every step forward is going to add to your momentum. It just -- it's like piling rocks. It's like you're adding rocks to your goal of reaching the top. And... man, love this! "Showing up and doing the damn thing." I think that should be a sub-title of website right there. (Sumedh laughs) We're just here showing up and doing the damn thing. And did you notice watching - for those of you watching live or watching the recording, - when... I love that analogy with the water bottle, that was beautiful. And did you notice his face the moment that the cap came off? (Brian imitates takes a cap off) What happened in that space? It's what he's doing right now! It's just big, glowing smile! He was going through the process in his mind of reaching the answer, and he was feeling it. And it was cool. So, that tells you how authentic this guy is, right? I mean he's not just talking, he's not just going through the motions. Notice how every time when I ask a question, he doesn't just immediately jump in and start answering. This is a cerebral guy and he takes his time and he thinks it through. And not to be perfect, but to be accurate, I think, is where I'm getting. And to be authentic because you can't be more authentic than pulling off a cap off a bottled of water and smiling like you just went down for Christmas and opened your presents. (Sumedh laughs) That was phenomenal. So, loving this. This is amazing, this has been a pleasant, pleasant, amazing conversation and I hope you're all still taking notes. My goodness, I can't tell you how fast these shows go. It's unbelievable. It's... we're already -- we've got time, we still time, it's just I just checked the clocks. That's a that's a sign that the value of the guest is bringing it, and every single guest brings it, every single time. And I'm learning some new things from you, Sumedh. And I love this. I appreciate this. With the flow, and you call it the Flow Genome Project - was it project?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Yeah, yeah.

Brian Kelly:
I'm definitely going to check that out. And so, I'm going to check all these things out, so why shouldn't or wouldn't You, who are watching and listening? And how much did all this cost, all this great information that you can use to your benefit? And how far will you take it? Entirely up to you. But how much did it cost you? Does anybody have a guess? Like, (Brian holds up a 0 with his fingers) this much. It cost you your time, which is very valuable, but it cost you 0 in dollars, 0 in cents. (Sumedh also holds up a 0 with his fingers) Big old goose egg. And so, don't value it that way, don't value it as "I didn't spend anything, so I'm not going to do anything." Value it as if you spent 10 grand on just this 1 hour show. And then dive into everything Sumedh is talking about with a mind of curiosity. Go in like a child. The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open. And so, when you open your mind and treat it as a -- remember, going back to a time when you were a curious child, and maybe you're playing with your favorite toy, going back there right, now maybe you're 4 years old, maybe you're 6 years old. I can remember playing my little hot wheels on my bed. I'm there now. I can do it. I'm feeling good. I feel it. And it's easy to do that and just get in that state, and then go in and do learning. I mean, this is new to me used to be when things were new to me, kind of... back off and say, "woah, that's a little kinda weird for me, but now it's like, I'm curious, I want to know, what is this? This sounds phenomenal!" I mean, these big words, 'transient hypo frontality', I can't even say it that well. It's awesome. Awesome! All right. So, you have coached clients, I'm presuming, you have a webite, you put a lot of work into it, I know you have. And I can imagine that there have been many moments where you see the transformation. The goal is the transformation. So, can you go back and remember maybe just one - and you don't need to use names, - but what has been your most satisfying moment in business to date?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
The most satisfying moment or moments in my business are seeing my clients get that 'aha moment'. I can tell this either through verbal acknowledgement from them or testimoniala. They're like, "wow, dude, my mood is on blast right now, or you give me certainty, really give me centeredness." Or I can actually pick it up in their body language. So things like their pupils dilate, they get this gleam in their eye. They light up, like you said I do, Brian. Orthey perk up, they stand more openly with their body posture. And these are things that I look for in my clients and that makes it all worth it. The hard work makes up for all of these small moments like this because I can really see the transformation happen in action. So when people realize, "oh, there it is, that light bulb moment," that's it right there.

