Special Guest Expert - Tony Stark Policci: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Brian Kelly:
So here's the big question. How are entrepreneurs like us who have been hustling and struggling to make it to success, who seem to make it one step forward? Two steps back. Who are dedicated. And driven. How do we finally break through and win? That is the question. This podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brian Kelly. This is The Mind Body Business Show. Hello, everyone, and welcome. Welcome. Welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. How are you doing this evening? I am your host, Brian Kelly, and this is The Mind Body Business Show. And I cannot wait to bring on our special guest expert. He is waiting in the wings. He is like clawing at the monitor saying, let me in, Brian. I want to I want to give everybody this incredible juice that I have that's going to take them to the next level. And yes, he will very soon. Tony Stark Policci is in the green room awaiting his great big arrival on this stage. In the meantime, The Mind Body Business Show, it is a show that I had developed with you in mind with the the business person, the entrepreneur, the person looking to make it to that next level in your business. And the whole purpose of the show is to bring on supremely successful individuals from all over the world, like Tony Stark Policci to help with your advancement in your business. I'm going to be asking him deep digging questions that are going to extract his secrets for success so that you can take what he has used, the things he's learned over his life that you can then implement into your business and and take it to the next level. Because here's the thing. Could we do this all by ourselves? You are very astute, all of you watching and listening. You are astute. You're very smart, you're intelligent. Could you do this all by yourself? The answer is probably yes. But why would you want to? The thing is, is it takes far longer to do it on your own by going through the trial and error of all the things that so many before you have already done.
Brian Kelly:
So why not leverage from their experience? Why not take what they have learned and leapfrog the time it takes to become successful by simply following successful people like Tony Stark Policci? That's all this show is all about. And I know I say that's all it's about. It's only the greatest show on earth because it will help you. This is like going to a seminar every single week. We do this show at least once a week, and you could literally we could literally charge a lot of money for this because of the amazing individuals I've had on the show who impart great values, great tips, great secrets that help you to catapult your business. I know because I'm the host and I have learned so much from my guests that have truly, incredibly helped my own business. That's why I know that this is actually the greatest place for you to be right now. And so the mind body business is about the three pillars of success. And these three pillars of success came about as a result of my studying very successful people. And I just focused on only successful people for about a period of a decade. And I said, what does what makes them more successful than someone like me? What makes them upper echelon successful, at least in my eyes? And what I found and these are people that I know personally, these are book authors that I've read, These are some that I've met, some that are no longer with us, that have never, you know, that were gone before I even was born. Books. And there are mentors of mine that I've worked with and spoken on stage with, and I've just compiled all this information and realized that there are three things in common with every successful person I've met, and one is mine. You probably guessed it. It's the it's the name of this very show mine being that each individual that I studied that had achieved this incredible level of success had figured out how to create a very powerful, very positive and most importantly, flexible mindset. And then body literally, they take care of themselves physically and nutritionally. They they exercise and they ingest the proper nutrients.
Brian Kelly:
And then business. Business is multi, multi, multifaceted. It's a wondrous area because in order to build a successful business, one must master various skill sets in order to become successful in business, not only just to become successful and build a great business, but to also then take it, scale it, grow it, and and serve even more people or get a greater reach and skill sets. What does that mean? Well, skill sets include things like marketing, sales, team building, systematizing leadership. I mean, I could just keep going on and on and on. There are quite a few. And also, being as astute as you are as a watcher and a listener of this show is you understand and recognize that mastering just one of anything, whatever it happens to be, takes a lot of time. The good news is you personally don't have to master not even the little subset of skill sets I just mentioned. You don't have to master every single one. The cool thing is you only have to master one. Well, I recommend, and it is my opinion that if you just mastered one and it. Was one of those very few that I just mentioned. If you master just that one skill set, you can leverage that skill set into bringing on additional individuals that already have mastered the skill sets that you need and desire for your business. Anyone want to know what that one skill set is? I mean, I would that one skill set is the skill set of leadership. Even if even if you do not have a team, even if you don't have a single VA right now. This is a skill set. You can start mastering instantly and treat yourself as if you are one of your own team members. Build your own, develop your own company culture. And there are books, many books written on leadership, and we'll give you a resource for that in just a moment on where you can get started with that, if that's where you're at. There's no excuses. My is my whole point is you can get started and I highly recommend you do it right away. Is mastering the skill set of leadership. You don't have to absolutely master it and be done.
Brian Kelly:
You can be on the path of mastering it as you build your team and really crush it in your business. All right. And to a person, all of these very successful people that I studied, it turned out, were also very avid readers of books. Yes. And with that, I want to segway into a really quick segment I affectionately call Bookmarks.
Bookmarks. Born to read. Bookmarks. Ready, Steady. Read. Bookmarks brought to you by Reach Your Peak Library.com.
Brian Kelly:
Yes. There you see it. ReachyourpeakLibrary.com. It is right there on your screen. If you're watching live. If you're watching live. Yes. If you're not watching live head on over to TheMindBodyBusinessShow.com. Don't forget the the and the show at the end TheMindBodyBusinessShow.com and there are buttons all the way up and down that that website where you can just click to say where and how to watch and what you'll do is just basically opt in and we only announce when our next live show is going and you get notified five minutes prior to with a link to go directly to it. You can watch it and listen. And by the way, we do offer a wonderful, amazing prize to those who watch live. And that is you can win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort compliments of Reach Your Peak. That is my company that these are not these fly by night. We're going to whisk you into a basement and inflict water torture on you and try to sell you a timeshare or anything like that. These are bona fide. Amazing vacation stays from virtually anywhere in the world. And you get to choose after you are chosen as the winner. You get to choose that location. So stick around to the end. You must be watching live. That's another great reason to opt in and be made available and know that the next show is going live. And you can watch amazing people like Tony Stark, who's coming on in just a moment. So reach your peak library.com. A real quick word of advice. So I've spoken from stage many times. And remember in the beginning times where I'd be on stage and I know I'm getting to that really good part where it could impact people in profound ways. And I would notice someone get up out of their chair and turn around and walk out because they're staring at their phone. They got that all important text or email or they had to go to the restroom and I knew they were missing out on what could possibly change their life forever. And it hurt. I didn't like that. I wanted to help people.
Brian Kelly:
And so now I've learned to say, look. Look, I know this is online. We're virtual, but the magic happens in the room. I would hate for you to have something take your focus away from when Tony is talking and divulging his secrets to success. I would just absolutely hate it if you were to miss that one golden nugget that could potentially change your life forever because you took your focus elsewhere and maybe were looking up reach your peak library.com and going to visit it. Instead of doing that, I implore upon you to instead. Write it down. I'm going to be taking notes throughout this entire show myself. I'm running the whole show. I'm director producer. Tony's a star, by the way. I'm not the star. Tony's the star. I'm going to be taking notes and I want you to take notes. This is my advice to you. And then after the show is over, then go visit the resources. Tony's going to have some they all every guest of mine always does. Might be websites, might be books, write them down and stay with us, particularly stay with Tony. Please do that for yourself, not for me. This has nothing to do with me. Nothing whatsoever. Reach your peak Library.com. It is a website that I had developed by my team again with you in mind. I love. I love helping people, especially entrepreneurs and those who are looking to get ahead in business. Absolutely. It's my passion. And so I was not an avid reader myself until I started around the age of 47, which is almost 12 years ago. I know you're all doing the math. We'll get that out of the way. I live. I love it. I own it. I'm almost 59. Yes. And so I began reading and realized, oh, my God, what a life changing. Habit this is. And so you'll see books scrolling on the screen if you're watching this live. These are in no particular order. You know, they're not alphabetic. I know I have a lot of Grant Cardone and all in one spot because I read a bunch of his books all at one point.