Brian Kelly:
That's why you are destined to be on this show because that resonates so well. With everyone I've had before and hopefully everyone I have passed this moment is -- the thing that comes out for that is, you didn't say and I knew you wouldn't, but you didn't say anything like, "well, it was the day I made my first... I got my first client and I cashed that first check." (Sumedh laughs) How many times have you talked to somebody who said, "that was a defining moment for my life and my business - was I got to frame that first dollar up on the wall." I've seen that before, and they say that's their greatest moment in business. It's about the money. But what I have -- the model, the patterns to success are not about money. It's about serving others. It's about getting them the results that they want and that they deserve. And that's exactly what Sumedh just talked about right there. I was looking at them, look at their physicality. Oh, I get the blessing of teaching and taking students through advanced NLP processes from stage. And I get what you're saying, Sumedh, because you go through -- it takes 7 minutes to go through one particular process I'm thinking of, and I watched them transform before my eyes. It's amazing. And they'll come in the door at a speaking event in the very beginning, and you notice their posture like you were talking about. Their mannerisms, they come in with their head down and they're very introverted in presence; and then you take them through the process. They leave on break, they come back in, and they're wide open, smiling, high fiving, talking to everyone. Their life just changed and they were not even that aware of it until I remind them when they come back. And look at -- so, Sumedh is feeling it too. Those are the moments, like you said, those are the moments that define us. There's a reason why we want to make more and more money - it's so we can serve more and more people, and help more people to get that 'aha moment' thatSumedh was just describing. I'm feeling it right now, the goosebumps of remembering old times. (Sumedh cheers) Yes. It's amazing how that just fulfills both Sumedh and myself, too. I mean it fills the cup. The cup of life it's just full, it's overflowing. At those moments are like, "ah, I need more." It's not for me, it's for them. I want to be able to transform more lives in a positive way. And it's a beautiful thing you're doing, Sumedh. So, thank you for doing that and continue on as long as you're physically and mentally able to. And don't stop rapping either! That was pretty cool. (Brian laughs) For those of you that just came on, he was rapping earlier and he did a phenomenal job. So, you'll want to play this over again, and again, and again because this is the next superstar. You're going to see -- what are those singing shows that they do competition? I think we'll see Sumedh on one of those pretty soon. (Sumedh laughs)

Sumedh Chatterjee:
I don't know about that, but okay. (Brian laughs)

Brian Kelly:
You'll be up there mesmerizing them. Yes, it will be awesome. So, you're an entrepreneur. You're going through the stages, the work, the effort. I mean, it takes a lot of effort. Sometimes just to survive as an entrepreneur rather than even thrive. And at times it depends on the stage that one is in it at that moment. And it can take a lot. It can also be the most rewarding thing on the planet. Like you were just describing. If you could classify or categorize it or bring it down to one single word, one single word, how would you characterize your life as an entrepreneur? In one word.

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Alchemy. So, turning the lead of consciousness into a gold; taking negativity and turning it into positivity. Just like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, this journey of mine has been so much about reframing and asking myself questions like 'How can I have fun doing this?', 'How can I enjoy this process right now even though everything is crashing and burning?', 'What can I learn?' In fact, paraphrase the LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, who said that entrepreneurship is like someone who jumps off a cliff and builds a plane on the way down. (Brian laughs) Not literally of course, but that's how he describes it and that's what it feels like at times. But that's also the fun part, that's the transmutation process. And so, you're creating something great from something ineffective. The other crucial factor for me has been to remember doing that you can'tdo it alone. Ask for help. So many people forget to ask for help. They become solo-preneurs. It's up to you to jump off that cliff alone, but you need plenty of support to build that plane and get it built and have it flying smoothly before it crashes and hits the ground. (Brian laughs) So, this ability to transmute or alchemize, whatever you want to call it, transform, - is what makes the engines turn for me and this plane to function. That's been my (inaudible).