Brian Kelly:
I think I read them all, but I just dropped them in to my team. Add this one, add this one, add this one. These are books I personally read and I vet, so not every book I've ever read is in here. The purpose of this is so that if you're looking for that next great read, at least you can know that one other successful individual has vetted it and so your odds of wasting your time are decreased somewhat. I can't promise you they'll have the same impact on you as they did me. I can't promise you that have any impact on you, but I can promise you that at least they did have an impact on me and they have really helped me compel my business and propel it forward. And so write that down. Reach your peak Library.com. Go visit it, devour it, Find that next. Great read. And by the way, get the book anywhere you want to get it. You don't need to get them from this site. This is not here to make money. That is not the purpose of this site. It's here purely for your information purposes. So you can find that book. You can click on the buy here button. It goes straight to Amazon. We make a few pennies. I mean, many of you know that you don't make a lot of money off of any books, even if you're the author, unfortunately. But go get them at your bookstore wherever you want, but find that next title and just promise that you will find that book. Open it, read it, go get it, and then then employ it. Put to put in action what you've learned. That's that. I am off my soapbox with that because we are here to watch and listen and learn from one amazing individual whom I had the unbelievably great blessing to meet somewhat recently. And I can't wait for you to meet him too. So I think it's about time we bring him on. I've been blabbing way too long, so let's bring on Tony Stark Polish. Here we go.
It's time for the guest expert Spotlight Savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained. Big league qualified.
Brian Kelly:
And there he is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it's the bicep bulging Mr. Tony Stark. Koichi, how are you doing, my friend?
Tony Stark Policci:
Brian I'm fantastic, man. After that, after that introduction and all of that, amazing. I'm just laughing as I'm listening to you because it's so good. I was like, I should strike a pose or do something. I mean, like, I'm just. I'm just hanging out here just being normal. Me But like, like I should do something dramatic. So it's so great to be here. Thank you. I've been looking forward to this for months.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, yeah, exactly. Yeah, it has been. Months since you. Yeah, since we got you scheduled to come on the show.
Tony Stark Policci:
And pick a date. When? When it would fit for my schedule and your schedule and. Oh, my goodness.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And it's a blessing beyond all blessings. Thank you, number one, for coming on. I was like, Oh, my God, Tony Stark. Koichi is going to be on my show. And when you schedule that show months in advance, I was like, I was very humbled and I appreciate that because, you know, you have some great lineage in your in your family. You're related to somebody by a completely different name that is very well known as well. And you yourself are a very astute and very well, um, very successful copywriter of your own right. And businessman. And so I was just like over the moon, like, oh my God, I've got I've got Iron Man on my show. I know. I've never heard that before, but I'm curious, where did the name come from? How did that come about?
Tony Stark Policci:
Okay, this is this is a it's a wonderful story, actually. I love telling the story. In 2008, when the Iron Man movie came out, I was wearing my beard, kind of like Robert Downey Jr does in the movie Iron Man. Just happenstance, right? And all the kids at church started calling me Tony Stark because I looked like him. And my name is Tony, right? So it kind of stuck, but I didn't really feel like Tony Stark. I mean, life was kind of tough at the moment. I wasn't really in shape, but it started gnawing at me and I was in this really intense men's group. You know, every Saturday we would get together. It was like an accountability group called Warrior Circle. And, you know, we had these these stretches where, like, you're going to do things. And I was I wrote my stretch out one week and it was like, I want to be Batman, Iron Man, you know, Superman all rolled into one. And I went through all these different things of what I wanted those traits to be. And so I planted this seed in my head. So long story short, I started changing my life started changing things started getting in shape. And then I was unfortunately, my marriage wasn't very good. My wife had a lot of problems. I mean, I was no saint in the 22 years we were together either we both had issues, but she refused to deal with hers and she kept disappearing. That marriage ended and. I met a woman who I had known like I'd known in passing because my son and her daughter were friends. And I was like, Hey, what are you doing? Well, we just I'm no longer with my husband. I'm like, Well, I just divorced Lisa. We should get together and swap stories. So we did. We got together for coffee. It turns out her last name was Stark. I come home and I tell my sons, I'm like, Hey, did you know that? You know, like Tommy's last name is Stark. And my son Michael was like, Dad, if you married her, would you really be Tony Stark? And I just thought, Well, it doesn't usually work that way.
Tony Stark Policci:
You know, the guy doesn't take the woman's name, but it just kind of stuck with me. And so when we got married, I added her name to mine. She added her name, my name to her. So I'm Tony Stark Policci. She's not a stark Policci And there you have it. You know, I set this kind of intention to to live like a superhero. And so in some manner of aspect, I actually get to do that. And I've taken my my business. You know, I've used that theme and, you know, I don't want to go too far on this, but it's a it's kind of a cool story. And anybody knows you think about Robert Downey Jr. He had some real troubles in his life. Right? And then he had a guy, Mel Gibson, you know, kind of gave him a hand up, like gave him another chance. He was able to correct himself. Well, I'm just like that. And anybody that knows my brother, Joe Polish, we both have these horrific addiction and trauma stories in our past. So we've been able to have a second chance. Also, I was transformed, you know, the character Tony Stark in the movie, He comes from, you know, selfish, philanthropist, selfish, self-centered, you know, Playboy, too. He's like, I'm changing everything. Well, I've gone through that transformation in my life, too. So there's things there that I feel really kind of relate and it fits in well. I don't have a suit and I don't have billions of dollars to give away. You know, I do have this cool shot behind me and, um, you know, I've got I've got the desire to bring superhero level results into the lives of clients and, you know, just upgrade the lives of anybody that I can.
Brian Kelly:
And so as a husband, you're already a superhero in my eyes. I mean, to take on your wife's last name as part of yours and and you mix, you both mix it, it's like, wow, I've never heard that before. And I did not know this backstory before, Tony. And this is impressive to me beyond words, because I love men who really, truly love and respect their wives. And I can tell that's. That's true of you.
Tony Stark Policci:
Yeah. My wife is. She is the superhero. She is probably the most amazing person I've ever met. Um, and I loved my former wife as to the best of my ability, but I really never knew what it was like to have a fully committed partner until this little superhero came into my life. And I wish I could show you her picture. Because if you've ever seen the Iron Man movie, you mean the girl that plays Pepper? You know, I'm not going to mention her name. Everybody knows who she is, but, um, my wife Donna, looks kind of like her, and I had a rendering done of me in this special blue and black suit, and. And she's there on a balcony, and it's like. It's like Tony Stark and Pepper. It's just. It's too. It's too funny, you know? She's a she's a great, great lady.
Brian Kelly:
You should both attend Comic-Con. Just just to do that and wear the suit. And everyone go, Wow.
Tony Stark Policci:
Yeah, She's not a fan of the whole comic book thing, which is a little a little disconcerting to me, but that's okay. She's so good at everything else. I just let that one slide.
Brian Kelly:
That's awesome. Hey, I want to do you some justice here and actually introduce you in a formal way that I think is deserving because that way people get an idea of where you come from, what you've done. Let's talk about your business, if that's cool with you. I'd like to do a quick intro and then we'll dive into the good stuff. Does that sound all right?
Tony Stark Policci:
Yeah, that's fine. I just, you know, I'm not as impressed with myself as people might be with what I've done, but. Yeah, that's great.
Brian Kelly:
Uh, that speaks a lot about. You, too, man. I love you. You're awesome. Tony Stark Pulici got his start in direct response marketing and advertising in 1994 as co-founder and former VP of Piranha Marketing, Inc. In 2002, he founded Absolutely Brilliant Concepts Inc., which has generated over $500 million for many of the world's leading companies thought leaders and entrepreneurs. He is a bestselling author and his work has been published in many trade magazines and publications, including USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and Entrepreneur magazine. His Wise Guys Copywriting Handbook is an Amazon International bestseller and was voted number nine of the of the best 100 copywriting books ever written by book authority. I mean, there's so much to be said about all of that and. It's quite impressive. And it's interesting, Tony. You know, we as humans and we look at ourselves, we're never all that impressed, are we? And then you see someone else and they see what you've done and their perception is, holy crap. Are you kidding me? You are. You are it. You have achieved a ton. And do you find that that happens a lot where we are so self deprecating? I'm there. I'm one of them where it's like how how is it other people see so much of us and in us that we don't. Does that ever come to your your forethought?
Tony Stark Policci:
Oh, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. I don't know. You know, I know an awful lot about human psychology. I mean, that's part of like what I do in my business. But I learned something from acting because I used to be a professional actor. That's what I actually started doing. I started studying marketing. But, you know, there's this sense of only being as good as your last performance, right? And I think professional athletes feel this.
Brian Kelly:
And I think in.
Tony Stark Policci:
Business, a lot of us feel this way where it is, you know, I'm only as good as my last big win. And so we're constantly striving for something else. And the sense of satisfaction there has to be a balance, I think, where for me, I can find some gratitude and some joy and some appreciation and the things that I've accomplished, but still continue to strive to reach my other goals. So yeah, and you know, this this sense of beating oneself up and beating oneself down, that's really something we have to rally against and change. You know, that's a mindset that is defeating. And, you know, as a as a man of faith, I feel like there are spiritual forces that like to attack us and play on that natural tendency that we have to want to beat ourselves up. Because, you know, if if I think if every one of us realized how much potential and how much power and how much we could achieve in the world for good, you know, then. What an amazing world it would be. But too often everyone walks around feeling beat down, even those of us that have accomplished great things. So it's something that I know personally I have to work on on a regular basis to not beat myself up and not be self-deprecating. And, you know, I do give the glory to God. However, I recognize that, you know, I he's equipped me to do things that have benefited others. And I can make a difference in this world. And I have done great things. So but that doesn't make me great.
Brian Kelly:
Well, in in my eyes it does, because you are always. You know what? I think you are great because you you have that mindset and you have that will and desire to help others. And and that in itself, to me defines greatness, greatness as a human being. It's not about the end result of how many people and how much money one makes. It's about the intention and the desire and drive and the purpose, you know, the persistent, you know, yearning for success not just for yourself, but predominantly for others. That's what to me, that's what greatness is. And you epitomize that in my eyes. I just want to let you know that.
Tony Stark Policci:
Oh, well, thank you, Brian. That's. That's very kind. You know, you mentioned leadership in your introduction. And the thing that was that went through my mind when I heard that was that we're all leaders. Most of us just don't know it. You know, we're all teachers. We're all leading somebody. We're all teaching someone something, even if it's the person in the store that we're encountering, you know, how are we showing up for them? And, you know, it is I've had so many moments in my life where I was a terrible leader, a terrible teacher, a terrible role model. And, you know, I strive to make a positive impact wherever I can and with whoever I can. And, um, I think at the end of the day, that is, that is how I want to be remembered. I want to be remembered as somebody who, you know, if I have a room of 100 people, you know, at the, at, at my funeral and they're all like, you know. Tony did this. Tony said this. Tony helped me here. Then I'll feel like my life was a success. So, um. Yeah, for what that's worth.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. It's worth a lot. I think it's a combination of intent and effort toward that intent. And, um, you know, I used to be a certified personal trainer, and I remember going through and just doing simple stuff like, All right, let's do ten push ups. I mean, simple stuff. And I'd have a client, they'd do five, maybe four, and they'd get up and I'd see them with their head hanging low. Yeah. And I'm like, What's going on? It's like, I didn't I didn't do all ten. I said, So what are you doing right now? Are you beating yourself up? Well, yeah, I didn't I didn't succeed. I said, Did you put in everything you had? I watched you. You couldn't go a sixth rep. That's okay. But you put in everything you had, did you not? Yeah, I did. So then stop kicking yourself in the butt instead. I tell them, Take your hand. Raise it up. Turn that hand around, reach behind your back and pat it and say, Good job for putting forth the effort, because the next time you do it, maybe not the next time, but sooner or later you will get six. Then you'll get seven, then ten. But never kick yourself in the butt for putting in the effort. And I was always a positive reinforcement. I coached kids in basketball and sports, and if they were putting forth the effort and they didn't make the layup, I didn't get down on them. I said, You tried. You put you you took my instruction. You jumped off the opposite foot to give you greater leverage. You did everything. I watched you. Good job. Even though you didn't make the basket. And that's, I think, us as humans, we look at ourselves and we are always beating ourselves up. And I think it's time for a lot of us to stop doing that and give ourselves credit because we are our own worst enemies. And those are the self-talk can really ruin one's dreams. Does that resonate with you at all?
Tony Stark Policci:
100%. 100%.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And so, you know, and just keep keep serving and helping others and stacking those pebbles. I'm not talking to you, Tony, because you're doing that already. One of the things I love to ask in the beginning of every show is, you know, there's this thing called mindset and it's so powerful. I didn't realize this literally till about the age of 47 when I started reading. That's when I met my mentor, coincidentally, and I didn't realize how powerful ones own thinking was. I had no clue at that moment. And then when I learned about it, I was like, Oh my gosh, it has everything to do with one success or lack thereof. And so I love to open the show by asking this question, like, when you get up in the morning, Tony, you know how it is to be an entrepreneur. You know that how it is to live life, that there are arduous things facing us that are going to be there that next morning. There are things you don't want to handle. There are there are clients that are having issues that have to be solved. And it's not always just rose petals and and cash flowing every moment of the day knowing that you're going to get up and face this day in and day out. Being an entrepreneur is not easy. Knowing that you're facing that. What is it when you wake up in the morning that's going on in your big, beautiful brain that is keeping you driven, keeping you inspired, keeping you wanting to continue to strive for it and serve others. What is that for you?