Brian Kelly:
Great, great metaphor there. That's kind of like ready, fire aim. Similar. I like that one better, yours, where - I've heard different variations, - but jump first and build the plane on the way down. And yeah, that's exactly the way it feels. And it's a hoot! I mean, I love it. You have to have -- I think, I don't know. I think you have to have some inbred part of wanting that, being ok with taking risks to begin with. I think many people can get over their fear taking risk and actually become more risk takers. But I think some were born more wired for it. I could be wrong, but it's -- because entrepreneurship is not for everybody. I mean if it were, there would be no employees anywhere on the planet. And so, thank God for entrepreneurs because without them there would be no jobs for those employees to report to. And given the fact that the higher majority are not entrepreneurs, that kind of tells you right there: it takes a special person to go down this path. And I don't mean special as in better. It's just a very unique, different individual. Because thank God for people at work in jobs. I mean, there's so many things we have today we would not have had it not been for that. And as long as they're happy doing that, then that's great. I mean, that's what it's all about. Getting the result you want and desire. Your result is your results. May not be mine. That doesn't mean it's wrong. It means it's right, it's yours. (Brian laughs) Speaking of that, there is one more question that is just burning, Sumedh. I have to ask it because - it's a really big one - because I've asked all of my previous guest the same question, and their answers have just amazed me. And I'm really really curious, what would Sumedh say when I ask him this, one of the hardest hitting questions that I ask on the show? It's how I usually finish a show. So, whether the show is successful or not is entirely reliant upon your answer, Sumedh. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. (Sumedh laughs) Building up the pressure. But I do want to ask you that one question because it's a great one. It's a thought provoker, and I can tell, watching you after I ask each question, you take time and you process and you integrate, and your answers are gorgeous. They're beautiful. I love how you come back with this eloquent way of answering every question. You have a really cool vibe about you when you do that. It's really nice. But I want to ask you this really big question if you're okay -- you okay with me asking you one of those zingers? You okay with that?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Absolutely! Let's do it.

Brian Kelly:
Man, look at that, absolutely without hesitation. Well, you know what? Before we do that, it's getting almost to the end, I better tell our listeners, our live watchers, our live viewers - remember I did promise to give you a way to win a 5-nights day. I got to get my hand in the camera. (Brian showing 5 fingers) 5-night stay at a 5-star -- I'll do this one (Brian holds up 5 fingers with his other hand) -- luxury resort in Mexico, compliments of PowerTexting.com . My good friend, dear friend, Jason Nast, that's his company. N-a-s-t. I've had people wonder what that, how you spell that. Jason Nast and PowerTexting.com have sponsored this show. And so, I want to give you the way, the means to enter to win that right now. You'll see it on your screen if you're watching live. (Information showing on screen) I will say it verbally. It is -- you can do it one of two ways. One is go to our website, and that is ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation and it's all lowercase 'vacation'. So it's ReachYourPeakLLC.com/vacation. All small letters on 'vacation'. Or if you have a cell phone, a mobile phone, and this is easier for you, go ahead and text the word PEAK. That's P-E-A-K to the number 661-535-1624. Again, that's PEAK to 661-5351-1624. And if are on here long enough, we will announce the winner right here on the show, otherwise the winner will be notified via text message, so be sure to follow the directions once you do enter, because there are directions. There's one more step after you do this. And again, it cost you this much. (Brian holds up a 0 with his finger) 0! So don't fret. Just go ahead and do that. Compliments of PowerTexting. Thank you Jason and Rhonda, his partner, for sponsoring that and providing that amazing, amazing -- He just went by the way. So, all of you know it's a legitimate, incredible experience. He went and and stayed on a 5-day or a 5-night vacation in Mexico at a 5-star resort. Took his daughter, had an amazing time, took a ton of pictures. So, it's really an amazing thing. And getting back to our man right here, Sumedh, who is probably now sweating bullets wondering what the heck is this question, Would you get to it already, Brian!? My God, I can't., I'm dying. I'm dying of curiosity. (Sumedh laughs) So, here it is. Are you ready? (Sumedh nods) All right. And just, so I want to kind of level it out here a little bit, and just so you know, Sumedh, that there's no pressure here of any kind because there is no such thing as a wrong answer to this question. Just want to be clear about that. In fact, the only correct answer is just Your answer. It's your unique answer. I've asked this of all my past guests, and to date, up until now, to date, not a single one has asked or answered it the same way. Some similar here and there, but not ever the same way totally. I imagine it will at some point, somebody will finally say the same answer as one previous. But I just wanted to tell you that so that you understand, 0 pressure, relax and take all the time you need to answer this one driving question. And that is, Sumedh, how do you personally, how do you define success?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Success for me is about making a difference, and it depends on what kind of success you mean. Financial success? Personal success? Social success? There's all kinds of success. I think the definition of success is setting out to achieve what you say you're going to do. So, if I say to myself I'm going to make myself a cup of tea right now, and I do it, I'm successful at doing that. So, there's no such thing as failure. There's a only feedback, there's only lessons. This definition of success for me gives me such an expansive energy and it gives me a growth mindset as opposed to a fixed mindset. And it really reminds me to give, give give, give, and share with other people and grow together with the people that I'm sharing. And that's been one of the most phenomenal things for me - is sharing my flow state with other people so they can get into a flow state; really shaping other people's lives, making that impact, making a difference, no matter how tiny, no matter how small - is what success is about.