Tony Stark Policci:
Well, you know, it's different now than it was 20 years ago and when it was 30 years ago. What it is now is I have a sense of urgency, right. Because I am just as we record this, I'm just a few months away from 60 years old. And I realized that there's a good chance I have more years behind me than I do ahead of me. Don't know. I hope not. I hope maybe I'm going to be, you know, at 120. But it's the sense of urgency, you know, And it's like I need to use my time wisely. I feel like I wasted a lot of time with, you know, the time that I spent stuck in addiction and things like that in my life. And I've been blessed to have a second chance. So it's like I want to get up and make the most of every day. So first of all, it's a sense of urgency that drives me. Second of all, I'm blessed right now. I wish I could tell you honestly that the sense of urgency and this awareness of gratitude and that I'm blessed makes me wake up with this joyous attitude jumping out of bed ready to take on the day. It's not always like that, you know? In fact, most days it's like, let's pray, let's get up. Let's get going. Right. Come on, body. You know, it takes a few minutes for me to actually get into it, but it's this sense of urgency. You know, I cannot sit on my laurels. I don't want to waste time. I do not want to waste my my life. It's like I have been blessed and had second chances and I have tremendous opportunities. So let's get up and make something happen. You know? Uh, can't always make things happen, right? Sometimes our best efforts, we. You get to the end of. They're just like, what did I accomplish? But. Getting up with an intention and having I don't want to go into like, you know, plans like what I have, what I have planned for the day. Some days my days are very structured and other days are kind of like, what do I what am I going to do? I got 500 things or which one do I do first? And I waste 30 minutes trying to figure out where to start. So, you know, it's, uh. But that would be it. It's this urgency and the fact that I am. I recognize that I have been blessed and I want to make the most of the time that I have.
Brian Kelly:
And it just makes. Me wonder, you know, I have people that talk about like, you know, I'm right there with you age wise. I am maybe a year behind you, if that. We're real close. And I you know, sometimes I will reflect and think, well, when I was younger, what if I would have changed things and made different decisions and do I have any regrets? And my answer to myself is no, because I'm also very deeply rooted. I'm a Christian and I was put on this earth for certain reasons, and those experiences were put into my life for a reason. I made decisions for a reason. And my this is my belief. And because of those experiences, I am who I am today. It's shaped me. It's helped me to learn, helped me to learn how to deal with people, how to build businesses, but be a good person on this planet and live a godly life as much as one can. We are all, you know, not godly ourselves, right? I mean, we're not we are all sinners. No one's perfect except no one human has ever been perfect except one. That's my my thing that's ever walk this planet. But the thing is, is, you know, we could all look back and have regrets. And I don't I don't believe in that. So, yes, we've all Good God, we've all made mistakes. Come on. We're all and you and I are going to continue to make those mistakes. It's just we probably make far fewer of them, at least. I hope so, from learning from our past mistakes. But if you could talk to your younger self at, say, 20, 25 years old and tell yourself, come on, man, I know what it's like. You need to change your ways. Do you honestly think that you as that younger self would say, Oh, okay, I'll change right now? Do you think that would have happened?
Tony Stark Policci:
I, I would say no. You know, I mean, if there were a way to time warp back and really do that, you know, go into the multiverse and find younger Tony and, and be like, hey, stay away from this. Don't do this. Buy this stock. That would be fantastic. You know? Yeah, there's this guy named Jeff. He's going to come up with a company name Amazon. You want to get on top of that one? And also, you know.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. And that's the thing, man. It's like no matter how old we are, it's, you know, when we're that young and I think this is almost universal, no matter if you're a man or a woman, we know everything. And it's going to be the way we're going to do it. We want to go have fun. It's a different stage in our life. And the point of this is why look back and have regret when you probably wouldn't have changed anything had you known any different. Why? There's no sense why, you know, look forward, not backward and look at the beautiful stuff. I mean, you said it, Tony. Thank you for saying it. You said, I am blessed. Does that mean your life is perfect? No. But you have gratitude and you have that to look forward to when you're 20, 25. I didn't say that all the time. I'm blessed. I'm thinking, man, I want to keep getting ahead in the world. I'm not blessed yet. I haven't made it yet. But now that we're at this age where we can look back and go, I am blessed. My God, what a great life. I've got a great wife. I've got you know, whatever your situation is, there's there are so many great things to look at. And, you know, people might be looking I thought this was a business show. Well, it is because mindset is like the core reason for either your success or lack thereof. I mean, what do you what do you think about that statement?
Tony Stark Policci:
Oh, absolutely. 100% mindset is is everything because so. Oh, God, there's so much I want to say about this. I don't even know where to start. The the battle between the ears. That is where, you know, victory happens, right? Um, business is all about mindset. Whether we continue pushing through difficult things, whether we give up when something doesn't go right. It's all about mindset. And for me, I have to continually work on that. I there's, I've gone through phases in my life where my mindset was different than, you know, it was maybe ten years later, things have moved up and down. I was an entrepreneur when I was 18 years old. I was already trying. I was involved in, you know, starting businesses and doing things ever since I was a kid, of course, I got in with some wrong people. One decided to get in the wrong business, which led me into trouble. But I've always been an entrepreneurial have the entrepreneurial mindset, you know, looking to be more learn more. And I'd study people right? I'd listen to the old I used to when I delivered pizzas for Pizza Hut, I used to go to the library and get stacks of the cassette tapes and listen to Brian Tracy and Jim Rohn and all of these, you know, great leaders and take all this stuff into my head and and like, it changed the way that I was thinking because we're all raised in different environments and not every one of us, you know, is raised in a positive environment. Some of us have very negative parents, very destructive relationships, and we bring that stuff into our world. You know, it's like, but we can reprogram that. You know, I, I don't remember the course that I took years ago, but there was a quote in it and it said, One of the ultimate truths of life is that you can alter your destiny by altering your thoughts. And the way that you think makes all the difference in the world. All right. I wake up and what my natural default is, is to look at everything that's wrong. I mean, literally, that's where my brain goes, you know? Oh, you know, this didn't this didn't work out or that's and it's like I have to intentionally focus on what's right and.
Tony Stark Policci:
Uh, everyone listening right now, just put yourself into a situation. Remember when you started thinking about something that was going wrong in your life? How inspiring was that? Did that make you want to just jump up and accomplish something? God, no, it didn't. All right. So the the thinking about what's going right in your life. When I say that I'm blessed, when I say that I'm focused on gratitude, that is not a constant state of mind for me. That is an intentional path that I work at all the time, because otherwise I would just want to sit on the couch instead of being at 7% body fat, I'd be eating bonbons, you know, watching Netflix because this is all just too hard anyway. So mindset is everything. Um, you know, you have to believe in yourself and if you can't believe in yourself, then you have to find somebody that can help you believe in you or they can believe in you until you can. And you. It's important to realize that we can accomplish almost anything, right? And I say almost anything because I know there's some things I'm not going to be able to accomplish. I'm never going to be a superstar NBA basketball player. So the idea that I can do anything I want, you know, if I just put my mind to it is nonsense. But most things you know, most of the things that I, I want to accomplish, I can with the right mindset. And I believe that's possible for everyone. We all have limitations, but. Don't create don't don't create false ones.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, and you're right. We we by default, run a negative track. I think it's a human nature. You know, growing up when we first started imprint stage there, the seven years old, how many times were we told the word no? Because we're getting our hands in things and things that we shouldn't be. And that's all we heard. And it beat us down, not because our parents thought they wanted to beat us down. They were doing everything to protect us. But but the cool thing is, like you said, that our thoughts can be reprogramed and they can be reprogramed to serve us. And that's when I. I did not know this again until the age of 47 ish, when I met my mentor who was in the realm of Neuro-linguistic programing. He was a very astute Oh my God, he still is a very astute young man. He could be my son by age and he's my mentor. I never look at age. I don't look at race, gender, any of that. I look at the person, the values that they have and the results they get. And then I model them. And this this young man was that and Mel Cutler is his name. And I learned deep. I had no no idea how important mindset was until I learned NLP at a deep, deep level. Over years of working with him, I ended up being his lead trainer for his company and spoke from his stages, training his students for half of their seminars, half of the you know, each seminar was a couple of days. I'd do all of day one, and I learned so much from that. And deep down I'm like, I changed. Tony You know, you talk about being a born again Christian. Nlp made me a born again human being.
Tony Stark Policci:
Brian Kelly:
So not so much in a spiritual sense, but, you know, I always knew I loved people, but I didn't know how to interact with them. So I thought I didn't like talking to people. Well, I didn't actually, I didn't know how. Then I learned NLP, just basic stuff. I am that guy now. When you get in the elevator and there's like 5 or 6 people in there, I am that one that will speak up first and I won't be the one that's saying something stupid or, you know, obnoxious. It'll just be kind of, you know, breaking the seal of silence and getting people to smile. I'll talk to a barista at Starbucks where I wouldn't be for I will build rapport with a waiter instantly and they'll be my best friend. And I'm like, I love life. I love people and I love interacting. And it just took a few tools to learn and practice. But what you said was what I got from what you said anyway is it takes effort to change your your mindset. Would you agree with that?
Tony Stark Policci:
Brian Kelly:
Yeah. Yeah.
Tony Stark Policci:
You know what doesn't take effort. I mean, there's there's very few things that you can, you know, accomplish in life that that don't require any effort or pain. But it takes effort, you know. You can't buy a gym membership and suddenly have abs, right? It's you've got to go. You've got to put in the work. You've got to watch what you put in your mouth. It's the same with our brains. Watch what Watch what you allow to go through your head, you know, because I have a background with addiction and, you know, trauma and things. I've been through therapy. I've done a lot of studying, background psychology, use that for my acting and for the writing. And there's something, you know, that recently I had to revisit called Ants Automatic Negative Thoughts. And, you know, it's the series of like, you know, your brain is constantly having these negative thoughts going through it. And oftentimes people can be fooled into thinking that because you have these types of thoughts that you're a bad person. And it is you know, it is not acting on these thoughts that make you the determine the kind of person that we are. Right? Everybody has crazy thoughts. And the thing about it is don't let them run your life like it takes effort to reprogram that. I've found this out a few years ago, kind of accidentally, 7 or 8 years ago, I was really depressed and this was around the time when everything kind of was falling apart in my life personally. And it was just I was so depressed, it was hard to get out of bed. And I decided to go into, you know, for me it was the Bible. And I pulled out all the verses that talked about what who I am to my creator, right? And I wound up with like four pages of verses. I printed them out and stuck them on my mirror. And every morning, at least twice a day, I would read these things out loud as I'm brushing my teeth. Right. Or I am trying. I am. You know, I would read these out loud. And you know what? After a month, I had a whole new attitude.
Tony Stark Policci:
And I realized. There's if anybody has ever read any of the of the Bible, there's a verse. I think it's in the the New Testament that says, you know, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That's not just a biblical wisdom, right? This is wisdom. This is timely wisdom. Like, how do you change? How do you be transformed? Well, you renew your mind. You get rid of the old junk, get the lies out of there, get the old ways of thinking out of there, you know, put new stuff in. And it transforms not just the way that we think, the way that we act, the way that we feel the body. You know, we could get into all kinds of like woo woo kind of discussions here. But the it takes work. It takes some effort.
Brian Kelly:
And the beautiful thing about the whole it takes work, it takes effort. Thing is, each of us to a person, we have a choice. It's simple. We either choose to put in the effort or we choose not to, and we get the results commensurate with that choice. And the thing Oh my gosh, you just talked about those verses. Do you happen to have those in electronic form anywhere?
Tony Stark Policci:
I do. I can certainly send it to you. Absolutely.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, I would love that. And what a gift that would be for anybody and everybody. As you were saying, it was like my my mouth was just smiling. Like that would be phenomenal for everyone to see how they look in the eyes of our creator.
Tony Stark Policci:
Yeah, I'll be happy to share that with you.
Brian Kelly:
How much we are loved, how much we are deemed precious. All of it is like, Oh bro, that would be so awesome. Fearfully and wonderfully made. You know all of these things.
Tony Stark Policci:
Brian Kelly:
You know, and that. You know what a great way to start a day to finish a day to put it in the middle of the day, you know, just have it handy and look at it and go, you know, when we're feeling down because that's just part of life we're going to feel down at some point. Um, but that would be so uplifting that so many people need that, whether they're a believer or not. Just see what someone else thinks about you and from another vantage point and oh, that would be fricking phenomenal that I was just thinking, oh, PDF book, that's perfect right there. Let's do it. Yes. Oh we got comments coming in. Oh, how are you doing? I cannot pronounce his name. He was on my master class just the other day. Transformation of the mind. It takes work. It takes effort. Wow. Yeah. Just to fool me. I'm sure I messed up that pronunciation. I am so sorry. And Wanda Reynolds says amen. We've had others coming in. Oh, Wanda. She had a great comment earlier. I am Wanda.
Tony Stark Policci:
Woman Wonder Woman.
Brian Kelly:
Love that. Yeah. And then Robert. Stewart says Tony is the best from Facebook.
Tony Stark Policci:
Oh, Robert Roberts, one of my best friends. We we have been through thick and thin together for 30 years. Probably close to it, if not 30.
Brian Kelly:
Yeah, good to see. Friends coming on here. People that know. Oh, aunts. I had not heard that one before. Automatic negative thoughts. Yeah, the verses. That would be phenomenal. And I want to before it gets too late. We're getting my Tony. I could talk to you for freaking out. I'm not kidding you. I could talk to you for hours. We could. And I know you're. You're on the West Coast. I'm on the East. So if you want to stay up later, I'm good with it because it's late for me. But I don't care. Um. But what I wanted to do is give you an opportunity. I wanted to ask you exactly what it is you do for a business. This is a show about entrepreneurship and business. And yes, everything we've just talked about is absolutely appropriate for improving one in their business, not only their business, but their personal life as well. But what I want to find out and I literally personally want to know this because I'm curious, I've known it from the surface. I think of what it is you do, but I'd like to hear it from you. What it is you do, what your business is currently. That's part one. Part two is, you know, what is your target market? Who are the people you serve? Are they large corporations, medium corporations? Small business owners, stay at home moms or a mixture of all whatever it happens to be? That's part two. And number three. I know it's a lot. If you can think of a success story or two that you'd like to share with everybody, that would be phenomenal as well. And as you do that, I'll pull up your website and we'll just let it scroll gently in the background if that's cool with you. Would you mind letting us know what it is you do and what you're about right now?