Brian Kelly:
True to form. No one else said it like that either. That's phenomenal. I'm compiling the responses from the past shows. It's just amazing to me. "To give, to share, to grow together." I mean, that's really what the essence came down to. You processed it, thought it through. Yeah, there are so many kinds of success. That's absolutely true. The ultimate success is give, share, and grow together, and no matter how small - that really was, that was the defining of your essence, was that you're in it to help people. It's not that you have to hit a homerun every single time, it's just about making improvement and progress going forward in any way you possibly can. And that comes out from you big time, brother. I love it. That is a great -- I mean, every one of them is a phenomenal definition of success. And I tell every guest that yours is the best so far.

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Wow. I'm honored.

Brian Kelly:
I don't want to like compare to the other guests, but they're all the best. Every single one of these. And for those of you watching or listening to this right now on the recording maybe, go back and listen to that. The answers to that question are really amazing. Really amazing. Thank you! Sumedh, I didn't forget. So, I want to give folks a way to connect with you. You actually have a gift. I almost forgot, you have a gift that you wanted to give to everyone watching, listening either live or recorded. So, if you don't mind, if you would take over and just give us a quick description of what that gift is? Let our folks know and how they can grab it?

Sumedh Chatterjee:
(Sumedh's website showing on the screen) Guys, you can check out my free ebook on my website, www.CoachingWithSume.com. That's CoachingWithSume.com. If you scroll a little bit down to the bottom, you will notice. Get my free ebook and here you can just enter your details. Give me your name and give me your email address, and boom! It will be shot right to into your email. IT's called the 'Pronoia Code: The Universe Is On Your Squad.' It's an amazing book. I highly recommend that you check it out.

Brian Kelly:
Yes. Yes, that's CoachingWithSume.com. Sume is Sumedh's nickname, I presume, and probably better and easier to pronounce if you're just reading it. I had to ask how to pronounce it the first time. It's like, I don't want to get it wrong. (Sumedh laughs) Sume is a much easier, distinct -- yeah, Sume, Ilike it. I like it. I love it! I want some more of it! That was my rap. (Sumedh laughs) That's all we're doing. I will do anymore because it wouldn't do us justice. Well, Sumedh, I really appreciate you being on, and for all of you watching and listening live and recorded afterward, we appreciate you for coming on, for all the likes and loves, the comments, interaction. And I can't wait to bring on another guest next week, but Sumedh, you rocked it tonight. You brought amazing value. I learned a lot. I've got a full page of notes (Brian holds up his notes) and I started writing sideways because I ran out of room, so they are somewhere. I appreciate you, my brother. Looking forward to being there with you during your journey on this wonderful rocket ship called entrepreneurship. And... great job, my friend! Good job! Enjoyed having you on the show!

Sumedh Chatterjee:
Thank you, man. Thank you so much having me.

Brian Kelly:
You bet.

Sumedh Chatterjee:
I appreciate it.

Brian Kelly:
All right, all right. And that's it for us. We're going to sign off, and we'll see you next week on another edition of The MIND BODY BUSINESS Show. We will see you next week. Be blessed, for now, so long!

Thank you for watching and listening. This has been the MIND BODY BUSINESS Show with Brian Kelly.

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Sumedh Chatterjee

Sumedh Chatterjee is a world-class flow coach and creativity catalyst who has traveled the world in search of the question "What inspires individuals?". He hails from Kolkata, India but grew up in Switzerland, Thailand, Vermont and did a masters in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology. He is a role model for a lot of people and he strives to be the most authentic and best version of himself he can be.

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