Tony Stark Policci:
Yeah, absolutely.
Brian Kelly:
So fantastic.
Tony Stark Policci:
My brother and I are both Connectors. Joe connects. He's. He probably the most connected marketer on the planet. That's what they call my brother Joe Polish. I connect people with words. So as a copywriter and a marketing consultant, what I do is I help you structure a message that will appeal to your audience, right? I tell stories. I create marketing strategies to help, to help you get your message to your ideal audience. Copywriting is really the oxygen for marketing. And so what I do is I'm a communicator and I help you get your message to the market. I help you. The little tagline that I use for myself is I make you more well known and wealthy. And the way that we do that is by creating compelling marketing messages and then using marketing strategies to actually break through things like all the junk mail and all of the attention grabbing things and all of the, you know, different gatekeepers that you run into everything competing for your attention. There's a lot of noise out there and there has been for decades. And so I create marketing that cuts through that and really zeroes in on people's wants and needs and pain points. That's what I do as a copywriter and a marketing consultant. And me the I've already forgotten. Question two I got. Question three Um.
Brian Kelly:
Your target. Market was. I thought that was question three.
Tony Stark Policci:
Question So who I do that for or what? Let me just tell you what I do in my business right now. I have I write I still write for clients. And I also have a team of copywriters. And each one of these copywriters has their own specialty and they all bring tremendous amount of years of experience and insight and different techniques to the table. We have one that is an NLP specialist, right? We have one that is a content creation specialist. We have another one that is a strategy specialist, one is an email marketing specialist. So each one of my team members has different areas of expertise, and together we can handle just about any project from a complete product launch to, you know, simple ad campaign on Facebook and success stories. That was the other thing that you asked about. But my ideal audience is authors, influencers and entrepreneurs. I started my business working with service companies, and typically somebody has to be making about a quarter of a million to to work with me. I'm not inexpensive. I do have heart projects, though. There are times when I help people who normally can't afford me because I like what they're doing, I like their business and I want to help them. But ideally, I've worked with Dean Graziosi, marketing consultant and copywriter for seven years. I've worked with Mike Koenigs and Paula Abdul. And you know, you brought up my friend Michael's book at the beginning of the show, Michael Gerber You know, I've written for Michael Gerber, I've written for very successful people. I also write for, you know, people that own small businesses too. But ideally, my ideal client right now are influencers, authors, entrepreneurs, people who are maybe transitioning from a career like, say, for example, you've got a doctor who is moving from actually seeing patients into being an expert and working like one too many, right? And they're trying to transition and get their message out, create a book, create funnels, things like that. Those are ideal clients for me and success stories. So I'll tell you, one of the one of my favorite success stories is one of my first. When I left my brother's company in 2000, um, it was, it was because there was a lot going on in my personal life and I felt like I needed to do that.
Tony Stark Policci:
And it wasn't about maybe eight months later when I was almost broke and it was a terrifying time for me. But I had a guy who found me online and asked me if I wanted to write copy for him. I wrote copy for this one client. I created a report. This this whole project took me about three weeks and two days after we launched it, it generated a quarter of $1 million online. And this is in 2002, I think 2001, 2002. That's an awful lot of money. Back then, I wound up generating over $46 Million for this guy. And we're still friends to this day. He was my first client. And so out of the gate I had like this tremendous win that I really needed. Now, I didn't collect most of that. I think my fee to do the whole project was probably less than five grand, but it was a tremendous win at the time. And over the years, like I said, we've had tremendous success with him. Um, and you know, I did a lot of really excellent things with Dean Graziosi too. We set some real records that no one had done for the amount of revenue generated in typical days. But, you know, for me, it's kind of like the thing that really matters to me is how many lives am I impacting? Right? Um, one of the, one of the best successes that I've had came from a call that I got from a friend and a client recently who told me, um, that. A conversation I had with them saved their life. And I was like, Come on, That's that's crazy. And it's like, No, really, you saved me because I was about to throw throw my hands up. I was about to quit. And you told me that my idea was good. You told me that it was worthwhile. And he goes, I needed that. I had no idea the guy needed that. I was just being honest with him. You know, we were having this conversation and I was just thrilled with what the guy had created. Little did I know. So this is an important lesson.
Tony Stark Policci:
You know, there's there's these things that we say about, you know, you never know how you impact the people that you talk to. We're all being leaders. We're all being teachers. And I wish I could tell you that I was always a great leader in my own household. Sometimes I'm a complete jerk, you know, So I try not to be rude, but sometimes I'm I think things should be a different way. So I'm moody or whatever. We we can wind up like making a massive difference in people's lives. And I know I've done that an awful lot in non-business situations, but to hear it in business situations is great. And I've got plenty of stories where I did that in business to the. The answer. All three of those questions. The ad kicks in every once in a while.
Brian Kelly:
You did, actually. And my God, there's so many things that are coming up to surface that I wanted to point out to others that are watching this that want to achieve a level of success greater than where they are right now. There's a couple of things I'm noticing about Tony that can help that are not things that he has said but are things that he has done. And that is he is very authentic. There's no weirdness going on. There's no fake it till you make it. He's very authentic. He's he's transparent. He's saying, I'm not perfect and I'm pointing these out because these are traits of the most successful people I've ever met. Is stop hiding behind your faults. Stop hiding behind mistakes. Be okay with admitting them. Because as a very astute copywriter, as Tony is, he knows that people will align themselves with you more if you are authentic. If you are your true self, doesn't mean air out all of your dirty laundry by any stretch, but be authentic and be true. And I appreciate you for that. And then, yeah, you never know who's watching or who's listening. The point is, though, that somebody always is, right? You know, when you had a conversation that the guy said you saved his life, I'm like, Isn't that awesome? And he's like, your intent wasn't you didn't know he needed saving, but because you were being you, you were being authentic, you were being transparent, you were being you were there to help somebody in whatever capacity that happened to be. Maybe you were at that moment, I just need another client. But you were there helping them. Something you said made an impact on him. And so, you know, for folks out there watching and listening, look business. Yeah, we need to make money. But there's so much more than just money. It's about helping people. And when you help people, that's when the money starts flowing. So it's a beautiful thing. It just depends on your intent. I love going back to the word intent because that's a powerful word where we go, Oh my God, Dean Graziosi, Michael Gerber, Joe Polish. I mean, jeez.
Brian Kelly:
Louise Obviously the last one being somebody you know very well. Um, my God, I looked at the time. Oh, my God, we're there. No, uh, no, I've got. So I asked everybody in the beginning, I said, Hey, it would be better for you to take notes and to go look at any resources. So I've got almost two pages going myself, so I want to just point that out that, um, I think it's very important that we do that. We take notes. I've got pages and pages of notes from past shows. I would not give them away for anything. And, uh, Tony, my God, you are an amazing man. You have a you had a gift that you wanted to impart, and I believe it was either email, subject lines, a list of those or free or a free graphic novel, a superhero style report.
Tony Stark Policci:
So there's three things that your audience can have. So, number one, if you want a if you want to go to the copy avengers.com, you can download a graphic novel that I put together that talks about this marketing's monolithic Maleficent seven. You know, they're like the seven foes that mess up your marketing messages. It's a fun thing that I had designed to help you remember, you know, mistakes to avoid when you're writing your copy. That's one. Number two, if you want a copy of my best selling book, I wrote it. I didn't write it for copywriters. I wrote it for anybody. You know, anybody that wants to communicate better. If you just want to do, you know, write better writing, then go to grab Tony's book.com and you can get that it's a free plus shipping. You just pay the shipping and you can get the book. Um, so if you want to copy that, I promise you you'll love it there. It's very, very useful. I put a ton of resources in the back. I mean, I literally this is going to be kind of self-serving, but I literally keep a copy here at my desk because of the cool stuff that I put in the back. I use my own book as a reference.
Brian Kelly:
Tony Stark Policci:
There you have that. And then I don't know if it's in the it's in the chat. Um, Brian, I pasted a link. Oh awesome. That's a freebie that people if you're right emails, that is a report that I put together that is a collection of the best email subject lines and there's an opt in there. If you go go get that, you'll start getting some emails from me. It won't be too terrible, but those are the three things I have for your audience.
Brian Kelly:
Only three. That's all. Just three. Oh my gosh. I don't have time to pretty that one up, so I'm going to run through those each. So first is the copy avengers.com. Where do they go on that site specifically? That's a very comprehensive page there. That.
Tony Stark Policci:
That page, when you were scrolling it, it looked a little bit difficult. You know, at the top there's a video, it's kind of a movie trailer. That's what is not showing on the screen to everybody else. But if you scroll down, you'll see. A image of the graphic novel. And there's a should be a button where you can click to to just get that unless it stopped working, which would be terrible timing.
Brian Kelly:
We'll find. It. Let me know down.
Tony Stark Policci:
Towards the bottom.
Brian Kelly:
Okay. Yeah. There we go.
Tony Stark Policci:
There it is. So it should be right there, right next to the magazine.
Brian Kelly:
So there you. Go. So for all of you listening on podcasts, that is the copy avengers.com and scroll down about a little more than three quarters of the way down. You'll see it's obvious it looks like a comic book cover. It says Marketing Marketing's Maleficent. Marketing's.
Tony Stark Policci:
Maleficent seven. Yes.
Brian Kelly:
Oh, Maleficent seven. There you go. So click on Get Your Guide. There's a button there that's gift number one. My gosh, what a giver this guy is. And then there is get grab Tony's book.com. Did I spell that right, Tony? You got it right. Yes. So it's grab and then Tony's. That's Tony s no apostrophe Book.com. So grab his book there. And then third is a little bit longer, but it's, uh, gab talks, so gab a L. S dot groove pages.com/subject-lines and make sure that's all lowercase, especially the subject dash line. So it's gab talks dot groove pages.com/subject hyphen lines. Thank you. My goodness. I'm going to go grab every one of those myself.
Tony Stark Policci:
I feel bad for anybody on the podcast trying to get that last URL. It was it was like, that's one of the people. I've got three folks that we partner with and we do things together, kind of brainstorm and do stuff together. She used my Groove Funnels page to put that up, but it should have had a this was months ago. She must have been busy because there's no pretty link and everything else. So, you know, there.
Brian Kelly:
You have it right.
Tony Stark Policci:
Big massive link.
Brian Kelly:
You know what though? If I think what people will value that enough, they'll play it back over and over and over till they write it down and find it. And if they don't, if you have any issues, just reach out to us. Go to TheMindBodyBusinessShow.com and reach out to us. We'll get that to you as well for sure. And there is one more prize for everyone that is here watching us live. Thanks for staying on to the end. Oh, by the way, you don't want to go after this because we're not done yet. Tony doesn't know this yet, but I end every show with a very, very profound question. And here's the deal. I started doing this kind of randomly. I've been doing this show for nearly five years now. I love what I get to do. I truly do, Tony. It's because of people like you. Be honest. It's it's so awesome. But what I like to do is ask this one question because I started asking it kind of on occasion and it started hitting me harder and harder, like, whoa, these answers are profound and unbelievable in some cases. And so I decided that I close every single show out with this one question and a hint to all show producers show people that have a show podcast is if you want to employ this very strategy, you have my permission to do that. But what I'm doing with this, Tony, with your permission, when we're done with this and we go down the road a little bit, is I'm making a collaborative book that will be titled The title will be The Question that I'm About to Ask You. And then I'll put the answers given by each of the respective guests in there. It's that powerful. It's phenomenal.
Tony Stark Policci:
And so I intentionally did not watch any of your recorded shows because I didn't want I didn't want to know what the question was like. I'm not kidding. I was like.
Brian Kelly:
I love it.
Tony Stark Policci:
Curiosity was killing me. I'm like, just wait.
Brian Kelly:
Well, good. I'm glad that that curiosity is no any greater now than it was then, no less with the build up. Yes. All right. So but real quick, before we jump into that question, I did promise everyone who stayed with us live they could win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort compliments of Reach Your Peak. And I'm going to put that up on the screen. And again, just write this down. Don't go to it yet because I'm telling you, you do not want to take your focus away. When I ask Tony the question, and more importantly, when he answers the question. So write it down quickly. Visit it after the show. After we sign off, we will still be monitoring it and someone will win this incredible prize. So to get this prize. Drum roll, please. I'm putting up on the screen. You must be watching live. And that is go to report. I am forward slash vacation. All lowercase. Write it down. That's the URL report. I am forward slash vacation enter to win once the show concludes. Write it down. I'll say the third time, write it down and then and enter wants to show concludes. And if you're watching this or listening to this after the fact, be sure once again to register. So you know when we go live again and then you as a live watcher of the show can also enter to win on a subsequent show that you go to TheMindBody BusinessShow.com just go to that website, scroll down a little bit. You'll see buttons everywhere that say where to watch, where and how to watch. Click that button and look. We give you a hotel discount card just for entering and it's bona fide. I've used it myself, so go ahead, do that. You get a free gift. We don't spam or hit you up with deals, none of that. We're just let you know the next live show goes all right with that? Oh, my goodness. Let's see what we got here. Oh, my goodness. Thank you so much. We got people putting in URLs for us. Awesome. So, yes, here are a couple additional little tidbits before we ask this question, Tony. And the good news is on this question is that there is no such thing. As a wrong answer. Yes, it is not a test. It is not a quiz. There is no such. In fact, the exact opposite is the case. The only correct answer. Is yours. And the cool thing is it could take you a microsecond or it could take you several seconds to come up with an answer. Even that is perfect because again, it is your answer. It's unique to you. That's the beautiful part about this question. It is so powerful and profound. And I know that the curiosity can't be any higher at this moment. So with that, are you ready?
Tony Stark Policci:
I'm ready. Let's do it.
Brian Kelly:
Of course you are. All right, here we go. Tony Stark Police. How do you define success?
Tony Stark Policci:
Mm. Success for me is defined by the way that the people who are the most important in my life look at me and speak to me. Success for me is defined by. The way people who, I don't know speak to others about me. Success for me is knowing that. I. Gave it my all. I strove to be the best that I could be in a given situation in my life. Now, as I as I let this idea percolate, this question percolate in my head. I'm thinking about, you know, at the at the end of my life, if my life were to end tonight and I asked myself, was I successful? I would think about the things that I hadn't achieved, but I would look at the things. That people would be saying about me after I was gone and I would like them to be good. So. Uh, success for me is. Going after the goals that I set for myself and accomplishing them. But in the process of doing that. Making the things that matter most matter most. I have. And I'll say this. When I left my brother's company, it was a decision that made a dramatic difference for me financially because I walked away from something, an empire that we built. But the empire that I created by being there for my kids and raising my boys and not missing a single important event in their life. And many of the events in my Stepsons lives, you know, I have a tight relationship with all four of those boys today, and I would not trade that for the world. I've worked for guys who don't even talk to their kids and they have more zeros in their bank accounts than you can count. But none of that will buy that relationship. So. To sum it up, success for me is when. The people look at me with love and admiration and there's a sense that I matter and I made a difference in their life. That, to me, is success. I want to know that my life mattered, that I made a difference, that the world is a better place because of my being here. That I left it better than I found it.
Brian Kelly:
Uh uh uh. Can't get much better than that. Ladies and gentlemen. Tony Stark Pagliacci. An amazing man. And I will tell you, you have mattered to me. You have made a difference in my life in profound ways. By example. I know you're not perfect, but who am I? I am not perfect either. I'm nowhere near it. And that's the beautiful thing, is that you profess that you know that you're not. But you always are striving to improve. And that's all we can do. You know, no one of us will ever be perfect. All we can do is continue to strive for perfection. We'll never achieve it. Only one human on this planet or that ever walked this planet ever did achieve that. So. But it's beautiful what you just said that was you know, here's the beautiful thing, Tony. I have asked that question. I don't know how many times now. I mean, many. I've been doing this for almost five years. And no two answers have to date. And I keep waiting for that one day. But no two answers have even been close to the same. Wow. It's unbelievable. Here's the other great thing. Oh, this is oh, this is like cherry on top. Is that not one person that I have done that? I've asked that question over all these years. Not a single one. Their their focus, not one of them had the focus of money as defining success. For them, it was always about impact to other's lives or serving other people or helping. It's just you run the gamut. But there's some that mention money, but only in the realm. That money helps to give them additional freedom to help and serve more people. Yeah, it's not the focus of what they define success as, and it's so uplifting and and energizing to me to know there's such great human beings out there and they all to a person were that I've interviewed are entrepreneurs and business people where so many of the perception is, oh, you're just a rich, you know Hotty toddy. Hotty toddy guy and you don't give a crap about anybody else but yourself.
Brian Kelly:
But I'm telling you, there could be nothing further than the truth. Are there bad apples? Yes, for. Sure. Predominantly, greatly. Way overpowering the few number of bad apples. The percentage of great people is way higher. And thank God for that. Thank God for you, Tony. My God, I appreciate you. Thank you for spending your time with us here tonight. Thank you, Brian. You know, now that I've got you see, this is the beautiful thing about being a host of a show. I get to know you at a deeper level just by asking these questions. And I like what I've learned about you more than even what I knew about you before. We talked once a long time ago, and I already said, I like this guy. This guy is you know, he's he's legit. He's a authentic dude. And I'm more about authenticity rather than accolades and money made and all that stuff. Well, that can play into it, but it's usually what's the person like? You are one of those rare individuals that comes way up high on my ladder as far as just what you stand for, your values and how you act as a family man, how you act here on the show, how you're authentic, you're honest, the whole package. So I appreciate you for being that example that others might be afraid to show because they're worried about what people will think. You're just yourself. You wear it on your sleeve and because of that, it has a great impression on me personally in a profound and positive way. So thank you for that.
Tony Stark Policci:
Thank you. And I just want to say to anybody else that's out there, like I, I was a piece of garbage in my life. Okay? So it's I have come through an awful lot. I have no delusions about, my goodness, you know, whatever whatever level of honesty and integrity that I develop and I strive for on a daily basis now, you know, came through a lot of suffering, a lot of mistakes and a lot of errors. So I have this I work with men in a lot of areas and I talk about changing your stripes. You can change your stripes. Yes. Okay. So if you are insecure, if you're doing bad stuff, if you're caught up in some kind of destructive, evil, negative behavior, it doesn't have to be like that. You can change and God can change you. So, you know, I don't I don't want to stand here, pretend like I was some perfect person. I've had a long list of terrible stuff in my life, but I've made amends, I've corrected, and I continue to strive, you know, to live a life of integrity and. Thank God for that. You know, I don't know why I had so much grace, but yeah, and I'm continuing to work at it.
Brian Kelly:
So how many did God choose that were imperfect? Just everybody. Just all of us. So, I mean, you know, some people say, who am I to be chosen by God? It's like you are the perfect person because you're no different than anybody else. We all are imperfect and there's nothing wrong with that. You know, it's just that's the way we were designed. And the beautiful thing is we were designed to also have the ability to change and improve. And. Oh yeah, just so tofunmi I hope I get that right. He says this is deep success based on perception of love and affection with dynamic difference made to the lives of others. This is so touching, Tony. So you've had an impact on him as well. Amazing young man, I believe, from Nigeria. I talked to him just a couple nights ago. Uh, astounding young entrepreneur who's really going to make a difference in this world as well. Tony, I appreciate you, brother. We're going to call it a show. Unfortunately, I hate to do it, but you know, out of respect not only to yourself, but everyone who's been watching and listening, um, my God, on behalf of the amazing Mr. Tony Stark Policci, I am your host of The Mind Body Business Show, Brian Kelly. And until next time, my goodness, please, people do two things. I say this to sign off nearly every show. Number one, please continue to go out and crush it and serve others. And number two, before I lose, my voice is above all, most importantly, everyone, please be blessed. That's it for us. Take care. Have a wonderful rest of your evening. Goodbye for now. Thank you for tuning in to The Mind Body Business Show Podcast. At www.TheMindBodyBusinessShow.com. My name is Brian Kelly.
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Tony Stark Policci
Tony Stark Policci got his start in direct response marketing and advertising in 1994 as co-founder and former VP of Piranha Marketing, Inc. In 2002, he founded Absolutely Brilliant Concepts Inc., which has generated $500MM+ for many of the world’s leading companies, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs. He is a bestselling author, and his work has been published in many trade magazines and publications, including USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and Entrepreneur Magazine. His “ Wise Guys Copywriting Handbook” is an Amazon international bestseller and was voted #9 of the best 100 copywriting books ever written by Book Authority.
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